resistantbees · 7 days
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rwpohl · 3 months
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die seefee, hubert hoelzke 1975
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andylynes-blog · 1 year
Simply Scandinavian by Trine Hahnemann
In 2004, chefs from the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden and Denmark assembled alongside other Nordic chefs from Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. After days gathered around what surely must have been an immaculately crafted solid oak table, bathed in natural light pouring in from floor to ceiling windows and set in the middle of a minimalist, yet tasteful, room…
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Homeopati Nedir?
Homeopati Nedir?
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#EvdeHomeopati, #HomeopatiDoktoru, #HomeopatiEğitimi, #HomeopatiFaydaları, #HomeopatiKitapları, #HomeopatiNedir, #HomeopatiTedavisi, #HomeopatiYanEtkileri, #HomeopatiYöntemleri, #HomeopatikIlaçlar, #SamuelHahnemann, #SimiliaSimilibusCurentur https://is.gd/CjwgyW https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/makaleler/homeopati-nedir/
Homeopati nedir sorusu bu günlerde çok soruluyor. Homeopati, vücudun kendi kendini iyileştirme gücünü uyarmak için doğal maddeler kullanarak yapılan bir alternatif tıp tedavi yöntemidir. Homeopatinin temeli, “benzer benzeri iyileştirir” ilkesine dayanır. Bu ilkeye göre, bir madde belirli bir semptomları oluşturuyorsa, aynı madde çok düşük dozlarda alındığında, vücudun bu semptomları tedavi etmek için kendi kendini iyileştirme gücünü harekete geçireceği varsayılır.
Homeopatik ilaçlar, doğal kaynaklardan elde edilen bitki, mineral, hayvan veya diğer maddelerden hazırlanır. Bu maddeler belirli bir seyreltme ve potansiyelle hazırlanır. Homeopatik ilaçlar, düşük dozlarda verilir ve bazen ilaç maddesi çok düşük veya neredeyse yok denecek kadar az miktarda kalabilir.
Homeopati, bir hastanın tüm semptomlarını, fiziksel, zihinsel ve duygusal olarak değerlendirir ve bireysel bir tedavi planı oluşturur. Bu nedenle, homeopati, her hastanın bireysel sağlık durumuna uygun bir tedavi planı sunar.
“Remedi”, homeopatik ilaçların ana bileşenidir ve homeopatik tedavinin temel taşıdır. Remedi, bir hastalığın tedavisinde kullanılan homeopatik ilacın bir diğer adıdır.
Homeopatik ilaçlar, doğal kaynaklardan elde edilen bitki, mineral, hayvan veya diğer maddelerden hazırlanır. Bu maddeler homeopatik ilaçların ana bileşenleridir ve belirli bir seyreltme ve potansiyelle hazırlanırlar.
Remediler, belirli bir hastalık veya semptomların tedavisinde kullanılan homeopatik ilaçların adıdır. Homeopatik tedavide, bir hastanın semptomlarına göre seçilen ve belirli bir seyreltme ve potansiyelle hazırlanan bir remedi verilir. Homeopatik ilaçların seçimi, semptomların yanı sıra hastanın genel sağlık durumu, yaşam tarzı, stres faktörleri ve diğer faktörlere dayanır.
İlginizi çekebilir: Agrohomeopati – Doğal ve Sürdürülebilir Tarımın Geleceği
Homeopatik ilaçlar düşük dozlarda verilir ve belirli bir seyreltme ve potansiyelle hazırlandıklarından, bazen ilaç maddesi çok düşük veya neredeyse yok denecek kadar az miktarda kalabilir. Homeopatiye göre, bu ilaçların düşük dozları, vücudun kendi kendini iyileştirme gücünü uyarır ve semptomların ortadan kalkmasına yardımcı olur.
Homeopatide kullanılan remedi örneklerine birkaç örnek vermek gerekirse:
Arsenicum album: Sindirim sorunları, mide ağrısı, ishal, grip ve soğuk algınlığı semptomlarının tedavisi için kullanılan bir remedi.
Ignatia: Stres, kaygı, üzüntü ve depresyon semptomlarının tedavisi için kullanılan bir remedi.
Belladonna: Baş ağrısı, ateş, kızarıklık ve iltihaplanma semptomlarının tedavisi için kullanılan bir remedi.
Nux vomica: Mide bulantısı, hazımsızlık, baş ağrısı, sinirlilik ve uyku bozuklukları semptomlarının tedavisi için kullanılan bir remedi.
Arnica: Kas ağrısı, yaralanmalar, morluklar ve şişlik semptomlarının tedavisi için kullanılan bir remedi.
Bu remedi örnekleri, homeopatide kullanılan popüler ve sık kullanılan ilaçlar arasındadır. Ancak, homeopatik tedavinin amacı, semptomların bireysel duruma ve hastaya özgü olarak seçilen ilaçlarla tedavi edilmesidir. Bu nedenle, her hastanın semptomlarına ve sağlık durumuna özel bir remedi seçilir.
Homeopati, bazı hastalıkların tedavisi için bir seçenek olabilir ancak gerekli olup olmadığı, hastalığın türüne ve şiddetine, kişinin genel sağlık durumuna ve diğer faktörlere bağlıdır. Homeopati, alternatif tıp olarak kabul edilir ve tıbbi uzmanlar arasında farklı görüşler bulunmaktadır. Bazı uzmanlar homeopatinin etkili olduğuna inanırken, diğerleri etkinliğinin bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmadığına inanır.
Homeopati tedavisi, bazı hastalıkların tedavisinde etkili olabilir ancak tıbbi bir tedavi yöntemi olarak kabul edilmez. Birçok hastalık için geleneksel tıbbi tedavi yöntemleri daha etkili olabilir ve homeopatinin kullanımı, doktorun tavsiyesi ve izni olmadan uygulanmamalıdır. Bu nedenle, bir hastalığın tedavisi için homeopatiye başvurmadan önce mutlaka bir doktora başvurulması önerilir.
Homeopati uzmanı olmak için genellikle aşağıdaki adımlar izlenir:
1- Lisanslı bir üniversiteden tıp veya sağlık bilimleri lisans derecesi alın. Homeopati, alternatif tıp bir yöntem olsa da, birçok ülkede homeopat olarak çalışmak için lisanslı bir tıp doktoru olmanız gereklidir.
2- Homeopatik tıp alanında eğitim alın. Birçok üniversite ve kolej, homeopati eğitimi sunmaktadır. Homeopati eğitimi, tıp, farmakoloji, bitki bilimi, anatomi ve fizyoloji gibi çeşitli konuları kapsar. Homeopati eğitimi, sertifika veya lisans programlarında sunulabilir.
3- Homeopatik uygulama için lisans alın. Homeopatik uygulama yasal olarak birçok ülkede düzenlenir ve homeopatik uygulama yapmak için belirli bir lisans veya sertifika gerekebilir. Homeopatik lisans alma gereksinimleri ülkeden ülkeye değişebilir.
4- Uygulamalı homeopatik eğitimler alın. Homeopatik eğitim, teori ve pratik arasında bir denge sağlar. Uygulamalı homeopatik eğitimler, homeopati klinikleri veya hastanelerinde staj yapmak gibi pratik deneyim sağlayabilir.
5- Homeopati sertifikası alın. Birçok ülke homeopati sertifikasyon programları sunar. Homeopati sertifikasyonu, homeopati eğitimi ve pratik deneyim gerektirir ve belirli bir standardı karşılamak için sınavları geçmeniz gerekir.
Homeopati, tıbbi bir uzmanlık alanıdır ve birçok ülkede düzenlenir. Homeopat olmak için, homeopati eğitimi almanız, homeopatik uygulama için lisans veya sertifika almanız ve uygulamalı homeopatik eğitimler almanız gerekir.
Homeopati, birçok farklı sağlık sorunu için kullanılabilir, ancak özellikle alerji, astım, migren, cilt rahatsızlıkları, sindirim problemleri, uyku bozuklukları ve stres gibi yaygın rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde kullanılır. Homeopatinin kullanımı ve etkililiği hakkında bazı çalışmalar olsa da, bilimsel verilerin yetersizliği nedeniyle, homeopati hakkında farklı görüşler bulunmaktadır.
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experthomeopathy · 1 year
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thinkwinwincom · 2 years
CHS golf, Cheetahs alentó el éxito reciente
CHS golf, Cheetahs alentó el éxito reciente
Eric Neumann Editor de Sun Sports El equipo de golf Coconino Panthers ha visto un cambio ascendente en las últimas dos temporadas, con un mayor número de participantes y resultados impresionantes. Los Panthers, estudiantes de segundo año del entrenador Langley Martin, tienen 27 golfistas en el programa y son la única escuela en Flagstaff con equipos de golf de niños y niñas. Los muchachos de…
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garadinervi · 4 months
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Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc 1960s–1980s, Edited by Pavel Pyś, Foreword by Mary Ceruti, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, 2023 [Photos: Kam Herndon. Courtesy Walker Art Center]
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Contributors: Ivana Bago, Dušan Barok, Anna Daucíková, Michal Grzegorzek, Libuše Jarcovjáková, Daniel Muzyczuk, Alexandra Pirici, Pavel Pys, Karol Radziszewski, Kathleen Reinhardt, Natalia Sielewicz
Design Director: Mark Owens Designers: Mark Owens, Ziga Testen, and Kim Mumm Hansen Editor: Pamela Johnson Publications Manager: Jake Yuzna Indexer: Enid L Zafran Image Specialist: Sebastiaan Hanekroot,Colour & Books Proofreader: Diane Woo
Printed by die Keure, Belgium Typefaces: Balance, Magda Clean Mono, and Animo
Paper: Munken Print White 115gsm, Mono Gloss 115gsm, and Profibulk 135 gsm
Exhibitions: curated by Pavel Pyś, with William Hernández Luege (curatorial assistant, Visual Arts), and Laurel Rand-Lewis (curatorial fellow, Visual Arts), Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, November 11, 2023 – March 10, 2024 / Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ, April 17 – September 15, 2024 / Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, December 14, 2024 – April 21, 2025
Exhibition Artists: Milan Adamčiak, Autoperformationsartisten (Micha Brendel, Else Gabriel, Rainer Görß, and Via Lewandowsky), AWACS (Piotr Grzybowski and Maciej Toporowicz), István Bakos, Lubomír Beneš, A.E. Bizottság, Vladimir Bonačić, Geta Brătescu, Adina Caloenescu, Zdeňka Čechová, Věra Chytilová, Lutz Dammbeck, Jan Dobkowski, Orshi Drozdik, Ľubomír Ďurček, Sherban Epuré, Barbara Falender, Lászlo Fehér, Stano Filko, Vera Fischer, Henryk Gajewski and Piotr Rypson, AG. Geige, Teresa Gierzyńska, Karpo Godina, Tomislav Gotovac, Ion Grigorescu, Wiktor Gutt and Waldemar Raniszewski, Gino Hahnemann, Heino Hilger, Károly Hopp-Halász, János Istvánfy, Sanja Iveković, Libuše Jarcovjáková, Željko Jerman, Krzysztof Jung, György Kemény, Eva Kmentová, Milan Knížák / AKTUAL Group, Július Koller, Gyula Konkoly, Jiří Kovanda, György Kovásznai, Jarosław Kozłowski, Kryzys, Katalin Ladik, Matei Lăzărescu, Natalia LL, Ana Lupaş, Jolanta Marcolla, Dóra Maurer, Florin Maxa, Simon Menner, Tomislav Mikulić, Karel Miler, Andrzej Mitan, Jan Mlčoch, Teresa Murak, Krzysztof Niemczyk, Kolomon Novak, Ewa Partum, Plastic People of the Universe, Krystyna Piotrowska, Maria Pinińska-Bereś, Polish Radio Experimental Studio, Karol Radziszewski/Queer Archives Institute, Józef Robakowski and Eugeniusz Rudnik, Jerzy Rosołowicz, Akademia Ruchu, Zbigniew Rybczyński, Jan Ságl, Bogusław Schaeffer, Cornelia Schleime, Tomasz Sikorski, Jan Slávik and Ladislav Halada, Gabriele Stötzer, Aleksandar Srnec, Zdenek Sýkora, Alina Szapocznikow, Kálmán Szijártó, Bálint Szombathy, Peter Štembera, Janina Tworek-Pierzgalska, Teresa Tyszkiewicz, Zsuzsi Ujj, Andrzej Urbanowicz, Miha Vipotnik, Jürgen Wittdorf, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Jana Želibská
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coochiequeens · 8 months
A dude who was released from prison after serving time for killing his wife and raping a nurse wants to go back to a women's prison forever.
By Genevieve Gluck January 11, 2024
A German killer who began identifying as transgender while incarcerated is requesting to be locked up with women for the rest of his life. Thorsten Heinz P., now known as Monica P., 57, was recently released from a women’s prison after completing his sentence, and appeared in court on January 10 asking to be returned to a female-only facility “forever.”
Monica, whose surname has been withheld in accordance with German law, filed his bizarre request at the district court of Essen on Wednesday with his defender. He had been released from a women’s prison after completing a combined 30-year sentence for convictions pertaining to the murder of his wife, a burglary attempt, and two instances of taking hostages while incarcerated, including binding a nurse and forcing her to perform “completely degrading sexual acts,” reports Waz.
Currently registered as “female” on his identification, Monica is being held in a psychiatric institution but is seeking permanent placement in a women’s prison on the basis that he believes he can neither be rehabilitated, nor is able to cope with life outside of a jail cell.
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Killer Thorsten Heinz P., alias Monica, in Essen district court on January 10. Photo credit: Bild.de
“I can no longer manage my everyday life,” he told Judge Martin Hahnemann at the Essen court, insisting he be returned to a women’s prison. “Sometimes I would like to hit my head against the wall and make it bleed… I don’t deserve freedom – at least not yet. I have caused enough suffering… I’m still dangerous.”
On December 28, 1992, Thorsten Heinz strangled his wife to death with a clothesline at their home in North Rhine-Westphalia. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the killing, and at an undisclosed time during his incarceration, began identifying as transgender and taking female hormones.
While detained, he twice took staff as hostages: one victim was a priest, and the other, a nurse, who he proceeded to sexually torment. For these offenses, his sentence was extended to 25 years.
Thorsten was released at the end of his sentence, but soon after threatened two married couples from Iserlohn with robbery in their homes. This, he claimed, was an act of desperation conducted in order to return to prison.
According to limited information provided in media reports on the recent court hearing, Thorsten’s transgender status is a recent development that occurred within the past five years.
He is currently facing charges of faking a crime after turning himself in to the police in Gelsenkirchen while wielding a steak knife and fabricated a story about committing a robbery. Thorsten, referred to in the press as Monica and by feminine pronouns, stated that he had just attacked a stranger in Feldmarkstrasse. However, the alleged victim was able to flee unharmed. When Judge Hahnemann asked him how far he would go to get back to prison, he hesitated, then said in a quiet voice, “I can’t answer that for you… I don’t want to hurt anyone and no longer produce any new victims, so I think I should be locked up forever.”
The case is scheduled for another court hearing on Friday.
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According to 2021 government data for the region of North Rhine-Westphalia obtained by German women’s rights activist Madeleine, known on X as @missdelein2, a total of 9 “trans people” were imprisoned for crimes that year, of which five were placed in women’s prisons. Over the last five years, decisions regarding accommodations based on self-declared gender identity had to be made in 39 cases.
Speaking with Reduxx, Madeleine slammed the German government for “insitutional gaslighting” and a failure to “recognize women as human beings.”
“What we are seeing here are the consequences when the German state does not recognize women as human beings. They are locked up with a male killer, and he is rewarded for his crime. The German state has the gall to to call it a women’s prison to validate his so-called ‘gender identity,’ though in reality the prison no longer exists for women,” she said. Madeleine cited research provided by Johann Endres, from the Bavarian prison system’s criminology service, which states that a “legal change of sex in prison” has not yet been made a reality. The Transsexual Law of 1981 requires that an individual undergo a probation period of ostensibly living in the role of their preferred sex before an alteration of sex markers on identification can take place. Therefore, according to Endres, male inmates are being transferred to the female prison estate illicitly.
Endres also reports on complaints from women in prison who felt harassed because one man who has been legally considered a “woman” was touching his testicles while walking in the courtyard.
“I therefore assume that the woman-killer Thorsten Heinz P. was transferred to the women’s prison without going through the so-called transsexual law,” Madeleine said. “The transfer of men into women’s prisons illustrates the institutional misogyny in the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia.”
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James Randi's Challenge to Homeopathy Manufacturers and Retail Pharmacies
April 10-16 is Homeopathy Awareness Week.
Be aware that homeopathy is fake medicine and homeopaths are con artists.
[ Note: the 1023.org.uk website is now defunct. ]
This claimed healing modus is included here because it is an excellent example of an attempt to make sympathetic magic work. Its founder, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1775?-1843), believed that all illnesses develop from only three sources: syphilis, venereal warts, and what he called “the itch.”
The motto of homeopathy is “Similia similibus curantur” (“Like cures like”). It claims that doses of substances that produce certain symptoms will relieve those symptoms; however, the “doses” are extremely attenuated solutions or mixtures, so attenuated that not a single molecule of the original substance remains. In fact, the homeopathic corrective is actually pure water, nothing more. The theory is that the vibrations or “effect” of the diluted-out substance are still present and work on the patient. Currently, researchers in homeopathy are examining a new notion that water can be magnetized and can transmit its medicinal powers by means of a copper wire. Really.
The royal family of England adopted homeopathy at its very beginning and have retained a homeopathic physician on staff ever since.
The only concern of homeopaths is to treat the symptoms of disease, rather than the basic causes, which they do not recognize. Thus homeopathy correctly falls into the category of magic. And quackery.
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thehours2002 · 8 months
As prince and heir to the throne in 2004, Charles created a stir when he publicly endorsed the idea that cancer patients be treated with daily coffee enemas, vitamin injections and 13 fruit juices. That treatment, known as Gerson Therapy, is named after the German doctor Max Gerson, who developed the protocol in the 1920s.
Charles is also a longtime supporter of homeopathy, the use of highly diluted substances that practitioners claim can cause the body to heal itself, developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the early 1800s.
Catherine Mayer, in her deeply researched book “Charles: The Heart of a King,” writes that Charles’s embrace of alternative medicine is connected to his core beliefs. He believes that humankind has fallen from grace, from a more traditional, natural, Edenic state, by succumbing too much to mechanistic, technological, modernist thinking — rather than the “whole-ism” (his spelling) he believes is the correct path.
maybe i'm reaching but him being drawn to these old ass pseudosciences combined with reactionary ideas about "humankind falling from grace" feels race science adjacent to me
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Join us on April 10th as we pay tribute to the remarkable Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the visionary founder of homoeopathy, on World Homeopathy Day!
His groundbreaking contributions revolutionized the field of medicine, offering holistic healing and gentle remedies to millions worldwide.
At Dr. Sahni Homoeopathy, we celebrate his enduring legacy by continuing to uphold his principles of compassionate care and natural healing.
Join us in commemorating this special day at our clinic, as we remember the man whose brilliance continues to inspire us all.
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resistantbees · 7 days
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wepraiseblackmoses · 10 months
Just in case you want to get to know me, I make music. I love video games and I also love whoever loves me.
Send Praise 🏔️
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Pain is one of the most common reasons why people seek out alternative therapies. And when you’re looking for pain relief, you may want to research all of your options, including homeopathic pain remedies.
“Homeopathy is a separate system of medicine that is really not in the same framework as what we consider conventional medicine,” says homeopath Brad Lichtenstein, ND, assistant professor at Bastyr University in Seattle, Wash. “Most commonly people define it by talking about the principle of ‘like cures like.’”
The system of homeopathy was developed by German physician Samuel Christian Hahnemann over 200 years ago. Hahnemann observed that, in some cases, people could be cured of their health conditions if they were given a small amount of a substance that would, in a healthy individual and in stronger doses, cause the same symptoms.
However, there is more to treating a condition than simply asking about a symptom and seeking a homeopathic pain treatment. There are thousands of treatments available in the homeopathic system. A practitioner will select the appropriate one based not only on a person’s symptoms, but also on the overall impact of the ailment on that individual.
“We’re looking at the whole person as much as possible. We don’t just treat a symptom — we look at the whole characteristic of the injury,” explains Lichtenstein. “A homeopath needs to know more about the symptoms than most conventional or even naturopathic care does. If you break a bone you could use herbal medicine, but with homeopathy you need to know about the quality of the pain and what else happens for the person.” For example, a practitioner might ask the patient to describe the pain and how it affects him, such as whether it makes him feel irritable or sluggish.
However, extensive research has not been done on homeopathic pain treatments. Some research suggests that natural pain relief may be effective. For instance, extracts of the herb calendula helped lab rats with skin burns heal faster. But in another study, a homeopathic remedy was no more effective than a placebo in reducing the need for morphine after knee surgery.
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cogito-ergo-absens · 2 years
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Comment nos ancêtres ont-ils découvert les propriétés thérapeutiques des innombrables plantes qui les entouraient ?
Je vous présente aujourd'hui deux merveilleux livres qui traitent de ce sujet passionnant et intriguant...
Uniquement avec leurs sens, leur capacité d'observation, leur intuition, les chamanes, druides et autres guérisseurs des villages d'antan, savaient utiliser les bonnes plantes pour soigner leurs semblables.
Quelle démarche suivaient-ils pour comprendre le langage de la nature ? Certains de leurs contemporains se sont efforcés de redécouvrir ce savoir ancestral comme Paracelse, Hahnemann ou le Dr Bach pour ne citer qu'eux. Ils nous ont remis sur la voie et c'est grâce à eux que nous pouvons aujourd'hui réapprendre.
Nous y découvrons que le langage symbolique est le langage universel de la nature, dont nous faisons partie, et c'est pour cela que notre inconscient parle aussi ce langage que nous retrouvons jusque dans nos rêves d'ailleurs.
Ces deux livres m'ont émerveillé. Bonne lecture à tous 🙏
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e2r3t4 · 4 days
Hahnemann, descubrió la fuente sintomática tanto del diagnóstico patológico como del terapéutico y de esta manera convirtió en científica la práctica de la medicina.
1755 - 1843
No hay ninguna actividad más unánimemente reconocida como arte conjetural (ars conjecturalis), desde los siglos más remotos que la terapéutica. Ninguna puede entonces sustraerse menos a un exámen crítico de su valor esencial, ya que sobre ella reposa el bien más preciado de nuestra vida terrestre; la salud.
Yo me honro en haber sido el único en estos tiempos modernos que ha comprendido una revisión crítica; pero leal de este arte cuyas conclusiones han sido públicamente expuestas en folletos y artículos, sean anónimos o sean firmados. En el curso de estas investigaciones he descubierto el camino de la verdad; camino que presenté como debiendo seguirse solo y bien distante de la gran ruta hollada por el mundo médico tradicional. Cuanto más avanzaba de verdades en verdades, más tomé conciencia de cuanto diferían las leyes halladas - de las que no he reconocido ni aceptado ninguna sin haber estado previamente convencido por la experiencia - de aquellas de la antigua Escuela, estando estas últimas compuestas exclusivamente de opiniones fundadas sobre probabilidades cuyas bases eran bien precarias y frágiles. El resultado de estas investigaciones se encuentra consignado en esta labor.
El futuro dirá si los médicos conscientes y de buena fe sintiendo sus responsabilidades frente a sus semejantes, pueden continuar quedando ligados a un tal tejido estéril de conjeturas y de ideas arbitrarias o si son capaces de abrir los ojos a la verdad, que les va a aportar la salud. Conviene desde el comienzo insistir sobre la indolencia, la negligencia y la obstinación; tres graves defectos que excluyen toda posibilidad de servir en el altar de la verdad.
Solamente el hombre sin prejuicios armado de un celo intrépido, puede llegar a ser apto para una vocación así; la más sagrada de entre todas para ejercer el verdadero Arte de curar.
El maestro de un arte así ayudando a las criaturas del Todopoderoso a conservar la salud y la vida, confina casi con la divinidad aproximándose así al Creador Supremo; cuya bendición habiendo cumplido con su deber hace mucho más feliz a su corazón.
Cothen, 1810
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