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quotenova · 1 month ago
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Words are powerful; if you change your words, you can change your life. https://www.quotenova.net/authors/joyce-meyer/qnv5dv
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mqmotivate · 9 months ago
A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don’t change it, you won’t go anywhere. ― Joyce Meyer #joycemeyer #shorts #ytshort #motivationalquotes #quotes
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year ago
Joyce Meyer Devotional For Today 17th January 2024 – Practice Makes Perfect
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Joyce Meyer Devotional - Practice Makes Perfect
The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 17th January 2024 Is “  Practice Makes Perfect”
SCRIPTURE:  Deuteronomy 13:4 (AMPC) You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice, and you shall serve Him and cling to Him.
Once we begin listening to and hearing from God, it is important to obey whatever we hear Him say. Obedience increases our quality of fellowship with Him and strengthens our faith. We might say, “Practice makes perfect” when it comes to hearing and obeying Him. In other words, we become more and more confident as we gain experience. It takes a lot of practice to reach the point of complete submission to God’s leading. Even knowing that God’s ways are perfect and that His plans always work, we still feign ignorance sometimes when He asks us to do something that requires personal sacrifice, or we might even be afraid that we are not hearing clearly and therefore too cautious to take action. Don’t be fearful of sacrifice or of making a mistake. There are many things in life that are worse than being wrong. Jesus said, “Follow Me.” I firmly believe that when we have done our best to hear from God, then we must “step out and find out,” if we truly are hearing His voice or not. Shrinking back in fear all of our lives will never allow us to make progress in our ability to hear from God. He did not say, “You take the lead, and I will follow you.” I have learned that we may as well do quickly whatever God says, because if we don’t, I can guarantee that we will be miserable. When our children are learning how to walk, we don’t get angry when they fall down. We realize they are learning, and we work with them. God is the same way, and He will teach you how to hear from Him if you walk in faith and not fear. Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 17/01/2024. Father, I come to You today in the name of Jesus, and I thank You for this day, I ask that You help me to always recognize and listen to Your leading guidance. I ask You to help me walk in faith, rather than fear, and to help me grow in confidence as I fellowship with You, amen. Read the full article
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biographyonair · 2 years ago
What Is The Source Of Income And Net Worth Of Joyce Meyer? Career, Income
#biographyonair #JoyceMeyer #author
Joyce Meyer is a famous Charismatic Christian author and speaker from the United States of America.
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iamnicoledroberts · 2 years ago
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sacredencounters · 1 year ago
The Wrath of God
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Do you fear God? When you pray, do you meet The Lord with the proper respect to which he is owed. I am observing Now a days it seems that everyone thinks he is their personal friend. They pray to him with no respect or regard to his Power and Kingdom. Its done in a fashion that people seem to brag about for instance, "I talk to God like this" then what follows is this ignorance as if they are talking to their friend from school/work or around the way. Where is the respect? Where is the approach of honor? The lack of respect for authority is alarming. There are many false prophets, preachers, pastors, bishops and others that are purposefully attempting to dismantle his authority to make it more acceptable for the masses, whereas the masses needs that FEAR OF GOD to discipline them. In the olden times there was a healthy fear of God that people respected. Now, people have turned away from authority. 
I blame the false leaders, the ill mannered parents and society as a whole for not upholding the values. I have been watching Sermon after Sermon and I see a common theme of disrespect. From the self proclaimed Apostle Gino, William Murphy, Mike Todd , Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen to name a few. They preach the word as if they are walking on eggshells in front of their own congregation. Worried about public opinion and not delivering the fullness of the word. In addition to TD Jakes, I indeed believe that this man was called to the ministry at one point in time by God but through his greed and his sinful acts he has fallen into a pit that only repentance will save him. Yet, in his efforts to save his church he wont admit to any wrong doing but when you take a covenant with the occult, no longer are you fit to leads Gods People. 
Romans 16:18 reads 
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
Serving their insatiable appetite for fame, money and love by the world. You can clearly see their values do not align with the Good book. Engaging in sin that defiles God and our temples [the body]. Conversing with other fellow Christians, there is this brainwashed response;
Matthew 7:1-2 reads 
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Yet, I counter that with Ephesians 5:11 which reads,
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Its not judgement, only God can do that. I am not here to Judge or condemn but I am here to shine light on darkness.  I can not sit here and watch the masses drink from your chalice expecting  Living Water but in fact your serving Infested Pond Water. A message with no concrete value that isn't supported by scripture and doctrine. Glorified Lukewarm Motivational Speakers with the audacity to say the God sent you to deliver that message. I rebuke you. 
These people you call "leaders" have conformed to the World and do not stand apart as Gods appointed. Why is that do you wonder? Did it ever cross your mind? Did it feel odd? To witness your preacher engaging in World Music, Worldly activities, Worldly social gathers, Worldly speech? There has to be a moment you see the forest from the trees. We need to wake up before they lead you into the Lake of fire. 
Romans 12:2 reads 
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
We are not meant to operate as the World does. That is not true Christianity, God did not instruct us to work this way. Yet we have pastors/bishops and other leaders of the church at Beyonce concerts and playing worldly music inside of the churches to appeal more to a younger crowd. Is this for profit ? Its certainly not for God!
I encourage you to think about your church ? Think of its foundation. Does it truly align with the word of God, the acts of God? and morals of God?. If it doesn’t then you need to Run! Before you follow any man who is flawed you first make sure that he is in proper posture to lead you to God. 
Through my research and connection with God I realized I had a Sacred Encounter.  
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belezacaseira20 · 2 years ago
 Olá, sejam muito bem -vindos ao canal Palavras de Vida e Paz!!Meu nome é Rose, e se você é novo por aqui, SE INSCREVA NO CANAL e ative o sininho de notificações para não perder nenhum vídeo. 
 Deixe o seu LIKE  e  COMPARTILHE a Palavra de DEUS! Nesse vídeo você vai receber uma palavra da pastora Joyce Meyer que vai ABENÇOAR PODEROSAMENTE a sua vida!
 "Apenas orar não é suficiente. Para fazer o trabalho, eu preciso estudar a palavra, preciso cooperar com Deus, preciso prestar atenção à vida espiritual. Se eu pecar, eu preciso me arrepender. Se eu machucar alguém, preciso voltar e pedir desculpas.Depois que você nasce de novo, uma das primeiras coisas que precisa é realmente entender que Deus ama você e que Ele te justificou com Ele, e Ele te fez santo, Ele santificou você, mas o Espírito Santo, Ele é o agente na santificação". (Joyce Meyer) 
 Link do Vídeo:   • APRENDA A SER  MADURO  NA FÉ-#joycemeyer   
 Créditos a Oradora e Pastora Joyce Meyer Sobre: Joyce Meyer é uma professora bíblica e autora cristã, muito profícua para tratar no campo da cura da alma, dos traumas de infância, e também sobre as idiossincrasias humanas. Seu ministério tem sede em St. Louis, subúrbio de Fenton, Missouri. Meyer e seu marido Dave têm quatro filhos adultos, e vivem fora de St.
  #pregacao #joycemeyer #maturidade #fé
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ejw7 · 1 month ago
Atreva-se a acreditar #joycemeyer #reflexão
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poopandpraydotcom · 2 months ago
🎉 Happy (belated) World Sketchnote Day!
✨ Sketchnoting has transformed my sermon notes—even with kid-level art skills! 🖍️
📖 No art skills? No problem! Grab a FREE sermon sketchnote template https://poopandpray.com/blog/doodoo-dles
💬 Do you doodle during sermons? Stick figures welcome! 🥳
@er_sketch @sketchnoteschool @alejoporrasart @fernheartdesigns @kosha_graphicrecorder @skoodles_illustration @selvart76 @joycemeyer
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christophe76460 · 3 months ago
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Joyce raconte : « Lorsque Dave et moi nous sommes mariés, il a adopté mon fils, David, issu d’un premier mariage difficile. Je me souviens de ce que l’avocat nous a dit ce jour-là : “En adoptant cet enfant, il aura les mêmes droits légaux que tout autre enfant biologique. Il est pleinement votre fils.”
Et c’est ainsi que Dave l’a toujours vu : son fils. Nous n’avons jamais fait de distinction entre lui et nos autres enfants. Aujourd’hui, David fait un travail incroyable à la tête de nos missions mondiales et les gens lui disent souvent : “Tu ressembles tellement à ton père.”
Cette histoire illustre une vérité puissante : en Christ, nous sommes adoptés dans la famille de Dieu. Dieu nous voit exactement comme son propre Fils, Jésus.
Nous portons Son nom
Nous partageons Son héritage.
Nous sommes pleinement acceptés et aimés.
Peu importe votre passé ou vos circonstances, souvenez-vous de ceci :
Vous êtes un fils ou une fille de Dieu, et vous avez une place entière dans sa famille.
#joycemeyer #joycemeyerministries #noël24 #chretienlifestyle #jeunechretien #viechretienne #jésus
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quotenova · 9 months ago
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Compliment people. Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses. https://www.quotenova.net/authors/joyce-meyer/qa65z9
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medinahazleyes73 · 6 months ago
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year ago
Joyce Meyer Devotional For Today 15th January 2024 – Something Good Is Going to Happen
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Joyce Meyer Devotional - Something Good Is Going to Happen
The Topic of Joyce Meyer Devotional for 15th January 2024 Is “Something Good Is Going to Happen”
SCRIPTURE:  Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) But those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength and renew their power….
Hope is a positive expectation that something good is going to happen because of God’s great love for you. It is not a wishy-washy, wait-and-see attitude, but a mindset we must choose on purpose each day. Hope in Christ enables us to endure hardships and long waiting periods without giving up, and God uses these times to develop character and endurance in us. Hope reminds us to believe that God has a plan; things are going to work out. It is the sometimes unexplainable but always undeniable feeling that today would be a bad day to give up. When you choose hope, you are choosing to keep moving forward, knowing that God will make a way. Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotion Prayer Starter 15/01/2024. Father God, I don’t know what today holds, but You do. Whatever is ahead of me today, I will choose hope over despair and refuse to be discouraged. I give You control! In the name of Jesus I pray, amen. Read the full article
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identitynetwork · 8 months ago
You are a spiritual magnet by Jeremy Lopez 
#LawOfAttractionBook #LawOfAttraction #TheSecret  #TheBible #YouAreAMagnet #JeremyLopez #ConstanceArnold #JoeDispenza #JackCanfield #LisaNichols #IdentityNetwork #StevenFurtick #BethelChurch #ElevationChurch #BillJohnson #HillsongUnited #JoelOsteen #JoyceMeyer #Prophecy #PersonalPropheticWord #DailyPropheticWord #Spirituality #Jesus #God #Insta #Instagram #ThoughtsBecomeThings #DougTAddison #OprahWinfrey #Oprah #Christianity #BethelChurch #BethelMusic #BethelMusicBelievers
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wisemancax · 1 year ago
Suffering - Joyce Meyer
Suffering – Joyce Meyer Key Scriptures from #JoyceMeyer: – Romans 8 verse 28 – 1 Corinthians 13 verses 9-12 – Psalm 34 verse 19 – Proverbs 3 verse 5-6 – Psalm 105 verse 17-18
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ejw7 · 1 month ago
Atreva-se a acreditar #joycemeyer #reflexão
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