suprememastertv · 1 year
It’s very easy to replace that piece of meat with a piece of vegetarian (vegan) protein. It tastes similar, it’s the same, it’s nutritious, it’s better, it’s healthier. And we save a lot of energy, a lot of nutrition, a lot of medicine, a lot of health problems, a lot of heartbreak, just to replace that piece of meat with tofu or any other vegetarian (vegan) protein. Nowadays we have plenty.
It’s so simple, it’s so simple. Just put down that piece of bloody dripping meat, everyone, from now, from whatever living beings that meat or product might have come from. We just ban them all.
Even if we are not the ones doing the killing, we cause others to kill for us. The animals suffer and die just the same, just for our meal, which we can replace with any other plant-based food. And nowadays it’s even much more so easy.
Drop meat! Drop fish! Drop eggs! Drop anything to do with animals! Just take up vegetable protein. Vegan cheese, vegan fish, vegan meat, vegan shrimp, vegan anything. Delicious and wonderful and healthy.
Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)
For more details and free downloads, please visit SupremeMasterTV.com/be-veg
🌿 Be Vegan, Make Peace 🕊 Do Good Deeds 💗
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deeplyeco · 13 hours
Ethical Consumerism: Shop with a Conscience.
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When I shop, I think about the impact of my choices. Every purchase affects communities and the world. Ethical consumerism behavior means choosing products that help others and the planet. It's about using my money to support a fair, green, and just world. Shopping ethically has changed a lot over time. It lets me pick products that are good for everyone. By choosing wisely, I help make a difference. I can support Fairtrade and local makers. Join me in making choices that matter for a better future. Key Takeaways - Ethical consumerism promotes mindful purchasing that prioritizes social justice and environmental sustainability. Supporting Fairtrade-certified products ensures fair conditions for farmers and workers worldwide. Local economic support strengthens community bonds and encourages small businesses. - Conscious consumer choices can significantly impact businesses to adopt more ethical practices. Read the full article
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dwaherbals · 4 months
When it comes to cooking oils, the choices lining the supermarket shelves can be overwhelming. Among the myriad options, two contenders often stand out: vegetable oil and palm oil. These oils are widely used in cooking and food production, but they have sparked debates over their health impacts, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations. Let's delve into the comparison between vegetable oil and palm oil to understand their differences and implications.
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bullzeyemedia · 4 months
The Impact of Media Piracy on the Content Market
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The digital media piracy carries along with it, some significant implications on the market, which include disruption of the revenue streams, the innovation and jobs. Let us take a look at what effects it may have on customers world wide and how Bullzeye Media marketing deals with it. Lost Revenue Cinematic piracy results in a shrinking market in profits for content creators and distributors, making the creation of new works difficult at best. And, sometimes, it threatens jobs. Creative Suppression One-of-a-kind artists and small businesses get hurt on the account of half of marketing budgets being occupied, further threatening diverse culture and driving out innovations. Job Market Strain This industry’s job positions are in danger because pirating makes the artists and people who work in the creative departments unable to make stable money for their work. Security Risks Illegal websites not only expose users to identity theft, financial loss, and malware but also threaten the users' safety when they attempt downloads from these websites. Viruses can also be hidden in copyrighted content, leading to damage of IT infrastructure. Ethical Dilemma Denying intellectual property rights undercuts the value of the creative works of authors and displays contempt for the labor of their makers. Bullzeye Media Marketing's Approach Security of Bullzeye Media products is based on encryption and digital watermark to ensure legitimate users and monitor unauthorized copies. While we straight away delete fake uploads and cooperate with authorities in the fight against piracy, our company continues operating its business. Empowering Clients We will conduct piracy sensitization training, implement secure distribution channels, provide legal support, and look into alternative monetization techniques to defend our customers as well as grant them full use of their rights. As a team, we will be able to construct a content market that both appreciates the founders and initiate the innovation. Lets pro combine ethical consumption with our further successes in assuring the stories that we all love remain protected.
Read more: Effect Of Media Piracy
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hibachifoods · 6 months
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What is Halal Meat? Clearing Up Misconceptions of Halal Meat
Have you ever wondered what the word "halal" means when you see it on food packaging? 
Halal is an Arabic word referring to the Islamic guidelines for preparing permissible meat.
For meat to be considered halal, the animal must be slaughtered specially. First, the animal must be treated humanely and killed quickly with a very sharp knife.  Also, the person slaughtering the animal must say a prayer to God while doing it.  So when you see the word halal on meat packaging, it means the animal was slaughtered according to Muslim traditions.
Read More: https://hibachifoods.com/what-is-halal-meat/
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brainboxschool · 6 months
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🌍✨ Celebrating World Consumer Rights Day! ✨🌍
Today, we honor the rights of every consumer around the globe. It's a reminder that consumers have the power to shape markets, demand fair treatment, and ensure their voices are heard. From product safety to fair pricing, transparency, and access to information, these rights empower us all.
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risa-marketspot · 1 year
Halal Ingredients Market Forecast 2024 to 2032
Halal ingredients are those that are permissible and allowed for consumption according to Islamic dietary laws, as outlined in the Quran and Hadith. Halal dietary laws specify what foods and ingredients are allowed to consume. Some of which include prohibition of certain foods, slaughter methods, and no cross-contamination.
The Halal Ingredients Market was valued at USD 2692.91 Million in 2022 and is expected to register CAGR of 2.87% by 2032.
As consumers become more conscious about the origin and quality of their food and products, there is a growing demand for transparency and authenticity. This has led to an increased interest in halal-certified ingredients, as consumers seek products that adhere to their religious and ethical beliefs.
Get a Free Sample Copy
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fastdiet · 1 year
🥩🐟🥚 Animal-based diets have been a part of human history for thousands of years. While some may argue that plant-based diets are healthier, there are numerous benefits to consuming animal products. 🔬 Research has shown that animal-based diets are rich in essential nutrients such as protein, iron, and vitamin B12. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining a healthy body and brain function. 🏋️‍♀️ Animal-based diets have also been linked to improved athletic performance and muscle growth. Additionally, they can aid in weight loss and provide a sense of satiety, leading to better overall health.1. Animal-Based Diets: A Rich Source of High-Quality ProteinAnimal-based diets are packed with high-quality protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles, bones, and tissues. Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are all excellent sources of complete protein, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids our bodies need. Protein from animal sources is also more easily absorbed by our bodies compared to plant-based protein. Animal-based diets can help increase satiety and promote weight loss due to their high protein content. However, it's important to choose lean cuts of meat and avoid processed meats to reduce the risk of heart disease and other health issues. Grass-fed beef, skinless chicken, and wild-caught fish are great options for lean protein. Limiting red meat intake and choosing fish or plant-based protein sources can also benefit heart health. Animal-based diets can be balanced with plant-based foods to ensure adequate fiber and nutrient intake. Overall, animal-based diets can provide a rich source of high-quality protein, but it's important to make mindful choices to promote overall health and well-being. 🍖🥚🐟🥩🥦🥕2. The Role of Animal-Based Diets in Maintaining Optimal Health and Well-beingAnimal-based diets provide essential nutrients for optimal health and well-being. They offer high-quality protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Protein from animal sources is complete, containing all essential amino acids. Iron from animal sources is more easily absorbed by the body than plant-based iron. Zinc from animal sources is more bioavailable than plant-based zinc. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal-based foods and is essential for nerve function and DNA synthesis. Animal-based diets have been associated with improved brain function, increased muscle mass, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. However, it is important to choose lean cuts of meat, limit processed meats, and balance animal-based foods with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Individuals with certain health conditions, such as kidney disease, may need to limit their intake of animal-based protein. Consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for personalized recommendations. 🍖🥩🥚🐟🥗🍎🍊3. Animal-Based Diets and Their Impact on Weight ManagementAnimal-based diets can impact weight management. High protein intake can reduce appetite and increase metabolism. Meat and dairy can be high in saturated fat, leading to weight gain. Processed meats and fried foods can increase the risk of obesity. Plant-based diets can be a healthier option. Vegetables and fruits are low in calories and high in fiber. Whole grains provide energy and nutrients. Legumes are a good source of protein and fiber. It's important to balance animal and plant-based foods. Choose lean meats and low-fat dairy. Limit processed and fried foods. Incorporate more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Consult a registered dietitian for personalized advice. 🥦🍎🐄🍗🍔🌽4. The Benefits of Animal-Based Diets for Athletes and Fitness EnthusiastsAnimal-based diets can provide numerous benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Here are some of the advantages: High Protein Content: Animal products are rich in protein, which helps build and repair muscles. Complete Amino Acid Profile: Animal proteins contain all essential amino acids, which are crucial for muscle growth and recovery. Increased Energy: Animal fats provide a source of energy for high-intensity workouts. Better Recovery: Animal-based diets can help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery time after exercise. Improved Bone Health: Animal products are rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for bone health. It's important to note that animal-based diets should be balanced with other nutrient-dense foods to ensure optimal health and performance. Some athletes and fitness enthusiasts may also choose to follow a plant-based diet, which can also provide adequate protein and other essential nutrients. Ultimately, the best diet for athletes and fitness enthusiasts is one that meets their individual needs and goals. 🏋️‍♀️🥩🥚🍗🥛💪5. Animal-Based Diets and Their Effect on Brain Health and Cognitive FunctionAnimal-based diets have been linked to cognitive decline and increased risk of dementia. Eating too much red meat can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. High-fat diets can impair memory and learning abilities. Consuming too much saturated fat can lead to plaque buildup in the brain. However, some animal-based foods can be beneficial for brain health. Fatty fish, like salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids that can improve cognitive function. Eggs are a good source of choline, which can improve memory and brain development. Lean meats, like chicken and turkey, provide protein and other nutrients that support brain health. It's important to balance animal-based foods with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A plant-based diet can reduce inflammation and improve brain function. Antioxidant-rich foods, like berries and leafy greens, can protect against cognitive decline. Whole grains provide fiber and nutrients that support brain health. Overall, a balanced diet that includes some animal-based foods can support brain health and cognitive function. 🧠🥦🐟6. The Nutritional Advantages of Animal-Based Diets for Growing Children and AdolescentsAnimal-based diets provide essential nutrients for growing children and adolescents. 🥩 Meat, poultry, and fish are excellent sources of protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues. 🥛 Dairy products are rich in calcium, which is necessary for strong bones and teeth. 🥚 Eggs are a good source of choline, which is important for brain development. 🍖 Red meat is also a source of iron, which is essential for healthy blood cells. 🐟 Fatty fish, such as salmon, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain function and development. 🥩 Animal-based diets can also provide vitamin B12, which is necessary for the production of red blood cells and DNA. 🥛 Dairy products can also provide vitamin D, which is important for bone health and immune function. 🍖 Animal-based diets can be a healthy and nutritious option for growing children and adolescents when consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.7. Animal-Based Diets and Their Positive Impact on Bone Health and Osteoporosis PreventionAnimal-based diets are rich in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients that promote bone health. Consuming animal products like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy can help prevent osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures. 🥩🐟🥚🧀 Studies show that animal-based diets are associated with higher bone mineral density and lower risk of fractures compared to plant-based diets. 💪🦴 Animal-based diets provide high-quality protein that is essential for bone growth and repair. They also contain vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium and maintain bone health. 🥩🥚🧀 Eating a variety of animal products can ensure adequate intake of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and other minerals that are important for bone health. 🥛🐟🥩 However, excessive consumption of animal products can lead to negative health outcomes. It's important to balance animal-based foods with plant-based foods and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 🌱🍎 In conclusion, animal-based diets can have a positive impact on bone health and help prevent osteoporosis. Including a variety of animal products in your diet can provide essential nutrients for strong bones. 🦴🥩🐟 In conclusion, an animal-based diet provides numerous benefits for our health. It is rich in protein, essential amino acids, and micronutrients that are essential for our body's optimal functioning. It can also aid in weight loss, improve heart health, and lower the risk of chronic diseases. However, it is essential to consume animal-based products in moderation and ensure that they are sourced from ethical and sustainable practices. It is also crucial to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes. Overall, incorporating animal-based products into our diet can have numerous health benefits, but it is essential to make informed decisions and prioritize animal welfare and sustainability. 🐄🥚🥩 https://fastdiet.net/benefits-of-animal-based-diet/?_unique_id=64829e836b61b
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tbrc34 · 2 months
Cruelty-Free Cosmetics: Compassion in Beauty
Halal cosmetics have emerged as a significant trend in the beauty industry, catering to the needs of Muslim consumers who seek products that comply with Islamic dietary laws and ethical standards. These cosmetics are formulated without ingredients derived from animals forbidden in Islam, such as pork and alcohol, and are manufactured in accordance with halal guidelines that ensure cleanliness, purity, and safety.
The market for halal cosmetics extends beyond religious observance, appealing to a broader audience interested in ethical and natural beauty products. Brands offering halal-certified cosmetics emphasize transparency in ingredient sourcing and production processes, promoting sustainability and cruelty-free practices. Halal skincare, makeup, and haircare products are gaining popularity for their natural formulations that are free from harsh chemicals, making them suitable for sensitive skin types. Social media influencers and celebrities endorsing halal beauty have contributed to its growing visibility and acceptance globally. The demand for halal cosmetics is also driven by a desire for inclusivity and diversity in the beauty industry, reflecting changing consumer preferences for ethical consumption and cultural sensitivity. As awareness grows and regulatory standards evolve, halal cosmetics are poised to become a mainstream category, offering consumers more choices that align with their values and beliefs. #HalalCosmetics #EthicalBeauty #HalalCertified #CrueltyFreeBeauty #NaturalSkincare #HalalMakeup #BeautyInclusion #MuslimBeauty #HalalStandards #CleanBeauty #IslamicBeauty #BeautyTrends #HalalHaircare #EthicalConsumption #CulturalSensitivity
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ethicallycopped · 1 year
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Our to-do list #ethicalconsumption #sustainability #consciousconsumer #techstartup #greentech
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surveycircle · 1 year
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "E-customers' perception of e-businesses' efforts in terms of CSR" https://t.co/R507S2UxLH via @SurveyCircle #ecommerce #csr #BuyerBehaviors #perception #EthicalConsumption #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/dviAhxcbNU
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Apr 15, 2023
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riotready · 5 years
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Despite what they tell you #ethicalconsumption does exist (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ftvEQDBsX/?igshid=1bg3rswj6051l
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desirableend · 2 years
what is this? the journey to a full closet of either second hand, ethical & sustainable, or handmade clothing.
Currently in my position of life have two long term goals. One of which is a silly little goal related to a mobile game I enjoy, I am not even sure if I could achieve it before the game one day shuts down. The other, the topic of this blog: 
to take responsibility for my consumption of clothes
and the damage it causes. In my privileged position in life, I only have so much I can control, and so much energy. However according to Eco Jungle(1) the fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters. No where else can we see the damaging affects capitalism has caused so clearly and so strongly than clothing our bodies has caused. So I have chosen it as one of my focuses in life. I often feel powerless, especially when it comes to the impact of people. But choosing to be more conscious of how I hurt the world due to liking textiles, is where I have guaranteed agency. I am forced to take certain types of transport, I am limited on where my energy comes from, agriculture is complicated and I cannot pause my consumption while I learn. However fashion, I do not need to actively consume, I already have a full wardrobe, meaning I have time to learn. I am still human though and crave exploring self expression, art, and the happiness textiles give. So why not indulge correctly. Life is painful, I need things to enjoy, but it is not fair my enjoyment is so damaging.
The plan or smth?
All clothing bought must be either or preferably multiple of these:
Sustainable (ethically and environmentally) 
Second hand
Handmade (as much as possible, i cannot grow a field of hemp in my back yard to produce pants with).
Never throw out a textile, unless absolutely required.
Buy clothes slowly. Not by impulse.
(1) https://ecojungle.net/post/the-most-polluting-industries-in-2021/
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brooklynfunkfactory · 2 years
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Thank you for having us on your platform 💚 @ethicalglobe • #MogiMousse creates luxurious skincare products without animal products, parabens, phthalates, fragrances, fillers, gluten, GMO, dyes, synthetics or chemicals. They're proudly certified by PETA's Beauty without Bunnies program, which requires that ingredient suppliers are also cruelty-free and vegan. Read about Mogi's plans for the future: https://www.ethicalglobe.com/entity/mogi-mousse Image courtesy of @mogimousse . . . . . . . . . #EthicalGlobe #DirectoryOfGood #PlantBasedBusiness #Sustainability #VeganBusiness #EthicalBusiness #VeganUK #LondonVegan #LondonVeganCommunity #VeganLifestyle #LondonVegans #PlantBasedDiet #PlantBasedUK #ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolution #ConsciousConsumer #EthicalConsumption #VeganDiet #EthicalVegan #FriendsNotFood #CrueltyFree #Community #Leadership #JusticeForAll #ClimateSolution https://www.instagram.com/p/CgXEDi1g4sY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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snowcafe2015 · 3 years
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正真正銘の 『Made in Fukui』 なチタン製ストローです。 材木も、半導体も、コットンも、何もかも、ハッと気が付いたら、どうやら海外製です。 『安いから』を理由に、『一体これはどこから来たのか?誰が作っているのか?本当に大丈夫なのか?誰かを不幸にしていないか?』そんな大切なことが、さっぱり分からない世の中になってしまいました。 使い捨てのプラ容器やストローを止めて、Snowcafeは随分経ちましたが『大切に使う』はとても心地が良いものです。そこで、お気に入りのトラベルマグに加えて、純国産のチタン製ストローを大切に使って頂けないか?とこの辺りで提案しようと思います。 チタン製ストローにオリジナルの名入れデザインを刻印して頂く事で、���着がさらに増し増しするので、名入れ加工を標準装備にしました。ストローの原材料は主にオーストラリアから仕入れますが、加工工程の50%以上は福井県にて行われています。だから、 『Made in Fukui』 😎👍 『ネットでポチッたら、何だか身に覚えのない文字の国から商品が届いた』なんて事は絶対に起こりません。ナイフの名入れと同様に、丁寧にデザインやご要望をお聞きして、刻印をさせて頂きます。ですから、一生ものです。大切にお使い下さい。大切な人に贈って頂けると私達は本当に嬉しいです。 こんな田舎の小さなお店でも、推計で約2500本/年のストローの使い捨てを減らして来ました。お金にすると微々たるものですし、日々の消毒の手間やイニシャルコストの負担の方が遥かに大きいです。しかしながら、使い捨てないスッキリ感は何とも言えず、誇らしい。 これを機会に、私もスタッフや友人達にチタン製ストローをプレゼントしました。 『何それ?ストロー?』から倫理消費の話題が始まると、私はとても嬉しい。『へぇ〜福井県産なんや〜』で新幹線に弾みが付くなら、さらに嬉しい。 #チタン製ストロー #ヤマウチマテックス #12つくる責任つかう責任 #ethicalconsumption プロフィールの通販サイトからお申し込み下さい。ひとつひとつ丁寧にお作り致します。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWI0KLMvUUP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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