#manipulation is just control.
mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
the best phrase to describe kabru is "hate the game, not the player" i think. like yeah
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yesokayiknow · 9 months
absolutely obsessed with how people who love clara oswald talk about her
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and they're right <3
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onejellyfishplease · 5 months
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I wanted to do something for mermay, so here are my designs for some merturtles!
Leo is a Leafy seadragon,
Donnie is a Vampire squid
Mikey is a Epaulette shark
And Raph is a Scorpionfish!
Also heres a bonus drawing of a young April holding her little aquatic friends (dont worry they can breathe air just fine)
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purgetrooperfox · 3 months
tired: fox has never done anything wrong in his life he was under control of the chip he didn't mean to kill fives he would never do that
wired: fox was being deliberately, continuously manipulated by palpatine into doing anything he wanted under threat of severe bodily harm, no chip necessary
inspired: fox is a product of brainwashing and genuinely believes in the senate and the republic, which is in constant conflict with the rhetoric he hears from politicians and his general dislike of senators, but that conflict is ultimately irrelevant. he believes in the institution with his entire self. he was born to die for this system and would lose his shit if he started questioning it in any meaningful way. The Institution told him to kill fives so he killed fives, it told him to hunt down ahsoka so he did it, etc etc. conviction that this is all worth it because the republic Can Only Be Right (or else his entire existence and everything the guard puts up with are meaningless) is what gets his ass out of bed in the morning. he'll do terrible things to protect it, and by extension his sense of self, and he won't apologize for it because it's categorically Right in his brain. none of this changes the fact that he's routinely abused by this system, or the fact that he's enslaved by it, or that he has no real choice in anything, only how he personally reconciles it all
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inkedberries · 1 day
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i have a headcanon that Yoichi trims AFO's hair because i can't help but compare AFO's nicely trimmed hair to Yoichi's and i thought someone had to have cut AFO's hair for him and it is only logical for me to assume it was Yoichi who did. I think AFO would only trust Yoichi to be so close to him with a sharp object like a pair of scissors lol
I think Yoichi would have also liked cutting his brother's hair at first, because it would make him feel helpful in a way? And I just think even when AFO put him in the vault, AFO would still go there to get his hair trimmed by Yoichi.
and once Yoichi joins the resistance, he offers to do this for Kudo as well.
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
I love to analyze characters flaws but I have a problem with the way a lot of fans do it because they’ll be like “hey this character has actually done some terrible things, you shouldn’t like them.” What if I told you those terrible things made me like them 100x more??
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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I'm sorry I let down my guard.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#xue yang#xiao xingchen#God DAMN this scene was brutal. Season 2 episode 2 is almost nothing but misery and anguish#Helena by Nickle Creek does not quite fit the comic's vibe but it is absolutely a Xue Yang song so I linked it.#The change from “Helena don't walk away...(gentle)” to “HELENA. DON'T WALK AWAY (threat)” is fantastic.#And “Don't waste your pretty sympathy - I'll always be just fine”. Xue Yang core.#Okay now for the real meat. Disclaimer first: *I really like XY.* I think he's a great character. I think his actions consistently-#come from a place of deep trauma. While his reactions and actions put him in a villainous role he is still human about his hurt#and what I'm about to say is NOT intended to be a statement of causality or villianize a group of misunderstood people.#So with that said...Man oh man does Xue Yang have a lot of BPD traits. More that just 'character who is chronically manipulative'.#The impulsivity and emotional reactions and seeking stability makes him feel like he needs that control. What other choice is there?#The part that really gets me is how he *wants* to be safe and happy. But his past experiences tell him how thats impossible#He's the kind of person who goes 'if you don't like me then you better hate me for something substantial". All (pos) or All (neg)#''Love me entirely or Hate me. But don't you dare leave me or forget about me.''#Not at all comfortable saying 'BPD coded'. Im not a psychiatrist. Just that he has TRAITS. Feel free to disagree or add your thoughts.#ppl with bpd also are not a monolith and everyone has very different experiences. Xue yang is very complex. People more so.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I just have to say that it's so weird reading how transphobes think of trans bodies as mutilated and gross when they never would have thought my body pre-transition was worthy. The "argument" of mutilated beauty that transphobes have tossed around is just a fear mongering tactic, because they don't tend to actually love or appreciate and see value in bodies that don't "neatly" fit into male and female, with no overlap and no nuances.
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emptyjunior · 10 months
I haven't seen the movie yet but I hope they include my favourite thing from the book, which is Coriolanus Snow doesn't take a single action the entire time that a woman doesn't explicitly tell him to take.
What were some of the wins in the Coriolanus Snow political playbook?
-He was the only mentor that met his tribute early and built an actual relationship with them, which gave him a huge advantage over the other mentors who couldn't even get a name or birthdate out of their tribute.
-He was able to get a reporter to interview his tribute multiple times, gaining screen time and notoriety.
-His stardom rose when he attempted to save the Crane girl and was seen on camera looking heroic, calling for a medic.
-He wrote the proposal on the sponsorship system and basically invented the idea of sponsors, ranking and gambling that sustained the games for 75 years.
And guess what? Not a SINGLE one of those was his idea😭
TIGRESS tells him to go down to the train station that day, says that Lucy Gray is probably scared and vulnerable, his grandmother gives him a rose from her garden to take, and Tigress explicitly tells him to get on Lucy's good side because her trust will be a valuable thing.
LUCY GRAY tells snow to stop freaking out and freezing at the zoo! Because he just stands there, camera shy, terrified about messing up his reputation and she tells him to 'Own it' and act like any mistake he ever makes is a chance for a Performance, it is a chance to gain more power. SHE drags him over to the reporter and banters with the people of the capital, teaching him a lesson about being in front of the press that he will use for his entire Presidency.
Snow prides himself on looking rich even though his family is in in ruin and it is TIGRESS who helps them achieve this. The careful image he maintains, is maintained by HER, working her hands to the bone to make his clothes look new, their reputation stay untarnished.
The sponsors? The idea to bring food to tributes so they don't starve before they can even compete?? It's LUCY GRAY'S idea!! She suggests it on screen, she invents the idea of a Victor as an Idol, she sings and does fan meet and greets and asks for people to bring her a sweet thing if they can. And then Snow goes and repeats that in class and it's credited as a profitable Academy idea and not hers.
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There's a thousand moments like this! Of Snow letting all his smarts and tactics fail him, and Lucy Gray hissing the answer in his ear to get him to act. And he's praised as a hero after this, as the only person who did something in an emergency!
And after all this, our unreliable narrator heads home at the end of the day like, ah I really did that. Snow lands on top once again, that was for sure my idea.
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Featured the girl? You featured the girl snow? In her own plan that she did while you stood there frozen and anxious😭So generous.
Truly he's an absolute doofus, he's a silly little boy with Light Yagami energy, any mettle he gains as a Political Mastermind later on is due to the strategy and empathy of the women he's surrounded himself with
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shepscapades · 15 days
shep. i finished xisuma's s8. i am plagued with so many thoughts /silly
Oh my gognfjgmgimfggfmgnmfdnffgh it’s. It’s so much. I have so much to say and so many thoughts they make me so crazy. They make me so crazy THEY MAKE ME SO CRAZY IS THIS THING ON CAN ANYONE HEAR ME
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i-am-a-fan · 11 months
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So one head-canon turned into another and then another and then another an-
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motokeith · 8 months
my hot take is that they should’ve made lotor bitchier but not evil.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
TotK DLC idea!
The screen is black. You don’t hear anything for a long time. Then, faintly, in the distance, you can hear it.
Link. Link. Open your eyes.
While the line echoes familiarity, the voice does not.
Or. Well. It does. Because while it isn’t Zelda, it’s a familiar man’s voice speaking gently, so gently you almost don’t recognize it because there’s no way he ever spoke like this in the main game.
But he is now. And instead of a golden light being the first image you see before the screen shows Link awakening… you see gloom floating in the air. The image cuts to a Hylian waking up who… doesn’t look like Link from TotK?? He’s different, still small in stature, with slightly tanner skin, platinum light blonde hair, and red eyes. But… something’s wrong with his forehead. There’s a weird line on it.
This new character you apparently are gonna be playing in the DLC blearily blinks his eyes open, clearly groggy and too weak to really move. But then that line on his forehead moves a hair, it splits apart, and you realize it’s a freaking eye, red and yellow and it’s like the ones on gloom hands and oh gosh what the hell is it doing on his forehead—
Link realizes something is off and his eyes blow wide, his hands reach for his forehead and he screams in agony and terror, only for someone to scoop him into a hug to soothe him.
And suddenly you realize why that voice was eerily familiar.
It’s Ganondorf. He resurrected you from the era of the Imprisoning War. You, who have a history with him and his family. You, who he wants to protect, who he views as his kid, who he calls a prince and says he’ll keep you safe by controlling your body with his dark magic if he has to.
Welcome to Tears of the Kingdom: Hero’s Shadow.
You have to play a long gone Hero who was resurrected. Ganondorf, who is still recovering his strength in preparation for killing the current Hero, tasks you with finding your betrothed, his daughter, as well as his wife. They’re buried somewhere in the Depths like you were. He wants you to find their burial sites so he can use his secret stone to resurrect them like he did you, and control them as well. Which is doubly bad when you realize his wife was the original Sage of Lightning. He gives you free reign to wander once you go through a tutorial (he tests you to see if you’ve recovered enough strength), because he knows you love wandering and collecting things. Your own personal objective, however, is trying to help Hyrule from the Depths, to break free from Ganondorf’s control, because Link would rather set himself on fire than let Ganondorf resurrect and control the love of his life and his mother-in-law. Your best hope is to find shards of the shattered Master Sword to try and stab the eye on Dark Link’s forehead and break the control Ganondorf has on you. Until you can, though, the monsters are your allies, you can teleport across the Depths by manifesting out of the gloom created by gloom hands (just like what Phantom Ganon does), and the world below is your oyster. If you get too close to sword shards when gloom hands are nearby, Ganondorf can see your attempt and immediately takes control of your body, and no matter what button you press Link just walks back to Ganondorf’s location and stays there until you get a chance to try again.
You start with three hearts, all empty looking like when gloom hurts you, and if you get injured they just shatter. Whenever they all shatter, you respawn at Ganondorf’s location because his gloom hands came and rescued you from dying. The only way you can get more hearts is by collecting poes and offering them to the statues in the Depths. You can communicate with the spirits of soldiers, who may give you combat tips or info about the area. If you gain enough of Ganondorf’s trust, he’ll let you command monsters, and he might even let you wander the Surface (under his supervision) during a blood moon.
You learn of Link’s and Ganondorf’s history through discovering ancient relics/texts that trigger memories. This connection between you and Ganondorf stems back to time before the war, well over ten thousand years ago. Link was engaged to Ganondorf’s daughter, but during the Imprisoning War the family fought against the demon king. Ganondorf did love his family, but he loved power more. Link sacrificed himself, letting himself get mortally wounded to save Rauru from a killing blow. Gan held him as he died, and it allowed Link to both beg him to stop and stab him in the heart with a light shard. The shard didn’t kill him, but it was what Rauru connected with when he hit him in the chest, allowing him to seal Ganondorf away. Ganondorf still wants the world, but his love for his family is still present, though now twisted, so he thinks he can control Link and everyone else with his dark magic in order to keep them safe and in line. Once the threat of the current Hero is eliminated, the world will be his, and his family will be safe. As such, he treats you, Link, the player, like a stubborn child, reeling you in, but does so in a horrific way, torturing Link by controlling him.
You have to break free of this and stop him, and the only hope you have is the distant call of a sword spirit…
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whump-captain · 10 months
it's a beautiful day in the unethical lab and you are a horrible test subject
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jewishjon · 2 years
Look, I love Jon as much as the next person but I think some of you have gone so far along the ‘Jon is a sad little man who did nothing wrong’ route that you’ve genuinely forgotten all the times he held power in a situation or like. Made a decision that hurt people
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theninth09 · 2 months
still think making theo watch liam and hayden kiss was an.. Interesting decision. especially bc hes the only one present in both instances. like what was the reason for that if not to make him look gay and jealous..
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