#He never apologized to my mom. Even though this is all his fault.
astral-catastrophe · 1 year
Momma doesn’t want her opinions of my dad to change my views on him, yet in reality, my respect for him had diminished two ish years ago when he didn’t trust my mom with something they were both being secretive about, but as the smart and eldest daughter I was able to piece it all together.
In reality he is a manipulative and selfish bastard who cares for nothing other than himself, despite his claims that he loves the siblings and I.
If you really loved us, you would be more considerate and flexible and kind. You haven’t been kind. You have been awful and said awful stuff about my mother that is not true. Anything she has said about you is stuff that I not already knew, but is stuff that is visible.
maybe I truly am just my mother’s child, but I can’t deal with a father who isn’t nice to me, isn’t nice to my siblings, and most importantly, is so fucking awful to my mother.
I want him to stop trying to fix whatever he thought he broke. Reality is that I haven’t trusted him in years because when I did go to him, he never helped with shit. He never actually helped and made stuff worse because he always tries for peace but never understood that my situations didn’t need peace I needed someone to take away the person who mentally abused and manipulated me but he instead instigated her by not stopping her from anything. Despite my complaints and his so called superior knowledge just because he’s a fucking adult.
yea you’re a fucking adult, but that means you should be the protector of your family and should trust them so you can help them. Not whatever you did. You did everything wrong, hated father of mine
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peachesofteal · 4 months
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warning: postpartum depression requested by multiple: mama's family
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"Where's my baby?!"
You can practically hear your teeth grinding together as you give your aunt a tight lipped smile. "He's due to get up any minute." She sighs, like it's an inconvenience, your mom hot on her heels.
"Hi honey," she says, glancing around your now pristine flat, "how are things?"
"Oh, fine." It's the same thing you've been saying this whole time. I'm fine. I'm good. Everything is great. "Went to the pediatrician the other day, Ry is perfect and healthy." You omit the rest of your news, the sudden reappearance of Simon, the stable, consistent presence in your life, the man who was supporting you in anyway he could.
Even though you absolutely do not want your mom or your aunt to meet him, let alone know about him-
you still kind of wish he was here.
He told you yesterday, regretfully, that he had meetings on base all day today, and you told him your mom and aunt were coming by, but probably wouldn't stay long. It was good, that he wouldn't be around.
Before he left for the night, he made you promise to call if you needed him. Text him to check in. You did as he asked, but didn't hear much. Not a surprise, since he said he wouldn't have a lot of time to respond, but still wanted updates.
"That's great honey." Her smile is genuine, and you know she means it. She does mean well, mostly. It's not her fault you're bad at asking for help, or that since you left home, you've become stubbornly independent. You even spent a few years "gallivanting across the globe" as your sister liked to say, shirking responsibility after uni.
Your family was used to you being a bit of a ghost.
"- don't you think?" Your aunt's voice brings you back to earth, and you nod robotically, unsure of what you're agreeing to. You're about to apologize for missing the conversation when the baby monitor on the kitchen counter lights up, Orion's fussy 'I just woke up mom, come get me' cry crackling from the speaker.
"That's for me." You joke half heartedly with a smile that doesn't reach your eyes. You know the battle with ensue as soon as you come back into the living room with the baby, and you dread it.
"Hi baby." You bend at the waist, scooping him out of his crib. "You're gettin' too heavy for mama, big boy. Don't know what I'm gonna do when you're older." The thought stops you in your tracks, the acknowledgement that he'll get older, that soon he'll be six months, and then a year, two. He'll learn to crawl, to walk, to speak. It's exciting, and anxiety inducing. What if you mess him up? What if you don't give him a good life? What if you're not a good mom, or he gets sick, or there's an accident, or an attack or-
No. You're not going to do this. You're not going to fall into these obsessive what ifs. It will only make you sick to your stomach.
You get him into a new nappy and clothes before slinking back into the living room, cowed with your head down. His head turns against your chest, seeking, and you know he's starting to realize he's hungry.
But the vultures don't care.
"Bring that boy over here, let me hold him." Your aunt croons, syrupy sick voice conjuring a roar of nausea.
"He's probably hungry." You start to warn them that this won't last long as you lower him into her arms, but you know it will fall on deaf ears. "So-"
"Just get a bottle from the fridge dear, I can feed him no problem." You fight the urge to to snap at her, unreasonable rage swelling inside your heart. No one feeds him except you, and Simon. Bottles are fine when you're asleep and can't nurse, or between feedings, but he doesn't eat as much from them. Of course, you've tried to tell them that, multiple times, but it never seems to stick. Your mom knows, but she never stands up to her older sister.
Like mother like daughter, you guess. You've never been a doormat per se, but you don't have a strongest backbone, and becoming a mom has changed you, a lot. You've become even more soft, more sensitive. It's... a problem.
"How are you feeling, honey?" You know she's asking mostly about your body, your stitches, your physical aches and pains, which were plenty considering what you went through when Ry was born, but your mom's voice is gentle, like she senses you frustration, and you give her a weak smile. It's nice she's expressing interest, but that's usually as far as it goes, unless you count the meals she's brought over that you barely picked it, not having enough energy to even feed yourself, or shower, or the suggestion that you give her the baby all the time so you could 'take a break' even though he screamed the moment he was separated from you. Not helpful. Nobody cared that you had scary thoughts, scary moments, scary days. Nobody offered to be here at night with you, when you were all alone with the baby after dark, terrified, crying in the bathroom with your face buried in a towel so you wouldn't wake him. No one was here when you were afraid you might hurt him, or yourself, and no one seemed to hear you when you shrugged over and over again, your lack of interest in everything explicitly clear.
You sucked at asking for help, so you didn't. And when you did, you never got it right, or got the right answers, so you stopped asking. Everything became fine. Good.
"Fine, good." She opens her mouth to say something, ask some question, probably about Ry, when your blood goes cold.
The sound of your front door opening rings out like a bang, your eyes widening in panic, and you nearly run to the kitchen.
Oh fuck. Oh no, no no no-
You turn in slow motion to see your baby's daddy, the man who has a key now, stepping through the doorway. As soon as you lay eyes on him, you split down the middle. You're horrified, because of what's about to happen with the two hens on the couch and-
your libido roars to life. Simon's not wearing his usual jeans or joggers and black hoodie, but a camouflage military uniform. One that he fills out, broad shoulders and broad chest fitted snug inside the material. You think you're staring. Or drooling. Or both.
His lips quirk up on one side with a secretive, almost seductive smile, and he peeks over your shoulder before turning his attention back to you. "Hey mama."
"H-hey. Uh. Hi." Your hands uselessly flit around, like you're trying to swat some invisible bugs away or something. "My mom is still here. And my aunt," you can't help yourself, you take him in from head to toe one more time, "you look... nice."
"Price makes me wear my BDU for on base meetings." He grunts, slightly exasperated. Who?
"Battle dress uniform. It's... the approved, standard uniform. I don't wear it... in the field." His lips press together, and your mind wanders, curious questions about 'the field' popping up like fireworks, but you push them away. Now is definitely not the right time. His thumb brushes your cheek, under your eye, and he frowns. "Everything alright?"
You step to the side, motioning to the living room, where your aunt and mother are whispering fiercely. You roll your shoulders, and take a deep breath. "Do you... want to, say hi?" The question is weak, your voice small. His brow furrows. He looks hesitant, and you don't blame him. They're a lot. It's a lot. He glances down at you again, head tilted in consideration. "Or you could just go. If you ran out that door... well I'd only wish I could come with you." You whisper, and he cracks a smile.
"No. 'm not runnin' from any part of you, sweetheart. C'mon. They can't be worse than..." he trails off, odd look in his eyes before it clears, "they can't be worse than a lot of things."
He follows you around the corner of the kitchen, crossing the threshold of the living room with two large strides.
Your mother gasps. Your aunt makes a sound that you can only describe as a goose being strangled, and Orion starts to cry. Perfect.
"Oh, oh shhh, shhhh." Your aunt tries to soothe him, but you know it won't work.
"Mom," you call over the noise, gesturing to the giant man standing next to your coffee table, and you, "Mom! This is Simon." She stares at you, confused, shocked even. You never told her your one night stand's name, just that you couldn't track him down, so she doesn't make the connection.
Still, she gapes at him. Clears her throat with a question.
"Is this... your boyfriend honey?" Your aunt's expression is not much different, and you freeze. Is he? Is that what this is? You half expect Simon to reject the term boyfriend flat out, but instead-
"Something like that." His hand settles between your shoulder blades, and you lean into it, relishing the comfort. Just the presence of him in the flat is enough to soothe you, lessen the tension you feel building in your chest. "Sounds like he's hungry, mama."
"Yeah, I think he's more than ready." You reach for Ry, eager to pick him up, but your aunt shifts her body, shying away, turning her shoulder to you. You're used to this, the keep away, the way they always try to convince you he'll calm down, to let them hold him for too long, to get him a bottle... but Simon is not.
He goes rigid at your side. You can feel the muscle in his arm turn to stone, and his eyes narrow, upper lip curling. Your mother's eyes go wide, but your aunt remains oblivious. "I can feed him, dear. Go get a bottle warmed up and-"
"No." Simon snaps, rough pitch of his voice dipping deeper into the manc accent, and she bristles. This bitch wouldn't be scared of the devil himself.
"Excuse me?" You watch the muscle in his jaw flex with fascination, wondering what he'll do next. You're brought back to when you met, when he stared down the guy who pushed you out of the way at the bar like he was going to murder him, before calling you over to settle next to his thigh. He put his hand on your waist, shielded you from everyone else for the rest of the night.
You were a goner before you ever had a chance to begin.
"Orion wants his mother. You can hand him over without a fuss, or I can throw you out of this flat. Your choice." His words are hard, cold steel, a sharp knife slicing away, exposing vulnerable parts and smashing them to pieces.
Your aunt has the gall to look scandalized, but when you glance at your mother, she has a different expression. It's warm. Approving. She mets your eyes with a small smile as you scoop Orion up, and then she stands.
"We'll get out of your hair, honey." She tugs you into a half hug before looking over. "Nice to meet you Simon." Your aunt is ranting and raving all the way to your front door, but once it's shut...
"Bloody hell." He mutters, and shakes his head. "I won't let anyone push you 'round like that, sweetheart. Family or not. Especially not in your own home, I-"
"Thank you." It's all you can say. "I um, kind of suck at sticking up for myself, sometimes. It means a lot, that you would do that. For me." He steps close, hand covering Orion's belly and chest, even though he's still crying.
"Kitten doesn't have any claws," he murmurs against your ear, and your eyebrows knit together. Uh... what? "Don't worry, you won't need 'em. Not now that you have me." There's something dangerous in his tone, something lethal and profound. It’s as fervid as his proclamation about his commitment to you, to Orion. Like dark water, bottomless and black, it draws you out deeper, sends shivers up your spine, but doesn't turn you away. It makes you curious, intrigued, desperate to peel back his layers, to dig into him until you know it all, inside and out.
Curiosity killed the cat, isn’t that what they say?
You weren't afraid of him that night, and you're not afraid now. You know Simon is not an ordinary man. You know you've bitten off a lot, by having his baby, rekindling this connection, giving him a key-
but you plan to chew.
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miriamladyvoid · 24 days
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My ask: Hello I liked your Grim headcanons so I would like to request platonic solace headcanons with the freshman gang + Grim. In the hypothetical scenario where Yuu/MC will never be able to return home and therefore Yuu will look depressed and tired after hearing the news ( i miss my boys)
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ft: Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek
Ace Trappola
⤷Ace finds out about the situation from the other first years, who’d already tried (and somewhat succeeded) in lightening the mood.
⤷So he didn’t have the pleasure of meeting you while it was the worst- however, when Ace went to offer his condolences the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.
⤷Now Ace didn’t WANT to attempt to cheer you up when the news was just broken, he’s decently self aware and knows his comfort and help comes off as brash or rude sometimes.
⤷However, it’s not like he’s heartless (if almost the exact opposite- he cares very deeply for someone once they become friends, and it’s a loyalty not easily broken).
⤷So, despite the tension and your obvious emotionally fragile demeanor, Ace took a leap of faith and sat down next to you.
⤷He starts off just saying random things, talking for the sake of ridding the silence, however it eventually drifts to family.
⤷He apologizes, like it was somehow his fault there was no way to return back to your world, and offers you to stay over at his place during the breaks.
⤷Then he starts joking about how you’ll fit in, and how his dad will love you (all the while making teasing remarks towards his brother).
⤷And at the very end, when both your butts are numb from sitting on the cold hard hallway floor, Ace pats you on the back and congratulates you on making it so far.
Deuce Spade
⤷The first one to find you, wholly unprepared and slightly panicking at the pure exhaustion apparent in your features.
⤷Deuce (after a moments pause) jumps into action by crowding around you and looking for any sign of what possibly could have happened- there’s no extra textbooks or assignments in your bag, nobody in the vicinity that could’ve harassed you, and you seem to be all in one piece.
⤷Stops and stares at you before asking just what happened, and panics even more when your expression turns even more heartbroken at his words.
⤷Tells you to wait for a moment, and runs off to a vending machine to grab a warm drink and some tissues in case you cry.
⤷When he returns, Deuce once again presses the topic of what happened, and once you finish the story, Deuce’s heart is broken.
⤷He loves his mom and grandma so much, and can’t imagine knowing there’d be no way to ever see them again- it isn’t pity on his part, more of an extreme empathy.
⤷Tries his best to hug you while there’s still a hot drink in your hands, but as awkward as the embrace is, it’s honest and Deuce tries to convey everything he doesn’t have the words for through it.
⤷When the two of you have to go back to classes, he makes sure to tell some of the others to be more gentle than usual- but doesn’t budge on the reason or story.
⤷It’s your feelings and your tale to tell, all in due time and at your own pace the others can find out.
Epel Felmier
⤷Sees you during lunch, after the text that had been sent out. Epel was almost overly cautious and walked on eggshells about every topic before Deuce caught his eye and started shaking his head.
⤷Relaxed a bit and didn’t pry on the subject- he figured you’d approach it on your own if you wanted his condolences or advice (though Epel knows he’s a bit ill suited for legitimate life instruction).
⤷He offers some food from his lunchbox (Pomefiore is on a group diet again, but Vil at least uses incredibly high quality ingredients), and carves an apple into the shape of something you like- be it an animal or object.
⤷Once everyone joins the table (minus Ace who had basketball), and you’re a bit more distracted, Epel starts to pick up on smaller things that Deuce was doing- steering the conversation one way or the other, avoiding talking about the upcoming break where everyone would get to see their family… oh yeah wasn’t Crowley trying to find a way back- oh.
⤷Pauses in the middle of chewing, and stares at you for a few seconds before the full situation sinks in.
⤷Epel is extremely close with his family (or community in general), so similar to Deuce he’s shocked by his own revelation- and immediately starts looking up possible things he can do to make you feel better.
⤷All of Epels sentiments are incredibly corny- flowers and warm tea, or choosing films with similar scenery to your hometown in hopes to bring some feeling of comfort.
⤷Tries his hardest to support you without you needing to tell him.
Jack Howl
⤷Notices the smaller things, and pieces together what happened like Epel, however Jack believes that talking through your problems can help process them (so long as it’s not him doing the talking).
⤷Lots of questions, though not all at once. What happened? How do you feel- specifically. Does your body feel hollow, or heavy… or a bit of an odd mix between the two?
⤷Asks you how you want to move forward with things- do you want to keep looking for ways back? Or would you prefer to “accept your fate” and start making more permanent roots in Twisted Wonderland (social security, school aptitude tests, bank accounts… etc).
⤷He’s very much a rock to lean on- seemingly forever calm (if a bit miffed due to the wet spots due to tears now in his leather Savanaclaw jacket).
⤷Does small things that you have to look twice at to notice the real value of, on a particularly rough day he prepares some food that tastes similar to a favorite dish (even if the ingredients are different), or takes you to dumb tourist traps on the island so it feels more like a fun trip than a prison, makes a playlist with songs similar to those that he had you sing from your world.
⤷He offers to take you on break with him, explaining that his large family will leave no room to be bored- which therefore means really no time to be homesick or sad.
⤷On reflex gets you a nightlight because it’s one of his little sisters comfort items, and decides to get a matching one. That way you know you’re not alone in this world, even during the sad hours of nighttime.
Sebek Zigvolt
⤷Loudly, and very ungracefully asks why you’re acting so solemn when today marks the anniversary to the Great Lord Malleus’ club founding- as brash and socially dense as he may be, three people giving various negative hand gestures towards him after that statement would make anyone stop what they’re doing- and he did stop, mouth agape in pure bewilderment.
⤷Quiets down and watches as three of the other first years glance over your direction, as your face seems to get even more drained and exhausted by the sheer amount of energy surrounding you.
⤷Starts awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to the other- he’s well aware of the effect his comment made and is slightly embarrassed that his first response to seeing a friend stressed out and tired was to… “invalidate their personal feelings in exchange for validating his own beliefs” as Master Lilia had said.
⤷Epel eventually gets sick of his demeanor and pulls him aside to explain the situation, and ask him to please help because they can’t make such a massive problem go away on their own.
⤷Sebek puffs out his chest at this new responsibility and decides the best course of action would be to explain why the Valley of Thorns is so wonderful.
⤷Slowly begins asking questions about your own home. The Valley has the highest concentration of Fae in the entire world- what are fae like where you’re from? What’s the food like? What spices, animal products, materials are different from what you’ve seen here.
⤷Accidentally makes mental notes of the descriptions you provide of the objects- and finds himself looking for the closest thing to it Twisted Wonderland has to offer.
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The original publication and writing belongs to @spindle-spun-writings (Post recovered) 01/01/23
Banners created by miriamladyvoid© Feel free to use; please, reblog, and credit banners.
Language of the flowers of each Banner:
First Banner: Faded Dianthus: I depart from you. Second Banner: Elder Blossom: Compassion. Third Banner: Harebell: Regret.
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thoughtsforsoob · 7 months
Hiii!Can I ask for "arguments with txt" with comfort at the end?
arguments with txt
a/n: I just made like a texts version of this so please check out my last post! I will fulfill this request by making a more long form version about what arguments with them are like/about. (I hate conflict. If people are arguing or fighting in front of me, I will run off or just straight up have a panic attack, it's happened before. trust me. witnessing school fights in hs was not kind to me). I hope this is okay too :) hehe you almost got 2 parts in a way. Please enjoy! I’m currently cleaning out my inbox so idk how fast it’ll get done but I promise im doing my best. Thank you!!!
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Argument’s with him are very uncommon. He often time doesn’t take them very seriously that frustrates you to no end. You and him tend to argue about little things which is surprise because you seem to talk out all of the big things you guys go through. It’s very confusing to say the least. He’ll get upset with you for little things like for example: leaving your dish in the sink for later. It drives him up the wall and it really shouldn’t. His tactics for when he’s upset is to just get away from you and ignore you for an hour or two. you already know his habits so you just leave him be. He’s not really good at admitting he’s wrong or that his behavior was pointless but he knows it in his head. Over time, he’ll stop doing things like this but just give him some time. He’s adjusting to being the both of you in the apartment and not just him.
it's so hard to argue with him because he will never want to face your issues head on. he's shy in nature so any conflict makes him nervous and he retreats, avoiding talking about it. he would much rather forgive and forget without say much at all. sometimes, though, it's impossible to forgive and forget without saying anything. when those situations so arise, you have to sit him down and talk to him very calmly. he responds better to this type of conversations. anyways, he is very silent when it comes to arguments as well. you can tell he's upset because his responses are so short and cold. the best way to ask him to talk is just asking him straight but with a very calm voice so as to not make him upset even more.
I would hare to argue with him. He's so unresponsive when it comes to arguments. The only things he does is sit there and listen to you talk to him about what he's done wrong, roll his eyes with a huff and then just spew out all kinds of meant things. He knows what he's saying but he doesn't;t think it'll affect you in the long wrong. During one argument, you were getting on him about picking up his game remote from the couch and putting them into the little box you bought him for all the cables and remotes to are stored in. you also threw in a little comment about picking his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor and he lost it. he said you were lazy and did the same thing too (leaving your clothes behind). he only realizes what he's done when you start to cry right in front of him. he goes nuts apologizing and will def come to his senses when he sees you this way.
he will sit there at argue with you for hours, upon hours, upon hours. he is not going to back down because he hates being wrong. even if he knows he's wrong, he hates admitting it. he always eventually admits his faults but it takes a while. he is so stubborn and it causes quite a few issues in your relationship. something this causes the both of you to fight over the most silly things ever. one of the silliest ones for example was when you were talking about how much you loved in actor in a movie you had watched he'd recently. he insists that it was someone else and eventually he realizes hes wrong but he hates to say he made a mistake. he gives you silent treatment for a few hours and when that time is up, he goes to look for you and tells you to get ready because you're going to get food with him. he is such a mom when it comes to apologizing (my mom loves to mend our issues with a trip for boba or a trip to target where she buys me snacks or a new shirt or something).
Huening Kai
he is just like soobin in the aspect of a relationship. non-confrontational to the bone. arguments trigger his fight or flight and it frustrates him when arguments run too long. arguments with him are always about him putting himself down or not letting himself rest enough when he is clearly exhausted. thats all. you too can usually talk things out due to your extremely close bond but sometimes things get out of hand and you have to get on his case. it usually starts with him coming home in tears and beyond frustrated. this is almost always because he sat in the practice room and read comments left by mean people. or because ehe was struggling with a new choreography. you try to help him by telling him to wash up and get rest but he completely just blows up on you and tells you to butt out. you leave him alone but he realizes his mistake when he see you on the couch, covered with a blanket, watching tv without him. he sits next to you and apologizes. he is not someone who hates being wrong. if he's wrong, he'll apologize with no hesitation.
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fluff-n-cookies · 4 months
Hello :)
Could you please do and platonic Aizawa x daughter reader?
His daughter is in her teen years so she is being like really rebel and all that so they fought a lot, but one day she just breaksdown during one fight and starts crying and apologizing for being a shitty daughter?
I have been avoiding this for so long, and it's all because I have no idea how aizawa would handle something like this. because it goes against everything that Aizawa would try and teach his kid so this may be a little forcefully written, apologies.
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TW : unhealthy parenting, mental illness, some suicidal thoughts, probably angsty shit, I dunno, read at your own risk.
We can start this by walking through how this may start in the first place. I think the best place to start is that reader's mom left her and Aizawa when she was very young, and Aizawa, assuming here he didn't understand how to properly tell her why her mother left her, never tells her why.
Now reader is very young so she might blame one of two things.
her father
While both instances would technically work, I think the more favorable option is she blames herself since a young child would probably never blame an adult they look up to and hold dear as the problem.
Up to this point her father has been really kind to her so the only other variable is her, this spirals into social anxiety, low self esteem, and depression. all of which don't help when you have an absent mother and a neglectful father who is both a teacher and a full time hero, which leaves little to no room for children.
(this is also why I think it isn't realistic for Aizawa to keep Eri or a child without another non-hero caretaker. Fight me, I dare you.)
As time goes on, and this child becomes a teenager, she might not know how to properly express her feeling and after being misguided by factors like the internet, other adults, and "friends" she might take out the feeling of being abandoned on her closest caretaker and another source of her problems; Aizawa.
if you purposely yell at him or start arguments it's not going to be very fun because Aizawa has this complex where if his students or other heros represent incompetence or arrogance he expels them or ignores him rather than explaining it to them and helping them improve, this is especially with students.
and since he lacks a true connection with you as his daughter mainly because of his job(s) and past with Oboro which he is still trying to heal from keeping him from bonding with you, he'll treat you as a student like the rest of the teenagers he knows. and even then, you may actually be treated worse than his students because while he interacts with them daily, he interacts with maybe 1 hour every other day.
so from all that he simply ignores you, just stops interacting with you entirely, he's too tired for your bullshit. this action makes the wedge between you two even worse.
if you keep persisting though he will yell back but it's often really short and really loud. something like "SHUT UP" a cold "I don't care." before slamming the door in your face. He knows it's probably not right to do that to your daughter but let's face it. you're just this annoying teenager he legally has to live with if he doesn't want to lose his hero and teaching license.
this is where things actually get very interesting, because let's assume he stops approaching you entirely, you just live in the same house nothing more than that, and while you may act like you hate your father for ruining your family and neglecting you all your life on the outside, remember, you're still that little kid in second grade that blames yourself for your mother leaving and your father not caring for you.
so let's say you realize this and go back to blaming yourself for everything like you did when you where a kid but since your father stopped talking to you entirely explaining your faults to him maybe difficult.
this where my personal experiences come in, I've actually had this happen to me in my own life, and I truely hope that you'll enjoy it. thank you.
why is it that the voices are the loudest in the dead of night?
the moon is gone, the birds are silent, there isn't a single light that shines on your tear streaked face, puffly, swollen, sad, just sad.
years of confusion, neglect, a lack of love in it's purest form.
all because of you.
it's all because of you.
it's sings so prettily, like it's a church choir spreading the word of the lord like it's common knowledge.
it's common knowledge that you are a terrible person!
it cackles.
the urge to strangle yourself to finally feel some relief has never been stronger.
lie awake in the dead of night, in pitch darkness, a proper scenery to match ones broken and cracked soul, be careful, you might hurt yourself, again.
however, one cannot weep in their wallows forever.
the night has to make way for the morning sun.
and a relaxed self pity has to make way to dread.
dread of him, he who you blame for everything, everything you know is your fault.
it's all your fault.
a click at the door,
the creak of the old wood and the hinges never oiled.
mild thumping footsteps that wander around the apartment that can barely hold your overflowing buckets of tears.
you can mumble out all your pleas.
pleas that this is all a terrible nightmare and your real life is actually one with a kind and loving mother and a supportive and encouraging father.
mumble out the little lies that you made up all these years to make yourself feel worse and other better.
"it's pointless to keep trying."
"I wish I wasn't here."
"why can't I just be happy?"
"it's all my fault,
it's all my fault,
it's all my fault."
the thin walls don't do those in mourning justice though.
for the wind is calm, the branches don't dare to move, the owls, the bats, the sleeping heros in training downstairs don't make a peep.
for the only ones alive, awake, aware, is a man beaten down and broken by society serving as it's protector, ignoring the one in most need of protection all this time. With him is a girl. a girl that's scared, scared of her mirror image that haunts her, a girl who's cried an ocean, screamed a thousand wails of pain, a girl lost in her own heart,
"No wonder no one loves you."
you lie again.
but keen ears trained from years of work with villains hears you, for the first time, he hears you.
not the rebellious teen he's seen yell out strings of pure hatred and fiery insults like he's her own worst enemy.
it's the girl who he saw waiting on the steps to their apartment all those years ago. waiting for her mama to come back home with the promise of cupcakes.
it's the girl who never smiled for the remainder of elementary school.
it's the girl who's heart withered way that autumn evening.
he heard the softest little voice in the dead of night. he heard his daughter cry
"No wonder no one loves you."
"But I love you."
for that whole night, for that whole night.
the peace was disturbed.
for that whole night, it seemed that the moon shone once again.
it may not be the sun. but it'll do for now.
Aizawa walked away shortly after that.
leaving a little girls and her mirror image to ponder.
Afterwards I don't think he'd talk about it too much, he's proabably approach you after breakfast the next morning and tell you "you can talk to him about it if you want." but not much more than that
he definitely would change his practices though. like getting you a therapist, taking the weekends off in favor of being around the house more.
he'll let you get used to his presence first like one would with a cat, and one day. maybe years later, or tomorrow, you'll talk to him.
you'll tell him you love him too.
and maybe.
just maybe.
the world will stop,
and everything will be okay.
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estrellami-1 · 2 years
Never Forgot
Based on this post.
Steve knew something was wrong when she ran out of the room, choking back tears.
He felt bad, felt like there was something missing, but he didn’t remember her. Thinking about it, he realized he didn’t really remember anything.
“Robin?” Dustin asked when she all but ran out of the hospital room.
She stifled a sob and collapsed onto the bench next to him, holding a hand over her mouth. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” Tears welled in her eyes. “Dustin, he… he doesn’t remember me.”
Dustin took a deep breath and very carefully did not freak out. “Okay. You stay here, I’ll go talk to him. See if we can shake it loose or something.” He rolled his eyes at the look she gave him. “Not literally, Buckley, jeez. Keep your pants on.”
He squared his shoulders and walked into the hospital room. Steve looked fine, if tired—hospital lighting never did anyone any favors—but the absent smile he sent Dustin spoke volumes. “Hi,” he said quietly, stilted in a way he never was anymore. Not with Dustin. “Um, can you apologize to her for me? She seemed really upset and I’m not sure what I did but I think it’s my fault.”
Dustin sighed and sat in the chair by Steve’s hospital bed. “You really don’t remember her, huh.” It wasn’t a question, so Steve didn’t answer. “And I’m guessing you don’t remember me, either?”
Steve picked at the blanket on his lap. “I’m sorry.”
“Jesus fuck,” Dustin whispered, screwing his eyes shut. “Don’t apologize, Jesus, it’s not your fault. It just… sucks.”
Steve snorted. “Imagine waking up and only remembering one person.”
Dustin looked up at him sharply. “One person?”
Steve shrugged. “Guess I’d be a pretty shitty boyfriend if I didn’t, yeah.”
“Boyfriend?” Dustin blinked. “Steve, you’re not dating anyone.”
Steve frowned. “I am. Maybe you don’t know him? Eddie? Eddie Munson?”
“Eddie- Christ, Steve, of course I know Eddie, and you two aren’t dating. You’re, like, as straight as they come.”
“No- no, I am, I’m dating him, I’m- we’re-”
“Whoa, okay, hold up, calm down,” Dustin said, holding his hands out. “It’s fine, dude, okay, we’ll figure it out later but I don’t think you should be stressing this hard after just waking up.”
Steve hummed. “What, uh. What actually happened to me?”
Dustin sighed. “The doctors said your body essentially performed a hard reset. You’ve been running on fumes for too long. You collapsed from sheer exhaustion. At least you didn’t hit your head this time, though maybe that would’ve prevented you from losing your memory, so who fuckin’ knows.”
“Language,” Steve chided, then blinked when Dustin looked at him excitedly. “I don’t know where that came from.”
Dustin just laughed. It was only a little forced. “You’re just incapable of not being a mom.”
Robin went back in next, lightly tapping Dustin’s shoulder as she passed him in the doorway. He shook his head, and her heart sank. “He-” Dustin shook his head, bit his lip. “He thinks he and Eddie are dating. Eddie’s the only person he remembers.”
Robin gave him a little half-smile. “He’s had a crush on Eddie for a while. I didn’t realize it was this bad, but.” She shrugged. “I’ll talk to him. You call everyone else?”
She took a deep breath and walked into the room. “So,” she started. “You really don’t remember?”
Steve shook his head, eyebrows pinched. “I’m sorry. I wish I did.”
“Dustin said you remember one person?”
“Mhm. Eddie.”
“Right. And you and Eddie? What are you?”
Steve frowned even deeper. “Boyfriends. If we’re this close, shouldn’t you know that?”
Robin shrugged. “I’d like to think so. That’s why Dustin and I aren’t convinced you are dating. Maybe your memories are just… really vivid daydreams.”
“You really think so?”
Robin sighed heavily. “I don’t know what to think, Steve. Hell, I didn’t even know how bad it was until you collapsed. Some soulmate I am.”
“With a capital P,” Steve said, holding up a hand before Robin could say anything. “Sometimes certain memories are triggered. It’s… like a puzzle piece slotting into place. But I’ve got about a million more pieces missing. I can’t see what that specific piece connects to.”
Robin hums. “Okay. So you remember Eddie. And if I say Hellfire..?” Steve just frowned. “Or… Metallica?”
Steve smiled. “Yeah, I know that one.”
“Did you know that before I said it?”
Steve nodded. “Hellfire’s related to Eddie?”
Robin chuckled. “You could say that.”
“What is it?”
She laughed again. “I think I’ll let your boyfriend explain that one.”
“Even though you don’t believe we’re dating.”
Robin spread her hands. “Soulmates with a capital P, Steve. I can’t think of any reason you wouldn’t at least tell me. Especially since you know—err, knew—I’m a lesbian.”
Steve frowned. “Maybe Eddie didn’t want to? Does he know?”
“Oh.” He frowned again. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
She sighed. “I’m not asking you to have all the answers. Especially now. Just… think about it, yeah?”
“I will,” he promised. “Um. Are you okay?”
“Jesus, Steve.” Robin laughed. It was only mostly hysterical. “Of course you’d still be thinking about everyone else. I’m fine. Or- I will be. You just take care of yourself, dingus.”
He chuckled. “Will do, Robbie.”
She sighed. “Another puzzle piece?” He nodded. “Alright. I’m gonna go track down Dustin and see where he’s at with all the other ankle-biters.”
“Okay.” She lingered for a half-second, then sighed again and walked out.
He was released two days later. Drove himself home, Robin in the passenger seat and Dustin in the back row. Dustin quizzed him about the rest of the Party the whole way home, made sure Steve knew their names forwards, backwards and upside down, as well as what everyone was like. “Max is kickass,” he said. “Like, she’ll absolutely smile in your face as she knees you in the balls. And it’s the kinda smile that strikes fear into a man. She’s awesome. And-”
“Okay,” Steve said, amused. He didn’t know how Dustin could go that long without a breath. “I’ll know what you’re talking about as soon as we get out of the car and get inside, right?”
Dustin yelped when he looked up to see them parked before scrambling out the door and running inside.
Steve grinned at Robin, who grinned back, before they made their way inside, albeit at a slower pace than Dustin had.
Steve vaguely recognized everybody, but his attention focused in on a very specific person. “Eds.”
Eddie smiled, small and soft and sweet, one of Steve’s favorites. “Heya, Stevie.”
Suddenly he couldn’t help himself. He had to be with Eddie, right then, it couldn’t wait, so he didn’t. Practically flung himself at Eddie, like he knew Eddie would catch him (he did). Attaches his mouth to Eddie’s, a silent promise, I never forgot you, flowing between them.
When they pulled back, Eddie stared at him like he’d hung the fucking sun. “You remember?” Eddie asked in a whisper.
“Never forgot,” Steve promised, at the same volume.
“What. The actual. Fuck,” Robin said. Eddie and Steve froze as they turned to face her and the rest of the Party, who were all staring with the same expression.
“Fuck,” Eddie whispered. “We forgot to tell Robin.”
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He started it
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summary: when a guy in school gets really handsy with you, you break his nose, yet your moms don’t see it that way
pairing: Blackhill x reader
warnings: yelling, disgusting man
genre: fluff, angst
words: 1143
a/n: I forgot to post this and I feel so bad because I said I was gonna post it yesterday 🥲, so sorry @nattynatoosh for the false promise 🫣
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
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You’re not even sure how it happened. At one point, you were grabbing some books from your locker, and the next, you were sitting in the principal's office.
You were a great kid. You had amazing grades and were outstanding in all your classes. You were the kid every parent would want to have, and Maria and Natasha never hesitated to talk about your great skill and achievements.
You could see the principal looking at you with pure disappointment. “You’re not like this…” you can still hear him saying when the boy told him the story. His story.
You hadn’t said a word. You knew that whatever you said, would just make it worse. If you started talking, you’d quickly lose your temper and you would either be yelling or crying, or both. So you kept your mouth shut. You were waiting for your moms to get there. Surely they would understand and help you. 
When your moms did come in, you could see the steam basically coming from Natasha’s ears. She was furious, and everyone in the room noticed it. 
Maria followed her, looking way more collected than Natasha was. She was always better with handling stressful situations, especially if it was about you. Maria stood behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder while Natasha sat besides you. The parents of the boy were already there, and from the looks of it they were real entitled rich people. 
The mother was crying, and the dad was almost as furious as Natasha, though you’re not sure that’s a possibility. “She hit my baby boy,” the mother cried. “She broke his nose,” she continued sniffling, and you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 
Natasha looked at her unimpressed, and then at you. ��Is that true?” she asked, and you shook your head. “Yes it is!” the boy yelled from beside you, and you sighed. 
You weren’t going to say anything. You didn’t want to give that to them.
“Well, according to the state both of the kids are in, it’s obvious who’s telling the truth. I suggest a former apology for y/n, and a three week suspension,” the principal suggested, and the mother let out a sob. "Suspension?! She should be in jail for what she did to my boy!” she yelled at the principal, and you heard Maria let out a sigh while she gently squeezed your shoulder. 
“Ma’am, jail is a bit harsh for a situation like this, and with the record y/n holds, I really don’t feel a harsh punishment like that is necessary,” the principal said calmly, trying to calm the woman down. 
“And you? You’re not just going to let her get away with it are you?” the woman asked your moms, looking at them with anger.
You’re moms assured you’d be punished. Your phone would get taken and you’d get some extra chores at home. 
Once the woman finally settled, Natasha pulled you up from the chair and led you to the car. With the grip she had on your arm, you could feel she was still angry. She opened the door and pushed you inside, a little rougher than necessary. 
You sat quietly. You didn’t want to cry in front of your moms, yet you wanted to yell at them what really happened wasn’t your fault. 
Maria got in the driver's seat, and Natasha sat next to her. You felt their stares through the rearview mirror, but you didn’t dare stare back. You just looked out the window, trying to hold back your tears until you could cry them out freely in the comfort of your room.
“Do you understand what you did?!” Natasha suddenly asked you, and you could feel the anger in her tone. “This is serious! It’s not just some sneaking around or skipping class. Something like this could have serious consequences! Do you even understand that!?” she yelled, and you didn’t dare say something.
Maria sighed with disappointment, “We just want to know why,” she said, looking back at you when she stopped in front of a red light. 
You shrugged, and continued looking outside. 
“Just so you know, we weren’t kidding. You will have serious consequences at home,” Natasha told you, before she too, silently started out the window. 
Once you got home, you quickly ran to your room. You could hear your moms yelling at you, but you didn’t care. You jumped into your bed, finally letting yourself cry. You were full on sobbing, and you could hear someone come in.
You felt the bed dip, and you felt a hand stroking your back. From how it felt you could tell it was Maria. You tried to talk, but it was hard through the crying so instead Maria pulled you in a sitting position, hugging you tightly to her chest.  
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” you cried out in between your sobs, and Maria sushed you. “I’m sorry mom. I didn’t do anything I swear! He was touching me and he wouldn’t stop. I’m sorry…” you kept crying, and Maria could feel tears in her eyes. “It’s okay, everything’s okay. I’m not mad at you,” she told you, rubbing her hand up and down her back.
You heard Natasha come in, and you felt the bed dip on the other side of you. “I’m sorry for yelling,” she told you, wiping the hair from your face. 
“I was unfair, and we should’ve listened to you before we made assumptions,” she continued and your sobs died down to sniffles. “We’ll make sure he’ll get punished, and you’ll stay home next week with us okay?” she said, and you nodded, as you let Maria go and clung onto your other mom.
“I’m sorry mama. I didn’t mean to break his nose, I just wanted him gone,” you cried out, and Natasha nodded as she stroked your hair. “You made the right choice,” she told you, and you nodded. 
The next day, your moms contacted the school, and you went to the principal’s office again. This time to watch the security footage. It was clear to see the boy had tried to get in your pants, and it was clear how he had you cornered while you were trying to push him off. After he didn’t let go, you punched him, and he fell to the floor as he started yelling.
The principal apologized, and said the boy would be punished and reported to the police. 
On your way home, you were happily murmuring along to the song on the radio, looking out the window. “I just wanted to say I’m really sorry for not asking you what happened first,” you heard Natasha say, and you turned to her with a smile. “It’s okay,” you told her, and she smiled back.
“That was one hell of a punch though.”
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gingiesworld · 1 year
New Sheriff in Town
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Requested by @louxbloom
Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader/ Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
Wanda and Vision were high school sweethearts, everything seemed perfect until she fell pregnant before graduating. Vision proposed to her as soon as he found out which Wanda had said yes.
It all seemed fairytale like as the years went on, Wanda being the stay at home mom as Vision went to work with his uncle at Stark Industries to provide for his family. As much as Wanda loved being a mom to her sons, she hated being home alone. Living the same day, same routine over and over again.
As the years went on, Vision had started to treat Wanda as a maid and not his wife, the twins soon caught on and started to treat her the same as their father did. As much as it broke Wanda's heart, she couldn't leave. Even though her friend's Natasha and Agatha would tell her otherwise. She had an obligation to be there for her family. That is what she was taught the perfect wife was.
That was until Vision had handed her divorce papers as he packed his things. Leaving her to raise two teen boys as he moved in with the 20 year old twinkie in the city. The twins had blamed Wanda for him leaving and never really cut her any slack. Wanda would also find herself crying herself to sleep every night. Wondering at what point her life had took a turn.
But with two 15 year old boys, running amuck throughout Westview. Especially being just as entitled as their father, always causing noise and destruction wherever they go. Only to be yelled at by Wanda before the two would make her cry.
A new resident had moved in ane joined the local Sheriff's department. Well they were the new Sheriff. When they saw the two yelling at Wanda, blaming her for their father not wanting anything to do with them.
"Hey!" Their voice boomed, causing the three to look in their direction. "I suggest you boys show your mother some respect."
"What are you going to do about it?" Tommy sneered as the twins crossed their arms across their chests.
"If I catch you boys doing anything out of line, I can have you arrested." They told them sternly.
"What? You gonna call the police?" Billy teased as Tommy laughed. They sighed as they got their badge out.
"I am the new Sheriff so I suggest you start to respect your mom." They told the two sternly. "Also, if I catch either of you vandalising any property, that includes your mom's house, I will put you in handcuffs. Do you understand me?" The two just nodded before walking inside as Wanda approached Y/N.
"Thank you. I'm Wanda." She introduced herself.
"Y/N." They shook her hand. "Well it was nice to meet you but I have to get to the station." Wanda waved nervously as she watched them walk away.
As the time went on, Y/N had found Tommy drinking in the park. So they approached him with a soft smile on their face.
"Hey, you're Wanda's son right?" They questioned as Tommy just scoffed before having another big sip. "You know you can talk to me."
"About what?!" Tommy spat. "How my dad left us and we've blamed mom all the time for it. Especially seeing him with his new wife and kid."
"Listen, I understand how hard it can be to have a parent give up on you." They told him. "But your mom is still here. She is still looking after you and your brother. You just need to give her a chance. It isn't her fault your dad quit on you guys. That's all on him so please just cut her some slack. Talk with Billy too. She deserves better than the crap you two have given her."
"I'm sorry." Tommy cried as Y/N put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Save that apology for your mom and do it sober." They told him before standing up. "Come on, I'll give you a ride home." That was the first time that Tommy had felt extremely bad for how he had treated his mom. He hated himself and he hated his dad.
Once Y/N had pulled up outside of the Maximoff residence, Wanda came running out, worry etched onto her features as Y/N helped Tommy out of the car.
"Is he ok?" She asked them as they helped him inside.
"He's just drunk." They told her when they lay him on the sofa to sleep. "He's going to have one killer headache in the morning."
"Thank you." Wanda told them sincerely as she walked them out.
"It's no problem. They have been served a bad hand. The three of you have." Y/N told her softly as she smiled. "I will help keep my eye on them outside of these walls but the rest is on you Maximoff." They told her as she nodded. Watching as they left once more, this time admiring their form in their uniform.
As the time went on, the twins were better than before with Wanda. Doing chores without being asked and even making her drinks.
"I honestly don't know what has happened but it feels like something out of a horror movie." She whispered to Nat as the two stood on the porch, watching the twins mow the lawn and wash the car.
"I know what you mean. It's kind of like an alien invasion." She replied as Wanda nodded. It wasn't until they saw Y/N doing their rounds. Wanda noted that they weren't in their uniform as they stopped and spoke with the twins. "Or maybe a new person has something to do with it." Nat soon noticed how Wanda was silent as she watched Y/N and the boys laugh about something. "You like them." Nat pointed out as Wanda snapped her head in her friend's direction.
"No." She laughed as Nat smirked.
"Yes you do." She told her. "It's ok to want to move on Wanda."
"I know that but the twins have just stopped hating me." She told her. "If I change something it could ruin it."
As the year went on, Wanda had organised a BBQ for the twins birthday. Inviting their friends and family, Y/N had come with some gifts for the twins. Tickets to see their favourite team play the next game. It wasn't until Vision walked inside like he still owned the house.
"Vision? What are you doing here?" Wanda questioned as Vision smirked.
"I came to wish my boys a happy birthday and give them their present." He said as he waved a set of keys in her face.
"Please leave." She spoke shakily as the twins soon noticed the commotion. Y/N's gaze followed theirs as they soon moved to Wanda.
"She said to leave." Tommy stated as he stood beside Wanda.
"You will speak to your father with respect." He spat at him angrily.
"When you see him, let me know." Tommy smirked as Billy held his mom as she cried. All of her anger, pain and sadness coming back ten fold. It was when Vision was about the back hand Tommy across the face Y/N had stepped in.
"I suggest you leave." They told him as they gripped his wrist tightly.
"Fuck you." Vision spat before taking a swing at Tommy with his other hand. Y/N getting in the way and receiving a jab to the jaw.
"I won't ask again." They snarled as they towered over him. "Leave now or I'll have you arrested for trespassing."
"Whatever." He snarled before turning on his heels and leaving the house. Y/N soon got on their phone to a locksmith.
"The locksmith is coming tomorrow." They told Wanda who soon wrapped her arms around them. They were shocked at the action but reciprocated the hug regardless.
"Thank you." Wanda whispered before she kissed their cheek. The party continuing as Vision had never came. The twins barely left Wanda's side as everyone soon started to leave.
"Y/N." Wanda called out before Y/N got into their car.
"Are you ok?" They asked her as she nodded, not expecting her to wrap her arms around their neck and kissed them passionately. Y/N sunk into the kiss as she deepened it. When she pulled away, they watched dumbfounded as she walked back inside. A smile on her lips.
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WIBTA for continuing to try and reach out to my half-sibling, even though my mom "doesn't like it"?
So, I (20F) haven't known my dad, as he left when I was too young to remember it and then he died. I don't actually know much about him, or any relatives I have on that side (as my mom won't tell me much), but I know a few names, and specifically those of my half-siblings. One, who I'm calling S, is apparently my sister. I've known about her my whole life, and have wanted to contact her in some way also for a very long time. Well, I found S on Facebook when I decided I wanted to try and find anybody the other week, and have attempted reaching out. It's gone well so far, she's been really nice, but I haven't brought up the related part because I just don't know how. I tried to look up how to go about this, and most things I find just say to "not get your hopes up" and to "ask a relative for help", so... I asked my mom if she had any idea how I should go about that, since I don't know, and she's generally better at talking with people than I am.
My mom instead blew up at me, and told me that she doesn't like that I'm trying to reach out to S, doesn't like that I want to know anything about my dad, doesn't want me doing this, doesn't like me doing this, and that "not everything is about you you're not the only one who was affected by that". When I tried to ask for a reason why she doesn't want me to, all she had to say was that "it's not fair S had a dad and you didn't", and "they never helped or reached out to me even though they knew about you". (Though, I'm unsure how unbiased this statement might be, since she's always had a tendency to blame everyone close to people who have upset her for the one persons actions)
I haven't brought it up, but quite honestly I want to keep talking to S and try to bring it up anyways, but now I'm worried I'll be an asshole for it.
On one hand, I'm an adult and I think I deserve to try at least, and I think my mom's reasons shouldn't be impacting my choices (yeah it's unfair I didn't have a dad, but that's his fault not S's? and yeah no one helped her or anything before, but why does that mean I can't even try to reach out?), but on the other... Obviously this upsets her, and I think me wanting this has crossed some sort of line with her or something?
So... I guess, what do you people out here think? Would I be an asshole if I just ignored my mom and did it anyways?? Because I'm not sure anymore... (and apologies if this is "above tumblr's paygrade" or anything)
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kohakhearts · 2 months
goh parentified child syndrome. go(h)
my time is here at last. thank you for enabling me <3 apologies for taking months to finish writing this giant post!
welcome to my dissertation on this fucking Dynamic <3
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ok! first thing, let's establish our criteria for Parentified Child Syndrome. this is obviously not like, an actual diagnostic Thing, but there are a million and one articles out there for us to look through. so i did the tough work of scouring those to find some Symptoms we can use as anchor points here. a lot of this is split into "emotional" (parents seeking comfort from their children, rather than comforting them) vs. "material" (parents assigning their children responsibilities that are not age-appropriate (e.g. grocery shopping, paying bills, etc.)) needs, but for simplicity i'll just merge them together - because realistically, they often go hand-in-hand. so the primary symptoms we'll work with here will be:
disruptive childhood behaviours (particularly at school)
stress and anxiety
reluctance to participate in play/age-appropriate activities with their peers
difficulty acknowledging and accepting one's feelings
insecure attachment styles
need to feel "in control"
distrustful of others/self-reliant to a fault
absenteeism and poor performance in school
passive communication style
the other obvious prerequesite here is the family dynamic. so let's dissect that one a bit!
goh's family situation isn't actually like...100% clear. but i have analyzed every episode where his family is even mentioned like it's my full-time job and i have no reason to believe his grandmother actually lives with him. so in the scope of this essay, i am assuming that she lives nearby, and most likely has a key to the apartment, but does not live with them.
otherwise, we are given enough context to assume that camille and walker have been busy with work goh's entire life (though i'd choose to believe for my own sanity that in his infancy his mother at least wasn't working...though given the type of job she has, that's actually...kinda hard to say for sure). we can also assume that they've at least been self-employed for the majority of his life. it's clear that they are fairly well-established in the city/in their field by jn, and since goh is supposed to be 10 at this point, it makes sense to me that they've been building that company up pretty much his whole life.
in terms of the work they do, goh tells ash, my dad is a system engineer and my mom is a programmer. they run a company together. granted, we don't see very much of their actual workplace, but what we do see is completely void of other people. as in, camille and walker do all this work BY THEMSELVES.
nothing in the anime otherwise disputes this! if anything, goh's explanations of his parents' lifestyle just reinforces it. he also suggests that during periods of harsh weather and heavy system use, his parents are busier than usual. this implies that they are most busy during holidays. this is actually further implied by the flashback in jn015 where they explicitly say to him that they're sorry for having to work through the holiday. his reaction, being completely unengaged, not even really even acknowledging it, tells us that this is the norm.
however!! he also shows off a special device to horace in jn032 that he says his parents made specifically for him, to help him learn more about mew. this suggests that they must have some amount of free time to dedicate to him...but they show their love for him through material gifts related to their line of work (his computer set-up, too; he tells scorbunny that his parents set it all up for him).
otherwise, we see camille and walker privately share their concerns about goh (a clear awareness that he doesn't have many friends, concern about him being lonely because of them, etc.) but never actually confront goh with their concerns or appear to go out of their ways to do anything about it. i wrote a bit about this and the symbolism of having him catch a cubone of all pokemon in the episode we're introduced to his family here but the tl;dr is that camille and walker demonstrate care for goh to each other but not to him - presumably to compensate for their physical absence, we get the impression he's given a lot of freedom and little to no discipline.
which brings me to the first criterion:
disruptive childhood behaviours (with a side of absenteeism, which presumably contributes to poor performance in school)
goh's school life is obviously inconvienent to the plot progression, so for narrative purposes the writers have him just not go to school. in jn049 we get the explanation that goh had made a promise to their teacher to show up to school for tests...but the weird thing about this scene is that chloe's surprised by it:
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since in jn001 and jn002 we see that chloe is goh's only point of contact amongst his schoolmates and that she hand delivers schoolwork to him at her dad's lab, the only way this exchange really makes sense to me is if it's a new arrangement. even the fact that goh makes a point of saying "hey, i followed through, go me" to their teacher here gives that vibe.
so, we can extrapolate from that that...prior to whenever this agreement was made, goh just didn't go to school because he didn't want to. but given how schools operate, we can pretty safely assume his parents are aware of this. and i have strong reason to believe that they have at least been on the receiving end of phone calls from teachers or administrators, because of these lines from jn015:
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all things considered, this is a weird assumption to make, especially about your hyper-independent introverted child...unless there's a history of disruptive or unfriendly behaviour to inform that assumption. and based on goh's behaviour in jn001 at professor oak's pokemon camp, i don't think it's so out there to say the pattern probably was there.
goh is actually a super sweet kid towards his parents and has a clear admiration for them both. even in flashbacks, his whole thing is kind of like...he doesn't want to bother them. they fall asleep on family vacation and don't spend time with him? well, that's fine! he'll just find something else to do! in that same episode in the flashback sequence, they pick him up on the side of the road alone in the pouring rain and he doesn't say a word to them. even though he was angry and upset before.
so, yeah. i think it would make a lot of sense if he were well-behaved at home and not so much so at school. but camille and walker, even when they learn about things that happen, don't seem to probe or discipline him. whether because of any combination of giving him leeway out of guilt or of not wanting to encourage him to act out at home, we don't know. but the disconnect obviously exists.
which then contributes to
stress and anxiety, difficulty acknowleding and accepting one's feelings, and passive communication style
goh is socially awkward, yes, and clearly very anxious socially especially early on in jn, but a lot of that seems to come from an inability to express his wants and needs. i think jn003 has some of the most succinct examples of this - ash having to realize he's struggling and to reach down to him when they're climbing the tower in order for him to even accept that he can get (and needs) help getting up, and then later one when he stumbles over his words trying to ask ash to be his friend.
i think another good example is in jn007, after he gets knocked out at the flute cup. passive communication relies a lot on shifts in body language and in, well, passive statements. when ash approaches him to tell him to cheer up, goh doesn't actually really...respond to that. he does this
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and then runs off. which he does fairly often, actually, even as late as jn135. it's emotional avoidance 101. literally just run away from the thing that's bothering you. something else we see in jn135 is him backing out of admitting he wants to go on a journey - because he is concerned about ash's reaction (though i think it's a little more complex than that, but i'll circle back to that).
and of course there's jn062, which i wrote a lot about in this post. but the whole thesis of the episode is that goh has learned through his relationships up to this point that it's okay to not understand your feelings but you still have to feel them. and it's actually a really beautiful character development moment for him, but also reinforces the fact that he still doesn't know how to grapple with his own emotions. after finally finding drizzile and explaining how he knew he would find it there, he starts to cry and doesn't know why. but even aside from feeling vulnerable, it's kind of a culmination of this stress he's been carrying with him throughout the whole episode...and the sense of responsibility he feels for driving drizzile away. which is a great segue into
insecure attachment styles and need to feel "in control"
if there's one thing i feel like people sleep on regarding goh's character, it's how much of a mother hen he is. he's obviously very thorough and thoughtful when it comes to looking after his pokemon - as in jn062 where he spends all that time chasing down drizzile after it runs away, even to the point of telling ash and chloe that they should stay behind because it's getting late but that he's going to keep looking - but he's the same way with ash.
off the top of my head, things like buying extra scones because he knew ash would want them, making ash wash his hands after eating ice cream, chastising him about punctuality, you know...very parental kind of things. he actually does it with horace too, when they first meet, by bringing a lunch for them both when he goes back to the forest to meet him again.
anyway, being a Mom Friend is cute and all, but it also REEKS of parentified child. taking on responsibilities that aren't yours to fulfill? yeah. that's a need to feel in control. it's what he's used to! it offers him security!
the other side of this is...chloe. goh's first friend, who he refuses to consider a friend, or let consider him a friend. but, like, she obviously IS his friend. and yet our introduction to them gives us this exchange
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goh and chloe have a pretty tense relationship at the beginning of jn, wherein she is clearly trying to help him (by you know. getting his homework for him and shit) and he blows her off in a text message, which she complains is a repeating behaviour. chloe is obviously very loyal to him, even though he doesn't seem to repay the favour. again, there's a big disconnect here.
insecure attachments generally stem from anxiety over potential rejection and/or poor self-esteem cultivated in childhood based on parents’ emotional availability (or lack thereof) to their children. by keeping chloe an arm's distance away, goh keeps himself safe from the dangers of vulnerability, taught to him through childhood encounters with emotionally unavailable parents.
i'm not here to armchair diagnose (ok, who am i kidding, yeah i am), but i think goh's attachment style is anxious-avoidant. his clear avoidance of making friends, the multiple times we see him break off his friendship with ash only to minutes later be like "me and the bestie"...yeah, that's avoidance. but he does crave intimacy, arguably even more than he fears it.
hence why even though he knows ash would want him to journey on his own...he still convinces himself that actually telling ash that would be, as he calls it, a "betrayal of [their] friendship." my theory is that he's not concerned that ash will be upset - he's concerned that ash won't be upset enough. which is why when then ash turns it around on him and says he's going on a journey, goh gets upset and pushes him away. he does the exact same thing with horace when they're younger. just a complete 180 - he wronged me once, so he's the worst and i can't forgive him, ever.
the difference with chloe is that she actually takes care of him more than he takes care of her - which changes the dynamic from "i have to do everything to keep this person in my life, including suppressing my emotions for their sake" to "i cannot express to this person that i have needs and desires because they'll think i'm too much and they won't stick around if i do." which is primarily avoidant, but insecure attachment nonetheless.
this is extrapolation, but i think his relationship with chloe is so different because we are supposed to get the sense that they have a more familial dynamic. so, she's the one person he can't push away from him - but as he learned in his actual family dynamic, he also can't be too close to her. he doesn't want to be smothered; he doesn't want her to feel smothered by him. so they maintain a degree of separation that only begins to go away after her father begins literally housing and feeding him, thus integrating him and ash into their family in some honorary way.
which brings me to the last point, i guess, which is
reluctance to participate in age-appropriate activities with peers and self-reliant to a fault
these are, i think, the traits that jn is most blatantly attempting to better in goh throughout his arc. so i won't spend too long hashing it out, because i think these are things we all know he struggled with!
in flashbacks, we see him alone at school; during the first episode, at professor oak's camp, he is always physically distanced from the other kids and chloe even points out that he's basically doing professor oak's job at one point! he's not on the same level as the other kids and it's clear he doesn't want to be. when he meets horace, we see that it takes him some time to get comfortable enough with him to go explore the forest together and become friends.
he doesn't go to school, but that doesn't mean he isn't learning things - he becomes a very self-directed learner early on, from what he see. he's not just like...rotting in his room playing video games. he's studying and researching. the only times aside from with horace that we see him in a flashback doing something that isn't solitary is with pokemon - and even then, he's like...reciting their pokedex entries. his abra story at the end of jn is precipitated by him saying he was going through his dad's old pokedex (which is a whole other thing - this implies walker used to be a trainer, but neither of goh's parents seem to have pokemon...perhaps they're too busy with work to look after them? a theory for another time, i suppose, but it has undeniably being gnawing at my brain since that episode aired lol).
and of course, there's the fact that in jn062 he tells drizzile he was never comfortable with confiding in his parents or his grandmother...suggesting that he never confided in anyone, because we don't really get the sense from the whole "i don't NEED friends" exchange in jn001 that he considers chloe a reliable confidant, either.
the other place we see his flawed sense of self-reliance, aside from like...everywhere in the first 10 or so episodes, lol (something that is reflected pretty beautifully and symbolically in scorbunny's story, too!), is in project mew. he has to learn how to work in a team - and he clearly hates it. at this point he's found one person to rely on, but that already feels like too much. the raid battle with articuno is the most obvious example of this. he isn't good at being a leader, but he also isn't good at being a follower. because he's only ever been responsible for himself, and he doesn't trust anyone else to know how to direct him, but he also has no clue how to work within the parameters of a team.
i also want to say, as a final note, that i actually think this is all extremely intentional writing. obviously in the west we have a strong capitalism culture too, but the work culture in japan is very toxic (just google "japan work culture" and you can see right away how intense it is lol) and i'm not actually surprised at all that pokemon would make such a direct commentary on that - a lot of japanese kids could probably relate to goh and his emotionally absent, work-obsessed parents! they are clearly pretty well-off, but their dedication to work supercedes matters of home and family, because that's how it's supposed to be. as a result, goh admires them a lot for this dedication - but his arc is primarily about letting go of the "work" part of interacting with pokemon and learning how to have fun and make the most of his experiences. and i think that's a really lovely message for modern pokemon to be sending to kids :')
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spinningwebsandtales · 8 months
Imagine Arthur Playing With Your Son In The Bath
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Arthur Curry X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggestive themes, stress, and an obscene amount of fluff
Word Count: 984
(A/N:) I found this gif and it inspired me so fast! XD I was actually looking for something else for a different imagine when I came across it. I couldn't leave without writing something for it and this is the end result! I wrote for Orm and since Arthur is a freaking aquababe I have to write for him too! Hopefully my fellow fangirls enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Being married to the King of Atlantis had it's perks, but it also had it's rough patches. Being so called Queen of a world you never even got to visit had it's pressures. Arthur never told you the horrible things the council would say about you, but you had a good idea of the prejudices they held. Tom was a good confidant and helped you talk about things that bothered you. Arthur had enough on his plate and now with you both producing a heir to the throne, the pressure only increased. Tom was out running errands for you while you stayed at home with Arthur Curry Jr who refused to do anything but eat and cry. It didn't matter how many times you tried, he refused to go to sleep. He was due for a much needed nap and so did you, but the baby universe decided that just wasn't in the cards today. Now as night drew nearer and you being soaked in spit up, drool, and various other baby fluids Arthur finally made it home.
"Sorry I saw dad in town and we stopped for a quick beer," Arthur apologized before brushing strands of your hair to kiss your cheek.
He looked around the little home you both shared with his father. Toys littering the floor and dirty dishes piled up in the sink. His eyebrow raised before leaning his trident against the wall. He knelt down to get eye level with you as you rocked back and forth on the couch trying to keep Jr from crying.
"Rough day," he asked gently.
The strong facade that you worked hard to keep up all day crumbled a little, as your bottom lip began to wobble. Arthur cursed taking you into a hug and trying his best not to squish his son against his giant chest. You let yourself have a few moments of just letting your emotions out before you pulled away. Wiping at your eyes and taking a deep breath.
"That's my girl," Arthur grinned. He took Jr from your arms. "Go take a shower a long one. My son and I are going to have some bonding time with a bubble bath and some rubber duckies. I'll call Pops too, have him bring pizza home for us. Then we'll watch that movie you love and makes me gag. Deal?"
You laughed, this time kissing his cheek, "Sounds wonderful!"
Arthur helped you up from the couch, kissing you deeply and giving you a pat on your rear as you walked to the bathroom. Arthur watched you go before turning to the baby in his arms.
"We'll borrow Grandpop's bathroom so your mom has some much needed quiet time."
Jr gurgled in reply. Arthur nodded in agreement, "Totally. Your mom is a hero. And hot."
Jr just stared and Arthur shrugged.
The hot water was washing away all the day's filth and the stress from your body. Though it was rough at times, raising the future king of Atlantis and being human, you wouldn't trade one moment. Your son was precious. Arthur was a wonderful partner in everything. A doting husband and a loving father. Even your father-in-law amazed you as he was such a help. You couldn't fault him for needing a quiet moment in town. He hadn't given one complaint since you and Arthur still lived with him and birthed the next generation of Curry.
Finished with your nice hot shower, you dressed in one of Arthur's oversized shirts and your favorite pair of leggings. Your slippers silenced your steps and it was easy to hear Jr's squealing giggles and Arthur's laughter follow behind. It brought a smile to your face despite the exhaustion. Opening the door you spied Jr in a little floatie designed for his baths and Arthur bare chested covered in an obnoxious amount of suds.
"Are my boys having fun," you asked.
"Bubbles," Arthur roared animatedly causing Jr to squeal. Water sloshed and bubbles flew everywhere and you couldn't bring yourself to worry about the mess.
Carefully sitting yourself close to the tub and avoiding the numerous puddles on the floor, you stroked Arthur's bare chest, tracing the tattoo patterns. He dutifully scrubbed his son's dirty face before leaning back against the cool tub wall.
"Careful where you touch, or we'll grant Pop's wish early," Arthur warned.
"One's enough for right now," you replied still tracing absentmindedly.
"More than enough. You look like you went to war with an army of babies."
"And here I thought baby spit up was the new Gucci," you sighed.
Arthur tugged you a little closer, tickling your ear with his warm breath, "You did look pretty hot."
"Now who's trying to seduce who," you teased.
You helped Arthur finish up cleaning Jr and get him changed into warm pajamas when Tom finally made it back. Hauling in grocery bags and boxes of pizza, all of you were finally able to sit down together as a family. Arthur wouldn't let you get anything for yourself, so you sat on the couch holding Jr while Arthur made your plates. True to his word he started the movie you loved and he abhorred. Halfway through Jr had finally fallen to sleep and despite wanting to stay up and finish it, you found yourself nodding off too. Without a word Arthur put your son to bed before he scooped you up in his arms.
"Night Pops," he whispered and Tom nodded before turning off the movie and switching to the weather.
"Artie," you mumbled into his chest as he carried you to your shared room.
"Thank you," you yawned.
Arthur kissed your temple before depositing you onto the messy bed, "You're welcome."
He tucked you in before getting in himself and with the warm blankets and Arthur's body pressed against yours. You fell into peaceful slumber and all your worries melted away.
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lovebugism · 1 year
summer themed request you say?
hmmm what about going out camping with steve for the first time!
I imagine he tries his best to be as prepared as possible, maybe even a little stressed out if things don't go exactly according to plan meanwhile reader is so excited about it all
thanks for ur request lovely! hope you like it!! — the one where boyfriend!steve patches up ditzy!reader after a fall (1.2k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
“We’ve only been out here an hour, and you’re already bleeding,” Steve grouses as he wraps gauze around the weeping scrape on your thigh.
He’s not upset at you, really — more so at the stick that all but stabbed you when you fell on it. He’s just happy he remembered to pack the first aid kit.
You shift on the uncomfortable boulder he’s got you sitting on even though he keeps telling you to sit still. You can’t help it. You can’t stop looking over your shoulder and squinting up the steep hill you fell from. “I almost made it all the way up,” you mumble, halfway to yourself.
Steve scoffs from where he’s crouched beside you. “Yeah. Almost.”
“It’s not my fault!” you defend with a halfhearted pout. “It was that stupid tree branch… Sorry.”
He wants to grumble about how much you’re moving, but a laugh spills from his mouth instead. He tucks the edge of the gauze into your bandage and smooths a wide palm over your thigh. His amber eyes glimmer with honey when he looks at you. “Who are you apologizing to, babe?”
“The tree root,” you murmur, embarrassed but trying real hard not to be. Your sheepish eyes flit back and forth between the hand that rests on your thigh and the gaze that sparkles at you. “I called it stupid. And I didn’t mean it…”
“Ah,” Steve hums in response, nodding as he smiles. “Right.”
He isn’t grinning so wide because he thinks it’s funny. Well, he does, but that’s only because he thinks you’re so damn cute. You’re always so gentle in your way. Sometimes, he thinks you feel everything everyone else feels. You’re never unkind because it would mean being unkind to yourself. You’re tender with everyone — every thing.
His smile grows when he watches you look over your shoulder again. You squint up the dizzying edge of the bumpy hill that knocked you off your feet. You’re not scared of it like a normal person might be. It made you bleed, but you would argue that the ground only kissed you.
“Do you think they got too far away?” you ask without looking at him.
“Definitely,” Steve nods with a scrunched nose, even though he can’t know that for sure. He just doesn’t want you running up it again. He’s scared he won’t be able to catch you like he did the first time, and that you’ll come out with a lot worse than a scrape. He isn’t sure if he could take more than that. Patching you up as your eyes glazed over with unshed tears was enough to break his heart.
“They’re probably long gone by now, honey.”
You turn back to him, beaming despite the throbbing in your thigh. There’s a twinkle that dances in your eye, brighter than the brightest damn star in the galaxy — Serious or whatever the hell Dustin called it. You’re your own sun, vivid enough to light up a thousand universes.
“They were cute, though, huh?”
Steve nods with pinched brows like the answer’s obvious. “Oh, totally.”
“I’ve never seen a family of deer before,” you confess, a bit like a child telling a barely hidden secret. You’re rambling before either of you realize it. “Like, I’ve seen big deer before, and I’ve seen baby deer, but I’ve never seen a momma deer and all her baby deer together, you know?”
“Well, how do you know it was the mom?” Steve challenges halfheartedly. “Maybe it was the dad.”
“‘Cause it didn’t have antlers. And female deer don’t have antlers, Stevie. Duh.”
“Right,” Steve concedes with a nod. 
His knees ache when he rises to full height again. His muscles are tender from crouching so long. His sneakers dig into the tall grass of the trailside as he stands above you.
A smile tugs at his pink mouth when you get distracted again, glancing over your shoulder at the same hill that got you into this mess. Your brows are scrunched, and your eyes are squinted in a vague sort of determination to hike it again.
He shakes his head and brings his palm to your chin. His gentle fingers are warm as they guide your attention back to his. You blink owlishly up at him, not realizing you’d drifted off. “What?” you hum innocently.
“You know what,” he insists, lip quirked in a knowing smile. “Don’t even think about it, sweetheart.”
“But I was so close,” you grieve in a whine. “And I still have that whole bag of trail mix you gave me when we set up the tent! I could’ve gotten to pet them if I just got a little bit closer!”
“Maybe, but I don’t want you climbing up there again, alright?” Steve tells you, a bit more firm in his kindness so you’ll really listen to him. He stays soft with you, though, grinning down at you while his thumb rubs a dirt mark off your chin. “You’re lucky I half-assed caught you the first time. You really coulda gotten heart, sweetheart.”
You beam up at him, leaning more intently into his palm. “Yeah. I’m real lucky you caught me when I fell for you, Stevie. Both times, actually.”
Despite the boy’s fluttering heart, he squints down at you. “Alright. Don’t get cute. I’m still mad at you.”
“Wait… Really?” you murmur, brows pinched in a childlike sense of horror. You can’t stand thinking that Steve would ever be unhappy with you — even if you do stupid stuff sometimes.
“No,” the boy assures with a swift shake of his head. “Not really. I just… I wish you’d be more careful, you know?”
You nod up at him, firm and smiling. “I’ll be careful.”
“Promise?” the boy presses. His brows raise as he tilts his chin to his chest. He puts his hands on his sides and cocks his hip. “I don’t wanna spend this entire weekend having to bandage any more scrapes, honey. I don’t think my poor heart could take it.”
“Pinky promise,” you tell him, holding your fist out towards him with the smaller digit pointing up.
Steve wraps his own around yours. And, upon your insistence that it must be sealed with a kiss, he bends at the waist to press his lips to your mouth. He feels your smile contort against him, bashful as you confess, “That was super sweet, Stevie, but I meant we had to kiss our thumbs.”
The boy scoffs in response. He mumbles vaguely about not knowing the pinky promise etiquette before abiding you anyway. 
He feels lucky when he manages to convince you to organize the tent. You get distracted with sleeping bags and lanterns and other miscellaneous supplies. Steve gathers sticks for a fire, knowing he’s got you occupied for at least half an hour.
But the sun is slowly starting to set. He knows you’ll be on the hunt for cool bugs come sundown. 
He also knows he’s happy to patch up your scrapes for the rest of his life. Well, maybe not happy, exactly — just so full of love for you that taking care of you is second nature to him. He can’t imagine spending his life doing anything else.
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sturniololoco · 8 months
Could you do a little sister fic where they find out she’s in an abusive relationship? (Maybe Chris goes to fix his hair and she flinches)
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
warnings: toxic/abusive relationships, flinching, etc.
Note: This is based off of a couple different requests, but I’ll put them at the bottom just incase so there’s no spoilers!
I love him. Don’t I?
That was what I was thinking on my way back from Luke’s house today.
He kinda snapped at me before I left today, which was normal, but what really threw me off was when he smacked me on the leg, hard. It caught me so off guard, so I started crying, which only made him even more upset.
It was my fault, I’m too sensitive. I should have just agreed with him when he was talking to me the first time. I should have just-
“Someone’s quiet today. What’s on your mind kiddo?” Matt asked me, breaking my train of thought. He picked me up from Luke's house today, and we were now headed home.
“Uh-yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I say, as we pulled up to the house.
Nick made chicken Alfredo pasta for dinner tonight, and I could smell it as soon as I walked through the door.
“It’s about time you slow pokes showed up! I’m hungry!” Chris wined, banging his fists on the table like a child. Nick smacked him lightly on the shoulder, rolling his eyes as he set plates of steaming pasta in front of us.
After about two hours of eating dinner and talking on the couch, I decided to call it a night and head to my room to shower. I grab my towel and turn on the water to warm it as I undress.
I pull down my cargo jeans, but I find a big purplish-red mark on my thigh, right where Luke had hit me. The mark had a big blue circle in the middle, probably from his ring. I didn't mind the pain though, I was being too sensitive.
It's kinda like I have a piece of him with me now, I thought.
My shower was done and my hair was brushed, but I couldn't help feeling like something was wrong.
I should call Luke and apologize.
I went to his contact and FaceTimed him. No answer. I tried one more time. I heard the line pick up, but before I could start talking, I heard a voice that wasn't Luke's say,
"He's busy." Then ended the call.
I stared blankly at the screen, so many thought that I did.'t even comprehend going through my brain.
Who was that? Why was she with him? Does he have a sister? No.... Is he...is he cheating on me?
I feel tears well up in my eyes at that last thought. I quickly wipe them away, clearing my throat, thinking,
"What is wrong with you?! Do you know what he would do if he knew you thought of him that way?! You are so disloyal! You don't deserve him!
I pinched myself, hard, right next to the bruise from Luke.
He's probably just busy like she said.
I woke up the next morning to a text from Luke, and I immediately felt relieved.
Luke❤️: Picking you up @ 9 be ready
I sent him a thumbs-up and began to get ready, throwing on some leggings and a crew neck. I put my hair in a ponytail and threw on some mascara, then walked downstairs.
"Morning SLS/N!" I hear my brothers say. Nick had some bagels laid out. I quickly grabbed one and threw my Uggs on while eating it. As I finished I stood right by the door and stared out the window, waiting for Luke's truck to pull up.
I wouldn't wanna make him wait!
I shouted a quick, "Love you boys," to my brothers before climbing up into Luke's truck.
It reeked of perfume, one that I would never wear.
His Mom must have been in here recently.
"Why do you look so sloppy today?" Luke asked me, looking my outfit up and down as he pulled away from my house.
"Oh, I just thought-" I began to say, but Luke grabbed my ponytail and yanked my head towards him, shouting,
"I didn't ask for you to talk back!"
I quickly apologized and winced at the pain in my head. He let go of my hair and rubbed the side of my head. I leaned into his touch. he chuckled then let go.
I've been at Luke's house for about two hours, but all he's done is play his video game while I sat pretty on the bed, hoping for some of his attention.
"Luke?...Hey Luke?" I began to say his name hoping he would notice me.
He muted his mic and slammed his headset on his table, briskly walking over to me.
He crouched down in front of me, and just when I thought he was about to give me the attention I'd been waiting for, he smacked me on the side of the face.
"What is wrong with you? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something really important right now?" He yelled in my face. I feel the tears well up in my eyes I mumble an apology.
"Oh my gosh, now your gonna start crying like I'm the bad guy! I-" He started to yell again but was interrupted by a call. He pulled out his phone, checked who it was, and then answered it while stepping into the hallway.
Luke came back into the room, slipping his phone back into his pocket while saying,
"You need to get your brother to come pick you up. I've got someone coming over soon." He said, before going back to his game.
I quickly gathered my things and went to give Lke a goodbye kiss, but then thought better of it.
I called Matt as I walked outside and sat on the curb. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hey, can you come pick me up?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't ask questions.
He did.
"Why" Matt asked.
"Oh he-uh... had a meeting he forgot about and doesn't have time to pick me up," I said. It wasn't a complete lie, he was meeting with someone.
As Matt and I drove out of his driveway, a white jeep pulled in. A blonde girl, with long fake lashes and nails, stepped out of the jeep and walked inside.
My brothers and I got Pizza for dinner tonight, so we decided to watch a movie while we ate. I had changed into some PJ shorts and one of Chris's hoodies for the occasion.
I was in between Nick and Chris on the short part of the couch, drinking a Pepsi. As I was reaching to put the can on the coffee table, I accidentally spilled it on the floor.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris put his hand up. I immediately crouched down, putting my hands over my head to avoid being smacked. I waited for the contact to hit but it never came.
I look up to see all my brothers staring at me with shocked and confused faces.
"Did-did you think I was gonna hit you?" Chris asked me, reaching a hand out to help me up. I cursed myself for flinching at that too.
"I-I...Well-you see I" I began to say but Nick cut me off.
"I need you to be honest SLS/N. Is Luke hitting you?"H said, giving me an I already know kinda look.
"N-no! He loves me, there is just a little love tap! He-"
"Then what's that giant bruise you've been pretending not there from?" Matt questions me.
I look up at him. And then it dawns on me.
Luke has been hitting me. And cheating.
At this I break down into tears, finally letting all of my bottled-up emotions out. Chris leans down and picks me up, bringing me into his lap and cradling me.
"Shh, your okay. Your safe here with us. We won't ever let anyone do this to you again. we gotcha kiddo." Chris says into my ear softly. Matt and Nick scoot closer and join us.
My thoughts change.
You never deserved him? Ha! More like he never deserved you. He used you, hit you, abused you. Fuck him.
All of these thoughts finally added up, and now they will never change, because my brothers will always be here for me.
"We gotcha kiddo."
So Sorry this took so fucking long! Here are the other requests! And I'm sorry if the story didn't completely line up with what you were asking, but if you drop another request I can try and mak a whole new one with that just by itself!
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bigfan-fanfic · 10 months
Back Into Trouble (Winchester!Reader x Winchester Bros PLATONIC)
A sequel to Brother Mine
This fic takes place somewhere near the end of season 1, after episode 19 but before episode 20. In addition, there's a song called Brother Mine that is really sweet and cute especially if put into this context of being Sam and Dean's, but especially Dean's, older brother. "I know that I sit and I worry too much/Especially when you come home such a sight/But I guess what you've got to do, boy, you go ahead and do it/And I sure hope things will be all right"
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You may not have enjoyed returning to hunting, but you're damn good at it.
Although it's made even more frustrating when your father actually calls in.
You're not so thrilled about continuing on this... gallivanting cross-country, especially when John is chasing down the demon that killed your mother.
But Sam seems to have come to terms with it, though you honestly feel like that might have more to do with his desire to avenge Jess.
The real problem you see with your little brothers is their inability to let go.
You had all been raised by John in the hunting lifestyle, the family business.
But it's been decades since your mother's death. A horrible thing, that you have had to come to terms with having no real answers for.
And you can understand the desire for vengeance, for a clear-cut answer that will "solve everything."
It won't.
Something you've tried to get your brothers to think about is the future. About what they want out of their lives.
Because you remember how it was, living completely in the moment, day to day, hunt to hunt. And it was Bobby who pointed out that you had potential, that you deserved a life, if not now, then at least the promise of one.
So you convince them to take a rest in Massachusetts after leaving a hunt. Just to take a couple of days for hanging out.
Dean wants to see the Cheers bar and Sam wants to visit the Old North Church, so you get an actual hotel suite in Boston.
You check in with your colleagues and employees, apologizing for being incommunicado for so long. Thankfully the hotel has a business center with a fax machine you can sign invoices and contracts with.
Dean looks at you curiously. "So... you really did just... start a business?"
"Technically I bought it out from the owner who wanted to retire. So more... maintaining."
"You really are just... out of the life."
"I was, til you two called me."
"...sorry." Dean mumbles, and you grab his shoulder.
"Don't be. I was never doing this for Dad. I'm here for you and for Sammy."
Dean nods thoughtfully.
"You saw him. With that girl at the art gallery. He liked her. She liked him."
"And you... with Cassie."
"Your point being?"
"Life keeps building off-ramps for you but you keep on truckin down this road."
Dean scowls. "Look, I'm not stupid. I know this life is dangerous. I know my days are probably numbered. But I'm making a difference. I'm saving people."
"What about you?"
He blinks. "What about me?"
"I'm done trying to force you out of the life, Dean. It's your choice. When we finally deal with all this shit - when the bastard that killed Mom is dead and you and Sam are finally free... I'm not gonna stop you if you go back to hunting."
"You're not?"
You nod. "But I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose contact with you again. I'll be there when you need a place to crash or a voice to call. Maybe you'll even visit me.
"Just... I need you to promise me you're not gonna run yourself into the ground. None of this has been your fault. It's not your fault about Mom, and it wasn't your fault I left, and it's not your fault that Dad couldn't really be a dad to us."
Dean wants to protest but you shush him. "You're gonna do what you do. And I'm gonna stop hunting again. For good this time. But when you decide it's time to come home... I hope you come to me, little brother."
You stand up then, leaving Dean to his thoughts. He's quiet for the rest of the day, but you feel an almost companionable nature to the silence.
And just maybe, after this all... maybe your brothers will follow you away from the things that go bump in the night.
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tree0frog · 15 days
hiya!! i was wondering if i could ask for rosie, lucifer, charlie, and angel with a teen reader who’s always very sweet, charismatic, and soft spoken, but suffers with a sad past:(
it’s a wonder to everyone why she’s in hell in the first place, she never talks about her life back when she was alive
one day *character* walks in on reader having a ptsd induced panic attack, once reader calms down, for the first time ever she opens up about her past life. her dad abandoned her at a young age, her mom committed suicide, then the man who adopted her when she was 13 just abused her and pimped her out to his friends until she killed him n ran away for the sake of her own survival which was the sin that landed her in hell:/ something additional is the panic attacked being caused because reader ran into her abuser, even in death she can’t escape him.
also all characters have a platonic relationship with reader ofc, rosies like a mom, charlie and angel are like a big brother and sister, and lucifer is an eventual dad figure, reader being the one who changes his mind abt sinners
p.s this isn’t based on irl or anything (thank god) it’s just kinda an oc request but i understand if it still makes u uncomfy that rlly isn’t my intention:(
hi so sorry this took so long i wasn't sure how to write this so I do apologies if this is wrong by any means!!
tw~hell breaks down blood swearing self-harm Abuice
You were the youngest siner within the hotel it sadden some of them{mainly Charlie} that you were down here so young, the group had learned that you didn't want to talk about why you ended in hell and respected it.
that was until
now i see charlie as someone who as much as she wanted to help you can be she will end up crying along beside you even if you don't know why she is crying she is.
loves hugs as a form of comfort but will understand that sometimes they can be too much for you and will settle for just sitting beside you if you let her.
She will play music if you write to her.
and will help you clean up any mess that you may of made from yourself or by slowly messing up your room.
is a good listener and will let you draw or write how you are felling if you are not up for talking.
omg she is the best out of them all!!
if you have hurt yourself before when you are having an episode she will sit with you and hold your hands or remove anything that she thinks you could use to hurt yourself or someone else away from your reach.
will give you tea and let me tell you she makes the best tea.
she will play classical music to calm the vibe down and tell you it's alright and not your fault.
the best advice you will ever get is from this lady trust me.
she would kill for you and you know that.
i feel like he would go two ways
one leave you alone and go work out how to talk to a crying kid
or OR he would pick you up and give you the best hugs and tell you its ok
now I fell like out of everyone he would make you fell the most better about the other sinners as he isn't hell-born like the others you know.
best comfort
he knows what it's like to deal with shitty people and knows a little of what you're going though
he seems himself in you.
will let you cuddle him until you fall asleep
and will let you sleep over on those harder nights.
ohoho the big man well let me just say one word
he will make you a duck every time you are having a hard time or just cos he can you know
if he finds out your mother is in hell we she would of wished the angles got to her first
and see you as his second child.
he will let you put his hat on
if you end up hurting yourself he will kiss each cut, bump, bruise or scrap better.
will play the violin and sing you to sleep.
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pinkyyoshi · 24 days
𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮♡︎ (PROLOGUE)
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
18+! ANGST
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Syn: Reader grew up as a hopeless romantic, always seeing the brighter side of things and always getting her heart broken. She finds herself falling in love with a man who happens to already be taken and ends up in a fucked up situation.
CW: Self-harm, manipulation, arguing, ANGST ANGST ANGST, profanity, cheating, mommy-issues, drug-use, SA(NOT BY GHOST!)
A/N: hey guys! This is my very first fan fiction and also very first official post on here so I want to apologize for any repetetiveness, grammar, or wordiness in the story, I’ll improve the more I right and I hope I’m being descriptive enough for you guys lol. (Criticism is appreciated!😛)
You were always such a hopeful girl with big dreams. Head in the clouds, not worried about a thing. You remember always laying down in bed with your mother who would always read you to sleep at night. Going to the library on the weekends and picking out books (always from the romance section). Mom would just smile and chuckle to herself. You never knew that these memories could ever be buried and spat on. Is it your fault for being so naive?
“Mommy?” You called out, peeking around your corner. There sat your mom on the table with a wine glass in her hand. She smiles at you, holding her arm out, calling you towards her.
“What is it sweety?” she says through rosy cheeks.
“When is daddy gonna come back?”
Splash Splash
The sounds of the waves would do. The days couldn’t get any shorter. Work couldn’t get any more tiring. You couldn’t be more alone.
Running sand through the 3 week old nails of your right hand, can of beer in your left. You thought you couldn’t get any more pathetic but here you were sat on the beach not far from the city.
Should I even be here right now?
You should’ve been home some time ago but he called, would he even show up? Sometimes you think mom might have been right…she didn’t need to yell though.
Just as you were about to get up, spinning on your heel, there he was. The reveal was kind of surprising, you think as you cough from all the smoke blown into your face. You can see the smile in his eyes. What the hell?
“S’rry abou’ that. Need a ride?”
You can only chuckle from the fact that he is literally 50 minutes late. You wanted to be mad but you were honestly more embarrassed for letting yourself even wait that long. But nonetheless, you nod your head and the two of you head over to your place and he just might’ve made up for making you wait that night. You counted. He stayed over til the morning this time, he even stayed for coffee! That’s definitely a first. Maybe He truly does care.
Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
“You’re so beautiful” He would say, running his rough fingers over your head, caressing you softly. It was like a scene out of a book. Just like the one you read last month about the– well who cares. Simon was leaving soon.
As he was walking out the door, he caressed your cheek, before placing a delicate kiss if you were a set of china.
“I love you so much, my pretty pretty girl. I promise if you just wait for me-” You can’t help but tune him out after. Those are the only words you wanted to hear. You don’t wanna hear about how he has to get back home to his girl or that work was waiting for him.
Your strong little heart could only bear the small things he does for you, anything after that would be too much, knowing what you and also knowing that you couldn’t have him.
The door shuts and reality hits harder than a boulder when you sink back into your messy room. Someday.
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