cattatonically · 2 years
treat or trick or something like that. let's go with HaruNagi
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
“I thought knitting was Makoto’s thing?”
“Scarves, sweaters for his cats, and mittens sure. But I’m doing something different, Haru-chan!” 
“What are you knitting, then?”
“Just watch and see!” Nagisa turned back to his project, fingers working the yarn and the needles quickly, confidently. Haru was a little transfixed. And so, he did as he was told. He watched, and he saw. 
But Haru didn’t only watch. He sketched, as well. Working slowly, as opposed to Nagisa, but getting what he needed down on paper. He traced a vague outline, knowing it would all come together in the end. But he only had this one chance to capture Nagisa at his most carefree. 
Haru may have been known for his artistry, so much so that he made a good living selling his wares to local shops, and setting up small booths are fairs. But when Nagisa had a burst of creativity, he could go for days without stopping. 
He never asked Haru for a share in the profits of the things he got Haru to sell for him. But that never stopped Haru from finding some way to treat him, in return. 
As Haru kept watching, and kept sketching, he saw the pile of little knitted pumpkins begin to fill the table in front of him. With speed and accuracy that Nagisa was well-known for, he would finish a pumpkin, fill it with stuffing, then knit it closed with the long-tail of his cast-on yarn. 
Haru had to admit that the pumpkins were charming, and would sell well at the tea shop near the center of town. But that wasn’t what made Haru happy. 
No, it was the contentment that had settled itself deep into his chest. The certainty that this was his life, and, for the first time in a really long time, he was the happiest he could ever be. 
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ezzydean · 2 years
I couldn't decide for this last one between TanaDai and HaruNagi, so just. Do your thing. Just fuck me up, babe.
come trick-or-treat in my inbox requesting ficcies and I’ll either treat you to some fluff or humor or trick you with a horribly twisted sad AU  (I’ll use a random generator to pick trick or treat) send me “trick or treat” and a character(s) or ship in my inbox and I’ll write you a short little thing (I’ll be doing these all of October so send away!) i did my best
Daichi settles into his armchair with a content groan.  Ryuu crawls into the chair with him and Daichi doesn’t even have the heart to push him away.  Instead he simply wraps his arms around Ryuu and studies him.  
The darkness stained around his eyes is a fascinating shimmer of blues and blacks tinged with silver that makes the tiny golden stars falling from his eyes even more entrancing.  The dark leather cord around his neck is braided with gold and silver threads and the rusted key hanging from it draws Daichi’s attention to the soft, vulnerable dip of Ryuu’s throat.  The gold ink running down his shoulders and over his arms pulls Daichi’s focus until he’s staring at the swirling designs, mind far, far away lost in another set of swirling stars and shimmering golds.
“They’ll be here soon, right?”
“Yeah.  Any time now.”
Ryuu nods and nuzzles closer to Daichi.
“Good,” he says around a yawn.  “This is so much easier when Haru’s here.”
“Sleep,” Daichi murmurs.  “I’ll wake you up when they get here.”
Nagisa sweeps into their home the way he always does.  One moment he’s not there and the next he’s filling the space with his presence, his light, his warmth, in a way that makes you forget that he hasn’t always been there.
There’s a large crow pin clipped haphazardly in his hair and smears of purple so dark they’re nearly black running down his cheeks and throat.  Golden footprints follow him, glittering in the low light, and Daichi shakes his head, already resigned to finding glitter and gold dusting everything weeks after Haru and Nagisa leave.
Haru follows a few steps behind Nagisa.  His fingers are covered in a riot of oranges and pinks and golds that make Daichi’s own fingers itch with a need for something that he can’t quite pin down.
“Missed you,” Ryuu mutters sleepily from his spot in Daichi’s lap.
“Missed you too,” Nagisa says.  Daichi’s chair is not meant for three people.  But that doesn’t stop Nagisa from crawling into it anyway, purples and golds mixing with Ryuu’s blues and silvers until they’re a messy spread of tangled limbs and half-formed ideas in the confines of Daichi’s lap.
Haru balances carefully on the arm of the chair.
“The sky looks gorgeous this year,” Daichi says.
Haru smiles and shifts to look down at Ryuu and Nagisa.  He rubs his hand against Ryuu’s head and runs his thumb through the dark stains around Ryuu’s eyes, dragging the stars even further down Ryuu’s cheek.
“Sorry we were so late.  Nagisa was particularly stubborn this year.”
“Doesn’t matter.”  Daichi wraps his arm around Haru’s waist.  “So long as you come back to us.”
“You’re our home now,” Haru says.  “We’ll always come back.  No matter how many galaxies we have to go through to get here.”
Daichi nudges Haru until he leans down for a kiss.
“Welcome home,” Daichi murmurs against Haru’s lips.
“We’re home,” Haru murmurs back.  “We’re finally home again.”
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tenitchyfingers · 2 years
Hiii! I’ve been meaning to talk to you for awhile but I’m shy (idk why exactly that I am) 😂 uh anyways do you still happen to love Haru & Nagisa?
OF COURSE THEY MY BABES (sorry i didn't see the messages before)
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lincolnmtz-blog · 3 months
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Seika Harunagi
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incorrectfreequotes · 3 years
Romio: Now that I met you, Chappy-senpai, I have to ask you something: if you had to choose between Nagisa-senpai and all the money Gou-san has in her pocket, which would you take? Haruka: That depends. How much money are we talking about? Nagisa: ... Haru-chan? Gou: 81 yen. Haruka: I’d take the money. Nagisa: ... Haru-chan?!
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From Free! Creation Notebook End Card story
Iwatobi High School - Pool locker room
Nagisa: Ah~ We sure swam a lot today, Haru-chan! Haruka: Yeah, we did. Nagisa: It hasn't rained a lot lately, maybe the rainy season is over? The real summer is finally starting at last! Haruka: Yeah. Nagisa: Hehe, you look like you're happy! Haruka: Not really... Makoto: Haru, Nagisa, if you don't hurry to get changed, the school will be closed. Rei: We're going to leave you behind! Nagisa: Ah! Mako-chan, Rei-chan, wait for a bit! We're getting changed right now! Ah, ow ow ow ow! Haruka: What's wrong, Nagisa? Did you hurt yourself? Nagisa: No, that's not it. The weather was great today, looks like I got a sunburn. Oh, it burns! Haruka: You're exagerating. It's not that burned. Nagisa: That's not true! Look! Haruka: ...it's burned. Nagisa: Right? Actually, Haru-chan too, you're pretty burned. Haruka: ...I am? Nagisa: Have a look! See, see! Haruka: I'm more tanned. Nagisa: Ooh! It's true! It's super dark! Haru-chan is so cool! Haruka: Cool? This is? Nagisa: Yeah! I don't tan very much, I just turn red. And when I burn it sure hurts at that spot! Haru-chan, it doesn't get painful for you? Haruka: Not really. I don't notice it. Nagisa: I'm envious~ Ah! I got it! If I swim lots and lots like you, will I be able to tan nicely like you? Haruka: Swimming for the purpose of getting a tan? Nagisa: Hahaha, well not just for that! Makoto: You two, hurry up! Rei: Gou-san has the key and is angry! Nagisa: Ah! Sorry, sorry! We're going now! Haru-chan, hurry, hurry! Haruka: Yeah... Makoto: We're locking it! Nagisa: Wait! Wait! Haruka: Aren't you... aren't you fine the way you are? Nagisa: Eh? Did you say something? Haruka: It's nothing. Nagisa: You're weird. Hey Haru-chan, this summer, let's swim a lot, ok? Haruka: Yeah, that's right.
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notsuchasecret · 5 years
Amaranth & NagiHaru
Send me a ship and a color and I’ll write you a ficlet that feels like that color.
The thing about Nagisa wasthat he was a little shit, but Haru never minded. Nagisa knew this, so he wasalways less of a little shit to Haru than to anyone else. But there were times,when both their thresholds were low, that Haru just wanted to absolutelydestroy him.
 “Nagisa,what the hell are you doing?” Haru growled, standing in the doorway to theirbedroom and staring at him. It was a prank, or a joke, or something There wasno way he was serious. There was no way Haru’s one secret dream was comingtrue.
 “Nothing!”Nagisa cried, jerking and hiding what he was holding behind his back. But thedamage was done. One eye was awkwardly lined in black, a streak of it danglingdown his cheek from where Haru’s voice had made him jump. He looked on theverge of tears.
 That wasn’tright. Nagisa was a shit, sure, but he was usually an unrepentant one. This wassomething new. Haru stepped closer, slowly, like he was approaching a wildanimal.
 “Whatwere you doing?” he asked, his voice calmer and gentler.
 “Nothing,”Nagisa sniffed, and the first tears fell.
 “Hey,”Haru crooned, reaching out for Nagisa and pulling him close. He wiped the tearsaway with his thumb and pressed a kiss to Nagisa’s forehead. “I didn’t mean toyell at you. I thought you were messing with me.”
 It was something he wasworking on, the whole using-his-words thing. But Nagisa knew this, knew himbetter than anyone else. He shrugged.
 “Ijust thought you were judging me,” he whispered.
 “Iwould never,” Haru said. Then he smiled. “Except maybe for how shit you are atputting it on. Can I show you how?”
 Nagisa considered him for amoment, then nodded, handing him the little stick of eyeliner.
 Haru lifted him onto thedresser and stood between his legs, taking a wet wipe from the package sittingnearby and wiping gently at the black smeared across Nagisa’sface. Then, when he was clean, Haru cupped his cheek and whispered, “Close youreyes.” Nagisa obeyed, and Haru pressed the tip of the eyeliner to Nagisa’seyelid.
 His breath caught in histhroat. Nagisa’s eyelashes were long and curledbeautifully, and he was so trusting between Haru’s palms. It was a heady thing,having the trust of someone like Nagisa. He shook the thought away as best hecould and moved on to the other eye. He ordered Nagisa to open his eyes andswiped the eyeliner along the bottom lid. Then he took a step back. Nagisalooked at him and he went weak.
 Bright pink eyes staredholes into his soul, like he could see everything Haru had ever been and wascurrently and ever would be. Like he could see Haru for what he was, and lovedhim anyway. Haru reached his hand up to brush Nagisa’scheek with his fingertips.
 “Beautiful,”he whispered, and tears gathered in Nagisa’s eyes again.
 “You’rejust saying that, Haru-chan,” Nagisa said, and Haru shook his head.
 “Youknow I’m not,” he said.
 “Iknow you’re not.”
 They were going to have totalk about it later, they both knew, about what had prompted the entire thing,and what it would mean for their relationship. About how Haru reacted and howhe would need to react in the future. About how Nagisa’strust was the most important thing Haru had.
 About how Nagisa was themost beautiful creature in the world.
 But for now, they would just exist, one lover with another, andthat was all that mattered.
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vythefirst · 6 years
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Hello! Sorry for the long hiatus, it’s been forever since I’ve posted on this hellsite  😬
This is a commission for @gillyguppy who asked for a cute fall themed NagiHaru! Thanks so much for supporting me! :>
If you’d like to inquire about my commissions, please email me at vythefirst @ gmail.com (no spaces) Base price is $50+
Have a great weekend!
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samcybercat · 7 years
Title: Pickup Rating: T Genre: Humour/Supernatural Series: Free! Relationship(s): Haru/Nagisa Character(s): Haru, Nagisa Spoilers: None Summary: The grim reaper currently known as Haru had collected many souls in his time. But none of them were like Nagisa. Notes: Happy Halloween! The 2017 Free! Halloween art inspired me to write grim reaper Haru, so here's some light NagiHaru.
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brickerbeetle · 7 years
i have no idea if you're still taking these but if you are: nagiharu fusion :0
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he is a sweatheart but i trust him about as far as i can throw him
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cattatonically · 3 years
TRICK OR TREAT!!! Gimme crossroads demon Nagisa (I'm asking so you don't have to lol)
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
Anyone who knew Hazuki Nagisa in any capacity knew that he loved his job. They also knew, undoubtedly, that he loved loopholes, being contrary, causing mayhem, mischief, and chaos, and that he loved humans.
Nagisa found humans fascinating, the things they were willing to do, or throw away, or sacrifice for short-term gratification. The entitlement that rolled off of them in waves, and the audacity to make demands when they were in absolutely no position to do so delighted him. The pleasure he derived from putting humans in their place was better than any orgasm he’d ever had in his long, long existence.
But then he grew bored. And that was when the games began. To summon one of his kind, the summoner usually needed to find the dead center of a crossroads. From there, they would then need to bury, in some kind of container, usually a small box, their own photo, graveyard dirt, and the bone of a black cat. Then, Nagisa would meet the summoner at the figurative bargaining table. And while traditionally the favour usually incurred the price of the summoner’s life, after centuries of doing so, Nagisa began to find the whole thing boring. Tedious. Plebeian. So he got creative.
Sure, he’d give the tall, dark, hunk of a man the will to stand up to his superiors at work. But in return, Nagisa wanted the man’s recipe for his pecan pie. If the man happened to forget his recipe after, well, that was not Nagisa’s problem.
When the woman needed the strength to leave her husband, Nagisa wanted to pet her kitten. The kitten disappeared, and so did the husband. The woman was free of one nightmare, only to enter another.
But when Nagisa encountered the tall, dark-haired man with the slim build, and bright blue eyes, Nagisa wasn’t sure what to make of him. He knew the man’s name, of course, as he always knew their names. The moment Nagisa was summoned, the summoner’s entire life history filled Nagisa’s head in a matter of seconds.
And so, standing before him, whole life laid bare, was Nanase Haruka. And Nagisa had no bloody idea what he wanted.
“So. How can I help you today, Haru-chan?” Nagisa asked, circling around the man, eyeing up his lithe figure. He was built like the award-winning swimmer he was. And Nagisa was maybe, just maybe, a lot attracted to him. When Nagisa rounded back to face Haruka, the man just shrugged.
“There’s nothing that I really want. I was just testing a theory.” This piqued Nagisa’s interest.
“Oh? And what theory is that?”
“That you’d come regardless of intention as long as the main ingredients in the summoning were in place.” This gave Nagisa thought. Then he smiled, bright eyed and sharp toothed.
“Well, Nanase Haruka, I can’t let you go until you tell me what it is that you desire.”
“Then I guess you won’t be letting me go anytime soon.”
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ezzydean · 2 years
treatsies and tricksies - NagiHaru
come trick-or-treat in my inbox requesting ficcies and I’ll either treat you to some fluff or humor or trick you with a horribly twisted sad AU  (I’ll use a random generator to pick trick or treat) send me “trick or treat” and a character(s) or ship in my inbox and I’ll write you a short little thing (I’ll be doing these all of October so send away!)
so ro and I are being us and taking a list of rather fluffy sounding prompts and doing our best to twist them into our tricks. this one is “The smell of freshly-baked squash bread.” and “Making your favorite apple-based dessert.“
Haru steps out of the so-hot-it’s-almost-suffocating kitchen and takes a deep breath of cool air.
“You know that doesn’t actually make a difference, right?” Nagisa asks, hopping onto the counter with a laugh.
“It makes me feel better,” Haru replies.
Nagisa rolls his eyes and stretches out on the counter like it’s his own personal chaise lounge or something.
“You’re so weird.”
“This coming from the guy laying on the counter.  The counter we serve people at.  The counter people sit and eat at.”
Nagisa shrugs.  “Yep.”
“I’m going back.  I’ve got some bread in the oven.”
Nagisa’s eyes light up.  “Squashed-head bread?”
“Yeah.  Squashed-head bread.”
Nagisa makes a shooing motion and Haru rolls his eyes as he heads back to the kitchen.  The air may feel damn near suffocating but he has work to do.
Haru wipes the sweat from his face with the last clean towel he has.  His kitchen is a bloody mess but he’s finally done with the last of his baking.  Nagisa taps at the door and peeks inside when Haru doesn’t reply right away.
“All done?”
“My end is done, yeah.  It’s all in your hands now.”
“I both love and hate it when you say those words.”  Nagisa slips into the kitchen and glances around, poking carefully at a pile of unusable goop on one of the counters.  “Because, you know.  Selling it is the easy part.  Cleaning all this up?”  Nagisa looks up and then does a double take.   Haru follows his gaze to the splattered ceiling and shrugs when Nagisa looks at him in surprise.  Baking is messy.  Baking the things he does is even messier.
“Get Momo to help.  He still owes us for the fairy-crisped cakes from this spring.”
“Oooh good idea.”
Nagisa reaches over and tugs at his apron until it unties and Nagisa can yank it off and toss it over the edge of the sink so he can pull Haru into a bone cracking hug.
Haru presses a kiss onto the top of Nagisa’s head.  “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
“Go for it.”
Haru wakes slowly, the deep sleep after a job well done lingering and threatening to pull him back under despite the fact that Nagisa is sitting on his stomach with a plate in his hand.
“Haru.  Sweetheart.  Love of my life.  Love of all my lives.”
“Why did you have this plate in the fridge?”
“You wanted finger sandwiches.”
Nagisa gasps in delight.  “They’re for me?”
“They’re for you.”
Nagisa grabs one off the plate in his hand and bites down with a satisfying crunch.
“You really are the best,” Nagisa says, mouth full.
“Don’t get crumbs on my bed.”  Nagisa bites into another one.  “Or juices.”
“These are even better than the cursed apple pies you made me last week.”
“High praise considering Makoto cursed those apples for me.”
Nagisa leans down and kisses him.  “You’re the best murder husband ever.”
“Right back at you,” Haru says sleepily.
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tenitchyfingers · 7 years
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furycosplays · 8 years
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My only picture from Friday of Izumicon OTL. But I got my Nagisa @penguinswithbraces <3
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incorrectfreequotes · 7 years
Nagisa: Words ending in “ie” are so cute! Like “cutie”, “sweetie”, “cookie”—... Haruka: “Die.” Nagisa:
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vulpiximisa · 4 years
my sis thought the harunagi post was rei and its funny cuz she doesnt watch free but then it made me think of the first op where there was a huge debate on whether the character that rin was pushing was rei or haru and i SWORE it was HARU but i watched it again and i think its rei?????????
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