mudmoistener · 6 hours
are any of your relatives criminals to your knowledge?
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mudmoistener · 6 hours
”which could mean nothing” is maybe my favorite phrase of all time. where would we be without it
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mudmoistener · 11 hours
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brb trying this
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mudmoistener · 11 hours
I encourage anyone who wonders things like "Why does the DPRK hate the United States so much?" or "Why would the United States lie about North Korea?" to, well, first of all, cultivate a sense of empowered investigative curiosity about the world around them, but secondly, to just go to the wikipedia page for The Korean War and check under the "civilian casualties" section.
actually here I'll just drop a screenshot
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I want you try to envision that number. The population of the DPRK in 1954 is cited by various Western sources as being between 7.7 million - 10.2 million, however more contemporary sources seem to lean towards the larger number (7.7 million was estimated by the CIA in 1954)
If we say 10 million people, with 1.5 million casualties. That's 15% of the post-war population. 15%. That's a little more frequent than 1 in 7. Imagine one out of every 7 people you know being killed. This study estimates that the median individual has a social network of about 470 people. Rounding down, 15% of that is 70 people. Imagine 70 people out of everyone you know personally being killed. 15% is massive. It's a genuinely sickening and horrific figure.
In comparison, in WWII, according to Wikipedia the UK had a casualty rate of .94% of their 1939 population, and the USSR had a casualty rate closer with 13.7% of their 1940 population.
The United States is a hulking behemoth of death and cruelty and genocide. It is a machine dedicated to one thing, which is the extraction of power and profit at the cost of any amount of human life. Like all bourgeois imperialist powers, it is a mechanism for the transmutation of innocent human life directly into political-economic power.
Moreover, The United States of America must be destroyed.
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mudmoistener · 11 hours
I repotted 8 huge plants today and planted out 4 pots of rooted cuttings and made new cuttings. I mixed all the soil with perlite and some fertilizer and also watered all of my plants. also went to the Baumarkt to get a bunch of pots n sticks and it still wasn't enough lmao
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mudmoistener · 11 hours
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my message 2 the world
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mudmoistener · 17 hours
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hope is all we have
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mudmoistener · 18 hours
i wanted to repot one of my big plants (waaaay overdue) without sizing it up but the rootball is the exact size of the pot 🙃
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mudmoistener · 21 hours
This mr beast kush got me feeling like white gaddafi
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mudmoistener · 21 hours
you cant even begin poems with "i will sodomise and facef uck you" anymore. because of woke .
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mudmoistener · 2 days
Inspecting my grean
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mudmoistener · 2 days
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mudmoistener · 3 days
I thought the coast was clear but he saw me pour pickle juice into my weird salad :(
making some weird white people pasta salad in front of my two african roommates feels like I'm on trial somehow
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mudmoistener · 3 days
making some weird white people pasta salad in front of my two african roommates feels like I'm on trial somehow
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mudmoistener · 3 days
finally talked to my new roommate 👍🏻 only took me two weeks lmao
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mudmoistener · 4 days
youtube video: can i survive a week in the dark cave with only 5$
the thumbnail: handing 1$ to a centipede
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mudmoistener · 5 days
your scent processing being so close to memory in your brain is insane sometimes you step outside and take a whiff and go "ah, it smells like playing pokemon emerald in my third grade afterschool program in the crisp september of 2006"
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