sokuroda · 6 months
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a companion piece to my previous post
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hibachifoods · 6 months
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What is Halal Meat? Clearing Up Misconceptions of Halal Meat
Have you ever wondered what the word "halal" means when you see it on food packaging? 
Halal is an Arabic word referring to the Islamic guidelines for preparing permissible meat.
For meat to be considered halal, the animal must be slaughtered specially. First, the animal must be treated humanely and killed quickly with a very sharp knife.  Also, the person slaughtering the animal must say a prayer to God while doing it.  So when you see the word halal on meat packaging, it means the animal was slaughtered according to Muslim traditions.
Read More: https://hibachifoods.com/what-is-halal-meat/
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deenandcoffee · 5 months
الحلال لا يمكن أن يكون سهلا أبدا
Halal can never be easy.
لكن البركة التي فيها تستحق كل صعوبة
But the Barakah it contains is worth every difficulty.
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i very much do not care for the way peta did “investigative journalism” to “expose” the “evil” “truth” about halal and kosher slaughter.
Especially because some European countries are outlawing both.
This isn’t new, and I’m far from the first one to point it out, but it is absolutely something people need to continue to pay attention to. It’s absolutely being done to attack and dismantle core elements of Jewish and Islamic culture, and it’s being done to sway the Christian public into seeing Jews and Muslims as evil animal torturing savages.
This is an attempt at ethnocide. Enforced assimilation or prosecution. And I will further caution that ethnocide rarely travels without its partner, Genocide.
Don’t let this narrative spread. Learn what these practices entail and why. It is done to minimize discomfort to the animal. While it looks messy to some, it causes very little pain to the animal and death is swift. It follows very specific protocols for a reason. It is forbidden to eat food that was slaughtered poorly and suffered unnecessary pain or fear. If I were raising livestock for human consumption, I would use a similar method to cull simply because a brain can react differently to a stun gun but a throat will tend to react the same to a blade every time.
A practice not looking aesthetic enough for evangelical sensibilities does not mean it’s cruel. People naturally fear the unknown and this is very transparently being weaponized against marginalized groups
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ahl-e-dil · 20 days
My dear sisters, a man that fears Allah will never hurt you.
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his-vibez · 2 months
If a Muslim woman understands, the biggest insult to her is to be called someone's girlfriend.
Women are born with their value; men earn theirs.
Women are born at the top of the mountain.
Men are born in the valleys around it.
A man is judged by how far he climbs.
A woman is judged by how far she falls.
Men have much to gain.
Women have much to lose.
A man has to prove his worth.
A woman has to preserve her worth.
Masculinity is built
Femininity is preserved.
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voidingintotheshout · 6 months
Foods you wouldn’t guess had meat/pork in them and would not be suitable for vegetarians, vegans, Jews keeping kosher, or Muslims. I’ll add a list when I have time.
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fatty-food · 3 months
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Lamb Halal Cart Rice Bowls (recipe)
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khadeejassphere · 1 year
I was sitting and wondering what love really is? And then I realised LOVE is a very beautiful feeling and it is never meant to hurt us. It’s meant to nourish us, make us happy, be there for us, and most importantly bring us closer to الله جالا جلاله.
LOVE is not when people stay up all night and talk to each other. LOVE is not people going and hanging out with each other and involving each other in all kinds of Haram present out there.
But, LOVE is when a person tries to protect your Jannah. LOVE is when a person worries about your akhira. LOVE is when a person wants to hold your hand and enter Jannah together. LOVE is protecting each other from the fire of Jahanam. Every single day, that person’s only motive is to bring you more and more closer to الله جالا جلاله because they don’t have the heart to see you drifting away from الله جالا جلاله. And they put in every effort to make this love halal as soon as possible.
I read it somewhere, “When you love someone you protect their Akhira.” And how true is that.
So, when you see people out their claiming to love you please know this, ‘if a person really really loves you they will never risk your akhira.’
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anubisthe1 · 5 months
If tobi was cought obsessing over kakashi, then he simply would explain himself that as a masked man, he is only ever attracted to other masked people.
With the right words and tone of voice, deidara would have no choice but to believe that stupidity.
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daenystheedreamer · 5 months
some descriptions under the cut :)
 WINTERCAKE: "The taste of wintercake filled his mouth again, rich with ginger and pine nuts and bits of cherry, with nahsa to wash it down, fermented goat's milk served in an iron cup and laced with honey."
SISTER'S STEW: "The beer was brown, the bread black, the stew a creamy white. She served it in a trencher hollowed out of a stale loaf. It was thick with leeks, carrots, barley, and turnips white and yellow, along with clams and chunks of cod and crabmeat, swimming in a stock of heavy cream and butter. It was the sort of stew that warmed a man right down to his bones, just the thing for a wet, cold night. Davos spooned it up gratefully."
SNAILS: "Snails in honey and garlic. Sansa had never eaten snails before; Joffrey showed her how to get the snail out of the shell, and fed her the first sweet morsel himself."
BOWL OF BROWN: "...So thick you could stand your spoon up in the bowl, with chunks of this and that."
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0harpies · 1 month
Roblox pressure oc 😭
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ahl-e-dil · 9 days
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his-vibez · 26 days
Sheikh al Albani رحمه الله said,
“The best migration is the migration from what your Lord dislikes.”
[Silsilah Ahadith as Saheehah 553]
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esbatubulet · 2 months
Kita ini sudah terlalu tua untuk mempermasalahkan sakit hati, drama perselingkuhan, postingan bucin, dan hal semacamnya. Yang kita butuhkan saat ini hanyalah rezeki halal yg terus mengalir. Karena nyatanya pria dicintai karena pemberian..
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bfpnola · 9 months
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original post by @/BintMeetsWorld on instagram! as many students gather back into the DMV from our homes around the world, let’s remind everyone who we are and what we stand for! FREE FREE PALESTINE!
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