#Hatchetfield theories
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random-jot · 1 year ago
Ok so there’s 5 Black Altar’s in Hatchetfield…
There’s also 5 Lords In Black…
Could the Lords In Black each have a stronger link to one of these places above the others?
Three of them are easy to place based on the stories they appear in:
Pokey — The Starlight Theatre
Wiggly — The Lakeside Mall
Tinky — CCRP Technical
That leaves us Nibbly and Blinky as the remaining Lords In Black and Hatchetfield High and The Waylon House as the remaining Black Altars - These two are harder to place since neither one are directly involved in NPMD or interact with those locations
It’d be tempting to say the Watcher World theme park was Blinky’s, except we know now that’s not one of the Altars — for my money Hatchetfield High makes the most sense; we all know high school is a cesspit of misery and pain, sadistic Blinky would love to watch all of that
That leaves Nibbly as The Waylon house… which, to be honest I can’t think of a concrete connection beyond process of elimination, but I also can’t really think of a connection between Nibbly and Hatchetfield High other than like. The school cafeteria. Lot of consumption going on there I guess? Idk Blinky for the high school just makes more sense to me
Blinky - Hatchetfield High
Nibbly — The Waylon House
Although, I just thought of the other way: the nerds & Steph set up the house so record their prank on Max: to view his suffering… which now I think of it does sound very very much Blinky’s wheelhouse. In which case, Nibbly for the high school… ehhhhh, I still got nothing except the school cafeteria.
Either way, this is fun to think about!
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thelandsthatare · 1 year ago
So, we know that when people die in Hatchetfield and the Black and White brings a version of them back, the thing that comes back is an evil shadow that only has some of their original personality. We see this in all of TGWDLM and with Ethan and Jane in Black Friday. Now, we know this is what happens to Max Jägerman too; his ghost doesn't listen to reason and seeks revenge on those who caused his death, even though they obviously didn't mean to kill him. He turns into a Literal Monster that only has some of his personality; namely, it continues being a bully, only gets more cartoonish (and highly entertaining). But it is also attracted to Grace Chasity, which is the only neutral-to-positive aspect of him that the ghost retains. This attraction also makes it possible for Grace to make her sacrifice.
In conclusion: the only thing besides hatred and violence that remained in Max after he died and turned into a vengeful ghost is the thing that defeated him in the end.
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wigglys-dikrats · 1 year ago
the starlight theatre being a black altar makes me think it’s no coincidence pokey’s meteor crashed there in tgwdlm
sure, you could say he aimed it at the theatre or whatever
but i’m thinking it’s more like he was summoned
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man-down-in-hatchet-town · 1 year ago
Theory: Hannah's Birth Led to Steph's Mom Dying
Okay, this is a bit of a wild journey, but I promise it's at least somewhat thought-out if you're willing to bear with me for a bit. (Theory under the cut!)
I'm endlessly fascinated by the absence of the Church of the Starry Children (not a random opener, I promise). We're told multiple that times that "nothing that dies in Waylon Hall ever truly dies," and we learn that the Waylons put a spell in place to essentially resurrect anyone killed on the house's property. We also learn that the Waylons and their followers all died in the house in 1979. So... where are they? Max was a singular teenager, and within two weeks he had the entirety of Hatchetfield whipped into a panicked frenzy. Surely an entire cult of evil zealots brought back from the dead and imbued with insatiable bloodlust would be even more noticeable. At the very least, their Number 1 Fan Roman and remaining widow Sheila would know that they were still out there, which is clearly not the case. So it's pretty undeniable that, despite their safety-measures, the Waylons and their followers are no longer around.
There are multiple potential reasons for this. The Hatchetmen have experience with such people. Perhaps they got around the spell by taking the Cult's bodies to the Witchwood and burying them there, though that doesn't seem hugely likely. Or maybe Miss Holloway took care of the Waylons back in the 80s. That timeline arguably kinda' sorta' works--Miss Holloway gave up her life as a pop star to become an immortal witch just a handful of years after the Waylons' deaths.
But then we have Solomon in Nerdy Prudes Must Die, who has the Black Book, but says that he will never touch it "ever again." This statement heavily implies that Solomon once summoned the Lords in Black, and the absence of Steph's mother implies that she was the price he paid. (Nick and Matt also give A LOT of credence to that theory in the Hatchetfield Halloween livestream.) Solomon also knows A LOT about Max, the spell that created him, and how to put an end to it. And sure, this could be second-hand knowledge passed down from previous mayors or Miss Holloway. But what if it's not? What if, in an eerie foreshadowing of his own daughter's future actions, Solomon Lauter was the one to summon the Lords in the Black and sacrifice the love of his life to stop the resurrected Waylons?
There's an obvious problem with this theory--the timeline. Judging by Max, it's likely that a whole cult of monstrous and monstrously powerful ghosts on the loose for 25 years would have been Apocalyptic long before the timelines had the chance to shatter.
So what if they weren't around? What if the Waylons' spell was not automatically triggered upon their deaths, but instead required activation? Perhaps, in their cult-y arrogance, Mathias and Agatha never imagined that every single one of their followers would be wiped out alongside them. Maybe the Starry Children were supposed to return to the Hall upon the Waylons' deaths and activate the magic. With the Cult massacred, there was no one left with the knowledge to complete the ritual and resurrect the dead, leaving them in limbo.
And then Hannah enters the scene, born the same year that Solomon performs his Summoning. We know from Wilbur that Hannah is basically a nuclear power plant. What if her birth, together with the massive burst of energy as Lex activated her powers to save her sister, (and also maybe PEIP's portal playing whatever role it played,) was enough to do for the Waylons as Hannah would later do for Willabella Muckwab? What if Hannah's nuclear battery existence automatically served to complete the Waylons' spell, activate the house (leaving it primed for Max's return from the grave), and release the Waylons onto the unsuspecting town? Leaving Solomon, town Mayor, sentinel at the gates of hell, to work alongside Miss Holloway and her Black Book, discover the truth of the Waylons, and summon the Lords in Black for help. And maybe Miss Holloway, still in the middle of her own deal, was unable to make another, separate one, leaving Solomon to give up what he treasured most...and murder Steph's mother.
(And maybe the little girl she left behind is nothing but a reminder of his loss and his guilt.)
(Update: lmao @thatdelusionalnerd just described this as "far-fetched but still makes quite a bit of sense" and I just wanted to acknowledge that because I feel like that's my sweet spot with Hatchetfield theories. Arguments that are absolutely bananas and almost definitely not true, but to my own consternation kinda' work nonetheless.)
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hatchetfieldtheories · 1 year ago
Workin' Boys: A New Theory
So, I’ve changed my mind.
A while back I wrote this theory, and while I do still think there is some truth to the theory that Hidgens began to have his apotheosis once he touched the blue goo, I think there is more to the story.
Note, the below contains one mild spoiler for NPMD.  Mild only in that I will briefly reference one character without any context added.  Feel free to skip this theory if you wish, or come back to it post 13th October to see how much I got wrong!!
Great Scott! It’s a Workin Boys theory!
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The world will be blessed with Workin Boys next week, and I know not everyone will get to watch it, but it’s safe to say there will be things we learn from the show that will either answer some of our never ending questions, or give us more to puzzle over.  The latter being the one I’m expecting if I’m honest, afterall, this is Hatchetfield.  
And to be honest, we’ve not been given much to work on.  The trailer and synopsis are both pretty short, we’ve had a sprinkling of facts and figures over the last couple of years, and a few Hidgens cameos, so this isn’t really a theory of what I think will be the storyline, but rather an attempt to predict some of the themes and potential lore implications that might arise.
Also for reference, a good portion of the info used in this theory has come from these two wonderful compendiums of Hatchetfield knowledge:
@gone-to-oregone's wonderful Everything is Connected doc
@abiimaryy's amazing Hatchetfield Lore Doc
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The Stage is Set
Professor Henry Hidgens and Doctor Emmett Brown have a lot in common.  They’re eccentric, they’re clever, and they both had a vision of something world changing due to an accident they had 30 years ago.
For Henry, this doesn’t result in any fun 50s hijinks, but rather he gets struck by lightning in 1988 and predicts the world ending by musical apotheosis. Super specific, honestly.  But what is important is that date.
Hidgens didn’t predict the events of TGWDLM after 2005, but rather before. If this had happened to him after 2005 we could easily put the lightning strike down to an event unique to the TGWDLM timeline only.  However, his accident happened way before 2005, way before the timelines split.  So just as Ted must be the Homeless Guy in every single Hatchetfield timeline, Hidgens must also be expecting a musical apocalypse in every timeline.
This must also include Working Boys, whatever timeline that ends up being in.  In Workin Boys, Hidgens would be under the impression that at some point soon, a musical apocalypse is about to happen.  So what does that have to do with said musical-within-a-musical?
Here come the LiB
It’s pretty safe to say Pokey is heavily influencing whatever happens in Workin Boys.  First of all, its a musical so it was going to be a safe bet.  But judging by the trailer, we’ve got multiple references to our fave goo gremlin. The blue light shining on Henry, multiple voices calling him in a Singular Voice, and Joey’s jumpscare where he looks like Pokey incarnate.
Who Joey is in that small clip is anyone’s guess.  I’ve seen a few theories floating about, including Chad, Mathias Waylon, and Pokey himself.  Honestly, I’m not sure, but what is important is how he looks.  Whoever this fella is, he’s got a blue hue, a cracked face, and ooze dripping down his chin.  If he’s not Pokey, he’s someone who has been Pokey-fied.
And this link was always going to make sense.  Workin Boys has had its biggest show stopping moment in Pokey’s timeline.  
But what if Workin Boys was created, because and for Pokey.
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In TGWDLM, we get a whole scene of our cast of characters witnessing the meteor coming through the clouds.  Our cast of characters are busy going about their evening, finishing work, wondering what is coming through the clouds.  Notably, Paul is on his way home, from his work, in the business world.  Paul doesn’t strike me as someone who stays late at work, so it’s safe to say that the meteor hit the Earth’s atmosphere around.. 5 O’clock?
This is Pokey’s Workin Boys now
Let’s go back to that incident with the lightning strike.  Henry was hit by lightning and predicted the apocalypse.  I’ve referenced in a few theories (1 & 2) that I think lightning is more than just the LiB’s motif.  It’s the strike of inspiration, of interference, of the Lords in Black in the real world.  The Black Book contains references to lightning, we see a crack of lightning across each Hatchetfield show title, when the meteor crashes at the Starlight lightning is flashing through the sky.
Something to shock em, to bring them a crawling, a big time box office draw
When Henry was hit by lightning, he didn’t just see the potential musical end times. But he was also given Workin Boys - or at least, he was given his inspiration.  Workin Boys was always written for Pokey. It’s Hidgen’s story, yes, but the musical itself is for our blue boy.  It was a pre-destined self-destruction.
The musical Hidgens writes tells us the 5 O’Clock can’t come soon enough because in one timeline, that is when the meteor will strike.  This is why he is trying so hard to fund the show in every timeline, because in one timeline he needs to put it on stage for whatever Pokey has planned.  Whatever Pokey requires half of Hatchetfield to be in attendance for.
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Prof. H and Miss H?
I’ll be honest, and apologies in advance.  I don’t think Miss Holloway is alive in the Workin Boys timeline.
We were told following NMT2’s release (via Jim Povolo’s watch series) that the Black Book we see in Killer Track was created for Workin Boys, which means providing things haven’t changed we should see the book.  If that’s the case, then Miss H doesn’t have it.  It’s possible that Hidgens somehow gets hold of the book, and when the show of his dreams doesn’t look to be going the way he expected - he does what Thrash told everyone he did - he sold his soul to the devil.  Or, well, to the Black and White.
As to when he gets the Black Book - who knows - but all I’ll say is it’s very interesting that Miss H is our 80s queen, and Hidgen’s divine inspiration also occurred in the 80s.
Well, that’s the main theory.  But we’ve got time for one last little theory that’s very loosely based on nothing.
Workin Boys: A New Musical, is based on Hidgens’ friends from college - old college chums in a beat up old house. Specifically - six of them - not including Henry.  I’ve seen a few theories regarding the six workin boys being a stand in for the LiB and Webby.  Is this a stretch? Maybe.  But it also kind of fits.  From odd instances in livestreams and tweets, it’s clear that Henry was not throwing that old pigskin around (specifically in one of Nick’s tweets that there are 7 workin boys, but 6 on the field).  Henry isn’t a part of that group.  Not fully.  So if we do get to meet any of the irl workin boys, I don’t think their dynamic is going to be quite how Hidgen’s pictures it.
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Well, if you made it this far please help yourself to some interval ice cream and a show programme. And remember - there’s no exits from this broadway venue.
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a-song-of-rivers · 1 year ago
Starkid fam I have thoughts about a lyric from The Summoning in Nerdy Prudes but I don’t know if I remember enough Hatchetfield lore to make it mean anything lol
In the song the Lords in Black sing
“We dancе around the pentagram
And take all our kingdoms back”
The taking our kingdoms back part seems significant? Like as though the Black and White is *not* their kingdom, but maybe they have been banished/trapped there and previously were rulers of their own individual kingdoms?
Although they have a lot of power and control if they’re meant to be trapped in the Black and White.
But maybe they have to achieve something each in order to regain power/their kingdoms and that’s why the timelines reset/there are so many alternate ones, because they aren’t achieving what needs to happen in order for them to ‘win’?
I remember seeing somewhere once, not sure if it’s right, that the Hatchetfield trilogy takes place in reverse - eg NPMD is first, then BF, then TGWDLM, in which case was this summoning of the LiB what starts everything that happens in all the other shows eg ‘you summon us once you summon us twice’ and ‘forever in our debt’? Like once it happens in one timeline they’ve been summoned in all of them? And Stephanie and the gang all belong to the LiB in every timeline because of the deal they made over Jagerman in this timeline?
Idk I just thought it was an interesting line and things in the Hatchetfield shows are usually quite pointed - would love to hear other peoples more coherent thoughts on this line!
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the-nightshade-crypt · 1 year ago
Just noticed something in TGWDLM...
(Spoilers, duh)
Right after the song Not Your Seed, the "alien" Who's controlling Alice, Deb, and girl #3 says "We just keep running into each other, don't we paul? We have traveled across seas of stars... Bending countless civilizations to our will. Yet you Paul have defied us thrice." (the ... are us excluding when the three say different words and their arguing)
And when watching this back when it was the only show in the trilogy I assumed they meant the three times he defied them being at Beanies, when Charlotte calls the cops, and then when Paul and Bill go to Hatchetfield high.
But knowing about Black Friday and Nerdy Prudes, could it be that the "alien", who we know is Pokotho from multiple different Nightmare time episodes, is hinting towards Paul having survived the Lord's in Black's plans in all three?
We know he lost in tgwdlm, as he is part of the hive mind by the end, but when Pokotho is saying Paul defied them three times, Paul hasn't fallen for the hive mind yet.
We know he survived Black Friday, at least until the end after the Lord's in Black (Wiggog y'wrath specifically) failed and before World War 3.
And as far as we know he survived in Nerdy Prudes, since he didn't die and I dunno if Grace would kill him without being told to by the Lord's in Black
Just thought this was interesting
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littlesilentrebel · 1 year ago
ok so i managed to convince @jay-draws-gays to watch Black Friday, and when she got to the part when John gets to the black and white she asks me if the lib know him personally (i think he does) then she asked, "WHAT IF HE IS A LORD IN BLACK/something like that"
and i just. HOLY SHIT.
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gone-to-oregone · 4 months ago
what if the theory of Hatchetfield being a loop is only half true- that the world ends and the residents never see tomorrow because they’re in a musical, and the musical, and therefore the “world”, ends (and so does the youtube video you’re watching it on)
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gone-to-oregone · 1 year ago
I think we’re sleeping on the possibility of Karen Chastity and Girl Jeri being related. Sisters, perhaps. Both raised very religiously.
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rockrosethistle · 1 year ago
If you guys liked the whole "Stephs flannel matches Peter's suspenders and bow tie" thing then this costuming detail is in tgwdlm gonna fuck you up.
When we get our first scene with Paul and Emma, the two are dressed in their respective main outfits. These are the ones people tend to associate with them.
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But throughout the show, as they get closer and bond, their outfits become more and more similar. Pretty soon Emma's lost the apron
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Then at the professor's house, Paul loses the jacket
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and by the time McNamara is infected, Paul has his sleeves rolled up and Emma's bow tie has come undone.
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At this point, the two are at their most aesthetically similar, and also the closest they've been the entire show. This is moments before the helicopter crash and their failed kiss. They remain this way for a good chunk of time...until Paul comes back
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It's like some fast-paced foreshadowing. Emma remains in her changed state, the same as her character, but Paul is back to square one. He's wearing the same outfit he was when they met, and they no longer align. She doesn't know who he is anymore.
I don't know if this was intentional (and if it was, no one explained it to Jon) but it plays out so damn well.
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random-jot · 1 year ago
Things we know about Sycamores (the other school on Hatchetfield):
• Paul attended there
• a kid named Travis Coulson transferred there from HH to get away from Max’s bullying
• Hatchetfield High kids hated them
• They hated themselves
• Their sports team is the Timberwolves (and presumably mascot is also a Timberwolf) 🐺
• Doesn’t have it’s own theatre department
• We can assume it’s a reasonable distance from HH because Paul says they “bussed us over” to watch the production of Brigadoon that Emma was in
And – this one is just my own personal headcanon – but I’ve always imagined it was an all-boys school. Nothing in canon overtly points to this, (other than the only characters we know who went there are both guys) but as far as I can tell nothing discounts it either
It’s interesting to me that there’s very few canon things that we actually know about Sycamores from canon, despite it being where one of the Main-main characters went
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epitome-of-an-openbook · 1 year ago
No, because people keep acting like Grace Chastity being consumed with a lust for the power that Lords in Black provided her doesn't count as a world ending Cataclysm - but it very much does. Not only has she shown little to no empathy for others throughout the entire show and only ever felt bad for lying to authority figures and being horny - but the final song of the Musical is essentially a reprise of Max's Murder Song/Manifesto which places her as a parallel to Max. Max sings about how he's going to kill ALL the Nerdy Prudes and not once but twice tells the audience that it doesn't matter if someone is actually a Nerdy Prude because he makes the rules and gets to decide who is or isn't a nerd etc etc. Grace's take is that she is going to kill all the Dirty Dudes but she's literally singing it to a guy who has, throughout the entire musical, done nothing to indicate he's a pervy/dirty dude and only kissed her after she asked him too. Like Max, Grace Chastity doesn't actually care if someone genuinely fits the framework of her stated victimology, because she has the power so she gets to make the rules.
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Honestly it's like some people didn't think about the implications.
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wigglys-dikrats · 1 year ago
i have a theory i must share
willabella muckwab seduced one of the hatchetmen and had a daughter, and then down the line pamela foster was born and she had lex and hannah
lex and hannah are descended from the first disciple of the lords in black and someone who sought to destroy any trace of them
lex and hannah have both extremes in their dna
lex and hannah are the black and white
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year ago
No because I literally am rewatching Black Friday right this very moment and I was JUST thinking about how I both really REALLY want like maybe Nightmare Times for these things?—
1) more information on Wilbur’s backstory with PEIP (and with General Mcnamara) and the whole thing with Holloway (which this post right here is how I’m learning he KILLED DUKE’S DAD??? What the absolute FUCK? Was that in ‘Killer Track’ and I missed it?? I have SO many questions— like was that a PEIP mission or Lords in Black related) and how this righteous government agent employed by the United States of America to DESTROY and FIGHT the EXACT kind of threat of the Lords in Black and what HAPPENED in the Black and White that turned him into a man who is wholeheartedly and of his own volition their dedicated servant
Which leads to my number 2–
2) General McNamara will FOREVER exist as Wilbur does because of his unprotected entrance into the Black and White in Black Friday, or in other words timeline wise— in 2019. (which aside from my main point here— his entrance also VERY LIKELY could have SOME KIND of ramifications on things with the timelines the way good ol Uncle Wiley’s did?? iirc)
So what’s happened to him? Is he being tortured by the Lords and Wilbur, resisting them tooth and nail to assist those outside the Black and White for as long as he can (and in some lives Ms Holloway holding them back by his side?) but it’s a fight he’ll never win in the end? since
(a) as we know the Lords in Black are able to discover your wants, desires, the things that drives a person, even when those are just the people IN Hatchetfield, so man IN THEIR DOMAIN? They had him read the second he stepped through the portal and know exactly what they need to say and offer to get him to start favoring them and are only letting him resist so that General McNamara tires himself out because it’s more amusing for them to break their toys first.
(b) Above that though? Wilbur Cross KNOWS him. From what we do seem to know— Wilbur WAS exactly the same as General McNamara once upon a time. So the Lords in Black might not even need to a damn thing to get McNamara to work for them. Wilbur does it instead, appealing to all the things in McNamara that Wilbur knows will get him to turn because it’s why Wilbur did.
WHICH, I think could be a really compelling Nightmare Time, OR even just the implications of it if the next appearance for McNamara is AS a follower of the Lords 👀
BUT EITHER WAY— because General McNamara exists as a being in the Black and White now like Wilbur Cross, I’d also love to see him popping up to share info about the Lords (OHHH OR AS AN ALLY OF MY GIRL WEBBY???) and provide random shit to those with the ‘gift’ like he does with the gun for Lex in Black Friday (i digressed from your Wilbur point but it’s about THE IMPLICATIONS of the Black and White ya know!!)
(or he did just like get absorbed into the black and white, which like is also supes likely but I think the Lords in Black would be more mischievous than letting him end like that)
I really hope we someday learn more about Wilbur’s past. All we know is he went into the portal, came out crazy, devoted himself to the lords before killing Duke’s dad for SOME REASON and then fighting Holloway
There are so many gaps!!!
What happened before the portal, what was he like when he was normal in PEIP? Why does he kill Duke’s dad (seriously WHY???) does Duke know he killed his dad??? What happened during the fight, it caused the timelines to split so some crazy magic shit must have happened. WHAT HAPPENED IN THE BLACK AND WHITE I NEED TO KNOW!!!! My brainrot for him is actually insane and I need to know everything about him I know Holloway is apparently getting a musical at some point but honestly I want a Wilbur musical just to see the crazy shit that led him to who he is now
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hatchetfieldtheories · 2 years ago
As to what we're interested in delving into and trying to make sense of--my current Big Question is about Lex and Hannah and their parentage. Do they have the same father? Nick implied they didn't. Who are their dads? Do they have anything to do with the story? In the Black Friday commentary, Nick and Angela talk about how there's a big story behind Lex's dad and how she was conceived...
(Also I have yet to come up with a theory I'm completely satisfied with for How Wilbur Works in terms of the branching timelines and being able to go into the Black and White. Do multiple Wilburs ever meet up in the Black and White?)
(this is man-down-in-hatchet-town, btw. Unfortunately that account is technically a side account and I'm just trying to keep it as separate from my "main"--which I don't use nearly as much--so that my poor irl friends don't have to suffer through my online Starkid breakdown)
Hiya lovely!! Thank you for these. I'll keep the two separated below - I've gone off on a whole essay! Most of it is definitely theories formed from assumptions but I hope you enjoy!
Lex and Hannah Foster
You're right that we have no real information on Hannah and Lex's fathers. However, I do sometimes think characters are named for a reason, and that is where we might get some clues.
Foster: Forest Warden
Alexandra: Human kind's defender
Hannah: Favoured (by a god)
Alexandra on its own suits Lex, she is often seen protecting people, especially Hannah. However the name on its own isn't what interests me.
Alexandra Foster as a full name could reasonably be put together to mean defender of the forest people. Though I don't necessarily mean defending them, but defending the forest of people.
Hannah meanwhile means favoured or graced, and originally comes from the Book of Samuel, Hannah is indeed favoured by God. Again, this feels obvious - Hannah and Webby are besties. She's literally favoured by a god.
However, contrast the name meaning with that of Lex. Taking in mind that its been mentioned in livestreams etc that they have two different dads, I would go one step further and suggest they have two very opposite fathers.
Lex's father is a Hatchetman, and Hannah's someone involved in the Church of the Starry Children.
Its worth noting that this also fits with their relationship with their fathers. Lex apparently remembers her dad, which means he probably died when she was younger rather than him being a member of Hatchetfield we know of. Equally, the job I'm sure has its risks, and the Witchwood could very well be related to his death. Equally, Hannah's father isn't mentioned as ever having been involved in their lives. So perhaps a rich bloke who wanted nothing to do with them.
Wilbur Cross
Ooooh Wilbur intrigues me so.
We know that prior to 2005, Wilbur was part of PEIP working towards creating the portal, which was then opened. And it's usually told that once opened, Wilbur then went in and was driven mad by the experience - only then becoming evil.
I'm proposing a slightly different theory.
My theory is that Wilbur was already aware of the consequences of the portal, and in fact was the driving force behind pushing PEIP towards creating the portal so he had access to the Lords in Black.
The fella had already decided where his loyalties lay a long time ago.
Only once he was inside did the timelines split off. We still have multiple Wilburs across each timeline, locked in an ongoing battle with Miss H, but because he was in the Black and White when it happened, it allowed him to have knowledge of his temporal doppelgangers. I also think he died and came back within the B&W in a similar vein to evil Ethan in Black Friday - no longer human, which is why he is no longer affected by the Black and White the way Mac is when he enters.
However, in terms of there being multiple Wilburs, I think whilst the B&W exists outside time and space, humans can only experience it within their own timeline. Otherwise, not only would there be multiple Wilburs, but equally Lex's powers could run the risk of her also affecting other timeline versions of herself.
This is why Hannah's gift is so formidable as she can see every possibility.
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