#Hank watches in envy…
trashcansienna · 10 months
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
What's supposed to be the implications of this quote?
“How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!”
"Ahh. Well, to understand the quote, you first have to understand where it comes from and the wider context of the work. It originates in Eloisa to Abelard, a verse epistle written by Alexander Pope in 1717 - a verse epistle being a poem told over the course of several letters, hence the title."
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"It's inspired by the real life story of Héloïse d'Argenteuil and Peter Abelard, a romance with a twenty year age gap from the 12th century, one kept secret from the world at large so as not to destroy Abelard's career.
But, as is inevitably the case with stories that survive hundreds of years, the secret came out. Héloïse's family castrated Abelard, and he joined a monastery in shame for his quite literal loss of manhood."
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"Her own prospects now dim, Héloïse, or Eloisa, was convinced by Peter to take vows as a nun. They led successful, if . . . lesser, lives, in their respective monasteries, but Abelard continued to write, most notably the Historia Calamitatum, which, as you might guess, is a history of misfortunes . . . his autobiography. When Eloisa read it, her passion for him was reignited, and they wrote to one another.
But. Things had changed."
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"They tried to make sense of their tragedy, of why them, of why they had been betrayed, why their love had to be so profoundly dashed upon the rocks, but it only brought them pain. In the poem, which is a fictionalised version of the real life series of these events, Eloisa confesses her love, remembering the life they had enjoyed together.
And in remembering, and remembering the pain that comes with remembering, she exclaims;
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!”
How happy is the innocent virgin's lot in life? The world forgets her, and she is, by the world, forgotten. In a mind without darkness, before tragedy, before loss, before failure, there is nothing but eternal sunshine. What a happy state of being that must be, to not know and to forget."
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"How happy we are, when we are ignorant. Before we ruin ourselves."
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w1zard0foz · 1 month
as requested: watching days of future past again (no one asked for this)
some thoughts:
(fun fact: this is the first x-men movie i watched in theaters)
charles and erik finishing each others sentences
“its going to take the two of us side by side at a time when we couldn’t be farther apart”
i can’t explain why but this man- this man right here (charles) got 50 times hotter when his life fell apart
the chess board abandoned mid-game
“especially someone he loved”
hank mentioning erik first in the list of things charles lost (he knows what they are)
im sorry erik being imprisoned for killing jfk is the funniest fucking thing to me
OH MY GOD CHARLES WITH HIS SUNGLASSES ILL NEVER FORGIVE APOCALYPSE FOR TAKING HIS HAIR (james mcavoy gender envy- literally just everything about him- the hair, the voice, the stance, the mannerisms, I NEED TO BE HIM)
“i’m holding your neck so you don’t get whiplash” “what” “whip… lash…”
“i’m not very good with violence” *charles punches erik in the face*
“i couldn’t disobey you even if i wanted to”
the way charles grabs erik
“fancy a game? it’s been a while” “i’m not in the mood”
i take it back jfk being a mutant is the funniest thing to me
they play gay chess anyway
“we’ve come for you. erik and i- together”
“erik was right. humanity does this to us”
erik and his balls
i’m tired of pretending that ian mckellen isn’t just as cunty, if not more cunty, than michael fassbender
“all those years wasted fighting each other, charles. to have a precious few of them back”
i NEEEEEEED more cherik edits with ian mckellen and patrick stewart. the content is there, it’s good, it’s gay, someone make them rn !!
“good to see you scott”
sorry i have a lot of thoughts about this movie- it’s very special to me
i’ll do apocalypse next
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heliphantie · 3 months
"Inside Out 2"
I've watched “Inside Out 2”, and there’s my notes:
Conflict expands on themes of first movie, and if the moral of first was, difficult and discomfortable emotions and memories are as important for personal growth as positive ones, here it is about not giving away basic emotions and good memories even while growing and building personality and ambitions. I’d say conflict of IO was executed in better organized form and it was easier to follow as it unrolled, but it’s a general flaw of sequels. It wasn’t so bad.
Interestingly, antagonist is motivated by striving for better future, which mainstream media usually reserves for protagonist. As someone who is critical to “destroy the past, build future on the ruins of it” philosophy pushed by media as role model, I can say I welcome this twist in formula. Pixar in general seems to handle “Well-Intentioned Extremist” trope decently, be it antagonists or antiheroes. Even characters who could be villainous in regular media defied expectations. (I honestly expected Val ending to be “bad influence”, in typical fashion for “cool kids” trope, but she’s ended to be sympathetic character throughout the movie and not the source of conflict.)
Main 5 kept (mostly) together for the length of movie gives room for interactions and dynamics that were limited in first one. Breakout star, unexpectedly for me, is Anger, he had the funniest scenes. I generally like the characters like that (Grumpy the dwarf, octopus Hank, Gabo in Wish… you got idea), but can’t say he was enjoyable to this extent in first movie. Maybe he just better works as foil for someone with opposite personality, rather than with somebody like Disgust and Fear.
Speaking about antagonists, I felt there was potential in Envy, even guessed if she ends to be twist villain before the first trailer. In the end, new emotions somehow turned less interesting personality-wise compared to old ones. There are still opportunities for the franchise unfolding, so likely their spotlights are in due course.
References/memetic moments in regard to first movie are scarce, but ones that happen are fairly unexpected (like cameo of certain brick joke), and don’t linger too long. There is also some shipteasing sprinkled over (but not too overt), which wasn’t a thing in original. (Mount Crashmore was a biggest surprise, by the way.)
One thing carried on from IO is, fairly hilarious one scene wonders, my favorite is one that wasn’t spoilered by promos, you know which if you have seen it) Worthy successor of Brazilian helicopter pilot. (I feel fans are going to have a field day with them…)
Another unexpected moment is the scene that seems to be an explicit dig at industry of which the movie is a product. Animators that rebel when main five encourage them to let imagination run free as opposed to following demands of Anxiety who’s obsessed with sticking to trends in pursuit of success. One can wonder what it was about…
Conclusion: enjoyable movie, which doesn’t even seem forced, as it happens so often with sequels. It even appears to left open for further expansion, and I smell mini-series, maybe? It’s a good concept to be mined, frankly.
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Oh, and I’ve got idea I couldn’t wait to work on so I didn’t wait for the movie to get released and started it in advance and almost done with. So… does it count as fanart if it doesn’t involve the setting and characters of thing, but deals with central concept of it? Anyway, soon.
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mcmusing · 1 year
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Unlike ALL of their sequels, I'm not anti First Class. However, as more time passes, it's beyond clear that being the best X-Men movie truly isn't saying much. These flicks almost always fumble the ball in making mutants sympathetic, but following the CIA massacre, a severe lack of logic plagues characterization, especially regarding Raven and Erik. More on them momentarily.
While the massacre is a nicely filmed scene, its aftermath is handled terribly. To a jarring degree, considering the realistic emotions during it. Remember that in 1962, Pearl Harbor would be as fresh in many people's memories as 9/11 is to us now. An attack on an entire CIA facility to that magnitude would be another day of infamy. An executive order would have been issued to track and lock down mutants all over the country, complete with anti-mutant riots in the street. The really sad part is that because of how mercilessly ruthless the hellfire club was, there would be more arguments to justify the backlash than oppose it. Is it any wonder those different military forces attempted to bomb that beach?
Also regarding Shaw's band, how can anyone watch such overpowered beings needlessly stab, shoot, and burn all of those defenseless people and feel even an ounce of pity for mutants? Shaw's grandiose speech about how they will all eventually be captured and enslaved is utterly laughable, especially coming from him. This version of Shaw has powers so overblown that he could have single-handedly taken down the nazi regime, liberated those camps, and given mutation a heroic image. But no, somehow donning a swastika, torturing a mutant child, and trying to nuke the planet seemed like the superior strategies. It's exactly the same with Erik and those missiles. If he had simply seized and hurled them far away into the water, he would have proven that mutation itself is not the enemy. He and Surrogate Nazi Daddy both started something then wanted to play victim when their self-made enemies retaliated.
On the subject of Shaw Jr., it is reasonable that Erik would be wary of the CIA possibly having ulterior motives and hooking Charles up to random machines. However, with the massacre on top of learning that both he and Shaw are mutants, why isn't Erik disgusted with his very existence? Why does he automatically take a prideful stance? His powers are what got him on Shaw's radar in the first place, Shaw killed his very human mother, Erik turned out to be mutated like his tormentor, and said tormentor led a gang of other mutants in a murder spree against dozens of people who only wanted to capture Shaw, including the agent who housed and advocated for them. HOW does any of that add up to being anti-homo sapien, let alone pro-mutant? This is why Erik's longtime nemesis had absolutely NO business being a mutant! If anything, he should have been a regular human who wanted to exploit and recreate mutant powers in himself out of envy.
Onto Raven, her kitchen conversation with Charles already made no sense with that asinine "pets are always cuter when they're little, right?" remark. You're making that accusation towards someone who introduces you as his sister after a guy you hardly know just compared you to a tiger and encouraged you to walk around naked like some undignified lesser being? However, what really piles on the stupid is when she claims "no matter how bad the world gets, you don't want to be against it, do you?" WHAT is this bad of which she speaks? The worst deed she personally witnessed was committed by mutants, something that openly horrified her. What, is she referring to those two agents who mildly teased them a little? The one desperate agent who offered up the young mutants only after watching the cruel murders of his colleagues? Or is the bad all the people who Hank- another mutant- pointed out will never find her blue form beautiful? Something no one is required to feel towards her and something most would be unable to do due to biological evolutionary reasons that govern the laws of attraction. Absolutely nothing justifies her turn to Team Terrorism.
In trying to make Charles out to be this franchise's 'uncle Tom' of sorts, all they ended up doing was making Erik and Raven into glory-seeking, narcissistic, nonsensical, opportunistic, narrow-minded bigots.
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
How would skinner,jebus, auditor and tough react to coming into the real world everything looks absolutely beautiful minus the fact player is trying to deal with cookies that had burst into flames which they panic?
Skinner: The funniest thing about Skinner walking amongst the world in the Player's domain...is the fact that everything was SMALL in their world. Chairs, sofas, doorways, fixtures, and utensils were simply too small for poor Skinner to use effectively. He breaks chairs, snaps off doorknobs, and bends silverware. Despite not doing the actions intentionally, Skinner always feels bad about breaking his precious Player's things and will usually isolates himself outside while he visits to minimize any damage. It's not like it's a bad thing. Skinner would have to admit that the Player's world was...stunning. Beautiful, even! The sun was warm, the grass felt nice trailing through his gloved fingers, and the sounds of nature all around him was almost relaxing. But the sound of a flurry of panicked cries coming from in the house was enough to snap him out of it and send him rushing back inside (and breaking another doorknob) and he sees his Player struggling with a tray of very hot cookies...that were currently blazing. Among the chaos of the smoke alarm and the confused yelling of both parties, the cookies were eventually extinguished and his Player got away with only a few burns. (It still shocked him how you could now be brought to harm) Good thing he's a doctor! He'll patch you up and make sure that your pain is gone and the risk of infection is reduced to 20%! Jeb:
Jeb always finds his visits to the Player's domain calm and peaceful. The sound of the wind blowing through the healthy trees, the warming sun rays that kept his back warm, and the sound of singing birds radiating through the surrounding woods makes him take a deep breath and sigh in bliss. Oh, how he wished that Nevada was just as peaceful as the Player's world. He had to admit...he was envious of such a peaceful universe. Jeb was fighting for a world like this back in Nevada as hard as he could. He was constantly giving it his all and every time, some bastard--named HANK--kept doing actions that did nothing but plunge Nevada further into chaos. The madness had all but consumed the world of Nevada and Jeb could only clench his teeth at the bitter reminder of why his world was like the way it was. But the Player's? It was the opposite...and he envied it. Even when he sits out here under a tree in the shade, he still finds himself thinking about his mission...could he ever relax? Apparently not, as the sound of his Player screeching from within their home made him shoot up from his resting place faster than anything. He wasted no time in hurrying into the house to find the kitchen full of smoke and his Player coughing loudly and holding a tray of flaming baked goods. Using his telekinesis, Jeb yanks the tray from the Player's hands and tosses it into the sink before running the water, extinguishing the fire. he begins to inspect his Player, finding burns littering their hands as he works them over. He can only sigh in relief and use the halo to help heal the Player. At least he can protect the only one in his life that means anything to him... Auditor: The Auditor is not used to such a state. Nevada USED to look like the Player's world before a certain MERCENARY decided to meddle in the natural order of things and dissented from the norm of Nevada. The sun hurt his red eyes, the colors were so bright and vivid, and the world just seemed so...alive in comparison to Nevada. He was...envious, to a degree. This world just seemed so perfect and peaceful...as if everything was simply in order. Not a single thing out of place. The Auditor stands on the porch as he watches the long grass sway in the nearby meadow and the small robins fly near the treetops. The Player's world was merely shown in photos that he had taken, but seeing them in reality simply didn't do the photos any justice. Seeing the world with his own two eyes almost made him consider retaking the photos to see if they were even producing the pictures right. Or maybe it had something to do with what the Player had said about how "Nevada was set in the early 2000's", whatever that meant. But seeing the state of technology that the world had to offer, the Auditor could only see benefits and assets everywhere he looked. This world was a gift that the Player allowed him the privilege to traverse, and he couldn't be anymore grateful. Suddenly, the sound of the fire alarm in the kitchen alerts the Auditor to the situation going down inside the house as the Player in question pulls a flaming tray of cookies out of the oven with panicked curses. The Auditor wastes no time in teleporting into the kitchen and snatches the tray of cookies from the Player's hands and tossing it into the kitchen sink. The Auditor, as ever vigilant and worried of the Player's health, looks them over, he finds burns lining their arms. He tugs them along to go get first aid and would not take any excuse as an answer. He was here now and nothing would bring you to harm. He would not allow it.
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rynnthefangirl · 7 months
My Top 10 Favorite Breaking Bad Universe Episodes (+ explanations/analyses because I can't not gush about these shows dammit)
"Face Off" (BrBa, S4E13)- this episode had me on the edge of my seat like no other one in the entire BrBa universe. It's not my favorite in terms of themes or character development-- which are my usual priorities in a show-- but good god, it was an EXPERIENCE. And it held up SO GOOD on rewatch, even knowing how it ends the pacing and buildup is done so phenomenally that it almost feels like watching it for the first time. It's just epic. And that final scene... coming off the thrill of watching an evil villain like Gus Fring be defeated... relishing in Walt's victory and relief... then the camera slowly tracking inward to reveal the Lily of the Valley.... that sudden shift as you realize the guy you were just aggressively rooting for is a monster as well... Oh my god. Perfection.
"Ozymandias" (BrBa, S5E14)- do I even need to explain why I love this episode? It's often regarded as the best episode in this universe, and for good reason. It is Walter White's downfall, the epic culmination of 4 1/2 seasons of steady moral degradation, the consequences of Walter's greed and ego finally brought to horrific fruition. This is one of only two episodes in the BrBa universe to actually make me cry (the other being "Granite State", when Walt Jr. tells his father he should just go and die). Hank's death is abrupt and horrible. "I watched Jane die" makes ME want to go die. Walt's fight with Skyler is both devastating and somehow cathartic. The acting is some of the best I have seen in my entire life. It truly is the peak of Breaking Bad, and there will never be anything else quite like it (although my #3 comes close).
"Plan and Execution" (BCS, S6E7)- this episode is so effective, that I could barely even stand to rewatch it. And not just Howard's death, but everything building up to it. Watching Howard suffer and be humiliated, knowing all the while that this is his last day on Earth. That this is how he is spending his final hours. And the fact that the whole thing has the fun and whacky tone of the other McWexler scams makes me want to throw up. Watching an oblivious Jimmy and Kim dig both Howard's and their own graves with joy and gusto. The inevitability of it all too, how every little detail conspires to put Howard and Lalo in that room together. I never thought a cockroach scampering across a screen could make me want to scream, but here we are. It's honestly unbearable. And then of course the final scene is breathtakingly brilliant. Howard's amazing speech, the sudden tonal shift, the horror of his death. The candle. And this all barely even touches on what it means for Jimmy and Kim's characters, but this is getting long enough, so lets just leave it at P&E is their very own Ozymandias.
"Chicanery" (BCS, S3E5)- I love how perfectly rated Chicanery is in the fandom. I feel like an episode like this would be prone to being totally overshadowed by the more action-packed ones, and I'm so glad that it isn't. Because it is brilliant. To me, Chuck and Jimmy's relationship is the single most compelling dynamic in the BrBa universe. And this is their ultimate showdown, both giving their all to take the other down, Chuck with righteous glee and Jimmy with bitter reluctance. Chuck's final breakdown/monologue is incredible both in terms of writing and acting-- this is the moment we see Chuck McGill for who he really is. Years of bitterness, and jealousy, and frustration, and desperation, finally let loose. And while Jimmy won, it's not a triumphant victory. It's a somber one. Because like Kim said, all they did was tear down a mentally ill man. A man who needed help, beneath all the hatred and envy. Aghh. Chuck.
"Felina" (BrBa, S5E16)- I love the vibe of Felina. There's just this palpaple tiredness and resigned acceptance from Walter. He destroyed his family, they will never forgive him, he is going to die alone. He has realized his ego and selfishness, but it's too late. Everyone is just sitting in the ashes of the world they once knew. And yet, with that acceptance, there also comes a sense of peace. Nothing left to do but make things right in whatever way he still can. Finding a way to get his money to his family, admitting to Skyler that "I did it for me", seeing Holly and Jr. one last time, avenging Hank's death. Then there's Jesse and his resolution, "do it yourself", him crying and screaming and laughing as he drives away, a well earned freedom. The final shot of Walt is bittersweet in the best possible way. A conclusion worthy of the phenomenal series that came before it (rip GOT but BrBa is different).
"Waterworks" (BCS, S6E12)- where Saul Gone is the resolution of Jimmy's arc, Waterworks is the resolution of Kim's. And I think Kim's ending hits me harder, because while we always knew that Jimmy would break bad, Kim's corruption felt like such a betrayal. And it made it all the more sweeter when she redeems herself and begins to come back from that dark place she was in. The Florida scenes were utterly unnerving in how empty Kim was, but then it was so cathartic to see her finally let all that emotion out (and Rhea Seehorn absolutely KILLED IT, she was ROBBED at the Emmy's). Her scene with Jesse was beautiful too, and a perfect example of how to do fan-service in a meaningful way. Also, as a devoted Howard Hamlin stan, I loved seeing him haunt the narrative and watching Cheryl stand up for him again.
"Saul Gone" (BCS, S6E13)- another excellent and worthy conclusion to an amazing show! Jimmy is one of my favorite characters, and like with Kim, it was so beautiful to see him find himself again. I'm very fascinated by Jimmy's coping mechanisms for his grief & guilt, and this episode is where we see them finally be torn down. The whole confession scene is wonderful, A+ writing and acting. Particularly him finally saying out loud that his actions led to Chuck's suicide -- that knowledge has controlled Jimmy for the past three seasons, and him facing it at last is the final nail in the coffin for Saul Goodman. Saul is Gone, and Jimmy McGill remains. I love it.
"Lantern" (BCS S3E10)- this one killed me on rewatch. Watching Chuck completely unravel and destroy his home after he was finally on the road to recovery from his mental illness. Howard and Chuck's falling out, with Howard's pain in having to force Chuck out of HHM and Chuck's pain in losing the last good relationship that he still had in his life. "You've never mattered all that much to me."🫠💔 Chuck's suicide, and knowing how it will haunt the narrative, how it will lead to Howard's destruction in P&E and Jimmy's transformation into Saul Goodman. Daggers. The whole episode - Daggers.
"Fly" (BrBa S3E10)- I am so so glad this episode exists. It wasn't necessary towards the plot at all, but it's such a wonderful little character study. The first half is comedic gold, some of my favorite whacky Walt + Jesse banter. Then the slow shift to the more somber and pensive tone as the sleeping pills set in. Everything is just dripping with importance and symbolism. Especially "it's all contaminated" -- one of my favorite lines in the whole show. And Walt’s speech about the perfect moment for him to have died... I don't even know the word for what that evokes in me. "Beautiful" doesn't cut it. It's ethereal.
"Peekaboo" (BrBa S2E6)- if I wanted to show someone why I love Jesse Pinkman and could only pick one episode to do it, Peekaboo would be that episode. It so perfectly encapsulates his character. Jesse goes to a house to threaten and get money from two junkies, and spends the entire episode trying to look after their neglected child. His conscience and decency at constant odds with the necessity of appearing strong and dangerous. And this is reinforced by the episode's bookends - Jesse delights in a small bug before Skinny P comes along and squishes it, foreshadowing the horror of Spooge getting his head squashed. Jesse is a sensitive soul scrambling for control in a world of the blackest violence. I'm so glad it never was able to fully consume him.
Honorable mentions:
"Point and Shoot" (BCS S6E8) and "Fun and Games" (BCS S6E9)- I feel so bad leaving both of these out of the top 10, because they are such phenomenal episodes. But I feel like my favorite moments are scattered across them and "Plan and Execution", and it's really the triad of episodes that makes up one of my favorite arcs in either show. So as individual episodes they don't quite outrank the others I have, but in spirit they are definitely up there sharing the #3 spot with P&E.
"Better Call Saul" (BrBa S2E8) and "4 Days Out" (BrBa S2E9)- I have to give a shoutout to two of my favorite chaotic and hilarious Breaking Bad episodes. Walt and Jesse's dynamic is so perfect in 4 Days Out, and Saul absolutely killed his introduction to this universe (+ the additional heartbreak of rewatching knowing why he was so freaked out about Lalo).
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gravedigest · 4 months
Thinking about Victor, and how he has rig and chrome envy. And how he can ask San and Dei about it (and technically other people but they’re not relevant rn). And just the lack of information he gets from it all
San has chrome but no rig, and it’s a chrome he has to keep shape for. He also has no desire for a rig. Meanwhile, Dei has both but can’t give a comparison since he’s never had anything else, plus he know how to mess with himself, how to hack himself to make it better.
And Victor can only get so much info out of both. Again, he can ask other people, I just find it interesting that he can ask those two but get almost nothing out it. It’s interesting to me. Vic is interesting
Also just, Dei is the spice in Vic’s life. That’s a little thing in the back skittering about
Victor asks Hank what chrome is like and all he gets is a blank stare because Hank doesn’t know what chrome is like. Man that has a computer just to use the calendar.
They can probably get the complaints about chrome across pretty easily, like it’s easy to put into words stuff like “Yeah, my arm acts up if i twist it like this, I gotta yank it this way so my fingers uncurl,” or “There’s so many popups happening right now it feels like my eyeballs are turning inside out.”
But like, trying to explain what it looks like or feels like would be like trying to explain a sense someone doesn’t have, like if someone can’t smell but all you have to describe scents are other scents. You can sorta get it across like this smells warm or this smells cold, but thats kind of the only comparison you can get (unless you’ve got synesthesia, then theres a whole new world of comparisons you can make to stuff)
It’s neat.
I wanna write more Victor POV later on when I get the next part out, I think. Just kinda hard cause I’m tryna build him a solid foundation to work off of irt characterization and what very little we know about him, and he’s sort of easier to work with as non POV.
Victor gets his enrichment by watching Deimos be a weird little guy. Watching your cat watching tv and being like “what is he thinking?”
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izzythehutt · 2 years
I went into BCS knowing that Chuck was an extremely disliked character, so maybe I just had high expectations for him being BEYOND THE PALE horrible but actually watching the show I....really don't get the hate.
A swath of the fandom seems to think he's Walter White-tier bad, and it just leaves me scratching my head. Arrogant, fragile, wounded, a jerk? Yes. A narcissistic sociopath who never loved his brother? Wtf, he's definitely not.
In my mind his narrative function is sort of comparable to Hank's in BrBa. Personally flawed, motivated to take down their respective targets by bruised ego and hurt at betrayal, but also deeply committed to an impartial moral code that refuses to budge, even for a family member. Both characters pay the ultimate price for this.
Every jerkish thing Chuck does has a sympathetic and understandable motive.
How is not wanting your ex-conman brother to work as a lawyer at your firm but being too much of a coward to admit it to his face so you shove off the job on your poor partner "abuse"???
Even his supposed "worst crime" of not telling Jimmy their mother called out his name before she died strikes me as a muddy, gray act, not outright vindictive. It was obviously motivated by complex brotherly feelings of resentment and envy, but you could just as easily read it as Chuck protecting Jimmy and sparing his feelings. What is knowing that the last thing their mother did was cry out for her son who had left the room to grab a sandwich actually going to do for him? Probably just make him feel guilty he wasn't there. We have no indication that Jimmy felt unloved by Ma McGill. Did he really need to know that he was the last thing on her mind before she died? Maybe, maybe not. Frankly, I could see him knowing that making him feel bad for Chuck.
The McGill brothers have a complex, tragic, almost biblical relationship of mutual love and hate, and I feel sorry for all the other people who got caught between them (Ernie, Howard and Kim), but everything negative went both ways and is mutually reinforcing.
In some ways I think my feelings about this are similar to my feelings about Jesse's relationship with his parents. It's tragic that he felt rejected by them and that made him susceptible to looking at Walt as a replacement father figure, but the Pinkmans had completely understandable reasons for distrusting their son and having clear boundaries with him, and everything messed up Jesse did for Walt is not actually their fault. Such is the complexity of life. People are not morally culpable for everything bad that happens as a direct/indirect result of what they do.
To me, what it comes down to with Chuck—it's possible for him to want his brother disbarred for petty personal reasons while simultaneously believing that it's his moral obligation to not give his brother a pass for committing a felony. He can be a jealous prick who also unironically believes that justice is blind. These two things can exist simultaneously.
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voxxgrimly · 5 months
The Impression That I Get (Ch. 1)
One Headlight
Monday, November 21st, 2005 (10:30 AM)
“Come up for Christmas, Henry.”
Calloused fingers pinched the bridge of his nose— dislodging his rectangular glasses. Eyes closed, he leaned back; broad shoulders met the backrest of his leather office chair with a dull ‘poff’. “Were wishes fishes, Charles.” The baritone of Henry McCoy, Secretary of Mutant Affairs, rumbled over a shiny cellphone set to speaker. “With the encroachment of Registration perceptually looming in the senate…?” The large, blue mutant huffed a rueful breath and set his lips into a firm line before deigning to speaking again. “I would prefer the Bahamas. Perchance Cuba?”
That was just being cruel.
“I apologize, Charles.” Hank groaned, then leaned forward onto his cherry wood desk elbows first.
His old friend’s voice hummed over the speaker; cultivated and longanimous– patient. Sometimes Hank envied him his wisdom; his telepathic cosmos. And then he reminded himself that his anxiety would never stand for it.
“The students would be elated to see you, Hank. Your colleagues too. I would be.”
Damn the man for knowing every emotional string to towboat straight into his own favour. Hank tossed up a clawed hand. Charles couldn’t see it, he knew, but he assumed that his tone reflected his emotional state adequately regardless. “Fine! As you like it! Officious, antiquated–” Nearly at a loss for words, he audibly snapped his fangs shut. A growl bullied its way up from his barrel chest.
“Now, now. Don’t be like that, Henry.” He could hear the laughter in the professor’s voice; almost see the way his eyes sparkled. “When can we expect your arrival?”
“Don’t assume you’ve won just yet! It won’t be conceivable for me to exonerate myself from my obligations for at least a week. My secretary, Eleanor, would taxidermy me. She’s already threatening to convert my pelt into a rug.” Hank digressed swiftly; “Next Saturday at the earliest. Does this convenience you, Professor Xavier? Oh, dear friend of mine?”
“Very!” Now Charles’s giddiness was just presumptuous and, frankly, a little comical. Hank found the corners of his own mouth turned up with poorly disguised mirth.
Tuesday, November 29th, 2005 (12:30 PM)
New York was frigid. The streets were slick with snow and while the impending holiday yielded twinkling lights and all manner of decorations, Hank could confidently confirm that the sidewalks were desolate for a city that normally bustled— veritably bursting at the seams with pedestrians. No one wanted to be out in that weather and he couldn’t blame them. He would have been content to count himself among those bundled up inside save for one important and unavoidable fact: He had procrastinated on his Christmas shopping.
The task was nearly completed, and with his stomach ‘singing the song of its people’, Henry pulled his SUV over to the curb the moment his blue eyes alighted upon a whimsical cafe. It was nestled in the middle of a line of quaint shops. They were the kind that had brick facings and bowed display windows with canopy awnings; delicate in details, strong in turn-of-the-century design.
He turned off the vehicle and immediately nudged up the sleeve of his coat. One claw pressed a subtle button on the side of his wristwatch and in the rearview mirror, Hank watched his visage blip, then shimmer.
The image inducer remained a bizarre exercise in nostalgia no matter how many times he engaged it; a reminder of how much he had changed. Despite the lack of boyish charm and the tell-tale signs of crow’s feet and smile lines, the shift from cerulean to brown (these days with a few smattered streaks of grey), never ceased to tug his heart strings.
Hank smoothed a hand over his chin strap beard and resolutely refused to look at himself on any reflective surface. Only rumination and self-depreciation would be his rewards for that. He was used to the blue– he was! While the image inducer was a necessity to not be mobbed in public, a trip down memory lane was decidedly not.
A book and his tablet tucked securely under one brawny arm, Hank nudged open the door to the cafe and was rewarded with warm lighting and a wave of homey aromas that wafted to him from across the room. His lashes danced and a sharp inhale revealed the smooth flavour of coffee and a tantalizing sweetness: Desserts. Cookies, cakes… oh, he had chosen perfection.
‘Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.’ A helpful literary recollection– Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin could describe the most mundane with a mouthwatering enthusiasm. Particularly apt considering his position.
He needed to pull himself together.
Fishing glasses from the inner pocket of his coat, Henry perched them on his strong nose, stepped into the line for the counter and brought his touchscreen up to review that shopping list.
Ororo was certainly done and Charles too he could cross off. Scott was nearly complete. Then there was Logan; an infuriating man but a friend nonetheless. Something cheap and alcoholic? He seemed like the type.
Hank winced. No, that would not do! Cigars, then. Surely that imbecile could appreciate a Perdomo, and hopefully enough to get them through the encroaching season without trying to gouge out each other’s trachea.
Ruminating the perils of two ferals encroaching on unwillingly shared territory, Hank felt his hackles rise beneath the illusion of his image inducer when a short, soft, nigh fragile form jostled into his back.
He hadn’t heard a thing until the thump of books, a gasp and: “I’m so sorry!”
Whirling in a sharp turn, Hank darted down onto one knee without thought and forgoing so much as a glance; hands offering assistance. “Water under the bridge, my dear.” Then eyes finally canted over his glasses and the mutant-in-disguise was struck by the fact that this woman was stunning.
And so he paused.
Henry was about to add two more hefty textbooks to the load already wrapped in the girl’s arms when he paused– pity making him suck in his lower lip. “Let… me take these to a table for you.”
The girl gathered dark curls behind one ear and her hazel eyes flitted around the cafe. “Oh, no. I couldn’t–!”
“Then it’s fortuitous that I’m insisting!” Both heavy eyebrows ascended. Hank smiled, rising to his feet with a grunt; his chin soon nudged in the direction of an empty table by the window. “Sufficient?” “More than.” The woman’s shoulders dropped in relief. “I can’t thank you enough– and I’m the one that ran into you!”
Waving a hand, the burly man implied that, again, it was hardly a misdemeanor. In fact his eyes seemed far more preoccupied with the subject of the books temporarily in his retinue. “Journalism major?”
Seating herself, the woman indicated the chair across from her. It was out of politeness, he knew, but Hank took it gladly– casting his wool coat over the back while she offered a response. “Trying. Final year.”
A hum of sympathy offered; “Specialization…? If you don’t object to my curiosity.”
“Editorial. I know, I know– I’m a glutton for punishment!” Both of her hands gestured, and she crashed back into her chair– slumped inelegantly.
Hank hid a smile behind fingers that rubbed over the lower half of his face. “I’ve surmised from colleagues in the field that the workflow demand only increases after completion of your B.J.” He was teasing, naturally– eyes crinkled and shoulders in the telltale, silent motion of mirth. “Which makes it obvious why you bowled me over– caffeine necessitated a complete lack of etiquette!.”
“Oh– so you’re a comedian! Right, yeah– funny!” The woman huffed, if not impolitely. She seemed to enjoy the banter. “I thought that was– what did you call it? Water under the bridge?” One finger twisted a curl of her impeccable hair
Hank, despite having just been challenged, found the motion far too distracting. She truly was exquisite. Thankfully his stomach growled– sudden, loud and insistent. It was enough to pop him out of his staring with a few blinks and the sharp rise of his shoulders; back drawn stiff at the reminder that he wasn’t there to flirt with a stranger (he wasn’t). “Perchance, could I interest you in a coffee?”
Her lips twisted into a smile across the table. “Isn’t that a little fast? You don’t even know my name.”
Red flushed his cheeks like a tidalwave. It overtook his ears and right down his neck. Stars and garters–! He hated it when he blushed. “I didn’t mean it like that!”
He did mean it like that.
So much for verbose eloquence.
The beautiful, sophisticated woman who had found herself proficient in rendering Doctor Henry McCoy’s IQ dejectedly close to his shoe size pressed exactly two fingers to her lips– hazel eyes shimmering. Blessings upon blessings; she took pity on his mortal soul. “Charlotte. My name is Charlotte.”
Reaching over, Henry offered her his hand and an audible breath of relief. “Hank.Terrific to make your acquaintance, Charlotte.”
“Call me Lola, Hank.”
Read More: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48750490/chapters/122975914
This story is an AU of The Last Stand combined with SOME comic elements and a LITTLE bit of Alternate Movie Timeline shenanigans. I pull stuff as I see fit and have fun! Enjoy!
I'll be posting a chapter per day / every other day until I catch up with my AO3! I'll also be posting my other Hank McCoy story titled Coffee, Tea or Me.
Secretary Hank McCoy has traditionally spent the holidays alone. This year he’d been invited by Charles to the mansion for a celebration he wasn’t morally able to turn down.
During a trip to New York for presents, Hank stumbles across a human woman he just can’t seem to walk away from. It’s serendipity at its finest during a time of year when romance seems magical.
Lola, a Journalism major with innocent dreams of making the world a better place, finds herself attracted to a muscular, charismatic middle-aged man she runs into (quite literally) in her favourite cafe. He likes wearing fine suits. She's just trying to make it to the end of her final year.
There’s more than meets the eye, however, to the gentleman that’s caught HER eye. He isn’t what he seems and he’s hiding a very BLUE secret from her.
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positivelybeastly · 10 months
Obrumpent: breaking; bursting
It was, in its way, inevitable.
No-one died on Krakoa. Not for long, not for ever. Not for anyone did the resurrection queue stop its endless churn.
He'd been pushed back, of course. On account of his indiscretions. That was the euphemism that had been used, since everything he'd done - and oh, that did mean everything - was with at least the tacit approval of the Council. It was a nice, tidy little word, the broom that elegantly swept the mounds of shit into a dustpan to be ignored.
But that was the problem with sweeping things away to be ignored, with the concept of a queue, of pushing back and not simply removing. Eventually, especially on an island of forever, the problem came home to roost.
And so it was that Henry Philip McCoy was, eventually, reborn.
The diseased mind of the Director of X-Force was long expunged, of course. The gross little grey cells that had formulated uses for Logan's body that not even the Weapon X program could conceptualise were gone, surely ignored even by the worms and the bacteria because it would make them sick. Left to rot in the morning, afternoon, and evening sun.
The McCoy that came back was a young thing, barely 22. Fit, strapping, handsome - in his way, the most beautiful he'd ever been. Light caught him in just the right way, every way, every time. It had caught them all off guard when the shell had cracked and there he was - they had forgotten, just, completely forgotten, yes, that was what he'd been. Who he'd been.
He was so . . . soft.
It had taken them a good long while to acclimatise him, to get him to settle down, to get him to simply be calm. He was skittish and unsure of himself, full of propulsive energy and yet completely without direction. He was a genius who didn't know anything, what could be a more frightening prospect? He was naive, helpless, innocent.
So there he stood, on the edge of the island, throwing stones across the water, trying to work it all out, trying to puzzle out just who he was.
And then, along, had come, Logan.
He'd simply sat and watched for a time. Taking in this cute little blast from the past. Taking in the warm, royal blue fur, the twinkle in his eyes. The body that was unmarked, untouched. Pristine. Clean. Soft. He was so soft.
Something inside of him snapped at that, and he'd broken his stealth. Walked right up. Pointed ears twitched, and baby blue eyes turned to take him in.
Fucker didn't even know him, really. Oh, sure, he recognised him, but know? No. No, this cute little thing didn't know him.
"Hullo there! Wolverine, isn't it? You know, I don't think we've properly met - except for Jeannie's funeral, but, well, that's hardly a social occasion, and besides, I think I have to look back on that very differently now, given everything that's hap - "
His eye bursts first. Logan's adamantium bones make sure of that. It's messy. It's rough. He falls like a wounded gazelle, a whimper of pain leaving him that should tear at Logan's soul, but oh he's too damned angry, he's way too damned fucking mad at this little bouncy scientist fuck, he couldn't care less that he's snotting and crying and crawling on his back away from him. Hank's never known a pain like this, a brutality like this.
He doesn't like to fight. Ain't that funny.
He works him over with the kind of cruelty that transcends hatred, the kind of cruelty that can only be born out of love betrayed and envy left to stew. Bones break. Lungs lacerate. Behind him, he's vaguely aware of the rest of X-Force standing by. Watching.
They don't participate. Not even Omega Red. Definitely not Colossus. But they do watch. They watch every time as Logan beats the poor little cute thing to death, his soft, squishy little body beaten and cut and abused until it's meat. Barely breathing meat.
Meat he kicks off the island into the water. Meat he watches drown. Meat he watches bob away into the distance.
Everyone knows exactly where Hank McCoy's gone the next day. No-one says anything. Down he gets pushed, all along the resurrection queue. It's getting shorter and shorter these days. Before long, he'll be back the next day.
He'll be back. Just as soft as before. Just as sweet to watch break and burst.
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echotrinityme · 2 years
Inner Demon Part 3 ( Rupert and Henry and others)
Rupert was watching Henry talk to Charles and Calvin.
He was still on probation as he lean against a storage unit. After he saw Henry on the beach, Briar has been giving him inappropriate thoughts about Henry, and he's not happy about it. He doesn't need or want Henry. He and Henry are enemies, and there's nothing Briar can do about it.
He kept watching Henry until he heard Briar commenting, "This is so boring!"
"Why are you still in my head?" Rupert asked, irritated, "Shouldn't you be off doing God knows what?"
"As I said before, I'm here to help you," Briar responded airily.
"How?" Rupert said incredulously, "I nearly tried to kill Henry by strangling him and you're making me lust after him! How's that helping!?"
Briar laughed, "So feisty! I love that! Calm down and let me help you," he responded, "Just trust me."
Rupert grumbled as he saw Charles get a little too close to Henry to his liking, he raised an eyebrow at that. He knew Charles and Henry were close, but he's sensing something more in them. For some reason, he didn't like it. He doesn't know why, though. "Am I sensing a hint of jealousy?" Briar teased.
"No," Rupert replied, tone cold and clipped.
"Then why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend when they see a guy talking to their girlfriend?"
Rupert shook his head as he tried to get Briar to stop talking, then he felt himself being influenced. "Look at Charles, getting all cozy with Henry. And Henry being cozy to him as well," Briar stated in a smooth, seductive tone, "Doesn't that make you green with envy?"
Rupert's eyes started to turn green as Briar continued, "That's not fair, isn't it? You know him much longer, and what Charles is doing is not fair...right?"
Rupert nodded.
"Now, what are we going to do about it?"
Henry was sure something was going on with Rupert, he's been acting strange since the day he almost killed him. Rupert was acting off and no one seemed to notice. Henry noticed Rupert's eyes weren't his usual golden yellow, they were red like blood. Then at the beach, Henry noticed Rupert was watching him, and saw his eyes were blue. Henry was so confused, he was wondering why his eyes were changing colors.
Meanwhile, with Rupert, he was in his tent, brooding. Briar was still influencing him, it was getting annoying. His eyes were still green, he buried his face into his arms as he brought his knees to his chest. He was feeling so angry, bitter, and sad. Why is Briar tormenting him? Why him? Why him specifically?
"The reason I torment you is that your soul is full of sin," Briar responded, "And I'm not tormenting you, I'm helping you, big difference."
Rupert shook his head as he put his hands on his ears, "Please stop talking."
Briar disappear for a moment which gave Rupert a small sense of relief until he saw red smoke, he groaned as Briar appear in a human form. Briar crossed his arms as Rupert gave him a death glare. "Also, I looked through your childhood. Did anyone tell you feeling helpless won't make it hurt less?" Briar stated with his eyebrow raised.
Rupert turns away from him as felt tears started to brew in his eyes, he wiped them off quickly. "So you decided to change your point of view, I get it, but pathetic if you ask me." Briar continued, he went up to Rupert who still wouldn't look at him.
Briar was about to say something next to him when he heard voices coming from outside, he cursed as he glanced at Rupert. Rupert looked at Briar with his red puffy eyes, Briar quickly turn back into the smoke and disappear. Rupert sighed as a headache started to brew, he stood up as his stomach growled. It was time for dinner. He shook his head as he headed out of his tent.
At the cafeteria, everyone was eating dinner.
Charles, Ellie, and Henry were sitting with the Bukowski twins. Victoria was sitting with June, Sarah, Hayden, Hank, Drake, and Josh. Rupert was sitting by himself, much to no one's surprise. Rupert is a loner and doesn't like people much, but he tolerates his soldiers. And Charles, Victoria, and the Bukowski twins are his only friends. However, they have been avoiding him since he almost killed Henry.
Rupert numbly ate his food, but he wasn't very hungry. "You don't need to eat anyways, you're already fat from all the donuts you have been eating." Briar snickered in his mind.
"I'm not fat, I'm buff," Rupert muttered lowly.
"Yeah right. You eat more donuts than more people do." Briar snorted, "You're going to get fat."
"For your information, you succubitch," Rupert retorted, "All the weight gain goes through my muscle and my cock, and I'm okay with that."
Briar howled with laughter making Rupert angry in the process, Rupert's eyes began to turn orange upon Briar giving him images of donuts. Rupert closed his eyes as he put his face into his hands in frustration, he wanted to die right now. While Rupert was fighting with Briar, he didn't notice someone was watching him.
Henry was looking at Rupert without him noticing, he saw Rupert was acting off again. He wanted to ask him what was wrong, but he didn't want Rupert to lash out at him. After a few minutes of watching him, Rupert stood up quickly and left the cafeteria in a hurry. He didn't even bother to put his food in the trash. Everyone paid no attention to him which was weird, however, Henry was the only one who paid attention to him.
Later that night, Rupert was trying to sleep, but Briar was annoying him. Rupert wanted to kill him, however, he doesn't know how. He's not exactly an expert in demonology. He sat up as Briar started to snark about his life, Rupert was about to retort when he heard a noise coming from outside. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, he got up from his bed and put on his uniform.
He got out his gun and he quietly walk up to his tent flap, he was about to open the flap when he heard a voice.
"Rupert? Are you up?"
Rupert blinked in confusion, what is Henry doing here?
"Oh, would you look that?" Briar stated in a smug tone, "Look who's here."
Rupert quietly put up his gun as he ignored Briar, he open his flap a little. "Ya, I'm up," he responded in a whisper, "What do ya want?"
"To talk," Henry murmured.
Rupert paused to think about it. He didn't want to talk to Henry right now, but his tone sounded urgent. He sighed as he put a hand to his forehead in annoyance,   "Okay, hold on." he said tiredly.
Henry waited as Rupert turned on the light, he then open the flap to let Henry. Henry came inside the tent and stood in the middle of the room. Rupert close the flap and glanced at Henry. There was an awkward silence, Rupert crossed his arms as Henry rubbed his arm awkwardly. Rupert took a look at Henry's neck and saw the bruises from his attempted strangulation, he still feels guilty about that day. Rupert wanted to apologize to Henry about that incident, but he has a tough time apologizing to people.
"I know you want to apologize, but you can't." Henry stated, snapping Rupert out of his thoughts, "If there was any justice, you will be in jail right now."
Rupert flinched at Henry's tone as Henry continued, "But... I don't want you in jail. I know it sounds weird, but I don't think you deserve to be in jail. You're acting strange, and I'm...worried about you."
Rupert blinked at Henry's concern towards him, he never expected that. Also, he doesn't want Rupert to go to jail. While Rupert was thinking about what Henry just said and Henry was waiting for a response, Briar was getting impatient. "Time for me to take over." he thought.
Rupert felt something strange as he felt a headache start to brew, he groaned in pain as Henry noticed Rupert was acting off again. "Rupert?" Henry said tentatively.
Rupert didn't hear him as he sounded like he was underwater, then Rupert started to black out. Rupert fell forward as Henry let out a cry of shock, Rupert was on the floor with his eyes, unconscious.
"Rupert? Rupert? Wake up!" Henry exclaimed as he shook Rupert to wake him up, "Rupert!"
Henry checked his pulse and saw he was breathing which made Henry breathe a sigh of relief. Henry shook Rupert again as Rupert open his eyes wide open, Henry gasped upon seeing Rupert's eyes.
His eyes were not the golden yellow he is used to seeing and his sclera was not white. Henry saw Rupert's sclera was now black with his irises red, and his pupils were slits. Henry started to tremble in fear as Rupert stood up and his face held a smirk.
"Hello, Henry Stickmin."
A/N: I would add more, but I decided to this part was getting too long. You will find what happens next in the next part.
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rejectedbad · 1 year
Rejected Bad: Lawnmower
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
Walter is standing near a brand-new, shiny lawn-mower, while Hank looks at it with envy.
WALTER: (proudly) Look at her, Hank. Ain't she a beauty?
HANK: (checking it out) Yeah, that's a nice one. What kind is it?
WALTER: (smiling) It's a Don Jeer. Cost me a pretty penny, but she's worth it. (patting it) She's gonna make my yard the envy of the neighbourhood.
HANK: (smiling) Yeah, I bet.
WALTER: (leaning in) But that's not all she's good for.
Hank looks at Walter, confused.
WALTER: (grinning) Here, let me show you. (Walter pushes a button and the lawn-mower starts up.)
Hank watches in horror as Walter drives the lawn-mower over to a pile of gagged and bound bodies off to the side of the yard.
HANK: (shocked) What the hell, Walter? Who are those guys?
WALTER: (laughing) Oh, just a couple guys from a rival gang.
Hank's face grins as he understands, and Walter continues to drive the lawn-mower back and forth over the bodies.
WALTER: (smiling) See? She works like a dream. Gives a whole new meaning to 'lawn-mowing'.
Hank can only shake his head at Walter’s antics as he continues to take pleasure in mowing down the bodies.
Jesse is inside, arguing with the freezer.
JESSE: (yelling) Come on, you piece of crap! I want my snowcones!
Walter and Hank come inside to find Jesse banging on the freezer door.
WALTER: (annoyed) What the hell's the matter with you?
JESSE: (frustrated) This thing won't make me snowcones!
Hank looks at Walt, confused.
WALTER: (rolling his eyes) I swear, Jesse. If you weren't such a good cook, I'd have fired you by now.
Jesse looks ashamed as Walter goes to the freezer, hits it on the side, and opens the door. Inside, there are several bags of ice.
WALTER: (smiling) You just gotta put some elbow grease into it, son.
Jesse looks impressed as Walter begins to scoop the ice into a bowl for the snowcones.
HANK: (chuckling) Well, I guess we all have our talents, right boys?
Walter and Jesse both smile in agreement as they sit down to enjoy their snowcones.
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replicantdeviancy · 1 month
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slashaer asked: “i found freedom. losing all hope was freedom.” - markus @ hank.
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-----------------@slashaer || FIGHT CLUB (1999) || Accepting
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As if seeing the aftermath of the deviant revolution & the small but violent human counter responses hadn’t been disconcerting enough. Hank had been on the front lines of the chaotic recovery efforts as their city tried to rebuild itself, the slow return of citizens whom had fled Detroit under the evacuation order creating yet another obstacle for the androids now openly residing where they had been hidden before. Things had come to conflict more than once. There had always been unrest in Detroit, a brewing hatred for the synthetic beings people felt responsible for stealing away their prospects in life, taking jobs away & leaving them unable to fend for themselves. Like it hadn’t been the billion dollar industries in collusion with CyberLife taking away the last vestiges of individuality from industry, replacing workers with unpaid machines in order to drive their own financial gain.
Androids still faced discrimination, even violence, months after the government had acknowledged their sentience. His own partner had a target on his back from both sides - Hank was ever cognizant of that fact, & watched the kid like a hawk whenever possible. He couldn’t stand the idea of anything happening to Connor, certain that he’d never survive the loss. He meant too much to the old man.
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Just as Markus meant everything to the deviant cause, yet here he was, confessing his innermost feelings to the lieutenant. It irked him. Everybody had their doubts, their individual struggles. Hank eyed the android with a tired scrutiny, unsure of what to say. So he just said what came to mind. “You've gotta understand how that’s not very comforting “ A sigh followed. A big hand came up to card thick fingers through his wavy silver hair, dragging it out of his face, only to fall right back again. A pensive response, a hint of anxiety. “But… I get It. Sometimes being alone is what shows you if you're the type of man who can change the world, or not.”  He knew what had happened to Markus - Connor had told him, though how the other android had discovered this information was anyone’s guess. Hank knew that the deviant leader had lost it all in a moment of anger & panic, a stupid mistake by a fellow cop who held onto bias against androids. Anyone would have been hopeless after all that, but this single android had found something worth fighting for within himself. Hank had to appreciate that, maybe even envy it, as he himself had found a reason to keep going in somebody else.
“I’m not that man. But you, & Connor— You are.” Hank was certain of that. The kid proved himself every day in his eyes. He knew that when he was dead & buried, Connor would still be around, striving to make a change for the better, one day at a time.
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dangerradar · 1 year
Note to Self #8
i'm not sure what this is
I think I'm scared of him now. I want to break up. I don't want him to know? I'm trying to prevent being treated like The Enemy in my own home.
Once we break up, he'll do silent treatment again, and every little thing about living together will become a large chore again. With the adder bonus of hearing him laugh with his fiance through the walls.
I envy their closeness, but I don't envy them. They objectify and sexualize men as a pasttime. They only enjoy literature and stories if it's of the goriest, sadistic, tragedy-fueled torture porn one can find.
Other hobbies include: complaining about everything, turning small miscommunications into explosive arguments, and psychoanalyzing each other over and over into oblivion. Let's not forget playful insults, hitting, and straightup bullying. Or ignoring the meaning of any media they watch to comment on how fucked up the actors and director must be to create this line, this scene, this story.
It's so exhausting to be around them. They've told me before they want a safe authentic space to be their worst selves - and, they've done it. So, who am I to walk into a hardware store and ask for oranges?
I can only feel happiness, hope, and kindness on my own. Wonder is a fragile, remarkable experience for me. I'm made of it. I watch silly little childrens' cartoons, and youtubers playing my favorite video games, and Hank Green explaining why there's still hope in this world beyond capitalism's miserly extent.
It feels hurtful, even ruining, to try to share any of the interests I have and hear the response be more of the same. I don't expect them to change their personalities for me. But to hear sexual jeering at little cartoon characters instead of paying attention to the unfolding story that holds my heart... it feels disrespectful? Or, at the very least, offensive.
This casual dislike of their company wasn't what this was supposed to be about.
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baddiedaddy7 · 3 years
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀🥀🖤
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲😎
strong presence. can be charismatic. minds their own business lmao. their mysteriousness makes them sexy. might be pale. observant. can come off as cold or moody. might get tattoos and piercings. might like to “redesign” themselves every now and then. has good intuition. can be too secretive. doesn’t trust easily. can come off sinister. likes it rough. since first rules the head they might be into hair pulling.
celebrities:Beyoncé,Keanu Reeves,Britney Spears,Ryan Reynolds
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🤑
probably great with money. ambitious. practical. can be stingy. hard headed. might be motivated by 💵 lol. good at making plans. try not to indulge excessively. likes sensual and strong scents. dark colored perfumes. sensual ppl in general. might have a thing for ppl with a “dark” style. likes someone they can’t easily read. desires oral sex, and hickeys.
celebrities:Cher,Heidi Klum,Harry Styles,Robert De Niro
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🗣
charming in speech. might be a fan of murder mystery’s. likes to talk abt sex related things a lot. can be manipulative w/words. might have a deep or “sexy” voice. might’ve fought a lot/been bullied a lot in school. witty. over protective when it comes to siblings. the sibling that has mood swings lol. might even have jealousy issues with their siblings. siblings probably have scorpio in personal placements or a prominent pluto in their chart. doesn’t trust ppl easily. might have a knack for psychology. dirty talk, and sweet nothings gets these individuals aroused. anything that deals with hands are also a turn on. might not like sessions to be long, and into nudes lol.
celebrities:Céline Dion,Bella Hadid,Drake,Michael Jordan
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲❤️‍🩹
honest. strong-willed. mature, esp emotionally. loyal, and most likely reliable. can be jealous of family members, or just clash with them. mother might keep big secrets away or be abusive. mother might’ve been overly attached or obsessed with you. these ppl might’ve been an unexpected pregnancy. probably quiet and mysterious as a child, kept to themselves. the kid that probably just sat by themselves during recess/could’ve been a loner. moms death can take a great toll on you. parents might’ve been controlling but wanted the best for you. trauma stems from childhood. could’ve went through sexual abuse. mother that’s probably passionate, and can be caring. she might also have a lot of pluto/scorpio energy in her chart. these ppl might be hard to get to know. pragmatic. shouldn’t do one night stands, they might get too attached, so they’re most likely to sleep w/someone they have an intense connection with. touch boobies lmao. might like positions where you stare into eachothers eyes, and have access to hugging lol.
celebrities:Sandra Bullock,Selena Gomez,Kanye West,Ben Affleck
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲☀️
can be romantic, yet intense. probably spiritual. might like rock n roll music, or music that talks abt dark subjects like death, drugs, etc. enjoys horror movies, conspiracy theories, and true crime stuff. probably into witchcraft tbh, also probably really likes astrology. your flings might end up becoming very serious or intense. children, esp the first child might be a scorpio or have a lot of scorpio/pluto influence. try to avoid being judgmental. might also be childish. children may be intimidated by you at first, but get too attached later on. sex will be full of passion. positions like the anvil, or doggy, any deep penetration positions might work best for you.
celebrities:Mariah Carey,Lady Gaga,Gordon Ramsey,Will Smith
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🫐
can be open minded. might be obsessed with health, and get freaked out over the littlest things. cats would make a great pet for these placements. they also might own unusual pets like spiders, reptiles, etc. workaholic. might have health issues with genitals, so be careful. might have surgery done on genitals at some point. might crave being in control. probably wants to be their own boss. always trying to improve or reinvent themselves. you probably have sex, or masturbate every day. might have sexual relations with co-workers. the shower or bath might be a good setting for sex to these ppl. might like anal lol.
celebrities:Shakira,Demi Moore,Snoop Dogg,Michael Jackson
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🤍
loving. extremely passionate. can be empathetic. might attract scorpio/pluto placements a lot. lovers may be overzealous, overprotective, and/or envious or you might be this way. relationships can be life changing. can be low key aggressive. love, and being vulnerable can terrify these ppl. might keep their personal relationships private. selfless in the bedroom. all abt pleasing their partner. might be into spanking, or butt rubs lmao. face to face positions are a turn on for these folks too.
celebrities:Rihanna,Kourtney Kardashian,Barack Obama,Orlando Bloom
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🪐
the ultimate lol. great intuition, has a knack for conspiracy theories, psychology, astrology, and probably taboo things. likes getting in trouble😈. sensual, and has major sexual appeal. people smart. thinks about sex, mortality, the unknown, and just general dark themes a lot. either fears or embraces death, maybe both. ambitious, and usually actually lives for a long time. experience makes these ppl wise. goes through a lot of transformations in life. understanding. a lot of ppl envy ppl of this placement, mostly bc of their sex appeal/attractiveness. powerful in some way lol. likes that moneyyy. can be possessive, either with possessions or ppl or both lol. sex can be life changing and intense. into or open to bondage, d/s, rough sex, etc but might like it romantic, erotic and sensual too.has an amazing sex drive.
celebrities:Princess Diana,Brigitte Bardot,Marlon Brando,Bruce Lee
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🌺
full of curiosity. analyzes. deep rooted. might be emotionally invested when it comes to the beliefs/beliefs may take over their life lol. when in college, might major in psychology, solving, investigating, etc. justice is important to these individuals. judgement also, and self obsessed. likes big butts w/a side of thighs. sex is fun to these ppl, and they’re probably up to trying new things. lube is your friend. probably has a big penis/fat cat lmao.
celebrities:Nicki Minaj,Winona Ryder,Robin Williams,Frank Sinatra
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🥂
charming, and creative. might come off as standoffish or just disrespectful lol. private reputation, and keeps things in the dark. might be known for being inappropriate. controversial reputation. known for being passionate among peers. may be feared by some lol. can manipulate their way to the top. i can see someone with this screwing their boss/authority lol. into domination and bdsm. leash and whips.
celebrities:Bjork,Taylor Swift,Prince,Eminem
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲👩‍🎤
friendship is a priority. friends are really enemies so watch out. friends might have scorpio/pluto energy in chart. kind. probably a good listener. the mysterious or quiet friend. you might not like when your friends bring around other ppl lmao. you don’t give your trust away easily, and prefer a small circle of friends. can be dismissive. might lose virginity to friends tbh or have sex w/their friends. experimental. group sex maybe. might get piercings on genitals
celebrities:Scarlett Johansson,Kylie Jenner,Chris Evans, Albert Einstein
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗳𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲🧜‍♀️
selfless. intuitive. past life was full of intensity. might’ve had a public death in the past life. past life could’ve been filled with crime. these individuals can be distracted and very sensitive. wild imagination. dreams can seem so real, and dark. dreams might predict things. may take secrets to the grave. gotta have a strong and emotional connection to want to have sex. won’t sleep with just anyone, unless they need to cope with something. might try to please too much during sex but you should focus on your wants and needs too. foot play is also big here.
celebrities:Marilyn Monroe,Madonna,Steve Jobs,Tom Hanks
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