#Hark The Glad Sound!
Joy is the serious business of Heaven.
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asgoodeasgold · 2 months
Matthew Goode vs. A Black Panther
(🔊sound on)
A Goode fan on Twitter (layna_lane) attended one of the Blackbird Oracle promo tour events and reported back some of the lovely and interesting things Deborah Harkness said about Matthew Goode.
She said what drew her to casting Matthew was the way he moved - like a panther.
I agree, Matthew's way of moving and walking is very feline and in Discovery of Witches I thought it was breathtaking to see him portray an apex predator (vampire). I loved all these animalistic traits he gave his character, mesmerising to watch.
So this inspired me do make this video showcasing Matthew de Clermont/Roydon next to a beautiful black panther (I know deep doen MdC is a wolf lol).
This would not have been possible without the gorgeous footage from James Chandler on YT 🙏.
The other things Layna reported Deb said was that she was glad Matthew was cast, he has now become her MdC, and that he is kind, smart and funny (no surprise there but it's always nice to hear confirmation he is a wonderful human being).
🎶 Origins by Rob Lane (original soundtrack for A Discovery of Witches)
📷 My edit from Sky/Bad Wolf A Discovery of Witches (2018-2022) s1-3 and panther video by Jamie Chandler on YT (link below)
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nortism · 8 months
doctor who liveblog pt 18
s3 ep11 utopia
- jack harkness episode!!!!! he’s back from the war!!!
- always cardiff with these ppl
- uh oh the end of the universe
- oh fuck did jack die
- back from the brink of death and already flirting
- omg the doctor is a real dick 😭😭
- glad martha had someone to bond with
- yooo jack’s immortal??
- omggggg he’s an evil timelord
- HES THE MASTER ?!??!!!?!!? i’ve heard of this guy
- she’s still alive LETS GOOOO
- oh shit he’s in the tardis
- oh fucj he’s gonna regenerate
- why are u as a man calling another man master??
- oh no the tardis is gone, they are fucked
s3 ep12 the sound of drums
- oh they escaped that’s good
- oh he’s harold saxon
- martha i can’t believe u didn’t vote
- idk why he decided that the uk was the country from which he needed to take over the world but that’s doctor who logic 😭😭
- good to see that tish got a nice new job
- oh fuck he’s killed the cabinet
- most unrealistic part of this episode is that an alien became prime minister without being part of one of the two main parties
- who’d call himself the doctor???
- wait what happened to my girl harriet jones?
- oh shit he’s gonna kill the journalist
- lucy ur husband is gay
- oh he’s a hypnotist
- good of him to warn her about the bomb he planted in her room
- oh martha’s mum u fucked up
- theres a real fucked up homoerotic undertone to the doctor/master dynamic
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- what did i say?
- ok i’m kinda obsessed with the master, he’s cunty as hell
- the teletubbies r pretty cool
- starting to think the time lords aren’t great
- oh fuck jack is in torchwood
- uh oh the phones r evil
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- oh my poor girl 😭😭
- fucking americans
- oh shit martha’s parents
- oh no the tardis
- oh shit he just blew up the president
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- i giggled
- laser screwdriver!!
- oh fuck he was behind the lazarus thing
- sorry the doctor getting old man-ified was a little funny
- bye bye martha
- another fucking bible reference, they r loving those this season
- on one hand, it’s bad that the master is trying to end the world, one the other, cunty queer coded villains are what i come to 2000s television for
s3 ep13 last of the time lords
- this is a lot of pressure on martha, why isn’t it the immortal fucker’s job to save the world?
- oh they’ve crucified jack harkness
- uh oh prison break
- the old man is being old man-ified again
- where’d he go
- oh jesus fuck that’s horrible
- oh this is the doctor at his most pathetic
- at least martha’s parents are back together
- oh shit the professor is a snitch
- oh fuck here he comes
- uh oh they telported
- yesss homoerotic fight on a cliff let’s goo
- oh yeah his wife!!!!
- i could do without the misogyny i won’t lie
- omg he fucking died
- rip king, be nicer to women in the next life
- aww the poor doctor alone again
- good on martha for knowing when to leave
- what
possibly controversial but i preferred s3 to s2 despite being a rose girlie always and forever. that ruled and I LOVE U MARTHA JONES
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bigfootboyband · 1 year
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A quick sketch of Bucky in a sundress accompied by a line (translated into yiddish) from Rosa Emma Salaman’s Future Happiness:
Oh! with what ecstatic pleasure
Shall the righteous, like a stream,
Overflow with that lost treasure,
Happiness! no more a dream.
Earth in beauty! earth in gladness!
Flowers in eternal bloom!
All that was of grief and sadness
Buried low within the tomb.
See, the loving and the lowly,
See, the patient and the meek,
Clad in garments pure and holy,
Walking forth their G-d to meet.
Fragrance through the air is stealing,
Sighing as an angel sighs,
Beauty to each eye revealing,
Beauty of the earth and skies!
Now the birds, in joyous chorus,
Flap the bright exulting wing;
Rainbow-hued, they hover o’er us,
Upward to the heavens they sing.
Now the vine, luxuriant growing,
And the palm-tree, spreading wide;
Every brilliant blossom blowing,
Rose and citron side by side.
Here the bud, so soft and tender,
There the fragrant brier green,
Trees of most unearthly splendour
Wave the graceful branch between.
‘Tis the land where beauty shineth,
‘Tis the land of perfect love;
Peace and joy here intertwineth,
Crowned with glory from above.
None are desolate and lonely;
Tears will never more be seen
In those radiant eyes, where only
Melancholy grief hath been.
Wealth and grandeur of the nations!
High and mighty of the earth!
Where are thy exalted stations?
Where the places of thy birth?
Gone for ever! and forsaken!
They were but an empty dream;
Like the highest boughs, when shaken,
Or the false and shallow stream.
But the blessed and the tender,
They who had no wealth to give,
Heart and soul they did surrender,
And for this their souls shall live;
They who sought the poor to cherish,
And rejoice the breaking heart,
When the soul was nigh to perish,
And the tear of woe to start.
See, the glorious light is spreading,
Dawn of everlasting day!
See! the silver orb is shedding
One expansive, endless ray.
Hark! a voice—the dead awaking,
With the sound of that great Name;
Earth within its centre shaking,
G-d, its maker, to proclaim.
Through the earth a thousand voices,
Through the air angelic strains,
Every distant sphere rejoices,
G-d alone in glory reigns!
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whoficky · 4 months
Until Morning
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: As a weary Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness prepare to take on the Master, they find their hideout isn't as secure as they thought.
In a burst of blue light, a dimension hopping Rose Tyler finally finds the Doctor, but time is still not on their side.
What if you only had one night to spend with the love of your life?
Chapter summary: Rose and Martha have a chat and they all enjoy a hot meal.
Chapter 4
“I got Chinese,” Martha said as the Doctor and Rose approached, “It was the closest place.  And I used cash, so he can’t trace us.”
“Brilliant,” the Doctor beamed, showing almost no trace of the emotion from minutes before.  Rose wished for his composure and tried to surreptitiously wipe the moisture from her eyes.  
“Sounds lovely,” she said when she could trust her voice.  
Despite everything, her mouth did water at the savory smells coming from the takeaway boxes.  It had been…God, who knew how long since she’d had a hot meal.  Four or five days at least.  She had grown accustomed to living on protein bars and bad coffee.
“Here, let me help,” she offered Martha, reluctantly dropping the Doctor’s hand to sort through the large takeout order, “And Doctor, can you let Jack know dinner’s on?”
“Oi, and what am I, your errand boy?” he mocked great affront, clearly trying to pull a grin out of her.
She rolled her eyes at him but gave him that smile, “If you were, it’d make up for all those times I ended up disguised as the help or,” she shuddered theatrically, “the lunch lady.”
“You too then?” Martha asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh yeah all the time!” Rose lamented. 
“Is that your thing with all of us then, Doctor? Swoop in, promising adventures and excitement, and next thing you know, it’s months of being a servant in 1913 or working in a shop while you figure out how to get the TARDIS back!?” Martha stared him down with her hands on her hips.
“Right, I’ll get Jack,” the Doctor said, turning on his heel to fetch the Time Agent.
The two women laughed at his hasty retreat.    
Rose considered Martha thoughtfully.  She had been somewhat wary of her at first, worried things would be messy between them like it had been when she’d first met Sara Jane.  But Rose was older now, and Martha didn’t seem the sort to get catty.  She was happy they seemed to have skipped right to the part where they could laugh together.  At the Doctor’s expense, of course.  
When they finally caught their breath, Rose asked, “You said you’ve been traveling together for a year now?  I hope it wasn’t all drudgery.”
“Oh no, it’s been brilliant, really,” Martha assured her, “Present predicament notwithstanding.”
“Yeah, it seems like I popped in during the middle of one hell of a crisis,” Rose sobered.
Martha was quiet for a second before she shared, “The Master…he’s got my family.”
“Oh God, I’m so sorry Martha,” Rose said, putting a hand on the other woman’s arm.  After a moment she added, “The Doctor’ll sort it, you know.  They’ll be ok.”
Martha studied her for a moment, “You have so much faith in him.”
“I do.”
Martha sighed, “Yeah, me too.  It’s just…it’s hard.”
Rose didn’t know what to say, so she just nodded.  She thought about the times her Mum had gotten wrapped up in some alien plot or other.  Rose had always been wracked with guild and worry.  If the Master was as bad as the Doctor said, well she didn’t blame Martha one bit for the catch in her voice.  Rose gave the other woman a moment as they finished arranging the takeout in silence.
“Anyway,” Martha said, seeming to want to change the subject from her own worries, “I’m glad you’re here.  This has been awful for the Doctor too.  I mean, of course it is.  Losing the TARDIS on top of everything - “
“What!?” Rose said in alarm.  She knew the Doctor didn’t have access to the time ship by the TARDIS’ conspicuous absence, but with what Martha said, the separation sounded more…permanent.  Visions of a despondent Doctor staring out the window of their cramped quarters on Krop Tor flashed through her mind.        
“Yeah, the Master took it,” Martha confirmed Rose’s worry, “We only got back here from the end of the universe with Jack’s vortex manipulator.”
“How dare he,” Rose growled and for a second her vision was tinged golden.  She was briefly filled with a protective rage that made her want to set out immediately to liberate the ship.  The mad Time Lord had no right to her!  
At Martha’s alarmed look, Rose took a breath and blinked the golden haze out of her eyes. 
“Blimey, Rose.  I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side,” Martha chuckled nervously.
“Sorry,” Rose said, “It’s just…It’s so wrong for the Doctor to be without the TARDIS.  They’re such a pair, you know?  And who knows what the Master’s doing to her.”
“Her?” Martha asked.
“Yeah, the TARDIS.  Didn’t the Doctor tell you? She’s sentient.” 
“Yeah, but I guess I didn’t really take him seriously.  I thought ‘Old Girl’ was just, I don’t know, like sailors naming their ships after women they fancied.”
Rose hummed, “I thought that too, at first…” her mind wandered to hazy memories of the Gamestation.
She snapped out of it when Martha spoke again.  “Well, like you said.  The Doctor’ll sort it,” now it was Martha’s turn to offer reassurance. 
 After glancing over Rose’s shoulder she added, “Here, grab a plate.  I don’t know about Jack, but the Doctor can be a right pig sometimes.  No idea how he stays so thin.  Better load up before they get here.”
Rose laughed and took the plate from Martha, happy to set aside her anxiety for the TARDIS…For the moment, at least.  She had so much to worry about, and she knew it could overwhelm her if she let it.  She’d rather focus on what was in front of her for the limited time she had left in her home universe.  
“I heard that,” the Doctor said, sliding up to Rose and wrapping an arm around her waist.  He kissed her temple and tried to wrestle the plate away from her.     
“Oi, get your own!” she laughed, elbowing him in the side. 
The Doctor mock pouted but accepted a different plate from Martha.  Jack snagged one too and they set about loading their paper plates with food.
The Doctor and she settled in on a single overturned crate and Jack and Martha each picked a seat of their own.  Rose hummed happily after taking her first bite of the sweet crispy chicken, “Oh, this is brilliant!” she sighed.
“It is really good,” Martha agreed, “I’ll have to remember this place if we ever get out of this mess.  I think it’s a chain? Wonder if they deliver to my flat...Or well, wherever I end up after all this.”
For a while they were silent as they ate.  It seemed Rose hadn’t been the only one who had skipped a few meals lately.  She leaned against the Doctor and occasionally stole a bite off of his plate like she used to when they’d traveled together.  As before, he didn’t even bat an eye.  
“Oh, I got farther into the Master’s database and sniffed around some news sites,” Jack said eventually.
“And?” the Doctor asked.
“Don’t know what he’s planning, but he’s called a massive press conference for tomorrow morning.  Supposed to be introducing an alien race to Earth or something.  The American President will be there, and boy is he pissed.  Probably thinks he should be the one in charge.”
“Typical,” Martha snorted.
“The Master’s meeting Airfare One at the airport at dawn.  Looks like his next move isn’t until then at the earliest.  So…we have some time.” 
 “How long until the cannon is charged?” the Doctor asked her softly.
Rose pulled it out of her pocket to check, “About four and a half, maybe five hours.”
“That’s how long we have then,” the Doctor said resting his hand on her knee.  She looked up to meet his eyes. 
“Until morning,” she said.
“Until morning,” he agreed.
It wasn’t nearly enough time.    
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walkawaytall · 9 months
Audiobooks for which I think the narration vastly improves the book consumption experience:
The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green, narrated by John Green - this is John’s first non-fiction book and his narration of the book imbues the text with the right balance of emotion. I cry every time I listen to it, especially the chapter “Googling Strangers” (a version of which you can hear on the podcast that the book kind of spun off from for free if you want). I think John was the perfect narrator for this book and I can’t imagine anyone else reading it. In case you’re wondering, my favorite chapter is “Bonneville Salt Flats”.
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins, narrated by Tatiana Maslany — Tatiana is an actress (I mainly know her from an arc on Heartland and a couple of episodes of Parks and Rec, but she was apparently the main character in Orphan Black and has done a bunch of other stuff) and this really comes through in her narration — in a good way. She’s a fantastic voice for Katniss’ inner monologue and I don’t find her read of other character’s voices distracting or confusing in any way. Granted, I knew the stories before listening to the audiobooks, but I enjoyed these so much that, not only did I buy them so I would stop using up Hoopla borrows on them, I also have suggested them to like ten people this year and looked to see if Tatiana had narrated anything else that I might find interesting (she hasn’t done any other audiobooks from what I can tell, which is a real shame).
The Truly Devious Series by Maureen Johnson, narrated by Kate Rudd - I also went looking for anything else narrated by Kate Rudd and was not disappointed — she’s narrated over 500 books, including some of John Green’s novels. But the Truly Devious series is just really fun. It’s a YA murder mystery series. The first three center around the same mystery while the next two (and I assume any subsequent additions) are standalones with the same central cast of characters. Kate does an excellent job of reading the engaging source material and I think I have enjoyed every book I’ve heard her read; I just also happen to really like this series.
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy, narrated by Jennette McCurdy — I think for a memoir as heavy as this one, it only makes sense for Jennette to read her own words. The book is great, her narration is great, but it’s probably not for everyone. Jennette’s story of becoming a well-known child actress at the behest of her mother only to realize once her mom died of cancer that their relationship was abusive is somewhat harrowing, but there is hope woven in as well.
Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott, narrated by January LaVoy — this book is really good but it also gutted me (I won’t spoil anything, but do maybe look up content warnings prior to consuming) and January LaVoy did a really good job. If her name sounds familiar to my Star Wars peeps, it probably is: she read the audiobook for Bloodline, some of the stories in the From A Certain Point of View series, and the new recording of The Courtship of Princess Leia (lol) among others, but she has also narrated loads of non-Star Wars material. Loved this book, loved her narration of it.
Special mention:
The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness, narrated by Jennifer Ikeda — this is a special mention because I do not actually suggest these books at all. The first one starts out fairly promising with a seemingly interesting and strong main character who suddenly loses all of her personality and agency the moment she meets a hot vampire, and it’s not because she’s being compelled or anything interesting like that. By the end, the only “character” I really liked was the house that Diana’s aunts owned? (Well, I also spent a chunk of the first book hoping that the weird number of times Matthew warned Diana that his stallion bites would turn out to be foreshadowing that the horses were all vampires, but that unfortunately never panned out.) Anyway, these books are not good but I am convinced I kept listening to them even after swearing off the series after the first book because of Jennifer’s narration. And then they switched narrators for the weird little follow-up fourth book about Phoebe becoming a vampire (Time’s Convert) and I wasn’t able to finish it. (And that is not me saying that the narrator of Time’s Convert isn’t good. She narrated Leia, Princess of Alderaan and also did the Leia chapters in The Princess and the Scoundrel, which means I have told multiple people that I wish she would have read the whole book rather than switching off with whoever did Han’s chapters. She’s a fine narrator. What I’m saying is that Jennifer Ikeda was good enough to keep me listening even when I hated what was being read to me while another perfectly fine narrator couldn’t do that, and that’s saying something.)
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sketchfanda · 5 days
Kirishima's Mystique Party 5
The Iron Bitch!!
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Meghan Harkness was an enigma of a woman and few at L.A.B headquarters could tell or say much about her, hell even her file couldn’t list her exact age but damn If she didn’t have that whole silver fox vibe going on. I’m talking the sort of looks as tones thst could make any milf connoisseur drop their jaws and pitch raging tent hard-ons and she damn well knew it. Even the most heterosexual woman would find herself feeling a little curious what it’d be like to have a stunner like that kiss her and yes, she was sexy and she damn well knew it. So naturally she had a libido with energy to spare and the infamous Iron Bitch was always on the lookout for a stud or few who could scratch her itch.
So naturally when a certain elf babe who owned and ran a certain adult film studio called her looking to cash in a solid, she was in the first express flight to Japan. If it was one thing she could count on, it was that Syx had an eye and a talent for good time when it came to A girl getting laid. All she usually had to do in return for such favours was the odd skin flick here and there but this one sounded worth it for sure. All she had to do was to find a certain stud the platinum haired elf had her eye on and give him a, hands in review so to speak, and stream it to her, nothing too complicated.
Granted Meghan didn’t usually didn’t go out her way to do some college hero kid in training but going by some key juicy details Syx had so generously shared and provided? This Red Riot guy seemed like he might give Hammer and Stampede a run for their money but there was only one way to be sure. Fortunately it wouldn’t take much time and effort to locate him as she found him at the local Pinnacle of Physique gym, right when she had chosen to have her own workout there. Idly doing her bicep curls as she eyed the sturdy himbo and she had to say Mama likey.
There he was in his gym wear doing some press lifts in every variety there was, those sculpted muscles oozing strength and power and dripping with sweat. To Harkness, he was like an alpha male in the wild courting an eager mate and from some of the other ladies in the gym watching, she wasn’t the only one making a waterfall between the legs right hearing his subliminal mating call. But as far as the Iron Bitch was concerned, they were going to have to wait in line because she wanted that hunka burning love to tap her buns of steel first. So fortunate for ever that she had made arrangements with the owner of this gym, Mo Hani, to schedule her an appointment in one of the the private “Sexercise” rooms, now she just hade to quit pussyfooting around and make a move.
Now from what she had read up on the guy, it was best to go for the direct approach right off the bat so she opted to do just that. Making her way on over after he had finished his press lift routine and told him in no uncertain terms that he was going to her designated workout partner. Far as she knew and was concerned, didn’t matter how many women this guy had been with prior, nevermind the fact he was in a threesome relationship, this himbo was still just a little boy who was going to be putty in her hands. Meghan Harkness in her mind saw herself as a moan of experience and standards and no man was a proper stud until they proved it to her first hand.
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Meghan:”OOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!! Fuck fuck fucking yeah!! Fuck me harder!!”*Well she wasn’t one to never admit when she could be wrong but ooh was she ever glad to be proven so. The Sexercise room echoing with her wanton whorish moans and cries of sexual ecstasy as Kirishima was fucking her deep and hard. The sturdy stud had clearly taken her hunt in board that she wanted a good, fierce fucking that would leave a porn star limp and numb but he was clearly going plus ultra!! Currently performing a standing fuck as their naked bodies smacked into one another, his powerful arms hooked around those lethal legs of hers as he thrust and pumped like a jackhammer.*
How Harkness loved it, this was exactly how she liked it when getting sexual with a man, to be not treated like a delicate flower but to be fucked raw and hard. To be left feeling so sore and numb thst she wouldn’t be able to feel like she could be walking for a week and with the way the hardening hero was working her over? It’d feel like two at the least if not a month at the most as he kept pounding her like a genetic jackhammer, currently being taken from behind as eh was pinned uo against the window of the private room. The young buck pumping and pounding away like a ma posssed, driven to prove and meet whatever standards the Iron Bitch had for him as he smacked and made that ass jiggle and clap.
As if there needn’t be any further proof how aroused she was, she was utilising her quirk IronClad to its fullest, her peak Olympian bombshell figure now an organic metal capable of withstanding explosive and artillery firepower. Glistening with an erotic sheen as the sturdy himbo unintentionally assaulted her in her favourite position, the spread eagle, her ankles in his grasp as he brought her to orgasm over and over. Making her grip the gym mat for dear life as her lust grew like gasoline being poured in a raging fire as she delighted jn this hunky Japanese himbo putting Hammer and Stampede to shame.
Honestly she hadn’t felt this fuck a good since thst time she’d met All Might personally and this young gun had a magnum dong on par with this which he was putting to good use. Japan, especially and specifically UA was clearly not lacking or slacking in prodding it’s hero students a proper sexual education unlike some of their counterparts in the states and Kirishima was proof of that. She could think of few girls back hime who could use some quality time with this Hardening bull who continued to keep going at it like a train on the tracks with no sign of stopping. Showing he was no stranger to being a woman to the peak of of orgasmic ecstasy over and over and giving Harkness one hell of a sexual workout.
Those who didn’t know what Meghan Harkness was like in private and off the clock would no doubt be shocked to witness her being an Iron Bitch of a different sort, as her organic metal bombshell body continued to become assaulted by the raw primal caveman libido of the Red Riot. From attempting to dominate him in cowgirl and amazing press postion to finding herself in a mating press after once again being out in her much beloved spread eagle, to taking it from behind from downward to full on doggy style to prone as hea heavy metal ass was beat like a drum. The rhythm of pornographic passion ringing through the Sexercise room as Mo Hani watched with voyeuristic delight on the other side of the window, taking in Harkness’ ahegao expressions as the Iron Bitch rode another simultaneous orgasm with her sturdy himbo bull. It was a full on marathon rodeo of relentless sex as the Iron Bitch learned fist hand that Kirishkma could be a riot in the sheets as much as on the streets.
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It was a while before theIron Bitch had finally finished her time in there, that is after a couple more creampies as she was soon back in work at Ebon City. Radiating wit a raw glow of erotic satisfaction and of course Kirishima’s contact details on her cellphone, making plans to arrange a special thanks for him such as arranging her next round of shore leave for her next dose of the Red riot experience. Sensually biting her lip as she shuddered at the phantom sensations lingering from the heavy trio and smacks of Kirishima’s firm, skilled hands, that boy was a Man alright. One she wasn’t going to forget as she had herself a naughty little idea as she sat alone in her private office.
Back with our favourite sturdy himbo of course, who was relaxing on the couch of the apartment he shared with his two main alpha girls, he blinked as he saw his cellphone buzz on the coffee table. Picking it up to ooen and see the notification, he widened his eyes and blushed to find Harkness had sent him a naughty nude pic. The MILF quality military heavy metal woman rocking a sensual grin as she laid on the couch, posing erotically with nothing on but her stockings and high heels. A caption reading “Thinking of you and missing you already Red, little fuel for your wet dreams…”
Naturally because of how his luck liked play out the way it did, who should happen to also see this picture but Mina and Maya, clad in just bathrobes as they were in their way to share a shower together. Twin grins of sensual delight and mischievous lust in their faces as they made it clear they liked what they saw and their alpha male was going to tell them every juicy detail about his new naughty lady friend. In the shower of course because no way they were going to wait until afterwards when it’d be so much more fun and steamy. But even more so when they’d personally meet the Iron Bitch herself…thiugh they who’d to wonder with her quirk and all, was she related to Tetsutetsu?
Ride the Lightning!!
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Brynn Thora hated boredom and there was nothing more boring than having to lie low while waiting for the heat to die down but Dr.Gia Knome’s orders had pretty damn absolute forwards her and her partners in the Valmyra trio. Lay low and wait for the heat to die down in Ebon City so here they were biding their time in Japan playing tourist and it was so damn boring. Oh sure it was easy enough for her partners Kara Shango and Sheila to play it low key but she wanted some action damnit! Asses to kick, names to take and if it wasn’t too much to ask then maybe a nice big cock to enjoy!!
But leave to Knome and Ms.Napalm to be total buzzkills and insist she not go looking for or making trouble which was of course the cause of her boredom. Damn it was it too much to least go hit up a gym or a bar or something? Still far as she knew, they never said anything about the local arcade and okay sure maybe she didn’t need to hit up those chumps for some change but hey she needed enough hen coins after all. Not her fault Japanese arcades had such a variety of fun and addictive games right?
But of course it figures her antics would get the attention of one of the local friendly neighbourhood capes and masks crowd as she felt someone tap her shoulder. Pouting as she had to interrupt her play through of the fighting game she was checking out to see who had the bad timing to bother her. Only for the dark skinned punk biker Amazon to develop a stunned expression and a small blush as she laid her eyes on our resident favourite sturdy himbo for the first time in her life. To say she was feeling so horny right now was an understatement as she could feel the sensual electricity running through her veins…and deciding she had just found a new and way more fun way to kill off her boredom.
The next thing Kirishima knew, he was sent hurdling out through the arcade window, arcs of electricity running along his bidy from having taken a taser style punch from the thug babe. Just his luck he found himself seeming to deal with what had to be Denki if one of his chromosomes hadn’t lost a leg and had been born a vicious, If admittedly hit sexy black woman. Thora herself emerging from the make shift exit she had made as she was cracking her knuckles, a grin of wicked glee on her sexy face as her body surged with electrical energy, lights flickering and going haywire around her. Seeing the sturdy himbo still standing even after having taken a charged sucker punch like that was all the sign she needed thst this beefcake was going to be fun to play with.
Soon as Kirishima properly got to his feet, he was finding a 5’11’’ milk chocolate Amazon coming his way like a freight train as he hardened up against the force of her electrically charged body tackle. The hero and villainess proceeding to commence brawling which for Thora was so damn arousing. Locking up and clashing against a prime hunk of man meat who could take a licking and keep on ticking was making her so damn wet that before the Red Riot knew it, she suddenly pounded on him. Arms and legs wrapping his muscle mountain frame as she pressed his lips to his, shoving her tongue into his mouth as she proceeded to make out him, uncaring that she was giving into her libido.
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Now this wasn’t Kirishima’s first rodeo but Damn if this woman wasn’t intense, of course Brynn Thora was one third of Gia Knome’s infamous Valkymra trio so it was to be expected. But as UA taught them when it came to any sort of crisis or situation, you got to go plus ultra so our course he began to return the make out in kind. Thora purring with a sultry moan at the sturdy himbo suddenly finding some will to start asserting dominance as she felt herself pinned up against a wall. Their brawl from moments ago having taken them to an isolated alleyway as she and her designated man meat targets rated to get one another’s clothes off of each other and ooh if she liked what she saw before, the sight of that naked Adonis body was making her fall in love.
The dark skinned electric Amazon had to wonder how many female suoer criminals around here must’ve lined up to have this hero handle them personally because if this was how did things? Christ she’d glsdly let him arrest her if it meant he’d give her conjugal visits to punish her for being such a bad girl but of course she wasn’t going to make it easy for him oh no. Hence she’d add in a little taster like jolt or jab as she battled for dominance, their bodies naked in that alleyway as she bounced and rode her milk chocolate form cowgirl style with relentless passion and lust, her juicy tits bouncing hypnotically as she shot the sturdy himbo a cheeky look as if asking if he was going to break under this. Only to gasp and howl with erotic delight as he suddenly smacked her ass snd proceeded to turn the tables on her, pouncing and putting her in a mating press.
Oh of course she was loving each and every damn second of such displays of manly virility and prowess from the chivalrous stud, this was how a real man should be. There were plenty of chumps back home who could learn to take notes ona thing or two from this himbo on how to treat and handle a woman, most of them were all cock and balls with nothing else to go for them who could barely back uo their words. But Kirishima was nothing like those weaklings and wanna bes, he was a man of action and impact and oooh it was showing, the raw feel of his length and girth hammering inch after inch to pound her womb. The heavy weight of his balls slapping her jiggling ass, of his powerful Herculean form looming over and pressing against her own amazonian figure snd the taste of heir tongues dancing together with a sloppy desire signifying the forming of a mutual lust between them.
Brynn found thst her electrical attacks were starting to lose some effect on the sturdy himbo but quite frankly,she was too horny to care or give a damn. She was feeling too damn good right now being taken to erotic heaven and back as she found herself held up in the air, her legs trapped in the embrace of a Kirishima’s powerful arms as he made her bounce and ride in his cock. The pair in a standing fuck postion, his feet planted firmly on the ground as his skin showed telltale signs of him using his quirk to enhance his erotic subduing of the dusky suoer criminal, her body pressed and rubbing up against him as they kissed and made out becoming lost in their own pornographic world. A puddle of sweat and juices building beneath them as they showed little to no signs of stopping this spontaneous act of sexual combat.
The number of orgasms she had kept hitting her one after another, unable to keep count in comparison with how many times he blew those delicious loads, the feel of her snatch and as showe being flooded or the taste on her tongue as she drank it up pure euphoria. Some of it marking her skin in a delightful contrast as they went through a kama sutra worth of positions, doggy style to seated lotus as blue eyes shine with lust at blood red ones, her tongue licking at those razor sharp shark like teeth. Until they reached the literal and figurative climax, sharing one final simultaneous orgasm together as Brynn Thora suddenly unleashed an emp shockwave while they’d been once again in her favourite position, the Spider/squatting bull.
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By the time Kirishima had recovered from that literally shocking climax, Brynn was gone no doubt having likely made her escape in the confusion and aftermath. Albeit she'd left behind a little something to remember her by, having written her contact details on the palm of his hand which he'd copied on his phone. Soon as he was dressed and back home, having had a shower naturally after such an encounter, he'd sent her a text both thanking her for a fun albeit randomly wild time and giving her a friendly warning to never let it happen again of course. Though knowing his luck, it likely would play out that way of course, the universe had a quirky sense of humour.
Brynn a few days later was back home in Ebon City and up to her usual antics with her fellows in the Valkymra trio as the dusky skinned amazons were busy showering after a little off the clock rough housing with some local biker dudes. Their milk chocolate forms glistening under the steamy water as Thora was busy soaping herself up before she checked her cellphone for any notifications to clear and catch up on. Seeing the text from Kirishima as she licked her lips sensually, grinning as she shuddered recalling the phantom sensations of that spontaneous encunter before she got herself a wicked little idea. Deciding the best response would be to send the sturdy stud a sexy pic as she took a nude selfie of herself in the shower, flexing and pumping her bicep as she shot him a wink and a smile ensuring he got a good view of wet, naked Amazonian form.
Naturally this got the attention of Sylvia Simone and Kara Shango who wondered just what sort of guy their teammeate was going out their way to show off for, after all any guy she made effort like that for was worth notice. Naturally this lead to her sharing the juicy dirty little details of her Red Riot experience in Japan which soon resulted in Kirishima's phone being blown up with naughty nude pics of a wet, naked amazon trio as Thora promised next time she'd bring her friends. And he knew it was only a matter of time until Mina and Maya saw these and wanted details themselves and he knew for sure, this clash of Red, Pink and Blue against this milk chocolate trio was going to be a wild one. And somewhere, Mineta fell to the ground on his knees cursing out God as he wondered why he was feeling a major case of blue balls.
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Bonnie's Riot
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Bonnie Rockwaller liked to think of herself as a girl who enjoyed the finer things in life, was that too much to ask? Just because she was in high school didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy a little luxury and pampering after all like a little power shopping and a spa trip now and then. Or being the trophy girl for some nice strapping studly hunk who’d worship the ground she walked on but not be a total simp, after all you couldn’t really respect someone who blindly kissed your ass. But alas to be her was a curse which meant quality men were few and between but maybe this little personal trip to Japan might at least make for a nice mood easer and confidence boost.
so imagine her surprise snd delight to encounter none other than Ms.Syx, the infamous owner and operator of Manaworld Pictures at a locale cafe during one of her tourist outings snd the woman thought she had potential?! Hey Bonnie wouldn’t deny she enjoyed a good skin flick now and then and the porno put out by the likes of MP, Double Z studios and Skullfuck Productions was some quality material much of which made up her personal collection back home. And the violet elf herself was willing to give her a shot at an audition but of course she had to her just one little favour to secure herself such a solid. All she had to do was meet and fuck a certain spruce Syx had been scouting personally as a potential talent to sign and she was good as gold, honestly Bonnie couldn’t have said yes fast enough and all Syx had to do was name the time and place.
So there Bonnie sat looking cool, calm and aloof as she sat in the infamous casting couch room but internally she was feeling so wet right now wondering what sort of virile, well endowed stud Syx wanted her to give a test drive. She wasn’t made to wait long as the snow haired violet shadow elf entered the room with none other than Kirishima in tow and Bonnie had to say, she was quite liking what she saw. Yes our sturdy hero had decide to take plunge and call the number on the business card he’d been provided some time back, thanks to some gentle persuasion of course from Ms.Midnight and to say he was nervous was an understatement. But of course Mina and Maya reassured him he was more than capable of stepping up to and meeting any challenge, after all didn’t a real man always welcome opportunities like this?
So here was how he found himself in the casting couch room, stripping down to his boxers, much to Syx and Bonnie’s delight of course as the elf woman went over to handle the tripod mounted camcorder. Eager to document this sure to be an arousing audition as the Red recording light came on, Bonnie stripping down to her own simple but very sexy bra and panties as the cheerleading hottie wasted no time in initiating action. Pressing herself against hat warm, firm muscular frame, tits rubbing against his pecs as she locked lips with him. Making out with little to no restraint on her inhibitions as her tongue explored and massaged those oh so sharp, shark-like teeth, moaning as she felt him grab and squeeze her luscious, caramel tanned ass.
Syx sensually licked snd bit he lips at the passion commencing before her, compared to prior events before, it was a whole different but delicious experience to witness Kirishima in action up close and personal like this compared to seeing him via secret camera screens. Bonnie was certainly admiring the view of such a prime physical specimen so up close and personal, those abs were so cut and ripped that you could grate cheese on them as she felt them up with her hands. All the while she pushed and rubbed herself up closer against that powerful form, her body becoming oh so tingly in all the right places as they made out before she soon found her bra falling off. What a gentleman full of surprises, to think at some point during their steamy make-out session he somehow managed to undo the clasp, could she be any hornier than she already was right now?
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But of course that was neither here or there as to how he'd managed to do that when right now was all about making sweet, passionate primal fuck. Syx watching on and recording with voyeuristic glee & awe as the now naked pair were commencing with a horizontal 69 on the couch, Bonnie's eyes glowing with lust as she sucked and blew on Kirishima's cock. All the while the sturdy himbo massaged her bubble butt in his grasp as he ate her out, lapping away at her pussy with that oh so skilled tongue of his as the cheerleading hottie struggled erotically to deepthroat his length and girth as if wanting to suffocate on that fuckhammer with no regrets. The elf woman feeling her stocking clad thighs become warm and sticky from the flow of nectar seeping out and to think, this was just the foreplay!!
Naturally once they got to the main event, Syx was getting her figurative money’s on camera was Bonnie was riding the sturdy himbo in reverse cowgirl. Straddling and bouncing in his lap as he sat and pumped his powerful hips, Bonnie’s a shameless, passionate ahegao expression as she relished the sensation of this meaty fuckhammer penetrsting her sloppy snatch. Her stomach showing a distinct numbing bulge indicating the delethnsnd reach of his length and girth hitting her wilmb and stretching inner muscle walls of her oussy in ways no toy could ever hope to match, wanton moans escaping her drooling lips as he groped and squeezed her perky caramel tan titties. Before making her gasp as he hooked his arms around her legs, pulling them back until her ankles were on either side of her head as he stood uo to commence pounding her in a full nelson position much to cheerleader and elf babe’s delight.
Syx was relishing such displays of manly dominance and assertion of sexual skill, making sure the camera had a good shot of those interconnected loins as he licked her lips at how inches of thst pussy pleasing assclapping slab work it’s lewd magic. The look of Bonnie clearly having her mind broken by such raw, relentless pleasure as lik glowing hearts were visible in her eyes and the hardening bull stud was only just getting started. Putting that flexible cheerleader body of hers to its limits as she was getting filed in a combined mating/pile driver press, her tanned booty cheeks clapping and jiggling with those balls smacking those thunderbuns in any and every postion possible wit his stamina and staying power. Those dumb jocks and pretty boys back in Middleton had nothing on this beefcake…well except for that Soppable dweeb who haunted her wet dreams of course, stupid cue sexy need!!
From being bent over or hanging off the edge of the couch was she was taken from behind doggy style to laying front flat on the seat or floor as he plowed her prone bone. The feel of his strong muscle tank of a body pressing down on and rubbing against her own bombshell form a thrilling sensation in tandem with that jackhammering cock that relentlessly brought her to orgasm over and over. Kissing and making out with him whenever she coild out her whorish lips to use, having her tongue dance with his in a sloppy game of spit swapping tonsil hockey. But of course being the every obliging erotic gentleman and chivalrous stud he was, he certsimly made sure her ass and mouth got just as much of a workout.
Bonnie certainly approved of course as she became more than willing to wanting to be the sturdy himbo’s personal pocket pussy, or dare she hope a regular scene partner of his in Syx’s porn movies. That is providing the elf woman managed to get him to agree to work for her and she had done a good enough job in this casting couch to eewrn her own contract. But for the moment, she was busy being taken to satisfaction avenue on pleasure town and Kirishima was the stud training taking her there for a ride. Each and every single orgasm a punch on her ticket there as seconds passed into minutes and followed to hours.
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When it was finally all said and done, Bonnie laid on that couch limp as a ragdoll, a fucked silly smile on her face as her body was soaked with sweat and cum. Kirishima panting as his body recovered from that intense session looking to see Syx pleasuring herself, flicking her bean as she had jilled off to the raw passion she witnessed before her. Deciding that she had done enough as she kept the camera rolling, stripping herself naked as she made her way over to Kirishima with a seductive sway and sashay of her luscious bombshell form. She felt it was now high overdue time she cut right to business and talked with the sturdy stud about utilisiing his sexual potential to its absolute fullest, that is after a little...personal hands on review of course. Sinking down to her knees on the floor as she grasped and began to stroke his cock, breathing new life in it as she gave him an encouraging blowjob, moaning at the tase of the mixed sticky juices.
It wasn't long after that that Manaworld Pictures announced it had signed some new talent with some major potential that they hiped would develope a solid fanbase. Bonnie of course was only too happy to have her picture displayed, posing in some sexy lingerie as the attached article hyped up her pending on screen debut, remarking that she had earned herself a contract after an above and beyond performance in a casting couch session. Said session ahd also included her fellow rookie, whose name and face were withheld, known only as Mr.R but Syx herself was quoted as saying she saw a very bright future in porn for this more than capable stud. Even stating that his debut feature would see her personally doing scenes with him, to the shock and surprise of many as Syx didn't often work with her rookies right off the bat.
Kirishima since that day of course was nervous-cited (both nervous and excited at the same time) admittedly at the prospect that he had actually agreed to work in porn. But he certainly couldn't deny it made Mina and Maya equal parts happy, proud and aroused that their man was going to make many women very happy by being the stud they knew he could be on camera. Though he was curious if it'd be any different to what he had going on in his life right now where it seemed like his life was one whole ongoing porno. But hey apples and oranges, though he seriously hoped Midnight didn't find out, lord only knows how horny it would make her.....
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oldfangirl81 · 4 months
Fic Deleted Scene
LA Pride, June 2024, Planet Earth
"Hey Stevie, look to your right. Is that who I think it is? It can't be right?" Bucky sounded a little spooked.
It put everyone on edge as Steve tried to casually look to his right before he quickly turned back to Bucky with a shocked look.
"Sure looks like him but you're right it can't be."
"What's going on guys?" asked Sam. He was really hoping they were going to have to try fight with so many civilians around.
"He looks like a guy we knew during the war. He was trying to get into Bucky's pants constantly. And mine. And Peggy's. And Howards.. Really anyone with a pulse. I think he used the word ominisexual which is odd in hindsight given it was the 1940s."
"He succeeded into getting into mine." Bucky shrugged at the judgmental look Steve was giving him. "He wore the uniform well. Even if you're not wrong and he was a little odd."
"How was he?" Clint asked curiously.
"If it really is Captain Jack Harkness then I'm sure he'd be willing to give you a demonstration."
"I have a boyfriend who might object," Clint raised an eyebrow looking at Bucky.
"He is a more the merrier type so he'd probably be more than happy for me to join." Bucky squared his shoulders. "He still owes me five dollars if that is him."
"What was his name again?" Clint asked.
"Captain Jack Harkness."
"Really, Barton?" Sam sighed.
The man they suspected was Harkness froze for a moment before turning to face them. His eyes widened in shock clocking Steve and Bucky immediately. He grabbed the hand of the man and dragged him through the crowd to the four men.
"Jamie! Captain! I am so glad that you finally made it home from the war. You both are looking very fine."
"And so oddly enough are you. Looking very good for being over 80," Clint commented with a grin giving the man an once over. "If you like the flyboy type. Never really been my type."
"I'm everyone's type, handsome."
"I prefer snipers. They always hit their target." Clint winked back.
Jack turned to Sam holding out his hand. "Well hello there. Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?"
"Stop it, Jack." The man with him said.
"I can't say hello?"
"No you stop it." The man and Steve said the same time.
"It's fine." Sam rolled his eyes looking at the companion. "I'm Sam Wilson. And you?"
"I'm the Doctor."
"Oh no, there goes a peaceful day." Clint sighed.
"You know him?" Bucky asked his boyfriend in surprise.
"Not personally. An old mentor of Coulson's cursed his name a few times."
"Who?" asked the Doctor.
"Canton Delware."
"Oh. Yeah, he helped burn my body at a picnic once. Well kinda. It was complicated."
"Everything with you always is, Doctor."
"But no worries, we are just attending the celebration. I'm actually retired after an incident."
"Oi Spaceman, where did you go?" Donna and Rose finally spotted Jack and 14.
"Wait...is that Captain America? At Pride?!" The teenager's mouth dropped in shock. "You're an ally?"
All four men started laughing immediately thinking of Buck. Rose's expression fell at the laughter. Donna was getting ready to yell at them going into protective mode.
"Sorry, sorry, it's an inside joke." Steve gave them a smile. "I'm more than ally. Sam is my partner off the battlefield too."
"Cap 4 Cap, Doll" Bucky winked at the teen.
"You stop it too." 14 pointed at Buck.
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chthonic-cassandra · 1 year
Recent books, vampire fiction (most of which I will be mean about) -
Claire Kohda, Woman, Eating - A young vampire woman puts her (vampire) mother in a nursing home and then tries to make a life for herself as an artist. I had mixed feelings about this novel, but ultimately liked it more than most of the other things I will talk about in this post. I found that it was a book that improved with contemplation; my predominant experience reading it was of irritation at how much it reads like all the other contemporary novels about disaffected young women, but ultimately Kohda is doing some interesting things with hunger and consumption and heritage and intergenerational trauma. I would have liked if the focus had been more sharply on those themes, the novel had gone through a few more editing passes, and the whole thing was willing to be more unapologetically weird.
Dion Fortune, The Demon Lover - A young secretary answers a job ad and finds herself under the thrall of a would-be sorcerer who is using her for her psychic capacities. this is only sort of a vampire novel (it's really a psychic vampire novel, which is a topic about which we all know Dion Fortune had some things to say). It's bizarre, and has some disconcerting politics, but I was actually quite compelled by it. The early sections have some of the bleak claustrophobia of Shirley Jackson, though without her sharp eye and structural skill; the later sections explode out into a messy, exhilaratingly disturbing gothic romance. I'm glad I read it.
Nicole Jarvis, The Lights of Prague - vampire hunter in nineteenth century Prague accidentally falls in love with a noble-hearted vampire woman. This was fine but boring.
Isaac Fellman, Dead Collections - a trans vampire archivist begins a romance with the widow of a television writer whose fandom he wrote in as a teenager. Unlike Kohda's novel above, this was a book that I liked less and less the more I thought about it; I was reasonably engaged while reading, but afterwards kept thining about things that could have been better. Fellman has a couple of interesting ideas here about vampirism and archives, but they are scant, probably better suited to an essay or short story than a full novel, and I found the novel as a whole very dry and in places quite irritating. The world-building around vampirism (which is common knowledge in the world of the novel, which otherwise appeared set in contemporary California) involves what I felt were the blandest choices possible, including very tired and surface-level addiction parallels. The way that the deceased screenwriter character was handled was odd and uncomfortable, though the imagined tv show she wrote for sounded much more interesting than the book itself. Curiously, this and Kohda's novel both involve vampire characters trying to illegally live in their work spaces, which is a peculiar point of coincidence that probably says something about housing anxiety at this point in history.
Deborah Harkness, Time's Convert - a sort of stand-alone set in the world of in Harkness' popular All Souls Trilogy, following the vampire transformation of a young woman who is pursuing vampirism to be with her vampire lover alongside the backstory of that lover, who fought in the American revolutionary war. I had previously read the first of the All Souls Trilogy and disliked it about a decade ago; I tried this one because it seemed to be more solely focused on the vampire characters and in my vampire reading I am nothing if not comprehensive. The way Harkness deals with vampirism is so boringly wholesome that it almost becomes fascinating despite itself, almost like the nuclear family parody of Twilight; I was so tremendously weirded out by it. Vampires in this world have a lot of rules and protocols (sure, I can go with that) particularly around turning. They all call their makers "father" or "mother," and have a strong taboo against turning someone you have a sexual relationship with, or having your own maker turn someone you have a sexual relationship with, because that would be "incest." This attempt to excise the gothic liminality which makes vampires compelling was infuriating but inadvertently intensely hilarious to read. There's a little bit of interesting vampire hierarchy content, but I could not get over the attempts at wholesomeness, which I will be thinking about for a long time.
Jay Kristoff, Empire of the Vampire - in a fantasy universe where the sun has vanished and vampires rule, a member of an elite vampire hunting guild is captured and forced to tell his life story the vampires in power. I DNF'ed this at 200 pages (it's 800) total; I really disliked it. It's the one that I described a few days ago as wannabe Patrick Rothfuss with vampires, and I stand by that description. It was very sexist.
Kendare Blake, In Every Generation - published Buffy fan fic, which is something that appears to exist in not insubstantial quantities. Willow's daughter discovers that she is a slayer and has to embrace her destiny. Whatever. I don't know why I read this. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't particularly good either. I have little to say about. Fan fic should be left to fan fic authors.
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theink-stainedfolk · 6 months
Enter The Killer
MIAA was in a ruckus.  Nobody even noticed Lino entering. Teachers were guiding the students back to their dorms and the common room. The students were whispering among themselves. They were whispering about the unfortunate death of Professor Lennon Hark. 
"Excuse me, I'd like to meet Professor Demir" I asked one lady who was anxiously tapping her foot continuously on the wooden floor.
"Oh, of course. Would you mind introducing yourself?" She asked awkwardly.
"My apologies, I am Lino Carstairs, from Lulens Police Department." I said and showed her my badge.
"Yes , please come with me." She smiled and guided me through the numerous corridors. 
"Professor Demir, someone from the LPD is here to see you." She knocked on the door. The door had a kaitoke green color, and had the name engraved with golden letters 'Co Coordinator'. 
"Let them in." A gentle voice spoke behind the door.
The lady left, closing the door behind. "I'd say good morning, but as I can see, it certainly isn't." I said entering.
"I'm glad you didn't say that Detective." He said looking up from the pile of work. "Please take a seat. You must be here regarding Professor Hark. It is truly unfortunate.  We lost a brilliant colleague and Professor. How can I help you?"
"Professor Demir, " I said, sitting down on the seat in front of him, glancing at the name resting on his table that read 'Professor Aylmer Demir' in bold copper. "I am Detective Lino Carstairs from the Lulens Police Department. I have investigated your brother, Adonis Demir, because Professor Hark was seen last with your brother. I heard that you are a professor who works at the same place as professor Hark, so I thought I could get some help from you, since you are his coworker."
"Lennon was working from before…" his face turned grim. His eyes showed sadness. "He knew me but he knew Adonis better. We talked and there was nothing suspicious about his behavior. He didn't have any enemies, that's at least what I know about him." He said.
"I see." I said and observed him. There was nothing suspicious about him. He looked more knowledgeable and sophisticated than his annoying brother. "You look nothing like your brother. I heard that the university was involved in this case too."
"Oh," he said nonchalantly as he rolled his eyes. "I apologize for appearing better than him. Did it hurt your vision perhaps?"
I smirked, he is smart mouthed too. "I didn't mean to offend you professor, is perhaps the topic regarding your celebrity brother and school's involvement too much for you?"
He chuckled, "No, no, Detective. I wouldn't get offended at this trivial topic. But he may if you talk about his…" he slowly looked up to me and made eye contact. "Very, extremely overpowered brother." As soon as I felt chills through my spine, I realized that he was extremely intimidating too. "I believe your interrogation is done. The school isn't involved in the murder of Professor Hark. I shall seek you out."
We were at the school gate. Throughout the journey we spoke nothing. But I noticed something. The students always either wished him good morning or scurry away at the sight of him. He always walked with his hand behind him with a straight back. He almost makes no sound as he walks. His eyes had the same olive green color as his brother and the same ebony hair as him though the length might differ. Not only did he have sharper features than his brother who had softer and easy on the eyes, but his skin was also a little bit darker, making it appear as if God had no intention of letting people believe that they were twins. He had big glasses just like Adonis said, it made him look brooding. 
"I believe that we'll meet frequently, professor, don't mind that, do you?" I smirked 
"I don't. " He returned the smirk. "But I can't say the same for you though." I laughed out loud at his words.
"Detective." His voice was serious all of a sudden. "If I catch the murderer before you, I'll kill him." 
I hid the smirk with my hand. "Of course. Two can play this game. I thought you weren't into this type of things Prof. Judging by the way you behave-"
"You are too quick to judge, detective, it suits your choice of profession." He stepped closer to me. "I am very much into this. Too much. You see I was an avid reader when I was a kid—I still am— I enjoyed mysteries. My parents were worried if I might turn out to be a psychopath that the detective's were so eager to catch."
"I thought you'd wanted to be a detective because you loved mysteries. " 
He shrugged. "You could never guess. Maybe I wanted to be found or play the game of cat and mouse." His smile, to me, wasn't scary. It was, but, cryptic. Like his smile hid something behind.
"Then I'd be your detective, professor. I too enjoy the mysteries. " I stepped closer. "And the chase of cat and mouse as well." One thing to note about me was, I don't quit. I hate backing down. Not only will I solve the case before him, but I will also solve the mystery named Aylmer Demir. 
He stood at the door until I left. My phone buzzed as soon as I left the school district. I looked to see a message from none other than Aylmer Demir. 
'The chase is always exhausting." It read. 'I hope you don't get too tired.' I scoffed, making the driver look at me worriedly. 
'I could say the same to you, Professor. ' I sent him.
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tm-trx · 1 year
Step By Step, ep 12
sp*ilers below the cut:
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The completist in me demands one last episode post, so here goes, bullet point style:
Two-year time skip, resulting in Pat and Chot running their own ad agency with Ae - love it
It is surprising that it took two years for Pat and Jeng to run into each other, especially if the new agency is already winning awards.
I love the new Chot-Ae-Put-Pat friend group. And yes, I'm very glad to see that Pat and Put have figured out how to be good friends again.
I literally turned the sound off during the karaoke. The secondhand embarrassment was real.
I had to watch the kitchen conversation twice to understand everything they were saying. (Jeng is too distracting when he’s sad.) I would have liked it better if this had been the first conversation of many, while they worked up to being boyfriends again, but that’s also really unrealistic for a romance.
I did really really like it, don’t get me wrong.
The reunion after the kitchen reconciliation felt rushed. Although I suspect it actually wasn't, because it did feel like there were more time skips involved and that what we saw was a speedrun of their new relationship.
More cake!
It took me way too long to figure out they were in an IKEA at the end. Also, that was the weirdest way to end a series. (Yes, I get that it was a hark back to their 'date.' It was still weirdly presented, since it was part of the whole relationship speedrun, which made it feel like another domestic moment at home.
Final thoughts:
I’m glad the show is over and have zero interest in watching it again. At the same time, I’m very impressed by Man Trisanu and am looking forward to seeing what his next project is.
Final Rating: Three Stars
Rewatchability: Low
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WIP Wednesday
Tagged by: @aparticularbandit
Y'all fuckers ready for some pre-smut fluff? Well buckle up!
“Oh god.” Claire groans. “Why?”
“Here, here, here.” Agatha says, stopping in front of the vampire. “You have to show them.”
Claire glares. “No.”
Agatha turns to you.
“Give her the eyes.”
Claire's mouth drops in outrage.
“That's playing dirty!” She protests.
It's not enough to save her from your incredibly well honed puppy eyes.
“Fine!” She gives in. “Just- just stop looking at me all sad and pathetic.”
Immediately you smooth your face out into a happy grin, watching with anticipation as she slides from her seat to stand.
“You owe me.” She says, aiming it at Agatha.
Agatha, who must've picked Claire's phone back up while you were busy committing war crimes against your mate, changes the song to something just as ridiculous.
You burst out laughing, unable to contain your howls of delight as Claire breaks down into a clearly long since choreographed dance with Agatha.
“Oh my god.” You say breathlessly.
Claire's expression just makes the whole thing far funnier than it had any right to be, as she followed Agatha's steps in making utter fools of themselves.
“Oh my god.” You repeat.
“I'll be your god in one moment.” Claire mutters, disgruntled. “And I won't be kind.”
“Someone's grumpy.” Agatha laughs.
Claire stops dancing.
“You know what, Harkness? This goes both ways.”
Agatha frowns.
“What possibly is there th- No. Claire, no.”
But it's too late, because Claire has shut off the music and has grabbed Agatha's waist into her hold.
“Come on… I thought you were fun.” She challenges.
Agatha narrows her eyes.
“Fine.” She accepts.
And to your utter amazement, Agatha allows Claire to lift her up, up, up, suddenly making you extremely glad for the excessively high ceiling.
“Just do it, coward.” Agatha says after a few moments, Claire's arms flexed, showing off her usually hidden muscle.
You shriek when Claire then tosses Agatha, hard enough she nearly grazes the ceiling.
Claire grins, and catches the witch with ease.
“Alright, let me down, you've proven your poOOOOINT- CLAIRE DEBELLA!”
Claire laughs, a sound that's lighthearted and filled with easy joy, as she catches Agatha again.
“Alright, if you insist.”
She gently sets Agatha down, who immediately crosses her arms.
“That.” She says. “Was mean.”
“No.” Claire corrects. “That was fun.”
“It was entertaining, is what that was.” You giggle.
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21st December >> Mass Readings (USA)
21st December 
(optional commemoration of Saint Peter Canisius, Priest, Doctor)
(Liturgical Colour: Violet: B (2))
First Reading Song of Songs 2:8-14 Hark! my lover comes, springing across the mountains.
Hark! my lover–here he comes springing across the mountains, leaping across the hills. My lover is like a gazelle or a young stag. Here he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows, peering through the lattices. My lover speaks; he says to me, “Arise, my beloved, my dove, my beautiful one, and come! “For see, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come, and the song of the dove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance. Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!
“O my dove in the clefts of the rock, in the secret recesses of the cliff, Let me see you, let me hear your voice, For your voice is sweet, and you are lovely.”
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
First Reading Zephaniah 3:14-18a The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst.
Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel! Be glad and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! The LORD has removed the judgment against you, he has turned away your enemies; The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear. On that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem: Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged! The LORD, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior; He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love, He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21
R/ Exult, you just, in the Lord! Sing to him a new song.
Give thanks to the LORD on the harp; with the ten-stringed lyre chant his praises. Sing to him a new song; pluck the strings skillfully, with shouts of gladness.
R/ Exult, you just, in the Lord! Sing to him a new song.
But the plan of the LORD stands forever; the design of his heart, through all generations. Blessed the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he has chosen for his own inheritance.
R/ Exult, you just, in the Lord! Sing to him a new song.
Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield, For in him our hearts rejoice; in his holy name we trust.
R/ Exult, you just, in the Lord! Sing to him a new song.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia. O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come to save us, Lord our God! Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Luke 1:39-45 And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Mary set out in those days and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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Frost at Midnight - Samuel Taylor Coleridge - UK
The Frost performs its secret ministry,
Unhelped by any wind. The owlet's cry
Came loud—and hark, again! loud as before.
The inmates of my cottage, all at rest,
Have left me to that solitude, which suits
Abstruser musings: save that at my side
My cradled infant slumbers peacefully.
'Tis calm indeed! so calm, that it disturbs
And vexes meditation with its strange
And extreme silentness. Sea, hill, and wood,
This populous village! Sea, and hill, and wood,
With all the numberless goings-on of life,
Inaudible as dreams! the thin blue flame
Lies on my low-burnt fire, and quivers not;
Only that film, which fluttered on the grate,
Still flutters there, the sole unquiet thing.
Methinks, its motion in this hush of nature
Gives it dim sympathies with me who live,
Making it a companionable form,
Whose puny flaps and freaks the idling Spirit
By its own moods interprets, every where
Echo or mirror seeking of itself,
And makes a toy of Thought.
                      But O! how oft,
How oft, at school, with most believing mind,
Presageful, have I gazed upon the bars,
To watch that fluttering stranger ! and as oft
With unclosed lids, already had I dreamt
Of my sweet birth-place, and the old church-tower,
Whose bells, the poor man's only music, rang
From morn to evening, all the hot Fair-day,
So sweetly, that they stirred and haunted me
With a wild pleasure, falling on mine ear
Most like articulate sounds of things to come!
So gazed I, till the soothing things, I dreamt,
Lulled me to sleep, and sleep prolonged my dreams!
And so I brooded all the following morn,
Awed by the stern preceptor's face, mine eye
Fixed with mock study on my swimming book:
Save if the door half opened, and I snatched
A hasty glance, and still my heart leaped up,
For still I hoped to see the stranger's face,
Townsman, or aunt, or sister more beloved,
My play-mate when we both were clothed alike!
         Dear Babe, that sleepest cradled by my side,
Whose gentle breathings, heard in this deep calm,
Fill up the intersperséd vacancies
And momentary pauses of the thought!
My babe so beautiful! it thrills my heart
With tender gladness, thus to look at thee,
And think that thou shalt learn far other lore,
And in far other scenes! For I was reared
In the great city, pent 'mid cloisters dim,
And saw nought lovely but the sky and stars.
But thou, my babe! shalt wander like a breeze
By lakes and sandy shores, beneath the crags
Of ancient mountain, and beneath the clouds,
Which image in their bulk both lakes and shores
And mountain crags: so shalt thou see and hear
The lovely shapes and sounds intelligible
Of that eternal language, which thy God
Utters, who from eternity doth teach
Himself in all, and all things in himself.
Great universal Teacher! he shall mould
Thy spirit, and by giving make it ask.
         Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee,
Whether the summer clothe the general earth
With greenness, or the redbreast sit and sing
Betwixt the tufts of snow on the bare branch
Of mossy apple-tree, while the nigh thatch
Smokes in the sun-thaw; whether the eave-drops fall
Heard only in the trances of the blast,
Or if the secret ministry of frost
Shall hang them up in silent icicles,
Quietly shining to the quiet Moon.
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shark-myths · 2 years
Hello! I was feeling the urge to tinhat about peterick and I pretty much consider you the one place to go to for that. I'm thinking about a lot right now, thanks to the amazing wealth of lyrics that Pete has gifted us (there has not been such a consistent reference to "summer" since ABAP and I'm losing my mind over it a little bit), but the main thing I'm thinking about is that "I just need someone to hold me even though you don't even know me" can only be about Patrick. Why? I'm glad you asked! I can back it up. For one, this harks all the way back to Hold Me Tight or Don't which is, for obvious reasons, peterick coded. Not only that, the "hold me" motif is used again in Hold Me Like A Grudge, which makes that song even more strongly linked to peterick, even disregarding the insanity of "twenty summers" (which I am not disregarding, by the way). So that's the "hold me" bit of that original line covered. There's also the latter bit, the "you don't even know me," which, yeah, doesn't seem very peterick-y, not in the way we like to think of them, but I will point out "part time soulmate, full time problem" and "you don't know me anymore" are also lines in this album that point to being Patrick-related (for the latter, because I don't believe the former needs much justification, something about the house Pete grew up in and its relation to Chicago and thus its relation to Patrick) (I would say I was reaching here, but I've gathered that's basically how Pete's brain works, so let's call it a reasonable assumption?).
Additionally, and more in appreciation of Pete's writing than any specific shippy thing, I'm a big fan of "if you put your heart in it then we'll do more than just get by together" because it sounds a lot like that last phrase could be "get together," and there's a lot on this album about missed opportunities/parallel universes/etc.
One more thing (I'm just rambling now, sorry) but the scar/star crossed lovers line is really just a bit of genius. It's almost a wink towards the listener, not just at the twist of the phrase but also because there's been so many instances of the star motif and space in general in the lyrics that I feel like it has to be a nod towards the instances when cosmic objects have been referenced (such as in The Last of the Real Ones).
Okay that's probably enough for one ask lol. I look forward to part two of your presentation!
I have nothing coherent to add because you are nailing it and this record has me in shreds
tinh@ me always ((is that too dumb? yes)), it’s what I live for, keep it coming!!!
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Creepers Gonna Creep
in which eve likes her son’s bestie and makes some arguably poor decisions.
eve fletcher x agatha harkness
tw for minor racism
Jane doesn’t call.
It’s…it’s not like she’s avoiding Eve’s calls because, in all honesty, Eve has been terrified to call her.  What would she even say?  Sorry, I have a girlfriend now, and I didn’t tell you about it?  That would involve explaining why she didn’t tell her, which had more to do with they weren’t technically calling each other girlfriends until just then—
That’s a lie.
If Eve is honest with herself, she hadn’t said anything to Jane because she was afraid of what her friend would think, and she’s still not saying anything now because she’s still afraid of what her friend thinks, and even if Jane did call, she’s not sure that she would answer because what if she—
It doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter because Jane doesn’t call.
Eve finishes her facetime with Brendan a little later than she should. The problem with facetiming him from the senior center is that she only has so much time on her lunch break, and she always feels like it’s rude to be eating while she talks with him, which means that she ends up eating not on her break, but that’s fine because she gets to spend time with her boy.  Brendan mostly checks in during classes; he doesn’t want to get up early just to talk with her, which is fine, and his evenings are for studying.  Or partying – Eve knows her son, knows that he’d specifically chosen to go to BSU for their “student life”, and knows how her own college years had been.  He was doing well, and he was partying, and she wasn’t going to try and make him stop partying just to talk to his mom.  Honestly, she’s just grateful he wants to talk with her at all.
The last thing Brendan asks before closing out is, You’re doing okay?  Not still sick, right?
No, not still sick.  Eve rubs the back of her neck and looks up with an awkward smile.  Agatha’s been….  Her smile softens.  Agatha’s been taking really good care of me.
Ew, Mom.  Gross.  Brendan makes a disgusted face.  Son?  Don’t want to hear about your love life.
Eve’s eyes widen.  That’s not what I was—
A knock comes at Brendan’s door, and he rolls back, ignoring her to open it. Eve can hear someone – a girl? – on the other end. Hey.  You about ready?  Studying’s not going to do itself.
Yeah, sure.  I just gotta end this call with my mom—
Oh, your mom?
Eve tries to see as much as she can, but it’s not like she can just crane around Brendan’s shoulder or move over to his door and open it wide to let her in.  She’s not actually physically present.  Which is probably a good thing.  She’d had some friends in college that she’s very glad her mother never met.
Brendan rubs the back of his neck in the same awkward manner that Eve just did – which makes her heart ache with fondness – and he glances back over his shoulder at her.  Uh, yeah. You wanna…you wanna say hi?
You want me to meet your mom?  Hell yeah!  The barest glimpse of dark brown corkscrew curls peeks out from around Brendan, almost like this girl wants to catch sight of Eve just as much as Eve wants to catch sight of her.  You gonna let me in or—
Yeah, yeah.  Brendan moves out of the way, and the girl half-pushes past him, looks up at him with a wry smile, and then heads directly for the laptop like she isn’t worried in the slightest.
Eve takes in her darker skin with pleasant surprise.  She’d hoped that going to college would allow Brendan the opportunity to meet a variety of other people, which…she admits, sounds racist, she’s not racist, she just knows that Brendan has been in a fairly small-ish town and hasn’t gotten to meet as many people as he might have in a bigger city.  She’d been afraid that he would keep to the same kind of people he’d been with in high school, but he hasn’t.  Good for him.
Hey, Mrs. Fletcher.  I’m Chloe. The girl gives her a bright smile as she crouches down where Brendan’s swivel chair had been.  He sits back down on it as she speaks, rolls over to sit with them.
Eve smiles the easiest she can.  Hi, Chloe.  I’m Eve.
Oh, you’re one of the cool moms.  Chloe’s grin spreads.  I thought you should know, Brendan is making a ton of progress with his slur awareness—
Brendan gives her a gentle shove, cutting her off.  I didn’t say a slur.
The r word is a slur, Brendan.
The r word? Eve asks, blinking a couple of times.  She runs through all of the slurs she’s actually aware of in her head, all of the words that she used to use until she realized they were bad words, and comes up empty.  I don’t…I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Oh, you know, Brendan says, glancing back to her, how Jon-Jon’s retar—
We don’t say that word.  Chloe cuts him off, gives him a sharp look.
Eve gives a general, slow nod.  She has never used that word once in her life; she also did not know it was a slur. Good to know.  Does Agatha—  Agatha probably knows.  She doesn’t need to ask.
Chloe sighs, gives fond shake of her head, and turns back to Eve.  He’s getting there, Eve.  Just gotta get through that thick little head of his.  She reaches over and tousles Brendan’s hair.
Hey!  Brendan bats at her hand, but there’s nothing frustrated in it, not in that little smile he has.
Already, Eve likes Chloe one hundred percent more than any girl Brendan had dated throughout high school and particularly more than the one who had decided to give him a goodbye present before he left.  None of them had ever listened when she told them to call her Eve, had always decided to call her Mrs. Fletcher instead, even with her insistence that they refer to her otherwise.  She wasn’t – isn’t – Mrs. Fletcher anymore.  She’s Brendan’s mom, sure, and she was fine being called that, but Mrs. Fletcher makes it sound like she belongs to Ted, and he hasn’t been around in…in a decade. She’s just Eve.
Not that a child could ever understand that.
But Chloe does.  Apparently.
Eve can’t stop the fond smile that crosses her face as she sees how the two interact.  It’s only a few minutes, but Chloe’s made as good of an impression as she can.  I should probably let you go, she interrupts, resting her head on one hand. You need to study, and I—
—need to get back to work, Brendan drones.  I know.
It’s always good to talk with you, Brendan.  Eve’s glance trails up to meet Chloe’s dark eyes.  And it was a pleasure to meet you.
Chloe beams down at her.  Great talk, Eve.
Brendan gives her a playful shove.  Bye, Mom.
Brendan’s video flickers out before Eve has a chance to finish speaking, but where once that might have bothered her, it doesn’t anymore. Instead, she feels warm, comforted by the fact that her son seems to be fitting in at college well and has such a nice friend (girlfriend, probably, although he hadn’t called her that) as Chloe.  She leans back in her chair and glances up just as Amanda knocks on her cracked door and pokes her head in.  Something wrong?
Amanda blinks in confusion.  No.  Nothing’s wrong.  Her gaze flicks back and forth, scanning the room, before settling on Eve.  I just thought, with all of the other classes, some of the seniors might like a yoga class?  It’s just some easy stretching, and I’ve been talking with one of the yoga instructors at Masters of the Dancing Arts who might be interested.  If you’re okay with it, of course.
That’s a good idea, Eve says, proud that Amanda felt comfortable taking such initiative and bringing it up with her.  It will just depend on how much it costs and whether that fits within our budget.  I take it you’ve been looking at the class schedule to see where it would fit?
Yeah.  Amanda shrugs with half a smile.  I actually already emailed it to you, so if you want to take a look—
Oh, sure!  Eve gestures for Amanda to come join her next to the computer as she closes out of her empty facetiming screen and pulls up her email address.  It takes a moment before she recognizes, Masters of the Dancing Arts…that’s Cian’s studio, isn’t it? Or was.  She wonders, vaguely, if it belongs to Agatha now or if someone else maintains everything, if Cian set their studio in someone else’s capable hands as they stared at their own mortality.  Someone had to be keeping everything running, or Amanda couldn’t be mentioning it now.
Amanda nods as she leans over Eve’s shoulder.  They used to slip into my yoga class every now and again.  I really liked them.
Without thinking, Eve asks, Did Agatha ever join you?  She pauses, shakes her head.  Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.  Her eyes scan her email until she finds the one she’s looking for, double-clicks it.  Then she begins to scan the potential new schedule Amanda drew up.
Once or twice, Amanda says, still leaning over Eve’s shoulder, but she usually just takes one of the studios to dance.
This looks good, Eve starts to say, focused on the schedule and not quite processing what Amanda says, so as long as it fits within budget—  She stops. Blinks twice.  She does what?
Takes a studio to dance. She’s really into that ballet stuff. I think she used to be a professional? I know Cian was…a long time ago.  Amanda straightens.  I’ll go check with my contact about pricing and get back to you.  She reaches over and gives Eve’s shoulder a squeeze.  Thanks, Eve.
As Amanda starts to leave her office, Eve stops her.  Amanda?
Hm?  Amanda turns back to face her.
Do you….  Eve hesitates.  This isn’t crossing a boundary.  It just came up it conversation, which means it’s totally fine for her to ask.  Do you go to yoga there often?  At…at Cian’s studio, I mean.
Amanda nods.  Not as often as I used to, but I try to get out once a week.  Most of the time, it’s really relaxing.  Sometimes I’m really sore after, you know?  Need to do more stretches in my free time, I guess.  She smiles, then, before Eve has a chance to ask, says, You want me to call you if Agatha shows up?
Eve hesitates again.  Surely, if Agatha wanted her to know, she’d tell her.  But maybe this is just another one of those things that Agatha would tell her if she asked – or, like owning The Scratching Post, maybe she expects that Eve already knows.  Especially if it’s such common knowledge that Amanda—
Yes, Eve says, cutting off her own thoughts.  If it’s not too much of a hassle?
Not at all.  Amanda grins, gives a little nod, and then backs out of the room.
Eve sighs, props her elbows on her desk, and leans forward, pushing her hands through her hair.  This is…probably not the way to be doing things.  If Agatha wanted her to know, she would tell her.  And she hadn’t.  But also—
I collapsed during a performance in New York.
I got the scars from a really bad fall.
Eve glances up, takes a deep breath, and pulls up Google.  She glances at her phone again – no texts or missed calls, not from Jane, not from Agatha – and tugs her lower lip between her teeth. It would be easy to tell herself that Agatha wouldn’t mind, but that’s a lie.  She knows that’s a lie.
Eve types Agatha Harkness ballet performance collapse into the search engine, not really expecting anything to come up. If something had happened, it had to have been a long time ago.  Or at least a few years.  So this isn’t really a risk or an invasion of Agatha’s privacy at all.  It’s not like she’ll actually—
Eve tightens her hold on her steering wheel as she drives home.  She bites her lip.  Off and on all day, she has been debating calling Agatha, asking to talk about…about everything.  Except…she isn’t supposed to know.  She shouldn’t know.  And she could keep acting like she doesn’t know, but that doesn’t feel right either.  She takes a deep breath, clenches her teeth together, and at the next red light, pulls her phone out and dials Agatha’s number.
Agatha doesn’t answer, which isn’t incredibly unlike her.  She must just be busy.
Hey, Agatha.  Voicemail is better than nothing after all, and Eve would rather leave a message now than try to get up the courage to text her again later.  Can you come over later?  I’d love to—  She cuts herself off, swallows.  Can we talk?  It isn’t anything bad!  I just…. Her voice trails off.  I think we need to talk.  She bites her lower lip again.  Call me.
Eve shoves her phone into her pocket as she turns onto her street. That’s probably not the best message – we need to talk, who is she kidding?  If she got a message like that, she would be spinning into a panic.  She should—
Then Eve makes it to her house, sees who is sitting on her front steps, and forgets all about it.  She blinks twice.  Parks. Gets out of the car.  Jane?
He cheated on me, Jane says, voice soft, as Eve approaches. Craig’s been….  He’s been cheating on me.  She meets Eve’s eyes as Eve sits on the steps next to her.  Can I stay here for a little while?
Eve wraps an arm gingerly around Jane’s shoulders, and Jane leans against her, easy as she always has, as though nothing’s happened at all.  Of course, she says, squeezing Jane’s shoulder.  Stay here for as long as you need.
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