#HaruNagi fic
ezzydean · 2 years
treatsies and tricksies - NagiHaru
come trick-or-treat in my inbox requesting ficcies and I’ll either treat you to some fluff or humor or trick you with a horribly twisted sad AU  (I’ll use a random generator to pick trick or treat) send me “trick or treat” and a character(s) or ship in my inbox and I’ll write you a short little thing (I’ll be doing these all of October so send away!)
so ro and I are being us and taking a list of rather fluffy sounding prompts and doing our best to twist them into our tricks. this one is “The smell of freshly-baked squash bread.” and “Making your favorite apple-based dessert.“
Haru steps out of the so-hot-it’s-almost-suffocating kitchen and takes a deep breath of cool air.
“You know that doesn’t actually make a difference, right?” Nagisa asks, hopping onto the counter with a laugh.
“It makes me feel better,” Haru replies.
Nagisa rolls his eyes and stretches out on the counter like it’s his own personal chaise lounge or something.
“You’re so weird.”
“This coming from the guy laying on the counter.  The counter we serve people at.  The counter people sit and eat at.”
Nagisa shrugs.  “Yep.”
“I’m going back.  I’ve got some bread in the oven.”
Nagisa’s eyes light up.  “Squashed-head bread?”
“Yeah.  Squashed-head bread.”
Nagisa makes a shooing motion and Haru rolls his eyes as he heads back to the kitchen.  The air may feel damn near suffocating but he has work to do.
Haru wipes the sweat from his face with the last clean towel he has.  His kitchen is a bloody mess but he’s finally done with the last of his baking.  Nagisa taps at the door and peeks inside when Haru doesn’t reply right away.
“All done?”
“My end is done, yeah.  It’s all in your hands now.”
“I both love and hate it when you say those words.”  Nagisa slips into the kitchen and glances around, poking carefully at a pile of unusable goop on one of the counters.  “Because, you know.  Selling it is the easy part.  Cleaning all this up?”  Nagisa looks up and then does a double take.   Haru follows his gaze to the splattered ceiling and shrugs when Nagisa looks at him in surprise.  Baking is messy.  Baking the things he does is even messier.
“Get Momo to help.  He still owes us for the fairy-crisped cakes from this spring.”
“Oooh good idea.”
Nagisa reaches over and tugs at his apron until it unties and Nagisa can yank it off and toss it over the edge of the sink so he can pull Haru into a bone cracking hug.
Haru presses a kiss onto the top of Nagisa’s head.  “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
“Go for it.”
Haru wakes slowly, the deep sleep after a job well done lingering and threatening to pull him back under despite the fact that Nagisa is sitting on his stomach with a plate in his hand.
“Haru.  Sweetheart.  Love of my life.  Love of all my lives.”
“Why did you have this plate in the fridge?”
“You wanted finger sandwiches.”
Nagisa gasps in delight.  “They’re for me?”
“They’re for you.”
Nagisa grabs one off the plate in his hand and bites down with a satisfying crunch.
“You really are the best,” Nagisa says, mouth full.
“Don’t get crumbs on my bed.”  Nagisa bites into another one.  “Or juices.”
“These are even better than the cursed apple pies you made me last week.”
“High praise considering Makoto cursed those apples for me.”
Nagisa leans down and kisses him.  “You’re the best murder husband ever.”
“Right back at you,” Haru says sleepily.
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ainana-ao3 · 5 years
by Luna_Arsenica
"there was nothing in the world that I ever wanted more than to hold you deep in my heart"
(this is just minami and nagi mourning haruki together)
Words: 2241, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IDOLiSH7 (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Natsume Minami, Rokuya Nagi
Relationships: Rokuya Nagi/Natsume Minami, Sakura Haruki/Natsume Minami, Sakura Haruki/Rokuya Nagi
Additional Tags: Angst, Minor Character Death, as much as I love haruki I'm not sure you can call him a major character sorry, but do know he's dead, Grief/Mourning, implied sex, Future Fic, Sorta kinda, also the harumina and harunagi are just referenced sorry
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ezzydean · 2 years
I couldn't decide for this last one between TanaDai and HaruNagi, so just. Do your thing. Just fuck me up, babe.
come trick-or-treat in my inbox requesting ficcies and I’ll either treat you to some fluff or humor or trick you with a horribly twisted sad AU  (I’ll use a random generator to pick trick or treat) send me “trick or treat” and a character(s) or ship in my inbox and I’ll write you a short little thing (I’ll be doing these all of October so send away!) i did my best
Daichi settles into his armchair with a content groan.  Ryuu crawls into the chair with him and Daichi doesn’t even have the heart to push him away.  Instead he simply wraps his arms around Ryuu and studies him.  
The darkness stained around his eyes is a fascinating shimmer of blues and blacks tinged with silver that makes the tiny golden stars falling from his eyes even more entrancing.  The dark leather cord around his neck is braided with gold and silver threads and the rusted key hanging from it draws Daichi’s attention to the soft, vulnerable dip of Ryuu’s throat.  The gold ink running down his shoulders and over his arms pulls Daichi’s focus until he’s staring at the swirling designs, mind far, far away lost in another set of swirling stars and shimmering golds.
“They’ll be here soon, right?”
“Yeah.  Any time now.”
Ryuu nods and nuzzles closer to Daichi.
“Good,” he says around a yawn.  “This is so much easier when Haru’s here.”
“Sleep,” Daichi murmurs.  “I’ll wake you up when they get here.”
Nagisa sweeps into their home the way he always does.  One moment he’s not there and the next he’s filling the space with his presence, his light, his warmth, in a way that makes you forget that he hasn’t always been there.
There’s a large crow pin clipped haphazardly in his hair and smears of purple so dark they’re nearly black running down his cheeks and throat.  Golden footprints follow him, glittering in the low light, and Daichi shakes his head, already resigned to finding glitter and gold dusting everything weeks after Haru and Nagisa leave.
Haru follows a few steps behind Nagisa.  His fingers are covered in a riot of oranges and pinks and golds that make Daichi’s own fingers itch with a need for something that he can’t quite pin down.
“Missed you,” Ryuu mutters sleepily from his spot in Daichi’s lap.
“Missed you too,” Nagisa says.  Daichi’s chair is not meant for three people.  But that doesn’t stop Nagisa from crawling into it anyway, purples and golds mixing with Ryuu’s blues and silvers until they’re a messy spread of tangled limbs and half-formed ideas in the confines of Daichi’s lap.
Haru balances carefully on the arm of the chair.
“The sky looks gorgeous this year,” Daichi says.
Haru smiles and shifts to look down at Ryuu and Nagisa.  He rubs his hand against Ryuu’s head and runs his thumb through the dark stains around Ryuu’s eyes, dragging the stars even further down Ryuu’s cheek.
“Sorry we were so late.  Nagisa was particularly stubborn this year.”
“Doesn’t matter.”  Daichi wraps his arm around Haru’s waist.  “So long as you come back to us.”
“You’re our home now,” Haru says.  “We’ll always come back.  No matter how many galaxies we have to go through to get here.”
Daichi nudges Haru until he leans down for a kiss.
“Welcome home,” Daichi murmurs against Haru’s lips.
“We’re home,” Haru murmurs back.  “We’re finally home again.”
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ezzydean · 3 years
if i were but a raindrop
for @notsuchasecret (and myself not even gonna lie) cause i love you and we love these soft idiots
“Why,” Haru asks as he stares at the rain pouring down.  “Why did you have to say that?”
Nagisa pouts at him and huffs.  “Well, to be fair, at the time I thought it was true and things couldn’t be any worse.  I didn’t expect fate to pick that moment to be a complete dickface and prove me wrong.”
Haru groans and digs his phone out of his pocket.  He’s down to 26% and it’s nearly one in the morning and according to the weather app he just pulled up this little downpour wouldn’t be moving out of the area until sometime after two.  He’s been awake since sometime just before sunrise and he’s supposed to be at work in something like four hours and Nagisa is pressed against his side in this tiny little doorway and shivering as the rain pours down inches from their noses.  Sometimes he wishes he was the rain.  Uncaring of people’s plans.  Smashing down onto the pavement and splattering mud up onto the sides of buildings.  Soaking sneakers.  Turning cracks and potholes into puddles.
Nagisa sighs and presses even closer to Haru’s side.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, voice nearly drowned out by the rain.  “I just didn’t know who else to call and I know you’ve been busy but I just.  I needed to call someone and it had to be you.”
“I know,” Haru mutters in reply.  “I wouldn’t have wanted you to call anyone else.”  Haru stares out at the rain a little longer, arm wrapped around Nagisa’s shoulder hugging him tight.  
“The way I see it we have two choices,” Nagisa eventually says.  “We either stay here for who knows how long until it dies down.  Or we make a break for it and get soaked on the way back to your place.”
“Oh we’re going to my place are we?”
Nagisa laughs.  “Well.  It is closer.”
“True.”  Haru scrunches his face as he pretends to think about it.  “Well.  I’ve never been afraid of getting wet before.  Why start now?”
Then he steps out into the downpour and tugs Nagisa out with him, laughing when Nagisa yelps and squeaks and takes off towards Haru’s place.  Nagisa spins around and glares at Haru when he’s halfway down the block and realizes Haru is taking his time strolling along behind him.
Haru’s struck by the urge to be the rain again.  But this time because he’s envious of the way it clings to Nagisa’s skin and makes his curls impossibly wild.  The way it pours down around Nagisa, caressing his flushed cheeks and helping show off the halo of light behind his head from the streetlight down the block.  The way it hangs from his lashes and shimmers at his feet when he shifts impatiently as Haru gets closer and closer until he can reach out and thread his fingers through Haru’s and tug him down the sidewalk.
He’s glad Nagisa called him in the end, no one else.  He always is.
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ezzydean · 3 years
Trick or treat - HaruNagi
come trick-or-treat in my inbox requesting ficcies and I’ll either treat you to some fluff or humor or trick you with a horribly twisted sad AU  (I’ll use a random generator to pick trick or treat)
send me “trick or treat” and a character(s) or ship in my inbox and I’ll write you a short little thing (I’ll be doing these all of October so send away!)
lots of thanks to @notsuchasecret and @cattatonically for helping me with this even if i didn’t tell you two what i was asking you for ehehe
That’s Haru’s first impression.
The world around him, black and white and shades of gray, spattered and splattered and splashed in swathes of red.
The back of his neck prickles, every human instinct in him telling him to run.  To bolt out the nearby door into the balmy night and never look back.  Another time, another night, another lifetime… he might listen to those instincts.  But tonight he’s so hungry, damn near famished, and he slowly slinks towards the doorway leading deeper into the house and ignores those instincts.
A soft giggle from the darkness caresses his senses.  Flickers in front of his eyes.  Whispers across his skin.  Curls into his ears.  Lays soft and damp against his lips.
“You sure are a brave one,” a voice behind him coos.  
Haru ignores it and continues through the house.  The hunger is gnawing at his bones, threatening to crack them and drink the marrow straight from them if he doesn’t find something soon.  And he knows there’s something here.  He can feel it, can sense it past the red red RED surrounding him like a swaddling blanket.
“I bet you’ll taste so yummy.”
The voice hangs in the air around him like a cloud of smoke and he finds himself trying to wave it away before he realizes what he’s even doing, so focused on that slip of something he can sense.  He’s close, so very close, and his entire body twinges with anticipation.
There’s a dim light that doesn’t get any brighter as he approaches it and he can sense that something just inside.  Just a few more steps.
He stops in the doorway and stares into eyes that glimmer and shift and meld from red to pink and back again in a mesmerizing display.  He manages to pull his gaze away and then he sees the pale skin splashed in red.  The blonde hair covered in red splatters.  The red dripping from pink lips pulled into a vicious grin.
But it’s that something that truly draws his attention and he steps into the room, eyes locked on the body curled on the floor.
It’s there.  Tiny and shivering and stuffed so far inside the body it’s hiding in he can barely sense it now.  But it’s there.
He reaches out, fingers barely brushing warm skin, and stops when cool fingers wrap around his wrist.
“Now now,” that voice curls around him again.  “You can’t just interrupt a person’s meal without paying a price.”
Haru blinks and lets the hunger in him coil under his skin, lets the timeless eternal craving creep to the surface, lets it swell and crash between the two of them.
Pink-red-pink eyes light up with glee as realization sinks in.
“Oh.  Hello there.  I’m Nagisa.  Would you like to share a meal with me?”
Haru stares down at the soul shimmering at his feet and then smiles.
“Haru,” he breathes out.  “And I think sharing a meal sounds like a great idea.”
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ezzydean · 4 years
HaruNagi - “Should you really be encouraging me when I say I’m going to conquer the world?”
This was gonna be a short 500 word piece.  Here is.  1400 words.
Nagisa is seven and he’s sure he’s never been more in love with another person ever.  Haru swims like he was born to do it and Nagisa likes to watch him.  He’s so happy when he swims.  Nagisa wonders what it’s like to have a thing that makes you so happy.
“Haru-chan,” Nagisa shouts, running to where Makoto is pulling Haru from the pool.  “You’re amazing!”
“Stop calling me Haru-chan,” Haru huffs at him and looks the other direction.  Makoto smiles at him and follows Haru towards the changing room.
Nagisa laughs and follows after them.  No matter how many times Haru says that he never really sounds like he’s serious about it.
Haru is twelve and he doesn’t look at the pictures on his dresser.  He refuses.  The smiles are too bright in them.  The laughter almost loud enough to hear.  The way they look at each other too raw.
He loves his friends, he really does.  But he hates them a little sometimes too.  Hates how they’ve left him.  Hates how they have pieces of him he’ll never get back.
He misses them.
Haru is seventeen and Nagisa pouts as he collapses into Haru’s lap with a dramatic sigh.  Haru lifts his sketchbook out of the way and settles it on Nagisa’s shoulder once he stops squirming around so much.
“No seriously,” Nagisa mutters petulantly.  “Should you really be encouraging me when I say I’m going to conquer the world?”
Haru absently pats Nagisa’s waist and then goes back to his sketches.  “Well if it’s not you doing it then I’d have to and we both know I’m too lazy to do that.”
“Haru-chan you’d be a disaster at ruling the world.”
“Hey no disagreements here.”
Nagisa giggles softly and wriggles a little more before he settles completely.  Haru keeps sketching even as he feels Nagisa slowly drifting off to sleep, body relaxing until he’s nothing but warm dead weight against Haru.  He finishes the sketch he’s working on and tosses his sketchbook onto the table next to him and lets Nagisa’s presence draw him into sleep as well.
Nagisa is nineteen and he’s never been more unsure of things ever in his life.  He’s away from his family.  He’s away from his friends.  He’s on a plane towards a brand new experience with no guarantee that he’ll make it.  Well he’ll make it.  It’s not like he’s going to die or anything.  But he has no idea for sure what it waiting for him when he lands.
He runs his thumb over the little wooden Iwatobi-chan charm Haru had carved for him when they had started the swim club.  Most of the others all looked the same but the one that Nagisa got had little black and pink swim trunks painted on it.  He never asked, never called Haru out on it.  He just held the knowledge that Haru had made this one specially for him in his heart and let it be.
It was how they worked.  Neither of them ever said a word about it but Haru always let Nagisa get away with things he wouldn’t let anyone else even consider and Nagisa never mentioned it, never bragged about it to the others.
When he lands and finally has a connection on his phone he sees dozens of messages from his friends wishing him luck and telling him to let them know when he arrived and all those things.  But the one that makes his heart skip a beat and heat try to rush to his cheeks is the one from Haru.
From Haru-chan:Conquer the world while you’re gone.  We both know I’m too lazy.
He smiles as he heads for the baggage claim and types a reply.
To Haru-chan:I’ll do it.  Only because it’s you.
Haru is twenty-eight and he’s so tired.  He never imagined he’d be this tired.  Ever.  Even when he was a moody teenager and all he wanted to do is sleep and swim and ignore everything else.  He’s beyond exhausted after another day at the bakery but he drags himself to Gou’s house anyway and lets himself in.  He can hear the tv as he slips out of his shoes and he can’t keep the smile off his face when he hears Nagisa’s ridiculous sing-song voice coming from the tv.  Gou’s little gremlins are in love with the show that Nagisa is on and they watch it every chance they get.  The love bragging to their friends that their Uncle Nagisa is a tv star.
“I’m home,” he calls out even though he doesn’t live here.
“Welcome home,” Gou calls back.
“Is that my wife’s other husband I hear?”  Haru hangs his coat up and wanders towards the kitchen where Gou and Daichi are in the middle of making dinner.  “Hey Haru,” Daichi says.
“Daichi,” he replies.  He looks at all the food spread out across the counters and raises his brows.  “You two cooking for an army?”  He gives Gou a sly look.  “Is Gou eating for two?  Or three again?”
Gou flushes and throws her, thankfully clean, spatula at him.  “I was pregnant with twins Haruka.  You try it sometime.”
Daichi just laughs at them both and continues working on dinner.
“Speaking of.  Where are my little gremlins?”
“With their Uncle Nagisa,” Gou says.  “You can go check on them if you want.  Dinner will be another half hour at least.”
He leaves Gou and Daichi in the kitchen and heads for the living room.  He would scold them for leaving their kids in front of a tv but the twins are eight and don’t actually watch much tv these days.  He hears Nagisa’s voice filling the room and prepares himself to wrestle the remote from one of the twins to turn the tv to a reasonable volume; they understand not sitting too close but are still a little stubborn with the not blowing their eardrums out by having the tv too loud.
He freezes in the doorway.  There’s no way he’s actually seeing Nagisa rolling on the floor wrestling with the twins.  He’s just really, really tired and he’s probably actually asleep right now, passed out in the back of the bakery and Sousuke will throw something at him soon to wake him up.  Nagisa’s laughter on the tv floats over to him and then Nagisa’s laughter right here in the living room snaps him out of his thoughts.
“Uncle Haru!” The twins cry in unison as they untangle from Nagisa and fling themselves at Haru.  It’s only years of practice that keeps him from being knocked over and he gives them hugs and small smiles and sends them to the kitchen to pester their parents.
“Hey Haru-chan,” Nagisa says softly, eyes sparkling as he gets to his feet and runs a hand through his blonde hair.  It’s shorter than Haru remembers, shorter than he wears it for his tv show, and that’s the fact that makes it sink in that this is real.  Because the Nagisa in his dreams doesn’t have short hair.
“Don’t call me Haru-chan,” he mutters automatically.
Nagisa laughs, bright and clear, and shakes his head, stepping closer.  “I’m too lazy to change it now.”
Haru huffs and takes a step towards Nagisa.  “I’m the lazy one here.  We both know it.”
Nagisa reaches out for him and Haru reaches back, both of them taking a last step and pulling the other into their arms.
“I missed you so much,” Nagisa whispers into Haru’s shoulder.
Haru takes a deep breath and buries his nose in Nagisa’s hair.  “I missed you too.”  He swallows nervously and then sighs when Nagisa hugs him harder.  “I love you.”
Nagisa tenses up for a moment and then practically melts into Haru’s embrace.  “I love you too.”  Then he snorts.  “And I didn’t even have to tell you that I was moving back yet.”
“You’re moving back?”  Gou’s shocked voice startles them but Haru doesn’t let go of Nagisa, they simply twist until Haru’s chin is on Nagisa’s head and Nagisa is leaning back against his chest and grinning at Gou.
“I am,” Nagisa says, bright and clear.  “The dream team is back!”
Daichi sighs heavily from the doorway when Gou lets out a high pitched noise and throws herself at them.  “Does this mean my wife has two husbands other than myself I have to feed now?”
“I can feed Nagisa just fine,” Haru says with a pout at the same time that Gou and Nagisa say “Yes you do.”
Nagisa is twenty-seven and he’s even more in love with Haru than he was when he was seven.
“I love you Haru-chan,” he says sleepily.
“Don’t call me Haru-chan,” Haru replies, just as sleepily, as he rolls over to face Nagisa and drag him close.
Haru is twenty-eight and he loves Nagisa back just as much.
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ezzydean · 6 years
8 + 3 + 23, your favorite Suga ship
au + trope + prompt game
college!au, meet cute, “you know that your book is upside-down, right?”
The atmosphere in the library was just what Koushi needed.  He had his phone with his Slytherin common room background noise playing, his noise cancelling headphones, and his biggest and most boring textbook open in front of him.  It was the perfect recipe for an afternoon tucked away in back corner of the library among the poetry collections and encyclopedias; rarely used and damn near forgotten about.
He propped his chin on his arms, took a deep breath, and frowned when he felt someone sit down across the table from him.
No one came back here except him.  Not even the horny coeds who wanted to check ‘making out in the library’ off their cliche romance checklist.
He slowly lifted his head up until he could peer across the edge of his book.  The first thing he noticed was fluffy blond hair poking out from under a dark blue stocking cap.  The second thing was the glint of mischief in the eyes of the man sitting across from him.  Wait a minute.  Were those…?  Did he have maroon colored eyes?  Magenta?  Some unusual pinkish-red tinted irises?  Koushi narrowed his own perfectly normal colored eyes at the other man.  The man simply grinned back at him.  After a moment he tapped his finger near his ear and gave Koushi an expectant look.
Koushi sighed.  But he slid his headphones off.
The man propped his chin in his hand.  “You know that your book is upside down, right?”  He pointed at Koushi’s textbook.
Koushi’s eyes flicked to his book.  Sure enough.  It was upside down.
His eyes flicked back up to the other man.  “And?  Your point?”
“No real point.  Other than pointing it out.  And getting you to take off your headphones and talk to me cause even with all these books here the only thing I wanna check out is you.”
Koushi felt his mouth drop open a little as he stared at the other man.  It wasn’t often that someone or something left him speechless.  But.  Here he was.  Unable to come up with a single comeback as the grin on the other man’s face slowly turned into a smug smirk.
“But how can you check me out,” he finally managed to say, “if I don’t know what name to put on the check out slip?”
“I cannot believe that worked,” a voice said from behind him.  He twisted in his seat.  The man leaning against the wall behind him could have been Kageyama’s brother, if Kageyama had a brother.  Koushi frowned.  Did Kageyama have a brother?  “Are you sure you didn’t set this up beforehand Nagisa?”
The blond gasped.  “Haru I’m hurt!  Would I cheat?”
Koushi watched their back and forth with amusement.  It reminded him a little bit of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi and he made a mental note to call and see how the now third years were all doing.
“Hate to interrupt you but was there something you wanted?”
“Nagisa has been staring at you for weeks here in the library and I finally got tired of listening to him compare you to angels and wondering about if your voice sounded as heavenly as a harpsichord-”
“Harp,” Nagisa interrupted, not that Haru seemed to notice.
“-that I finally told him that if he liked you so much he should come talk to you.”
Nagisa’s cheeks turned bright red but he refused to look away when Koushi turned to look at him.  He simply shrugged.
“What my boyfriend failed to mention is that he’s been obsessing over how soft your hair looks and how much he likes watching you run past our building on your evening jogs.”
Haru took a sharp breath behind Koushi.  “Nagisa,” he warned.
“Haru,” Nagisa sing-songed in reply.
“Sugawara,” he said, pointing to himself.  “Koushi.  And if you two play lookout for me for about ninety minutes while I take a nap then I might be able to be convinced to say yes if you ask me out to that ramen place just off campus.”
“The one with the starfish decal or the one with the bicycle rack?”  Haru’s voice was life or death serious.
“Neither,” Koushi said.  “I’m talking about the one with the little elephants on the register.”
“Oh,” Nagisa cooed, “good answer.”
Haru joined them at the table and eyed Koushi appreciatively, like he hadn’t expected Koushi to pick that place and was seeing him in a new light.
“Ninety minutes,” Haru said.
Koushi smiled and pulled his headphones back on.  “Ninety minutes.”
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ezzydean · 6 years
Tagged by @notsuchasecret
What is your total posted word count on AO3? (Go to your Works, then click Statistics.)
1,214,664 - though most of what I’ve written this summer isn’t over there yet
How often do you write?
I try for at little almost every day but it’s usually more like every couple of days
Do you have a routine for writing?
Open up Scriv, turn on my xbox, ignore Scriv for 2 hours.  Or open up Scriv, turn on my xbox, try to write while half watching some random movie.  (Not always the best but it works for getting started and then I’ll often switch the background noise to a random playlist or one of a couple ambient noise files/links.)
What’s your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
tropes - everyday magic, supernatural creatures, fake dating, accidental dating, crossovers in general, pairings - throw a dart at a few characters and that’s it.  honestly I like a lot of ships.  I’ll always have a soft spot for MakoRin and HaruNagi and KageTsukki.  Lately I’ve been very much into poly ships of various sorts.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Favorite in terms of the ones I’m most proud of?  Trust (MikoRinAi, favorite because it was my first long fic ever finished), Whispers in Our Souls (a ton of ships, favorite because it is my longest ever finished piece of writing at 76k), Stop the World (And Let Me Off) (AsaSuga, past DaiSuga, favorite because of the amount of myself I put into it and the hugely cathartic piece this fic was for me), and finally Shatter My Illusion of You and I Never Had a Fear of Drowning (Sousuke & Haru soulmate au, favorites because I had never written them before as any sort of pairing really and it was basically the same story told from both points of view which was tricky to do and keep the story interesting (and also a pretty decent amount of cathartic writing in these two also))
Favorite in terms of rereading it?  pretty much anything I’ve written in the last year?  I go through my own stuff every few months and reread a bunch of it.
Your fic with the most kudos?
Talking to Yourself is a Sign of Sanity - my KuroTsukki fic with @toxixpumpkin‘s apartment au about printing off cute cat pictures on someone’s unsecured wifi printer.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Sometimes I feel like my sentences are just... boring.  Like I’m not using the right words to make it flow and it feels really blocky and blah.
Now something you do like?
Drawing people in and making them feel like they can actually see things happening and that the characters are real people.  Little details that stick with you long after you finished reading.
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