#Hate to be that guy saying it but it's true
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liberac0rpvs · 2 days ago
And my question is, since when has fandom came to such narrow mind that they need to hate flawed characters and make a fuss over something as minor as..being overly strict and cold as a teacher, to one’s students?
I’m not one to judge people who prefer hero characters over antihero characters or simple characters over complex characters but he is treated like a demon when in reality he acts like most of the teachers I had and have, while a true demonic villain is something else. Amongst my favourite characters from other fandoms, for example, is a psychotic man with maniacal tendencies, serially slaughtering for an underground terrorist organization whilst denying his obvious mental illnesses and claiming he’s completely sane; at the same time believing he can truly achieve absolute freedom of choice and life at the point where he murders his partner in crime whom earlier in life showed him a tinge of admiration, despite calling said partner his best friend and acting all happy-go-lucky around him in most cases, making “I will kill you one day” sound as a joke. That guy most likely believes the only way to break free of the restrained human life and have the soul grow wings and fly over the imposant and strict morality of what’s good and bad is through senseless and brutal slaughter, deciding to follow the path of the organization knowing he is fighting for the end of the world or at least eradication of a solid amount of people, but at least getting to enjoy doing so; he’s fucking nuts. But I can say I like him as a character despite obviously not condoning to anything he does because it is a fantastic analysis, getting to question the existence of free will, the idea of reinventing oneself, cognitive disonance and how one can commit a terrible crime while knowing it is wrong and yet at least pretending to enjoy it anyways, the idea of being bound by ties with others and if a person can ever achieve true freedom, true happiness and no longer acknowledge their own set of moralities in value of something they wish to obtain.
Severus Snape is probably one of the most innocent characters I like to explore and the Harry Potter series one of the most sensitive fandoms if being groomed into an elitist organisation to later switch sides, and make sarcastic remarks about kids who are annoying in class, is the worst and most heinous thing somebody can do and be demonized for it.
snape stans will be like “but james bullied snape!”
like… yeah someone had to
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himbosandhardwear · 3 days ago
Two Truths I 1.3k I NSFW-ish
“How'd you get it to stay?”
“Soldered it into one solid piece,” he brags, cigarette caught in the corner of his smile.
“You're insane. I can't believe that was you the whole time.”
“It was Ronnie's idea, I just made it happen.” He taps his cigarette out in the crystal ashtray balanced on his knee. His legs are spread open, so Steve can reach the ashtray if he needs to. “I thought he looked very metropolitan with an earring. Chic even.”
Yeah, the gold hoop earring in the mascot tiger costume was ultra modern. Steve rolls his eyes but doesn't argue. He doesn't give a shit about defending a stupid High School mascot over a harmless prank from five years ago. Eddie's antics are a thousand times more entertaining than any of his stupid basketball stories.
“You know what game you'd kill at?”
“Monopoly? Dog! I called it, you can't have it, I'm always the dog!” He nearly dumps the ashtray in his excitement.
“No, shut up. I'm the car anyway, duh. I was gonna say, Two Truths and a Lie. That's your game.”
“Hmm, never played.” He rolls his head around the back of the couch, his haphazard bun goes even looser. “Is it a drinking game?”
“Doesn't have to be. Just a guessing game really. You just say two things that are true and one lie and the other person has to guess which one is the lie. But it can't be like, ‘I have brown eyes, I have brown hair, in 1983 I helped defeat a monster from an alternate dimension.’”
“You have hazel eyes.”
Steve blinks for a second. “Yeah. But anyway, it has to be less obvious, is what I'm saying.”
“Got it. So, like, okay… My dad is in the penn for Grand Larceny, Wayne's only confirmed kill in ‘Nam was a poor defenceless monkey, and my favorite subject in school was Home-Ec.”
“Shit. I don't know if I want the monkey thing to be true or not.”
Eddie's dimples make an appearance. “My favorite was Theater. Home-Ec was a close second though. I made a pillow and used it to sleep through Algebra.”
Steve cracks a laugh. “Yeah, that tracks.” Okay, his turn. His life suddenly seems boring in comparison, even with all the shit he's been through. He used to be good at this game but he's kinda set himself up for failure here against Eddie.
“Dying of boredom…”
“Shut up! Okay, how about this… My paternal grandparents were from Scotland, I have a B.B. permanently lodged in my ankle, and my first three-way was with Tommy and Carol.”
Eddie chokes on air, making Steve laugh in delight.
Once he's got his breath, he looks at Steve in suspicion. “I'm gonna assume you didn't actually get close to Hagan's freckled weiner.”
Steve's grin feels mean, like whenever Tommy said something particularly scathing to some anonymous Freshman. “B.B. is stuck in my thigh actually.” He pulls his shorts up enough to show him the white scar.
God, the look on Eddie's face - perfectly, comically shocked, mouth open, eyes white around the iris - makes him feel so good, to have something like that up his sleeve, something to shock the wildest guy Steve knows.
“You're gonna catch flies like that,” he says, smug. “It's your turn.”
Eddie snaps his mouth shut, teeth clacking audibly. “Fine. Let's see,” he taps his finger against his chin, “raising the stakes…” He slips Steve a look, conveying his playful scheming. “I've had sex at school, I've had sex at the Hideout, I've had sex at your house.”
His immediate instinct is to call bullshit at Eddie fucking here, because when exactly would he have accomplished it, but then he remembers who provided the favors at most of his parties and he hesitates. Eddie watches Steve go through this realization, watches with a smugness that he wants to wipe off.
“It had better have been on my parents bed,” he concedes.
“Laundry room actually.”
“I hate you.” He crosses his arms and pouts, nearly asks who with but he's not sure he wants to know. “So which one was the lie?”
“School. Obviously. My dick couldn't get hard there even if I wanted it to.”
Memories of sitting in class surface, trying desperately to hide his boner, but he's not gonna admit it. Even though he's certain Eddie had the same problem at least once. It’s basically a rite of passage for dudes.
“My turn, you absolute freak.” Now what does he admit to to top getting it on with some mystery person on his parents dryer? “Hmm… I put actual notches on my bedpost, I've got a pair of girl's panties stashed in my underwear drawer, I used to jerk off with Tommy when we were younger.”
“Okay, now I know you're fucking with me,” Eddie exclaims, arms flailing.
“Which one, Munson? Take your pick.”
Eddie continues to stare, which is a bit nerve wracking but Steve maintains his composure. He's 99% sure Eddie is gay, and therefore won't judge him on this, but there's always that small chance Steve is wrong and this whole thing goes sideways. Three-way with Tommy? Could be a drunken mistake. Teenage jerk off sessions? It happens, no big deal. But both? At one point in Steve's life he'd been able to write off both as normal but Robin had put the writing back on the wall, so to speak.
“That's why he said he didn't want your sloppy seconds,” Eddie mumbles.
Steve blanches. “Who?”
“B- Nobody.”
No fucking way. No. Fucking. Way.
“Eddie. Did you fuck Billy Hargrove in my laundry room?” His voice is eerily calm.
Steve waits a beat. “Did Billy Hargrove fuck you in my laundry room?”
“Your turn,” he growls.
“Wait, which one was the lie?”
He crosses his arms, still pissed off beyond belief. “I don't put notches on my bedpost, that's tacky.”
“On the belt then?” He tries to snark but it falls flat. Steve just stares until he looks away. “Fine. Let me think.”
If he admits to fucking Billy, Steve doesn't know what he's gonna do. The very idea of it makes him want to tear his hair out.
“I over-charged you on weed for years, Gareth is mean to you because he has a crush, I'm sorry I gave Hargrove head in your laundry room.”
Steve gets up and leaves the room. Eddie doesn't call him back. He stomps all the way to the kitchen, yanks the fridge open, grabs another beer, and chugs the entire thing standing there with the door open. When he gets back, Eddie is standing in the middle of the room, awkwardly shuffling like he wants to leave.
“Sit,” Steve barks, “we're not done here.”
Eddie complies but with a stiffness that reads like he may bolt at a moment's notice.
“I fucking know you over-charged me for the weed so I have to assume Gareth does not, in fact, have a crush on me.”
Eddie nods, sheepish. “Hates you for the usual reasons.”
“Right.” The important takeaway here shouldn't be that Eddie had sex with Steve's arch nemesis, it's that he's admitting to being queer. Good. He stares at the side of Eddie's head. “I was straight, I am bisexual, I have bad hair days.”
He watches as Eddie's entire body rotates around to stare directly into Steve's soul. His tongue makes an appearance, wetting his lips.
“I am gay, I am very gay, I am the most gay anyone has ever been.”
That's comical. “No, the most gay anyone has ever been was Robin when she left the room during that scene in The Hunger.”
Eddie matches Steve's smirk. “Correct.”
“I want to kiss you, I want to make you forget Billy Hargrove’s name…..I have brown eyes.”
Eddie's grin rivals that of his grand theft auto exuberance. “Your eyes are hazel.”
“I am going to kiss you, Billy Who, and…oh, who gives a shit.” He tackles Steve into the arm of the couch.
They don't make it to the laundry room but there's always tomorrow.
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ldydeath · 2 days ago
Don’t Look Back | Kwon Ji-yong (G-Dragon)
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Summary: Jiyong is stressed on tour and says something he can’t take back
Warnings: mild language 
Author’s Note: Hi guys! This is a part one of a two part collab fic. My best friend, the lovely and talented @wcnderlnds wrote part two, go check out her post to see how it ends!
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Everything was too much. You knew that, Jiyong knew that, but you couldn’t stop it. You couldn’t protect him. He should’ve never taken on this tour so close to his enlistment. You knew he wanted to do this one last thing for his fans, something to remember him by. But the stress was about to swallow him whole and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You glanced down at your buzzing phone and sighed.
Jiyong’s face appeared on the screen, you knew he was calling because you weren’t in Japan yet. You were two hours away by flight and the show was still hours away, but you’d promised you’d be there. You answered the call, his voice filling the line before you could even say hello.
“Are you coming to the show tonight?” Jiyong’s voice whined through the phone and you let out a sigh, your hand rubbing your temples.
 You had hours of work to finish in order to get to the airport and you weren’t sure you were going to make it. The tour was nearing the end and you’d promised you’d be there for the last leg. Japan, the Europe dates, and the final night in Taiwan but work wasn’t letting you get away easy.
“I’m going to be getting in right as the show starts at this rate.” You sighed before slamming your hands down on your keyboard.
“You’re still at work?” You could hear the disappointment in his voice and slowed your typing. “I just have to finish some things before I’m gone for three weeks.” He let out a sigh and you chewed on your bottom lip, waiting for him to tell you not to come. 
“Okay, I’ll let you go. I miss you.” the phone went dead before you could reply. 
You slammed your phone down in frustration, trying your best to clear your thoughts so you could at least get to the airport in time to not miss your flight. You missed him too, you hated being apart for as long as you had been.
 At least he hadn’t told you to not bother, that was a step in the right direction, unlike his dates in North America. An ongoing theme throughout this tour was his back and forth on wanting you there. You knew he was going through a lot, but it didn’t excuse his behavior towards you. 
Deciding they could finish the rest without you, you left, making it to your plane just before doors closed and sat down in your first class seat. Of course he had gotten you the best seat money could afford. As you were getting situated, your phone buzzed and you stilled, almost afraid that it was work calling you back. A sigh of relief escaped your lips when you saw who it was from. That sigh turned to a groan when you read his words. . 
If you can’t make it, just stay home. I’ll be back before I head to Europe and we can just fly out together.  
You didn’t know why he was pushing you away so much, you knew how lonely he’d been all tour. At least you’d be there in time for the show to start, you could hang out and see Japan after. He was there for a couple days anyway and you’d already made plans to sight see before you headed home. 
I’m on my way. Plane taxiing now. See you soon. You hastily replied back before shutting off your phone and sliding your eye mask over your face. 
You had just enough time to catch a nap before you’d be whisked off to the show. In true Jiyong fashion he’d had a car sent for you once he’d realized he couldn’t pick you up himself. You turned your phone back on once you were in the car to see several missed calls and texts from Jiyong, Daesung, and his management team. 
Well, that wasn’t good. You ignored everyone else blowing up your phone and dialed your boyfriend's number. Straight to voicemail. He was probably just getting into costume for the show. That was all. Everything was fine. It didn’t stop your heart from racing, the nerves settling in the closer you got to the stadium. 
One of Jiyong’s managers met you outside and led you backstage. It wasn’t hard to find Jiyong, he was standing by his entrance spot, his shiny jacket sparkling in the lights, your nerves settled as you saw him. 
“Hey” You grinned, that grin faltering as soon as your eyes met his. 
He looked exhausted. When was the last time he’d slept? Or eaten? He was so thin. You should’ve been here sooner, you could’ve forced him into a bed with a bowl of soup and not let him get up for a few days. You hadn’t seen him this bad off since that night he’d fainted over a year ago. Your heart dropped into your stomach and you reached for him, wanting to beg him to cancel the show. You knew he wouldn’t though and he smiled at you before turning away, your arms falling pathetically to your sides. 
You hesitated before following his crew to the side stage, your favorite spot to watch Jiyong. It always amazed you how quickly he could transform from the exhausted man you saw a few minutes ago to the king of the stage. His fans were none the wiser to how he was truly feeling as he used up every ounce of energy he had on that stage. But you knew, and you caught every stumble, every large inhale, how many times he looked up towards the ceiling. 
Once the show was over Jiyong headed over towards you, grabbed your hand and led you towards his sitting room. He looked up, eying the team of people following behind the two of you closely and shook his head before leading you inside and closing the door on them. He took one swift step towards you before his lips were on yours, his arms winding around you tightly. You could almost feel the weight of the day falling off him as you kissed him back. 
This is what he needed, after all the long days and sleepless nights. You. He knew he was being needy and a bit all over the place with his emotions but now that you were finally here he was going to do everything in his power to make it up to you. 
“Jiyong” You whispered as you broke the kiss, your hands sliding up his chest as you looked into his tired eyes. “Come on, let's get you changed and get some dinner. I’m putting your ass in bed tonight.”
The annoyance that crossed his face was alarming, he’d always appreciated you being the one looking out for him. He’d been off all day though, you reminded yourself as you stepped around him, moving to collect his hoodie. He took it from you wordlessly, stripping out of his sparkly red suit jacket and sliding the hoodie over his head in one swift movement. 
“I don’t want you to be here if you’re just going to baby me.” Your eyes widened as you looked over at him. Surely you’d heard him wrong.
“I’m not babying you, Jiyong. You’re clearly not sleeping and when was the last time you ate?” He glared at you, folding his arms across his chest. 
“This morning. I’m fine.” 
“That’s bullshit, Jiyong. You’re not fine.” You pulled out your phone, pulling up the various missed calls. “If you were fine you wouldn’t be crying out for help when I’m on an airplane. What’s going on with you?”
He glanced down, running his hand through his already messy hair and let out a sigh. “You were supposed to be here for this, not come at the end and start worrying about me.” He glanced up, all the pain you thought maybe you’d imagined was visible on his face. “I needed you here.”
“I had to work!” it was a lame excuse and you knew it but it was all you had. They wouldn’t just let you take months off work to let you follow Jiyong around the world. 
“I told you I’d take care of you. What do you think that fucking ring meant? You don’t have to work.”  His icey tone caused you to flinch, he’d never been this angry with you before. You glance down at your ring, absentmindedly twisting it on your finger.  
“We talked about this, Jiyong. I’m not going to quit my job and sit at home worried about you for the next two years. After the wedding, we agreed to revisit that topic. Don’t throw it back in my face now. I’m here. I’ve been here for you every night regardless of the distance.” 
You two had had your share of fights before, but this felt different. Like you were both toeing a dangerous ledge and if you weren’t careful someone was going to get hurt. You held his gaze daring him to say something. Anything.
“Maybe it’s not good enough.” Your eyes widened in shock, your heart thumping so loudly in your chest you were sure he could hear it.
He didn’t mean that. You knew he didn’t mean that, but all rational thoughts had seemed to exit your brain as his words cut you so deeply. All you wanted to do was hurt him back.
“Not good enough? Being awake at three in the morning when I have a meeting at seven to make sure you’re ok, that you’ve eaten, isn’t good enough? Hopping on a flight to be here with you wasn’t good enough? I have supported you through everything, Jiyong. I have loved you through all of it. If that’s not good enough then I don’t think anything will be. Maybe you should take this back, if I’m no longer good enough.” Your voice cracked and you willed yourself not to cry, he wasn’t going to see your tears today.
You slid the ring off your finger, holding it out for him. He blinked, looking down at the ring. This isn’t what he wanted, he had always wanted you. He’d be damned if he broke in front of you right now, though. If you were just going to give up on him because of one bad day, then fine. He moved over to you, snatching the ring out of your hand and slid it onto his pinky. 
You shook your head, moving towards the door. “If you walk out that door don’t come back.” His sharp voice broke the silence in the room and without looking at him, you opened the door, walked out and slammed it behind you. He closed his eyes, letting out a long exhale. He’d really fucked this up, hadn’t he?
tag list: @wcnderlnds @alosss-blog @sooyasya @dprvivi @infinetlyforgotten @mirahyun @loveesiren
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dearru · 1 day ago
do u guys know that one song by doja cat that goes “like fortnite ima need ur skin.” that’s what inspired this. hope u enjoy. | mlist
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imagine you, an aspiring singer, starting to date the wildly influential streamer, kodzuken. you two are the definition of a picture perfect couple, and you start to make lots of content together. as a result, your career begins to take off, and kenma’s content grows in popularity,
everything’s great— until it isn’t. the relationship ends up crashing and burning in an embarrassingly public breakup.
people are devastated. video essays are made. diehard fans even claim the split is the equivalent of “parents divorcing.”
it’s a whole ordeal.
but as time passes, the wounds heal. and in true internet fashion, it becomes old news. some people still whisper about how they believe you two are soulmates, but for the most part, kenma’s chat and your comment section don’t get flooded with invasive questions about whether you two will get back together anymore.
fast forward to two years or so after the breakup, you and kenma end up growing in your respective careers. his several business ventures have grown exponentially, and you’re now selling out stadiums.
kenma doesn’t stream as much as he used to when you two were together, but he chalks it up to having to juggle so many different commitments now. fans speculate as to whether or not that’s the true reason, but as a collective, they agree that they’ll take whatever content they can get from the elusive creator.
despite not streaming as frequently, kenma still likes to indulge his audience every once in a while by hopping online. normally, he likes to decide what to play, but every once in a while, he’ll let chat decide.
tonight is one of those nights.
on a whim, he gives in to requests for him to boot up fortnite— an old favorite of his— for the first time in months.
big mistake.
the second he opens the once beloved game, he gets jumpscared by something that even his worst nightmares couldn’t have fathomed.
to his horror, and the chat’s delight, he finds that you’ve become the poster child for fortnite’s newest campaign. your face is on the menu screen, banners of you flash in bright colors, and you’re plastered everywhere in the item shop.
they say men are constantly haunted by the ghost of their first love, and in a cruel twist of fate, it’s a saying that has become ironically true for kenma as he realizes that epic games has made you into a fucking skin.
he debates the consequences of throwing his pc into a wall, but his screen flashes with an overly excitable chat faster than he can make a decision. old fans are freaking out, new gen fans are wondering what all the fuss is about, and someone donates just to type “YOU’RE FUCKED.”
kenma has half the mind to laugh as the notification illuminates his face because he knows the donor is right.
he’s not an idiot. he knows that you’re popular now, but to be so famous that you have your own skin? he’s in absolute disbelief. there’s no way the universe hates him this much. it’s bad enough that you’re on every headline and radio station. now you’re in his favorite video game?!?!
he is so unbelievably, irrevocably fucked.
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—a/n: i think that kenma’s viewers are evil and they all band together and emote on kenma with ur skin whenever they see him online.
—a/n #2: has anyone written abt this concept before. pls lmk. i would love to read it bc i giggled so hard when the thought popped in my head HAHAHA.
—a/n #3: guys i don’t play fortnite, watch streamers, or write for kenma at all so pls don’t hate on me ok thx love u
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tea-writes19 · 2 days ago
besties | p.p.
pairing: peter parker x f!stark!reader
summary: your friendship with your dad’s intern turns into something more
warnings: friends to lovers, swearing, these bitches being oblivious, comedy, dad tony, mentions of past affairs, suggestive content, fluff galore, slow burn, underage drinking
a/n: i’m not usually a peter girlie as i love him and mj together but i wanted to write some fluff so here we are. also i’m laughing at petey’s intials. set post endgame but tony lives and steve doesn’t go back in time. nat’s still dead tho :(
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liked by peterparker, nedleeds, tonystark, and others
yourusername: your fave upstate & queens duo
tagged: @/peterparker
view comments below
user1: MY FAVES
user2: imagine being friends w/ the y/n stark😩
user3: THIS
nedleeds: can’t believe y’all got food without me…
peterparker: sorry!
yourusername: no we’re not
peterparker: never getting in a car with you driving AGAIN
yourusername: IT WAS ONE CURB
user4: like father like daughter😭
user5: omg😂
tonystark: how many people from queens do you even know?
yourusername: that doesn’t matter
peterparker: they hate when we serve orphan & nepo baby
yourusername: 🗣️🗣️
user6: not the dead parents—
user7: i bet peter is the funniest person alive😭
user8: bro’s got trauma for days😭😭
pepperpotts: so this is why it took you two 6 hours to get the olive oil i asked for…
yourusername: should’ve sent happy🤷🏻‍♀️
jamesrhodes: you act like y/n doesn’t have tony’s horrible time management skills
pepperpotts: and peter?
jamesrhodes: spends too much time with tony and y/n
user9: god i want to live in nyc so bad
user10: pov: you saw y/n stark hit a curb today
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liked by nedleeds, yourusername, mjjones, and others
peterparker: lab days🛠️🥽
tagged: @/tonystark
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yourusername: YOU GOT FIVE GUYS WITHOUT ME?!??
tonystark: that was supposed to stay between us kid😑
user11: is that a new iron man model i see👀
peterparker: nope, just fixing rhodey’s suit :)
yourusername: surprised uncle rhodes is letting you touch that old thing
jamesrhodes: HEY! the war machine suit works fine just the way it is
yourusername: clearly not if it had to be fixed…
user11: oh god what have i started🫣
user12: five guys👨‍🍳🤌
user13: looks so fun!
nedleeds: man you HAVE got to convince mr. stark to let me come with someday
tonystark: not happening hacker
nedleeds: 😔
mjjones: THIS was more important than acdec?
yourusername: i do all the time🤨
user14: 😭😭
user15: love how peter is just friends with all the starks
user16: i’m pretty sure he’s tony’s personal intern
user17: ^^^
user18: oh my god i thought he was another bastard from tony’s playboy days😭
user19: lmao nooooo
user20: tbf i forget y/n isn’t pepper’s kid sometimes soooo….
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liked by nedleeds, mjjones, peterparker, and others
yourusername: a happy meal is the only true serotonin one needs in life
tagged: @/peterparker @/nedleeds
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tonystark: what am i? chopped liver?
yourusername: yes
tonystark: ouch
user21: imagine calling tony stark chopped liver😭
nedleeds: i’m pretty sure we broke the airplane wheel
yourusername: shhhh…don’t let ronald hear you
peterparker: thanks for the nightmare fuel tn
yourusername: anytime🫡
user22: happy meals >>>
user23: mcds cokes >>>
yourusername: ronald mcdonald🥵
user24: one of these is not like the others…
peterparker: i’m just glad we took the subway this time
yourusername: WOW
tonystark: that is the most bullshit response i’ve ever heard from you
user26: this comment section is so unhinged😭😭
user27: lol what’d you expect??? it’s the starks
tonystark: morgan would like a happy meal
yourusername: we all know that’s just the excuse for you to get one too but that’s ok
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liked by tonystark, yourusername, steverogers, and others
pepperpotts: cozy day with the family🤍
tagged: @/tonystark @/yourusername
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user28: you guys are so cute!
yourusername: i would like everyone to know that dad pushed me into the pond after that pic was taken
user29: omg noooo😭😭
peterparker: did you save your drink at least?
yourusername: obviously…i’m not a monster pete
user30: i’m crying at the thought of tony stark pushing his daughter into a pond😭😭
user31: ^^^
tonystark: this is defamation
steverogers: glad to see you guys doing well pep!
pepperpotts: you should come over for dinner sometime soon!!
tonystark: please leave the 2 assholes that follow you around at home thanks
pepperpotts: TONY
yourusername: bring them for the bit
samwilson: i’m going to get morgan the loudest fucking toy for christmas now
user32: this thread is a mess😭😭
user33: it’s so weird to see y/n without peter lol
user34: lol frfr
user35: i’m kinda starting to ship them ngl
user36: omg yes!!
user37: you guys can never let a boy and girl just be friends😒
tonystark: my arms are so tired from pushing morgan in that swing all day
yourusername: sounds like a skill issue
peterparker: ^^^
tonystark: i’d like to see you two single-handedly save new york from an impending nuke
user38: 😭😭😭
jamesrhodes: looks like a perfect day for the stanks!
tonystark: you’re never letting that go are you
jamesrhodes: nope!
yourusername added to their story —>
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[caption: when the trip makes it out of the family group chat >>>]
story replies
peterparker: can’t wait!!!
yourusername: i am so beating you to the best room
user39: i just know the pics are abt to be fire🔥🔥
user40: where are you going?
mjjones: i’m expecting a real life nemo
yourusername: 🫡🫡
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liked by peterparker, pepperpotts, mjjones, and others
yourusername: us virgin islands? this american def ain’t a virg—
tagged: @/peterparker @/tonystark @/pepperpotts
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user41: HELLO?!?
user42: GIRL WHAT!?
peterparker: ain’t nothin’ virgin abt this isla—
yourusername: 🏝️= 👉👌
mjjones: the island after y’all left: 🤰
yourusername: MJ I’M SCREAMING😭😭
nedleeds: so was the isla��i’m gonna stop
user45: 😭😭
tonystark: sometimes i think i asexually reproduced you like a plant
yourusername: surprised you didn’t clone yourself in a lab or smth
jamesrhodes: don’t give him ideas
user46: i’m freaking out over the caption
user47: no fr…
user49: 🎶i think they did it but i just can’t prove it🎶
steverogers: there’s definitely an innuendo in here somewhere but i’m just going to pretend i’m blind and go
yourusername: good choice
user51: mom come pick me up i’m scared
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liked by yourusername, nedleeds, tonystark, and others
peterparker: i have sand in my ass
tagged: @/yourusername @/tonystark @/pepperpotts
view comments below
user52: love how peter was invited on the family vacation
user53: he really is just part of the fam
user54: so convinced he and y/n are dating
user55: god i hope so
nedleeds: simp
peterparker: damn right - y/n
user56: not y/n stealing peter’s phone to comment this
user57: simp you say👀
yourusername: damn who that hottie in slide 2?
peterparker: you boo😘 - y/n
yourusername: aww thanks boo🥰
user58: 😭😭
steverogers: and that’s enough instagram for me tonight
tonystark: i still don’t know what y’all were looking at
yourusername: your ego obviously🙄
user59: oh to go on a hike with tony stark
user60: oh to be dating y/n stark
user61: they never said they’re dating…
user62: shhh let us be delusional🤫
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liked by pepperpotts, jamesrhodes, yourusername, and others
tonystark: the difference between morgan and y/n on vacation…
tagged: @/pepperpotts @/yourusername
view comments below
user63: omg😭😭
user64: y/n is such a mood
peterparker: morgan is a menace at go karts
yourusername: she plays too much mario kart fr
jamesrhodes: when one gets pepper’s genes and the other yours…
yourusername: i can’t believe you’ve done this
tonystark: oh but tis has
user65: i wanna say i’m morgan but in reality i’m y/n
user66: thisssss
user67: same😭
pepperpotts: to be fair y/n was hungover in the second pic…
yourusername: the porcelain gods did not grant mercy on me😔
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liked by tonystark, peterparker, steverogers, and others
pepperpotts: great vacation with even greater company💕💕
tagged: @/tonystark @/yourusername @/peterparker
view comments below
peterparker: thank you for the invitation mrs. potts
user68: stop he’s too cute
user69: peter you’re adorable
user70: what a wonderful time to spend with family!
tonystark: i love you mrs. potts
pepperpotts: i love you mr. stark
yourusername: 😖🤮
jamesrhodes: glad to see tony still somehow manages to end up in the er on every trip
tonystark: i have a world record to hold up😤
user71: lmao😭
yourusername: i’m still full from that feast
peterparker: none of my pants fit after that salmon😩
user72: LOVE🤍🤍
yourusername added to their story —>
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[caption: 🌟🌊]
story replies
peterparker: you really are the best
yourusername: you too pete💞
user73: holy shit holy shit holy—
user74: omg i’m so happy for you
steverogers: so did you two…fondue?
yourusername: OH MY GOD
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liked by yourusername, mjjones, nedleeds, and others
peterparker: another post bc we leave tmrw
tagged: @/yourusername @/tonystark
view comments below
yourusername: gonna miss sneaking out…
tonystark: oh please you do that back home too
yourusername: it’s not the same🙄
nedleeds: can’t wait to see you man!!
peterparker: so ready for our mandalorian marathon!
mjjones: nerds
yourusername: ^^^
user75: lmao tony😭😭
user76: he’s keeping an eye out for selener
user75: STOP😭
tonystark: andddd you’re grounded from the lab for that pic
peterparker: awww man😔
yourusername added to their story —>
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[caption: when he cares abt school🤭🫠]
story replies
peterparker: you were just making fun of me for studying🤨
yourusername: semantics
user77: automatically makes a guy hotter
yourusername: hear hear🗣️
mjjones: that better be acdec work…
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liked by mjjones, peterparker, tonystark, and others
yourusername: here’s the hard launch for you bitches
tagged: @/peterparker
view comments below
user78: OMG OMG OMG—
user79: I CALLED IT
peterparker: so happy to call you mine🫶🏻
yourusername: 😘
mjjones: abt damn time…
nedleeds: ^^^
tonystark: ^^^
jamesrhodes: ^^^
pepperpotts: ^^^
steverogers: ^^^
samwilson: ^^^
happyhogan: ^^^
yourusername: damn ok then
tonystark: keep the door open
tonystark: and don’t even THINK about fonduing in my house
yourusername: PLEASE STOP
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© tea-writes19 do not repost, translate, or copy
136 notes · View notes
macapunoz · 1 day ago
UNREQUITED CLUB ; choi seungcheol
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summary it’s not good to resort to breaking hearts if you’re afraid to admit you’re still in love with someone else.
starring seungcheol x f! reader
genre angst,fluff (i might be lying),unrequited love,mutual pining at some point (?),uni au,reader does fashion designing
contains reader is kinda toxic,same thing with coups (they’re just both not good ppl),breakups and leading ppl on,based on a true story。。。 sorry 97z
word count 6k ( thankyu sophi for proofreading ) | playlist bad religion by frank ocean, japanese denim by daniel caesar, secret door by arctic monkeys, all because i liked a boy by sabrina carpenter, fluorescent adolescent by arctic monkeys, green by 12bh, toxic till the end by rosé, first love by sondia
from rhin,this was originally gonna be a smau oneshot but i need to clear my penalties😭 (only 2k words left🗣️) anyways this fic is dedicated to my friend who doesnt have blr but her bias is scoups and she hates the dude cheol is based on😹😊🫰
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You always thought you could do well with love. As a kid, you dreamed of marrying a prince after watching way too many princess movies. As you got older—going into middle school—your standards changed once you discovered a few dramas. A lot of them happened to have male lead CEOs, so you wanted a hot, rich man instead.
Eventually, those fantasies died down once you ended middle school. The boys you’ve encountered made you lower your standards and began to think that all boys were full of shit. But you figured you’d find better when you’re an adult. Sure, you’ve found at least some guys cute, but you knew way too much about them to never find yourself together with them.
It was only then that the first year of high school changed something in you. You knew a few older kids since you were family friends with them, and some of them had friends that would tag along. One of those friends happened to be Seungcheol. He was in tenth grade when you met him—just a year older than you. Always smiling and always said kind words.
From there, you’ve been crushing on him. You always thought he was different from all the other boys you’ve liked before. But you figured it was more of a you problem. You remember how you couldn’t even say a word to any guy you liked back then. However, talking to Seungcheol was a piece of cake. You two were close, and others always told you that they think he makes it obvious he likes you.
Back then, you wouldn’t dare to tell him how you felt. He was way out of your league, and you recall that he mentioned not being interested in dating. Plus, you liked it when you thought of him as a friend more than a crush. But like they say, the more you suppress the feelings, the stronger it gets. 
Your feelings towards him lasted until his final year of high school. He was graduating soon, so you figured it was time to confess to him. You were hoping for a rejection, but he ended up reciprocating the feelings. Or, so you thought. Just a week before his graduation, he admitted to you that when he said he liked you, he meant it as friends.
He didn’t mean to hurt you, but all you could ever think of was how much he disappointed you. For a few days, you ghosted him, until the day before he graduated, he wanted to talk to you. Although he never liked you in that way, he still liked you as a friend. Neither of you wanted your friendship to be ruined all because of that. 
You ended up attending his graduation, since you thought it would be mean not to show up to a friend’s important day. It was a bit sad though; you realized your final year of high school would feel a little bit empty. But you reassured yourself that you’d use that time to get over him, because he promised you that it’s okay if you still like him since getting over takes time.
So about doing well with love right now, you’re certain you’re ready for it. You hope you’re at least ready for it.
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“I gave your number to Mingyu,” your friend brings up. You two were talking about the men in your biochemistry class, saying how they were either too old or too mid. There were only a few guys who weren’t too bad, and your friend gave your number to one of them.
“Mingyu? As in biochem Mingyu?” You quickly got up from lying down on her bed, looking dead into her eyes in case she was joking with you.
“Yes, that Mingyu. He’s been eyeing you for quite some time, so I told him I can get him with you.”
You wish you could tell her you’re not too sure about this. You have some mixed feelings; a part of you says to YOLO it, but another part is hesitating about it, and you’re not sure what is exactly stopping you. Mingyu is a nice guy, very nerdy, and tall. Lots of girls want him, but it turns out he wants you. What’s the worst that can happen?
A notification from an unknown number pops up on your phone. The message was from Mingyu, and he was asking you out to lunch some time. It took you a while to respond since you and your friend were getting giddy over it. But you ended up agreeing to have lunch with him.
The lunch date with him wasn’t too bad. He was super sweet when you two were conversing. He always kept complimenting you, and it made your heart skip a beat. He did it often, and your pounding heart began to feel sort of different. You weren’t feeling quite ecstatic, but you figured you were just nervous.
From there, you’ve gone on several dates with him, and at this point, you’re just waiting for him to ask you to be his girlfriend. There’s no rush; he’s probably not ready, so you might as well wait for him. The more dates you go on with him, the more you’re hoping he doesn’t ask you. But on one date, he ends up asking you to be his girlfriend, and without thinking before speaking, you immediately say yes.
You never told anyone except your friend about the two of you being together, and you never found yourself with him during biochemistry. You weren’t too sure why you did that, but the relationship ended when you told him you couldn’t give him the same amount of love he gave you. That was only because you found yourself staring at Seungcheol for only two seconds. Your relationship with Mingyu lasted for only two months. 
When you told your friend about the breakup, she was surprised that you didn’t cry about it. She kept pestering you to tell her why you broke up with him, only to get a vague response from you that you just felt bad. You weren’t sure if it was the pang of guilt for staring at Seungcheol or the fact that you didn’t actually like Mingyu, but you were sure it had to do something with Seungcheol.
“Hah, Cheol just sent me another stupid brain-rotted reel,” you say out loud to your friend, scrolling through Instagram on your phone while she does the same.
“Seungcheol? I thought you said you guys don’t text anymore." Your friend’s curiosity piqued right when you mentioned that name.
“No, no. We don’t text like that anymore, but we send reels here and there. He probably just does it to annoy me or infiltrate our DMs. The only time he ever texts me is when he’s waiting for me by the studio,” you tell her, not realising she never knew that you always meet up with him at the end of the day.
“He’s the one giving you rides on Tuesdays? I thought that was Mingyu.”
“Nope. Seungcheol takes the same route going to the dorms, so he offered to give me rides once a week.”
“Is that why you broke up with Mingyu?” Your friend’s question makes your eyes go wide. You close your phone and get up from resting on her headboard to look at her properly.
“I–” You don’t want to continue your words; it’s most likely something you wouldn’t want to hear, especially if it’s about Seungcheol. “I’m… starving. Let’s eat first and talk about that later,” you mutter, hoping she forgets about it later on.
You never ended up talking to her about that, and you hope she never brings it up.
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Seungcheol places a cup of coffee on the table in front of you. You were resting your head on the table, but immediately lifted up when Seungcheol sat next to you. “You look like you were dying today, so I got you some energy.” You thank him for the drink and start downing it like you were parched for days.
He picks up your notebook and starts analyzing the draft you drew. “What’s this for?” He asks, pointing at the lazy sketch of a jacket.
“It’s for my fashion properties assignment. We have to make an outfit out of fabric given to us. Mine is leather, so I’ve been brainstorming how to make this jacket look cute but comfy. I already drew the skirt for it.”
“I think you can easily come up with something. Your designs are cool and leather looks hard to work with, but you’re always dedicated,” Seungcheol assures you, hoping you don’t crash out in front of him over this.
You scoff. “Hah, what do you know about fashion?” Pointing out his every-day lazy black hoodie and grey sweat pants combination. 
“Okay, not everyone wants to wake up early and choose what to pair their tops with their bottoms! Some just pull out whatever they have,” he rolls his eyes.
“You would not survive fashion school,” you joke, making Seungcheol huff but grin. As much as he can be annoying and get annoyed by you, he’ll never take a joke seriously.
If only he knew how much he makes your day by his annoyance.
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Life was calm. You were so close to finishing the leather jacket, only having to attach the pockets, but you decided to take a break and finish it another day. You still had to work on the skirt, but you had plenty of time—grateful that this project is due in six months.
While waiting in the mall for your friends to come back from the washroom, you were sitting down and sketching out a new design in your journal.
You were thinking of making a top for your friend since her birthday was coming up soon. She would definitely like a sweatshirt. Your name gets called out, turning your head in that direction, and you see your friends walk out the washroom.
The three of you walk around, thinking of what stores to check out. Jiwon brings up going to the shoe store nearby, so the two of you follow her. You roam around the store, looking at the different kinds of shoes. Platforms, Mary Janes, sneakers, boots, all kinds that were in your size and style.
“…Yo what the heck? I didn’t know you work here.” You overhear Jiwon. She was talking to one of the workers, most likely a friend of hers. He’s tall and kind of cute. His glasses sit on the top of his head, and you caught him glancing at you while talking to your friend.
You avert your eyes to the black loafers, picking it up as you examine them. Your other friend goes up to you and asks your opinion if she should get brown boots or black boots. After she tried both on, you told her to get the black pair since she already owns a brown one.
As you accompany your friend to the check-out, Jiwon goes up to you and says she needs to go buy some makeup after this. You looked at her friend, who was standing by the counter, catching him staring at you again. He quickly turns his head and walks away.
It only took a week later to meet Jiwon’s friend again at a café. You were sitting alone by the window and still sketching out the top for your friend, so focused that you didn’t notice someone was standing in front of you.
“Can I sit here?” He asks, making you look up. You nod and go back to sticking your head into your journal. He sits in the chair facing and starts a conversation. “You’re one of Jiwon’s friends, right?”
You put your pencil down and look at him. “Yeah, and you are?”
“Dokyeom,” he introduces himself with a smile, sticking his hand out for a handshake.
You shake his hand. “(Name).”
You got to know a lot about him and talked about how the both of you met Jiwon. He was her classmate since high school, and you met her in your fashion design courses. You ended up exchanging numbers, and the moment you left to go back home, you spammed your friend with multiple messages.
As usual, you laid on her bed while you yapped to her about him. It’s always been this way with every guy you both encounter since your high school days. You talked for a while, not even realising it was already midnight—at least it’s a weekend night.
You spoke to Dokyeom very often. Always texting during your lectures and even calling at night. Sometimes you would even call him while you were sewing. There was something familiar about him every time you talked, and it felt nice.
One time you were on call, he asked you about your ideal type. You never really had an ideal type, so you said common traits all your crushes had from the top of your head. “Someone tall, kind, and a cute smile too. I’d want them to be smart and productive as well.”
"So...me basically,” he jokes. You agreed without a thought and that conversation started your relationship with Dokyeom.
You really like him. He was kind and entertaining. He was always fun to your friends and was nice to everyone. He always took you out on dates and took you home. Unlike Mingyu, Dokyeom made sure that the world knew you were his.
He really loved you and wanted to show everyone that he did. And by every one, he meant every one. The news got to Seungcheol one day and it all just stopped. The daily brain-rotted reels he sends you ended up being three times a week. 
He barely got a response from you to the reels, and you only reacted to the messages. He slowed them down and sent them to you once a week. The only time you responded to a reel he sent, he left your message on ‘seen’, and then stopped sending you reels.
It’s not that he hated you or anything. He just knew you had a boyfriend now, so he didn’t want to go against your relationship’s boundaries. He would still pick you up every Tuesday, but the car ride conversations were always about school now or sometimes silent. He never asked about Dokyeom, and you never brought him up.
Being distant with Seungcheol kind of hurt, but you knew you were just getting over him and Dokyeom was there to help you. Or so you thought. Somehow, there would be conversations you have with Dokyeom, and you would absentmindedly bring up Seungcheol.
The first time you did, he asked who he was, and he didn’t sound jealous, just curious. You explained that he was just an old crush from high school and that he was basically a distant friend to you now. 
He got more curious about him so you showed him his profile once. He looked through his account and started saying how you downgraded so much, pointing out Seungcheol’s physique.
You didn’t want Dokyeom to be hurt, so you began assuring him that he was much better than Seungcheol. You admit that Seungcheol played you back in high school and that he’s not even all that. Ever since that, you would bring down Seungcheol.
You were convinced you disliked Seungcheol, but Dokyeom always thought otherwise. Even though you would talk badly about him, your boyfriend still listened to you talk about him.
“I think you still like him,” Dokyeom brings up while you were ranting about what Seungcheol did to you in your junior year of high school. You were taken aback and denied so quickly. “You talk about him more than me,” he mutters. You apologized and assured him that you care about him more than Seungcheol.
“You know it’s okay if you still like him,” he considered. 
“No!” You retorted. “That’s just morally wrong! Why would I like another man while I’m in a relationship?! I don’t like him anymore, and I never will. I have you now, and you already make me happy.”
Dokyeom still wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t want to see you angry again, so he just nodded and patted your head.
Another time you brought up Seungcheol was when Dokyeom asked you who your first love was. When you admitted it was Seungcheol, he already knew since you always talked about him. When you asked him who his first love was, all he did was point at you, and that already made you regret saying your answer.
I never will. You said that in hopes you won’t ruin your relationship because of an old crush. Why do you always find yourself talking about Seungcheol anyway? He did you so wrong, and you’re sure he doesn’t care about you. Why was he even your first love?! 
A week later, you realized you were lying. After you told Seungcheol he doesn’t need to drop you off at your dorm anymore since Dokyeom could take you there, you ended up deleting his contact on your phone and unfollowing his Instagram. But after one car ride with your boyfriend, you thought about Seungcheol and what he really means to you. Dokyeom was right.
You went to Jiwon for advice about it, and she figured he would want you to admit it to him since all he wants is for you to be happy. That night, you confessed to Dokyeom that you still had feelings for Seungcheol, but it was only 1%—since 99% is for your boyfriend.
However, the more you saw Seungcheol, the feelings kept growing more. You never told Dokyeom, but you didn’t want to keep hurting him. On one random Monday afternoon, you met up with him at the same café you first met him and broke up with him on the spot. You never wanted to admit it was about Seungcheol, so all you told him was that you were just the problem in the relationship—which was true.
Your relationship with Dokyeom only lasted for six months, but for some reason, you felt relieved and free. It only took you a few days to realize that Dokyeom reminded you of Seungcheol, and you used him to fill that empty void since senior year. But no matter how loving Dokyeom was to you, you secretly hoped it was Seungcheol instead.
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Guilt held onto you and convinced you that you were a bad person at this point. You knew you were going to die alone, but honestly, you’d rather have that than break someone’s heart again. Not only were you single—which you could care less about—you were still distant with Seungcheol. 
You tried not to care, but every time you saw him on campus, it always hurt to think about how distant you two are. It got to a point where you walked past him and neither of you said hi. You figured he hated you until you once had a dream about him when you got a fever.
You were at a party, and all of a sudden Seungcheol’s friends made fun of you. You blamed it on him and left the party. The scene changed, and you were walking with your friend to your next lecture. As you walked down the halls, you noticed your mother’s friend was with someone, so you greeted her, not bothered by the fact that your “aunt” was at your university. That someone she was with ended up being Seungcheol. When he smiled and waved at you, you frowned and ignored him as you walked away. 
You instantly jolted awake, sweating real bad as the headache you had earlier stopped. You looked at the time, 4:27. It’s Tuesday, and around this time, you would wait for Seungcheol to pick you up. You thought a lot about the dream and how you were so mean to him in that dream.
“I don’t want to hate him anymore,” you think to yourself. You open your phone to Instagram, look up his username, and immediately hit follow. Then you go to your contacts and type his number to remake his contact in your phone—still remembering his number and putting it in your phone like the first time you two exchanged numbers. 
Right when he followed you back three minutes later, you sent him a message about how you don’t like the two of you becoming distant and wanting to start over as friends. He agrees, and you ask to see him over lunch.
The next day you met up with him for lunch, and he was still the same annoying Seungcheol: always watching brain-rotted reels while you two talk and always teasing you. It feels nice to have this back, and you’re glad the two of you are not going to be distant anymore. Well, you thought you two were on bad terms, but everyone, including him, never thought that. It should’ve hit you that he could never hate anyone, so what would make him hate you?
After that, you went to the design studio thinking about Seungcheol. You really do like being friends with him, and you’re sure you don’t like him romantically. You soon realized that you didn’t need to bring him down in order to get over him. Today made you realise why he’s your first love. 
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You finally finished the leather jacket and the skirt. You never realized how you never got to finish the outfit while you were with Dokyeom, but only being able to finish it when you were alone. The good part of being a single fashion designer is that you have a lot of time for yourself to design anything.
The bad part, though, is that people like you always make apparel for others but yourself. It took you a while to notice that the leather jacket was too oversized for the skirt. It’s a men’s jacket, and the measurements were for Seungcheol.
After handing in your design, you finally took some time to design something for yourself. Maybe some jeans or a cute sweater. Since Valentine's Day was coming up and you and your friends were invited to a party that day, you had an excuse to make a whole outfit for yourself.
You took several days brainstorming and sketching out what to wear, but you finally settled on something simple. Maybe you were too focused on creating your outfit that you didn’t realise Valentine’s Day was about love, and all of sudden all your friends had a date to the party.
“I can’t believe we’re the only ones without a date!” Your friend complains. “Even Jiwon is going with that red head guy!”
“Hey, we have each other. You should wear that top I made for you for your birthday.”
“I definitely will.”
The both of you lie down on her bed, except this time you’re not talking about guys. It’s not bad to not have a date, but you’ll be disgusted if you see your friends all over their dates.
“Hey, it’s kind of ironic how all our friends’ dates are all friends too. And they have three guys who still don’t have a date.”
“Yeah, no. Saerom tried setting me up with Junhui because she thought we’d be perfect for each other, but he keeps sending me cat photos. And didn’t he like everyone?”
“Yikes. I forgot his friend group is odd.” Right when you brought that up, you get a text from Minghao, Jun’s cousin. He asks you if you already have a date to the party, and you reply with a no. The only person from that friend group you can tolerate is Minghao. He’s pretty much normal, but he’s just a friend.
Minghao then asks you if you want to go with him to the party. “Oh, wow, Minghao is asking me out,” you say to your friend. “What should I say?”
“Yes! Are you crazy (Name)?”
“What about you, though?”
“I’ll be fine. I have Hayoung since she doesn’t want to go with anyone.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s not going to show up.”
“Still. Just go with him!”
You sigh and send him a thumbs up. A part of you only wants to do this for the fun of it, but another part of you doesn’t want to since you like being alone.
The day of the party rolls by, and you just finished up the dress you were making for it. All your friends agreed you were all going there together. You quickly made a few adjustments to your dress in the car, putting the pack of pins in your handbag. If there’s one thing you can’t go out in public without, it’s a sewing kit.
You arrive at the house where it was being held, and you see several people entering. When you all entered the house, your friends easily found their dates and you met up with Minghao.
You honestly just wanted to stay with your friend, so you stuck with her as Minghao followed behind with his friend. No matter how many times you wanted to be with your friend, your other friends and his friends always pushed you into Minghao’s arms and took pictures.
You felt that same pang of guilt when you were with Mingyu and Dokyeom. You know that feeling a bit too well, and all you want to do is leave the party with your friend. You eventually gave up and just stuck with Minghao for a while.
As you left him to go get a drink, you bumped into Seungcheol, who you thought doesn’t go to parties like these. "Hey, I thought your mom banned you from going to parties." He mentioned as you two walked to the kitchen.
“I thought you don’t go to parties? And my mom doesn't care anymore.”
“My friends convinced me to go here.” He picks up his phone, and his screen reveals ‘Mingyu’ as the person calling him, making your heart drop. He answers the call, hanging up seconds later. “Which, speaking of, are looking for me. I’ll see you around (Name)!” He walks the other way, and you leave the kitchen without a drink in your hand, only leaving with a pounding heart. 
You went back to Minghao and told him you were going to go home with your friend, and you left him without giving him a chance to say goodbye. Honestly, you hope Seungcheol didn’t see you with him and hope that none of your friends upload those photos. 
You looked for your friend and left the house together. Instead of going back to the dorms, you two just walked to the nearest convenience store to just hang out and calm down.
“So you don’t like Minghao?” Your friend asks as you look through the candies in the candy aisle of the store.
“I like him as a friend, just not in that way.” You confirmed, picking up a pack of gummy bears and following your friend to the drink aisle.
“I heard Saerom’s man was the one encouraging Minghao to ask you,” she points out.
“Junhui got pissed at me because I took his last person he was going to be with, like I kept telling him he can have his cousin!”
“What made you want to leave, by the way?”
You stayed silent as you watched her think of what beverage to buy. She looks back, waiting for an answer. “I think it’s because of me.”
She picks out an orange soda, and you two make your way to the cashier. “What do you mean?” She asks, in the middle of paying.
“I think I just like being single.” You two leave the store and sit down at a table right outside, placing your stuff on the table.
“And that’s okay. It’s not bad being single,” she assures, putting down the drink and holding your hand with one hand.
“I know it’s not. I just don’t do well with love; I keep hurting guys.”
“I can tell. I was there when Mingyu asked for your number, when Dokyeom said he was your ideal type, and when Minghao asked you out.”
You sigh and chuckle after. “Wow. I can’t believe I’m such a manipulator. I just led on three guys.”
“(Name) as much as I love you, that’s not something to be proud of.” You nod in response, repeatedly muttering a bunch of ‘I know’ to her. “You always keep saying it’s about you and your emotions. But have you ever considered it’s about Seungcheol?”
This is what your friend has wanted to discuss since your days with Mingyu. You knew your breakups were because of Seungcheol, but you never realized it wasn’t him, it was about him. That feeling in your heart you had earlier when you saw your ex’s name on his phone brings you back to freshman year.
You like Seungcheol.
“I think I still like Seungcheol,” you admit to your friend.
“All because you saw him earlier? Cause I saw you two talking in the kitchen,” she brings up about that little interaction that made you aware of your feelings.
“No. I think I always liked him, but I was in denial about it. Just think about it. I caught myself staring at Seungcheol while I was with Mingyu. Dokyeom told me I talk about him a lot. And well, Minghao never reminded me of him.”
“I figured. Whenever I asked you if you were going to be with your man, you were a bit soulless. No offence, but you were never excited when you talked about them. Now that I think about you, when you were with them, you never talked about them at all to us.”
You lowered your head, mentally slapping yourself for doing that. “It was so different from Seungcheol though. Every time you looked at Seungcheol and talked to him, it wasn’t the same with the others. I saw stars in your eyes. You didn’t like him; you were in love with him.”
Your friend is still holding onto your hand, ignoring the fact that you’re in the middle of having a heart to heart in front of a convenience store. 
“(Name), I think all you needed was to be honest with yourself. It’s okay to love Seungcheol. No matter how many hearts you break, you’re not a bad person. It just shows how caring you are. You can still be friends with him even if all our friends hate him. Even though I think what he did to you back in junior year was so messed up, you were so strong to go through that heartbreak. You are amazing and loving, and I want you to tell that to yourself every day.”
With your free hand, you cover your eyes with it. Your friend gave you tissue paper from her bag, as she was quick to notice that you were tearing up. She moves herself closer and brings you into her arms.
“Choi Seungcheol is one lucky man to have you love him.”
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You got your leather jacket and skirt back, getting a 98% on it. As long as you got over the nineties for it, you’re happy. You only lost a few points for making it a men’s jacket instead of a women’s jacket. 
Since you got the jacket back, it would make sense to give it to Seungcheol since it’s clearly his size only. Your friendship with Seungcheol has been calm ever since that heart-to-heart with your friend. He still picks you up from the studio, but instead of taking you to your dorms, you two go on little side quests for fun. 
The weather has been getting warmer, so you two would go wherever to hang around outside. He picked up a hobby of taking photos due to a friend of his gifting him a camera. So every time he would drop you off at the dormitory, he would take a picture of you in front of the building.
“Open your sweater so you can show off the new shirt you made,” he requests, looking at you through the lens as he watches you zip down your sweater. You made an unserious shirt, printing a picture of a sock monkey on it. 
After hearing camera clicks, he puts the camera down. “Cute outfit,” he points out.
“And we need to work on your closet!” You tease.
He rolls his eyes and tells you good night, driving off when you tell him to rest well tonight. Right when you turn around, you face Jeonghan, who happens to be one of Seungcheol’s friends and lives on the floor above you.
“Wow, and Jisun said there was going on between you two,” he remarks. If there was anyone nosy about you two, it would be Jeonghan. According to Jisun, several guys—including Jeonghan—would ask about you and Seungcheol, some of whom she didn’t even know by name. 
"Yeah, cause we’re friends,” you confirm, heading to the elevator as Jeonghan follows you in.
“I asked Seungcheol if he still likes you, and he said he likes you as a friend only.”
Even though you’re quite annoyed by him, you still manage to respond to that. “Well, he never had feelings for me, so he’s valid for that. Plus, I like it that way.”
“So you can’t be delusional anymore,” he jeers as the elevator comes to a stop on your floor. You step out of the elevator, hoping Jeonghan just minds his own business and stays in there.
“I like being his friend anyway, Yoon Jeonghan,” you mimic his tone as you watch the doors close in front of him.
You’re not wrong with your words, though. You love being friends with Seungcheol.
Seungcheol and you are on your usual side quests after he picks you up from the studio. This time there were bands performing at a nearby park, so you went there to chill. You brought the jacket, but held onto it considering he’s going to assume it’s yours.
As you picked a spot to sit down, there was already music and the sky was getting dark soon—before that, you two went to feast yourselves with cheap ramen and an unhealthy amount of soda. 
You hand him the jacket without saying anything; he takes it with a puzzled expression displayed. “It’s the leather jacket I was designing a few months ago. I accidentally made it your size,” you speak up, smiling as you watch his perplexed expression turn into an ecstatic smile.
“Accidentally? Or did you intentionally make it for me?” He jokes as he puts it on, making you push his shoulder.
“This is going to be the last time I’ll ever make you something.” You snootily look away. He laughs and apologizes—always apologizing after he makes fun of you.
You two stayed silent as you swayed to the music. It’s calm and sweet. You could stay in this moment forever, nothing and no one to bother you. Right now could be a good time for Seungcheol to make another stupid joke, but he seems to be enjoying the music too.
This is what you need. Nothing romantic with him, but close to him. The sky was dark, and you pointed out the fairy lights hanging around the trees. Seungcheol lies down his head on the grass, now staring at the sky, as you follow along.
“Sky is too cloudy to see stars,” he mentions. You avert your eyes from the sky to him, turning your head to comfortably gaze at him. He was still looking up. You don’t expect him to look back; he never does. But you enjoy this, just intaking his unforgettable face.
“Thank you, (Name),” he mutters, “for coming here with me.”
You don’t respond right away, still listening to the music. “Of course, but I’m sorry,” you let out, now turning your head to gaze up at the sky again.
“Sorry for what?” He asks, your no-context apology makes him look at you now, watching you stare at the non-existing stars—just like his love for you.
“Still being in love with you.”
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svt masterlist .ᐟ
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bwobgames · 2 days ago
They see a slumped, defeated looking Owen and a pensive Simon on one of the tables.
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“Now that’s not the mood for a fancy train ride. Cheer up, strange creatures!”
“No can do, for the future only brings ruin. Forked paths. Uncertain fate. Such an herculean feat of Atlas proportions”
“We’re thinking”
“Are you?”
“They’re bummed out because they have to choose a career for university”
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“Is that what’s worrying you? Career prospects?”
“It’s more than that! I took a year off to ~find myself~ but uh. I mostly played videogames and got a cool haircut”
“And now I have to actually do the damn thing, and I still haven’t found out what I want to do!”
“It’s alright Owen, the university life is not for everyone.”
“No no, I know that! But I need to know what is it that I want to do for the rest of my life!”
“That does sound like a Herculean feat of Atlas proportions”
“Well, what is it that you like to do?”
“Uh. Listen to Medieval versions of popular music?”
“…As like. A hobbie”
“Don’t worry, a lot of people don’t end up working as the thing they studied. I was a security guard for a good while!”
“Security! That’s it!”
“A security expert? That’s a noble job”
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“The guy is nowhere to be found, and people found he sold all the stuff he stole so he must be loaded, right?”
“And! I get to have a cool costume!”
“You think it’s cool…?”
("He thinks it's cool?!")
“Owen that’s how you get in jail. And at least a few broken bones. A person needs to be borderline crazy to believe they can pull off the stuff Dominion did”
“Because he was like no other, truly. Amazing, mysterious, charming…”
“A complete lunatic”
“less than three”
“wh- Did you say the heart emoji out loud?”
“Well, if I can’t be Twominion then what do you think I should be, Mr. B- Oliver Beebo?”
Hmm… Something that Owen would enjoy…
“I think you’d do it well”
“Well, that does sound fun, but uh, isn’t that a bit… low on employment?”
“That is true, but. Does it really matter for your type?”
“My type?”
“Rich people."
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"You have connections. Your parents have connections. No matter how low-end a career path might be, you’ll get to do anything because of your family’s name”
“Ollie, you’re not wrong but I don’t think that’s what the kid wants to hear right now…”
“Why not? It means he’s free to do whatever he wants. Look at Nadia”
“She’s studying film. In a country with barely any movie productions. Less so known ones aside from some closed circles. On a private University.”
“Yet she’ll be able to do all the movies she wants and be successful because the Margulis name is strong”
“…Excuse you. Are you implying I’m not able to be successful on my own?”
“Ah, you certainly have talent Nadia, I wouldn’t say anything against that”
“But that talent can be found in millions of people. People who might be even more talented. But we’ll never know because they won’t be able to reach the place it has been given to you on talent alone”
“You will. Because you have money. Because you were born with money.”
“C’mon Beeb, only I’m allowed to fight the child”
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Simon thinks for a second
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“…Marine Biology”
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“Although mom always gets weird when I say it. I think she might hate fishes”
“Bu- But you are good at cooking yeah? Didn’t you love cooking?”
“I am good at it but… The cooking scene isn’t very nice…”
“And I refuse to cook Lobster! It’s terrible and cruel!”
“Well, what if you become a vet! And specialize in fish! Or become the owner of an aquarium!”
“That just seems like a roundabout way to get to marine biology”
“You could have your own restaurant! Fish free!”
“I think it’s fine."
"If you like it and you think you can make it, then go ahead. Biology is hard though, think about that”
“I’m pretty good at it”
He seems relieved.
While he can’t speak for the others, his blonde roots and white shirt made his eyes look… almost green.
Eugene never got to study what he loved. He’ll make sure Simon does.
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rangewithme · 2 days ago
I have work tomorrow and yet here I am. Take these shin headcanons, strangers on the internet, and gaze upon them to deliver your divine judgement ,,,,
- originally used 3-in-1 shampoo/shower gel for its convenience, only started using conditioner when he started staying with the sakamotos. Aoi saw his singular sad, sad jumbo bottle and first bought him conditioner, and then shampoo a week later (she claimed they worked better together bc they're the same brand) ,,, the jumbo bottle has been demoted to simply being used as body wash because shin would feel bad about not using what aoi went out of her way to buy for him
- read someone's (@babblingeccentric) hc that shin is a fan of films and yes. They're so right, and also to add on to that—in the lens of a more specific (??) take—he'd unabashedly enjoy the concept of Goncharov. He'd bring it up in casual conversation if the topic has somehow moved to movies and be super dedicated to the bit. But he'd hate Spider-Man: Lotus with so much passion, not only because of the misinterpretion of spiderman's character but also the shitty cinematography. Character misinterpretion, poor choices in lighting and cheography, offensive content that's not even framed in a thought-provoking way—three strikes, you're out.
- BUT he'd also still be a steadfast fan of films that are objectively not the best quality if he likes a particular area or creative point though !!! Would say something like "yeah, the casting isn't that fitting, and the pacing is off in a few places, and the sets are kinda shoddy if you pay attention to the background—but! The musical arrangement is top tier and very atmospheric !!!" and he would be right‼️‼️‼️
- in reference to misinterpretation he'd also get really mad when self-proclaimed fans of a manga he’s reading get plot points wrong. The type of guy to be really passionate about his shoujo and romance manga ,,,, shin would defend the relationships with his LIFE.
- I'm not sure if it's actually confirmed canon, but judging by that scene in the JCC bathrooms where he was gushing over fulfilling high school tropes, there's no way in hell he doesn't have a list that extends to romance ,,, shin doing his best (and dreaming of) emulating romance tropes is real and true and I will not be dissuaded from it !!!! I am its strongest warrior !!!!!!!!!
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numenoria · 20 hours ago
The Rings of Power Season 1 Ep 1-4 thoughts/observations/commentary ✨
RIP Finrod 😥
Galadriel is a badass consumed by vengeance. I'm sure this WILL NOT come back to bite her.
Galadriel girl you're on your own!!
Young Elrond's hair is quite interesting...
Your honor, I'm convinced this Gil-Galad person wants to fuck Elrond
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Arondir the beautiful elf that you are!
Bronwyn is gorgeous and level-headed.
Lil boy put that evil trinket back where it came from oh so help me!!!
These proto-hobbits are adorable and scruffy. I like Nori, she's spunky. I wasn't feeling the Hartfoots hair choices at first but it grew on me.
Galadriel being literally shipped off. Yeah this is def a coverup for something
The blond masc elf REALLY wants Galadriel to stay on the boat
Galadriel: 🤸🏻‍♀️🌊
Who the fuck just fell from the sky?? Naked??
Nori is definitely a "run towards the danger" kind of gal
Is that GANDALF?? It's Gandalf right?
Feanor mention!! Simarils?? 👀
"True creation requires sacrifice" Yeah that's not the last time we're going to hear that phrase.
I've been saying Celebrimbor's name wrong this entire time. 😶
YAY Dwarves!!
Elrond is besties with a Dwarf! Durin IV?
Durin why are you showing out!? Elrond just wants to say hi :(
20 years!!? Elrond you missed his wedding and the birth of his babies?? I'd show out too!! Trash friend behavior!
Disa! The dwarf queen that you are! She's so inviting and warm. OMG her hair is gorgeous! Durin IV I will fight you for her hand in marriage!
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I haaateeee Durin's Hair/Beard combo. They lowkey did him dirty imo.
Why are these people on this raft?? Galadriel do not trust that man!
I'm not sold on the Halbrand thirst yet..
I bet yall believe Bronwyn now!
Bro killed the Fireflies oop :(
The Elves are slaves?? prisoners?? I don't like this
Who is Adar??
Galadriel and Halbrand are on a bigger boat.
Elendir you ruggedly handsome man. The genes are strong in that bloodline.
Numenor is breathtaking.
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These people do not like elves
Galadriel does not know how to talk to people
I thought Pharazon was being played by Jack Black. Like a cleaned up Jack Black. I'm Sorry to both actors.
The Numenorians are very stylish.
Oh no he's dissociating at sea (trauma perhaps?)
I prefer look of these orcs over PJ's orcs.
Some losers are interrogating Halbrand.
Oh shit these guys are about to get curbed stomped to hell!
Halbrand's locked up
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Why did he look at her like that??? . They def have some simmering sexual tension
"I am not the hero you seek." FORESHADOWING!! Galadriel do not trust this man!
An unsuccessful Elf rebellion. Arondir was giving action hero vibes
Wtf is that?? A warg? An orc dog??
Blurry Adar
Miriel holding a baby. She loves her people
It was all a dream
Pharazar is plotting something!! He's very much a Brutus type.
Arondir meets Adar
I am slightly turned on and disgusted
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Theo is attached to the evil trinket almost bound to it...
Arondir saves the Theo (I think that's his son?? But they don't know it yet)
Disa is a bad liar 😂
Galadriel locked up.
Halbrand teaching Galadriel about playing mind games. Yeah girl don't trust him!
Galadriel is free
Miriel and Galadriel bond. Do people ship them? Should I ship them? 🤔
The King's health is failing. Poor Miriel.
A Palantir? That's not good. Six more? Like dragon balls?
The crystal nerd in me thinks the Palantir is composed of lapis lazuli (the stone of visions/psychic powers)
Galadriel's getting the boot from Numenor
Arondir to Theo's rescue!
The orcs are ashy and they hate the sun
Disa you better sang to those rocks!!
This scene was very touching.
I love Dwarves!
Durin/Disa/Elrond warms my heart
The Dwarf King knows something is up
Theo do not trust that creepy old man.
Sir unhand that boy! 🔪
The darkness has consumed this old man
Galadriel is shipped off again!
The petals of the White Tree fall.
Galadriel is back w/Queen Miriel's support
Me thinks the people will not take this well
Overall the show is visually pleasing (aside from some styling choices). The cast is strong and very talented. The music is excellent. There's a lot of characters being introduced but that's typical of anything Tolkien related. Thanks for getting this far! I'll continue episodes 5-8 in a separate post ✨🩷
-Davi ☽︎♡︎☾︎
Edit: Not sure what happened, but NONE of the pics/memes I put in the post saved on tumblr mobile! I edited it on desktop so they should show up now. ^^
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apollabarnes · 2 days ago
that was us part three
quick author's note: originally i wrote this series to coincide only with abby's appearances, so i didn't try and cover the time between abby leaving los angeles and coming back during the train derailment — however, since i've continued writing this series i've realized that what i orginally wrote had a lot of backstory that only existed in my head, but that was very much flavouring the rest of the story. i didn't write the tommy and abby interactions at the hospital as the first time they'd talked since he moved to harbor but all of that backstory stayed off the page. this is part of me trying to correct that, and i'm editing parts one and two to cover more of it. also, i know the hospital is originally part three, but this is sneaking in between chapter two and three (i'll update it on ao3 when i'm at my actual computer and not sneaking onto tumblr during work hours)
a tag for @leashybebes who asked to be tagged if i wrote any more of this!
abby's mom dies and she falls apart. she barely makes it through the funeral, buck holds her together while she's sorting through all of her mom's things and it's just. suffocating. her mom's passport is the last straw — how many things did she put off, thinking there would be more time before she got her diagnosis? how many things has abby put off? she loves being a dispatcher. she loves la. buck is the best thing that's happened to her in close to a decade. there were so many things she was planning to do before she tore her rotator cuff. then it was rehab, trying swimming again, quitting again — pushing off all things she'd thought about doing since she was a kid. tommy had helped with that, given her somewhere safe to recover while she licked her wounds, and still she'd put things off. put them aside and shoved them down and promised herself later, later, later. it's later and she still hasn't done even one of the things she wanted to do when she was younger.
she's going to start with her mom's old travel itinerary. abby packs a bag, buys an airline ticket, tells buck she's leaving. the thought of trying to sublet her apartment or sell it is just too much to deal with right now, so she offers him the apartment because he hates living with his roommates and she's certainly not going to be using it. she tries to be as gentle as she can. abby was stuck for a really long time and buck's the one that got her unstuck. it's a gift she's a hundred percent certain he has no idea he gave her, and she doesn't have the words to thank him for it, so she's gentle instead. buck deserves gentle. he deserves better than her, but she doesn't say that either. he wouldn't take it as the compliment she means it as.
it's a cliché to say that she can feel her heart break when he drops her off at the airport, but clichés become clichés because they're things that are true and universal.
abby sits in the airport lounge and waits for her flight to be called. she very quickly gets bored and pulls out her phone, staring at it. if she texts buck now she'll just turn around, let herself get stuck again. she'd like it, too. she wants to try. she can't stay. she scrolls through her phone contacts, stops on tommy's name. snaps a photo of her drink and the departures screen behind her.
guess who's going to europe?
since when do you text?
apparently phone calls are for fossils.
he didn't actually call you a fossil, did he?
no, of course not, but he's a texter. so. i am too now, i guess.
europe, huh? and a guinness to get you started. so you're headed to ireland.
how'd you guess?
your mom mentioned it a few times. really loved a good brogue and pierce brosnan.
she did, didn't she?
yeah. i'm really sorry, abby. about your mom and the fact i couldn't make it.
thanks. any recommendations for when i'm over there?
i'm more of a desert guy, hang on. i've got an idea.
what is this, a group chat? wait, abby texts?
why is everyone surprised that i text?
sal, abby's looking for places to visit in europe.
hey, sal.
head to italy. stop. eat. come home.
sal, jesus. i was hoping you'd be a little more useful.
well, no, he's got a point tommy, i do love pasta.
jesus, fine, stop — gina says hi, by the way. abby, i've been informed by your ex you're going to ireland first.
someone's got to keep you on track, sal.
you've already got the gift of gab since you're on the phone all day, so you can probably skip the blarney stone. there's the giant's causeway. and all the travel magazines try to rank the castles, but they're all neat.
didn't realise you'd spent so much time in europe, sal.
well, gina's the expert (and dictating some of this to me) but hey. she took me over for our honeymoon and we hit the highlights.
we're both very impressed, sal. how long are you going to be in europe, abby?
i don't know. until i get… inspired.
is the baby hotshot coming with?
i hate it when you two call him that.
we could have used his name if you'd ever given it to us.
and have you track him down at work and crack jokes? i don't think so. abby stares at her phone for a long moment before texting again. no, he's not coming. we broke up.
he broke up with you after your mom died?
forget cracking jokes, we'll track him down at work and break his leg.
thank you for the offer, i think? but i was the one that broke up with him.
was the sex that bad?
because i'm going to europe and i don't know when i'm coming back?
gross, sal. abby, if this kid was really into you, he would have waited.
don't listen to tommy, abby, he's still half-hung up on this girl that dumped him ten years ago.
abby gets a solo text almost immediately from tommy, promising to dunk sal's head in the nearest toilet the next time they're in the same place. she laughs to herself, startling when the announcement for her flight comes crackling out of the overhead speakers.
that's my cue, gents. sal, just because you and gina wish tommy would move in doesn't mean you have to project that feeling onto us.
he's just so much better at folding laundry than sal ever is - gina
i'm not running away, we got a call. but i'm really embarrassed to know all three of you.
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breathinginsulfur · 23 hours ago
Hey guys, i know this rant is long enough but i wanna add some more.
Really trying to understand why stolas is genuinely despised, and it’s hard for me to understand. But I think i have something, and it may potentially be a hot take but these days even liking the show is a hot take /hj
I think (SOME) people, not all, just genuinely have a hard time believing that men can be victims of abuse. Especially if the abuser is a woman. Because yes, it is true that most domestic abusers are men, and men are more capable of getting away with abuse, but you cannot act like this is the only way it happens.
Stolas is an abuse victim. His father was emotionally unavailable and barely even remembered anything about Stolas. To Paimon, Stolas is just another one of his spawn. Nothing more.
While we are still lacking on Stella’s background (which we desperately need), what we know is that she never loved Stolas, the same way Stolas never loved her. they were never in love. They had one reason for their (forced) marriage. To birth a new heir. That’s it.
We can assume that they never got along. Judging by their personalities, Stolas is not an assertive person. He’s nervous, but intelligent, and passionate about his powers and interests. He did not at all try to overpower or dominate blitzo as a kid, despite being royalty. We saw him bow down to blitzo, to which Paimon got angry at. Stolas does not look down on people, he looks down on himself.
Based on the photo of Stella Paimon showed to Stolas, she seemed to be a more aggressive child, making it likely that she was also not parented properly. By this we can also assume that she took the more dominant role, taking advantage of Stolas’s anxiousness and taking control in relationship.
In photos she took with Via and Stolas, she looks like she doesn’t want to be there. She doesn’t appear to have any true care for Via. In Loo Loo Land, when Via calls for both of them, Stella refuses to acknowledge her, grumpily telling Stolas to deal with it. Again, i really, really hope they give us more background about her, because it will most likely make it so much easier for people to understand why Stolas is not the bad guy. One of my biggest issues with this show is the lack of background for the women in the show. But i trust that we will get it soon.
I believe Stella only truly cares for the title of being a Goetia. She doesn’t care about her daughter or her now ex-husband, she only wants the richness and glory of being a goetic demon. THIS is why she did not divorce Stolas. When she found out he cheated, did she appear personally, emotionally hurt? She was pissed off yes, but how she reacts is so important.
“I can’t believe you slept with an IMP.”
“You are a god damn EMBARRASSMENT”.
She never once tells Stolas that she feels betrayed, that she thought he loved her, etc. she only cares about the fact that Stolas disrespected the Goetia family name by sleeping with a lower class demon. The themes of hierarchy in this show are so important to the story.
Stolas and Stella hated each other. She constantly talked shit about him, and he just felt empty inside. Blitzo changed that for him. Stolas NEVER forced himself onto Blizo. I have genuinely seen people call Stolas a sex offender. I don’t know how you get it that wrong. He made a joke, saying “you’re here to rravish me aren’t you?” And then that’s it. He did not force Blitzo to have sex. Blitzo is the one who chose to seduce him. Once Stolas realized Blitz was doing that, he got shy and nervous once again. Then the two did their thing and that’s the start of the main plot.
For some reason, people headcanoning Stolas as autistic is controversial, even if autistic people do it. As an autistic person, i can definitely see autistic traits in Stolas whether intentional or not. The same way I see BPD symptoms in Blitzo as someone who is borderline. There is no harm in headcanoning a character as autistic, y’all just hate Stolas. And probably won’t listen to me.
I get that this show is popular to hate right now. I miss when it wasn’t. Hopefully some day they all just leave us alone😭
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(Opinion) stolas hate is based on fandom misinterpretations and not the actual show because when the fuck does he act like a “baby”??
Stolas is probably the most over-hated character in all of helluva boss. And some of the downright incorrect statements i’ve seen about stolitz drive me insane
Despite his childhood abuse, neglect and forced marriage, stolas has always been privileged. He’s set for life with wealth, has butlers and staff who feed him and care for him, and can freely travel through the human realm with no legal issues. Obviously, he’s going to have a skewed perspective on life.
Because of his forced marriage and parental neglect, stolas has never really known what love is meant to be. His father didn’t know his name because he’s a king who has a shit ton of children. Stella never loved him, and he never loved stella. They were only married to have an heir. Stolas has an over-dramatized and romanticized interpretation of love, which i think is where the ‘baby’ misinterpretation roots from. Blitzo didn’t want to fuck him, all he wanted was the grimoire. But stolas didn’t realize this and genuinely believed that his first ever friend was the one who wanted him the most. Can you see how this would fuel his romantic dreams further?
Stolas, to me, was always in love with blitzo. And (hot take incoming) did not look down on him. “But charlie, what about when he said ___?” We can go through all the quotes that supposedly look down on blitzo and i can give my reasoning as to why i dont think he sees him as lesser. Stolas has grown up with imps his whole life (butlers), and it can be argued that these staff had a closer connection to him than his own family. He’s taught to view imps as lesser, as in the hierarchy they literally are, but stolas has no issue with interacting with imps and, of course, letting an imp have intercourse with him. If stolas truly looked down on imps the way people act like he does, he’d interact with blitzo in a COMPLETELY different way. As in, he wouldn’t even treat blitzo like a human. Stolas loves blitzo so much he want to be his partner.
I will say, Hierarchy is a major theme in helluva boss with several callouts to how the ones who are higher up mistreat the lower class. Just look at mastermind. Satan doesn’t let blitzo speak. But andrealphus is allowed to talk as long as he wants. Blitzo would’ve been killed for using the grimoire, but stolas just gets a punishment. Because verbatim “your life has actual value!” It’s such an interesting theme that does not nearly get as much praise as it deserves
Another huge misinterpretation with helluva boss i see is that people think the show is trying to normalize cheating. And i’ll be honest, i can kind of see how this misinterpretation happens. As much as i adore this show, there are some writing flaws.
In my opinion, helluva boss is not trying to encourage cheating on your partners. It’s trying to show you that it’s okay to leave your abusive relationships to better your life. I may talk about this a different time because this post is mainly about stolas but god i love analyzing this show so much i just go on so many tangents.
Of course, stolas’ love for blitzo pisses of Stella. Not because stella actually loves stolas, but because she is proud to be a goetia and wants to uphold her royal, priviliged status and sees stolas as an insult to the goetic line. Her and Andrealphus’s motivation is to uphold goetia standards no matter how corrupt they truly are. They’re rich people. THEY are the ones who see imps as lesser.
THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I CAN GO INTO. How this affects Octavia and why she is justifiably upset at stolas, blitzo’s perspective, themes of the show, etc. if you wanna see my takes on these things LMK!!! I love this show dearly
If you want to counter my interpretation you’re welcome to do so, however please only do it if you’re wanting to do an actual discussion and not just trying to be rude. Some of y’all are so fucking rude to the people who like the show it’s crazy. Just be respectful and i’ll talk to you.
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click4rainy · 21 hours ago
Could you do NSFW headcanons of Shang Tsung please?
Sassy Sorcerer//Shang Tsung Boyfriend HeadCanons
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👽:I gotchu pookie bear. teehee 🫶🏼
✅:Proof Read
🖇️:Shang Tsung x Reader
⚠️:NSFW/AFAB!Reader/Mentions of fucking a sassy ass man
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SFW 👉🏼👈🏼
★ He’ll never admit it outright, but he’s utterly enchanted with you. He’s used to manipulating others for his benefit, but with you? He uses that silver coated tongue of his for sweet, whispered praises and slow, teasing declarations of devotion.
★ “You think I only speak sweet words to sway you? No, my love….I speak them because every syllable is true. And if you doubt me, allow me to prove it— again and again.”
★ He never openly displays jealousy (or at least he thinks he doesn’t….) but the millisecond somebody’s eyes linger on you for too long, he gets subtly possessive, his hand on your lower back and keeping you close.
★ “I do hate it when people forget their place….shall I remind them?” “They do know you belong to me, don’t they?” “Come love, overeager eyes irk me.”
★ This man absolutely loves to tease you. Mercilessly. Your reactions always amuse him, especially when he gets you all flustered and stammering. Or even if you try to fire back, he revels in it. Always having one up over you.
★ “Oh, why so shy suddenly? We both know there’s no need for that, precious.” “Mmh, witty today, aren’t we?” “Don’t be coy, pet.” “I do love it when you’re angry, it’s quite cute.”
★ A slow graze against your spine, fingertips lightly tracing your pulse, a “casual” brush of his lips near your ear, just remember every touch from your lover is always calculated and intentional.
★ “Every inch of you fascinates me. It’s only natural I indulge in my….curiosities.” He’ll murmur, ghosting his fingers over your collarbone, looking at you with something akin to admiration.
★ I’m gonna say he enjoys watching you sleep. (Not in a creepy way of course! Unless…?) but seriously, there’s just something about the way you look so peaceful. A softness to you that seems to warm his cold heart. It’s a rare moment of genuine affection with a man of his caliber.
★ Softly chuckling as he brushes a lock a hair from your face (or just cupping your cheek lightly) he whispers, “So vulnerable….yet the power you have over me is everything, but.”
★ Shang Tsung loves gift giving—and all of his presents are nothing short of extravagant and mysterious—surprising you with trinkets and artifacts that always seem….otherworldly. When you ask where he gets said gifts, he merely smirks.
★ “Does it really matter where it came from, love? It belongs to you now. And nothing in this realm—nor any other—will change that.”
★ He’s actually an amazing listener despite his self absorbed attitude. Shang values your thoughts, and you intellectually stimulate him. He enjoys conversations where you challenge him, even if he’ll never admit fully when you’ve bested him. “Ah, you truly believe that, do you? Then convince me. I do so enjoy watching you argue with such fire in your eyes.”
★ You two definitely have matching, over the top, lavish robes for spa time. Because Shang Tsung insists on a bi weekly spa time with you. Cucumber eyes, mud baths, green stuff on the face—the whole thing, on top of regular mani/pedis. (Material gworl!!!) he’s just that guy, you know?
★ Finds your defiance extremely attractive. You could be spitting venom into his face until you’re red in your own, challenge his every word, and he would only find himself more obsessed.
★ “Tsk tsk, such spite coming from those sweet lips. You defy me because you’re dissatisfied? Or maybe it’s what comes after, that you’re craving, hmm?”
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★ This man is obviously into ownership. You’re his, just as he is yours. Though you’re the one who’s on your knees before him, eager to please more than half the time.
★ “So obedient, you must be wanting some sort of reward,” He coos, cupping your face before tangling your hair around his fingers (or gripping your collar because he’s most definitely into collaring you), pulling your head back to look at him.
★ Shang Tsung is an extremely meticulous man, very passionate when it comes to bringing you pleasure beyond your own comprehension. Toys, his fingers, tongue, dick. Whatever he’s using he knows exactly how to. In fact, he probably knows your body better than you do at this point.
★ “You like this, love?” He’ll grunt out, angling his hips to drive his cock into that sweet spot even deeper than before, making your head fall back as you moan out his name, clawing at his shoulders and back. “And this?” He asks, feigning innocence while drilling into you with more force, hands gripping your hips, sinking his fingertips into the soft skin.
★ Loves overstimulating you to the brink of tears. Using a bullet vibe against your clit with your arms bound behind your back, sat at the edge of the bed, Shang Tsung kicking your feet apart, opening your legs for him, forcing you to take the buzzing sensation, the numbing—tingling—hot feeling builds up, coiling tightly at the pit of your stomach.
★ “Please—I can’t take anymore!” You huff out, but Shang Tsung simply hums in delight, sliding down to his knees as he bumps up the intensity of the bullet, watching you squirm and writhe in his hands, he looks up at you through his lashes, those devious eyes glinting in the dim lighting of your bedroom.
★ “I assure you, darling, you can.” He presses a small peck to your inner thigh, keeping your legs spread for him as he peppers more kisses along your skin.
★ Shang Tsung is a man who gains pleasure from having power and control over others. But especially when he has power over you in bed. Pinning your hands above your head, hiking a knee over his shoulder, shoving your face into the sheets—his actions are usually dominant. (Though pookie is for sure a switch—like he don’t mind getting fucked—but he’s still in charge either way. You know?)
★ “Don’t think for even a moment you have the upper hannnh~” he sputters with his hands tied above him as you grind on top of him, stirring his cock around your insides with a coy little smile. “Of course not, Master”
★ Luxurious BDSM, and by that we mean he fancies extravagant sex swings, bounding you in the finest of silks and fabrics. (No rope burn here—he likes to keep his treasure in pristine condition.) get used to mulberry silk blindfolds. A new color and design for every encounter because a special occasion such as making love with you deserves an equally lovely gift.
★ Breeding Kink. He likes to claim what’s his, and what’s the most personal, intimate, invasive way to do so? To fill you up with his cum until you’re the perfect cream filled dessert, of course.
★ it’s just—the thought of you being filled by him and only him? The idea of planting his seed into your garden? Makes him more than reel. It makes him insatiable. Not that you mind. “That’s it, love, you’ll be sure to take nicely…”
★ Pulling out to just the tip, teasing your clit just before he slams right back into you, hilting with an audible grunt—over and over again and again—until you’re a fucked out mess, thighs quivering and dripping with his essence.
★ “Take nicely…and take all of it, pet.” He warns seductively, scooping whatever dared spill from between your thighs back inside, adding a third finger for good measure, pushing into you deeper, with slowed, controlled movements, making your back arch as you clench around the invasive digits.
★ He may be a selfish man, but once he fucks you up and down the block, he’s always sure you’re comfortable after the fact. Clean sheets, pillows, fresh pajamas, a tray of elegant finger foods displayed before you with your favorite drink in arms reach.
★ “I do not say this lightly, but you have undoubtedly become my greatest weakness…” He’ll croon with a soft smile, caressing your jawline before brushing your hair and putting it in a protective style. (Or he’ll simply give you a scalp massage) praising you on how well you took him as he presses soft kisses to the top of your head, cradling you against his chest.
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cece693 · 2 days ago
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He's Cute Pt. 3
pairing: bucky barnes x male reader tags: ongoing series because people like this, which is weird cause I never thought this would go off, but I don't hate it, loki makes an appearance, bucky is protective over reader, having the 'talk', even bad guys have people they love
Bucky’s hands still shook with lingering excitement whenever he recalled your last date. The two of you had been going out for a while now—casual walks through the city, late-night movie marathons in the Avengers Compound, even that weekend trip to a cozy little café upstate—and with every new memory you made, Bucky found himself falling deeper in love.
He’d never expected life to feel this…comforting. Even the nightmares that sometimes plagued him at night dulled around you. You had a knack for gently coaxing him out of his shell, whether through quiet conversation or a playful nudge toward some new, exciting Midgardian treat you wanted him to try.
Yet, despite this whirlwind of affection, Bucky still couldn’t bring himself to say the words aloud. I love you. They stuck in his throat every time he tried, leaving him feeling both frustrated and a little guilty. It seemed too soon, too fast, too much. What if you weren’t ready? What if it scared you off?
So he kept that admission locked away, consoling himself with the fact that you hadn’t pressed him for big declarations yet—though you often looked at him with such tender warmth that he thought, maybe you already know.
The following morning, you greeted Bucky with your usual bright smile, eyes shining like you’d never seen a single hardship in your life. He knew that wasn’t true—you’d told him your share of Asgardian struggles and complicated family drama—but somehow, you still managed to see the world with a hopeful gaze.
“Good morning, Bucky!” you chirped, bounding into the common area. “Did you sleep well?”
He offered a small, affectionate smile. “Yeah,” he fibbed—well, half-fibbed, because seeing you now made every lost hour of rest worth it. “Ready for training?”
“Absolutely.” You picked up a spare towel. “But how about we grab coffee after? There’s this new flavor—mint mocha, I think? Wanda says it’s oddly refreshing.”
Bucky’s heart did that little flip it always did around you. “Sure,” he said softly. “I’d like that.”
You never made it to the gym—or to the coffee shop. Halfway to the training room, the shrill wail of the Compound’s alarm cut through the corridors. Overhead lights flickered ominously, and Tony’s voice crackled through the intercom: “All hands on deck—Loki’s back, and he’s making a huge mess downtown. We need everyone. Now.”
Your face fell, a complicated mix of worry and anger. The last time Loki caused chaos, it ended poorly for Earth and for your family. “I’m sorry,” you murmured to Bucky, already moving to join the others. “I know you’ve had enough of these battles…”
He shook his head, grabbing his gear. “Not your fault.”
Together, you raced to the Quinjet, where Thor and the rest of the team were quickly assembling. Thor’s jaw was set, eyes stormy with concern. He muttered something about Loki “never learning,” while Tony, Sam, and Natasha readied themselves for battle. Bucky checked his weapon, heart thudding. He threw you a sidelong glance—he hated seeing the anxious tension in your posture. I’ll keep you safe, he vowed silently, one way or another.
New York’s skyline was tinged green in patches—every illusion Loki summoned seemed designed to confuse both civilians and the team. Tony soared overhead, blasting illusions and trying to pinpoint the real Loki, while Bruce (in Hulk form) tore through illusions that tried to tangle him. Thor, you, and Wanda worked together to dispel the biggest illusions, your combined powers punching holes in Loki’s illusions wherever you could.
Bucky fired round after round at illusory beasts, his sharpened instincts helping him sense the flicker of what was real and what wasn’t. He kept an eye on you, too—whenever you paused to catch your breath, or pressed a hand to your temple from overusing your Asgardian abilities, he felt the urge to run to your side.
He didn’t see the sudden swirl of green magic until it was too late. A shimmering barrier snapped into place around him, cutting him off from the rest of the fight. Bucky spun around, rifle at the ready, but the illusions outside the barrier went oddly silent. The world beyond turned hazy, muffled, leaving him alone in a translucent dome of Loki’s making.
“Sergeant Barnes,” came a sardonic voice behind him. Bucky spun, rifle raised, to find Loki standing there, tall and regal in his horned headpiece, green robes swaying. His gaze was cold, but there was a particular glint in those eyes—like a predator toying with its prey.
“Loki,” Bucky growled, finger hovering over the trigger.
“Oh, please,” Loki drawled, waving a dismissive hand. “Drop your useless weapon. If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done so long ago.”
Bucky hesitated, jaw set tight. He didn’t lower his rifle, but he didn’t fire either. Around them, the city echoed with chaos—screams, blasts of magic, and the roar of rampaging illusions. Yet here they stood in a strange, still corner, as if Loki’s mere presence had carved out a pocket of calm in the madness.
“What do you want?” Bucky demanded, striving to keep the tremor from his voice. He’d been in fights far worse than this—yet something about Loki’s eerie composure sparked a sense of dread.
“What I want…” Loki repeated, tipping his head in mock consideration. “Hardly matters. I’m only here because it has come to my attention that you’ve taken an interest in my dear brother.”
Bucky blinked, confusion warring with anger. “Thor? I’m not—”
Loki let out a theatrical sigh. “Not that lughead, no.” He narrowed his eyes, smirk twisting. “I speak of my younger brother. The gentler one—(Y/N). The one you’ve been courting.”
At those words, Bucky’s grip on his rifle loosened involuntarily, surprise flickering across his features. “That’s between me and him. Stay out of it.”
Loki’s predatory grin only widened. “Oh, how adorable. A mortal telling me where I can and cannot interfere.” Magic crackled around his fingertips, illuminating the sinister shape of his horns. “Let’s make something clear, Sergeant Barnes: I may indulge in chaos, but I do not tolerate anyone trifling with my brother’s heart.”
Bucky felt a surge of protectiveness over you, matching Loki’s venom in a different way. “I’d never hurt him. Don’t act like you know me.”
“But I do know you,” Loki countered, taking a step forward, voice dropping to a chilling hush. “You’re a man of ghosts, of nightmares. You wear your sins on that metal arm for the world to see. Don’t assume I haven’t researched your past. The Winter Soldier…” He let the words linger. “You have a trail of blood behind you, mortal.”
Bucky’s pulse pounded in his ears. He refused to look away. “That’s over. He sees me for who I am now, and I’d do anything to protect him.”
A pause, and Loki’s lips curled in something close to a sneer—though a flicker of surprise glinted in his eyes. “Oh, I believe you think that,” he said. “But let me be perfectly clear: I might make sport of realms; I might sow chaos when it amuses me. However, if you ever harm my brother—if you break his heart or drag him into your darkness—I will ensure your suffering is something legends are written about.”
A chill coursed down Bucky’s spine, but he refused to flinch. “I—care about him,” he said softly, fighting to keep his voice steady. “I’d never do anything to hurt him.”
“Good,” Loki whispered, eyes glinting dangerously. “Then we understand each other.” He paused, scanning Bucky’s features as though searching for lies. “He has always been different. Too kind for Asgard. My father often overlooked him, but I—” Loki’s lips curled in faint distaste, “I won’t.”
Bucky shifted, uneasy at this glimpse of Loki’s protective side. “If you really care,” he said carefully, “then let this go. Stop this chaos you’re creating.”
Loki rolled his eyes, giving a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’m not here to debate my plans with you, mortal. I’m here to warn you. Do right by him, or face consequences far worse than any Hydra program.”
Bucky’s hand tightened around his weapon. He hated being cornered like this, but a flicker of understanding—of pity, even—touched him. Loki’s brand of protectiveness was twisted, but it was rooted in genuine concern for his younger brother. “Message received,” Bucky said, voice gruff. Loki’s eyes narrowed one last time, as if to emphasize his threat. Then, with a theatrical swirl of his cape, he vanished in a burst of green light. Instantly, the barrier separating Bucky from the rest of the fight melted away, sound and motion crashing back in.
He stumbled slightly, adrenaline hammering in his veins. Looking up, he saw you rushing toward him over the rubble-strewn street, worry etched in your features. Behind you, illusions flickered and dissipated as Thor and Wanda worked together to dismantle Loki’s hold on the city. “Bucky!” you shouted, reaching him in a few quick strides. “Are you okay? Loki’s illusions—what happened?”
Bucky exhaled a shaky breath, lowering his rifle all the way. “He just wanted to talk. Threatened me if I ever—” He hesitated, mind flicking to the exact words Loki used. “If I ever hurt you.”
Your eyes widened, and you let out a short, disbelieving laugh. “He trapped you in the middle of a battle to warn you about me?”
Bucky nodded, swallowing a knot in his throat. He forced a small, wry smile. “Yeah. Guess big brothers come in all shapes and sizes.”
“Gods,” you muttered, pressing a hand to your temple. “I’m sorry he did that to you.”
“Don’t be,” Bucky said quietly. He reached out, resting a tentative hand on your shoulder. “I told him I wouldn’t hurt you. And I meant it.”
Something in your gaze softened. Around you, the remaining illusions fell away with shattering bursts of green energy. The Avengers closed in, readying for Loki’s next move—but for a moment, it was just you and Bucky standing there amid the debris, an unspoken promise shining between you. “Come on,” you said softly, covering his hand with yours. “We should help the others.”
Bucky squeezed your shoulder, nodding. “Right behind you.” And as the two of you headed off to rejoin the fray, Bucky felt a fierce protectiveness surge within him—one that matched Loki’s, if not in cruelty, then in devotion. Because no trickster god, no illusions, and no ghosts of his past would stop him from doing right by you.
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mrsfezziwig · 1 day ago
Dear Stray Kids: Bang Chan
As part of the cheer up week for our lost children, I want to write to each, starting with our glorious leader.
𝒟ℯ𝒶𝓇 ℬ𝒶𝓃ℊ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓃,
Young man, do you know that you don't need to be so humble? I wish you could see yourself the way that Stay does because it hurts that you don't believe you deserve all the love, awards, and commendations you have! For a long time, I have wanted to tell you that you need to let yourself shine! We all know you went through hell during training, that you may have considered ending your life, and that the Stray Kids members saved you. Watching you go through the loss of a member was painful even though I was not there to see it first hand and I hate that you apologised for something out of your control. JYPE is wrong to do that to you and we know that you must have been traumatised by it. We love that you would see us weekly like our therapist and obviously we miss you being part of our weekly routine but honestly, more STAYs get why it was necessary than it may seem. Some of your comments about yourself really broke us, because it was clear you truly don't see the absolute pureness that lives inside you. Before I never believed in Star Children, those sent by the universe to bring light and peace to as many lost souls as they can but now I absolutely do because you are one. Please make time to nurture your own mental well-being because even the strongest break eventually and, I can't lie, after Moonbin died and you said you couldn't eat or sleep I thought we would lose you to the Hell that South Korea can be too.
For some reason, you don't let yourself bask in the fact that you did it—you survived it, you became everything you dreamed of and more. You were tenacious and full of sheer will to make it, so please don't let your love for the other members stop you from letting your light shine. Give yourself more lines and more centre time because you earned it, and Stay wants to see your bright soul and smile more than your abs. Not that we are complaining, but I think most Stay would agree. Hearing your voice and seeing you dance is far more valuable. We want to see you relax and let loose as the idol you should be rather than hiding your light under a bushel.
'Genius' is an adjective I will forever link to you, because it was your raw emotional intelligence that saw how the members would fit together so perfectly. Not only that but your ability to find beats out of nowhere just shows that music is your purpose for being here. I love watching the recording behind-the-scenes videos just to see how, even when exhausted, you glow and laugh, proving your soul was crafted for music. Somehow you take the most everyday noises and mould them like clay to satisfy the ears and if anyone says you guys are 'just' noise music then they haven't even bothered to listen to your songs.
For many of us, Stray Kids make those hard days easier and help us handle the times we want to disappear. Thank you for being a leader who is steadfast and immovable, bringing so much joy to people all over the world. Just by being the respectful, kind, honest, and down-to-earth man you are, you show your younger fans what a real man is, who deserves their love and who does not. Some people say you are the reason for demanding such high standards in their relationships, and for me, as someone old enough to be your mother, I am relieved knowing that someone is teaching today's teens what is right and what to demand from someone.
Stay love you so much, and as a fandom, we want you to get some sleep! Please take a break and some time to absorb the past 7 years and rest. Honestly, if we received a statement that you were taking a couple of months off or maybe even a full hiatus, we would probably rejoice because your health is so important to us! It’s true that you are nearing 30, and if you don’t take the time to decompress while pushing yourself so hard, it will affect your long-term health! Rather than another album, we want to see you chilling for a bit, shaking off all the stress of the nonstop comebacks and touring. We’d prefer longevity over more music; you’ve been pushing for 14 years. Letting go a little isn’t illegal, and we all want a healthy, happy, fulfilled Christopher Bang over Bang Chan the idol.
Love yourself as much as we do, and we will never have to worry about the mistakes and the fear that you will burn out. You are human, so being self-critical is normal; however, it's obvious that the pressure of your trainee years has made you terrified to stop working. You never, ever, ever, EVER have to worry about whether you are doing enough, working hard enough, or putting on the best performance because your humanity is what we love most. Even bleary-eyed and with your hair sticking up everywhere, you are perfect in our eyes. So, take a break, for fuck's sake, we aren't going anywhere at all! And when you make it back refreshed, hop on a live so we can see your face and chat a bit. No matter what the future brings for you, keep that child-like love for the world that you have and we will smile indulgently at you all the while. It is obvious that that is the genuine you, not the forced persona of so many idols. That you are universally loved by kpop stans, not just STAY, speaks volumes about your authenticity and humble nature which is something I have only ever seen for you.
On that note, I shall go now. I pray you finally accept just what an unstoppable force you are, that the kids accept your hugs and there is never another pineapple in your burger!
With love from
𝒜 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓎
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0pawprint0 · 18 hours ago
I kinda ramble in response to this I’m super sorry, it made me have lots of thoughts /pos
My hope is that they aren’t cowards and give us a NB Yuu for at least one manga. I actually want the twist to be that Diasomnia’s Yuu is the NB one. I feel like they won’t do it, but I’d love if they would.
It’s incredibly weird to me that people are acting like Yuuka isn’t literally just a woman with short hair. I love all of the diverse designs for the Yuus. We’ve got a big, buff man for Heartslabyul, a sporty short-haired girl for Savanaclaw, a plus sized guy for Octavinelle (he’s my beloved), and a gyaru girl for Scarabia!
Each Yuu matches up with an element of that book. We’ve got Yuuken, who is strong and helpful. His appearance alone is the opposite of Riddle. Yuuka is a sporty girl, fitting to the Savanaclaw arc, which centers around sports. Plus, we know that in the Savana, women are respected, which is an interesting thing for Leona’s arc here. Then for Yuuta, he’s plus sized and works at his family’s restaurant, which goes against Azul. Azul is trying to hide his past self, but here’s Yuuta, living as he is. Azul has to face someone who looks like he used to. Then for Yuuna, well, she’s very similar to Kalim! A cheerful, ditzy girl who loves to have fun! And another Kalim for Jamil to face. Each Yuu’s design is important to the story they’re in.
Are these people going to have the same energy if we get a feminine man for Pomefiore? Or maybe even better, we’ll get a completely average, maybe even not conventionally attractive man, for Pomefiore. What will these people think then? It’s kinda wild to me people would have such a heteronormative attitude towards this series when there’s so much diversity within it. Twst doesn’t shy away from diversity at all. The characters (besides Epel and likely Vargas) are all pretty open with femininity. Yuu in the game doesn’t have a listed gender. Lilia is our bicon. And just pay attention to everyone else. Characters proudly wear feminine fashion and makeup.
So to look at Diasomnia and go "IT BETTER BE A GIRL YUU!" is so odd to me. Because MalleYuu can still VERY MUCH BE A THING if we have a masc/NB Yuu. People should also remember that even though there’s a lot of "Malleus forgets this isn’t otome" moments, the game is still ultimately not an otome and… I hate to shatter dreams here… but the game isn’t gonna end in romance.
Basically, my point is people looking at this game with such a hetero mindset is super strange to me. Because there’s a lot of queer elements in the game, even if it’s not outright stated. Yana is someone who likes to have lgbt+ characters in her works, so to look at the game in such a heteronormative light is weird to me lol.
And your point about the masc audience is so true. Often in fandoms like these that are made up majority of fem people, being a masc or NB person can almost feel alienating. Like we aren’t welcome in these kinds of fandoms sometimes. I’ve had this issue with fanfics, especially. Fanfics are saturated with stories catered to fem people, especially when the MCs are guys. It’s hard to find stories for masc/NB people in general, much less when the MCs are guys. And if we (I’m a transmasc agender person, they/it btw) ask, we get told to make our own or basically "too bad." I could write a whole essay on this alone (and I might one day!), but yeah-
Also, to say Yuuka is masc just to fit in the boy’s school ;;;;;;; what an odd thing to say. Yuuka is just a lesbian, guys /j. But no, she just happens to be a masc woman and I think she’s beautiful. She and Yuuna just have different styles and that’s literally it. And not to be rude, but all these people being like "finally a Yuu who accepts femininity!" are giving pick-me. Like they sound EXACTLY like the people who think transmascs and afab NB folks are only trans to reject femininity. But again, as a NB person, that’s the perspective I have. And to those people… lots of us are still pretty feminine! We aren’t rejecting femininity! I literally love "girly" shit. People just like different styles and that’s okay! Wait until they find out that Yuuna’s clearly gyaru inspired look is actually rooted in protest against the beauty standards from back in the day.
Twst is such a wonderful game, and this is why I adore it so, so much. It’s full of diverse, wonderful characters all with their own stories and to be so bent about that aspect is forever a strange thing to me. All of the Yuus are wonderful in their own ways. I love each of them. To compare them with negative intentions makes no sense.
Sorry for such a long ramble! I got "lost in the sauce" as they say.
And also, Twst, come on… give me an official NB Yuu (slides them a dollar and a ring pop). Kinda hope anime Yuu is genderless! But that’s a topic for another time haha.
Ahh these are the sort of topics I don’t know how to word well in English , so forgive me if I have roundabout explanations for things 😆 this is a bit of a vent, I apologize again for any mistaken words on anything 💦
But I guess I’m just a little disheartened by the EN fandom- particularly with the whole manga Yuu situation. I adore all the Yuu’s, I love all the Yuu OCs that this amazing and creative fandom has designed.
But I’m seeing an…over exaggeration? Or pedestal put onto the Scarabia Yuu, Yuuna Oujou, and the way some people have discussed the manga Yuu’s have made me a little uncomfortable.
I’ve seen some people be like “finally! A girl Yuu for the manga!” Or “finally! A Yuu who presents herself as a woman!” (This is way different than a celebration of a femme Yuu btw).
? Yuuka, the Savanaclaw Yuu, IS a woman. Some people have been claiming that she’s “hiding her gender” in the all-boy’s school, or “downplaying” her gender, and how they’re so happy that Yuuna is “unapologetically a woman.”
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But Yuuka, even in her previous world, has ways presented as a bit more masc- a very bifauxnen, cool girl type of character who is resolute in her strength because of her judo experience. A translation of the manga I read even has her referring to herself as a “ordinary school girl.” It’s just her own personal style of presenting herself. She also exercises in a sports bra! The only troubles she has is the troubles ALL Yuu’s have: that they’re magicless and aren’t meant to be here at this school and this WORLD.
And frankly, it’s uncomfortable that I’ve seen so many people in the fandom act as if feminine style is the only valid way to present as a woman, the implications that Yuuka is not a woman from the way she chooses to dress or cut her hair.
I’m so so happy that people find joy in a very femme presenting Yuu- I love Yuuna just as much! But when the conversation begins turning into…implying femininity is the only way to be/present as a woman, that’s not…it just feels awful. Yuuka was our first girl Yuu, Yuuna is the second. They present differently, but neither of them ever once worry about having the “hide” their gender. Please celebrate Yuuna’s style if that’s what you mean, instead of the “true girl” Yuu.
And on another note, there is the very popular and so far very likely theory of a “boy-girl” pattern in the manga Yuu’s- especially since all the Yuu’s so far have been the opposite gender as the Disney villains of each dorm. Meaning, the theory is that a male Yuu is likely for Diasomnia.
And I’m seeing a very vocal crowd dismissing the idea of male Yuu in the Diasomnia arc, that they want a girl, they’d hate a male Yuu, “Malleus forgot it’s not an Otome so it has to be a girl Yuu!”, they want a girl to be with Malleus “because [we] want Malleyuu.”
And again. It just feels so…alienating. Malleus and Malleyuu personally isn’t for me, but I’ve spent many years hopping around Otome and romance games in the past, and male and NB fans of these genres are frequently told that they don’t belong in the fandom, that these games cater to women.
But most conversations bringing up the possibility of romance games bringing in he/him, they/them or even customizable pronouns for the player are often shut down in most community spaces. Games like TWST, with an ambiguous MC and individual interactions with a character of your choice (ie the home screen voicelines)- or even games like Obey Me or the Arcana, are a rarity have made me really happy and feel really comfortable in the fandoms. Even if the game’s audience is mostly women, the MC/Yuu has *always* had an open identity.
So…the concept that Malleyuu is only WANTED by a portion of the fandom ONLY it’s a girl Yuu just brings back those same feelings again. Of course you may have whatever Yuu you want in your own personal Malleyuu ship!! But one girl Yuu can never represent the whole fandom, one male Yuu can never represent the whole fandom. So it’s strange there’s this complete outcry at the idea of a boy, and in turn of non-het Malleyuu ships in the fandom.
The manga and the Yuu’s have never shown a romantic relationship towards any character- any fanservicey moments still remain from the game, no matter the Yuu it’s aimed towards. And not just from Housewardens- all the characters have their bits of fanservice! But it never goes farther than that in the main story especially.
With the reveal of Yuuna, the EN fandom has been celebrating the diversity and openmindness of the world of twst, and how customizable your Yuu’s truly are. Yuu is…you! Yuu can be whoever you want. But it all falls apart when a portion of the fandom see Yuuna as the only valid girl Yuu, when the mere idea of a male Yuu for Diasomnia or for Malleyuu is bashed and hated.
Or you know what- the idea of male or even NB Yuu is bashed entirely every single time there’s a damn announcement for the manga. A while back, the Scarabia manga announcements were mistranslated in English, and the gender ambiguous language for Yuu was accidental turned into he/him (which turned out to be Yuuna). And the level of vitriol I saw over the idea of a male Yuu was so fucking disheartening. And now it’s happening all over again with a future Diasomnia manga.
Is the manga and their Yuu’s really a celebration of diversity in the EN fandom? It doesn’t feel that way, at all. Perhaps I’m just being self centered about this, but I’ve found myself increasingly upset about how vocal these two issues have been, and I wish some people could be more mindful about it
Apologies for my incoherency in this vent 💦💦💦💦💦 this is NOT hate toward Malleyuu or Yuuna fans as a whole- or towards anyone in fact. This is just a vent and a slight critique just certain parts of the fan bas
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mangotortoise · 2 years ago
Spoilers for Malorie by Joshua Malerman below the cut
(No spoilers pls only on chapter 4)
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