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staragency · 1 year ago
Hand of Hope: Nurturing the Growth of a Plant Clock
It's always art o'clock when your clock is a work of art
Printed polypropylene face made for you when you order
Metal hands in your choice of colors
Bamboo wood frame in black, white, or natural finish
Quartz clock mechanism for accurate timekeeping
Clear plexiglass lens
Built-in rear hook, ready to hang
AA battery not included
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christophe76460 · 1 year ago
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"Ne sois pas effrayé, car je suis avec toi; ne sois pas angoissé, car moi je suis ton Dieu. Je t’affermis, je viens à ton secours, pour sûr, je te soutiens de mon bras droit qui fait justice." Ésaïe 41:10
Nos prières et nos pensées vont vers toutes les personnes touchées par le séisme en Turquie et en Syrie ainsi que leurs proches.
Nous nous tenons dans la prière, demandant à Dieu son aide et son réconfort ! 🙏
#joycemeyer #handofhope #seisme #turquie #syrie #priere
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northpolelifecoach · 3 years ago
I will support you through your healing process and help to make you whole again. Online appointments only. Go ahead I am here reach out [email protected]
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mixdgrlproblems · 3 years ago
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"My name is Nora Fakim. I was born/raised in #London. My mum is #Moroccan & my dad is #Mauritian, of #Indian descent. Ive heard "Where are you from?” my whole life, not only in the UK but also in Morocco & Mauritius. Often people just can't place me. They can't figure out if Im African, Arab, British, wonder if Im Asian & why I speak fluent French. My name doesnt help. As a reporter, I've been speaking to lots of people of #mixedheritage whove been trying to figure out how they straddle their different cultures & fit into a particular community. Many of them say that one of the most frustrating things is defining their ethnic group. When it comes to filling out official forms, there isnt a box that represents their identity. On the census, I tick “mixed other”, which I don't think sums me up. Take a look at the box I've created to celebrate where I come from: The dodo I'm pictured with is too big, it is a symbol of Mauritius & became extinct in the 17th Century. Mauritius is a #multicultural society with a deep history & mixed cultures. The seashell was my dads. The pink Indian shawl represents the Indian influence in Mauritius & my roots. The #handofhope Fatima was given to me by my Moroccan cousin. Its for protection from the evil eye. The key ring has my name in Arabic. My mum taught me #MoroccanArabic when I was young. It was a way for her to complain about my dad to me since he couldn't understand it! The book is by Yasmina Khadra. When I was younger, I enjoyed learning about the French influence in N. Africa & understanding why my mum spoke better French than Arabic. But it disturbed me that many N. Africans, who spoke better French than their own Arabic language, were in some way losing their identity. The Berber necklace represents the indigenous Moroccans & shows how diverse Morocco is. The CD is filled with French hip-hop music. I grew up speaking French as well as English. Now for my British side. I used to play tennis so I included my tennis ball & the English teabags I use everyday. The Marantz audio recorder represents my passion for journalism & recording different stories from people I meet on a regular basis" 🇲🇦🇲🇺 via @bbc https://www.instagram.com/p/CTnEq98lB-U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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recoftheday · 2 years ago
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Morning Again • Hand Of Hope • 1997 Good Life Recordings • 1st press on Clear Vinyl • Limited to 300 copies. . . . . . #morningagain #handofhope #goodlife #goodliferecordings #Vinyl #Vinylcollector #vinylcollection #Vinyladdict #vinyllovers #vinylmaniac #recordoftheday #albumoftheday #instavinyl #vinyligclub #vinyljunkie #vinyloftheday #vinylporn #vinylrecords #recordscollection #vinylcollective #vinylcollectionpost #vinylcommunity #nowspinning #vinylgram #vinyllove #coloredvinylclub #coloredvinyl (presso Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1bFaTtvj6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drpatriciadsouzalobo · 3 years ago
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Christmas is all about God's Love❤️ Wishing you peace, joy and unconditional love at Christmas. Blessed Christmas to you and your family 🙌🏼🤗✨✨ @abhishek_lobo #GoodWord #HandOfHope #GiveHope #ChristianLiving #DiligentSoul #righthandofthemosthigh #MostHigh #YourArm #HandOfMoses #Lordheard #patriciadsouzauthor #patriciadsouz https://www.instagram.com/p/CX4hNYGPIsy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tamicurtis · 4 years ago
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The image of the hand of a 21-week-old unborn baby reaching out of her mother's womb and holding the surgeon's finger. 1999 “Hand of Hope” Please let this move you heart to be broken over late term abortion. #handofhope #chooselife https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9dLldFCux/?igshid=1wh53ing7tisu
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iamjesusgal · 8 years ago
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#gonetoosoon I was #blessed to meet Alecia Jane Arts on a #mission trip in #gulu #uganda three months ago... most of last Saturday night, and all day Sunday even through our mission outreach for the homeless, I had a prayer burden through intercessory prayer, a heaviness...not sure why... tragically , she suffered heartbreaking injuries following bad car accident over the weekend and her earthly battle ended today. She was a beautiful soul- passionate about God and helping people- always smiling, joyful, kind. She had deep love for her daughter, too. I'm grateful our path crossed serving God through #joycemeyer #handofhope #ministries ... life is just a vapor... so temporary. You just never know when your last day will be... live to make EVERY day count, and make each day count for Jesus. Until we meet again, my #friend 💔
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generacionderelevo-blog · 4 years ago
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🤝Mano Amiga para las Madres🤱 Nuestro equipo👥 GDRparacristo sorprendio 😲a la madre 🧑‍🦰 Yormileth Mendoza y a sus 2 niñas .Al conocer el caso de esta madre se solicito la ayuda para ellas. Gracias a Dios👼🏽 y a nuestro patrocinante: La Fundación @madresinlimites, quienes al ver 🤓el caso 🗒️de dicha familia 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦aprobaron los recursos 💵para hacer 1 mercado🛒🌶️🥖🥚🍞. Sigamos Apoyando y brindando la mano🤝amiga al necesitado. @handofhope @camilo @fundacionh2d @fundahuellas.ve @funmiaven @regalandoalegria2018 @funda_miavena @fundacionportimivenezuela1 @empresaspolar @omshivaom Conectados🔌 para Edificar🛠️ Una Nación🇻🇪 #ContagiateconGDR #CONECTATECONGDR #like4likes #photoshoot #GDRparaCristo #likeforlikes #siguemeytesigo #venezolanosenmiami #venezolanosenespaña #helpvenezuela #photooftheday #instagood #photography #good #happy #picoftheday #ayudanos _#ayudaalprojimo_ #AYUDAMEAAYUDAR #vnzla #AyudanosACompartir #ayudahumanitaria_h #colombia #chile #españa #francia #argentina #bolivia #brasil #costarica https://www.instagram.com/p/CTJCaBwM2T4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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christophe76460 · 4 years ago
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Peut-être ne vous sentez-vous pas aimée le matin au réveil ? Peut-être n’avez-vous pas d’énergie et vous sentez que vous allez être découragée ou de mauvaise humeur toute la journée. ⁠ Vous pouvez changer vos circonstances en prononçant des paroles d’encouragement et de foi. ⁠ ⁠ Dites à voix haute : « DIEU M'AIME, je suis la prunelle de ses yeux et il a un BON plan pour ma vie. » ⁠ ⁠ Plus vous méditerez sur les promesses de Dieu qui sont dans sa Parole, plus vous verrez votre vie être transformée et vous vivrez des miracles !⁠ ⁠ La Bible dit que Dieu a votre portrait gravé sur la paume de ses mains (Esaïe 49:16) .Jésus est à côté de vous à tout moment et où que vous soyez !⁠ ⁠ Sortez de chez vous aujourd'hui en étant pleinement consciente que vous êtes la fille du Dieu Tout-Puissant. Héritière du Roi des Rois !! 👑⁠ #journeeinternationaledesdroitsdesfemmes #joycemeyer #journeedelafemme #femme #droits #handofhope #journéedelafemme https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKV5LfgHTi/?igshid=qhfnqnbq2cwt
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drpatriciadsouzalobo · 3 years ago
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Our most precious possession is our soul. Yes, I am certain that's how God sees it too, but do you and I share that perspective❓ Therefore, let us be more concerned with the security of our souls than with the security of our material resources. Afterall, "What will it gain...?" - Patricia Dsouza 🙌🏼🤗 #GoodWord #HandOfHope #GiveHope #ChristianLiving #DiligentSoul #righthandofthemosthigh #MostHigh #YourArm #HandOfMoses #Lordheard #patriciadsouzauthor #patriciadsouz https://www.instagram.com/p/CXRbFKNPmqJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tokyofuckincity-blog · 8 years ago
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x BY CHANCE x by Handで1点1点刷ってます! #bychancepassorpromise #bychance #fashion #bc #fashionbrand #byhand #lennycodefiction #5月末発売 #xcamillox #camillobychance #やろっ #handofhope #その前に #dreambychance #ですかね @watarulcf @bc_bychance (UNCHAIN CO., LTD.)
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iamjesusgal · 7 years ago
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The most joy-filled people I've met in all my life reside in the most challenging of circumstances... they have learned to live with joy! #joy #southafrica #mission #handofhope #smile #love #africans #beauty #sistersister #united #iamjesusgal #iamjesusgalministries
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evelina-blr · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @joycemeyer - David Meyer, CEO of Hand of Hope, explains how they are sharing hope in Eastern Europe. You can join these efforts too by clicking the link in the profile! #givehope #handofhope #missions #sharechristlovepeople - #regrann
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generacionderelevo-blog · 4 years ago
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💧Gotita de Amor❤️ Cada gota💧 de amor😍 cuenta y de una en una se llena un vaso🥛 de esperanza😲. Desde nuestro Ministerio pudimos ser el puente🌉 que conectará a una abuelita 👩🏼‍🦳que necesitaba lentes👓 para leer con el oftalmólogo de @opticamegavisionplus .Quien al ver🧐 los lentes👓 que usaba la abuelita para leer📕, los cueles estaban remendados decidio donarle uno totalmente nuevo y sin ningún costo. Ya que la misma no contaba con los recursos para ello. Volvamos sencible nuestros corazones❤️ y extendamos 🙌🏽la mano amiga a quien la necesite🧑🏼‍🦽🧑🏽‍🦯. @handofhope @caritasdevzla @camilo @fundacionh2d @fundahuellas.ve @actejiendoredes @funmiaven @regalandoalegria2018 @funda_miavena @fundacionportimivenezuela1 @pollobrito @empresaspolar @chinoynacho @nacho @ricardomontaneer_ @olgatanonofficial @omshivaom Conectados🔌 para Edificar🛠️ Una Nación🇻🇪 #ContagiateconGDR #CONECTATECONGDR #like4likes #photoshoot #GDRparaCristo #likeforlikes #siguemeytesigo #venezolanosenmiami #venezolanosenespaña #helpvenezuela #photooftheday #instagood #photography #good #happy #picoftheday #ayudanos _#ayudaalprojimo_ #AYUDAMEAAYUDAR #vnzla #AyudanosACompartir #ayudahumanitaria_h (en Caracas, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPLBmcpsZD4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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honeycombhairdesign · 8 years ago
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Joyce Meyer this weekend! @lakewoodchurch #handofhope
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