#HR Morgan
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thetldrplace · 9 months ago
Fascism, Integralism, and the Corporative Society- H.R. Morgan; Codex 4 and 5
This is a review of the second of Morgan's books on Fascist doctrine and ideology. His first book contained Codex 2 and 3. I read and covered that book back in Jan 2023. This one covers three sections: codex 4, 5, and 6.
In this post I'll cover codex 4, fascist doctrinal ideology, and codex 5, Integralism.
I started off reading fascist literature, as I explained previously, not because I'm a fascist myself, but because I, as a conservative, was hearing this term being used a lot, mainly as a general pejorative against people with whom one side had a political disagreement.
My thought at the time was, I doubt they have any idea what fascism really is. But when I thought about it, I realized I didn't really know much about it myself. So I decided I should educate myself. I started off trying to find some books about it, which was helpful, but those books weren't written by fascists themselves. I wanted to know how the fascists themselves came to think about the world, and how they arrived at fascism as the answer.
I imagine that most people, if asked what a fascist is, would probably say a racist/white nationalist, because the fascists they know of are Nazi Germany, and then they work backwards from there. But the Nazi's, while doctrinally fascist in many respects, were kind of an offshoot too.
As I've come to find out through reading their own literature, that's not really the case. So what follows is notes I took from the book, and on occasion, I make my own comments on the book.
Codex 4: Fascist Doctrinal Ideology
In his introduction, H.R. Morgan explains that ideology and doctrine are different.  Its ideology is the fundamental underpinnings, the doctrines are different from region to region due to differences in populations and cultures. 
The hallmarks of Fascism are:  State Social Corporatism  Support of and Investment in social and cultural traditionalism  National syndicalist  Nationalism  Anti-liberalism  Concentration on betterment of all conditions of existence of the national population  Anti-Marxism  Against monopoly capitalism  Against liberal socialism  Conservative social values based on protection of family  Politically non-conservative and non-liberal  Anti-materialist  Socially spiritualistic  Extreme patriotism  National autarchy  Anti-plutocracy- anti-oligarchic  Pro creation of insulated national economy  Against international finance capitalism  Import/export policies of domestic economic protectionism  Fascism - Fascist Doctrinal Ideology 
British Union- Oswald Mosley  Unity under control; the cooperation between a people morally and economically bound together for their mutual advantage and government that possesses the will and power to act for the common good. 
From WWI they saw that four things were essential to winning the war: Authority in government; voluntary discipline of the people; self-sufficiency in resources; scientific weapons. This would become the blueprint for the way forward in all government. 
"In 1922, there was a revolt against the class struggle of Marxism, to Fascism. The State is a condition of living, and not merely a form of government. The State is the life of the people taken as a whole." While individuals differ, what we admire most is the man who is intellectually, morally, and physically fit. The British Union seeks to project this threefold order of perfection into the State.  
From Mosley's "A New Movement Needed":  "We know that our resources are almost unlimited, we know that our power to produce is almost unlimited, and also that our power to consume is almost unlimited. This is because there are few men and women in the land who would not consume more had they the money to pay for what they want. The economic problem is, therefore, fundamentally one of money; that is, of the power to distribute things to the people who are in need of them." 
In tackling the problem, we have to shift from thinking that money is wealth. Life is wealth, since it enables us to work. The purpose of money isn't to create wealth, but to distribute it. We advocate managed currency, that is flexible instead of a rigid system of exchange; a system fitted to conditions, and is consequently a common-sense system. 
It is useless to suggest equality of incomes since there is no equality of talent. We want the end of usury and gambling in the money system. A common sense system of distribution is founded in work as wealth and not on money as wealth. This would end in the elimination of poverty. 
The Right to Work  We propose a "Corporate State". Since work is wealth, the state would be organized according to vocations, even currently unrecognized vocations such as motherhood. The trade unions and great industrial combines are the beginnings of this system.  Under the Corporate System, each occupation will be organized int a guild of producers, distributors and consumers, according to size and importance. Members will elect one or more members of parliament to represent its interests. As such, the government will truly represent the people. 
The Corporate State  The entire country will be organized as a national business, each corporation representing a department. Each corporation will elect its own representatives and, there being a common interest in each, he is likely to be an outstanding member whose qualifications are known to the whole electorate. Since there will be no parties to serve and fight for, talking will be reduced to a minimum. This will free the nation from the 'dictatorship of party politics'. 
But prosperity without contentedness is a blind alley, and since all men are different, and the creative power depends on self-expression, the key to this new way is freedom in cultural lives of one and all. 
We don't believe people are morally or intellectually free while they are economically shackled. Indeed, until people are economically free, they can't truly be free. 
We want people to be so well compensated for their work that they are free to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The end of work isn't profit, but leisure, and the development of leisure as a creative joy-bringing force is the ultimate goal in our philosophy. 
In the Corporate State, while work is planned, the cultural life of the people will be their own. 
Falange- Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (Spain)  Twenty-Six Point Program   Nation – Unity - Empire  1. The supreme reality of Spain is the goal: individual, group, and class interests must give way to achieve the goal. 
2. Spain has a single destiny in the world. The current constitution hobbles it. 
3. We determine to build an empire. We claim preeminence in Europe for Spain, and will tolerate no interference. Hispanic cultural countries in the Americas should be united under Spain, who will act as the spiritual axis to the Spanish-speaking world. 
4. The armed forces must be built up to support our independence and goals. 
5. Spain must become a great naval power. 
State – Individual - Liberty  6. The State will be totalitarian in order to defend the integrity of the fatherland. All Spaniards will participate in this through family, municipal, and syndical roles. 
7. Human dignity, integrity, and freedom are eternal, intangible values. But no one is free unless he is part of a strong and free nation. No one will be permitted to use his freedom against the nation, and rigorous discipline will be implemented against anyone working to disunite the Spanish people. 
Economy – Labor – Class Struggle  9. Society will be organized corporately into syndicates, all working towards national economic unity. 
10. We repudiate capitalism, which shows no understanding of the needs of the people; and Marxism; which divides society into class struggle. 
11. National Syndicalism will eliminate the roots of class struggle by giving work to all towards the national unity. 
12. The duty of wealth is to better the conditions of the people. 
13. The State recognizes private property as a legitimate means of achieving individual, family, and social goals. 
14. Nationalization of banks and public utilities will occur. 
15. All Spaniards have the right to work. 
16. All Spaniards have the duty to work, and those that don't provide useful function will not be given the slightest consideration. 
Land  17. We will raise the standard of living in the countryside. 
18. Agricultural production will be enriched by: assuring minimum compensation, etc... 
19. Social reforms in the field of agriculture will be achieved by redistributing arable land to revive family farms; and moving farm workers in bad conditions to better conditions. 
20. Reforestation and livestock breeding will be undertaken, and those that resist will be severely punished. 
21. The State may take lands of those who acquired them through exploitation. 
22. Cultural patrimony of towns will be rebuilt 
National Education – Religion  23. A strong, united national spirit will be rigorously disciplined. All men will be enrolled in the army. 
24. Cultural life will be organized and all who merit it will be given higher education. 
25. The Catholic Church and the State will coordinate respective powers so as to permit not interference or activity that may impair the dignity of the State or national integrity. 
National Revolution  26. We'd like to do it peacefully, but if the current government won't roll over, we call for revolution and overthrow. 
Critique of Economic Liberalism  In a free society the first thing is labor, which is the sole source of wealth. 
Then there is barter, which is the exchange of goods we produce for the things produced by others. 
Then there is money- a commodity which we mutually agree will be accepted as an exchange medium. 
Then finally there is capital- which the excess saved that we did not need to expend. This saved wealth is used to give life to fresh enterprises. 
Capital makes industry possible. All this has happened without anyone needing to agree about any of it, and as Adam Smith says, the best thing is to leave it alone. It will produce best if left alone. 
But, as we've seen in England, the fullest example of capitalism, the effect has been disastrous. It has seen the near annihilation of private property in its traditional forms. It has transformed man's most direct link between himself and his goods into an instrument of power. Through the division of labor, man and his goods are increasingly distant, and finally, says Rivera, man is nothing more than an abstraction represented by slips of paper. 
The worst stage is finance-capitalism, which Rivera states, is opposed to both the employers AND workmen. He asserts this because in order to get a loan, they charge huge interest. They make money without producing anything.  
Rivera follows a classical Marxist approach to economic theory, in that he sees capitalism as necessarily leading to an inexorable concentration of wealth in ever fewer hands, and greater exploitation of workers, until the proletarian is left with no other choice but revolution. Fascism's goal then is to derail the capitalist system without recourse to the Marxist goal of the abolition of private property. Business is to be fostered, but finance capitalism, and particularly international finance capital, is to be forbidden. Syndicates will be organized to include every facet of labor that is needed for an autonomous state, and the State itself will work to see that the people's needs are met by assuring that the capital produced in the nation is directed towards the entirety of the population, not just a few. 
The basics of Rivera's pitch are a unity of purpose for Spain, and social justice. 
He derides political parties extensively. For example, on page 177, we read: "why should we require the intermediate and pernicious instrument of the political parties, which, in order to unite us in artificial groups, begin by disuniting us in the matter of genuine realities?" 
Dave Notes:  Rivera treats political parties almost like separate agential entities that descend upon the population and force them into unnatural groups, rather than entities that are the result of portions of the population that agree on a set of points, and disagree with another portion of the population about those points, which then seek to convince the other side of the rightness of their points and gain power so they can implement their policies.   The wording about "uniting the population" without the parties is obfuscation for what they really want to do: eliminate individuals choice. The supremacy of individual rights is the essence of liberalism, and this of course, gets in the way of what the Fascists want to do, which is implement total control over the nation. So they mask individual freedom as disunity, which is what happens when you allow people free choice: they disagree about certain things.  That of course results in things not getting done in so orderly a manner, but the cost of undoing that is that all men must toe the line to whatever the small group in power wants. They can call it 'unity' but it is a coerced unity.  
Rivera writes:  "The only way to solve the social question is by altering the economic organization from top to bottom. (those that don't understand say the State will absorb the individual) It is precisely with the individual that the complete revolution, the complete reorganization of Europe, must begin, because the one who has suffered most from this dislocation, the one who has become a mere molecule, without personality, substance, content or existence, is the wretched individual, who has been the last to undergo any of the improvements of life. Is this 'absorption by the State'?  What happens is that the individual will have the same destiny as the State. The State will have two aims: one is to strengthen the Patria; two is to make a larger number of men happier and more human and give them more share in human life." 
Codex 5: Integralism
The Essence of the Spiritual  "It is not possible that there is a new State, a new community, or a new civilization without there first being a new kind of man, and because of this, Integralism preaches Inner Revolution, revolution of the spirit, change of attitude in the face of reality and of occurring issues and adversities, which must necessarily precede the outer revolution." Plinio Salgado- Manifesto of Granabara 
Morgan writes that the next chapter is concerned with the spirituality of Fascism, and particularly will demonstrate how fascism will differ from country to country. Two examples are presented: Brazil and England. Both have different forms, but are essentially fascist in approach. 
Brazil  Manifesto of October 7, 1932 
The sections are: 
Conception of man and the universe 
As we understand the Brazilian nation 
The principle of Authority 
Our Nationalism 
Parties and Government 
I'm going to quote part of this to illustrate the banal nature of these proclamations:  "We Brazilians from all provinces, propose to create a culture, a civilization, a genuinely Brazilian way of life. We want to create a public right, according to our realities and aspirations, a government that guarantees the unity of all the provinces, the harmony of all classes, the initiatives of all individuals, the supervision of the State, and national construction." 
What we think of conspiracies and politicking groups and factions 
Social question as regards Brazilian Integralism 
The Family and Nation  
Integralist Guidelines  
XXI- Once organized the Integral State cannot allow to form, outside of their circle of action, any forces of a socio-political or economic order that could threaten its program; in these spheres of national life, everything must be controlled and supervised by the State.  
This is a relatively rare honest admission of what must happen with any totalitarian system. They'll claim they aren't authoritarian, but it can't be otherwise. Maybe in their minds, they imaging that everyone is just going to voluntarily accept their program. But that isn't reality, and its pure hubris to imagine that they have all the answers.  
They go on to say:   
Today the majority of countries have what is called representative democracy, or republicanism- This is not true democracy. Democracy is rule by the citizens. Representativism is a farce performed for the benefit of the public.  
Dave note:   Well, ok, we know that we have republicanism right now. Because those that established our government were wise enough to understand the problem with direct, true, democracy: it's another name for mob rule.   The writer goes on to advocate: "Let the people vote on... [then lists a variety of issues] – let the people decide on the proposed new laws of the land. This is true democracy – this is direct democracy: this is Fascism."    Putting aside how unwieldy it would be to literally bring every proposed law before the people as a direct vote, do the fascists propose that? Hell, NO. What we are told instead is that once they get power, EVERYTHING must be controlled by the State. And in point of fact, how else could it possibly be? How can they allow popular votes when they need absolute control to effectively implement their policies? The fact is that the people will have a very limited scope of movement, and only within prescribed boundaries. This is the opposite of democracy.    The reason for republicanism is to avoid the problems of mob rule. The idea is to put a layer between the mob, and the ability to change things on a whim. And even then, the constitution must be followed so that measures contrary to the existing law can’t be easily passed.   But what I find particularly galling is that the fascists are portraying themselves as ‘ the party of the people’ on one hand- true advocates of direct democracy in order to more closely serve ‘the needs of the people’, when the very system they propose putting in place is one that must exclude the majority and be designed and administered by a small few.  
Control: Making Good Citizens 
This chapter was by Lawrence Dennis. 
He speaks about the issue of control, particularly in the area of education, indoctrination, and inculcation of right attitudes. The first place we think about when we think of education is the school system, which is true. But the church, the press, the theatre, movies, radio, etc do more educating than schools, if for no other reason than they do so through the entire life of a citizen. For the fascist, the institutional formation of the character, mind, social attitudes and opinions with a social purpose must harmonize with, and not be antagonistic to, the larger purposes of the national plan. 
It's impossible to list all the offenses which purposive education can commit against the national interest.  
Dennis has a particular problem with the liberal system in that institutions like the church, or the press, form people’s minds and social attitudes with definite purposes formed by those in charge of the institutions, and that worse, some of those in institutions are controlled by powerful people or economic interests for private ends which are not consistent with the public ends. Fascism wants to institute a social discipline in the name of a given ideal of national interest. 
Liberal freedom in practice means freedom for powerful economic interests to manipulate public opinion, and the social attitudes of the masses, to suit selfish private or corporate ends. 
Dennis acknowledges that the question really is: WHO shall manipulate the opinions, feelings, and attitudes of the masses? For manipulated they must and will be in a civilization as complex and highly organized as ours. It is preferable to have mass opinions, feelings, and social attitudes manipulated by powerful private interests for personal or minority group ends, or to have mass opinions guided by a national State in the pursuit of some idealized plan of social well-being and order?  
 He states that with manipulation by private or corporate interests, the manipulators have no concern with, or responsibility for, public order. Whereas the State, or those in charge of government, can “never act with such irresponsibility, for after all, it is those in charge of government – not those in charge of finance houses – who, in a crisis, must deal with the hungry and unemployed mob and must ensure the trains run and the banks reopen”. 
Dave Note:  Now this seems disingenuous to me, since the argument is that government won’t act badly since it is responsible for dealing with anything that goes wrong. But the entire reason for fascism is that governments are so unresponsive to the people NOW. How can such an argument possibly seem reasonable when we consider even single autocratic rule, like monarchies, that can be utterly unresponsive to the messes they’ve made?  And the problem the founders recognized is that once all the power has been given to the rulers, as the fascists themselves are demanding, then the people have no recourse to redress of grievances. They can petition the government, but the fascist will just treat the aggrieved as agitators and ‘enemies of the people’ because the aggrieved have dared to oppose whatever plan the fascists have declared is for ‘the good of the country’.   At least with private interests, they have to try and convince us
 or ‘manipulate’ us, as Dennis puts it.   While there may certainly be people that are uninterested in the greater good, there can also be plenty of other people who would put forth decent arguments for why promoting their particular interest is actually better for the people than not. The beauty of the liberal system is that it allows anyone to have a say. That of course means that unscrupulous actors get a say too.  But the problem in trying to deny unscrupulous actors a say, is that such a system ends up denying nearly everyone a say. It vests too much power in the hands of a few, and that level of power will prove irresistible to the unscrupulous anyway, who will do anything possible to get their hands on it.   But I guess the most appalling thing about Dennis’ argument is his insistence that government must be responsive to the citizens in a way that private interests don’t, while also decrying the fact that governments aren’t responsive to the people at all and are run by special interests. 
Phases –Oswald Mosley (1932-40) 
Mosley explains the phases necessary for a fascist takeover in Britain. 
Phase 0  The stated task is to completely overturn the current political system. The masses can't be appealed to since masses can't be the holders of an idea, they are responders. The pitch must be developed for those that will act as agents for social change; people who are already nationalists. He says fascists will never speak for all the people, only believers- the message is an invitation to join the movement, or get out of the way. 
Phase 1  They accept that the people will never openly support a 'fascist' movement, if for no other reason that masses, even when they do rise up, are never full members of a group. People are passive and active participation requires an active mind. History is made by minority groups that have come to embody the will of the people as a whole. Understanding the masses can't be appealed to- recognize the movement will be feared up until the time it achieves power, executes it's plans, and the people are won over by the brilliance of the new system. Propaganda will be necessary in the promotion of ideas. Ideas need to be promoted... not organizations. The fascists will be installing a new set of beliefs, which will be like a political religion. It IS a religion in the sense that it will be carried out with the same fanatical belief that a genuinely religious person has, but founded in rationalized political ideology. 
There is a distinction between followers, who are willing to go along when it is in their convenience, and members, fully integrated believers. Followers shouldn't be pressured. They don’t need to be forced, just let them follow in their own way. This is because it is absolutely essential to keep the members- the fighting element- pure. 
The fascists don't need intellectuals, they need brutes who can form hard lines, take and dish out punishment, and can rise above fear. 
Phase 2  Once a new type of fighting organization is formed, it needs to be established as the main opposition to the system. But if the fight is between the system and the organization, the organization will almost certainly lose, so they need to make so that the people take most of the lash. This will move them off the sidelines and onto the organization's side. There will be both a small percentage of true believers, and an equal percentage of true haters. The middle majority are basically cattle. They are capable of understanding, and they can get pissed over issues, but they basically want to be left alone.  
Here they are taking from the Marxist playbook that they want the middle ground to bottom out- for things to get way worse so that the system burns its bridges. When this happens, the displaced are ripe for joining revolutions. 
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kickbutts-singsongs · 1 year ago
Come watch Person of Interest! We have:
Mr. Bird
Say Goodbye To Your Kneecaps Man
Badass single mom
Grumpy teddy bear
de beste hond
Unhinged lesbian
Unhinged bisexual
Keith Mars
M o t h e r
Mr. Bird’s soulmate
Dead best friend
Dead girlfriend
Control Freak
evil man. evil
Mike Wheeler’s mom
Evil God
Leslie Odom Jr.
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geministarks · 2 months ago
Tony Stark (Iron Man): owner of Stark Industries, a superhero avenger, inventor, genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist, american patriot,
Anthony Potts (Family Man): Pepper Potts’ husband, Morgan Stark’s father, malewife, watering backyard plants, feeding Gerald the Alpaca, cooking mom’s recipes for his family, playdate with Morgan, doing laundry, devoted husband, a lovely father,
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 month ago
if HR had a Jesse (with his partner Mr. Morgan maybe?) what do you think she'd be like? do you think she'd get along with Morgan?
Oooh interesting! Hmm...I think she'd have traits of HR, like his zany humor and goofiness...but I think E19 Jesse would display much more of her seriousness to sorta push back against her dad's "excessive goofiness." Obviously HR is capable of being serious when he wants to be, but I do think E19 Jesse could very well get frustrated at how the norm is for HR to turn almost everything into a joke. This is, ofc, just HR's way of coping with things, and also his way of showing love, but it makes sense that E19 Jesse would have a hard time realizing that, and it would cause tension between them. Though...there are those moments when HR manages to tease out his daughter's goofiness and they have fun together—those are the best times.
I think she'd get along pretty well with Morgan...though she'd still take Morgan aback with just how seriously she presents herself—which is saying something, because Morgan has always been incredibly serious about that, it's something Jesse even teases her about (initially taunting, but later gentle teasing), and yet here's this version of them that's somehow even more serious than Morgan is. So that would be a bit trippy. I think Jesse in particular, though, would relate to E19 Jesse finding HR irritating...though at the same time, she'd have to be careful about being diplomatic, because E19 Jesse will defend her dad's honor to the death. Morgan, on the other hand, who befriends HR*, would be more suited to help him and E19 Jesse reconcile, because she sees the merits in HR that E19 Jesse might have a hard time seeing.
Ofc Jesse herself could also help out in the sense that she understands what it's like to have issues with your dad but still love each other, and just needing to work some things out now and then. Even loving relationships, healthy ones, need work and maintenance, because ultimately every person is a little bit different, so there will inevitably be arguments and fights from time to time, things that need to be discussed and worked through. That's normal! So that perspective from Jesse would be helpful too.
...bit of a long-winded answer but hopefully that answers your question 😅
As a bonus, I have more thoughts on Morgan & HR below the cut (an expansion of the asterisk I marked earlier). And ofc the taglist:
*oh boy, I could talk about Morgan and HR for ages. Because...here's the thing—you'd think that she would think he's annoying even more than Jesse does, right? Except...she and Jesse have had different experiences with Harrison Wells. Morgan's was initially betrayal, while Jesse's was initially safety. So Morgan inherently distrusts every version of Harrison Wells...though depending on the version, she gets over this quickly or slowly. Harry, who is very prickly and brusque and doesn't try to be excessively nice, wins Morgan's trust because that is an objectively stupid way to present yourself if you want to be trusted...which means Harry isn't running a con, he's just being himself. HR, though...he is excessively nice. Unlike Eowells**, that's just how he is, but Morgan doesn't trust it (this is also why she doesn't trust Hunter in s2, tho ofc that is also an act like Eowells's). At least...not at first. She never thinks HR is annoying—she never gets the chance. She distrusts him for so long, but then she starts to warm up to him...specifically because she realizes his kindness is genuine. And that's refreshing to her. Jesse's norm is a tough but unconditionally-loving dad. Morgan's norm is a tough, demanding, conditionally-loving dad. Jesse doesn’t need to expect better—her situation is a good one, she and Harry just need to work out the odds and ends. Morgan, though...her whole situation is so fucked that she does need to kinda reinvent the wheel, expect better. So as she warms up to HR, and especially recalling Tina's stories of her dad...she thinks HR is the closest she might ever get to knowing her dad. Which is just so incredibly bittersweet, isn't it?
**Eowells wasn't faking his love, of course, and not all of his kind gestures were for ulterior motives (he did genuinely care for them, after all), but a) there is still a pretense there, because he’s still lying to them, and b) some of his actions are for ulterior motives (some of them were just out of love, but some were probably to ensure loyalty...most probably at the start, before he grew to love them). HR, though...there's no pretense with him at all. He is naturally just Like That
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @tempests-of-hope @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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chompplant · 2 years ago
Rory taught himself to be ambidextrous one day bc he was bored and saw Ethan do it so he wanted to learn.
Ethan is ambidextrous. Has been since he learned how to write but wanted to multitask so he learned how to write with both just in case.
Benny can’t do it. He is so jealous, he tried to learn but had no patience so he just told the boys that they were lame instead so they won’t make fun of him first.
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moon-ursidae · 10 months ago
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breadandblankets · 1 year ago
CE Code Section 10: Grounding and Bonding
“Heh,” Morgan says, looking at where Alex is clutching at their hand for dear life. “Good thing that was low voltage.” Alex very distinctly wants to scream but they’re interrupted by the sound of a metal door popping open. Morgan’s face splits into a grin, shaking free of Alex’s grip they rush with their minions to grab what they came here for. ⚡⚡⚡ Or, Safety is not a joke, Morgan plays a little fast and loose, Alex is going more grey by the day
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trbotunnel · 2 years ago
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riwrite-a · 2 years ago
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from @leviaegan​ → ✎ but what about drawing your morgan? :D    drawing meme.
hkjdfg okay!! here they are :) baby alert
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nepenthesmira · 2 months ago
ahahaha saw someone look at who they were with with very wide eyes fanning themselves when I sang closer. they told me good song choice and I’m like Thank you stranger for giving me a fleeting moment of attention and thinking I’m hot that’s literally all I could have asked of this night
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jupiterthroned · 4 months ago
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(( been very much enjoying playing Morgan on Moonbase 3 lately ))
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 10 months ago
save me mark winters..mark winters save me
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crsssie · 6 days ago
down the neck - spencer reid x sharpshooter!reader
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"Stop breathing down my neck." You huff, glancing through the scope at the unsub.
"Well, I have to lay low too, no?" Spencer frowns.
"It doesn't matter." You squint, humming. "Hit the button and ask Hotch if I can shoot. Be fast."
"Hotch, we have a clear shot."
"I have a clear shot."
You click your tongue, pulling the trigger once to hit the unsub's hand and a second to snipe the gun out of range as Morgan flies into the place. You watch through the scope as Spencer looks through the binoculars, and you only start to sit up when you see Morgan pull the unsub out. Then, you actually sit up and start packing up.
"Stop breathing down my neck." You huff.
"You weren't complaining when I—"
You hold a finger to your lips, pointing at your earpiece as Spencer blinks, laughing when you hear a cough in your ears from Hotch.
"Need I remind you both of—"
"Nope." You puff out your cheeks, slinging the gun around to your back as Spencer raises a brow. "Actually, I think Reid needs a quick reminder. He'd love to go through another HR meeting about how we shouldn't be fraternizing with—"
"We're good, Hotch." Spencer cuts you off, rolling his eyes at you. "We'll see you back at the station."
"You're driving." You mumble, turning off your mic. "Two dollars and I'll drive. Four dollars and I'll make a stop at McDonalds."
"And for five?"
"I'll sneak in a kiss plus everything else."
"I think that can be arranged." He hums, pulling out a five as you press your lips to his, tongue swiping over your bottom lips as he chases when you pull away. You stick your tongue out teasingly as you take the five, craning your neck so that his lips would hit your neck instead. "Hey."
"I'll drop a ten if you—"
You laugh as Spencer jolts straight, pinching the bridge of his nose at the sound of Hotch.
"Turn off your mic next time."
"Roger that, sir."
You're too busy laughing the rest of the way back to be able to drive. (but spencer has no complaints when you hand him back the five with a chaste kiss to his lips).
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ssahotchnerr · 11 months ago
public displays of affection - aaron hotchner x reader
the aaron take on the derek/penelope workplace seminar (episode of reference: 9x12)
cw; bau!reader, established relationship, suggestiveness, small allusions to sex, fluff <3, bau family banter, aaron being mortified😭, references to the episode wc; 1.4k
"penny," you shut one of your files, placing it in your desktop organizer. "you're creating a draft."
"this is bad. oh so very very bad." she stammered, continuing to pace back and forth, "i'm just mentally preparing myself to be humiliated in front of the entire unit. for the second time, may i add. god, who blabbed this time?
"what did you even do?" spencer chimed in, his head lifting from his current read.
"i don't know." she exclaimed, an exasperated breath leaving her. "nothing out of the ordinary, so that means anything is possible. you," she pointed at morgan, who casually was making his way over to the rest of you. "we're in big trouble."
"this could be totally unrelated." jj reassured her. you agreed, giving penelope a nod and a hopeful smile. "there was no footnote on what this meeting consisted of."
"well, there was no footnote last time. and to this day, i still get asked what flarpy blunderguff means." she huffed, crossing her arms and turning towards derek. "i love you my hunk of a man, but this. this is a nightmare."
as two began rolling around, the bullpen filled in anticipation for the seminar, a light hum in the room as conversations were exchanged back and forth in waiting.
in addition, a presence soon stilled beside you. one always familiar, but surprising under the current circumstances.
"what are you doing here?" you looked up to find aaron's gentle eyes. he took a seat on the edge of your desk, just behind your chair.
meetings like these - usually below aaron's pay grade. he hadn't needed to attend the last, infamous meeting for instance, HR meetings were normally things he had prior knowledge of, or simply not worth his valuable time as unit chief.
"i got the email as well." aaron's hand found the back of your neck, his fingers comfortably kneading into your always-tense muscles. every so often, his hand would brush to your shoulder, and then back again.
"oh no," penelope slapped onto derek's arm, the smack covered up by slim buzz within the vicinity. "what did we do?"
"looks like we're about to find out." dave stated, his eyes following the woman who had just entered the bullpen, moving to the front.
the notorious HR lady of the bureau, nancy, sauntered over to the large presentation screen set before the clusters of desks. not wasting a second to get down to business, she turned toward the crowd of eager agents.
"thank you all for your attendance and time, this shouldn't take too long." she started, poised and head held high.
penelope took a deep breath.
"this afternoon's presentation," nancy clicked a button on her remote, displaying the title page. "public displays of affection."
oh no.
aaron's hand, which had continued to smooth out the stiffness in your neck, halted immediately.
"as you all- most are well and should be aware, keeping conduct professional in the workplace is a must to prevent disruptions within the environment. displays of affection - examples upcoming - can cause extreme feelings of uncomfortableness amongst your colleagues, and can be distracting nonetheless. all of which, creates a...."
just as last time, she clicked her remote. and adjacent to penelope and derek's presentation, in big letters across the top:
"hostile work environment."
derek immediately snorted under his breath, inviting others to openly laugh as well. despite the urge to shoot daggers at him, you were utterly incapable of pulling your attention away from the front.
it wasn't a top secret ordeal - everyone could infer the pair this presentation was centered around, and be correct.
"and so," nancy exhaled a breath, her eyes darting in your and aaron's shared direction for a smidge second, causing the heat to grow in your face and body. "i urge everyone to refrain from the following,"
similar to yours, aaron's face burned, comparable in color to his tie. he let out a nearly inaudible, nervous cough from above you.
"sitting on one's lap, while working on caseloads - not appropriate."
more laughter rippled through the division.
"oh god." you mumbled under your breath, uncomfortably crossing a leg over the other as your palm covered the bottom half of your face.
contrary to the present belief, aaron was a stickler on pda.
for the first few months of your relationship, he hadn't dared to touch your arm, back, anything in order to maintain such affection within the field; it was reserved for closed doors at home only. he loved you, but he wanted to uphold his reputable professional nature.
but as time moved forward and your relationship progressed, he hadn't gotten sloppy, per se, but more relaxed or lenient was a better way to put it.
some displays were accidental by habit. if he wanted to give you a quick peck, depending on the situation and setting, he would. seated beside each other, he would lovingly squeeze your thigh under the table, if you needed the encouragement or if you made him proud in some regard. if he were feeling frisky one day - sure he would do something, just to rile you up for later, to each of your benefit. so on and so forth.
and if he was initiating affection, you took that as the all-clear to do the same. in variation, of course.
so more often than not, it was in private. just not... always. and the lock on aaron's office door often came in handy for that.
"prolonged kisses in the bullpen, elevator, not appropriate."
once. you were caught once in a (very) heated kiss in the elevator.
as you and aaron cowered in embarrassment, both dave and morgan looked far too amused for their own good. the rest of the team - raised, entertained eyebrows, tossing glances to one another while trying to constrain their laughter.
nancy swallowed, as if she needed strength to deliver the next point, "grabbing one's behind when going up the stairs, not appropriate."
another mortified cough exited aaron.
she went on, giving more examples of affection aaron and you were completely guilty of. and if just one singular time wasn't enough, she went-forth on the explanation that such displays can cause a barrier within the workplace.
when you thought it would never cease, nancy finally delivered her ending statement, "save it for home people, thank you."
and with that, as well as the screen darkening, everyone disbanded, low murmurs and chuckles filling the room as each went about their usual routine.
you looked up at aaron in absolute horror, whose face was currently in his hand. but even that didn't hide the blush brewing within his face, his ears flushed wildly as well.
you reached up, grabbing his wrist to pry his hand away.
"nuh uh uh," derek grinned as he wiggled his index finger at the two of you, imitating nancy to a tee. "not appropriate."
"you hush." you got to your feet, allowing you to remove his hand more easily. you cautiously prolonged your hold, brushing your thumb across his knuckles before letting it drop. "aaron?"
his brown eyes found yours, full of embarrassment. "that was..."
he nodded, his head accelerating in speed with each nod, "yeah. that's the term i would use."
"oh you poor dears." penelope breathed out, the one compassionate member of the team.
"damn." emily chuckled.
derek cackled again, clearly not ready to let this go. honestly, he probably never would. "thought we didn't notice when you pulled the blinds in the office, did ya?"
aaron gave him a pointed glare, putting a very quick end to the conversation. just as the rest, the team carried on with their remaining work for the day - you and aaron remaining frozen in place.
but surprisingly enough, a laugh did escape him, shaking through his chest. "guess i have to tone it down a little, huh?"
"oh thank god," you blurted out and exhaled in relief, a small smile forming on your lips. "i thought this would cause an avoidance arrangement or something." you teased - partially.
"of course not. some reservation, maybe, but not avoidance." aaron laughed quietly again, a sigh escaping him.
"that was bad, wasn't it?" a slightly pinched expression took form on your face, your cheeks tinting once more.
"it wasn't... good." aaron admitted with some hesitation, but his brown eyes still glowed despite the lines of troublesome. his hand found yours - after scanning that no one was paying attention to the two of you - giving it a squeeze. "but hey, out of problems to have, i'd take showing my love for you any day."
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luveline · 1 year ago
hot bombshell bau!reader flirting and winking at spencer every chance she gets and poor spencer just gets hot and bothered very flustered and blushing😋😋
i love you jade i read ur blog like it's the daily newspaper<33
I love you anon, thank you for requesting ♡ fem!reader
"So," says a voice, low and syrupy as warmth spreads up Spencer's side, "how's my favourite agent?" 
Your perfume a subtle fragrance of jasmine and vanilla alike, sweetness that lingers —and Spencer knows, having thought of you every time he walks past the sugar ring donut stand by the Staples Mill Station for weeks— you put a hand on his shoulder and lean in for a one-armed hug. His skin erupts with goosebumps. 
"Y/N," he says, sounding much too much like a wimp for his own liking. He clears his throat. "When did you get back?" 
He's afraid to look at you. He doesn't have a choice. His heart skips a beat at the state of you, which is to say you look stunning in your dark clothes, a tight cut top that borders unprofessional and a pair of thigh hugging pants that pass the border completely. (He's kidding. Mostly. You're dressed fine. He's a loser, is all.) 
"This morning. They couldn't keep me from you if they tried, handsome. You look good." You disengage from his side. Spencer's relieved and regretful at once. "I love the haircut, they take a little more than you were expecting?" 
"Is it too short?" he asks unsurely. 
"It's perfect."
Spencer's taller than you but he never feels it until you're looking up at him, pretty eyes and quirked lips, permanent amusement in your gaze. "I missed you," you say.
"Y/N," Hotch says as he descends the steps to the bullpen. "We talked about this." 
"Pen and Morgan do it every day." Your eyebrows pinch together. 
Hotch doesn't say anything else, an empty coffee mug in hand as he passes. You don't baulk at his disapproving look, the opposite, sitting on the edge of Morgan's desk to kick your kitten heels gently, a slow back and forth that has Spencer's eyeline pulling down your legs. He shakes it off, but not before you've noticed. 
"You don't mind, do you, babe?" you ask. "My flirting?" 
It'll probably kill him sooner rather than later. "No. Don't mind." 
"'Cus I can stop, I promise. But you're the kind of boy that should be flirted with, you know? And the kind of smart that makes you crazy attractive, which is unfair. It's not like you needed help in that particular department." You lean back as you talk, scrounging around Morgan's things.
"Second shelf," Spencer says. 
You stop your searching to grin at him. Pleased, you reach down to the second drawer of Morgan's desk and find what you'd been looking for, a coveted, half-eaten pack of cherry twizzlers. 
"But we're not like Pen and Morgan," you say, bringing a twizzler to your mouth. 
"We're not?" Spencer asks, confused. He may not summon the necessary charisma to flirt back, but he likes what you have. 
"Nope." You take another bite, chew, leaving Spencer in anticipation. Finally, you swallow, lips curving into an even stickier smile. "'Cus Pen and Morgan are never gonna happen. They're better as friends
You slip down off of Morgan's desk, leaving his twizzlers behind. Spencer has enough sense about him to anticipate your approach. He's proud of himself for the composure he maintains as your footsteps slow. He even takes a step back to follow you, to your abject delight. 
"But we're not just friends, are we?" you ask softly. You lift your chin. He can smell the cherry on you. 
"Y/N, enough," Hotch says from somewhere behind. You refuse to look away, and while Spencer fears his chief's tone, he manages to hold your gaze. "HR will mandate another presentation." 
"It's alright, Hotch," Spencer says. His cheeks are flushed and his palms are clammy, but his voice holds up. "I don't mind." 
"I'm sure you don't." 
"This could all be avoided if we took this somewhere a little more private," you murmur. 
"Enough. I won't tell you again, Y/N. Shouldn't you be helping Penelope with her ViCAP recalibration?" Hotch asks pointedly. 
Spencer takes it for what it is; an effort to separate you from each other before it goes too far. You know it too, rolling your eyes at Spencer like you've a shared secret —Can you believe this guy?— clasping his arm loosely in farewell.
"See you later, Spence." You call him handsome, babe, bub, even sweetheart, but Spence is the worst of all of them because of how you say it, your voice entrenched in pure honey. His heart pangs as you go.  
Hotch lingers by Spencer's side, coffee freshly filled and steaming in rings. "You know, you're getting better," he says sympathetically. 
Spencer rubs the bridge of his nose roughly. "Thanks." 
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archermind · 1 year ago
I Can See You
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Spencer Reid x F!Reader - Smut (18+)
Description: “and we kept everything professional but something changed, it's something I like. They keep watchful eyes on us, so it's best if we move fast and keep quiet.”. You and Spencer are each other's dirty little secret, no one in the BAU knows what is going on between you both.
Word count: 1,800 approx.
Content Warning: Mentions of f!masturbation, kissing, PinV, Receiving Oral F, swearing, Fingering, dom!spencer, good girl, dirty talk
author note: okay.. so i tried writing a smut. idk how i feel about it. i read smut and think the things people write are really good but when i write it i always think it’s so bad. i hope it isn’t too bad. feel free to give me feedback! hope you enjoy <3
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Stolen glances and longing stares, that was how this all started. You and Spencer found yourselves sneaking between each other's hotel rooms while on cases, searching for comfort in a form of lust. The first time was supposed to be a one time thing
 never to happen again. Yet, you couldn’t help yourself
 you longed for his touch and he longed for yours. Your mind is forever replaying the first moment he made, the way he-
“Earth to Y/N!” Derek announced, waving his hands in front of my face.
“Oh, sorry” you mumbled, realizing your zoning out and complete oblivious state to the world around you.
“What has gotten into you girl” Derek scoffed
“More like who!” emily remarked, causing JJ to snicker “we have seen that extra pep in your step lately Y/N”
You shifted in your seat becoming anxious that people were going to crack onto what was going on between you and Reid. Everyday you were nervous to even look in Reid’s direction
 It didn't help that everyone that surrounded you both were some of the best profilers you know. You rolled your eyes putting on a confident facade and prepared your fighting argument against Emily’s wrong, but so right, speculation. 
“Right everyone let’s just focus on the case” Hotch ordered, “Agent Y/N’s love life will just have to remain a mystery for you all until you solve this one”
“Oh c'mon Hotch, you are supposed to be on my side!” you called out desperately as everyone laughed, “i am reporting you all to HR for bullying on the job!”
“Boohoo babygirl!” Morgan said, pouting.
Throughout the rest of the flight you all spoke about the case, trying to build a profile upon the characteristics of the murder. Words like sadist and sociopath were thrown around while you yet again zoned out, this time focused on Reid and his soft snores. You had woken up, naked, to the sound of his snores a couple times now. Each time was just as good as the last. You found yourself counting down the time until you landed, wishing the minutes would go by fast. 
Landing came by painfully and slowly. Some time before the flight landed, Spencer had woken up. He seemed shifty and irritated. Not to mention, he could not take his eyes off of you. You felt yourself become more and more needy for him with every passing second. Clock watching made it worse. 
By the time you all arrived at the hotel that you were staying at, it was midnight. Everyone had no energy. The goodbyes and goodnights were a mix of mumbles and grumbles. Your room was right down the hall from Spencer. Emily and JJ across the hall, Morgan next door to Reid, and Hotch was one floor above us all. A dim pale yellow light tried to light the room as you walked through to the bathroom, a hot soak was well needed. Today had seemed to be so long and exhausting.
As you plunged yourself into the bubbles and warmth, you leant back allowing yourself to relax in the tub. Soap suds covered your body as you massaged your aching muscles. You moaned at the release you felt, free from tension that ached your body. As you were massaging your sore body, you felt your mind racing back to Dr. Spencer Reid and your hand inching further to the place you wanted him right now. As your hand grazed your core, you heard a ping to your phone. 
You sighed as the moment had been rudely interrupted and ruined. You grabbed your robe, exiting the tub and putting it over your body. Grasping your phone, your stomach fluttered. ‘Spence’. ‘I need you Y/N’. you bit back a smirk, knowing what was about to happen. ‘Don’t let them see you..’ you responded back. 
Quickly, you ran to the door ready to let the man you wanted most into your hotel room. It was scandalous and thrilling sneaking around with him. It was what you both needed while dealing with stressful cases. A source of release.. Mentally and physically. 
As you opened the door, the slender built boy slipped past quickly into the room to avoid being seen and perhaps questioned as to why he was entering his co-workers' hotel room at 1am. You closed the door silently and instantly you were pressed against it. Spencer’s lips fit yours perfectly. You felt his wet tongue swipe along your bottom lip, begging for entrance. It was heated and vulgar. The desperation for each other was filthy. Your tongues played war with each other until like always Spencer won dominance. You were like a putty in his hands, allowing him to take control of your every movement. 
“You don't understand how beautiful you looked all day” spencer rambled, “i've been wanting to get you alone and worship your body since i first laid eyes on you this morning” 
You moaned at his sweet nothings, moving your lips to trail down his neck as your hands played with the buttons on his shirt. You were eager to rid him of his clothes, eager for him. As your hand went down each button, you slowly freed him out of his shirt. You gasped, running your hands along his chest and to his lower abdomen. 
“I have missed you spence” you stated, breathlessly. 
He slowly walked you backwards towards the bed, peppering kisses around your face. You giggled at the childish move but felt adored. Slowly, he lowered you to lie on the bed and hooked his arms around your legs giving you a strong tug to the edge of the bed. 
“Trust me, Y/N not as much as i missed you doll” he smirked, undoing the tie on your robe. 
Your chest rose and fell fast. You lay there in front of him naked and for the taking. Allowing him to see the most vulnerable and insecure side of yourself. He slowly lowered himself allowing his mouth to come in contact with your soft skin. Spencer kissed and nipped with his teeth, your most sensitive areas. Your neck. Your collarbone. Your breasts. You couldn't help but let the moans fall from your lips. He chuckled at your reaction, knowing he had you exactly where he wanted.
Spencer caressed your left breast pinching your nipple. all while he licked, sucked and bit the right one. You felt wetness pool at your core. All. For. Him. slowly, you felt his nose brush down your abdomen as the pit of your stomach flipped. No matter how many late nights you spent together and how much you prepared yourself, you still got nervous when giving yourself to spencer. Even if he was cautious and gentle.
You squirmed and wriggled as you felt his hot breath on your clit. You were dripping with anticipation at this point. Spencer began to kiss each thigh, slowly working his way closer to the place you wanted him most. Soon enough, Spencer pressed his lips against your clit licking and biting. Slowly, he circled his tongue against your clit as you became more and more sensitive with each lap. Your hand tangled in his brown curls, causing him to moan in response. You cried out in pleasure as he inserted two fingers into you and began pumping in and out of your dripping cunt. 
“Fuck spencer” you breathed out.
“Does that feel good Y/N?” he questioned you, already knowing the answer from the way you were a mess below him. 
“Mhm” you mumbled. 
Spencer pulled away from your clit and took his fingers out from with you, gripping your thighs and turning you on your stomach. You heard his zipper become undone. You looked back and bit your bottom lip suppressing a moan as you saw him in nothing but his underwear. You could see his hard bulge and it made you even more desperate for him.
“Look at you so needy!” Spencer whispered, grabbing a condom from his jean pocket. 
You eyed him up and down as his teeth ripped the small packet open. 
 im so fucking desperate” you were a wreck as you tried to speak your wants, “i do need you spencer” 
“Good girls wait” he remarked
You watched him slowly slide the rubber on his hard length, he held a strong eye contact with yours. Enjoying the way you watched him, eagerly waiting for him. You bit your lip hard trying to suppress your moans - considering your co-workers were just down the hall and above you. You hissed in pleasure and pain when Spencer unexpectedly forced his entire length into you without warning. 
It was raw and animalistic the way you both wanted eachother, needed eachother and fucked eachother. Spencer Reid was a quiet boy. Yet, who you now grew to know and spend time with, you saw him in a much different light. He was a gentle, passionate man who adored and cared for you. Reid didnt just use you for sex
 he worshipped your body while he fucked you. 
The room was filled with the sound of your breathless moans and the sound of your skin meeting each other. Spencer was deep inside you and with every stroke he made in and out of you, you grew closer to your release. 
“You feel so fucking good Y/N” spencer moaned as he flipped you onto your back, allowing him to watch your face as he fucked you senseless. 
You tried responding but you were a moaning mess. No words could be formed. You were drunk on Spencer’s cock. With every thrust, your tits bounced, sending Spencer's mind on a spiral. 
“You look so fucking good taking my cock, doll” spencer exclaimed, as his hand connected with your clit rubbing small quick circles. 
You felt your stomach ball as you grew closer to your orgasm. You cried in pleasure as he thrusted deeper and slower, hitting your g-spot each time. 
“I- fuck- please spence” you begged him growing more sensitive to his touch and nearing your finish. 
“I know Y/N” he grunted as he entered in and out of you, feeling closer to his orgasm each time, “cum for me” 
You cried out at your release, digging your nails down Spencer's back for some stability on the edge of your pleasure. Your ears rang out from the overwhelming stimulation, while Spencer rode out to his orgasm. It came quickly as he collapsed tired and breathless onto your chest. Time passed as you two lay tangled within each other's arms, trying to calm down from your high.
“Y/N?” he questioned
“Yea” you huffed out
“I’m glad you joined the Quantico BAU team” he stated letting out a breathy laugh
“Yeah me too” you smirked, “the benefits are pretty good too.”
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