#Hand of fate 2 high priestess
tonkicyprus · 2 years
Hand of fate 2 high priestess
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Later, before she can finish off an exhausted Jack, Ashi remembers the time her mother squished a ladybug for "distracting" her from a sparring session. In Episode XCV, Ashi has a dream about her mother while unconscious, once again commanding her to kill Jack. The High Priestess drinking Aku's essence After training them, she gives them white female masks and weapons and sends them out into the world to kill Jack. There, she gave birth to seven girls and put them through years of hard and intense training to mold them into deadly, ninja-like assassins who would be able to track down and kill Samurai Jack, Aku's long-time nemesis. The High Priestess first appears in the first episode of season five, at the center of a ceremony being conducted by the Cult of Aku, an all-female cult of devout worshipers of Aku. Her obsession with killing Jack proves to be her ultimate downfall, as she let her guard down long enough for Ashi to impale her with her own arrow while attempting to kill Jack. Moreover, she had no problem with killing her own daughter when Ashi betrays her cause. However, she tried to psychologically manipulate Ashi by reminding her of her dead sisters, and is willing to pardon Ashi if she kills Jack while he is meditating and hands over her dagger, even though her past actions strongly suggest that she does not care for them, a sign of her manipulative personality. The only feelings she had exhibited are those of love for Aku and hatred of Jack. She didn't appear to love her daughters, or bond to the other cultists. Her actions always had a purpose, and were never done for any sort of sadistic enjoyment. The Priestess was more unfeeling than cruel. It's unknown whether she actually believes this or only said it to mislead them into his service. She repeatedly told her daughters that all that is good came from Aku, and that Jack was the reason that the world has problems. She crushed a ladybug in front of Ashi in order to demonstrate her view that life was meaningless unless it is in the service of Aku. When her daughters finally completed their training, she immediately sent them to kill Jack without giving them time to celebrate or even rest. She did not have any regard for life, as demonstrated by not caring about the deaths of any of her daughters or the other cult members. Whereas most women would be too sick and exhausted to even sit up, she is capable of walking around and giving orders. Immediately after giving birth, she is helped into her mask and robe and proceeds like nothing happened. She was single-minded in her devotion, lacked any semblance of sympathy, seemed to be aristocratic, and possesses great self control. It was later revealed that she drank from a ceremonial goblet that contained a portion of Aku's essence when he once appeared to the cult, allowing her to conceive human-demon hybrid septuplets. The Priestess is rather mysterious, as it is currently unknown how she came to be so devoted to Aku, her past and the reasons her worldview is so distorted. At some point, she acquired a magical "darkness" from the Pit of Hate and pushed all her daughters into it so that they may become one with the darkness of Aku to receive supernatural abilities. The Priestess had the personality of a typical, psychotic, merciless, fanatical cult leader, believing that the service of her master was the most important thing in the world. She was shown to be wearing some form of jumpsuit made from the same black, tar-like substance that the rest of her fellow cultists wore. During the flashback when she drank Aku's essence, her facial profile is shown to heavily resemble Ashi and her sisters. Like other members of the cult, she wore a black robe, white mask, and a head covering with horns resembling Aku's, except her head covering had six horns instead of four like the other members (possibly signifying her role as the leader of the cult). She was briefly seen from the back as she is being dressed in her outfit, and it is seen that she is slim and has long black hair. Her true appearance is unknown, but a silhouette of her was shown when she was giving birth to her seven daughters. The High Priestess giving birth to her seven daughters.
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eurotonki · 2 years
Hand of fate 2 high priestess
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Later, before she can finish off an exhausted Jack, Ashi remembers the time her mother squished a ladybug for "distracting" her from a sparring session. In Episode XCV, Ashi has a dream about her mother while unconscious, once again commanding her to kill Jack. The High Priestess drinking Aku's essence After training them, she gives them white female masks and weapons and sends them out into the world to kill Jack. There, she gave birth to seven girls and put them through years of hard and intense training to mold them into deadly, ninja-like assassins who would be able to track down and kill Samurai Jack, Aku's long-time nemesis. The High Priestess first appears in the first episode of season five, at the center of a ceremony being conducted by the Cult of Aku, an all-female cult of devout worshipers of Aku. Her obsession with killing Jack proves to be her ultimate downfall, as she let her guard down long enough for Ashi to impale her with her own arrow while attempting to kill Jack. Moreover, she had no problem with killing her own daughter when Ashi betrays her cause. However, she tried to psychologically manipulate Ashi by reminding her of her dead sisters, and is willing to pardon Ashi if she kills Jack while he is meditating and hands over her dagger, even though her past actions strongly suggest that she does not care for them, a sign of her manipulative personality. The only feelings she had exhibited are those of love for Aku and hatred of Jack. She didn't appear to love her daughters, or bond to the other cultists. Her actions always had a purpose, and were never done for any sort of sadistic enjoyment. The Priestess was more unfeeling than cruel. It's unknown whether she actually believes this or only said it to mislead them into his service. She repeatedly told her daughters that all that is good came from Aku, and that Jack was the reason that the world has problems. She crushed a ladybug in front of Ashi in order to demonstrate her view that life was meaningless unless it is in the service of Aku. When her daughters finally completed their training, she immediately sent them to kill Jack without giving them time to celebrate or even rest. She did not have any regard for life, as demonstrated by not caring about the deaths of any of her daughters or the other cult members. Whereas most women would be too sick and exhausted to even sit up, she is capable of walking around and giving orders. Immediately after giving birth, she is helped into her mask and robe and proceeds like nothing happened. She was single-minded in her devotion, lacked any semblance of sympathy, seemed to be aristocratic, and possesses great self control. It was later revealed that she drank from a ceremonial goblet that contained a portion of Aku's essence when he once appeared to the cult, allowing her to conceive human-demon hybrid septuplets. The Priestess is rather mysterious, as it is currently unknown how she came to be so devoted to Aku, her past and the reasons her worldview is so distorted. At some point, she acquired a magical "darkness" from the Pit of Hate and pushed all her daughters into it so that they may become one with the darkness of Aku to receive supernatural abilities. The Priestess had the personality of a typical, psychotic, merciless, fanatical cult leader, believing that the service of her master was the most important thing in the world. She was shown to be wearing some form of jumpsuit made from the same black, tar-like substance that the rest of her fellow cultists wore. During the flashback when she drank Aku's essence, her facial profile is shown to heavily resemble Ashi and her sisters. Like other members of the cult, she wore a black robe, white mask, and a head covering with horns resembling Aku's, except her head covering had six horns instead of four like the other members (possibly signifying her role as the leader of the cult). She was briefly seen from the back as she is being dressed in her outfit, and it is seen that she is slim and has long black hair. Her true appearance is unknown, but a silhouette of her was shown when she was giving birth to her seven daughters. The High Priestess giving birth to her seven daughters.
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daydreaming-nerd · 7 months
The Bonds That Break Us (Rhysand x Female! Reader) Final Part
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Request: "Would you do a Rhysand x fem!reader series? Maybe fem!reader is Rhysand's mate and Tamlin's sister? So secret love?"
AN: I'm sorry this took me a little while guys. I'm currently a sick college student without the funds for Dayquil so we've been struggling. I hope you all like this <3
Summary: It was almost as if the cauldron liked to play games, as if it had sensed years of boredom and predictability and begged to be entertained. Its method of absolving its melancholy? Mate the High Lord of the Night Court to the younger sister of the High Lord of Spring. 
Warnings (so far): mentions of physical abuse, mentions of SA, major sexisim, SMUT, dirty talk, Oral (male and female receiving), Slight breeding kink?, angst,
Word count: 5475
(all photos are from pinterest)
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I glanced through the crevice in the oak doors and beheld the most serene image I have ever witnessed, perhaps ever will witness. Candles lighted the room giving it a warm, faint, glow. The smell of night blooming jasmine filled the air and not a sound could be heard from the small chapel. Rhys stood tall and proud, a crown atop his beautiful head. All members of the inner circle stood around, getting ready to bear witness to the ceremony about to take place. 
I smoothed my hands over my wedding dress once more. I had frantically gone shopping with Mor the day after Rhysand asked me to be his High Lady. With the council meeting to discuss my fate coming so soon we had no time for a grand ceremony, but I couldn’t have been happier with the way things had turned out. Even though the dress was last minute it was perfect, and I couldn’t have pictured anything else I would’ve married Rhys in. 
If you’re having second thoughts mate we can always postpone, Rhysand’s voice crooned into my mind. I looked through the crack in the door to find a somewhat worried expression on his face. 
“Far from it my love, I was just making sure I look perfect.” I giggle down the bond. 
I’m dying to see you in a wedding dress.
I smile and decide not to wait any longer to fulfill his desires. I leave a light knock on the double doors signaling for the men on the other sides to open them up. Immediately all eyes are on me. Normally I would panic or flee or worse, but not tonight. Tonight I locked eyes with Rhys, admiring that unique shade of violet that pulled me in from the moment I set eyes on him. The aisle was short and within a few steps I was clasping hands with Rhys. 
“You’re so beautiful mate,” he gushes, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“You clean up pretty good yourself mate,” I smile, squeezing his hands as we both turn to the priestess. 
“We all gather here today to be witness to the union of these two fae, and the crowning of our new High Lady of The Night Court,” the priestess begins and turns to Rhysand, “Do you, Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, take y/n to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” 
Rhys regarded me with a familiar gaze, one he had cast a thousand times, but this time held a distinct quality. It was a look of pride, something I had never seen before him. I had never held such significance for anyone. His gaze conveyed a sense that I was everything he had ever desired, the missing piece in his puzzle—lost and now found.
“I do,” he smiled and a tear fell down his cheek. 
The priestess turned to me, “Do you, y/n, Princess of the Spring Court, take Rhysand to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” she said. 
“I do,” I say to Rhys without hesitation. Down the bond I can feel joy in his heart rise. 
“Y/n,” she begins again. “Will you swear the oath of High Lady?” 
I smile and feel my nerves pick up but I answer truthfully, “I will,” 
The priestess picks up a glittering crown and holds it in her hands. The large diamonds atop it remind me of the stars that lie over the Illyrian mountain. “Do you y/n promise to serve and protect the Night Court? Do you promise to uphold the customs and practices of its people? To lay down your life for the sake of this court and always act in its best interest whatever the consequence?” she asked me. 
“I solemnly promise to do so,” I say assuredly. 
“Then I crown thee, High Lady of the Night Court,” she says, placing the crown on my head, the weight of it comforting me. “And by the power vested in me, by our High Lord Rhysand of the Night Court, I pronounce you both husband and wife. Rhysand, you may kiss your wife and your High Lady.” the priestess mused. 
“With pleasure,” he smiled before placing a hand on my cheek and pulling me in for a deep kiss. I couldn’t help but smile as I felt his rogue tear of happiness caress my cheek. 
I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes as I raised a hand to cup his face. He was so handsome, so perfect and he was mine. All I could think of was one word, husband. 
“Hell yeah I have a sister now!” Cassian shouted, picking me up and swinging me around before putting me down and engulfing me in a massive bear hug. I backed away to see Cassian’s happy face and then I felt a hand placed  on my shoulder.  
“We have a sister Cass,” Azriel crooned and I turned to give him a hug as well.
“Welcome to the family y/n!” Mor shouted, throwing her arms around me and it wasn’t long until the whole inner circle was giving me the world's longest group hug. 
Not the inner circle anymore, my family. The word used to taste like venom in my mouth, my family had never loved me, never seen me as anything but a means to power. A marble mansion that was so empty and cold. But now I had this, this family. This marriage might not save me from the demands of Tamlin and Eris, and me being High Lady might not give me immunity from Beron’s wrath. But it gave me one thing, something to fight for, not just my mate, but my family.  
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The sun shined brightly in the Day Court like it did the last time I stepped foot here. Things had changed so much since then. Back then I had just met Rhys and he was begging me to just say his name. Now I walked in as his wife and his High Lady. Although my dress billowed behind me like I was going to a ball I had never felt more like I was going to war. 
Azriel and Cassian flanked behind us, normally they didn’t come to council meetings but Rhys told me he meant what he said, that he wouldn’t let Beron and Eris take me from him. He was prepared to fight our way out of this chamber, and was prepared to kill every High Lord in here. The scary part is that he was perfectly capable of doing so, especially with Azriel and Cassian with us. 
The room wasn’t abuzz with the usual chatter of High Lords and their companions when we arrived there. The second we crossed the threshold all eyes were on us. I couldn’t tell which drew their gaze the most, their princess of spring clad in black, the crown glittering atop my head, Rhysand’s death glare, or the Illyrians that flanked us. Each lord seated themselves presently, feeling our silent threat. Every lord but one. 
“Night becomes you, sister,” Tamlin drawls from where he leans over the long table, Beron and Eris seated on his left, Lucien at his right. 
“That it does, Tamlin,” I say, my words cold as ice. I feel Rhysand pluck at the bond showing his pride. 
“Rhysand, y/n. Please be seated so we may begin the trial,” Helion said. I had always loved Helion, and I could tell he wasn’t happy about this arrangement. But for whatever reason this is where the trial would be held. We do as we are asked, Cassian and Azriel standing behind us as the chairs here are not equipped for wings. “Beron, Tamlin we will hear your case, then Rhysand you will be able to state yours. After that the council will decide who is at fault.” Helion explains and nods to Beron to begin. 
“High Lord’s of Prythian I have brought this issue before you today because I wish to find a civil resolution to my case, rather than declaring war upon the Night Court,” Beron began. “A few weeks ago Tamlin and I had meetings discussing the betrothal of Eris and y/n. It had always been abundantly clear from that meeting forward that y/n belonged to Eris. All that stood in the way of formally announcing the engagement was solidifying the terms of the union, what we would give Tamlin in exchange for her and how many male heirs she would be required to bear Eris. She was the property of Eris Vanserra long before Rhysand ever tried to claim her.” Beron says with a confidence that I almost envy.  
It took everything inside of me not to lash out at the word “property” and Rhysand’s grip on my hand told me it killed him inside as well. I can’t help but feel some sort of fear, these men only see me as a breeding vessel, they don’t care for my happiness and they don’t care for my well being beyond my ability to bear sons. I don’t stand a chance at going home with Rhys.
Shhh, I’ll never let them take you. I’ll burn this place to the ground if they even touch you.  That beautiful, glorious voice cleaves into my mind and I let myself breathe again.
“And when did Rhysand make his claim on your sister?” Tarquin asks Tamlin, clearly still holding a grudge over the land dispute they had. 
“It started a week ago today, when my sister came home from what I thought was the Winter Court. She came into my office and told me that the High Lord of the Night Court had deflowered her and that because of it she no longer wished to marry Eris Vanserra. Soon after Rhysand broke into my court, attacked me, and stole my sister away.” Tamlin said. 
“You dirty fucking liar!” I stand unable to keep myself restrained anymore. I feel Rhysand’s hand grip my arm but I don’t care anymore. How dare Tamlin spew out such disingenuous claims in a trail such as this. 
“You are not a member of this council you useless whore and you will not speak unless spoken to!” Beron shouts standing as well, the moment he does his eyes go wide and pain laces his face. Rhysand stands beside me and I realize that he has his talons in Beron’s mind.  
“If you EVER speak of my wife in such a manor again, I will fucking kill you and every male heir you have Vanserra,” Rhysand booms, and even I feel a chill go down my spine. 
“Wife?!” Tamlin shouts in a fit of anger, taking to his own two feet. 
“And his High Lady,” I boast with pride and I scooch my hand to lay on top of Rhysand’s. All I can feel thrumming through the bond is pure male pride as the entire room begins to murmur their shock to one another. 
“Impossible,” Tamlin seethes, getting ready to pounce as the room continues in their sock and surprise. 
“Quiet!” Helion shouts above the crowd, and I don’t break eye contact with Tamlin. “All of you sit down now!”  
We do as we’re told but it doesn’t dissolve the tension in the room as we all continue to stare daggers into one another. Tamlin tries to cover his shock with anger but hides it poorly. 
“Rhysand, why did you attack Tamlin in his own court?” Helion asks calmly. 
“Because he threatened my mate,” he growled. This time the room gave a collective gasp and would’ve gone into full blown panic had Rhys not continued to speak. “I found her injured, freezing and starving in the dungeons below the Spring Court. If we had this meeting sooner you would be able to see the bruise around her beautiful neck from where he choked her.”
Neither party speaks save for the buzzing mumbles circling the room that followed the word ‘mate’. For me to be mated to Rhysand was surely the most exciting and scandalous thing to happen in a hundred years. Kallias was the one to finally break the silence.
“The laws of mates are absolute, and we will not stand by and watch this council question Rhysand and y/n another moment!” Kallias shouts, standing hand in hand with Vivianne. 
My head whips over to the High Lord and Lady and I expect to see something like pity in Viviane's eyes, but all I see is happiness and pride. Happiness for having finally found my mate, pride for having finally found the will to stand up for myself.
“I stand with Kallias and Viviane, if we don’t validate their mating bond, who's to say the council won’t stop with them.” Thessan says. “If I ever find my mate I don’t want to worry about them being taken away from me.” 
A collective murmur of agreement comes over the room and it seems that a verdict has been decided. Helion stands and the scrape of his chair echos off the marble walls quieting everyone down. 
“All those in favor of blessing the union of Rhysand and y/n?” he asks. Every single hand shoots up without hesitation, the only ones who don’t belong to the Spring and Autumn Court. “Rhysand and y/n. You have the blessing of this council.” Helion smiles. 
I turn to Rhys smiling brightly as the whole council room erupts in applause. His violet eyes gleam with pride and for the first time ever he drops his mighty High Lord act and smiles back. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him and I can hear Viviane saying “awww” from across the room. We break apart and I can’t help but stare at him. Free, I am finally free. 
“YOU SELFISH WHORE!” Tamlin screeches and in a second he leaps across the table. He doesn’t get far before blue and red siphons are holding him back. “YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!” he screams struggling against Cassian and Azriel’s power.
Rhys threw his body in front of mine and I put a hand on his shoulder and began to move past him towards Tamlin. He grabs my wrist and I turn to meet his violet gaze. His eyes laced with worry asking me to stay behind him. 
“It’s okay,” I say quietly and Rhys lets go. I walk towards where Tamlin is still struggling and stand right in front of him. I can feel Rhys’ tension through the bond but I push it away. “You did this to yourself Tamlin. I wish things had been different, I really do. I could kill you right now, but I won’t. But if you EVER step foot in my court, I will send out my General, my Spymaster and my mate to find you and I will let them kill you in whatever way they deem worthy for a male such as you.” 
Tamlin stops struggling, unable to fight against Cassian and Azriel any longer. For once in my life, I see true fear in his eyes. A male stripped of everything, his land, his power, his bargaining chip and now his pride. 
I turn and take Rhysand’s hand and he leads me out of the council room, Cassian and Azriel flanking behind us in case Tamin gets any bright ideas again. 
“My strong, smart, beautiful mate. I am so proud of you. You spoke like a true High Lady in there,” Rhys boasts as we walk down the hall. 
“I feel like a High Lady now,” I laugh, squeezing his hand.
“Just wait till later, wife. I have every intention of taking you home and fucking you senseless while you wear nothing but that crown on your head.” Rhysand drawls low.
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Rhys can hardly keep his hands off me as we burst into the townhouse. In fact he doesn't. I'm the one who has to open the front door because his fingers won’t stop dancing all over my waist as he leaves open mouth kisses all over my neck. If this was his reaction to me wearing a crown, best believe I would be wearing them a lot more often. 
The door slams behind us and in an instant he has me pressed up against it already lifting my skirts. 
“Rhys, Rhys wait there’s something I need to do first!” I protest as he attacks my neck.
“Yes, you need to do me first.” he smirks, kissing me again.
“Rhys stop!” I giggle pushing him off and he finally halts his movements. “Have a seat, I'll be right back.” I smile before disappearing into the next room. 
I look around the kitchen and all I see are ingredients. I turn to make sure Rhys isn’t following me and find him sprawled out on the couch in a fit of utter frustration. I try not to giggle to myself as I raid the kitchen. Normally the townhouse makes food for us, so being in here is new. I keep opening up drawers and only finding utensils, towels and bowls. 
“Wife, I'm dying in here!” Rhysand groans from the living room. 
“One moment my oh so impatient husband!” I holler back. 
My eyes land on a jar of strawberry jam and I snatch it up eagerly. I walk over to the bread box and pluck a slice from it. I place it on an ornate plate and begin to spread the jam on top as neat and perfect as can be before carrying it out to the living room where my husband is throwing his temper tantrum. 
“Here,” I say, handing him the toast with jam. “I know it’s not much but it’s all that was lying around.” 
Rhysand’s eyes light up as I present him with food that I made. He takes the plate carefully and looks at it, knowing full well what it means for a female to present her mate with food.  
“You want to mate? Right now?” he asks bewildered. 
“Yes,” I say without hesitation. 
“You do know what you’re getting into right? I won’t act like…myself. We’ll have to go into the mountains for  a while. I won’t be able to control myself,” he explains further and I can already feel the arousal pooling between my legs. 
“Yes I know what I’m getting myself into. We can go into the mountains for however long we need. But I want our first mating to be here, in our home. Then we can winnow to the cabin. That’s my only stipulation,” I tell him. 
“I will agree to that,” he replies. 
I don’t even have time to say another word before he takes a couple bites of the pathetic toast I made him. While I watch him consume it, I’m sure that it’s the worst mating meal a female has ever presented to a male. Nonetheless, he eats it like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted.  
His eyes flick up to meet mine and the plate is discarded on the floor with a crash. In mere seconds stands up and I swear to the gods he’s even taller than he normally is. His hand circles my waist and his touch sets me on fire, now that the mating bond has been accepted. His free hand tilts my chin up to him and he stares at my lips. I must look like a wanton whore begging for him to touch me. 
“Mine,” he growls before searing our lips together. The word alone tells me everything he said before this is true. This isn’t just Rhys, it’s Rhys in his most primal form. 
I whine into his lips and I feel him hoist me up in his arms with ease, despite the large amounts of tule that make up my dress. My hands are in his hair in an instant, nearly knocking the crown off his head and I grab it before it falls off. We start moving up the stairs as fast as Rhysand’s can carry us. 
“Best believe the first time I fuck you as my mate it’s going to be in our marriage bed,” he smirks before slamming the door to our bedroom with his foot. 
The second he talks about fucking me my skin is on fire and the buzzing sension I always felt when he was near was amped up times ten. Like if I didn’t get his cock in me right now I would burst into flames and die. He sets me down on my feet and I begin to undo the buttons of his shirt.  I feel him fumble with the millions of buttons fastening the back of my dress before a deafening rip sounds throughout the room and those millions of buttons are being cast off in every direction.
 I don’t even have a mind to care about it as the dress cascades down and pools on the floor. His mouth is all over my collar bones needy and leaving little bites all over me.
“You’re so fucking beautiful mate,” he groans between kisses. 
I feel my crown slipping and I move to take it off but I feel Rhys’ hand stop me. 
“What did I say earlier?” he asked. 
“That you wanted to fuck me while I wear nothing but the crown,” I say meekly remembering his promise.
“No I said I was going to fuck you senseless while you wear nothing but that crown mate,” he groans kissing me deeply again. 
I feel my legs hit the mattress and I fall back on it greedily. He stares down at me like I’m his own personal feast and he nearly pounces on me but I hold a hand up to stop him. 
“I want to try something,” I say before he can ravish me again. “Something I read about in a book.” I explain further. 
“Oh really? Well I won’t pass up that opportunity. What do you want me to do mate?” His voice is deep and husky.
“Just stand there,” I say before sliding off the bed and dropping to my knees in front of him. 
His eyes blow wide as I stare up at him from under my eye lashes. My hands go to his pants where I expertly un-fasten them and pull them down his legs along with his underwear. He steps on them and watches me intensely as I’m face to face with his aching cock.  
“Are you going to suck my cock wife?” he muses and the words go straight to my core as I wrap my hands around him and give a lick up his length. 
The sound that comes out of him is nothing short of animalistic. It spurs me on as I take him the entire length of my mouth and start sucking. Whatever I can’t fit in my mouth I stroke with my hands and the look of pure bliss on him has me seeing stars. He so fucking beautiful. His muscles are dripping with sweat from the need to cum in me, his eyes are closed taking every stroke I give him, and his lips are parted having the softest wimpers escape them. He’s never been more beautiful than he is right now and I can’t help but moan, sending vibrations through his cock. 
“Oh fuck mate!” he screams and his hands find the back of my head. I swear I’m so wet at the sight of him getting his pleasure from me that I might have left a wet spot on his carpet. I moan again to send another wave of vibrations through him. 
“Shit y/n I’m gonna cum, let me cum inside you!” He shouts trying to remove my head from his member but I swipe his hand away. 
I gently cup his balls and it has him emptying his load into my mouth. I work him through his orgasm staring up at him with the most innocent eyes. I pull my mouth off him and open it for him to see the evidence of his climax inside. I close it again and swallow, feeling the saltiness of it slide down my throat. I open my mouth again to show him that nothing was left and it has him spiraling. 
“You cruel wicked thing,” he growls, picking me up and throwing me on the bed. His body crawls over mine and I run my hands down his bare chest, toned and perfect and all mine. 
“Rhys I wanna try one more thing,” I whine but I’m silenced by his lips on mine. 
“I think it’s my turn now mate,” he whispers in my ear, making me shiver.
He kisses down my neck and my collar bones. I feel his tongue swirl around each of my peaked nipples and I cry out at the friction I didn’t know I needed so badly. His mouth presses a kiss under my breast and when he reaches my lower stomach he looks up at me with a feral grin. 
“I want you to know that I have every intention of getting you so thoroughly pregnant that every male in Prythian will have no choice but to recognize that you are my mate.” He growls, pressing a kiss over my womb. “But not tonight, and not anytime soon. For now I will take pleasure in showing them what an amazing High Lady you are.”  
His mouth trails down and kisses either side of my bare thighs. His hand runs over my stomach and down my leg to hike one knee up over his shoulder to give himself access to where I need him most. 
“Now watch how a High Lord eats out his High Lady, mate,” he grins before diving into me like a starved man. 
I arch my back off the mattress and my hands fly to  his silky hair. I accidentally tug his strands too hard causing him to groan, the vibrations stimulating my clit. He pulls his mouth off me and plunges his fingers inside me, curling them to hit that spongy spot that always left me undeniably breathless. He pulls his head back to watch how I take his fingers and his eyes catch on something. 
“There’s that perfect clit,” he smiles slowly lowering his mouth over the sensitive bud so that his breath fanned it. “Show me those pretty little sounds you make when I lick it, wife.” 
His tongue gives a teasing lick at the apex of me and I let out a moan that’s so high pitched it’s nearly embarrassing. He only chuckles before attacking the spot with a million little licks. The combination of his tongue and his fingers have me screaming his name in no time. 
“Oh gods Rhysand!” I scream as I hit my climax. Tears sting my eyes from the immense pleasure. Rhys has always been able to pull orgasm after orgasm from my body, but the mating bond heightens everything. 
“I need you,” he growls crawling back up my body. “Now”
I pull him close and I feel his hands flip my hips around so that I’m on all fours for him. I nearly groan at the feeling of him running a large hand down my spine. 
“Rhys please,” I cry, pressing my ass into his hard cock. 
“Shh, patience mate,” leans over and whispers in my ear. I feel his cock nudge my entrance and within a moment he is pushing himself into me.  
The stretch is enough to have my chest heaving in pleasure, but the full feeling of him inside of me has me letting out a moan. His hands grip my hips as he starts to thrust inside of me. 
“Always so fucking tight for me,” Rhys grits out increasing his pace.
“Harder Rhys!” I scream needing more of him. 
It’s at that moment I realize that I’ll never truly get enough of him. He could shackle me to his bed and never stop fucking me and it still wouldn’t be enough. The need for him was too great, even before the mating bond. Before I even said his name. I had needed him the second I saw that flash of violet. I’ll never stop needing him. 
“You’re fucking mine!” He growls as his grip on my hips tighten and the moans coming out of him are pure mated male. 
“Oh fuck Rhys I’m gonna…” I shout my words trailing off. 
“Cum for me mate,” he orders me and I oblige.
I climax so hard my vision blacks out for a second, my pussy contracting around him sending him sputtering and cumming inside of me with a roar and I swore the house shook. I collapse, burying my face into the pillow. I feel him gently turn my body over so he can see me. His eyes fall to where his cum is leaking out of me and he bends down to press a kiss to my clit again. 
“Mine,” he says, eyes peering up at me. 
He crawls up to me and pulls me on top of his chest stroking my hair. 
“So it’s official, I am now your wife, your High Lady AND your mate.” I laugh. 
“If I had more titles left to give you I would,” he chuckles, running his hands through my hair more. 
“I don’t think I could ever ask for more than this, more than you.” I say pressing a kiss to his chest and leaning up so I was straddling him. He put his arms behind his head and stared at me like I was a work of art. “I love you so much Rhys. I only wish the gods had given me a million more ways to say it. But I can’t make it any simpler than that… I love you.” 
“I know the feeling, sometimes I get frustrated because ‘I love you’ doesn’t even scratch the surface of what I feel for you mate,” he smiles. 
I lean down to kiss him passionately, hoping that if words can’t tell him how much he means maybe actions can. I know they won’t. His hands slide from behind  his head to my waist and my hair, pulling me deeper into him. My hips grind on his abs a little and I feel his hard cock brush up against my back side causing him suddenly to stop. 
“We need to get to the cabin,” he says frantically. “Now.” 
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The cold mountain air grazes my skin as I sit on the bannister watching the sun come up. The silk bathrobe does little to keep me warm, but the breeze is refreshing. I glance through the window where I see Rhysand sleeping on the massive bed. 
We had been holed up in the snowy mountains for a week now doing everything but sleeping. He wasn’t wrong about the Frenzy and how it would affect our ability to function as normal fae. One night I tried to prepare dinner for us and we lasted about 10 minutes before he took me on the kitchen counter. As I watched the sun rise on the glistening snow I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that every surface in that cabin had been defiled in one way or another. 
The birds began to chirp as I took another long sip of my warm tea. Never had I been so at peace. Never had I been so loved. It was as if every moment of my life had been leading to this one right here. To him.
I felt two warm arms snake around my front as Rhys placed a kiss on my cheek. 
“You’re going to freeze to death out here,” he mumbles into my neck. 
“No I’m not you big worry wart,” I giggle as his lips tickle my neck. I feel him wrap a blanket around the two of us and I lean back into his chest savoring the warmth of him. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, resting his head on top of my head. 
“I’m thinking about how everything in my life led me to you. How I’ve never been more happy and at peace than I am in this court.” I say honestly. 
“Your court my Lady,” he smiles, pressing another kiss to my cheek. 
“Our court, Rhys,” I smile. “What do we do now?”
Rhys chuckles into my shoulder, “We go home, we rule, and you let me love you forever.” he whispers, kissing my shoulder. 
I turn to face him, “I think I can live with that.” I smile.
(AN: wow I'm kinda sad that this series is over now. I feel like I'm going to me missing a huge piece of me :( I want to say thank you to all who read this and supported me, I never thought this would get as much love as it did. I hadn't written in so long, it feels so good to know that people still care about the things I dream up. Now I have some good news...
The next mini series is going to be about...
now drumroll please....
CASSIAN x Female! Reader
I'm so pumped to write this it's been in my head forever. Plot is that the reader is Rhysand's little sister and she is betrothed to Eris. So if you loved the secret love aspect of this series you're going to EAT UP the next one. If you would like to be on the taglist for it go ahead and let me know!)
Taglist: @crystalferret202, @heyyitsnat21 , @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson , @randomperson1234sblog , @local-fangirl09 , @bleh-81 , @annaaaaa88 , @tenaciousperfectionunknown , @judig92, @aunicornmademedoit , @sharknutz , 
 @slytherintaco, @isa1b2h3, @nickishadow139  , @sarawritestories , @coisas-da-dani ,  @lovemesomevesey ,  @graceshifts ,  @writeroutoftime, @why4anne,
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callmearcturus · 7 months
The Video Gaming Major Arcana
The latest patron episode of Into The Aether/@intothecast asked the boys to decide a video game for every Major Arcana card. They ran out of time on it and only got 2/3s thru
my ass was like "Challenge Accepted"
0 - The Fool - Dragon Quest (The Fool is infinite potential and is at the start of a long journey. DQ as a series is a long-running, is a bedrock of the medium, and has done its own takes on everything from pokemon to minecraft, and it either did it first or did it better.)
1 - The Magician - Metroid and Zelda (The Magician is the first person the Fool meets and is a guide for the journey. The Magician is associated strongly with teaching and with tools. Metroid and Zelda both are foundational works and they revolve around gating player process through tools.)
2 - The High Priestess - FEZ (The High Priestess is another guide, but sits before the veil, keeping guard over arcane, hidden knowledge and deciding when to share the secrets of the universe. FEZ is one of the Big Games that hide under layers and layers of mystery.)
3 - The Empress - Stardew Valley (The Empress presides over growth and cultivation of her kingdom, sitting in a field with wheat in hand. SDV is chiefly about taking care of your own domain, the farm and the wider village.)
4 - The Emperor - Civilization (The Emperor is the firm hand of government and can be an important navigator in chaos but also is angered by lack of obedience and losing control. Civ is all about steering every aspect of a nation and protecting it viciously.)
5 - The Hierophant - Pokemon (The Hierophant is a cultural, societal leader that gains power from people who believe similarly but subsequently is very set in their ways. Pokemon is a huge phenomenon that unites people of all ages, but also struggles heavily with innovation and progress.)
6 - The Lovers - Journey (The Lovers aren't necessarily smoochy-smoochy, but represent a Decision, joining hands with another person and striding into the future together. It's Journey. If you know, you know.)
7 - The Chariot - Bethesda's Catalog (The Chariot is a tumultuous, potent card. They hold onto the reins of powerful beasts and drive forward, blazing a new path. But if they lose grip, everything goes to hell. Bethesda's works tend to have this incredible ambition to them, and when they hit, they HIT, but when they miss, it's dramatic.)
8 - Justice - Dark Souls (Justice is the system and its enforcement of its rules, whether they feel fair or arbitrary. I feel DS fits it well-- it relentlessly follows its own rules and is firm in them, which can either draw players in or seem cruel and unwelcoming.)
9 - The Hermit - Immortality (The Hermit is a wise person who gained specialized knowledge but through great personal sacrifice. They find it difficult to share their knowledge because they essentially traded that ability to communicate easily for the wisdom. Immortality has some deeply complicated concepts to communicate, but its methods and the basic mechanics it uses are to some people impossible to understand.)
10 - (Wheel of) Fortune - Spelunky (Fortune is the card of pure luck and the whims of fate and how you survive being caught in its spokes. Spelunky is a pure Rogue-like as opposed to a Rogue-lite and there is no knowing what the procgen will give you.)
11 - Strength - Undertale (Strength is specifically about emotional control and fortitude. It's not about slaying the lion, but holding it, keeping it from lashing out. Undertale is a game that asks the player to endure emotional struggles both against the mechanics and against their own inclinations.)
12 - The Hanged Man - Signalis (OH BOY ITS MY FAVE CARD. The thing about the Hanged Man is that it's a test, a gamble, a deal. The Hanged Man is not hung from the neck, this is not an execution, they are inverted. They choose to be inverted in the hopes of gaining some Insight into the universe, but in doing so risk madness or obsession or doom. Signalis is both a game about a protagonist going through this and also a game that will put the player through this if they aren't careful.)
13 - The Nameless Arcana - Braid (I'm not even personally a fan of Braid, but I believe it is one of the handful of Original Indie Games. The very existence and popularity of Braid and its contemporaries showed that games outside the big studios could hit big. Braid (or Cave Story for the PC crowd) altered the landscape.
14 - Temperance - Yakuza (Temperance is the melding of disparate elements that should not go together into something grand and new, and maintaining that balance. Yakuza manages to be genuine and profound not in spite of its strange mixture of tones and mechanics but because of them.)
15 - The Devil - Genshin Impact (I don't feel the need to elaborate on this one.)
16 - The Tower - Shenmue (The Tower is total upheaval and where it all comes crashing down, where ambition crumbles and brings an institution down with it. Shenmue is not solely to blame for the failure of the Dreamcast and Sega's exit from the console arena, but it contributed to it and is emblematic of that seachange.)
17 - The Star - Mass Effect (The Star is a beacon in the darkness, a distant light that indicates not so much a goal, but that the journey will continue. Mass Effect is a landmark title that maybe didn't execute on half the things it tried, strangled by its own scope, but it still showed what games could do, broadening the possibility space. It is hope for greater experiences and art.)
18 - The Moon - Metal Gear (The Moon illuminates the path through the darkness, but creates illusions in the reflections, demanding the querent move forward with care or they will go astray, go mad. Is Metal Gear really deep? Is it the closest triple-A games get to arthouse? Does it have meaning? Or is it a mess? Is it too Problematique to justify it's big ideas? Is it all just really, really stupid? Or is it genius?)
19 - The Sun - Tetris Effect (The Sun comes at the end of a long, arduous journey. It is the sigh of relief, the tears of release, the light to finally see how far you've come. Tetris Effect is the latest iteration of one of the oldest formulas ever, and it's brilliant and celebratory and invites everyone to take part in its joy.)
20 - Judgement - Pathologic (Judgement is all-seeing and all-knowing, the final tally and the reckoning. So is Pathologic. Few experiences demand so much from the player, and few games are so brutally honest in answering the player's decisions. In Pathologic, you will get what you deserve.)
21 - The World - The Outer Wilds (The beginning is the end is the beginning. Completion and totality and holistic understanding of Everything. It's gotta be Outer Wilds.)
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anodymalion · 6 months
Oh man oh man I just saw an Outer Wilds fanart done in the style of a tarot card and I had to immediately drop everything I was doing to think through what an all-Outer-Wilds version of the major arcana would be. I think I have it, it's under the read more because it's long and also there are major major spoilers (unsurprisingly).
0. The Fool: The Hatchling This one is easy. The hatchling is at the beginning of their journey, stepping into the unknown.
1. The Magician: Pye Bringing intention and direction, choosing a path, and channeling cosmic power - yeah I think Pye of “science compels us to explode the sun” fame fits this pretty perfectly.
2. The High Priestess: The Nomai Statues Ok, I kinda struggled with this one, but I think it works. Hidden knowledge, dealing with the mind, the subsconscious vs conscious, veils between worlds. The statues are mysterious and they transmit your knowledge to your previous selves. That fits decently well and also I don’t have a better idea.
3. The Empress: Timber Hearth Ok, I really struggled with this one. I’m going for the themes of creation, life, nature, and nurturing by choosing Timber Hearth since it is literally where life in the solar system grew. I'm not happy with this but whatever.
4. The Emperor: The Vault Authority, establishment, control to the point of domination. They sealed the Prisoner in the vault for defying the system. Plus the Vault looks cool and imposing so we have that going for us.
5. The Hierophant: Solanum Connecting to the past, passing on wisdom, initiation into a spiritual practice (aka reaching the QM). Yeah this is Solanum.
6. The Lovers: Nomai Graveyard (Emotional damage pt 1) I’m so so sorry but it works so well. What says love besides holding your friends close as you all asphyxiate to death?
7. The Chariot: Your Ship Maybe this one is a little too literal but I still think it fits. Determination and drive, knowing where you want to go, overcoming obstacles. Also it's literally your ship. It works.
8. Strength: Chert I’m going to be honest.... Chert is here because they were the only traveler that didn’t have a card that clearly fit, and I couldn’t leave only them out when I gave all the other travelers cards, and I didn’t have another idea for what Strength should be. Hand-wavy explanation: view Strength as getting to the core of confronting your fear and anger and pain and coming out the other side, and, well, Chert having a existential breakdown and then coming to a place of calm acceptance about the inevitability of death sort of… fits…. look just pretend this one makes sense and let’s move along quickly -
9. The Hermit: Feldspar Self-explanatory. The literal solitude, yeah, but also Feldspar is this mentor figure who guides you on your journey, and is apparently happy to just sit and chill in the nightmare hell that is Dark Bramble. It works.
10. The Wheel of Fortune: The Advanced Warp Core in the ATP Change, fate, turning points, cycles - and the breaking of cycles. This is another easy one.
11. Justice: The Prisoner There are a lot of ways you can interpret this. You have the Prisoner defying their society’s rules in an attempt to do what is right, and the strangers believing they were dispensing justice by imprisoning them but actually causing harm. The more I think about this one the more I like it.
12. The Hanged Man: Gabbro Another easy one. Taking a pause to rest, passivity, acceptance, independence, seeing things differently. Plus you even get the literal imagery of them hanging on the hammock, floating in zero-g. This is a slam dunk.
13. Death: The skull + flower from the Strangers’ visions of the Eye Letting go to allow the world to change and let new things grow is literally what this vision is about. Plus it’s a skull! I mean it’s right there.
14. Temperance: Riebeck Steadiness, moderation, plus the duality of Riebeck being terrified of space but still choosing to go out into it.
15. The Devil: The Eye Signal Blocker Destruction, complicity in oppression, avoiding accountability, confronting fear (or avoiding doing so). Oh yeah I’m so on board with this being the Eye Signal Blocker.
16. The Tower: The Interloper (Emotional damage part 2). The destruction of the status quo, disaster, tragedy, upheaval. There is no question here.
17. The Star: The Eye Searching for purpose, navigating a path, themes of renewal. Plus it even kinda has a star-like shape. It’s the Eye.
18. The Moon: The Quantum Moon Look, sometimes the literal choice works. Mystery, secrets, illusions? Yeah, that’s QM alright.
19. The Sun: The Sun Who could have seen this one coming??? ….The thing is… the meaning of the tarot Sun card absolutely doesn’t match the purpose the sun plays in Outer Wilds. But there is nothing else that could be the sun. It’s the sun!
20. Judgement: The Campfire in the Starry Forest Facing yourself, facing the truth, acceptance, ultimately letting go so that you can reach the end. Yeah.
21. The World: The Big Bang The end, and the beginning.
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satoshi-mochida · 9 hours
LUNAR Remastered Collection announced for PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC - Gematsu
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GungHo Online Entertainment has announced LUNAR Remastered Collection for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC (Steam). It includes remastered versions of LUNAR: Silver Star Story and LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue. It will launch in spring 2025.
Get the first details below, via GungHo Online Entertainment America product coordinator Asca Akiyama on PlayStation Blog.
The Series That Started It All
When the games first released in the ’90s, LUNAR was a pioneer of its time, often credited as being one of the first JRPGs to become popular in the West. With the upcoming release of LUNAR Remastered Collection, we invite you to experience (or re-experience) this iconic title that shaped the JRPG genre.
A Timeless Classic, Reimagined
The remastered edition brings a host of exciting upgrades, including widescreen support, enhanced pixel art, high-definition animated cutscenes, and all-new English voice acting. Players can choose to either go old school with the original visuals or go remastered for a more modern look. Plus, a new toggle feature allows players to speed up battles, giving them more control over the pace of their adventure, while improved strategy settings make combat even more convenient. And for the first time in the series, LUNAR will be available in two additional languages: German and French, alongside English and Japanese. This image shows a party battling a Yeti. To the top right of screen, the UI denotes the battle’s speed, as the player can use L2 or R2 to speed up or slow down the clash.
The Adventure Begins – LUNAR: Silver Star Story
LUNAR: Silver Star Story begins in the quiet village of Burg, where a boy named Alex dreams of grand adventures inspired by the tale of Dragonmaster Dyne. Enticed by adventure and treasure, Alex and his friends set off on a quest, but with the sudden emergence of the Magic Emperor who wishes to control the world, it’s up to them to fight the rising evil and save the world from peril. This shows characters conversing with a white dragon. On-screen dialogue from the dragon states: “You may begin, children, Your future now rests squarely in your own diminutive hands.”
The Legacy Continues – LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue
Set 1000 years after LUNAR: Silver Star Story, LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue follows a young adventurer named Hiro, who encounters a mysterious visitor from the Blue Star while exploring an ancient tower. Named Lucia, she insists that she be taken to the ruler of their world, Goddess Althena. Together, Hiro and Lucia encounter the best of allies, the worst of enemies, and the darkest forces of destruction that threaten the whole of creation. This image shows a character hanging upside down from a rope. Flames rage on the floor below them. On-screen dialogue from the character states: “Oh no! The exit’s closing. Hurry!”
the Plot Thickens
The LUNAR series tells a classic tale of a young adventurer with a fluffy sidekick, who falls in love with a girl who may or may not be immortal. What begins as a light-hearted quest quickly takes a dark turn with the rise of an evil villain, subsequently placing the fate of the entire world in the hero’s hands. This timeless story, filled with dragons, swords, and treasures, is brought to life by an unforgettable cast of characters—from a young priestess who acts the perfect heiress at home but has a fiery temper, to a tragic villain who nevertheless has a flair for the dramatic. The games’ straightforward and effortless storytelling, combined with thoughtful character development, gives LUNAR its unique charm and enduring appeal. This shows characters wandering through a woodland village.
Iconic Art
The allure of LUNAR also lies in its amazing artwork in both the anime cutscenes and 2D pixel art. The blend of these two distinct art styles in the battles, events, and anime cutscenes made it a standout title when it first released. Even today, LUNAR‘s ’90s anime aesthetic holds up well in quality, and we’ve polished it even further for this remaster. This retro art style is a rarity nowadays, and playing this game will surely satiate your appetite for ‘90s throwbacks.
Watch the announcement trailer below.
Announce Trailer
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From the Ashes Pt. 35
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Pairing(s): Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, one-sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: slow burn fic, changing povs, MC POV, long chapter ahead
Words: 6023
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34
Book Two of Dārilaros hen ōrbar se perzys (Heir of Ash and Fire)
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Panting and reeling away from her personal brazier, Alizah closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Her face was still warm from the gentle licks the fire gave her as she had been staring deep into its flames. She had to know of any situations that might follow them to Asshai. Especially with confronting the darkins in their own realm. Alizah had never anticipated seeing a screeching dragon in her visions. So clear, the dragon had emerged from an egg that was being held by (y/n). Soaring through the rippling orange and yellow before growing ever larger and landing next to its mistress.
Alizah pulled up a chair and mulls over what she had just seen and the true meaning behind it. If only she was able to write down what she saw like many of the other red priestesses. Alas her blind eyes would merely be able to make scribbles. The only time she ever saw clearly was looking into the heat of the things, the soul of a being. She knew it would be wise to tell High Priest Benerro, after all she was his shining star in the whole temple and was heavily relied on. That’s how the temple knew (y/n) was in Volon Therys. And it was the vision of a box being delivered by a stranger that tied into the scenes she had seen at that moment.
When Ser Barristan Selmy had arrived on the doorsteps with a dark wood box under his arm, she had seen the warmth emanating from inside. It was a sleeping warmth that she had nearly waved off for it was a faint flicker. A box from Thalina.
“Did she actually succeed?” Alizah thought out loud to just herself. Thalina’s talent in reading the flames had been growing steadily before her departure to Westeros. Helped by Alizah and Melisandre, there were high hopes for her but only a handful of people knew of Thalina’s ultimate fate. Thalina had seen her own end but had just laughed it off. She never did like being serious. The air around her was always jubilant and Thalina had always been a smiling fool. That was the impression she left on everyone in the temple.
“I’m sorry. . .” Alizah whispered behind her hand after Thalina had told her how her life would end.
Thalina merely cocked her head to one side, her long braids shifting ever so slightly. “For what?”
“That you will not live a long life. That you will die in Westeros. . .”
Her laugh had surprised Alizah and Melisandre who had also been present. There in that solemn council room sat the senior red priest members Hayri and Iomhar, as they were the ones to be in attendance when the High Priest was unable to physically be there. “Ah, I’m not too worried about that. I’m more so concerned about getting all of my tasks done before that happens. If I can accomplish all that I have set forth in front of me, then I can die happily.”
“You shouldn’t be so callous when talking about your own death.” Iomhar growled but it didn’t dampen her smile. “The temple has so few people who can read the flames as well as you three can. To lose one would be a setback.”
Hayri, although perturbed by the revelations, shakes his head at his younger companion. “Settle down, Iomhar. Thalina is thinking about the bigger picture. We won’t need any more readers if she procures Azor Ahai reborn.”
Thalina beamed and nodded enthusiastically. “Exactly! If I’m able to get her here. . . Then I would have done my job. But there is also one more thing I aim to do.”
“And what is that?”
“Why, bring back dragons of course!”
Bring back dragons. . .
It was too crazy a thought, that’s what everyone was thinking at the time. Melisandre was the only one who didn’t think it quite as crazy. She had said it was exactly what Azor Ahai reborn would need to truly make a stand. Alizah had never thought that Thalina would actually succeed in procuring a dragon egg.
“You were always a crazy girl.” Her voice was sad as she thought back on the girl who was the same age as her yet already gone from this plain of existence. Everything Thalina did, she did fearlessly. An admirable quality. “Guess I’ll have to be the same. You have left her in my care. I will see to it that your visions come true, Thalina.”
Also important in the back of her mind was making sure that Rhiannon would be guided in the right path. That didn’t appear to be a problem. Rhiannon had immediately attached herself to (y/n) and (y/n) to her
They filled the empty spot in which Thalina’s death had left them.
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A festive atmosphere had claimed Volantis, especially around the Red Temple; the hub of the ceremony. None of the jovial air reached you though. Thinking of being in front of so many people still made you nervous. All eyes would be on you. You hadn’t felt such trepidation since your wedding. There would be more people at your ceremony and certain expectations had already been set for you. You wouldn’t become Princess (y/n) Targaryen, no, you would be crowned as Azor Ahai reborn; the champion of R’hllor and the ender of the long night.
Your ceremonial headdress solemnly sat on its pillow. Tyrion had playfully tried it on and nearly toppled over, not used to such an accessory. While the robes had once belonged to Azor Ahai, the headdress was completely new, made specifically for you and this occasion. Inanna and another young temple girl named Farah were helping you get dressed, slipping your arm through the gilded sleeves. They chatted excitedly as they did so, apparently the temple was making this a very big deal. After all, their savior had finally been reincarnated and walking on the earth among them. The people of Volantis were already crowding near the bridge to get a sneak peek of the set up. Servants were setting up a pyre right outside the doors of the temple. A special feast was being prepared as well.
While Rhiannon positioned a gold armor breastplate in front of your chest, you examine your painted hands which Siofra had done for you. The dye was a dark brown and in intricate designs. You were worried about smudging it but tall Siofra merely laughed and told you it would not be an issue. The only thing that would wash away the ink would be hot water and soap.
Personally you didn’t think that it was an appropriate time to have your ceremony, but High Priest Benerro along with his council of priests insisted the people of Volantis see the face of Azor Ahai reborn before you left for Asshai.And most importantly to witness Lightbringer with their own eyes. You were nervous, what if you weren’t able to conjure up the flames when the time came? You had still been unable to call upon it freely, not since your fight with Inniros. Without its holy flames, Lightbringer was just like any other sword.
Farah helps Rhiannon by tightening the armor’s straps behind you. When her warm eyes flick up to your face, Rhiannon frowns. “Are you okay? You don’t look too well.”
Inanna pops up, having been helping Tyrion with his own outfit. Even Tyrion looks up with concern. “Perhaps I should get nuha kosh something to eat?”
Tyrion shakes his head. “Get her some tea. You don’t want her to develop an upset stomach and throw up during her ceremony.”
She smiles sweetly, making Tyrion’s cheeks turn a vibrant pink. “Ah, that’s a better idea! Good thinking Lord Tyrion.”
In the corner of your room, lounging at your round table was Jaime and Inniros being briefed on their roles by Alizah and Melisandre. Behind Inniros was Sirvart leaning against the wall but with a cautious eye on the darkin, her whip at the ready. The red priest Kafele, a man in his middle age, was in attendance as well to decorate Jaime’s own hands with the same dye Siofra had used on you. Initially he had grimaced when the older man had walked up to him with it and outright refusing. Tyrion told him to suck it up and to add salt to his wound had Kafele paint his own hands. Jaime, not being one to be outshined, relented.
Inanna goes to the packed table and pours you a cup of tea that would calm you. Carefully you take it from her small dark hands and thank her. A chair is also brought over to you so you could sit down and relax for a moment. Rhiannon helped you sit, holding your robes in such a way where they wouldn’t get stuck under you. “I’m fine. I’m just worried about using Lightbringer in front of all those people. I haven’t been able to summon the flames.”
“When the time is right, you will.” Melisandre says, although it didn’t necessarily make you feel any better. All you could do was blindly trust in her cryptic words.
“Maybe you just need to stab Inniros’ shadow again.” Jaime grins and teasingly looks at the bored darkin.
Inniros doesn’t blink an eye at Jaime’s remark, merely shrugging. “You can try.”
You shake your head. “No, I don’t think that’s necessary.”
Rhiannon hums thoughtfully, sitting at your feet and resting her head against your knees. “What emotions were you feeling when you first summoned Lightbringer’s flames?”
Thinking back to that day, you grow silent and close your eyes. You attempted to put yourself back there in your mind. You remember seeing Jaime, held down by Inniros’ shadow and about to be killed. Rage had filled you. Unadulterated rage ran through your veins and the urge to protect your older brother. Such an intense feeling was something you had never felt. Sorrow was nothing new to you. Even growing up with your cruel sister and distant father, you hadn’t felt resentment, only sadness that they didn’t love you or even care for you. Rage and anger was something entirely new to you.
You look at Jaime who wasn’t particularly paying attention until the red priest puts down his brush and turns around in his seat to face you. Kafele had the starting of wrinkles around his dark eyes and a peppered beard that covered his lower face. The top of his head was bald and shining. “Maybe you should call upon whatever you were feeling during that experience.”
“I’m not particularly angry about anything though. . .” You whisper against the rim of your cup.
“You have plenty to be angry about though!” chirps your little brother as he climbs atop of your bed, his red robes drag behind him. “Just think about all the things Cersei and father have done to you! And King Aerys!”
“I’m guessing you’re not used to feeling such a toxic feeling.” Alizah gently smiles.
“Obviously. Don’t you remember how she looked the first time we met her?” Sirvart speaks up from her place. “She didn’t even look like she could harm a fly. So sweet and wide eyed. Like a rabbit.”
Thinking for a moment, Jaime leans in his chair. “Well Cersei did use to call you a mouse.”
Clapping her hands, Sirvart nods. “That sounds more accurate!”
Blushing at their description of you, you still doubted that you could come up with such an intense rush again. It had nearly consumed you and. . . and something seemed to wake up inside of you. A feral beast that had been sleeping for so long. Just thinking about it made your heart pick up pace.
Rhiannon’s upside down face calms you back down and forces you to put on a wavering smile.
“It’s not the end of everything if you can’t do it yet.” Alizah’s words do happen to give you peace of mind. You trusted her word. “Of course Benerro will want you to show off, an actual testament that you are indeed Azor Ahai reborn. You’re still getting used to fighting with it. The two of you need to know eachother better. You and Lightbringer. It may be a sword, but it’s an extension of yourself and of the power of R’hllor.”
You had never really thought about it like that. If only you knew more about the actual Azor Ahai and how he had done all the things that was expected of him. True, the temple put you through lessons on their faith and history, never on a personal level. You had learned hymns and the many trials that Azor Ahai went through to forge Lightbringer. Definitely nothing you had to do. He had labored thirty days and thirty nights to forge the sword. Even then it broke had he had to repeat his actions again. And then again. Someone made your Lightbringer. Maybe it was because you didn’t put in your blood, sweat and tears into the steel? There was no personal connection.
Finishing up your tea, Rhiannon stood and took it from your waiting hand. She lingers before whispering for just your ears to hear “Don’t worry. Thalina had faith in you. Have faith in Thalina too.”
The first true smile you felt in the entire day warmed you from the inside. You couldn’t worry about it. Worrying now would do nothing for you in the long run. When the moment came, well, then you would deal with it. Thalina had gotten you this far and she hadn’t been wrong yet.
You nod and catch Jaime’s gaze. Hardly ever having his emotions on his sleeves, you saw evident worry in the depths of his eyes. The two of you had gone through so much. You had spent more time with him in Essos than you ever had growing up in Casterly Rock. Growing to know each other like the back of your hands you knew Jaime was concerned with all this fanfare and the pressure it was putting on you. He kept his thoughts to himself and merely pressed his lips together, returning his attention to the artful details being painted onto his hands and running up to his elbow. The dye was meant for warriors afterall. Sirvart was displaying her own designs as her arms were folded, obediently observing the darkin.
Going back to preparing the boys, Melisandre finishes with her words directed to Inniros. “I know you boys will be on your best behavior today. It will be the most important day of your lives. The world will know that (y/n) is Azor Ahai reborn.”
For the first time, Inniros showed interest. “The whole world?”
Melisandre nods, narrowing her eyes at him in suspicion. “Of course.”
“Even all the way to Westeros?”
Rhiannon caught on fast and a new sense of dread made her clutch her skirts. “The king will know she’s alive then. And. . . your sister will know where you are.”
Had she told you that a few months ago, most likely you would have been stricken with the same fear. You felt nothing though. If all of Westeros knew you were alive, Rhaegar would know too. Hope sprung up immediately and you couldn’t stop your smile from widening. “I’m not scared of Cersei. Or of Aerys.”
Melisandre smiled at you with great pride and even Sirvart smirked. The female Fiery Hand chuckles. “You certainly have grown since your days stumbling in Volon Therys.”
On your night stand was the box which the ancient dragon egg had been hiding. You get up from your seat and wander over to it, making sure your back concealed what you were looking at. But Tyrion knew as he craned his neck slightly on your bed. With the hope bubbling in you, touching the rough scales of the egg seemed to amplify that light feeling that tickled your chest. Rhaegar will know you’re alive. Hopefully once he knew maybe he would come for you once the war was over. Better yet, you hoped he would wait for your eventual return. You would always return to him. Now it felt like a closer reality.
Gentle footsteps fall behind you and in one fluid motion, you hide your opal and turn around. Alizah is standing in front of you, that permanent gentle smile. “Nuha kosh, may I have a private word with you in the antechamber?”
“Of course.” Picking up the skirts of your robes as not to get the hem dirty, you walk over to her.
“You as well, Rhiannon.” She addresses Rhiannon who had been polishing your ceremonial headwear. Slightly confused as to her summons, Rhiannon steadily joins you over to the door that leads to the antechamber. The walls are curved making the room a circular shape with a royal blue rug on the floor. A stout, round coffee table was in the center, surrounded by dark orange cushions. Other multi-colored pillows were present for added comfort.
Rhiannon made herself comfortable, laying on her side across the cushions. Honestly it was unladylike since she was in a dress, but that’s what you liked about Rhiannon. She was so comfortable with herself.
Without any assistance, Alizah sits down on the plush ground and looks up at you. Her smile widens at your expression. “Don’t look so worried. I was merely wanting to discuss the matter of that box that was so kindly delivered by Barristan Selmy.”
You had been waiting for one of the Red Temple clergy to ask you about it and you knew it lay heavy on their minds. If it was from Thalina that meant it was something of great importance. The question was on their tongues but they were willing to wait until you were ready to tell them.
Nodding, you decide that you trust Alizah enough to tell her the truth about what Thalina had sent you and the darkin confirming it’s true nature.
None of what you told her seemed to surprise the red priestess one bit. “And Rhiannon, you were the one who solved the puzzle to break open the box. How clever of your older sister. She planned out everything thus far and the events have been executed precisely. (y/n), Rhiannon, Thalina had another goal besides bringing the two of you together. Something else she had foreseen in the flames and that was bringing back dragons.”
That made Rhiannon sit up, her brows scrunched. “Bring back dragons? Thalina saw that actually happening?”
She nods and glances at you. “(y/n) is the key to everything. That is why I’m not too concerned if you can’t summon the fire of Lightbringer. Because during the ceremony you will take that egg and hatch it in front of all to see.”
You gawked at her before laughing nervously. When Alizah didn’t say she was kidding, you stopped and became anxious once more. “I think it would be more simple to try and get Lightbringer’s flames to surface. But, dragons Alizah. . . Dragons haven’t been seen for a century. Even Aerys couldn’t resurrect the last surviving dragon eggs. And now you truly expect me to do the impossible.”
“Thalina didn’t think it too impossible.” Alizah replies but pats the spot next to her for you to sit. “Relax. I have a plan set up. I’ve seen in my own visions a great pyre in which you sit in the center with your dragon egg.”
“She’ll burn!” Rhiannon exclaimed, looking panicked at the mere thought.
You were about to agree with her but then a faint memory arises; you laying down on the cushioned grass, still smelling of smoke while Jaime told you of the events that had previously taken place. You were still weak and slightly ill but you could never forget Jaime telling you how despite your room being up in flames, they didn’t touch you. Even as the fire consumed your bed and the corpse of Thalina. You had remained in one piece with no burn marks.
Alizah seemed to read your thoughts with her vacant, dark eyes. “Fire will not harm you. Not R’hllor’s champion.”
Rhiannon didn’t like it though, her fingers curling into her palm as she rocked on her heels. “We can’t risk it. . . If fire does harm her-”
“That’s the thing about faith. Sometimes you have to squash down your worries and blindly hope that things will work out. When you have a higher power to trust in, anything may be possible.”
“Sure, blindly believe. But what if your theory proves to be wrong? I’m not-” You noticed Rhiannon’s eyes begin to shine with the threat of tears that she tried to brusquely wipe away. “-I’m not losing another sister.”
Ever so slowly your own vision became hazy as your own tears became obstructive. Not even Cersei had claimed you with such pride and worry as her sister. Yet here Rhiannon was, calling you her sister. A lump developed in your throat as you try not to cry. They wouldn’t obey you and tears soon trickled down your cheek. It was too sweet and too heartbreaking.
“You told me to believe in Thalina, Rhiannon.” You took a deep breath and dabbed at your eyes with the sleeve of your robes. “To have faith in her. I’m scared too, but Thalina has yet to be wrong. If she saw that I was the one to bring back dragons, then I must be. Right? And If Alizah sees me not succumbing to the fire, then all I can do is try and live up to her vision.”
Pursed lips, Rhiannon’s shoulder trembled a little bit as her mind spiraled with all of the negative outcomes that could happen.
“In order to even hope to have the courage to go through with this, I need you by my side.” If Rhiannon wasn’t there with you to transfer her endless supply of bravery, you knew you would crumble on the spot.
“You shouldn’t let your fear show, Viserys is like an animal. He can smell fear.” Thalina had told you one day after he had threatened you. You had witnessed first hand the cruelty of Viserys after he had taken a blade and cut off Thalina’s beautiful braids. That incident had made you steer clear of the young Targaryen prince. He had the same malicious tendencies as Cersei.
“But he scares me.” You whimpered.
Thalina laughs. “That little squid? Trust me, he is nothing to fear. He’s just a bully. You just have to show him that you aren’t going to put up with his attitude.”
“I can’t do that. He’s a prince of the Seven Kingdoms. If I do something to displease him, he’ll tell the king.”
Moving a piece of your dirty blonde hair behind your ear, Thalina hums. “But you are Rhaegar’s future bride. One day you will be queen. That trumps being a prince. Viserys will be second in line for the throne until you produce an heir. Then he will be obsolete.”
When Viserys had cut off her hair, Thalina was livid and had grabbed the prince to promptly spank him on his rear. The horror you felt watching it. You had been sure that there would be terrible repercussions from her actions. You had tried to get Thalina to run away, worried that there would be guards showing up at any moment to execute her. But there was none. Only the matronly septa who turned her head, pretending not to see anything. Viserys had run howling to Queen Rhaella but received another reprimand from his mother.
You always wished you could be fearless like Thalina. Being next to her, you could feel her courage seep into you for as long as Thalina was by your side. When she was around you weren’t afraid of Viserys but Viserys was afraid of Thalina.
“I no longer have Thalina in my life. I need you Rhiannon.”
Gulping down her emotions, Rhiannon wipes her face. She was trying her best to put on a tough facade. Helplessly she looks at you with red rimmed eyes and determination.
“Then it shall be done, mandia(sister).”
A weight was lifted off of you. Now you could confidently ask Alizah “What do you need me to do?”
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“Promise me one thing.” Jaime had one hand on the handle of the temple’s front door. A giant of a structure that led out to the crowd you could hear waiting with anticipation to see you.
Rhiannon on your left and Tyrion accompanying you on your right, you glance at your older brother.He didn’t look straight at you, choosing to keep his gaze focused forward.
Your entourage that trailed behind you stood silently.
Your left hand held your large opal while the other kept a steady grip on Lightbringer’s pommel. “What’s that?”
“Please don’t burn to a crisp.”
“Jaime!” Rhiannon remarks in a sharp tone before shaking her head with exasperation.
Actually you quite appreciated Jaime’s lighthearted attempt at diffusing your nerves that were already at a debilitating amount. “Hah, yeah, I’ll try.”
“You know what I mean.” He takes a deep breath.
“Do you not think I can do it?”
“Absolutely not.” Finally turning in him, you take all of Jaime in. The scar under his dancing green eyes. His long braid he had incorporated into his hair, casually resting on his shoulder. He wore armor over his ceremonial garb with vambraces that shimmered gold. Rubies and topaz decorated the rimmed arc “I would be a fool if I thought you couldn’t do this. I witnessed the most impossible things. Well, nothing seems impossible when you’re concerned. I know you can do this. Just. . . I’m still going to worry about you and feel like this could go terribly. And Tyrion, you look completely calm.”
“I believe in her too.” Tyrion smiles up at you, his long, curly hair framing his large forehead.
A knock from the outside was your signal to begin your descent to the circular plateau that led out to the plaza market of Volantis.
“The priests are ready for you, nuha kosh.” Melisandre instructed you, her hands folded in front of her and head held high.
Show time.
The booming voice of High Priest Benerro penetrated the door, a stream of words in Valyrian that were deaf on your ears as you tried to keep your composure. Heavily concentrated on your breathing, you stare as the doors slowly open; the other had been pulled open by Iyan. Bright, blinding sunlight makes your eyes squint up. You held the egg closer to your side, mentally trying to reach out to the warmth inside. That soothing closeness that reassured you.
Hanging tapestries that blew in the partial breeze portrayed the Red Temple’s burning heart against scarlet fabric. In the vestibule, the bridge was blocked off by Fiery Hands that held their weapons at the ready. People nearly spilled over them but you knew it would take a lot more to get past your guards. They clamoured on tip toes to try and be the one to catch the first glimpse of Azor Ahai.
The heat from the pyre in the center could be felt from miles away. There was no way you could get past the loud pounding of your heart in your ears to listen to the High Priest’s introduction. At a slow pace, you step forward until the sunlight fully reveals you for all to see. Vibrations from their cries of jubilation shook you to your core and you nearly lost the will to move forward had Rhiannon not given you an encouraging nudge.
Go on (y/n). You can do this. Even if every inch of me is trembling. . .
Summoning strength from your tightly clutched dragon egg you stiffly continue your walk until you are right next to Benerro. He had his arms out, welcoming the world to you.
“Chin up, (y/n).” Joanna smiled patiently, her index finger coaxing your chin up so that your eyes met hers. “There we go. That’s much better. Let everyone see your face.”
Remembering her words, you hesitantly raise your gaze up, your crown pulling you up. His tattooed face breaks out in a smile despite his mouth appearing to actually lack lips, the sun beating down on his bald head. Under the light of day, his pale face almost looked skeletal. You always thought he was a little ominous looking, but he had always been good to you so brushed off his horrendous appearance.
“Se dārilaros bona iksin kivio. Ōñosmaghare's āeksio se Rullor's kosh. Kessa mazilībagon se path va perzys se udrāzma iā azantyr naejot pryjagon se azantyr hen tolie. Rytsas se kosh qilōni kessa iōragon against sȳndror ,(y/n) Targārien. Azōr Ahaī sigligon! (The princess that was promised. Lightbringer's master and R'hllor's champion. She will set the path on fire and command an army to destroy the forces of the Others. Welcome the champion who will stand against darkness ,(y/n) Targaryen. Azor Ahai reborn!)” His thin and feeble stature betrayed his loud booming voice that reached even those who were looking out their balconies and windows. The city streets were completely covered in civilians. Not even when you married Rhaegar at the sept had there been so many people. They moved like a wave vibrating with energy enough to overwhelm you. You stood tall though and took a deep breath.
You knew Benerro wanted you to say a speech. Actions were louder than words though and you passed by him, down the small flight of stairs, Rhiannon falling beside you easily without a word. The red priests that were gathered along the sides murmured nervously, unsure of what you were about to do.
Closer to the fire until even the crowd started to voice their worry. From your periphery you noticed an older priest pull at the arm of a Fiery Hand who merely shook their head, having been given strict instructions from Weles not to interfere.
Face to face with the inferno, tongues of flames whipped out at you. While the heat was indeed intense, it wasn’t so bad as to deter you. No, a comfort of sorts beckoned you closer.
Before you stepped a foot any further, you shed yourself of your gaudy garlands and ancient robes that would be quickly engulfed in flames. Even the spiked crown made of precious gold. Everything that could be potentially destroyed were discarded, leaving you in a short sleeved, white dress made of soft cotton. It had taken so long to put on you yet mere seconds to take off. You unsheath Lightbringer and pierce an opening into the tall flames. The closer you were to the fire, the safer you felt. Worried shouts from the audience were suddenly becoming a mere muffle. Your hearing was overcome with the crackling of wood as the flames appeared to be parting just for you. Making a way to the heart of the pyre. Enclosing you in like a fairy nestled inside of a flower, you stare all around you.
Cozy was the first word that came to you. Flames did indeed start eating at your dress. If this did indeed work, then that meant you would be naked in front of possibly thousands of people. A self conscious thought you couldn’t help but think about as you saw your naked skin become visible.
You look down at the egg you were holding, your sword hand trembling a little as you held the blade up. Alright. . . If there’s still life in you, please, please let this be enough heat for you.
Cradling it closer against your chest, you carefully rest your chip atop of it’s soft teardrop shape. “It’s just us in here. It’s okay.” You squeezed your eyes shut and prayed. They were ancient prayers that Melisandre had told you of in a language that you had never heard before. She said they would help to stoke the flames if the heat needed to be increased. You muttered them quickly and with fervor. Within seconds you felt the temperature rise abruptly and it even made you begin to sweat. Slowly you brought your sword arm down and to your delight, Lightbringer’s own steel was swept up in it’s own flames. They didn’t tarnish your blade and you felt the same swirl of familiarity surge through you. You smiled wide and continued your chanting.
In your arms you felt a heartbeat and around you the flames began to depict figures. One looked like your regal mother, prim and proper smiling at you. The other was Thalina.
The figure of a man you didn't know manifested, tall and burly with long hair that whipped in the flickering flames. Features of his face were obscured and unclear, but you saw his cheeky smile.
The cracking of the shell as you felt the egg begin to budge.
Your orange blanket of safety began to dance erratically.
Pure joy had you crying when you saw a piece of the shell pop off.
An eager mouth poking out.
You became part of the pure warmth of the fire. Twining arms came out to hold you and you swore you could hear your mother's voice whisper in your ear.
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The structure around the pyre began to crumble under the pressure of the rising flames as they seemed to reach for the sky.
Many people had begun to disperse, fearful of what would happen.
Jaime was starting to feel light headed, not realizing that he hadn’t been breathing since (y/n) stepped into the fire. His eyes were starting to burn and the smoke was almost unbearable.
The red priests and priestesses were not as concerned. They had been chanting louder and louder. Picking up tempo, Jaime noticed the flames begin to creep down. Intervention of the darkin brought the fire down immensely before his shadows completely snuffed it out, creeping back to their caverns and crevices. Jaime had never thought that the darkin would be able to use his shadow magic against the fire. It was bright after all and the light of it could have eaten his pathetic shadows.
“Have you not heard of that saying, Jaime?” Inniros, seeming to read his mind, glared at him with his only eye. Looking at him made Jaime feel sick. He was unnatural. “The brightest lights cast the darkest shadows.”
Did everyone in the continent have to speak in that annoying, mystical manner? It annoyed him to no end that everything just had to be so vague with them.
With the flames having all but disappeared, he could see his sister and finally he allowed himself to start breathing again. Good, she was okay. Still standing with Lightbringer’s flames still burning despite her clothes having been burned off leaving her in her own skin. Her once long hair had been diminished to the length of her jawline and was patchy but even so she seemed alright.
Nothing could have prepared him for the wriggling creature in (y/n)’s ash covered arms. The creature that mewled pathetically to everyone's great shock as some red priests even jumped back when they heard the abnormal sound.
He knew this had been Alizah’s plan. They had informed everyone before making the descent to the ceremony what was to be expected leaving no time for Jaime to interject. He had to go along with whatever she told him.
Still. . . Jaime could only stare and smile like a maniac.
Of course she did it.
What was left of the crowd were starting to lean in, finding it hard to believe their own vision. Then there was a cheer from the congregation of Red Temple priests. Cheers grew to a deafening roar. Those who had run away at the sight of the towering inferno soon came back hesitantly at the cries of disbelief that were emerging.
The small dragon in (y/n)’s arms stretched its wings, the scales sparkling in different flecks of green, blue, yellow, and pink. Its small shriek could still be heard over the clamour.
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
Death and Resurrection (part 2)
Minthara x Galatea
Part 1
Read on AO3
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The battle had been harder than expected but they were managing. Due to the amount of enemies, the party had spread out, one covering each corner. 
There were only a few enemies left when Galatea began to feel overwhelmed by them. Her spell slots were running dry, and as much as she tried to evade her attacker, flying away thanks to her sorcerer abilities, he wouldn’t stop pursuing her. 
As she misty stepped away from him, she saw the drow on the other side, downing an enemy. With nothing left to do, she screamed “Minthara!” 
Hearing her lover’s scream, Minthara turned around just in time to watch as the enemy ran the tiefling through with his sword. 
It was as if time had stopped. Minthara watched as Galatea slowly fell to the ground, blood oozing from her middle. She heard another one of her companions scream, and the little quasit - Shovel, she believed was its name -  ran to her mistresses’ side. 
Minthara’s body moved before her mind could catch up with what had happened. In an instant, she was killing all of their remaining enemies, ending their miserable lives like a predator on a hunt. 
She had particularly enjoyed killing the one who had hurt Galatea, drawing out his death for a long as she could. It was only when she felt a gloved hand on her shoulder that she stopped. 
“Enough, Minthara.” She heard Shadowheart say. “She wouldn’t have wanted that.” 
She turned to look at her. “How do you know what she would have wanted?” She huffed, before brushing past her to where Karlach knelt, holding Galatea’s hand. 
The quasit was next to her, big black eyes unsure of what was happening. The creature placed a hand on Galatea’s shoulder, as if poking her.  She never understood why was Gal so attached to the demon, but she did not mind it’s existence. “Is Master gone?” It asked, and Minthara couldn’t tell if it was sadness she heard in its voice. 
“Only temporarily.” Minthara said, kneeling on the other side of Galatea. She brushed the tiefling’s blue hair to the side, and tried to wipe some of the blood from her face. Gently, she placed Galatea on her lap, holding her with both arms. 
As she looked at her dead lover’s limo body, Minthara remembered the first one she bedded. The High Priestess from house Vandree. She had held her just like this, watching as the life left her. Although they had shared several nights together, Minthara could scarcely call what they had ‘love’, and when it was time for the priestess to die, it had not felt like this.
Minthara’s heart had not hurt as it was now. Her relationship with Galatea was much different. It was not only physical, as her previous ones has been. Their bond was much deeper than any other she had had, and she was not willing to let the tiefling go so easily. Although she knew she was fated to outlive Galatea, today would not be the day the two would be separated. 
Shadowheart had offered to bring her back, but Minthara said “Let me do it.” 
With one hand on her wound, and the other holding her head, Minthara began to whisper the words of the revivify spell. It was not a spell she used often, as it was rare for her companions to die, and when they did, Withers usually took care of it. 
But Minthara wouldn’t let a skeleton, and much less a child, bring her lover back. A warm glow emanated from her hands, and the wound on Galatea’s stomach closed, the warmness coming back to her skin. 
She watched patiently as Galatea gasped and opened her eyes. The tiefling looked at Minthara and placed a hand on her cheek. “Are you crying because of me?” 
It was only then that Minthara had realized the stray tears that had fallen. She swiped one of them and said “No. I cry because you did not get to see how I marvelously killed our enemies.” Galatea chuckled at that. The drow leaned forwards and kissed her forehead, and then whispered “If you think death can separate us, I suggest changing your plans.” 
Galatea smiled and kissed Minthara’s lips briefly. “Don’t worry. I do not plan on going anywhere.” 
“Good. Because I won’t let you.” The drow smirked. 
“I know.”
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lagoonalake · 8 months
mtl in NCT127 that would be okay if their partner is waiting for marriage?
TAEIL 2 of cups, the empress
Yes he’d be okay. If he finds “the one” then he’d want to marry that person, build a cozy home and possibly have children too.
MARK the sun, justice, 4 of pentacles
I think he would feel very flattered and happy about it. To be valued this much. And he longs for stability and can be clingy too. So he could see it as fated and make a promise to his partner. 
JOHNNY the lovers, 8 of wands
It’s a big decision that would require a lot of thinking for him. He takes it seriously. I think he would say “let’s wait a bit, be patient and not rush into this”. But I think he'd see it rather positively.
HAECHAN the high priestess, 6 of swords
He’d be confused and surprised, and wouldn’t really know how to handle the situation, probably he’d be scared to lose his partner if he is honest by saying that he still has things to do before he can make such a promise. But the idea of a calmer married life is also attractive to him. But it’s simply an idea. 
DOYOUNG the emperor, 2 of wands
On one hand this could make him feel very good about himself, that he matters that much. And he also believes that one day he’ll be able to provide that kind of stability to someone. On the other hand, his career comes first, he values his independence and he could say to his partner something like “are you really willing to wait this long? Don’t you have dreams of your own to chase?”. 
YUTA the hanged man, 3 of pentacles
He’s not ready for marriage anytime soon, he would want to wait for the right timing. Right now he feels like he still has a lot to learn and that work is getting in the way. But he is rather serious in relationships.
JUNGWOO 4 of swords, justice
He hasn’t really thought about it lol, like this question is so far away from his preoccupations right now that he wouldn’t even know what to answer I think. His answer would likely be confusing and vague. An “I don’t know!” most likely. 
JAEHYUN 7 of pentacles, ace of swords
He would be very clear and tell them he’s not ready anytime soon for marriage, unless this person is veeeery patient. 
TAEYONG 5 of wands, the hierophant
This would be a topic of bickering, he would feel the pressure of tradition and expectations looming over his head and would try to fight it. Probably a deal breaker for him.
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msscorpiomoon · 1 year
Tarot Birth cards
little note: I had a lot of trouble proof reading this lol so bear with me if there are spelling errors or sentences that don't make a lot of sense. And feel free to correct me. What is a Tarot Birth Card? A tarot birth card is sort of similar to your astrological sun sign, just like certain birth dates have a zodiac sign associated with them, certain birth dates have some tarot cards (the major arcana) associated with them.
Everyone has two (sometimes three) I believe that birth cards are here to help you find your inner most spiritual self. You can find your inner energy, your core, your soul's purpose, and even your talents or what your soul is here to learn.
How do I find my birth card? Your birth card is based pretty heavily on numerology (both of the cards, and the numbers of your birth date)
There are websites for finding your birth card! Like: https://tarotschool.com/Calculator.html
But, there are also more hands on ways of calculating your own birth card. Using math. (But I'm really bad at math so I'll be reaching to outer sources to explain this better) - I got these screenshots from The tarot school website linked above
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For example, my birthday is May 13th, 2006. 05 + 13 + 20 + 06 = 44 4 + 4 = 8 which means my birth card is Strength. However, it's partnered card is The Star (The star is the number 17 - 1 + 7 = 8) Ikik It's confusing, but here are the birth card pairs for you, so you only have to find one, and then it's counterpart. Birth card pairs (and their numbers) (1.) The Magician/(10.)The Wheel of Fortune (1.) The Magician/(10.) The Wheel of Fortune/(19.)The Sun - You get three cards if your sum is 19 (lucky you~) (2.) The High Priestess/(11.)Justice (2.) The High Priestess/(20.)Judgement (3.) The Empress/(12.)The Hanged Man (3.) The Empress/(21.)The World (4.) The Emperor/(13.)Death (5.)The Hierophant /(14.)Temperance (6.)The Lovers/(15.)The Devil (7.)The Chariot/(16.)The Tower (8.) Strength/(17.) The Star (9.)The Hermit/(18.)The Moon - you get three cards if your sum is 19 (lucky you~) -And in case you are wondering, the fool is not a birth card even though it is a Major Arcana. Going deeper into the meanings - Each of the birth card pairs, and my takes on what they mean for you.
1 and 10 = The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune
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The first things that I see between these two cards is the big contrast that they have, The Magician is a figure who represents will, infinite power, the ability to take matters into your own hands and recognizing your own power. I think of this as a good manifesting cards. All of his tools lay in front of him, the infinity symbol above his head representing power, opportunities, and ability. However, the Wheel of Fortune is all about fate, leaving things to the Universe's hands, fate.
I believe that even though these are very opposite forces, having these cards shows that you have the ability (or will be able to catch onto it very quickly) to work with the universe to bring any of your ideas to life. Great manifesting cards, great cards for a leader, an idealist, etc. You might like to change and bounce between all kinds of interests and subjects, a jack of all trades. You excel in things easily, so you'll find success in finding those few things that really spark your interest and following through with it until the end.
I see the Magician card as an Alchemist, lead into gold, as well as his hand placements representing "As Above So Below" .. with this Alchemist mentality you are probably an extremely resourceful and adaptable person. A good talent that not a lot of people have, you can make use of any situation you are put in. Thinking simply (Starting from The Magician) allows you to turn the wheels of the world itself (The Wheel of Fortune).. Hopefully I'm making some sense.
Words of advice: stay focused on your goals and keep an open mind, yet stay fixed on your goals, and always complete what you finish. Set goals and stick to them, it'll bring you good success.
A weakness or downside of people with these cards (both with or without the sun) is that you may get side tracked a lot. There's a lot you want to be good at or you might get into one thing, and then something else catches your interest and now you're deeply involved with that. Don't let that curiosity consume you too much, and be sure to get yourself focused every once in a while.
19 = The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune, The Sun
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This doesn't alter a lot of the meaning from the last section, so if your number is 19, I do suggest reading the section above this one as well! This is simply adding The Sun card onto The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune. This brings much more of a carefree, fun energy to things. You have a great lust for life and always seem to shine light onto every situation. The Magician and the Wheel of Fortune cards often bring a lot of drastic change and experiences to people with this energy, yet The Sun energy gives you the ability to see the light in spite of everything that is happening around you. The Sun, as a representation of light, optimism and joy. When night falls, you know deep down that the sun isn't gone, you always know that it comes right back.
Not only do you bring light in your own life, but others see it as well. And you will achieve the most when you keep this childlike imagination and optimistic side of you.
2 and 11 = The High Priestess, Justice
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Starting with the imagery, their thrones, crowns, and seated position show that they are figures of high power, good judgement, and they are very straightforward. I like to think of the planet mercury, these people are likely great at communicating. Wise, logical, and analytical. But, there is also this duality between the two figures as well. Unlike the previous cards and their duality, the differences between these cards show incredible balance. Starting with the energies, The Justice card shows more masculine energy, with the colors, the person, but also the sword in his hand. The element of air and fire. The colors of red and yellow bring the sun's masculine energy into play. A figure that does. Meanwhile, The High Priestess is a feminine figure, with more blue colors, the green in the background, colder colors. Along with the moon symbol at her feet. A figure that feels. Although there isn't any huge indication of elements, her dress starts to pool at the end like water. Showing her being more in tune with her emotions, she is wise because she knows her inner self. (Along with the fruit or plant or vegetation that is behind her representing the element of Earth) She is her emotions. But she doesn't get lost in them, she is just in tune with them. The two of these cards coming together to represent one person shows a great balance. Here are some other dualities.
Doing vs Thinking/Feeling Harsh vs Gentle Loud vs Silent
If you have these as your cards you may be all about fairness, equality, and seeing things for as they are. You may be one to play devil's advocate often in order to see all perspectives of a situation, and you likely aren't one to come to assumptions quickly. You also might be really intuitive to truth, like being a lie detector lol. You can see through people well, and this could be why you are so big on equality, you simply see people as people and nothing more. We are all human and deserve to be on the same level. In that case, you might not be big on authority that likes playing with their power. Although these cards balance each other greatly, it might take a little bit for you to be balanced yourself. But you will find or do find great success once you find that balance between the two and learn to embody these figures at once. 2 and 20 = The High Priestess, Judgement
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The people with these birth cards I feel like have an incredibly high emotional intelligence. Although the angel (I believe it's archangel Gabriel?) in the Judgement card is a representation of the element of fire, the water in the background and the blues all around, I see both of these cards as incredibly intuitive and emotional. People with these cards are meant for great things and will probably often tell themselves things along the lines of "I'm meant for more." You will likely find the most success through following whatever your heart tells you to. I think a big lesson for you in this life will be about finding your own path, beliefs, and making your own judgements on things around you. Although it can be difficult not to, other's beliefs and the beliefs you were raised on will result in you ultimately settling for way less than what you are meant for. I'm not really talking religious beliefs, but beliefs about jobs, money, life, all that in general. Follow the path you build for yourself. At some point (or multiple points) in your life, you will have to unlearn either what you have been taught or what you have taught yourself. It'll take work but you will need to break out of any limiting beliefs that you have in order to take on something bigger in life. Don't let anybody keep you confined in a box, not even yourself! Not only do you need to wake yourself up and lift yourself up, but I also believe you are meant to lift up others around you as well. With the High Priestess you may have this keen ability to see right through people, you may feel like you just know somebody deep down, the Judgement card is a call to an awakening, or reflection. It's knowing your purpose, I think you are also meant to bring awakenings to other people. Just as much as you break yourself out of limiting beliefs and lift yourself up, try to help others as well. Your downfall will be not listening to your intuition, I believe people with these cards have amazing spiritual gifts, trust your gut and trust your Judgement.
3 and 12 = The Empress, The Hanged Man
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Both of these cards bring a very calm, collected, and nurturing tone to it. Both to me give Earth element vibes meaning people with this card combination are often very grounded and down to Earth. Although The Hanged Man's element is water, the tree provides some groundedness to it. The Empress is a natural creator, think mother nature. She is nurturing, and puts careful work into the world around her that she makes. She represents care, nurturing, divine femininity, fertility, creativity/creating, and nature. The Hanged Man is a character that's seen hanging upside down on a tree, with the calm look on his face, and his hands behind his back, a lot of people believe that he's there on his own will. The Hanged Man represents a stagnancy, a period in which you are simply observing, not moving forward. He also is a big representation on how spiritual people see the world differently, because he is perceiving things upside down. With the combination of these two cards together, people with these cards are extremely creative and natural inventors. They're talented at seeing the world in a completely different way and it allows them opportunities to create beautiful, out of the box things. These people are incredibly unique and success comes when they learn to embrace it, and be open about their outlook on the world. There are going to be times in your life where life will feel unbearably stagnant, not really moving forwards or backwards and it's because you are meant to reflect in those moments. These are the best opportunities for you to simply sit and think, and although you might not like doing that often, you will find the most success from the ideas that show up in your head. Don't force stagnant periods, but when they come to you, they are present for a reason. I also feel like people with these cards are really good with finding solutions and being adaptable to situations (when they aren't anxiously overthinking) 3 and 21 = The Empress, The World
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People with these cards I call "doers" these people have big goals that often have to do with humanities or environmental causes. The Empress is a natural creator, to me she represents Mother Nature, being it paired with The World Card, not only physically the world but also spiritually and metaphorically. You are a big thinker and often people with these cards accomplish a lot. Bring your ideas to life, it should come to you with ease. Do not repress your dreams, because they come to you for a reason. You are meant to attract great abundance in this lifetime! You are a nurturer, you will thrive being connected to the world and the people around you. Think of like "As Above So Below" or "You are a manifestation of the absolute." You resonate strongly with the idea that everything is connected and your ideals show it. These cards are also an indication of having a really big family or just being close with a lot of people. You may travel a lot in this lifetime, see a lot of cultures and see the world. I feel like people with these cards are often pretty balanced as a person, they're well rounded and often.. complete. Prioritize your nurturing, feminine side in this life time! Create things, connect with Mother Nature, and remember you are divine. 4 and 13 = The Emperor, Death
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Both of these cards combined give me very heavy warrior vibes, they are forces to be reckoned with and they bring about change wherever they go. I find that people with these birth cards tend to be brutally honest and may come across as harsh because they are very straight to the point. I will say, The Emperor represents authority, structure, discipline, and masculine energy. The Death card represents change, transformation, and cycles. So, no need to worry about the death card if you were worrying about it. These cards hold very masculine energy, having masculine energy means you do a lot, you conquer a lot and you may be incredibly ambitious. The difference between the feminine and masculine energy is that the feminine energy creates, but masculine energy utilizes what has been created. So, they balance each other out. I feel like you will (or already have) overcome a lot in your life, you are a conqueror and are here to withstand a lot of changes in your life but also bring a lot of changes to other people as well. I feel like your resilience and strength brings inspiration to others. With the obstacles you overcome in life you will end up wise, likely with a lot of good advice for others. I do see that possibly in the beginning of your life time you being on the fence between being very resistant to (or even afraid of) change. The soldier on the horse in the death card is constantly moving, changing everything he passes by, however The Emperor is forever stationary. The Emperor follows structure and leads armies, however the soldier acts on whim. And paying closer attention to the art work, the soldier on the horse (or the reaper) has conquered or defeated an authority figure, the king underneath him. So, there is a big contrast here. However, if you find the balance between not resisting change but also not embracing or initiating chaos, you'll be good. Remember to not fear change, in the back of the death card you see the sun on the horizon, which is a representation and a reminder that good things come from transformation. Or through the death of one thing, there is the birth of another. You will likely be constantly changing and evolving, you will achieve a lot in this life! You are not meant to stay stagnant for long. 5 and 14 = The Hierophant, Temperance
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These cards unite representing passion for the things they love, faith, and ambition. I see these cards as people who always try to do what is right in their eyes, and people who always try to put everything they can into something. The Hierophant is a teacher, earth/taurus energy, it represents tradition(generally religious/spiritual tradition but can represent it as a whole), education, beliefs, and groups. Temperance is a warrior, thing warriors like archangels. Temperance represents true balance, this card to me represents all the elements. His wings and the triangle on his chest are representations of air, the cups he is pouring from and the pool of water he is stepping into is water, his foot on the ground and the mountains being earth, and the sun and his halo representing fire. He is a representation of true balance. At their highest selves, people with these cards are incredibly charismatic, ambitious, inspired, and focused. Who speak, act, think, and trust from their highest self. Their highest truth and intuition. These people go through plenty of life lessons and are often found thriving in situations where they can freely be leaders. People with these cards are often very naturally curious and want to learn and study a lot. In all aspects, people, subjects, situations, etc. If you happen to have a role model, anyone you really look up to and gather inspiration from.. know that some of your greatest success will come from listening to their word, and learning from them! You're going to learn a lot in your life and I think that will lead you to being able to be a great mentor figure, and be able to give great advice. 6 and 15 = The Lovers, The Devil
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Oh I love this card combination because of the EXTREMELY obvious duality between these cards. The two figures here are the same people, but on one end there is the peace, balance, and well.. love. And on the other hand there is being bound by chains, addiction, obsession. Although these are the exact same people, the exact same energy, there are two very extreme sides to it. A lot of your life and your life/spiritual lessons will have to do with relationships. Although most of the people I know with these cards do revolve a lot around romantic relationships, this is talking about any relationship. With friends, family, partners, coworkers, etc. Relationships in general. Often, you'll have to learn how to get out of toxic situations, or possibly how to not be a toxic situation yourself. There's that pull between desire/lust and love. The Devil is a very indulgent symbol, you'll likely struggle with self control. Naturally, you are pulled to others, you're more likely to be an extrovert or a people person when it comes to these having cards, I also find that people with these cards loveee to help others out. They love to lend a hand and often they will bend over backwards for others. And remember to be cautious about who you help, people will try to push your limits on what you have to offer. (Another lesson you have to learn, living for yourself and not for others.) People with these cards are incredibly curious. They love doing things for the experience, or just because they love to know how things will turn out. Be careful to not lose yourself in others, because people with these cards are often so involved with others it is very easy for you guys to lose sight of who you truly are. You'll be at your best when you find your authenticity and balance it with people who love you for you, not people who love you for who you actually aren't. Do not confine yourself into other people's boxes and stereotypes that they have for you. Don't let others put those chains on you, you are not meant to follow other people's standards and other people's beliefs. 7 and 16= The Chariot, The Tower
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The Chariot is an adventurer, a warrior, and represents adventures and journeys. And let me tell you your life is a journey for sure. You might be naturally curious, you want to see the world and you want to enjoy a lot in life, despite your want to be adventurous, and your need for new experiences, you are trapped inside your tower, or your box. You are confined by your own fears and that will be your greatest failure. I think your biggest goal in life or your life lesson is learning to overcome your personal challenges and mental blockages. I see you going through a lot of tough things early on which might be the start of why you've decided to confine yourself and not allow yourself the adventure you so desire. Get out of your comfort zone!!! You are meant to be an explorer, a free spirit, and your inner desires might contradict the fears that you have! I would consider you guys overcomers, break down your limitations, destroy the tower you confined yourself in, in order to start new. I feel like as rough as it sounds, you guys are constantly meant to be moving forward. Constantly destroying your "tower" and rebuilding with new foundations. You guys are meant to live for the adventure and for the advancement. There might be a divide within you between loving your comfort zone and feeling the need to reach out for more. The Chariot's sphinxes before it represent two paths, balance, or duality. You'll find a lot of success when you reach further than you thought you could. Although it's important to have a foundation and have time to relax and just exist, these cards suggest it is a big part of your life's lessons to be here to move forward and continue to expand. :) 8 and 17 = Strength, The Star
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A true empowerer. People with these cards are natural dreamers and love to uplift others. The two of these cards both are very closely connected with nature, (people with these birth cards will thrive in nature and with nature. It is also good to be as true to yourself as possible.) The Star represents the cool, collected, and calmness of nature, notice the flowing water, the calmness and the focused look ont he girls face. Things look calm, and serene. Strength leans towards the more powerful, to be reckoned with forces of nature, the girl is taming a lion in front of her, whether it's prying the lion's mouth open, or keeping it shut/closing it. The infinity symbol above her head represents endless possibilities and the ability to do and achieve anything. Seriously, dream big because when you master your emotions you can accomplish absolutely anything. I feel like both the water in the Star and the lion in Strength represent your emotions. Both of the figures here have tamed/controlled them, and so can you! You'll find the most success in life when you learn to balance the polar opposites within you, and you overcome your internal obstacles. The balance between mercy and vengeance, patience and temper, calmness and vitality. When you become truly balanced, your energy shows it. You are known as soon as you walk into a room, your energy is.. well, strong. And I also see people with these cards being incredible leaders, mentor figures, and people who are great at healing and empowering people's inner selves. These people make amazing guides and people may often come to your for advice, guidance, and wisdom. You're great at making people feel seen and you give other's the strength to get through life. Although you're great at helping others, take your own advice too! I feel like people with these cards are meant to grow and go through hard things in life, not only to uplift others but to also uplift themselves. Do not forget about yourself, you can bring the very best or you can bring the very worst in everything. You are a true conqueror with great strength and willpower, so be mindful of where your energy flows and water your own garden before watering anybody else's. 9 and 19 = The Hermit, The Moon
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I see people with these cards as incredibly independent and very curious. These people are meant to explore their inner selves the most. While the strength and the star from the previous explanation are huge on thriving around others and helping others, these cards are here to help themselves. You are meant to develop a great, deep understanding for yourself. You may get interested in astrology and natal charts, or possibly psychology and understanding your subconscious. You may naturally reflect and question yourself a lot. I can see people with these cards always asking for an explanation on why they did something a certain way. You thrive a lot on your own, and this doesn't mean you will be alone in life or you aren't meant to be with others, but you should feel very at peace when you're alone and your soul's journey is internal. Both of these cards represent discovering the hidden, although the moon shows something a little more illuminated, there is a direction to go, a path to be travelled. The Hermit however, there is no path necessarily, you are travelling uncharted waters and you're completely in the dark with where you are going.. besides the little light you carry. Or the light within you. Regarding others, you are also probably very observant with others and you may be able to read other's energies or thoughts relatively easily. You find that there are two sides to everyone, a tame, lit path and then one that is inner, primal, instinctual, and extremely hidden. That hidden side may ignite your curiosity.. explore it! You are meant to discover what is hidden and internal reflection is where you will most likely thrive. You are curious beyond the face value and you can do this with yourself internally, but also with others as well!
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demifiendrsa · 10 hours
LUNAR Remastered Collection - Announcement Trailer
Japanese version
LUNAR Remastered Collection will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam in Spring 2025. It includes remastered versions of LUNAR: Silver Star Story and LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue.
First details
The Series That Started It All When the games first released in the ’90s, LUNAR was a pioneer of its time, often credited as being one of the first JRPGs to become popular in the West. With the upcoming release of LUNAR Remastered Collection, we invite you to experience (or re-experience) this iconic title that shaped the JRPG genre. A Timeless Classic, Reimagined The remastered edition brings a host of exciting upgrades, including widescreen support, enhanced pixel art, high-definition animated cutscenes, and all-new English voice acting. Players can choose to either go old school with the original visuals or go remastered for a more modern look. Plus, a new toggle feature allows players to speed up battles, giving them more control over the pace of their adventure, while improved strategy settings make combat even more convenient. And for the first time in the series, LUNAR will be available in two additional languages: German and French, alongside English and Japanese. This image shows a party battling a Yeti. To the top right of screen, the UI denotes the battle’s speed, as the player can use L2 or R2 to speed up or slow down the clash. The Adventure Begins – LUNAR: Silver Star Story LUNAR: Silver Star Story begins in the quiet village of Burg, where a boy named Alex dreams of grand adventures inspired by the tale of Dragonmaster Dyne. Enticed by adventure and treasure, Alex and his friends set off on a quest, but with the sudden emergence of the Magic Emperor who wishes to control the world, it’s up to them to fight the rising evil and save the world from peril. This shows characters conversing with a white dragon. On-screen dialogue from the dragon states: “You may begin, children, Your future now rests squarely in your own diminutive hands.” The Legacy Continues – LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue Set 1000 years after LUNAR: Silver Star Story, LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue follows a young adventurer named Hiro, who encounters a mysterious visitor from the Blue Star while exploring an ancient tower. Named Lucia, she insists that she be taken to the ruler of their world, Goddess Althena. Together, Hiro and Lucia encounter the best of allies, the worst of enemies, and the darkest forces of destruction that threaten the whole of creation. This image shows a character hanging upside down from a rope. Flames rage on the floor below them. On-screen dialogue from the character states: “Oh no! The exit’s closing. Hurry!” the Plot Thickens The LUNAR series tells a classic tale of a young adventurer with a fluffy sidekick, who falls in love with a girl who may or may not be immortal. What begins as a light-hearted quest quickly takes a dark turn with the rise of an evil villain, subsequently placing the fate of the entire world in the hero’s hands. This timeless story, filled with dragons, swords, and treasures, is brought to life by an unforgettable cast of characters—from a young priestess who acts the perfect heiress at home but has a fiery temper, to a tragic villain who nevertheless has a flair for the dramatic. The games’ straightforward and effortless storytelling, combined with thoughtful character development, gives LUNAR its unique charm and enduring appeal. This shows characters wandering through a woodland village. Iconic Art The allure of LUNAR also lies in its amazing artwork in both the anime cutscenes and 2D pixel art. The blend of these two distinct art styles in the battles, events, and anime cutscenes made it a standout title when it first released. Even today, LUNAR‘s ’90s anime aesthetic holds up well in quality, and we’ve polished it even further for this remaster. This retro art style is a rarity nowadays, and playing this game will surely satiate your appetite for ‘90s throwbacks.
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Okay so last year I started compiling my magpie tarot deck. These decks are an amalgam of several different decks, tailored to the owner's likes. I decided to go a step further than the norm and wanted to make a deck where no two cards are from the same deck. So that would be 78 different decks.
I'm not done with mine yet, so I've filled in the gaps with cards from full decks I own. I also have a stack of alternate cards that I swap in and out when I feel like it, which I'll probably show off in another post because this one is already gonna be very long.
Every card/deck will be listed below the cut!
0 The Fool - Eldritch Overload Tarot (Alleyman Edition) 1 The Magician - custom card from the Three of Magpies zine, art by Caleb Engelke 2 The High Priestess - The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot 3 The Empress - Phantomwise Tarot 4 The Emperor - Happy Halloween Tarot 5 The Hierophant - custom card from the Fragmented Hierophant zine 6 The Lovers - Little Monsters Tarot (Alleyman Edition) 7 The Chariot - Britt’s Third Eye Tarot 8 Strength - Tarot of the Toiling Hands 9 The Hermit - Goddess Provisions Major Arcana 10 Wheel of Fortune - Alleyman's Tarot Booster Pack, by PhantomRin 11 Justice - Women of Science Tarot 12 The Hanged Man - Blood Moon Tarot (Alleyman Edition) 13 Death - Forager's Daughter Tarot 14 Temperance - Tarot of the Divine 15 The Devil - Ostara Tarot 16 The Tower - Lubanko Tarot 17 The Star - Lisa Frank Major Arcana 18 The Moon - Mystic Mondays Tarot 19 The Sun - Anime Tarot by Natasha Yglesias 20 Judgement - Literary Tarot (Alleyman Edition) 21 The World - Queen Alice Tarot
Ace of Cups - Prism Tarot 2 of Cups - Tarot of Brass and Steam 3 of Cups - Marigold Tarot 4 of Cups - Horror Tarot 5 of Cups - Architect's Tarot (Alleyman Edition) 6 of Cups - Lost Hollow Tarot 7 of Cups - Pacific Northwest Tarot 8 of Cups - Murder of Crows Tarot 9 of Cups - Movie Tarot 10 of Cups - Star Spinner Tarot Page of Cups - Lucine Tarot (Alleyman Edition) Knight of Cups - Essential Tarot Queen of Cups - Light Grey Tarot King of Cups - Trick or Treat Tarot
Ace of Pentacles - Art of Adventure Tarot 2 of Pentacles - Neo Tarot 3 of Pentacles - Reigning Rouge Tarot 4 of Pentacles - Climbing Rose Tarot 5 of Pentacles - Mystical Medley's Tarot 6 of Pentacles - Vivid Tarot 7 of Pentacles - Happy Halloween Tarot 8 of Pentacles - Cosmos Tarot 9 of Pentacles - Hand Drawn Tarot 10 of Pentacles - Queen Alice Tarot Page of Pentacles - Light Grey Tarot Knight of Pentacles - Wandering Star Tarot Queen of Pentacles - Antique Anatomy Tarot King of Pentacles - Queen Alice Tarot
Ace of Swords - Mushroom Hunter's Tarot 2 of Swords - Pulp Tarot 3 of Swords - Lord of the Rings Tarot 4 of Swords - Tarot of the Haunted House 5 of Swords - Cat Tarot 6 of Swords - Prisma Visions Tarot 7 of Swords - Tarotbot 8 of Swords - Fantôme Tarot 9 of Swords - Gothic Tarot of Vampires 10 of Swords - Ostara Tarot Page of Swords - Happy Halloween Tarot Knight of Swords - Black Tarot Queen of Swords - Tarot of Curious Creatures King of Swords - Alleyman's Tarot Booster Pack, by Owlbabe
Ace of Wands - Cosmos Tarot 2 of Wands - Field Tarot 3 of Wands - Alleyman's Tarot Booster Pack, by Ambisun 4 of Wands - Rosalarian Tarot (Alleyman Editon) 5 of Wands - Tarot Bebis (Alleyman Editon) 6 of Wands - Ostara Tarot 7 of Wands - Modern Witch Tarot 8 of Wands - Golden Thread Tarot 9 of Wands - Ostara Tarot 10 of Wands - Light Seer's Tarot Page of Wands - Superlunaris Tarot Knight of Wands - Chromatic Fates Tarot Queen of Wands - Alleyman's Tarot Booster Pack, by Temple of Tales King of Wands - Light Grey Tarot
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wholesome-demon · 1 year
Chapter 2-Initiation
The dark elf looked at the group, a smile on her face. “My, but we have an excellent group of young minds this year. I can’t wait to see what you do.” She gestured toward the blocky building behind her, and the group began its migration into the admissions building.
Michael stood for a moment, looking at the complex and the elven woman before he felt a small tap on his thigh. He looked down, seeing a face with large, violet eyes and shoulder-length pink hair looking back at him, her face framed by large, pointed ears with multiple hoops and crosses dangling from them. She was wearing a tight black t-shirt that stretched around her modest chest, emblazoned with “Super/Natural” in red letters on the front, and torn black jeans.
Whether those were a choice or she just couldn’t get new pants was anyone’s guess.
She pointed at the group. “You don’t want to be left behind.” Her face didn’t betray much emotion, and he couldn’t blame her.
He looked up, seeing the group heading in, the woman waiting patiently. “Right. Thanks.” He smiled, offering his hand, “Michael. Mike to friends.”
She looked at him, at his hand, then smirked. “Heather.” She answers, taking the hand. Her fingers ended in long, black claws, and on her wrists were an array of bracelets full of beads and charms.
He gestured towards the building. “Shall we, Heather?”
With a smile, they walked toward the building, much to the evident pleasure of the admissions advisor.
They entered the building through a glass door.
The  room they entered was long and rectangular, with large windows that let the morning sun in. To the left was a large lounge area, a coffee shop, and a library. To the right was a food court. In the center, a large, C shaped desk, behind which sat a few receptionists, staring at small standing mirrors with wooden frames, text and images flashing across the glass. The receptionists pointed the new students toward a wide-open double door behind them, a large sign reading “intake” next to it.
Behind the door was a multipurpose room. Curved seats lined the side closest to the door, each one slightly higher in a stair-step pattern, each with its own desk. The focus of the room was a raised platform carved with a permanent magic circle. At the edge of the circle, inside its own, was an altar, and on that altar is a crystal ball. 
On the stage stood a tall high-elf woman in long white robes with gold edging. Her eyes were of a deep blue, her hair long and platinum, her ears sharply pointed and lobeless. She had a staff in her left hand, capped with a large gem and slowly shifting colors. In her left, she held a scroll.
A softly murmuring crowd of students gathered in front of the stage, looking at the circle, the altar, and the woman. The woman stepped forward, her staff thunking on the ground, and smiled down at them.
“Welcome, believers and future believers. I am Lady Cecilia, a priestess of the Light. Here, on your first day of adulthood, your future will be decided according to the Light’s needs, and together, we will make the future a better place. I am here to oversee.” She held up the scroll. It unrolled, levitating gently in front of her “When I call your name, touch the Altar of Fate and be placed.”
The tension mounted as she spoke. This was not because they were wowed they would not be accepted; no, it was about where they were going. Each student would be trained based on their strengths and weaknesses.
He looked down at his goblin friend. She had hope in her large, violet eyes.
“What are you hoping for?”
She looked at him. “That’s personal.”
He shrugged.
One by one, their names were called. They stepped up to the stage and were guided to the altar, laying their hands on the crystal ball. It lit up, and something flashed in front of their eyes. Each walked away looking satisfied, disappointed, indifferent.
Finally, it was Heather’s turn. She approached the altar, slightly taller than she was. Her green hand reached up, tentatively closed, then touched it. It flared to life. Her eyes danced across an invisible screen, and she grinned, baring sharp teeth. She practically skipped down from the stage.
“I take it you got it?”
She nodded.
“Good job.” He smiles, reaching out and laying a hand on her head.
She leans into it for just a moment before slapping his hand away, looking at him. “Don’t ever do that again.”
He raises his hands in surrender, still smiling.
“Michael Hunter.”
He went up to the altar, placing his hand on the crystal. It flashes.
Intuition: S
Logic: D
Spirit: A
Magic: Null
Strength: C 
Endurance: B
Reading those scores, he knew. This was the end. He could feel the tears start to form in his eyes. He walked off the stage, trying not to look as heartbroken as he felt. He walked past the crowd, ignoring them.
Walking out of the building, he went to an out-of-the-way bench and quietly wept.  
The ride home was long and quiet. He got on the transport and rode that wooden ship through the sky, watching the forest pass through the porthole by his seat. It didn’t seem nearly as enchanting this time. Heather was absent; she was taking a different route back to her clan.
When they arrived, Michael disembarked from the ramp, trudged his way along the stone path to the front door, and entered through the front. He walked past the living room, where his father, David, and his stepsister, Angela, looked up from their conversation. The enchanted mirror behind them displayed a dwarf crouched over a murdered pixie about to make a very inappropriate pun.
Father looked up from beneath shaggy brown hair, peering at him through brown eyes. He was a large man; broad of shoulder, arm, and build. Everything about him spoke of a past muscularity that had long since softened, leaving him with a round belly and arms the size of tree trunks.  He was wearing slacks and a polo shirt.
His older sister was the opposite; taller than him, skinny, with long, curly, strawberry blond hair, she had green eyes and was covered head to toe in freckles. She was wearing a pale green dress that came down to her ankles. She smiled upon seeing him, her eyes sparkling, but that quickly faded after seeing the look of melancholy on his face.
“How’d it go?” His dad asked, the concern apparent in his voice. 
Michael didn’t answer, walking up the stairs and to his room, collapsin on the bed.
After a few minutes, there was a quiet knock on the door.
“Can I come in?”
The voice was Angela’s. When he didn’t answer, she let herself in.
When she entered, she found him face down on the bed. He didn’t acknowledge her, though he surely knew she was there. She laid down next to him, putting an arm across his back. She didn’t say anything. Nor did Michael, feeling the warmth and comfort of his older sister. After a time, he put an arm across her, pulling her close and enjoying her company.
“What happened?” she asked, looking at him.
She frowned, stroking his hair like she had been doing for years. He turned, looking at her, their faces almost touching. His eyes were red-rimmed and moist, but he wasn’t crying.
“What can I do?” She asked, finally.
He shrugged. “There’s nothing you can do. I can’t either. Only thing we can do is keep trying.”
She nodded. They lay there for some time, just enjoying the moment.
Author’s notes:
How about that stepsister, eh?
Around this point, I made a few changes. Like, yes, the ship being wood.
In the following chapters, things will change because I started outlining more. I have a better grasp of the story, and I hope you will stick around for it.
Next episode: We will be getting to know Angela and talking more to le dryad, and you will finally get to know her name and how she ties into the story, yay!
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artemisia-black · 2 years
Monthly fic recs (February edition)
Here are my Feb Fic recs (January's is here)
I've decided to do a monthly roundup of the fics I've been enjoying as a thank you to the amazing writers who bring me so much joy.
This list is in no order.
The ghost of you, it keeps me awake by @gracelesslady23
James Potter died protecting his family on 31 October 1981. At least that’s the story everybody had been told. Fourteen years after that fateful night, a Ministry raid of uncovers an almost forgotten prisoner detained in the dungeons deep beneath Lestrange Manor. The discovery will send ripples throughout the wizarding world. Or, a reimagining of the Order of Phoenix if James Potter hadn’t died on Halloween night.
2. Circinius by @mariekavanagh
March 1984. Walburga Black sits alone in Grimmauld Place, accompanied only by her ghosts, a broken woman with little left to live for. The House of Black lays in ruins, it's members scattered, awaiting its inevitable demise. Until, one day, a Ministry owl comes tapping at her window, bearing news that offers a last chance to change the course of her life - and the fate of the Black family.
Seizing the opportunity to free her son from Azkaban and secure him the trial he was denied, Walburga quickly finds out that three years in prison has done little to quell Sirius Black's rebellious spirit, and it is soon clear that he is not going to simply follow the plans she has so carefully laid out for him.
As the impending trial approaches, both Sirius and Walburga must grapple with their broken relationship and stormy past - and Sirius himself must decide whether he will seize the chance of the freedom offered to him, or whether he will send himself back to Azkaban for the punishment he is so convinced he deserves.
3. But tonight your hand is steady by @broomsticks
Five times Lily walked away and one time she stayed. Canon compliant.
4. Sore subject by @incalculablepower
The High Priestess, reversed. Trust your intuition. Your true self is waiting; she refuses to be contained for much longer.
5. Mint chocolate by @siriusly-sapphic
While waiting for her sisters in Diagon Alley, Narcissa Black goes to sit at the ice cream parlour where Alice Fortescue happens to be working.
6. Ithildin and Silmë by @blitheringmcgonagall
Seated on a low chair at his father’s left hand, Sirius watched as Orion’s dark mood deepened. His father was angry, he could see the agitation, displeasure, disdain written across his once handsome face. There was naught new in this, his father had long preferred his younger brother, Regulus. Regulus, the dutiful son, who had always bent to his father’s will. Regulus, whose seat at Orion’s right hand now lay empty.
7. Every other freckle by @leogichidaa
After a decade of being everything to each other, Regulus and Evan have their loyalty tested as tensions rise in their final year of Hogwarts.
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truetgirl · 7 months
Screw it, I feel like sharing, so here are some heroforge models I've made over the years and am actually still kinda satisfied with/proud of.
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Basic backstories under the cut, if you're interested.
1 & 2: Winter Parrin. Feylock, multiclassed into bard, and my current D&D character. She's a creature of stories, this one. Fairy tales are a big part of the reason she's still drawing breath; both those she's read and those she's lived. She's also chaotic at heart, but cruel fate has cursed her to be team mom. The wings were part of a session of "our DM gives us sick abilities" after a major story beat, and I'm trying to lean into her becoming a bit less human, a little more fey as time goes on.
3: Lisseia Cole. A half-elf beast barbarian I never got to play, and more's the pity, because I wanted to find out what that DM had in mind for her backstory's gaps. It involved an archmage father, a terrible fire, years spent drifting as an orphan, and a mysterious shadow following her. That's what I handed the DM and told them "surprise me" with. Gods, the unfulfilled potential.
4: Cirania Starchaser. A high-elf redeemer from a long-defunct campaign (messy, messy drama with one of the other players). She was a noble scion of a people whose empire had fallen, but who still believed in their superiority. Being brought low and living in poverty in the lands of her people's former subjects gave her... new perspective. Taken in by a priestess of the twin gods of light and redemption and her family, Cira learned, tried to better herself, and set forth hoping to mend old wounds and show her people a way to better themselves.
5: Spite. Not the name her mother gave her, but the one she chose after her mother was killed before her eyes. She is an avenger, retribution in tiefling form, and she is coming for all those who seek to hurt her kind, and for the diabolic bastards that dealt them their lot in the first place. One day, I will find the right place to play her.
6: Mags, short for Magnificence, is a cad and a scoundrel. A glory paladin on one hand, seeking to make her mark, and a lore bard on the other, singing and reveling in the stories of the great heroes whose ranks she hopes to one day join. But, of course, there's still time for much drink and the company many beautiful women along the way.
7: Tana Duskglow. A straightforward glory paladin made for a one-shot, she was quite keen to get down to the fighting and the saving of damsels.
8 & 9: Maven Alesig. My Innistradi fanwalker, once a priestess of Avacyn, she sparked when her empathic magic failed her in the travails, and in so doing allowed the children under her protection to die. Her first planeswalk was to the Cathedral of Serra on Dominaria, and there she recovered and trained as a knight. A version of her has also been transplanted into SWTOR, and is the padawan of Thali, the main character of Millie over at @arvadthecursed.
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myfriendskickass · 2 years
The Tarot Deck based on the Dracula Novel
I am putting this under a cut bc shits gonna get VERY lengthy
Okay! I am not gonna preface this with an intro of what tarot is etc you can look it up. But basically there is a tarot deck that I own based directly off of Dracula, the book. (there is probably more than one, vampires are full of Symbolism and i have 2 vampire tarot decks actually, but this one is Dracula by Bram Stoker specifically.)
It is called The Vampire Tarot by Robert M Place. It looks like this:
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Truthfully? I think the art is kind of ugly, the cards are SUPER HUGE compared to my tiny baby hands which makes it a bitch to shuffle, and it’s built around no reverse readings. Instead, for every 1 card you would use in a normal spread, this deck wants you to use 3. Yeah. Let that sink in for a second. A celtic cross spread uses almost the entire fucking deck by these rules.
But since Tumblr fell in love with Dracula daily and I know you all like symbolism and stuff so...here you go. These are not MY opinions as to what tarot thing symbolizes what in Dracula or Bram’s life, they are Robert Place’s. And I’m not going to be listing actual text from the booklet, it’s all paraphrasing and mostly just telling you what trump/arcana = what. The actual meanings of the trumps/arcana you can look up yourself. If you have a problem with what is linked to what, take it up with Robert, lmao. This is not a review of the deck, either. I like it, although I think the art is kind of not my taste and I wish the cards were smaller, but it was my very first deck and it holds a place in my heart.
A note: Instead of the traditional cups, wands, coins, swords, this deck uses:
Garlic = coins Stakes = staffs Holy water = cups Knives = swords.
The symbolism here, I feel, is obvious. My other two decks, including my other vampire one (which is vampires in general, not dracula specific like this deck) tend to redo the suits too, but I don’t remember what those decks changed it to. It’s not relevant here anyway.
So, here we go, starting with the Major Arcana (I describe the card art for cards that do not have a 1 to 1 equivalent) Some of these are more about the symbology of vampires as a whole vs Dracula specific:
0. The Fool - Jonathan 1. The Magician - Dracula specifically as portrayed by Bela Lugosi 2. The High Priestess - Mina 3. The Empress - The Brides 4. The Emperor - The Count 5. The Hierophant - Van Helsing 6. The Lovers - Dracula biting a woman (possibly Lucy, it is unclear) 7. The Chariot - The wagon 8. Justice - Quincey and Jon with their weapons in front of Drac’s castle 9. The Hermit - Dracula pre-meeting Jonathan 10. Wheel of Fortune - Fate, as in, three Fates of greek myth 11. Strength - female vampire, implied to be Lucy, using vampire powers 12. The Hanged Man - Renfield 13. Death - Drac being staked 14. Temperance - vampires feeding from an animal without killing it 15. The Devil - a devil holding a scholar on a leash in the setting of the Carpathian mountains 16. The Tower - the road to Dracula’s castle 17. The Star - a vampire bringing his bride up stairs (the preface quote is what Drac says after turning Mina) 18. The Moon - a female vampire made of moonlight 19. The Sun - a vampire running from the sun 20. Judgement - vampire coming out of his coffin 21. The World - Mina in her half vampire half human state
For the minor suits, I’m only gonna do the face cards, because that’s where the juicy character/human symbolism is. Most of these are IRL people who were Bram Stoker’s contemporaries. Remember the suit change listed above:
Knave of Holy Water - Carmilla (the original novella character, not the modern webseries) Knight of Holy Water - Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu, author of Carmilla Queen of Holy Water - Pamela Coleman Smith King of Holy Water - Sir Henry Irving
Knave of Knives - The Night-Mare of Life-in-Death Knight of Knives - Samuel Taylor Coleridge Queen of Knives - Ellen Terry King of Knives - Fucking Lord Byron
Knave of Garlic Flowers - Lord Ruthven Knight of Garlic Flowers - John Polidori Queen of Garlic Flowers - Florence Stoker King of Garlic Flowers - Bramothy himself
Knave of Stakes - Ligea Knight of Stakes - Edgar Allen Poe Queen of Stakes - Charlotte Stoker King of Stakes - Franz Lizst
There isn’t really a lot of Seward? He might show up in the minor numbered cards, I’d have to check. But if anybody has any questions, let me know and I will try to answer them the best I can. I am not a Dracula scholar, I’m just a nerd who likes tarot and vampires, lol.
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