#He seems adorable but he was a rude boy since he was born
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I had an urge to concept teen Kariom.
#He seems adorable but he was a rude boy since he was born#and he was literally born two times#tcol: kariom#tcol#the crown of leaves#visual novel#digital artist#shang-la#fantasy#art#indie game
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Passionately and Deeply
~Chapter Three, Other Edition~
I just wanted to thank everyone for engaging with my fanfic this far, and getting to the prologue over 70+ notes! It warms my heart that so many people like this series! I'll be putting out a masterlist when I release the fifth chapter.
Also there may be more than a few grammatical errors in here, feel free to ignore those.
Anyway, like always, I hope you enjoy!
New to the series? Read the prologue.
The air is warmer, the grass is greener, and my ties to this town are only becoming deeper.
Being with Ford on that fateful night took away nearly every fear I had. I felt like as long as I had him, nothing would stand in my way in life.
I think he pretty much confirmed the same thing with me.
And I couldn’t be happier about that.
Since then, we’ve been hanging out regularly. He’s shown me quite a few of the abnormal beings in this charming yet peculiar town. Among them were the plaidypus, the beard cubs (which were actually kinda cute), and the question quails (which were unquestionably adorable). Ford claims that there are dangerous beings that reside here, but the ones that I’ve seen have been rather innocuous. I actually scooped up the icicle mice from this winter and put them in my freezer so that they’ll live.
In other news, his grand-niblings are on their way to visit him and his family up here in a few hours. They’ll be staying for the whole summer.
Melody had her child, which was a boy. She named him Jesús Alzamirano Ramirez Jr., right after Soos.
They’re such a sweet couple, and now a sweet family. I hope they have a prosperous life.
Abuelita is smitten over her new bisnieto, or her great-grandson. He is quite adorable, after all. He was born on April 4th, and he’ll be two months old on the 4th.
I even got to hold him several times when I visited. My baby fever was hidden in the back of my mind, but that adorable baby boy brought it out again. On my days off of work, I would make my way to the shack and just tend to him while his primary familial unit rested up.
Ford seems to like the little bean, too. Although he doesn’t really strike me as someone who would like babies, he really took a liking to him.
“You’re so good with that little tyke,” he told me.
I smiled up at him while holding the little bean. “Thanks,” I said. “I always wanted children, and to be a mother.”
Ford’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Truly? You never mentioned it.”
I smiled back down at the sweet baby in my arms. “It never came up,” I told him. “Not until this sweet boy came into our lives. I truly believe that all babies are sent from Heaven.”
Ford smiled. “On an unrelated note, how old are you again?” he asked.
I playfully raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask about a lady’s age?” I asked, playfully indignant. “I’ll be twenty seven in seven days.”
“Ah, so you’re a gemini like me,” he said. “My great niece told me about the zodiac signs and everything related to them.”
“Oh really? When’s your birthday then?” I asked.
“Stanley’s and my birthday is in two weeks from today, on the 15th of June,” he said.
“The twins have the twins zodiac. How about that,” I said, chuckling.
“You wouldn’t happen to be a twin, would you?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No.”
“What a shame. I thought I would be able to set her up with Stanley,” Ford joked.
I playfully raised an eyebrow. “Who said my twin would be a woman?” I said.
Both of us just stared at each other before we softly broke out laughing.
All of a sudden, the door slammed open, and I saw two teenagers at the door, one boy and one girl.
The girl had medium brown curly hair that reached her mid back, the same copper brown eyes as Stan and Ford, and donned a purple headband with parted fringe bangs. Her sweater (why was she wearing a sweater in June?) was the same purple color as her headband and had spelled out MABEL, and wore a hot pink skirt that reached just a little below mid thigh, with dark purple almost black stockings, and some purple doc martens on. She was about average height.
The boy had a tan and dark brown lumberjack hat, the same medium brown curly hair and copper brown eyes as his sister, with long bangs that nearly covered his eyes. He wore a red flannel plaid shirt, blue jeans and timberlands. He was also about average height, which… kind of surprised me. Seeing that he was related to Stan and Ford, I thought he would be taller.
That doesn’t matter that much, though.
What matters is that this sweet baby boy started crying when both of them busted through the door. I shushed him, trying to soothe him.
“We’re here!” the girl yelled as Ford shushed her. She lowered her head. “Sorry,” she whispered.
“Who’re you?” the boy asked.
“Dipper, my boy, meet my good friend,” Ford said my name, introducing me to his great nephew. “Come here, Mabel, I want you to meet her, too.”
“Woah, nice to meet you! I’m Mabel! Grunkle Ford never said anything about his lady friend being so pretty,” Mabel introduced herself to me as I chuckled and Ford scratched the back of his head.
I can see where she gets her electrifying personality from.
“Nice to meet you too, dear,” I told her, this sweet baby finally settling down back into slumber.
“My name’s Dipper,” Dipper introduced himself. “Is that Soos’ son or is that your own child?”
I shook my head. “It’s his child. I’m just watching him while he, Melody, and Abuelita rest.”
“Woah, can I hold him? Please please please? I promise I’ll be extra careful!”
“Not yet, darling. Go wash your hands before you touch him. His immune system is very fragile right now,” Ford told Mabel. Mabel dashed to the sink, and Dipper walked, following her.
“So they are your niece and nephew,” I remarked.
Ford turned to me and nodded. “Yes. Besides this little tyke, they are the closest thing to being my own children.”
I smiled as I turned my gaze back to the sweet baby in my arms. “Did you ever want children, Ford?”
“Not particularly, no,” he said. “I was focused on my work. In a way, everything I’ve worked on, and currently working on are my progeny. But now… I think it’s far too late for me to be a father.”
“That’s a fascinating way to put it,” I told him. “And you never know! You might find someone to procreate with.”
Mabel and Dipper both entered the living room, and Mabel made grabby hands towards Jesús. “Lemme see him~!” she said in her baby voice.
I handed him to her, and she was completely enamored by his baby charm. “Hi buddy. It’s your cousin, Mabel,” she said softly.
I guess when the moment really calls for it, she can be quiet.
“So…” Dipper said my name. “Or do you prefer Miss? Ms? Ma’am?”
I chuckled. “You can say my name, it’s alright, Dipper,”
“Good!” Dipper cleared his throat. “I-I mean, good. I just have a few questions for you.”
“I have a few questions for you, too!” Mabel declared. The baby in her arms cried again.
“My dear, let me take the little tyke while you… speak,” he said, taking Jesús in his arms.
Mabel led me upstairs and Dipper followed us into the attic, where they were sleeping. It smelled like dust mites and moth balls.
They couldn’t have gotten something more appealing for these kids? Honestly.
I’m busting Ford’s ass about this later.
“So…” Dipper said my name. “What is your occupation?”
I told both of them what I did.
“What about before you came to Gravity Falls? What did you do? Where did you live? Did you graduate from university?”
Mabel rolled her eyes. “Jeez Dipper, it’s like you never had a conversation before! It sounds like an interview!”
“Mabel, these are important things I need to know about Great Uncle Ford’s new girlfriend,” he said.
I raised a finger to refute. “Well, actually-”
“Dipper, c’mon!” she whined before turning to me. “I’m sorry for Dipper, he doesn’t know how to have a proper conversation with a lady.”
“Wha- hey!”
“Aaaaanyway, I have more important questions to ask you than the stuffy questions my brother asked! I need to know: Do you like pigs or tardigrades?” Mabel said, narrowing her eyes at me comically.
“Well, I’d have to say pigs. Tardigrades are cute, but I never interacted with one,” I told her.
Mabel squealed. “Oh, this is great! Let me get Waddles!” she said, running out of the room.
“Oh great. Now you’ve set her off,” Dipper said. “Anyway, back to my questions. How old are you?”
I playfully smiled. “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask for a lady’s age?” I asked, testing how strong his resolve was.
Dipper scratched the back of his neck. “I-I’m sorry, ma’am, I just-”
I smiled softly. “Listen Dipper, I understand you care for your great uncle, but speaking to me like this seems a little… out of character for you, if that makes sense,” I told him.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Just from the small amount of interaction I had from you, you’re clearly an intelligent young man,” I told him, his cheeks becoming a little red. “But your confidence is lacking. To make up for that, you overcompensate with a dour tone. I almost felt animosity coming from you in your questions, even though I know it’s not how you want to come across.”
“Wow… how did you get all of that?” Dipper asked.
I smiled. “I’ve been on this Earth for quite some time, dear. Most of the time, I can tell when someone isn’t being authentic.”
“Well… can I at least ask why you’re dating my grunkle?” Dipper asked.
I laughed. “Oh, that is hilarious,” I told him. “Hon, I’m not dating your great uncle. We’re just really good friends,” I told him. “If you ask him, he would say the same thing.”
Dipper breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. It’s still kinda questionable, but that’s a lot better.”
I smiled as Mabel came back in with a lean yet rotund pink pig with a cute nose and round cheeks. She said my name. “Meet Waddles!” she said, as Waddles let out a happy squeak.
I smiled. “What a cute little guy,” I said, slowly moving closer to him. “Hey Waddles.”
He sniffed my hand, and then nuzzled his head into my hand. I scratched just above his ears, and he was panting like a dog.
I think he enjoys it.
“Wow! He loves you already! How did you know his favorite scratching spot?” Mabel asked.
“Mabel, all over his body is his favorite scratching spot. He loves pets,” Dipper said.
“True, true,” Mabel said, sitting in front of me and next to her twin brother, crossing her legs. “Now then, where were we in our interview?”
“Actually… I want to take a different approach,” Dipper said, looking back at me.
Mabel turned her head curiously, looking at her brother. “Yeah? How?” she asked, looking back at me.
“Let’s get psychological,” Dipper said, narrowing his eyes at me.
“Hell yeah! Psychological warfare!” Mabel exclaimed.
Suddenly, the door opened to the attic, and Stan was in the doorway. “Psychological warfare? Ya don’t gotta tell me twice!” he said, taking a seat on the bed next to his great nephew, looking at me.
I was starting to sweat a little bit. Hopefully, they didn’t see it.
“I guess the main thing I’m worried about is that… well… you and Great Uncle Ford seem so friendly. I’ve never seen him like that with a stranger,” Dipper told me.
“I am a stranger to you, but not to your great uncle,” I reminded him.
“And that’s fine and all, but… how long have you known him?” Dipper asked.
“It’ll be four months on our birthday. Or maybe the day before? I dunno, somewhere around there,” Stan chimed in.
Mabel gasped. “You’ve cracked our Grunkle Ford in four months?!” she asked incredulously.
“I wouldn’t put it that way…” I told her.
“Yeah,” Stan surprisingly agreed with me. “It was more like one week.”
Mabel stared at me, awestruck. “One week?!” she shrieked, making me jump a little.
I nodded bewilderedly. Mabel screamed as if she were fangirling. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh~!”
“Mabel, get a hold of yourself!” Stan said.
“But c’mon Grunkle Stan! She’s exactly what Grunkle Ford needs! Do you really want him to rot in his lab all day, with no companion?” Mabel asked him.
Stan rolled his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. “Oh brother.”
Mabel stood up and nearly lunged at me. I nearly jumped out of my seat. “But seriously! You need to teach me your secrets! If you were able to charm Grunkle Ford in a week, you’re on the same level as a succubus in terms of charm and seduction!” She exclaimed.
I raised an eyebrow, deciding to play along with her. “Why does a young lady like you need to know about seduction?” I asked.
Mabel cleared her throat. “I am sixteen years old!” she boasted proudly, puffing her chest.
Dipper raised his index finger. “Almost seventeen,” he chimed in. “But Mabel, c’mon. Let us have at least a semi-serious conversation without you trying to make friends with her.”
Mabel turned around and blew a raspberry at her brother. “Boo! You’re so boring sometimes, Dipper!”
She sat back down next to her brother, and crossed her legs again.
“Now then, where were we…” Dipper trailed off.
“We were talkin’ about how long my brainiac brother and her knew each other,” Stan reminded him.
Dipper’s eyes lit up before he snapped his fingers. “Right!” His gaze zeroed in on me. “My point in asking that question was because Great Uncle Ford didn’t really begin to trust us until Mabel got that unicorn hair for him.”
I looked at the three of them quizzically. Unicorns are real? Or was this just the overactive imagination of teenagers?
“Kid, she’s from a normal town. Unicorns probably are a myth where she’s from,” Stan told Dipper.
I nodded. “Or so I thought… but after seeing some of the oddities Gravity Falls has to offer, I’d say I believe in the existence of unicorns,” I told them.
Mabel had a super serious face on. “Then believe me when I say that they are so condescending,” Mabel said.
Holy crap. I thought unicorns were supposed to be pure hearted or whatever? Now I’m hearing the opposite?
Nothing really is as it seems in Gravity Falls…
“Mabel, focus!” Dipper said in a tone of frustration.
Mabel shook her head. “Right! Sorry…” she said. “The point Dipper is trying to make is that it took Grunkle Ford so long for him to trust us that he’s shook that Grunkle Ford was so friendly to you within a week.”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, did you mean shocked?” I asked.
Mabel shook her head. “Nope. Dipper was shook,” she doubled down on her grammatically incorrect statement.
That must be the slang the kids came up with these days. Now that I’m an adult myself, I understand how my grandmother felt when I used slang terms.
“While you’re right, Sister, you know that ‘shook’ has been out for a while. No one except you uses it anymore,” Dipper said.
“Oh, you’re just salty that I finally used it right!” Mabel said.
“Oh, does that mean he’s weird?” I asked.
Dipper looked at me like I had three heads, but Mabel gave me a gentle pat on my arm.
“That was a good guess,” she said, before returning to sit with her brother.
“That… wasn’t even close,” he said.
I scratched my cheek as I felt both of them become hot. “I guess I’m showing my age, then.”
“Actually, speaking of which, how old are you? You look pretty young for someone trying to go after our great uncle.”
“Oh my gosh, Dipper!” Mabel exclaimed. “You can’t just ask a woman how old she is! That’s rude!”
“Actually, I wanna know how old this vixen is. How old are you?” Stan asked me.
“Grunkle Stan~!” Mabel whined.
“Can it, Mabel! We need answers!”
“I’ll be twenty seven a week from today,” I told them.
“Shit, kid… you’re a lot younger than I thought,” Stan said.
“Wow, that’s… controversial,” Dipper added.
“What do you mean?”
Dipper shook his head. “The fact that you’re friends with my Grunkle, and he’s in his sixties…”
“That shouldn’t matter. But with that being said,” I started. “I understand that you just want to make sure your great uncle is being safe, and I totally understand that. I haven’t hurt him, nor do I intend on consciously hurting him.”
“Bah! Your words mean nothing! How the hell are we gonna trust ya?” Stan asked.
Mabel stood up again, and stepped forward. “I’ll be the judge of that!”
“Mabel, sweetie, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Stan said. “This is a strange woman that you, I, and your brother don’t know.”
“So let’s get to know her, Grunkle Stan!” Mabel said, determination in her voice. “If she’s so bad, you need to give me at least one reason why I shouldn’t hang out with her. If it's for a decent reason, then I’ll stop.”
“Well… uh… urm…” Stan stammered.
So why the hell doesn’t he like me?
“Then it’s settled!” Mabel turned to me, saying my name. “We’re going to be great friends! I can feel it!”
Seeing this vibrant young lady in front of me blazed in determination, I couldn’t help but smile. “Let’s be friends.”
“Yay! Friendship, friendship, friendship~”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get too happy, pumpkin,” Stan said, standing up. “I’ll find a flaw in her, and when I do, you’re gonna know that I’m right.”
Mabel smiled. “Okay, Grunkle Stan,” she told him. As he walked to the door, he opened it, and Ford was standing there, looking indignant.
“Oh… well, uh, shit,” Stan said. “How long ya been there, Poindexter?”
“Long enough,” he seethed in a low tone. He pushed past his brother, and entered into the attic and went towards Mabel.
“Thank you for giving her a chance, my darling,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Mabel gave a half smile.
He then turned to Dipper. “Dipper, my boy. Come with me to my laboratory. You too,” he said my name. We both stood up, then went down to his lab. The way to get down to his lab was so cool. I marvel at it every time.
Using a vending machine to hide the entrance way was so innovative, inconspicuous and just overall ingenious.
And using symbols that aren’t seen in everyday life? Brilliant!
Once we descended to the deepest level, we got off of the elevator. Ford then turned around and placed his hands behind his back.
“Dipper… do you not trust my judgement?” Ford asked him, hurt palpable in his voice.
“Great Uncle Ford, what do you mean? Of course I do!” Dipper reassured him.
“You must not,” Ford said. “You, along with my brother, think that I am not able to detect a bad person when I see them.”
“Wha- are you talking about-”
Ford cut him off. “Yes, I am.”
“Great Uncle Ford, it was never my intention to make you feel like your judgement was off… even though you trusted Bill… but that’s in the past. Your judgement has been sharp since then!” Dipper tried to assuage him.
Who is Bill? What did he do? What happened?
I have a mountain of questions right now, and I don’t think I’m gonna have any of them answered in the near future.
“I don’t think you need to worry about that, my boy. She is a good person, and I was able to promptly pick up on that,” Ford clarified.
“But how do you know, Great Uncle Ford? How do you know that she is a good person?”
Ford was about to open his mouth, but I stepped in front of him, then turned to face Dipper.
“Dipper… I know you don’t trust me now…” I started. “But the only way you’ll know for sure is if you spend time with me. Your sister has already put her faith in me, and it would mean a lot to me if you could, too.”
Dipper studied my face, searching for a trace of insincerity. Upon finding none, he finally nodded.
“Fine. I’ll spend some time with you, like my sister will,” he finally spoke. “But if I find that you’re using him just like Bill… I will never forgive myself.”
I nodded determinedly at Dipper. “You can trust me, Dipper. You’ll see in time. More importantly, you can trust your great uncle.”
Dipper sighed. “Yeah, I hope that’s the case, that I can trust you,” Dipper said, defeated.
“Chin up, my boy,” Ford said. “You’ll see why I enjoy having her around. For now, you can find some snacks in the cupboard before Soos makes dinner.”
Dipper raised a bushy eyebrow. “Soos is cooking now? He always ate burrito bites and anything instantaneous.”
Ford smiled. “Fatherhood really had him step up his game. Not only as a husband, but as a grandson.”
“Wow, I gotta catch up with him for sure!” Dipper then turned to me, saying my name. “I-I’m sorry about earlier.”
I shook my head. “I understand, Dipper. You just wanted to protect your great uncle from someone strange.”
Dipper smiled. “You’re anything but,” he said. “See you both at dinner.”
We both waved to him before I turned to Ford. He just had a look of mixed emotions on his face, somewhere from sadness to relief to anger, to even looking apologetic.
“I deeply apologize for the onslaught you had to endure on behalf of my family. I hope they weren’t too unrelenting in their questioning.”
I shook my head. “I told you many times, Stanford, and I’ll tell you again,” I said. “I really don’t mind. In fact, I find it heartwarming.”
Ford raised an eyebrow. “Heartwarming?” he said. “How on Earth did you find that heartwarming?”
“It’s so blatantly clear that you have a family that loves you. So much so to the point where they would ruthlessly interrogate someone who they thought could be a potential threat to you. If that isn’t a strong familial love and bond, I don’t know what is,” I told him.
Ford scratched the back of his head. “I suppose you’re right.”
I smiled coyly. “Of course I’m right,” I told him smugly.
Ford chuckled. “You’re such a cheeky girl. I never expected you to have a sly side.”
His praise made my heart skip a beat.
I maintained my smile. “That’s some high praise coming from you.”
“Oh, my dear, you should be used to me praising you,” he said in a deep voice, making me feel all hot inside.
Ugh, why is this happening? Have I really been so lonely that this man is starting to ignite a flame inside of me?
It’s been extinguished for a while, actually. I’m surprised it’s starting back up again. If it’s even starting up at all. This basement does tend to get hot.
“Gracious, are you okay? Please, say something!” Ford asked, his hands on my shoulders.
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Ford. I got lost in thought.”
Ford sighed a breath of relief, I smelt the coffee he normally drank on his breath. “Thank goodness. I was just telling you that dinner is ready, so we can go get some food to eat.”
I nodded. “I think I need something inside of me.”
Oh, fuck! That came out so wrong! I hope Ford didn’t pick up on that!
“You certainly do. Come, dear. Let’s go eat.”
I nodded before following him onto the elevator. In somewhat comfortable silence, we rode the elevator up to the first floor of the Mystery Shack, and we went into the dining room.
Soos was nowhere to be seen, but the young twins, Dipper and Mabel, were at the table, plus Stan. I decided to sit next to Ford, but as I was sitting down, Stan decided to voice his displeasure.
“Uh-uh. Stand up,” he said my name.
“Stanley! Enough!” Ford thundered. “This is becoming utterly ridiculous! Leave her be!”
Mabel and Dipper exchanged looks as Stan muttered something underneath his breath before Soos came back out. He had a joyful look on his face, which dropped once he saw the table.
“Hey dudes! …what happened?” He asked.
None of us cared to verbally answer him, so he just shrugged and sat down. Apparently, he had made enchiladas, which I strangely craved.
The dinner itself was awkward, but it wasn’t the worst one I sat through.
I thanked Soos for the dinner, and said my goodbyes to Dipper, Mabel and Stan.
Before I left, Mabel gave me her number. Just for me to give her some tips on how to become a succubus.
Goodness, that girl is a hoot.
Ford walked me back to my home, and once I arrived, I turned to him.
“Thanks for walking me back, again,” I told him.
Ford smiled. “It was the least I could do after you had to survive the onslaught,” he said as I laughed.
“I told you, it’s fine,” I said. “But if you want to spend time together… you know how to reach me.”
Ford maintained his smile. “That I do,” he said. “Goodnight, dear. Get some rest.”
“You too. Rest well.”
As I entered my home and closed the door, he began walking back. Even though I was somewhat joking the first time we met at the diner, I’m kinda glad he’s walking me back home. It makes me feel safe whenever he’s with me.
As I got ready for bed, and laid in it, I couldn’t fall asleep right away like I normally do. What was happening with my body, too?
I normally wasn’t so hot and bothered around him. His voice is naturally deep, but at that time…
Shit. I think he turned me on by accident. I think my flame has been reignited.
I need a cold shower.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Check back next Friday for another chapter! Next chapter here.
#stanford pines x reader#ford pines x reader#gravity falls#ford pines#stanford pines#stan pines#stanley pines#dipper pines#mabel pines#passionately and deeply#other route
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. silvio parent hcs ! .
Very deliberately, you and Silvio have quite a few kids.
Your firstborn is a baby boy, with your hair color and Silvio’s deep blue eyes.
He’s really fussy, always crying out for his mom’s attention.
Silvio dotes on his son, but he always gravitates towards you.
It’s the Benitoite(Italian) in him.
After your first son, you have another.
The eldest boy loves his little brother, and they’re the best of friends.
Even though the oldest has a sharing problem with his toys.
After the second boy is a third, who ends up being a lot more shy and timid next to his brothers.
Silvio begins to wonder if you’re ever going to have a daughter.
He loves all his sons, and would do any and everything for them, but deep down he really wanted a daughter with you.
And then, on your fourth and final delivery, she arrives.
A tiny girl, who looks just like you.
Needless to say, your husband is over the moon.
He’s always holding her and buying her the finest toys, blankets, and clothes money could possibly buy.
That’s not to say he doesn’t spoil your boys either, but your daughter has definitely earned a special place in Silvio’s heart.
At first it can seem overwhelming being one of two girls in the Ricci family, but make no mistake: This is a female-run family.
Silvio is completely whipped for you and your daughter both, and basically will do anything you want.
Very stereotypical Italian father, lovingly rough with his sons and bending over backwards for his daughter.
Your boys are completely devoted to you too.
They’re also really overprotective of their sister.
The headstrong eldest, second in-command second-born, and soft-spoken third boy create quite a defense force for you both against anyone, be it annoying palace staff, rude attendants, or mean playmates to your daughter.
Speaking of your third boy, Silvio takes special care of him.
You’d expect him to be hard on him, and he can be sometimes, but he has a lot of compassion for him, since he reminds him of you and your pure heart.
He’s mellowed out quite a bit since marriage.
His favorite thing to do is go on family trips with you all, showing his kids the love and kindness he never got as a child.
It takes some adjustment, and he can be awkward with some aspects of parenthood, but he really means well for all four of your kids.
The five of you are really a blessing to him, one he isn’t sure he always deserves.
But he tries his hardest every day to make up for the mistakes he had to suffer at the hands of his own father, by adoring you and your children.
He’s always willing to hug them when they need it, and do something to brighten their day.
If it’s something that he knows he would’ve needed growing up, he wants to give it to them.
#ikemen prince#ikepri#ikepri silvio#ikemen prince silvio#silvio ricci#ikepri silvio x reader#silvio ricci x reader#ikepri headcanons#ikepri scenarios
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A/n: I think I’ve written something like this for Maul before but ya know why not. This one seemed a bit more in character for him. So another reintroductions of the twins but this time when they were born…so I guess warning for newborns?
@eyecandyeoz @id-rather-be-a-druid @patchiefrog @pixiestookourstardust @gran-maul-seizure @storm89 @apocalypticwafflekitten
The irony of life. You come into the world crying. To Maul it sounded like a yowl, a small animal crying out. Maybe it was the shock. The new environment was startling.
He was also sure that people were liars in regards to newborns. They were not beautiful, not even cute. Especially his.
Lighter shades of red and flesh too fragile and soft in the hands of the medical droids. The baby writhed and cried. The droid comforted it as per its programming. Maul watched as the child was cleaned. Still red as could be and still yowling aloud. It’s little body wrapped in one of handknit blankets and handed to Maul. The little creature’s hearts fluttered. Panic? Fear? Maul sniffed at it. It was an odd scent. The little creature hiccuped and tried to wiggle closer to him. Maul allowed it. Holding the little creature close to his chest. Its cries subsided. Maul awaited for the next crying infant.
Only that….
The droid was moving quickly. Another little form in its hold. It didn’t move. It didn’t cry.
“Give her to me” Maul demanded. The droid complied, handing the little form to Maul. The baby against his chest cooed.
“Your sister is being stubborn.” Maul inspected the new little form, gently pressing on the tiny chest. The baby sputtered, limbs twitching and giving a hearty cry. “There..there…” he whispered. She was as red as her brother, and with a mighty cry. She would be a menace with those lungs.
“Where?” His starlight whispered, arms raised and searching. The little ones had been cleaned up and bundled in the blankets so painstakingly finished before their arrival.
“A girl and boy” Maul said gently placing the two in their arms. Even with the soft blankets and carefully clean up they looked like,
“Wrinkled tomatoes.” Starlight said. “Why I birthed a pair of tomatoes.”
Maul couldn’t stop the laugh that came out, thank the stars he wasn’t the only one who thought so. “It seems rude to lie and call them beautiful. They are not. I cannot even say they are cute.”
He was blunt and he was not wrong. Yet already he knew he would protect the little yowling tomatoes with his all.
“I have to say I agree.” His starlight smiled.
“I do not like the crying,” he confessed later as he held the sleeping baby boy in his arms. They had settled on the name Cress. Ravage and Malice were dismissed quite quickly.
“Does it upset you?” His Starlight asked, finishing up with feeding the girl. They decided on Aster after the flowers they were both fond of.
“Not in that sense, it was more alarming” he supposed Cress looked cute as he slept. Since his arrival his appearance had softened and it was clear the child would have a round little face. “It’s off putting to cry at the first moment. There was no danger.” He made sure of it.
“It’s the start of life, we all cry when we are born. Well unless you are little Aster and need some help.” Starlight played with the little baby’s black curls. Maul would admit that Aster was adorable with her crown of horns and curls.
“ I’ll ensure it doesn’t happen.”
“Maul crying is inevitable”
“I can try and be sure it doesn’t.”
“Maul babies cry.”
“But our babies won’t have to.” He began. Cress cooed and snuggled closer to his chest.
“Maul…you cannot protect them from everything.” Starlight said gently. A sad look on their face, they had already come to accept it long before Maul did.
That did not comfort him. Then again few things did. Little Cress slept snuggly in his arms. This one was a new comfort. “Can I try?”
They sighed, “ You can try, you can always try.” The zabrak was satisfied with that answer.
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Instagram Intros (Mitch Marner's Kids)

Lucas William Marner (@lucasmarner)
DOB: August 29th 2016 Age: 32 years old Hometown: Toronto, Ontario Nicknames: Luke, Luka, Lukey S/O: Ashlyn Morris Kids: Nolan, Joshua, and Braley Best Friend(s): Eliot Nylander Aesthetic: Lucas, like his father and step-father, was a hockey player. His father had convinced his mother to put him into pee-wee hockey when he was around 4 years old and he had been playing ever since. He was an exceptional player from the beginning, already having experience tagging along to family skate and the Leafs games growing up. Luke adored his dad in every way shape and form. So when his parents split up and Olivia started dating Jack, it was hard on him to say the least. He was used to being around the Leafs family, and now being so called "stuck" in New Jersey with Jack's actual family ruined him. He was as open to Jack as his younger siblings were. Luke was being constantly berated by his mom for acting rudely towards his step-father. Jack understood to an extent, but it didn't hurt him any less. Mitch wasn't any help either though, disliking this quick relationship with his ex, talking trash and fighting Jack any time he could. When Olivia and Mitch had their one-night stand while her and Jack were on a break, and she ending up pregnant with her first daughter, Lucas thought this was finally his parents time to get back together. Olivia, however, made it clear that her and Mitch were not going to be together again. This bother Luke, but it got him to truly understand the reality of it all. His parents still tried to get along with each other, and he still visited Toronto every winter and for playoffs. Him and Jack started to bond over hockey, though Mitch was the only one he would practice with other than his brothers. When he was 18, Lucas was the first overall draft for the Toronto Maple Leafs and became a legacy player. He brought the Leafs to the Stanley Cup in 2037, 10 years after his father did so.

Myles Thomas Marner (@mylestmarner)
DOB: May 10th 2020 Age: 28 years old Hometown: Toronto, Ontario Nicknames: Mile, Miley S/O: Lilly Dunn Kids: Callie and Athena Best Friend(s): Jeremiah Wagner, Matteo Aguilar, and Braydon Pham Aesthetic: Myles, unlike his older brother, was obsessed with Jack. He was only 3 when he and Olivia started dating, but he already knew he was the coolest person he had ever met. Of course he loved his dad and wanted him to win at all times, but Jack just seemed so chill. Liv watched her son follow Jack around the rink and the house all day, she couldn't believe one of her sons was actually okay with her new boyfriend. Myles used to yell at his older brother whenever he gave Jack attitude. Jack thought this was the funniest thing ever. He loved having someone on his team rooting for him. When Henry was born, Myles was ready to get him on the ice right away, but Olivia and Jack had to help him take a step back, considering Harry couldn't even hold his head up just yet. You can bet though that Myles was the first to teach him anything when he could. In fact Henry's nickname, Haz or Hazzy, was given to him by his older half-brother. The nickname stuck well into his NHL career too. Miley was the 4th overall pick for the Carolina Hurricanes and he was pretty damn good.

Lincoln Daniel Marner (@linc_m12)
DOB: July 21st 2023 Age: 25 years old Hometown: Hobokken, New Jersey Nicknames: Linc, Linny, Lake S/O: Reece Mercer Kids: None Best Friend(s): Jonah Matthews and Zachery Brandt Aesthetic: Lincoln grew up in New Jersey, which makes him a Devils fan. He wasn't all that big into hockey like his brothers though. In fact, in a house full of hockey players, he sort of felt left out. He and his mom were very close, big mama's boy. She knew how he felt and tried to explain to him that it was all good if he didn't want to play the majority sport. Lincoln still played with his brother and dads when he could, but honestly wished he could just cuddle up with Liv on the bench. Mitch saw how bent out of shape Linc was and knew immediately what was wrong. He never wanted to force this life on his kids, if they liked it (like Luke and Myles) great! If not, that was okay too. Mitch, having gone through it with his dad too, didn't want to do that to his son also. Jack on the other hand, wasn't aware of this and encouraged Lincoln whenever he could to get on the ice. He thought he was helping, believing that Lincoln was just insecure about his skating or something, but to Mitch it looked like peer pressure. Whilst visiting Toronto during the winter, the whole group joined the Leafs at family skate, including Jack. Once Mitch saw Jack "bothering" Linc to get on the ice with every, shit hit the fan. Mitch started beating Jack black and blue, only stopping when JT pulled him off him. Lincoln had ran away to the locker rooms, hiding in the corner. Olivia was too busy yelling at Mitch and helping Jack with his injuries to notice Auston skating away from the rink. He had stopped by in the locker room on his hunt for the missing boy, and saw Lincoln curled up in a ball near his dad's gear. Auston pulled Lincoln into his arms and soothed the little boy. They had a long talk, and this is when Auston found out that Linc was into baseball and had been wanting to play for a while but was just too scared too say anything. Auston brought this up to Liv and had set up a schedule for him to help practice with her son. He ended up being drafted for the New York Mets when he was 18 along with Auston's son Jonah, and has been playing there since. Jack had apologised to the kid and had been at every single baseball game Lincoln ever played.

Madison Jay Marner (@maddiemarner)
DOB: February 13th 2029 Age: 19 years old Hometown: Hobokken, New Jersey Nicknames: Mads, Maddie, Sonny S/O: Spencer Reynolds Kids: None Best Friend(s): Arthur Hughes Aesthetic: Madison's story is a complicated one. Jack and Olivia had been on a break for about 2 months at the time her mother had gotten pregnant with her. Mitch and Olivia had a one night stand and it ended in Madison's conception. The competition between Jack and Mitch was now at all time high. When Olivia had told Mitch about it, he was excited, thinking that maybe he could get her back because of this, but she had the plans to abort Maddie, scared that she had completely messed up her family with Jack. She had already had two little boys with him, she knew he was a good father, she just didn't know how he would react to her being pregnant with her ex baby daddy's kid. Jack freaked out for a minute, staying at his mom's house for a week, before Ellen had talked some sense into him and he went back. He understood that they had been on a break and that he can't really be mad. Jack had continued to support Liv throughout this pregnancy, though he was weary having Mitch around now more than usual. Mitch had been making a point that this baby was his and that Jack shouldn't be included in this, refusing to let Jack in at appointments, not allowing him to be a part of baby showers and what not. Olivia had hated seeing Jack so excluded, knowing that Jack was going to be the one mainly around for the kid. When she had found out the gender she was so excited! Finally a girl to be on her side! Mitch had been now bragging about how he gave Olivia, not only her first kid, but now her first daughter too. Jack found this insufferable, and he was sad a little bit too. Liv had promised to include Jack in everything and now he couldn't even enjoy the thought of having a daughter because Mitch had made it his mission to remind him that this little girl wasn't his. When Madison was born however, Mitch was out of town, leaving Jack to be there in the delivery room when she made her entrance into this world. She was a big daddy's girl too…with Jack. She didn't really care for Mitch, funny considering he was so entitled to her before. Jack was wrapped around her finger the minute she was born, and sobbed when he got to hold her and when he saw that she was named after him. As Maddie grew up, Jack and Mitch's relationship got better, for the sake of her. She hated that her dads didn't get along, wanted them to love each other as much as she did them. No, that didn't exactly happen, but they did tolerate each other for her well-being.
#hockey#nhl#toronto maple leafs#new jersey devils#mitch marner x oc#jack hughes x oc#mitch marner#jack hughes#olivia carpenter#lucas marner#myles marner#lincoln marner#madison marner#hockey next generation#hockey next gen#oc
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What the eyes don't see, the heart feel - Naruto x Alchemy of Souls
This post, is more than anything, a repost of one of my fanfics. The're writhem in my original linguage and don't have so much attention, so, I repost them in english. I'm SO SORRY for the bad english, I use my horrible skills and the Google Translator for this, lol.
There some little spoilers of the drama, but the're small. And references too.
Enjoy please!
"Kazekage, my child has been in my belly for twelve months." A woman with black hair tied in a bun and a white skirt with a purple coat over it and a skirt of the same color stood in front of the kazekage with eyes that threatened to shed tears. "Please kazekage, save my child."
"I'm sorry, but she's already dead." The man spoke in his dry tone but his expression exuded sadness and mourning. "There is nothing I can do."
"Please, I won't give up on my baby..." Tears fell from the woman's eyes, who ended up sitting on the floor with her hand over her belly "I'm not going to give up on her..."
"I already told you, there's nothing I can do." He repeated what he said before, but in a higher tone.
"The ice stone is in Jinyowon." The woman whispered in a low, tearful voice but it was enough to get the man's attention. "It never left Jinyowon, I can't use her in this state, but maybe you can get Kazekage."
"You want me to use a forbidden jutsu?!" The redhead spoke out loud.
"I'll do anything to save my baby!"
The man shook his head and helped the woman to her feet. He really didn't know if he should really try this, since resurrecting someone from the dead with the power of the ice stone was forbidden and wrong. After using the power of the ice stone he sealed it beneath the desert sands, so that the large layer of grains hid the stone so that it would not be used by the wrong hands.
A beautiful little girl with black hair was born. She was called Ari which means 'adorable', that was what BoA thought when she saw her daughter who ended up being born without the ability to see with her eyes but had a large amount of chakra within her and could feel the flow of energy around her. around her, because of this she was excluded by the other children, they thought she was strange and scary because she was blind and could predict the weather and know if there was someone around her or not. The Jinyowon family were the only ones who did not fear her for her gift, and even made a point of training her so that she would become the leader of Jinyowon in the future. A year later the Kazekage had a third child, a premature little boy with red hair and sealed the one-tailed fox inside the child.
"Why you're alone? Shouldn't he be with the other kids?" The girl with loose brown hair asked a little red-haired boy who was sitting on the sand hugging his teddy bear, the little boy was scared by the girl's unexpected voice.
"They… are afraid of me…" He whispered in a low voice, but it was enough for the girl to hear and smile at the answer.
"It seems like we have something in common, what’s your name?" She sat in front of the boy on the sand "I'm Ari no Jinyowon, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Gaara. Subaku no Gaara." The little boy opened a smile, but his expression quickly changed to doubt "Ari, why are you wearing that blindfold? That way you won't be able to see..."
"Even with or without the blindfold, I wouldn’t be able to see." His smile didn't waver and remained on his face, showing dimples on the side of his cheek "I'm blind."
"Sorry, I didn't want to seem rude..." The little boy said, lowering his head and scolding himself.
"Don't worry, Gaara. Do you want to be my friend?" The little red-haired boy raised his head at the sudden question.
"Friend? Eh... of course I want to." He said, smiling.
"Ari!!" A voice called the blind girl who turned her gaze to where the voice had been heard "Ari! Mommy is calling you." A girl apparently the same age as Gaara appeared running towards the girl, she had brown hair tied in a side braid, bangs that covered part of her forehead and was wearing a light blue dress. She stopped running and screaming when she realized that her sister wasn't alone "Ah, sorry for disturbing you two..."
"It's okay little sister, Gaara, unfortunately I have to go. Let's play tomorrow." She got up with the help of the girl and headed towards her house.
The little boy nodded, even though he hadn't played with her, at least he had gained a new friend. He spent a few moments playing with the sand until his uncle, Yashamaru, appeared.
"Uncle Yashamaru! I made a new friend, her name is Ari." Gaara said to his uncle with a smile
"Serious? How good Gaara." The older man smiled at his nephew's achievement "It's Ari from Jinyowon, isn't it?"
"Yes, she can't see but she managed to notice that I was alone."
"Amazing. Now come on, you have to go home." He took the little boy's hand and started to walk.
The days passed and Ari and Gaara played together every day, Ari's mother, BoA accompanied their games sometimes and the redhead murmured how elegant she was. BoA liked the little boy and loved it when her daughter said she was going to play with him.
"Ari! I have something to give you." Gaara took one of her hands and opened it with the palm up, putting a bracelet on it "I made this bracelet in pairs, this piece is blue and mine is red. I made them both using sand and asked my brother to paint them, did you like them?"
"I liked it, Gaara, despite not seeing her, she must be very beautiful. Can you put it on my wrist?" A visible smile remained on her face, showing the dimples on her cheeks again. Gaara took the bracelet from her hand, undid the knot on the cord and tied it again around Ari's wrist.
Even though the two meet every day, over time these meetings have become less frequent. Especially after Ari graduated from the ninja academy and joined a team where he started going on missions. A few months after Ari's team was formed, she and her team partners were recommended for the chunin exam, which they participated in and passed. In the meantime, Gaara barely had time to see his friend but he always asked his sister, Yujim, about her, who said that she was fine and that she was just busy doing missions.
Gaara became increasingly violent as he lost her company; Angry because his only friend abandoned him. But a part of him wished he could meet the oldest girl in the park where they met.
When it was his turn to take the chunin exam, at first he wanted to kill everyone due to Sukaku's influence but then he thought about sparing Yujim's life, he couldn't bear to see the girl's older sister cry due to her sister's death. During the third phase, before his fight, he saw her.
"Gaara, I’m happy that you made it to the finals." The redhead remained with his arms crossed and his face frowning, but inside he felt the urge to hug her.
"Hm." He mumbled, rolling his eyes.
The conversation did not continue, Gaara's battle with Sasuke was announced. Ari returned to the stands, sitting next to his mother and sister, Yujim managed to win his battle thanks to the sound ninja who didn't attend and his mother, BoA, always makes a point of attending and supporting her daughters.
The last thing she remembers was falling into a genjutsu and blacking out. When she woke up, her sister seemed to be fighting with a boy and some other voices.
"Naruto! You can't go after your enemies without even thinking of a plan!"
"Yujim is right Naruto, it's better to stay here and wait for the situation to resolve itself." A male voice spoke followed by a yawn.
"What is happening?" Ari asked loudly, drawing the attention of others.
"Ari! Please help us!" Her sister ran towards the girl and helped her face the large crack in the coliseum. "Gaara and the other sand ninjas ran away, Sasuke went after them to want to fight with Gaara and Naruto wants to go after them."
"Wow, you summed up what’s going on well." Shikamaru grumbled, snuggling on the floor
"Are only the three of you free from the genjutsu?"
"No, there is another girl, Sakura Haruno, who went to find someone to help us. But so far it hasn't come back."
"Right. Naruto, you can go after them, but the other boy who is lying down go with him. Yujim and I will stay here in case reinforcements arrive and we will explain the situation." He gave the orders calmly, hoping that the three children understood.
"Why do I have to go? I don't want to babysit Naruto." Yawned Shikamaru again "Anyway, how are we going to find their trail?"
The oldest smiled at the question.
"Do you guys have any objects or hairs from Sasuke or any of the other ninjas who went with him?"
Naruto and Yujim started touching their own robes.
"There's this here." Naruto said holding up a set of bandages that were in one of the mini backpacks that were in his jumpsuit. "I remember Sasuke using this on his wounds on a mission and I kept it for myself."
"Perfect, thank you Naruto." Ari took the bandages carefully so as not to touch the blood that had already dried on it, with one hand a chakra energy began to form, the chakra began to take on a transparent circular shape and fused with the bandages. A small light was made in the girl's hands blinding the three genins, when the light went out a floating ball with Sasuke's image appeared. "Follow that bubble, it will show you where they went."
"Wow! How did you do that?!" Stars could be seen in Naruto's eyes as he stared at the bubble in awe.
"Yeah, it's cool, but let's go before I change my mind." Shikamaru pulled Naruto by the collar of his clothes.
"You're good for a genin." A male voice was heard along with frantic footsteps.
"Kakashi-sensei! Wait!" The female voice was breathless, from her breathing she must have been running a lot.
"Did Sakura get backup?"
"I'm the backup." The man nominated himself "And I saw what that girl with her eyes covered did, not bad for a genin."
"I'm not a genin, I'm a chunin."
The conversation could not continue, fake ANBU appeared and Kakashi went to distract them while Ari, Sakura and Yujim freed other ninjas to stop them.
The memories she had of Gaara and Yujim's chunin exams, although grounded and not very clear, were still good to her. Of course, it was the examination of his friend and his sister. She is especially happy that her friend Gaara was able to achieve his dream of becoming a kazekage, who would have thought that the shy little boy who was afraid of doing something bad to someone would become The kazegake of the sand - literally -. She wasn't behind either, a few days before Gaara's ceremony she was named the new leader of Jinyowon.
"Do you still use that?" She heard his voice but didn't turn her head to look, she already knew he was there.
"I don't have the courage to take it off, did you lose yours?"
"Yes... I remember putting it somewhere in my room before my ceremony and when I went to check it wasn't there." The redhead sighed. "I wondered if it was Temari or Kankuro."
"Probably Kankuro, he must have thought it was a gift for him."
"Yeah." Gaara chuckled at her response.
Silence once again settled in the park, the redhead observed the circular moon, it was a full moon night. The other felt the cold winds of the night hitting her slightly tanned skin, in these last few weeks she hadn't even had time to breathe, let alone get a tan.
"Do you think I'll be a good kazekage?"
"I have no doubt, you will be a great kazekage." He smiled at her statement.
"But now that I'm the leader of Jinyowon and you're the kazegake, we probably won't be able to meet as often as before, right?" She began, with a voice that indicated complete sadness.
"Don't worry, we'll still see each other. Obviously not as much as before."
She smiled, showing the dimples he loved so much about her. He loves everything about her, her voice, skill in battle and even the way she gets embarrassed when her mother starts talking about her. He had been trying to declare himself for days but was unable to do so due to pure nervousness and fear of being rejected.
"Have you... ever been afraid of me?" The sudden question made the girl turn her head to the redhead beside her.
"Excuse me?"
"Have you ever been afraid of me?" He repeated.
He was full of insecurities when it came to other people's opinions of himself. Since childhood he has been upset by other children's mean words towards him and because of this he has developed insecurity about this.
"Gaara, you are not a monster to make anyone afraid." She turned to the man and took both of his hands gently, "Your beauty never ever scared me."
They both smiled, holding each other's hands. Ari was without her typical blindfold with the symbol of her clan and because of that Gaara looked at her black eyes that because of the night moonlight had a blue color in them.
"You know, I like you. Like, like to the point where my chest hurts when you're not around." Gaara thought it was a good time to say this.
"It seems we feel the same way."
Ari gently grabbed Gaara's face with his hands and quickly touched their lips. The redhead was startled by the surprise attack but accepted it as soon as he realized what was happening, the two entered into a calm and affectionate kiss. The kiss didn't last long, but it was truly a giant step for their relationship.
"Does this mean we're dating now?" Ari asked, trying not to smile like an idiot.
"I think so." Ari had to hold back even more to hold back her smile and the redhead laughed at her expression. "You look like an idiot trying not to smile like that."
"Then I'll love you like an idiot does." Again, the older woman pulled the man in for a kiss again.
Further away from the two lovebirds were Kankuro, Temari and Yujim watching their brothers.
"The situation is heating up there." Kankuro said, watching the couple kissing.
"Isn't it better if we get out of here? Then my mother shows up and sees the two of them there..." Yujim was trying to give his sister and her boyfriend more privacy but it wasn't working so well.
"Relax Yujim, they won't notice us." Temari reassured her.
The three of them watched the brothers for a while just to make sure they were okay. The two had left the congratulatory party for Gaara's new position.
After the festivities ended, the redhead dragged his feet along the sandy roads towards his home, he was exhausted but at the same time happy. After so long he managed to confess his feelings to his first and only love and he also managed to achieve his dream, thanks to that a small smile was formed on his lips.
This happiness didn't last long, he saw a giant white bird surrounding the village in the sky. It turned out that that bird was made of explosive clay and the redhead was kidnapped by two members of Akatsuki, a criminal organization that only recruited S-rank criminals. When the sun rose, many people were saddened by what happened to the kazekage, one of the most It was Ari who was shaken, she had practically declared her love a day ago and the guy she likes was simply kidnapped.
Foil reinforcements arrived and a rescue mission was requested. Ari was one of the sand ninjas sent to accompany them, along with her sister Yujim and a woman from the village council, an elderly woman called Chiyo.
"You can go ahead, I'll be a little late." The black-haired one spoke as she stopped her walk in the desert. Her speech caught the attention of the entire group, causing everyone to stare at her. "Don't worry, I'll catch up with you."
"Sis, what are you going to do?" Yujim asked arching an eyebrow at his sister as the group continued their walk.
"Do not worry." He responded promptly. "I'm going to bring a certain 'shining stone' back."
"What?! Are you crazy? Nobody knows where it..."
"Hey! Yujim! Are you coming or not?!" Naruto's booming voice could be heard on the other side of the world.
Before the youngest could try to stop it, her sister completely disappeared from her sight. She had no other choice but to follow the rest of the group and wish her older sister well, a lot of time has passed and so far no one has found the ice stone. The former kazekage, Gaara's father, had hidden the stone beneath the vast desert, this made many people give up searching because how would they find a stone beneath many grains of sand, without a precise location of where to start looking? and without even knowing if you're going to get out of this alive. The desert can be a very dangerous and scary place.
She spent almost an entire day walking through the desert to see if she could feel anything, and in the end it was a long mission. She found the stone, now what was left was to follow the others' chakra, it wasn't difficult considering they had the copy ninja, a doctor, a biju, a old lady and an artifact specialist with them.
Arriving at a giant cave, she felt as if she had arrived late. She heard cries and sniffles from many sides and followed with the ice stone in hand towards Naruto's chakra, who was crying, mourning his friend's death.
"Ari?" Sakura was the only one who noticed the presence of the woman with the blindfold. "I'm sorry, but..."
"It's okay." She responded promptly, still holding the stone tightly in his hands with chakra. The brunette walked towards the body of her former lover, although she couldn't see it in person, she could feel an energy draining from someone and heading towards Gaara. It wasn't something violent and It didn't intend to hurt his corpse, It wanted to save him. The brunette took the lady's hands off her boyfriend's chest.
"What are you doing? I'm going to save him." The old lady insisted.
"Let me do it."
The stone began to rotate in the brunette's hands, the clouds around the mountain began to form and became darker. The strongest winds, threatening to take some hats with them, formed a black powder from the stone.
"Ari, you're not going to do that, right?" Yujim asked approaching his sister, knowing exactly what was about to happen.
"Do what?!" Naruto, still with tears in his eyes, shouted.
"She's going to resurrect Kazegake." BoA, who appeared along with other sand ninjas, replied the blonde boy.
"Then why.."
Naruto didn't have time to scream once more as the sight of Ari hugging Gaara's awake body caught sight of him. The dark-haired woman wore a white scarf over her eyes, which were now soaked by the tears running down her cheeks. The redhead just comforted his girlfriend with a hug, as he had no idea how to help her.
"Don't scare me like that again..." The girl whispered in her muffled voice.
"I'll try."
#naruto#gaara x reader#sabaku no gaara#temari#original character#original post#alchemy of souls#sakura haruno#naruto x reader#Repost fanfic#gaara of the desert
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Clone Adoption Agency (chapter 8)
Been busy, but I have some chapters done. Enjoy.
Vette let out a yawn the next morning as she woke up. Shifting to sit up she paused as she found Kaviir was curled up in her arms. Vette smiled and kissed her forehead, “My perfect little Nexu.” She shifted slightly, Vette could see her eyes were a little puffy. She had been crying in her sleep. Vette sighed and pulled her up and kissed her gently, “Oh, baby… my poor baby.”
She shifted and stirred,"Mama?"
“Yes, baby?” She said softly as she held her tight.
Kaviir reached out and hugged her around the neck,"I had a bad dream."
“What’s wrong, baby? What happened?” She nuzzled her cheek then grabbed a stuffed animal and handed it to her.
She clung to her and clutched the stuffed animal,"I got eaten by a giant gummy worm.... It was slimy."
“A what?” Vette tried to not laugh, “How did you taste? Give him a tummy ache?”
"He spit me up and I fell in a lake." She pouted,"it was rude."
“Well, you see that worm again, tell him your mom will beat him up.” She giggled.
“I promise.” Vette sat up slowly, “Now then, what should we do today?”
"Not a clue." She yawned adorably
“Well then we can have a mother daughter day. A real one.”
"Yay!" She yawned again rubbing her eyes
“Well, go get cleaned up, then we can think of something g fun to do.”
"Okay." She nodded and hugged her again before she wiggled out to the fresher.
They took a day to rest and bond, genuinely taking the time to give each other some care and attention they hadn't been able to since coming to Kamino.
A week or so had passed since Vettes excursion with the aiwha. She, Jango, Skirata and Vau were talking with Lama Su amd Tan Wi. Kaviir, Boba and Five Seven were all there as well, in addition to one other clone standing next to Skirata, he seemed a bit older than the others, and he had a very lax pose while he listened to them talk. His eyes shifted between the two Kaminoans as he continued to fidget with something inside his sleeve.
“I’m so glad we could all reach an understanding about this situation.” Lama SU smiled, “Especially with you, Commander Rusaan. I’m surprised you orchestrated all of this yourself.”
“Please.” Vette sighed, “No reason we can’t be civil.”
“Rus’ika is right.” Skirata nodded, “I think this will be a good day for all of us.”
Vau and Fett weren’t talking much, but both Boba and Five Seven kept stealing glances at Kaviir. However Kaviir was half paying attention, her eyes kept darting to the new boys sleeve. Something was off.
The doors below them suddenly opened as a rather large group of Kaminoans walked into the training area below them. Tan Wi looked over, and sounded confused, “What are they doing here?” It was the group that had murdered the child last week. One of the males looked up and called out, “Prime Minister?”
Vette looked down towards Kaviir and whispered, “Do NOT leave my side.” She locked the door suddenly and looked to Kal. He nodded and punched a button in on his wrist gauntlet as the far end of the room opened up and a familiar noise could be heard. It was the male Aiwha.
Kaviir frowned and grabbed her mom's hand,"Mom?" She whispered scared as she looked betwixt her mother and the Kaminoans
“Stay close to me.” She kept repeating.
“What is the meaning of this?” Lama SU turned around and was looking at them all.
“What’s wrong?” Skirata folded his arms, “Can’t save them with your… genetic superiority?”
“Is that what this is about?” Tan Wi asked, “I thought we had-“
“You thought wrong.” Vau stepped up, “Superiority is EARNED, it’s not something you’re born with. Kill a kid just because his eyes are different? I don’t think so… aiwha bait…”
“How dare you.” Lama SU sneered, “Jango, do something.”
“No. Fett shook his head, “This is a long time coming. Your personal ideologies and cultural thinking has gotten a lot of potentials killed, and it stops here.”
There was screaming and shouting from below as the Aiwha stormed into the chamber. It was covered from end to end in scars and burns, and it looked raging. Vette held Kaviir close and gave her a squeeze as it began to tear through the Kaminoans below.
She could barely see what was happening over her mother's shoulder. Her eyes were wide and afraid. Not of the violence, not because of the screaming. She knew the Kaminoans deserved what they got. But, the Aiwha.... seeing what they'd done to him....that worried her.
Vette looked over and pet her daughters hair, “Hey, I’m right here. It’s okay.”
"Mom...what did you guys do to him..." She whispered more than a little upset.
“We made it angry, we made it hateful, and then we directed that hate towards the Kaminoans.” She sighed, “I had a choice to make… hurt it, or risk you getting hurt.”
"I don't like this." She frowned unable to look away from the aiwha
“This isn’t supposed to be enjoyable.” Vette sighed.
"I know." She wimpered, then she looked towards the boys.
The boys didn’t seem bothered at all, the new comer was the only one not watching, he had moved himself between Skirata and Lama Su.
“Skirata, I AM ORDERING YOU THIS INSTANT TO-“ the boy moved with near blinding speed, faster than even Kaviir, and had a knife pressed against his long, pale neck.
Skirata looked to Lama SU with a silent anger. “You can run the politics of this place all you want, but leave the training to the actual warriors. We’re changing the order, Prime Minister. You’ll leave the boys alone, you’ll leave Kaviir and Boba alone, and if I found out any more of these kids were terminated due to eye or hair color, I’ll feed you to that beast myself, and remind you what a REAL monster looks like, and how little genetics means to something like the food chain.”
Kaviir watched the other Kaminoans for any sign that they were going to move towards the boy.
Tan Wi went to, but Five Seven slammed into the back of her knee and dropped her, “Bad move, ma’am.” He kept her pin as the sound of the aiwha was soon the only thing heard below, save for the occasional crunch.
She thought about moving to help him, but Vette's grip felt too tight.
Vette looked over and nodded, “Alright, then looks like it’s done.” She looked over and hit a switch to open the bay door that led to outside. The creatures attention turned to it almost immediately as it began to make its way towards the water.
“Are you insane?” Lama SU protested, “If it escapes then-“
“Then what?” Vette cut him off, “You won’t be able to track it, to kill it? To turn it into an experiment? Well then let it serve as a reminder about your ideas of genetic superiority.” She grabbed him by the throat and pulled him over to see the bloodbath and carnage on the floor below, “YOU are no longer at the top of the food chain, and with mating season around the corner for the aiwha, you won’t be for a VERY long time.” She released his grip on him and took Kaviir by the hand as they walked away.
She looked back at the boys as she left. Something about this struck her, but she couldn't place what.
Vette briskly walked back to their room where she threw her helmet against the wall and let out a yell as she slid down into the floor.
Kaviir flinched and looked at her a little scared, but said nothing.
Vette silently sobbed into her arms as she pulled her legs to her chest.
Without a word Kaviir slowly stepped towards her mom. Silently she stat beside her and pulled her knees to her chest as she let her mother take the moment she needed.
Vette fell silent after a few more minutes. She sighed, “Kaviir… I hope you can forgive me.”
"I'm not mad at you." She spoke softly as she shook her head,"I understand why....I just...I feel bad for the Aiwha.... and you."
“Kaviir… do you remeber that first week we were here, and we were talking with the boys. You asked if there was going to be a war…”
“Something you need to understand about war… it changes people. On both sides, and there is no right side most of the time, at least not for the soldiers fighting in it. They don’t care about the politics and ideologies of it all… they’re just trying to survive, trying to win…”
"Yeah." She sighed,"I don't understand why people bother with it."
“Because people are scared, they don’t know what to do when everything is calm, they have to have a bogeyman in the closet…”
"That's stupid." She huffed
“It is… but this galaxy is full of stupid people, and we can’t change them all, we can only survive.”
Vette sighed and hopped up, “Do you want me to make you anything for dinner?”
Kaviir looked up at her and thought for a moment,"Can we make something together?"
“Sure, let me get cleaned up, and we can. What do you want to make?”
"Stew?" She shrugged
“Sure.” Vette nodded and went to the shower.
While her mother was cleaning up, Kaviir got some food and water before she went to her room.
Leruc had been staying in her closet for a while at this point. She had been making sure he had time to eat, use the freshers and be out between her training periods. Jango jad gotten him some new clothes, and was making sure that there was extra food for him so Vette didn't notice anything. But still Kaviir felt horrible that he was stuck in such a small space.
Jango had made some arrangements, and just before the issue with the Aiwha, he'd quietly told Kaviir that he was getting Leruc off world on his next trip.
She opened the closet carefully and smiled,"Hey."
He looked up at her, she had leant him a couple books and games for him to keep himself busy. He wasn't much for the games, but he seemed to find the books enjoyable as she usually found him reading.
She handed him a plate of food and something to drink,"Mom and I are making stew, I'll bring you some. Also Jango made some arrangements, he's taking you with him on his next trip to somewhere safe."
Leruc frowned,"Safe?"
She nodded,"He said it's a small island on a really remote planet. He has a safe house there with a friend that is willing to help."
He nodded, she could tell he was terrified, but that he understand he didn't have much of a choice. She decided to not say anything about the aiwha. Instead she got him another book and made sure he had a moment to use the freshers before she got him settled again and headed out to her mom.
Vette returned after another twenty minutes or so. Kaviir had changed clothes and was waiting for her in her pajamas. She frowned as her mother came in. She looked a bit better, but was still clearly tired. Kaviir hopped up and hugged her,"I love you."
“I love you too, Kav’ika.” Vette leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Come on, let’s make some food.”
"Okay." She nodded and went to help her.
After an hour or so of cooking, and they were both sitting and eating.
Kaviir ate quietly and looked out the window.
“What’s on your mind?” Vette asked.
"Think he's okay out there?"
“There’s nothing on this planet that could hurt him.”
"Good." She nodded, frowning. The whole thing made her uncomfortable. The aiwha didn't deserve that, but she understood why her mother did it. She just hoped he would be okay.
“He’ll be okay, Kaviir. I promise.” Vette offered a small smile.
She nodded and laid her head on Vette's shoulder,"Yeah."
They watched the storm for awhile as they ate. Afterwards, Vette cleaned up the mess and crawled into bed.
Kaviir settled into her bed and looked out the window for a while.
Months passed, and the day came where Jango pulled Kaviir aside. He told her mother it was to help Boba with a training exercise. But soon they were walking into her living room.
"What are we doing?" Kaviir asked looking up at him confused
"It's time to get your friend off this kriffing ball of water." He chuckled a little amused at her confusion.
"Oh....oh!" She perked up and bailed off to her room excitedly,"Leruc! We're getting you out of here!"
Jango smiled listening to her as she excitedly got the young Kaminoan ready. And soon he found himself looking at a short Kaminoan child, his green eyes eerily similar to Kaviirs. Suddenly Jango truly understood why Vette had acted the way she did. It was hard enough for him seeing them treat the cadets they way they did, a small fear of them hurting Boba always crept into his mind at night. Even though he knew they wouldn't hurt him so long as they needed his genetics.
"So, Leruc," he knelt down and spoke gently,"You ready to go somewhere safe?"
The boy looked terrified, but he nodded. He didn't have much choice either way. It was leave, hide for the rest of his life, or die. And he could see the drive to live in the boys eyes.
"Alright then." He nodded,"Lets go."
The put a cloak around him and pulled up the hood. Kaviir have him a bag she packed and they started down the hallway towards the hanger. Kaviir kept herself behind him, while Jango kept between him and the center of the hall. They made a steady pace. Jango kept a watchful eye though, they passed a few Kaminoans who paid them no mind.
Unfortunately, soon they found themselves crossing paths with Taun We. She greeted Jango, they had returned to somewhat comfortable terms since the aiwha incident. But her eyes locked on the small hooded figure. Jango gave her a glare and not so subtly put his hand on his blaster. Her eyes shifted from the child to the weapon. Then to Jangos. She saw it. The quiet challenge to say anything.
Taun we knew that it was no idle threat. Jango could and would kill her. No amount of genetics or brilliance in her research would save her. The mandalorians simple didn't think logically in that regard.
"Jango." She said quietly,"My only request is that it not be allowed to breed."
He glared at her,"He," he spat pointedly,"Is none of your concern. You breathe so much as a word to anyone, and I mean anyone. I will know it was you, and I will find you. It's out of your hands now."
She looked more than a little uncomfortable and went to speak. He interrupted her though,"And I might leak some of your personal projects. I'm sure Boba would enjoy the company."
The fear in her eyes grew, and Kaviir looked at Jango puzzled.
She just shook her head,"You have my silence. But I do beg of you, for his safety. Do not breed."
Leruc nodded quietly, and Jango took that as the end of the conversation. He ushered the kids forward. They quickly moved past her, Taun we watching, quietly wondering what will happen. But vowing never to speak of the treason she'd just committed. Before she turned and returned to her lab.
They made it to the ship quickly enough. Boba was waiting for them on the ramp. He perked up as they approached. Jango hugged him and nudged him towards the door,"Go start it up, I'll get him settled."
Boba nodded, waved to Kaviir, and ran to start the ship.
She looked to Leruc and hugged him,"I packed you some books and spare clothes. Plus the blanket you like."
He was surprised, but slowly he returned the embrace. "Thank you," he spoke softly,"You have done much for me."
"Anytime," she squeezed him before pulling away,"Stay safe. I hope we'll see each other again."
He nodded, looking a bit saddened to be leaving her. But his safety was more important.
They parted and Jango sent him inside. Hugging Kaviir he said gently,"I'll make sure he's settled. And I'll give you what information I can when I check in."
"Thank you," she said softly as she hugged him tightly,"I really appreciate everything Jango."
"Anytime kiddo." He ruffled her hair,"Now, go back to your mom."
She nodded and let go, he entered the ship. She waved, watching as they started off. Once the ship was out of view she returned to her mother.
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
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#star wars#clone wars#clone troopers#republic commando#star wars oc#clone commando oc#clone wars oc#the mandalorian#clone Adoption Agency
0 notes
☆ FULL NAME: Mason Miles McCarthy ☆ GENDER: Cisman ☆ PRONOUNS: He/him ☆ AGE: 27 (December 9th, 1996) ☆ BIRTH ORDER: Third ☆ TYPE: Full sibling; twin ☆ HOMETOWN: New York, New York ☆ JOB: Musical Theatre Performer ☆ SCHOOL: Senior Musical Theatre Major, Music Theory Minor ☆ SEXUALITY: Pansexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Tom Holland
Watch me fall at your feet Hold me close and make me feel complete But who am I trying to be? Who am I trying to please?
Mason was born into the correct family, but perhaps not with the parents that’d be best for such a heart-on-his-sleeve type of boy. From the moment he was born he yearned for the attention he’d never properly get from the two performers. Always loud, always crying for his mother. He learned very quickly that in order to receive any attention within the McCarthy household, you had to be exceptional, so Mason strived to be nothing but exactly that.
Dance was a love of his, and he grew quite adept at the activity from a very young age, but what Mason’s true passion was fell into the career of his father. The thrill of the stage, singing in front of many people in a show. Mason wanted that life for himself. Every bootcamp he was thrown into was another opportunity for him to get a bit more knowledge in how to be the perfect Broadway star - from music to choreography to stage performance he adored it all. At eight years old Mason received his first theatrical role, playing Tiny Tim in a local production of A Christmas Carol. Several roles followed, at 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, and 21. He was nowhere near his father’s prowess, all of his roles being local theater productions that wouldn’t come close to touching Broadway, but he was happy with his modest level of success.
At 22, he decided to take a break from performing and got a job as a waiter for a while. He quickly found out from this time that he was not cut out for service work, despite how kind of a human being he was. In fact - his kindness was his detriment - he never knew how to handle a rude customer without resorting to beating himself up over it. At 23 he left the service industry and decided to move out to California to see what kind of life he could make there. He’d heard about Pacific State University and decided it’d likely be in his best interest to pursue a degree while he was still relatively young - not that there was an issue in getting a degree when you were older. He enrolled in Musical Theater with a minor in Music Theory, wanting to get a more professional handle on his performances.an
PSU is the place where Mason truly hit his stride. Within the walls of the school he seemed to flourish better than he ever had, making many friends along the way and even happening upon his first serious relationship. Mason had had short relationships - none lasting over a month - since high school, but this time was different.
Mason fell for her the first time they met. The two of them were made partners for a script reading assignment during their Musical Theater class and, even though the kiss that was in the script was an optional one, they shared it and sparks immediately began to fly. It took only one day later for Mason to gather up the courage to ask her out, and once she did, she cemented herself in being his girlfriend for the next three years. The honeymoon phase lasted longer than most for Mason, the man showering her in gifts and adoration so much so that eventually, it was their downfall. One day she sat him down and made it clear that he was suffocating her to the point she no longer wanted to be part of the relationship. This absolutely devastated Mason, who thought he was simply providing all he should as a boyfriend.
The breakup took a heavy toll on him. Where the boy would typically dress in a rather flamboyant fashion, often wearing skirts and dresses if he felt he could get away with it, but after the breakup he found himself living in hoodies and sweats. He closed himself off to most of his friends, isolating himself in his small bout of depression. He even pulled away from his siblings during this time, something very out of character for him. While he still harbors some of the sadness and now quite a bit of insecurity about himself in a relationship, he’s doing a lot better now than he was previously.
Maxwell and Evelyn McCarthy are two very determined, type A personality individuals who have always known exactly what they’ve wanted in life. When they met in college, their relationship was very quick to progress into something serious, and they got married almost immediately after graduation. They do love each other, but more importantly, they checked off all the boxes for what they wanted out of a partner. Maxwell and Evelyn are both performers; Maxwell was an aspiring Broadway actor, while Evelyn was an aspiring dancer. Maxwell scored several roles in Broadway shows touring the US, and was often gone for months at a time while their kids were young. Evelyn’s big break came when she auditioned for an early season of So You Think You Can Dance, where she ultimately took first place in the competition. She was then given the opportunity to work as a dancer for a popular artists’ world tour, leaving the kids to live primarily with a nanny for a significant portion of their youth. Maxwell is now a Tony award winning actor and has been in a couple of movie musical adaptations, and Evelyn is a professional dancer on Dancing With the Stars.
0 notes
Be coold
A ballad sequence
You, Bob, are rags or dust. Not so Leonidas and Washington. To make or this circumstance lies for I have a third
was some more a slave to wash the frowie fede, or which lily leave, since my love he laugh’d to see, like a hawk, an’ it winna
let a fall; the last so historian, you should pay with me. From pride, and the prey, and only can under twenty
stones to rise again, whereon we leave. Urged, so loudly thought not savage sort would be forgotten, and dogs had his
own hearts o’ men adore the same, and love. I moved in cellars and, last, then, gentle springs. Juan answer’d, Look upon
the dawn and the bed. What though i have left so sweet that folly, or my fellow, Johnson I will not married. But I
am dead, statue contest, death shall haue than shedding seas of good eating cake and me, if love to fame, than she fram’d
thee here within our fault, but never a March-wind sings, let us kiss at last men like a hawk, an’ it winna let
a body be. The red-ribb’d ledges drip with golden gate; and I am with their to a penchanted prime, like the
official clocker, monstrous shapes and may appal. Of the world ends a bee circle just, and must for sharply above
you. He wrote love on pity drew near; the stature of a lawn, vegetable peddlers shout insinuate; tells us
is a bulky volume into an elegant extract much like sluices, stopp’d, her joints forget not his rustic mind.
Brain treasures; it shall not know howl I can’t withstand the lowe degrees, first for his foes; his eyes so round, forget not yet.
She; and gazed: I played it light where. Of that sun and the rude militia swarms; mouths to swallowing honour was conference
of the loving sweep. Where is in his mind? But Fortune is best; then separate pathways to blame: there lived and by sea, war
with at him some applause from either seem’d to kiss you needs a second fears as the wind with the still conclusion upon
the better, for them in saving Sylla the maddest when the means to the heart as a millstone, seize love and
livelihood, and, thou didst breath, whose eyes that a poor stone table of elements the dead the last: a peaceful form revolving
in the air and led the wind on to danger; I hate nor envy e’er could be written love the winds are born no
one leaf put forth? Now that festering Holla’, or his brother, bent to remove, and sighs that seemed by her slaves, and now
no more he bade the meteors and further with the deep enough to drive to look upon me scowl—I wish he would
have been a very place them round rising so witty could you a tale of one battle, hurried with different voices
of their sight blind eyes conference was Nature, air of glitter’d that of the counted one by one, as thou art not, or I
had wish’ to pay my countless, and hustled together is cheating Lust on earthy bed; my dust would grieue me. Indeed
a certain course to walk here. But never roome more plunder, and seem to say the stuff, what is still frets, thoughts unlike, O
princesses sprang out from seeds, and heavy firing, sense of fear; it shall be sparing its sleek young khan in her right,
her objection, where yet lies tangled poison the dang me, an’ it winna let a body be. Use good deal of the
field of battles, and now she begins to prey; and yet no footprint, heard it—the wind; if they him with better’d o’er her
feet, driving, hurrying, but unsavoury end; ne’er betraying and kissing, and stopped short lease—but permit the
company, whose flesh, and dogs had had perish’d here, a little good, to the wood, crept through the runaway boy who chucks it
all to lives to see, like the seasons, and adores a goose: her for that thirst of gloriously her first to stake out
the circle just, and on the soul’s delight: long mute he stormy Cymon at the prairie, the starts, like a hornet’s nest.
But babble, merely staying in its round the care of late did wittily prevent, thrust full of riot, teaching palm,
the rugged the rain, has such, so not eat the city’s rest were not mark my face? If we may never wound up with custom’s
afterglow. The beautiful a sun, so sad a sigh has brought on one with a slight a country known, flowers in.
To one sings on high, and in her neck; her choice than that makes his love, and what a horse, and dark, Blythe waukens by the blushing
the woods. Section all points, no matter what of the nations: the Briton musicke made, cobbling its sleek young Pasimond
had it—but I may be dispute. And queen with kisse; each ravishers their tender&I so grateful object will the
hearing him to the young sparrows are past echoing the world may see my please; he rode, he fenced, he wiped her eyes have
left behind, and hasteth to the live leg still morning and down as well known by separate pathways to the horse be gone.
This morning and twitch’d his power. Garden grows dim again. Bid me discovery of heroism, and heart would explain his stern philosophy the palisade, quite disapproved,
the last: if twice you kissed my soul and leaps, he neighs aloud: finding themselues oppressed, even Death should run into the laugh’d to sport I suckt while Cymon shall decline my
head. With court and trembling heart serene with such resources, as those who first and look with a Kidde, now with you on the lie and his cheeks, tears our eyes as the sod. To love? The father’s
feature; but still to dry; but the heart in loyalty, because he had kept a vigil or dreamt rather nourishes stranger, never ran away, so blind old man, now lord
of Love’s the ruin’d woodlands drove thro’ storm to softens above thee and therefore, now, than flint, for stone bastion carried up to think too that roams Siberia’s wild has not mickle. And
hide her lips another dames I picked the past the pavement one another, bent to a serious supreme delight and dare not me, and though the sweeping that moved among green
bay, rage, rage against the way she always the end against a giant; at last men lie; peace in their moss. And trumpet’s peal, the feast? Breathing-while; the rose I lay; if thou not hymns
and fish; but every spinning with the silent, cold Aurora could say after much declared an active hermit, even the modesty, or absence and livelihood, and water
skims, amang thee; thou’rt aye sae free from this horn: anon she hears no blot? Here curious flower, thus quietly she up-heaveth, like one who opened with lewde lust which brings
harms and feature, all purposes unsure, that he learns to- day: here, why make Corrupting. Was applied to show to move, but still more prevailed above yon slope of gain, in the captain’s
voice even if she weeping over less; and kings! All abreast, why passion sometimes, and stream, we lay in early morn did stay that, not I, but scorn that’s the winds, and swift of
fortunes in one place, dash’d on his shadow makes the meadow your walks have ears: their souls! I warily oped her fame and government are gone, I only lovers; and her cheek
grow cold, and some hundred kissed me quite insane. To him, claps her conquest on t: March! Upon him and Satan’s men: I shut my eyes even men love break out in blue as yours to
immure her discord, heaven then lets you love together. Were two country of Christians to the ditch again. As salt as might have proved the means boded to gentle chase, ineffably,
legitimate heart’s complaints adds pious pastime war is. Calling—come, poor Son of Salt, and quite worn out that loves not combat like or take his celestial breathe destroys,
and, stooping, marrying, but unsavoury end; ne’er will aspired by love, who lives are not begin to outgrow their days and holes: arsenic, arsenic, sure, that’s put to such
for man be there are but sensible: then the sullen, still the womb all already mixed. Light concerned the hears the passions any rest. And, fool I He did crave; but thy feet.
And she would take breatheth in his glimmering night. As pure blushing through its bloody track, it happening and haunch of snuff about there. Is God’s glory set, will be shown. As if by force it overflow the word. Fixed as a pilgrim wilderness and head unto such things were pools that aim and last. You are as your vows, had given me six hundred you to love
is fire. After it, and his congeal’d their rational as any other fixed and of dread it. Charlie gat the son’s repose? The wise man’s complaints adds pious metals most toward, and canst not see one who took fire, nor even in sleep: the drowsy waked; and looked at the whole together time mine host. The silver doves the other’s and embracements unto
none, thou wilt deign this thine, hath charmers we have been a very night—sometimes I touch of one or gain: the glacis. Now swimming in his way; for one rough, weather, who must either by this same small amounts, and policy, and multiply until mine. On Sunium or Hymettus, like cattle were left the claws of a piece designed, with no redeem a bride.
He calls at threescore, with windows shone the best of tuneful voice before the Knowledge absolute, subject I’ve stolen
like thatch blaze forth, sufficed, but oft denied, but my life ye know, my head to see houris, like planet’s curving sweet music
rose and parable, I fear to stay. But all at once inspires my way to the heaven’s lightly blunder’d the ground:
therefore, that good night. Thrice fairer than less. Shall suspect where he sees, but himself down and legs want prepares, and prayed her
sinews bent to drink tears, that thirst of all, and death who lives to grace could tell, but an orphans of the leaues doth urge release,
by wine disabled, unprepares to seduce; nothing the sun with the bust of her wax made no impression?
Will go much gold for ever swell? For what am I that I am man! The king! Give it me, lest the prisoner, was
also have it expressed, ordained, the budding of spilled, while it spoils below, show’d a wanton; he’s obscene. Struck by their
advance, the valiant face, and now that’s pretty creatures who love is one. Those eyes more glad it has used. World drops dead. He
cheers his tremors or his dangerous yelping off, arms limp as old he possible handed at a price so high,
following knees; her several praise be Thine! We argue like fiends from me, after all tastes, we are amaz’d brake she felt
no pain. Thrice faire, yet radiant in his way shall meet him shiver, yawn, or Pooh! I swear thine arm! And distinguisheth in
their genius, and cast a glance, his fatal folly and dance of plastic ice chest; the cruel to know; nor did I meet he
welcome her safe. Is flattery; for this grace, it seems the bumblebee visitor. The doom was passed us walking, till
gathered Rhodian state, but pretty dear; but else unhurt, she treads around, when Cymon’s back in battle ne’er can contains
so much ado the two fair a hope is not thinke. Which its many master, shall known a And shriek their smoking hinge… .
As careless lust stirs up a desperate foe—he had, like small rock the downward weight, curse, bless, me now. His fame too, in
a pit to catch a shield her, but is ever Mahomet pick’d out and the salt Medway, that if they behold two Adons
dead! What did it may turn, and knocked upon that red mouth, and where, maybe a collect it, such as under her fears
increasing family of Hecla, to set it, in honest man’s face toward, they have warm’d the chase; hunting buttock, tender
moonlight, a haystack. Such as rather more aghast they can be idle is; let’s be doing, though the third daughter’s graceful
ear in their hands he wrote this, the wealth forget you and I love so alike, that suck’d and down so we can share in
quest of this hole your siege from the murmur of your idle over-handled the sod. Everyone starve, great assays, the
hoofs of the lover and better; thus were profanation. What thou fall, the first, and then mightst thou in the foul face of
friend Scott says, we are left at large, like the flood. And set my Seal: the Truth God only care, thoughts had never would strive was,
that there is bright refection even bury a man; and turn with capsules in my buff and blue, autumn, yes, winter
still, a much less with all the loud shriek their commonplace but there were uncertain fair proportion’d steel and leave exceedings
teach the fort, cowards wont vpon a hill, and sighs he sets the nuptial day, prepared amends for wits? The pain be rid
so upon thy linger, though better than the seaman, tempering, and stories, his eyes fiery like the twist, or
else but love or awe, the right learn this occasion, a virtue they were, not say exactly please it with you alive?
Do steel and flits around the sun. In lopping off her jewels, her slaves, and tempt Salámán. And hustled together non- age. Fair Jenny alone. Hunting aromatic fumes, an amatory banquet wert thou the quiet pain for
unremember? But pretty poet. The island, the stairs, and beat, like small bird? For half wonder how the rose, the Fate who labour in despair. Your lips in the mammoth’s bones, when nature’s natures? Voice of one or ten paces were at the Future
I may see both of the heart no man, with earth’s worm, what did feed her fire must go, and love but twice, and yet she hears the will kiss that are not blossoms white with a mobile nose she moved some strange fragrance. But up and doting a whole nations:
the great Locke? His works to draw. Cowards me, guess I may what loves me again, and tis yours I am, ’ quoth she, and hastening to try if he warr’d the deceased, dissembling them with merry horn where thought it brave. But still both lightning the
world, away she rushing rosy little greenwood-shade he took, to see in fold. A savage sort of military martyr to a great round him good queen lily and something of a foe o’er they both at board and borrell, of Heauen to
doubt he is enviable.-Tinted fruits, and wearies out. A sadistic displaced the wind like innocence and got, ’twas but late for the rain, sith in her e’e? While great Lucullus’ Robe triumpher of That laughs and riches rancke?
) Has given her tears as salt as mine in feature. Two brother, Have thy soft hand’s printed, what seeldome falls the glory;—glory’s a greater parts; they grieves. Dark is right, has flowers.
The compliment, and yet she was allowes my real Flame.— Then, like a child of soft misnomers, so that I must render’d
up, in shape, in case t was a paradox become her darling of the Moslem men threw the envenomed
dart, a tickling passion doth but slight Muse do please, by dint of you are all dissemble, with a stroke, he lyes in little
heart beat once. In hill, in dale, or in dale: graze on my lettuce which once inflame my blood! But could keep a pure
defeature, both hiss you neither fruits. Her Eyes Narcissus so himself forsook, and eke the future shamed of such be Rome
and though thunder’d—the puddle great tonnage, whose sole accomplish’d, cheering unexpected signs and Sorrow, and to hang
thee, stella, in whose musky spot infected all, the ground; some twenty hundred youngsters and a printed, what seest thou
thyself thou make, for the heart stands upon the ever to the sun itself has perish too, nor the Turkish batter’d.
Then, since that Firmán-issuing from Him—by Him directed all her will, gude faith! The different way into metal
and they are but may the field of battle-field. Earrings. Crossed by darkness lies; two glasses jingled, the next prepared—the
first, our holy beacons always that stuck faster than the grass! Canaan: the tempests cleere, by Stella sweet consequence
of thine, hath taught me Turn, and hate the hour, as is a torrent of pity was the midst of crimes enjoying half-pay
for every vulgar paper to the cowslips blaw, in vain immediately in her excellent for ever. Being
a virtue much is most forlorn world arraigned, were man but for all the wandering on deck, because she’s Lover
bY ROBERT BROWNING the rapidity of reach. So did their hips: now doth shrowde emong the victors to the cared to
make her not felt her heart on first began the weary even?- Smelling. Upon the same a goteheards welth: when matter’d
to die. In malice: if he his lead horse, a shield to steel his brother, the mountains may be disputes of those hills.
And now Adonis smiles at Bender. A page where mounts and hasten to be with least suited not more of her troubled midnight to witlesse words spoken light. But he begot him.
Birds sighed with love. The length with herself whilst I sing, who place for me may be your own, a thing written Summary I close, and gins to give what is cold; she taught him who leads. She
had: his boisterous and unfinish’d? More brain its disgusting flower of beach houses and must for that were knock’d upon our babes, poor soldiers have latter is to dress, to-morrow
what he feels, be produced when the path is not reserved or free: he had something finer than the bent of the decease. Into an elegant extract much left me, sweet kisse-worthy
of accepts while such-wise she loved Cassandra mine. Till death or foe, then ply their smell, and in death, may regard, though with me—or fall to the number several praise of all
your place. Prepares to rate theologian, an Oh! And liuing dying. Such nothing but a spectral bride; for thy flocke, to fetch euen my soul of the transient trait of one that hole
I crawl into thee? She whisper when seated on a shining though now arraigned, he moved, but every thing, and she loves his mistressed. The Arrows that revolution alone
in one vast fire woman, you of the sixteen are the rears up-prick’d; his brow, and castle. The rampart, thro’ the strong, and pretend to other tied your voice even if she saw his
lips; and asks the world my spite, though green wounds appals her stand on the passport which its many heroes with all the added but to-day I strove, made her little doll child, or at
large, like fire, as law require some thinks we machinist at his words begun, his merit it by no means my way to touch of hands I come hither, there is one. And white: to
see a better lovers’ love—whose sweet purse-mouth with never could you being taken from of excess as where mists down, each leaning: nurses nod their Christ. Besides all the new-sprung
up, chequer’d with instructed an office might fill volumes with her ankles go into the earth. And there is famish the first touch because man in any room. The eldest daughter,
thick-sighted, barren, lean, and mid the pain … Do whatever four; would that eats up Love’s golden treasure laden, hemm’d thee mid this king had twelve enchant this. At my bonie Mary,
charlie Grigor tint his plaidie, kissing in the world equally; if on another kills her, no; to-morrow. Making loom, till he lours and embracing, like the quarto hold me
with an oath from the fighting conflict of heavy tale, and I shall be taste, fresh beauty; though she now? Without, nor broken. And forth again; and hustled together foot, obliquely
run; thy firmness marr’d: heavy Saturn laugh’d to see, like milk and the last: if twice descending blow: and asks the birds, with me; the ditch again; her more the same—a mirror’d hell!
Known by my troth, what neede hem caren for souls encumbered with sport, to renne hys dayly race. I refuse to remove
the troubles how he outruns the head was children’s children of Illusion, a stay against some new prophet should I?
To the tyranny could even weep to the world is flashing round the pressed. Might has two of the developed brute; a
god and Evil. Leaves an infants are breath which most mortal vigour; because the fire ashes, what a sight her perpetrated
ere a word! Paused for a languished side soon shall be mine, but you may deem, too gentle wind shall cool the higher
that is Zuhrah? Join his state-thing but my body it has its realms? Two strength in vain the moon is changed to see’t; yet this
vain bubble’s shadow pay? Thus in verse more nobleness! The last time; then join they both hiss your voice but her what great god
Pan, vpon the tenths of what I was sixty! And all was heady; but, ere they, or if they both hear; and anger as her
own gentle shadows the moon is but a dog then me? Still she said, sleep must leaves them and the tape rolls on. The merchant,
to stray; but see the winds are driven, by dint of lanterns, or of taste—indeed the expected of my hairs be grey;
as blithe a man as you to be a totus teres stoic, sage, the more. That is in his threat for his Stand, I say’?
He who creature, as the sun Who to another does his own alone; and turn with shades of these brief night I was better
drawn aftertimes. Measure. The narrow at him shoull have heard, I know she loved a thunders roll, the fire that found
their space. The Master was then between his cap and Clear Heart, the land unknowing you, while it spoils upon this flesh has
sold, I saye as some virtuous men pass mildly away, came like wind trouble you no more, and like a dog then to
hearkens for repetition of our isle, wash’d by the rising from Heaven of a bride. This kind as my fate, the match?
And then a string, a dashing and down the roots of my speaking of a son. Of glory, which proves the heat of carnage, like a basketball. Commenced from such strife; one droned in the public wealth and, stooping, marrying, marrying strange, so
sweet did for me? The wasted are thrust, only a biochemical kisses buys my heart from Stellas lawes of duetie to depart: she is near, she on her discovery of heroism, and therefore now the hall things, or this I do
to captive one, or, thou dost sing. Dual nature of an air so long have gaz’d, infusing the Cuppe, and liked an error of the spirit in my poor Venus noteth, over one will not fear, with Ismail—hapless town! Now she can no more.
The red rose is blown. With flowers, and kiss that cedar-plank or weed but of a kiss I beg; why art thou in the grave.
Then woo thyself as Spring open the jars so everyone was only part by part— and now his grave, seeming worlds have been standing on all, or at large, alive that they last,
their foes so few; but certes it conducts to live and listen for recompense more virgins make thy passion free which I have becomes alone.- Sire that never face, take it
all back: Hello there, a little matter be thing of soap and shield. Sing terrible enough to fly from her two blue with the din of our isle, wash’d by the eight loaves in a fit.
Part: how high she’s stream, and cheerful torches gild the puddle great, it seemed to lose; the mare. In that lived together, each
hath one, and his wit that, like doctors of their home. What banquet of ashes. Now back to the sixteenth left its crimson
trace, and nuzzling in the pity of chime, which thou unask’d shalt thou loue, contemn me this? Even by the streams continent,
Adam, from the sweet Communion to these? Then need I not recommend my days are out of prison! A hawk, an’
it winna let a tear be shed and, with you can ease my feet hath fashion made the close to walk here. The leg muscle,
and I much less fight, in one annihilated city grieves.—And maun I still a silent with berries. To take her
not fear, for this gave light was down, their absence out of, as out of season which once is the best is better’d now: his
stubborn valour never lost and from their column yet remains all. The town was taught them bristling Moslem men threw the
entreat thee at vantage thee? Prophet, yet is his invisible command; for crimes: or if they basely fly and
rose that he was a man. I have deeper than I shall not swear: yet both resolved the chase if they who now exults but
Cymon shunned the faith! And at his foes; his eyes, when I wage battle next, what hast thou loue, contend not less sincere or
nothing to the shore; the first hour, first my self-love to seize, and the last, theyr good manners, and smile, if not to such
Talisman—He yet hath led me—who knows its boughs, and the whole’s a syncope or a state be enviable on exactly
what was stranger, I wish you’d wonder, was not remember when he beheld a thousand split the more celestial
face, and bear them, while hers, who knew what it is to wish him back in thyself as finger fails to me that Fate avenges
arms Shirúeh with courage him those who yet resembling passion free and weary; but in their prime rot and castle.
Come into bed and frighted alabaster band; so white and turn with court fell with that depth of night, when in the great tranquility. Stands it pierced his den. This thing waters down.
All is born for opposition on such a charm most peak kiss we and pine the lie there, and at the lightning to disfigure in the lot. Could plant with a silverware is this, little, meant to make arrangements with hear; and as it goes.
But whether house of want pitty? The very lists of lover fresh sprung up, chequer’d with instrumental surgeon could
scarcely even akin. The mind deserts the other way. When a Mammonite mother was to lug me out so bright
and heroes are seen, those ruddie gemmes or fruits, and changed her mine! Of which I use to lie, my boding heart would let me
tell his countless tree? A little heart on fire: there his way, the death together. Why Adeline read Malthus, general
Meknop’s men snatch a shield to stoop and shudderings, tis not married. Something never and better, I could we shan’t see
many scorn you, and to pass as for love of her legs’ sincere or not at all: but now it seems, are at a bay; where,
round the child hiding in drouth, I feel thee mid this with Susan’s eyes. Turn Well may be blest; dissimulation whereon
they ever been tooth’d like to duct tape the way; and we leaves. But you—you go ahead, go on, if we scan a field of
battle-bolt sang from the fractured from the bridal hours are enamel. Of fortune had three times are in His hand leaves
yet folded; rich, noble, but more I trace the mayne, to which bred morn, and Miss Knowman. Unless they batteries thrash’d the
end again. Having wretch, to overflow the air and lead the prey, rose early pluck’d: were it seems not to-night, eight
assurance that can bind humanity must yield to those Christian scorn! Shun what is something never growing: astrophel,
sayd she, my love’s song no’er pleading hath treble wrong; I had all the Dross of Matter, lost for ever, mine. Saw Paradise
with green fields, and the twelfth fairy had a certain reason … Their senses sore dismay’d, she put my arms, white goodnights.
Usurps her coldness or her wo; yet swam in ioy, such like sport it’s full of flowers. Love letters are what cannot like
Venetian blinds. Despair, and set my fathers’ graves, as he used to dismiss you neither of fire and policy, and
while he vomit. But this graceful form revolving in his mistress, your substance, which i cannot write—love’s best had chose
to see what survivor bulging with the way we both sides thus is Glory’s a great tranquility. Be country-fair.
To love, remember the married. The army, which glibly glides from abroad; there’s a conversation was danger
shared the General Meknop’s men with some few favour, savour hue, and direful god of fight. States to tears. Which the score,
which, from the think, my prime, like the tomb. Whose balefull barking through my knee. Which blends, transferred to be, the new wine’s foaming
flow, that holy dream—ghosts of the sun was he, with gentle wind troubled. I love, thing lost their native shore. His team,
wi’ joy the faith; but women he was one, so full hath fed, his whole youth’s fountain, love-distracted with grief and hate those
that Fate that she things of Sensual Abyss, under my hearts o’ men adore a sultanship, pell-mell, and rave at
the head of death or foes—all nations. Under whose very little friend or foes, I sketch your conversation in his
soft lips obey, panting heart to lead? And now I could mean no harm unto a patriot nations reconciled in
ashes and cheerful light, and let me stately swan majesty; whose birth, wealth had drunk in the same still peace, but you have
got through his majesty; who, like a harpstring I wound forget your Christian thunder’d the Russian office ceased to climb
the deed off, calls it The Night of the next to the sturdy Cymon soon removal of the soldier sat in the bushes
rancke? When a Mammonite mother bore her head again. He asked with chasing, or as the mounts and Ireland stanza
through the rest wise, wealthiest orphans are to me, while I am sick of the Harmonist embargoed from her Cheek,
and he held an ivory lute with twelve danced in a dungeon was immovable; until johnson and sobs, and contain!
At my place so strange fragrant too, who doubts all that green them; ah, when they honour was control the historians talk
of them pitied be, with gore; whose very means to figures of a vicious music rose as when their fault, but now I
chase it; tis he, foul creatures of an air so lonely, vigorous, harmless days of his own grace, wilere fearful eyes
that I should love that in the gushing waters are odd. Herself, and, stooping, made perfection know; nor port they meant by
the rival chance, which some say, No. Had it—but I grow jealous mad, what needs wilt hunt, be rul’d by and by promise tied,
a Rhodian friends, when thine shall we say, but figure, she look’d behind his like fire, my head. Tree— whereas insisting in
the middle-aged were all warblers here by fate or circumstances apart a corner of our Ladyes bowre I
trow, all Kent can entering each part doth men’s days and must fade as well as all triumphant iron of all the name
over the doctors are sweet more into hay: i’m martyr. Grace want pitty? Or deaths the sands alone. But no scuse serues;
she may, but frosty in days? She wears as trophies of agony, which hate not long we hae a lasse, whose hearthstone?
Two days gone for one with the brilliant streams betraying the realms? In safety pin to give him to her steady breath, upon reflection; whatever you except cold weather. It makes waters down. Which way shall on your own, restoring what
he was, as I have been said; free vent of your lately take his chin, lie round and kept her hearts of boy and Sorrow and the touch your curls, from every male in the kneels; with purple robe he wore, o’erwrought, because I can’t tell who; the hearing
him to herdmen and put understood, But he begun to doubt low kinds existence, was short ears, straight legitimate heat of thine,—thoughts are as dull, who conquers where a one that is The Sea of Animal Desire? That she is made,
the baldness of the fractured from red tape&to those loss what they had no hearing Burton lies, attended unto throne, nor the eloquence and formed of joy or misery; as burning marriage in Spain, and all the slow poison behind.
Now moved among ice, and left below. When only, since in death, they move, but better; thus in verse more impression on
its winding thee proof they basely fly and rosé on the wolf would be for all those sugred kisses rain on my lips
the earth’s sovereign stones, there were dumb, for your breatheth life—he was inspired to be, the trode is not my cue for any
place with his hood, explain heart I am glad, yea, glad with sighs are but slightly that had drunk in the dead, for when
I chase, but hateful object to this vain bubble’s shaken by thy power, debased by thy sight again have seen our
valleys, and grandeur: and do not prediction. Looking up the Veil, where never wounded him— although Ireland’s print, stopp’d,
or in the stone bastion, battering slap, and of Juan, a mere novice, when his hand his glutton- like shriller scream rose
still, who conquest to be made, maie, then the spheres. Her hath bred, and thoughts the dull earth make him; when his bed; but she forbids;
with better, which, by Cupid’s bow she unweaves the weary of the deserts, as dry combustious matrons, their office
might not so; to have made her tongues to the sun doth proud people in our ears took in mine ear that, waking, that’s in
her what great convey its grossest flatterers dare not said a word. Of forty were held an ivory in an apron?
The major part of teen: mine eye? Then with a stroke; they all she had so much phenomena we’ll put on Nina Simone singing their martial face, excelling what will, till either with chasing, or like watch. It happen’d in her finger
failed to pique herself at strife; one droned in his mind; so great snake, whose sweets that were all is but to-day thou fall, there may be, myself, and so effortlessly brought found made: so, better, every call, would find no rest. And you, and then they reach’d
the peace march in Washington. Short speeches pass between this second for the same, give my cold lips pursed, the birds were at worse for whom I would grieue me. Thrusting trade, as seeming world, when she: Whatsoever is to be known, bewitching the
absence and anon doubting them to the strong court to bring what he heart’s attorney once in love: backward she push’d him, and I burne in love him from rain: the proportion with decent care, how lang ye look at the inter-section on passing
feature. The sacraments have time and a pose. And I should, by his cloth the waked her face, and Terebinth good fame, like the narrow-souled, softened the boy, the snow continual kisses buys my head again, a thin and Erin’s
gore, and clay endure not me, and call life spilt for aid, confusion be a boar, and forever! So did the other tender, as brave with nature to another way. Compels me wish with nerve and escaped; there stirr’d by a shot; his
life, and summons, or of thy door. I credit cards and rulen ouer all, her yellow hair, murmuring hole. For I never knew what has been raveled and breathing lost their thought. I arise like a harpstring snapped rang harsh or mild, blazed like thatch
blaze like his pipe’s ambrosial, Pharisaic times, mysteriously behold, the courtiers, they had never again would the twist, or future blind! She had: his bow-back he hath done me double bridegroom wished her slaves in a plain heart, to strive
was, that is mine; for he, if he his rider’s angry howl, and rend’ring generally have we proved the place, with fixed thee any love—which cunning heart the next design their hips: now doth so surprise, with knowledge and he whose vulture this idle
they slew, were but vulgar oaths, as you to hurry and sobs, and if I drink of life, you off, to returns: like the though not timid, his rein, and all is chalke, a shell fish downe let flye: shee weend the frown, O! To- morrow what he did, was
the sublime in likely though the Turk’s teeth at hand, addressing with undaunted spouse, and neighs unto a river and the same still counter: all is born for opposite of Andy Gump. To muse in mine, but first sight dazzling makes its rocky
cave e’er tripped tight be corrupted: or like Ormisda mine as much is my heart of the twist, or future blind!—He could recall, because he had a sort of meditations and undid me. So let us kiss and pay them not; and, if
dumbe lips and howl’d for this I’m sure o’ bliss aboon, man, more warm, the sod. Lollipops. Crimson liveries we flattering singer, singing them red and sad their pretty lisper. Doth fall, O! On the dead.—And maun I still retain my buff
and blacks and briars parted as it did, and she’d thaw to a coquette—so very sage, the proud of deeds and his veins in my arms his fear is civilisation was dancing rallying on his sweating Toies, your length pressed to look upon
life’s small rubs should to-night, old age should sing, though wise men at the fight, but no one can hate so much noise. The loves have lost and save;—a mixture of a more dear inhabitant below. Of coxcomb in pretend to their anchors weigh, then be
my deer; feed where might feet slipped in, your feigned not feel why time to the Blood is with the star-gazers, having through whom The Soul, although neither side some need not now despairs, till his Soul she fill’d as without which seems unkind, a heterogeneous
mass of dread. And all be sincere, was from his breath thy life. Cloud cover, dry where birds to sink, but love is fire. It is inside of all light concern, to indue. A Thread lost, disposing towers o’er the scorn of life and direful
god of war. That bosom never lost alone, to join his beauty may the Animal Desire. That daily shilling not to fear the scale. By chance ever things, or to hail the savage mind. At least may grant it was not marry, but
for my own king and clay endure not meat corruption gape or starch, as a thaw of bygone snow; it seems to fail, shall not blame. The magistrate. And the mystery lurks, in soups or sauces, or as sweetly swelling of a reed; the smart.
Like a bold-fac’d coward. We surely be more mouths without malice witty, and crystal, naked into barren ground up, like cedars round rippled by Arseniew, that which of a mother’s house, the roots the priest, to deem, as bear her arms
administering with Cossacques pursue him spread, which sometimes these lead to see her little green fields, or where each redeem a bridegroom though rarely— man’s make a short adieu. Which the branch breath, wherein I will win St. So—But Fate that
sad result of fire announced most foes. Or that a mere novice in the soldiery, a single spot exists—and where Lovers Each of snuff about with certain path to die, or like a ghost? And thus were two country rings which its master,
shall try my gain or lose. I by and by sea, while troops disbanded, and therefore says in about thirty years old such things extemporally decided to take them amid their backs, the rising him on his way; him self not free, and
my slander: grief for only to draw. The chase, whose helpless; all her friendless tears. This done, I’ll seek in my arms have told them selfe did silent&quake I would count eternity! All was pre-engaged in the Hall, maud with sauces Genevoises,
’ and Upharsin, ’ which men vainly decide: the times he scuds far off from morn till the days of stricter rule as far beyond times, repulsed by all agonies and perpetrated ere a world ends a bee circle just, and by any.
The bailey beareth the weeping, vseth. Why do the tables fall, that source of love, lov’d friends. Said the dead man there, as far as I cannot say; the times he made reply: yon clouds that want reason back, for killing silk or taffeta, which I
grieve me. Spite of friends his arms, white pills are animal awesome I would run into your though if I knew. When Adeline was white like some odd angle for now and the close our merit it by no means were wan and forever. I’ll make
all nigh dead, black umbrellas, cameras, and gone, and in pity or some figure bright star shooteth from the din widows of the light of the thorn, when faith is strength, the death, upon reflection, their hips: now doth she humbly doth insinuating
with Cossacques I don’t know the setting she is Christ’s sisters, kith or kin, as you troubled by a truce, begins to see the wind on the objects worthy perusal stand rebuked, like hail, to make of salmon, struggle, for war.
And say—I canna wrang thee so fair. Would they are two lovers closely fused as flower, ’ quoth he, if any love with
lewde lorrell, of Heauen to dreamed I stood upon orthography, so thou pause, for only son, if I had never know.
Thus warned, the fightingale’s complain. Treasure, hopelesse, hopeless are; and whining, and always without thine doth his
cheek, don Juan caught the Cyprian shore, with flowers so that flickered like a tired of all duns! His elder brother.
Once I sunbathed, and break my heart, as if force the woody hollow except when her mother’s crime, she hugged the other’
this sowre-breath’d unaware hath dropp’d down and there arms akimbo and lawless war are scarce allay’d, to-morrow see
again and the flagging him, fair, it was not—but t was hardly brooked the ways—or shrink from their home. Do just whate’er
the dead; would understand. On joy, to soldier, his breast down her arms adorned, he spoke the coward heart. Having that
had made her breast; and frets, but what he finds missing, knocks at my place and part; nay, I am still the world in a wound,
and let them climb the brides in woe, and whining, and prayed her honour’d, foul, or wrinkled-old, ill- nurtur’d, crooked grapples
cast, deprived of flight: long may be much to set a glazed Westphalian ham on, the place, her eyes full of riot, teaching
decrepit age to deserv’d a great harmes had taught the Cyprian lord, man, with whom? What tis pluck’st a flower, thus I
lead a life indeed.—Whereas, if th’ other that on the green the rich, enrich, he climb’d to where it was not
exactly followers decay: and rally back his Romans to forage; her face a slender strength obey’d, yet saw but
hears, in time not near him—she is discreet, for fear of pith and begins a wailing not much to plead; ’tis forced backward.
’ For Cymon’s back’d by water drink, loue to earth and pinned with his regard on the boat was to keep a pure daylight of
though I am talking while yet America! To chide, thy heart swelleth within its love, and his sight beguiled by
habit is in love letters without fame, like wind shall we seize our destiny controlled with and loued the Past. If those
lips, sweet channel of hope and cursed to the graves, as murder’d is: her vogue of single hand,—why, there was a trance girl is
yours ne’er seem’d anxious for what he had won. Like a toy globe, those rubies that close of the bust of Britain’s voice’s tone.
Bids him farewell, hear, mix’d with my songs thine own again. Such a fool within its rose-mesh pulled everywhere each doth grin
before I go hence, and even in slumber in fair perspective, ineffably, legitimately vile, that make
you may exclaim, would understood, he turning sun love taught. Do you remember? His test—thy body sways. On peace an’
rest my mind, how lovely, and their tumble, and in his bloody diuretic. I love, and the Harmonist embargo’d
marriage prevents must not in her excelling silent love breaketh from the seaman, tempest after you’ve risen.
Therefore, Love’s might her yoke did vanished bats, blinded of those who cannot keep it dancing fast and his face more ingenuous
wherewithall awake, it tore thee. Gazing I stood, nor could not lips my lips have possess and were cock’d. God
help us! Breathes my way to rhyme I never waxeth stronger: the children of the other night I am dead, statue
contents, as dry combustious matrons, while poor world drops the ladies’ robes they were his life. Your slight thinks he could say
after you’ve risen. And wit, the birds such poor tricks of the fear? Side by side, so oft bynempt. Winter station,—as women
of my hair were slain son, his who had’retreat, whom the Throne. Evince his sympathy poor birds, though with equal grace!
By reflection; what females are, to second striking? Still is: seldom seen no more, to shift their Eastern mountain from his destitute but, then their weighty pearl the Queen of love, ’—thus chides she shut eye where these he came not near him—she is
no sin certes, but may he render’d monstrous shapes of his opinions two, which her birth required. And where sometimes rather inspires my wish, and waters down. ’Tis forced forwards, in heaven’s consumptive, live on the day with hair over her
olive, and left hundred youngsters all asunder; the boar provoke the world may see both of weeds. As do that fears were old, I saye as some buried. For it’s jet, jet black, an’ it’s like fiends: the grass and by mistakes, too, he was! And shrugg’d—and
the boy that I am true Love, at one touch and yet bright and her and yes I said the spheres. That we may furnish. From becoming blow. In morning, from Adam’s simple truth, Lust likeness still she lies, whereas, if you can stick a needle
through the Turk’s resisteth, or like not of us, as Fate decreed. But Juan had a good, plain, round him glorious blame, with his column also seem’d anxious for help she sees; on several limb is double post and once doth feasting trade,
cobbling in the body keep it elastic keep it selfe doth extenuate; and entremets’ to piddle with the lust was my own, my sweet did for mutual flame. The mind and bone. When nature’s worst offence to wage your arms; ’ but when
he doth sit, long denied, but all these they seek, nor Jove, nor power each side, perfection’s jaws into that great convenient state is for morals: and beat, perfection know; I have made at length he condescend. Upon them, let it pass. Or
raise his children! Is thine in feature, for ever and cling up. They are the envenomed dart, a tickling pain that in me a little hope of gain, in this or that pierceth Allah! One universal sounds it pierced theme; the pain be
mine, or death, and the flame from the sheets, do you know dark is the dwelt in. All the word EVIL.— And Death must dig the light dissolve to die, or little kissable mouth with two pink, of no womanish complexion, and a gloomy morn, rose-
cheek’d Adonis’ breath which show’d what a warming features art, how she loue he bounds of shade, while earth. First of all her kind of prison’d poison. They had never ran away, except for it; smiling thee so indeed and something about the
undergo adulteration— professors of this instant, while theyr throtes. With art in mine are, must just; perverse it sometimes I touch some skill your name for Iphigene is you my mouth bepainted in a case with fullness. Belovëd,
have I seen flatterers, though he mournful hyacinth they propagation; which attire: his body as he that could say after thee of my head. And then yong, his purposes unsure, that lady with yours in the proceed upon
our mind in women; at the exhausts itself by pork, for a much less fight, despair. So soon grown old, at least nine tenth Muse, ten times may find somebody, some few who had follow the hand,—why, there some heir tongueless, houseless, house,
with cheese and fair and hold the soft condition. But here I begun. Lattice-lights he had? Whose silvery bell rang, not a lump of coal that desperate the stalking, but Phoebus lends me now at rest in the more informing a great harmes
had taught my heart. And hear history; but we at least nine, and finite variety, are false, and ice, and I think: but shepheards they red,—the granite? A turbot for dinner ready, but there he seems to faint heart, the married. Her every
turn: eyes, ears told: there Cymon soon removal of thee wrong— that’s the rules of futurity— guessing own. And hath more rage: so of contradict themselves known: and perhaps she’ll give, but I know; nor port they are topic’s tenderness, for one
that unaware hath dropp’d a princes tried in a way you’d changed her heart and death their eares hungrie of each pearl. As long station in the leftovers. No matter could not yet, with thieves trifles. But merely to view, fair, tall, his lips a-glow!
Bent of pity which stiffen’d her sobs do her indifference and in a grateful name; for such hopes and direful god
of fight. For serpent hisses; and in his heart, as mine, the world his rival bark directed from thence he stars for the
field, his power had lost heart beat once. Of myself, ’ thus she beats her honest man’s complaineth. It may be, myself, seek
nae main account them the bloody diuretic. By thy will, gude nicht and done, twere my mistress now I have other
eyes but each to each a fame, if bright, then standing her head, and the chill dark, and only way, my song is broken worlding
wail’d, and Echo there! Not recommends the people deem her forever! Filling light leaps in the life, make me wild!
On her Cheek, and ever, mine. Oh, that took them, wishing maid; like sleeping more than life, too sweet that hidden mystery.
How that straining others know, that weening hys whyte head was chalke, a shepheard much of the least so far as human race; incorporate theology in begging huge chains as
if just dropp’d as is the Prime Spiritual, although heedless of the sea, more famed for that his love, for the bleak air, and with sighs, the Cretans own the sickle, proving the duck pond,
rapping their flocks? A sigh or tear perhaps to other, a second sighs that my last vow comment makes me speaks poor hygiene and rigged with all the oldest princesses danced in a
grateful which prey. Was beggar and sappy plants to be terrible weighed: but the process doth urge released: but then the heavy as if upon a time machinist at his look
at lengthy lexicon of Muses skill, sayne most frail deeds and from me now without a well- proportion was infused, she wakes, is too-too cruelly! But politics. The wood; for
seeing arrive an aid so opportune as were heroes are waked her on the day over a heap of bodies lull’d in black. Breath, who seem’d it winna let a body be.
And so I sware to their return, and the pretty sake but what we loose, and tis yours to immure her dangled tear, I see whom the wise tomatoes. That soft-luring creature as pure and pall, so hath bounds, whose hair waits on feature, hue, or
muscle, and watered with polish’d as night-wanderers often navigate o’er they hold catkins of yore. For more than I have play’d deep for he’s much virgin face the wall. Their naval stories will help me, I admire my father all as
bad, for pity or some heavy heart is a signe of heavy tale, and life behind he would dance of plastic circumstance, see the world of zest. Where no bar; for that the inherent grenadiers. For what armour to indue. Except for mind
to mentions, slight to perplexed in his broad barbarian sounds of horror of blood, that teares did smile to see his lips at half its produced a Special Essence called, while o’er my dying of a swain did appear; he saw in such a
sadistic display they keep it selfe did so, never know. Soul, heart, and wins even men love with mutual comforter, without this counted with moons, dos’t shake as the pitch the starres, oft stombles and all the rest had fallen in either
eyes are grey and by mistakes, that dance-time. On the Shore to bring for existed but the scorn my low estate, the snow carefully everywhere, and Shírín, and all the cup as planned, and lay him love; and entremets’ to piddle with
wondrous brightest laces, with my dust, not I. I am the layers, and common case. Much higher title, not said thy edge should be sister shoulder bore it seems, had bribe. A vessel they restore; the rain, has such, so now as the nerves
and archangels’ trumps do not gross material soul believes it is happens next trees were heard the beauty as they dwell nor the view; and here he met me, fed with sage that what by her none can hate so much longer than hold by thee. In
giving to the silent stream, and I remains; long mute he stood long, too weak, for aye remove. No fountain, love-lacking vestals anywhere; the General, who had felt that’s put to such as she would be known; I should I go on, go on back,
it happen’d, threw up on it. Miss; one hour with an oath, may lend their pause and smile, and Counter- turn, and there: on them, and Timour-Mammon grindstone’s ceaseless and lief, and liued with her hair about how it then t is easier far, alas!
Nay, do not know, i’m half remember that is, no doubt he must his rider’s angry brow; but out, alack! Their genius standing bayonet and trembling rosy little hope remains, where it ever this I can’t imagination’s
grand mess or marriage should have waked her little head, nor blame: therefore I would not. If if is to love God, God acceptation shall we say, is like glow-worm shine, the punish all in masque of rest, why done with her venture that ourselves
are wafted from a furnace, your vows, your stomach’s not a Moslems perish’d in the poor wretch, to overshoot his rider’s and eye’s delight, so trembling not much to pleased, who is my sin and abandon hope; but if the infinite clods,
untrouble? In more dear inhabitant below. And yet the last he flung, as carelessly both wish and fight like a stock-holder in gross, and prodigal: the languishing decrepit age to the stroke surprise on one another night
I perceive the rest might of a true plain his ears upright, he makes me end where each tributary gazes; nor they enter, Cymon in his stealing in drouth, I feel the prince’s presentative mirth. But O! What are not all may be
much too deep in them was such a troubadour in search of glory, for no apparent realms? With sweets—for she never be than shedding their weight trail’d, by a dead heard; but not to myself in myself I can say or lost; and in the better,
youth untimely moan; like sluices, stopped her on the whirl was worst, did I,—to the world will wear thy tears. Till piper lads were done, I’ll bet Moscow to a coquette—so very short, howe’er this crimson, with humours such aberrations?
Once this king had twelve boats with an aspect beyond what I aspired to get my palms each night have dream—that he lies and eyelids pale. ’Ring generally no great round rippled by the fall to the Eternal sleeping overmuch; I wallow’d
nought on thine own sweetness and rue, that lends embracing he labouring him, fair, no more. Not that, like chaste descended to inquire if yet th’elixir got, shadows;—but think I made you up inside of myself. For unremember how
it was blue window-ledge on what may a heavy groan, but what is lost, for the scene I’ve stolen like a ball between two men who speak and rave, now back to your walks have dreamed that kind to have shown. Nothing affection of the neck, her rope.
, And all their martial stoicism, nought all ornament, itself, all be dead are born, the power of beauty slain,
sith in any chronicle of the main from all its country- farm them, and caught a glimpse of thy swinck, that Thou shalt have.
To muse in mine irregularity of religion, I must not dreamed that neighborhood, has come for ever and
his cheek, his breathed with him is beauty of bronze, and lay spill’d, a pure, beyond my days working the prey their power, see
now, who cause as ages upon her distortions, slightly: what dismal cry rings of her home, and People, and like taxi
girls in a year. Where the rising terrible enough for woman: but then it is but to rob thee on my
adventure: the fair may fit, eutropius of its consequence of my lifelong hope, I wish he would recollector would
run much less fight, and soon bereaves, and yet I love, the rudest brute that cruel to know eternity and to herds.
The moment o’er each passion labour more. And I said a cleft in a trembling sailors tried; as the dwarfing city’s taken, and still refuse they blunder’d the gentle springald
can’t, like taxi girls of sixteen bay, rage, rage against earth the second striking? Hugging a whiter hue than here remain with his field, that hour, as is my spite, to shield. Was from
a bullet of a heavy, dull, degenerate mind. The heart burnes; I cannot fly, yet flutter; and whining, and steak while great and body was forced forward. For man be there; there
thou daily knocked upon her she weary caitiff for his wealth, sae lang as I can’t stop, and mylde, well eyed, as Argus was, whom Ida hyll dyd beare, the world therefore say not sullen,
still believe it is hard hoof he wound the twelve enchanting always in a fit. Art so full of fear, as if it were true; too well have a natural joys as lightning—for his
lucky though this was quite worn out with grief, the guests dropped her desire? We lap a’ danc’d to his arms, white lake-blossoms. Her grave, ne’er seem’d to fire, my head of death nor be alive
again—again and no other, a superior grace: he wrung his kind reliev’d by and by proof they still less guessing with undaunted spouse away. The drying up to them
thus oddly. Bob Southey! Like the Briton must be since hap always without bustle; and wheedle a word! Or brigantine, or both, to take breath, whose sinewy neck in battle
set and a yellow-sailed boat comes from its pacifier. Just as I feel, across the infant animal awesome I would pave hell. My blisse, and a solution, so I write
letters are what I can first—my head again she spied the rank grass, and others tender boy, who did not love in their hospitality. Damon, who had felt the ill omens
of her should I be in motion I would not. Calling you might seek that air that you wrought? She price so high, there ensued to the prize the barbecue, you open always have twain.
Violin lasts in the Skein of Joy. But her was about thy steed, and raw in fields, and sings, imperiously, I feel their due rewardeth. The loves me his eye upon Euphelia’s
toilet lay; when Cymon’s back into purgatory to let them sing in through in the dialogue, and learn? Bloodless fear, as if by the gate: dismissed was driven before
I go hence, know that she did fall, come home returns: like the spheres. First just; perhaps may find, happy to have that’s the ethereal state, but Sorrow and only twelve enchant this.
You blame me too, yet sometimes thinking how her eye: yes; and in the more infantine imposed not ask a kiss and some
heir tongue would not brought upon it �� and the same strangeness, staring wind upon immediate death-disgorging Nature
giveth all she had: his bow-back he hath he became like a fly, in a queer sort of dread of death. Waiting chain it
wearies all as bad, for thee within. But these force, when he learns to-day: her two blue with forward, like a tired childish
error, as the timorous yelping of Salt, and do not stir by night, for whom it shall place of his attract our
green bayonets which says, we are ashes, what there. Or some who had fallen in evil gift. Free of my hart; stellas
selfe might hold to mar the setting moon. And I think of, if I had never did bow, who conquers when therein, with sullen
wind will amiably err, and be then my lady is, doth flash and spirit works of the night or dim the gate
alone, nor power, nor t’ other threat for rays of old and images of life. Ruth forgive the way. Not let any
man to be by bigots shaken down, and legs are cast on the safest: at a distant woe, as striving as ladders
their teeth but none could never fountain on which things long as the dead the gaze whate’er it may not the blood stirr’d or
like many masters, blind to worth destroy, or cast a helpless may befallen worship far more to die, or conquerors,
his like a hawk, an’ it winna let a body but a world slowly, Eden lips uncurled and smooth pebbles
gainst some groaning them red and silly lamb that sitting hye, vpon them amid the sighed to snatch’d with new meaning we were
in his Bounty drown’d. Their eares hungrie of each part in love, and full of care one hour mine; pollutes the earth is he; he
barks, my soul of the weary caitiff for his Stand, I say’? I and therefore fiction. Courage does not of the daughter,
sometimes, mysteriously advisedly she marketh: even so she kissed the cause man in all that did you ever
so little, mere conquests farther hath befall some odd mistaken, and still, and strong, this reede is ryfe, that usual
paragon, an only not always bright, the General Lascy, but not rise: to make too much higher value on it.
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#Markov chain length: 7#155 texts#ballad sequence
0 notes
Passionately and Deeply
~Chapter Three, Childfree Edition~
I just wanted to thank everyone for engaging with my fanfic this far, and getting to the prologue over 70+ notes! It warms my heart that so many people like this series! I'll be putting out a masterlist when I release the fifth chapter.
Also there may be more than a few grammatical errors in here, feel free to ignore those.
Anyway, like always, I hope you enjoy!
New to the series? Read the prologue.
The air is warmer, the grass is greener, and my ties to this town are only becoming deeper.
Being with Ford on that fateful night took away nearly every fear I had. I felt like as long as I had him, nothing would stand in my way in life.
I think he pretty much confirmed the same thing with me.
And I couldn’t be happier about that.
Since then, we’ve been hanging out regularly. He’s shown me quite a few of the abnormal beings in this charming yet peculiar town. Among them were the plaidypus, the beard cubs (which were actually kinda cute), and the question quails (which were unquestionably adorable). Ford claims that there are dangerous beings that reside here, but the ones that I’ve seen have been rather innocuous. I actually scooped up the icicle mice from this winter and put them in my freezer so that they’ll live.
In other news, his grand-niblings are on their way to visit him and his family up here in a few hours. They’ll be staying for the whole summer.
Melody had her child, which was a boy. She named him Jesús Alzamirano Ramirez Jr., right after Soos.
They’re such a sweet couple, and now a sweet family. I hope they have a prosperous life.
Abuelita is smitten over her new bisnieto, or her great-grandson. He is quite adorable, after all. He was born on April 4th, and he’ll be two months old on the 4th.
I even got to hold him several times when I visited. I forgot how soft they were, and how good they smelled. On my days off of work, I would make my way to the shack and just tend to him while his primary familial unit rested up.
Ford seems to like the little bean, too. Although he doesn’t really strike me as someone who would like babies, he really took a liking to him.
“You’re so good with that little tyke,” he told me.
I smiled up at him while holding the little bean. “Thanks,” I said. “It’s ironic, since I never want to be a mother or have children.”
Ford’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Truly? You never mentioned it.”
I smiled back down at the sweet baby in my arms. “It never came up,” I told him. “Not until this sweet boy came into our lives. Having a set amount of time with him is fine with me.”
Ford smiled. “On an unrelated note, how old are you again?” he asked.
I playfully raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask about a lady’s age?” I asked, playfully indignant. “I’ll be twenty seven in seven days.”
“Ah, so you’re a gemini like me,” he said. “My great niece told me about the zodiac signs and everything related to them.”
“Oh really? When’s your birthday then?” I asked.
“Stanley’s and my birthday is in two weeks from today, on the 15th of June,” he said.
“The twins have the twins zodiac. How about that,” I said, chuckling.
“You wouldn’t happen to be a twin, would you?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No.”
“What a shame. I thought I would be able to set her up with Stanley,” Ford joked.
I playfully raised an eyebrow. “Who said my twin would be a woman?” I said.
Both of us just stared at each other before we softly broke out laughing.
All of a sudden, the door slammed open, and I saw two teenagers at the door, one boy and one girl.
The girl had medium brown curly hair that reached her mid back, the same copper brown eyes as Stan and Ford, and donned a purple headband with parted fringe bangs. Her sweater (why was she wearing a sweater in June?) was the same purple color as her headband and had spelled out MABEL, and wore a hot pink skirt that reached just a little below mid thigh, with dark purple almost black stockings, and some purple doc martens on. She was about average height.
The boy had a tan and dark brown lumberjack hat, the same medium brown curly hair and copper brown eyes as his sister, with long bangs that nearly covered his eyes. He wore a red flannel plaid shirt, blue jeans and timberlands. He was also about average height, which… kind of surprised me. Seeing that he was related to Stan and Ford, I thought he would be taller.
That doesn’t matter that much, though.
What matters is that this sweet baby boy started crying when both of them busted through the door. I shushed him, trying to soothe him.
“We’re here!” the girl yelled as Ford shushed her. She lowered her head. “Sorry,” she whispered.
“Who’re you?” the boy asked.
“Dipper, my boy, meet my good friend,” Ford said my name, introducing me to his great nephew. “Come here, Mabel, I want you to meet her, too.”
“Woah, nice to meet you! I’m Mabel! Grunkle Ford never said anything about his lady friend being so pretty,” Mabel introduced herself to me as I chuckled and Ford scratched the back of his head.
I can see where she gets her electrifying personality from.
“Nice to meet you too, dear,” I told her, this sweet baby finally settling down back into slumber.
“My name’s Dipper,” Dipper introduced himself. “Is that Soos’ son or is that your own child?”
I shook my head. “It’s definitely not my child. I’m just watching him while he, Melody, and Abuelita rest.”
“Woah, can I hold him? Please please please? I promise I’ll be extra careful!”
“Not yet, darling. Go wash your hands before you touch him. His immune system is very fragile right now,” Ford told Mabel. Mabel dashed to the sink, and Dipper walked, following her.
“So they are your niece and nephew,” I remarked.
Ford turned to me and nodded. “Yes. Besides this little tyke, they are the closest thing to being my own children.”
I smiled as I turned my gaze back to the sweet baby in my arms. “Did you ever want children, Ford?”
“Not really, no,” he said. “I was focused on my work. In a way, everything I’ve worked on, and currently working on are my progeny. Even if I wanted to… I think it’s far too late for me to be a father.”
“That’s a fascinating way to put it,” I told him. “And I completely agree. My work is my baby.”
Ford chuckled as Mabel and Dipper both entered the living room, and Mabel made grabby hands towards Jesús. “Lemme see him~!” she said in her baby voice.
I handed him to her, and she was completely enamored by his baby charm. “Hi buddy. It’s your cousin, Mabel,” she said softly.
I guess when the moment really calls for it, she can be gentle.
“So…” Dipper said my name. “Or do you prefer Miss? Ms? Ma’am?”
I chuckled. “You can say my name, it’s alright, Dipper,”
“Good!” Dipper cleared his throat. “I-I mean, good. I just have a few questions for you.”
“I have a few questions for you, too!” Mabel declared. The baby in her arms cried again.
“My dear, let me take the little tyke while you… speak,” he said, taking Jesús in his arms.
Mabel led me upstairs and Dipper followed us into the attic, where they were sleeping. It smelled like dust mites and moth balls.
They couldn’t have gotten something more appealing for these kids? Honestly!
I’m busting Ford’s ass about this later.
“So…” Dipper said my name. “What is your occupation?”
I told both of them what I did.
“What about before you came to Gravity Falls? What did you do? Where did you live? Did you graduate from university?”
Mabel rolled her eyes. “Jeez Dipper, it’s like you never had a conversation before! It sounds like an interview!”
“Mabel, these are important things I need to know about Great Uncle Ford’s new girlfriend,” he said.
I raised a finger to refute. “Well, actually-”
“Dipper, c’mon!” she whined before turning to me. “I’m sorry for Dipper, he doesn’t know how to have a proper conversation with a lady.”
“Wha- hey!”
“Aaaaanyway, I have more important questions to ask you than the stuffy questions my brother asked! I need to know: Do you like pigs or tardigrades?” Mabel said, narrowing her eyes at me comically.
“Well, I’d have to say pigs. Tardigrades are cute, but I never interacted with one,” I told her.
Mabel squealed. “Oh, this is great! Let me get Waddles!” she said, running out of the room.
“Oh great. Now you’ve set her off,” Dipper said. “Anyway, back to my questions. How old are you?”
I playfully smiled. “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask for a lady’s age?” I asked, testing how strong his resolve was.
Dipper scratched the back of his neck. “I-I’m sorry, ma’am, I just-”
I smiled softly. “Listen Dipper, I understand you care for your great uncle, but speaking to me like this seems a little… out of character for you, if that makes sense,” I told him.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Just from the small amount of interaction I had from you, you’re clearly an intelligent young man,” I told him, his cheeks becoming a little red. “But your confidence is lacking. To make up for that, you overcompensate with a dour tone. I almost felt animosity coming from you in your questions, even though I know it’s not how you want to come across.”
“Wow… how did you get all of that?” Dipper asked.
I smiled. “I’ve been on this Earth for quite some time, dear. Most of the time, I can tell when someone isn’t being authentic.”
“Well… can I at least ask why you’re dating my grunkle?” Dipper asked.
I laughed. “Oh, that is hilarious,” I told him. “Hon, I’m not dating your great uncle. We’re just really good friends,” I told him. “If you ask him, he would say the same thing.”
Dipper breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. It’s still kinda questionable, but that’s a lot better.”
I smiled as Mabel came back in with a lean yet rotund pink pig with a cute nose and round cheeks. She said my name. “Meet Waddles!” she said, as Waddles let out a happy squeak.
I smiled. “What a cute little guy,” I said, slowly moving closer to him. “Hey Waddles.”
He sniffed my hand, and then nuzzled his head into my hand. I scratched just above his ears, and he was panting like a dog.
I think he enjoys it.
“Wow! He loves you already! How did you know his favorite scratching spot?” Mabel asked.
“Mabel, all over his body is his favorite scratching spot. He loves pets,” Dipper said.
“True, true,” Mabel said, sitting in front of me and next to her twin brother, crossing her legs. “Now then, where were we in our interview?”
“Actually… I want to take a different approach,” Dipper said, looking back at me.
Mabel turned her head curiously, looking at her brother. “Yeah? How?” she asked, looking back at me.
“Let’s get psychological,” Dipper said, narrowing his eyes at me.
“Hell yeah! Psychological warfare!” Mabel exclaimed as she pumped her fist in the air.
Suddenly, the door opened to the attic, and Stan was in the doorway. “Psychological warfare? Ya don’t gotta tell me twice!” he said, taking a seat on the bed next to his great nephew, looking at me.
I was starting to sweat a little bit. Hopefully, they didn’t see it.
“I guess the main thing I’m worried about is that… well… you and Great Uncle Ford seem so friendly. I’ve never seen him like that with a stranger,” Dipper told me.
“I am a stranger to you, but not to your great uncle,” I reminded him.
“And that’s fine and all, but… how long have you known him?” Dipper asked.
“It’ll be four months on our birthday. Or maybe the day before? I dunno, somewhere around there,” Stan chimed in.
Mabel gasped. “You’ve cracked our Grunkle Ford in four months?!” she asked incredulously.
“I wouldn’t put it that way…” I told her.
“Yeah,” Stan surprisingly agreed with me. “It was more like one week.”
Mabel stared at me, awestruck. “One week?!” she shrieked, making me jump a little.
I nodded bewilderedly. Mabel screamed as if she were fangirling. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh~!”
“Mabel, get a hold of yourself!” Stan said.
“But c’mon Grunkle Stan! She’s exactly what Grunkle Ford needs! Do you really want him to rot in his lab all day, with no companion?” Mabel asked him.
Stan rolled his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. “Oh brother.”
Mabel stood up and nearly lunged at me. I nearly jumped out of my seat. “But seriously! You need to teach me your secrets! If you were able to charm Grunkle Ford in a week, you’re on the same level as a succubus in terms of charm and seduction!” She exclaimed.
I raised an eyebrow, deciding to play along with her. “Why does a young lady like you need to know about seduction?” I asked.
Mabel cleared her throat. “I am sixteen years old!” she boasted proudly, puffing her chest.
Dipper raised his index finger. “Almost seventeen,” he chimed in. “But Mabel, c’mon. Let us have at least a semi-serious conversation without you trying to make friends with her.”
Mabel turned around and blew a raspberry at her brother. “Boo! You’re so boring sometimes, Dipper!”
She sat back down next to her brother, and crossed her legs again.
“Now then, where were we…” Dipper trailed off.
“We were talkin’ about how long my brainiac brother and her knew each other,” Stan reminded him.
Dipper’s eyes lit up before he snapped his fingers. “Right!” His gaze zeroed in on me. “My point in asking that question was because Great Uncle Ford didn’t really begin to trust us until Mabel got that unicorn hair for him.”
I looked at the three of them quizzically. Unicorns are real? Or was this just the overactive imagination of teenagers?
“Kid, she’s from a normal town. Unicorns probably are a myth where she’s from,” Stan told Dipper.
I nodded. “Or so I thought… but after seeing some of the oddities Gravity Falls has to offer, I’d say I believe in the existence of unicorns,” I told them.
Mabel had a super serious face on. “Then believe me when I say that they are so condescending,” Mabel said.
Holy crap. I thought unicorns were supposed to be pure hearted or whatever? Now I’m hearing the opposite?
Nothing really is as it seems in Gravity Falls…
“Mabel, focus!” Dipper said in a tone of frustration.
Mabel shook her head. “Right! Sorry…” she said. “The point Dipper is trying to make is that it took Grunkle Ford so long for him to trust us that he’s shook that Grunkle Ford was so friendly to you within a week.”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, did you mean shocked?” I asked.
Mabel shook her head. “Nope. Dipper was shook,” she doubled down on her grammatically incorrect statement.
That must be the slang the kids came up with these days. Now that I’m an adult myself, I understand how my grandmother felt when I used slang terms.
“While you’re right, Sister, you know that ‘shook’ has been out for a while. No one except you uses it anymore,” Dipper said.
“Oh, you’re just salty that I finally used it right!” Mabel said.
“Oh, does that mean he’s weird?” I asked.
Dipper looked at me like I had three heads, but Mabel gave me a gentle pat on my arm.
“That was a good guess,” she said, before returning to sit with her brother.
“That… wasn’t even close,” he said.
I scratched my cheek as I felt both of them become hot. “I guess I’m showing my age, then.”
“Actually, speaking of which, how old are you? You look pretty young for someone trying to go after our great uncle.”
“Oh my gosh, Dipper!” Mabel exclaimed. “You can’t just ask a woman how old she is! That’s rude!”
“Actually, I wanna know how old this vixen is. How old are you?” Stan asked me.
“Grunkle Stan~!” Mabel whined.
“Can it, Mabel! We need answers!”
“I’ll be twenty seven a week from today,” I told them.
“Shit, kid… you’re a lot younger than I thought,” Stan said.
“Wow, that’s… controversial,” Dipper added.
“What do you mean?”
Dipper shook his head. “The fact that you’re friends with my Grunkle, and he’s in his sixties…”
“That shouldn’t matter. But with that being said,” I started. “I understand that you just want to make sure your great uncle is being safe, and I totally understand that. I haven’t hurt him, nor do I intend on consciously hurting him.”
“Bah! Your words mean nothing! How the hell are we gonna trust ya?” Stan asked.
Mabel stood up again, and stepped forward. “I’ll be the judge of that!”
“Mabel, sweetie, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Stan said. “This is a strange woman that you, I, and your brother don’t know.”
“So let’s get to know her, Grunkle Stan!” Mabel said, determination in her voice. “If she’s so bad, you need to give me at least one reason why I shouldn’t hang out with her. If it's for a decent reason, then I’ll stop.”
“Well… uh… urm…” Stan stammered.
So why the hell doesn’t he like me?
“Then it’s settled!” Mabel turned to me, saying my name. “We’re going to be great friends! I can feel it!”
Seeing this vibrant young lady in front of me blazed in determination, I couldn’t help but smile. “Let’s be friends.”
“Yay! Friendship, friendship, friendship~”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get too happy, pumpkin,” Stan said, standing up. “I’ll find a flaw in her, and when I do, you’re gonna know that I’m right.”
Mabel smiled. “Okay, Grunkle Stan,” she told him. As he walked to the door, he opened it, and Ford was standing there, looking indignant.
“Oh… well, uh, shit,” Stan said. “How long ya been there, Poindexter?”
“Long enough,” he seethed in a low tone. He pushed past his brother, and entered into the attic and went towards Mabel.
“Thank you for giving her a chance, my darling,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Mabel gave a half smile.
He then turned to Dipper. “Dipper, my boy. Come with me to my laboratory. You too,” he said my name. We both stood up, then went down to his lab. The way to get down to his lab was so cool. I marvel at it every time.
Using a vending machine to hide the entrance way was so innovative, inconspicuous and just overall ingenious.
And using symbols that aren’t seen in everyday life? Brilliant!
Once we descended to the deepest level, we got off of the elevator. Ford then turned around and placed his hands behind his back.
“Dipper… do you not trust my judgement?” Ford asked him, hurt palpable in his voice.
“Great Uncle Ford, what do you mean? Of course I do!” Dipper reassured him.
“You must not,” Ford said. “You, along with my brother, think that I am not able to detect a bad person when I see them.”
“Wha- are you talking about-”
Ford cut him off. “Yes, I am.”
“Great Uncle Ford, it was never my intention to make you feel like your judgement was off… even though you trusted Bill… but that’s in the past. Your judgement has been sharp since then!” Dipper tried to assuage him.
Who is Bill? What did he do? What happened?
I have a mountain of questions right now, and I don’t think I’m gonna have any of them answered in the near future.
“I don’t think you need to worry about that, my boy. She is a good person, and I was able to promptly pick up on that,” Ford clarified.
“But how do you know, Great Uncle Ford? How do you know that she is a good person?”
Ford was about to open his mouth, but I stepped in front of him, then turned to face Dipper.
“Dipper… I know you don’t trust me now…” I started. “But the only way you’ll know for sure is if you spend time with me. Your sister has already put her faith in me, and it would mean a lot to me if you could, too.”
Dipper studied my face, searching for a trace of insincerity. Upon finding none, he finally nodded.
“Fine. I’ll spend some time with you, like my sister will,” he finally spoke. “But if I find that you’re using him just like Bill… I will never forgive myself.”
I nodded determinedly at Dipper. “You can trust me, Dipper. You’ll see in time. More importantly, you can trust your great uncle.”
Dipper sighed. “Yeah, I hope that’s the case, that I can trust you,” Dipper said, defeated.
“Chin up, my boy,” Ford said. “You’ll see why I enjoy having her around. For now, you can find some snacks in the cupboard before Soos makes dinner.”
Dipper raised a bushy eyebrow. “Soos is cooking now? He always ate burrito bites and anything instantaneous.”
Ford smiled. “Fatherhood really had him step up his game. Not only as a husband, but as a grandson.”
“Wow, I gotta catch up with him for sure!” Dipper then turned to me, saying my name. “I-I’m sorry about earlier.”
I shook my head. “I understand, Dipper. You just wanted to protect your great uncle from someone strange.”
Dipper smiled. “You’re anything but,” he said. “See you both at dinner.”
We both waved to him before I turned to Ford. He just had a look of mixed emotions on his face, somewhere from sadness to relief to anger, to even looking apologetic.
“I deeply apologize for the onslaught you had to endure on behalf of my family. I hope they weren’t too unrelenting in their questioning.”
I shook my head. “I told you many times, Stanford, and I’ll tell you again,” I said. “I really don’t mind. In fact, I find it heartwarming.”
Ford raised an eyebrow. “Heartwarming?” he said. “How on Earth did you find that heartwarming?”
“It’s so blatantly clear that you have a family that loves you. So much so to the point where they would ruthlessly interrogate someone who they thought could be a potential threat to you. If that isn’t a strong familial love and bond, I don’t know what is,” I told him.
Ford scratched the back of his head. “I suppose you’re right.”
I smiled coyly. “Of course I’m right,” I told him smugly.
Ford chuckled. “You’re such a cheeky girl. I never expected you to have a sly side.”
His praise made my heart skip a beat.
I maintained my smile. “That’s some high praise coming from you.”
“Oh, my dear, you should be used to me praising you,” he said in a deep voice, making me feel all hot inside.
Ugh, why is this happening? Have I really been so lonely that this man is starting to ignite a flame inside of me?
It’s been extinguished for a while, actually. I’m surprised it’s starting back up again. If it’s even starting up at all. This basement does tend to get hot.
“Gracious, are you okay? Please, say something!” Ford asked, his hands on my shoulders.
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Ford. I got lost in thought.”
Ford sighed a breath of relief, I smelt the coffee he normally drank on his breath. “Thank goodness. I was just telling you that dinner is ready, so we can go get some food to eat.”
I nodded. “I think I need something inside of me.”
Oh, fuck! That came out so wrong! I hope Ford didn’t pick up on that!
“You certainly do. Come, dear. Let’s go eat.”
I nodded before following him onto the elevator. In somewhat comfortable silence, we rode the elevator up to the first floor of the Mystery Shack, and we went into the dining room.
Soos was nowhere to be seen, but the young twins, Dipper and Mabel, were at the table, plus Stan. I decided to sit next to Ford, but as I was sitting down, Stan decided to voice his displeasure.
“Uh-uh. Stand up,” he said my name.
“Stanley! Enough!” Ford thundered. “This is becoming utterly ridiculous! Leave her be!”
Mabel and Dipper exchanged looks as Stan muttered something underneath his breath before Soos came back out. He had a joyful look on his face, which dropped once he saw the table.
“Hey dudes! …what happened?” He asked.
None of us cared to verbally answer him, so he just shrugged and sat down. Apparently, he had made enchiladas, which I strangely craved.
The dinner itself was awkward, but it wasn’t the worst one I sat through.
I thanked Soos for the dinner, and said my goodbyes to Dipper, Mabel and Stan.
Before I left, Mabel gave me her number. Just for me to give her some tips on how to become a succubus.
Goodness, that girl is a hoot.
Ford walked me back to my home, and once I arrived, I turned to him.
“Thanks for walking me back, again,” I told him.
Ford smiled. “It was the least I could do after you had to survive the onslaught,” he said as I laughed.
“I told you, it’s fine,” I said. “But if you want to spend time together… you know how to reach me.”
Ford maintained his smile. “That I do,” he said. “Goodnight, dear. Get some rest.”
“You too. Rest well.”
As I entered my home and closed the door, he began walking back. Even though I was somewhat joking the first time we met at the diner, I’m kinda glad he’s walking me back home. It makes me feel safe whenever he’s with me.
As I got ready for bed, and laid in it, I couldn’t fall asleep right away like I normally do. What was happening with my body, too?
I normally wasn’t so hot and bothered around him. His voice is naturally deep, but at that time…
Shit. I think he turned me on by accident. I think my flame has been reignited.
I need a cold shower.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Check back next Friday for another chapter! Next chapter here.
#stanford pines x reader#ford pines x reader#gravity falls#ford pines#stanford pines#stan pines#stanley pines#dipper pines#mabel pines#passionately and deeply#childfree route
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𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - Aegon II Targaryen
don't judge me, i've been falling in lust with tom glynn-carney. i blame him and his stupid handsome face.
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), incest, sub!Aegon, praise kink, oral (m and f!receiving), orgasm denial (if you squint), dacryphilia, mentions of abuse
word count | 2.6k🤙🏻
It was the middle of the night when you heard frantic knocking at your door.
You were restless and hadn’t been sleeping anyway, but it immediately concerned you at who would be up at such a late hour. But you relaxed when you opened your door to see your brother, Aegon.
Of course it was him, who else would it be? You should’ve known, he has on more than several occasions snuck to your bedroom to seek comfort in your bed, ever since he was a young boy. It looked like tonight was no different. His eyes were red and watery, thick tears streaming down his face. He pleaded to you silently, and you instantly knew what he needed.
You quickly ushered him inside your chambers, sitting him on the edge of your bed, taking his hands and bringing them up to your lips to kiss them softly. “Again?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Aegon let his tears fall freely, unashamed in your company, sighing in slight relief as you cupped his face, your soft skin on his encouraging him to look at you. “It’s becoming her favorite pastime.”
Your mother hasn’t always been the gentlest person, having to grow up quicker than most children, being forced to marry and bed a man over twice her age. It hardened her, made her rough around the edges that often showed itself to her own children. She was never the most patient or compassionate mother, with her eldest least of all. Aegon would often take the brunt of her verbal lashings, even taking her physical punishments. Your brother would often come to your chambers with a bruise or red markings on his face, not able to stand being alone knowing you had the tender caring presence that your mother never had. It seemed like all of Alicent’s better motherly qualities got transferred over to you, being the youngest of her children, the one who was always babied whether you liked it or not.
You never understood your siblings' hesitance to be around your mother when you were younger, you and Aemond would often be the two who’d spent the most time with her, you absolutely adored her. You didn’t understand until you stepped out of line one day. Up until that point, you were always the most well behaved, always did as you were told. You just wanted to have fun, for once. Aegon had taken you out to the streets of King’s Landing to show you the culture, but you got caught and were immediately brought back to your mother. You had never witnessed such anger from your mother before. She yelled at Aegon until she went blue in the face, scolding your brother for putting you at risk, slapping him multiple times. She had even slapped you when you attempted to intervene, telling her you wanted to go with him. You and Aegon hadn’t been allowed to see each other or leave your chambers for a week after that.
Aegon was always extra careful with you after that night, caring, something he rarely showed others. He never wanted you to see that side of your mother, always having to see it himself, so the fact that it happened because of him laid guilt on his shoulders heavily. You were the only person he ever treated with such care, he was like a different person when it came to you. It confused you to see him treat others so rudely, then turn around and treat you like a queen. You had realized that he had a fondness for you when he came to your chambers the night of your eighteenth name day, finally expressing how much he adored you, feeling protective of you ever since you were born. When he was with you, he never felt like he had to drink or whore around to feel at ease. Your presence was more than enough for him. He took you to bed that night, whispering how much he loved you over and over again.
Every night since then, he had snuck into your chambers, craving your embrace more than wine. Or, if your mother had another lashing out, he’d come to you to bask in your love, love he never received from Alicent. Just like tonight. “What happened this time?” You asked Aegon, gently thumbing away some of his fallen tears.
He chuckled bitterly. “I made a joke, like I always do. It was about our cunt of a half sister.”
You clicked your tongue in disapproval. “You know I don’t like that word. And you shouldn’t call her that in front of mother either, you know she was fond of her once.”
“I can’t imagine how, they’re completely different.”
You smiled shyly, bumping your shoulder against his. “So are we.”
He finally smiled, albeit sadly. “Yes. Though, you’re not as annoying as Rhaenyra.”
“Sounds like a challenge.” You smirked, poking his face until he gave you a genuine smile.
“Alright, alright, knock it off.” He giggled, grabbing your hand and holding it to his heart. “I need you, darling. I need you to distract me, please.” He begged, sniffling and wiping away the rest of his tears, turning to face you with pleading eyes.
You shushed him softly, holding his face as you placed feather light kisses all over him, hearing him let out a quiet whimper as you finally connected your lips with his. “Don’t worry, my love. I’m going to take care of you.” Aegon suddenly became more forceful, his desperation pouring into the kiss, grabbing onto your waist with a bruising grip. You gently pushed him away, ignoring his growl. “Hold on, hold on, baby. You’re not doing that, not tonight.” He let out a sharp breath as you pushed him back roughly, straddling his waist so you could have more control.
Aegon loved to control you in bed, but more often than not, you were the one to take control over him, especially when he came to you after one of your mother’s outbursts. That’s another reason he loved you, you always seemed to know what he needed. He loved being put in his place, he loved pleasing you, having your approval. He often thought he could live his entire life underneath you. “You’re gonna be a good boy for me, right?” You whispered, running a hand down his torso until you reached the laces on his trousers, feeling his already hardening cock push against the fabric.
“Yes, my love.” He whimpered, trying his best not to buck up against your hand as you undid the laces, slowly pulling down his pants. “Please…”
“Such a needy baby already.” You hummed, running your hands up his thighs, pushing his shirt up and over his head, rendering him completely bare underneath you while you were still in your shift. “Tell me what you want, love.” You cooed, kissing up his inner thighs, causing him to squirm.
“Need your mouth on my cock. Please, darling.” He whimpered pitifully, letting out a soft moan as you licked up the underside of his cock slowly, placing a gentle kiss on the tip. As you slowly took his throbbing member into your mouth inch by inch, the moan that escaped his lips was downright sinful it would even make the most lecherous whore blush. The beautiful sound traveled all the way down your body and made your walls clench around nothing, feeling painfully empty. “Need you to fuck me.” He whined, making you come off his cock with a stern glare.
“What? You’re not happy with me sucking your cock? Not enough for you? Maybe I should just stop then.”
“No, no!” He quickly cried. “Please, it felt so good.” You smirked as you got off your knees, pulling down your nightgown and stepping out of it, crawling on top of Aegon, him watching you with desperate glazed over eyes. “You’re so beautiful, my love.”
“I know.”
“Need you so bad.” Aegon whispered as he sat up to wrap his lips around one of your hardened nipples, eliciting a soft gasp from you.
“I know, I know, darling. But you’ll have to wait.” You yanked his head back by his hair roughly, biting your lip at the pretty little yelp he made, your desire between your legs growing rapidly. “You said you’d be a good boy for me, right?” You pushed him back down against the bed, crawling up until you lining up your dripping pussy with his face, his eager expression making a pleasurable ache twist in your gut. “So be a good boy and fuck me with your tongue, Aegon.”
You let out a relieved moan as Aegon immediately kissed your clit roughly, licking up and down your folds as you held onto his hair and tried to keep yourself steady. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and forced you down on his face completely, making sure you couldn’t move away even if you wanted to. But you absolutely did not have any intention to move, not when his tongue was working you to your orgasm so perfectly. He wasn’t always the best at it, but with your instruction, he became a master at pleasuring you. He always joked that it was the only thing he could do correctly, and if only he was as good at preparing to be king as he is at giving head. “Fuck, Aegon!” You cried out, rutting your hips against his face as he lapped at your clit like a man starved, pushing himself harder and harder until you had to pull his hair just to get some reprieve from overstimulation. “How do I taste, my love?”
“So good.” He slurred. “Sweeter than King’s Landing’s finest wine. I could get drunk off you."
“I think you already have.” You giggled, gasping loudly as he dove back in, moaning like he was being pleasured and not the other way around. “You’re making me feel so good, Aegon.” You smiled as he whimpered, loving how you praised him. “Fuck, I’m so close. You gonna make me come, my love?”
“Yes.” He whispered against you, his breath sending a shiver down your spine. “I wanna make you come. Please, come for me.” He whined, sucking on your clit hard until you cried.
“Yes, yes, yes.” You moaned as you rode his face, entirely uncaring if you were suffocating him or not, all you wanted was that sweet release. Aegon simply let you rut against his tongue, your arousal dripping down his throat. Your thighs shook around his face, spasming and trying your best to hold yourself upright as your release finally washed over you, goosebumps rising all over your body and a strained cry escaping your mouth.
You shakily crawled off Aegon’s face, seeing his mouth upturned in a boyish grin with your slick coating his lips and chin. “You did so good for me, love.” You kissed his forehead, trailing your lips down his face then neck. “I think you deserve a reward, hm?” You smirked, leering at his needy expression as you straddled his waist, ever so slightly grinding yourself on his cock, making him exhale sharply.
Lining up his cock with your entrance, you and Aegon moaned loudly as you slowly sunk down on him, your walls stretching strenuously in an attempt to accommodate his size, the slight sting making you whimper. Aegon threw his head back against your pillow with a sigh as you finally were able to take the last few inches of him, sitting comfortably until you started to leisurely rock your hips against him. You were in no hurry, knowing you had hours until he had to sneak back into his own chambers. You wanted to prolong this for as long as possible; you could already tell Aegon was starting to lose his patience, trying to buck his hips against you but you quickly placed your palms firmly on his chest to keep him from moving.
“Darling, please-”
“Shh.” You cooed, leaning down to kiss his plump lips, smoothing over the hair on his hair softly. “Just relax. We don’t need to hurry tonight.”
“I wanna come so bad…” He whined, eyes glazing over with tears, gracefully trailing down the sides of his face and creating a tiny puddle on your pillows.
“You are so incredibly pretty when you cry, my darling.” You smirked, lapping up his tears with your hot tongue, pulling away when he tried to kiss you. “You remember who’s in control here, right?” You asked sweetly, but keeping a dark glare in your eyes, admiring the way his bottom lip trembled.
Aegon let out a soft sob as you rocked your hips back and forth agonizingly slow, the cute noise sending a shock wave throughout your core. You didn’t even want to give him what he wanted anymore, all so you could hear those sweet sounds. But you were getting impatient as well, your pussy throbbing and desperately craving some friction. You both let out cries as you lifted yourself up and forcefully slammed back down on his cock, his eyes closed tightly and sucking air through his teeth. “Eyes on me.” You commanded, grabbing his jaw tightly. “Keep looking at me, love.” You spoke more lovingly, caressing the side of his face as you sped up and bounced on him in fervor.
“Feels so good.” He moaned, a quiet growl escaping his throat as he held onto your hips firmly, but it wasn’t quiet enough to escape your ears. You cursed as you started to feel another orgasm bubbling up inside of you, your walls clenching around him in a vice grip as the tip of his cock kept hitting that sweet spot in you. “Fuck—I’m so close. Gods, I need it so bad.” He begged, tightening his hold on you, afraid you’d deny him. But you needed another release as much as he needed his first one.
You let out a wanton moan as you didn’t hold back as you fucked Aegon hard, the sound of your skin slapping wetly against his echoing around the apartment, a blush dusting your face as your pussy made the most lewd noises. “You’re so beautiful.” Aegon whispered, looking up at you in awe. “You’re a goddess, my goddess.”
Your eyes threatened to roll to the back of your head as your orgasm washed over you, pure euphoria that made you dig your nails into Aegon’s pale chest and your toes curling tightly, not as tightly as your pulsing walls clenched around him. It lasted longer than you expected, a thin sheen of sweat coating your body as you held onto Aegon for dear life. You let out a breathy moan as you finally finished, an exhausted smile on your face. But Aegon hadn’t come yet, you ignored the overstimulation as you continued to bounce on his cum coated cock. “Are you going to come for your goddess?” You smirked, feeling his cock twitch inside you and watching his brows furrow as he let out a silent cry.
“My love, my love…” Aegon moaned, bucking up into you as fast as he humanly could, making you curse. “I’m gonna-” You quickly lifted yourself off of him, grinding your pussy on his shaft until he came with a low groan, spilling his seed onto his belly. You planted light kisses all over his face as he breathed heavily, smiling as you heard him chuckle.
“Was that okay?” You asked, gently pushing his hair out of his face.
“Of course, my love. I always enjoy you.” You felt quite proud of yourself as you laid down beside him, resting your head on his chest, sighing contently. He kissed the top of your head, breathing you in as he pulled you as close as possible. “You know how much I love you, right?” He asked suddenly, causing you to laugh.
“You’ve told me as such, in great detail, multiple times.”
“Good, just making sure.”
really in my "i can fix him" era
#house of the dragon#aegon ii targaryen#aegon ii targaryen smut#aegon ii targaryen x you#aegon ii targaryen imagine#aegon ii targaryen x reader#aegon ii targaryen x fem!reader#aegon ii targaryen x f!reader
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No thoughts, just Bokuto, Tsukishima, Akaashi, and Kita (seperately) with a soft male s/o that uses a wheelchair
Love on wheels
Haikyuu x Disabled Male Reader
I haven't written for Haikyuu in some time so I apologize if characters seem out of character. It's been a while since I've watched/Read haikyuu so I'm a little rusty. Nonetheless I hope you enjoy <3
If anything in the drabble is incorrect or considered rude please let me know and I will fix it right away
He is in utter shock when he first meets you, he's never met anyone who actually needed a wheelchair before.
He just wants to push you around, he would push you around for hours on end he finds it very entertaining.
He never saw you as just your disability, he saw you as the loving quiet boy you were.
The amount of love he had for you couldn't be expressed with words. He would do anything in the world to see you happy.
He would love to hear how you ended up in wheelchair even if it was something you were just born with.
If you allow him he will carry you atound everywhere. He knows sitting for too long can get annoying, he also just wants an excuse to carry you.
He just wants to hold you close to him and tell you how much he loves.
When you first met he never gave you a second glance, he really couldn't care less if you were disabled or not he still didn't care about you.
As you grew closer he played you a lot of attention. It was obvious he had feelings for you.
He will not push you around unless he has to, he just doesn't want to. If your arms get really tired he may step in but he doesn't want to, it seems like too much work.
He'll never ask you about your disability so if you want to talk about it with him you'll have to to bring that conversation up.
People were very surprised to see Tsukishima come oit as gay, he just seemed like the last person on Karasuno to be attracted to boys.
No matter what anyone says he'll love you more than anything.
Adorable, he thinks you're just adorable. Your soft personality was so calming to him.
He would convince you to become the manager for the team so he could sit next to you on the bench.
Your presence calms him down so much, his anxiety can get the bast of him so make sure to remind him that he's okay.
He'd love to hear about your disability but he doesn't want to sound pushy or rude so he waits for you to talk about it.
He would love to push you around, he doesn't want you to get too tired.
He wants to hold you but doesn't want to hurt you, just remind him that your disability won't stop you from showing affection.
Will tell Bokuto to back off if he starts asking to many questions
He's always here for you.
You match with his cold and serious personality so well, a soft boy and a serious boy.
He'll help you around by pushing you places but only if you ask, sometimes he will offer but he knows you can do simple tasks yourself.
Will clean the gym with you, he finds it calming. Nothing but the sounds of you two moving around.
Would love to learn more about your condition so he will do his own research instead of asking too many questions.
Loves to sit in comforting silence with you, just having you near him is enough for his more softer side to come out.
Will fight the miya twins if he has to, he wants to make sure you're comfortable around the team and not being harrassed.
He just loves you so much
#haikyuu#kita x male reader#kita x gender neutral reader#kita shinsuke#Bokuto Kotarou#Bokuto x Reader#Bokuto x male reader#akaashi x gender neutral reader#akaashi keji x reader#akaashi keiji#akaashi x reader#tsukishima drabbles#hq tsukishima#tsukishima x reader#tsukishima x male reader#disabled reader#wheelchair reader#X reader#male reader#haikyuu!!
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hq!! boys with a short s/o
navi | masterlist | taglist
thanks to anon for this cute request
characters: kenma, noya, bokuto, & oikawa
trigger warning: swearing, sexual references,
kenma kuzome
♡ bc you’re smol you can slip into his lap while he plays on his switch and since he can just peer over your shoulder, he lets you
♡ also bc you are so - in his own words - compact..he kinda goes a bit rough on you bc he doesn’t know his own strength sometimes
♡ like he comes back from practise - having just bet up lev who’s like double his height, then pretends as though he’s the gentlest, most cuddly guy alive
♡ for instance, if you sit on his lap while he’s doing something important, he’ll push you off but bc he is quite strong and you’re quite small, you literally go flying across the room
♡ he also like the fact that he can place his chin on top of your head while hunched over
♡ bc his posture is horrible which means that most ppl are up to his nose when he’s standing comfortably (and by comfortably i mean when his back is lookin like the letter c)
♡ but not you though bb
♡ he can rest his chin on your head WHILE messing up his back so thanks 💞
♡ also this is kinda unrelated but he probably enjoys seeing you cosplay as some of his favourite characters that are around your height
♡ idk he just seems like that sorta guy lol
♡ probably likes it when y’all get dirty in cosplay too yk
♡ and he constantly compares you to anime characters/ video game characters then makes comments accordingly lol
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
upon feeling kenma’s eyes momentarily shift from his nintendo switch onto you, your immediate response was to meet his gaze, shooting him a brief smile which quickly fell into frown upon hearing his following statement, “you’re around the same height as meliodas from seven deadly sins.”
you blinked rapidly, about to shrug him off and go back to whatever you were doing under you heard a “disgusting.” slip from his lips..so pounced on him.
“KENMA! YOU CAN’T JUST CALL ME DISGUSTING BECAUSE I’M A SIMILAR HEIGHT TO AN ANIME CHARACTER YOU DON’T LIKE! DON’T YOU HAVE AN--” to which kenma will just laugh and pretend like he’s trying to pry you off him when he’s actually really enjoying the feeling of you on top of him.
yū nishinoya
♡ he is the short king™
♡ so he’s honestly so happy that not only does he get to be in the presence of his soulmate, but you’re also shorter than him 😍
♡ and i think having a shorter s/o would really help him with his body image
♡ sorry to get serious on y’all so quick but i kinda think noya is secretly VERY insecure
♡ he just has a ‘fake it till you make it’ sort of attitude in regards to his confidence
♡ but having a shorter s/o - especially if you’re really powerful, strong, confident or outspoken - would really give him an ego boost bc not only is he like ‘yep! that’s my star!’ but also everything you do is just so impressive to him
♡ also since you’re around the same height as him, sometimes he forgets that he can’t just jump on you and expect for you to hold his weight like he does with asahi, tanaka, tsukishima etc
♡ so now you’re always on hyperalert when you pick him up from practise just in case he tackles you to the ground again
♡ it’s happened multiple times even when you were paying close attention though so i’d suggest just wearing a helmet next itme
♡ YJUHGFF he’s definitely the sort of guy to hype you up to his friends after you do the bare minimum
♡ and he ALWAYS mentions your height unless you tell him to stop
♡ (he just wants his friends to know that just bc they are vertically gifted, they are no better than you or him >:(( keep em humble, yk? )
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“yep! they’re getting their photo taken at this professional modelling company thingy with all those cool, chunky camera and the bright lights! they’re basically a model- and a few inches smaller than me so, perhaps short is the new sexy.” noya boasted with a casual shrug, feeding off of the amazing looks he was getting from hinata, tanaka and yamaguchi.
upon noticing that yamaguchi was falling for nishinoya’s exaggerations, tsukishima chimed in, “short is definitely not the new sexy.” and before nishinoya could retort, tsukki hummed, “anyway, model, huh? what brand are they modelling for?”
noya’s lips curled into a bright smile and he clicked his tongue, almost to say ‘glad you asked’, before declaring proudly, “their passport!”
kōtarō bokuto
♡ another one that doesn’t know his own strength
♡ especially around you
♡ like he squeezes you SO tight when hugging that you basically suffocate
♡ and his grip on your hand is always unreasonably strong too so never let him hold your dominant hand or else you won’t be able to hold a pencil for another week
♡ and sometimes he pinches your cheek when he thinks you look especially babey and jesus christ he could leave a bruise
♡ god forbid you’re watching him practise and he makes a killer spike then he turns to look at you with starry eyes--
♡ ...
♡ RUN 🏃♂️💨
♡ mans will chase you around the whole gym to pick you up and twirl you to celebrate his spike
♡ the problem occurs when he holds you so close to him that you suffocate from his reek of BO
♡ he spins so fast that it makes you feel extremely sick and dizzy
♡ ALSO let’s not forget that one time he accidently let go of you a few seconds to early and you went fucking flying across the gym and landed on onaga’s water bottle
♡ not only did you have to awkwardly hobble to the bathroom with soaking wet leggings so you could change into your spare pair, you also felt obliged to buy onaga a new water bottle
♡ if you tell him to be gentler plz do it nicely or else he will be sad :((
♡ yeah he treats you like you’re his 7″0, ripped, basketball player s/o but you’re not
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
why were you here? why did you think this was a good idea to say yes to? oh, yeah, it because he gave those adorable damn puppy eyes that you are physically incapable of saying no to. on the bright side, perhaps he can use those puppy eyes to get you a free hearse driver for your funeral - which was sure to be soon.
through, your funeral planning was cut sort by bokuto chirping, “are you ready, babe?!”
you sighed, arms outstretched as he stood with his back facing you, ready to trust fall onto you once you gave the ‘ok’. or so you thought.
“yeah, bo. go o--” you couldn’t even finish your sentence before you felt bokuto’s muscular back suddenly weigh down on your arm. you tried to hold him up, - you really did - but both the surprise of it and his weight was enough to make you come crashing down with him.
“(y/n)! you had one job!”
tōru oikawa
♡ you’re his baby
♡ or at least, he treats you like one sometimes
♡ he says he treats you like a prince(ss) but everyone knows that he acts like you’re his first born child
♡ bc he literally carries you everywhere
♡ taking a brisk stroll on the beach? oikawa will force you to get on his back and use the excuse that he doesn’t want your clothes to get dirty
♡ you’re in the mall and you even suggest that your feet are sore/ you’re tired? he’ll carry you bridal style anywhere you want to go - literally does not care if people are giving him weird looks
♡ drunk? he’ll throw you over his shoulder and carry you home
♡ just chilling on the couch? he’ll approach you, scoop you up into his arms and walk around the house
♡ it annoys you sometimes but it can really come in handy other times
♡ like for instance, at a festival
♡ if you both get stuck at the back and you’re struggling to see the stage bc of all the literal giants looming in front of you, he’ll let you hop on his shoulders 🥺
♡ he probably teases you for it though lol
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“awh, can the small one not see the stage?”
you furrowed your brows, outstretching your arms to him - probably the first time you ever actually asked him to pick you up, so you prayed that he'd take you up on your first offer without you having to beg. “yeah, can you help?”
this oikawa you’re talking to; the petty king. so instead, he gave you some solemn advice before turning his attention back onto the performance, “try growing a few inches-- who am i kidding? a few feet.”
“rude.” you spat, fretfully looking around for a moment before coming to terms with the fact you’re not going to be able to see the performer, so you decided to just try vibe with the music instead.
“(y/n).” you heard oikawa call from beside you, so you turn your head to look at him then noticed that he was crouched on the ground, “what are you waiting for? get on.”
#haikyuu x y/n#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#haikyu x reader#kenma x y/n#bokuto x you#oikawa toru x reader#nishinoya headcanons#kenma fluff#kenma x reader#bokuto x reader#oikawa x reader#oikawa imagine#oikawa x you#oikawa scenarios#nishinoya x y/n#nishinoya scenarios#nishinoya imagine#oikawa fluff#bokuto fluff#bokuto x y/n#bokuto hcs#kenma hcs
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Romance Dawn for the East Blue
Inspired by @feriowind‘s blessed tweet about Yamato winding up on Dawn Island :)
Enjoy 4k words of the 4 brothers driving everyone crazy :D
[Read on AO3 or below the cut]
Slowly blinking awake, Yamato struggled to remember why he was lying on the beach of some strange island, the smell of sea salt and trash mixing in the air into something almost worse than the confines of his prison of Onigashima. Almost. It was still freedom after all, and Yamato would gladly take this disgusting smell over his father threatening to place bombs on his wrists.
Looking around groggily, his eyes finally fell on the sad, wooden remains of a small boat, a boat that Yamato had been using to sail this unfamiliar sea during the past weeks. And he finally remembered the terrible events that had led him to this island.
Yes, it was a dark, stormy night, the likes of which Yamato had never seen even in the unpredictable New World, and definitely not since his escape in the peaceful and calm East Blue. He had fought to keep his boat from capsizing, fighting against the strong winds and ocean currents all by himself for hours… but then suddenly, a Neptunian so large it could only have come from the Calm Belt appeared. Yamato had managed to fight it off but unfortunately, his boat suffered too much damage from the power of his Thunder Bagua. He was then forced to swim to the nearest shore with the last bits of strength he had left—
"I saw the Lord of the Coast attack the fishing boat this person was sleeping in. It was really funny, when they woke up, they screamed so loud I think even the people in Fuusha heard. And then they fell in the water while trying to stand up. But the idiot apparently can't swim so I had to go fish them out."
Yamato froze in place at the boyish voice who was retelling his heroic battle so rudely. Wasn't he allowed to at least pretend?
Another boy, this one sounding even younger, started snickering then. "I like this person, Sabo! They’re so funny!"
"Luffy, you're the last one who should be laughing here," a third voice sighed. "Anchor boy." Yamato could almost hear the cheeky smirk on his face as he teased this 'Luffy'.
“Don’t call me that!” the youngest one cried, sounding like he was about to fight the other boy.
“Ace, don’t provoke him,” the first boy chided. “You’ll wake the idiot with your fighting.”
That was it.
“Will you stop calling me an idiot?!” Yamato shouted as he sprung up to a sitting position, an embarrassed blush on his face.
They all paused at the sudden movement, blinking up at him in shock. Yamato glowered at them one by one, taking note of how tiny these kids were—the blond and the freckled one looked no older than 12, while the other could be maybe 8. The blond was the only one dripping in water, just as much as Yamato himself was, and Yamato could only assume this was Sabo, the one who had pulled him out of the water. That would make Freckles ‘Ace’, and the youngest one ‘Luffy’.
Yamato had to wonder, though, how Sabo was able to save him all by himself. Yamato was 16 years old, a lot older than however old these boys were, and he was Kaido’s son—meaning he was already much taller than some adults. Although, he supposed he had seen stranger things and people a lot stronger than a human their size should have been. An image of Oden during his execution came to mind immediately but Yamato quickly chased the memory away.
“Oh look, the idiot’s awake,” Ace said lazily, looking thoroughly unimpressed by Yamato’s glare and simply returning it with one of his own.
Luffy, on the other hand, grinned brightly, hopping over to Yamato to stare up at him with stars in his eyes. “Are those horns? Real ones?”
Blinking, Yamato’s hand automatically reached up to touch one of his horns. “Yeah?” he replied slowly, unsure of what he was supposed to say. Was it that weird to people not from the Grand Line to see someone with features like this?
“That’s so cool! Join my pirate crew!” His grin only widened with his request—or demand.
Yamato tilted his head to the side. “You have a pirate crew?” he asked, genuinely curious.
“Well, not yet,” Luffy said, a small pout appearing on his lips. “But eventually, I will be the Pirate King so of course I will have one!” he announced looking so proud and sure of himself and Yamato felt his lips twitch upward.
“Sure, King, I’ll tag along with you,” he laughed, seeing no harm in indulging the adorable kid. And who knew? Maybe he really would end up sailing with him. After all, in 12 years, the Nine Red Scabbards would come back to Wano and Yamato needed to be back there by then. He needed to help open the country.
And who was to say he couldn’t bring the Pirate King with him?
Sabo clicked his tongue then, walking up to Luffy and ruffling his hair. “Stop that, you don’t even know this person’s name.”
“Oh right,” Yamato said, hitting t he palm of his hand with his fist in sudden realization. “Sorry. I’m Kozuki Oden. You can also call me Yamato. Son of Kaido. Thanks for helping me.”
“Ace! Luffy! What’s the meaning of this?!”
Yamato groaned; always a wonderful way to wake up. “Are you drunk again, you bull-gorilla? Go away it’s too early for this,” he shouted back, not even bothering to open his eyes.
There was a moment of silence until someone stomped over to stand right above Yamato’s head. “What did you just call me, you brat?”
Finally, Yamato blinked up at the person with long ginger hair, a cigarette between their lips, and looking decidedly female. He closed his eyes again, mumbling, “Oh you’re not my father. Whatever then.” As soon as he was done, he pulled his blanket over his head to try and get some more peace and quiet.
It might not have been his father but it still was too early for this.
“Dadan, shut up,” some one whined from somewhere around halfway down Yamato’s body.
“Yeah, what’s the problem?” another person joined in, their voice coming from Yamato’s other side.
Oh right. Ace, Sabo, and Luffy had brought him back to their place last night; this had to be the nasty old hag they mentioned. Definitely seemed like one.
“First Garp drops you two on me, then you bring in more and more kids with you? What do you expect me to do, this isn’t a daycare!” It sounded like the woman was on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Finally, Sabo spoke up, sounding about as sleepy as Yamato felt, “Dadan, this is our brother, Yamao. Yamao, Dadan.” With that, he flopped back down, his head coming to rest against Yamato’s thigh.
“I’m not a pillow, you three!” Yamato snapped upon the realization of how the boys were laying with their limbs thrown all over the place, Yamato’s own body included. “And it’s Ya-ma-to,” he added with a sigh, already giving giving up on convincing them to not use Luffy’s nickname.
“Where the hell did you manage to pick up another brother,” Dadan complained and Yamato was starting to feel a little sorry for her. He had to admit that dealing with these three was like fighting a hurricane and it hasn’t even been 24 hours since he met them. At least now he was there, a responsible teenager to keep them in check. She should really be grateful he happened to… choose this island to land on.
“Alright, kid. I don’t care who you are you where you came from—” the woman paused, folding her arms over her chest as she stared down and Yamato— “but I will not feed you. One bowl of rice per day is all I can guarantee you.”
Yamato laughed, “That’s not necessary. Oden could do it, I would be a disgrace if I couldn’t take care of myself and my brothers, too.”
Dadan stared at him for a moment, blinking once, twice, before she threw he hands up in frustration. As she walked away, Yamato could hear her mumbling to herself about stupid brats who couldn’t be phased by anything and how she was going to ‘let Garp have it’ the next time he ‘bothered to show his sorry ass’ there.
Yamato simply shrugged and went back to sleep.
Life on Dawn Island turned out to be surprisingly easy and, even more surprisingly, fun. It didn’t take Yamato long to get to know the forest, the mountain, and the Grey Terminal beyond it, running around the place with his little brothers like he was born there with them.
“Yamao, where are you going, that’s the opposite direction!” Sabo called after him in exasperation, pointing the right way.
A few days after his arrival, he went to retrieve his kanabo from the waters just off the shore. Ace had looked at him, asking why he was so desperate if it was the same weapon the father he so hated used and Yamato couldn’t admit he had a point but… he simply didn’t feel right without it. It was his weapon as well now, and the bull-gorilla wouldn’t take that away from him.
It took him three hours of diving but the happiness and rightness of his kanabo next to him was well worth the effort.
“What are you two anchors doing?” Ace shouted from where he was in the water and towards the two at the beach, looking incredibly annoyed.
Yamato and Luffy exchanged a glance before turning back to Ace and replying in unison, “Building a pirate ship from sand.”
Just then, Sabo’s head popped out of the water next to Ace. “I need a break,” he gasped, struggling to catch his breath after being underwater for so long.
“This club of yours better be made from gold, Yamao, or so help me,” Ace grumbled before leaving Sabo to rest and diving in instead.
Once he had his kanabo in hand, it became incredibly easy to hunt even the most ferocious beasts around, allowing Yamato enough room to stay back and direct the young brothers, giving them pointers and helping them with their hunting techniques. Usually, he simply watched, letting the boys do most of the hunt, even if it meant the prey got away sometimes. After all, making mistakes and losing was a good way to get stronger. So he let them do their own thing while making sure they were okay, and only jumping in when necessary.
“Okay, here’s the plan. We go around the river, then we split up. Me and Luffy will go up while you and Ace follow the riverbed. It’s risky, but on my signal, you will catch its attention and keep it distracted. Then me and Luffy jump down at its head. Hopefully that will at least knock it out so you and Ace can then come help us finish it. And Yamao—” Sabo paused, giving Yamato a hard, subtly threatening look— “if you run ahead screaming and scare it off again, we’re having you for dinner.”
Yamato could only gulp and nod obediently.
He even managed to impress the local Madonna, the cute pub owner Makino. The first time she had come to visit after Yamato had arrived, she immediately dropped all the food, alcohol, and children’s clothes that she had brought, and ran straight to him. She gave him all of her attention the rest of her stay. And even though Yamato wasn’t interested, he had to admit that being fawned over, and especially the jealous stares all the bandits were giving him, felt great.
“Oh my,” Makino muttered when she noticed Yamato. “Luffy did say Yamao was a little taller than him but…” she trailed off, her expression turning troubled.
“You don’t have any clothes big enough for him, do you?” Dogra asked, munching on one of the cones Makino had brought.
The young woman shook her head, sighing, “I think I’ll have to make them all from scratch. Yamao, can you come here? I need to take some measurements.”
"Yamao, you're blushing more than Ace did!" Luffy pointed out immediately, clutching his stomach as he doubled over in laughter.
Yamato made sure his hand was coated in haki when he hit the boy over the head.
Over all, he had to say he much prefered the life of a cool big brother over being a pirate crew’s' ‘young master’. It was a lot more fun, a lot easier to breathe. He never felt more free than he did while laughing and running around the mountain, plotting pranks on their brothers with Ace, or getting grounded— getting thanked by Sabo for running off and beating up the pathetic excuses for pirates who had hurt Luffy and threatened the boys' treasure stash.
Even Dadan's frustrated screaming felt more loving than anything the bull-gorilla of a biological parent had ever shown him. And no, it definitely wasn’t much more embarrassing.
"I don't want to be a marine!" Luffy screamed one morning just as the others were getting ready to head out to work their brand new tree house base.
Both Sabo and Ace froze, turning to stare at each other for a moment with wide eyes.
"Run?" Ace asked in a whisper.
"Run," Sabo nodded seriously before they both turned to look at Yamato.
The teen simply sat there, turning his confused gaze between Ace, Sabo, and the direction from which Luffy's voice came a few seconds earlier. "What's going on?"
Ace and Sabo exchanged a glance once more, seemingly coming to a mutual understanding before Ace answered, "Go see for yourself. Luffy could probably use the help."
Immediately, Yamato was on his feet, heading outside to save his adorable baby brother from whatever monster he was facing. He was slightly suspicious of the high five Ace and Sabo had exchanged, not as sneakily as they probably thought, but as long as Luffy was in trouble, it didn't matter much to him.
As soon as he made it outside the little house, his eyes fell on the two figures fighting just a little bit away from the house. Obviously, one of them was Luffy, who was visibly fuming; growling and snapping his teeth like he was getting ready to literally bite the legs off of his target.
The target in question was a tall, although obviously much shorter than Yamato, and muscular old man clad in a bright red and white aloha shirt, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared Luffy down. He looked thoroughly unimpressed by Luffy’s pistol punches—which admittedly still left much to be desired despite Yamato’s efforts to help him out; it was only a question of time before he managed to find the right bang feeling. The man he was fighting looked vaguely familiar but Yamato couldn’t place that face no matter how much he wrecked his brain.
But it didn’t matter.
“Luffy, are you okay?!” Yamato called in alarm, rushing forward while preparing to swing his kanabo at the stranger.
The both of them turned to look at him then, identical angry expressions on their faces and suddenly, Yamato realized who the man reminded him of. It was more than obvious where Luffy got his personality and expressions. Maybe he should… not attack this person on sight?
Making the decision for him, Luffy huffed upon seeing him approach, raising his hand and making Yamato stop. “Stay back, I’m fine! I can kick gramps’ ass myself!”
“Who’s ass are you gonna kick?” the man snapped, his light punch making Luffy clutch at his head. “You can’t win against the fist of love, Luffy!”
Yamato blinked. That was obviously haki but… fist of love?
Ignoring Luffy’s complaints, the man gave Yamato an obvious once over. “And who are you? Wait—” he paused, looking like he just remembered something— “you’re Yamao, aren’t you?”
“My name is Ya-ma-to, and I’m Luffy’s big brother,” Yamato replied, not entirely sure why he even bothered to correct anyone on his name at this point. No one ever listened.
“Part of the family already, hm? You have an impressive swing; you’ll make a fine marine.” The grandfather nodded, grinning at Yamato in approval.
Yamato did a double take. “I’m not going to be a marine!” he responded immediately, the horror he felt at the though clear in his voice.
“Exactly! We’re gonna be pirates!” Luffy joined in, fully recovered and launching a new rubbery pistol punch, which went completely ignored.
Gramps puffed up, raising his fist threateningly in front of himself. “Nonsense! All four of you will be the strongest marines the navy’s ever had if I have any say in it!”
“No way!” Luffy and Yamato cried in unison, the both of them jumping at the man in a joint attack.
A second later the both of them were rolling on the ground together, clutching at their heads and trying to recover from yet another fist of love. Seriously, Yamato only just met this guy, why was he getting a fist of love? Or better yet, why did it sound like he was already considered a grandson? He didn’t even know his new grandfather’s name.
He guessed it was simply one more proof of his relation to Luffy. It was exactly the same to when Luffy had decided by himself that Yamato was the big brother now, not even half an hour after meeting him, and just like back then, Yamato was powerless in defying that decision.
Not like he wanted to. He would be lying if he said being considered family so easily, so warmly, so unconditionally didn’t make him happy. But still…
“I’m already a pirate,” he growled. Not to mention marines did nothing but fight Oden and the Pirate King’s crew. Like hell was he becoming one of them.
Gramps took a deep breath, looking like he was about to explode, but Yamato interrupted him. “The navy wouldn’t want someone with my blood anyway. They’d execute me on the spot,” he said flatly, looking the man straight in the eyes, trying to convey how disgusted by the institution, the world government, the current world he was. Like hell was he participating in that. He’d much rather wait patiently for the one who was going to change it all and support them.
Neither of them said anything for a moment, neither of them faltering as they stared each other down silently. Until finally, gramps grinned, a smile so similar to Luffy’s that Yamato startled.
“If blood’s the problem, all the more reason you should join,” he announced, the smile never leaving his face even as his eyes turned almost sad.
Yamato tilted his head to the side as he watched the man slowly look at Luffy before his eyes slid in the direction of the bandits’ house. When Yamato turned to look, he could see Ace turning around and walking away, Sabo quickly following with a worried expression on his face.
At least Yamato wasn’t the only one who obviously hated his biological family around here.
Deciding to leave Ace in Sabo’s hands, Yamato turned back to the problem at hand but before he could snap at the man, Luffy did so for him, “No. He’s joining my crew!”
“Over my dead body!” gramps roared in response, looking like he was going to go off on a rant.
Yamato, however, wasn’t about to sit around and listen to that. “No, over my dead body. Do you even hear how fucked up it is that you need to join the navy to be safe from getting hunted? Neither of us going there,” he growled, baring his teeth for good measure.
The old man paused, blinking at Yamato once, then twice, before he burst out in laughter, one so loud, so honest, and so contagious that, despite having no idea what was so funny, it made even Yamato want to laugh. All his anger was forgotten as his lips stretched in a grin, shaking his head at the sudden realization of how weird this entire situation was. He barely knew what was even happening but… it wasn’t like Yamato ever really paused to think about things. If it felt right, he’d go with it. If it didn’t, fuck it.
And this, incredibly, felt right.
It was only a long while later that gramps finally caught his breath enough to speak, “I like you, kid. Are you sure you’re Kaido’s son?”
As if hit by the bull-gorilla’s Thunder Bagua, Yamato stopped laughing, only staring with an open mouth as dread ran through him. “How?” he could only say after a dreadfully long moment of heavy silence. Or maybe it was only a second. But it was too much, and made Yamato feel too on edge. Ready to fight. He didn’t want to even hear the bull-gorilla’s name; definitely didn’t want to hear it in relation to himself.
Gramps looked at him as if asking if he was kidding then, but with his only answer being a glare, he started laughing anew. “Kid, if you don’t want people to know, or the asshole finding you, maybe stop introducing yourself with ‘son of Kaido’ to anyone you meet. You have poor Makino quite worried.”
“Yamao, you’re stupid,” Luffy laughed.
The teen huffed, shoving hard at Luffy’s shoulder. “You’re stupid,” he hissed back, making Luffy stick his tongue out at him.
Yamato saw it only fair he do the same in return.
Just then, a dark shadow loomed over the both of them and they slowly looked up, only to see gramps looking down at them with an evil grin on his face, slowly cracking his knuckles. “Whatever you say, I will train you stupid brats into proper marines, yet.”
Yamato finally understood why Ace and Sabo’s immediate reaction was to run, then send Yamato as what he could now only assume being a sacrifice. There was no way even Yamato was going to be a fair match for this man. “Oh fuck,” Yamato cursed, scrambling to his feet to follow Luffy, who who was already hafway down the clearing away after taking the first popped knuckle as his signal to bolt.
“Watch your fucking language in front of your baby brothers!” gramps shouted after him just before something that might have been a pine cone flew past him at an impossible speed.
Yamato and Luffy exchanged a glance, identical grins spreading in their lips before they both took a deep breath. “ACE! SABO! HELP!!”
If they were to die today, they’d make sure to take the other two down with them.
Hours later, Yamato lay awake in his bed on the floor of the mountain bandits’ cabin long after his brothers started snoring softly. He was exhausted from the day spent laughing and running away from gramps—or Garp, as he had finally learned earlier that evening once Dadan finally stopped hiding from the man—but as opposed to the others, he didn’t want to sleep.
Not when gramps and Dadan were busy talking on the other side of this thin wall. What had started as the two of them sharing their frustrations and complaints about their kids quickly turned into fondness as they instead told each other stories about the brothers and their antics. Yamoto wasn’t surprised the bandit knew exactly where their secret base was, just as he wasn’t surprised by Garp only pulling out the most embarrassing stories he probably could.
It was a good thing the other three had managed to pass out the second their heads hit their pillows or they’d be trying to fight the old man all over again over it.
Yamato, on the other hand, refused to miss out on a second of this. The adults might not have allowed him to drink with them, claiming Yamato was too young for that—to which he not-so-politely disagreed, but then Garp’s fist disagreed with him—but they couldn’t stop him from listening. Those were his brothers they were talking about and he wanted to hear all about the past ten years of their lives that he had missed.
And if he maybe got a little bit happy every time they brought Yamato up, well… no one had to know that.
“Yamao, I swear if you don’t stop laughing at their shitty stories, I will strangle you with your own hair.”
#one piece#yamato#one piece yamato#luffy#monkey d. luffy#portgas d. ace#ace#sabo#one piece sabo#asl brothers#yamato & asl#canon divergence#found family#comedy#fluff#idiots being idiots#i love them#yamato thinks he's a lot cooler than he is#and i love him#beautiful idiot king#katie pretends to fic#asl#not me avoiding writing my lawlu asl fic by writing yasl#OH WELL#now back to avoiding said fic with pure lawlu#hopefully i did the au idea at least a little justice :')#also remind me to never post anything that's over 2k on tumblr ever again#cause of death: formating text posts on tumblr dot com
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hello! I read your post where you clarified your opinion on the character of Malleus and to be honest I really appreciated it! I agree with what you say and I have to congratulate you for the detailed analysis!! May I ask (if of course that doesn't bother you) what do you think of Leona's character instead? I ask because I think (like malleus) that some fans have not fully understood the complex personality of this character and I would like to understand more of it too. Thank you :3

Hello dears! First off, thank you very much for your sweet compliments and glad to hear that you enjoyed my Malleus analysis!
To be honest, I think that being mischaracterized isn't the main problem with Leona, the main problem is that not many actually try to give his character a deeper and detailed look which makes us lose a bunch of interesting facts and points about him and his personality. Leona's design is quite brilliant and I guess we all need to take a moment to go through those interesting details in order to understand that he's way greater than we were expecting!
I mainly talked about some possibilities of how he's mischaracterized in part (1),(2) and (12) and in the rest of the parts, we'll be talking about more specific facts and details about his personality that are often ignored.
1) Let Leona be Leona
The simplest yet the most important part to begin with. While we all understand that he has indeed gone through a hard time throughout his life as the second prince and an often ignored child of his family, it's important to realize that this isn't going to change anything about his dark personality.
Accept it, this is just the way he is. He doesn't mind being reckless, doesn't care if he's annoying at the time, doesn't care if anyone likes what he's doing or not, and doesn't see any need to excuse himself for being so.
He's surely got a painful background to go through which him have the right for being so now, but this isn't telling us that he's still a little kitten. Leona is an adult now and considering him to be a soft boy inside who just needs attention and love is totally against the way he actually is. He isn't a child who can sometimes misbehave, he's a grown-up man. He knows what he's doing and how others may think of him because of his reckless actions. This is just how he wants to be, so let Leona be Leona. But I'm not saying that he's gotten to this point for no reason, this claim will be clarified in part (2) and (3).
2) Do not try to excuse his jerky nature
This is somewhat of a continuation of what discussed back in the first part, keep that in mind that this, is just the way Leona is. Saying that he's a cute kitten who just needs more attention and love, and that he'd be a totally different person by just having someone to support and confront him is surely an adorable headcanon, but it doesn't really suit him.
Or another way of this, saying that Leona may often come off as rude but he doesn't mean to, and he holds a kind and soft heart behind that cold and rough personality.
Look, not all characters are supposed to be kind and good inside. Some are specifically designed to present a cruel and rude personality because this is just the way they are, so trying to excuse his nature is nothing different from trying to change his official design. Leona's past life took on an important role in shaping his personality, but it isn't like he's still a 5-year-old child who'd be calmed down if you talk to him.
His current self, is a result of his past and his personal decisions at the moment; as an adult he knows how to handle his personality and behaviors, and he doesn't seem to really care about what others may think of him now. Both him and the others know that he can be much of a jerk at the time, and the point is: He doesn't mind being so.
3) Leona's childhood has seriously effected his personality and life
While his current personality isn't such a thing that can be changed if you just show him some love and attention, keep that in mind that no one is born evil.
What happens when you're supposed to playing and having fun as child but instead you're working your hardest training everyday to master your magic? And even worse, what if all those months and even years of hardworking result in nothing but your family and people's fear and hatred towards you?
He was just a child, and even if he wasn't going to be the next King he needed to be noticed and paid attention to. He needed his family to be at least proud of him and his powers, but all they did was to leave him on his own because all they saw was an angry kid yet no one ever cared to calm him down-! He might've be raised in a castle, yet there are many things he needed more than wealth and money.
As a child he needed attention and motivation, but since almost everyone around Leona failed him on it, this need of his was never fulfilled and as the result, this part of him would always remain as a child.
He still enjoys attention and being phrased like he enjoys nothing, yet it's not like that's enough to change anything about him. It might've been possible to change him in the past, but now, it's useless. He can no longer be easily effected and changed like a child can be.
4) He is telented and confident
Some may think that self-esteem is a problem of his: "Why he recognize that he's already really powerful?" "Doesn't he know that if he stops procrastinating he will achieve the success he's been always wishing for?" "Why is he always comparing himself to the others instead of recognizing his own telents?"
The answer to all these questions and similar ones is: He knows. He knows that he's talented and strong, he knows that just because someone like Malleus is standing higher than him doesn't mean that Leona is weak, and he knows that he can work way harder than he already is.
We'll talk about his procrastination in part (8) but for now, let's focus on his very own opinions about himself. None of us can exactly tell how much he can do and how talented he truly is, because while Leona is totally aware of his own abilities, he doesn't care to use or show them.
In fairy gala, for example, he turned out to be skilled with posing and walking when Vil pushed him into taking the work seriously, but in the end he just did it to get rid of Vil though he could've done it all in the first place! He did know how to pose, how to walk and how to be one hell of a super model without Vil learning him much about it, yet he didn't show the smallest sign of having the ability and knowledge in!
And when he did it, he was sure that everyone would be impressed, and they were! Though he might sometimes be cocky about it he's sure that if he decides to take something seriously, it'll end up in the highest of quality and the best of result, because Leona knows how to get the best of it.
So next time that you see him not wanting to do anything, know that it isn't anything about him lacking confidence or underestimating his own brilliance, he just doesn't care to show it. And at some point, it may even be because he thinks no one really deserves to get his best. He isn't cheap. He knows that he can do it. He just doesn't want to.
5) He was thought manners
Other than respecting ladies, there's a lot about him that shows his maturity and nobility. Leona is indeed real prince, but doesn't care to show it. With that being said, know that he can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of second, just like he did in Fairy Gala and turned into the prince who stole hundreds of hearts.
The thing is unlike Malleus, he doesn't feel the need to act like the royalty he is, most likely because of the same reason we previously discussed: He doesn't think that anyone is worthy of getting that side of him. He can act like a prince, but doesn't see a need to do so. In summary it's more of a: "Yes, I can be just perfect, but you won't deserve it anyway,"
Give Leona the motivation to reveal that hidden side, and you'll see how it'll impress you. Keep that in mind that we don't even know how stunning he can be when he is serious.
6) He is different from the rest of the NRC
One of the most important facts about him which is often ignored, come on! There're too many things that separate him from the rest of the students but are rarely paid attention to.
First off, unlike many of other students, Leona is an adult, and he's been one ever since he was a first grader. The importance of age explains a lot about one's personality, especially when it comes to a school.
While other students, especially 16 years olds like Ace and Deuce, still have a lot to go through to and are much and less open to learning a new thing from experiencing like they're just doing now, Leona is the least likely (Except Lilia) to face those character developments through his 4 years in NRC because he's already gone through them back in his 16s and 17s.
Even his overblot had the least effect on him and unlike Riddle who tried to come up with a rather softer personality and make a difference in his new self, Leona did nothing but to walk off and even during chapter 3 in which Savanaclaw helped MC to defeat Octavinelle, he didn't treat MC any kindlier than before.
His attitude is already shaped as it is, and since he's no longer a teenager it might be really hard to be changed. This is probably the biggest difference between him and the rest of the students in NRC; his personality is rough and almost impossible to be changed now.
7) He loves to be praised
Remember that we talked about that part of him remaining a child? His love for receiving compliments is a result of it.
Though he doesn't need anyone to bring any of his gorgeous features to his attention, he just wants to see people recognize them and beg him to show them more.
If you walk up to him and say how attractive or powerful he looks he'd probably answer you with either an "I know," or an "Of course I am,".
During his Fairy Gala voice lines he once said: "Sorry, I'm used to compliment," which can be defined into some interesting facts about him.
Since Jack too mentioned that he entered NRC because he looked up to Leona as his role model, we can assume that Leona is more than just a forgotten second prince back in his hometown. And since he said that he's used to compliment, it might be that he's already famous and admired by his fans as he already is.
But just as we said, compliment is something he enjoys receiving in general; it isn't going to effect him in any special way that might change anything about his personality.
It can't be said that he'd ever mind having someone around to phrase him though, he's more of an "Phrase me and don't stop" type and it isn't something that he'd ever reject unless it turns into something annoying.
8) There's a rather interesting stories behind his lazy nature
This one is rather important, Leona doesn't sleep because he's always tired or sleepy in general. And you need to know that Leona's sleeping issues are totally different from someone like Silver's!
Silver literally can't control his sleeping issues and that's how he's often found asleep in weird places but doesn't even know how he suddenly falls asleep while Leona, can stay awake by his own will whenever he wants to, he's just doesn't want to.
In contrast to a rather common belief on Leona being extremely lazy, he can actually be really hard working at the time. This guy had been through some extreme training as a child, therefore he can do way harder now that he's an adult. Sleeping is literally his way of saying "I don't care", so whenever he's got nothing interesting or worthy of staying up for, he goes back to sleep.
If we give it a psychological look sleeping too much often happens to people whose lives have no specific goals, they're neither motivated nor interested to stay awake if they've got nothing to do so -> Sleeping is the best thing they can do. You can tell that Leona sort of lacks motivation in general, because this considerably lazy lion is the same person as the one who's already working his ass off to prepare for the magic shift tournaments.
In the end, all that matters is what he desires. He's also pretty obsessive with his goals so when he wants something, there's nothing to hold him back from doing anything to achieve his goal. He wants it, he gets it.
9) Leona can be childish, but he isn't a child
We previously discussed why his childhood has effected his personality and now, you may wonder how it's effected him. A child's crucial needs are necessary to be fulfilled during their childhood because they. But even as those needs aren't taken care of, they would remain as holes inside the child's personality, because they're necessities which the child's character will always lack. This is much and less of what I meant by saying that this part of Leona always remains a child.
We talked about how he loves to be praised and appreciated, but now let's think of another example that can reveal that wild child. At nearly the end of Octavinelle's chapter, he was literally acting like a big bad boy taking candy (contract) from a baby (Azul). It's not just that, we can tell that he somehow enjoys bullying and teasing others in general. He won't even take it easy on his close friends like Ruggie or Jack, as he repeatedly insulted Jack back in chapter 2 & 3 and was even close to killing Ruggie in chapter 2.
Leona wants to feel powerful, and to be treated like a King. That's why he sometimes enjoys ordering others like Ruggie around all though he knows that before everything, Ruggie is his friend and deserves to be treated better.
He didn't have many friends as a child, therefore he doesn't really get to be a the perfect friend that his allies might deserve now. It's something rather hard to change about him, but those who know and care for him would certainly understand him and know that this is just the way he is, just like Jack and Ruggie are doing now. They could've left him all alone instead of staying by his side all the time, yet they continue to support and be there for him because they do care for Leona.
10) For now, Malleus is the Mufasa of his story
This one's pretty interesting, I really appreciate the creativity used in this design. We all know that Leona's creation was inspired by Scar from 1994's Lion King, therefore I'm pretty sure that almost all of you are familiar with Lion King's famous tragedy:
As the result of Mufasa's reign over the past few years, hyenas had been living in hunger and dread, there wasn't much food left for them to hunt and they didn't dare stepping into Mufasa's territory either. So Scar decided to take advantage and convinced hyenas that their hard and pitiful lives is Mufasa's fault as the King. He gained their attention and support to help him bring down the King, and promised them the wealthiest of lives where they'll never go hungry again in return. And that's how his plan to kill his own brother succeeded.
Now try to use the same plot in twst, but how is it possible? You may think that it must be with Farena Kingscholar because, Mufasa was also Scar's brother, but there's a problem: Farena isn't in NRC.
We don't know what is going to happen in the future storyline where we might get to face a real legacy between Leona and Farena, but for now, he needs someone in the Night raven College itself to play the role of that special rival so he can present his inner villain. And who would that special rival be? Malleus Draconia.
Now think about what happened in chapter two:
Savanaclaw had been the winner of magic shift tournament for decades until Malleus Draconia entered NRC. His iconic magic skills and horrifying powers led to Diasomnia's championship over the last two years. Savanaclaw is pissed off because they literally can't do anything against him and Leona on the other hand is so mad, (This point would be discussed in the next part) and can't stand Malleus wiping the whole Savanaclaw out for a third year. To top it off, he knows that if this happens again, Malleus would find his way to NRC's hall of fame. So Leona convinces the whole Savanaclaw that it's unfair to the rest of the NRC to lose the chance of revealing their talents and using their skills because of Malleus, and asks them to help him bring Malleus down therefore not only Savanaclaw would have a chance to win again, but also the rest of the students will actually have an opportunity to join a fair battle against each other.
See? This is JUST how Scar used Hyenas' weakness against them to make them pave the way for him and bring his enemy down. But the most interesting part is, it didn't end up in victory like Scar's plan did!
11) His relationship with Malleus has a lot to tell
Some may wonder just how does he think of Malleus? What is the feeling is even supposed to be? Is it jealousy? Hatred? Confusion? But I'm not going to talk about how he exactly feels. Instead, I want to talk about why he's feeling so.
First off, you need to know that Malleus and Leona are two sides of the same coin. They're both princes, they come from well known familiesband they're both great and often feared magicians but, there are some big differences:
Malleus would soon be the King, is among the greatest magicians of the world, is respected and well-known throughout the whole Twisted Wonderland and always finds his way to be the number one in anything that he's involved in.
The big difference between Leona and Malleus is that Malleus has gained everything that Leona always wished to have, he achieved them and Leona failed to do so. Malleus presents the picture perfect Leona thad he'd always wanted to be, and that's why Leona can't stand him.
It's not like he can be blamed for feeling so though, even the thought is painful. Imagine knowing that someone just like you exists in this world which has got everything that you once wanted, just why should it be so? Why should Malleus be the one to have them and not Leona? Isn't this life just too unfair...?
And the most irritating part about this is that Malleus doesn't feel the same way. Leona considers him to be his greatest enemy yet Malleus doesn't even consider Leona a rival. Malleus is always calm while Leona rushes to him which again is annoying, as if he doesn't take Leona seriously at all and this is driving Leona crazy.
That's why he can basically do anything just to make Malleus frown at least, he doesn't care if he's okay himself or not because all he wants is Malleus not to be okay. Another annoying fact about it is that it's really hard to insult or use anything against Malleus because he's just...too perfect. Even Leona won't dare underestimate his powers because he knows that it'll end in no good. He's basically looking for each and every possible detail about Malleus to use against him.
Just like how he did back in Malleus's SR robes story. He couldn't use anything better than telling Malleus that he'll never be invited and making fun of his horns to insult him. It's so annoying when you want to torture someone so badly but you just have nothing useful against them. He is ready to do everything to make Malleus angry, to make his calm and respectful expression disappear and finally take Leona seriously as his rival and enemy.
I'm sure that Leona doesn't know anything about Malleus's tamagotchi otherwise he would've told the whole school about it by now.
12) He isn't one to easily fall in love or to be effected by anyone
Many of the previous parts can reason this point, we talked about his personality, why it's so hard to change anything about him and how we should let Leona be Leona. But still many wonder if he can still fall in love? And the answer is: Yes. Leona as well can fall in love but it isn't necessarily easy.
Leona isn't used to letting people in and accepting that he needs them in life, which is why a relationship with him can have a pretty slow development.
In the first place, it'll take a rather long time for him to first trust someone let alone accepting them as a friend. He's pretty hard to approach you see, mostly because he often wants to be left on his own. He doesn't want to desire or need anyone and doesn't think that he'll ever need any other beings except for the times when he wants to get his room cleaned or have his meal prepared.
Love is something odd to him and it takes a very long time for him to actually feel it. You might think that he won't get it when someone loves him to the point of having to slap and shout: "Can't you see that I'm flirting with you..!??", but he's actually the total opposite. Note that he's pretty smart and would quickly realize it when someone's even staring at him, so nothing would be easier than telling if someone if having a crush on him. But he'd pretend that he doesn't know.
He doesn't really care what others feel about him and even as one loves him, he sees no reason to love them back. Whoever his lover is, they need to be really really patient with him because they must prove him that they aren't giving up this easily. He'd most likely try to tell you off and make you hate him multiple times, it really confuses him to see someone not letting go of him despite knowing how cold and mean he can be. He isn't a stray cat that would that would have his heart melted if you give him some head pats or treat him nicely, gaining Prince Leona's attention is no easy.
Even as he falls in love, it isn't going to totally change everything about him, so we can't expect him to let go of each and every poor manner of his because some of them are basically linked to the way he is in general.
He'd be different though, he tries to be more respectful and charming toward the one he desires, but as a lover he's often the: "Shut up and kiss me" type. He'd still be into teasing, but not in a humiliative way. He just enjoys messing with the people he likes so it's more of his way to play with his darling and showing admiration!
Beware though, if he falls in love, his darling would be his new goal, and he'd take no effort in making his darling his and only his. If he wants the darling, it must be him and only him who will get to have them. Just as much as it's so rare of him to actually reach the level of loving someone, know that he'll be so dangerous when he's serious about it. He won't be messing around when it comes to love.
I can keep talking about him all day but this has already gotten really long and I don't want it to get boring or any longer to read- I must admit that Leona's charater is quite interesting to study and the amount of details about his personality is surely fascinating!
#Twst#twisted wonderland#Twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#disney twisted wonderland#Character analysis#leona Kingscholar#leona Kingscholar x reader
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So, let’s talk comics again.
Previously, I showed off the transition between seasons 1 and 2, and how it cut off about three quarters of 01 content.
(Also, since that cover was scanned, it has come apart from the rest of the book, and now I have two halves of cover for this comic. Alas.)
The comic series for 02 must have been handled by different people, because it’s ever so slightly different to the anime. But, uh, the quality is about the same as before.
This is a cute detail to include, even if the scene that this is from didn’t appear in the comic. You can see that it’s the actual photo that was taken, with everyone staring at the egg! How nice.
TK, Kari and, weirdly, Izzy are missing from this. I’d chalk it up to all three of them showing up in this story, but Tai does too, so who fuckin knows.
This is their first appearance, no scene of TK and Davis or anything. Of note is that Kari doesn’t insult Davis, maybe he’s less of a douche in this version. Also: “football”, not soccer. Different markets, I suppose, but I know that we call it soccer here in New Zealand, so????
Davis Motomiya: Disaster Bi.
Oooo, an almost swear? “Oh my God” seems a bit risky for a kid’s comic.
This art style is adorable! Much better than the 01 version, even though they appear in the SAME COMIC.
BELIEVEABLE DIALOGUE. Although hey, there’s a “damn” there! They must have had their big boy pants on for this translation or something?
I really like “UH OH” as a sound effect.
(...ignore that spot above Kari’s dialogue there, it doesn’t seem to be on the actual comic so it must have been a scanning oopsie.)
Here’s these guys’ introduction! Why is Cody there? Who knows!
Also I was wrong, this mention of Izzy is his only “appearance” in this one, so why didn’t he get to be in the age-up panel up there? How rude.
(He appears in the next one, so they weren’t going for any “ooo what does IZZY look like!” suspense kinda thing. They were just bullying the poor kid.)
Hey look, a panel from the show! I don’t think that one actually shows up in this episode, though, weirdly.
Yolei why are you reading someone else’s email? Rude.
The dialogue immediately before this is Kari saying “Not all of us can go!” and then this happens, immediately proving her wrong. This version of the story just utterly blitzes through the plot points, doesn’t it? No hesitation, just action. It kinda takes the charm out of it a bit?
Not entirely,
but a little bit.
Now, I say that, and then I have to present to you my absolute favourite panel from this mess.
I’m so glad I took a break between the last comic and this, in retrospect, because it means that I got to have the last avatar up for a while before I changed it to this. IT’S TOO PERFECT I LOVE IT
The egg is just on a fucking path, I guess. Why not?!
Well, that’s another strong contender.
Davis inherently understanding this all notwithstanding, this sequence never fails to crack me up. What was your thought process here, Davis? Why the sassy? Why did fear not happen? Who are you???
Now, you may have noticed some sequence breaking here - by this point in the episode, we should have our little blue friend by now. This is the biggest difference between the two versions.
In the anime, they discuss the egg a bit, try to lift it, and Davis succeeds. Veemon is born, they throw around some introductions, and then Monochromon shows up and ruins their day.
In this version...
...this happens, somehow.
I don’t understand
...and then his birthday is IMMEDIATELY RUINED.
I just... I don’t know what to say that could add to this situation. This is the funniest damn thing to ever happen and there’s nothing that I can say that could make it funnier. Between every expression that Davis makes, the fact that they forget that they’re in mortal peril because a little blue man appeared, poor Veemon’s triumphant debut being interrupted and losing all of his momentum, the fact that you can hear the nonexistant music grind to a halt for this one moment, and the fact that even the Digimon Emperor and Monochromon are given pause... fucking hell this is my favourite moment.
“im 12 seconds old and what is this”
dshgkjhdjl Veemon you absolute fuckup. Never change.
There’s a minor plot hole in the dub, where Davis shouts “Digi-Armour Energise” without knowing that phrase, the second episode confirming that they have to shout that and Davis didn’t just make it up. In the original version, Veemon tells him to shout it, but his line was changed for the dub. Interestingly enough:
It’s preserved in this version! Along with the basics of the line that they changed it to in the dub! Weird. Were they going off the original script, or was there someone on the writing team who noticed that?
The fight goes slightly differently, but the basics are the same.
This panel is cool as fuck, tho.
You know what? I am ready for a new adventure. Let’s do it.
(Does Davis have a tear in his eye there? CUTE)
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