mental breakdown in the making…
345 posts
béné | she/her | french | 20 | sleep deprived film student🪐
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benispunk · 2 days ago
shall I? SHALL. I.
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benispunk · 2 days ago
I see a post going around about mentally unwell Wade but let’s talk about Logan.
- Logan has PTSD.
- Logan has night terrors and flashbacks associated with PTSD.
- Logan has hallucinations, delusions and pseudo-memories associated with PTSD.
- Logan’s healing factor “healed” some of his traumatic memories (memory loss due to PTSD)
- Logan suffers from rage episodes.
- Logan and chronic pain:
He’s talked about long lasting phantom pain from healed injuries.
Difficulty regulating his body temperature with the adamantium skeleton. Hypothermia is one of the only things that could kill him.
Apparently it doesn’t only hurt to unsheathe the claws but it hurts the whole time they are out because the flesh around them doesn’t heal and it stays raw. Also, sharp metal rubbing in between your knuckles, ow.
- Logan is an alcoholic.
- Logan isolates himself to cope.
- Logan has trust issues.
- Logan has insomnia
- Logan struggles with self-harm and admitted many suicide attempts.
I love projecting my pain onto comfort characters but this is all canon 🤷🏻‍♀️
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benispunk · 2 days ago
my favorite genre of fictional character is like "i am terrifying to almost everyone, i'm very good at killing, i can endure anything, i've become exceptionally good at playing into my reputation, and if you try to give me positive social interaction i will react with confusion and cower in a corner like an abused animal. and i may try to shoot you. but there is also a chance i may imprint on you like a feral dog receiving its first loving touch! good luck."
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benispunk · 2 days ago
I See the Light || DOFP!Logan x Reader
Summary: Logan saved the future but now he doesn't feel like he fits into the mansion anymore. He doesn't know what he needs but he just knows he needs a break. So Charles sends him on a mission that changes his whole world.
warnings: fem!reader (she/her pronouns used), abusive parents (Not descriptive), injury, reader deals with a jerk and logan saves the day, swearing
wc: 6k
a/n: Sooo I might have fucked around and wrote 6k words today. This is my entry for @princessanglophile birthday writing challenge! I was given dofp logan and I see the Light from Tangled. I was so so excited to get this song as its one of my favorite disney songs and I'm so happy that I was able to finally get the story that's been in my head in writing. This fic very very loosely follows the plot of tangled but only in a few ways. I really hope it lives up to the song and I was able to do it justice. Enjoy!!
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If there was one word to describe how Logan felt after coming back from 1973. It would be lost. He wouldn't say it himself, in fact he'd insist he was just fine. I mean the plan worked, he went back and he saved everyone. Who wouldn't be thrilled to come back to a peaceful world?
But in doing so Logan sacrificed everything. His friends, his family, they don't remember him.
They only know this timeline version of Logan. So now he's a stranger to them and they're strangers to him. He wakes up and teaches his classes but he doesn't know these students.
He sees Rouge and Bobby and he can't help but think of the timeline where Rogue took the cure and lost all her powers. Seeing Kitty all grown up and teaching the new generation of mutants. Storm being the leader he always knew she could be. And of course. Jean. She was alive in this world and so was Scott. It had been years since he saw them.
He doesn't know how to feel. He's found and lost those closest to him. After all of this, he just needs a break. To find himself and learn to stop fighting. He doesn't have to anymore but the rest of him hasn't caught up with that sentiment.
"Logan, I have a mission for you." Charles has called him into his office. He can sense Logan's unease and despite helping him regain some memory from this timeline he knows that Logan is struggling.
"While this world is not as violent as you remember, there are a few anti mutant sentiments still lingering throughout the country." He hands Logan manilla folder.
"She's been raised her whole life in hiding. Her parents forced her at a young age. You need to find her and bring her back.
"And exactly how am I going to do that? If she's in hiding?" Logan asks, flipping through the little information he's been giving.
"Don't tell me you've lost your touch." Charles says with a smirk. Logan shuts the folder and tosses it back at Charles.
"Give me a week."
"This will be good for you Logan. Be patient with her." Logan nods and turns his back to leave.
"One more thing, Take your time Logan." Charles gives him a look that Logan doesn't quite understand and just nods.
After throwing a few things into a backpack he slings it over his shoulder and silently weaves through the mansion. He sees a few people in the kitchen, laughing over cups of coffee and stories of their students. His heart tugs as he looks away, he has a mission to complete.
He doesn't even say goodbye.
Swiping Scotts keys he hops into one of the many cars in the garage. The only information Charles really had was that she was located across the country.
For days Logan drives through the mountains and plains of America. It's a little weird to be honest. He remembers the world turning to a complete wasteland. Nothing but death and destruction. He never once looked at a field of grass while driving down the interstate and thought anything but how boring the view was. Now things are a little different.
After hopping from shitty motels and diners with sweet waitresses and heart stopping food he finally makes it to where Charles said you were. It's a small beach down on the coast of California. Of all the places to be trapped this isn't the worst he thinks as he parks his car at some motel.
The front desk worker barely paid attention as he handed Logan the keys to his room and a brochure of everything the town had to offer. Which was two restaurants and the beach. Realistically he knows you wouldn't be anywhere in town. Too many people. Probably somewhere on the outskirts of town. He slips into a bar, ordering a glass of whiskey and pokes around. Asking the already drunk locals about the weird parts of town. Any strange people.
After some teeth pulling conversations with a woman who was clearly trying to get in his pants, he manages to get information about this house on top of a hill about five miles out of town. How the kids think it's haunted and only a lone woman lives there. The windows are boarded and a wire fence blocks any trespassers.
Apparently the woman leaves every three days at dawn and doesn't return until night and luckily for him she should be leaving tomorrow morning.
With a cigar in hand Logan stares out at the ocean, he doesn't know what time it is but he knows he can't sleep. His dreams are still plagued with watching his friends die. He just can't shake them off, even if that's not how things are anymore.
At the first sight of light peeking over the horizon he hops into his car and drives towards the lone cabin. He ditches the car about two miles in and walks the rest of the way. The sky is painted pinks and purples as he reaches the small cabin.
He catches two unfamiliar scents as he nears. One makes his eyes water, it's rotten. The other is much sweeter, like fresh flowers and honey. The door opens and Logan jumps behind a tree. The sound of footsteps and a car ring loud in his ears. He moves like an animal as he blends himself in with the foliage.
Once the car is gone he hurries past the fence. Cutting through it with ease and making his way into the cabin. He doesn't see anything as he enters. The lights are turned off and everything seems in order.
"Hello?" He calls into the dark house. His nose twitches as that floral scent invades his nose again. He closes his eyes and his hearing zones in on a heartbeat. It's beating faster and faster.
His eyes snap open and he turns around, grabbing your wrist that was inches above his back. In your hand was a crude excuse for a knife. Your eyes are wide and full of fear, your hands trembling in his grasp.
"There you are kid," Logan plucks the knife from hand with no fight and tosses it onto the counter.
"W-Who are you?" You try and tug your wrist away but he's too strong.
"Logan. Now I'm here to get you out of this place." He expects this, fear or uncertainty is common. But you he's never had someone try and attack him before. He wonders what your powers are.
"No." You say making Logan raise an eyebrow.
"I can't leave. She said they'd hurt me."
"Hurt you?" He lets go of your wrist and you slink back to the corner of the room. He wonders just want your mother has told you. He sighs and sits down on one of the dining room chairs.
The look on his face makes you shiver. He's so. Intense. No smile, no soft words. Like he could careless if you went with him or not.
"Why did they send you?" You ask and Logan just shrugs.
"I'm a people person." He says in a deadpan voice. You don't say anything back and Logan slowly lets his so called "angry" face shift to something else. You're probably scared and he's not great with people but he does want to help.
"Look I don't know what she told you, but I can promise that you don't deserve to be locked up from the world." He says and you lower your head.
"I know you're scared, but I'm just like you." He unsheathes his claws making you jump.
"There's this place, a home for people like us where we can be safe and you can learn to control whatever powers you have." You look down at your hands. Still uncertain about all of this.
Your mother had kept you here your whole life, forcing you to never use your powers. Telling you that the world hates what you are and to be lucky she hasn't fed you to the wolves already. Honestly you don't know why she keeps you around, but its true. You can't protect yourself from whatever is out there.
But this man, Logan. He seems like he's taken care of himself just fine. Not a single scratch on him. Maybe he can protect you too.
Your heart has longed for so much more than whatever this life has been so far. The books you read don't hold a candle to the real thing. Could he really take you to a place that's safe.
"Come with me and if you don't want it, if you don't like it. I'll take you back home." He offers, seeing the swirling emotions in your eyes.
"Promise?" You ask softly.
"Promise." Logan sticks his hand out. You glance down at it. It feels too good to be true but this could be your chance to leave this house, to be yourself. But your mother? Honestly, she'd be happy with you gone. Would she come after you or rejoice that her one problem is gone?
Guess you'll have to find out. You reach out and take Logan's hand, hoping you didn't just make a big mistake.
Logan doesn't waste much time heading back home. He takes you back to the motel and tells you to wait in the car while he packs his stuff and checks you. You've never been in a car before. Of course you knew what they were but being inside one was different.
Curiosity gets the best of you as you open every compartment and press every button you can see. You press something the car makes a noise making you jump. You press it again and again before Logan pulls the door open.
"Hey, quit fucking with the horn." He grumbles as gets into the drivers seat.
"Sorry." You apologize, putting your hands in your lap and looking down at them.
You're silent for a while. Not moving, not speaking a word. Logan keeps sneaking glances at you, guilt slowly building as you don't even look out the window.
When Charles said you were sheltered, he didn't realize you were this sheltered. He thinks back to what Charles said before he left. Patience. He's still working on that one.
"I didn't mean to snap at you." Logan says making you look up at him. Your head tilting in confusion.
"You really never been in a car?" He asks as he turns his attention back to the road.
"No, my parents wouldn't let me. I had to stay inside. I couldn't leave." You say quietly.
"You were pressing on the horn, you don't want to use it often. Only to get someone's attention or when someone's being a jackass." You nod your head, watching the other cars driving.
Suddenly Logan swears as a car cuts too close in front of him. He slams his hand on the horn and swerves around the car. He speeds up, glaring at the driver and throwing up his claws in a threatening manner.
"Like that?" You ask. Logan looks at you and lets out a small laugh.
"Yeah, like that."
He drives a little while longer before stopping for gas. He hands you a twenty and tells you to grab some snacks as he fiddles with the machine. You're too shy to tell him you've never been in a store before so you take the money and head in.
It's like a wonderland of sweets and food. You're mom didn't let you have anything like this. In fact she never even told you about half the things on the shelves. You had read about candy and soda in the books she'd bring you but that was it.
You grab anything you can carry. You're too wrapped up in the overwhelming options that you don't see the man in front of you. You bump into him and send both of your things to the ground. The drink in his hand spilling onto his shirt.
"I'm so sorry!" You squeak as you the man turns around and glares at you.
"Watch where you're fucking going." He snaps making your eyes widen.
You reach down and try to pick up the fallen items but he grabs onto your wrist. This isn't the same as when Logan did it. Logan was firm but gentle while this man was angry.
"You're hurting me." You try tugging yourself free but its no use. The mans grip tightens on your wrist. Suddenly the man is ripped away from you and thrown onto the ground.
"Get the fuck off her!" Logan growls. He stands tall above the man, a pissed off look on his face.
"She ran into me!" The man scrambles to his feet, trying to puff his chest out to stand toe to toe with Logan but it's a feeble attempt.
"Stupid bitch." Logan grabs onto his shirt and slams him into the shelf, uncaring if things fall.
"Listen here bub, you get the fuck out of here and take your cheap gas station coffee with you." Logan lets go of him and grabs the coffee cup.
Slamming it into his chest with force. You watch, afraid to even move as Logan pushes the man out of his way. He scrambles out the door, yelling something that you can't quite understand. Logan turns to you and your eyes start to well with tears.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause all this I-"
"Hey, stop crying." Logan grabs your arms and waits for you to calm down. "It was an accident. That asshole isn't worth crying over alright?" He grabs all he fallen snacks and brings them to the counter.
The poor cashier couldn't even look Logan in the eye as he pays. Too afraid Logan might beat him up too. He hands you the bag of snacks and grabs a few cigars too.
"You really like sugar don't you?" He jokes as he sees the amount of sugary items in the bag.
"I've never had it before." You admit as you dig through the bag and find something small.
You dreamed of tasting it for the first time. You rip open the wrapper and bite into it. Wolfing it down in seconds. Logan chuckles, seeing the brightness in your eyes as you taste it for the first time.
"Pretty good huh sweetheart." He reaches over and takes your chin in his hand.
You drop whatever's in your hand, a sudden feeling don't what to call it. Your stomach flutters as he wipes some chocolate off the side of your lips. Your heart starts to beat faster when you see him smile, his eyes turning soft. Palms sweaty and for some reason you don't think you can even look at him right now.
He lets go of you and turns back to the road without a second thought, like he didn't just cause this kind of reaction in you. You hug the bag of sweets and stare out at the road. Trying to calm your beating heart.
Night falls and Logan is still driving, he could drive for a while if he had to but he sees you asleep off out of the corner of his eye. He pulls of the highway and into the parking lot of a motel. He leaves you asleep in the passenger seat reluctantly, checking every couple seconds as he books a room.
When he comes back you're still sound asleep. You look so peaceful, a smile on your face and he wonders what you're dreaming about.
Candy wrappers sit on the floor the car but he just leaves them be. He did have to cut you off after about three kit kats, not wanting you to give yourself a stomach ache.
Seeing someone try flavored chips and processed candy for the first time was amusing. Seeing your face light up with each bite. You were just so, optimistic. He doesn't really know how. He expected you to be angry, jaded, afraid and meek from being locked away for so long. But instead you're full of wonder and curiosity.
You almost gave him a heart attack when you saw a cow for the first time. You slammed your hands on the window and you screamed in excitement. Pictures didn't do them justice, they were just too cute. Things that other people take for granted every day, you saw as new and wonderful.
He opens the car door and scoops you up in arms. Trying not to wake you as he makes his way into the room. Placing you on one of the beds.
"Hm?" You mumble as you sit up, the jostling having woken you.
"Sorry, tried not to wake you. We're stopping for the night go back to sleep." Logan whispers, laying a blanket over you.
"Okay..." Logan takes a sharp breath when he sees your wrist. The one that man from earlier had grabbed on to. You paid no mind to it as you roll over on your side, snuggling the warm blanket.
"Hey, we need to get this checked out." He gently grabs your wrist but you shoo him away.
"M'fine, it doesn't hurt." You say but he doesn't budge.
"Still, it looks like a nasty bruise is forming." You bat away his hand and cover your wrist with your other hand. Logan's jaw drops as your hair starts to glow. He scrambles back as the it shines brightly and then slowly fades away. When you move your hand your wrist is completely back to normal. No bruising to be seen.
"What the?" He looks at you in shock.
"My powers, I don't really know why but the hair glow seems to be apart of it." You rest your head back into the pillows.
"Why would your parents ever want you to hide this?" He asks in disbelief, your powers weren't ones of destruction but of healing.
A sad looks appears on your face and he doesn't ask any more questions. He sighs and rests his hand on your shoulder.
"Get some rest, we'll keep going in the morning." Your eyes close and sleep comes quicker than it has in a long time, Logan's presence lulling you into a feeling of safety.
The morning light shines right in your eyes as you wake to the sound of snoring. You groan as you roll over onto your back. As the world comes into focus you expect to find yourself staring at the cold wood ceiling you've woken up to every day of your life. But you don't.
You shoot straight up in bed seeing the motel décor and Logan asleep on his bed. He's sprawled out on his stomach, shirtless. His hair is still somehow in the same shape as it always sits. The gray streak in his hair matches with the slight graying of his beard. You feel that fluttering sensation in your stomach as you look at him. You want to look away but you can't. His face has that grumpy look on it, even in his sleep. You giggle as you see some drool on his pillow. You lay back down on your pillow, turning to face Logan. Is it creepy to watch someone sleep? Probably, but you wouldn't mind if Logan watched you sleep.
The only man you had ever known before was your father. When he left your mother grew bitter and angry. Neither of them liked your mutant powers but your mother really hated them. You never really understood why. You could help so many people but she refused.
She would tell you that people lead to nothing but trouble. That everyone was cruel and selfish. That love of any kind wasn't real. But some nights you'd sneak into her study and take on of the many books on the shelves.
Stories of romance , adventure, a knight in shining armor. Despite what your mother said to you, those books kept your fantasies of love alive. You just haven't experienced for yourself let. Could that be the silly feeling in your stomach?
I mean, Logan did come in and rescue you. He wasn't wearing armor or riding a horse, instead he showed up in a blue car and a leather jacket. He didn't slay a dragon but he did threaten that one guy at the gas station. You hear him stir, his eyes opening as he groans and shoves a pillow over his eyes so the sun stops hitting him.
You quickly turn on your other side, pretending to be asleep. Would Logan even want to be with someone like you? He's on a mission to bring you back to his home. This is just a mission for him.
The week deadline Logan gave Charles has gone out the window. It's been far longer as the two of you drive into a new state. Truth be told Logan has been enjoying being away from the mansion. There's no pressure to be anyone but who he is out here.
You don't know anything about his past, or who he was before he came back. You're bright eyed and curious. You had become more and more comfortable around him. You didn't care if he could shoot claws through his knuckles, you trusted him completely.
Now every time you saw something new you begged him to stop. He pretended to be annoyed, making some comment about how he doesn't have the money for all this damn gas. But he can't say no to you. Despite being locked away for so long you seem to have perfected your puppy dog eyes in a matter of days.
In some weird way, watching you discover the world has made him find some joy in life that he's been missing. Logan has always been a glass half empty person if you will and you were so full that some of it was spilling into Logan's glass. He learned that you weren't completely clueless but there were a lot of things that you had never experienced for yourself. Being told stories could only do so much.
You're leaning against the window of the car humming a song on the radio. You really love the radio. In the cupholder sits a water bottle that had been cut in half and filled with dirt and flowers. You had asked him to pull over while passing this field of flowers. He leaned against the car as you took your time admiring them all.
Laying down in the grass and staring at the blue sky. You had called him over and he stood above you, a smile on his face as you held out your hand.
"I don't frolic in flowers sweetheart." Still he let you lay and watch the wind blow the clouds, pointing out the ones that looked a little funny. By the time you got back in his car you had dirt on your clothes and the biggest smile on your face.
You handed him a little handful of daisies. You could barely look at him as you gave them to him, telling him they were a thank you. Those cute little flowers are now living in a cupholder but he likes being reminded of that day.
"Woah! Logan what's that?!" You sit up and point out the window. To your right was a massive wheel and tents and lots of cars.
"Must be a fair or something." He says.
"What's that?"
"It's like a big party I guess. There's greasy food and games and rides." He points towards the big wheel.
"Can we go?" You beg, this is the fourth time today you've asked him to stop and at this rate you won't get back to the mansion by next month. But Logan pulls off the freeway anyways.
The parking lot is uneven ground and you stumble as you try and step in the right spots. Logan just laughs, holding out his arm for you. Shyly you wrap your hands around his big biceps. The bright lights and smells overwhelm you as you step through the gates.
People all around you are laughing and enjoying themselves. You see kids running past trying to get to the next ride, people eating delicious smelling food, bells and whistles literally ringing in your ears from the different game booths.
"Too much?" Logan asks, pulling you to the side.
"No, it's just. I've never seen so many happy people all in one place." You admit. It was an contagious feeling, you wanted to explore everything. and be as happy as the people around you.
Logan takes you through the fair, not letting you go for a moment. He lets you play those rigged fair games for that teddy bear he could easily buy at some second hand store. But you want it so he pays the money. He does end up taking the last shot for you, using all his strength to knock down those damn bottles. Which he does but he also rips a whole in the tent and the tent behind it.
Oops. But you have that teddy bear now.
"I'm going to get us some food, you stay right here got it? No wandering." You nod as you sit on the wooden bench.
You're holding onto the bear waiting for him to come back when you hear someone crying. Through the noise of the fair you can pin point the quiet sobs. You know Logan told you to stay put but you can't ignore the cries. You get up and look around for the source, ducking behind one of the tents to see a little girl on the ground. She has tears streaming down her face clutching her knee.
"What's wrong?" You ask softly as you approach her. She looks scared and you try not to make things worse.
"I fell and hurt my knee and now I can't find my parents." She sniffs, wiping her eyes.
"Can I see your knee, I can help I promise." She looks unsure and so you take the teddy bear Logan won for you and hand it to her.
"This is Mr. Bear, he's a friend." She reaches out and takes him, petting his fluffy head and letting you get closer.
She hugs him tight as you gently rest your hands over her knee. Closing your eyes you hear her gasp as your hair starts to glow. When you open your eyes again her knee is healed. She stares at you in awe.
"You're magic!" She squeals as she stands up, her energy coming back in full force.
"I guess," She jumps into your arms, hugging you tightly. Suddenly she perks up, the frantic voice of an adult calling her name.
"That's my mommy, I should go." She hands you back Mr. Bear but you tell her to keep it.
She runs off to her mom and through the gaps of the tents you see her run into her arms. Her mom overjoyed at finding her again. Your heart sinks just a little, your own mother clawing her way back into your mind. Does she miss you? Did she even notice you were gone? You hear a tent rip and you turn around to see Logan pushing through the fabric. A panicked look on his face.
"Fuck! There you are." He grabs your arm and pulls you back out into the fair.
"I told you to stay put!" He sighs, running his hands through his hair.
"I'm sorry...This little girl, she was hurt and I wanted to help." You wrap your arms around your body, afraid that Logan would be upset at you forever. He looks around and sees a familiar looking bear in a little girls hand. She was talking animatedly to her mother. He can pick up a few words. Magic, healing.
"That was dangerous to do sweetheart, you don't know what kind of people are out here." The worry in his chest isn't going anywhere as he sits down on the bench.
The fear that overtook him when he saw you were gone, fuck he hasn't felt that in a long time. His mind going to the worst places as he frantically searched for you.
"I know, I just couldn't leave her there." You say.
The truth is you had forgotten what the world was like to people like you. Your mother fed you lies for years about how horrible people were to those like you. Mutants. But for some reason when you're with Logan you feel safe. You feel like nothing can hurt you with him around. He's completely flipped your life upside down and you've loved every second. So for a moment you didn't even think of the danger of using your powers out in public. Not when you had Logan.
To your shock Logan pulls you into a hug. His arms wrapping around you tightly. You're here, you're okay. He tells himself. He can't fight it anymore, this feeling inside of him. Somethin in him has changed and it's all your fault.
He lets go far too soon your liking. Not saying a word as he hands you some food. You eat in silence, your knee bouncing up and down as you keep glancing at Logan.
"You don't like it?" He asks seeing how you've barely touched it.
"No no I do, I just...I guess I'm not that hungry." You push the tray of food back to Logan and he just sighs.
"Come on, I want to show you something." He stands up and holds out his hand.
Silently you let him lead you through the crowds until you've gone past the games and the food. Your jaw drops as you see the big wheel come into view. All of your worries are forgotten as you run towards it, Logan following close behind.
"Get in sweetheart, I'll be right there." You see him whisper something to the ride operator and hand him something before getting in next to you. You yelp as it starts to move. Slamming your back against the metal of the seat.
"It's okay, I got you." Logan lifts his arm and puts it around you, letting you stick to his side as the cart goes higher and higher.
You wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face in his chest as you feel yourself getting higher up in the sky. A loud pop makes you screech and slide closer to Logan. He chuckles and gently tilts your head up to look at him.
"Check it out sweetheart, got the best view in the house." You slowly move your face to see big bright colors in the air. You let go of Logan and grab onto the metal bar. Leaning over it as you watch the bright colors shoot through the sky.
"Fireworks." You say breathlessly.
Every year the small city near by would launch these into the sky. Your mother always forced you to bed before night fall but you had your ways and would sneak all the way to the attic. Watching through the tiny window. You could only ever catch a glimpse but it was the highlight of your year, now here they are right in front of you.
"They're beautiful."
Red, Orange, Blue shimmers of light just light up the whole sky. The sky rumbles from the loud booms and the soft fizzles. You rest your head in your hands, utterly mesmerized by the scene in front of you.
Logan has seen a lot of fireworks in his day but these just might be his favorite. They're nothing special. Maybe a little bigger than he's scene before. But these are the ones to bring a smile to your face. You haven't stopped smiling since the show started. He wanted you as close as you could get and what better place than the top of the Ferris wheel.
There's colors lighting up the sky but his eyes are on you. He just can't help himself. Seeing you so happy, so at peace. It's all he wants. His own heart beats a little faster when you look back at him. Nothing but pure joy in that pretty smile.
"Gorgeous." He whispers. You look down at your lap, fighting the fluttering in your stomach.
"Thank you, for everything Logan. For showing me the world, for...for just being you." You don't think you could ever repay what Logan has done for you.
Everything feels so different now but it's a good different. The kind of different that makes you want to dig deeper to see just what has changed.
"I owe you more than you know sweetheart," Logan's rough hand covers yours. He gently takes lifts it off the metal bar and interlaces his fingers with yours, squeezing it gently.
"You asked when we first met why they sent me to come get you." His other hand reaches to cup your face. There's nothing but love and adoration in his eyes as he tilts your head up.
"The truth is I was lost." He doesn't want to spill everything but he needs to know what this whole trip, what you mean to him.
"The past couple of months it feels like I've been drowning, like I couldn't breathe. Until I met you. You look at the world with an optimism I haven't scene in so long. It's infectious. You're infectious."
"Is that a good thing?" You whisper, afraid to even move in fear of ruining this moment.
"Depends, I'm an old man sweetheart. If you don't mind that, if you don't mind me." He knows that he may not be the kind of person you've dreamed of. He's not exactly out of a storybook now is he?
"Logan...All I've known is the inside of that house. I didn't know what was out here," You glance back at the fireworks, at the people below you watching and laughing.
"But you showed me just what I've been missing and I could never thank you enough. I don't know why you felt so lost, but I'm glad it led you to me." Everything just feels right, your heart beating in time with his as he leans in.
Capturing your lips in a soft kiss. Now you don't know if the fireworks are in your head or if they're still going. You can't focus on anything but the feeling of his lips on yours. Both his hands now cupping your face as he deepens the kiss. Chasing after the fresh air that he's longed to breathe.
You reach up and tug on his jacket. Needing him closer to you. This, this is more than you could ever imagine. The stories don't do it justice. Words on paper could never have prepared you for this. For the feeling of his hands on your skin, the movement of his lips, the soft noises, the scent of cigars and honey, the desperation behind every single thing he does.
It couldn't have prepared you for the overwhelming flood of emotions swirling through your heart. It's brand new and you never wanted to it to end. It feels like an eternity passes by the time Logan finally pulls back, his lips still so close to yours. His chest rises and falls slowly. Maybe it's just the fair lights but you swear you see the red creeping up his face.
"What are you looking at?" You ask shyly. A giggle bubbling in your chest as he presses a kiss to your cheek.
"Just wondering how I got so lucky." He says sincerely. Seriously how? Maybe this was the worlds way of thanking him, for forgiving him for the sins of his past.
"I think I'm the lucky one." You kiss his wrist, resting your hand on his arm.
The ferris wheel lurches back into motion taking you both off guard. Logan grabs onto you quickly, pulling you into his chest as you slowly move back down to the ground.
It's like everyone else fades to the background as Logan guides you through the crowd. You're very aware of his hand in yours. You don't ever want to let go. But the fair has come to an end and it's time to leave. Though you don't think you'll ever forget today.
"Do we have to go back to New York already?" You ask as you rest your head against the car window.
"There's still so much I want to see." So much you want to see with Logan.
Logan taps on the steering wheel, he knows he'll have to return to the mansion eventually but he looks over and sees those pleading eyes.
"I don't think they're missing me too much, maybe a little longer." Your eyes light up and he just shakes his head, a smile on his face. Man is he fucked.
I'll be home soon Charles, if you can hear me.
As Logan pulls out of the parking lot he thinks back to what he was told before leaving. Take your time. Well he never specified just how much time. In fact, a small cabin up in Canada doesn't sound too bad right about now. But he'll take you there another day. For now, you have the whole world to explore. He rests his hand on your thigh and pulls out onto the freeway.
"So sweetheart, where do you want to go next?"
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benispunk · 6 days ago
Trilogy! Logan X Mute! F! Reader
The team falls into a trap
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A/N: This came out WAY differently than what I originally planned lmao. It started as a fluff piece and turned into a whole ass plot.
Warnings: Plot based, Fluff, Logan being a goof, reader is mute! Sign language is used, also gets referred to as "Quiet" by the villain, reader is a mutant with the power of animal communication/suggestion and is implied to be able to do more, reader gets attacked/chased, slight body horror descriptions, villain may or may not based off an re4 monster lol, canon typical violence, mention of blood, Logan saves you and kills the bad guy (for now)<3
You watched your frosty breath dissipate into the air.
The cold nipped at your nose and cheeks. The leather of your suit had done good at keeping you warm for awhile, but you've been outside, crouched in the snow for hours at this point.
The only source of warmth you have is the sweet little fox who decided to curl up next to you and take a nap.
You glanced down at the furry creature, a small smile stretched across your face as you reached down to gently pat it's head with your gloved hand. It sleepily blinked it's eyes open and looked up at you.
You sensed that it wondered how much longer you were going to be here.
No idea
You looked around, taking in your quiet, scenic surroundings. Evergreen trees stood tall over you, blankets of snow hid the Earth underneath. The only trace of any disturbance was your - and the foxes- footprints. You looked back forward, perched atop of a small cliff, you observed the facility below you.
A place colder than the forest you were surrounded in. It seemed to have been abandoned lumbar mill, but now was a hub for mutant trafficking. A bunch of sick assholes kidnapping mutants and putting them under control, selling them off to fighting rings, slave trades, hell- there's a possibility of military contracts going in and out of this place. An anonymous tip sent to Charles.
The team all felt unease from it. The topic already a dark subject. An anonymous tip meant you couldn't fully trust the source either. What if it was a trap? Ever since the X-men have become a...public entity, the more and more you have felt like you and your friends have become a target.
A team full of mutant superheros? The world hates you.
You can't bring yourself to hate it back.
The fox, perked its ears, turning its head to a new direction as it stared intently. You didn't have to look to know why it was so curious.
"Got yourself a lil friend?"
Logan's voice warmed your cold body, as you smile to yourself, ducking your head as you heard his footsteps approach. The fox watches him with both caution and curiosity. She stands up, taking a few steps away from him, but still close to you.
"Replacing me already huh bub?" He crouches down next to you, and you look at him with the tilt of your head. A big smile stretched on your face as you greet him, before you raise your hands and sign,
Not possible.
His eyes softened at your expression. He leaned forward to peck you on the lips, which only became something more lingering. You gently put a hand on his chest to push him away, only so you could speak.
You should be at your post, You tell him, a raise of your eyebrow, before dropping yours arm back in your lap.
"Got bored. Ain't nothing happening." He says, looking over the cliff. "Plus, I missed you."
You tried, and failed at suppressing your smile as you shake your head. He already knew what you were going to say, a small roll of his eyes.
"Yeah yeah we're on a mission." He says. "What does it hurt if I come see you for a few minutes?"
You shot him an unimpressed look, raising your hands again, It's never just a few minutes with you, my love.
A large goofy grin came across his face, his hand slid across your back, his touch making shivers run down your skin. He begins pulling you towards him. "Damn right it ain't." He mumbles into your lips, capturing you into a kiss once more. You began to giggle, your hands coming up to hold onto the collar of his suit, as you curved your body into his. "You cold?" He asks in admidst of your heated make-out session. You nodded. "Let me warm you up baby."
Before you could react, he began to push you down into the snow- but the fox comes and starts pouncing on him. Excited squeaks coming from her, as she frantically pushes herself between you both, attempting to curl up on your chest and practically screeching at Logan.
"Woah! Hey - I was here first bub." He scowls at the small animal. You laugh, pushing yourself up from the snow, the fox still maintaining a barrier between you both.
We can't, love. mission, remember?
He sighs, reaching out to pet the little fox- who nips his fingers, in a playful way. "Watch it." He growls, a point of his hand. He goes to pet her again, and she allows him this time. "Reminds me of you-" He glances up at you. You leaned back on your arms, tilting your head questioningly. "Little spitfire at first, but can't resist me." He shoots a wink and a cocky grin stretches across his face.
It makes heat bloom in your face as you look away bashfully, then look back at him with lidded eyes.
"Don't look at me like that." He says with a deep rumble in his voice. "I know that look." He voices a mocking tone, "The mission, remember?" He shakes his head. You reached over, playfully pushing him away into the snow.
Despite how his heavy frame couldn't technically be budged if he didn't want it to, he allowed you to push him; while grabbing your hand and pulling you down with him.
Snow fluffed around him as he pulled you on his chest, capturing you in another deep kiss. One of his hands slid across your waist, while the other buries into your hair. Just as he predicted, you melt into him
So insatiable, you thought to yourself. The fox ran playfully around you both.
"Wolverine, do you copy-"
Scott's irritated voice comes across the earpieces you both were wearing. Logan's face contorted into disgust. Scott spoke again and he groaned, going to unmute himself from the comms.
"What do you want, Cyclops"
"Are you at your post?"
Logan looked at you with a quirked brow and you stifle a giggle. "Sure I am. Why wouldn't I?"
"Because I'm looking at you and someones tracker positions and it says you're together."
"Why don't you keep you nose out of my business Summers."
"Logan I swear-"
"Yeah yeah." Logan muted himself and Scott. "Pain in the ass."
You out an amused noise, sitting up and pulling him up by his collar. You sign,
He's right, we should get back to focusing.
"Yeah." Logan sighs, disappointment etched on his face, as he looks at you with kind regard. "Alright." He groans pushing himself up from the ground, brushing the snow off himself. He looks down at you, hands on his hips. "Y'know, we should go away for a weekend, or something'" He shrugs casually- but you notice the tips of his ears turning red, despite his already flushed appearance from the cold. "Just, you and me."
You smile, and nodded. He takes a few steps back, staring at you- like he was hesitant to leave. You blew him a kiss, which seemed to ease him, and he winked before turning and walking away. You looked at the fox who was now sitting and watching this interaction.
She yawns. A tilt of your head, you motioned for the fox to go with him.
Keep him company
She obliges, quickly hopping up and following the tracks that Logan had left behind. You watched with an amused smile, now feeling warm again from your interaction with him.
He was cute. Always wanting to be by your side. He tells you you're imagining things when you tease him about it, but always pulls you a little closer. His little visit to you just now is nothing new, during missions, work, hell even your private meetings he'll find some way to sneak into- force himself to into the topic, just so he can be near you.
He just can't seem to stay away.
Not that you minded. You reveled in his warm body pressed against yours. His voice always soothing you to sleep as he plays with your hair. His large hand calmed your nerves as he places them over yours when you begin picking at your nails. The way he watches you, every detail, with intensity as you speak with your hands.
He always listens.
He was such an arrogant prick when you first met him. You both butted heads all the time, yet somehow, with time, you became soft for the other. You found yourself watching him all the time, you'd blushed, and Jean would tease you for the thoughts that were in your head whenever you saw him - while Charles gave you a knowing smirk.
It was when you walked in on him, staring at a laptop he borrowed from Jean, trying to mimic the sign language video that was playing on the screen.
He was so incredibly flustered, but you just kissed him right there.
You both been inseparable ever since.
Static crackled over your earpiece as you heard Scott.
"We got a situation! Down in the factory-!" He sounded out of breath and panicked, so you didn't waste time to move.
Technically, you were more of discreet part of the X-men. You communicated with animals, and it allowed you to spy and gather intel on anything. You weren't a fighter, although you could fight if needed, and you could also call on your furry, feathery, or scaley friends to assist you; it wasn't a preference of yours though. You don't want them to get hurt in your battles.
However, when it came to your friends, your family. You wouldn't hesitate for a second to throw yourself into the heat of a battle.
The snow crunched under your feet, as you attempted to climb down the hill without falling, searching the area for signs of distress, listening for any shouts. Scott's distress and sudden silence afterward worried you.
Once you reached the bottom of the hill, you stealthily crouched around the old mill. Your eyes searching for something, anything. It unnerved you completely.
Things were too quiet. Too empty. Your eyes scanned the bottom, and you spot a flock a birds- crows, above you, circling the mill, likely in search for a meal.
Using your senses to call out, one flew down to join you, landing on your arm as you hold it out.
It caws, telling you that the mill was a dangerous place. Yes, you knew that already.
What do you see up there?
It informs you about a group of people- fighting, doing strange things. Some of them wearing suits similar to yours. Bingo.
It flaps its wings and takes off. You stay crouched, going along rusty assembly lines that were used to transport logs, going deeper to the large, towering factory until you found a door.
You still kept your eyes open, listening for the familiar sounds of fighting- but it was dead quiet. Other than the creepy creaks of the building, groaning against the cold that freezes it's frame.
You slipped inside to the darkness, only the windows that sat up high allowed for dim light that shined your path through old machinery.
Your steps where the only sounds that echoed through the factory. Other than small drips of a water source unknown, and creak of chains, blowing softly from wind that came through cracked windows.
You had a bad feeling in your gut.
A deep chuckle reverberated through the factory, the source coming from behind you, and the hairs of your neck rose, as you slowly turned around to see where the sound came from.
The man stood a few feet away from you. An arrogant smile on his face. He was tall - very tall. Pale skin, bald head. He just looked like a stereotypical bad guy, the kind you see in a James Bond movie.
"Ah, there she is." He tips his chin up, his voice had a hint of an accent that you couldn't place. His hands going into the pockets of his grey blazer- an absolute awful color on him by the way. What kind of person is not able to pull off the color gray? Everyone could wear gray. Not this guy apparently. "We weren't sure how you would be lured, always hiding you are. It worked out though, didn't it?"
You shook your head, reaching your hand to your utility belt to grab the knife hanging there. "I see great potential in you, beautiful. Do you know that the things you can do go so much deeper?" He tilts his head, taking a step closer to you. "You seem so unassuming on the outside, but that power inside..." He grins. You creased your brows, stepping back as he reached closer. "My colleagues.... They don't quite see the potential yet. They also say the quiet ones aren't fun. I digress. The quiet ones are always fun. Although I suppose I'll miss the banter."
You made a disgusted face, as you set yourself in a stance, prepared to fight. He looked at you with a questioning tilt of his head, and then laughed, his shoulders falling forward as he claps his hands together.
"I was waiting for a response-" He chuckled. "How silly?"
A breath passed, and suddenly he wasn't normal anymore. Your face dropped as you watched him grown taller- his torso seemingly split at the waist- his spine exposed, and extended - making him at least 14 feet tall,. His appearance was something that reminded you of a centipede.
Albeit centipedes were much cuter to you than this asshole.
It made you want to puke.
But his words, that made it worse. He didn't say it directly, but how he addressed you told you everything- It was a trap, it was all a trap. To either kill, or capture you- you loathe to find out.
He lunged after you and you immediately dodged and rolled. You began running away, weaving your way through the poles, and machinery, jumping over various obstacles.
You glanced behind you and wished you didn't- as he was chasing after you on all fours- skittering across the floor with his extended spine - maneuvering the obstacles of the mill with much more ease than you- and closing the distance between you. It was enough it made you want to jump on a chair like a little old lady who saw a mouse and scream, the sight being very unsettling, and you picked up your pace running away.
The only sounds of the warehouse was your frantic breathing, your footsteps, and your attackers laughter. You made your way through the maze you had found yourself in before finding the doors that would lead you outside.
You sensed help outside- the only problem were the doors were barred, keeping you escaping.
You felt a hand on your ankle as you were yoinked and lifted high into the air- a frightened noise escaping you as you attempted to grab something to get away. He brought you up to his face with a big smile.
"Got you!"
You punched him, his head snapping back.
"Ow!" He hissed, his head tipping forward, as a small stream of blood rolled down his nose. "Not very nice, sweetheart."
You attempted to swipe at him again, using your knife you still had ahold of, but he leaned back, extending his arm to hold you at a distance- apparently his spine not the only thing able to stretch. His other hand grabbed your wrist, shaking the knife from your grip.
"What did I say? The quiet ones are always fun. " He hummed, and you stuck your tongue out at him, "Oh, my feelings are so hurt." He mocks. "Don't worry dear, you'll be on my side soon enough."
You were left dangling in the air. You watched him pull out a syringe from his blazer, stretching his arms towards you. Your heart beating out of your chest, you frantically searched for something- Anything, to help you, when you spotted the murder of crows from earlier. All perched along the broke windows, watching the scene unfold with curiosity.
You waved your arm, and they take flight- diving towards your attacker. He yells, jostling you in the air as you swung back and forth as he tries to swipe away the offending birds. He dropped the syringe, and his grip loosened on your ankle, and you slipped out.
You prepared for the inevitable pain that would come to plunging onto the concrete floor- but it never came.
Instead, you were graced with two strong arms, catching you - like a princess. Your arms automatically wrapped around his Logan, as you blankly stare off in the distance- not quite sure how you ended up where you were. You turned to look at Logan, a cocky look on his face.
"Look at that." He purrs. "I got you."
You tilt your head, quirking a brow. He turned to look up at your attacker, still yelling and fighting off the hoards of crows.
"That guys a real weirdo, ain't he?" Logan says, setting you down carefully and pushing you behind him. He clenched his fists, his claws sliding out as he ran forward with a snarl, stabbing them into the legs of the James Bond-esque villain.
The crows took that as their cue to disperse, as the man cries out. He morphs back into his regular size, and Logan removed his claws, before grabbing the man by the collar of his ugly gray blazer, turning and slamming him against the wall. Logan's hold on him kept him up, but his legs were weak as blood stained his pantsuit.
"Who are you?" Logan growls.
He laughs through the pain, shaking his head. "We, are many. I am just one of all. All with the same goal. " He grins, a smile that sent a chill through you, a chill colder than the air inside the mill.
"You always talk like that?" Logan sneered. "There wasn't that many of you out there- and I took care of them all."
The man smirked. "Cut off one head, two more takes place." He reaches shaky hands up to pull open his collar shirt- a tattoo on his chest.
He looked at you, a shaky breath escaping him. "You don't know- The power you have ins-"
Logan retracted the claws of one hand, stabbing it into the stomach of the hydra member, he lets out a choked gasp, turning to look at Logan with a sinister smile.
"Don't talk to her." Logan snarls. He pulled back the claws, letting the man fall to the ground. Logan steps back from the limp body, shaking his head. "Fucking Hydra." He scoffs. He turns to you, concern crossing his face, as he walks up to you, his hands grabbing onto your arms gently as he observes you up and down.
You nodded. Signing. It was a trap, they were trying to get all of us.
He nods. "Yeah, we got tricked. You heard one of us on comms, right?"
You nodded, signing Scott's name.
"One of the assholes out there had something sort of dumb ass mimic ability. Used it to draw us all out." He says. "Went a little crazy, but we handled ourselves or-" He clicked his tongue, tilt of his head. "I, handled it." He smirked.
How did you find me?, You signed.
He smiled, and his hand reached out, placing over where you heart beat. "I'm always listening for this." He says. "And when I heard it beating fast- and I wasn't the reason for it, I knew you were in trouble."
You smiled. His hand, reaching up to cup your face, leaning in to press a firm, but loving kiss to your lips. Your hands came up to grip onto the collar of his suit. Your lips parted from each other and he sighed.
"Definitely going away for that weekend soon. Understood?"
You let out a laugh, and nodded. He glanced at the body, then to you.
"What do you think he meant?" He raised a brow, "Bout your power?"
You shrugged. Signing, he said something similar when I came in here. I don't know, and don't really care to find out.
He chuckled, putting an arm around your shoulders. He noted a broke syringe on the floor nearby. "C'mon, lets get out of here. Chuck said he's putting in a call to get this place cleaned up. I think I need a little debriefing, just the two of us, after all this."
You hummed, a hand going around his waist as he led you out. You didn't see him looking at you, a face of concern. He didn't tell you yet, but he found out from the other so-called Hydra members that this trap was solely for you. The details, the why's, were a little fuzzy and he didn't care. All he knew is he needed to protect you. The best thing that's happened to him in a very long life.
It scared the hell out of him. Not for whatever power you might have. The fact that this may not be the only time where everyone gets the wool pulled over their eyes. What if this happens again? What if he can't get to you next time? Hydra could just snatch you off the street, what was the point of this ordeal?
He didn't know anything, but he sure as hell knew that you weren't going to be leaving his sight, anytime soon.
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benispunk · 6 days ago
in this home / logan howlett
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PAIRING: logan howlett x f!witch!reader
SUMMARY: after the avengers disbanded, you were left with no direction. what happens when you save a certain mutant from the brink of death and invite him and his daughter into your home? (or rather, co-parenting and falling in love with Logan to give him and Laura the life they never had)
WC: 9.1 k
WARNINGS: SLOWWWWW burn, use of y/n, witchcraft (mcu style. i started this during agatha), hopelessness, mentions of death, injuries, nightmares, reader nearly getting killed, guns, a wannabe murderer, violence, blood, angst but also fluff!!
logan masterlist | inbox | masterlist
What most stories fail to discuss is what happens after the day is saved. They complete with a delicate happily ever after, wrapped in a bow and shipped off to the Void where the characters, presumably, live in domestic bliss for the remainder of their days.
You wish that were the case.
What they don't discuss is the mourning once the adrenaline has worn off- a gnawing grief that brings you to the knees in the middle of cooking dinner and a pain in your chest that renders you dizzy. They don't discuss they days you feel numb, sitting in the driver's seat of the car with nowhere to go.
You had spent years devoted to the Avengers. In a way, all you knew was saving people. But with Thanos defeated, fifty percent of the population returned to their loved ones, and the team disbanded, you were left with nowhere to go.
Some say if people no longer talk about a thing, it ceases to exist. With your name out of papers and no longer slipped into children's nighttime prayers, you wondered if maybe that were true.
Certain people, however, kept you from fading into the abyss as you knew it.
It was a Sunday morning and the cafe you sat in was packed. Between Sam Wilson being late and the awkward shuffle to steal a table the moment another couple sat up, you had almost gone home.
The conversation had been pleasant but you drifted in and out of focus, not being able to forget what this same conversation would have been like before.
Glancing out the window, you felt as if you were trapped within an aquarium.
The sharp, fluorescent lighting above had given you a migraine and the sounds of innocent forks scraping cake off their plates sounded like nails on a chalkboard in your ears. The passerbys laughing with their friends on the sidewalk shook you as if you were in a snow globe- as though everyone was living, moving... going someplace-while you were bound.
Sam's hand waved in front of you, breaking you from your thoughts.
"You could work for the government?" Sam suggested. He leaned back in his seat and pointed two thumbs at himself. "You've got an in."
You snorted. For several reasons, you'd have to decline but you imagine that sharing the same skillset as Wanda Maximoff would not go over well with the government.
Bringing a piping hot cup of coffee to your lips, you shook your head.
"No thanks."
Sam waved his hands in the air as if to brush off the suggestion entirely.
"Alright," Sam said, tapping his finger against his chin as if to think. "What about dating? My sister met her boyfriend on Tinder. Have you tried that?"
You raised your eyebrow at him as if to ask, "really?"
"I'm serious!" Sam defended. "Some lovin' could be good for you."
Besides the fact that that sentence alone made you throw up a little in your mouth, you couldn't think of anything less appealing.
Not to be a snob, but you weren't sure if the bright-eyed men holding fish in their photos and promising to let you steal their sweatshirt were right for a woman like you. In the past few years you had become a reclusive storm with trauma a mile long. Sprinkle in the fact that you were a former Avenger who dealt with the threat of danger and uncertainty daily, that was a recipe for disaster.
Who could deal with a life like that?
You shuffled in your seat.
"Can we change the subject?" You asked, clearing your throat.
Sam looked at you for a moment before leaning in. His arms laid crossed on the table as his voice lowered.
"Listen, I get. I do." He said, glancing at the passerbys. "But when Tony left you that land, he didn't want you to sit around and be alone forever, okay? You're alive and you've got some pretty cool wizard-"
"Whatever, powers." Sam finished. "You think Nat or Steve would want you to sit around and mourn them?"
Despite how you failed to meet his eyes, instead opting to look at the dregs of your coffee at the bottom of its glass, his words hit you deep.
He was right.
"No," You said. "but I don't know what to do, Sam. What's next for me?"
Sam leaned back in his seat and shrugged.
"The whole damn multiverse is open." He sighed, lifting his own mug up to his lips. "You'll find something."
A divination witch set you on your path.
Since breakfast, you hadn't been able to shake off your conversation with Sam. After your fellow Avengers' deaths, it had almost felt wrong to do something for yourself. Why did you get to live while the others perished?
But now you wondered how upset they would be to find out you had become a living ghost. You couldn't bear their disappointment.
It took you three fake fortune tellers before you found a proper witch in a hole in the wall shopfront. The pleasantries were short before her power overcame her.
Her eyes rolled back as the candles scattered about flickered. The light above you flashed as the bulb exploded, raining glass over your head. With a pen in hand, she scribbled on the paper in front of her. You listened to the etching of lead against paper while shielding yourself from the falling pieces of glass.
In an instant, as if you had imagined it, the lights fell back to their usual dim appearance, the rumbling stopped and she cleared her throat, suddenly composed.
She handed you that same piece of paper and sent you on your way.
Now, as the sun set beyond the horizon you skimmed the paper once more. Your candles had been lit and the aroma of the potion that had used up most of your stores wafted throughout the space, gurgling in its cauldron. Your symbols had been etched on the floor, written with your fingers dripped into the prior substance.
Now all that was left was the setting sun.
It was now or never.
With a deep breath you sat on the floor. The wood creaked beneath you as you did, as if your home could feel the weight of the spell you were about to cast- the future you were about to create. You crossed your legs into an all too familiar position and laid your hands palm-up on your knees.
The beat of your heart quickened in your chest, uncertainty threatening to take hold. You took a shaky break and cleared your throat. The silence of the room made it echo in your ears.
You closed your eyes.
"Oh maiden, mother, crone,
Show my path
written in thy stone."
The floor rumbled beneath you. A breeze filtered in through the opened window and brushed against you, raising your skin. You heard the sound of wood creaking, churning as if the house were renovating itself- expanding and rearranging the makeup of your walls. Finally, and most odd of all, you heard a lock click.
You turned around.
A door had appeared in your once solid wall.
So this is what it feels like.
When Logan opened his eyes, he was greeted by a warm, inviting light. The evening sun had begun to peak through the windows of the bedroom, leaving shadows on his arm from where the blinds stood, weakly shielding him from its rays. A jazz song hummed from the distance, luring Logan with its melodic keys.
The first thing he noticed was the lack of pain. The last Logan remembered, he was impaled by a branch- body beaten beyond return. Laura was holding him, the children were safe, and for the first time, he learned what it was like to die.
After all the stories that he had heard, Logan thought that this was it. What comes next. Peace.
It took a bit of effort for him to get his eyes open- something he had experienced more than a handful of times after a particularly strong night drinking. At first, all he saw was light. Blinking a few more times a familiar figure came into clarity:
His voice was raspy and he felt his vocal chords scrape against one another, dry. Just as he had made out Laura’s figure, she ran from the room.
Logan rubbed at his eyes with his left hand as he gripped the sheets with his right.
"Laura?" He called again. "Kid?"
Finally gaining clarity, Logan discovered that he was in a bedroom. The rocking chair that Laura had been in moments before sat facing him and continued to creek forwards and back after she had left. Throughout the room, various books and bottles littered every surface.
Before he had time to process, you came bolting into the room with Laura at your heel. The mutant rubbed at his eyes, as the image of the two of you wobbled in his vision. Logan, upon your entrance, attempted to lift himself up with a groan.
"Hey... hey." You cooed, gently easing Logan back into bed. "Easy tiger. Relax."
Laura took her place at his side as your soft hands laid against his bare chest.
"Relax?" Logan asked, a dry laugh escaping his throat. "Listen lady, I thought I was fucking dead. Where the hell am I?"
If there was one thing that Logan was terrible at- it was relaxing. And also probably mathematics if he really thought about it, but after nearly dying and being tasked with saving a dozen kids, relaxing was about the last thing on his mind.
He was tempted to fight back. Afterall, you were a stranger and it was rare that one of those had the best intentions with him. That was until he saw Laura- safe and clean and, most importantly, calm- looking up at him with her doe eyes.
The last time he saw her this calm was with Charles. He felt a pang in his chest.
"She fixed you." Laura said as she glanced between Logan and yourself. "She's magic."
Logan furrowed his eyebrows, pulling his eyes away from Laura to look at you.
One of your hands remained on Logan's chest while the other flipped through a spell book on the bedside table. Your hand was gentle against his skin, encouraging him to relax without forcing him into the pillow. Your face was scrunched, focused on the passage below and yet, you seemed perfectly calm. It was odd almost. Logan couldn't remember the last time a person, especially a mutant, had been relaxed in his presence.
A part of him, albeit a one that often failed in the fight for dominance, was relieved to relinquish himself to you. He had fought, and fought, and fought, and fought. And, god, it didn't matter how many times Logan's body healed himself- he was tired. Exhausted.
If it weren't for Laura, after two hundred years, he was ready to die in the middle of that forest.
"Where am I?"
Shifting your attention back to logan, you placed your hands on your hips- leaving the spot on his chest where your hand had once been cold.
You and Laura exchanged looks and the girl giggled quietly.
"Well, the short answer is upstate New York." You responded with a flair, watching as his eyebrow arched. "More specifically? You're in a different universe."
Logan glanced between you and Laura. A silence hung in the air as you both looked at him with playful grins on your faces.
Logan had been unconscious for about a week while his body healed. In that time, you had watched over Laura- explaining the different universes, your magic, and the way those with abilities were perceived in your world. By now, this had become home. Logan, however, would need a bit more convincing.
When he realised the both of you were being serious, a congested laugh left his throat.
"Oh c'mon." Logan chuckled in his gravely voice. "I must've hit my head real fucking hard-"
"-She's not lying!" Laura interrupted, squeezing Logan's arm enough to draw blood. "It's safe. Look."
Laura picked up his hand and held it in front of his face.
His wrinkles had vanished, elasticity restored in his skin. His scars had faded into nonexistence. The spot where Laura had just drew blood healed quickly, erasing any trace of injury. He watched the edges of his skin lace together again, born anew.
“How…” Logan began, noting how the callouses on his hands had seemingly disappeared. “How in the hell did you do that?”
You smiled.
“A magician never reveals her secrets.”
Logan continued to stare at you incredulously, his mind racing, trying to make sense of the matter at hand. Despite you never having done something this drastic before, you had seen this look your fair share of times and understood it well.
As the sun continued setting in the distance, the light peeking in had become more faded by the minute. With a wave of your hand, you shut the blinds, and the candles littering the space had alit at once with a resounding "whoosh".
Logan, more confused than ever, tugged at the bedsheet that had laid over him, kicking his feet over the side of the bed with a humph.
Laura had told you that he would be difficult... stubborn even. The life that he had lived, albeit longer, was not unfamiliar to yours. It was hard to trust and more difficult to accept comfortability. Even after being comatose for a week, in autopilot fashion he was onto his next mission. Despite you not affording the same grace to yourself, you weren't going to let that happen to him.
“Laura, honey,” You said. “Why don’t you let your dad and I talk a bit, okay?”
The child glanced between you and her father before nodding and making her way from the room. The door shut behind her with a click.
The air in the room felt thick. You could feel Logan's eyes burning a hole right through you.
You cleared your throat.
"Look, I'm sure you've got a lot of questions-"
The man ran one of his hands through his tussled hair while the other scratched his overgrown beard. As messy as he was in this state, a deeper part of you couldn't help but think of him as the definition of rugged.
"You think?" Logan quipped sarcastically. "Where's the rest of 'em?"
The other mutant children.
"They're here too." You said, crossing the room to your rocking chair. "I'm part of this sort of ... uh... organization.. for people like us. With special abilities. When I ended up in your universe and came back here, I contacted some people I knew and they've adopted them. We're starting a school for them too, but otherwise they're going to grow up like any other kid. Not soldiers." You crossed your legs, allowing the old wooden chair to creek back and forth. "They deserve it."
Logan couldn't help a scoff that escaped him. A light, tired smile fell to his lips as he thought of a new school for mutant kids. The old Logan would have laughed, but with the death of the professor remaining a fresh wound, it felt like a relief.
You did what he couldn't.
"A school, huh?" He asked.
You smiled.
"A school."
For a moment, silence hung in the air. The only sound was the persistent creak of wood emanating from your rocking chair.
"Logan, I-" You pierced the silence.
"I'll take the kid and get out of your hair in the morning."
And there it was.
What you had been fearing the past week.
"Logan," You treaded carefully, fearful that one wrong movement would send him out the door. "Don't. I'm serious when I say that I want you here. I... it's been nice."
He looked at you quizzically. As if a cartoon lightbulb had flashed with an animated ding! above him, the answer came.
"That uh... what did you call it? Organization?" He pondered, looking at you solemly. "Let me take a guess- it's not around anymore?"
A silence hung in the air once more.
"Let me take a guess," You said just above a whisper. "Yours isn't either?"
His unresponsiveness answered your question.
"Right, well," you said, ceasing your rocking. "If you want to go, I won't keep you here. I'll help you out in whatever way you need to get your life started. But between us... I like the company."
You pushed yourself to your feet.
"I'm going to go start dinner." You announced, slipping towards the door. "Think it over and let me know."
Laura was perched in front of the television while you sat planted behind her, braiding her damp hair. The blue light of the television reflected off of her face as she absentmindedly shoved popcorn into her mouth— focused solely on the screen.
Above the crunching of popcorn kernels you heard Logan's sock padded feet make their way into the room.
His hair was still wet and you could tell that he had tried to tame it by brushing his fingers through either side, sticking it up.
Logan smiled when he was greeted by you and Laura dressed in pajamas watching some princess movie on the television. Although he would never be caught dead in pants with ice-skating penguins on them, instead adorned in the matching gray sweatpants and t-shirt you laid out on the bed for him, he found it.. comforting. One would even say "cozy" and "domestic" if they had it in their vocabularies, to which Logan did not.
All he knew was this was a far cry from what he had been experiencing the week prior.
"Hey," You smiled up at him, nudging your head to the next room. "Dinner's in the dining room. I'll be there in a minute once I finish up her hair."
He wanted to argue about how you didn't need to make dinner for him or, better yet, spend the effort to come keep him company, but Logan knew better.
And, to be completely transparent, he didn't want to say no.
Logan instead nodded and pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning against. He moved towards the dining room, grabbing a handful popcorn from Laura's bowl as he went past.
"Hmph!" She snarled, snatching it back.
Logan shrugged and shoved a few kernels into his mouth, "Taxes."
You giggled as you watched the two of them interact, tying off Laura's hair.
"All good to go, missy." You announced.
In the dining room, the candle that you had left burning on the table illuminated Logan's face. The warm tones of the flame highlighted the curve of his nose and the reddened blush on his cheeks from the warmth of the space. An old jazz song played on the record player as Logan leaned back in his seat, taking a sip from the glass of whiskey you had left for him on the table.
When he heard your footsteps, Logan looked up and tipped the glass towards you.
"How'd you know?"
You shrugged, pulling out the chair beside him.
"Lucky guess."
Leaning forward in his seat, Logan placed the glass back down on the table. The silence between you was comfortable- your feet resting on the rungs of his chair as the melody from the record filled the room.
Logan leaned forward and took a bite from the plate you had laid out, humming as he did.
"You made this?" He asked, mouth full.
You leaned forward, inspecting his plate.
"Well yeah," You responded warily. "Is it okay? I've just been cooking for myself the past few years so it might not-"
"You kidding?" He responded with a chuckle that came from deep within his chest. "I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal."
You smiled.
"Well I don't remember the last time I had someone to share it with."
The comment came out before you had the time to quite think about it. You had only really met this man hours ago and here you were, feeding, clothing him, and having an air of intimacy surrounding you both that was owed to a pair who had known each other far longer.
To your relief, a crooked smile rose to Logan's face as he shook his head.
The two of you sat in silence, Logan eating his meal as you relaxed into your seat, letting the music soothe you. The noise from the television playing in the other room periodically carried into the one you sat in but you, and unbeknownst to you, Logan, found solace in it. The company, the warmth of sitting close to someone, and the mashup of various sounds were a comforting reminder that you weren't alone.
After a moment, Logan cleared his throat.
"I'll go find some work tomorrow."
"Logan, you really don't have to-"
He shot you a look- eyebrows raised and lips drawn in a thin line- that told you that he was firm in this.
"Listen," He said. "I appreciate all this, but if the kid n' I are gonna stay, I need to do something, alright? Let me help."
You nodded, biting back your smile at his decision to remain.
"There's a lumberyard up the road if that's your thing." You said bringing a glass to your lips. "The owner's always complaining he can't find new guys out here."
Logan scooped up another bite with his fork.
"That'll work."
"Good." You said with a smile. "Then it's settled. Your new life starts tomorrow."
Or was it today?
At the end of the first week, Laura's nightmares began.
Her screams- not of her usual rage, but of sadness... fear- would pull you and Logan from your slumber. You'd rush from your bedrooms on opposite ends of the hall towards Laura. His hands would reach for the knob first, but you'd be at her bedside in an instant, brushing past him.
He'd flick on the light as you brushed her hair from her forehead, cooing her awake.
"Laura, honey, it's a dream." You said, shading her from the light as she opened her eyes. "We're right here."
It was the first time that you referred to you and Logan as a pair. A team. The other half that made you whole.
It became the same pattern every night. You'd wake up to her cries, rush to her aid, then read with her until she fell asleep. With you both within reach, she'd fall peacefully back to sleep- staying that way until the morning.
This night, when you went to tuck Laura in, however, you never made it back to your beds. With either of her hands, she held onto one of your wrists, urging you to stay with her as she fell asleep. The look on her face could melt even the Wolverine's heart, how did you stand a chance?
You and Logan made room for each other at the edge of the bed, sitting side by side with your backs against the baseboard. There were whispered sorrys and mumbles of discomfort as elbows collided with ribs and knees with shins.
"Kid did this on purpose." Logan grumbled.
Before you could ask why, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, alleviating the discomfort as you melted into his side.
At first you stiffened, in unfamiliar territory with the man you had only just met a week ago, but as you heard Laura's breathing turn to snores, you relaxed into his chest.
You could hear how his breath rattled in his chest, your head rising and falling with each inhale. You couldn't help but smile at the fact that Logan smelt like the body wash and shampoo you had left in the bathroom specifically for him. But not the conditioner. You should have guessed.
The nightlight in the corner spun, casting silhouettes of horses around the room. It looked as if they were running, chasing after one another but never able to reach the finish line.
The light ran over Logan's face, highlighting the scruff he had missed from that morning. His head had tilted back against the board, his eyes closed shut. You thought that if he had been normal, you would have noted razor burn on his neck.
With Laura's snores and Logan's eased breathing, you felt your eyes begin to lull, luring you into the sleep you so desperately craved. Laying your head on Logan's chest completely, you surrendered yourself to the wave of exhaustion.
Logan felt your head fall lower on his chest and your body go limp in his arms. As your breathing slowed, your hands fell into his lap and your leg draped over his.
He wanted to laugh. Really, he did, but the idea of waking either of his girls up stopped the laugh in its track, it falling to a scoff that just barely escaped his lips.
If only the man he was two weeks ago could see him now- tucking his daughter into bed and falling asleep with a woman in his arms all without a single worry in the world. Maybe he was dead and somehow made it to heaven.
But then he remembered his imagination couldn't make up a woman like you. One who took him in without a second thought, who worried about if he ate enough, who bought him new clothes because "they reminded me of you". Logan hadn't been able of conceiving normalcy. That, he left to you.
But he was still learning you then.
It was in that moment that his heart skipped a beat for the first time as your face nuzzled into his neck, hair brushing against his cheek. It was such a shocking feeling- one he hadn't known in decades- that his hand flew to his chest.
Then he realized- it was you. You did that to him.
After a month, Logan got his own vehicle: a truck with a front bench seat. Although it was old and a bit beat up, he took pride in it. And besides, you would’ve been lying if you said your ears didn’t perk up every time you heard that rusty door slam signaling his return from work.
Without thinking, all three of you had fallen into a routine. Laura, who had been playing in the front yard after school, would run up to her father, roping him into whatever she had been getting up to that afternoon. You, hearing the truck's engine turn off and the playful giggles of Laura, would find yourself on the porch watching the two of them- shawl wrapped cozily around your shoulders as you brought a hot drink to your lips.
And whether it was while he was drawing the most awful scribble you've ever seen in chalk, or roughhousing on the front lawn, you'd manage to catch Logan's eye.
What you didn't know, was that Logan had his own routine. He'd join Laura in whatever she doing, but when he heard that squeak of the hurricane door opening, signalling your arrival to the scene? He was like a dog. Logan would pause whatever he was doing, looking up to meet your eyes.
Only when you gave him the same, warm smile that he thought about morning, noon, and night, did he find the permission to continue what he had been doing prior.
He'd go back to passing the ball to Laura, giving her pointers on her throw, or pushing her on the tire swing he'd set up a week earlier; but now he had an added pep in his step knowing your watchful gaze was on him. It wasn't daunting, but peaceful, warm, and comfortable. It made him want to be better... do better.
It was always in him, but your faith in Logan is what brought out his potential.
Jean always said he had a soft spot for women. The same bitter resolve Logan reserved for the rest of the population would dissipate in the presence of the opposite sex- a remanent of a bygone era maybe. Maybe.
When the sun began to set- "God damn daylight savings," Logan would grumble- all three of you would begin to head inside, the warm glow of the house inviting the three of you in. Sometimes Logan would hold the door open for you, insisting he be the last to go in and lock up.
You figured it was chivalry. He knew it was the care and concern that had grown for not only Laura, but you.
Alternatively, you'd sometimes catch him before he crossed the threshold. You'd watch Laura skip out of earshot, and gently grab Logan's arm.
The feeling of your touch against his skin was foreign yet familiar, but most certainly welcomed. The absentminded rub of your thumb against the fabric of his shirt was enough to make his heart sink in his chest. Then, you'd look up at him with thankful eyes, peeking beneath your eyelashes and he'd wonder whether he'd physically be able to restrain himself much longer.
You'd comment on something you watched him do and remind him how good he was. But once, in a moment Logan would never forget, as the two of you watched your girl run inside, you snaked your arm around his back.
"We're lucky to have you, you know?"
Logan, stunned, wasn't sure what to respond, but luckily you didn't give him the space to.
"Now, what are we thinking for dinner? I'm starving."
Still, he waited for your foot to cross the threshold before he allowed himself to enter.
That night when Logan went to sleep, the interaction played over and over in his mind. He could feel the ghost of your touch against his skin as he fell asleep to the lullaby of your soft voice reminding him that you were his.
After how many years does a person stop remembering their own birthday?
For Logan, it was complicated but he stopped considering the day very early on. When there was no one there to celebrate with and you had the "gift" of never ending regeneration, was it worth commemorating another year in a seemingly endless life? Especially with one such as his, he was sure.... that there wasn't anything worth celebrating.
It was like any other day: Logan woke up, ate breakfast, went to work... but unlike the rest of them, when he slammed his truck door shut after a long day on the job, Laura wasn't playing outside despite the sun's rays still peeking through the trees. Shrugging it off, he grabbed his bag from the bed and made his way inside.
On most occasions, Logan would have stopped.
Logan would have heard the hushed whispers between you and Laura, her giggles spurning you on to do the same. He would've noted the click of the lighter on the other side of the door, but in the complete opposite of Wolverine fashion, he had gotten comfortable.
"Just like we practiced-" Your hushed voice whispered from the other side of the thick wood.
Raising his eyebrow, Logan opened the door.
On the other side, you and Laura stood with a homemade cake in your hands. The candle on top- a "1"- flickered brightly as your voices rang out singing happy birthday.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you.."
Logan could count on one hand the number of times he had cried in his very long life, but seeing the two of you standing in front of him, he felt pressure grow behind his dark eyes. Your smile, bright as ever, welcomed him in and he couldn't help but admire the way that the flame made your eyes sparkle.
You had the option of anybody- anyone in the multiverse- and you chose him to share this family and home with. Although Laura may have encouraged you, Logan knew that this was your idea. The cake, the song, the candles, the banner hanging above the door- it had your scheming written all over it. You were warm and kind and, Logan would admit, so beautiful that in that moment, he got choked up. Never had he been shown care like this.
"Happy birthday dear Logan-"
"Happy birthday to you!"
In one hand you brought the cake close to the burly man. With the other, you brushed a stray tear from his cheek.
"Make a wish!" Laura shouted, tugging on his arm.
Pulling himself back into the moment, Logan ruffled his daughter's hair.
"Well I don't know, kid." He said. "Doesn't seem like there's much to wish for."
"Oh c'mon, Lo." You said, brushing his hair from his face absentmindedly. "There's gotta be something."
And something there was. Rather, someone.
The Logan that had existed three months ago was a changed man. To be clear, he was just as stubborn and hotheaded as always, but the unshakable doom, gloom and overall nihilistic manner about him had shifted.
Once, Charles had told Laura that Logan was ready to die... wanted to die. Now, he would never let anything happen to him, not for his own sake but for yours and the mutant girl the two of you shared.
He wanted to wake up in the morning and smell the bitter coffee you brewed for him in the kitchen before work. He wanted to go to work and have the men tease him about his "missus" they knew nothing about. He wanted to come home at the end of the day to hear your laughs and jokes at his expense. Most importantly, he wanted to fall asleep at night knowing it would be the same tomorrow.
Logan, the lone wolf, the Wolverine, in his vulnerability had found a safe haven in Laura and you.
You, who gave yourself freely and optimistically. It almost felt wrong how he wanted more from you, but how could he help it? You gave him a taste and he wanted more.
Taking a deep breath- and rolling his eyes for show- Logan blew the candle out with a wish in mind.
"What's your wish?" Laura asked, bouncing on her toes as the smoke flitted through the air.
Logan, a bit embarrassed but not wanting to admit it, was preparing to mess with Laura about wishing for something completely asinine, but to his relief, you stepped in.
"He can't tell you, silly." You said, placing your hand on Laura's back to guide her towards the kitchen. "If he tells you, then it won't come true."
Glancing over your shoulder, you shot Logan a wink.
God, he was fucked.
Logan and you followed Laura into the kitchen, dragging a few feet behind.
"Didn't wanna know what I wished for?" Logan asked.
The Logan of long ago- the one who had the time and heart to devote to a woman- had slowly appeared the more time he spent with you. It's as if in the warmth of your love, the harsh exterior had melted away.
Sometimes Logan wondered if you were right that first day when you told him the old him was dead. Then, a moment like this would happen and he would be reminded that it was always in him, waiting for the right condition, or person, to bring it forth.
"I don't know what you're talking about," You said, smiling. "I meant what I said. I don't wanna know. I want your wish to come true... don't you?"
Logan in that moment wondered whether you had peeked into his mind. Had you fished out his deepest desires and decided to dangle them in front of his face?
You hadn't given him time to ask. Instead, you left him standing in confusion in the foyer as you rushed into the kitchen.
"Laura!" You shouted, "Do not stick your hand into that cake! Laura-"
Shaking his head in disbelief at what his life had become, a dry chuckled escape Logan's throat.
Considering the portion of her life that she had spent locked up in comparison to being free, you were proud of the progress that Laura had made. She picked up incredibly quick on the way things worked. She knew not to steal, how to use a fork and knife, to wait until the little green man appeared to cross the street- she was quick, intelligent, and incredibly perceptive.
One part she still struggled with, however, was managing her anger: a trait she had inherited from her father.
It was a minor concern. The life that you and Logan had created for her was one that made the likelihood of outbursts scarce- only a heated argument with Logan over something as silly as a game would be able to bring her claws out... metaphorically of course.
"Logan, she doesn't know what property tax is." You'd say after she stormed off with a stomp and growl. "Give her a break."
"That's not how the game goes." Logan would argue. "If the kid wants to survive out there, she's gotta know how the world works."
"It's Monopoly, Logan!"
However, as with any child, you couldn't always control when those outbursts occurred.
The three of you had had a nightmare of a weekend. A short trip that had otherwise gone smoothly, went up in flames last minute when all flights were canceled due to an impending blizzard. Rather than stick it out, with Logan needing to get back to work, the two of you decided it would be best to road trip back home.
For the most part it was fine. Intermittently Logan would scold Laura for kicking his seat absentmindedly and you'd all argue over whether to use air conditioning or windows, but besides that it was perfectly fine. Normal even. Which was rare for two immortals from a different universe and a witch.
When Laura begged to pull over for a snack, how were you supposed to know that it could go so wrong?
As you browsed the aisles, occasionally picking up a snack, skimming the back and placing it back where it came from., Laura had drifted from your side. A beverage in the back had caught her eye without you realising and by the time you noticed her departure, it was too late.
When you heard her sweet voice turn to cursed growls that resembled her fathers, you were across the store in an instant.
An old man stood before her with a hand wrapped around one of her wrists.
"Woah!" You shouted, standing between the man and Laura. "What's going on here?"
"Your brat kid stomped on my foot, that's what!" The man growled. "You oughta teach that girl a lesson!"
Although you had created a gap between her and the man, that comment had you throwing Laura behind you entirely. A part of you that had been buried for years- an aggression you barely recognized- came to the surface.
"Don't talk to my daughter like that!" You shouted, shoving your finger in his face. "You have some fucking nerve-"
All of the commotion piqued Logan's ears from across the shop. The unfamiliar pitch of your voice had Logan tossing his keys on the counter and quickening his pace to you.
"Oh good," The guy said. "Maybe you can tell your bitch of a wife to-"
In the past few months, Logan had become a man that the old Logan- figuratively and literally- would have never recognized. He was cool, calm, and collected. His outbursts were few and far between and never, ever violent.
But, hearing that bite in your voice? Seeing the fire in your eyes? And, worst of all, some man call you that? No Logan would have let that slide.
A part of him- a primal one that called to action when needed- came out then.
Before he had even had time to process the implication of what the asshole said, Logan had grabbed the collar of his shirt with a growl and slammed him against the freezer. Bottles rattled on their shelves as the collective hiss of a spare few crashing on the floor echoed throughout the convenience store.
"We got a problem here, bub?” Logan hissed.
The confidence of the man whose feet were now dangling in the air had deteriorated. The fear in his eyes was palpable as he gasped for air.
“No!” He gasped. “Everything’s fine!”
“Yeah?” Logan asked, shoving the man up higher, eliciting a whelp. “Why don’t you apologize to the lady then.”
“I’m- ah!” He hissed. “I’m sorry!”
Logan's face burned red as he held him high. A visible vein protruded from his neck.
"Logan." You called. "He's not worth it. Let him go."
The man's shoes scraped against the glass doors he was pressed against.
"Let's just go home."
Logan glanced to where you stood with Laura shielded in your arms. On any given day of his other life he would have beat that man to a pulp for insulting the only two people breathing who mattered to him. He would of let his conscience take a back seat while his fists led, the only consequence being a stinging in his knuckles for a brief moment.
But now, there was stuff- or rather, people... his girls- at stake. Any confrontation with the law could put the dynamic you had in jeopardy. His ego wasn't worth the price.
Logan dropped the man to the floor and wiped his hands against his jacket. Before he could allow himself to turn back and get himself into trouble, he placed his hand on your shoulder and gently guided you towards the door.
"C'mon, let's go."
Later, as the sun set beyond the horizon, Laura laid asleep with her head in your lap. Had she been anyone besides the daughter of the Wolverine, you would have argued for seatbelt safety. However, seeing her content face nuzzled in a sweatshirt on your lap- her feet kicked up onto her father's- how could you say no?
Logan lazily hummed along to an old tune playing on the radio, one arm leaning out the window.
He cleared his throat.
"Daughter, huh?"
His eyes were trained on the road but you saw a hint of a smile at the edge of his lips.
"Am I your wife?"
If he had been the old Logan- before the endless pain, before the wars, before the deaths of his loved ones- he would have told you he loved you right there.
I wish you were.
But he wasn't. Despite his appearance he was an old, disgruntled, traumatized, burdened man. Logan didn't have the same confidence he did decades ago where he could say it, mean it and not worry about the consequences.
And your love, romantic or not, was not something he was willing to gamble.
But God he wanted you.
"If you were my wife, I'd treat you helluva lot better." He said. The smile had disappeared, replaced by a stoic, knitted line.
The fingers of yours that had been running through Laura's hair stopped. Your breath caught in your throat as you glanced out the window, watching the trees on the side of the highway blur past you.
"You treat me pretty damn well, Logan." You said, trying to sound humorous but ultimately falling flat. "I envy the woman who gets you."
This should have been the moment that it changed.
This should have been the moment that Logan pulled the car over to the side of the road and told you that he didn't want to pretend to be a family anymore- three people who were falling into the roles assigned to them- he wanted you to be a family because you were one. It wasn't pretend. It wasn't a facade. You were a family in every sense of the word.
Because he was yours, you were his and Laura belonged to you as much as Logan.
When the guys at work asked about his missus, he wanted to say your name. The lines had been blurred, but he wanted to straighten them out beyond where they had begin- where they were meant to be. You with him, him with you, you all together.
How could he think about another woman when his world revolved around you?
But then Laura stirred in your lap and his built-up confidence crumbled.
She yawned, curling herself into your lap.
"Are we home yet?"
Pulling your eyes from the road, you smiled and resumed brushing your fingers through her hair.
"Almost, honey."
Your sharp cry woke Logan from his slumber with a start. Before he had entirely processed that it was your voice calling for help, he had flung the sheets from his body and threw himself out of bed.
"Y/n?" Logan shouted, his sock covered feet hitting the floor.
Below, he heard a shatter. He could make out the sound of distinct pieces of glass sliding across the floor as you screamed his name.
"Get off of-" He heard your muffled voice grunt from the floor below. "Logan, help!"
Hearing your pleas, Logan threw open the bedroom door and ran down the stairs- skipping three steps at a time. He felt his heart pounding against his chest so aggressively that he was sure he would be able to see the imprint of it on his skin had he looked in a mirror.
Despite his descending the staircase at a rapid pace, your voice became more distant the closer he got.
Then, he heard the back door swing open.
Logan dodged his way through the threshold of the living room, running over the shattered vase that littered the floor. Drops of blood stained the rug. The television that had been on when you fell asleep on the couch hours earlier was still playing reruns of your favorite show.
Logan quickened his pace. He felt the chilled breeze hit his skin coming from the backdoor left ajar. When he crossed from the kitchen onto the porch, he froze.
He could hear the rhythmic buzz of the electric collar around your neck- suppressing your powers- from where he stood. Your socks were wet from the freshly melted snow that stained where you stood on the grass. A deep red gash drew blood from your forehead, dripping down your face and over your cheeks.
Behind you, a man stood with a gun to your back.
"Who the fuck are you?" The stranger called, shaking you 'til you lost your balance.
You fell to your knees in front of him with a cry.
"I'm gonna be the guy who kills you if you don't let her go." Logan growled, fists balled up at his sides.
His voice echoed amongst the trees and as sturdy as it sounded, the feeling of his fingernails digging into his palms was the only thing that kept Logan from shaking.
You- precious, kind, loving- you were on your knees powerless, preparing yourself for your own demise. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes as you heaved, no doubt from the fight you had just lost in the living room. Logan realized that for the first time in the months he had known you, you were scared.
You were like a fortress in a storm- sturdy, powerful, confident- but now it was as though a battering ram had been taken to your resolve, leaving you destroyed. There was something about that knowledge that terrified him even more- if you were scared, he had every reason to be terrified.
"Oh I'm not letting her go," The guy laughed. "The Avengers ruined my life. This used to be the Avengers Compound base and she's going to die here like the rest of them. You can kill me all you want, but she," He pulled your hair, "is going out with me."
As he tugged your hair, your face raised to meet Logan's. By now, tears stained your cheeks, running down your neck and into the hem of your shirt.
Finally, when life was going the way you wanted- in the way you felt you deserved- it was coming to an end.
The only comfort brought was that Logan was here with you.
"Logan-" You cried, a sob lodged in your throat.
Logan could feel his heart shatter into a thousand pieces at your soft, yet broken voice.
Holding back his own emotions for your sake, he breathed shakily.
"Sweetheart... I'm gonna fix this. Just-"
"I love you." You sobbed, hands tied behind your back. Your chest rose and fell with a wheeze as another cry escaped you. "God, I loved you so much it hurt. I wanted us to-"
Past tense.
Just like that, the dam broke.
Tears that had been burning behind Logan's eyes fled the corners, blurring his vision. His fists loosened their grip as one moved to balance himself on the railing. All the while, his chest burned with the fire of a thousand suns.
"Don't talk like that." Logan huffed, blinking back tears.
Then, Logan heard the click of the bullet falling into place.
"Show's over." The stranger announced. "Say hi to your friends for me."
People often wonder what thoughts go through your head the moment before you die. Some say their life flashes before them, others disappear without even knowing. You?
Oddly enough you wanted to remind Logan to clean up the glass in the living room before Laura could step on it. That you had bread rising in the kitchen that he should bake, or remember to throw out before it got moldy. That the deed to your land was in the safe in your office. The combination was your birthday.
But all you could manage was an-
"I love you."
You think that covered it.
You could hear his index finger fiddling with the trigger behind you. You swore later that you could even make out the sound of his knuckles popping as they bent into position.
Both were interrupted by a whiny slishhh as two shimmering claws shot from his torso.
Like a gun going off at the races, Logan broke into a run across the yard. When you were feet away, he slid onto his knees in the wet grass and pulled you into him.
If his brain hadn't been so fogged, Logan would have worried that he hurt you from how tight he squeezed you. His calloused fingertips tangled themselves in your hair as your forehead found its home against his own. His other hand gripped your shirt for dear life, feeling the chill of your skin through the cloth.
His warm breath enveloped your face as he held you tighter- fearing what would happen if you escaped his reach.
Soft cries escaped your lips as he peppered your forehead in kisses.
"You're safe now, I got you." He said, more for himself than you. "I love you too, darlin', I'm right here."
Logan heard the earth crunch beside him as Laura wordlessly kneeled beside you both and slipped into your embrace.
After the first responders had come and gone, it was 3am.
You and Logan put Laura to bed together. When you leaned over to tuck her in, her arms wrapped around you, pulling you into her. Her fingers dug into the fabric of your shirt as her face hid in your shoulder.
For the second time that evening, tears burned in your eyes. This time, not out of fear of the unknown but peace at the future revealed.
You brushed her hair back and kissed her forhead.
"I love you." You said, quelling the shake in your voice. "I'm not going anywhere."
She pulled away and allowed you to tuck the blanket up to her chin.
"Sweet dreams."
As you handed her the stuffed animal you had gifted her the first day, her voice spoke out barely above a whisper.
"I love you too, Mommy."
And the dam broke. As if sensing your composure, Logan reached out and laid a hand on your shoulder.
"Night kiddo."
Logan ushered you from the room, carefully closing the door as you exited. He took your hand in his and led you to your room.
His hands were just as you imagined them- callous and rough. But they didn't scare or deter you. No, they were a physical manifestation of his perseverance. The hands he would use to love, provide and protect you. They had to be strong, they carried the weight of the world in his hands. It was a comfort and privilege to be loved by them.
In your room, Logan turned the lamp on and guided you under the covers. He pulled the covers over your form and as he did, you snatched his wrist in your hand.
It wasn't question, an order, or a command.
It was a plead. A begging on your knees.
"I'm not goin' anywhere."
His voice was dry, tired.
Moving to the other side of the bed, he carefully slid into the space beside you.
He stretched his arm over your back and eased you into his side. Like a woman stranded in the ocean and he your life raft, you slipped your arms around him and held him as if your life depended on it. You nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent for the first time.
Although it was new, the intimacy felt familiar. Whether because of your dreams made real or that you both had fallen into the place destined for you, you weren't sure. But the ease lulled you to surrender to your exhaustion.
"I love you." You mumbled into his neck, your vision fleeing from focus as your eyes drooped.
Logan breathed in deeply, stroking his face with your knuckles as your breathing slowed.
"I love you too, darlin.'"
This has been in the drafts for months and i'm SO excited to finally put it out into the world. replies and reblogs are greatly appreciated. I would love to know what you all think <3 laura's perception of reader and logan are very much based on the end of logan where she calls logan daddy (i wanna SOB) and i did edit a few chunks out to limit the word count aflkdjal, anyway thank you for reading!! -cass
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benispunk · 7 days ago
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benispunk · 7 days ago
thank you so so much ?????? this means so much to me??? I’ve been a bit inactive lately because of some personal issues but this warms my heart 🫶 I’m starting to get back on my feet so I’ll be back soon hopefully with the epilogue and some new stories!!! Thank you!!!
Who's That Girl?
Chapter 21: Face The Music
So...they kissed...what's next?
logan howlett x reader
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TW: language, D&W.
A/N: hey!! well here we are...this is the last chapter...enough talking for the moment!! enjoy this chapter! and I'll talk to you at the end!!
→ this fic is inspired by the TV Show New Girl, Wade and Logan aren't Deadpool and Wolverine (no powers/mutant gene etc) but I did take most of their character traits and storyline!!
Masterlist /Previous Part
Wade tugged on his sneakers, already picturing the smug look on that one guy’s face from his usual running route. He hated running into overly enthusiastic joggers—too much pep in the morning. Why do they look so happy running? He groaned as he headed for the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
His brain was still half-asleep, running on autopilot until he spotted a figure at the counter.
At first, he didn’t fully register it. The smell of coffee wafted through the air, and someone was scrolling casually on their phone. But then it hit him—Logan. Logan was standing there. Logan.
Wade froze mid-step, blinking like he’d just spotted Bigfoot sipping an espresso. For the past several days, Logan had been the definition of now you see me, now you don’t. The man had been avoiding them, but of course mostly Y/N… He’d somehow mastered the art of slipping in and out of the apartment like a shadow, avoiding even the slightest contact. And yet, here he was.
Logan didn’t even glance up from his phone, sipping his coffee like it was any other day.
“Well, well, well,” Wade drawled, leaning against the doorway with crossed arms. “If it isn’t the ghost of roommates past. Long time no see, Peanut. What brings you out of the shadows? Forgot where the coffee pot was?”
Logan’s eyes flicked up briefly, his expression as stoic as ever. “Good morning to you too, bub,” he replied, voice calm but with the faintest hint of amusement.
It was that flicker—barely noticeable but there—that made Wade narrow his eyes. Something was off. Logan looked… lighter. Relaxed, even. As if the last few days hadn’t happened.
Wade squinted, stepping further into the kitchen. “Are you… okay?” he asked slowly, his suspicion growing by the second.
Logan shrugged, setting his phone down and taking another sip of his coffee. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Wade said, waving a hand dramatically. “Maybe because you’ve been pulling a Houdini act for the past week—and don’t say that’s not true!”
Logan rolled his eyes, but there was no real bite to it. If anything, he almost looked amused. That alone made Wade even more suspicious.
Before Wade could press further, soft footsteps approached from the hallway. He turned just in time to see Y/N step into the kitchen, her bag slung over her shoulder.
How was she going to react when she’ll see Logan there?! He knows it’s been hard on her. And he knows it’s mainly his fault for putting his foot in it.
What he didn’t expect was the bright expression on her face at the sight of him.
“Hey,” she said warmly, her gaze immediately finding Logan.
And that was when Wade noticed it.
The smile Logan gave her wasn’t just his usual polite acknowledgment. It was soft, warm, the kind of smile that made Wade’s jaw drop because—wait a minute.
“I just need to grab my bag, and then I’ll be ready to go,” Y/N said, her voice almost shy as her cheeks flushed slightly.
Logan nodded, his tone equally soft. “Take your time.”
Wade blinked. Blinked again. His brain struggled to process the scene in front of him. Y/N disappeared back down the hallway, leaving Wade and Logan alone once more.
Was that supposed to be normal?
“What the actual hell was that?” Wade asked, his voice flat with disbelief.
Logan didn’t answer immediately, returning his attention to his phone like nothing was out of the ordinary.
“Logan,” Wade said again, stepping closer. “Explain. Now.”
Logan shrugged, as casual as could be. “We made up,” he said simply, like that explained everything.
Wade’s jaw dropped. “Made up?” he hissed, his voice rising slightly before he quickly lowered it. “What do you mean you made up? That could mean anything! Did you talk? Hug? Share a cupcake? I need details, man!”
Logan smirked, and Wade swore it was the most infuriating smirk he’d ever seen.
Before Wade could lose his mind completely, he leaned in, lowering his voice even further. “Care to elaborate? Or do I have to guess? And if you say it’s none of my business, I swear I’ll—”
Logan finally sighed, setting his phone down and meeting Wade’s intense stare. “We kissed,” he admitted.
For a moment, Wade was completely silent.
Then, in true Wade Wilson fashion, he exploded.
“WHAT?!” he whisper-shouted, his hands flying to tug at Logan’s shirt. “You kissed her? When?! How?! Was it romantic? Don’t leave me hanging here, man!”
Logan smirked again, his calm demeanor only fueling Wade’s frantic energy.
“You’re killing me!” Wade whisper-screamed, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. “I—I don’t even know what to do with this information! This is a game-changer, Logan! A life-changer! What do you—”
He abruptly cut himself off as Y/N reappeared, her bag now slung over her shoulder.
“Ready to go?” she asked, her smile bright and unassuming.
“Yeah,” Logan replied smoothly, grabbing his own bag and heading toward the door.
As he passed Wade, he reached out and playfully punched him in the stomach. Wade doubled over dramatically, glaring at Logan.
“See you later, Wade!” Y/N called cheerfully as the two of them left.
Still clutching his stomach, Wade straightened up, muttering to himself. “This is so not over.”
He was pacing the kitchen, muttering to himself about how life wasn’t fair and how he deserved to know more, when the sound of the front door opening made him jump. He spun around, ready to throw some sarcastic remark at whoever dared interrupt his spiraling, but his jaw dropped when Logan stepped back inside, closing the door behind him.
“Forgot something,” Logan muttered quickly, his eyes darting toward the hallway.
“Wait, what?” Wade blurted, completely thrown off.
Logan’s gaze flicked to him, and for the first time since Wade had known the guy, Logan looked... excited. Not just regular excited, but an almost boyish, slightly frantic kind of excitement. It was weird. It was amazing.
“I gotta make this quick,” Logan said, his voice low but urgent as he walked toward Wade. “I told her I forgot something, and she’s waiting for me downstairs, but—”
“But?!” Wade repeated, his hands shooting out like he was physically trying to grab the story out of Logan.
Logan hesitated for half a second, then sighed, leaning closer to Wade like they were two kids gossiping at lunch. “We kissed last night.”
Wade’s face lit up like Christmas morning. “YES!” he whisper-shouted, pumping his fist in the air. “Finally! Okay, keep going—what happened?”
Logan glanced at the door, checking for any sign of Y/N, then leaned back in. “It wasn’t just that. Before that... Mark showed up.”
The excitement in Wade’s face melted into sheer confusion. “Mark? Wait—her psycho ex? You’re kidding me.”
Logan’s jaw tightened, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. “He followed her on her way home. Pulled her into an alley. Had his hands on her—”
Wade’s eyes went wide, and his voice shot up several decibels. “WHAT THE FUCK?”
“I could’ve killed him,” Logan said, his voice low and guttural. His knuckles flexed like they were itching to throw another punch. “I swear to god, Wade, I almost did. He had his hands on her. She was crying—trying to fight him off—and when I saw that, something just—snapped. I put him against the wall, told him if he ever touched her again, I’d make sure he wouldn’t be able to crawl out of whatever hole I put him in.”
Wade stared at Logan like he’d grown another head, his mouth opening and closing in stunned silence. “...Okay, holy shit.You’re not even exaggerating, are you?”
Logan gave him a sharp look. “Do I look like I’m exaggerating?”
Wade shook his head quickly. “Nope. You look like you’re about to fight me just for breathing wrong.”
Logan exhaled hard, his shoulders dropping slightly. “I threw him to the ground. Told him to leave her alone for good. Made him repeat it before I let him crawl away.”
“Damn,” Wade muttered, his expression somewhere between impressed and horrified. “I know you’ve got the whole ‘strong, silent type with a heart of gold’ thing going on, but that’s... next level, man. Did she—”
“She was shaking,” Logan admitted quietly, a flicker of pain crossing his face. “I thought maybe she’d hate me for losing it like that, but... she didn’t. She just—”
“—melted into your arms like a freakin’ romance novel?” Wade finished, clearly invested now.
Logan shot him a flat look. “She cried. I held her. Then I brought her home.”
“And then?” Wade prompted, leaning in so close it was borderline invasive.
“And then,” Logan continued, his tone softening, “we talked. Well, I talked. Apologized for avoiding her. She said she was okay... but I could tell she wasn’t… It wasn’t... planned or anything. She was heading to her room, but then she just... stopped. She turned around and came back, and then—”
“She kissed you.” Wade’s grin stretched across his entire face.
Logan’s lips twitched upward. “Yeah. She kissed me.”
“And you kissed her back,” Wade pressed, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Of course I did.” Logan smirked.
Wade let out a strangled sound, somewhere between a laugh and a scream. “This is insane. This is incredible. You’re incredible. Oh my god, I need every single detail.”
Logan glanced at the door again, his grin fading slightly. “I’ll tell you later,” he said, already stepping toward the exit. “She’s waiting for me downstairs.”
“No!” Wade whisper-yelled, grabbing Logan’s arm. “You can’t just drop this and walk out! What else happened? What’s the plan now?!”
Logan shrugged, his smirk returning. “There’s no plan. Not yet, anyway. But...” He hesitated, his voice softening. “We’ll figure it out.”
Wade stared at him for a long moment, then sighed dramatically, throwing his hands in the air. “Man, you’re killing me. This is too good.”
Logan opened the door, pausing just long enough to glance back at Wade. “Thanks, Wade,” he said simply, his tone genuine.
“For what?” Wade asked, caught off guard.
“For pushing me,” Logan said, his expression uncharacteristically earnest.
Before Wade could respond, Logan stepped out, the door clicking shut behind him. Wade stood there in stunned silence for a moment, then finally shook his head, muttering under his breath.
“Attaboy, Peanut. Atta-freakin’-boy.”
Y/N and Logan walked side by side down the familiar route to the school. There was a quietness between them, but it wasn’t awkward. If anything, it felt… settled. A shift in the air, warm and unspoken, hummed between them—neither one daring to put it into words just yet.
Y/N glanced sideways at Logan, watching him out of the corner of her eye. He looked more at ease than he had in days, his shoulders relaxed and his usual tension nowhere to be found. It felt like seeing him again, after weeks of him being a shadow of himself.
“What time does your first class start today?” she asked, her voice light, breaking the quiet.
Logan turned his head slightly, his gaze softening as he looked at her. “Eight thirty. Yours?”
“Same,” she said with a small smile. “Though my first class is probably going to be a disaster. I tried a new seating chart, and I already know they’re going to hate it.”
Logan’s lips curved into a faint smirk. “Why do you do this to yourself?”
She laughed softly, the sound light and genuine. “Well, it’s too late now. Guess I’ll just have to brace for impact.”
Their conversation flowed easily, dipping into the mundane details of their morning routines and what they expected from the day ahead. The words were ordinary, but there was an ease between them that hadn’t been there before.
At one point, their hands brushed as they navigated a narrow section of the sidewalk. It was brief, barely more than a touch, but it sent a spark through them all the same. Neither of them acknowledged it, but Logan’s pace seemed to slow just slightly after that, as though prolonging the moment.
When they reached the school, the familiar buzz of students and staff filled the air. The spell of their quiet walk began to break, but the warmth lingered. Logan paused just outside his classroom, turning slightly to face her.
“Have a good morning,” he said.
“You too,” she replied, offering him a small smile.
For a moment, they lingered there, caught in the subtle pull that had been building between them all morning. Then Logan gave a brief nod and disappeared into his classroom, leaving Y/N standing in the hallway with a flutter in her chest.
The hours slipped by quickly, the rhythm of the school day doing its best to fill the spaces in Y/N’s mind. Yet, even amid the chaos of lesson plans, grading, and the occasional classroom disruption, her thoughts inevitably circled back to Logan.
She saw him a few times during the day—at the lounge when they both reached for the coffee pot at the same time, at the cafeteria when their eyes met briefly across the room. Each time, it was the same: easy conversation, quiet smiles, nothing really different… yet everything felt different.
Their colleagues noticed too. It wasn’t in the way they acted—after all, they hadn’t said or done anything obvious—but in the way the atmosphere between them had changed. The tension from the last few days had disappeared, replaced by a kind of magnetic ease that didn’t go unnoticed.
By the time the final bell rang, Y/N’s nerves had started to build. She knew what she wanted to do, knew that they needed to talk, really talk, about everything.
When her last student finally left, she made her way down the hall toward Logan’s classroom. The sound of her knuckles against the doorframe made him glance up from his desk, where he was packing away papers into his bag.
“Hey,” he greeted, his voice warm and even, though there was a flicker of something in his eyes—surprise, maybe, or curiosity.
“Hey,” she said back, stepping just inside the door. “You heading out soon?”
“Yeah, just finishing up.” He straightened, slinging his bag over one shoulder. “Why?”
Y/N hesitated for only a moment before finding her voice. “I was wondering if… you’d want to grab a drink before heading home. To, you know… talk.”
For a split second, Logan’s expression softened, his lips parting as though to say something. Instead, he nodded. “Sure. That sounds good.”
She smiled, her heart thudding in her chest as relief and nerves swirled together. “Okay. Let’s go, then.”
The bar wasn’t far from their apartment, a cozy spot with dim lighting and the faint hum of conversation that made it feel both intimate and secluded. They found a small table in the corner, tucked away from the other patrons. Logan pulled out a chair for her, his hand brushing hers as she sat down, sending a ripple of warmth through her.
The server brought their drinks—beer for Logan, wine for Y/N—and left them in their little bubble of quiet.
For a moment, they didn’t say anything. Logan tapped the side of his glass absently, and Y/N traced the rim of hers with her finger. Their eyes met briefly, and both of them chuckled, the sound soft and nervous. Logan was the first to break the silence, clearing his throat softly as he glanced up at her. 
But it was Y/N who took the plunge. Her voice was steady, though her heart hammered in her chest.
“Do you regret it?”
Logan’s brows knitted slightly, and for a split second, her stomach twisted. But then he shook his head, his voice firm and unwavering. “No. I don’t regret it. Not for a second.”
The weight on her shoulders lifted instantly, and she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. A small, relieved smile tugged at her lips. “Good. Because I… I didn’t know what to think. I mean, after everything, I wasn’t sure if you…”
“If I what?” he asked gently, his eyes locked on hers.
She hesitated, her fingers nervously twisting the stem of her glass. “If you felt the same way.”
Logan leaned forward slightly, his gaze softening. “What’s ‘the same way’?”
Heat rose to her cheeks, but she forced herself to look at him, to be honest. “If you… felt about me the way I feel about you.”
The corner of his mouth twitched into the faintest smile, and his voice dropped to a near whisper. “Then yes. I do.”
Her heart leapt, a flood of emotions washing over her all at once—relief, joy, disbelief. She let out a shaky laugh, her nerves giving way to something warmer. “This is crazy, isn’t it? That we’ve been so… oblivious. All this time, it was right there in front of us.”
Logan leaned back slightly, a wry smile tugging at his lips. “It’s not that crazy. I don’t think I would’ve done anything about it, though. Not ever.”
The smile faded from her face, replaced by confusion. “What do you mean?”
Realizing how his words might have sounded, Logan straightened, his expression earnest as he rushed to explain. “Not because I didn’t want to. God, Y/N, I wanted to. I just…” He trailed off, exhaling deeply as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t think I could. I mean, you—you’re everything. And me… I’m just—”
“Let me finish,” he interrupted gently but firmly. His voice was raw now, his words spilling out like he’d been holding them back for far too long. “You’ve always been so… good. And kind. And strong. And I’ve just spent my life trying to… survive. I’ve made so many mistakes, hurt so many people, and I’m terrified of doing that to you. Of hurting you. Because you’re the last person in the world I want to hurt.”
He looked away, his jaw tightening. “I didn’t think I deserved you. Hell, I still don’t. But when I’m with you… everything feels lighter. Like maybe I’m not as broken as I thought I was.”
The tears she’d been holding back slipped free, trailing down her cheeks. She reached across the table, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it tightly. “Logan,” she said softly, her voice steady despite the emotion trembling beneath it. “Nothing anyone says—nothing you say—will ever make me feel differently about you. Not even what Victor said, or whatever you think the world might think of you. I know who you are. I’ve always known.”
His eyes glistened, though no tears fell. He looked at her like she was the only thing in the world that made sense.
“I love you,” she whispered, her voice breaking slightly.
His breath hitched, and for a moment, he just stared at her, like he was trying to memorize every detail of her face. Then, slowly, a smile spread across his lips, soft and unguarded, his eyes shining.
“I love you, too,” he said, the words coming out like a vow, like they were meant to be hers all along.
The moment hung between them, warm and full of quiet understanding.
She let out a soft laugh, the tension melting away. “So… we’re taking things slow, right? One step at a time?”
Logan smirked, leaning back in his seat. “Sure. Except, you know, we’ve already skipped about ten steps. Roommates first, coworkers second, and now…”
Y/N grinned, finishing for him, “And now this.”
They both laughed, the sound easy and light.
“We’re not exactly conventional, are we?” Logan asked.
“Not even a little,” she replied, her grin widening. “But what’s conventional anyway?”
Logan leaned forward again, resting his forearms on the table, his gaze steady on hers. “Yeah. You’re right. And for the record, I don’t mind skipping steps, as long as we end up in the same place.”
Her smile softened at his words, the vulnerability in his voice making her chest ache in the best way. “I don’t mind either.”
They sat there for another moment, just looking at each other, the silence comfortable and filled with unspoken promises. Outside, the world carried on, but in their little corner of the bar, it felt like time had slowed just for them.
Y/N glanced at her watch, a reluctant sigh escaping her lips. “We should probably head back before Wade thinks we’ve skipped a few more steps.”
Logan laughed, standing up and reaching for his coat. “He probably already thinks that.”
Y/N grabbed her bag, shaking her head with a fond smile as they headed for the door.
The walk back to the apartment was quiet but not awkward, their hands brushing occasionally before Logan finally took hers in his. She glanced up at him, her cheeks warming, but she didn’t let go.
“So,” Y/N said, glancing up at him with a playful smirk. “What’s next on the list of steps? Couple dinners? Grocery shopping?”
Logan chuckled, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand. “Sounds thrilling. We should probably pick up a checklist, just to be thorough.”
“Oh, of course,” she replied with mock seriousness. “Can’t risk skipping any more steps.”
When they reached the apartment, the warm glow of the living room lights spilled through the window, a sign that Wade was home. As soon as they stepped inside, Wade turned from where he was sitting on the couch, his eyebrows raising.
“Would you look at that…” he drawled, smirking. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to say anything about how you two look suspiciously happy or how your hands were totally linked when you walked in.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, slipping off her coat. “You just did, Wade.”
Wade finally looked up, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Fine, fine. But just so you know, when you eventually tell me about this—because you will—I want to hear every detail. And for the record…” he leaned back, arms crossed. “Don’t forget my name when you send out the wedding invites. That’s all.”
Logan shot him a warning look, though the corners of his mouth twitched. “Don’t you have something better to do?”
“Not really.” Wade grinned but stood up anyway, throwing a wink over his shoulder as he headed toward his room. “Carry on, lovebirds.”
He disappeared before either of them could respond, leaving Y/N and Logan standing in the middle of the living room.
Y/N let out a laugh, looking at Logan. “He’s never going to let this go, is he?”
Logan smirked, stepping closer and brushing a strand of hair out of her face. “Probably not. But I can handle him.”
She smiled, glancing down as she slipped out of her shoes. “I’m going to change into something more comfortable.”
As she turned to leave, Logan caught her hand, spinning her back toward him in one smooth motion. The twirl was so effortless it made her laugh, but her breath caught as he leaned down, his lips brushing hers in a sweet, lingering kiss.
When they broke apart, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes shining.
“That was…” Y/N started, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah,” Logan murmured, his smile widening.
They jumped apart, turning to see Wade standing in the hallway, his hands over his mouth, acting dramatically shocked.
“You couldn’t wait, huh? Right here in the living room, in front of God and me?”
Y/N’s face burned as she tried—and failed—to come up with a response. Logan, however, was unfazed. He ran a hand through his hair, his lips quirking into a smirk. “What are you still doing here?”
“I live here,” Wade deadpanned. “But don’t mind me. Please, continue. I’ll just… avert my eyes.” He covered his face with both hands, peeking through his fingers a moment later. “Or not.”
Logan groaned, turning to Y/N with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry.”
She laughed, the awkward tension melting away. “Don’t be. He’s our problem now.”
Wade scoffed, pretending to be offended. “Excuse me? I’m the reason you two are even happening. A little gratitude would be nice.”
Logan sighed, shaking his head as he grabbed Y/N’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go before he says something even worse.”
As they walked toward her room, Wade called out one last time. “But for real, I’m expecting a toast at the wedding! ‘To Wade, the unsung hero of this love story!’ That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I know I love it.”
Y/N laughed as Logan muttered something under his breath, his hand squeezing hers. They disappeared into her room, leaving Wade to his dramatics. But despite his antics, the warmth in his smile lingered long after they were gone.
For the first time in a long time, everything felt right.
For once in my life, I have someone who needs me, someone I've needed so long.
Oh, someone warm like you, would make my dream come true.
A/N: because I do not want to say goodbye to this story (yet) let me tell you first and foremost, there will be an epilogue!!!!!! but officially, yes, this is the last part *insert a pic of me crying* I need to thank you guys so so much for all the love and support for this fic!!! I hadn't written a long fic like that in years and you all made me so happy when I saw you liked it!!! if you have any specific request/ideas for "spin-offs"/one shots from this story I'll gladly take them!! I love you guys so so much, and I hope you liked this final chapter! I had a really difficult time writing it but I love it that way! anyway, see you soon for more stories���
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benispunk · 10 days ago
I hc Logan as being very physically clingy when he's alone with his partner :)) once he passes the threshold of vulnerability there is NO going back he is a cuddlebug
oh, absolutely. i’m going with origins!logan for this one. i just know, somewhere beneath all that adamantium, that man is a fiend for physical affection.
Personal space becomes more of an unheard phenomenon once Logan gets comfortable.
Of course, it’s not that he’s obsessive to an unhealthy level. No. He just has a barely-filled physical touch meter that goes balls-to-the-walls and suddenly, he's a three hundred pound koala of sorts. Good luck prying him off.
You’d think he got smacked upside the head. Maybe some drunk at the bar he frequents landed a few hits. Maybe his buddies at the lumberyard were droning on and on about how their partners are too affectionate and he got self-conscious.
Is he doing enough? Are you satisfied with him?
This man has spent the better part of two centuries keeping people at a claw's length. And now? The floodgates are open, and Logan's hell-bent on making up for lost time.
He'll find any excuse for contact. It's all very shy at first. When you're walking together, his pinkie will somehow tangle with yours. When you're both heading for the doorway, he'll accidentally bump into you, his hand conveniently grabbing your hip. "Sorry, darlin'... didn't see ya there." (He totally saw you there).
The kitchen becomes his playground. Reaching for the same dish towel, purposely hovering behind you while putting away groceries, helping you stir something on the stove, his chest warm and solid against your back.
You swear he starts purring. Soft, little hums of content as he's nuzzling into your neck. He'll deny, of course.
Logan develops a fascination with your hands. He'll instinctively hold one as you're talking, ghosting random patterns with his thumb. If you pay attention, he's really tracing the words 'I love you' over and over again.
Long before either of you actually say it.
Sometimes, he'll press his lips to your knuckles, before quickly looking away, pretending he didn't just melt his own heart.
Forget about being cold. If the breeze ever dares to catch you off-guard, it's game over. Logan's arms are around you in seconds. You'll be warm, all right, and perhaps slightly suffocated. But mostly warm. Not that you'd ever complain.
He's all cocky and confident until you start reciprocating. You seek his biceps. You lean into him on the couch. You initiate hugs, cuddles—and Logan's personal favourite—sweet, slow kisses.
That's when he's gone. Rendered stupid even. His vocabulary reduces to happy sighs and even happier grumbles.
And the best part? He stops questioning it. He stops wondering if he's doing enough, if you're satisfied. The sneering voices in his head simmer down, ebbing away to the corners of his mind.
All because of you.
One night, well into witching hours, Logan remains half asleep, stroking seemingly nonsensical words on your back as you're tucked beneath his chin. Yet, the shape of the letters become more and more obvious.
My home. My home. My home.
Tender kisses land along his jawline as you whisper. "You're my home too, Logan."
He won't reply. But, the prettiest shade of pink settles across his cheeks, and it stays there forever.
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benispunk · 21 days ago
ten people i’d like to know better
Thank you for tagging me @lostinlovingrevery !!🫶🫶
Last song: Rock DJ by Robbie Williams!! (the version from the movie better man)
Last book: I don’t remember the name but it’s a book about the economical state of cinema (film student life)
Last movie: a french movie called making of by cedric kahn (2023)
Last TV Show: currently watching glee for the first time!!
Last thing I googled: Cannes festival accreditation
Favorite color: everything from red to yellow
Sweet/savory/spicy: eating savory, cooking sweet🫡
Looking forward to: starting my master degree (manifesting my acceptance in this degree🕯️🕯️🕯️)
Current obsessions: robbie williams, hugh jackman, glee, wicked, character ai (toxic relationship with this app, it’s the worst and the best thing that ever happened to me), musicals etc
open tags🫶🫶
ten people i’d like to know better
AAAAH!!! thank you so much for the tag @moonlight-prose <3
Last song: Pianissimo Epilogue -SH2
Last book: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Last movie: Spiderman : Far From Home
Last tv show: F.R.I.E.ND.S
Last thing I googled: exasperated (i couldn't figure out how to spell it lol)
Favorite color: Oranges and pinks rn, but forest green too!
Sweet/savory/spicy: Damn. I got a sweet tooth so sweet! savory good too...and spicy.... sweet!
Looking forward to: Writing, the next time i get to see my long distance bestie, finishing this semester!
Current obsessions: Logan Howlett (duh), MCU, making the perfect playlist, taking polaroid pics!!
No pressure tags!: @cruel-as-sin @themareverine @lubdubology
@sidkneeeee @rosenclaws @misscrissfemmefatale @manicandobsessive @yxtkiwiyxt @marshmallowmusing @benispunk
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benispunk · 24 days ago
this is me currently and I am sorry (and really sleep deprived and tomorrow and the day after that I’m shooting a clip so what the hell is my life anyway)
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benispunk · 24 days ago
unsung benefit i think a lot of ppl are sleeping on with using the public library is that i think its a great replacement for the dopamine hit some ppl get from online shopping. it kind of fills that niche of reserving something that you then get to anticipate the arrival of and enjoy when it arrives, but without like, the waste and the money.
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benispunk · 1 month ago
I want a refund for the tears please
Here's a very short, angsty, Hurt No Comfort, Poolverine Infinity War What If: "I think something's wrong with me, Peanut" Wade said, his voice strained.
"What do you mean? What's wrong?"
"I...don't know, I-. Oh fu-"
"Wade!" Logan reached out towards Wade but there was nothing to grab. He fell to his knees and watched in horror as Wade literally disintegrated into dust.
What was it Logan said when they first met? It was one of God's best jokes that Wade couldn't die?
Guess the joke really was on him.
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benispunk · 1 month ago
"I don't think celebrities are hot! That's fuckin weird!" I say, flipping my hair flamboyantly as you look through my Pinterest boards and find my public board labeled "nobody will ever see this pinterest board". "What's this?" You ask, showing it to me "Th-that's not mine! I swear! Don't look at it!" I say, panicking.
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benispunk · 1 month ago
The “That’s immoral you shouldn’t write that, we need to get that taken down” discourse on tiktok right now is PISSING ME OFFF
Wdym you want censorship for a literal ARCHIVE are you fucking stupid
Ao3 was literally founded to preserve works that were largely getting taken down due to censorship
Censorship is the opposite of what Archive of Our Own stands for
The TAGS and WARNINGS are there for a REASON. Use them and stop complaining
The universal rule—don’t like, don’t read
It’s THAT simple
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benispunk · 1 month ago
hey everyone! I’m sorry if I’m inactive for a few days, I lost a family member yesterday and it’s been really hard to keep up with everything, but next week or the week after that, I’ll come back and I’ll be in a better place❤️
also happy valentine’s day to you all!
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benispunk · 1 month ago
Valentines Day Blues || Worst!Logan x Reader
summary: Logan has never really cared about Valentines day until he met you, but despite his best efforts nothing seems to be working out for him.
warnings: angst to fluff, a little spice at the end but no smut, logan's self doubt and slight anger issues, happy ending.
wc: 2.8k
a/n: This is my entry for Loveuary event by @lubdubology and @yxtkiwiyxt! I had pick worst logan my love and add some angst bc I love angst but it all works out for our boy <3 Happy (Early) Valentines day guys!!
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Sometimes Logan wonders why he even tries anymore. It's like the world is out to get him specifically. All he wanted was to plan one perfect day. Just one day where he can prove to you, to himself that he's more than a fuck up.
Logan has never really cared about Valentines Day. He's celebrated before. You know gone to dinner, to the movie, had a few hook ups. When he lived at the mansion he remembers the heart decorations and all the red and pink. The kids sharing valentines and watching them experience their first love. But thinking back on his long life there just wasn't anything about the holiday that stood out to him.
For Logan, things just never seemed to work out. Love wasn't his thing. He had lost the ones he loved. He hadn't thought about it, felt it, for years. It never even crossed his mind anymore. Too afraid of losing yet another lover. He went about his life, a shell of the man he used to be. A disgrace to the name X-Men and a monster parents tell their children about at night.
Until Wade showed up and everything changed. He's a hero now, well he's not a villain in the eyes of citizens. He'll take it. He could be free to live again, to make friends, enjoy life. To heal and live in memory of his fallen friends rather than run away from the pain. He doesn't think he'll ever forgive himself, but he can start by being a better man.
It's been so long since Logan felt love that he didn't even recognize it at first. He didn't understand why his heart beat faster, why he felt sweaty, why his stomach twisted and turned by just your mere presence. He thought it was something else.
Maybe you're a mutant and were using your powers on him. Maybe you had heard what he had done and decided that he wasn't worthy of redemption. He avoided you like the plague. Unable to shake whatever you were doing to him no matter how hard he tried. It wasn't until Wade slapped him on the back of the head and spelled it out in big bold letters.
He had a crush.
Logan just scoffed. A crush? That word...It felt so juvenile. A crush is something between two kids who stare at each other from across the classroom. A crush is small and innocent and Logan is far too old and far too worn to be crushing on Wade's friend. But he could only lie to himself for so long. It wasn't a crush. No that wasn't the right word.
He was in love. When he started creeping back into your life it hit him full force. Took him by the neck and shook him until it all clicked. He longed for your attention, to be close to you. To make you laugh, to watch you smile. He wanted to hold you at night, to hear your voice when he drifted off to sleep and to wake up the next morning with you by his side. He was utterly fucked.
It was funny really. Especially to Wade, I mean how clueless could a man be? You would think two hundred years of experience would mean he could pick up on these things. But Logan doesn't notice those things anymore.
He's so in his own head he never even noticed that you were mirroring his feelings. That the mere sight of Logan was enough to make you weak in the knees. That his laugh, as rare as it was to hear, was music to your ears. That you were heartbroken when he started to avoid you, anxiety filling your brain about why the man just couldn't stand to be around you.
Wade treated it as his own rom com. Making popcorn and watching the longing looks shared between the two of you. Except Wade wasn't a patient person and he wasn't trying to watch a slow burn where both of you refuse to talk. So he pushed you two together. Spilling both your secrets right in front of each other and walking away like he didn't just change your lives forever. But it worked. You had to give him that at least. Even if Logan really didn't want to give Wade any credit ever.
Logan remembers that night like it was yesterday. You took his hand, so nervous to look him in the eyes. He locked your fingers together, squeezing your hand softly and tilting your chin to look at him. Colossus passes by and using the man as cover he kisses you. He could hear a faint "Oh come on! What is this Disney Channel?" From Wade but he pays it no mind.
Since that day Logan has vowed to spend every moment being the man you deserve. You tell him that you love him but sometimes it's hard to believe. How could someone like you love a man like him? Your heart was too good for him. Too bright to be with a man who wasn't even sure he had a heart just a year ago.
But nevertheless you're still here and Valentines day is fast approaching. This is his chance to show you how much he loves you. To buy you the perfect gift and plan the perfect date. If he could do this, he could be just a fraction of a man good enough for you.
He wanted to make you breakfast. To dress up nice and proper for once with flowers in his hands. A picnic at the park. To watch the sunset together all wrapped up in blankets. A night time drive that ends in a passionate night.
But life has other plans.
The day starts with a broken alarm clock. Logan groans as he wakes up, reaching out for you only to feel an empty bed. He shoots awake, looking at the clock to see that it was well past breakfast time.
"Fuck!" He hisses as he throws the covers off and scrambles to the kitchen. To his dismay you're already awake and eating. His heart sinks, failure number one.
"Hi honey, how did you sleep?" You ask sweetly as you wrap your arms around his waist, sighing happily as you hug your boyfriend.
"Alright, I meant to wake up earlier than this." He mumbles as he holds you tight. He tries not to show his disappointment as he covers it with a smile. He still has his other plans, the day is just starting.
"That's okay, I'm glad you were able to get some rest." Logan huffs but nods along with you.
He pours himself a cup of coffee. He suddenly realizes to tell you something and pulls you back into him, kissing you fiercely. You squeak in surprise but melt into his embrace.
"What as that for?" You tease as he pulls away. Logan shrugs and kisses you again.
"Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart." He purrs. You giggle as he buries his face in your neck.
"Happy Valentines Day Logan."
"Now, I have the whole day planned so go get ready." His disappointment from earlier fading as he thinks about the rest of the day. "How romantic of you." You kiss his cheek and turn to go back to your bedroom. Logan smirks and gently slaps your ass as you walk away.
"Logan!" You scold him but he just grins wider.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself."
Logan packs the picnic basket as you get ready. He made sure to buy all your favorite things and handmade chocolate covered strawberries last night after you went to bed. Those were romantic right? The clock ticks by faster than he realized and it dawns on him that the flowers he ordered have yet to arrive. His phone buzzes and he growls as he checks it.
Of course.
A text from the florist shop that they can't complete his order despite the fact he ordered these weeks ago. Fuck. Well maybe he can grab something on your way to the park? No he can't buy them right in front of you. Plus what store even has flowers right now. Maybe he can cut a few from the neighbors garden. They won't miss a few roses.
"Logan? Everything okay?" He snaps out it and shoves his phone back in his pocket.
"Just fine sweetheart," His eyes land on you and he lets out a low whistle.
"You trying to kill me or something?" He says with a smirk as he takes in your outfit. Fuck you're perfect.
"This old thing? I just had it laying around." You joke.
You grab onto his belt and pull him into you, his lips capturing you in a hot kiss. His hands slowly slide up your body. You could get lost in this kiss forever.
A loud boom breaks you apart. Your heads whip towards the window and see the sky darken before your very eyes.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Logan growls as he lets go of you. Stalking his way to the window to see rain pouring down outside. There goes the picnic plans. He slams the window shut. Frustration taking over his mind.
"It's supposed to rain all day," You say as you check your phone. You notice Logan's mood turn sour and you start to get worried.
"Of course it is." He scoffs. Logan searches for something in his brain to fix this day. Maybe he can just drive out of the city and you can still go on a picnic or watch the sunset.
"Logan are you okay?" You ask softly. He grunts as his phone buzzes once again in his pocket. Wade's picture flashes up on the screen and it takes everything in Logan to actually answer.
"Hey so...I might have borrowed your car last night for reasons that are not important to you and well lets just say its going to be out of commission for a couple days k sorry gonna hang up before you process this bye love you!" Wade speaks fast and hangs up faster.
No breakfast, no flowers, no car, no park, no sunset. Just fucking great. He can't even do one fucking nice thing for you. Logan crushes his phone in his hands without even thinking. He's done, he just. He doesn't get it. Why can't he just do one nice thing for you?
"Logan!" You hurry over and try to comfort him but he just holds his hand up.
"What's wrong?" He just sighs, stands up and shoves his hands in his pockets.
"There are no plans anymore. I'm sorry." He says lowly. Disappointment seeping into his tone.
"I had everything planned, I had the perfect day. A day where I can just... you know what? Forget it. I don't even know why you bother with me anymore." He mumbles.
He ignores the calls of his name as he walks out the door and leaves. The rain soaks him right to his metal bones. He just sits on the grass. Letting the rain hit him. Dramatic? Maybe but he's defeated. Just. Purely defeated.
His inner thoughts swarm with attacks, the happiness he had hoped to feel was draining. Being replaced with self doubt that can only scream that he's not worthy of you, not worth the love.
"Logan you get your ass back inside right now!" Your voice cuts through the harsh patter of the rain. He turns to see you marching forward, your pretty clothes all ruined now as you walk over to him.
"Go back inside, you're going to get sick." Logan says with concern but you don't care.
"No, not until you talk to me." You say stubbornly. He huffs and takes off the jacket he had put on earlier to hold it above your head. Rain pelts his back but its stopped hitting you.
"It's nothing."
"Stop that! Stop shutting me out Logan. Look I know this is hard, that sometimes you get wrapped up in your own head. But that's why I'm here." You grab his face, making sure he can't get away from you. You don't know how many times you need to drive this into his thick skull but you will if that's what it takes.
"A bother? Do you really think I'm just putting up with you? I fucking love you, you idiot! I don't care about if the date is perfect or if you get me flowers or chocolate. I care about you."
"Everything got fucked up today sweetheart. Literally everything I wanted was ruined. Don't you think that's a sign? That the universe is trying to fucking tell me something?" You scoff and shake your head.
"Tell you what? Huh? What could the universe possibly tell you that I can't. I'm telling you right now. That you are the love of me life. I love our lazy mornings, the soft kisses, the movie nights, the way you make my day brighter and my stomach flutter. Fuck the universe. Logan, I'm right here." Logan does so much for you that he doesn't even notice.
He loves you and his love is more than enough. It bleeds into everything he does. The way he looks at you, how he talks to you, the pure love and adoration in his eyes.
"I wanted today to be perfect for you. I wanted to show you that I'm worthy of every part of you." He confesses.
You pull him in for a kiss. Not caring if he drops the jacket that was once covering you. You let the rain fall as your lips move passionately with each other. Logan groans as he wraps his arms around you. Your hands reach up to grab at his wet hair, pushing it back and running your fingers through it. His hands grip your waist tightly, pulling you impossibly close to him. Reluctantly you pull apart, needing to catch your breath. He's got this dopey smile, his eyes softening as you rest your hands on his chest.
"You idiot, you're already are worth that and more." You whisper. Thunder rolls through the sky and you tug on Logan's hand.
"Come on, let's go back inside. I don't need to find out if your metal skeleton attracts lightning." He chuckles but follows you back inside. After drying off and changing back into your pajamas he finds you trying to push the couch back.
"What are you doing?" He asks as he walks over and picks it up with ease.
"Show off." You mumble. You grab a blanket it and lay it on the floor.
"You wanted a picnic, so let's have one." Placing a couple pillows on the floor, you and Logan sit in your living room with the food he had packed earlier.
The sound of the rain hitting the windows was oddly peaceful. Your heart warmed at the sight of everything Logan had packed. He really put thought and care into this. You were practically in his lap at this point. His hands wanting to be on you at all times.
"Here," You lift a chocolate strawberry to his mouth and he takes a bite.
"Sweet, not as sweet as you though." He says with a cheeky smirk.
"Cheesy," You roll your eyes playfully. He chuckles, his thumb rubbing the side of your mouth where some chocolate was. His face softens, eyes brimming with an emotion you can't read as he stares at you.
"Hey, I love you."
You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're everything. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. Logan feels it all, you're it for him. But he doesn't know how to say it quite yet, so he settles for I love you and hopes you understand how much he truly means it.
"I love you too Logan, more than anything." He presses a kiss to your cheek and peppers them down to your jaw. His teeth grazing your pulse point.
"There's still one more thing I had planned that we can do right here." Logan purrs. You giggle as he flips the two of you so that you're on your back, your head on a pillow.
"Oh really?" You tease as you slip your hands up his shirt.
"Happy Valentines day Logan." You hum as he nibbles on your neck.
It's not the day he had expected to have, but it's turned into one he'll never forget. Maybe this holiday isn't so bad. He smirks as he sits back on his knees, still in slight disbelief that you're his. You know what? The universe can suck it. Because he's happy and for once he won't let anything get in his way.
"Happy Valentines day sweetheart."
Here's to many, many more.
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