#Hatake Clan Headcanon
kazuha-pista-badam · 5 months
kakashi the type of person to blush when you guys accidentally touch hands bcs he's so fucking touch starved
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obitos-whore · 5 months
How the Naruto men react to their crush kissing their cheek as a "thank you". (Kakashi, Obito, Gaara, Kankuro, Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, Madara)
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Lets out a soft "Eh??" sound and quickly turns his head towards you, his eyes widened in shock
Thanks to his mask, you can't really see his cheeks heating up and turning cherry red (at least that's what he's thinking)
Will try his best to keep his composure but fails and just shifts his weight awkwardly from one foot to the other
His touch starved mind is a complete mess and can't seem to make sense of your sudden action
Will think about the kiss nonstop and touch his cheek every now and then when you're not around
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Obito.exe has stopped working
Obito's face turns bright red instantly and he immediately begins to stammer like a flustered schoolboy
"Wha-what was that for???"
Tries to somehow not be awkward and accidentally ends up acting even more awkward, much to your amusement
When he is all by himself, he will giggle to himself and will walk around with the goofiest and brightest grin
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His eyes widen instantly and he stares at you completely dumbfounded and with a light shade of pink on his face
"What... was that for, Y/n?"
Can feel his heart racing and fears it might burst out of his chest any second
Congrats, you just made him fall in love with you even more
Afterwards he looks longingly at your lips ever so often, imagining how it would feel to kiss them
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Shy boy
Tries to act tough but fails miserably
He doesn't want to look like a total idiot in front of you, but he can't really stop himself from blushing. And his face painting does absolutely nothing to cover it
Attempts to communicate with you in coherent sentences, without stumbling over his words and thinks he got it (he doesn't)
If Temari was there to witness it, she will never stop teasing him about his 'amazing' performance
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Grins like a total goofball and playfully offers you his other cheek as well
"You missed a spot, sweetcheeks."
On the outside he's completely chill about it, but mentally he's kicking his feet and giggling like a child in a candy store
Will take this as an invitation to flirt with you and may or may not give you a peck in return (he will)
Brags about this to Itachi
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Completely lost when your lips touch his cheek
"You kissed me." He states in a matter of fact tone while keeping a cool exterior
He may look unbothered by it on the outside, but on the inside he feels all fuzzy and tingly damn butterflies
Has to resist the urge to just kiss you back
Although he doesn't want to get his hopes up too high, he suspects that you might like him more than a friend. At least a little bit
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Instantly pulls away and stares at you like a deer in headlights before regaining his composure and crossing his arms in front of his chest
Pretends he finds it annoying, but secretly likes it
Literally fighting for his life to keep his cheeks from being anything but a healthy peach colour
Can't stop thinking about it and wonders why you would kiss his cheek in the first place if a simple "Thank you" would've sufficed
Ends up doing you more favours, hoping you'll kiss him again
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Lets out a soft grunt with his arms crossed
Tries so hard to not show any sort of reaction but ends up smirking before reaching out, grabbing your chin and kissing you back right at your mouth
"That's how you give a proper kiss, dear."
Basking in your flustered reaction and enjoying every second of it
Gives you another smirk before he walks off casually as if he didn't just steal your lips virginity
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kakashisenppai · 5 months
thinking about a secret relashionship with kakashi
secret late night walks around the village
sometimes you both ignore each other in public even tho you're both dying to hold hands
you hiding your jealously when some other girl hits on him while you're both out with friends
he hiding his jelously when some other guy or even male friend gets too comfortable around you
you both holding hands under the table
secret looks shared in public
you both taking care of each others plants when one of you is out on a mission
you having to hide in his room whenever gai shows up at his apartment unexpectedly
quiet nights in his room, just you both enjoying each other presence
your friends pestering you about how weirdly happy you look everyday
he almost letting out his pet names for you in public
secret kisses when no one is looking
you having to lie to your friends when they ask you why you have two toothbrushes
you both creating a routine so no one knows you're both togather
you both feeling frustrated because you cant show you're together even tho you both want it but is better this way
every other night hes coming in your house throught the window so you can sleep together, even tho he has the key, he still uses to window just to make it more fun
you both sleeping in each others arms after not being able to hold each other for the whole day.
his whispers in the middle of the night telling you how much you mean to him
secrets“i love you”’s mouthed to each other along the day
“ i love you”’s in full sentences and loudly enough for you to hear shared inside your home.
yes i disappeared completely yes im sorry yes i intend to post more yes i didn’t read what i wrote so theres many mistakes no i dont have any more ideas so you can always give me some
yes if you liked it you can comment and share! feedbacks are always appreciated
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hatakxraikai · 8 months
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Kakashi Hatake (はたけカカシ)
This was supposed to be just an anatomy study of mine so I wouldn't lose the habit to draw male bodies, but when I realized, I already had it finished uhhh 👁️👁️
Since I saw some ex-elite body shapes photos, I couldn't help myself but to give my HC's Kakashi something similar during Boruto's era, a chunkier shape than his body used to be during Naruto/Shippuden, so here's the man!
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Assorted #8
In Konohagakure, there are 3 types of Ninja. Clan, Civilian, and Civilian Clan Ninja.
Clan Ninjas are really rigid and have a lot of unspoken rules of propriety. They are extreme lightweights and can't drink coffee without Side Effects occurring. Typically (exceptions may apply) living with their families, they have very specific diets that won't cause any issues in the long run.
The Inuzuka Clan can't really eat vegetables. Shino nearly faints when he finds out that Kiba has never see lettuce because that's a huge staple of the Aburame Clan.
Civilian Ninja are 'rowdy' and 'rough'. They can generally eat everything safe for humans and live in either the civilian or ninja districts. They drink coffee, eat deep fried food, etc.. No Clan Ninjas can truly drink coffee or have whiskey, despite Kakashi desperate attempts when he was a chunin.
There are a few 'Civilian Clans' (Uzumaki, Lee, Sarutobi, Yamanaka) where they can eat normal food and drink coffee but they can't handle alcohol.
The exception to all these rules is the Akimichi Clan who can consume Anything with no side effects whatsoever. This includes rotten flesh, although they don't exactly like the flavours or taste.
P.S. I have Feelings about the Sarutobi Clan. None are really good.
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ficklecat · 6 months
Hatake Clan Lore
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I cannot for the life of me remember if I ever posted my Hatake lore head canon but it's been bouncing around in my brain so fuck it here we go -
WARNING: long post ahead, all of this is head canon and none of it is based on anything other than conjecture and ✨vibes✨
also not that I anticipate this but people get touchy about this stuff so - if you disagree with me so strongly that you feel the need to yell at me about it, please save your energy; I literally cannot express to you how disinterested I am in engaging with that kind of thing it's just anime you'll be ok pookie
Clan History
Before the First Shinobi War, the Hatake clan was a largely pacifist group unaffiliated with nation or creed. They started out as nomadic but eventually settled into farming & hunter/gatherer communities across the Land of Fire. Though they had no kekkei genkai develop, they did have some persistent clan traits that were easy to spot. Particularly, ancestral traits of early people would remain dominant through generations instead of recessing, such as sensitivity to smells and seasons, characteristics like coarser hair, sharper teeth, longer nails or limbs, and instincts that aligned with the native fauna. This allowed them to live in harsher conditions than the newly settling villages and clans, gave them the ability to self-sustain and develop natural affinity for the wilds of the elements, and eventually, aided in the use and presentation of various chakra natures in some of their clan members.
The Hatakes were small in number and fiercely independent of other clans and families, despite being extremely tight-knit in their own communities; they were not necessarily unwelcoming, rather, they lived very differently from the newly forming clan powers, and were not interested in the quarrels of man. However, due to their reluctance to ally and the growing strains between larger war clans and families, they didn't stand much of a chance when major conflicts began to arise.
When the first war finally began, the already sparse farming and hunting communities of the Hatake clan became widely dispersed as lands were torn up in battle or claimed by other families; they were displaced or absorbed into warring clans over time - some Hatake had already been taken in by the Senju, while some sought refuge with the Uchiha, only to face each other on the battlefield and recognize their clan members in the heat of battle - the wild hair, the piercing eyes, the way they would fight with teeth and claw and kunai over complex justu or weaponry.
By the time the first war ended, there were very few Hatake left to remain in tact as a clan. Many had died in battle, some had renounced their clan to assimilate into the powerful Senju or Uchiha, and the scarce few that remained had to make a choice - let their clan die out with them, or integrate into another.
Thus began the efforts of the Hatake to affiliate with the growing Inuzuka clan - an ally of the Senju but still independent of them, this clan had roots in the Land of Fire's villages already, and their affinity for canines and comparable clan traits and practices made for an easier approach than some of the more "domesticated" families. Even still, the reluctance of the Hatake to fully submit to the 'new world' and lose their precious way of life was enough to keep them at arm's length from the Inuzuka, their need for freedom clashing with the Inuzuka's desire to serve the new developing nations and hidden villages. As such, the remaining Hatake began to dwindle into disappearance, until there were only a handful left.
Kakashi's Family
This bit is also fully personal head canon and an idea I'd always wanted to turn into fic but could never get right; works better as a hc anyway -
By the time Sakumo and his partner, Hoeru Inuzuka, had Kakashi, the Hatake clan was gone, either fully absorbed into the Inuzuka by way of marriage or willing induction, or killed in action during the Second Shinobi War. Sakumo, along with Sakumo's elderly uncle, Kama Hatake, remained alive around the time of Kakashi's birth. Kama had sustained significant injuries during his service in the war, and had been in decline ever since, unable to recover. He never married and had no surviving family apart from Sakumo, but was extremely close to his nephew and Hoeru, particularly during her pregnancy. Hoeru herself was a fierce matriarchal member of the Inuzuka, but had deep respect for Kama and the Hatake clan's heritage - after all, despite their small size and initial reluctance to integrate, the Hatake had become a major part of the Inuzuka clan over generations, and had helped their clan to grow into a foothold in the Hidden Leaf Village.
Kama himself did his best to impart the importance of keeping their clan's memory alive in Sakumo - he would share stories and techniques passed down from his own uncles and parents, grandparents, elder clan members who had long since passed. He shared the importance of their preserved weaponry like the tanto or the kunai - highly usable, compact, and versatile for farming and hunting as well as in battle. When Hoeru was pregnant, she and Kama would spend a lot of time together, in the garden or inside reading when Kama's health began to worsen. Hoeru insisted he promise to live at least long enough to see the birth of their child, and Kama made good on this promise.
He died three days after Kakashi was born, and in his honor and out of a deep love for Sakumo, Hoeru made the choice to allow her son to keep his Hatake clan name. She and Sakumo planned to teach him the important history of their clan, and how both the Hatake and the Inuzuka had come together to help keep their wild spirit alive.
Unfortunately, Hoeru's death when Kakashi was still an infant left Sakumo heartbroken and hopeless. With his dear uncle and the love of his life both gone, being the last remaining member of his clan aside from his son brought him immense and crushing grief alongside his already significant battle with depression. Still, as the years went on, Sakumo did his best to teach his boy about their clan, and about the importance of belonging while keeping the memory of precious people alive. But the excommunication following that one fateful mission brought the final blow to his despair - and with everyone turning his back on him, with no clan, no lover, and no family, he lost the battle to his grief, leaving the only remaining Hatake clan member to be his son, Kakashi Hatake.
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teatitty · 2 months
I don't think you realise how fucking badly I need to put Iruka in a hanfu. Been on my mind for literal weeks I just haven't thought of a good fic to slip it in there yet. I saw these ones and simply haven't been the same since
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scrivenger-grimgar · 1 year
hatake hand-make jewelry for friends family and partners.
kakashi doesnt do this bc sakumo was never able to teach him. but if he did? he would’ve made jewelry for minato, kushina, rin, obito, gai, naruto, sasuke, sakura, sai, itachi, shisui, and tenzou, and later asuma, kurenai, genma, hayate, raidou, and iruka.
tobirama (i count him as hatake), DOES make jewelry! his mom taught him! he also covers them in sealing arrays once he learns how to. he gives them to hashirama (obv), itama and kawarama, his mom, and touka first. then after the village has started construction he makes more. mito, kagami, danzo, homura, koharu, torifu, hiruzen, hikaku, and even madara. (and if they have hiraishin. well. better safe than sorry.)
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justsomeoneunordinary · 2 months
Found your post about Hatake clan relations to agriculture, and you are right about almost everything, except: wolves in Japan are associated with crops!
Here's from Japanese wolf wiki:
"In the Shinto belief, the ōkami ("wolf") is regarded as a messenger of the kami spirits and also offers protection against crop raiders such as the wild boar and deer. Wild animals were associated with the mountain spirit Yama-no-kami. The mountains of Japan, seen as a dangerous, deadly place, were highly associated with the wolf, which was believed to be their protector and guardian."
Hatake clan being a wolf clan is very plausible, it's just would mean a different thing than most people seem to believe.
Wolves are associated with crops and mountains.
There's also yokai okuri ōkami, that protects travellers through mountains unless they accidentally trip; if you trip it will kill you. Apparently it has another name - okuri inu.
"The okuri inu has a special relationship with another yokai, the yosuzume. This eerie bird’s nocturnal song is often a warning that an okuri inu is following you. If one hears the yosuzume’s “chi, chi, chi” song, it is a sign to take extra care to watch one’s footing so that the okuri inu doesn’t have dinner that night." (from yokai dot com/okuriinu/ )
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I will admit that I am too lazy to look that information up. But I don't mind that wolves are tied to agriculture and could therefore be tied to the Hatake - my beef with the "Hatake have wolf summons and wolf characteristics" fanon comes from the fact that it's a cheap copy of the already existing Inuzuka clan. The Inuzuka are right there, we don't need Inuzuka 2.0 but make it more feral because wolves are cooler.
It doesn't even make sense, Kakashi's summons are dogs - and not even big mean wolfdogs like Tsume's but cute little pet doggos - and that "heacanon" only serves to make Kakashi and Tobirama (because he gets headcanoned as Hatake 90% of the time solely because of his hair color (which is funny because everyone describes it as white in their fics even tho it's fucking grey like Kakashi's or Kabuto's!!! (and speaking of Kabuto, isn't it funny that he never gets headcanoned for a Hatake even tho he looks more similar to Kakashi than Tobirama does? I wonder why that is. (I don't. I know exactly why that is.)))) extremely OOC.
Neither of them is some kind of growling, feral fighter who claws and bites their way through a battle. Neither is in any way or form extremely overprotective over what they consider theirs because of "pack reasons" (and neither is Sakumo for that matter, Mr "I'll kill myself even tho I am the last family my 5yo son has left"). And neither needs some kind of fangs to bite someone, if this is what people want to write, as Madara has already proven that a strong shinobi can bite a piece of flesh out with perfectly normal teeth.
All three characters are extremely powerful and badass in their own right without adding powers to them that are completely out of character. A headcanon builds up to something canon has already established and the "Hatake are like Inuzuka but with wolves" fanon is so far off that it would be laughable if it wasn't so annoying.
And I don't think tying the Hatake to agriculture is the only right way either. It's merely a suggestion, one that I find makes sense given the little bit we have, and if people want to build up on that and add how they tend to have wolf summons for protection (Kakashi's are still cute doggos tho), then that's fine and hey, at least it makes sense. My beef is just 100% that I think it's extremely cheap to make the Hatake a copy of the Inuzuka because they find wolves cooler than dogs and that's on that.
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sharplimeade · 4 months
hc that Hatake females grow fur in between their breasts because their body recognized that the children weren't surviving long enough after childbirth so it provided a way to keep them warmer (ex. put that baby in fur when it's too windy or smth) and somewhat hide them from any "predators" (ninjas basically)
(changed this post up a bit bcuz another post gave me something to think about so I'll put what I sort of changed here:
The Hatakes being a somewhat migratory clan that will to places that are early spring wait will early autumn to leave and then travel through mid-winter
them traveling through mid winter also fits with headcanon as winter winds can be especially harsh on kids so having fur to hide in would raise birthrates (is that the right word?)
also i fit in the dog characteristic by having the Hatake's also herd animals as well as farm so the dogs could come in as helpers and do some weird chakra partnership thing that gives both qualities of the other to become more in tune
i dont rlly know anything about farming or herding tho so take what I say with a lot of salt
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shadowwolflady · 7 months
Hatake Kakashi Headcanons with Rai
Rai is my Original Character, or OC. She was made back in 2003 and has evolved to this day.
I originally had a different story going about her, but it became too complicated and long. So I decided to shorten it.
Anyways here are some headcanons of Kakashi with Rai.
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For context, Rai is a female wolf demon that has a main form as a human. Her rank is ANBU.
When dating, going out to get something to eat, or tea. They try to keep everything low key.
Just staying over night and sleeping in bed with each other means so much.
He will disappear to Rai's apartment to avoid responsibilities for a while. He uses this time to decompress. It's his place he can relax.
He has gone to her place, while she was on a mission, just to sleep in her bed so he could relax. Rai allows him to stay whenever he wants. 
He will perch in a high area just to watch Rai for a bit. 
Seeing her, even from afar, helps to give him a boost to finish his job.
He is protective of Rai and hates when people bully her. Simply by stepping up next to her and diverting the attention to him. But Rai will take physical attacks for him. 
He is her protector, her guardian. And she is his protector. He knows she is powerful and could kill him. But she doesn't. She is his backup plan in case he falls during battle.
He loves spending time with her, just being around her. Even if they are just silent and sitting somewhere.
Favorite pastime is to read and nap by the lake beneath a tree, preferably on her lap.
Both are each other's scary dog privilege. Rai to keep others away and keep things nice and quiet around him. Kakashi to keep others from bullying Rai.
He gets a little more distant when Rai is away on a mission. He doesn't pay attention to his book and winds up day dreaming.
He loves it when she comes to his place after she gets cleaned up and changed. But he REALLY loves it when she is so exhausted that she goes to his place anyways, despite her being covered in blood. 
They both take turns cooking. She's not the best, but she tries. And she gets better. She actually masters his favorite dish.
He ADORES Rai's wolf form.
Did not tell Rai about Sukea, but Rai quickly found out after he took a photo of her and his scent hit her. She played it off. 
Rai HATES it when he smokes. He knows it and actually quits smoking while they date.
When he has night terrors, Rai holds him. She has gotten hit and kicked out of bed. Not his fault. Him laying on her chest, listening to her breathing and heartbeat sometimes works, but it can also stress him out. But her laying on him really does the trick.
He is honored by Rai’s loyalty. 
He isn't a jealous person. He trusts her and her loyalty.
Kakashi loves and respects Rai.
Rai loves and respects him.
He has gotten used to some of Rai's demonic presence, not all of it. Only about ⅓ of it. 
Was in the presence of her full demon form. He felt like she knew him and wouldn't hurt him. This was when she was bound and chained by “peacekeepers” or demon hunters. 
The other time he felt her presence was the war. She told him to run. And he did. He took Gai and went as far as he could. 
Loves seeing her in his sweater.
Because of Rai, he knows a ton about demons and dark chakra. He is the go to for handling and dealing with demons, despite Rai being a demon herself.
He knows Rai doesn't have a big social battery and a small friend group. If he ever sees her out in public, she may be stressed. He will step beside her for support. Especially if he sees she may be shutting down.
Falls asleep on her shoulder and lap a lot.
Surprises her by getting her flowers, especially with her favorite peonies in them. He knows she isn't a material person, but it is nice every so often to show her he appreciates and loves her.
He will get her the next book in the series she likes.
He will also stop by her favorite restaurant to get her favorite food for dinner every once in a while.
He allows her to initiate, she sets the tempo. 
He loves lounging on the couch with her on his chest.
He loves patting her head and praising her. He swears he sees a fluffy tail wag when he does this.
He loves being the big spoon.
He leads and holds her hand when crowds are in the street and they need to get through.
Will kiss her through his mask.
Will slip his mask down to place a kiss on her cheek or lips quickly. 
Loves to kiss her temple, head, or cheek when he can.
Loves when she leans up to place a quick peck on his cheek. 
Loves to go on walks with her. They don't need to hold hands but it is a bonus.
Loves holding her from behind. Burying his nose in her shoulder and neck.
Rare PDA is hand holding. Even rarer is when he will place a kiss on her cheek or temple.
Melts when she runs her fingers through his hair.
Usually, when Rai cups his face with her hands, he turns to place a kiss on the palm of her hand. Sometimes her knuckles too.
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Basically, he loves her and will do just about anything for her. And vice versa.
These are just some of the brain rot I have in my head for these two.
Their reunion story is in my pinned called Old Comrades.
Reading her books
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yowyowyaoi · 2 years
*teenage Kakashi and Obito, babysitting Naruto*
Obito: *rocking a fussy Naruto back and forth in his arms* There, there …
Kakashi: Damn … this sucks …
Obito: It could be worse, Bakashi. We could be out on that mission, and it’s freezing out today.
Kakashi: I’d rather be freezing than doing this. I’m terrible with kids!
Obito: Naruto isn’t really a kid yet, he’s still a baby. All we have to do is hold him a little, feed him, that kind of thing.
Kakashi: Be better if Rin was here …
Obito: You know she had to go with Minato-Sensei and Kushina-san to find those special medical herbs. Now stop your bitching and hold him; my arms are getting tired.
Kakashi: *sighs but awkwardly takes Naruto into his arms*
Kakashi, in monotone: Hello, child. It’s big brother Kakashi.
Naruto: *cries harder*
Obito, in kitchen making Naruto a bottle: Try and sound less like a robot, idiot. You’re scaring him!
Kakashi: A robot? Geez, fine. Hey, kid, I’m a human, just like you, okay? Here, look … *pulls down his mask*
Naruto: *stares in awed silence, then starts giggling and clapping*
Obito: *comes in with bottle* Finally, you did something useful! How did you get him to — to —
Obito: *stares at Kakashi’s bare face*
Kakashi: *quickly pulls mask back up and holds out Naruto to him* You gonna feed him now?
Obito: N-no. You are. *hands Kakashi the bottle*
Kakashi: Why me?
Obito: You need practice. For our future kids. 
Kakashi: Oh okay I — wait, what?!
Obito: Oh I’m definitely marrying you someday, Bakashi. Now feed him, then burp him and lay him down. When he’s asleep we can talk about where I can take you for our first date.
Kakashi: *slowly puts bottle in Naruto’s mouth*
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frankencanon · 1 year
You know how Kishimoto revealed that Kakashi was originally going to speak like a Samurai, ending sentences with the verbal tic "de gozaru" much like Naruto does with "dattebayo" and Deidara with "un"?
Right, well I had an idea:
What if it was a Hatake thing that Kakashi had picked up from his father, a remnant of when the Hatake were a Samurai Clan?
And what if, as one of only two living Hatake, the verbal tic was strongly associated with Hatake Sakumo, the White Fang, in particular? At least amongst Konoha nin.
And what if Kakashi intentionally made an effort to drop it in the wake of his father's suicide in order to further distance himself from him? Much like the headcanon about Kakashi wearing his mask to hide how much he looks like Sakumo.
More fun ideas:
1. What if it slips out when he's drunk? Can you imagine? Most people's speech gets more casual or coarse when drunk, but Kakashi? No, Kakashi gets alarmingly formal. It freaks people out and confuses the hell out of them at the same time.
2. After Kannabi Bridge — after Obito knocks some sense into Kakashi, and after Kakashi stops trying so hard to be so different from his father — he tries to pick it back up again, but it's been so long that it's annoyingly difficult and winds up taking a long, long time for Kakashi to be able to use it casually again without having to think about it beforehand.
3. Kakashi spent so long repeatedly forcing himself to say it again in an effort to pick it back up that when he's disguised as Sukea it just sort of...slips out. Whoops? Accidental face reveal? Let's just hope there weren't too many people around to hear him say it, since everyone knows there's only one person in all of Konoha who ends their sentences with -de gozaru.
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TW: Secondary Character Death (OC)
Will it bear him bad omen if she holds him till her last breath? Should she give him to his father's arms? Or are Sakumo's hands trembling too much to hold a life that is still so fragile? The scent of blood wraps her in the cold wind blows across her now frozen skin. There's a reek of sulphur and ash all around. More than before. And Sakumo winces in heavy breaths. It should hurt to be held so tightly, yet her body feels nothing anymore. Except the end, getting closer and closer. Someone screams. Someone cries. Everything buzzes, voices blur in a haze of gibberish. Is it Sakumo's voice that screams furiously? Is it White Fang's the suffering howl? Is it hers the child that is crying out amid the turmoil of a tragic night? Why can she no longer see anything? Has eternal darkness descended upon her? Has the cloak of the grim reaper fallen on her? Is it time to leave, forever?
« Sa...sak...»
« Wha- Rouna! » is Sakumo's certainly this shout, the sole one capable of towering above the deafening darkness within, it scares her though as it echoes in the nothingness, « ROUNA! »
« Ka...kashi...I... »
In nothingness air is dense with breaths that don't turn carbon dioxide dispersing into the night. Oxygen suffocates her throat, clots of blood and air choking her. Words cut off from her. They slide silent into tears, furrowing the crimson in her face into mute love that she no longer has voice, will never have, to utter. The scent of snowy hair grazing her lips is the last sense life grants her. A clemency of fate. And in the illusion of a life that would have been she sees him, Kakashi grow. Standing tall and proud. Calling her mother, in the warmth of a smile. And in her last heartbeat she feels it, for a last time, the warm of the tiny weeping body, the bundle of soiled sheets, her son's cry of farewell echoing in the reverberation of her last pulse is the gentlest and cruelest grace that life has bestowed upon her. And a farewell dies in her lips.
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ficklecat · 7 months
Smut turning into accidental Hatake lore???
As I’m writing this first instalment for KKG Valentine’s I’m creating a fun lil headcanon for the Hatakes that I’m not gonna be able to stop thinking about. 😅
Everyone always seems to align this clan with wolves, and though I’ve personally never ascribed to those hc’s fully, I do have an adjacent idea.
I think the Hatake clan was basically akin to the wildings from GoT. They were people of the land, tamers of beasts, farmers and foragers, agriculturalists and naturalists. They let their hair grow wild, rolled around in mud and hay, slept with working dogs to keep warm and bathed in creeks and rivers. They paid attention to moon cycles and seasonal shifts, understood weather patterns and what kinds of dirt and soil would foster better yields. They were a little feral to outsiders, sure - anyone with wild silver hair killing rabbits with his bare hands would look like that - but they were ancestral traditionalists of the wild planes of the fire country.
This would support them allying with similar clans like the Inuzuka - beast masters themselves and a little feral as well - and as wars spread across the lands they were forced to move into the country’s villages, their scattered communities turning to ash in the wake of battles they had nothing to do with. Aligning with the Inuzuka would help them to integrate, keep some of their traditions and cultures alive while also ensuring the future of their people even if the clan itself is absorbed and dissipated.
The Inuzuka, being a more prevalent clan that is also tied into the Hidden Leaf village, eventually “absorbs” the remaining Hatake clan over generations, and by the time Sakumo’s partner - ubiquitously headcanonned as an Inuzuka - has Kakashi, the name “Hatake” is preserved by choice only, but there are none of them left from their original ancestors. My thought is Sakumo was not resentful but still wanting to keep a piece of their clan’s history alive, and so he chose to keep his clan’s name in lieu of taking on his partner’s. This could explain why Kakashi doesn’t end up living with the Inuzuka; perhaps their family was shunned because of the choice to preserve Sakumo’s clan name rather than adopt the matriarch’s clan name.
AAAANYWAY this was a fun distraction I love thinking of Hatake lore.
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scrivenger-grimgar · 11 months
the hatake are just druids and wildshape + find familiar is their kekkei genkai
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