#Hagrid and Norbert
natinthe60s · 11 months
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highnonsenselogic · 10 months
Did anyone ever tell Hagrid that he once beat Voldemort in a game of cards?
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aesthetic--mood · 2 years
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Rubeus Hagrid Aesthetic
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 11
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝖂𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖊𝖓 weeks left before exams and I was spending less and less time with the others. Most of the time, I was either in the library studying on my own, or I was outside, sitting under a big oak tree near the lake. I was constantly tired, visiting the centaurs more often than I had in the beginning of the year. I was counting on Firenze's knowledge of the stars to get me through Astronomy rather than the actual teacher.
Harry and Ron weren't as concerned with the studying and were more preoccupied with making sure Quirrell seemed motivated. That was also one of the reasons I was keeping my distance, I was on the verge of telling them that Quirrell was the one who was attempting to steal the stone. But it would have to come as a surprise to Harry in the dungeons so I kept my mouth shut.
Professor Flitwick had told me to take a break from our private lessons. He said at the moment, it was more important for me to review everything we'd learned over the course of the year, but I could still come to him for help. Not having the private lessons did help a little bit, especially over Easter break when I pushed my magical homework aside for my Muggle school studies.
The teachers were dumping more homework on us than they had all year. It wasn't too bad, I had been working hard all year, but there was still a strain. I personally wondered why we got more homework when we had exams than when we didn't have exams. It seemed a bit backwards to me.
On a nice, clear, day I was out under my tree studying, when Hermione, Harry, and Ron came over to me.
"We're going down to Hagrid's," Harry said, "Want to come along?"
Though I already knew the details of the visit today, I didn't know every word that would be spoken. I shoved my books and quills into my bag and tossed the ink in as well after screwing the lids on tightly.
We made our way down the lawn, passing students who glanced at Harry until we reached Hagrid's cabin.
The curtains were closed when we approached and there was smoke floating out of the chimney. It was on the verge of warm today so it was going to be stifling hot inside, I thought gloomily. I shrugged off my robes, laying it over my bag. I rolled up the sleeves of my uniform shirt, hoping it would be enough to relieve some of the heat in the cabin.
Ron knocked on the door and Hagrid let the four of us in rather reluctantly. He sat down near the fire and we settled on different seats. He offered us tea and Stoat sandwiches. I refused both, not being very hungry.
"So- yeh wanted to ask me somethin'?" Hagrid asked, his back to the fire. He was trying to hide the fact that he was boiling a dragon egg from us.
"Yes. We were wondering if you could tell us what's guarding the Sorcerer's Stone apart from Fluffy." Harry said with no preamble.
Hagrid frowned at him. "O' course I can't. Number one, I don' know meself. Number two, yeh know too much already, so I wouldn' tell yeh if I could. That Stone's here for a good reason. It was almost stolen outta Gringotts- I s'ppose ye've worked that out an' all? Beats me how yeh even know abou' Fluffy."
"He almost killed us." I muttered under my breath but Hagrid didn't hear me over the crackling of the fire.
"Oh, come on, Hagrid," Hermione said in a warm, flattering voice I'd never heard her use before. "You might not want to tell us, but you do know, you know everything that goes on round here. We only wondered who had done the guarding really," She continued. "We wondered who Dumbledore had trusted enough to help him, apart from you."
Hagrid's chest swelled out with pride. I hissed, putting my head in my hands. Poor Hagrid. Meanwhile Harry and Ronald beamed at her. I wanted to hex her.
"Well, I don' s'pose it could hurt ter tell yeh that. . . let's see. . .he borrowed Fluffy from me. . . then some o' the teachers did enchantments. . . Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrell- an' Dumbledore himself did something', o' course. Hang on, I've forgotten someone." He paused, thinking for a moment. "Oh yeah, Professor Snape."
"Snape?" All three of them said together in what sounded like shock. Well duh, I thought viciously. I felt a strange protection about Professor Snape that I couldn't explain yet. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that him and my mum had been friends before. Or maybe it was because I believed in 'innocent until proven guilty'. After all, just cause someone's a werewolf doesn't mean their evil. And just because someone swoops around the castle all mopey, grouchy, and mean doesn't mean their evil either.
"Yeah- yer not still on abou' that, are yeh? Look, Snape helped protect the Stone, he's not about ter steal it." Hagrid said, frowning again.
"You're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy, aren't you, Hagrid?" Harry asked anxiously, exchanging looks with the rest of us. "And you wouldn't tell anyone, would you? Not even one of the teachers?"
"Not a soul knows except me an' Dumbledore," said Hagrid proudly.
"Well, that's something." Harry said at the same time I muttered, "Keep it that way." Harry added, "Hagrid, can we have a window open? I'm boiling."
"Can't, Harry, sorry," said Hagrid. He glanced back at the fireplace and the four of us looked at it as well.
"Hagrid- what is that?" Harry asked although by the look on his face, I knew that he already knew exactly what it was.
It was a large black egg, oval shaped. It was shiny and looked like a large piece of onyx. The shell looked very thin and when it glowed in the fire, one could see inside and see the silhouette of a rather small wing.
"Ah." Hagrid said, fiddling with his beard and looking very nervous.
Ron crouched down near the fire. I wondered if he thought he was an expert on dragon eggs just because Charlie, his brother, was. "Where did you get it, Hagrid? It must've cost you a fortune."
"Won it," Hagrid said, rather proudly I thought for winning an illegal object. "Las' night. I was down in the village havin' a few drinks an' got into a game o' cards with a stranger. Think he was quite glad ter get rid of it, ter be honest."
No kidding, I thought though my heart was sinking. I'd misjudged the timeline, not really paying attention because I'd been focused on studying. He'd already told Quirrell how to get past Fluffy. I bit my tongue. Hagrid looked at me. I smiled and winked, recovering quickly from my disappointment. I saw the book I'd given to him for Christmas laying on the table.
"But what are you going to do with it when it's hatched?" Hermione asked, her voice up two octaves.
"Well I've bin doin' some readin'," Hagrid said holding up my book and also pulling another large book from under the pillow he was sitting on. "Keep the egg in the fire, 'cause their mothers breathe on 'em, see, an' when it hatches, feed it on a bucket o' brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour. An' see here- how ter recognize diff'rent eggs-" he said, switching over to my book. "what I got there's a Norwegian Ridgeback. They're rare, them."
He looked pleased with himself and I smiled, happy that he was happy. Hermione however, looked much more serious. "Hagrid, you live in a wooden house."
Against my will, I smiled.
Hagrid paid no attention and when we left, he was humming Ode to Joy as he stroked the fire.
𝕬 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖋 days later I was eating breakfast at the Hufflepuff table before Herbology when Hedwig landed in front of me with a note. I was surprised, but pulled it off carefully, offering her some bacon grinds. She took one in her mouth before flying off. I read the two words on the piece of parchment while taking a sip of grape juice.
It's hatching
Oh bloody hell, I thought. I quickly burned my note. I got up, stuffing a last piece of breakfast pastry in my mouth, and hurried out of the grounds. Hermione, Ron, and Harry ran to catch up with me. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, trying to get rid of pastry crumbs.
"Did you get a note too?" Ron asked as they joined me.
I nodded, pulling out a blush compact. I didn't actually use blush, just the mirror. The sugary crumbs were gone and I stuck the compact back in my bag.
"Let's skip Herbology and go to Hagrid's now." Ron said.
"Absolutely not." Hermione and I said together. I was not missing Herbology for anything. Not even the once in a lifetime chance of watching a dragon hatch, although it was rather tempting.
"It won't hatch yet." I said firmly. "If we go during morning break, we'll be able to watch it hatch." I said and I sounded so confident that the other three agreed without argument.
I wondered if the fact that Ron and Hermione hadn't argued the discussion out meant that Draco wouldn't know about the dragon. He was still nearby though and it was a bit hard to tell what he had heard and what he thought we were talking about. Anything could be hatching at Hagrid's house. Maybe he'd think we were talking about fairy eggs.
Herbology was an easy class. We were replanting roses which were a mundane plant but had over twenty-five different medical uses when put into potions. When the bell rang, I quickly laid my trowel in the bucket and used my wand to clean up the space, joining Harry, Ron, and Hermione on the way to Hagrid's cabin.
I hadn't seen the dragon yet in my visions, I didn't look for everything and I was getting better at controlling when they came in though I certainly had a lot to learn.
I knocked on the door to Hagrid's cabin and called, "Hagrid, it's us!"
He opened the door, his face flushed, either from heat or excitement, I couldn't tell yet. He ushered us inside saying, "It's nearly out."
I took a seat near the window. The black egg was on the wooden table. I wondered if the table would catch fire. I touched my wand carefully in case I needed to put one out, though I wasn't entirely sure what the water spell was. Something to do with Agua? We hadn't practiced it yet- weren't supposed to till sixth year.
There were already deep cracks in the egg, a brown colour showing where they cracks were. I could see something moving inside, a shadow and there was a clicking noise coming from it.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione pulled up chairs to the table. Hagrid sat on the other side, intently watching the egg.
"It's coming." I said. All at once, there was a scraping noise and the egg split wide open. The baby dragon fell out of the egg, flopping on its chest. It wasn't cute, like I thought it might be. It was dripping with egg yolk and had wide nostrils and stubs where its horns would grow. It eyes were much larger than they should've been in proportion to its body and were a bright orange color.
Then it sneezed, a couple of sparks flew out its snout. It made a high-pitched squealing noise. Okay, so it was somewhat cute.
"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid murmured, reaching out and stroking the dragon's head. It snapped at his fingers and I gasped, but quickly stifled it because nothing had happened.
"Bless him, look, he knows his mommy!" Hagrid said. I suddenly wondered if getting him the dragon book for Christmas had been such a good idea after all.
"Hagrid," Hermione asked in a strained voice. "How fast do Norwegian Ridgebacks grow, exactly?"
Hagrid opened his mouth to answer and his eyes flicked up to the window. His face drained of color and I quickly turned around. Draco and I locked eyes for a second, and then he darted off towards the castle.
"What's the matter?" I heard Harry ask behind me.
"Someone was lookin' through the gap in the curtains- it's a kid- he's runnin' back up ter the school." Hagrid started to panic.
I heard someone dart to the door, most likely Harry.
I was wrong, Draco had followed us anyways, and now, he had seen the dragon too.
𝕴 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 next week trying very hard not to go up to Malfoy and punch him in the face. He kept smirking at me, whenever he saw me in the hallways. If I wasn't so worried about getting a perfect record at Hogwarts. . .
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I had started spending all our free time down at Hagrid's which was certainly putting a strain on my study load.
Harry and Ron tried convincing Hagrid to let Norbert go. They weren't very good at it.
"I've decided to call him Norbert. He really knows me now, watch." Hagrid said, bending down face-to-face with the baby dragon. I had come down with Harry and Ron, thinking about the amount of potion essays piling up back in the Hufflepuff dorm. "Norbert! Norbert! Where's Mommy?"
"He's lost his marbles." Ron muttered in mine and Harry's ears.
"Hagrid." Harry said finally, "give it two weeks and Norbert's going to be as long as your house. Malfoy could go to Dumbledore at any moment."
Hagrid bit his bottom lip which quivered and I closed my eyes, hoping he wasn't going to cry. "Harry," I finally said, "I don't think Dumbledore is going to care much."
"I- I know I can't keep him forever, but I can't jus' dump him, I can't." Hagrid said.
Harry turned, looking around me to say to Ron, "Charlie."
"You're losing it too. I'm Ron, remember?" Ron said stupidly and I bit my lip to keep from laughing.
"No- Charlie- your brother, Charlie. In Romania. Studying dragons. We could send Norbert to him. Charlie can take care of him and then put him back in the wild!" Harry exclaimed. Brilliant really. I would've voiced the opinion if I wasn't so worried about Norbert shooting flames at me.
"Brilliant!" Ron echoed my thoughts. "How about it, Hagrid?"
Hagrid hesitated, looking between the three of us and then Norbert as though someone might object.
I looked at Hagrid and said softly. "It's the best option for her, Hagrid. She'll be happy there, with the other dragons."
I accidentally let slip that Norbert was actually a girl (more by accident than really knowing that it was a girl), but Hagrid didn't seem to pick up on it and reluctantly agreed that Ron could ask Charlie.
𝕴 𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 to Hagrid's cabin every day to help him out with Norbert. By Wednesday of the next week, I was sort of regretting that Norbert would be going to Romania. It was actually kind of fun, taking care of a baby dragon. Regardless, I needed to study so Ron took over my shift that night and I hurried back up to the castle to study.
The next day, Ron was in the hospital wing because Norbert had bitten him. I was secretly glad I hadn't stayed. Of course, now Malfoy knew the exact same time that Charlie was going to get the dragon which was really horrible. Harry talked with Hermione and I in the library about it.
"It's too late to change the plan now," Harry said. "We haven't got time to send Charlie another owl, and this could be our only change to get rid of Norbert. We'll have to risk it. And we have got the invisibility cloak, Malfoy doesn't know about that."
"We'll have to go down and tell Hagrid." Hermione said, biting her lip. I could tell she didn't like the idea of breaking the news to Hagrid.
"Just don't forget the invisibility cloak." I said, seriously.
I let them go and tell Hagrid without me, and I started to head to my private study session with Professor Flitwick before remembering that I wasn't doing those anymore until next year when we would pick back up.
So, I headed in the direction of my common room and then realized- that wasn't where I wanted to be either. So instead, I headed back to the room where the Mirror of Erised used to be. Of course, I knew it wouldn't be there anymore but it was a quiet room and no one would be in there. No one besides myself, Ron, Harry, Dumbledore, and Snape had been in there this year at all. At least, as far as I could see.
I sat down in the middle of the room and pulled out my potions book. Taking out my quill and ink, I started an essay on the ethics of research in the area of experimental potions.
It wasn't until much later that I realized I had stayed in the room way past curfew. I shrugged and decided I would keep working. There were no clocks in here so time was absent in a way. Then, I heard a voice coming from a different room.
It was high pitched and evil and I shivered. "You must not fail Quirrell. . . you must get the stone."
"I know, I know. But-"
"No buttsss. You will go through with the plan. You must not let them stop you. . .at any cost you will get your hands on that stone and bring me back to life."
I started quietly putting my stuff back into my leather bag, my heart beating horribly fast. I had just dropped my textbook into my bag when I heard the voice again.
"Quiet! I think there is someone nearby. . . someone listening. . . a student perhaps. Yes a student. Find them! They must be silenced."
I grabbed my bag and ran for my life. I passed the library door and hurried up some stairs. I kept running, trying to be as silent as possible. I was nowhere near the Hufflepuff common room and I was desperate so see someone, anyone. A teacher, a ghost, even peeves.
"Miss Kane!" Came a voice from behind me.
I slowed down a bit, looking over my shoulder. It was Quirrell. He was pulling out his wand. I turned another corner and then darted through a tapestry, hoping that Quirrell didn't know about the passageway. I kept sprinting down the corridor and down a flight of stairs.
Was he going to kill me? Erase my memory? I didn't really want to find out.
I could still hear sounds of pursuit and a second voice, urging Quirrell on. I found myself in the dungeons now and realized I'd been completely turned around. I found a random door around the corner, pulling it open, and closing it as quietly as possible.
Whipping out my wand I pointed it at the lock. "Colloportus." I said. I heard the lock click. That was a surprise. I hadn't expected the spell to work- it was an extremely hard spell, something that Fred and George were learning in their Charms class this year. Perhaps it was the adrenaline and fear that helped me succeed with the spell. I heard the footsteps go past the door and continue down the hallway.
I dragged myself over to a table and fell down into a stool, resting my head down on the table. I breathed in heavily, letting my beating heart calm down a bit. My breaths started to shudder as I started to cry. I kept quiet to the best of my ability, wiping away my tears frantically. I felt panicky and shaky and I sank to my knees.
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I actually screamed, jumping up, spinning around, and backed away while raising my wand.
Professor Snape raised his hands, alarm in his eyes, and I lowered my wand. "Sorry." I said, catching my breath. I hoped my scream wouldn't attract Quirrell. "I thought you were. . .well someone else." Could I tell him that Quirrell attacked me? Would that change the future?
"What happened? Who hurt you?" He asked seriously, not seeming to want to question my story.
I shook my head, sitting back down, this time on a stool and not the floor. I realized that I was in the Potions classroom, a door was open by the side of the classroom which led to Professor Snape's office. "No one hurt me. I was in the room where the Mirror of Erised was. I wanted somewhere solitary to study. I lost track of time until I heard people talking in a different room."
"Quirrell and who else?" Snape asked, sitting down next to me, but facing me so that we were looking at each other.
I hesitated. If he guessed that it was Quirrell then it was okay to continue with it, right? Just not with who the second person was. "I don't know. I haven't heard the voice before. I don't know what they were saying, I only heard snatches and they didn't really add up to anything either of us don't already know. 'There's a plan in the making'. Anyways, the other person seemed to know someone was nearby, but I had already packed up all my stuff and had started to leave. Quirrell chased me and I got turned around trying to get away from him and I ended up here." I waved my hand around as though Professor Snape didn't know we were in the potion's classroom. "Why were you in here?" I asked, trying to distract from my jumble of words.
He pointed across the room to the open door that I had already recognized as the door to his office "That's my office. I was up grading papers when I thought I heard a noise in here and I came to investigate."
"Oh," I muttered stupidly, "duh."
"Do you want me to walk you back to the Hufflepuff common room?" He asked.
I shook my head. "He'll be waiting for me, I think. I'm just going to stay right here."
Snape looked at me for a long moment and I thought he was going to insist I go back to the common room. Then, he said, "Come in here then."
I popped my head up curiously, to see where he was going, and then grabbed my bag and followed him into his office. There were two other doors in the office. I assumed one probably led to his potion storage. He opened one of the doors, leading me through to his bedroom.
It was quite large, a circular room decorated in Slytherin greens and his favored black. There was a large fireplace on one side of the room, two arms chairs and a loveseat near there as well. There were several bookcases that were filled with books.
The bed in the corner was low set, but plush. The pillows were white, the covers green. There was a rug under the bed, as well as another circular rug under the chairs by the fire. The rest of the floor was oak wood. There was another desk on the other side of the room, less cluttered than the desk back in his office. There was another door that I supposed led to the bathroom.
With a wave of his wand, one pillow and blanket appeared, having been duplicated.
"You can have the bed." He said shortly, pointing to a bed in the corner of the office. "I'm going to take the blankets back to my office and sleep out there. I have a settee out there."
My mouth shaped into an o. "You don't have to do that." I protested, feeling embarrassed. "Really, I don't mind. I'd feel better if you were in here too."
Snape hesitated and I knew why- I wasn't just Magically smart or book smart, I was also Muggle smart, street smart. An adult man and little girl in the same room wasn't an ideal situation for him to be in, but I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. I could feel it.
"Please?" I asked, embarrassed, red cheeks, staring down at the ground. "I know you're not going to do anything. Future visions, remember?" I smiled at him and his resolve broke.
"Very well." he said stiffly. "I'm going out to wait for a few moments though." He left the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
I pulled off my robe and draped it over his chair, looking around. I examined one of the other bookcases which had jars on the shelves instead of books. There were all sorts of things in the jars and I wondered what they were. I was going to have to ask him what everything was eventually. I set my shoes down beside the bed and pulled my hair out of its ponytail.
I started to examine the books on the other bookcase. They weren't all potion books. There were also dark arts books about curses and magical creatures. It was all so fascinating. I wondered if he would let me read any of his stuff. Probably not. Well. . . maybe? After all, he was letting me sleep in his bed.
I turned to the bed and grinned. Time to see what it was like, sleeping in the great Professor Snape's bed. Maybe I'd gain extra knowledge about potions.
I climbed into the bed and turned to face the wall. His sheets were much warmer than I had expected, being in the dungeons and all. Everyone seemed to portray him as the kind of guy that would sleep on a concrete bed with metal sheets. Hard, no softness or kindness to him.
They were wrong, I thought as I drifted off to sleep. He had a kind heart, just one that he didn't let anyone see. Anyone, except- for some reason- me.
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hptheboywholived · 1 year
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9/05/1992 : Harry & Hermione take Norbert to The Tower for Charlie's Colleagues to Pick Up.
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thewistlingbadger · 2 years
Jkr is transphobic but she LITERALLY has a trans dragon in sorcerer's stone so-
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selfish-thunder · 2 months
I’ve got another idea.
Okay, so I love those fics that have Harry trying to use his Parselmouth on either (or both) the basilisk and the dragon in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, with varying degrees of success. And a lot of the time, talking to the dragon kinda works, right? Like, it’s not direct communication, more like two people who are just above beginner’s level in learning the other’s language, and both languages are derivative of another one, so even if they don’t fully understand they can kinda piece together what the other is saying?
So, let’s say it’s like that. And of course, dragons aren’t born like squishy humans who take forever to learn to even roll over; they immediately start walking, flapping their wings, and hiccupping sparks, right?
FIRST YEAR Harry, of course, doesn’t realize yet that he’s a Parselmouth–he doesn’t even know what Parseltongue is and just assumed being able to talk to that snake in the zoo was just a wizard thing.
So, they’re in Hagrid’s hut, Norbert(a) is born, and Harry hears something that sounds an awful lot like, “Food? Hungry? Momma?” or whatever a newborn dragon would try to communicate.
Harry tries to tell Hagrid he thinks the dragon is hungry, he might want to feed it, but the others are confused because it sounds to them like Harry is hiss-cooing or something to the dragon. (Hagrid thinks it’s adorable.) But anyway, however it comes about, it becomes obvious in the time between the dragon being born and Charlie’s friends coming to get them, that Harry can, in fact, understand the dragon and speak to it.
It’s not perfect, but he’s able to communicate to the dragon not to set something on fire or that they need to try to eat the rats as they’re being weaned off the whiskey/blood mix thing. No one thinks it’s a perk of Parseltongue because hello, he’s talking to a dragon, and isn’t this incredible? It must be some kind of ancient inheritance thing.
So, when they write to Charlie, they naturally have to ask him if he’s ever heard anything like that, so instead of just coming to collect the dragon, Charlie comes, too, and they witness this incredible thing. (So does Draco, in the shadows, of course.)
Charlie is super excited and reaches out to every expert he can, and he convinces McG to let him bring Harry out to a dragon range to be evaluated, and they try to keep this new, rare ability under wraps, but some of the assessors blab, and Draco wrote to complain to his father who goes on his own investigation, etc. At any rate, it becomes A Thing.
While Dumbledore steps in to ensure Harry goes back to the Dursleys, the obsessed dragon crowd refuse to be refused outright and secures Harry a camp-like thing at a dragon resort (because they think it’s clearly Harry’s destiny to become, like, the Ultimate Dragon Trainer, and Harry thinks dragons are cool and likes the sound of getting away from the Dursleys for a few weeks).
Their letters don’t get through that summer, though, and Charlie hears from his brothers that they haven’t heard from Harry either, so it’s Charlie who goes to check on him and finds him locked up with bars on his windows. Unlike Ron, Fred, and Geroge, Charlie is a grown-ass adult with his own connections now, which go beyond Dumbledore’ reach because the wealthy dragon resort that’s so interested in Harry is in a goddamn different country with a whole different magical government, and also, ain’t nobody wants to get on the bad side of a self-sufficient DRAGON RESORT that has a ton of dragons that aren’t just roaming their countryside thanks to them.
So, a new arrangement is made. Harry will return to the Dursleys, under strict Romania supervision (I imagine it's some seasoned, scary-looking dragon tamer who demands to stay in the house with them, taking over the guest room, like… ahhhh chef’s kiss) just long enough to satisfy the protection spell, but for the rest of the summer, Harry stays at the resort. Charlie becomes his unofficial guardian, kinda, and: enter, a bunch of OC dragon tamers who are awesome and very protective of their little dragon-speaker.
Second year goes a little differently. First there’s Draco, who hates Harry more than ever over this, but while he knows he’ll never get a dragon-in with the Weasleys, there’s still a slight chance with Harry (and goddamnit, dragons are his NAME’S SAKE, if anyone deserves free access to any dragon they want, it’s HIM), so he tries to become less of a bother. Harry’s still outed talking a different language during duel club, and some people are still suspicious, but most people know about his dragon-ability and wrongly assume the opposite of what it actually is (ie, he can kinda talk to snakes because he can talk to dragons), and Harry only tells Ron and Hermione that the snake was actually a lot easier to understand.
Go to next summer, when his new dragon-tamer-family learn about the events of second year, they firstly, throw a fit because they should have been informed their charge was in danger, and secondly, go and collect the basilisk because like hell are they going to let something like that just rot somewhere. So, figuring out how to destroy Horcruxes later becomes, like, SUPER easy and accessible.
Charlie’s the one who tells Harry about Sirius Black when he escapes, and he straight up tells Harry everything, about Black being his godfather and betraying his parents, all of it, so Harry goes into third year fully informed. He, of course, does not see the grim that summer. But he doesn't spent the year an emotional wreck, just getting a little bit of the info at a time, do with that as you will.
Harry arrives to school with a signed permission slip for Hogsmeade, and even though McGonagall still wants to refuse him because of Black, members of his dragon-tamer family just happen to be in the area for that year for ‘business’ or whatever (aka, protect Harry because ain't nobody said shit to them last year) and escort him to Hogsmeade anyway.
(“With all due respect, Professor, I once had a Peruvian Vipertooth grab my leg and toss me over a hill, and I still got back up and got the collar on her. You think Black scares me?”)
Most of their patronuses are dragons, except for one tamer whose patronus is a chipmunk, and funnily enough, it’s the most powerful patronus of all of them.
Draco doesn’t insult Buckbeak because he wants to prove to the tamers and probably Potter that he can, in fact, handle himself with larger magical creatures. He becomes Hagrid's best, most dedicated student.
I mean, COME ON,  imagine how the whole series can go differently.
Maybe the tamers get hilariously invested in the Scabbers/Crookshanks feud. It's the tamers, maybe, that figure out Scabbers fucking Pettigrew.
Different dragons have to be imported for the first task because Romania would be too biased - or they change the first task altogether because Harry's a known dragon-speaker.
They would DESTROY Umbridge.
Death Eaters vs Dragon Tamers. Dragon Tamers in the Order. Sirius lives because a Tamer was there in the Department of Mysteries to save him. Sirius not going out of his mind being stuck at Grimmauld because he can go to the resort where no one outside the Order recognizes him/cares.
Draco not becoming a Death Eater because he wants to become a Dragon Tamer.
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
Inspired by this post.
As the credits rolled, the movie theater, which had been silently spellbound, slowly began to fill with noise again, but all murmurs and chatter were drowned out by the loud trumpeting sobs of a veritable giant of a man, bushy-haired and -bearded, crying into his handkerchief.
He towered over the man beside him, who was of ordinary height and would have been unremarkable if not for his flaming red hair and the fact that he, too, was weeping copiously, although not quite as loudly as his companion.
"Great picture," the giant was saying. "Amazin'. The dragons...it's what I've bin sayin' all along, Charlie, they're just poor misunderstood creatures..."
"Beautiful," Charlie whispered. "I'm going to make my entire family watch this. They should make this required watching for your class, Hagrid."
Hagrid sniffled. "That boy, he loves his dragon so much...Yeh know, Toothless reminds me o' Norbert."
Charlie laughed.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
I wish Hagrid would burn in fictional hell
‘Because she’ll never be as good as Hagrid,’ said Harry firmly, fully aware that he had just experienced an exemplary Care of Magical Creatures lesson and was thoroughly annoyed about it.
‘We’ve got to go and see him,’ said Harry. ‘This evening, after Divination. Tell him we want him back … You do want him back?’ he shot at Hermione. ‘I – well, I’m not going to pretend it didn’t make a nice change, having a proper Care of Magical Creatures lesson for once – but I do want Hagrid back, of course I do!’ Hermione added hastily, quailing under Harry’s furious stare.
To the class’s horror, Hagrid proceeded to explain that the reason the Skrewts had been killing each other was an excess of pent-up energy, and that the solution would be for each of the class to fix a leash on a Skrewt and take it for a short walk.
Their thick grey armour, their powerful, scuttling legs, their fire-blasting ends, their stings and their suckers, combined to make the Skrewts the most repulsive things Harry had ever seen. Most of the class – Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle in the lead – had fled into Hagrid’s cabin through the back door and barricaded themselves in; Harry, Ron and Hermione, however, were among those who remained outside trying to help Hagrid.
‘Hagrid’s been in loads of trouble before, and Dumbledore’s never sacked him,’ said Ron consolingly. ‘Worst that can happen is Hagrid’ll have to get rid of the Skrewts. Sorry … did I say worst? I meant best.’
‘What are these fascinating creatures called?’ she asked, beaming still more widely. ‘Blast-Ended Skrewts,’ grunted Hagrid. ‘Really?’ said Rita, apparently full of lively interest. ‘I’ve never heard of them before … where do they come from?’ Harry noticed a dull red flush rising up out of Hagrid’s wild black beard, and his heart sank. Where had Hagrid got the Skrewts from? ‘Lovely,’ said Rita. ‘Really lovely. Been teaching long?’ she added to Hagrid. Harry noticed her eyes travel over Dean (who had a nasty cut across one cheek), Lavender (whose robes were badly singed), Seamus (who was nursing several burnt fingers), and then to the cabin windows, where most of the class stood, their noses pressed against the glass, waiting to see if the coast was clear.
I will always hate Hagrid. This blog is a Hagrid hate blog whenever that piece of trash is mentioned. And Harry is scum by association. There are WAY more book snippets that demonstrate why these two HP characters deserve to burn in hell together.
Whenever people bitch about Draco bullying Hagrid by trying to get him fired, remember these simple facts:
Hagrid is not a qualified teacher.
He has not completed formal education.
Everyone knows Hagrid is a bad teacher, including the trio.
Harry tries to gaslight/intimate others into believing Hagrid is a good teacher including his friends, especially Hermione.
Everyone, except nitwit horrid Harry, is happy to have a competent teacher.
Even though Harry knows Hagrid is a bad teacher, he works desperately to get the man his job back.
Others are sad when Hagrid returns.
Hagrid puts students in physical danger in his classes.
The people who call out Hagrid publicly for being a bad teacher are labelled as antagonists: Draco + other Slytherins, Rita, and Dolores.
Hagrid pawns off his illegal and/or dangerous dealings into the hands of children (re Grawp and Norbert)
And Harry is a self-centred, selfish, stupid, inconsiderate, lowlife piece of vermin for helping to RUIN HIS CLASSMATES' EDUCATION!
I wish Harry and Hagrid freaking died in HP! And Albus Severus should have been Albus Rubeus for real. Severus is too good a name for a low-IQ Potter offspring.
Ok, hate rant over. Draco deserves justice for speaking the truth about Hagrid. For being punished for saying what everyone else was thinking. Screw Harry and Hagrid!
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blackcurlsgreeneyes · 4 months
RP: The Sun Will Come Out // Closed RP
continued from thread with @fidelixcorde
Harry couldn't remember the last time he had felt this happy, in recent years. It would have also been credit to Taylor or the Weasleys, no doubt....but this was just a perfect moment. He was surrounded by people he cared about, a large family that was expanding, and he had Taylor, Ron, and Hermione beside him. It was the perfect way to celebrate reaching wizarding legal adulthood.
Taylor's purred promise made him blush, trying not to let his imagination get away from him. Though judging by the knowing smirk on George's face, he might not be too far off.... And that proved true, as he was sneakily led away from Charlie's haircut doom and upstairs.
Now that was how to celebrate a birthday.
His hair was unapologetically ruffled and he had to switch shirts to something with a higher collar to cover a particularly gorgeous bite left on his collarbone, and Harry was grinning helplessly as they rejoined the family downstairs. Hermione took one look at him, then Taylor, then went pink and giggled, and George gave him a passing high five that confirmed his suspicion of who had been on keep everyone downstairs duty.
Their dinner guests began arriving, and Harry found himself seated at the head of the table in the garden as they feasted, and then Molly brought out truly the most breathtaking culinary creation he had ever seen. He had to leap up and hug her again, tears in his eyes as he thanked her.
"First day of the best start of my life," Harry said fondly, beaming back at Hagrid. "I mean, having Taylor growing up was grand, but finding out we were headed for Hogwarts....life got good." He examined the small bag Hagrid handed him, and its explanation made him smile, hopping up to give Hagrid the closest to a hug that he could manage. "Thank you! This is amazing." Oh, it would come in handy as they traveled, he was sure of that.
“S’nothin’,” Hagrid laughed. “An’ there’s Charlie! Always liked him—hey! Charlie!” Charlie approached, running his hand slightly ruefully over his new, brutally short haircut. He was shorter than Ron, thickset, with a number of burns and scratches up his muscly arms. “Hi, Hagrid, how’s it going?” “Bin meanin’ ter write fer ages. How’s Norbert doin’” “Norbert?” Charlie laughed. “The Norwegian Ridgeback? We call her Norberta now.” “Wha—Norbert’s a girl?”
“How can you tell?” Hermione asked with intrigue.
“They’re a lot more vicious.” Charlie grinned knowingly. "Can't say that's unusual, though, I've always thought women are scarier by far. He looked over his shoulder and dropped his voice. “Wish Dad would hurry up and get here. Mum’s getting edgy."
Harry looked over; Molly was talking to Madame Delacour, while glancing repeatedly at the gate. “I think we’d better start without Arthur,” she called to the garden at large after a moment or two. “He must have been held up at—oh!”
A streak of light that came flying across the yard and onto the table, where it resolved itself into a bright silver weasel, which stood on its hind legs and spoke with Mr. Weasley’s voice. “Minister of Magic coming with me.”
The Patronus vanished, leaving Mrs. Weasley looked bewildered. “The Minister—but why—? I don’t understand...."
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yamsi95 · 9 months
I wanted to respond to a topic on Reddit about Snape, but it took me so much time to write it (English is not my mother tongue) that when I finished my answer, the topic was already blocked. It was about why Snape is receiving so much hate now than before. That's my answer, I didn't want to lose it :)
I believe Harry's point of view can have a significant influence, particularly on younger readers. The hate towards Snape appears to be more prevalent among teenagers. For instance, when I first read Harry Potter as a child, I found Snape's snarky comments and detentions irritating. Despite loving him as a character, I considered him one of the worst teachers at Hogwarts, but as I grew older and reread the books, I was surprised by how much Harry's point of view had influenced me. For example, in HP1 there are chapters involving Hagrid wanting to raise Norbert(a), even though it's illegal. The trio assumes a parental role, attempting to reason with Hagrid. Ron even gets injured while helping Hagrid care for Norberta (!). In the end, they decide to give Norberta to Charlie, leading Harry and Hermione to the astronomy tower at midnight (!). They are caught by McGonagall, who deducts numerous points from Gryffindor and assigns them to the forbidden forest at night as detention with Hagrid (!). The worst part is yet to come. During detention, Hagrid splits them up (!), leaving two 11-year-olds alone in the forest (Draco and Neville first, Draco and Harry later). Predictably, Harry is nearly killed by Quirrell. To sum it up, the whole situation is filled with red flags. Hagrid's behavior as an adult is questionable, and he should be kept away from children. He never apologizes to the trio, despite causing them considerable harm. McGonagall's decision to send children into the forbidden forest at night is also absurd. This is just one example, there was a Tumblr post listing all the questionable actions of Hogwarts teachers, and Snape was probably the one who cared most about students' safety. As a child, I didn't notice these nuances due to Harry's POV. He views Hagrid positively, seeing the best in him, which obscures the potential dangers of Hagrid's actions. McGonagall, while strict, never insults Harry like Snape does. As a result, Harry is more willing to accept going to the forbidden forest than cleaning a cauldron, even though he doesn't deserve either detention.
Moreover, if I recall correctly, Hagrid calls Draco an "idiot" when he's scared to go into the forbidden forest. As a child, I found it amusing. However, I took Neville's side when Snape called him an "idiot" for a potion mistake. This bias might be attributed to Harry's POV. Draco, portrayed as the mean character, appeared cowardly compared to Harry (the Slytherin boy has a survival instinct). So, it seemed acceptable for Hagrid to mock Draco, while I perceived the injustice when Snape insulted Neville.
It may sound unpopular, but if I had an 11-year-old child and had to choose a Hogwarts teacher to look after them, I would choose Snape over Hagrid or McGonagall. Despite Snape's harshness, there's a better chance of finding the child alive later.
I have another unpopular opinion—I would prefer to have all teachers be like Snape than to have one enemy like James or Sirius. There's often a comparison drawn between Snape being bullied by the Marauders and Snape bullying his students. While I acknowledge that Snape's actions are worse because he's an adult and should be supportive toward his students, I believe the Marauders' bullying was far more exhausting and mentally damaging. However, I recognize this might be a personal perspective. In my view, being humiliated by a teacher is, in some ways, preferable to facing humiliation from peers.
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seriouslysam8 · 3 months
Ok, because I was summoned: Everyone knows that when Harry starts Hogwarts, he'll instantly become enemies with Hufflepuff, because they are assholes that believe in "Black by name, Black by nature." Susan, Hannah, Ernie, and Zach, will all be the main antagonists that will hex Harry and Maia at every opportunity. Malfoy is pathetic, so he won't be a nuisance. Because Harry won't be friends with Hagrid, Norbert will burn Hagrid. Then next year will be peaceful, just with Harry and Ron meeting and befriending Ginny's roommates. Then third year the diary thing will happen as the previous ask said and Maia will rescue Astoria. After that, the DADA teachers will be: Crouch Jr, Nymphy, Hestia Jones, and Percy Weasley. The years will be peaceful. Except for Percy abusing power to try to separate Hinny.
Maia's first boyfriend will be Justin FF, who'll be bullied into dumping her by the other hufflepuffs. Her second boyfriend will be Jack Sloper. And then her endgame pairing will be Astoria.
Ron will date Pansy, Daphne, before settling on Demelza.
The triwizard tournament will be in seventh year and Harry will join willingly. Hinny will be the talk of the Yule ball.
Then when Hinny's children start Hogwarts, Voldy will be resurrected by Ernie MacMillan.
Someone summons you and you DELIVERED!
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sailorwritesstuff · 2 years
Poly curse breakers would be so cute idc HOW impractical it is.
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In my head: MC, Charlie, Rowan, Penny, Chiara, and like maybe Talbott live in a little place in Romanian. Charlie goes to work at the Dragon reserve and Rowan works at the Romanian equivalent Gringotts. Talbott keeps a job to fill his Time and Chiara is a healer part time it's no st. Mungo's (yet) but she's getting there. And One day a letter comes for Charlie and MC picks it up while he's getting ready in the morning (he always liked the company in the morning and is hopeless in the kitchen so he simply wouldn't eat before work without you there) as he pulling on his heavy work boots he asks mc to read it. They read it over in their head first and a wicked smile plays on their lips. Charlie asks what it is and MC just grins even harder.
"oh you've got to go save your brother." They laugh covering their mouth "Hagrid and those friends of his are going to get him in trouble. Minnie 'll have a heart attack, my love."
"well what is it then?" Charlie frowns tying his hair back.
"a dragon. They've got a baby dragon. 'Names Norbert"
(McGonagall did not catch a break for 14 years straight.)
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constancezin · 2 years
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Thank you Mr Coltrane you were a fantastic Hagrid.
Today Norbert(a) is an orphan
No one will never come to tell us
'You a Wizard, Harry'
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st-severus · 1 year
i wonder how they harvest dragon heartstrings for wand cores 🤔
do they wait for them to die or is there something they are not telling hagrid about norbert/norberta…
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stabbyapologist · 1 year
Do I think that Hagrid would take care of a Basilisk? Yes. Do I think he'd be especially fond of it based on how vicious and dangerous his other creatures are that he's like in the past? Yes.
But did I believe for an instant that Hagrid (who nicknamed a three headed dog "Fluffy" and a dragon "Norbert") was ever responsible for releasing a bloody great snake onto Muggleborns? No. Literally, I was more convinced that Draco Malfoy did it.
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