#Harry Manson
userstuf · 7 months
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fav/reblog if u save or use ♥︎ dont repost it
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badmovieihave · 2 months
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Bad movie I have Super Fly 1972
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davidhudson · 15 days
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Happy 73rd, Chrissie Hynde.
With Debbie Harry, Shirley Manson, and Siouxsie Sioux.
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hero-tweets · 1 month
PART FIVE - Rich people :(
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Not a single brain cell in the mutineer polycule (Goodsir doesn’t count)
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jedivoodoochile · 10 months
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Chrissie Hynde, Debbie Harry, Shirley Manson and Siouxsie Sioux.
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nigesakis · 1 year
if the terror played in prison & what i think they would be in for
Francis: DUI accident/manslaughter or assault on superior/officer
Fitzjames: con artist (tricks rich old men/women who want him. Let me have this one.)
Blanky: tried to stop bar fight and accidentally knocked a few people out
Hickey: murder, identity theft, conspiracy, etc
Hartnell and Manson: tried to sell drugs to an undercover cop, shoplifting, planned bank robbery (badly)
Tozer: assault (probably beat up someone in the audience of a football game or something)
Armitage: accidentally sprayed a government building while high and resisted arrest
Franklin: tax evasion, political crimes
Goodsir: ignored patients DNR to save them
McDonald: helped patient out of it
Stanley: medical negligence (put new nurse in responsibility for high risk patient who then died)
Gibson: wrong place, wrong time
Gore, Hodgson: got framed
Irving: harassment (make of that what you want)
Wall, Diggle: bar fights (multiple)
Dundy: gambling
Des Voeux: hate crime
Collins: drug possession, forgot to pay taxes/rent/etc
Silna: Goodsir's defendant
Bridgens: let too many kids shoplift without notifying
Little: hit & run (victim survived)... or accidentally helped criminal on the run escape
Jopson: robbery (^ criminal on the run that escaped)
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bilgewater01 · 11 months
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the terror boys official ass chart
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Before Finding True Love, You Must First Spread Your Wings (2)
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bitchtoss · 2 years
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Shirley Manson photographed by Paul Harries, 2005
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bouncypickle · 3 months
y'all I wanna write but I have no ideas... 😔
please, anybody, send me ships, prompts, loosely held together ramblings about the Terror...
no ship is too out there, no prompt too fucked up, no idea too absurd.
please share your Terror thoughts with me 🙏
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Rereading The Terror
After that poll, I hope the currently 50-odd-% of you out there who haven't read the book now appreciate the great service I'm offering here. :P
Chapter Fifty-Three: Golding
Robert Golding, 22 years-old and God's Perfect Idiot, returns to camp from a hunting/leads party led by Des Voeux. He's all a dither and has a message for the Captain's ears only - they've found Silna and Tuunbaq both dead out on the ice, apparently, and want only Crozier and Goodsir to come out to see the bodies.
The lie is such a hilariously transparent one that it's almost difficult to see why Crozier even give it the time of day - I suspect it's mainly the repeated, confusing mention of various men injured in some non-specific way that makes him decide to check out the situation for himself.
Golding repeatedly refers to polynyas (isolated holes in the ice) as either "polyps" or "polyannas" during the conversation, which is just very funny to me.
He also, however, refers to Silna with an unsavoury term one might use for a female dog, and openly sniggers at the idea of her gory death, which is incredibly infuriating to me. I'm not going to include a quote here: suffice it to say Fuck You, Simmons - absolutely nae need for it. >:(
A small party of men make their way out to the supposed site of the bodies (Crozier ignored Golding's pleas that he and Goodsir should come alone, and has brought John Lane and Captain of the Hold William Goddard along too). No sooner do they arrive though, and hear what they believe to be Des Voeux's party nearby, than all hell breaks loose!
Crozier and Goodsir are seized by mutineers, knives held to their throats, while Lane and Goddard are knocked out cold, their heads bashed together by Manson who appears suddenly from the shadows. "Are they alive?" rasped Crozier... Hickey leaned over as if to inspect the men, and, with two smooth, easy moves, cut both their throats with a knife that had suddenly appeared in his hand. "Not now they ain't alive, Mr High-And-Mighty Crozier" said the caulker's mate.
A bit of back-and-forth follows between the two of them. Some of it made me laugh again in places: "What do you want, Mr Hickey?" asked Crozier... "I want you to shut the fuck up and then die slow and hard." said Hickey. But the weird levity doesn't last long as the fate of another one of Crozier's last loyal men is revealed: "What'd you always call Johnson [Tom Johnson] in private, King Crozier? Your strong right arm? Here." He tossed a naked and bloody right arm, severed just above the elbow, white bone gleaming, through the air and watched it land at Crozier's feet.
Crozier doesn't give Hickey the satisfaction of an emotional response, merely replies "You pathetic little smear of spittle. You are - and always have been - nothing." This is more than enough to incense Hickey, whose face contorts into "something non-human", his lips drawn back like a scurvy victim and eyes filled with "something beyond madness, far beyond mere hatred." He orders Manson to strangle Crozier, specifies that he should do it slowly, even, which is just delicious to me. A curiously bloodless option for despatch, as well as a deeply personal, intimate one.
Before Manson can obey though, Crozier shoots him in the stomach with a small gun he'd managed to keep hidden. He's shot several times himself in return but ultimately manages to escape out into the surrounding labyrinth of ice, leaving a trail of blood behind him. Goodsir tries his damnedest to escape too but is quickly overpowered by Golding.
Hickey is far more concerned about Manson's injury than Manson himself seemingly is, rushing over and demanding that Goodsir attend to him immediately: "Cornelius, honey." Magnus Manson's voice had the tone of an injured child. "My stomach is starting to hurt." Hickey wheeled, "Goodsir, give him something for the pain."
Hickey and Aylmore then follow the trail of Crozier's blood only to find it ends at a polynya in the ice, Crozier's coat floating in the dark water. They continue searching for him for three more hours - Hickey is determined to find Crozier even if only to have the satisfaction of shooting the Captain's waterlogged corpse.
In the meantime, Golding is assigned the grisly task of butchering Lane and Goddard's bodies. He's positively drenched in gore by the time he's done with everyone taken aback by his appearance - all except for Hickey, who laughs heartily at it before they all move on again with fresh meat and poor Goodsir in tow.
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jdsgothwife · 2 months
hello, i'm doris "kitty" katastrophe. i'm a goth girl, i know facts about marilyn manson that no one else alive would ever care about, i keep forgetting to take my fucking iron supplements, and i strongly believe that jason "j.d." dean just needed to eat a nice breakfast and get some kisses with tongue from yours truly. and that's why i think i should be kamala harris's 2024 vp pick— (i am forcibly removed from 2024's democratic convention)
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prkrt · 2 years
Sky High Would Have Been a Much Better Movie if Will Stronghold Never Got His Powers
So either last year or the year before I rewatched Sky High with my best friend for his birthday. Last I’d seen it I was probably like 5. And it was a fun watch. I’m a sucker for mid-2000′s media, and Sky High is as mid as it gets. While we were riffing on every little detail (like how Zach, Ethan, and Magenta look like Danny, Tucker, and Sam from Danny Phantom) eventually we got to the point where Will gets his powers. And then it hit me: “Why?”
Will not having powers is a pretty big deal in the movie. Having powers is a BIG deal even this movie. Even seemingly useless ones like glowing or melting into a puddle separate you from the average everyday citizen. So much so there’s an entire floating high school made just to train up-and-coming heroes. One could argue that entrance to the school requires having powers, and Will shouldn’t be attending at all.
And I think the movie could have genuinely drove the “Anyone can be a hero” message a lot more, and played with Will’s character a bit more, if he didn’t eventually just get superpowers out of nowhere. It’s really weird he does at all, because Will goes from an underdog who has all this shame about not having powers, which has forced him to lie to his father and be an outcast in his school, to Superman almost immediately. And Will only really becomes a jerk because of these powers, abandoning his friends, only to redeem himself later because the situation calls for it.
I think, genuinely, the film could have been a lot better if Will just never got his superpowers, and he had to prove he could be a hero without them. Instead of using his super strength to throw around Royal Pain, he’d be helping to stop the school from crashing into the ground and standing up to her even when the odds are against him. All with the help of his fellow sidekick friends. It’d be easier for the viewer to relate to (don’t we all feel a little small compared to everyone else?) and have an overall more positive message. Otherwise, it’s really just the story of some privileged kid getting everything he wants, just a little later than he wanted.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
Exchange Students
ectoberhaunt2023 day 23- magic fandom- Harry Potter crossover TW- none summary- Harry, Hermione, and Ron visit the strangest wizarding school in America
ao3 masterlist
Harry wasn’t sure why they had agreed to this. Sure, it had sounded fun and interesting, but now they were in America and were going to be going to what had to be one of the strangest magic schools in the world. 
Most people would probably consider it normal. And sure, from a  muggle standpoint it was. But that’s what made it so strange for a wizarding school.
It looked like a normal high school. There was even functioning electricity! Harry wondered how they had managed that since magic and tech didn’t work well together.
At the front door they were met by an older woman who Harry assumed was the headmaster.
“Hello, I’m Principle Ishiyama. Welcome to Casper High.”
“Thank you for having us.” Hermoine replied.
“Yeah, thanks.” Ron said.
“If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your home rooms.” They followed her into the building, and yup, htis definitely just looked like a regular high school. “I know this must be very different than Hogwarts, but since Amity is already a magic heavy town it didn’t really make sense to send the kids to a boarding school.”
“Is it true that squibs go to this school too?” asked Hermione. 
The principal tensed but replied with a smile. “Yes, we welcome all kinds of pupils here. Though I have to ask that you refrain from using that offensive term. All Amity Parkers know about magic and we consider it important to teach them the principles. However, since Casper High caters to a more diverse student group, we also teach all the regular classes. Classes rotate between muggle and magical with students placed into the ones that will help cultivate their talents yet at the same time give them a taste of everything. It’s important to have a well rounded education. Now, about your schedules. We’ve done our best to match you up with classes that you were already taking though I’m afraid you’ll also be required to take some muggle classes as well. However, there was one class for which you’ll have to choose a replacement.”
“Which one, miss?”
“Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
“You don’t teach Defense Against the Dark Arts!” Hermione said scandalized.
“We teach similar classes but nothing quite the same. So, I have a few different options you can choose from. First there's a class on blood magic.”
“Isn’t that illegal?” Harry asked.
“Not in the states.”
The principal sighed. “It’s only if you’re using someone else’s unwillingly given blood. But if that makes you uncomfortable you can take Spiritual Connections.”
“What’s that?” Ron asked.
“Its a study on temporarily imbuing an object with part of your spirit.”
Harry’s cringed, his mind jumping to horcruxes.
“And if neither of those sound appealing, you can also take beginners Necromancy.”
The principal sighed again. “I suppose you can take a History of Dark Arts Through the Ages. Though that one isn’t hands on.”
“We’ll do that.” Harry said.
Thankfully today had been a muggle studies day so all their classes were pretty normal. Well, except for Ron who had never taken a math class beyond basic arithmetics.
They were sitting at lunch when three students approached them.
“Hello, I’m Danny and these are Sam and Tucker. We were curious about how things worked at, where is it you attend? Hogwash?”
The boy, Tucker, snorted. “Sorry, that's just such a silly name.”
“And Casper is any better?” asked Hermione.
“True.” Danny answered.
“Is it true you don’t have any technology?” Tucker asked.
“Tech doesn’t work with magic.” Hermione answered.
Tuckers furrows browed. “Yes it does. My phone works fine. You just have to imbue the object with some of your spirit.”
“But that sounds terrible. Isn’t that like giving up part of your soul?” Harry asked.
“No? It's just like sharing your magic. It's what I study, magic and tech.”
“What about you?” Hermione asked, turning toward Sam.
“Magical biology and runeology. I focus on plants and their properties as well as rune blood magic.”
“But–” Ron started but Harry elbowed him. 
“Look, it's very simple.” Sam took a piece of chalk out of her pocket and drew a circle with a rune inside it on the table. Then she reached into her pocket again, took out a needle and pricked her finger before placing it on the run. It glowed briefly before a flower sprouted up.
“But you’re still using blood.”
Sam opened her mouth but Danny interrupted. “Sam, you can’t blame them. That’s just what they’ve been taught.”
She sighed. “I suppose. Their education is controlled by an old white man who wears a bathrobe.”
“But Dumbledore's incredible! He defeated Grindelwald.”
“Maybe, but he refuses to meet with our magical president because he says that Americans are backwards and that we must adhere to his rules before he’ll speak with us. I mean, isn’t your school still illuminated by candlelight? He won’t even let you use electricity.”
“Sam, that's probably enough.” Danny said.
They were all silent for a moment before Harry turned to Danny, “So, what do you study?”
“What!” Hermione squeaked.
“Yeah, I’m naturally inclined since its what my parents studied, and then I was in an accident and I became even closer to the spiritual world. I can temporarily call up ghosts and interact with the ones already present. You've got ghosts at Hogwarts, right?”
“Oh! I can also separate from my own spirit, like this.”
Danny closed his eyes and a moment later a ghost appeared next to him. He looked like Danny except with white hair and green eyes. Both Danny’s grinned at him.
“I’m not sure how I really feel about all this.” Hermione said.
Danny shrugged. “Welcome to Amity Park.”
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shloodles · 1 year
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[ID: two digital illustrations of characters from The Terror. 1) from left to right: Irving, Hodgson, Little, and Jopson in the greatcabin. Irving and Hodgson are bickering over a piece of paper that Irving is holding. They stand a ways behind the table, which is set with matching tea cups, and upon which a corner of a map is visible. Little stands in the foreground with his back to the other lieutenants, choking on his tea in bug-eyed horror while the teacup in his hand sloshes. Jopson in the far background stands with perfect posture by the door. He holds a tea tray, watching from the corner of his eye with a careful, neutral expression. 2) Several sailors and officers are seated around Bridgens in the fo'c'sle as he reads aloud from a piece of paper. Hickey and Peglar stand in the background. To the left of Bridgens, Tozer stands with his arm around Armitage, looking over Bridgens' shoulder at the paper. Armitage looks at Tozer, blushing fiercely. Bridgens himself looks enraptured, gesturing as he orates. On the floor in front of him to the left sit Manson and Morfin, just the backs of their heads visible. Two other unidentifiable heads are visible in front. On the floor to Bridgens' right sit Goodsir and Hartnell. Goodsir watches in adoration, hands folded in front of him, knees tucked up. Hartnell's eyes are closed, utterly transported. Far behind Tozer, Hickey watches in irritation through narrowed eyes. Far behind Goodsir, Peglar watches fondly while leaning against the bulkhead. end ID]
A Most Noble and Enjoyable Pursuit for @theterrorreversebang a secret love poems romcom by @lollians who I had the privilege of providing the concept and art for!!!
Go read it HERE
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