i-love-you-vbs · 3 days
Home protection ideas for ladies. Stay safe, queens!
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i-love-you-vbs · 3 days
Guys, so I rewatched E6 very-very carefully and noticed a very important detail. Interpret however you like, since I'm bad at making coherent theories myself. !Spoilers for E14 under the cut!
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We see tape, while Ace is laying down very clearly. I made screen lighter, so it's more visible + highlighted it.
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Boom tape is gone. It's the next frame after Ace get's up and Eden falls. I don't know what that means exactly theory vise but... do whatever you want with that information. I hope it helps. Also, please, don't follow me as I don't usually post or use my blog for other than lurking around. Unless I see someone overlooking something like this... I dunno. I guess you could presumable tag or interact with me, if you have any theories? I wouldn't mind but then again, I'm bad at making theories on my own.
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i-love-you-vbs · 22 days
1. Moral Flexibility - Adapts their ethics to fit the situation, often justifying questionable actions as necessary.
2. Cognitive Dissonance - Holds two conflicting beliefs or values and struggles to reconcile them, leading to inner turmoil.
3. Overempathy - Feels others’ emotions too intensely, leading to burnout or an inability to make objective decisions.
4. Intellectual Arrogance - Dismisses others’ ideas as inferior, believing their own intellect is superior.
5. Chronic Overthinking - Analyzes situations to the point of paralysis, unable to take decisive action.
6. Restless Wanderlust - Has a constant desire for change or travel, leading to instability in relationships or careers.
7. Savior Complex - Feels compelled to “save” others, often to the detriment of their own well-being or others’ autonomy.
8. Emotional Vampirism - Drains others emotionally, needing constant validation or attention.
9. Righteous Indignation - Becomes excessively angry over perceived injustices, often alienating others.
10. Altruistic Self-Destruction - Sacrifices themselves for others to an unhealthy degree, often leading to self-neglect.
11. Pathological Modesty - Downplays their own achievements to the point of self-sabotage or invisibility.
12. Incapable of Solitude - Feels an intense fear of being alone, leading to codependent or unhealthy relationships.
13. Over-Rationalization - Justifies every action or decision, even when it’s clearly flawed, to avoid guilt or responsibility.
14. Constant Self-Sabotage - Subconsciously undermines their own success due to deep-seated fears or insecurities.
15. Misplaced Loyalty - Stays loyal to people or causes even when it’s harmful or undeserved.
16. Ethical Rigidity - Follows their moral code to the letter, unable to adapt to complex or gray situations.
17. Need for Obscurity - Prefers to stay unnoticed or in the background, avoiding recognition or responsibility.
18. Involuntary Aloofness - Appears distant or disinterested, often without meaning to, leading to misunderstandings.
19. Fear of Mediocrity - Terrified of being ordinary, they constantly strive for greatness, often leading to burnout.
20. Rejection Sensitivity - Overreacts to criticism or perceived slights, often withdrawing or lashing out.
21. Conflict Avoidance - Avoids confrontation at all costs, leading to unresolved issues and resentment.
22. Over-idealization of Others - Puts people on pedestals, only to be deeply disappointed when they don’t meet expectations.
23. Chronically Unfulfilled - No matter what they achieve, they always feel something is missing, leading to constant searching.
24. Compulsive Truth-Telling - Feels compelled to speak the truth, even when it would be kinder or wiser to remain silent.
25. Overactive Imagination - Sees threats or possibilities where there are none, leading to anxiety or missed opportunities.
26. Faux Humility - Pretends to be humble but secretly craves admiration or validation.
27. Micromanagement - Needs to control every detail, often suffocating others or hindering their own progress.
28. Anachronistic Thinking - Clings to outdated beliefs or practices, struggling to adapt to modern realities.
29. Over-Reliance on Routine - Becomes anxious or lost without their routines, struggling to adapt to change.
30. Selective Memory - Remembers events in a way that suits their narrative, often distorting the truth.
31. Paradoxical Fear of Success - Desires success but subconsciously fears the changes or responsibilities it might bring.
32. Compassion Fatigue - Once empathetic, now numbed or indifferent due to overwhelming exposure to others’ suffering.
33. Overwhelming Nostalgia - Lives in the past, unable to move forward or appreciate the present.
34. Unyielding Perfectionism - So focused on flawlessness that they struggle to complete tasks or accept anything less than perfect.
35. Epistemic Arrogance - Believes they know everything worth knowing, dismissing the possibility of learning from others.
36. Excessive Hedonism - Pursues pleasure to the point of neglecting responsibilities or moral considerations.
37. Over-Cautiousness - So afraid of making mistakes that they rarely take action, leading to missed opportunities.
38. Idealistic Naivety - Believes the world should operate according to their ideals, often clashing with reality.
39. Ambition without Direction - Desires greatness but has no clear path or plan, leading to frustration and failure.
40. Emotional Transference - Projects unresolved emotions onto others, often misinterpreting their intentions or actions.
41. Overdependence on Routine - Becomes anxious or lost without their routines, struggling to adapt to change.
42. Misplaced Guilt - Feels responsible for things outside of their control, leading to unnecessary self-blame.
43. Fear of Being Ordinary - Constantly strives to stand out, often at the expense of authenticity or well-being.
44. Chronic Indecisiveness - Struggles to make even simple decisions, constantly second-guessing themselves.
45. Faux Cynicism - Pretends to be jaded or cynical as a defense mechanism, while secretly caring deeply.
46. Romanticization of Suffering - Believes that suffering is noble or meaningful, often rejecting happiness or comfort.
47. Selective Compassion - Empathetic towards some but completely indifferent or cold to others, often based on biases.
48. Avoidant Optimism - Avoids negative thoughts or situations, clinging to an unrealistic positivity that ignores real problems.
49. Fear of Abandonment - Clings to relationships out of fear of being left alone, often leading to unhealthy dynamics.
50. Overidentification with Work - Sees their job as their entire identity, struggling with self-worth outside of work.
51. Excessive Altruism - Sacrifices their own needs to help others, often to their own detriment.
52. Self-Imposed Isolation - Withdraws from others out of fear of rejection or misunderstanding, leading to loneliness.
53. Over-Analysis Paralysis - Overthinks every situation to the point of being unable to make decisions or take action.
54. Eternal Romantic - Sees the world through a lens of idealized love, often leading to disillusionment or heartbreak.
55. Emotional Incontinence - Struggles to control their emotions, often overwhelming others with their intensity.
56. Fear of Aging - Obsessed with youth, they go to great lengths to deny or hide the aging process.
57. Intellectual Cowardice - Avoids challenging their own beliefs or ideas, sticking to what they know out of fear of change.
58. Emotional Hoarding - Holds onto past hurts or grudges, unable to let go and move on.
59. Unquenchable Curiosity - Always needs to knw more, often prying into others’ lives or crossing boundaries.
60. Romantic Escapism - Uses fantasy or daydreams as a way to avoid dealing with reality, leading to detachment.
61. Masochistic Tendencies - Deliberately seeks out situations that cause them pain or discomfort, believing they deserve it.
62. Incurable Wanderer - Can never settle down, always moving on to the next place or experience, leading to rootlessness.
63. Dependency on Validation - Needs constant approval or praise from others to feel good about themselves.
64. Constant Self-Reinvention - Continuously changes their identity or persona, never settling on who they truly are.
65. Moral Masochism - Finds satisfaction in self-punishment or guilt, often holding themselves to impossible standards.
66. Faux Bravado - Pretends to be fearless or confident to hide deep-seated insecurities or fears.
67. Over-romanticization of the Past - Idealizes past experiences, believing that things were better back then, leading to dissatisfaction with the present.
68. Chronic Hedging - Never fully commits to decisions or actions, always leaving themselves an escape route.
69. Fear of Stagnation - Constantly needs to be doing something or moving forward, fearing they’ll become irrelevant or bored.
70. Over-Attachment to Objects - Places excessive sentimental value on material possessions, struggling to let go.
71. Emotional Stoicism - Refuses to show or acknowledge emotions, leading to repression and eventual breakdowns.
72. Self-Flagellation - Constantly punishes themselves for perceived failures or mistakes, often disproportionate to the actual events.
73. Fear of the Unknown - Terrified of what they can’t predict or control, leading to anxiety or avoidance of new experiences.
74. Romantic Pessimism - Believes that love or relationships are doomed to fail, leading to self-sabotage or cynicism.
75. Intellectual Purism - Believes in the superiority of “pure” intellectual pursuits, often dismissing practical or emotional concerns.
76. Existential Dread - Obsesses over the meaning (or lack thereof) of life, leading to paralysis or despair.
77. Involuntary Nonconformity- Desires to fit in but can’t help standing out or going against the grain, often feeling alienated.
78. Self-Imposed Martyrdom - Puts themselves in a position of suffering or sacrifice, believing it’s their duty or fate.
79. Idealized Self-Image - Clings to an unrealistic self-concept, struggling to accept their flaws or limitations.
80. Compulsive Honesty - Feels compelled to always tell the truth, even when it’s hurtful or inappropriate.
81. Over-Reliance on Technology - Becomes helpless without modern conveniences, struggling to cope with real-world challenges.
82. Moral Exhibitionism - Shows off their ethics or principles to gain admiration or moral superiority, often insincerely.
83. Perpetual Student Syndrome - Always learning but never applying knowledge, avoiding real-world responsibilities.
84. Emotional Osmosis - Absorbs others’ emotions so deeply that they lose track of their own feelings or needs.
85. Pathological Frugality - So obsessed with saving money or resources that they miss out on life’s joys or opportunities.
86. Obsessive Self-Improvement - Never satisfied with themselves, constantly striving for unattainable perfection.
87. False Modesty - Pretends to be humble while fishing for compliments or validation.
88. Uncontrolled Impulsiveness - Acts on whims or impulses without considering the consequences, leading to chaos or regret.
89. Chronic Hedonism - Lives only for pleasure, often to the detriment of their long-term happiness or relationships.
90. Overly Abstract Thinking - So focused on big ideas or concepts that they lose touch with reality or practical concerns.
91. Romantic Idealism - Believes in a perfect love or relationship, often leading to disappointment or disillusionment.
92. Selective Altruism - Only helps others when it suits them, often ignoring those who don’t fit their criteria.
93. Pathological Shyness - So shy or introverted that they struggle to function in social situations, often missing out on opportunities.
94. Moral Superiority - Believes they are more ethical or righteous than others, often looking down on those who don’t share their views.
95. Over-identification with a Role - Sees themselves only as their job, family role, or social identity, losing sight of their true self.
96. Chronic Complaining - Constantly finds something to complain about, often bringing others down or creating a negative atmosphere.
97. Faux Stoicism - Pretends to be emotionally strong or unaffected, while secretly struggling with deep emotional turmoil.
98. Addiction to Drama - Thrives on conflict or chaos, often creating drama where there is none to feel alive or important.
99. Obsessive Collecting - Gathers possessions, knowledge, or experiences obsessively, often unable to let go or move on.
100. Inflexible Optimism - Refuses to acknowledge negative possibilities, often unprepared for setbacks or challenges.
101. Contrarianism - Always takes the opposite stance just to challenge others, often without genuine conviction.
102. Emotional Projection - Attributes their own feelings or issues onto others, often leading to misunderstandings.
103. Compulsive Heroism - Feels the need to be seen as heroic or brave, even in situations that don’t call for it.
104. Spiritual Narcissism - Uses spirituality as a way to feel superior to others or to avoid personal flaws.
105. Self-Defeating Humor - Constantly makes jokes at their own expense, using humor to deflect serious issues.
106. Identity Fluidity - Frequently changes their identity or beliefs to fit in with different groups, losing a sense of true self.
107. Overattachment to the Past - Can’t move on from past successes or failures, allowing them to define their present.
108. Pseudointellectualism - Pretends to know more than they do, using complex language or ideas to impress others.
109. Overidealization of Youth - Places youth on a pedestal, often dismissing the value of experience or aging.
110. Refusal to Accept Help - Rejects assistance from others, believing they must do everything on their own, even to their detriment.
111. Emotional Manipulation - Uses guilt, pity, or other emotions to control or influence others, often without realizing it.
112. Inconsistent Values - Holds contradictory beliefs or morals, leading to confusion or hypocrisy in their actions.
113. Obsession with Legacy - So focused on how they’ll be remembered that they neglect the present or make unwise choices.
114. Excessive Eagerness to Please - Goes out of their way to make others happy, often at the cost of their own needs or principles.
115. Emotionally Guarded - Builds walls around their feelings, making it difficult for others to get close or understand them.
116. Selective Memory - Chooses to remember events in a way that favors them, often distorting the truth.
117. Overattachment to Authority - Relies heavily on rules or leaders, struggling to make decisions independently or question authority.
118. Fear of Vulnerability - Avoids showing weakness or asking for help, leading to isolation or burnout.
119. Intellectual Detachment - Approaches everything with cold logic, often ignoring the emotional or human side of situations.
120. Obsession with Control - Needs to control every aspect of their life and others’, often leading to stress or strained relationships.
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i-love-you-vbs · 2 months
20 Compelling Positive-Negative Trait Pairs
Here are 20 positive and negative trait pairs that can create compelling character dynamics in storytelling:
1. Bravery - Recklessness: A character is courageous in the face of danger but often takes unnecessary risks.
2. Intelligence - Arrogance: A character is exceptionally smart but looks down on others.
3. Compassion - Naivety: A character is deeply caring but easily deceived due to their trusting nature.
4. Determination - Stubbornness: A character is persistent in their goals but unwilling to adapt or compromise.
5. Charisma - Manipulativeness: A character is charming and persuasive but often uses these traits to exploit others.
6. Resourcefulness - Opportunism: A character is adept at finding solutions but is also quick to exploit situations for personal gain.
7. Loyalty - Blind Obedience: A character is fiercely loyal but follows orders without question, even when they're wrong.
8. Optimism - Denial: A character remains hopeful in difficult times but often ignores harsh realities.
9. Humor - Inappropriateness: A character lightens the mood with jokes but often crosses the line with their humor.
10. Generosity - Lack of Boundaries: A character is giving and selfless but often neglects their own needs and well-being.
11. Patience - Passivity: A character is calm and tolerant but sometimes fails to take action when needed.
12. Wisdom - Cynicism: A character has deep understanding and insight but is often pessimistic about the world.
13. Confidence - Overconfidence: A character believes in their abilities but sometimes underestimates challenges.
14. Honesty - Bluntness: A character is truthful and straightforward but often insensitive in their delivery.
15. Self-discipline - Rigidity: A character maintains strong control over their actions but is inflexible and resistant to change.
16. Adventurousness - Impulsiveness: A character loves exploring and trying new things but often acts without thinking.
17. Empathy - Overwhelm: A character deeply understands and feels others' emotions but can become overwhelmed by them.
18. Ambition - Ruthlessness: A character is driven to achieve great things but willing to do anything, even unethical, to succeed.
19. Resilience - Emotional Detachment: A character can endure hardships without breaking but often seems emotionally distant.
20. Strategic - Calculative: A character excels at planning and foresight but can be cold and overly pragmatic in their decisions.
These pairs create complex, multi-dimensional characters that can drive rich, dynamic storytelling.
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i-love-you-vbs · 3 months
Introduce characters
Here are some ways to introduce characters in a story
The Action Introduction, Show the character in the midst of an exciting or significant action. This immediately captures the reader's attention and gives them an impression of the character's personality. For example, "With a swift swing of her sword, Maya cleaved through the enemy ranks, her determined gaze never wavering."
The Dialogue Introduction, Introduce the character through a captivating conversation or monologue that reveals their thoughts, beliefs, or conflicts. This allows readers to get a glimpse into the character's personality and motivations. For example, "As the rain poured down, James leaned against the lamppost and muttered, 'Life's just a series of missed opportunities, isn't it?'"
The Physical Description Introduction, Describe the character's appearance in a vivid and memorable way. Focus on unique features or attributes that make them stand out. For example, "Her emerald-green eyes shimmered like pools of liquid wisdom, and her silver-streaked hair cascaded down her back like a flowing river."
The Entrance Introduction, Have the character make a grand entrance that immediately grabs attention. This could involve a dramatic arrival or an unexpected appearance that disrupts the scene. For example, "The doors swung open, and in walked a tall figure cloaked in darkness, their presence filling the room with an air of mystery and intrigue."
The Symbolic Introduction, Use symbolic elements or objects to introduce the character. This can be a powerful way to convey their personality or role in the story. For example, "As the sun set behind the mountains, a solitary figure emerged from the shadows, their footsteps leaving behind a trail of delicate rose petals."
The Flashback Introduction, Begin with a flashback or memory that provides insight into the character's past and sets the stage for their introduction in the present. This can create intrigue and a sense of anticipation. For example, "Sarah closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to that fateful day in her childhood, the day that shaped her into the strong, resilient woman she had become."
The Contrast Introduction, Introduce the character by highlighting a sharp contrast between their external appearance or behavior and their inner thoughts or emotions. This can create intrigue and pique the reader's curiosity. For example, "Despite his rugged exterior and tattooed arms, Jake possessed a gentle touch and a heart that yearned for love and acceptance."
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i-love-you-vbs · 3 months
firefox just started doing this too so remember kids if you want to stream things like netflix or hulu over discord without the video being blacked out you just have to disable hardware acceleration in your browser settings!
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i-love-you-vbs · 4 months
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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i-love-you-vbs · 4 months
Some examples of challenging obstacles for characters to face
Personal Tragedy: The sudden loss of a loved one throws the protagonist into a state of grief and despair, forcing them to navigate the complex emotions of mourning while still grappling with their responsibilities and goals.
Betrayal: A trusted friend or ally betrays the protagonist, revealing hidden agendas or turning against them at a critical moment, leaving the protagonist feeling betrayed and alone, and forcing them to reevaluate their relationships and alliances.
Physical Limitations: The protagonist suffers a debilitating injury or illness that threatens to derail their plans and ambitions, leaving them physically weakened and vulnerable, and forcing them to find new ways to adapt and overcome their limitations.
Social Prejudice: The protagonist faces discrimination or prejudice based on their race, gender, sexuality, or social class, making it difficult for them to achieve their goals and forcing them to confront systemic injustice and inequality.
Impossible Choices: The protagonist is faced with a series of impossible choices, each with its own moral or ethical consequences, forcing them to weigh the lesser of two evils and grapple with the fallout of their decisions.
Internal Conflict: The protagonist battles with their own inner demons, such as addiction, trauma, or mental illness, which threaten to sabotage their efforts and undermine their sense of self-worth and purpose.
Rivalry: The protagonist finds themselves locked in a bitter rivalry with a formidable adversary, such as a rival athlete, business competitor, or romantic rival, pushing them to their limits as they strive to outmaneuver and outwit their opponent.
Existential Crisis: The protagonist wrestles with profound existential questions about the meaning of life, the nature of reality, and their place in the universe, confronting their own mortality and searching for purpose and meaning amidst the chaos and uncertainty of existence.
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i-love-you-vbs · 4 months
Writing Description Notes:
Updated 3rd June 2024 More writing tips, review tips & writing description notes
Facial Expressions
Masking Emotions
Eye Contact/Eye Movements
Body Language/Idle Movement
Speechless/Tongue Tied
Mental Pain
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i-love-you-vbs · 4 months
List of character flaws that can be prominent in villains
Rebellion: Strong opposition to authority figures and societal norms.
Manipulativeness: Tendency to exploit others for personal gain.
Cruelty: Enjoyment or indifference to causing suffering in others.
Narcissism: Excessive self-love and lack of empathy for others.
Arrogance: Overestimation of one's own abilities and importance.
Impulsiveness: Acting without considering consequences or long-term effects.
Deceitfulness: Habitual lying and deception to achieve goals.
Entitlement: Belief that one is inherently deserving of special treatment or privileges.
Distrust: Difficulty trusting others, often stemming from past betrayals or trauma.
Insecurity: Deep-seated feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness, leading to defensive or aggressive behavior.
Jealousy: Resentment towards others' successes or possessions.
Vengefulness: Desire for revenge against perceived wrongs or slights.
Machiavellianism: Willingness to manipulate and exploit others for personal gain.
Sadism: Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain or suffering on others.
Paranoia: Irrational suspicion and distrust of others' intentions.
Egocentrism: Difficulty seeing beyond one's own perspective and needs.
Addiction: Dependency on substances or behaviors that impair judgment and control.
Rage: Explosive outbursts of anger or violence.
Perfectionism: Setting unattainably high standards for oneself and others, leading to frustration and resentment.
Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence, often leading to downfall.
Sociopathy: Lack of empathy or remorse for one's actions, often accompanied by manipulative behavior.
Psychopathy: Antisocial behavior, lack of empathy, and disregard for social norms and moral standards.
Obsession: Fixation on a particular person, goal, or idea to the detriment of everything else.
Fearfulness: Paralyzing fear or anxiety that drives destructive behavior.
Isolation: Withdrawal from social interactions and relationships, leading to further detachment and hostility.
Codependency: Unhealthy reliance on others for validation and self-worth, often resulting in manipulative or controlling behavior.
Nihilism: Belief in the meaninglessness of existence, leading to a disregard for moral and ethical considerations.
Megalomania: Delusions of grandeur and a desire for unlimited power and control.
Impatience: Frustration with delays or obstacles, leading to rash decisions and reckless actions.
Self-destructiveness: Subconsciously sabotaging one's own success or well-being due to deep-seated issues or trauma.
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i-love-you-vbs · 4 months
last night like 4am I still couldn’t sleep so I wrote a song while tired as death. will probably take this down tomorrow when better judgement sets in.
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i-love-you-vbs · 4 months
hades explaining that he’s the god of the dead, not the god of death
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i-love-you-vbs · 5 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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i-love-you-vbs · 5 months
Listen to me: You get good at things by being bad at them. You learn by failing. You gain competency and a sense of mastery by failing at something many times and in many interesting ways.
The sooner you are able to laugh at your own failures, to enjoy the process of messing up, the easier life will be. Because you'll no longer be afraid of learning.
And once you're no longer afraid of failing, you can learn anything.
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i-love-you-vbs · 5 months
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i-love-you-vbs · 5 months
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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i-love-you-vbs · 5 months
This is what happened when a fanfic site is profit driven. Wattpad sucks 😞
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The email from Wattpad is so condescending imagine pressuring writers to update and work while they are doing it for free and fun. Also the discovery? Algorithm? Of Wattpad looks like a stressful popularity contest 😑
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