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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
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I watch everyone around me, I see the smiles I see the joy I see the laughter do they not care what's to come or are they just living in a different reality ? where they don't believe what's to come. I feel that a loss as this 2024 unfolds but my faith in God is unwavering. I have completely lost faith in this government and the leaders that are leading this government. How do you feel? We are only four days into the new year and I can't help but to feel this feeling of hopelessness. I know by God's side I will be protected but standing alongside this government and the citizens I feel that they're all the enemy. 
Psalm 62:5-6
“Oh, I must find rest in God only, because my hope comes from him! Only God is my rock and my salvation — my stronghold! — I will not be shaken.”
When reading the scripture above it puts into focus how the enemy would try to infiltrate your belief system and to incite fear. Walking with God, it is never promised that it's going to be an easy walk or walk without struggle but if you have faith as small as a mustard seed then there is nothing that he can do for you. In these trying times with the world is just chaotic it really brings the focus to where should we be more concentrated on and that is God. Wherever you are in the world I pray for you I pray you find peace, love and safety for yourself and loved ones. We soon will all be unified in struggle doesn't matter of your economic class, racial background we will all be united through change.
Philippians 4:6-7 reads
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
So cast all your worries onto him, make your request, he is the Alpha and the Omega and everything in between. It reads Psalms 46 10 be still and know that I am God. This is the true test of our faith and we must exercise because only he will bring us through.
I realized I had my Sacred Encounter
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frommymamaskitchen ¡ 2 years ago
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soulmatepsychic ¡ 8 years ago
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Your angels are sending the abundance of blessings🙏 #divinelove #love #eternallove #twinflamelove #twinflame #twinflames #higherconsciousness #divine #sacred #sacredencounter higherself #highervibrations #raiseyourvibrations #spiritjunkie #spiritgangster #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #divination #tarotreadersofinstagram #heartchakra #bekind #metaphysics #metaphysical #powerofpositivity #abundance #manifest #loveandlight #twinflameunion #awakening
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
War | The Time is Now!
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What will you do when our borders are invaded? where were you run? Where would you hide? Do you have enough resources gathered to survive an invasion? Have you been watching the news to see the latest developments regarding China in Russia does that scare you? Do you know God ? As 2024 unfolds its undeniable that we are going to be facing many uphill battles with war between nations in following by an economic crash and  famine,  pestilence. What will you do to protect your family? What will it take for you to give your life to God?  We have been misled by the leaders of this world, and now our lives hang in the bounds,  delicate casualties to the government.
Matthew 24: 6-7 reads
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
Are we able to identify that these prophecies are coming to past? Have you heard of the countless rumors that the government has been feeding to the public regarding war have all been deceived. In these trying times we all need to focus on what is most important and that is giving your life to Christ, the world will fade away. It’s inevitable but your chance to give your life to Christ is an option that you cannot toy with.
Enjoy these days for your freedom will be a thing of the past. I encourage each and every single person to prepare for the end days life as you see it will completely change indubitably.
Matthew, 24:5 reads
For many will come in my name claiming,  I am the Christ and will deceive many
During these ending times, they will be arise in false prophets, people leading Gods people, astray. Please be weary keep your head on a swivel for these false profits will surely lead you into the lake of fire. I implore you to search God for when he comes for his people, and when he departs being left without salvation will surely be something you will deeply regret
Praying and reflecting with God, I’ve had my secret encounter
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
The Wrath of God
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Do you fear God? When you pray, do you meet The Lord with the proper respect to which he is owed. I am observing Now a days it seems that everyone thinks he is their personal friend. They pray to him with no respect or regard to his Power and Kingdom. Its done in a fashion that people seem to brag about for instance, "I talk to God like this" then what follows is this ignorance as if they are talking to their friend from school/work or around the way. Where is the respect? Where is the approach of honor? The lack of respect for authority is alarming. There are many false prophets, preachers, pastors, bishops and others that are purposefully attempting to dismantle his authority to make it more acceptable for the masses, whereas the masses needs that FEAR OF GOD to discipline them. In the olden times there was a healthy fear of God that people respected. Now, people have turned away from authority. 
I blame the false leaders, the ill mannered parents and society as a whole for not upholding the values. I have been watching Sermon after Sermon and I see a common theme of disrespect. From the self proclaimed Apostle Gino, William Murphy, Mike Todd , Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen to name a few. They preach the word as if they are walking on eggshells in front of their own congregation. Worried about public opinion and not delivering the fullness of the word. In addition to TD Jakes, I indeed believe that this man was called to the ministry at one point in time by God but through his greed and his sinful acts he has fallen into a pit that only repentance will save him. Yet, in his efforts to save his church he wont admit to any wrong doing but when you take a covenant with the occult, no longer are you fit to leads Gods People. 
Romans 16:18 reads 
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
Serving their insatiable appetite for fame, money and love by the world. You can clearly see their values do not align with the Good book. Engaging in sin that defiles God and our temples [the body]. Conversing with other fellow Christians, there is this brainwashed response;
Matthew 7:1-2 reads 
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Yet, I counter that with Ephesians 5:11 which reads,
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Its not judgement, only God can do that. I am not here to Judge or condemn but I am here to shine light on darkness.  I can not sit here and watch the masses drink from your chalice expecting  Living Water but in fact your serving Infested Pond Water. A message with no concrete value that isn't supported by scripture and doctrine. Glorified Lukewarm Motivational Speakers with the audacity to say the God sent you to deliver that message. I rebuke you. 
These people you call "leaders" have conformed to the World and do not stand apart as Gods appointed. Why is that do you wonder? Did it ever cross your mind? Did it feel odd? To witness your preacher engaging in World Music, Worldly activities, Worldly social gathers, Worldly speech? There has to be a moment you see the forest from the trees. We need to wake up before they lead you into the Lake of fire. 
Romans 12:2 reads 
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
We are not meant to operate as the World does. That is not true Christianity, God did not instruct us to work this way. Yet we have pastors/bishops and other leaders of the church at Beyonce concerts and playing worldly music inside of the churches to appeal more to a younger crowd. Is this for profit ? Its certainly not for God!
I encourage you to think about your church ? Think of its foundation. Does it truly align with the word of God, the acts of God? and morals of God?. If it doesn’t then you need to Run! Before you follow any man who is flawed you first make sure that he is in proper posture to lead you to God. 
Through my research and connection with God I realized I had a Sacred Encounter.  
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
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Have you ever been walking that narrow straight path and then was confronted by temptation? Did it feel like a trap? Did you find ways to reason with engaging? I find a particularly funny when you decide to no longer engage in past activities how the enemy shows up right on time. I do not believe that this is by coincidence or by chance, is strategically planned. Did you overcome? Did you refuse the advances of the enemy to further your walk with Christ?
Psalm 73:26 reads
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Now the Bible tells us that the heart is the most deceiving organ that you have in your body. Following your heart will surely lead you to your demise. Following God, who lead you to salvation.  Today I was confronted with an old love interest that was actively pursuing me. To be clear this love interest was not from God and or not approved by God which is why I was refusing all 2023. I have been pursuing the wrong things but now that I have a clear mind and a chance to make it right they seem to just pop up. Have you had the strength to refuse or deny a particular opportunity that you was longing for? Were you upset at the fact that you had to resist in order to be faithful to Christ?
Jeremiah 17:9-10 reads 
The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.
Do not fall into this traps and be ensnared by the enemy because of your lustful ways. Instead, look to God in question is this for me? Did you send this for me? Are you opening these doors for me to fully engage and indulge? Nothing is by chance, everything has a root. Once you’re able to identify the root that  is planted on fertile ground, sacred ground until then standstill and 
Psalms 46 reads,  be still, and know that I am God.
Do not feel the pressures of this world to impress to perform instead walk by faith, and trust that the Lord shall provide. Day one into 2024 I was tempted and that is not going to end but as you’re growing in Christ, and you’re becoming more disciplined, you must understand that you are in held to a higher expectation. Do not fall into the ways of this world, but rejected regurgitate its ways and cleanse your spirit and your temple.
People may not notice or agree to your journey, but in the spirit realm, they use others as vessels in order to reach you, so do not be blinded to the fact that you will be without struggle know that interaction is planned by either God, or the adversary.
What will you do to show your restraint? What will you say in these moments of temptation to declare your covenant with God? I implore all of you to search very high and very low and have an insatiable thirst for the word of God in his direction.
I realized today that I had my sacred encounter.
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
Happy New Year !
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I am excited for the journey we are going to embark on together. I have been so filled and moved by God in these past few months. The thirst I have for God is insatiable. In my truly darkest hour God has shown up in many ways and showed me his mercy and restored me. To many the question my well being but I scoff and laugh because I couldn’t be better. 
What are somethings you are grateful for this year? In what ways has God showed up for you this year? If I were to list I would need a legal pad. Haha. Isn't he truly amazing? The grace, the mercy, need I continue? I am just grateful to be here in his presence and to share these moments with you all. 
As this new year slowly rolls in I want to encourage everyone to be their best version and truest version of self. We are coming into an age of much fabrication and deception. Do not be those who are so naïve where you abandon your own judgement and are subject to compromising. 
2 Corinthians 5:17 reads
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
As we break into the new year, what changes are you going to make? Are we choosing to declare Christ is Lord? More importantly are we welcoming him into our hearts? Get saved tonight ! Lets bring in 2024 with a celebration of life! 
I pray everyone has a safe New Year Celebration! 
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
Expansion | Harvest Season
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As the year comes to a close, what will you do different? What changes are you committing to in the New Year? I am not referring to your gym goals although physical health is very important. Yet, I am referring to your spiritual growth, that spiritual gym. 2023 has been a year of trials and tribulation for myself and setting my eyes on the Lord is my focus. How about you? Was this year great to you? Did you find God this year? Even though I was raised in the church and was no stranger to Christ. I felt that I fully encountered God THIS YEAR! Crazy to believe! Yes, I know but it is more common than you think. Lets bridge that gap. Lets live with intention. No more lukewarm activity or living. There is a choice that needs to be made. You can not serve two masters.  Are you on your unicycle riding that fine line and narrow path or do you find yourself in compromising situations that defiles and corrupts good character? There are some changes that needs to happen. 
I want to discuss with you about Expansion. 2024 is going to be a year of growth. A year of illumination. We need to prepare ourselves for the blessings that are coming express to us. Without proper preparation , do not miss out. Yet in order for you to receive you have to be willing and able to accept. 
Isaiah 54:1 reads
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left
It is time that we make way and make room for God to move in our lives and bring us into a season of increase. Emerging from our cocoon, Shedding old skin and Moving with intention to our purpose. It is time for growth! I have been hearing this message ring lately and unsure of when and where but that’s not for me to fully understand. I am okay with that. Yet, the preparation to be able to receive when the time comes is my focus. How would some of prepare for this harvest. 7 Simple ways can assist you with preparing;
Clean your home 
Pray with intention surrounding Goals and Increase 
Change your day to day habits to honor God more 
Read your bible everyday , no skip days 
Focus on mental health and creating a peaceful environment 
Focus on clean eating, nourishing your temple
Focus on physical fitness,  honor your temple
Proverbs 16:3 reads 
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Invite the Lord into all plans and adventures and seek counsel. He will guide you best with the direction needed for all of your future endeavors. We must do the work and we must clear space and ground for him to move in our lives. God has made room for you, will you make room for God? Will you invite him in your home to rearrange your furniture? Its time for a harvest you have been expecting and waiting for. Do not be afraid to receive what gifts he is holding in 2024. 
Time to cleanse and prepare for the New Year!
During my revelation, I realized I had a Sacred Encounter 
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
In the Wilderness
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When was the last time you felt that God was placing in a season on separation? In that moment how did it feel ? Did you feel a sense of "what now"? Or was you empowered that he would call you to such a time of great reflection? Interesting enough, the attacks only intensify because the enemy [the devil] can see you’re at your most fragile state and during that season, temptation seems to be at an all time high. All of a sudden old friends, love interest and old crushes seem to easily find you and now they want to take interest. Funny huh. Don’t take the bait. From experience it doesn’t end well. It plays tricks on the mind and those games are a test. 
People say that God will not test but indeed he does. Many times in the bible God has tested his servants to understand more of their will and resistance to the opposing side. You may say, well God knows all that is to come before it even happens. Yes. Yet we all have free will and we make the conscience decision and by our own wrestle with choosing what is right, it pleases God. Do you want to please God? Are you ready to make that sacrifice and walk in the wilderness with him? I know I am. As a matter of fact. I have. 
I would lay my life down and everything I have in order to be in his grace. This world , you can have it ! I long for my Sacred Encounter with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Fill my cup and let it runneth over. I aim to serve the King and be a humbled and most faithful servant. How about you? 
I digress, In your moment in the Wilderness can you recant the multiple times you have been tested by the adversary and he spoke into your ear about the sweet temptations of your past life? Conflicting isn't it. The want to indulge in sin due to you carnal and sinful nature. He makes it sound so great I bet. In my hear he would consistently whisper , "just one more time and we are done" There has been times during my journey I did fall. Soon as I fell , consumed by guilt and the overwhelming feeling of disgust. It is almost like I can hear the demons laughing and taunting as they walked out of the room. Leaving me there alone, I can feel the draft, I can hear the creaks of the front door as the wind blew past. I looked for God and although he was there I couldn’t feel him. It felt as if he walked out the room as well. Then I asked "for what ? Why did I indulge?" I don’t even feel good.  I fervently prayed. I repented and then tried to carry on with my day in hopes to forget. At that moment I was ensnared and the enemy [the devil] didn’t need to whisper to me anymore. Interesting huh. I found it to be hilarious. Being used to defile your body and sin against God is horrible feeling. 
1 John 1:9 reads
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
When you are in that pit of darkness trying to fathom the thought of how you got here, you begin to feed into the doubt on if you are worthy enough to walk this path of righteousness. I am here to inform you that it is not too late. You need to rise up once again and rebuke the enemy and get back on your track with God. 
Provers 28:13 reads
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
We can not hide from God, as bold as you are to hide in the shadows and commit acts of sin. You should be bold enough to stand before him and admit your wrong doing. Then, you will find mercy and redemption. It is easier said than done I know, believe me. I grappled with this many times along my journey. I will detail to you all , as you continue to progress it does become easier. I didn't say you won't be without struggle but you will struggle with the Lord. The feeling of accomplishment you gain is too great. 
First you need to learn your triggers when you are resisting sin. Second, you need to find ways to combat when you are feeling these urges or temptations. I turn to the word and I quote scripture. Third, you need to be able to ask God to remove desires from your heart and connect with him as to why you are feeling this way. Do not resist and ignore , for a human thing is for us to run when something is chasing us. Stand firm and look temptation in the face and shout  YOU WILL NOT WIN! YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE! THIS IS A TEMPLE GOD AND YOUR PRACTICES WILL NO LONGER DEFILE MY TEMPLE AND CORRUPT MY CHARACTER! 
Acknowledgement is the strongest form of acceptance. It will allow you to think more clearly and be able to make better informed decisions. Exercising that control over what God has blessed you with [your body] is a beautiful thing. Time to take back that power. While we are in the wilderness making our own way into his grace and earning his salvation. Understand that it comes at a high cost. Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, do you think you wont have to die as well, to sinful nature, lustful eyes , flesh and greed. It is his will , let it be done. 
God said in my favorite scripture, Exodus 14:14 - Be still and I will fight for you. 
In my revelation I realized I had my Sacred Encounter 
In this season in your life, do you feel you are in the wilderness ?
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
Breaking Strongholds | Chains | Bondage
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We tend to dismiss the power and understanding of Strongholds. Before we get started lets first define what a Stronghold is, 
One version of the definition reads, a place dominated by a particular group or marked by a particular characteristic. 
Read that once more to absorb the meaning. Have you ever been trying to stop a sinful act from taking place and somehow, someway you ended up committing that sin? Repenting and attempting to cleanse self and then you ponder, I knew better. So, then you try to move better but then a few days later that same sinful activity is back on your mind and you feel the desires and pressures to "YOLO" and commit it again? Resisting the urge and the seduction of. These are strongholds. Demonic strongholds at that. These are the connections that needs to be rebuked and addressed because they will not go way by just ignoring them alone. They will come back stronger and stronger. As we draw nearer to God, the enemy [the devil] is taking note and then his minions come running after you. Tempting you with every desire of lust to bait you. You may feel that you had kicked the habit but someway somehow its back on your mind and you say "Well I haven't done it in a while , what is one more time" That one more time can cost you a lot. These strongholds of the demonic variety exist and should not be taken lightly.
Anyone or anything pulling you away from God should be addressed, rebuked and monitored. 
Ephesian 6:12 reads 
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Who? What? When? Where? Is calling you back to the areas of bondage that your attempting to free yourselves from? Why wouldn't it let you go after you declared that you never wanted to partake? The enemy doesn’t care about your progression and your spiritual connection with the one and true God. He wants you in a constant state of confusion , defiling your temple and in darkness. 
Whether you like it or not , believe it or don’t and can see it or not! Evil presences exist and are here attacking us daily. By Gods grace, his angels and guidance we find refuge. Its about time you give yourself more credit. Am I worthy of God's Love and Protection? Why would he protect me I am a sinner? The question I have for you is Why Not YOU!? 
If you meant nothing, then the enemy wouldn’t be waging a War for your soul, tempting you. Hoping that you fall that one time to reintroduce you to that life. Its time to break those chains and demonic strongholds on your life. No better time then now. 
I have been in a dark place and wrestling with my self-worth as to why God would choose a vessel like me to carry out his message. Feeling to far gone down the rabbit hole to be used. He silenced the noise and the doubt and said to me "Why not you? I had my hand on your whole entire life, I will never leave or forsake you" We are born into this sinful life and our flesh desires sinful activity but that does not mean we are slave to it. We can become slaves to the flesh but that takes a partnership and a willful submission from self to completely indulge. We need to take that power back and replace it with God. Turn from your sinful ways and submit to God. 
Remember the feeling you felt when you completed any known sinful behavior that you are trying to change. How low you feel? vowing to never do it again. Not following your own convictions. It didn't even satisfy your urge or craving but you thought it would. The thought was better than actually performing the act. The enemy loves to trick and deceive its victims. What a coward! When you have a clear visual that the enemy is not operating for your good then I don’t want anything that comes with it. 
Roman 13:14 reads 
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.
Is it going to be easy? No! it is going to be difficult but it will be worth it! 
Exodus 14:14 my favorite scripture reads "Be still and I will fight for you"
In these moments of high lust and I am feeling the present attack of the enemy. I am very still and I pray to God for that deliverance because these emotions and desires did not come from God. Once ignored the feeling of overcoming sin is Glorious and then the battle continues. 
What strongholds are you currently battling ? Do you ever find yourself succumbing to the pressure? 
When are you making that change and ending the cycle of feeding this habit. The more you continue to feed it, it will grow and then soon consume you. Resist the urge. 
During my revelation and talk with God, I realized I had a Sacred Encounter
Lets bring in this New Year with God as our Foundation. 
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sacredencounters ¡ 1 year ago
The Ultimate Sacrifice
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What does it mean to sacrifice? What is something you have sacrificed in the past to become closer to God? Not for a day , week , a month or a season but a commitment to change to draw near him? 
James 4:8 reads
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Are you double minded? What is it to be double minded? Double minded expands on the fact that we are putting TWO Gods on the pedestal in our lives. That looks different for many people and some may not even have of knowledge. Yet, you can not serve two masters. You will draw nearer to one over the other depending on what lifestyle feels more pleasurable. We need to wash ourselves of double mindedness. Cleanse your hands , your home and your spirits and turn away from this life of sin. This passage is not to judge or condemn but to share in the perspective from one sinner who fell into the devils pit of sin BUT was saved by Lord Jesus Christ. I look to shine light on the horrors you have yet to see. The horror that I pray never become a reality in your lives. 
Darkness consumed me and I thought the only way out was through it. Yet walking through it I became more consumed and lost. Fighting my way out of bondage and strongholds of the enemy. Its bone chilling to see the constant taunting and laughter being made at the very decisions  [demons] lured you too. Trapping your mind into thinking there is no escape. Yet there is one. Calling on the name of Jesus! But you wont because your too ashamed and you wouldn’t dare to call his name because you are too EMBARASSED that he might find you there. Just like Adam and Eve hid behind the trees covering their bodies ashamed of their nakedness. You hide your shame and your face and worse your voice!
There came a point where I broke down and I released this gut wrenching cry to Jesus. He came. He didn’t judge me , he didn’t ask me any questions as to why I was there but he said to me " Are you ready to come home" I clung to his garments and he lifted me from that place of pain and confusion He sat me on a rock. I sat there beaten, worn and all I had was regret. How could I have fallen so low? I grew up in the church I knew better than this! God silenced that noise and said to me "But your past and past works don’t define you, You are my child, all you need is to call on my name and your angels will come to rescue, but you need to believe and it will be done" I never looked back .
He is real! He is real! How could you ever be the same following such and event?  I will spend my days preaching to anyone who would listen about the magnificent works and the LOVE of Jesus Christ. 
My old life for my new life in exchange. My old life costed me a lot but did not have any true value or worth. Living according to the world. Empty. I received my new life and it came at a very high price. Jesus died for me. What did I have to do ? I had to sacrifice my old pleasures and my old ways to indulge in my life. 
I remember at night reading my bible desperate for his word and his teachings. I have read so much about the men sacrificing animals and although its no longer a practice. I wanted to show God that I was deeply in need of his covenant. I chose to sacrifice myself. Visualizing putting myself on the alter and saying to my Father, "Lord I don’t have much to offer for you have everything and own everything but one thing I do have that is most valuable to me is myself and I give myself to you as sacrifice. I am the lamb, do what you will Father" I felt myself lifted up and I can feel his presence. It was all he ever wanted and I couldn’t have been more glad to please him. 
Sin will continue to follow you and the enemy [devil] will attempt to divide and conquer. We must deny the ways of the heart for it is most deceiving. We must deny the ways of the flesh for it is misleading. We must deny the ways of this world for we do not belong to it. 
James 4:7 reads
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
What have you been giving power to in your life ? Is God at the center ? Or is he there when you want to cleanse self of sin? When I tell you the time is now to correct and realign yourself with God I mean it. The end to this sinful life is over but what awaits us in his Kingdom is far greater. 
What is one thing you will sacrifice?
Through deep reflection, I realized I had my …
Sacred Encounter 
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soulmatepsychic ¡ 8 years ago
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Sending love and light - comment "YES"to accept 💖🙏✨🦋☀️😇 #divinelove #love #eternallove #twinflamelove #twinflame #twinflames #higherconsciousness #divine #sacred #sacredencounter higherself #highervibrations #raiseyourvibrations #spiritjunkie #spiritgangster #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #divination #venusretrograde #heartchakra #springequinox #metaphysics #metaphysical #powerofpositivity #abundance #manifest #loveandlight #twinflameunion #awakening
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soulmatepsychic ¡ 8 years ago
Soulmate twin flame reading forecast for March 12 - 18. you can watch the Full 11 minute video is on my My blog lovereader.net also on my YouTube channel. ❤😇🙏✨😘 #divinelove #love #eternallove #twinflamelove #twinflame #twinflames #higherconsciousness #divine #sacred #sacredencounter higherself #highervibrations #raiseyourvibrations #spiritjunkie #spiritgangster #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #divination #tarotreadersofinstagram #heartchakra #empath #metaphysics #metaphysical #powerofpositivity #abundance #manifest #loveandlight #twinflameunion #awakening
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soulmatepsychic ¡ 8 years ago
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A great abundance of light is ready for you! Like or comment to receive it! #divinelove #love #eternallove #twinflamelove #twinflame #twinflames #higherconsciousness #divine #sacred #sacredencounter higherself #highervibrations #raiseyourvibrations #spiritjunkie #spiritgangster #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #divination #tarotreadersofinstagram #heartchakra #bekind #metaphysics #metaphysical #powerofpositivity #abundance #manifest #loveandlight #twinflameunion #awakening
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soulmatepsychic ¡ 8 years ago
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Always remember to love yourself first - You are a priority! divinelove #love #eternallove #twinflamelove #twinflame #twinflames #higherconsciousness #divine #sacred #sacredencounter higherself #highervibrations #raiseyourvibrations #spiritjunkie #spiritgangster #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #divination #tarotreadersofinstagram #heartchakra #bekind #metaphysics #metaphysical #powerofpositivity #abundance #manifest #loveandlight #twinflameunion #awakening Repost @lalady55
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soulmatepsychic ¡ 8 years ago
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I am allowing my soul to Sparkle✨ #divinelove #love #eternallove #twinflamelove #twinflame #twinflames #higherconsciousness #divine #sacred #sacredencounter higherself #highervibrations #raiseyourvibrations #spiritjunkie #spiritgangster #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #divination #tarotreadersofinstagram #heartchakra #bekind #sparkling #metaphysical #powerofpositivity #abundance #manifest #loveandlight #twinflameunion #awakening
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