#He has npd. (source: trust me I have NPD)
mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
the best phrase to describe kabru is "hate the game, not the player" i think. like yeah
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bee-ina-boat · 2 years
fuck it. giving my some of my ocs 'scary disorders' now because im petty as hell.
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sanityshorror · 7 months
Hii, how would you describe Cian's personality? (Since you dropped him he's been my favourite along with Kelly)
Also how would you say is his relationship with Devlin, do they live together, (or does the whole hellcrew live together in one big house?), who takes more care of the other?
And, one last question I've had for like a week already, if Cian had the chance to, would he have more kids?
Oooo yay long Cian ask and so much lore to dump!!! I'll put this below an undercut for the sake of everyone's dash lol. I'm gonna ask you to resend the other question beyond personality in other asks, as though no fault of your own, just his mere 101 personality turned into an essay xD if you don't want to send them again though/forget to, I'll answer them in separate posts lol.
If I were to summarize Cian’s personality in one word: obsessive.
Elaboration below cut:
Cian is Killian's son, and very much like Killian in many ways despite the fact he didn't meet Killian for the first time until he was 13 and Killian was 26. He had ran away from Ireland shortly after turning 13, to America, to go find Killian. He's been obsessed with Killian and the idea of having a close relationship with Killian all his life, he has formed the delusion that if Killian had raised him since day once, that his life would have been wonderful and Killian would have protected him from the trauma he experienced despite Killian being hardly 13 at the time of Cian's birth.
Which brings me to the one word I would use to summarize his personality: obsessive. Cian either does not give a singular shit or he is hyper obsessive with absolutely no in-between. Due to having BPD and NPD, this is only intensified tenfold. Additionally, his personality disorders play a huge role in what causes him to obsessive over that aren't possible, that are unrealistic, etc.
One of his biggest obsessions is Killian…and that's an entire can of worms on its own so I'm going to (for my own sanity's [badumpTST] sake, not get into that here).
I'm going to need to get into his personality disorders and the way they effect his personality given…well, personality disorders affect nearly every damn second of your life when you have one. They shape your personality, they aren't called personality disorders for no reason. [Source: my own lived experience with cluster b personality disorders though I'd rather not disclose anything about my own beyond that; +extensive research and one and one talks with those with these disorders. Do not demonize cluster b, you are not welcome here if you do.]
Cian's NPD tends to present covertly, at least outwardly. He hates himself, but still feels entitled to everyone's love and worship. Of course, rationally, that's very unrealistic and unattainable. He finds himself hideous, but still thinks of very, very, very few are more attractive than he is. He feels pathetic but also feels like everyone is weak compared to him. “You wouldn't last a minute in my shoes,” is a phrase he likes to use.
His BPD is heavily intertwined with how clingy Cian can be. Of course, he has massive trust issues. He's terrified of being abandoned. Devlin, his life partner, is very much his Ultimate Favorite Person™ and he tends to start panicking if Devlin so much as lets go of his hand. That's a very rare occasion though, and if he isn't with Devlin, he's either following around Killian like a lost puppy and/or pestering Julius to give attention.
Killian will light heartedly mock Cian for it but with no real bite behind it. Julius tends to (shockingly) take the ‘babying’ route with Cian. This is mainly due to them both being the first other person they met who have BPD and NPD. Julius and Cian have always held a very close friendship, even though Julius will not refuse to acknowledge the friendship. Neither will Cian, he only would if Julius did first, as to not come off weak. Cian tends to mimic Julius, which certainly has brought out many of the ASPD traits Cian has though unlike Julius, falls short of the full diagnosis.
Devlin loves how attached and obsessive Cian is though, and he's very much equally attached and obsessive. It’s not uncommon to find both of the couples together.
Cian has a lot of trauma and Issues™ but he absolutely refuses to tell anyone, and has taken to just bottling everything up. He will deny it even when it's brought up to him directly.
Additionally, he has PPD (paranoid personality disorder) and OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder). He's an introvert and though he seems extremely domineering and controlling, he's not – at least not in his “hierarchy” – being the Hellcrew – as Cian is very much prone to hierarchical thinking, as is common among those with NPD.
If you want to know more about Cian or want me to further elaborate on any of this, please send me an ask!! Or many!! I love to talk about Cian!
**Disclaimer on Cian and Devlin's relationship: they did not meet until they were adults, when Dev was 20, and it was completely on their own WITHOUT Julius or Killian's influence. Julius and Devlin are like twins and see themselves that way. Cian and Devlin's relationship is not even close to “step bros in love,” it was much more of a huge “THE FUCK?!” when they finally found out everything, as Cian was unaware Julius was even related Dev, and Dev was unaware Julius was “alive” until a good four years of being with Cian. It's much more of (to the tune of Thunder rolls) an “AND THE CYCLE ROLLS…. THE CYCLE ROLLS!!” situation lol. If you aren't able to manage to comprehend that two adults who met as adults on their own aren't “step bros” in any manner…idk what to tell you lol
Devlin © @scarfaxia
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Lab Rats' Headcanons
(Mostly just neurodivergence & sexuality/gender headcanons.)
THIS SUPERHUMAN IS TRANSGENDER & AUTISTIC. someone get this boy some sound-canceling headphones. his transness is a huge source of insecurity for him, & adam's constant teasing does NOT help.
he is also a bisexual disaster(TM).
Bonus! Spike
mostly i consider spike to be like a fragment in a DID system, or a more realistic version of AI--he has a very specific purpose & behavior parameters & beyond that, he doesnt really. think? especially since he only comes out once in a blue moon.
the commando app triggers differently for everyone. chase's trigger is his social anxiety & general insecurity, not fear, thus why spike never activates when he's in actual danger.
ace or demi spike is an interesting concept. he's only attracted to dainty feminine people or muscle-bound gym rats, no in-between.
i know people love spike angst but i think he's actually pretty happy with his life. he comes out, fucks shit up, then sleeps for another year. what more could a guy want?
she is so. lesbian with comphet. and also adhd (hyperactive-type).
transfem bree is also very compelling (it explains why she's so desperate to separate herself from her brothers & fit in w girls her age). i think bree could've had a nice arc realizing that womanhood isn't defined by the clothes you wear or how you act, you're a woman regardless of all those things. unfortunately disney is full of misogynistic cowards 😔
Adam 🤝 Bree -> comphet. Adam is soooo aroace to me. he pretends to be attracted to women because he knows that's what's expected of him (& also it's funny/allows him to make fun of Chase more).
he is cisgender unfortunately 😔 but the biggest trans ally ever (effects of having so many trans family members)! it takes him like. a single day to get used to the idea of nonbinary people. a little longer to get used to they/them pronouns but he's TRYING.
he teases Chase for being feminine but in a weird way it's supposed to be gender-affirming? i mean, you don't make fun of girls for being girly, that'd be stupid (<- his thoughts, not mine lmao).
he has autism AND adhd (combined-type). double whammy. his sensory issues & rsd combine to make him kinda irritable/sensitive. he's social but crowds make him nervous, especially from season 3 onward. his special interest/hyperfixation is weird collectible items (an interest he & bree kinda share).
nonbinary. chill with any pronouns but most people default to he/him. doesn't like dresses but does wear skirts on occasion.
pansexual or unlabeled. or possibly aspec? i don't know and neither does he, honestly. he just got here.
soooo adhd it's unreal. combined-type like adam. finally started taking his meds around season 3.
AUTISTIC. it runs in the family.
straight trans guy. kinda homophobic ngl.
also trans (it runs in the family). i fully accept the headcanon that he's adam, bree, & chase's egg donor.
HEAR ME OUT. schizophrenic douglas? schizophrenia is often misdiagnosed with things like autism or npd, since they have a lot of overlap (eccentric ways of thinking, paranoia & trust issues can at times look like grandiosity, etc.). he probably made his own medication since he didn't like the ones his therapist put him on.
sooo bisexual disaster that's where chase gets it from <3
not trans not cisgender but a secret third thing <3
(no seriously. technically he's cis because he was designed to be a guy & he has no desire to be a woman. technically he's trans because robots have no assigned gender & he's a guy. technically he's cis because robots have no assigned gender & he doesn't really view himself as having a gender. technically he's trans because he was designed to be a guy but he wouldnt really mind being a woman. technically--)
i also like the idea of transfem marcus? no real reason it just appeals to me. bree would be so excited to have a sister <3
ace. not aro but he views romance very very differently from most people. he'd only date someone who's really interesting to him. he gets his taste in romantic partner from douglas lmao.
SOOOO NPD & BPD. the constant lying. belief that he's better than everyone else but Not Really. mood swings. tunnel vision. dramatics. black & white thinking. feelings of emptiness. daddy issues. it's all there baby. he also has anxiety but don't bother telling him he'll just deny it lmao.
marcus knows a fair bit of ASL. he became aware of it because someone in drama club is Deaf; he likes how expressionate and to the point the language is.
marcus was originally one of the robots that the davenport brothers built to handle bionics. it's possible that donald helped build him at one point.
when they were building him, douglas went behind donald's back & equipped marcus with all sorts of things, such as a very primitive version of the triton app, mostly serving as a communication channel. that's why his eyes glow green.
(based off of this post) marcus also has a commando app named mike. mike's trigger is marcus' anxiety about not being "human enough", thus why he's just a Normal Guy.
transfem, obviously. major tomboy. actually 15 but looks younger due to the puberty blockers she's on. (her being thirteen fucks up the timeline in my head.)
she was adopted by a lesbian couple but they're. kinda neglectful. scratch that, really neglectful. thus how quick she was to accept douglas as her father.
bree is really excited to have a sister. she ends up mildly disappointed because she wanted to do things like go shopping & to the spa & talk about boys etc etc but danielle's not really into that stuff. luckily they can still bond over pranking adam & chase.
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hoghtastic · 11 months
"I totally agree with the previous anon. when I was looking at the photos with her I even thought they looked like a really cute couple. No shit! She even comes across like a person who has some good charisma. Like where has that person and charisma gone?
My theory is that she has changed because of the fame, even if it's her boyfriends fame. I have heard she was a bully as a teenager, so maybe Mikael really changed her like for good, and now that he's gone she's back to her nasty old self and it even becomes obvious to the eye."
I am convinced this woman is a pathological narcissist, like not even possessing narcissistic tendencies that a lot of people have, but the actual psychiatric disorder under the DSM-5. She really and truly creeps the hell out of me, and I don't believe she has ever changed nor has her ex influenced her to change. NPD is a sickness and you can't change these people through a relationship. This Mikal guy seemed like a nice and quiet person and he was likely just an easy source of narc supply for her. She used the classic narcissist cycle on him; idealization phase, devaluation phase, then discarded him when a better source of supply came along through Alex. From my understanding people with this disorder have no empathy for others and they view people as objects to win, so they don't care if they have to use deception and manipulate your emotions and insecurities. They know when and what to say and they will put on an act for as long as they need to get what they want. Mentally healthy people would never behave this way so if you aren't aware of this illness you'll likely be very confused by this type of behaviour. The fact that she was able to keep up this act for as long as she has makes me believe that and makes me better understand how and why Alex came to believe and trust her. To me the bullying past just solidifies my theory. People with certain NPD subtypes are known to show antisocial traits; known as malignant narcs and they enjoy making others suffer. Although I'm not really sure what subtype of NPD she likely has, because she appears to exhibit traits of both a grandiose also known as malignant narcissist and also of those with high functioning/exhibitionist narcissism. Though I really think Johanne herself should see a psychologist to get a proper assessment because there definitely seems to be something is wrong with her. And Of course she will show off Alex, he is her new and shiny trophy that she has so long planned to win over! He is providing her with the attention and connections she believes she is entitled to because she has the delusional belief that she is special. This is all a game to her and she has calculated everything from the start, the huge romantic gestures, the memorable moments and trips together, planned pinterest outfits, new wardrobe/aesthetic, involving her friends to make it more believable etc. She has had a plan from the start and she has plans for the future as well and she will surely get everything she wants, she is intelligent and has the leverage in their relationship.
Anon to anon, in response to this ask. 😊 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, you've made some very valid and interesting points!
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bathroomtrapped · 2 years
What if they didnt fight cary and convinced him to return for saw 3... Then, would the scenario "jigsaw kidnaps larrys family" become real? Then, then, would it be more awesome than his coming back in saw 3d? I guess the answers yes. I'll forever hate Larry's treachery.
if it went according to plan, allison is kidnapped again and lawrence takes the role of lynn where he cares for john (iirc). either way, yeah theyre involved again. not sure abt diana tho?
okay so, sorry to be That Guy. but lawrence as an apprentice makes the most sense for his character and the saw universe and im going to use this random ask to voice my opinion so thank you for using my ask box as a saw google lol
A LOT more under the cut
i DO with we got to see that version because it would mean more lawrence screentime and i genuinely do not dislike any saw content. idc how shitty saw x is, it could undo everything and shit all over it but i would NOT care. any content means an avenue to explore saw further
thats one of the main reasons the apprentice reveal was so good, in my opinion. before i get to why its great for lawrence, i want to point out why it works SO well for the other aspects. amanda is johns pseudo-daughter, he LOVED her like a father. we see it at the end of saw iii. no matter what he says, john does not forgive people. he punishes jill for losing their child but at the end of iii, we see him genuinely look at amanda with love and forgiveness. and yet? he never trusted her enough to tell her about lawrence. this random fucking guy who didnt even WIN, is the golden child. trusted with his wife!
as for mark, he is the definition of jigsaws philosophy. he may have jostled his victims around but he had the strongest will to live out of anyone and never relished in hurting them (crying after kidnapping paul + killing seth). another reason i like 3D is that he cant even look at jills corpse. his "game over" wasnt victorious. not like johns always is. YET he is not trusted. hes been there since before amanda, followed his rules, lived his philosophy and he was shafted again. i think the reveal does a lot of good for the apprentice-john dynamic for everyone involved.
secondly, JOHNS TESTS DONT WORK. CANONICALLY. they do not!! amanda says it herself. jigsaw traps make people worse, and not just bc thats a logical response to trauma. working for john amplifies everyones worst traits. amanda became a killer, mark grew to find some sort of enjoyment in killing (at the very least, it made him dependent on it for power and a sense of identity after the loss of his sister)
lawrences test was designed to show him what john said he was missing: empathy. he has none! he lies and doesnt care, he cant understand other peoples points of view, and he prioritizes his own whims and wants over everyone. CONSISTENTLY. so what happens when his tests presents him with the very definition of his heart and moral core, then asks him to kill him? he gets fucking worse!
lawrence is a narcissist. as in the personality disorder. he has low empathy (this is canonically the reason for his test!! not just "he cheated" or "he ignored john", he does these things for that reason) and god. just look at the symptoms, its like they made every scene an example of them on purpose. the idea that his game would be a wake up call and cause him to reflect and adjust his behaviors is just insane to me! within the canon logic of the story, and when taking into account his clear personality disorder... its the most logical choice (source: i have it and also i have eyes. SIDE SIDE note, my real source is that hes a clear parallel to john and john was evaluated for NPD in his psychiatric files in the saw game. so theres that) i think this has a lot to do with people not understanding low empathy. they cant understand why he would betray adam and join jigsaw
trauma wont change that overnight. getting fixed by john for 2 years without seeing the sun certainly wont help either
lawrence as an apprentice is the most logical progression of his character. he does what he wants and what he has to, at the expense of others. hes isolated from his wife and child. he cant understand other peoples prespective. he has an issue with guilt or feeling empathy for people, including those suffering like john. this wont change bc he experienced his first shred of empathy after MURDERING someone he got to know for 6 hours. low empathy =/= no empathy. thats like saying dude bros who do shrooms and experience empathy for the first time in their life are changed people. they arent lol
also the contrast between his game over vs marks 5 minutes earlier is SO important for their characters. theres so much good shit in that movie. take out the corny lines and jill mistreatment, and u have a lot to work with! so yes i do think that itd be more awesome. i love saw 3D and what it did for his character. im not sure how saw iii hostage lawrence wouldve expanded on his character, but id rather go with saw 3D bc im confident they didnt butcher his character. im glad that a beloved protagonist is a complete narc, and hes still beloved! im never giving that up
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cauldronofmorning · 2 years
wrt chuck, it generally makes me very uncomfortable when the only characters fandom diagnoses with npd or aspd are terrible abusive people. like it’s just incredibly gross and ableist. idk especially when i see discourse about how logan roy MUST be a narcissist or sociopath because obviously the only way that a white billionaire could be an abusive fascist is if he has npd or aspd like??? jesus christ???
Seriously! It’s very othering, like abusers can only exist if they’re mentally ill. I once made a very basic video about npd conceptions (years ago) and mentioned that Trump didn’t have npd with a source from the guy who created the illness, and I still get shit for it to this day.
Back to Chuck or Logan, I could see them having npd? Maybe? They have the insecurity and childhood trauma and wanting to be perfect. But I don’t trust NTs throwing the diagnosis at them.
And ASPD for Jimmy “I want everyone to love me” McGill is ludicrous.
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seth-burroughs · 6 months
Holy fuck a pinned post.. It's one of those pinned posts isn't it
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What's up gamers I post Rain Code (literally just the peacekeepers) (it's a Yomi world no mercy). I don't tag spoilers so do with that what you will
Names include: Seth, Mateusz, Andrzej, Jaspis, Karneol, Sylwester, Stefan, Kosma, Cezary/Czarek, Sójka and Mikołaj. I collect names like cool rocks, you can basically pick and choose on which ones you use to refer to me on any given day, I don't really care. He/it/xe exclusively (for Yomi), and yes, they/them IS misgendering can you not pleaseee *looking at you with my big wet eyes*. On a similiar note, I'll prefer to not be referred to with any feminine terms like ever, I don't care if it's a joke/slang/whatever. "girl" isn't gender neutral guys what the huh I am going to become the joker
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Yomi Hellsmile fictionkin* in like, the serious/metaphysical way. (Can't believe Yomi got real and is now prowling around somewhere in the bowels of central Europe that's so cool right). That's also why I drop the I/me oftentimes whenever I talk about Yomi, in case you were confused about that.
I'm generally pretty hesistant to interact with people that also call themselves kin (and especially "kinnies"), as I'd rather not involve myself with the kff crowd or other people that treat being fictionkin as an extension of fandom, and unfortunately I can't always tell whether somebody is using it in good faith or not, but I don't like to assume things about people based off of very limited information like a few posts, either. Where was I going with this? Basically uh, having my eyes pried open and forced to witness late 2010s (fiction)kin drama has turned me extra sensitive and it's day 2137 of me telling people to please look up what being otherkin even means before using it for themselves I'm begging
If anybody has questions of any kind concerning the whole thing (whether it's purely for info's sake or more personal) then I'm fine with answering as long I'm given basic amounts of respect (no calling me a kinnie, no making me into a punchline, no making weird assumptions about me based off my kintype, no getting weirdly personal about it if you're another fictionkin from my source??)
*only concerning yomi, who might either be a fictionkin/fictive/who cares since apparently we're actually plural. uh oh. pinned might need further revisions but also im perpetually tired so. Later
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Very often I have trouble with memory and articulating myself and whatever I write may end up looking a bit weird or just near incomprehensible and unfortunately there's nothing I can currently do about it. While I love receiving them, I might take very long to forever to actually answer an ask due to either low energy or anxiety. This should should go without saying but if you make fun of me for it like ever you're getting hard blocked into the sun
I'm autistic - don't tone police me. Sometimes I can't read sarcasm or playful rudeness. Don't expect me to understand or tolerate it when you start insulting me as a "joke", my autism & NPD wombo combo makes me really hurt by that sort of stuff. Or just. Don't expect strangers in general to be fine with that?? I kind of hate how normalized just being mean to people ironically has become.
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I don't do "DNI"s as they're just objectively pretty stupid and ineffective, and just block people as I see fit. Instead, if you're curious about those, here are my boundaries under the cut which are optional reading - but might be helpful if you'd like to avoid getting blocked over accidentially crossing some of them:
I get very anxious over people leaving their negative opinions on/getting aggressive over Yomi under my posts, trust me I don't need nor want to hear it. You can go hate him literally anywhere else, why are you doing that here.
Nsft stuff might occassionally be referenced/discussed on this blog, but please never leave weirdly sexual asks/tags in relation to Yomi/me, even as jokes. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable and I will block over it from now on.
(continuing from above point: these sorts of comments are still usually perfectly fine to leave on the yaoihellsmile blog)
If you're wondering, or about to ask as to why I might have you blocked: I block very liberally over all sorts of stuff no matter how small, so I most of the time probably don't even know either.
I don't check carrds, sometimes I don't check pinned posts either. If you don't want me going through your stuff, the block button is simply the best way to do that. No hard feelings, I promise
If you bring up shipping discourse I'm compressing you into a cube. It's 2024 who fucking cares over which pixels you draw making out none of this is real consider logging off and caring about some actual problems
Probably will add onto those in the future. We'll see. anyway...
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You're getting a krówka for reading all that👍👍
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your-fave-has-a-pd · 3 years
reigen arataka from mp100 has npd
sources: trust me
okay but to elaborate he overexaggerates his achievements and uhm ive suddenly forgotten all npd symptoms hes just neat and i like him <3
oh me trying to write anything on characters i think have pds bahaha. queueing !!
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violentviolette · 5 years
So I was on your fandom blog and I saw that you believe Bakugou (at least in assuming) to have ASPD. Is wondering if you could expand on that? I personally see him as NPD but I'd love to hear your side of things
first off anon bless u for being on my fandom blog that takes courage cause it’s a wicked hot mess over there lol and secondly to everyone else yes im about to spend an embarrassing amount of effort overanalyzing an anime man, no u shouldn’t apply this logic to diagnosing real people u don’t know or urself, no its not that deep but yes u can fuck right off if u wanna cry about me headcanoning ur favs with “shitty” illnesses. eat my dick.
But now down to the good shit! So I actually think bakugou has comorbid aspd/npd. But for this since u said u already see him as having npd I’ll just focus on the aspd criteria but im totally down to talk more about npd as well if u wanna. (the rest is under a cut because frankly mobile users would have drawn and quartered me otherwise)
So first im gonna go thru the dsm v criteria that are required for diagnosis that bakugou fits/exhibits (leaving out the few things that don’t pertain to him just for length and also because not every person has to fit every single criteria to qualify)
1. Significant impairments in personality as manifested by
a. identity (self esteem derived from power, pleasure, or personal gain), self direction (goal setting based on personal gratification, absence of prosocial standards and culturally normal ethical behavior)
katsukis entire sense of self is built upon his ability to “win” and to always be number one and come out on top. He absolutely cant stand to be viewed as less than that because if so, his entire sense of self begins to crumble. Part of the reason he’s so antagonistic towards Izuku in the early chapters is the fact that Izuku challenges that identity. He (unintentionally and intentionally) challenges katsuki and wont give way to him (which is the right thing to do, but we see how “well” katsuki handles that). He also doesn’t have a good sense of “prosocial standards.” katsuki has created his own internal sense of morals and values, he’s decided whats worth his time and effort based on his own opinions and not on what society deems worthwhile behavior. He’s constantly getting admonished that his attitude “isn’t that of a hero” because his values are different than the ones of the society around him. But he doesn’t care, as long as he “wins” then everythings good. And its not until he stops “winning” and his behavior begins to get in the way of his goals does he begin to realize that he has a problem.
b. impairments in interpersonal functioning as manifested by lack of empathy (lack of concern for feelings, needs, or suffering of others) and lack of intimacy (incapacity for mutually intimate relationships, use of dominance or intimidation to control others)
I could frankly write a whole essay about just this bit alone but I’ll try to condense my thoughts. So. Lets talk about katsukis lack of empathy. This boy wouldn’t know another person’s emotions if they walked up and punched him in the face. Which they do. On multiple occasions. But I digress. Katsuki is known for his shitty bedside manner, his lack of concern for the feelings of others is literally what cost him his provisional license, but aside from with Izuku (who we’ve established is a source of Baggage for katsuki and shouldn’t be counted among his normal behavior because at the start of the series they BOTH bring out the worst in one another and overcoming that is part of both of their character arcs and growth and a main theme of the damn story. Win and save. Save and win. Ahem. But again I digress) katsuki isn’t vindictive or cruel in an unnecessary way about other peoples emotions. He doesn’t use them against people, it just doesn’t occur to him that they exist. But as we see katsuki grow and begin to try and change his unhealthy behavior, we see that he’s not oblivious of others emotions in the same way todoroki is (who I headcanon as autistic along with izuku (who also has adhd), but that’s a whole nother post lol), he just doesn’t know what to do with them. He can handle things like kirishima feeling insecure, because he can logically talk to him about how strong he is to encourage and support him, but really struggles with more intimate and open forms of emotional support, like with Izuku.
He also struggles with forming prosocial bonds and friends. At the start of the series katsuki doesn’t have friends, he has lackeys he controls with intimidation and fear because he doesn’t know any other way to be. He has trust and intimacy issues and doesn’t like people getting too close to him because he feels displays of vulnerability are what makes someone weak (see those asocial morals and values we talked about earlier). After his time at UA, a few large helpings of some humble pie, and the diligent and hard work of a small group of fearless idiots (aka kaminari whose literally too prosocial for his own good and has zero self preservation instincts, and kirishima who has an endless supply of patience and understands empathy and other peoples emotions to a degree that’s baffling to me) he is able to start deconstructing that idea and realizing that u can be vulnerable and let people close to u and still be strong. That the mortifying ordeal of being known isn’t actually the worst things ever. Also that when confronted with people who aren’t actually afraid of him, he doesn’t know how else to deter them from getting close to him. The fact that none of the other kids in 1-A take katsukis shit and even go so far as to pick on him and mock him and call him out on his bullshit is a MAJOR turning point for his socialization skills.
2. pathological personality traits in the following catagories
a. antagonism, characterized by hostility (persistent and frequent angry feelings, anger or irritability in response to minor slights or insults, nasty mean vengeful behavior), callousness (lack of concern for the feelings and problems of others)
I mean. Do I even have to expand on this point? I feel like no
b. disinhibition, characterized by impulsivity (acting on the spur of the moment in response to immediate stimuli, acting without a plan or consideration for outcomes, difficulty establishing and following plans), risk taking (lack of concern for ones limitations and denial of the reality of personal danger, engaging in potentially risky and self-damaging activities without regard for consequences)
this is a criteria where u have to adjust for the world these characters are living in. but even then, by hero standards, katsuki is still impulsive. His teachers are constantly admonishing him in the early series for charging headfirst into a situation, loosing himself to his emotions and anger, and letting things get the better of him because hes not taking the time to properly assess the situation, this also bleeds into katsukis inability to work with others or ask for help. He charges headfirst into a situation by himself, blows up anything in his way, and then asks questions later. His teammates are often left totally in the dark to his plans, motives, or other moves and have to just play catch up to him the entire time. In the deku vs. kacchan 1 fight we see this behavior come out in full force. He has no plan, he blows up half the building with zero regard for their goals, and leaves iida completely in the dark. Momo pointing this all out and dragging him for filth during the recap is another wakeup moment for him, having to confront the realities of his impulsive and negative behavior whereas before he was only praised for it.
so if we take a look at even just that, which is still about ¾ of the diagnostic criteria, I think u can see where this really starts to explain his personality. Katsuki is hot headed, angry, impulsive, stubborn, selfish, he gets in his own way more often than not, he struggles with prosocial behavior, making friends, and relating emotionally to others. He has a hard time comforting people and usually does so in a blunt and logical way, he isn’t great at sympathy and being soft, kind, or gentle with other people. It takes a considerable amount of effort for him to realize where his world view and his morals and goals are warped and doing him more harm than good, and he absolutely cant stand to be vulnerable or honest about his feelings with others. 
All those things, imo, as someone with aspd & npd, are what make me feel like hes a good character representation of what the complexities of living with these disorders is like. Katsuki isn’t inherently a bad person, and as we see him grow and change, we see the ways in which hes becoming better, but its still hard for him. And despite what a lot of fandom thinks, if u look at the canon, the main person katsuki hurts with his behavior is himself. And I think that’s really important because people with aspd & npd are so often catagorized as abusive villians whose only goal in life is to hurt others. Whereas with katsuki we see where these things and this kind of thinking gets in the way of his goals and ultimately hurts him. and thats what I think makes him the most relatable and makes his growth all the much more satisfying. Katsuki is both fundamentally the same and an entirely different person from when we first meet him. his personality didn’t magically completely change, hes not just a tsundere whose suddenly all mushy feely and hyper empathetic, he’s just learning how to deal with his emotions and the world and getting better at being a healthy person.
So yea, those are my thoughts! There was apparently a whole 1600 words of them so my apologies for writing u a literal dissertation on this lol I just really love this fucking character
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stagekiller · 5 years
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// teeny tiny ‘psa’ i guess, even tho this is more of a headcanon. in the year that i’ve been playing with you guys i’ve noticed a common pattern of muns being disappointed when my muse’s sentiment towards their muse comes off as disingenuous. this isn’t directed at anyone in particular, of course, i just wanted to clear something up, because i know that establishing a ‘connection’ between muses can be a key element to enjoying your roleplaying experience.
 so, basically what i wanna clarify is that for Jerome ( both being on the aspd/npd spectrum & due to his disposition/cognitive experiences ) ‘genuine sentiment’ is much more subjective than for the average person. i mean, heck, sometimes you just know someone and you can’t figure how you feel about them irl. now, imagine having all those layers of behavioral issues/internalized  rage/trust issues/ etc etc. i don’t mean to victimize him. but it’s just objectively impossible to reach the levels of affection & understanding you’d expect in your average relationship with him.
  that doesn’t make his feelings any less genuine. he doesn’t do mediocre attachment, he doesn’t do conventional friendships and he doesn’t do ‘love’ as portrayed in mass media. but he has feelings for some of y’all’s muses. it’s in his nature to be cold & distant.
  a really good analogy for it ( credit is due to my friend Aiton here for making the comparison first ) is the crocodile. a crocodile is normally a wild creature, but won’t always attack humans. if you consistently provide a food source and engage with it, the crocodile will grow tame around you and might even enjoy your company. however, the moment it goes hungry again, if you fail to feed it, you become the meal.
 there’s no exceptions to that. clownman is a sick, sick, pathetic excuse for a human being, fated to destroy everything he touches and that’s the tragicomic element in him; because in destroying it he hurts himself, as well.
  that is all from me, now, if you’ll excuse me me imma go hide in drafts :”D
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thelittlehansy · 5 years
Narcissism in the Westregraad family part 1
If Hans is several times called a sociopath/psychopath ( i had make a post about it on my blog explaining that hans dont represent with accuracy sociopath/psychopath behavior)  i also saw him be qualified to be a narcissist and having narcissistic personality disorder a lot of times. and i m not gonna lie this is my reaction about people assuming hans has NPD
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First because i have an history with that disorder my parents who are psychiatrist talk a lot with me about it at a period where i think i had a friend who was one.But mainly because we label very easily person with the term “narcissist” There is this trend in my country  to accuse ex-boyfriend who are manipulative and are product of toxic masculinity  to be narcissist. when NPD is a true disorder , a psychiatrist illness along with anti social personality disorder and it’s so annoying when people think they can say if someone is narcissist based on what they thing the disorder is when we need true psychiatrist to diagnose it.
I took what a website (helpguide.org) said about narcissist personality disorder symptoms and the explanation and not a silly website  “ wants to knows if you ex is one”
since hans is a fictional character and therefore do not exist  in real life took informations about the disorder and makes them apply to Hans personality is the closest  thing we have to say if he is one or not.
So does hans have narcissist personality disorder ?
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first i want to say this is more difficult to say if hans is one that with psychopath/sociopath symptoms because there are way more difficult to catch and less obvious and we can easily become parano ( i say that based on personal experience )  thats why also we need to look at all hans relationship to people not only at his relationship with his ex girlfriend.
Grandiose sense of self-importance
Grandiosity is the defining characteristic of narcissism. More than just arrogance or vanity, grandiosity is an unrealistic sense of superiority. Narcissists believe they are unique or “special” and can only be understood by other special people. What’s more, they are too good for anything average or ordinary. They only want to associate and be associated with other high-status people, places, and things.
based on the movie : we don’t know.  Hans want to be king but we don’t knows why we can say that hans want to be the hero of arendelle because he feel grandiose but this is only an assumption he could also feel useless and that’s why he want so much to be king and a hero. we can add also that Hans is not bothers by the idea of being associated with arendelle citizens. the movie never contradict the scene where he show concern for arendelle citizens and wants to take her of the peasant.
  other information we have from a frozen heart : Hans feel useless as the 13th son of King he think he is useless , worthless a throwaway He feel we will never be needed. Hans feels inferior to his older brothers. It seems Hans wants attention only of basic people ? Nothing is say about him believing he think only special person can understand him. We only knows he wants the attention of his family.
complementary information : there is the argument that Narc have low self esteem yes but they are not conscious and aware like how hans is aware about his low self esteem. Hans dont compensate his low self esteem. also “ Recent research discounts the earlier theory and now indicates that if you are suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, you likely also have high self-esteem – both on the surface and below the surface.” source : Psyc
Narcissists also believe that they’re better than everyone else and expect recognition as such—even when they’ve done nothing to earn it. They will often exaggerate or outright lie about their achievements and talents. And when they talk about work or relationships, all you’ll hear is how much they contribute, how great they are, and how lucky the people in their lives are to have them. They are the undisputed star and everyone else is at best a bit player.
based only on the movie : we dont knows. again the only thing we have  is “ i m gonna be the hero of arendelle”  but saying hans think he is better than everyone because of that is to me too way much interpretation. it also contradict what it say previously Hans dont expect recognition without doing nothing. For him he need to do something and act like a hero to have arendelle respect.
complementary information on a frozen heart : Hans doesn’t except recognition without doing nothing. Hans believe he had to earn recognition. We know that he think he can be a good king but nothing about great exaggerate his achievement or talent,Also His father told him “ dont disappoint me…again” and he respond “ i wont” he knows he need to prove himself to have approval of his father. That’s what drive him to go in arendelle “ prove them wrong”Having to earn people affection is  definitely one of hans goal
.Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur Since reality doesn’t support their grandiose view of themselves, narcissists live in a fantasy world propped up by distortion, self-deception, and magical thinking. They spin self-glorifying fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, attractiveness, and ideal love that make them feel special and in control. These fantasies protect them from feelings of inner emptiness and shame, so facts and opinions that contradict them are ignored or rationalized away. Anything that threatens to burst the fantasy bubble is met with extreme defensiveness and even rage, so those around the narcissist learn to tread carefully around their denial of reality
.Based on the movie : we doesn’t knows.anything of that to me its making wayyy to much assumption about hans personality that were never show in the movie. we have maybe one moment : the duke of weselton criticized him when he give the cloaks hans is calm and say the princess has give her orders.he became aggressive when the duke criticized anna ( his key to the throne) not him. he is calm when this is about him. Hans is aggressive at the end when anna say to him he  is not match for elsa. so we just dont know since Hans show different behavior. again they never told us why hans wants to be king he wants to be hero can be because he did live in a fantasy world but also because he dont live in a fantasy world and finally has his moment to shine.
others information on a  frozen heart :  somewhere we are in hans head ! so what told us ? in the beginning of a frozen heart hans has dream : only’s son of his father he told him how proud he is of him and this is time for him to give him his kingdom. then he stop and told himself : “ this is never gonna happened and he needs to stop making fantasy and dream about thing that never gonna happened his father hates him and needs to dealt with that. Hans doesn’t believe in his fantasy. He is not living in his fantasy. Then hans doesn’t react to thing that threaten his fantasy bubble by extreme defensiveness. on the contrary he is resigned to be a throwaway and worthless.  
Needs constant praise and admirationA narcissist’s sense of superiority is like a balloon that gradually loses air without a steady stream of applause and recognition to keep it inflated. The occasional compliment is not enough. Narcissists need constant food for their ego, so they surround themselves with people who are willing to cater to their obsessive craving for affirmation. These relationships are very one-sided. It’s all about what the admirer can do for the narcissist, never the other way around. And if there is ever an interruption or diminishment in the admirer’s attention and praise, the narcissist treats it as a betrayal
.based on the movie : hans come from a family that ignore him and make him feel invisible. we can also say based on his relationship with anna for Hans its all about anna , please her , do what she wants , it is not one side  because he wants to be king. arendelle , its all about him making them love him. lets also added it say Hans is a social chameleon. hans definitely has no problem making effort to win people heart. it is not one side. with Hans this is all about how he can please people to have what he wants. so we doesn’t exactly  know but some element contradict that behavior
.based on a frozen heart : He doesn’t seems to show his behavior again since what he feels as a young adult in his mind is inferiority not superiority. He wants legitimate compliment not exaggerate compliment he want to have respect and he was going to deal with the fact that his father hates him arendelle was an idea from his brothers lars , hans , him was going to  go to the brotherhood once his father say it.. so Hans can live without praise and admiration. Hans wants all the times to have his father proud of him have his respect trust , the king on the other hand humiliate hans and abuse him and doesn’t even respect him. The relationship between hans and his father is one side on hans part.
Sense of entitlement Because they consider themselves special, narcissists expect favorable treatment as their due. They truly believe that whatever they want, they should get. They also expect the people around them to automatically comply with their every wish and whim. That is their only value. If you don’t anticipate and meet their every need, then you’re useless. And if you have the nerve to defy their will or “selfishly” ask for something in return, prepare yourself for aggression, outrage, or the cold shoulder.
Based on the movie : dont know. all of that are too much interpretation. hans can feel special but also not special , he can think be a king is his right , but he can also want to be king for others reasons. so we just dont know. also again hans dont expect the people around him  to automatically comply with his every wish and whim.
with the information on a frozen heart : Hans has a plan : going to elsa coronation in order to marry her. His reaction , he need to show his father than he can trust him and be responsible. He passed 3 years of his life doing that. Prove himself he is capable to have his trust. in the book it reveal hans dont feel special , he dont expect people to give him a favorable treatment since he is little hans was show that he need to prove himself and that it is never enough. Hans show a opposite behavior he has to prove himself to the whole world , arendelle , his father, his brothers. everything with him is earned and deserve. he needs to work hard 
Exploits others without guilt or shame Narcissists never develop the ability to identify with the feelings of others—to put themselves in other people’s shoes. In other words, they lack empathy. In many ways, they view the people in their lives as objects—there to serve their needs. As a consequence, they don’t think twice about taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends. Sometimes this interpersonal exploitation is malicious, but often it is simply oblivious. Narcissists simply don’t think about how their behavior affects others. And if you point it out, they still won’t truly get it. The only thing they understand is their own needs.
based on the movie : hans do exploit others he exploit anna  !  but he exploit others in order to achieve a plan he makes and prepare.  we dont know how he view people in his life. and if hans exploit others when he doesn’t have a plan in mind and view them as object. the fact that he exploit anna is not enough to say he has the symptoms. also “ the only thing they understand is their own needs” is very uncertain since hans did not exploit arendelle citizens and show to be concern about their needs.
with a frozen heart : Hans did exploit others he exploit anna and elsa for his plan in arendelle and also hide his intention to his father in order to get what he wants. to the coronation. But he doesn’t do it without shame/guilt/empathy since After propose to help his father he show regret ans say to himself what i got myself into. Hans say that anna would be happy to insult him so he knows he has done something bad and can put himself in people’s shoes. He also say how he has never be a murderer. , He show also for a very short time empathy for the the queen who has lost her sister. so he  has a conscience.We also knows hans doesn’t take people as object he show empathy for , his mother , ignore on her birthday ,  his sister in law also ignored by his brother , his horse maybe also , he has a normal relationship with his brothers lars.if he definitely is able to exploit others for his selfish interest but not in the same way narcissist exploit people.  he dont take people as object in his life
.Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others 
Narcissists feel threatened whenever they encounter someone who appears to have something they lack—especially those who are confident and popular. They’re also threatened by people who don’t kowtow to them or who challenge them in any way. Their defense mechanism is contempt. The only way to neutralize the threat and prop up their own sagging ego is to put those people down. They may do it in a patronizing or dismissive way as if to demonstrate how little the other person means to them. Or they may go on the attack with insults, name-calling, bullying, and threats to force the other person back into line.
based on the movie : we dont know. i read hans bully anna and elsa and act like a bullier ? i dont really get it on the contrary hans is social chameleon he earn the trust of everyone and at the end didn’t bully anna he abandon her ! he definitely intimidate anna  but  the part “frequently” lack we just doesn’t knows.
based on the book : this one is interesting ! because hans do try some time to intimates people to have what he wants and even wants to thank his brothers but he also hates to do that at others part and prefer to be sweet to people , smart and not violent.  he did it with oaken the duke of weselton men  even mock him because of that. hans also say a lot of time that he is not violent he on the contrary try to please people to have what he wants. he offered the man a territory in his kingdom to have them on his side.we also learn that hans is victim of  severe bullying  he hate intimidates people , refuse to fight back dont want to act like his brothers and hates his brothers and how they treat him his brothers frequently dreams, intimidates , bullies , or belittle him.  so if Hans did show at some part tried to intimidates the dignitaries or anna at the end this is not a part of the personality on his everyday life. he used two or three time intimidation as a tool to have what he wants
.conclusion  ; i think we can say based only on the movie :  say Hans  has  narcissist personality disorder is a based on a lot assumption about  his character ,  there is even small some things he did  than contradict some NPD behavior.with the additional information disney give us : hans doesn’t have the disorder he doesn’t have any symptoms. he exploit others but this is because he is an opportunist. there is also vulnerability narcissism who is not grandiose but Hans dont show the symptoms   at all of narcissist. so grandiose or vulnerable this is not really the question. let’s also said that everyone has a level of narcissism because it is a spectrum and apparently too much narcissism is not necessarily a bad thing ( yeah read that somewhere)
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onisionhurtspeople · 7 years
so i'm curious, how did you first encounter onision? why do you run this blog, how did you get involved in all this?
wew laddie. You’re asking me a bit of a story. Well, not really, I suppose; but I do have to delve into some personal information here in order to answer this question. So, get ready for a tl;dr.
The very first thing I ever saw or heard of Onision was in, I believe, either late 2011 or early 2012. At the time, he and Shiloh were still together; and, in fact, that’s the only reason why I noticed him. I had pulled up the main screen of YouTube one day when I noticed a picture of Shiloh with some guy, and I did a double-take. I was surprised to see her on YouTube - because you see, at the time, she was an up-and-coming relatively famous singer in my country (Canada), and this was essentially at the height of her popularity and fame. So, my interest was piqued.
Then my eyes roved over to the face of the man sitting next to her in the video, and - I shit you not - the hair on my arms literally stood up on end. I just had the most intense and inexplicable wave of intuitively-driven dislike for him the second that I saw his face. I caught a very strong vibe from his expression and mannerisms that he was a narcissist, or a sociopath, or some type of cluster B disordered personality. I just didn’t have a good feeling about him.The man in the video clip was, of course, Onision.
Out of curiosity to understand why this teenage girl who was famous in my country was sitting next to someone like that, I clicked the video. And started watching. And watching. And watching. By the end of my binge, I didn’t just have a feeling that he was a narcissist; I knew that he was a narcissist.
Now, I have to divulge some personal information about myself if I expect you or anybody else to trust in the validity of my opinion.
I’ve been around cluster B types all of my life. (For reference, ‘cluster B’ refers to ‘cluster B personality disorders’, a classification defined by the DSM-5 as the ‘dramatic personality disorders’, as distinct from cluster A and cluster C. They include borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder (also known as psychopathy), and narcissistic personality disorder.) My entire family is riddled with them: my mother has narcissistic personality disorder (diagnosed). My stepmother has borderline personality disorder and c-PTSD (diagnosed). My brother, although he has not been diagnosed, scores very high on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist (28/40 - a score of 30/40 is required in the U.S. and Canada for a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder. In the UK, it’s 25). I grew up learning how to navigate the emotional instability brought on by living in close quarters with narcissists and severely unstable and abusive borderlines*. Needless to say, I possess a bit of a sixth sense for people who are emotionally unstable in that way, and have learned to give them a wide berth when I encounter them.
Now, as to the reason why I decided to start this blog.
I’ve been a long-time lurker in the anti-Onision community - I think about three or four years off and on. I’ve never really been a huge contributor; just kind of read the posts by eoliveson, d0ntstandsoclosetome, and vividoolittle, scoffed, and submitted my opinion here and there. 
What changed it for me was when I saw Joy Sparkle BS beginning to make a huge splash on YouTube because of her criticisms of Onision, accruing over 21,000 followers in four months. Now, I know that Joy is a controversial figure in the anti-O community, not least of which because she makes us look a little psycho due to the fact that she has made over 40 videos about him in the span of four months. But when I saw that Onision was so bothered by Joy and Jaclyn that he was willing to debate them live, it ignited something in me. Jaclyn is clearly highly intelligent, versatile, and logical, a talented debater who Onision found it difficult to corner with his manipulative twists of “logic”. Joy’s strengths lie in her positive attitude, her deep intuitive understanding of the way that other people operate, her personal experience and street smarts, and her extraordinary ability to sway people over to her side by presenting her argument in a way that is palatable and easy to understand. However, what I felt was missing with both of these two women’s arguments - although they’ve both done a phenomenal job, in my opinion - were them refuting his claims with cold, hard, undeniable facts that he cannot twist and wiggle his way out from.
As Onision announced on his Twitter that he was willing to debate his followers, I found myself beginning to make lists and lists of points that I wanted to refute, screenshots of Twitter posts, YouTube videos, and credible citations from various organizations to factually counter his claims. I surprised myself with how eager I was to debate with him - even still, to this day, I will occasionally jot down some note or another that I want to confront him about should I ever have the opportunity to debate him.
Of course, I realize that I’m probably never going to have that chance (especially since his ego is still so bruised from his stunning defeat at the hands of Jaclyn), and so I decided that this blog is the next best thing. 
At the end of the day, I created this blog not only to offer rational, well-sourced, fact-based refutations of Onision’s claims and behaviors, but to give his victims a voice. Not just the Skyes, the Shilohs, the Laineys and Billies and Haileys and Eryns of the world; but the dozes, hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of people who have been negatively affected by his words. This blog is for all the friendships that have been ruined, all the girls who have hated and judged their bodies because of him, all of the trans kids, the cutters, the abuse victims, the meat eaters, and the bisexuals who have ever felt guilty, “less than”, lost, or loathed themselves because a man who they looked up to told them that their bodies made them disgusting, that their sexualities made them undesirable, that their genders made them invisible, and that their scars and trauma made them unlovable. This blog is for them, and all of the people who will come after.
*Please do not think that I mean to suggest that everybody with BPD or NPD is violent. I don’t think that at all; in fact, my boyfriend has BPD. I am merely describing my personal experience with BPD and NPD sufferers who were abusive, as a means of lending credibility to my observations about Onision’s behavior.
Also, please don’t think that I just go around diagnosing everyone and their mother of having a personality disorder, because nothing could be further from the truth. Apart from the above examples I’ve provided, I have encountered maybe two other people in my entire life who I strongly suspect suffered severely from a personality disorder - one female friend with histrionic personality disorder, and one male.. acquaintance.. with narcissistic personality disorder, who had a hand in nudging my best friend over the edge until she committed suicide. But that’s another story, so we’ll save that bit of unpleasantness for another time.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Kim Kardashian West and Coty Talk Details of Partnership – WWD
When Coty Inc. revealed that Peter Harf, a founding partner of its majority owner JAB, would become chief executive officer of the beleaguered beauty company, the intent was clear.
“The purpose,” said a company statement, “was to instill urgency and deliver results.”
Twenty-nine days later, Harf made his opening move, announcing Coty would pay $200 million for a 20 percent stake of Kim Kardashian West’s beauty brand, KKW, and that the two had signed a licensing deal for Coty to produce skin-care, hair-care, personal-care and nail products for global distribution.
Skin care is the immediate focus, and the one with the most potential. The category was up 11 percent for the first quarter of 2020, according to The NPD Group, and has been one of beauty’s few bright spots during the pandemic.
“Skin care is still white space for Coty, and to be able to attack it with this fantastic brand is the biggest opportunity in our turnaround,” said Simona Cattaneo, president of Luxury Brands at Coty. The group’s primary skin-care brands are Philosophy, which has struggled to maintain consistent growth and relevance, and Lancaster, which is marketed primarily in Europe.
Jefferies Group estimates skin care will be 5 percent of Coty’s business after the spin-off of its professional and retail hair businesses, fragrance is 50 percent and color cosmetics, 45 percent.
“Kim is a mom, an entrepreneur, a businesswoman, a philanthropist. She is very inclusive in the way she lives and acts. She is multifaceted, and most importantly, she is genuinely and authentically connected with her community and this is something that today resonates more than before — this is an accelerator for us,” said Cattaneo.
The question is: Will it be enough? Initial Wall Street reactions to the deal were tempered even as Coty’s stock ended the day up about 13 percent to close at $4.74.
Steph Wissink, managing director of Jefferies, said a 10 to 15 percent increase in stock price seems to be the bump for a company when they sign a celebrity in the Kardashian-Jenner orbit, noting Gap’s stock increased similarly after it unveiled its deal with Kanye West’s Yeezy brand last week.
“In the past, celebrity in beauty has not been enough in isolation to drive sustainability over decades,” said Wissink. “You need those other elements that make a beauty brand durable — hero products, great efficacy, differentiation, innovation.
“Yes, Kim Kardashian’s follower base on Instagram is big with 177 million people,” she continued, noting the KKW Beauty account has 4.4 million, “but are they going to buy the beauty products? There is a big distinction between follower count and potential addressable market.”
Other analysts reacted similarly. “While the goal of cultivating a new global, high-growth d-to-c beauty brand is laudable, at first blush we are not especially positive on this announced deal,” wrote Citi analyst Wendy Nicholson in a report released shortly after the news went public.
Nicholson cited three primary reasons: The high price Coty paid for its involvement with KKW, which values the brand at $1 billion; the troubled state of some of Coty’s core brands, like CoverGirl, which are still in need of “fix-it strategies,” and the timing of the deal, which coincides with a “significant transformation through change in management, the involvement of a private equity partner [KKR], and the sale of its professional and retail hair-care businesses, all of which creates opportunities for missteps…”
Joe Lachky of Wells Fargo was slightly more optimistic, but also noted that the deal is far from a silver bullet for Coty. “We do not expect the announcement will have a material impact on Coty’s financials in the near term…,” he wrote. “Overall we view the announcement positive and expect Coty shares to trade up on the news, but remain cautious longer-term as the company is navigating a tremendous amount of change and continues to deal with significant COVID-19 fallout.”
Cattaneo, who also oversees Kylie Jenner’s beauty brand for Coty, refuted the notion that the brands detract from the group’s focus and emphasized that Kylie and KKW form a core part of its strategy moving forward, particularly as the business looks to diversify out of fragrance and also become stronger in the direct-to-consumer business. Coupled with the $600 million Coty spent to acquire a 51 percent stake in Kylie Cosmetics, it has spent $800 million on Kardashian-Jenner brands in the last year.
“We’re going to capitalize on this strategic opportunity. Our strategy is to focus on the priorities,” said Cattaneo, noting that Jenner and Kardashian West appeal to two very different demographic groups. “Kim resonates very well with older Millennials and Gen X — 60 percent of her followers are over 25. Kylie resonates more with Gen Z and early Millennials. They are two very different communities.”
Coty’s research also showed that Kardashian West has a very big global following, with more than 40 percent of her combined 300 million followers on social media residing outside of the U.S. “We have big global ambitions,” said Cattaneo, noting that when Kardashian Jenner held a launch event for her fragrance last November before Single’s Day in China, 12 million people tuned in to watch her livestream and 15,000 bottles sold out in minutes. “She is recognized globally — as a mom, a businesswoman, an activist.”
Wissink noted that Harf addressed the celebrity head-on during a call in early June with the subject of a potential deal came up. “We thought it was quite notable, because he really stuck a stake in the ground,” she recalled. “He said, ‘You’ll see other social media phenomena added to our portfolio, because we feel this is a growing part of the market, and a market that’s going to stay. We’re going to see some other people, commentators of the industry, who fear that the Internet-based, social media based brands and endorsers will turn out to be a fad. We strongly believe that they’re here to stay.’”
The deal is expected to close in the third quarter of Coty’s fiscal year 2021, and as of yet, Cattaneo said there is no definitive launch date for skin care. “As soon as possible!” she exclaimed when asked when products will launch.
For her part, Kardashian West said the expansion opportunities — both in terms of category and geography — were what made the deal attractive to her. “Coty wanted to work with me to explore untapped categories and I felt they were the right company to work with as I’m really impressed by their commercial and go-to-market expertise,” she said, speaking to WWD exclusively post-deal. “The partnership will allow us to exercise our complementary strengths — I can focus on the creative aspects that I love, and their global reach will unlock faster expansion.”
She, too, declined to provide a timeline, but did not that the launch model will most likely follow the drop model that she’s deployed for makeup and fragrance, rather than introducing a full brand at once.
“So far, the drop model has been really successful as we focused on launching products that we felt people needed and were solving for gaps in the market,” she said. “As we expand globally and address different shopping habits and needs around the world, we’ll have to take that into consideration to see if that model is still applicable.”
In terms of what the product lineup will consist of — for that, Kardashian West said she’ll tap into her followers, as well as her own expertise when it comes to skin care.
“I’m fortunate to have access to so many products that I’ve been able to test over and being able to focus group my fans has also allowed me to get real time feedback on what they’re looking for from a product,” she said. “Having said that, I’ve always had a really strong intuition when its coming to launching products and knowing what would resonate most in the market. At the end of the day, I have to trust my gut and make sure it’s something that I really believe in if I’m going to be asking people to make an investment.”
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Black Friday draws early shoppers, but real frenzy is online
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Black Friday draws early shoppers, but real frenzy is online
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CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) – Turnout at U.S. retailers was relatively subdued on Black Friday, with many shoppers flocking to stores eye items in person and enjoy the festive atmosphere while waiting to do their actual bargain hunting online.
A Black Friday sale sign is displayed outside a makeup store at Roosevelt Field shopping mall in Garden City, New York, U.S., November 24, 2017. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
There were few signs of the over-the-top frenzy that had been a hallmark of the start to the U.S. shopping season in years past, and some stores appeared to be getting creative with gimmicks beyond heavy discounts to lure shoppers through their doors.
The day after Thanksgiving is traditionally when retailers offer “doorbuster” deals attracting bargain hunters. Many department and big-box stores have said they will compete fiercely on price this quarter while keeping inventory lean.
Tricia Welch, 36, a customer service executive at a bank, stood in line for about an hour before getting into a Target Corp store in Manhattan.
“There are definitely more discounts available through the year now than say four to five years ago … we only buy electronics or appliances on Black Friday.”
Miguel Flores, 43, an overnight security guard, visited the store after his shift ended.
“I mostly shop online but decided to drop in because I haven’t been to a store in a long time,” Flores said. “I bought some video games for my nephew a few days ago. The deals were pretty good then, too. In fact I was just looking at some of them today and the deals are similar.”
Tenesha Robertson, 43, a loader at UPS, exited Macy’s in Jersey City’s Newport Centre Mall with her mother, daughter and several large bags in tow. They were headed to drop shopping items off at Robertson’s car before buying more at the mall.
“We go to Macy’s every year,” she said. The discounts are about the same, but we like to come just to be here for the family time.”
But online demand may help make up for lackluster store traffic, and even the subdued in-store activity this year marked an improvement over recent years.
Macy’s Inc Chief Executive Jeff Gennette told CNBC on Friday that the retailer was better off this year than last, had robust online demand and was in a good place for holiday promotions, sending the retailer’s shares up more than 4 percent in early trading.
JC Penney Co climbed 1.8 percent, while Target Corp and Wal-Mart Stores Inc edged higher.
The period between the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday and Christmas can make or a break a retailer, accounting for as much as 40 percent of total revenue for the year.
“The turnout this morning has been relatively slow but it is still the best we have seen in three years. We expect it to pick up as the day progresses,” said Burt Flickinger, managing director, Strategic Resources Group. He cited improving consumer confidence, a strong job market, and healthy housing prices.
More people picked up deals online and the traditional rush was split by stores opening the night before. Godiva gave out free chocolates, Sephora offered face masks and perfumes and dancers entertained Bergdorf Goodman shoppers, according to the New York Post.
Women shop at a Macy’s department store in Roosevelt Field shopping mall in Garden City, New York, U.S., November 24, 2017. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
The deepest Black Friday discounts included more than $200 off some BestBuy TVs, all bras across Victoria’s Secret Pink stores sold for $25, half-price video games at Target, and $50 off PlayStation 4 Pro gaming consoles at Walmart.
The challenge for retailers will be to convert early spending into a desire to spend throughout the season and to go beyond deep discounts, NPD Group Chief Industry Analyst Marshal Cohen said in a note.
There were some signs, however, on Thursday night of the shopping frenzy that Black Friday is traditionally known for.
The Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, Alabama, outside Birmingham, said police had to be called to break up a fight at about 11:30 p.m. on Thursday between two women who might have been trying to get the same sale item in a store.
Mike White, general manager of the mall, said there were reports of two other scuffles in the mall, Alabama’s biggest, and the mall decided to shut about 15 minutes early.
“There were just a lot of people shopping last night. We were full all night long.”
Enticing shoppers with Black Friday deals is especially important for brick-and-mortar retailers given the continued switch to online shopping, led by Amazon.com Inc, which has forced chains such as Toys R Us, apparel retailers True Religion, The Limited, Rue 21 and off-price retailer Payless Shoe Source to file for bankruptcy this year.
Amazon began touting its sales for Cyber Monday, one of the biggest days for online shopping, on Friday and said shoppers using its digital assistant Alexa could score deals as early as Sunday.
Wal-Mart, Target, Macy‘s, JC Penney and other retailers opened their stores on Thursday evening and most have been offering extended deals online starting as early as October. Some started offering in-store deals earlier this week.
Garden State Plaza in Paramus, New Jersey, was crowded but not chaotic. Shoppers came for deals with nothing specific in mind. Those who came enjoyed the experience of trying on clothes rather than shopping online.
“It looks a little slower this year,” Build-A-Bear employee Marissa Trujillo said.
“Black Friday isn’t what it used to be because stores are extending their sales into the weekend and you can shop online,” said Unmesh Patel, 30, a project manager. “I also come for the rush even though it lessens every year.”
A Macy’s employee at the mall said it was less busy on Friday because the store had been open, and packed, on Thursday.
U.S. shoppers had spent more than $1.52 billion online by Thanksgiving evening, a 16.8 percent year-over-year increase in online spending, by 5 p.m. (2200 GMT) on Thanksgiving, according to Adobe Analytics, which tracked 80 percent of online transactions at the top 100 U.S. retailers.
“They’re all online,” said Sarah Jones, 42, an employee at Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island. “Right now they’re at toy stores and electronic stores. They’ll trickle in a little later and we’ll be waiting. I’ve worked in retail my whole life, trust me.”
Reporting by Nandita Bose and Richa Naidu, additional reporting by Renita Young, Stephanie Brumsey and Jenna Zucker; Writing by Nick Zieminski; Editing by Bill Rigby and Meredith Mazzilli
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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