#Happy Birthday Dear Luke
katrasining · 2 years
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Here's a scene from Dark Swirl hehe
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blue-temperature · 2 years
[ESP] Obey Me — Happy Birthday Dear Beel and Belphie ‘23 —
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Un Cumpleaños Festivo
— Belphegor: Tenemos un anuncio que hacer. Los dos vamos a estar fuera para nuestro cumpleaños.
— Mammon: ¿Huh?
— Satan: ¿Van a algún lado juntos, solo los dos?
— Beelzebub: No. Los dos decidimos invitar a MC también. Si quieres venir, eso es.
[ ¡Me encantaría! ] ✓ [ Si tus hermanos están de acuerdo... ]
— Belphegor: Entonces está decidido.
— Beelzebub: Esas son buenas noticias, Belphie.
— Belphegor: Seguro que si, Beel.
— Leviathan: Debemos proteger a esos dos a toda costa.
— Mammon: No escuché a nadie dar el visto bueno para esto.
— Belphegor: Tenía el presentimiento de que dirías eso...
— Beelzebub: Estaremos de regreso por la noche, así que no tienen nada de lo que preocuparse.
— Belphegor: Además, ¿Preferirían que no estuviéramos aquí?
— Beelzebub: Necesitan tiempo para preparar nuestro cum—
— Leviathan: ¡Detente ahí! ¡Lo entendemos!
— Satan: Lo entiendo... Los dos están siendo generosos saliendo de la casa, ¿No es así?
— Lucifer: Déjenlos ir.
— Mammon: ¡Tsk! ¡¿Esos malditos gemelos tenían todo planeado, no es así?!
— Belphegor: Ahora los tres podemos pasar todo el día juntos, MC.
— Beelzebub: No puedo esperar por nuestro cumpleaños.
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— Beelzebub: MC, ¿Tienes un momento?
— Belphegor: No fuimos capaces de darte una invitación apropiada para ti en frente de nuestros hermanos en ese momento. Pero Beel y yo pensamos que sería divertido llevarte a una cita con los dos en nuestro cumpleaños.
[ Gracias por preguntarme. ] [ Ese es un plan que solo ustedes dos podrían planear. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Bueno, somos gemelos después de todo.
— Belphegor: Nuestros hermanos mayores jamás podrían hacer algo así.
[ ¿Qué haremos los tres? ] ✓ [ ¿Vinieron hasta aquí para pedirme eso? ]
— Beelzebub: Comer comida deliciosa. También... uh...
— Belphegor: Es una cita así que debería haber mucho coqueteo. Solo bromeo. No hemos decidido qué vamos a hacer ahora.
— Beelzebub: No tenemos que decidirlo de inmediato, pero queremos escuchar lo que tú quieres hacer, MC.
— Belphegor: Así que haznos saber si piensas en algún lugar al que quieres ir.
Algunos días después—
— ???: MC.
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— ???: MC.
Ese suena como...
[ ¿Qué hay, Thirteen? ] [ ¿Necesitas algo, Mephisto? ] ✓
— Mephistopheles: ¿Por casualidad no tienes información sobre el rumoreado Festival Galaxia, no?
[ ¿”Festival Galaxia”? ] ✓ [ No tengo idea... ]
— Mephistopheles: No me digas que no lo has oído. He aprendido que el Festival Galaxia es un evento que ha sido planeado de acuerdo a la noche en la que la Galaxia Fantasma es visible en el cielo. Sería más fácil programar una entrevista con los organizadores del festival, sin embargo... por alguna razón, nadie sabe quién está detrás de esto. ¡*JADEO*...! ¡¿Podría ser ésta una prueba a mis habilidades para llegar al fondo de una buena primicia, planeada por los propios organizadores?! Oh, ho, ho, ¡Entonces tengo que hacerles una verdadera demostración de mis habilidades! Te encontraré, Organizador, ¡Aún si esto sea lo último que haga! ¡Mua, ja, ja, ja!
— Beelzebub: MC, ¿Has oído del Festival Galaxia?
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— Belphegor: Los estudiantes de RAD están probablemente zumbando sobre el Festival Galaxy.
[ Pensé que te gustaban las cosas como esas. ] ✓ [ Los festivales son geniales, ¿No? ]
— Belphegor: Me gustan. Para ser honesto, tengo mucha curiosidad. Estoy seguro de que ya lo has oído, pero el festival tomará lugar el mismo día en el que será visible en el cielo la Galaxia Fantasma. El día en el que la Galaxia Fantasma está programada para aparecer resulta ser también...
— Beelzebub: Nuestro cumpleaños.
[ ¡Supongo que sabemos a donde ir para nuestra cita! ] ✓ [ ¡¿Eso es verdad?! ]
— Belphegor: Sip.
— Beelzebub: Los tres pensamos en lo mismo.
— Belphegor: Lo que significa que iremos al Festival Galaxia como primer  lugar en la mañana de nuestra cita de cumpleaños.
— Beelzebub: Ahora realmente no puedo esperar por que venga nuestro cumpleaños.
El Cumpleaños de los Gemelos—
— Asmodeus: No se olvidan de nada, ¿Cierto?
— Belphegor: Por última vez, no.
— Lucifer: Dijiste que tu plan era ir al Festival Galaxia, ¿Correcto? Ten cuidado. Los demonios sedientos de sangre tienden a venir durante los festivales.
— Belphegor: No somos niños, ¿Sabes? Lo entendemos...
— Beelzebub: Estaremos bien. Si algo le sucede a MC o Belphie, estaré ahí para ayudar.
— Belphegor: MC y yo detendremos a Beel de comer todos los puestos de comida antes de que llamen a las autoridades.
— Lucifer: MC, te pongo a cargo de esos dos.
— Asmodeus: Bueno, ¡Váyanse entonces! ¡Diviértanse los tres!
— Beelzebub: Los vemos luego.
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— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* *masticar* *masticar* La comida de todos los puestos aquí es genial.
— Belphegor: Beel, acabamos de llegar aquí. ¿Cómo es que ya tienes tus manos llenas llenas de tanta comida?
— Beelzebub: Tengo suficiente para compartir con ustedes dos también. Las brochetas de cebra maldita fritas son crujientes por fuera y jugosas por dentro.
— Belphegor: Gracias.
— Beelzebub: Ahí hay algunos sandwiches de fruta de estrella oscura que compré para nosotros también. Te vi mirándolos antes, MC.
[ ¡Gracias! ] [ ¿Estabas mirándome? ] ✓
— Beelzebub: No lo hice a propósito. Mis ojos te siguen a donde quiera que vayas sin que me de cuenta.
— Belphegor: ¿Por qué no nos sentamos en ese banco y miramos el cielo estrellado mientras comemos?
— Beelzebub: Es realmente hermoso.
[ ¿Esa es la Galaxia Fantasma? ] ✓ [ Hay muchas más estrellas de lo normal. ]
— Belphegor: Ese grupo de estrellas que ves es la Galaxia Fantasma.
— Beelzebub: Hablando de, ¿Cuántos cientos de años han pasado desde la última vez que vimos la Galaxia Fantasma?
— Belphegor: Lo que me recuerda... No te he hablado apropiadamente de la Galaxia Fantasma aún, ¿No, MC?
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— Belphegor: La Galaxia Fantasma no es una galaxia normal. Es elusiva e impredecible. Algunas veces aparecerá múltiples veces en un año, mientras que otras veces no aparecerá en siglos.
— Beelzebub: Nadie puede predecir su aparición hasta solo unos días antes de que se muestre en el cielo.
— Belphegor: Y solo es visible por 24 horas. Su aparición por casualidad coincide con nuestro cumpleaños este año.
[ ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades? ] [ Es como si la galaxia apareciera especialmente por su cumpleaños. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Quizás la galaxia sabe que a Belphie le gustan las estrellas.
— Belphegor: O quizás sabía que los tres teníamos una cita planeada y quería hacerla especial.
— Beelzebub: Belphie, apresúrate y dile a MC lo que hace realmente especial a la Galaxia Fantasma.
— Belphegor: Jeje, creo que sería mejor mostrarle a MC en vez de explicarlo. Oh, cierto. Nuestros hermanos enviaron un mensaje preguntando si estamos disfrutando el festival. Déjame enviarles una foto con la galaxia detrás de nosotros.
— Beelzebub: Entonces yo quiero enviarles un video de los tres comiendo nuestros sandwiches de frutas de estrella oscura también. Recuerdo a Asmo decir que es mejor grabar un vídeo cuando quieres mostrar a alguien lo que estás comiendo.
— Belphegor: Buena idea. Cuando presione en grabar, todos comeremos un bocado a la de tres. ¡Uno, dos... tres!
[ ¡Parece que algo está apareciendo dentro de mi boca! ] [ ¡Hay estrellas estallando a su alrededor! ] ✓
— Belphegor: En ti también, MC.
— Beelzebub: La fruta de estrella oscura libera estrellas brillantes dentro de tu boca y a tu alrededor cuando la comes.
— Belphegor: Ahora, veamos cómo salió nuestro vídeo.
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— Belphegor: Aquí está nuestro vídeo. ¿Parece un poco oscuro para ti?
[ Deberíamos haber intentado sonreír más. ] [ ¿Por qué la galaxia no se ve detrás de nosotros? ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Lo notaste.
— Belphegor: Nada se te escapa, MC.
— Belphegor: La Galaxia Fantasma es imposible de grabar en vídeo.
— Beelzebub: Extraño, ¿No es así? Podemos verla claramente en nuestro ojos.
— Belphegor: Por eso es que la llamamos “Galaxia Fantasma”.
— Beelzebub: Es una galaxia misteriosa que solo se puede presenciar con tus propios ojos.
[ Tengo que grabar a fuego esta imagen en mi memoria entonces. ] ✓ [ Qué romántico. ]
— Beelzebub: No la mires demasiado. Tu cuello quedará adolorido. Oh no, la comida se ha ido.
— Belphegor: ¿Ya te comiste toda la comida? Estoy desperdiciando mi aliento. Por supuesto que lo hiciste. ¿Quieres ir a comprar más?
— Beelzebub: Si, creo que lo haré. Lo que me recuerda, recogí esto la última vez que compré comida en los puestos.
— Belphegor: ¿Un pedazo de papel?
— Beelzebub: “Mitin de estampillas de la Galaxia Fantasma” está escrito en la parte superior.
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— Belphegor: Déjame ver eso. Dice “Con una compra de un puesto de comida”, recibe una estampa en tu tarjeta mitin de estampillas de ese puesto.
— Beelzebub: Hmm...
— Belphegor: “Recolecta tantas estampas como puedas ubicados en varios puestos de comida y recibe un premio fabuloso”.
— Beelzebub: En otras palabras, deberíamos comer mucho, ¿Cierto?
— Belphegor: Suena como un mitin hecho para ti, Beel. ¿MC? ¿Qué dices si ambos compramos un poco más para comer?
— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* *masticar* MC, Belphie... Parece que tienen sus manos llenas. ¿Necesitan ayuda para comer eso?
— Belphegor: Claro. Me divertí tanto caminando por todos esos puesto que terminé comprando demasiada comida.
— Beelzebub: Este festival tiene todas nuestras comidas favoritas en un solo lugar.
— Belphegor: También noté eso.
[ No podríamos haber elegido un mejor lugar para nuestra cita. ] ✓ [ Esta hamburguesa galaxia está fuera de este mundo. ]
— Beelzebub: Concuerdo.
— Belphegor: Me gustaría imaginar que este evento está hecho especialmente para nosotros. Conseguimos recolectar todas las estampas gracias a Beel. Creo que tenemos suficiente para intercambiar nuestro premio. Me pregunto qué premio es.
— Beelzebub: Espero que sea un año de suplementos de hamburguesas galaxia.
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— Belphegor: ¡Aún no puedo creerlo! ¡Esto es increíble! Esto es tan inesperado. La almohada de cuerpo de estrella fugaz que tenía en mis ojos era el premio del mitin de estampillas. Es exactamente la misma que vi en Akuzon.
— Beelzebub: Considéralo un regalo de cumpleaños del Festival Galaxia.
— Belphegor: Es gracias a ti y a ese estómago tuyo, Beel.
— Beelzebub: Ahora los tres tenemos almohadas de cuerpo a juego.
— Belphegor: Yo digo que tengamos una pijamada con nuestras almohadas a juego en algún momento.
— Beelzebub: Hablando de pijamada... ya es de noche. Todos están esperando que regresemos a la Casa de los Lamentos. Deberíamos dirigirnos a casa pronto.
— Belphegor: Oh, cierto. Probablemente terminaron de preparar todo para la fiesta. Parece que nuestra divertida cita de tres terminó. Supongo que aún tenemos una fiesta que esperar.
— Beelzebub: Eso es cierto. Ahora que lo pienso, hubiera sido divertido venir al Festival Galaxia con todos también.
[ Creo que todos se hubieran divertido. ] ✓ [ Hubiera sido bueno tenerlos aquí. ]
— Belphegor: Mammon y Asmo son del tipo que se ponen salvajes ante la mínima pista de un festival.
— Beelzebub: Pero ellos eligieron quedarse atrás y ayudar con las preparaciones para nuestra fiesta de cumpleaños. Fue realmente amable de su parte.
— Belphegor: Lo fue.
— ???: ¡Qué noble...!
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— Leviathan: ¡La pura consideración y nobleza de ustedes dos han traído lágrimas a mis ojos!
— Belphegor: ¿Levi...?
— Luke: Hey, ¿No se están olvidando de nosotros?
— Solomon: Yo.
— Simeon: Vinimos aquí a verlos a los tres y a hacerles saber que la fiesta está lista para que regresen a casa.
— Asmodeus: Levi, arruinaste completamente la glamurosa entrada que tenía planeada para nosotros.
— Raphael: No es para preocuparse. Nunca accedimos a tu elaborada entrada después de todo.
— Satan: Parece que disfrutaron mucho en el Festival Galaxia.
— Beelzebub: Mi estómago y yo estamos satisfechos.
— Barbatos: Eso es maravilloso de escuchar.
— Diavolo: Nuestros planes parecen haber valido la pena.
— Belphegor: ¿Qué planes...?
— Asmodeus: Cuando nos dijeron que estaban planeando irse hasta la noche el día de su cumpleaños, todos nos juntamos y planeamos algo juntos.
— Leviathan: Pensamos que sería agradable hacer que el tiempo que pasaran esperando la fiesta fuera un poco más especial.
— Mammon: Ya que la Galaxia Fantasma aparecería el día de su cumpleaños, comenzamos a hablar sobre montar un festival.
[ ¡¿Ustedes planearon esto?! ] [ ¡Así que el festival era para los gemelos después de todo! ] ✓
— Belphegor: Eso explica por qué los puestos de comida tenían todas nuestras comidas favoritas.
— Simeon: Fue tan reconfortante ver a los hermanos hacer una lista de todas sus comidas favoritas. Ellos sabían exactamente lo que les gusta.
— Diavolo: ¡Tanto amor fraterno!
— Lucifer: No hay necesidad de ser tan sentimental...
— Asmodeus: Así que, ¿Cuál es el plan? ¿Deberíamos disfrutar del festival un poco antes de dirigirnos a casa para la fiesta?
— Mammon: ¡Si! ¡Tengamos un poco de diversión en el festival antes de que la fiesta real comience!
— Luke: ¡Antes de que entremos al festival, deberíamos felicitar a los gemelos primero!
— Satan: Feliz cumpleaños, Beel y Belphie.
— Todos: ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
— Belphegor: Jeje...
— Beelzebub: Gracias a todos.
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Historia Especial
— Asmodeus: Woohoo ♪ ¿Todos se están divirtiendo?
— Mammon: ¡MC! ¡Gemelos! ¡¿Qué están esperando?! ¡Esos cuernos de Demonus no se van a vaciar solos! ¡Conseguí bebidas suaves también si las quieras!
— Belphegor: Deja a Mammon intentar tomar el crédito por el trabajo que el Señor Diavolo preparando todo.
— Beelzebub: Hey, MC, ¿Quieres...? No, no importa. No es nada.
— Belphegor: Beel...  Nunca transmitirás tus sentimientos a menos que los expreses apropiadamente.
— Beelzebub: C-Cierto... MC. Tengo pasajes nocturnos para la Costa del Diablo. Son pasajes de tiempo limitado para esta noche únicamente. Es parte de su campaña para celebrar la aparición de la Galaxia Fantasma. Solo fui capaz de conseguir estos dos boletos...
— Belphegor: No te preocupes por mí. No tienes que perdértelo por mi culpa.
[ Me encantaría ir contigo, Beel. ] ✓ [ ¿Qué quieres hacer, Beel? ]
— Belphegor: ¿Escuchaste eso, Beel? MC y tú deberían ir a divertirse.
— Beelzebub: De acuerdo. MC, Belphie... gracias.
— Belphegor: Eso lo decide. MC, me debes una cita por esto luego.
— Beelzebub: Bien, MC. Vamos a la Costa del Diablo después de la fiesta. Es una cita.
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— Beelzebub: La fiesta se extendió por tanto tiempo, estaba preocupado de que nunca temrinara. Ahora que estamos aquí, hay algo que quiero comprar. Algo que solo puedo comprar en la Costa del Diablo.
[ ¿Son palomitas? ] [ ¿Es una cinta? ] ✓
— Beelzebub: ¿Cómo lo supiste? Tienen cintas de edición limitadas a la venta. Tiene un mini Devilcat usando una playera con una estrella que se sienta en la parte superior de tu cabeza. Conseguimos comprar dos. Si nos las ponemos en la cabeza, se sentirá como si estuviéramos viendo la Galaxia Fantasma juntos con Devilcat, ¿No lo crees? Jeje, tenía razón. Sabía que te quedaría.
[ Luce bien en ti también, Beel. ] ✓ [ Devilcat es tan lindo. ]
— Beelzebub: ¿Si? Gracias. Estoy un poco avergonzado... Todas estas risas y sonrisas me están dando hambre. Compremos algunas palomitas también.
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— Beelzebub: Ahora que tengo por lo que vine, ¿Qué tal si vamos a algunos paseos? ¿A cuál quieres subir primero?
[ ¡Descenso Infernal! ] [ ¡La rueda de la fortuna! ] ✓
— Beelzebub: La rueda de la fortuna nos dejará ver la Galaxia Fantasma desde arriba.
— Beelzebub: Es hermosa. Parece que todo Devildom está rodeado por la Galaxia Fantasma. Ya sabes... subir a la rueda de la fortuna junto a ti hace que esto se sienta como una cita apropiada.
[ Me siento un poco nerviosa por alguna razón... ] ✓ [ ¿Estás disfrutando de nuestra cita? ]
— Beelzebub: Yo también. Cuando miro por la ventana a la galaxia... mis ojos terminan siendo atraídos por tu reflejo.
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— Beelzebub: Pensé que la rueda de la fortuna sería un paseo relajado, pero mi corazón estaba más acelerado que nunca... Me gustaría subirme una vez más si tenemos tiempo. ¿A dónde deberíamos ir aho—hm? Hay un cartel que dice “¡Disfruta una vista romántica de la Galaxia Fantasma!” Se parece a un poster de “The Bloody Cruise”.
[ ¿Qué es eso? ] ✓ [ Suena perfecto para una cita. ]
— Beelzebub: Los pasajeros se suben a S.S. Baño de Sangre. Es como un crucero. El crucero realmente te lleva al medio del océano. De cualquier modo, esto es obviamente a donde deberíamos subir ahora.
— Beelzebub: Ooh... La Galaxia Fantasma se ve diferente desde un barco. El reflejo de las estrellas en la superficie del océano es hermoso.
[ Eres un romántico hoy. ] ✓ [ ¿No tienes hambre? ]
— Beelzebub: Culpo al barco, a las estrellas de arriba... ...y a ti, MC. Pero... Parece haber parejas en todos lados, ahora que estoy mirando alrededor. Oh...
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— Beelzebub: Esa pareja de allá... Se están dando algo el uno al otro. Quizás debería haber traído algo para darte.
[ Por casualidad tengo algo para ti. ] 1 [ Es tu cumpleaños, Beel. Tú deberías recibir regalos, no darlos. ] 2
1: — Beelzebub: ¡¿Huh?! ¡¿Lo tienes?! ¡¿Para mí?!
[ Son un par de relojes de edición Galaxia Fantasma ] A [ Es un bolígrafo de galaxia brillante de Devilcat. ] B
A: — Beelzebub: ¡Esos solo están disponibles en el Festival Galaxia...! ¡¿Cuándo los compraste?! Los estaba buscando en el festival antes... pero Belphie estaba con nosotros en ese momento así que no tuve la oportunidad de pensar en comprarlos. Ahora pensaré en nuestra cita juntos siempre que mire la hora. Gracias, MC.
2: — Beelzebub: Cierto, pero creo que darte un regalo aquí hubiera significado algo especial. La próxima vez, incluso aunque la galaxia se haya ido... Voy a darte algo. Te lo prometo.
— Beelzebub: ¡Oh, no...!
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— Beelzebub: Perdí la noción del tiempo. ¡El espectáculo de Devilcar está por comenzar! ¿Crees que llegaremos a tiempo si corremos después de que el barco llegue al puerto...?
[ ¡Corramos como el infierno! ] [ ¡Si me cargas y corres, podríamos hacerlo! ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Si, eso sería más rápido. Voy a correr tan rápido como pueda, así que sujétate fuerte. ¡Tenemos que llegar al espectáculo a tiempo, así podemos verlo juntos!
— Beelzebub: *jadeo* *jadeo*... ¡Apenas lo hicimos! Mc, hay un asiento libre allí. Tú deberías tomarlo.
[ Sentémonos juntos. ] ✓ [ Tomemos turnos para sentarnos. ]
— Beelzebub: ¿Qué? Bueno, entonces puedes sentarte en mi regazo. Jeje, ¿Qué dirían mis hermanos si nos vieran así? Este espectáculo está tan lleno. La historia comienza con Devilcat siendo invitado a una fiesta por su amigo. Pero la mayor parte del espectáculo está sin guion, así que la audiencia puede disfrutar nuevos giros de los eventos cada vez. Me pregunto si podré ver mi escena favorita esta vez. No puedo esperar.
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— Beelzebub: Devilcat está de camino a la casa de sus amigos para la fiesta, cuando de repente... ...¡Aquí está! Mira, el narrador está en pánico. Están buscando a alguien de la audiencia para darle a Devilcat algo para comer. ¡Si Devilcat no come algo pronto, se va a volver loco! Amo esta parte. Alguien de la audiencia tiene que ir al escenario y darle a Devilcat algo de comida. Desearía que nos eligieran, pero estamos un poco lejos del escenarios como para ser vistos.
[ Tú tiendes a sobresalir en las multitudes, Beel. ] [ ¡Rápido, Beel! ¡Agita tus manos! ] ✓
— Beelzebub: ¡¿MC?! Estás haciendo una escena. ¡Todos en la audiencia nos están mirando! Le están pidiendo a la pareja de atrás que suba al escenario. ¡¿Se refieren a nosotros?! ¡MC, nos eligieron!
— Beelzebub: ¿Ves? El pedazo de carne que el personal nos dio es la comida favorita de Devilcat.
[ Luce realmente delicioso. ] [ Sin comerlo, Beel. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: No te preocupes. Me contendré por el bien de Devilcat. Vamos, alimentemos a Devilcat.
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— Beelzebub: Devilcat luce muy feliz cuando se le da su comida favorita.
[ Se parece mucho a ti, Beel. ] [ Estoy feliz de que fuéramos capaces de darle comida a Devilcat. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Yo también.  Fue lindo ver a Devilcat agradecernos. ...¿Huh? ¿Estamos siendo invitados a una fiesta gracias a la comida? ¡Esto nunca ha pasado antes! Primero, una fiesta de cumpleaños—ahora, vamos a ir a una fiesta de Devilcat también. Es una fiesta detrás de otra.
— Beelzebub: El espectáculo de Devilcat fue muy divertido. Mi sueño de subir al escenario contigo se hizo realidad. No podría estar más satisfecho. Solo fui capaz de subir al escenario gracias a que tu levantaste tu mano y llamaste al MC. Me sorprendiste por un momento, pero me hizo realmente feliz. Sin mencionar, que fue realmente adorable verte. Gracias, MC.
[ Lo disfruté también. ] [ Verte tan feliz hizo que valiera la pena. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Tuve una cita con mi humana favorita hoy. ¿Por qué no estaría feliz? Ups... lo siento. Suena como que mi estómago necesita un poco de atención ahora. Busquemos algo para comer.
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— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* Lo siento... *masticar*... por no esperar... *masticar* ...a que llegaras. *masticar* Ten... *masticar* *masticar* Puedes comer un poco de lo mío también... *tragar* Por cierto, ¿Qué terminaste ordenando? Lo siento. Yo ordené todo de una sola vez así que lo olvidé.
[ Ordené dos pasteles para nosotros. ] ✓ [ Una copa de brillante soda de sangre fresca. ]
— Beelzebub: Oh, eso es cierto. Gracias por ordenar dos. Ahora los dos podemos tener uno propio. Oh, aquí está.
— Beelzebub: Me gusta compartir un gran pastel con todos, pero hay algo especial en comer un pastel junto a ti en mi cumpleaños. Es lo mejor. He estado corriendo desde esta mañana. Apuesto que te sientes cansada ahora. Conozco un buen lugar en la Costa del Diablo donde podemos ir a tener algo de paz y tranquilidad. Dirijámonos allí cuando terminemos de comer.
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— Beelzebub: Es agradable aquí, ¿No? Este es uno de mis lugares favoritos. Todos los demás terminaron de ver los juegos especiales, así que está tranquilo y no hay nadie alrededor. Ahora podemos sentarnos y mirar la Galaxia Fantasma juntos. Puedes apoyar tu cabeza en mi regazo si estás cansada. Si tienes frío... puedo sostenerte para que te sientas cálida.
[ No tengo frío, ¿Pero puedes sostenerme de todos modos? ] ✓ [ Gracias por cuidar de mí. ]
— Beelzebub: Por supuesto. ... ...Eres tan cálida—por dentro y por fuera. Hoy estuvo lleno de grandes momentos, pero nada me ha hecho tan feliz y realizado como el sostenerte cerca como lo hago ahora.
[ Creo que un beso hará este momento incluso mejor. ] ✓ [ Eres tan amable, Beel. ]
— Beelzebub: También lo creo. MC... te amo. *suspiro*... Quiero llevarte de aquí a un lugar donde nadie, ni siquiera las estrellas, puedan vernos.
— Beelzebub: Gracias de nuevo, MC. No puedo recordar la última vez que mi corazón se sintió más lleno que mi estómago. No podría haber deseado un mejor cumpleaños. Difícilmente pueda esperar por mi cumpleaños el próximo año. Espero que podamos pasar el cumpleaños del próximo año juntos también.
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(2-A) — Belphegor: ¿Soy yo o todos se han olvidado completamente de la fiesta de cumpleaños? Supongo que no debería estar sorprendido. Pusieron mucho esfuerzo en planear esto.
— Barbatos: Belphegor, si me permites... Parece que has recibido tu premio del mitin de estampillas, pero tú aún no has participado en la lotería.
— Belphegor: ¿Huh?
— Satan: Debes no haber leído todas las instrucciones del mitin. La tarjeta de estampillas también es un boleto para participar en la lotería.
— Leviathan: Tienen algunos premios realmente geniales y no hay pérdidas tampoco. Ganarás sin importar qué obtengas.
— Belphegor: Tienen razón. Está todo escrito aquí. Dice que el boleto sirve para tres intentos en la lotería. Ese es un intento por cada uno de nosotros. En ese caso, MC, puedes ir primero.
— Asmodeus: ¿Qué ganaste? ¿Una nueva paleta de maquillaje?
[ Surtido enlatado de kraken dulce y salado. ] [ Una caja de té de hierbas para relajarte. ] ✓
— Belphegor: Elegiste uno bueno. El té es realmente delicioso y te ayuda a dormir.
— Beelzebub: ¡Si...! Conseguí un boleto para una comida gratuita en Le Diable.
— Belphie: Felicidades, Beel. Me pregunto qué ganaré. ...¿Hm? “El Premio Estrella” ¿Qué es?
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— Solomon: Parece que tienen permitido elegir cualquier premio que quieran de los premios con temática de estrellas del exhibidor.
— Belphegor: Ya veo... Entonces supongo que elegiré este premio. El kit de cuentas con patrones de estrellas.
— Luke: ¡Las perlas brillantes son tan bonitas!
— Simeon: No puedo esperar para ver qué tipo de accesorios hará con ellos.
— Belphegor: Haré algo para ti, MC. Creo que—no... sé que lucirá bien en ti. ¿Quieres un brazalete o un anillo? Tampoco voy a tomar un no como respuesta.
[ Quiero un brazalete. ] ✓ [ Un anillo sería agradable. ]
— Belphegor: Bien. Haré algo que puedas usar con tu uniforme y ropa de todos los días.
— Satan: Hey, todos. Aún quedan muchos de los grandes premios.
— Asmodeus: ¡Supongo que eso significa que tendremos que jugar el juego también!
— Mammon: ¡Ya sabes lo que eso significa, Beel! ¡Es momento de comer y recolectar algunas estampillas así todos podemos tener un turno!
— Beelzebub: ¡Déjamelo a mí!
— Lucifer: No hay necesidad de hacer nada peligroso.
— Diavolo: Si tengo que nombrar algo que tus hermanos saben cómo hacer bien, es como hacer una gran fiesta.
— Lucifer: ¿Eso es lo único en lo que puedes pensar?
— Belphegor: La fiesta está en pleno apogeo ahora. Hey, MC... ¿Qué dices si los dos dejamos esta fiesta mientras aún podemos?
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— Belphegor: Por nosotros, me refiero a nosotros dos. Creo que Beel puede manejarse solo. Dijo que quería probar cada plato que trajeron a la fiesta. Aparentemente, más comida está en camino. Vamos. Tengamos una cita, solo nosotros dos.
[ ¿A dónde iremos? ] [ Es una gran idea. ] ✓
— Belphegor: Eso es lo que digo. Seré honesto contigo. Quería tener algo de tiempo a solas junto a ti de todas formas. Así que ideé un plan para que eso sucediera si surgiera la oportunidad.
— Belphegor: Parece que logramos salir sin ser notados. Debería estar aquí en cualquier momento. Debo darte esto antes de que me olvide. Ten. Es un boleto para subir al tren fantasma. El tren fantasma es un tren invisible que viaja por el cielo nocturno. Solo puedes verlo si posees un boleto para viajar. Esta vez, vamos a ver la Galaxia Fantasma desde el cielo.
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— Belphegor: Jeje, ¿Estás sorprendida del repentino cambio de atuendo mientras entrábamos en el tren? En realidad yo también estoy sorprendido. No sabía que el tren ofrecía este tipo de experiencia. Luces realmente bien vestida así. Parece como si estuvieras lista para hacer tu debut en el estreno de una película. Creo que los asistentes fantasmas en el tren nos están proveyendo con un servicio extra especial. Cuando estaba reservando nuestros boletos para el tren... ...Les dije que estaría trayendo a un invitado muy especial y que era un día muy especial. Creo que es por eso que han puesto este maravilloso hechizo para nosotros.
[ Eso es muy considerado de su parte. ] ✓ [ ¿Me estabas hablando a mí? ]
— Belphegor: Lo es. Me aseguraré de agradecerles por todo luego. Esta debe ser nuestra bebida complementaria. Salud por nuestra cita galaxia... o como quieras llamarlo. Jeje, no creo que haya visto una bebida que brille así antes. Es un color azul profundo y las burbujas brillantes dentro lucen como un cielo estrellado. Estaba esperando más pasajeros a bordo, considerando que hoy la Galaxia Fantasma es visible en el cielo. Pero parece que nadie más está viajando además de nosotros y los asistentes fantasmas.
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— Belphegor: Les pregunté a los fantasmas y dijeron que reservaron el tren entero solo para nosotros dos. Dijeron que querían asegurarse de que disfrutemos nuestro tiempo juntos en este día especial. Eso fue muy generoso de su parte. Si hay algún lado en el que nos gustaría detenernos en el camino, podemos tomarnos la libertad de pedirles que desembarquemos.
[ ¡Podríamos ser los clientes favoritos de los fantasmas...! ] [ Iré a donde tú quieras ir, Belphie. ] ✓
— Belphegor: ¿No te importa? En ese caso, déjame pensar... ...¡Lo tengo! Hay un lugar que he tenido en mente al que me gustaría llevarte.
— Belphegor: Aquí estamos.
[ Qué hermosa playa. ] ✓ [ ¿Qué es este lugar? ]
— Belphegor: Si. Hay algo misterioso sobre este lugar que siempre atrae a ella... El mar es incluso más fascinante esta noche con la galaxia siendo reflejada en la superficie del agua. Hay algo que quiero buscar aquí.
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— Belphegor: Estoy buscando una piedra brillante llamada “Piedra Galaxia”. Se dice que es tan rara y misteriosa que solo aparece el mismo día que la Galaxia Fantasma. Y sabes que día es hoy. Creo que mis oportunidades de encontrarla hoy es la mejor que tendré por un tiempo. Quiero usar esa piedra cuando haga tu brazalete. Sé que lucirá hermosa. Encontré la Piedra Galaxia hace mucho tiempo. Es por eso que elegí buscarla aquí. Definitivamente voy a encontrarla.
[ ¿Algún consejo de dónde encontrarla? ] ✓ [ Es tan considerado de tu parte. ]
— Belphegor: Nadie sabe dónde se encuentra, así que nuestra única opción es buscar en cada rincón de la playa cuidadosamente. Aunque, debería advertirte que me tomó horas encontrar la última Piedra Galaxia...
— Belphegor: ...¿Hola? ¿Escuchaste algo de lo que dije, MC?
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— Belphegor: MC, ¿Por qué estás parada ahí así? ...Hey, espera un momento. ¿Estás viendo lo que yo veo...?
[ Estoy asustada. Belphie, tú cava. ] [ ¡Cavemos y veamos! ] ✓
— Belphegor: Cierto. ¡Traeré la pala! No quiero que tus manos se ensucien, ya que luces tan bien esta noche.
— Belphegor: ...¡Es la real! ¡La Piedra Galaxia! La encontramos tan rápido... Es como si la Piedra Fantasma te estuviera llamando, MC... Tienes un talento especial para hacer posible lo imposible, ¿Sabes? Siempre estás llena de sorpresas, nunca sé que esperar... Eso es lo que me gusta de ti. Voy a usar esto para hacer un tipo de brazalete solo para ti. Espero que estés expectante.
[ Tengo algo que darte también... ] 1 [ ¡Gracias, no puedo esperar! ]
1: — Belphegor: ¿Para mí...?
[ Una cielo estrellado encerrado en una flor de cristal. ] A [ Es una luz nocturna de  Quetzalcóatl. ]
A: — Belphegor: Es... una rosa de cristal. Brilla tan linda, como el cielo estrellado. Gracias. Atesoraré cualquier regalo de cumpleaños que reciba de ti, MC.
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— Belphegor: Ya que encontramos la piedra tan rápido, tenemos mucho tiempo para viajar en el tren fantasma a otra ubicación. ¿Hay algún lugar al que te gustaría ir, MC?
[ Algún lugar pacífico con una buena vista. ] ✓ [ Algún lugar vívido y divertido. ]
— Belphegor: En ese caso, creo que gustará la Plaza de Mary.
— Belphegor: ¿Hay algo que tengas en mente? Me gusta sentarme en esta banca y mirar el cielo estrellado. Pude ver la Galaxia Fantasma desde todo tipo de lugares hoy. Incluso pude hacerlo contigo, MC. N hay manera de saber cuándo veré la Galaxia Fantasma de nuevo... ...pero espero que la próxima vez, podamos verla juntos.
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— Belphegor: Bueno, hoy estuvo lleno de todo tipo de aventuras, ¿No? ...Jeje. MC, ¿Estás comenzando a cabecear? Realmente no puedo culparte. El balanceo del tren es lo suficientemente relajante como para poner a cualquiera a dormir. ¿Quieres poner tu cabeza en mi hombro?
[ ¿No tienes sueño, Belphie? ] [ Creo que haré eso. ] ✓
— Belphegor: Entonces ven un poco más cerca. Esto es nuevo. Siempre soy yo quien pide prestado tu hombro para recostarse, así que esto es algo bueno. Me hace sentir... feliz. Buenas noches, MC.
— Belphegor: ¿Ya despertaste?
[ Escuché un ruido... ] [ Quería ver tu cara. ] ✓
— Belphegor: ¡...! No puedes decir cosas tan lindas después de despertar. Estaba haciendo esto mientras miraba tu rostro durmiente.
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— Belphegor: Es el brazalete que te prometí. Casi tiré todas las cuentas por todo el piso mientras lo hacía. Mi corazón casi se detuvo. Todo lo que tengo que hacer es adjuntar la Piedra Galaxia que toqué con un poco de magia y... ...¡Hecho! MC, dame tu mano. Ten. Queda perfecto. La Piedra Galaxia tiene un significado especial, ¿Sabes? representa un “encuentro afortunado”. Creo que ese encuentro contigo, MC, fue el encuentro más afortunado de todos.
[ Soy tan afortunada por conocerte también, Belphie. ] ✓ [ Gracias, lo atesoraré por siempre. ]
— Belphegor: MC... Si me besas ahora mismo, sería incluso más feliz.
[ Estaba pensando lo mismo. ] ✓ [ ¡Te daré un abrazo en su lugar! ]
— Belphegor: ¿Entonces qué estás esperando...? Jeje... los fantasmas están intentando no mirar en nuestra dirección. Desearía poder continuar así, pero probablemente nos pidan que bajemos del tren por indecencia. Tendré que contenerme por ahora. Siempre podemos continuar donde lo dejamos cuando regresemos a casa. Además... ...Quiero viajar en el tren fantasma contigo y tener otra cita bajo el cielo estrellado nuevamente en algún momento. Pero, quizás solo uno más...
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madame-fear · 9 months
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★ amira speaks! : dedicated to my sweet @lady-ashfade. Happy Birthday, my most dear love! I hope your day is filled with people that love you as much as we all love you in here. I wish you health, safety, joy, and tons of success in your life !! I adore you, you are one of my fave people in here, and you deserve all the best. Enjoy this, sweetie! 🩷 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : your husband, Lord Lucerys Velaryon, gets a bit too possesively jealous when another Lord flirts with you by making silly jokes and remarks, and you giggle along. But, your Lord Husband will teach you how to behave — and who you truly belong to. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 2.8k
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : smut, dom/sub (maybe, I think?). ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : Jealous!Lord!Lucerys x Wife!Reader
WARNING.ᐟ THIS FIC CONTAINS ; possesive behaviour, Dom!Lucerys, spanking, slight profanity, fingering, cunnilingus (oral sex, female receiving), slight praising.
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Jealousy was a fiery thrill when it came to your husband, Lord Lucerys Velaryon.
For him, it’s a juxtaposition between aggressive possesiveness, and arousal. It was knowing that, as much as he craved to turn into ashes the person provoking jealousy on him with a simple dragonfire, he would simultaneously get to have you under his mercy — prove who you belong to.
There was nothing that caused more jealousy on him, than seeing someone having the audacity to flirt with you. Not even his older brother Jacaerys was spared with Luke’s possesiveness, when Jace sweetly offered his hand to you for a dance one day, during a dinner feast.
Of course, Jacaerys was doing nothing but merely trying to be the gentleman he had always been with you, plus a good brother-in-law and friend you could trust in. Yet, Lucerys, despite being delighted at the sight of you being happy and bonding with his family, couldn’t help but feel that overwhelming burning jealousy over his older brother. And, as expected, the (then) young Velaryon prince fucked your brains out afterwards.
Despite having the need of being dominantly feral over you in a possesive manner — he managed to treat you softly, proving that he could be even far more delicate and loving than his brother; pampering you with soft kisses, neck bites, and fucked you in a way that made you crave for more of his gentle touch.
But, his gentleness over your body faded away at the sight of another man that wasn’t part of his family having the audacity to flirt with you right in front of his face. Especially, the audacity of another Lord that had tried to flirt with you during a feast Luke hosted in Driftmark, shortly after being officially named Lord and Lady of the Tides, right in front of his face.
The way giggles spurred from your lips so sweetly at the most stupid remarks the other Lord did, with a honey-like sound, inevitably made the young Velaryon boy clench his jaw discreetly with ire. You were so endearingly delicate, like the petal of a flower, and the most polite woman — needless to say, you were charmingly precious. How could the other Lords not try and flirt with you?
Which, of course, the second the Lord had gotten far too close to your body, Lucerys had to intervene by abruptly showing up by your side, pressing a quick smooch to your lips, and possesively wrap an arm around your waist while giving the other Lord a death glare. It was his way to establish his dominance in a public space, in front of other men.
And in private? This type of jealousy wouldn’t so easily fade away from him by merely gluing your body to his own in front of the other Lord. You had to be taught your lesson, of not trying to get along with other Lords so easily. And Lucerys would teach you how to behave.
The sound of soft, yet firm fleshy sounds echoed through the walls of your private quarters, along your own hushed gasps. Laying on Lucerys’ lap, your hands gripped on the silky sheets, digging your nails deep into the texture as you bit your lower lip. His hand continously kept smacking your sensitive ass that already had a shade of red forming on your skin with each slap.
“You can only belong to me.” another gasp spurred deep from your throat, making you grip yourself tighter on the sheets, feeling the bittersweet stinging pain in your ass as Lucerys kept smacking it; increasing the pressure as he kept going. “I’m the only one who can pamper you with my love. The only one that knows exactly how to fuck you.”
Every smack he did with the palm of his hand against your rear, also hit against your achingly needy, wet cunt. Occasionally, his fingertips brushed against your folds on purpose, for the fun of seeing you squirm. “And if I need to, I could spend all night long spanking your pretty little reddened ass, until you learn how to behave, and who you belong to.”
The way he spanked you was dreadfully delicious, enjoying the stinging pain leisurely appearing around your — already reddish — skin, and your stimulated pussy. “M-My Lord,” you whispered faintly, gasping with each smack, feeling your nipples harden in arousal under your nightgown. “I-I can only be yours, and no one else’s. I promise I will behave.”
Noticing the way your cunt was already stimulated, along your ass being reddened and the sound of quiet pleasured whimpers escaping from your beauteous lips, caused a grin to tug at the corner of his rosy lips. You were such a good girl when it came to being put in your place and behaving, as well as a fast learner that obeyed to every one of his orders. “Repeat that for your Lord, dōna riña.”
Another spank surprised you, making you whince as you clenched your jaw, feeling the sore skin on your ass stinging from the repeated hand motions, and the sounds increased the more firmer his hand became against your stimulated skin. “I-I am only yours, my Lord– Fuck!” his smile grew wider as in the middle of your stuttered words, he smacked your ass louder, and harder this time; enjoying how you were both wet from arousal, yet, Luke knew his spanking was rough at times and the pain was sore on your flesh.
“I... I only belong to my Lord of Driftmark, Lucerys Velaryon, and I will behave for him.” you managed to mumble out, trying to catch your breath. The tight grip you held on the sheets loosened, feeling your hands tremble weakly. His proud grin remained at your submission, as the same hand that was used to spank you groped your ass tenderly, making your breath hitch.
Not only his touch was warm, but as well it was firmly possesive over you; using his thumb to trace shapes on your sore flesh gently, squeezing your ass in a teasing manner. And in a ravenous manner for your cunt, his fingers moved upwards to brush against your pussy, enjoying the feeling of your moist folds being rubbed against his digits.
Gods, you were so pretty when you held back your moans and whimpers from pleasure. It was undeniable that Lucerys was the only one that knew how to be so rough, yet so gentle. And he could be rougher, if he wanted to.
“Good girl. So obedient for your Lord and husband.” he praised, looking down at you with his green hazel eyes. While doing so, his fingernails scraped your skin merely to admire the goosebumps you had when he touched you that way. “You deserve to be rewarded for learning who you belong to, issa perzītsos.” as you still remained laying on his lap, quivering under his touch, his hand continued to explore your skin, only to then slightly lower the skirt of your dress.
“Sit.” Luke ordered, in a firm whisper. Eagerly and obediently for your husband, you did as he had commanded to you. The marks and bruises left from the previous spanking, along the reddened sore flesh stung the moment you stood up, and the moment you sat at the edge of the bed. But of course, you weren’t complaining; you had great pleasure when your husband disciplined you just like that, and became feral from jealousy.
With trembling legs, you sat on the edge of the bed, with both of your hands at your sides. Quietly, you observed how your husband stand from where he had been sitting — and spanking you —, and place himself in front of you, only to immediatly lower himself on his knees. “Let me show you just how much I adore you.” at his words, your breath hitched, feeling your chest rising and falling constantly. Both his hands went to your legs, spreading them apart carefully, and you unconsciously helped him to do so by spreading them yourself as well. The sexual tension between the two of you lingering on the atmosphere made your pussy glisten with aroused moist, aching to feel his cock, or tongue, or fingers inside of you.
Softly, his lips were pressed against your knee. With tender smooches, keeping his lips lingering on your skin for several seconds before continuing, he moved upwards towards your inner thigh. Each kiss made a shiver run down your back, gripping the sheets tighter as your gaze was fixed on the way he so sweetly moved to kiss your inner thigh. Every passing second made you feel wetter in between your legs, with slick dripping from your cunt excitedly to feel him.
Having reached your inner thigh, his lips focused on placing several smooches on that overly sensitive zone of your skin, and occasionally nibbling on it as to leave a bitemark. Teasingly, as he focused on moving dreadfully slow towards your pussy with his lips, his fingertips began grasping against your wet folds, making you release a soft gasp from your partly open lips. “Fuck.” you breathed out, fluttering your eyes shut as you panted softly. The feeling of your wetness being enough to coat his fingertips as they stroked you gently made him proudly grin at his own work, moving his hand so his fingers would apply pressure on your clit. “So wet for me, already?” Lucerys teased, looking up at you with his green eyes before finally focusing on your aching sex.
“W-Why are you surprised, Lord Husband?” you retorted back in a stutter, slowly opening your eyes to stare at him, and in response, he scoffed in a playful manner. The seconds felt dreadful until the young Lord decided that it was time to give you your very much needed reward, but when he did, your eyes closed again and a groan escaped deeply from your groan. His hot breathing hit against your wetness, feeling his lips become glossy with your slick as they focused on pressing tender kisses on your folds. Not one inch of your genitalia was safe from his kisses, and his tongue that occasionally appeared between those pecks to tease you further.
You tasted just like sweet honey, and he couldn’t get enough of savouring you. By the time his tongue was already vehemently passing through your wet cunt, selfishly drinking from your moistness, his fingers began teasing your entrance. The sound of your growls and the feeling of your wetness increasing to the point it dripped down onto the sheets made his cock throb with need. He so badly wanted to roll you on your stomach, and fiercely fuck you from behind like you deserved to be fucked - but he preferred to patiently wait, and reward you with little treats and some pampering.
“You taste so, so sweetly, issa dōna riña.” Lucerys whispered, between his soft nibbling on your wet folds before moving to take care of your sensitive clit. His fingers immediatly entered your tight, hot pussy — making you lean your hips forwards to encourage Lucerys to move his fingers deeper. “L-Luke,” you moaned in between quiet pants, feeling your body nearly melt the moment his lips nibbled on your sensitive nub. “And you take me so well. What a beautifully obedient girl you are.”
Vehemently, his fingers began deeply moving in, and then out in a continous manner. His lips focused on your clitoris, nibbling, sucking, and kissing it desperately to increase the delightful sound of your moans. Whenever he groaned against your sex, and he increased his finger fucking, you could feel a knot forming inside your stomach. A fiery heat tightened on your chest, sliding your hand down onto the back of his head, intertwining your fingers in between dark strands of his hair, pushing him deeper. “P-Please, don’t stop.” you begged in between ragged moans and pants, in a rather desperate manner.
“I don’t intend to. I plan on drinking from your sweet tasting pussy tonight, my love.” Luke murmured, pulling apart briefly, with his lips glossy from your own lubrication before going back to his deeds. His mouth hungrily ate your throbbing cunt, trying to catch the strong flush of wetness continously oozing from you as his fingers moved faster and deeper inside of you, trying to stimulate you further.
The knot on your stomach became tighter, as well as the heat overwhelming your chest. Throwing your head back with your eyes shut, pulling him deeper in between your legs as he kept stimulating you, your moans intensified. Their sound became slightly high-pitched the closer you felt to cumming in his fingers and mouth, with some whimpers mixed in your moans. “L-Lucerys!” his name kept escaping mindlessly from your lips, not managing to form a proper sentence. “I-I think I’m about to cum.”
It seemed that your words were all that he needed to hear, besides your continous whimpers of pleasures and the way his name rolled from your mouth so endearingly. “Cum, then, my sweet.” he encouraged, with his own breath sharpened by the intensity of his arousal. One of his hand took hold of your leg, digging his nails deep into your skin, while his other hand moved his two fingers more intensely inside of you, making almost a fleshy sound.
Slowing down on the motion with his fingers, he managed for his thumb to stroke your clit and apply pressure on it. “Cum for your Lord Husband.” his tongue moved around your entrance, teasing it further as he delighted himself with the sweet taste of your cum. At his words, your shaking hand desperately caressed his messy brunette hair, pulling slightly strands of his curly hair as you could feel yourself reaching your climax.
In between hot, moaned pants, his name continously spurred from your lips as your eyes closed, throwing your head slightly back in pleasure. From your partly opened lips, all types of sounds escaped from them faintly, progressively becoming louder the closer you were to orgasming, and cumming into his mouth. The young Velaryon Lord seemed pleased with the noises he was making you do, growling pleased against your sensitive pussy as he desperately ate you out the wetter you became.
The knot that had formed on your stomach abruptly broke out, coming out as a pleasant flush of wet, slick cum against his lips, and his tongue wasted no time in taking all of the sweet taste of yourself that you offered to him — pussydrunk from your cum as if his life depended on it.
The way you yelled his name had intensified in sound, which satisfied him because, surely, it could be heard from outside your private chambers. Several satisfied growls escaped from him, enjoying the way your hand gripped his hair. His hot breath continously hitting against your wet folds as he devoured you, making you squirm under him. It felt as if a wave of relief washed over you the moment you felt all the built-up tension be released, and him being delighted by it.
Violently, your legs trembled as soon as you had finished cumming into his mouth. The feeling of your own lubrication oozing down from you, moistening your inner thighs and the sheets below, made you softly shiver. Your hands weakly gripped the sheet, digging your nails as Lucerys continued to caress gently your wet folds with his tongue and fingers for a few more seconds shortly after you had orgasmed, just to tease you further and observe the way you so beautifully squirmed delicately under his touch.
“I don’t think I could possibly grow tired of tasting you, my love.” before pulling away, moving his cum-coated fingers out of your pussy, he placed a kiss on your overstimulated nub; which made you shiver. His hazel green eyes stared at you as he scraped his nails on your leg, across your skin.
“You taste so good, I could spend hours like this... Seeing you squirm so beautifully, cumming on my tongue.” a little grin formed at the corner of his lips, rising slightly as he had been kneeling in between your legs, just to caress your skin under your chin. Noticing the crimson tint creepin on your cheeks, the young Velaryon Lord placed his glossy lips against you tenderly, allowing you to feel your own taste.
The kiss deepened heavily, as if he were devouring, and savouring your taste. As Luke pulled away, his lips lingered on your own, grasping gently against each other while his panting breath delicately hit your skin. “You are mine, and no one else’s.” his voice whispered quietly, as his fingertips continued tracing shapes on your inner thigh in a slow manner, while his rosy lips littered your chin, cheeks, tip of your nose, and lips with several loving pecks.
If this is what you would get for merely giggling at the remarks of another flirting Lord, you were going to make sure to get Lucerys as jealous as possible more often — it was as if Luke was encouraging to keep going, and you would.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jacesvelaryons @jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @keiratonks @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @feliuuuksks @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— Luke’s Birthday Edition
22-23 Season/Summer Masterlist
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, and 12,436 others
yourusername my baby brother isn’t so baby anymore 😭 happy 20th birthday, lukey moosey! you’ve accomplished so much in your 20 years on this floating rock we call home (your biggest accomplishment is naming me sissy obviously… definitely not your career…) and i can’t wait to see what life brings you next <3 you’re gonna pop off so hard this season! pls don’t get many penalties because my job is hard enough with tweedle dumbass and tweedle bumblefuck!
p.s. the first photo is of me at 6 and lukey moosey (or apparently “rusty” now) (but not to me) at 3 during the few months that he’s 3 years younger than jack and i! he instantly grew and became taller than me 0.2 seconds after this was taken, so i cherish it deeply🫶
happy birthday, baby boy precious pants❤️ i love you!
tagged lhughes_06
view all 173 comments
lhughes_06 thank you, little miss shorty sissy boo boo! i love you, too!
yourusername break your back so i can give you a forehead kiss!!
lhughes_06 i have a career i’d rather not ruin
yourusername i leave the love of my life to see you yet it’s like you don’t even love me anymore… somebody got grouchy in their 20s… i’m selling you on the black market
jackhughes @/yourusername they’ll just ship him back
yourusername @/jackhughes i’ll get a no return policy
jackhughes @/yourusername what if they just set him loose????
yourusername @/jackhughes that sounds like a future luke problem
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes if sissy sells me on the black market will you buy me?
yourusername @_quinnhughes BEST FRIEND CONTRACT
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 learn boy scout tricks and pray
user7 don’t talk to me i’m so emo over luke turning 20😭 happy birthday!
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes dibs on tweedle bumblefuck (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKEY BOY!! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW OWNERS!! @/lhughes_06)
lhughes_06 thank you! as a present can you convince your fiancée to not sell me?
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 she’ll give me a penalty and stand guard outside the bathroom until it’s over
lhughes_06 that sounds like a future trevor problem
yourusername @/lhughes_06 maybe lindy will buy you
_quinnhughes i’m not so sure bumblefuck was meant for you
trevorzegras @/yourusername say it ain’t so
yourusername @/trevorzegras i will not go
_quinnhughes “suck it” -sissy about 8k times a day
njdevils happy birthday to our favorite hughes of the day!!
yourusername it’s normally me, right?
njdevils yes of course!
lhughes_06 thank you?
user21 i hope luke gets a good ass cake for his birthday
user14 what did you get him???
yourusername i painted a digital photo frame and uploaded pictures of us, the family, him and his friends, him and his various teams, etc and then as a joke i made a hockey card of myself!
lhughes_06 her stats: height: 5’1 / weight: none of your business / position: best hughes / hugs: not enough / love for me: way past the edge of the universe
user89 SOBS
jackhughes dear sissy, you’re not my favorite sister today, it’s @/lhughes_06
lhughes_06 i feel like bullying shouldn’t be allowed on my birthday
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 happy birthday!!! love you bro!
yourusername ig i’ll accept this
lhughes_06 maybe the black market isn’t a terrible idea…
yourusername @/lhughes_06 well now i don’t wanna
lhughes_06 @/yourusername and that’s what we call “reverse psychology”
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 wow! did you learn that in college before you dropped out?
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes i learned it from johnny
yourusername @/lhughes_06 fucking harvard…
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 need another $200 pool stick for your birthday?
lhughes_06 yeah maybe i’ll start winning again
yourusername @/lhughes_06 against who? cuz it will not be against me
_quinnhughes @/yourusername we get it you’re good at one thing
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes give her some credit! she’s good at a lot of things!
yourusername @/trevorzegras this is why i love you
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes like falling!
yourusername @/trevorzegras 10 minute misconduct. get in the bathtub.
lhughes_06 @/yourusername your clumsy percentage should’ve been on the hockey card
yourusername @/lhughes_06 istg i’ll take you out before you can make it to 21
umichhockey happy birthday @/lhughes_06! we miss you!
_alexturcotte they grow up so fast😭 happy birthday @/lhughes_06!
lhughes_06 thanks turc!!
yourusername damn right they grow up fast! i said he grew in 0.2 seconds!
_alexturcotte @/lhughes_06 FREAK
lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte @/yourusername THAT’S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE
yourusername @/lhughes_06 have you ever heard of a hyperbole? or a joke?
dylanduke25 hyperbole: noun. “exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.”
dylanduke25 joke: noun. “a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.”
yourusername @/dylanduke25 college is paying off for you, son! so proud of you!
_alexturcotte @/lhughes_06 this is what you get for being a dropout! things go right over your head!
lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte YOU’RE ALSO A COLLEGE DROPOUT AND @/yourusername YOU DIDN’T EVEN GO TO COLLEGE
yourusername @/lhughes_06 i am business woman whom’s business THREW YOU A BIRTHDAY PARTY
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 fix it.
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 fix it.
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i love you and i’m proud of you and thank you for my party
yourusername @/lhughes_06 ……. i love you, too
user2 i need to be a fly on the wall at this birthday party😭
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 lookin’ like a snack in that last picture 🥵 wyd later?
lhughes_06 probably taking care of drunk sissy
yourusername @/lhughes_06 uno reverse and you KNOW IT
dylanduke25 @/yourusername are you implying that you, an adult, are encouraging the act of underage drinking?
yourusername @/dylanduke25 new jersey statute 2c:33-17 subsection a allows a person under the legal drinking age to consume alcohol inside a private property (a home) when a parent or guardian is present and gives said alcohol to said minor
dylanduke25 @/yourusername you don’t classify as a parent or guardian???
yourusername @/dylanduke25 i am your MOTHER and you will treat me with RESPECT
lhughes_06 @/dylanduke25 i’m getting white girl wasted tonight
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 MY BOYYYY
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youling-the-ghost · 27 days
sfth incorrect quotes pt.9 because the brainrot is getting to me
Luke: Thanks for not telling Tom what happened. AJ, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this. Tom: Anyone down to take couples counseling and see at what point the therapist realizes we barely know each other? Luke: Idiots to lovers, 20k words, angst with a happy ending. AJ: I know what a prism is! It's where you put bad people. (I just realised that I already had this quote in a past post)
AJ: Okay, what does A stand for? Luke: Arson. AJ: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? Luke: Barson. Sam: *laughter* AJ: What stands for C? Luke: Commit arson. Sam: Oooo. AJ: D! Luke: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. Sam: *more laughter, slightly more evil this time* Tom: Hey, check out my Spongebob umbrella! *Tom opens his umbrella while indoors* Sam: Tom, that’s bad luck… Tom: Chill out, Sam! Luke, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?! Tom and Sam: *screams* (Senor Pork-core) Tom: Hey, are you free? Sam: No, I’m expensive. Store Worker: Would a “Tom” please come to the front desk? Tom, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to AJ, Sam, and Luke: I believe they belong to you? AJ, Sam, and Luke, simultaneously: We got lost. Tom: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me- Luke: Tom, when’s your birthday? Tom: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Luke: ...So I know when to wish you a happy birthday. Luke: But also so I can plan your downfall. AJ: So, what is Luke to you? Sam: The reason I wake up every morning. AJ: ...That’s adorable. Luke earlier that morning, barging into Sam′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! AJ: *stands in trash can* Sam: AJ, not again! You're not trash, you're at least recycling! (I like to think that AJ just wanted to stand in the trash can) Sam: Big day today, Tom. *holds up two identical flannels* Mustard stain or ketchup stain? Tom: Mustard, looks less like blood. Tom: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way. Sam: Did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way? Luke: *writing a letter* Luke: Dear Santa, I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...and it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard. Tom: Damn, the power went out. AJ: Don’t worry, I got this. AJ: *stomps foot* Tom: What-? AJ: *Sketchers light up* Sam: You can’t have a gun on stage! Luke: WRONG! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that’s the rule of Chekhov’s Gun: have a gun. And now that it’s been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play. (Sam's just jealous that he doesn't have a gun) Tom: Oh no! I’m doomed! Sam: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Luke at his own memorial service. Tom: Exactly! It’s impossible! AJ: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, that’s fucked up. Like c'mon, you know I’m dumb as hell! Luke: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby. Tom: What baby? Luke, crying a bit: Me. Tom: That's not funny. Luke: I thought it was funny. Tom: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
Luke’s reaction to Rosey being pregnant? Who was the first person to find out rosey was pregnant?
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note: remember that rosey is a nickname Luke gave to you when you two were younger….
Ellen and your (Rosey’s) mom were the first to know. The mom’s were having lunch at the Hughes’s when you texted them both asking which test was the best to buy. Which put the mom’s into a frenzy. They both jumped into action forgetting their lunch. Both were way too aggressive about finding out where you were in that moment. Neither mother stopped long enough to process that it was their teenage, college student daughter and son’s girlfriend who they were talking to.
As for Luke ..
He honestly thought you (rosey) were playing a joke on him at first, he wasn’t very happy initially either... (more in depth further down) plus They had just started their first year of college when everything surfaced for them.
Timeline Breakdown: so we established in a previous post that Emersyn’s birthday is April 8th 2022. To lay out how everything falls into place:
Using math, and then using a generator online to double check myself, with that birthdate a round about date of conception would be between June 30th to July 4th of 2021..
I’m thinking of going on the line with usually has more of an irregular cycle, often skipping months as is so she didn’t think much of it. Until she starts to feel sluggish and sick. She notices she’s pushing two missed periods and is more into the 9 weeks mark. By now classes have started at umich. She’s missing quite a few of classes because she’s having problems with nausea. The first trimester ends in October.
She went to the closest pharmacy and that’s when you call the moms. They had her go back to the dorms and wait for them to come. They showed up with test after test.
Rosey stuck all different types of tests in a cup, the next few minutes were agonizingly slow for all three women. Of course each one of the used tests had their own form of positive.
September 13, is the day she found out for sure. Rosey wasn’t sure when to tell Luke, she didn’t want to right away because she hadn’t wrapped her own head around it yet. But Luke being Luke and he was antsy about you still being sick. The moms talked her into telling him the same day…
Luke came over to her dorm right after his practice and was concerned to see his mom and Rosey’s mom in the kitchenette / lounge area. He asked the moms where Rosey was and Ellen quietly told him to go talk to her in her room.
A million thoughts ran through his mind as he approached her door. Was something wrong with her? Had she been holding something back from him? He knocked on her bedroom door, small soft voice called out shakily, “you can come in,”Luke pushed the door open and soaked in the sight of his usual bubbly, warm, inviting girlfriend that sits on the middle of her bed closed off, pale, and almost unrecognizable. Luke took a step in and shut the door behind him before walking towards her. “Ba—” She cut him off. She flinched from at the start of the pet name. “Don’t say that, dear god please don’t say that.” Her voice continued to shake, this time only worse. Luke looked at her questioningly. She glanced up and met his eyes. Then it happened. The words poured out of her mouth like she spewing them out. She couldn’t wait a moment longer after seeing his the hurt, questioning eyes.
“Luke-I’m-Pregnant.” The words came out practically as one single word
In a blink of an Rosey was a mess of tears, stumbling off if her bed, over to stand in front of him.
Moments of silence passed between them.
“Lukey.” Her voice barely audible, her body rattled her with sobs. Luke was stiff as a board wanting to reach out for her but his body physically unwilling. He hated seeing her cry. It killed him, but his twinge of anger was fueling him more than anything else.
“What do you mean you’re pregnant, y/n?!” Luke’s voice bounced around in her head a lot louder than it actually was when he spoke. Rosey took a couple steps away from Luke. He never rose his voice at her. “I’m serious y/n. Is this some kind of joke you set up since you’ve been sick?” Luke’s volume was much higher this time. Rosey was shocked that he had yelled at her, she was even more shocked that he addressed her by her legal name. The last time Luke had directly called her, by her legal name was such a long time ago neither of them remember when it happened.
Disbelief was written all across her face, eyes wide, and her heart racing.
“Luke Warren Hughes.” His names left her lips in an angry whisper. A dramatic contrast to that of his booming predecessor questioning. “What I mean is that you and I are having a baby together. Whether you’re on board or not.” Rosey paused taking a centering breath. “That is what happens when we have sex and we make the decision to continue even when you realize there isn’t a condom to be found in your’s or Jack’s room at the lake house.” With renowned confidence she approached him and pushed her flat palm on his chest with emphasis on the word ‘we’. Her voice getting stronger, louder as she went on. Getting angrier at the thought of all he said.
“We had unprotected sex Luke. It was a possibility, you know that. It was a mutual decision to have sex without protection.” Rosey dropped her forehead to his chest. Luke’s arms twitch at his side, wanting to embrace her, he just can’t make himself move to do so. “We talked.. We said we aren’t going to be with anyone else why does it matter. It wasn’t a big deal then to go without one and you.. YOU said that we would be okay with anything to come our way this year. You promised me. I know we didn’t expect a baby to be apart of college, this early on, or really I don’t know how you feel about wanting kids.. So why would you even think I would joke about this.”
Luke’s head was spinning he wasn’t sure what to say or do. She shocked him when she suddenly announced it the way she did. He was just confused and he just did what he does best and it was blurting out the first thing in is mind. He wanted to turn and leave to figure out what to say but if he leaves he knows that would look like he’s walking out on their relationship.
As if telepathy was real Ellen knocked on the door and entered after announcing herself. “Now that emotions are out. Let’s go both of you, out here. We’re getting this settled, and Luke.” Ellen’s tone of voice started of soft and turned to one only mother ready to discipline has. “Your father and I raised you better than this. I thought you knew better than to raise your voice at your significant other. Even when angry you can keep a level tone of voice.” Luke’s face falls as he glances over at the love of his life. He knew yelling at her was wrong. He knew everything he said to her was wrong.
How am I ever going to get myself out of this.
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axelsagewrites · 2 years
Lucerys - Dance
Pairing: Lucerys X Green!Daughter
Summary: reader and Luke had been best friends for years before being split up but finally they meet again at the readers birthday ball.
Words: 2914
Requested by anon
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Masterlist Here
Being the youngest child of the king was a strange experience. As the youngest you didn’t have to worry about as many marriage proposals or having to go to make official royal visits. The only times you were sent on royal visits had been with either your mother or brother Aemond as your mother did not trust her another son to look after you. You spent more time looking after Aegon than the other way round as you were the one that would sneak him his hang over cures when your mother banned the maesters for helping him as punishment for her sons drinking.
Despite this you were also close with your mother. She was extremely protective which had its ups and downs. On one hand you didn’t need to worry about Lords trying to manipulate you for your hand and on the other you only really had your family to spend time with. However, as you were the youngest, quite a bit younger than your siblings, it still could be lonely at time. Or at least it was after Luke had left court.
When Luke was still at court however you were inseparable. You studied together, trained with your dragons together, were forced to learn how to dance together. It was lucky that you both got on so well because if not the whole ordeal would have been awkward. You didn’t mind spending all your time with him however and soon you may have well been the same person.
The day Rhaynera decided to move her and her children to Dragonstone to marry Daemon Targaryen you cried. You cried the whole day and so many more to come. Luke did his best not to join you in your tears. You clung onto him for dear life as you said your goodbyes. But eventually you were forced to let go.
You didn’t leave your room for days after he left. The worst was no one really noticed as they were used to you being away in some corner with Luke. Aemond only noticed when he realised, he had not been pranked by you and Luke for a week. The only reason you even came out of your room is because he banned the cooks to send food to your room and eventually you realised starvation would not bring Luke back.
Eventually you found a new normal but it was hard at first. Now you were far more studious, rode your dragon more, and even began to wear more princess like dresses as you weren’t having to sneak around with Luke to pull off your next heist. Alicent was so happy by the change that soon you became her favourite. She loved to come to your chambers and do your hair as before you had never allowed her to, claiming she pulled to hard. Now you didn’t see a point of fighting your mother off.
During her visits to try out the latest braid styles in your hair she began to discuss plans for your upcoming birthday. As usual there would be cakes and dancing and lords pretending to take an interest in you. For you it was more of a chore and you would celebrate your birthday properly the day after. Usually this would be done with Lucerys, but this year Heleana would have to do.
“You’re so lucky my dear not to have to organise this yourself,” Alicent said as she tugged your hair back from your face, “Trying to organise the guest list alone is killing me. Who can come and what day and how much time we spend with them outside of the ball itself. It’s all very complicated just to avoid bruising some egos,”
“Do I even know half the people coming?” you asked.
Alicent sighed, “You know of them at the very least. It’s all the usual sort but don’t worry darling you don’t need to talk to anyone for very long. That’s what I’m here for. You just pick a couple lords or their sons, don’t worry I’ll point them out to you, you dance with them then you just sit and look pretty,” Alicent smiled as she admired her handy work. “Don’t you just love it?”
It took all your energy to muster up a smile to try convincing her but she seemed pleased non the less. “We’ll need to set up some more dancing practises,” your mother continued. “Can’t have you stepping on any fragile toes,”
“I normally practise with Luke,” you sighed as you ran your fingers over the braids. You knew exactly the disgusted face he would make if he could see them now.
“Well you can dance with him at the ball but for now-“
“Lucerys will be there?” you span around to face your mother.
“Of course he will,” she said, her face contorted to scold you for interrupting her, “Rhaynera and her whole family will be there. Even that Daemon of hers. I can’t believe she married that lunatic,”
“Why didn’t you tell me he was coming?” you ignored her pettiness not wanting to get involved in her drama.
Alicent just shrugged as she began to pack up her hair styling supplies, “Well of course he was going to be there. I didn’t think you would mind,” but you were too thrilled to care at this point. Lucerys was coming back.
The days leading up to the ball you had been on the lookout for his arrival but your mother kept you so busy you didn’t even find out they had arrived till after dark and your mother insisted you needed your beauty sleep and he could wait. Then despite your tries the next day it felt like everyone was trying to keep you both apart. Every time you would leave your room there would be someone needing something about some dress or food or song that need your opinion despite everyone knowing your mother would be the one really deciding.
Then the day of the ball rolled around and you didn’t think you could be busier. While your mother was off greeting guests you were being primped and polished by handmaidens and servants. Everything had to be perfect. When you were finally ready you looked into the mirror and did not recognise the girl staring back at you. Her hair was filled with intricate interweaving braids. Her skin was slathered with lotions and tinted balms. Her dress showed off a figure even you barely recognised.
A knock came from the door. “Come in,” you called despite feeling all the air leaving your body as your breath quickened.
You glanced at the door to see Aegon walking in, “Well don’t you look like mothers’ little pet,”
“Shut up Aegon,” You glared as you examined yourself in the mirror, running your hands over the braids then the dress then the braids again, “I feel- “
“Stupid? That’s what you get for pleasing her,” Aegon walked over to stand behind you looking at you in the mirror together. He turned to the women in the room, “Leave us. I will escort my sister down in a few minutes,”
He was met with several hesitant looks as the women contemplated who was worse to anger; your brother or mother. “My prince, the queen specifically requested-“ one lady started but was soon cut off.
“I am sure I can be trusted to walk her down some stairs. I’ve not drank that much have I?” he chuckled as he placed his hands on your shoulders.
“I’ll be down in a few minutes. I promise,” you assured your ladies and finally they left the room.
When the door closed Aegon turned you around, “You look like mother,”
“Fix it,”
“Say no more,” Aegon said as he began to pull pins out your hair. Soon he was pulling and tugging harder than mother but it was all worth it when your hair began to resemble hair rather than a helmet. He still kept some of the braids in but now it was at least a curly half updo. “I’m not about to start tearing your dress so you’ll have to deal with that but dab some of that gunk off and lets go before mother finds out and fixes you.”
“Thank you,” you sigh as you dab off the excessive lotions, so your skin did not look so greasy. “I just wanted- “
“To look good for your boy toy,” He smirked as you began to splutter out incoherent sentences, “It’s fine. I’m hardly one to judge. Just don’t tell Aemond you fell for the eye snatcher,”
“It was an accident,” you snap and Aegon just laughed, “Besides he probably doesn’t like me,”
“If he doesn’t then I want to know why he wouldn’t shut up about you all morning so c’mon. Grab your shit and let’s rock this bitch. I wanna make an entrance,”
And that he did. Well kind of. you think the gasps were because it was the first evening all week the prince had walked into a room without stumbling. Aegon led you into the ballroom and presented you to your mother who struggled not to strangle her son in front of everyone. But all you cared about was Lucerys.
He was stood beside his mother and brother who were a mere feet or two away from the king and you tried your best not to stare at him, but you swore you could feel his eyes on you. After your father had greeted you, it was Rhaenyra’s turn.
“You look absolutely darling sweetheart,” your sister said as she took your hands in hers giving them a light squeeze, “I like your hair its very…interesting,” she smiled.
“It’s a new style im trying,” you said with heat rushing to your cheeks before turning to Daemon which honestly did not help your blush. “Uncle,” you greeted and he just nodded and smirked in return. Going down the line you finally got to Jace, “Hello idiot,” you grinned, knowing now it was far too personal to hug him in front of everyone though desperately wanting to.
“Dumbass,” he smiled back as he took your hand to kiss it and you swore you saw him glance at his brother as he did. “We’ve missed having you around,”
“I miss it too. You should visit more often,” you said before quickly moving down again to finally get to Lucerys. “Luke,” you beamed, reaching for his hand but he just bowed his head. “Im so glad your finally back,”
He gave a tight smile and nodded his head, “Happy name day princess. We shouldn’t keep you from your guests. It was lovely to see you,”
Even your sisters face was filled with confusion, but no one had time to question it when your mother rushed you off to great the next family. you looked back over your shoulder to see Jace taking his brother somewhere and Luke didn’t even spare you a glance. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes but you managed to keep them in as you bored yourself with the next guest.
The whole evening was a mix of watery eyes, cake, and dancing. Most of the lords were old enough to be your father but their were a couple age appropriate ones. Although you’d never pursue him Jace was one of them and soon approached you for a dance.
As you took to the floor, Jace leading the way and placing a hand on your waist and one in your hand, you finally could attempt to get some answers, “So do I have to ask why your brother hates me?”
Jace sighed as he spun you to the music before bringing you back in, “He doesn’t hate you he’s just a dumb kid,”
“Don’t call him dumb,” you snapped and Jace laughed, “I might hate him but don’t insult him,”
“You don’t hate him either. You both have the same problem,”
“And what’s that?” you asked, forcing yourself to smile when you felt your mothers gaze.
“Too many feelings and not enough courage. Its partly my fault,” he confessed, “I’ve been winding him up about it since I found out about this ball,”
“Winding him up about what?”
Jace groaned “Yous are just as bad as each other. You both like each other,”
“He clearly does not like me,” you frowned but refused to deny that you liked him anymore.
He glanced into the crowd, and you noticed Lucerys staring at you both, “Really? Then watch this,” Jace said and as the dance began to draw to a close he stepped in closer, his hand falling slightly closer to your hip and his face a mere inch away from you.
Your skin prickled hot at the closeness and you knew this must look incredibly suspicious to anyone else. Before you could pull away from Jace, Lucerys was pulling him back from you. He was glaring daggers at his smirking older brother. The room was growing more silent the longer you three stood. You could see your mother approaching out the corner of your eye. Jace nudged his brother who finally faced you. His skin started to glow pink around his checks and neck, “I think it was my turn to dance next,” he stumbled over his words as his eyes fell down, “If you would like of course,”
Finally a smile found its way to your lips as you stepped back from Jace and faced Lucerys, “I would love to,” you quickly turned and nodded to the musicians who had stopped during this whole ordeal. Soon music began to flood the hall and people soon began to move on.
Jace walked off leaving a still red Lucerys behind. “May I have your hand?” he asked, his eyes still not meeting yours. You simply responded by grabbing one of his hands and resting the other on his shoulder. Soon his other found your waist and a smile on his face as you began to dance the first dance you had ever learned.
You didn’t say a word as you danced but you didn’t need to. As you moved you both laughed and smiled and almost cried as he began to twirl you and spin you and pull you in. You didn’t need to think about your next step because you were both moving as one.
Eventually the music drew to an end and the people clapped as your dancing stopped. Now you stood still again in the middle of the dance floor. “Would it be selfish of me to ask for another?” he said with a bashful smile tugging at his lips.
“It would be selfish if you didn’t,” you said as you took his hand again for another spin.
Later that night as the ball was finally beginning to die down you managed to sneak off with Luke to the a hallway in the servants area that you knew your mothers would never check. You sat on the floor next to each other, resting your head on his shoulder. “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked.
You snorted in return, “Please I don’t think I’ll be able to walk again. I don’t understand why I had to dance with everyone,”
“You’re a princess,” Luke laughed, “Who wouldn’t wanna dance with you?”
“So you only danced with me because of my title?” you faked gasped, holding a hand to your heart, “I could cry,”
“Please,” he scoffed, “Oh please milady marry me so I can be prince of nothing,” he laughed and you joined, “Besides if we married you’d be the one reaching up,”
“Me?” you laughed even harder, “I’m a freaking princess. Your heir to some planks of woof,”
“Rich planks of wood. Think about how many frilly dresses you could buy,” he said as he pulled at the lace details of your admittedly frilly dress.
“My mother made me wear it,”
“It looks good on you,” this time he wasn’t laughing. Instead for once he was looking right at you.
“Thanks,” your voice was almost a whisper as you looked back into his eyes. The eyes that had been in your dreams for months. “I’ve missed you,”
“I missed you more,”
“I doubt it,”
“I didn’t eat for weeks after we left. I could barely bring myself to go on rides or practise. Nothing was the same without you there,” he said, his eyes still never leaving yours.
“Why didn’t you write me?” you’d been wondering for weeks but you were now scared for the answer, “I sent a letters but you stopped replying,”
This time he looked away. His cheeks were red once again as he stared at his shoes, “I didn’t want you to think I was an idiot,”
“Why would I think that?”
“Because as soon as we left, I realised I was in love with you,” Lucerys looked up from his shoes but still wouldn’t meet your gaze, “and every day I debated getting on my dragon and flying back. I almost did it once but Jace found me sitting next to my dragon, I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to see the look on your face before you rejected me and sent me on my way,”
“Who could say no to that face?” you said and finally he looked at you again. “Ask me Lucerys. I at least deserve to decide my own answer,”
“Would you do me the honour of being mine (Y/N)?”  
“Of course, I will,”
A/N: This took me way too long to write. Life has been weird and my Y keytab broke. Who know how much I used the letter Y?
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g0dwat3rwritings · 6 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you and I know you just posted but could we possibly get a side characters version of the forgetful mc? Like for Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and maybe Solomon? Referring to this post https://www.tumblr.com/thegayestmferintown/746129008450748416/can-you-do-an-mc-that-cant-remember-anything-it?source=share
Yup! Sure can! I'm gonna add luke as well (platonic)!
This Takes Place In The Original Timeline
Warnings ;; None, just fluff!
Relationship ;; Romantic (Platonic for Luke)
Type ;; Headcanons
Diavolo is definitely at a loss. He's met many people as the future Devildom King, but he's never met someone as forgetful as you.
Even though he's at a loss, he'll definitely try to help you through your time in the Devildom.
He most definitely feels as though it's his fault. Not for your faulty memory, but for putting you through all of this.
After some time, you start to grow closer and he starts to help you even more, as much as he can.
He'll try to help you with schoolwork, if you can't remember something.
But if you forget an anniversary, he's alright with that, he'll definitely understand.
He won't do anything without your permission though, so don't expect a huge party right off the bat.
Congratulations! You've got Barbatos himself confused!
Now, on a serious note, it does throw him off.. a lot. He won't show that, of course. But your lack of remembrance is confusing and very odd to him.
Upon first meeting, that's all you'll get, confusion that you had no idea was there.
He'd introduce himself and that was that.
Later on, he'd be very sweet, helping you when necessary and telling you things you cannot remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he wouldn't be mad or upset (not that you could see it anyway) he would simply bake you a cake with the words "Happy Anniversary, My Dear" engraved on top.
Solomon is all over you. He's asking you all sorts of questions. What is up with you? Why do you forget so easily?
He's so old he barely remembers how humans work, okay?
He'll always do things to make your forgetfulness worse.
By putting things on higher shelves when you wrote on a note that what you were looking for was on the third shelf, etc.
Later on, he wouldn't ask many questions but he would still mess with you.
If you happened to forget your anniversary, he wouldn't mind. Although, he would be slightly upset. So, he'd make you a meal to eat. Though, through your forgetfulness, you ate it. Farewell, soldier.
Simeon is such a sweetheart he doesn't even do anything bad.
He'll talk to you and help you through your forgetfulness by telling you certain dates and whatnot.
He is confused at first, yes, but he'll immediately help you to the best of his ability.
Later on, he'll start to make you lunches or breakfasts if you forget, and he'll always leave a note with things you'll need to remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he won't be mad, but he will take you out to a Cafe. Possibly a quiet one where you can sit in the quiet corner and just talk.
Poor baby Luke is so confused. Why did you just forget who he was? He walked away for maybe five seconds?
He will help you to the best of his tiny ability though.
Though I wouldn't expect too much, he tries very hard and I think that would be enough.
If you forgot a birthday, for example, he would walk to your room with a cake, no matter who's birthday it was, yours or his. He'll bring a cake to eat with you.
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whoisalastair · 1 year
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Birthdays, Holidays, and Surprises // J. Hughes
Wherein Jack’s girlfriend celebrates both Mother’s Day for Mrs. Hughes, Jack’s 22nd birthday, and Jack is given a very special announcement.
(obviously had to include Queen Ellen on her special day <3 -Alastair)
— — — — —
“Really, Y/n?” Jack groaned, trying to hide his smile as I revealed my master plan.
“Really, Jack,” I grinned. “Your mom will love it.” He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me, gently tugging me closer to him in bed. We were visiting the Hughes residence in Michigan for the weekend, and there wasn’t another room for me to stay in but Jack’s.
“She’s your mom too, basically,” Jack huffed, snuggling into my neck as I flushed red. I never really referred to Mrs. Hughes as anything but that, even though she told me I could call her Ellen.
“How so, J?” He peeked up from the crook of my neck to answer, his brown eyes doe-like in the sunny morning light.
“Well, when I marry you, you’ll be a Hughes and then she’ll really be your mom.” Squeaking in surprise, I tried to cover how emotional the explanation made me with a sarcastic retort.
“When you marry me? That’s assuming I say yes.” He smirked and kissed me delicately, his sleepy grip on me softening.
“Gross! Jack, you promised that you wouldn’t do PDA,” Luke complained from the door, which I sadly didn’t know had been open. Jack smiled into the kiss and then looked at Luke with the same smile.
“It’s not PDA if it’s in my room, dude.” Luke wrinkled his nose in distaste and probably considered leaving.
“Well, dad says breakfast is ready.” I grinned at that, hopping out of bed before I realized I only wore Jack’s shirt and blushed. Jack snorted as I crawled back under the covers, Luke’s face crimson as he turned around.
“Sorry moosey,” I called out, him giving a thumbs up in return without turning around as he left. Jack rolled out of bed and quickly put on shorts, his patterned boxers hidden by khakis. I giggled and put on a sundress, kissing his cheek as we went downstairs. We were greeted with the smell of freshly cooked pancakes, eggs, and other delicious foods.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” I exclaimed as Mrs. Hughes wrapped me in a loving hug.
“You too, dear,” she whispered, making me glance over at Jack to make sure he didn’t hear. Only Mrs. Hughes knew about my pregnancy, call it mother’s intuition that she guessed it. Luckily, Jack and Quinn were too busy shoving each other to get food before the other to notice.
“Jack Rowden Hughes, let Quinner go first,” I scolded teasingly, rolling my eyes for effect. He pouted but listened, Quinn sending me a thankful look. I got in line for food behind Luke, his curly hair wild in the morning.
“So, boys, where’s my Mother’s Day hugs?” Mrs. Hughes teased, the boys immediately setting down their plates to give her a group hug. I smiled a little, suddenly thinking of a new plan.
“Boys, give me a Mother’s Day hug too,” I smirked, as Luke was the first to turn around and barrel over to me with no questions asked. Quinn looked at me for a moment wide-eyed, sighed, and then walked over to hug me smiling.
“But babe, you’re not a mother,” Jack said, standing there all confused. I sighed and looked at Mrs. Hughes, who also sighed and ruffled her middle son’s hair.
“I will be in late August.” Jack froze, and for a moment I worried that he had stopped breathing. Finally I noticed that his eyes had started to tear up and he lurched towards me, dropping to his knees to inspect my stomach. I watched as he peppered it with kisses, the tears starting to drip down his face onto the tile floor.
“Best fuckin’ birthday present ever.”
— — — — —
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a-french-coconut · 4 months
Travis Stoll (Part 14)
"...and then I kissed him !"
"I'm jealous now" Travis pouts, "Your get together story is so much better than mine."
"I've always been more creative than you, dear brother." Connor teases him.
"Aphrodite likes you both if you wanted to know," says an amused voice from behind Travis.
"Dad !" stutters Connor, his eyes widening, "What are you doing here ? Not that I don't want to see you ! But you never showed up before, wait no that sounds wrong-"
"It's okay Connor," Hermes laughs warmly, "You're right about me never showing up. I'm trying to make amends for that, if you'll let me."
"Well, you could begin by giving me a hug. It's unfair that Travis got one and I didn't."
Travis rolls his eyes at Connor's antics but seeing him and Hermes hugging is a happy sight, one he never thought he would see.
"You know," he ventures, "I'm sure Cecil, Julia and Alice would be thrilled to see you too."
"I would love to, believe me, but I'm already overstepping by being here." His father laments, voice heavy with regret. "Tell them I say hi and that I will come visit them in their dreams more often okay ?"
Connor nods and then leans towards Hermes, eyes sparkling.
"You know", he whispers "Julia's birthday is tomorrow and she's been talking a lot about a certain pair of shoes."
"Oh," the god smiles in return, "what kind of shoes ?"
"Flying ones."
"I haven't gifted one of my shoes to my children since... well you know who."
Of course they know, it was one of the rare moments Luke showed affection for Hermes.
The jovial atmosphere glooms a little at their deceased brother's mention.
"Ah yes," Connor winces, "sorry to bring that up. I'm sure she would love something else too ! Like rollers or an invisibility item, like Annabeth's.
"No, no she'll get the shoes." Hermes says firmly, "I promised to Luke to be a better dad and I will keep my promise the best I can."
"For all it's worth," Travis pipes up, "I think you're doing a good job right now. I wouldn't have been able to save Connor without your help. Thank you dad, for being here."
On second thought, he softy adds, "Luke would have been very proud of you."
Hermes' eyes, blue like theirs, shine and for one second, Travis is sure he's going to see him cry. But his caduceus begins to buzz intensely, messages popping up at a very rapid pace.
"I have to go but I'll try to keep in touch more often. Pray to me if you need anything and don't tell Julia about her birthday present !"
Hermes hugs them a final time.
"I love you both and I'm very proud of you each."
"Love you too dad ." they answer in chorus, high-fiving in each other without looking.
"Travis Alexander Stoll !"
"Oooh, Will calling you by your full name ?" Connor whistles, "you're dead, it was nice knowing you."
"Shut up and hide me."
He barely manages to sleep under the cot before he sees colourful flip flops entering the room and advancing straight to Connor's bed.
"Morning Stoll, glad to see you alive ! Now give up your brother, please." Will says brightly.
"What did he do to you ?"
"Nothing particular."
"Really ?" Connor asks suspiciously.
Don't believe him Connie, he's lying
"Really !"
"I don't believe you."
Multiple things happen at the same time.
Will groans, stomping his foot petulantly, causing dust to fly from the ground and right into Travis's nose.
Unprepared for that violent attack, he sneezes.
He hears Connor's facepalming, a mumbled "why did I even try" before Will, quick as a snake, grabs him by the legs and pulls him out from the under the bed.
"I didn't do anything !"
"That's exactly why I'm angry !"
"That's a first."
"Will", Connor intervenes, watching the scene in front of him with unhidden glee, "what exactly did Travis not do ?"
"A medical check-up !"
"Hey, you're the one who let me go yesterday night" Travis protests, "I figured I was fine !"
"You broke three ribs ! How did you even manage to sleep ?"
"I was very tired."
Will rolls his eyes before lifting him onto the cot next to Connor.
"You're grounded for the rest of the day."
"No I'm not."
"Doctor's orders."
"Don't care."
"Doctor's orders."
"And worried brother pretty please ?"
Will's stubbornness combined with his brother's puppy eyes ?
"Fine" he relents "I'm grounded."
"Great !" Connor says, "Doc, am I good to go ?"
Will nods mindlessly, preoccupied with healing Travis.
"You leaving me here alone ?" He gasps at the betrayal.
"Mmmmh, yeah pretty much. See you later !"
Ignoring his brother's threats, Connor leaves the infirmary snickering.
There's someone he wants to see.
He founds him on his cabin's porch, looking absolutely bored.
"Malcolm !"
His boyfriend's head snap toward his direction and two seconds later, he's tackled to the ground.
"Hey, watch out !" he says jokingly, "I just got out of the infirmary, don't send me back."
Malcolm rolls to lay on the grass next to him, intertwining their hands.
"It was scary to see you like that." he says quietly.
"I know Mal but it's okay now, I'm alive and well." he reassures his boyfriend, pecking him on the cheek. "I have no intention to die yet, still got plenty of things to do."
"Like what ?"
"Robbing some banks, travel the world with Travis," he turns to look Malcolm in the eyes, "kissing you."
It's adorable how easy Malcolm gets flustered. His face becomes a strawberry red Connor likes a lot and the usually collected son of Athena loses his words.
"Can't you already cross the last thing of your bucket list ?" Malcolm asks, breathless.
"What if I want to do it again ?" he leans closer, "It's one of my favourite things to do."
His face is hovering on Malcolm's, impossibly close and Connor just wants to kiss him.
"It's one of mine too."
"You like kissing yourself ?" He asks teasingly, laughing unabashedly when a new shade of red colours his boyfriend's face.
"You know that's not what I meant-"
He doesn't let him complain but rather kisses him like he loves to do, he kisses him until he's out of oxygen, until Malcolm understands how much he loves him, until the butterflies in his stomach flutter intensely.
He rolls back to the ground, breathless and flushed, enjoying the soft touch of grass and the warmth of Malcolm's body pressed against his.
"Never cross that one of your list." says Malcolm, "Please."
"Not counting on it."
"And don't think I won't get my revenge either now that we are boyfriends. I'll get you back for that chess game."
"Oh darling" Connor laughs, "I should hope so !"
He grins mischievously before getting up and helping Malcolm to do the same.
"As much as I would love to stay the whole day with you, I need to save Travis from Will and his mother hen attitude. I kinda owe him my life so..."
"Of course, I understand don't worry." Malcolm smiles, "I'll see you later ?"
"Of course, darling."
He kisses him again, a shorter kiss than the previous one but still as enjoyable, and then goes back to the infirmary.
When he arrives, he hears Travis and Will bickering as always, their banter echoing in the building.
"Stop them, please !" Kayla dramatically exclaims, "I still have one hour on my shift and I will not survive it if those two don't shut up !"
"You could curse them to speak only in rimes," he suggests, "that'll get them to shut up."
"Connor, you're genius !"
"Yeah, I know."
As predicted, he hears Travis and Will's terrified screams when Kayla barges in, bow and arrows in hands, and then nothing.
When he enters the room, Travis is seated on his bed, mouth firmly closed and Will is taking his vitals, as silent as his brother is.
"Hey guys, I'm back, how is it going ?"
Travis glares at him and gives him a thumb up followed by a succession of gesturing Connor doesn't quite understand.
"Sorry brother mine but I don't understand what you are trying to say."
Travis points at him and then drag his hand across his throat.
"Ah, you're threatening me ! I thought you were having a seizure." Connor snickers at his brother's furious face.
"Wait for Capture the Flag, I'll hunt you like a stag !"
"That's poetic !" He laughs and even Will snickers, earning himself a punch from Travis.
Of course, it results in full brawl between the two and Conor only wishes he had a camera with him.
It would have been great to capture Travis's face after Will landed a particular well aimed pillow hit on his face.
Bonus :
Connor is woke up by his sister's demonic screeching.
"Julia, it's six in the morning" he groans, "go to sleep."
"Dad sent me a birthday gift !" Julia says excitedly.
Of course, that wakes him entirely and from the creaking below him, Travis is also awake.
"And what did he give you ?" He asks.
"He offered me a pair of his flying shoes ! The ones I've been talking about for the last month ! He actually listened, I can't believe it."
"Well," Travis says and Connor can hear the smile in his voice, "be sure to give an extra offering at breakfast today."
"Can we go now ? I want to say thank you !"
"Eeh, why not ?" Cecil pipes up from his own bed, "We're all already awake."
"Yeah," Alice agrees, "plus we could prank all the other cabins ! Like, put glue on their benches."
"Now that's a great idea !" Travis says getting up and ruffling their little sister's hair.
"Come on Hermes Cabin, line up ! We've got work to do !"
Up on Olympus, when it's time to receive the daily offerings, Hermes inhales the sweet scent of chocolate cake, M&M's and... a picture ?
Indeed, his children had send him a photo of the Pavillon with something gleaming on the other cabins's wood benches.
When he realises what they are up to, Hermes laughs wholeheartedly, earning himself a stare from satyrs and nymphs alike.
When Apollo comes to him to ask him if he received his offerings because he hasn't, Hermes laughs even harder.
What a great time to love and feel proud of his children.
THE END !!! I loved writing this little fic, it was so fun ( :
And angsty by moments of course !
Thank you for reading this ❤️
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kissofthemis · 1 year
surprise for me, surprise for you
"My dear rose, while I have the utmost faith in your guidance and would follow you to the ends of the earth..."
You winced internally, bracing yourself for the inevitable teasing that was about to come your way.
"... in order to avoid any injuries, may I please open my eyes soon?"
Vyn's question ended with an amused lilt, letting you know that he wasn't actually too worried or criticizing you harshly. Nonetheless, you couldn't help but let out a soft "hmph" in indignation.
"I gave you perfectly clear directions," you countered. "And I'm the one who blocked you from running into the door post in the nick of time, so aren't I the one who needs to worry more about bumps or bruises?!"
The soft chuckle that left Vyn's lips stirred your heart like a spring breeze. "That's precisely why I want to open my eyes," he murmured, and despite the fact that his eyes were closed, you still felt a rush of heat flush your cheeks at the thought of him seeing you pout. "If you were to be injured on my behalf, I simply wouldn't be able to forgive myself."
Letting out a resigned sigh, you finally came to a stop, urging Vyn to halt beside you. "Luckily for both of us, we're here. You can open your eyes now."
Vyn wasn't a person who readily showed his emotions. However, even he couldn't fully suppress his surprise as you felt his palm grow warmer in yours and as you heard his breath gently hitch in his throat.
Balloons as shiny as sunlight. Streamers as vibrant as flowers. A spread of sweets as alluring as jewels. Smiling faces filling him with a sensation that was growing warmer and less foreign every day.
"Happy birthday, Vyn!"
Artem, Luke, Marius, and of course you, had prepared a humble but passionate birthday celebration for Vyn in his garden. You felt a swell of pride seeing the genuine shock on your lover's face; while he was exceptionally perceptive and quick to predict the actions or behaviors of others, he seemed awestruck to see the four friends who had prepared a small party in his honor.
"You put this together... for me?" Vyn didn't even try to hide the amazement in his voice.
Somewhere behind you, you heard Marius mutter, "Because jiejie asked me t--"
A quick blur flashed in the corner of your eye, and Marius immediately grew silent. You couldn't be sure if it was an arm or a leg that just moved, but you made a mental note to thank Luke later for preventing Marius from ruining the moment.
"That's what friends are for!" you replied, beaming at Vyn as you reveled in the warmth bubbling inside you. "A little birdie once told me that a certain Dr. Richter isn't too fond of lavish parties, where everyone has ulterior motives and nobody's kindness is genuine." You smiled softly. "Of course, this doesn't compare to the parties you grew up with, but... A small gathering of people who truly care about you isn't the worst way to spend a birthday."
You then turned and nodded to Artem, who nodded back in acknowledgement. "We also brought you gifts, as it's your birthday." He held out a simple but elegantly wrapped package. "I selected a couple of movies that I thought might be to your taste. They're DVDs, but if you use some other method to watch videos, let me know and I'll see what I can do."
Luke came up next with a large bag that looked as though it had been prepared in a hurry. "Being in the antique business, I see a lot of record players," he began. "Rosa told me you have a record player, so I picked out a couple of vinyl records for you. He scratched his nose. "You know who to call if your player has any issues, of course."
Finally Marius stepped up to a covered easel, puffing his chest. "And... I think you need to brighten up your office, so I painted you a little something. No refunds, no exchanges on this one-of-a-kind piece." With a dramatic flourish, he revealed a canvas depicting an exquisitely painted bouquet of flowers, in which one rose stood out as the biggest and brightest flower of them all.
"And... I did my best to bake some of the pastries you showed me how to make," you finished. "Artem lent me a hand, so I hope they're tasty enough for you!"
Vyn chuckled softly. Evidently he had recovered some of his senses, as he lowered his glowing golden gaze to meet your own. Adoration lit up his smile and tinted his nose and cheeks pink. "I'm sure they're perfect," he cooed. "All of this is... perfect." He lowered his forehead to touch yours, and warmth poured off him in waves, flowing into you. "I never knew that I could enjoy birthdays... until I met you. Thank you, my sweet rose, for continuing to surprise me every day with the depth of your love and the beauty of your soul."
He lifted his head for a brief moment, calling to Luke, "Can we please test one of those vinyls now? I have one more selfish request, as the guest of honor for this party."
Now his attention turned back to you, and judging from the smile spread across his lips and the way he squeezed your hands in his, you were the only object of his attention now.
"May I have this dance?"
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blue-temperature · 2 years
[ESP] Obey Me — Happy Birthday Dear Solomon ‘22 —
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La Memoria Olvidada
— Solomon: Hey. Pregunta rápida para todos. Si pudieran tener un objeto mágico, ¿Cuál sería?
— Satan: Eso es repentino.
[ No se me ocurre nada. ] [ ¿Vas a hacerlo? ] ✓
— Solomon: Si tú lo pides, ¿Cómo puedo negarme?
— Barbatos: Tal vez nosotros deberíamos ser los que te preguntemos lo que quieres.
— Asmodeus: ¡Si! ¡Tiene razón! Tu cumpleaños viene pronto, ¿No es así? ¿Cómo te gustaría celebrarlo? ¿Alguna petición?
— Solomon: Solo el pensamiento es más que suficiente para mí.
— Satan: Esa no es una respuesta.
— Solomon: Hmm... En ese caso... ...Me gustaría saber qué tipo de objetos mágicos les gustaría. Escuchar las ideas de otras personas me ayuda a hacer nuevos descubrimientos. Es por eso que sus opiniones son tan valiosos. Piensen en ello  como su regalo de cumpleaños para mí.
— Barbatos: Muy bien. Podemos exponer esa pregunta a los demás y decirles que te den sus respuestas.
— Asmodeus: Buena idea. Aún así, es tu cumpleaños, ¡Así que si piensas en algo que quieras, háznoslo saber!
— Solomon: Entendido. Lo haré.
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— Belphegor: Ahí estás, Solomon. Suponía que estarías almorzando con MC.
— Solomon: Ah, Belphegor y Beelzebub. ¿Me estaban buscando?
— Beelzebub: Escuchamos de Asmo que estabas tomando peticiones para objetos mágicos. Me gustaría algo que evite que sea atrapado comiendo mi almuerzo en clases. Estaba realmente desanimado hoy porque me quitaron mi almuerzo antes de poder darle la última mordida...
— Belphegor: Me desperté en clases en mitad de una siesta. Así que, me gustaría algo que esconda mis siestas o haga que no me despierte sin importar qué.
[ ¿No deberían prestar atención en clases? ] ✓ [ Ustedes son muy prácticos. ]
— Belphegor: Sólo necesito escuchar los primeros cinco minutos. Puedo escuchar el resto en mi sueño.
— Beelzebub: Puedo prestar atención mientras estoy comiendo. Creo.
— Mammon: ¡Hey, hey, hey! ¡Tengo una idea genial que resolverá sus problemas!
— Belphegor: ¿Podrías no meterte así?
— Solomon: Bueno, Mammon. ¿Cuál es la idea?
— Mammon: ¡Un objeto mágico que te permita salirte con la tuya!
— Solomon: Eso suena como si la tasa de crímenes se desplomara.
— Belphegor: Eso solo es tonto...
— Mammon: ¡¿Por qué?! ¡Con algo como eso, podrían comer o dormir en clases tanto como quieran!
— Lucifer: ¿Es así?
— Mammon: ¡M-Maldición! ¡¿Estaba escuchando?!
— Lucifer: Tal vez debería solicitar una cuerda mágica irrompible para atarte antes de que puedas cometer cualquier travesura.
— Solomon: *risas* Ustedes son tan graciosos. Realmente ayuda tener una variedad de opiniones. Iré a preguntarle a otros después del almuerzo.
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— Solomon: Hey, MC. Aún sigo preguntando a todos qué objetos mágicos quieren. Lo he escuchado de casi todos, pero... ...¿Qué hay de ti? ¿Has pensado en algo?
[ ¿Quizás algo con lo que relajarse? ] ✓ [ ¿Quizás algo que anime las cosas por aquí? ]
— Solomon: ¿Relajarse, huh? Puedo ayudarte con eso. Solo bromeo. Bueno, ahora que he escuchado la petición más importante de todas ellas... ...Voy a comenzar a darle forma a esas ideas. Necesitaré dibujar algunos planos, establecer los encantamientos apropiados, reunir los materiales...
[ ¿Quieres algo de ayuda? ] ✓ [ Suena como mucho trabajo para una sola persona. ]
— Solomon: No esperaba tal oferta. Normalmente trabajo solo, ¿Sabes? Poder trabajar contigo sería un sueño hecho realidad. Sería de gran ayuda si pudieras ir de compras conmigo para encontrar los materiales. Te veré en la Casa de los Lamentos en algún momento de este fin de semana. Mientras tanto, haré una lista de los objetos necesarios.
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— Solomon: ¿Estás lista para ir, MC?
— Leviathan: ...¿Hm? ¿A dónde vas tan temprano con Solomon?
[ A una cita ♡ ] ✓ [ De compras. ]
— Leviathan: ¡Una c-c-c...!
— Solomon: Vine un poco temprano para pasar un poco más de tiempo con MC.
— Leviathan: ¡Maldición! ¡Desearía tener un objeto que haga que los normies exploten!
— Solomon: Huh, esa es una nueva. Gracias por la idea. Veré si puedo hacer que suceda.
— Solomon: Tenemos todo lo que necesitamos de esta tienda. Vayamos a la siguiente.
[ Yo llevaré la mitad. ] ✓ [ ¡Tenemos tantos objetos raros! ]
— Solomon: Gracias. Pero esta tienda tiene un servicio de entrega especial para los estudiantes de RAD, así que eso no será necesario. Serun debería estar aquí en cualquier momento para recoger las cosas. Ah, aquí viene... ¿Ves?
— Luke: ¡Heeey! ¡MC, Solomon!
— Solomon: *risa* Parece que no somos los únicos haciendo mandados.
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— Luke: Conseguí un montón de ingredientes. Increíble, ¿Cierto? ¡Estaban todos de ofertas en el supermercado!
— Solomon: Estoy feliz de que tuvieras un buen viaje de compras.
— Simeon: Vamos a vernos con Raphael y regresar a la Sala del Purgatorio. ¿Qué van a hacer ustedes chicos?
[ Tenemos que terminar una cita. ] ✓ [ Tenemos muchas compras que hacer. ]
— Luke: Vaya, ¡¿Están en una cita?!
— Simeon: MC solo bromea, MC.
— Luke: Oh, ¡Pensé que ibas en serio por un segundo!
— Solomon: Seguro, vamos con eso. Por cierto, Simeon, ¿Pensaste en algún objeto mágico que te gustarían?
— Simeon: ¿Huh? Pensé que te lo había dicho. Algo que pueda restaurar cosas rotas...
— Solomon: Me niego.
— Luke: ¡¿Puedes negarte?!
— Solomon: Quiero algo más original de tu parte, Simeon. Y además... ...algunas veces las cosas rotas no están hechas para ser restauradas.
— Simeon: Bien, entonces... ¿Qué tal una silla que se mantenga cómoda sin importar cuántas veces te sientes en ella?
— Solomon: Eso está mucho mejor. Debes pasar muchas horas sentado cuando estás trabajando en tus novelas.
— Luke: En realidad, eso me recuerda. ¡Hay algo que he estado queriendo decirte, Solomon!
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— Luke: Siempre te encierras en tu habitación y te olvidas de comer y dormir siempre que estás trabajando en algo... ¡Pero últimamente has sido peor de lo usual! ¡No dejaste tu habitación para ninguna sola comida ayer! Simeon incluso te hizo un emparedado para comer cuando tuvieras un momento, ¡Pero ni siquiera lo tocaste!
— Solomon: ¿Un emparedado?
— Simeon: Lo dejé en frente de tu habitación y te llamé. Murmuraste una respuesta... ...pero debes haber estado funcionando en autopiloto. Aunque Raphael terminó comiéndolo para el almuerzo, así que está bien.
— Luke: No, ¡No está bien! ¡¿Qué pasa si terminas colapsando antes de tu cumpleaños?! Dile algo, MC. Necesita comer y dormir.
— Simeon: Si, probablemente lo escuche si viene de ti.
— Luke: ¡Contamos contigo!
— Solomon: Ahí van.
[ ¡Tienes que comenzar a cuidar de ti mismo! ] ✓ [ Son como una familia, ¿No? ]
— Solomon: Bien, de acuerdo. No quiero preocuparte a ti y a los ángeles. Es solo... Es difícil para mí relajarme a menos que me meta en un proyecto... Oh. Casi nos pasamos de nuestro destino.
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— Solomon: Esta es de buena calidad. Ahora, el color... ...
[ ¿Holaaaaaa? ] [ ¡Solomon! ¡Quédate conmigo! ] ✓
— Solomon: No te preocupes, aún estoy consciente. No debería pensar tanto en objetos mágicos cuando estoy contigo. Si parece que estoy en mi mundo, tráeme de vuelta, ¿Bien?
[ ¡Puedes apostarlo! ] [ Solo si realmente me preocupo. ] ✓
— Solomon: Cierto. No puedo tenerte rompiendo mi concentración todo el tiempo. Es bueno que te acomodes a mí de ese modo. Mientras estoy en ello, hay una cosa más de la que me gustaría hablar contigo. El año pasado, estaba realmente feliz de que celebraran mi cumpleaños. Honestamente, incluso más de lo que pensé que estaría. Y eso me hizo darme cuenta de cuánto estoy esperándolo de nuevo este año. Estoy tan emocionado que me estoy poniendo nervioso... Es por eso que le pregunté a todos sobre objetos mágicos. Estoy intentando distraerme de esos sentimientos de inquietud. Por supuesto, esa no es la única razón. Emocionarme por mi fiesta de cumpleaños suena bastante infantil, ¿No es así?
[ Eso es lo que amo de ti. ] ✓ [ Eso le pasa a todos. ]
— Solomon: ¡...! Bueno, ahora estoy emocionado por una razón diferente. Me alegro de haber confiado en ti. Ahora, terminemos las compras y regresemos a casa. El trabajo real está por comenzar.
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— Solomon: Bien, hemos traído todos los elementos dentro. Comencemos a clasificarlos.
— Solomon: ... Listo, esto debería hacer las cosas más fáciles. Gracias por toda tu ayuda hoy, MC. Te llevaré de regreso a la Casa de los Lamentos.
[ Quiero quedarme más tiempo. ] [ Quiero ver como haces los objetos. ] ✓
— Solomon: ¿No estás cansada?
[ ¡En lo absoluto! ] [ Necesito asegurarme de que no presiones demasiado. ] ✓
— Solomon: Jeh. Ya veo. Es un trabajo importante. De acuerdo. Siéntete libre de quedarte tanto como quieras.
— Solomon: ...
— Simeon: ¿Está MC ahí?
[ ¡Justo aquí! ] ✓ [ Si, pero estoy ocupada. ]
— Simeon: Veo que Solomon está perdido en su trabajo como siempre. ¿Podrías venir conmigo un momento?
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— Simeon: Siento molestarte así. Ten. Hice algo grande, emparedados nutricionales, así ustedes dos pueden comer juntos.
[ ¡Solomon lo apreciará! ] ✓ [ ¡Genial! ]
— Simeon: Bueno, él no se olvidará de comer si estás con él. Por cierto, ¿Has notado algo extraño en el comportamiento de Solomon últimamente? Como... ¿Ha estado prestando mucha atención a las cúpulas de vidrio rotas?
[ No realmente. ] [ No estuve mirando tan de cerca... ] ✓
— Simeon: Es razonable. Lo siento, esa fue una pregunta extraña. Aún así, si parece que se está sintiendo deprimido, por favor házmelo saber. Me gustaría hacer todo (lo que esté) en mi poder para asegurar que Solomon disfrute su cumpleaños.
— Solomon: Mmm. Los emparedados de Simeon siempre son buenos. ...¿MC? Has estado en el espacio por un tiempo... ¿Estás mirando esa cúpula de vidrio?
[ Simeon estaba preocupado por ti. ] ✓ [ No parece rota en lo absoluto. ]
— Solomon: ¿Lo estaba? Le dije que no había nada de qué preocuparse.
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— Solomon: Es un objeto mágico que hice hace mucho tiempo. Estaba roto en pedazos hasta bastante poco. Usé magia para juntar los pedazos así que, como puedes ver, volvió a su forma real. Pero perdió sus propiedades mágicas. Solía poder verse imágenes dentro canalizando magia. Pero ahora solo es una vieja bola de cristal regular.
[ ¿Era importante para ti. ] ✓ [ ¿Simeon la rompió? ]
— Solomon: Hm... Si, lo fue. Simeon accidentalmente la rompió cuando estaba limpiando mi habitación. Originalmente la hice con la intención de almacenar una memoria especial dentro. Pero ahora, ni siquiera puedo recordar qué memoria quería mantener. Así que esto es lo que pienso. Esta es una oportunidad para mí de dejar ir ese recuerdo. Lo digo en un sentido positivo, por supuesto. Oh, eso me recuerda...
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— Solomon: ¿Recuerdas la primera respuesta de Simeon cuando le pregunté que objeto quería?
[ Algo que restaure objetos rotos ] ✓ [ Una silla que se mantenga cómoda por siempre. ]
— Solomon: Es correcto. Ahora entiendes por qué dijo eso, ¿Cierto? La cúpula de vidrio probablemente siga molestándolo. Él es del tipo que se preocupa sobre ese tipo de cosas, incluso si le dices que no. Es por eso que me negué.
[ ¡Así que eso fue por amabilidad! ] [ ¡¿Por qué?! ] ✓
— Solomon: Le estuve diciendo que dejara descansar el asunto. Con eso dicho, si estuviera en sus zapatos, tampoco sería capaz de dejarlo ir. Incluso podría preferir algún tipo de castigo.
[ ¡Entonces él debería hacer algo para disculparse! ] ✓ [ ¿Deberíamos atarlo? ]
— Solomon: Hm, eso podría funcionar. Asmodeus me dijo que le hiciera saber si pensaba en alguna petición por mi cumpleaños... Si, creo que tengo una idea.
 — Diavolo: Hola, Solomon. Gracias por tu invitación.
— Satan: Es raro que nos llames aquí juntos.
— Asmodeus: ¿Pensaste en algo que quisieras?
— Solomon: Cierto, sobre eso...
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— Solomon: Si no es demasiado tarde para mi petición de cumpleaños, ¿Podría pedirles una cúpula de vidrio?
— Simeon: ¡...!
— Solomon: Estoy esperando colgarla en algún lado como recuerdo de mi celebración de cumpleaños.
— Luke: Ooh, ¡Buena idea!
— Solomon: Me gustaría ponerle algo dentro que hará un buen memento para la ocasión.
— Belphegor: ¿Entonces todo vale? ¿No quieres ser más específico?
— Solomon: Bueno, confío en sus gustas más que los propios.
[ Pongámonos en ello, chicos! ] [ ¡Hagamos esto por Solomon! ] ✓
— Satan: Ya tengo algunas ideas artísticas flotando en mi mente.
— Leviathan: Probablemente estés pensando en un montón de gatos, ¿No es así?
— Satan: ¡¿C-Cómo lo supiste...?!
— Leviathan: Siempre tienes gatos en el cerebro.
— Beelzebub: Olvida los gatos, deberíamos llenarlo con pastel.
— Leviathan: Y tú no eres mucho mejor...
— Asmodeus: ¡Todos están balbuceando, pero al menos están motivados!
— Simeon: Solomon... ¿Estás seguro de esto?
— Solomon: Si. En vez de una vieja cúpula vacía que contenía algún recuerdo antiguo... ...Preferiría tener un recuerdo de este período antiguo de mi vida. ¿No lo crees, Simeon?
— Simeon: Solomon... Prometo que te haré algo que valga la pena recordar.
— Lucifer: Simeon, ¿Qué estás haciendo ahí? Vamos a llevara a cabo una reunión para discutir sobre la cúpula inmediatamente.
— Simeon: ¡Entendido!
— Solomon: Bueno, nos vemos luego. Estaré trabajando en mi habitación si me necesitan.
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— Asmodeus: Entonces, ¿Qué vamos a poner en la cúpula?
— Simeon: Se supone que represente una memoria preciosa, así que preferiría que sea algo único.
— Raphael: Entonces, ¿Qué tal si lo hacemos a mano?
— Luke: ¡Estoy de acuerdo con Raphael! ¡Podemos hacer muñecos de todos y alinearlos dentro!
— Satan: ¿Muñecos, hm? Hemos hecho algo como eso antes, así que podemos usar esa experiencia.
[ ¡Haré un muñeco de Solomon! ] ✓ [ ¡Deberíamos añadir algunas decoraciones de pasteles! ]
— Asmodeus: Aw, ¡Pero yo quería que hicieras mi muñeco!
— Belphegor: Todos queremos eso, ¿No es así?
— Lucifer: MC puede hacer el muñeco de Solomon y todos los demás pueden hacer los suyos. ¿Eso es aceptable?
— Leviathan: De acuerdo.
— Asmodeus: También tenemos que conseguir la cúpula de vidrio.
— Simeon: Preferiblemente una grande que se ajuste a las ideas de todos en el interior.
— Mammon: Vi algo como eso en una de las tiendas para las que modelo. Creo que dijeron que era hecho a mano, así que se ajusta al requisito de “uno de este tipo”, ¿Si?
— Simeon: Bien, iré a comprarla.
— Mammon: Te acompañaré. Será más rápido si te la muestro y puedo tener un descuento ahí.
— Simeon: Gracias, Mammon.
— Mammon: Hey, no hay problema.
— Asmodeus: ¡Chicos! ¡Hagamos un cumpleaños de Solomon para recordar!
— Todos: ¡Si!
El día antes del cumpleaños de Solomon.
— Solomon: MC, necesito tu ayuda con algo. ¿Podrías venir a mi habitación después de clases?
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— Solomon: *risas* No esperabas ver estos objetos mágicos, ¿No es así? He hecho todo lo que pidieron.
[ ¿Qué hay del mío? ] [ ¡¿Qué tan rápido hiciste esto?! ] ✓
— Solomon: Mientras estaban haciendo la cúpula del vidrio, yo he estado trabajando aquí todo el tiempo. Aunque aún hay algunas cosas que no he probado. Es por eso que te pedí que (vinieras) aquí hoy. Por ejemplo, este. Leviathan pidió un objeto que te de fan service de tu persona o personaje favorito. Tiene forma de brazalete, así que puedes usarla así. Y ya que tú eres mi persona favorita, si hacemos contacto visual...
[ Soplar un beso. ] ✓ [ Saludarlo. ]
— Solomon: Huh, así que así es tener fan service. Como que te hace sentir especial, ¿No es así? Ahora que sé con seguridad que funciona. Probemos el siguiente. Solo necesito poner el brazalete en su caja especial...
— Solomon: Uups.
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— Todos: ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Solomon! Estoy tan feliz de que podamos celebrar juntos de nuevo este año.
— Asmodeus: ¡Simeon! ¡Apresúrate!
— Simeon: Cierto. Quítale el envoltorio, Solomon.
— Solomon: ¿Huh? Vaya...
— Simeon: ¿Así que esta es la cúpula de vidrio que hicieron para mí? (Creo que hubo un error de edición aquí. Supongo que en realidad el que tenía que decir es Solomon.)
— Leviathan: MC estaba a cargo de hacer tu muñeco.
— Belphegor: Fue bastante insistentes al respecto también.
— Solomon: ¿En serio? Eso significa mucho para mí. Gracias, MC. Y a todos. Atesoraré esto por mucho, mucho tiempo.
— Mammon: Así que, uh... ¿Qué hay de las cosas? Las hiciste todas, ¿Cierto?
— Solomon: Bueno, si. Lo hice. Es solo que...
[ Hubo un accidente. ] ✓ [ Explotaron. ]
— Solomon: Una de las piezas explotó y ahora todo está roto. Lo siento, chicos.
— Mammon: ¡¿Hablas en serio?!
— Solomon: Lo siento a todos. Lo haré para ustedes la próxima vez. ¿Qué tal algunas galletas caseras en su lugar?
— Todos: ¡¿?!
— Beelzebub: Deberías hacer un objeto mágico que asegure que la comida siempre sepa sabrosa primero.
— Todos: ¡¡¡Por favor!!!
— Solomon: ...¿Por qué?
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Historia Especial
— Solomon: Siento cambiar el tema, pero olvidé algo importante. Uno de los materiales necesarios no está disponible aquí. Círculos de flores de hadas. Solo crecen en Devildom. Iré a recoger algunas mañanas.
[ ¡Iré contigo! ] [ Me gustaría ver una de esas. ] ✓
— Solomon: Entonces, ¿Por qué no vienes conmigo? Ya he investigado dónde es más probable que crezcan. Aunque aún depende, básicamente, de la suerte si la encontramos o no. ¿Quién sabe? Quizás serás mi amuleto de la suerte. Ya que vamos a ir juntos, me aseguraré de hacer cajas de almuerzo para nosotros. Será mejor tener algo que esperar, ¿Cierto?
[ ¡Yo haré las cajas de almuerzo! ] ✓ [ ¡H-Hagamos cada uno sus propios almuerzos...! ]
— Solomon: ¿Estás segura? Bueno, supongo que tengo mucho en mi plato ahora mismo. Te lo dejaré a ti. Estoy esperando por ello.
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— Solomon: De acuerdo a mi investigación, es probable que los círculos de flores de hadas crezcan por aquí. Son de un color oro brillante y crecen en un círculo perfecto. Las reconocerás cuando las veas. Vamos a buscar.
— Solomon: ... No hay suerte hasta ahora... ¿Tomamos un descanso? Podemos almorzar aquí y recuperar algo de energía.
— Solomon: ¡Oh! Comida del mundo humano. Has puesto tantos ingredientes coloridos que parece un cofre del tesoro de un cuento de hadas. Gracias por la comida. ...Vaya, sabe tan bien como se ve. Esta podría ser la mejor cosa que he comido. ¿Has vuelto a mejorar tu juego de cocina? Deberías darme algunos consejos. ¿Hm? ¿Ese camino de flores se está sacudiendo...?
[ ¿Algo lo está moviendo? ] ✓ [ Seguro es el viento... ]
— Solomon: Podría ser. Quedémonos quietos y miremos.
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— Solomon: ¡Hadas...! Y bastantes. ¡Mira eso! Están volando a tu alrededor.
[ ¡¿Creen que soy una de ellas?! ] [ ¡Quizás quieren un poco de mi almuerzo! ] ✓
— Solomon: Tienes razón. Debe ser eso. Aguda como siempre, MC. Tomen, pueden tener un poco del mío también. Por aquí, hadas. Míralas. Parecen estar disfrutándolo. Ver sus pequeñas sonrisas de felicidad limpia mi fatiga.
— Solomon: De acuerdo, volvamos a ello. Las hadas han ido a esconderse en las flores. Aunque el solo saber que están aquí es útil. Se dice que los círculos de flores de hadas crecen donde las hadas bailan en círculo. Ahora seguro encontraremos uno. Intentémoslo de nuevo.
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— Solomon: ... Hmm... Comenzamos esta investigación con entusiasmo, es un poco decepcionante que no hayamos encontrado absolutamente nada... Se está haciendo tarde. Quizás debemos irnos...
[ ¡Es muy pronto para rendirnos! ] ✓ [ Bueno, si tú lo dices... ]
— Solomon: MC... Supongo que no puedo rendirme cuando tú aún te mantienes fuerte. ¿Hm...?
— Solomon: Mira, las hadas regresaron. ¿Están intentando decirnos algo? Quizás debamos seguirlas. Vamos.
— Solomon: Aquí es donde comimos el almuerzo. ¡...! ¡Mira! ¡Un círculo de hadas! ¡No es un error! ¡Es un círculo real! ¿Esta es su forma de agradecernos por el almuerzo? Me gustaría preguntarle, pero ya se han ido... Asegurémonos de agradecerles mientras recogemos las flores.
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— Solomon: Pongamos las flores en este estuche protector. Fiu... Ahora deberíamos tener todo lo que necesitamos. Debo decir que, estas flores son espléndidas.
[ Apuesto que se venderían por una fortuna... ] [ Será mejor que las mantengamos a salvo de camino a casa. ] ✓
— Solomon: Estoy de acuerdo. Las hadas pusieron sus corazones en hacer esto para nosotros, así que deberíamos tratarlas con cuidado. ¡...!
— Solomon: Una aurora...
[ ¡Es genial! ] [ Es tan maravilloso... ] ✓
— Solomon: Un círculo de hadas y una aurora... Me pregunto a quién tenemos que agradecerle por todos estos pequeños milagros.
— Solomon: Ahora que lo pienso, escuché a la gente referirse a esta como la Colina Aurora, ya que se la puede ver aquí una vez con la luna azul.
[ Quedémonos un poco más. ] ✓ [ ¡Deberías haberlo dicho antes! ]
— Solomon: Exactamente mis pensamientos. Siéntate a mi lado, MC. Podemos pasar la noche aquí y disfrutar del espectáculo. Es hermoso... Ah... Ya veo. Creo que acabo de recordar... El recuerdo que mantuve en la cúpula de vidrio.
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— Solomon: Era un recuerdo de mí mirando la aurora boreal en el mundo humano. Eso me trae de regreso.
— Solomon: En ese entonces, pasaba incluso más tiempo en mi investigación. Me gustaría desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. Ese día, también estaba afuera para reunir materiales. En algún punto miré hacia arriba y había una aurora boreal, justo como esta noche. La miré por un momento—no, solo algunos segundos—y entonces recordé... Que hoy es mi cumpleaños. No tenía planes o algo. Dejé de contar mis cumpleaños hacer años. Sentí que la aurora había venido a celebrar un día en el que yo no había pensado en años. Me hizo darme cuenta de que era un día especial, después de todo.
— Solomon: Así que hice la cúpula de vidrio para proyectar las auroras boreales y preservar ese sentimiento. Estoy feliz de recordarlo. Y no podría estar más feliz de que tú estuvieras aquí conmigo cuando lo hice.
[ Estoy feliz también. ] ✓ [ Estoy feliz por ti. ]
— Solomon: MC... ¿Puedo sostener tu mano?
[ Claro. ] ✓ [ No lo creo. ]
— Solomon: Tu mano es tan cálida. Eres especial para mí, MC. Le das color a mi mundo.
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— Solomon: ¿Estás lista para comenzar a ir a casa? Oh, por cierto... Le mencioné a Luke que estaría buscando círculos de hadas hoy. Dijo que quería algunas flores si encontrábamos. Aunque fuimos los dos los que las encontraron, ¿Estás dispuesta compartir?
[ ¿Para qué las quiere? ] [ ¡Claro! ] ✓
— Solomon: Él lo apreciará. Está planeando usarlas para algún tipo de dulce especial para mi cumpleaños. Lo que me está haciendo esperarlo aún más.
— Asmodeus: Feeeliz cuuuumpleaaaños aaa tiiiiii🎵 ¡Vamos, sopla las velas!
— Solomon: *Fwoosh*
— Todos: ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Solomon!
— Solomon: Gracias a todos.
— Lucifer: La habitación está completamente sepultada bajo todos los regalos.
— Mammon: ¡Te dije que habría más espacio en el castillo! ¿Por qué eligieron la Sala del Purgatorio?
— Barbatos: Simeon lo solicitó fuertemente.
— Simeon: Estaba esperando una fiesta con una vibra más hogareña.
— Luke: ¡Porque todos somos una familia aquí!
— Solomon: ¿Familia...? Esa es una buena manera de llamarlo.
— Raphael: Además, nos ayudaste con la decoración, ¿No es así, Mammon?
— Mammon: ¡No necesitar anunciarlo...!
— Luke: ¡Yo tomé el liderazgo para hacer el pastel, pero todos lo hicimos juntos! ¡Y usé las flores de las hadas como prometí!
— Diavolo: Este pastel va perfecto con el té de círculo de hadas.
— Solomon: Gracias, chicos. Y yo también preparé algunas cosas para todos ustedes.
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— Solomon: Gracias por esperar.
— Leviathan: Entonces, uh... ¿Qué hay en la caja?
— Solomon: Todos los objetos mágicos que pidieron.
— Asmodeus: ¡¿Qué?! ¡Pero se supone que es tu cumpleaños! ¿Estás seguro?
— Solomon: Considéralo como un token de mi aprecio. Desde que conocí a MC, me he vuelto cercano a todos ustedes. El año pasado, incluso celebraron mi cumpleaños conmigo. A este punto, noté que hice muchos amigos que se preocupan por mí. Y eso me hace feliz... Así que este año, quería hacer algo para mostrar mi agradecimiento con todos ustedes.
— Beelzebub: ¿Es por eso que nos preguntaste por los objetos mágicos?
— Satan: Solomon...
— Leviathan: Oh maldición... Me están lagrimeando los ojos...
— Asmodeus: ¡Hey! ¡Ni siquiera pienses en llorar delante de mí!
— Solomon: Por supuesto, en algunos casos, las peticiones fueron problemáticas, así que tuve que hacer algunos ajustes o crear el siguiente objeto en su lugar.
— Belphegor: Estás hablando de las cosas para mí, para Beel y Mammon, ¿No es así?
— Mammon: ¡¿En serio...?
[ Eso es malo. ] [ ¡Eres tan sensato, Solomon! ] ✓
— Solomon: Bueno, sería responsable si mis creaciones causaran problemas, después de todo. Simeon, llevaré tu silla de eterna comodidad a tu habitación luego.
— Simeon: ¿Me estás dando algo también? ¿Incluso aunque no he hecho nada por la cúpula rota...?
— Solomon: Jaja, por supuesto que si. Si no hubieras llamado mi atención con esa cosa polvorienta, hubiera olvidado del recuerdo dentro de ella por siempre. En cualquier caso, debería agradecerte.
— Simeon: No, soy yo el que debería agradecer que estés tomando la situación de una manera tan positiva.
— Asmodeus: Hey, ¿De qué están hablando?
— Solomon: Es un secreto.
— Asmodeus: ¡¿En serio?! ¡Tienen que decirmeee!
— Luke: Más importante, ¿Hiciste algo para MC?
— Solomon: Naturalmente. Toma, MC.
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— Solomon: Esta es una caja de música que calma instantáneamente todo el estrés de tu cuerpo. De acuerdo a mis pruebas, es alrededor de %100 veces más relajante que las normales.
[ ¡Muchas gracias! ] ✓ [ ¡Vivo una vida bastante estresante! ]
— Solomon: Y gracias a ti por todo lo demás. Por cierto, la canción que elegí es una de mis favoritas. Pensé que funcionaría mejor para el efecto que quería.
— Luke: ¡Te debemos un gran agradecimiento, Solomon!
— Simeon: Luke tiene razón.
— Todos: ¡Muchas gracias, Solomon!
— Simeon: Espero por nuestro futuro juntos.
— Solomon: Lo mismo digo.
— Solomon: ¿Tienes un segundo, MC? Tengo un regalo más para ti. ¿Puedes escaparte luego y venir a mi habitación?
— Solomon: Finalmente tenemos una oportunidad de estar juntos a solas.
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— Solomon: Hay una cosa más que quiero darte. Toma. Es una cúpula de vidrio. La hice así para que cuando la llenes con magia, muestre las luces que vimos juntos en la Colina Aurora. La decoré por dentro con el círculo de flores de hadas y las hechicé para que se mantengan frescas. Quiero mantener esto como un recordatorio de nuestro tiempo juntos.
[ Será nuestro tesoro ♡ ] ✓ [ Gracias, Solomon. ]
— Solomon: Es extraño. He tenido una vida larga, así que debería tener muchos buenos recuerdos de antes de conocerte. Y aún así, los recuerdos que he hecho contigo se sienten más claras, felices y más vívidas. MC... Espero... que podamos ser una familia algún día...
[ Si lo dices en serio, entonces bésame. ] ✓ [ ¡Eres como un hermano mayor! ]
— Solomon: Lo juro por este beso. Pasaremos nuestros días juntos. He puesto suficiente energía para que dure un año. Llámame cuando se termine, ¿Bien? De ese modo, siempre podremos ver las luces en mi cumpleaños.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
Cowboys Rule | E.Edwards
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summary; the number one rule of cowboys - wear the hat ride the cowboy
Mark had decided on a whole cowboys and country theme for his twenty first birthday so everyone went all out with the dress up.
You and Ethan had set up the venue from early morning; a local bar and you’d gone all out even getting a mechanical bull.
You’d just finished pinning up the last banner when you felt two hands on either side of your waist and pulled your body down from the ladder
“Okay, we’re done! We gotta get ready” Ethan announced, pulling you away from the decorations.
“I just have to-“ “No! You’ve done enough we’ll be late if we don’t go now”
You laughed and gave in “Okay, Okay let’s go I need to get in my get up!”
“Get up?” He chuckled, eying you.
“Oh yeah I have this cute black and white cow print hat and the matching boots, it’s glittery and everything!” You squealed in excitement.
Ethan smiled at you “I can’t wait to see, meet you back here at eight?”
“Got it!” You replied, running off towards your dorm.
You’d arrived at the party later than intended and it was already in full swing.
Managing to find Mark and Duke when you arrived you passed off your birthday gift “Happy Birthday Woodruff!!”
Rolling his eyes Mark pulled you in for a hug “Thank you, thank you for setting up and everything! You’re the best”
It was hard to hear over the music so you were leaning up to shout in his ear “Where’s Eddy?!”
Mark looked around before pointing over in the corner you could see Ethan helping some girl up onto the mechanical bull, his hands resting on her ass even when she was situated.
You rolled your eyes and you could feel Mark giving you a sad glance while he rubbed your back before he was pulled away.
“Hey there’s our cowgirl!” Arm thrown over your shoulder and you leaned into Mackie while Luke appeared on your other side.
“Hey guys, enjoying the party?”
“It’s awesome, you want to plan ours?” “You wish - I like Mark that’s why I spent so much time on it”
Luke pulled a face “Harsh but we love you so we’ll forgive” before lifting your hat off your head and walking off.
Mackie held is hand out for you and quirked his eyebrow “Join me?”
You looking from his face to his hand you smiled softly nodding your head and putting your hand in his.
Ethan had watched you waltz around the bar alongside his teammate with jealous eyes.
There was a grey zone you two were in right now with mutual feelings but all the stupidity not to say anything just living in the constant agony of jealousy. It wasn’t fun to see all these girls throw themselves at him just because he was a hockey player while you just had to sit and watch.
When it was announced the cake was coming out you stood up on a table along with a couple other girls to see over everything while you sang.
“Happy Birthday, dear mark, Happy Birthday to you”
As the song finished you screamed out a cheer before you tried stepping down from the table. You were about to jump when Mackie held your waist and lifted you down letting out a laugh, hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself.
Ethan watched on across the room as his teammate had you in his hold, ignoring everything people were saying around him.
You pulled the cowboy hat that sat on Mackie’s head and placed it on your own continuing to laugh while you were placed on the floor.
Ethan saw red.
He stormed across the room to you, stepping between the two of you and grabbing the hat from your head then shoving it into Mackie’s chest.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you away.
“Ethan stop! Ethan what is your problem!?”
After you got into a clear space Ethan turned to you finally you could see his chest heaving “That is my problem!”
“What?” “The hat!”
You wanted to laugh “The hat? You’re in a mood because I wore Mackie’s cowboy hat?”
Ethan felt embarrassed to say this “Yeah, I mean it’s more isn’t it? The cowboys rule wear the hat and you’ve got to ride the cowboy”
Your eyes went wide while he continued
“I mean is that what you want?! You want Mackie?!”
You stuttered, completely taken aback by his outburst. He scoffed “Okay I see how it is” and turned to the door having embarrassed himself enough.
You stood frozen for a minute before you chased him, grabbing the hat from the top of his and placing it on yours.
He turned and looked at you smiling back at him “What are you doing y/n?”
“Never heard of the cowboys rule? I’m wearing your hat… your move Edwards” You smirked.
There was almost a look of relief on his face as he pulled you into him with a smile, knocking the hat up while he kissed you.
Pulling away you stared at each other for a moment before you said “rules are rules cowboy, can’t break them”
He smirked “No we cannot” pulling you out the bar with a few hollers following as you rushed back to someone’s dorm.
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another-lost-mc · 11 months
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candy prompts: karasu + sweet
during your first halloween together, karasu spends some time in the kitchen to impress you.
pairing: karasu x gn!reader
cw: nothing except for kissing, fluff and domestic bliss all 'round.
word count: 700.
a/n: this was inspired by the adorable karasu cupcake art made by @cosmicstarlatte. 🧡
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You're adding the finishing touches to your Halloween costume when there's a sudden noise outside. The front door opens and quietly shuts again, and a happy grin spreads across your face when Karasu's familiar gait shuffles down the hall towards the bedroom you both share. When he appears in the doorway, his hair is a little out of place from the wind and his glasses are nowhere to be seen, probably tucked into one of his pockets for safekeeping. He rocks back on his heels slightly as he admires you, keeping his hands tucked firmly behind his back.
"Your outfit looks lovely." Like always, Karasu's comment is laced with adoration and your body warms through with his praise. His reflection in the mirror sweeps its gaze up and down your body. Your costume for tonight's party is hardly what you'd consider scandalous, but the heat in his eyes is undeniable.
You smile at him in the mirror as you tilt your face and inspect your costume makeup one more time. "I'll help you with your makeup once you've changed. You should probably get ready soon so we're not late."
Diavolo's birthday party is in less than an hour and the Devildom air feels charged with mischief and celebration. Karasu left earlier that afternoon to take care of an errand at Purgatory Hall, or so he claimed when he rushed out the door—you assumed it was something technology-related if his presence was required. "What did Simeon do to his D.D.D. this time that he needed your help with? I told him not to click anymore links in his Dmail messages if he's not sure who sent them."
Karasu takes a few hesitant steps towards you and something like guilt crosses his expression as he clears his throat. "Actually, the young angel Luke was helping me with something."
Huh? You spin around quickly in your seat; nothing about that vague explanation made any sense. "What do you mean?"
"Luke is an experienced baker, and I know Halloween is a special holiday for you." He looks a little bashful when he finally reveals what he's been hiding behind his back: a simple white pastry box, tied with black and orange ribbon. "I wanted to make something for you, and he offered to teach me because my own skills are poor at best."
You take the box from him gently, weighing the featherlight box in your hands carefully. The delicate ribbon gives way easily when you pull on the ends, and the top lifts up so you can look inside. The familiar scent of warm vanilla bean makes your mouth water, and you realize that nestled inside is a cupcake. The bottom is wrapped with shimmery black paper and there's a layer of deep-red buttercream swirled generously on top. You bite your lip to stifle a giggle when you notice a small black feather stuck to the side of the cake; you're not sure whether that's supposed to be a decoration or a little kitchen mishap he overlooked.
No matter how many feathers ended up stuck in the frosting, his thoughtful gesture feels overwhelming despite its simplicity. "You went to all this trouble for me? You don't even like desserts," you murmur quietly. You set the box gently on the dressing table before standing up to face him properly.
His lips twitch into a bashful smile and his palm is warm when he cups your cheek softly. "I might not like them, but you do." His wind-chapped lips brush across your brow. "Happy Halloween, dear one." When he catches your gaze, his dark eyes glitter with so much emotion that it nearly takes your breath away.
You should be ushering him towards the bathroom to shower and get ready for the party, but his lips are chilly from the blustery weather outside and that simply won't do. It's almost instinctive, the way you tilt your head up so you catch his lips with yours. He hums happily against your mouth, and like the sugary-sweet pastry he made for you, kissing him is too much temptation to resist.
Perhaps no one will notice if you're a few minutes late to the party after all.
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read more: halloween 2023 masterlist || obey me masterlist
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A problem happened with my old masterless and I had to make a new one
* = smut
The masterlist will be updated every two weeks
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Boxing lessons Stark!Reader
Tony asks Peter to gives you boxing lessons. Little did they know, you are not as defenseless as they thought
The forbidden Avenger Stark!Reader
It’s difficult to have alone time with Peter at the Avengers compound. When everyone goes away on a mission, you take invite Peter over and act on your feelings
I could never give you peace
Peter laments the lack of stability he can offer his lover and the danger his other identity puts her in (inspired by Peace by Taylor Swift)
I’ll always come back to you Stark!Reader
Peter returns after the blip
I’ll keep you safe Stark!Reader
You look out for Peter during the battle with Molten Man
Late nights sneaking in your bed Hogan!Reader
When Peter and May temporarily move in with you and Happy, you go against your dad’s rules and sneak Peter into your room at night
Maybe this trip wasn’t so bad
You and Peter sneak out for a date during the Europe trip
My baby’s fit like a daydream
Peter gets a new body from training with the Avengers. You like it - a lot
My friends gets annoyed by how much I talk about you
You talk about Peter to your friends a little too much
Now I wake up by your side
You found your way back to Peter after the memory spell
Spider kiss
Peter surprised you at your window
Uncharted territories *
You and Peter explore each other’s bodies while May is out
Want some help? *
Peter gets a little excited after training. You offer your help
What am I supposed to do if there’s no you
May dies. You find Peter on the school’s roof and comfort him
Wherever you stray, I follow
Happy go get Peter in the Netherlands and you play nurse
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King of my heart (multi-part) Co-Star!Reader
You get the role of MJ for the new Spiderman movie…aka, the classic trope of co-stars falling for each other
King of social media
Tom makes a mistake and post a private video on his Instagram Story
Puppy pictures
You accidentally send Tom NSFW pictures while he’s at work
Surprise Spider!
You surprise Tom at a convention and dress up as Black Cat
That’s my man
Tom flashes his pants-less bottom half on live TV
Tom’s new girl
Tom has a surprise for you when you come home
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Do you want to build a snowman?
You convince Jess to partake in Stars Hollow winter festival activities
Follow your heart
You pay Jess a visit after Luke puts him on a bus to New York. A few weeks later, it’s Jess’ turn to visit you
Guiding Star
Jess gets a tattoo
I’d marry you with paper rings
From the day you met to your wedding day (inspired by Paper Rings by Taylor Swift)
Night visitor
Jess pays you a little visit in the middle of the night
Jess tells you he won’t be graduating…but he still goes to prom
Silent breakup | part 1 | part 2
Part 1: Jess breaks up with you by leaving town
Part 2: Your boyfriend of three years get down on one knee, but there’s someone else on your mind
Part 3:  After some thinking, you drive up to Philadelphia to see Jess
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A dream within a dream
Stiles has a nightmare
A weekend in Quantico
You surprise Stiles and visit him in Quantico
An easy nightmare remedy
Stiles still has nightmares after the Nogitsune possess him. You offer your help
I only bought this dress so you could take it off
You confess your feelings to Stiles
You come to Stiles’ game…and they lose
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He should’ve been here
Rafe doesn’t show up on your birthday
My best friend’s brother (multi-part) *
You go on a boat trip with the Camerons…and get a little more than what you came for
Summer loving
You and rafe have a summer fling. You get attached
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Don’t die on me
You and JJ fight against the captain. JJ falls over and almost dies
Father, dear father
JJ always sees his dad when he least expects it
Hot tempered, but loyal
JJ got fired from his job (set after the scene we got on ig)
I don’t want perfect
You get a new boyfriend, the perfect boyfriend. But you don’t want perfect
JJ is in love and the Pogues like to tease him
They’re alive
The Pogues gets a message from an unknown number: John B and Sarah are alive
The yard boy | Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five | Part six (coming soon)
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His wife’s bed *
Illicit affair *
A Song of heart and blood (multi-part) *
After an horrible prophetical dream, you find yourself traveling through time to try and save your sister, Daenerys, from her fatal ascension to the Iron Throne. During your mission, your heart derives you from your duty and you fall in love with your ancestor
Taking care of my dragon
After getting his pride hurt at the tourney, Daemon needs help to calm down and unwind
Warm me up
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Bigger than the whole sky
TW: Miscarriage
False god *
Naughty dreams | Jacaerys twin!Reader *
Midnight rain
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I’ll keep your bed warm
Need a hand?
What happens in the cave, stays in the cave |  Jeor Mormont daughter!Reader *
You and Jon spend the night in a cave
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The devil’s bite Addams!Reader
The night of the final battle, you get hurt by the hyde
I don’t want you like a best friend
You and Xavier have been best friends for a while, but you don’t want to be just friends anymore. Come the Rave’n dance, you decide to tell him
Jealousy, jealousy
Murder Mittens
Nightshades library *
Outreach day | Normie!Reader
Post Poe Cup
Sorry, wrong number | Xavier x Reader x Ajax *
After sending a nude to the wrong contact (your mistake), you and Xavier invite Ajax for one night
Wrong suspect
Because of Wednesday, everyone believes Xavier is the monster. Everyone except you.
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7 Minutes in heaven 
Poe Cup distractions *
First time 
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gemwing1988 · 10 months
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, Luke Millington-Drake! 🎂🎁🎄❄️🚂
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Today is December 15th in the U.K., just still days way from Christmas. But it’s still special because it’s Luke Millington-Drake’s birthday, the brilliant actor who voice’s everyone’s favourite Cuphead villain in The Cuphead Show: The Devil himself! 🎊🎉🥳
To celebrate the holidays and his special day, I have made a collage of some screenshots of the Devil in his second episode where he’s the villain protagonist, A Very Devil Christmas.
Mister Luke, if you are ever on Tumblr as a guest, I do hope you like this. I know you had read and heard this many times but I am one of your biggest fans of your character and I personally like to thank you for bringing so much life and energy into his voice.
From the very bottom of my heart, I wish you a very Happy Birthday this year and may you have a very devilishly Merry Christmas.
May your dreams shine. ✨
Devil: 😄🎶 Christmastime’s my favourite time Christmastime’s my favourite time of the year!
It’s the the holiday spirit that make my heart swell It’s the hanging of stocking, the balls on the tree It brings out the best in most of everyone But it brings out the Devil in me
It’s the hustle and bustle and folks filled with good cheer Those holiday feelings we all hold so dear Makes Christmastime my favourite time of the year!
It’s the laughter of children, the goodwill towards me It’s the spirit of giving, the festive snowmen Makes Christmastime my favourite time of the year!
So what makes Christmas so special to me? Ah-ha! It’s actually quite simple, you see It brings out the best in most of everyone But it brings out the Devil in me
Yes, it brings out the Devil in me! 😈🎶
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