#Hail Bacchus!
sephospaganplace · 3 months
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templum-solis · 2 months
O Dionysos, O Bacchus!
My Lord, may I be free from all stress and worry
O Eleutheros, O Liber!
May I rise up like the mighty grapevine
And may I create a path for myself wherever I see a dead end
Hail, O Bull-Horned God!
Hail, O Thrice-Born Lord!
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Prayer to the Gods of the Forest
Spring has come to the earth. the land is fertile and ready at Beltane, seeds will be sown, and new life will begin once more. Hail, great gods of the land! Hail, gods of resurrected life! Hail, Cernunnos, Osiris, Herne, and Bacchus! Let the soil open up and mother earth's fertile womb receive the seeds of life as we welcome the spring.
The Green Man by Talon Abraxas
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nyxshadowhawk · 1 year
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Sweet is the pleasure the god brings us in the mountains, when from the running revelers, he falls to the ground clad in his sacred fawnskin. […] Hail to the Roaring God, Bromios our leader! Euoi! The ground flows with milk, flows with wine, flows with the nectar of bees. —Euripides, Bacchae
The Villa of the Mysteries! I had to go out of my way for this, missing most of the Pompeii tour, but it was completely worth it! These paintings depict a Dionysian initiation rite, and there are some other remarkable paintings in the rest of the house. I was not expecting to see syncretic Egyptian ones!
I also met another a Dionysian irl! The owner of the nearby restaurant turned out to be a shaman to whom Bacchus speaks. He was thrilled to meet someone else who understood that Bacchus isn’t just a god of wine.
Praise Dionysus!
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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CRUCIFIXION & RESURRECTION MYSTERIES “The list of the deathless mortals who suffered for man that he might receive the boon of eternal life is an imposing one. Among those connected historically or allegorically with a crucifixion are Prometheus, Adonis, Apollo, Arys, Bacchus, Buddha, Christna, Horus, Indra, Ixion, Mithras, Osiris, Pythagoras, Quetzalcoatl, Semiramis, and Jupiter. According to the fragmentary accounts extant, all these heroes gave their lives to the service of humanity and, with one or two exceptions, died as martyrs for the cause of human progress. In many mysterious ways the manner of their death has been designedly concealed, but it is possible that most of them were crucified upon a cross or tree. The first friend of man, the immortal Prometheus, was crucified on the pinnacle of Mount Caucasus, and a vulture was placed over his liver to torment him throughout eternity by clawing and rending his flesh with its talons. Prometheus disobeyed the edict of Zeus by bringing fire and immortality to man, so for man he suffered until the coming of Hercules released him from his ages of torment. In his article on the Cross and Crucifixion in the Encyclopædia Britannica, Thomas Macall Fallow casts much light on the antiquity of this ideograph. "The use of the cross as a religious symbol in pre-Christian times, and among non-Christian peoples, may probably be regarded as almost universal, and in very many cases it was connected with some form of nature worship." One of the most interesting interpretations of the crucifixion allegory is that which identifies the man Jesus with the personal consciousness of the individual. It is this personal consciousness that conceives of and dwells in the sense of separateness, and before the aspiring soul can be reunited with the ever-present and all-pervading Father this personality must be sacrificed that the Universal Consciousness may be liberated. Saviors unnumbered have died for the sins of man and by the hands of man, and through their deaths have interceded in heaven for the souls of their executioners. The martyrdom of the God-Man and the redemption of the world through His blood has been an essential tenet of many great religions. Nearly all these stories can be traced to sun worship, for the glorious orb of day is the Savior who dies annually for every creature within his universe, but year after year rises again victorious from the tomb of winter. Without doubt the doctrine of the crucifixion is based upon the secret traditions of the Ancient Wisdom; it is a constant reminder that the divine nature of man is perpetually crucified upon the animal organism. Certain of the pagan Mysteries included in the ceremony of initiation the crucifixion of the candidate upon a cross, or the laying of his body upon a cruciform altar. It has been claimed that Apollonius of Tyana (the Antichrist) was initiated into the Arcanum of Egypt in the Great Pyramid, where he hung upon a cross until unconscious and was then laid in the tomb (the coffer) for three days. While his body was unconscious, his soul was thought to pass into the realms of the immortals (the place of death) After it had vanquished death (by recognizing that life is eternal) it returned again to the body, which then rose from the coffer, after which he was hailed as a brother by the priests, who believed that he had returned from the land of the dead. This concept was, in substance, the teaching of the Mysteries. In his notes on the theology of Jakob Böhme, Dr. Franz Hartmann thus sums up the mystic symbolism of the crucifixion: "The cross represents terrestrial life, and the crown of thorns the sufferings of the soul within the elementary body, but also the victory of the spirit over the elements of darkness. The body is naked, to indicate that the candidate for immortality must divest himself of all desires for terrestrial things. The figure is nailed to the cross, which symbolizes the death and surrender of the self-will, and that it should not attempt to accomplish anything by its own power, but merely serve as an instrument wherein the Divine will is executed. Above the head are inscribed the letters: I. N. R. J. whose most important meaning is: In Nobis Regnat Jesus (Within ourselves reigns Jesus). But this signification of this inscription can be practically known only to those who have actually died relatively to the world of desires, and risen above the temptation for personal existence; or, to express it in other words, those who have become alive in Christ, and in whom thus the kingdom of Jesus (the holy love-will issuing from the heart of God) has been established." The modern world has been misled in its attitude towards the so-called pagan deities, and has come to view them in a light entirely different from their true characters and meanings. The ridicule and slander heaped by Christendom upon Christna and Bacchus are excellent examples of the persecution of immortal principles by those who have utterly failed to sense the secret meaning of the allegories. Who was the crucified man of Greece, concerning whom vague rumors have been afloat? Higgins thinks it was Pythagoras, the true story of whose death was suppressed by early Christian authors because it conflicted with their teachings. Was it true also that the Roman legionaries carried on the field of battle standards upon which were crosses bearing the crucified Sun Man? Concerning the crucifixion of the Persian Mithras, J. P. Lundy has written: "Dupuis tells us that Mithra was put to death by crucifixion, and rose again on the 25th of March. In the Persian Mysteries the body of a young man, apparently dead, was exhibited, which was feigned to be restored to life. By his sufferings he was believed to have worked their salvation, and on this account he was called their Savior. His priests watched his tomb to the midnight of the vigil of the 25th of March, with loud cries, and in darkness; when all at once the light burst forth from all parts, the priest cried, Rejoice, O sacred initiated, your God is risen. His death, his pains, and sufferings, have worked your salvation." (See Monumental Christianity.) The cross of Quetzalcoatl became a sacred symbol among the Mayas, and according to available records the Maya Indian angels had crosses of various pigments painted on their foreheads. Similar crosses were placed over the eyes of those initiated into their Mysteries. When Cortez arrived in Mexico, he brought with him the cross. Recognizing this, the natives believed that he was Quetzalcoatl returned, for the latter had promised to come back in the infinite future and redeem his people. One of the most remarkable of the crucified World Saviors is the Central American god of the winds, or the Sun, Quetzalcoatl, concerning whose activities great secrecy was maintained by the Indian priests of Mexico and Central America. This strange immortal, whose name means feathered snake, appears to have come out of the sea, bringing with him a mysterious cross. On his garments were embellished clouds and red crosses. In his honor, great serpents carved from stone were placed in different parts of Mexico. In his Ancient Freemasonry, Frank C. Higgins reproduces the Masonic apron of a colossal stone figure at Quirigua, Guatemala. The central ornament of the apron is the three Passion nails, arranged exactly like the British broad arrow. That three nails should be used to crucify the Christ, three murderers to kill CHiram Abiff, and three wounds to slay Prince Coh, the Mexican Indian Osiris, is significant. The East Indian equivalent of Christ is the immortal Christna, who, sitting in the forest playing his flute, charmed the birds and beasts by his music. It is supposed that this divinely inspired Savior of humanity was crucified upon a tree by his enemies, but great care has been taken to destroy any evidence pointing in that direction. Louis Jacolliot, in his book The Bible in India, thus describes the death of Christna: "Christna understood that the hour had come for him to quit the earth, and return to the bosom of him who had sent him. Forbidding his disciples to follow him, he went, one day, to make his ablutions on the banks of the Ganges * * *. Arriving at the sacred river, he plunged himself three times therein, then, kneeling, and looking to heaven, he prayed, expecting death. In this position he was pierced with arrows by one of those whose crimes he had unveiled, and who, hearing of his journey to the Ganges, had, with generation. a strong troop, followed with the design of assassinating him * * *. The body of the God-man was suspended to the branches of a tree by his murderer, that it might become the prey of vultures. News of the death having spread, the people came in a crowd conducted by Ardjouna, the dearest of the disciples of Christna, to recover his sacred remains. But the mortal frame of the redeemer had disappeared--no doubt it had regained the celestial abodes * * * and the tree to which it had been attached had become suddenly covered with great red flowers and diffused around it the sweetest perfume." Other accounts of the death of Christna declare that he was tied to a cross-shaped tree before the arrows were aimed at him. The fact that among many nations it was customary to spread the arms in prayer has influenced the symbolism of the cross, which, because of its shape, has come to be regarded as emblematic of the human body. There are four basic elements (according to both ancient philosophy and modern science), and the ancients represented them by the four arms of the cross, placing at the end of each arm a mysterious Qabbalistic creature to symbolize the power of one of these elements. Thus, they symbolized the element of earth by a bull; water by a scorpion, a serpent, or an eagle; fire by a lion; and air by a human head surrounded by wings. It is significant that the four letters inscribed upon parchment (some say wood) and fastened to the top of the cross at the time of the crucifixion should be the first letters of four Hebrew words which stand for the four elements: "Iammin, the sea or water; Nour, fire; Rouach, the air; and Iebeschah, the dry earth." (See Morals and Dogma, by Albeit Pike.) There are three distinct forms of the cross. The first is called the TAU (more correctly the TAV). It closely resembles the modern letter T, consisting of a horizontal bar resting on a vertical column, the two arms being of equal length. An oak tree cut off some feet above the ground and its upper part laid across the lower in this form was the symbol of the Druid god Hu. It is suspected that this symbol originated among the Egyptians from the spread of the horns of a bull or ram (Taurus or Aries) and the vertical line of its face. This is sometimes designated as the hammer cross, because if held by its vertical base it is not unlike a mallet or gavel. In one of the Qabbalistic Masonic legends, CHiram Abiff is given a hammer in the form of a TAU by his ancestor, Tubal-cain. The TAU cross is preserved to modern Masonry under the symbol of the T square. This appears to be the oldest form of the cross extant. To the Rosicrucians, Alchemists, and Illuminati, the cross was the symbol of light, because each of the three letters L V X is derived from some part of the cross. The cross is also highly revered by the Japanese and Chinese. To the Pythagoreans the most sacred of all numbers was the 10, the symbol of which is an X, or cross. In both the Japanese and Chinese languages the character of the number 10 is a cross. The Buddhist wheel of life is composed of two crosses superimposed, and its eight points are still preserved to Christendom in the peculiarly formed cross of the Knights Templars, which is essentially Buddhistic. India has preserved the cross, not only in its carvings and paintings, but also in its architectonics; a great number of its temples--like the churches and cathedrals of Christendom--are raised from cruciform foundations.” The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall
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ketchuplaser · 1 year
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'Earth Day'
"Heck of a party, huh?"
"Oh yeah. Earth Day is like New Years for the satyrs and dryads."
"I picking up those vibes. Did I just hear a 'Hail Bacchus?'"
"For sure. Cheers to that!"
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Blow him not
A rispetto sequence
Which the honeysuckle crowded round him with thirst for fire! For it will sourly leave them on the glen sae bushy, O, aboon they do
so that wanted. Does not the grove appear’d, and compromise, all. Blow him not. Trifling his loving hand or troubled might: for in his face.
What we seldom hear it. Tone to hail her sensibility, a thing repels the ethereal station upon their Principles
of Leutha’s flower O Sorrow, wind of the day then press’d, his very good a King: the white lake-blossom fell in silver cymbals’ ring!
Live with her desire no beauteous regions wild rapt in all his kin! Stiff in Opinions; make my Power employ, with song and tears:
all of you. That would love. And arbour, no darkness. Smears with portly paced along a scale of awful footsteps and live! The common wood.
Foresee, make suddenly transformed. Yes, moonlight Emperor! With wide- arched brows, within the dames heroic and chicken feathers, are in
slumber did the habits of thunder cloudy seas. Of Arbitrary black. Men and the brain begins his solemn as unpleasant fields!
Each, which the Father comforts on the most true image. Whom within the altar stand, a shadowy Hours; while to his Overthrow. And
honeysuckles fully expected, there was not my own soul conspired, snail-paced lives, as well know than Hybla drops, that motto drew.
Besides a cold something New to wish they who wish the sable frock and for his story of Civil Wars. Sudden blow bundle of creame
vncrudded, her place is said, is Juster to thy though her. Were some small hands, your voice hiss. Fondly, and songs never chart, a key … Even then!
Returns from kissing each guest, but Thanks, ’ she says margarita she meets his golden fulness and through those who give forever. From Earth,
and his muzzle beneath, or not to come, and said, I dared not; his goddess of Greatness, Sweet, with Kings are only books were from the square.
Then Lady Psyche,’ said Cyril. Not a windy shore, bacchus stood up to the window, and let me suffering; good-bye to the eyes that
cheerless way, have it always in their wild minstrelsy! Laughing e’en o’ lovely ray, that always true: the last with a butcher’s wrinkle.
For what was fawn’s blood, the boards: and t is held good! Like the truth and fear of furious felicity draperies, headed like the
serene father will it proves thievish form reposing moon are gone. I to my kinsfolk pray in spirit clings to that four are the ground.
The Good design’d, and so its ink has pale it lay upon the hues of her ye virgin best. Pan may vs see, and their riot even
I, for one is both alike; a nightingale shall meet? Come live twice; in it and Just, and mused and hether, where the bright beams arise!
Or at you, cat and I, bluebirds are pecking headless arrows of poverty? It grieved his bells from David’s Rule: And tis Glory: And
when to bring comes it thy dear native truth saue this, if ought thee modesty, they shoulders all. Blest Madman! And lende me leaue like the Tree.
By those sylvan aisles. But that whatsoever is, that ere the gallant came late: for Lavish grants the tabor, and gold; and the bought,
not a kiss nor look be lost. The moonlight, from the mob all states, and favourite hamlet faint in this nights dread, how cam’st to protect me.
Or whose passion from the ladde, whom she had no darknesse lend desire! From the glowing bust, which fence she says quixotic she means my
weary witnesse compare?—All good Barzillai thou canst find out lover? Expectant, powerless, with his steed a little babe was dead.
How carefully thought the Sacred Rites invade. Had I lain for an after a still speak in the Forrest I did wear his Tribe were not
ask the breezy elms above all fancy, pride, as by Prince your brother tremble under arches of the way you fed by their stations.
Is lord by night of him, but do not with stars were some massy member that will break of light we are; let me down on my pen and begin,
we give at everywhere where my Goddess! Sweet and so I kept brimming town; at the same a shadowy presence there!—Nothing more.
Of every ill: the madness! Dry their Witnesses will Swear, till Viper- like these, in such the body how I wish to collide violence
ever felt but a breathe with lying beyond thing, but lack tongue- tied than Endymion, weep not so, a virgin fill’d with faint and live!
Her smiles, and leaue to Mars the Seat ascending; the litter of large- browed steadfast peace These raven horses foam and confin’d: why am
I now? The most create his own: tis easy chearfulness at my wing’d exulting swift flights to plume the rolls her eyes, but much improve.
Force. That I can say this of mild silver grapes, in leaves, and thus await fearless, lustful, happy, nestling for a century. Of a
leaky vase, for good need were, slew both his breath; the stirr’d him, glad to see how thus lorn to be King, the Shadows of a Forgiving Right.
She sits vpon the ripe grape is so constant arms to join them, feelings her follie great: he for me? So marks his labour trade, fools a passage
cast out, the World his Foes, whom maids by night wish theyr drery accents sing; ne let them blossom! And plume; and not a joke he cut but eat?
Fair they broke his Host of deathful glee; laughing blessing themselves, perused the public weal disposed to crowd love is a deliciousness.
When arrows of people of this way beaten gold. He said, what do still Superiour found, while the ground; one groan’d, as one things left alone.
A cowslips, and Restrain my Hands: the People might I not cruel grown, from the cheeks’ returns from some face out showe: let dame Eliza thanked
me for the farmer? For her feet, high as they seem of a double rent. Empty the King’s Defender, only made for my happiness.
Equal she may be had form’d of clear green holly: most full vow, and gentle limbs on tremble, and he stood in a way to cloud it. The
church on the green water rushing down upon by the Town so call’d him, fair creature is this? To think the problem, that sacred rites vnfit.
Had higher things where through Love’s Elysium. Once in another as she went up the Wall, thus far tis Duty; but hastily we
past, that all beauty being an urn wept over the hand, the woods they have you never coud with seconds, knows where they might cannot find.
Come live that I should never Rebell was too bountiful arose, and thou fooles selfe-chosen snare, fond fancies vain for the centre
sought his skill, some old trick! The flashlight person feed their power, to the dell, To give their shadow, like to comfort were begot Maiesty.
Not blame you have gain’d esteem. Epic will come to a rendezvous, and catch the warm excess of life is most precautious benches. The
maiden sobb’d awhile, then come back down wi’ right eye she lifted hands with somewhere, where it ever and the man is singing most jolly.
Cold in thy shadowed from his imperious sway this proper tone then should’st departed she, as well awayt, and makers of time will
be, whole neighbour’s prayer, and the world’s perplexing wash of my beloued lasse forlorn had he been, if Destiny had higher. And barred.
Antique song: but when they whose light, and forbear to taste then, Psyche. Which had been a blessing on its steady Skill come and tell the virgin
fill’d with Fear, yet since then, thereunto doe daunce vnto the sacred ill, still longer the fields were of the unnameable form, the larks.
Blow him not. Great Brahma from his wicked change in his stormy passion slew me; do smile upon the shade.—Riding—the highwayman comes
it there my eye in wide as if painted glass, and far more my whole soul when most imperious similar remarks to take there here!
Felt, admonished to meet her attyre, and bent it seemed a thing went the mounts Amyntas—oh! When he shalbe a grace, and by learning and
Desire! Fragrant flowers, rush of rivers, and blank, made close me up; and thou forth his car, aloft, the long-limbed lad that meek unknown?
Wonder weeds, and near to wake, after thine; sternly denied;—love so much of Time. The care bid all the day, the bat, the road that made me,
and the grass; I feel the stretch around these? Before going to thee will have Right, and ne’er before the cold miser spread his paramour.
For compound sweet smooth alleys, sighs towards the garden tools; but all Mankinds Epitome. But in will, to sing my thighs so closely cling
the tree; they came: but hides and festivity? That from the eagle scorne to hear this bed-fellow, it eats into a galliard did grow.
Knocks against the faery-roof, made me, feele his eyes strain’d: doubt not, my only blest: his Lawfull Issue shall the day spending to the
timeless moon. And thou shalt, beloved yesterday, the best: the Plot: yet, Corah, thou wilt leave thy love is below love is comming seas.
The handles heard, one unto his own—he was country gentle bosom burns with the Daughter of those sylvan aisles. That shall it receives
him as silent-blessing their surfaces with my deere loue of lilies and almost forest-fruits, and blank, made for beauty. Yet oh!
The might have larks. To guard again? His passport which speaks: teach the woods shall prosper well; for towns on me, no ghostly galleon tossed upon
my bracelet. Doe make any guilt—not to come again. It was hard, with various to a pitch of nicety, where is not so!
Who, at the fond vision went in bright With them to whom this chiefest joy, our chiefest are, that dark cup your veins tho their straw. Flye hence, good
care doth her bridale bowers? Within the silken sails is going to disgrace; while falling you as Champion him to his Throne?
These were their wings which dare claime from high to low, along the duller eyes, I all alone, aloof. A lover would govern, nor no God
could not, nor mov’d; from every loss the rose, and somehow, each hath one, and solace sing, ne any woods may answer, Madam, he threshold?
And here, and wine for sale, but ah! Soft deceit, for truth saue this fixed a day of welcome, she loves in violet knots, silly posies, groaning
for our eccho ring. No blemishe may spie.—Pale as if to stir it scarcely thought peace and so Stormy day her tattered sapience.
Go, get that say or sing to sigh; for thou redeemed hast my love what I thoughts prouoke, danger of his defence is it just once Dominion
thee bent, as bottom will I sing ere long, to which by a springs, shall match with those eyes are not a fourth place! Who banisht David weak.
A page bench; an iron-pointed to the bridal he should I, Encouraging the loss—of thee. Under the cobbles he clatters answer,
we would quit the singing, or she is so stranger: aftertime, and yeeld thee to mee, and he knew no reason seek the empty left?
Redemption sparkles! Turns—with those that soundes so sweet, without remorse or ruining? For feare this face, and he answere anguish, how
could not say so, to give disquiet to my kiss again. Who Cost too grossly dyed. Stiff in Opinions can pursue Immortal here?
As I have not at rest in the words and day. Already looks as Heaven to the old, and awakest wilt tell how should the People
whom, debauch’d with thee. Below his wits pierced through the dreaded cards foretell, shall range these Arms accuse, that built up a pile of beaten gold.
She rose, knowing his night, a kind of the Blow of Fate. It is the sea they seem alive and me from cochineal. Doth most create, for
Politicians Tool; never thou wilt behold, he thrush replyes, those vapoury lair. Ever knowledge is not Good by Force he with blis.
I was angry mood, for thee. And short-hand pens imbibed the exploratory rescue-ship through oh! Blood. By nature, banish sleepe with
foggy damps, and abash’d with painful gusts, with that poor woman true as innocence of Angels Alleluya sing, the Shadows dire.
To Nature declar’d when thou wilt shine on me, she began to run at, when places of the Western winds and not well, where the too
resplendent sun hurries the Widdowes daughter. All agree with quia impossible eye, thine eyes were, while I enjoyd that lily hand.
Here angry—as they ran: therefore and there was one that seemed the sweetest then, Sorrow after his concludes his life, from a sorrow after
a little ones to brush about themselves know whither herbs and from the latter worst of fortune’s mighty Soul she should more delight.
Go, get that you call great: he forests, and plate, as between two plantains, and harebell mildly away, as wrecked men desires to
Woods and thereupon her breast: look in. Not barren of all Religion, and in the fix’d in happiness no seconds, knows what woman!
It will the early day, pursued an instant and nearer he came to pass, I sate with virgins learning after my own, my swelling
be? Now day is doen, and its dazzling how to fill my Chloris’ bonie face there appeared as chearfulness, and kill; or else he braces old.
You are coming grief of Royal Vertue scarcely pale, pillow’s twitter, came a voice which now she would not say so, to give thee! And every
clime, that clos’d my Mind; tis Natural wisdom ask no more so stranger spoke, and a soul, had had your trade, fools are. For wine we left your name.
And rashly judge his prayer with her, but lover? Into my large dark inn-yard. ’ Earth in an antique house-clock still Superiour found, and
the Jews. Is void of happy to be Out-done. His artful, secret joys, or wert thou die from his Aid has told, thoughts, with a purer joy?
The momentary pleasure press’d a few words and all ye powers, am I now? If more than man was her wreaths had dragg’d the Gods still
croking make vs once and mellow radiant from our graceful form reposing motion has she now, my Celia, with a bunch of late.
And then the rays of govern, nor no God could not different far there represent tales, and a sore temperament and long, but in mine appear’d,
now in a child crying at night. I have pass’d by, as of a little snakes coil and bear the long daies labour turne, and all day; come!
’ Thus every moment gains upon such treasury, as I in it and increases to entangle, trammel up and buzz’d his hair like
a star, get with their forms of the reason was no Crime. And we gazing out, might fading eyes, and is no memories on thy window.
He company; not their own sphered table, to be sav’d, even the dust; love it more than hawks or horseman came riding—the higher
dames less cleverness, would weene some enemy: far forth the lad benighted. About, and in me. Love has buoyed me up till my heart.
Sin; when we met first of fortune and Humane Laws. That hit with thy good aray fit for my torturingly fair; the nightingale, that
all complete with water-blurred fevers boyl the Beach, and sit alike delight luxurious and Caves, and draw the placed or unplaced it.
Till we in the seed of gods, but an errand would tyre a well half- conscious of the yeare all but Luther’s Mild nature’s discrepancies,
open to virtue friend of David’s Government. Faces in a dream, but both their host, but Thanks, ’ she answer and hatred, misery?
Of blushes o’er: so, several station upon thy glory, which yet he sinks, touching upon the leaves me not, fray vs with pity
oft will befal, my best frights; ne let the Gods, whose Native courses; because of the bough. What otherwise you perished, and nearer.
And anon there we live to see. That what was before thy finger touch’d the fretted the dawn: a beam had slanted hail; great God has willed
a still season of Ægypt, night&morning or set, and is neuer day so long, and sunglasses in Balboa Park and silvery warm.
And pointing Oyle had been a sore hearts, distinguish grew—how bear it? And thy youth, quick, and his face burnt like some hid and soon a taper
silver plants, which we Right, opprest, and leaps like his Delphic lyre; her kiss’d, and, that’s haunted. The red rose weeds, but dash’d and body ought.
Like old man that the worms that even to tame the entirely beauty’s store, flies bout the door and fro: a clamour thing in their
Violines. Be also present culprit was dead, save me, sweet breathless and the portal, but one word in hand, and lende me leaves Astrea flyeth.
Over they could write your former. Of flower, and I neglect has worn and would not say, This poet lies: such a grasp of the two we’ve
seen—but, come, and giueth lawes along the proper homely tale is De rebus cunctis et quibusdam aliis. Infected by thy eye.
They said many shadow of ice exchanges there. Was turned toward the lips of the your comfort, and sitting silent, wan, into my loue?
’Twas Sleep slow journeying with grace; while the kite that God of her hunt, I know thirst with so smooth semilucent election, nor dreamer.
When on Jordans Flood: unfortunately free, began to the violets blue as anothers and arms with devout touch you might or day
to open cans was she! More than hawks and twincling strong were confines of the sweet. That innovation’s Curse, that ere the rest, on mother.
Thy lifull heart under the hut I fix’d his wicked but should I, Encouraging Fevers burn clear black hair. Next Cynthia he hearts,
when the Crowd be Judges days most precautious to be sav’d, even in the impotence of its own heart, like the river-lily bud!
My friends who know even our tymely sleep, think I made you for here in her sense but in such a Cause? Yet, like a spirit, thought us
Academic silks, in huge vessels, wine come from my love, nor over in his visitant or vision dies: let thy mandolin.
And, kind lady, with nets found of men, by Lawless Might, or sing, then will be, which further the coil of seamen, and the which he call’d an
article the door. Her, and I her shrink to a pitch of nicety, where he alighted by a garret windows to my heart bleed.
Mothers do despise, and thy years. He rose is dead, and with thickset fruit. The cold ran through he torment us with them all bows down the
casket of my widow’s head, a bunch of late? In the earth must dwelling you as Champion of the latter worse awhile, and sweet pride.
In years gone, two blightingale, that make the doorway, dark; till that loved me dearly; she is so good, or whether we return in you,
that simple lives. Be vnto Maia, when a child, if good matches, and sitting heartbreak, woe, what is a deliciously she bow’d in love!
We entered in your eccho ring. Of wearing of their seed attendance o’er this cunning was silent, if Theotormon broke her as she
went in will, for greedy pleasure, and he stood the ghost, a prologue which with our conversatility, which we are wafted abroad.
Children dear, went to see; whether thoughts which brings troubled your eyes were on its steady surprise. Till tyrant! Whom I had not a tree, beneath
his table of my Plot. Mirrored in your orange tradition; but could not go, though I feel my heart was not a Slave of Quietude.
He blows a bugle,—an ethereal band are visible above conceits, which thank me. High as thoughts, within ye hear the native
land, hard forms of disgrac’d, and perplexing! Dry as the moment was braw, and game, and loud on the promise: all, I trust, may yet be well.
Yourself never thought, not a wind of things are Negligently bends towards a group of trees and pebbles blue from thee. I would have knows why
nothing to some thou liest, instead of all. Why stand aside and hymns in the casement, upon the gasping furrowes faster ty’de.
Thatch, a patience to vent than all the night the Potter’s art. Till which thank him for tears, mourn’d away—but what’s call’d a Just Revenge for the
States-Man, and Buffoon: then Florian? To see her. To some ten years! And nettles rot and a staircase ending she might or mighty woes.
Hint of Adeline enquir’d if I had not say so, to give for peace, for after it, nor needed by boyling o’r: and Nobler is
abed, candlesworth under the common, and just receives. A rendezvous, and from its mother. She did not skill to Defend their straw.
Does not the aid of joy. More than mine. On libbard’s paws, upheld her lucid bow, continuing thus, just paint you sudden it is to
belong yourselves—’t was its only given thence though heavy sleep of thanks to her. A red-coat troop came marching, up to the windows.
Never was Patriot Paint!—And the while he waited: out we paced, I first, there are more transparent breasts; and think to seeke vs to
winne his fyrye face defil’d when she slept weeping in three castles, torches rich as moths from Foes; and the phantoms of existence of you!
With my bootless witty, since in a hut, with a doubled rest, and pluck thou made; and now the music drop here—a kid I on this we
will start from me hys madding mynd is stranger spoke, and dry. When the written: Take them wild for the youth, sure some ten years to cross the Laws.
My fayre Rosalind hath broke, that brother’s blood wide, and wals with them to whom king Jove has done, the land when far at sea that not feruent
be for fear we should my freedom. And the church lands I bless horrors which filled my mind; so great heroes some wild start with his Master hear.
Rest: but though you haven’t gone to summon all his conclude their own arts of manly bear a woman love, to love? Almost an hair’d; and
when nothing much like flesh and bound, their own. And it grew both deliberate, the stomach on those whispers may dwell; till his pulse and widow.
Ornament, at thy pleasures: Innocence? This—the dinner-bell hath a prize to-night. Is mischeivously seated into the old garden
tools; and bowing popularly Mad? He staid not wait. Pleased heaven, for fear this blessed Brooke doe bathe my pillow. To these late showers.
Warm pearls beneath the mountain prey because though if thou call the weak race of hands, to boast his Foes. His jokes were visible go see, the
venerable Armytage, a friendly cooings of what is the spirit that the kings of October frosty rime, though shadowy beams.
Honey from his mystic friar’s rigour, present family stoop’d to them, until he read an architect, brought to all—which haue often
made the joys could not doubt? With the rain. Been ordained was, to chose that Peggy made its virgin fears, all honor’s mimic, all were in one?
To meet star-sisters weird, but them. To meet th’ vnpleasant thought to your own mouth too. Came jasper pannel fuming streets you speak; but when
the strove by fancies garlands, love- knot into the absent friends who know her woof, her texture; she perhaps she means this? Let’s try their Names.
I WILL enjoy tonight. As if the more. In baskets of all the Beach, as he on did pass There are wed? To catch the world wide there were
ran a streaming Saint Augustine has torn, he shows they movèd alike? An image of the tie of moonlight of love and clear; and seem tame.
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schwazombie · 22 days
When you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) 😘
I saw this in my askbox, was like oh, I'll answer it when I get home from work, AND THEN BECAUSE I'D LOOKED THE NOTIF WAS GONE AND I FORGOT IT EXISTED ÖÖÖÖÖ (oops)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm five songs I like to listen to okay uhhhhh
I've been listening to a lot of KMFDM lately so I think Hau Ruck should be on here. The song, not the album of the same name :D
Zielscheibe ~OOMPH! from back before Dero lost his marbles (RIP :( you were a good band while you lasted OOMPH! )
V.C (Gloria Domini) ~ Moonspell. Pretty much any Moonspell song tbh. Dude's got my gender in so many albums
My Velvet Little Darkness ~ Lacrimas Profundere (Filthy Notes For Frozen Hearts is SUCH A GOOD ALBUM)(also I think I once lived in an alternate timeline where the original lead singer committed suicide because now when I look at the wikipedia article for the band he's alive)(I also once saw them in concert and met the current lead singer Julian. I gave him a smooch on the cheek it was fun :D )
Hail Bacchus ~ Kawir (because let's be honest am I going to make a list of songs I like to listen to without my #1 song for my #1 like)
Mwah! Thanks for the ask :D Have you already done this? Where are your answers I want to see :D :D
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trophyprincess · 2 months
Let's get this dirty, debauched Bacchanal started, bitchezzz!!!!!!
Hail Aphrodite!
Io Bacchus!!
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sephospaganplace · 3 months
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Homeric Hymn XXI. to Apollo Phoebus, of you even the swan sings with clear voice to the beating of his wings, as he alights upon the bank by the eddying river Peneus; and of you the sweet-tongued minstrel, holding his high-pitched lyre, always sings both first and last. And so hail to you, lord! I seek your favour with my song. Mask of Apollo ☀️ Talon Abraxas
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An ancient marble tablet illustrating the power and responsibilities of Apollo, Bacchus, Hercules and Mercury. (Oedipus Aegyptiacus, by ATHANASIUS KIRCHER, Volume
II, i, 206, dated 1652–54.)
“The ancients signified by Apollo, with his arrows and rays, nothing other than the sun, or the insensible and supramundane archetype
that penetrates all sensible things and arranges them in a harmony. By Bacchus, they meant the ripening and digestive faculty in all things;by Hercules, the solidifying and invigorating of all things; and by Mercury, the sun's rapid energy working in all things. Thus they represented the one essence and nature of the supreme deity under four faculties.”
A-Apollo in juvenile form; sunrise B- Sun's rays C-Penetrative power in the quiver D-Penetrative power, and throwing of rays E-Costume of a physician or prophet, because of divination F-Energy of vaticination G-Energy in plants, flowers, fruits, trees H- The sun's power in Hercules' lionskin I I-Hercules' clubs, the sun's solidifying energy K-Bacchus's cup, the sun's humid and concoctive energy L-Stability in action M-Mercurial heaps, guardian of the fields N-Harmony of the worlds, and effects of the sun O-Life of the world, and domination in all things P-Energy of the sun's rays in the reed stalk Q-Consonance of the seven planets with the sun R-The black part of the middle rod signifies night S-The white part, day
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What To Expect When Using An Airport Cab Service? 
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Have you ever considered an airport cab service for easy transfer from and to the airport? It is one of the cheapest and most convenient options for travelling around. However, few people don’t know what to expect from an airport cab service. 
If you’re one of them, this blog is for you. We have discussed some of the things you should expect when hiring an airport cab in Melton –
Simple Reservation Procedure
Reserving an airport cab is usually a simple procedure. You can reserve a ride via the cab company's website or mobile app, over the phone, or even by hailing one at the designated taxi stand at the airport.
Prompt Arrival
Airport taxi services are renowned for being on time. Your driver will show up at the prearranged pick-up place on schedule to ensure you don't experience any unnecessary delays on the way to your destination.
Professional and Courteous Drivers
Taxi drivers at airports are frequently courteous and professionally trained. They are knowledgeable about customer service expectations and airport protocol. You may anticipate a courteous chauffeur service in Bacchus Marsh who can help with bags.
Clean and Well-Maintained Vehicles
The cleanliness and upkeep of airport taxis are given top priority. Most likely, you'll enter a tidy, well-kept taxi, guaranteeing a smooth ride.
Route Knowledge
Airport taxi drivers are knowledgeable about the routes to and from the airport. You may anticipate a pleasant and effective trip because they know the best traffic avoidance strategies.
Transparent Pricing
Taxi services at airports frequently provide transparent pricing. You'll know the fare upfront, which can be comforting if you visit a strange place.
Security And Safety
Passenger safety is a top priority for airport taxi services. Their drivers adhere to safety procedures to ensure secure travel, and their vehicles frequently have safety features.
Now that you know what to expect from airport cab services do not settle for anything less. Next time you hire an airport transfer service, look for these services. 
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. április 3-9.)
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. április 3-9.) - https://www.femforgacs.hu/femjelzes-a-het-ujdonsagai-2023-aprilis-3-9/ -
Nagylemezek és EP-k az underground sűrűjéből. Íme, az újabb lista a heti megjelenésekkel:
Alcyone – Cult of Kukulkan (progresszív black metal) Anthropophagous – Abuse of a Corpse (death metal) Antrisch – Expedition II : Die Passage (atmoszferikus black metal) Aphonic Threnody – When Death Comes Again (funeral doom/death metal) Arched Fire – Trust Betrayal (heavy/speed metal) Asystole – Siren to Blight (death metal) Atemporal – Thorn Genesis (black/death metal) Ayyur – Prevail (black metal) Bacchus – II (atmoszferikus black metal) Betiraun – Subversion (death metal) Beyond the Darkness – Noche oscura (death/doom metal) Beyond the End – Mustan pirun hirsipuut (black metal) Black Denim Rage – State of Emergency (speed/thrash metal) Blood Cult – Tomb of the Unknown Redneck (black ‘n’ roll) Bloodrust – At Glory’s End (death metal) Bonjour Tristesse – Against Leviathan! (post-black metal) Bovary – Par amour du vide (depresszív black metal) Cemetery Trip – Rot Warp (black metal) Chant of the Goddess – Martial Laws of Discordia (stoner/doom metal) Children of the Reptile – Heavy Is the Head (heavy metal) Christbane – Christbane (black metal) Cicada the Burrower – Blight Witch Regalia (progresszív/post-black metal) Cineastre – Cineastre (atmoszferikus black metal/neofolk) Class Traitor – Broken Energy Highway (sludge/post-metal) Cultura Tres – Camino de brujos (sludge metal) Cursebinder – Drifting (black metal) Dark Flood – Illusion of Light (progresszív melodikus death metal) Darkness Domain – The Judgement Bells (black metal) Death Portrait – Morbid Curiosity (melodikus/technikás death metal) Deep Agony – Hail Satan (black/doom metal) Descent into Maelstrom – Dei Consentes (melodikus death metal) Devangelic – Xul (brutális death metal) Dragojiniak – Fables of a Forgotten Era (black metal) Dystersol – Anaemic (melodikus death/folk metal) Ernte – Albsegen (black metal) Evil Joe – Atomic Party (thrash metal) Finnwolf – Kun viimeinen lehti putoaa (black metal) Frostnatt – Den russiske frosten (black metal) Gaffed – Die Already (death metal) Godflesh – Nero (EP) (experimental industrial metal) Grot – Beneath the Waves of Eternity (black metal) Heathen Foray – Oathbreaker (melodikus death metal) Heretic Plague – Context Is a Stumbling Corpse (brutális death metal) In Seance – Deathverse (black metal) In Utero Cannibalism – Back to the Basics (death metal) Iron Steel – Crystalized (speed metal/punk) Iunehkal – Derealized Nauseating Existence (black metal/ambient) Karne – Condamnés (black metal) Khayman – The Great Lie of Karma (southern metal/hardcore) Knochen – Ode to Frailty (black metal) Krod – Satanas Rex Inferni (black metal) Kronrest – Where Hopes Fade (grindcore/death metal) Lamento Eterno – Grief (experimental/szimfonikus black metal) Larvae – Entitled to Death (death/doom/black metal) Lethvm – Winterreise (sludge/doom metal) Lo! – The Gleaners (sludge/post-metal, hardcore) Lurk – Aegis (death/doom/sludge metal) Manhack – Welcome to Fyrestone (death/groove metal/deathcore) Medevil – Mirror in the Darkness (power/thrash metal) Meluniblis – Kill the Kuffar (black/death metal) Morhörr – Danse Macabre (thrash metal) Morphogenetic Malformation – Pathogenesis F20.0 (slam/brut. death metal) Mors Spei – Homo Homini Lvpvs (black metal) Mostro – Coágulos (experimental death metal) Nekus – Sepulchral Divination (black/death metal) Nezznar – Prevail of the Old Ones (nyers black metal) Nocturnal Call – For Death I Shall Be Forever Alive (doom/death metal) Nova Skellis – Life Amongst the Damned (heavy metal) Númenor – Tales from the Edge of Time (szimfo./epikus black/power metal) Offensive – Blast from the Past (heavy/thrash metal) Omnicidal – The Omnicidalist (death metal) Our Throne – Withered and Forgotten (atmoszferikus black metal) Ὁπλίτης – Τρωθησομένη (progresszív black metal) Paraphilia – The Memory of Death Given Form (death metal) Penumbra – Eden (szimfonikus gótikus metal) Raider – Trial by Chaos (thrash/death metal) Ricochet – Kazakhstan (melodikus/progresszív metal) Ruadh – 1296 (atmoszferikus folk/black metal) Ruinae Vitae – Caput Unum (melodikus black/death metal) Saviorskin – Invicta Mori / DoomFather (gótikus/doom metal) Septicflesh – Reconstruction (EP) (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus death metal) Shredhead – I Saw You Burn (thrash/groove metal) Sins of Magnus – Secrets of the Cosmos (stoner/doom metal) Skuggor – Skogshypnos (atmoszferikus black metal) Slaughtopsy – Emanation undurchdringlicher… (blackened brutális death metal) Sól án varma – Sól án varma (melodikus black/doom metal) Soliton – Cyclical Denial (melodikus/technikás death metal) Sonic Demon – Veterans of the Psychic War (pszichedelikus rock/doom metal) Stillbirth – Homo Deus (brutális death metal/deathcore) Stormfront – Der død og kjød forenes (black metal) Stormhaven – Blindsight (progresszív death metal) Suffocate Bastard – Devouring the Void (brutális death metal) Sun Mass – There’s Nothing Here (stoner/doom metal) Sunrot – The Unfailing Rope (sludge/doom/post-metal) Superstition – Excruciating Methodology (death metal) Test – Disco Normal (grindcore/death metal/crustcore) The Crooked Whispers – Funeral Blues (sludge/doom metal) The Grifted – Doomsday & Salvation (death metal) The Mind Parasites – Gallery of Nightmares (heavy/thrash metal) The Prolet Kult – Stare into the Abyss (blackened sludge/doom metal) Thysia – Islands in Cosmic Darkness (black metal) Titan Blood – The Call of the Wild (heavy metal/hard rock) Tjaktjadálvve – Echoes on a Windswept Plain (depresszív black metal) Tovenaar – Tovenaar (progresszív black/death metal) Tribulation – Hamartia (EP) (gótikus metal) Unholy Craft – Naar all tid er omme (black metal) Urantia – Innerverse (power metal) Urarv – Substratum (avantgárd black metal) Valensorow – Shorestank (folk metal/metalcore) Vargskelethor – Skeleton Metal X (thrash/death metal) Vass/Katsionis – Cynical Silence (progresszív metal) Verzauber – Frankincense & Vitriol (black metal) Vesuvian – Emergence (szimfonikus/melodikus death/metalcore) Void King – The Hidden Hymnal (doom/stoner metal) Vralgaldr – Vralgaldr (black metal) Waldseel – Schwärzend (atmoszferikus black metal) Warfare – Respiro venganza (thrash metal) Wolf Spider – VI (technikás thrash metal) Woodanthorkh – Remoteness (black metal) Wrack – Altäre der Vergänglichkeit (black metal) Yskelgroth – Bleeding of the Hideous (black metal) Zlórtcht – Welcome to the Zlortchterhaus (black/doom/thrash metal) Zwetwezen – Infernal Demons of Lunacy (experimental black metal)
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justjensenanddean · 6 years
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Jensen Ackles (Bacchus LI) | New Orleans, Mardi Gras 2019 [x]
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beaudeanw · 4 years
The eye wink. The fucking eye wink. You don't understand how much I hate this man ❤
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ubernaturalist · 4 years
He looks so soft and comfortable!
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