#HOWEVER. i did talk to someone like well hey you know bumblebee. like how they made him in the movies. he doesnt speak and all that
istherewifiinhell · 1 year
Here look i make a meme for the general vibe here
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[ID: The KXCD comic of experts assuming something is general knowledge edited to be about transformers.
The first person says "Transformer names are second nature to us robot fuckers so it's easy to forget that the average person probably only knows Optimus Prime, Megatron, and one or two decepticons."
The second person says "And Bumblebee, of course."
The first agrees "Of course."
Caption at the bottom reads "Even when they're trying to compensate for it, fans of anything wildly overestimate the average person's familiarity with their field. END ID]
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hello again! Second request, I do hope I am not bothering you! I was wondering about a Bayverse A.U. where original events do occur but all is better and no one dies- (Maybe with extra characters like the twins and others) I was suggesting perhaps the reader (maybe female preferably), an agent if you will, is shy in a way, but is very sweet and charming to those around them. Maybe if O.P. is quite interested in how the reader makes him feel happy and do you know the song "Cloud 9" by Beach Bunny?- "But when she loves me, I feel like I'm floating When she calls me pretty, I feel like somebody"
What if the reader calls him that and speaks to him in a gentle way when they first meet and everyone else on the team is shocked with the way they became friends and how they treat one another. Bonus with their reactions and Ratchet being too old for this shit!
Bayverse Optimus Prime Fluff X Shy! Sweet! F! Reader
Hope this is okay! If either story wasn't what you wanted let me know and I can rewrite them! <3
While you wanted to be in the military to help others, you were never too good at the physical aspect. However the military did see your high test scores and strategic intelligence, so they still brought you in. Eventually, after a few years of hard work, you were assigned to work with the Autobots.
When you were first introduced to them, you were a little shy but smiled up at them and introduced yourself. When Optimus greeted you, you couldn’t help but say “Nice to meet you beach bunny!” 
Your face lit a bright red as you realized what you said. The room got really quiet as everyone stared at you- which only made your embarrassment worse. You wished you could implode on yourself, before Jazz slapped the Prime on the back harshly. “ Nice, beach bunny! You’ve gone and embarrassed the poor girl.” He leaned down to you and held a digit out for you to shake. “Hey lil’ lady, I'm Jazz” 
You took his digit and smiled. “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you!” 
Optimus took a que from Jazz and also held his digit out. “I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. It is good to meet you.”
You nervously shook his digit as well. “I look forward to working with you, sir.” You did your best to maintain your composure at being able to shake this handsome mech’s hand- er, digit. 
After a few weeks past, you began to get more comfortable around everyone in the base- especially Optimus. You had just become the base’s sweetheart that everyone got along with- even Galloway.
Optimus often invited you on long drives, where you both would listen to music and talk about what had bothered you that day. 
No one really expected you to become friends so quickly with the serious Prime- especially Ratchet, Ironhide, and Jazz, his oldest friends. They were all super glad that their leader had someone that he could really open up to. He often tried to hide his darker emotions- but now he’s super open about it with you.
It was clear as day to Ratchet what was happening when the Prime came to him for advice. Optimus told him that he had feelings he couldn’t pinpoint for you. Whenever he thought of you his spark would flutter and he felt as if he were floating. He told Ratchet that whenever you complimented him for being handsome, or for his intelligence he felt like they were the only two in the world. 
Ratchet shook his head with slight amusement. “You love her. Why are all the young bots these days so ignorant to their own emotions?
The terrible twins and all of the other trouble makers of the base are super happy you’re here too- you keep the Prime calm whenever they cause trouble, like breaking something really expensive. You always scold them but it’s in a much more gentle way. Everyone’s also pretty shocked that they listen to you. They try to be on their best behavior around you so you’re not disappointed in them. 
Bumblebee wasn’t too happy about you coming around the base at first. He sees Optimus as a guardian or father figure, so he sees you similar to how humans would see a new step-mother. Eventually he couldn’t resist your gentle charm and warmed up to you. You were a shoulder to cry on for him, and someone he could go to for advice when he was too nervous to go to Optimus.
All of the femme bots would pull you away every few weeks for a ‘girls night’ where they would interrogate you about how Optimus was to date. They always wanted to know how romantic he was, or how serious in the relationship he was. Every time you’d get a look of pure adoration on your face that they couldn’t help put coo over.
When Optimus was killed by Megatron, you felt something in you die. You couldn’t believe what had happened right in front of you and Sam. You felt like you were frozen in place. 
Sam had to pull you away to the safety of Bumblebee’s cab.
You all went on a mission to save Optimus, and you were guilty of punching Simmons in rage a few times. 
The entire time Optimus was in the allspark, he was thinking about you. How happy you made him. He never thought that he would fall for anyone, let alone a human- but there he was. He wished so badly to just hold you one last time, to tell you how much he loved you. 
When he was finally revived, you ran to him. You begged him not to fight Megatron, but he just kissed your head. “I’ll be alright, my dear.” 
Between sobs you got out “You better, my beach bunny.”
While Optimus fought Megatron, you were on his mind. He knew he needed to go back to you in one piece. When he finally won the battle, he went back to you and scooped you into his hands. 
You made him promise to never scare you like that again, you couldn’t take it. 
“I promise that if I can help it, then it will never happen again.”
You smiled up gently at him, making him fall for you all over again. “You better not, or we’ll have problems, beach bunny.”
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erimeows · 3 years
Yellow Roses
The first time was a learning experience.
Bumblebee had been innocent to the ways of human gift-giving back then, unsure of what to get or where to get it, but after using the internet and looking up where to buy gifts for humans, he found that there was a gift shop down the street from where the Autobot base was, and he begged and pleaded with Sari for some of her allowance money “for something important”.
He wasn’t sure what he wanted to get. What he was sure of, though, was that he was completely enamored with you and had been since day one- and he couldn’t bring himself to confess yet, but if he didn’t channel his feelings somehow, they were going to burst.
But as he approached the gift shop on that sunny day in Detroit, no other than Optimus Prime walked out and bumped into him. Thankfully, before he could fall back at the impact, Optimus reached out and caught him, placing him back on his feet with one strong servo. 
“P-Prime, hey!” Bumblebee grinned and tried to look as inconspicuous as possible. He knew he wasn’t guilty of anything nefarious, per say, but he had no idea how Optimus would feel about him being in love with a human and wanting to buy gifts for said human with money that wasn’t his. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh, nothing much...” The other Autobot blatantly lied and hid a bouquet of blue and gold flowers that Bee didn’t know the name of behind his back, face burning the brightest shade of red the smaller bot had ever seen it. “Are you looking for something in particular?”
“I don’t know, I mean, what do humans even like?” Bumblebee muttered without thinking, and upon seeing Optimus’s optics widen, he raised his servos defensively and shook his head. “I mean, uh-! Never mind! What’s up with the flowers?”
“Ah,” Optimus gave an awkward grin and held the flowers in front of him instead of continuing to hide them, probably realizing that it was too late and Bumblebee had already seen them. The younger bot wondered if they were for Optimus or for someone else, but he didn’t dare ask, only listening to his leader talk. “I learned that unlike some other organic planets, on earth, it’s considered rude to pick plants if they’re in close proximity to someone’s home or in front of a public building or park unless they’re a specific type called weeds, which flowers aren’t, but I wanted to buy some for someone, so I came here to pick them up after asking Sari about it. Are you gift buying, too?”
“Well, yeah, I guess you could say that,” Bumblebee looked away and held his forearm in one servo, anxiously shifting his weight between his stabilizing servos. It felt like him and Optimus Prime had reached into the cookie jar and caught each other. 
Bumblebee didn’t dare ask who the flowers were for even though he was dying to know in fear that Optimus would ask who he was at the gift shop for in return. An uncomfortable silence fell onto them momentarily, both of them quiet and staring at each other with the noise of traffic and the bustling Detroit citizens walking on the pavement who kept passing by to keep them company.
“I’ve been doing some reading since Sari’s birthday is in a few months,” Optimus tried to continue the conversation and cleared his throat. “The customs for gift giving can involve about anything when it comes to human girls, but the most common are flowers, books, chocolates, jewelry, clothing, video games, or gifts of practicality, which just seem to be hygiene products and things they can use in their daily lives. Gift cards and vouchers with money on them are also common, but considered less personable, so I wouldn’t go that route if you’re close with the one you’re buying for unless they specifically ask for it.”
“Oh... I gotcha. Good ideas, bossbot!” Bumblebee smiled again, the corners of his lip-plates sore from how forced it was due to his nerves.
What if Optimus had figured it out? That would defeat the whole point of his plan; buy you nice things and leave them at your door in the middle of the night without his name attached. It was simple and easy, but if Optimus knew before he even got to try it?
Well. That made it a lot harder.
Thankfully, though, Optimus gave him a nod and bid him a good afternoon, then walked away.
Bumblebee found himself letting out a sigh of relief.
Thank Primus...
...Hours later, Bumblebee regretted all of his life decisions. He was sitting, holed up in his room with one audial pressed up against your wall. It was a terrible habit of his, but he eavesdropped on you pretty frequently when he heard bits and pieces of you talking through the wall, and he was doing it right now.
He wasn’t sure how he had expected it to go, but when he dropped the bouquet of yellow roses at your bedroom doorstep when you were out for lunch and no one was in the halls, he had hoped that you would simply take the flowers, appreciate them, and never say another word. However, you were currently telling Sari about it, which made sense considering that the young girl dropped by your room often and asked you to do her hair or makeup as an excuse to spend time with you- you were an adult, a lot older than Sari, but the two of you got along very well considering that you were the only one who actually knew how to take care of her properly when Isaac Sumdac wasn’t around.
“I have no idea!” You exclaimed, no doubt in reference to the flowers. Bumblebee cringed. What if Sari made the connection that the money he had borrowed from her was for that? What if she told everyone, or what if you told everyone, and Prime realized why he was at that gift shop and let his secret slip? “I can only assume it was you or one of the guys, but like... I don’t know who.”
“Yeah, I have no idea! It wasn’t me, I would’ve just given ‘em to you. We should dig deeper, (y/n)!”
Oh. Oh, Primus, no. 
“I’m not sure, Sari, whoever it was probably dropped it off like that for a reason,” Bumblebee heard you sigh, and at the same time, he let out a sigh of relief. Maybe you would just forget about it and-
“Wait! Do you have a secret admirer!?”
Dammit. Maybe not.
“I... Highly doubt that, the only one I’d be interested in anyways is-” You started, and then cut yourself off in a way that made Bumblebee’s spark shatter and crumble into little pieces inside his chassis. You were single, but you were already into someone? What if it wasn’t him? He’d understand, of course- Prime was stronger, Prowl was smooth, Bulkhead was talented, and Ratchet was intelligent. Compared to them, he felt like he didn’t have much to offer you. Everyone around him was amazing, and he was just there, but... He loved you, and he wanted you to know how loved you were. So, whether you’d love him back or not, he’d keep giving everything he had to you; even if the way in which he went about it was indirect. “Actually, never mind, but your braids are done-”
“No, wait, you can’t just gloss past that!” Sari whined. Bee almost didn’t want to hear the rest of your discussion, but he couldn’t keep himself from listening. “Who is it, who is it!?
“Let’s just go play Animal Crossing in the living room, we can talk about all of that at a later date, yeah?” You offered, voice laced with both your amusement and confusion. 
“Fine, fine, but you have to tell me soon! Pinky promise.”
“Fine, pinky promise. Now let’s go.”
Bumblebee heard your door open and close, followed by what he presumed to be you and Sari’s footsteps in the hallway. The sound eventually dissipated.
The Autobot was left to lay back on his berth and stare at the ceiling with a huff.
You were telling others about the gift he left, trying to get to the bottom of it, and you were into someone or somebot he didn’t even know about.
What had he gotten himself into?
The second time, he felt a little better about it. It was a week later and he hadn’t heard any discussion of the subject amongst the other Autobots, so he assumed nothing had come from it.
But, as he lounged on the living room couch, he jumped upon you sitting down on the couch’s arm- right by where his head was laid.
It made sense that he had been jumpier around you over the past few days. Part of it was the usual I’m-in-love-with-you-and-super-tense-about-it jumpiness that he had become accustomed to, but it was made worse by the fact that he was guilty; guilty of keeping a secret from you, of indirectly lying to you. He could’ve done it the one time with the roses and let it die down after, but when you’d talked about your old game controller breaking the night before at the dinner table, he hadn’t been able to help himself- he went and got it along with a new bouquet of yellow roses, left it in front of your room later that night, knocked, and ran away.
It was the next day, and understandably, he’d been anxious about it. It was better than the first time, but he was just hoping you wouldn’t talk about it.
Of course, he was never that lucky, and you looked at him with the controller literally in your hands. 
“Hey, Bee, do you know anything about this?” You asked.
Had he been caught? Did you know? Or were you just trying to get information from him in case he knew something? Unsure, he decided to play it safe and act oblivious. 
“Huh? What’s that?”
“I’m taking that as a no, but someone left this new controller on my doorstep with a bouquet of roses? I needed a new one, but I only mentioned it to you and the others, so I think it’s one of you guys... But this is the second time I’ve received a gift without any name on it and I’m really confused. I’ve done some asking around, but the only one who seems to know anything is Optimus, and he won’t give me any hints and insists that he has no idea what I’m talking about.”
Great. So, Optimus probably realized why Bumblebee had been at the gift shop last week. Well... From what you said, it sounded like Optimus was at least decent enough to stay out of his business and keep the secret for him- or try to, at least. 
“Yeah? That’s weird, I don’t really know why he’d be like that about it... Wanna play Streetfighter?”
“Sure, but I’m just super confused, man,” You muttered, turning on the playstation and giving a frustrated huff. The game quickly turned on, and while Bee took the old controller, you connected your brand new one and chose your stage, your character being Akuma. Bee chose Ken to fight with and listened to you continue as the game started. “I thought the first time might’ve just been a one-off thing, but it’s happened again, and the flowers were one thing, but now it’s flowers and a new controller. Anyone else would be creeped out, and I’m not creeped out- more flattered than anything since I know it’s from you or one of the other Autobots- but this is really expensive... I’d at least like to be able to say thank you!”
“That makes sense, I think I’d feel the same way,” The black and yellow bot mumbled. The game had hardly started and he was already losing due to his inability to focus- it was so bad that he couldn’t even combat you when you crowded his character into the corner and kicked him over and over and over again. His health bar dropped to zero, signaling that you’d won round one.
Round two started, and he did a little better; actually jumping away from your cornering attempts and offering some blasts and punches, but by the time it ended, he’d only gotten you down to half health, and you were delivering your final blow. Ken fell to the ground, Akuma still standing. 
You didn’t even press replay despite being player one. No, instead, you let out a huff and stared at the ceiling. Bumblebee found himself resting his helm against your thigh without thinking, enjoying the warmth against his faceplates. You two were best friends, very comfortable with each other and with physical affection, so you didn’t mind it, only running a gentle hand over one of his audials in return. 
Both of you set your controllers down. It was obvious that both of you were so focused on the subject of your anonymous gifts that the game didn’t catch either of your interests like it usually would. 
“I might try to ask Optimus about it again tomorrow... Information extraction,” You joked, but Bumblebee quickly sat up and objected. 
“Wait, I don’t think that’s such a good idea!”
“Huh? Why not? He’s the only one who’s given me so much as a reaction,” You argued and stood up to turn the game system off, then started pacing around the room. “And I guess his eyes getting all wide ‘n stuff may have just been something else, but like... It’s all I’ve got to go on.”
“Yeah, but you know how the bossbot is,” Bee stood as well, trying his hardest not to look like he was in the midst of blowing a circuit from the panic that was currently taking over his processor. “He shuts down when you push him too hard. If he knows anything about it, you gotta wait for him to come to you with that sweet info.”
“You’re probably right, Bee, thanks for the advice,” You smiled, and then walked to him to put a hand on his shoulder plate. “I’m gonna go to bed, ‘kay? Goodnight.”
You looked into his optics, and oh Primus, he was gone; your eyes were such a beautiful shade of (e/c), and your smile was so beautiful, and you were so beautiful, and he was so in love-
Quickly, he realized that he was taking too long to respond, so he quickly stammered something out.
And then, you left, swiftly turning and walking out of the living room.
Bumblebee found himself letting out a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he missed you desperately.
He wished he’d given you a hug goodnight.
And, as he stood alone in the dark living room, he thought back to how exactly he’d ended up in his current predicament; painfully in love with a human, giving them things without having the courage to do it face-to-face, life feeling like it was falling apart with every hour that passed without him being able to kiss you and tell you how much he loved you like he so desperately wanted to. 
He’d loved you from the very start, and as bold as he was, he couldn’t bring himself to tell you- he was just too scared, but...
What if this was what finally gave it away...?
The third time was what ended up blowing his cover. He should’ve left it alone, and he had told himself that after the last time- it was far too close of a call when you talked about Optimus knowing something, and he was so obvious with his own emotions during that, too... He wouldn’t do it again.
But then, he was shopping with Sari that day and saw a (f/c) hoodie that was just your size and style, and he decided you had to had it. So, when Sari was distracted at a different store, he got the hoodie, along with a new notebook, some pens, and a stuffed bee. He bought the gifts for you and put them in a nice gift bag with some paper, then left them by your door and disappeared before anyone could see him. 
He was sitting in the living room yet again. It was late at night, and though him and his team had spent most of that night playing board games and catching up with a movie playing in the background, they’d all went to bed hours ago, leaving him to think by himself.
He’d lost at every game; Uno, Monopoly, Candyland, Sorry, Cards Against Humanity, and Scrabble, all because he was staring at you the entire time. 
Why couldn’t he just get over himself and confess already? It was selfish to keep hiding from you, because what if the one you’d mentioned being interested in was actually him? And even if it wasn’t him, was it fair for you to think that he saw you as a friend when he was secretly in love with you? Was it fair for you to keep receiving gifts and never knowing who they were from? 
Speak of the devil, though- the second Bumblebee looked up from where he was standing in the middle of the room, you were leaning against the doorway, wearing the hoodie he’d bought you and a pair of pajama shorts. You looked sleepy with your (h/l) (h/c) hair a mess and your soft hands rubbing the bleariness out of your (e/c) eyes. 
“Bee?” You mumbled.
“(y/n), where’d you just come from? You look tired! You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m tired, but I’m fine. I was in the hallway, kinda waiting for everyone else to go to bed so I could talk to you, but... It took me a minute to come in here.” Bumblebee walked towards you and raised his optical ridge. His spark sank to the floor because oh Primus, was this it? Was it finally happening?
“Oh, uh... Why do you need to talk to me alone? What’s up?”
You averted your gaze and gently grabbed one of his servos with your hand, holding it tightly. Bumblebee took a sharp intake. You were about to start talking, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for it. 
“I know it’s you,” You confessed with a guilty smile. Bumblebee froze in place and cringed. “I feel bad, but my curiosity was killing me, so I asked around some more and did a lot of prying- Optimus seemed like he was hiding something when I talked to him about it, so I pried until he gave up and told me that he suspected it was you; that he’d seen you at a gift shop the day I got the first bouquet, that he’d seen you lingering in the hallways the past few times I’ve gotten something, etcetera. He gave me enough details that I pieced it together, so... Yeah.”
“Well, at least it’s out of the way,” Bumblebee laughed out loud, and surprisingly, you smiled back at him. This wasn’t how he wanted it to come out, but he wasn’t sure it would have come out at all if not for this. “Getting human money without a real job is hard! Glad I could at least confess without having to do it so much that I went bankrupt.”
“Bee...” You started again, peering up at him, but he felt like he wasn’t ready for what was going to happen next. Were you about to reject him? He wasn’t sure he wanted to find out. 
“Well, now that that’s done, I’m gonna go ahead and go to bed! I could use a really good recharge right about now-”
“Bee-” You cut him off with a pout and gripped his servo, obviously not done, but he only continued in hopes that you would give it up and let him escape the situation. 
“Goodnight, (y/n)-”
“Bee!” You yelled and pulled him towards you by his wrist so you could get in his face. “For God’s sake, man, stop and listen to me talk for a second!”
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry! I just-” He tossed his hands up defensively, ready to spill his circuits out, only for you to cut him off.
“You don’t think I love you back, right? You’re such a dolt!” You exclaimed. 
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Bumblebee yelled back at you, processor only catching the insult before he thought back on ‘I love you back’ and froze. “...Oh. Sorry.”
“I mean I’ve loved you for months now! Even before I realized it, I think I would’ve been more than open to dating you at any point in time, I mean... You’re pretty great. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Well, uh-” Bumblebee stopped and took in a deep intake, then sighed and linked your fingers with his digits so he could hold your hand properly. The anxiety that had been building up over you for so long now was finally leaving his body and being replaced by relief.“I don’t know. I feel kinda stupid now.”
“C’mere,” You mumbled and wrapped an arm around him. He hugged you back, taking you into his arms and resting his chin on top of your head... He could get used to that. You were warm and soft as you relaxed your body against his and allowed yourself to be held. You let go of his servo in favor of curling your hands and arms up by his chest. “Thank you for the gifts. They were really sweet and I loved them all, so... I’ll be sure to return the favor.”
“Return the favor? This is more than enough to return the favor!” He grinned, only hugging you tighter. “I’ve always wanted to just, like, hug you like this-”
“You can kiss me, too, if you want,” You offered, which had him pulling back to look down at you, spark lit aflame. 
“Really?” Bumblebee asked, just to be sure.
“Of course.”
There was a moment of silence; hesitance from both ends. It was true that, while both of you had been physically affectionate as friends, you’d never kissed, and Bumblebee had certainly never kissed a human. He’d been waiting for this moment for so long, but he had no idea what to do now that it was actually happening. 
Thankfully, you took the initiative and wrapped your arms over his shoulders, hands on the back of his neck. You looked up at him one more time before standing on your tip-toes so you could gently press your lips against his. Bumblebee was frozen still for a moment as he processed your warm, soft lips against his cool metal plating, but after the tension faded, he found himself resting his servos on your hips and melted into it. 
One kiss turned into many; again, again, and again, you moved your lips against his in a manner so intoxicating that he couldn’t get enough of it.
Eventually, though, you pulled away and smiled up at him, but now that he had gotten to kiss you like that, he couldn’t help but want more. 
“I, uh... I’m not sure the favor has been returned yet,” Bumblebee averted his optics from your eyes, able to feel his spark beating faster. “I might need one more kiss just to be sure-”
You chuckled, cutting him off by leaning up again and sloppily pushing your lips against his- and, with that, he was gone.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Protection Forever - William Lennox
Lennox x Reader
Description: Running into an old flame at the worst possible time.
Warning: nah. Bad writing? Kinda. Unedited because I was excited. I’ll not when it’s been fixed. Somethings may not be fully aligned with the movie but I tried 😩
Word count: 2500+
Dedicated to @merakiaes hey fren!
All gifs from @meragifs too!
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You were an EMT.
The two of you pulled up to meet with the other Autobots, you exiting the vehicle before he transformed. You were in awe as he and the rest of the cars all changed.
The biggest one, their leader, gave a rundown of everything that was happening once he confirmed Sam’s identity. This was just a recap for you as Ratchet had already explained. The teenage boy just stood there stuttering not really knowing how to process everything and you frowned again. That was when you really took notice of two teens just standing there. Having known what was expected of Sam Witwicky you frowned slightly.
“I don’t know about this Ratchet, he’s just kid.” You commented to the alien you had formed a quick bond with.
“And who might you be?” The one called Optimus inquired.
You gave him your name before the other yellow autobot, who you’d later learned was Bumble Bee, uttered something through his radio. It was hard for you to hear but the other robots seemed to be use to it as Ratchet responded immediately.
“The human. I like her.” Ratchet sounding irritated.
Bumblebee made another comment and right before Ratchet could respond one of the others chimed in.
“Wait why do they get humans?” Jazz asked incredulously. “I want one too!”
“Enough! Humans are not pets.” The one call Optimus Prime stated sternly, clearly tired of their bickering. You held your laugh, highly amused.
They were like siblings. A family.
“Exactly I’m just here to help and be a better tour guide than these kids can be.” You confirmed practically forcing your services on them. “Besides they need adult supervision. From the looks of it, you all do.” You grinned at everyone around you. Optimus gave a nod, agreeing.
“She stays. Let’s move.”
In that short amount of time things moved rather quickly. You watched the Autobots accidentally destroy Sam’s backyard when attempting to retrieve the glasses, you were all arrested, you escaped thanks to the Autobots, only to be arrested again.
Finally you ended it some secret base. How get you weren’t alone. The government had apparently been on a roll with kidnapping civilians who “knew too much “.
Things weren’t going great but quickly went left when the Decepticons, the Autobot rivals, came to retrieve Megatron.
A war from another planet had officially made Earth its battleground.
You were nervous, trying to figure out how to calm everything down before things started to escalate. Nobody was going to get anywhere with all the bickering. That’s when you saw him.
It had been what? Two years?
Still, without even knowing it, without even knowing you were present, he was still able to make your heart be slow and fast at the same time. The army had aged him, but for the better making him all the more attractive but you couldn’t focus on that right now. Especially when you heard:
“The cryogenic system is failing! We're losing NBE One!”
All the soldiers begin to pack everything that they could to prepare in a fight the way they always did. It was an mirable the way Linux game orders in his men took them without a second thought. The trust there.
“That’s good. Get all the ammo you got.”
“Everything you can carry. Bring it.”
Tearing your eyes away from your former lover you grab Sam.
“Come on, we need Bee.” You reminded him, nodding in Simmons direction
“You got to take me to my car.” Sam said, then repeated when he was ignored. “You have to take me to my car. He’s gonna know what to do with the Cube.”
“Your car? It's confiscated.”
“Then unconfiscate it.” You stared blankly.
“We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing! -“
“You don't know.”
“Maybe you know, but I don't know.”
You rolled your eyes at the insufferable mans rambling.
This was really was more about ego who was in control more than anything. The guy running the ship, clearly was on a power trip. Unfortunately for him he was facing off against soldiers . The Captain who’s eyes you could feel staring at the side of your face.
A Captain and his soldiers. Ones that really dont like to lose and take serving their country seriously.
The guy who arrested you earlier continue to argue with Sam about getting him back to bumblebee when Lennox finally pulled out his gun sick of the back-and-forth.
“Take him to his car!”
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As soon as he did so all hell broke loose and everyone from both parties pulled out a weapon.
“Drop it!”
It wasn’t until One of the sector seven agents pointed a gun at the back of Will’s head that you disable to another agent and took his gun and pointed it directly and held it directly at the one pointing the gun at your ex.
“I really wouldn’t.” You warned.
You were no soldier, but Will have taught you plenty before you broke up. So did your brother, before he passed away. He actually served alongside Will but died in combat. Biking. That’s part of why you were so hurt when Will re-enlisted. When he got promoted to Captain and chose the army over you. You were terrified of losing him the way you lost your brother. The break up wasn’t that messy but you both said things you didn’t mean. In attempts to mask your own pain and hurt one another.
You know. Hurt people, hurt people.
It’s still came to no surprise that you put a bullet in someone to protect him. Together or not you’d never let anything happen to him.
“I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction-“ Simmons ranted.
“S-Seven don't exist.” You interjected, earning a quick appreciative glance from Will.
“Right. And we don’t take orders from people that don’t exist.”
“I’m gonna count to 5. Okay-“ Simmons attempted to threat yet again.
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“Well, I’m gonna count to three.” Will deadpanned.
You knew that look. God did you know that look and it was so wrong that you were so turned on.
Finally the Secretary of defense interfered telling Simmons to do what was being asked of him. Everyone relaxed slight, weapons lowering.
The Captain and couldn’t help but watch you how do you get up and prepare to go.
“So that’s her huh?” Epps commented as Will watched you run off with Sam.
“Yeah..” Will answered, mind racing.
While he knew he’d eventually see you again, he didn’t think it would be like this. You looked breath taking.
“Damn. Shorty had your back that entire time.”
“Gear up,”
“What I’m just saying I thought she was gonna put a cap in his.” Epps shouted after his Captain receiving no response.
Will knew you had his back, you always would, the same way he would always have yours. He thought of you often, the break up between two inescapable, never feeling like he did the right thing. You were always not too far from the front of his mind. Him wondering how you were doing. If you were happy. If you found somebody else. There was no doubt he regretted what had transpired between the two of you. It was his fault. He knew that. You knew that. He had ample opportunity to fight for you and he didn’t. When he was promoted Captain he felt he had to choose between you and the army. He didn’t choose you the way he should’ve. In reality he could’ve had both. However hr so caught up proven himself to his deadbeat dad that he possibly let the best thing that ever happened to him go.
Not to mention trying to atone for your brothers death. It wasn’t his fault, but he still couldn’t shake it. So without talking to you he reenlisted. Needless to say where that got him.
Now hear the both of you were in the middle of an alien war. Yeah. This is the last place he thought he’d see you.
You were numb. The battle on the highway enough to freak you out. For mommy, just a moment you thought this might be a dream but no. This is all very real. One minute you guys were just entering the city trying to lay low, next thing you know - BOOM! The explosion knocked all of you over, injuring some, killing a few. Bumblebee’s legs were partially blown off.
Getting up off the pavement you waited for the ringing in your ear to subside as you stood up, trying to study yourself when you felt a pair of arms hold you still.
You knew it was Will just by the way he touched you, you blinked hard trying not to go down memory lane.
“Are you okay?” The concern in his voice was enough to make your heart skip a bear.
“Yeah,” you nodded slowly. “Yeah I’m fine.”
Slowly you removed yourself from his grip and went to check on Sam and Mikaela. Ratchet on the other hand -
“Hmm. His pheromone levels are-“ you quickly turned on him and glared.
“Ratchet I’ll turn you into a can opener if you don’t shut the hell up.”
The robot nearly held his hands up in the surrendering position as he followed you. Will had arranged an aircraft to pick up Sam and the cube while everyone else defended themselves against the deceptive cons in a hurry to get the cube far far away before Megatron arrived. Sam was in a panic and so Michaela, you could see Will’s short fuse getting ready to exploded. It was then you decided to be an escort.
“Sam, you can’t do this alone.” Michaela fussed.
“He won’t be alone.” You commented, causing all parties involved to look at you.
“I’m going with you.” You declared.
“No.” Will didn’t even hesitated as he stepped closer to you.
“Captain Lennox-“
“No!” You grabbed him by the front of his beer and pushed him back.
“Do you see what going on out there?!” You continued to hold on to him and you yelled at him over there chose. “We’re at a war. One we are extremely ill prepared for. So get your shit together! Sam is my responsibility. I have to get this kid to safety.”
This time your hands slid up the side of his face forcing him to look at you.
“Y/n..” he breathed out leaning down toward you, and for the first time during all this madness you could visibly see he was afraid.
“I’ll be back, Will.” You assured him, briefly resting your forehead against his.
Gathering himself he pulled away, looking toward Sam then back at you.
“Go. Go!”
And then we were running.. With nothing but an M16 strapped to your back and the pistol in your hand, you ran faster than you ever have before.
The four of you were under attack once more, you and Sam doing what you had to, to avoid getting snatched up as a fight Ironhide and Ratchet defended you. Unfortunately you were too close to one of the cars that went up in flames and you were thrown into another car from the blast.
“Y/n!” You could feel the blood on your forehead as you slowly pushed yourself up. As you tried to stand you immediately stopped feeling the pain in your thigh. Looking down could see the damage that had been done. The blood surrounding the afflicted area.
“Wha- what, what do i do?!” Sam asked frantically once he took notice of your injury.
“You gotta keep going Sam. I’ll be fine.”
He stood fo his feet, unsure of what to do. When Ironhide told him the same thing.
“Go!” You screamed once more.
Sam left and continued to run without you as you, as quickly as possible, as you tore your focus away from him to pull the shard of glass in your leg out. Ripping a piece of your shirt off you tightly tied it around your thigh in order to stop the bleeding. There was no point in going forward now but the return back to everyone else and help them fight.
You just had to avoid getting killed in the process.
You seen a car steering wheel, a Mountain Dew vending machine and and Xbox all turn into one of those freaky ass robots right before your eyes. All of which you helped others fight off. It was so surreal. In fact, if it wasn’t for the constant ringing in your ear from all the explosions you definitely think you were dreaming. You almost made it back to Lennox and his men when another Decepticon stood between between you and your destinations. They were definitely taking a beating. You saw Epps shooting a green laser indicating the robot that doubled as a helicopter wasn’t a friendly and decided to do what you could to keep the Decepticon from getting any closer to them and hurting any more civilians. In an attempt to draw it away from everyone else, you begin to fire your weapon giving it everything you had.
Unfortunately, the side effective taking its attention off the others meant putting the attention on you.
You ran trying to duck and dodge a bullets now directed your way.
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But Will. Will’s heart dropped. Seeing you there defending yourself alone. His pause was brief, the air forces plan already in motion, before he started the motorcycle and was speeding in your direction.
“William!” You screamed for him fearfully as he drove straight toward the robot.
The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat pounding in your ears. You almost couldn’t breathe, you don’t remember the last time you ever felt so scared in your life. But it wasn’t your life you feared for was it?
He rushed forward and slid under the robot continuing to firing the launcher. All you could do was watch as he drove toward you. Toward the danger your mind wondering if he did that on a regular basis. Was this the life of a soldier? What he went through day after day when he was deployed?
Standing up he only spared the parts of the dismembered robot a glance before shouting and turning looking for you. In a matter of seconds he was standing directly in front of you and pulling you into his arms.
There was nothing like physically being about to touch someone, hold someone to really know they were okay.
“So…” you began, suddenly feeling nervous. “...That was hot-“
Before you were able to get another word in, he captured your lips with his kissing you roughly and bringing you closer, hands on the small of your back. You couldn’t help it kiss him back just as fiercely put in every emotion you had into that kiss.
Every ounce of passion he had in body, put into this kiss, your lips just as soft, kiss just as pure as he remembered. When you kissed, he knew he was a goner and could never let you go again.
It has been two years since the last time you guys have been this close. This intimate. Reconnected. The feeling it gave you, the indescribable feeling, was one neither one of you ever wanted to forgo again. Pulling back slowly, you both had smiles on your faces, Will pulling you closer to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“Excuse me,” Epps interrupted.
The both of you turning your attention on him.
“As cute as this shit is it’s highly inappropriate in the middle of the battle. I’m just saying we are trying to stay alive and shit.”
Oh my fu- I don’t even know what this isssss
Couldn’t tell you what my original ideas was or nothing. I believed this was going to short-
I enjoyed writing it though! Shoutout again to @merakiaes for being on this lennox train with me lol
I’m just....I’m just gonna leave this mess here.
- Mo
Tags: @merakiaes @lilythemadqueen
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Bumblebee (Extra)
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"Nothing exciting ever happens here, it's so damn boring. " your friend complained. You were sure if she knew half of what you did, she'd be thankful for the boring days.
"By the way, Mr. Henderson got a new assistant, I heard he's a real cutie, maybe we can get you a boyfriend."
"I'm not interested. " you didn't care for anyone but Bumblebee. Just the thought of him had you smiling. You opened your locker, switching books. "You keep saying that. Do you have a secret I should know about?" she raised a brow.
"Quit playing, it's nothing like that. I'm just interested in someone else already."
"I know, that's what you always say, when can I meet your mystery crush."
"It's a long distance thing, so who knows when." she just looked unimpressed. If you say so (Y/N)."
You kept walking, still chatting with your friend. Someone coming out hurriedly from a door in front of you made you backtrack. The male spun around, almost knocking into you. The frantic way in which he moved indicated that maybe he was looking for someone. When his brown eyes locked unto you, his smile got brighter.
He was decked down in a pair of slacks and a button up white shirt. The dark hair matched his pretty eyes. You weren't sure if he was a student of part of the faculty. You barely paid much mind to people other than the ones you conversed with on a regular basis.
"(Y/N)!" the excitement on the man's face was unnerving. What threw you completely off is his voice. It sounded exactly like the one in your dream that time with Bee. Your cheeks color, and you take some more steps back. "W-Who are you?" You can tell he wants to talk, but his eyes move to your friend.
"I'm uhhh, well that's a good question I'm.."
He's not really forming sentences, or making much sense. Your friend however is gushing.
"No need to get bashful, I can tell when I'm being a third wheel. See ya (Y/N)!" Her enthusiasm is high as she completely abandons you with this strange boy.
"She likes sushi!!" she calls, right before she's gone, all the way around the corner. You know she doesn't suspect that this guy is in any way harmful, but you don't have the same level of trust. The last guy that ran into you like this turned out to be a psychotic Decepticon hellbent on assassinating you. You aren't ready to replay that record anytime soon. You keep the distance between the both of you, watching him wearily.
"Listen, I don't know who you are, but this place is packed with people. There's no way you'd risk getting caught here." you're on the defense. But at least this time you're not alone in the building.
"What? Wait no no, I'm not a Decepticon (Y/N)." some more students buzz by, a few girls sending the male a little smile and wink. He doesn't even seem to register it. His focus is completely on you.
"I know I look different like this but I-" He takes a step forward, and you move back. He raises his hand to assure you there's no need to be afraid.
"It's me (Y/N). Bumblebee." You don't really believe at first, but when the quick glimmer of blue rushes over his orbs, you gasp in surprise. That look, the one he'd given so many times when you were just lounging around, There was no mistaking it.
"Bee..." He smiles in relief, rushing over and pulling you into his arms. He picks you up, spinning you around laughing, and you clutch unto him unprepared, letting out a small squeal.
"B-But how did you.." You just saw him this morning and he in no way looked like this.
"I'll tell you everything."
This was about to be one hell of a story.
The next few hours feel like torture. You're so anxious for school to let out so you can talk to Bee, who you found out was the assistant mentioned earlier. The entire day he spent practically at your side when he wasn't working. You were still adjusting to the fact that he was walking around in your school. Another shocker was his ease carrying out the job. Being an advanced robot probably helped a lot in that department. The ringing of the final bell goes off, and before you can seek out Bumblebee, he's already found you.
"(Y/N)!!" His call directs a lot of female attention in your spot, and you avert your eyes. There were no doubt a few bitter girls. Bumblebee catches up, taking your hand into his. The smile he sends you banishes the stares you once felt, and he guided you out the school doors. Out of earshot of the other students, Bumblebee goes on a full on rant.
"This is so awesome! I never thought being human was this incredible, of course humans are amazing. Not as amazing as you of course (Y/N). You guys do some much down here although you're so tiny. Doesn't it get tiring being this small. And the girls at your school are really curious too, they kept asking so many questions. "
They were definitely hitting on him.
"I'm just so happy to be able to be with you like this. When Optimus first told me about it I was so skeptical, but look at me, I'm human!" his yell earned a weird look from a passer by, and you pulled him off to the side.
"M-Maybe don't say stuff like that in the open okay Bee." he looks at the woman who just walked by, giving a little smile and wave. She just keeps walking forward.
"Huh, thought humans liked it when you waved." he looks down at his hand to maybe inspect it to see if he did it wrong, and you just watch him. Parts of this still barely made sense, but you had to admit, the human version of Bumblebee was almost as cute as the autobot one. He still held that innocence and curiosity.
"Hey Bee, If you're here, who's' with Sam?"
"Oh, Ironhide. He said being human is overrated. He's gonna be Sam's ride for a while. I can still transform you know, wanna see!" you shake your head.
"N-Not here!" he blinks. "Oh, right right. Good call." just like that he's grinning again.
"I'm so glad I can hold hands with you like this." he takes your hand softly in his, and you do love the warmth it gives off. It's the same way you always feel around him.
"Let's get back to my house." Maybe when you're in your own environment you'd be able to question him freely.
The moment you step through your door you fully expect your mother to be there. Because for once, you're able to show her the boy you've been madly in love with for months. But you meet nothing but silence. "Mom?" you enter, and Bumblebee follows close behind. When you make out the note stuck to the fridge you sigh.
"Hey sweetheart, I have an overnight shift. There's money for pizza on the table when you get hungry. Enjoy!"
"Hey Bee, can you come here for a second?"
"Yep!" He's by your side in seconds, and you pull out your phone, switching the camera.
"I just wanna take a picture to send to my mom. I was kind of hoping she'd be here, but she has to work late today. Say cheese." he turns to the camera and as you're about to snap the picture, he presses a kiss to your cheeks. You blush, a bit unprepared. The camera snaps it and you lower your hand, looking at him shyly. He just returns it with a cheeky smile. His eyes move down to the picture. "I love it." he mutters.
Although you know this is Bumblebee, to you it's still a bit strange. As a human, it almost feels like he's a different person. A lot more forward about everything. His eyes shift in your direction as you make your mini assessment, and something flickers in his brown orbs.
The minute they zero in on your lips, you take a step back lowering your head as you tuck the phone into your pocket. You start a trip to your room, and Bumblebee trails behind. The silence that follows has you a bit unnerved, so you decided now is as good a time as any to find out how it all came about.
"W-Well how about you tell me how this all happened Bee."
"Yeah.." His answer sounds distracted, and you peep to the side to read his expression as you're walking up the stairs. Upon entering your room, you open the door for him to step in. He does, closing it as he enters. His eyes dart from one side to the next, and the excitement returns tenfold. His eyes shine an electric blue, and you can only guess it's a lapse of control because he's so eager to see and understand it all.
"Your room is amazing!! " To you it isn't that great. There's a few posters on the walls of your favorite bands and artists. Your desk with all your school equipment and some little nicks and knacks to the side. The bed is situated a bit closer to the window that gives you a view of the neighborhood below.
"Thank you Bee."
His enthusiasm is so adorable, and it just reminds you why you adore the Autobot. He moves closer to the bed, poking the soft surface. "I-Is it alright if I sit down?" You nod.
"Of course Bee, make yourself at home." He's grinning, flopping back on the bed with a little cheer, and you giggle.
"For you I guess this is all brand new. You guys don't exactly sleep like the rest of us. "
That and his adjusted size, you probably would have a similar reaction if you were in his shoes.
"I'm glad you like it." You placed your bag down, taking a seat on the bed. Bumblebee sat upright, shifting closer to you, and you just titled your head with a smile.
"Nothing, I'm just really happy that we're this close."
There he goes again, saying stuff like that to make your insides flutter in the most heavenly way.
His body is now facing you, and you can practically feel the pull he's giving off as he looks at you. He bits his lower lip, and you can hear the small breath he takes as he begins to lean in. You pull back, standing and wringing your hands. "A-Are you hungry? We should get something to eat. '' you try to take a step to the door.
"Why do you do that?" you freeze in place. Bumblebee stands, and the hurt that he expresses causes your heart to constrict. He looks down at his palm as if searching for something.
"I thought if I looked like this it would bring us closer, but it seems to have done the exact opposite. Am I not appealing to you as a human?"
You rush over to him shaking your head. "Of course not Bee, you'd never be unappealing to me no matter how you look. Autobot or human, I love you regardless." As the words leave your lips, you become still. Neither of you have really said that particular word yet. You look away bashfully.
"I love you too (Y/N), so much."
He doesn't even need to say the words, you already know. Nevertheless, you love hearing it.
He takes your hands in his, and the warmth is familiar.
"Then why do you keep running from me?"
You need to explain, but it's just so embarrassing. The red that graces your cheeks only adds to Bumblebee's puzzle.
"Bee...do you remember when I kept avoiding you that week." His brows knit in utter confusion now. What did that have to do with anything. Truth be told he rather not remember. Because it was a tough week for him.
He was so convinced that he'd done something to tarnish your friendship, but he had no idea what it was. That's what drove him crazy. "I remember." He answers tightly.
"It wasn't because of anything you did, and I should have explained it all that day I was just so embarrassed about it all so I tried to deal with it on my own but I just made everything worse."
"I don't understand, what did you try to deal with?"
"Bee, I had a dirty dream about you."
"Dirty?" Oh how you wish you didn't have to explain that concept to him.
"A sexual dream." you clarified.
He stilled. "Sexual.." His brain seems to be computing the meaning behind the words. When he does, you can see the way his eyes become wide.
"B-But w-what I-I was still an h-how did you...I-I.." you cover your face.
"I-I'm sorry!!" you're mortified. "N-No it's fine I just never thought that you felt that way. For so long too." He sounds almost in awe. There were so many questions whirling in his mind. He knew since that day that he followed you to the warehouse that something was different. The way he felt about you was not the same as Sam or even Mikaela.
"(Y/N), how long have you...been in love with me?" He really needs an answer. It's important.
"I think..since that day that you touched me.."
Your hand moves to your cheek, the memory of it all rushing back. There was a light in his eyes that just struck you and nothing had been the same.
Bumblebee stands, and as he approaches, you kind of want to run. Not because you're scared, but the emotion that is revealed to you, it's so prominent, strong and almost raw. His hand reaches out, sliding against your cheek. You only manage one syllable before he claims your lips. A short sound leaves your lips, and his free hand secures around your waist, pulling you flush to his form. The sudden movement causes your hands to flatten on his chest. Your body is slowly but surely catching up with what's happening, and you grip at his shirt, letting out a moan.
He doesn't relent. The eager kisses feel as though he's been deprived of the opportunity for centuries. Bumblebee's hold is firm, soft, loving. Your melting just by the sensations that travel through your body. He is pretty good at this. He slowly backs you up, and you fall ungracefully unto the bed. He barely processes it. Because his lips still have you captive. One of his hands press into the mattress, and the other links with your own, fingers entangled. This very moment, you pray that'll never end. He finally pulls back to regain his breath, and you're also fighting to get yours. You're both heaving, and you grin at him. He smiles back, pecking your lips.
"I'm really going to enjoy being human."
There's no doubt about that.
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sparklingpax · 4 years
TFP Group Chat Stories - Autobots (#2)
The more popular request was for me to do another one of these, this time with the Autobots; here goes! I’ll be doing that rlly cool Decepticon idea sometime soon as well tho dw ;) Thanks y’all! ^^’’
So I’d like to note that after much talk, Optimus has at last dropped his habit of making an email out of every text, but still refuses to text casually 😹😹
Also also! The humans have their own groupchat (the kids) which I may or may not do a chat thing for as well ^w^’’ But this gc is for “all Autobots,” so the humans are a part of this one as well~ 
Except for Agent Fowler because he adamantly refused and was not swayed on that verdict. 
Ah, so with that aside, hopefully I can at least make you smile :’D 
Enjoy! <3
🔥✨🚑 *Tragic Hero Noises* 🚚✨🔥
Matrix-Bearer: Good afternoon, Autobots. I have been given lengthy instruction as to how this “group-chat” is supposed to function. You may thank the human children for our....suitable chat name. I have started this “group-chat” so we may better communicate as a team, coordinate plans, and altogether bond more deeply. I pray this marks the beginning of a new era in the midst of this bleak war, and that this shall bring a greater hope and chance for success against the Decepticons. Thank you, and please follow the rules posted on the fridge. Optimus out. 
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_Wrench_Wrath_: Thank you, Optimus, but a speech was not necessary. Just text normally, like we talked about ok? 
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DestinysBoi: @ MikoMikoNii you get me ;)
MikoMikoNii: BRO OFC ;)) 
DestinysBoi: *finger guns*
Its_Jack_: it’s bee two minutes and this chat is already cursed 
Its_Jack: @ Whizkid @ Cee_HowULikeMe_Now help me out please 
Bumbleowo: Hes studying for a test! Sorry if we mute you for now ^~^’’ 
_Wrench_Wrath_ : What material is he going over, Bumblebee? 
DestinysBoi: oop ok then 
MikoMikoNii: Later Bee!! Tell Raf I said good luck!! 
Bumbleowo: Will do! :)
Its_Jack: oh shoot my mom wants me for chores bye!
MikoMikoNii: later chump~
Its_Jack: and you wonder Why I never like being part of your groupchats 
MikoMikoNii: U_U
_Wrench_Wrath_ : Can someone answer my question??
BladesandGrenades: lol
MikoMikoNii: OOF 
DestinysBoi: Rip 😔👊🔥
DestinysBoi: only old people get their caps lock stuck 😂😂
MikoMikoNii: oo bulkhead should see this 🤣 @ Gentle-Giant get your metal hide over here!!! 
DestinysBoi: 😳😳😳
BladesandGrenades: our definitions of “a little” seem to be at odds 
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: Oh hey awesome I got my regular keyboard back! I’m still mad though 🙃
MikoMikoNii: think happy things arcee!! 😳
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: No 🙃💙
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: You have five minutes smokescreen 🙃🙃
DestinysBoi: wait why me??!
BladesandGrenades: Oh that reminds me; @ _Wrench_Wrath_ just an fyi, bulky broke his tablet again so hes gonna need a lil help
Shoulderpads: Wheeljack, all of you, it is not professional to use improper grammar and punctuation in any form of communication. Take that to your private chats please. 
BladesandGrenades: lol 
BladesandGrenades: how bout 
BladesandGrenades: shove it up your tailpipe ;)
_Wrench_Wrath_: HE DID WHAT
Matrix-Bearer: Ratchet, I understand you are upset. Could you perhaps calm down? You are scaring certain residents of this base. 
<  _Wrench_Wrath_ has left the chat >
BladesandGrenades: Well then
MikoMikoNii: OOF WOAH
DestinysBoi: u think hes coming back??
MikoMikoNii: Nah 
BladesandGrenades: nope lol 
BladesandGrenades: and ig @ Shoulderpads decided to actually shove it up his tailpipe ;) mission accomplished
DestinysBoi: ...ahah o///o’‘
DestinysBoi: Wouldnt be too sure of that one Jackie..
BladesandGrenades: wh
MikoMikoNii: 🙊😳
BladesandGrenades: Whats going on what happening 
Matrix-Bearer: Good afternoon, all. This announcement pertains only to one of you. Wheeljack, please take a moment to head to Ultra Magnus’s quarters. He is requesting your assistance in the matter of....something involving his ship and something in its tailpipes. He informed me that the matter is urgent and requires immediate assistance. Thank you kindly. Signed, Optimus. 
MikoMikoNii: guess
MikoMikoNii: guess you’ll be the one shoving it 
BladesandGrenades: frag this mf 
BladesandGrenades: k boss I’ll be there in a sec 
DestinysBoi: lmao nice one Miko 😂😎🔥
Bumbleowo: Hey everyone! What’d we miss? 
Whizkid: Hello, Optimus! Thank you for the kind greeting! I hope this chat can be utilized for good as well! :) Thanks for letting me join!!
Matrix-Bearer: Hell, Rafael!  
Matrix-Bearer: I...I meant ‘hello.’ 
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: oh wow Optimus woah--
DestinysBoi: Guys dont be so mean :( hes just expressing the reality of what this chat actually is :))
WhizKid: I--
Bumbleowo: lololol oh wow 😅😂
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Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: ok smokescreen I,,I actually have to agree with you on this one--
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: Youre off the hook 
DestinysBoi: thank you, my queen 😭😭
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: 🙂
Matrix-Bearer: Apologies for the sheer informalities in this message, however I must express my deepest regrets for even starting this chat. 
Matrix-Bearer: I’m beginning to think this was a mistake.
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Matrix-Bearer: I...have never before felt such fear for my life...
Shoulderpads: What in the good name of Primus is wrong with you people?? What is that? Why is it so....unnerving? 
MikoMikoNii: 👌
And so that’s that! Sorry it took so long!! I was busy and it got stuck in my drafts for much longer than intended! But I hope there arent too many mistakes or anything, and I hope you could at least find it interesting, if not funny ^^’’ 
I enjoyed making this one too~
Lmk if you want me to do some more! Drop ideas! I’ll most likely be doing a Decepticon one next if I do another~ 
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Heart Attack - Knock Out x reader
Word count: 3,670 Warnings: None A/N: This was one of the first TFP fanfics I wrote. I finished it in June 2019. Hope you enjoy! Song: Heart Attack by Demi Lovato 
You hummed a song on the couch while watching the older two teenagers play a video game. Not truly paying attention with a big grin and a far off look in your eyes, daydreaming. about your secret friend. Knockout. You met him through your association with the Autobots. He decided to capture you, not too long after you were introduced to them, a few months after the other three kids were. Before the Autobots rescued you, you talked with Knockout. It was enjoyable and you both like to conversing. Thus, you been secretly scheduling time to get together. You loved being with him and talking to him.
Currently, your mind was sitting on a mental picture of him his finish shiny and a beautiful shade of red. His face snow white and handsome. Your imagination switch to him in his flawless alt mode rolling down the road against the sunset. Sighing, your imagination supplied the sensation of sitting in him at that high speed. Your heart began throbbing with a strange feeling. Realizing what you were thinking, you shook your head. No, you couldn't think that. You were just friends with him, that's all.
You were drawn back into the real world by Miko's victory celebration.
"Yes, I won!" Miko jumped up at her car knocking Jack's off the road.
Jack groaned before reminding Miko, "Okay, it's Raf's turn now."
"Right. Here," she handed him the controller.
"Miko, you've made the controller all sweaty," Raf complained, holding it by only his fingertips.
"Sorry," she replied in her cheerful way. "Not my fault my hands decided to do that while I was crushing Jack." She mimicked holding a controller and mashing buttons with one foot up on the cushion.
"How long has it been since you guys cleaned those off?" You asked, suddenly curious and slightly disgusted since you never recalled them doing that.
"Um, we're supposed to clean them?" Miko asked, sitting down and putting a finger on her jaw as if she was thinking.
"I... don't think we ever have," Jack slowly admitted as the realization came over him.
"Then I'll go get some wet wipes from the storage room. I'll be right back." You got up, began to clop down the hard stairs, and entered the Cybertronian sized corridor. "I'll come with," Miko called out while hopping up and running down the stairs with no regard for her own safety.
"Carefully!" Ratchet immediately snapped when he glanced her way.
"Sorry," you apologized for her, sinking into your shoulders.
Miko caught up with you and you both began running done the hall. You wouldn't normally have run, but you unintentionally mimicked your energetic friend, as well as doing so to simply keep up with her. Being in the corridor without someone usually made you feel uneasy, as if you felt that you didn't belong there due to your small size. Miko being beside you helped ease your insecurity.
She kept talking about some random things, like how she defeated Jack, that they need a new video game, and the monster truck rally she and Bulk went to. Most of the time you just nodded while she did the talking. You accidentally tuned out about half of it. Once you reached the storage area, you grabbed the box of wet wipes, cradled it in your arms, and began pacing back.
"So, do you like anyone?" Miko asked you out of nowhere, leaning forward while looking to you expectantly.
"What?" Your pupils became large and you almost froze from surprise.
"Do you have a crush on anyone?" she jumped out in front of you and walked backwards. "You've been acting more happy and daydreamy recently."
"I don't think 'daydreamy' is a word," you avoided the question.
"But who is it?"
"No one!"
She fell into step aside you again, pretending to examine her nails with a smug smile. "It's Knockout isn't it?"
That time you actually stopped in your tracks for a split second. "What?!" you said a lot louder than you meant to.
"Yeah! I saw the way you looked at him the other day when we had a run-in with the 'Cons. You were totally goo-goo eyed. If it were an anime your eyes would have had tons of sparkle and you would have been drooling."
"Quiet," you almost whispered.
"You were! Do you like him?" Miko was the most persistent girl you've ever known.
"No," you firmly answered louder than you meant to. You managed to stop yourself from shouting that you didn't know, feeling frustrated. "Look, I can't like him, he's a Decepticon. I barely know him. So stop asking," your voice had an unintentional edge. Miko even looked shocked and slightly scared for a millisecond.
In reality you didn't care that he was a Decepticon, you just didn't want to have to deal with a crush. They could be so annoying. Plus, it would be hard to do that considering you were on opposite sides, the Autobots might object, and he may not like you back. That last one could ruin your friendship which you valued so much.
"Okay," Miko shrugged and focused on the open room you were approaching. Although you could tell she wasn't convinced, even more so with her sudden calm and cool attitude. She was actually pretty good at acting when she wanted to, provided she's not lying, to the point only someone who truly knew her would be able to see through it.
"Here, think fast," you tossed the box to her as you ran into the wide area with most of the Autobots' presence.
Her pace quicken like yours and she rushed up the stairs. Your course, however, was aimed at the yellow Autobot scout. You slowed and stopped in front of him.
"Hey, Bee!" you called to him, "Can I get a ride back home? I think there's a report I left at home, so I'll just finish it there." With Miko being onto your secret- you mean, her thinking you liked Knockout, you had to get out of there as fast as you could before she told everyone her suspicion. Primus knows she can't keep a secret. You did NOT want to be around if she did so.
Bumblebee beeped in agreement and transformed into a yellow Urbana 500. The passenger door popped opened and you climbed inside.
"Thanks, Bee," you said as he clicked the seatbelt over you.
He buzzed, probably saying, "No problem," and drove through the tunnel and out into the Nevada desert. It was a quiet ride back, the light brown terrain blurred past you. You began thinking about Knockout again. They hadn't figured out that you were friends yet, in fact, all Miko suspected was that you liked him. This meant you were in the clear for now. Although if Miko told everyone, it would not only be embarrassing, they might keep a closer eye on you which would prevent you from being around Knockout.
Deciding you should tell him, you pulled your phone out and your fingers began flying across the digital keyboard.
Me: Wanna go for a drive? I'll be back home in a little bit, but don't go just yet. And be careful, the yellow Urbana's dropping me off.
You tapped send and leaned back in the seat. Normally you wouldn't have referred to Bumblebee like that, but it would make it easier for Knockout to know who you were talking about. Plus, it sounded like something Knockout would say and every now and then you found you were picking up his talking habits.
A buzzing against your skin made you look back at your phone and see the reply.
Knockout: Sure. I'll stick around, unseen, until you give the thumbs up.
You wanted to comment that it was almost impossible for him to be 'unseen' with his shiny, red paintjob and his gorgeous alt mode, but you knew what he meant. Blood rushed to your cheeks and you felt warm when you realized you just mentally called him gorgeous.
"Buzzz, chirp chirp, buzz?" Bee seemed to ask a question and pull you out of your thoughts.
"Huh." Being back in reality you suddenly realized you were only two or three minutes away from home.
Bumblebee repeated himself, but you still had no idea what he was trying to say. "I'm... sorry. I don't understand you."
The seatbelt moved on its own like it was alive. The part that was previously on your shoulder tapped your cheek, then stayed on your shoulder again like it never moved.
"Oh," you let out when you realized what he was asking. "It's just warm today, so that's why my face is turning red," you lied, although it was a warm day and you were grateful he cared enough to ask.
Before you could say thank you, the AC became cooler and the cool air felt pleasant on your skin.
"Thanks, Bee," you smiled.
He beeped another, "No problem," or "You're welcome." You didn't really need a translator to know that.
In no time, you were in front of your house. You waved and gave another thanks before running inside. Once inside, you secretly watched from the window and waited until Bumblebee was gone.
Pulling out your phone again, you typed:
Me: He's gone now. Just left.
You considered painting your nails red while waiting, to look better for him, but would it dry in time? Before you could decide, fifteen seconds after you clicked send, Knockout pulled up and you rushed as fast to him as you could, almost forgetting to close the door on your way out. The door opening, you promptly got in. It closed behind you and he began to drive.
"That was fast. You didn't even give me time to brush out my hair or anything," you joked while reaching for the seatbelt out of habit, but it automatically went over you and snapped into place.
"You still look just fine," he replied somewhat slowly in his suave voice.
"Thanks," you smiled and forced yourself to stop thinking about it before you could begin blushing.
"What's wrong?" he asked when he noticed you were slightly less happy than usual. You had been friends and spent enough time with each other that he could read you fairly well.
"Miko might be onto me."
"She's the girl that's Bulkhead's pet, right?"
"Partner, or charge, whatever you want to call it," you corrected. "But yes."
"She knows about us," there was a slight growl in his words. You could just be kidding yourself, but it might have been fear, in an angry way. Like he was scared of the possibility. "About us being friends and meeting each other, I mean," the red interior lights flashed as he spoke.
"Well not exactly, she..." you paused, looking for the right way to word it. You didn't want to tell him that Miko thought you had a crush on him, because you didn't, you mentally added. "She noticed how I... seemed happy when I saw you the other day. She may guess that I've been meeting up with you, or someone else will if she tells them."
"Would she tell them?"
"Oh yeah. That girl can't keep a secret. Except for the fact that cybertronians exist, maybe she's just bad at keeping secrets from her friends. Anyway," you regained your posture and decided to get back on topic, "even if they don't figure it out, they might think that I'll approach you and get captured or... join the Decepticons," you waved your arms out, careful not to hit Knockout, as you exaggerated. "The point is they can worry and keep a closer optic on me which would restrict me from seeing you." You leaned back with your arms crossed, staring down. "I could always text or call you. But I have no idea how long the house arrest would last. Plus they may wonder who I'm texting so much and see, and I would miss riding with you and seeing you in person."
Knockout stayed quiet as he processed it, wondering what he should say or how he should respond to all of that information. The only sound was the hum of his engine giving the necessary energy to glide across the concrete in the open desert while you waited for a reply.
"Hmm. Wouldn't want that to happen. If the 'Bots learn, Megatron might too. That would be painful. But the chances of him figuring out are slim, so I'd be more worried about you right now." He thought about it. "Maybe if that happens you could run away with me," he suggested.
You laughed, "As tempting as that is, I can't do that. That would be a little irresponsible and only make it worse. If they worry about me being captured or defecting, running away wouldn't ease them, it would make them more desperate. And they're my friends too. But thanks for the offer," you added.
"What should we do then?"
"I think we should just roll with the punches and hope for the best. There's no guarantee they'll find out. Although, we should be more careful." It scared you to think that you could lose Knockout, however you had to hope for the best. That was all you could do, so you hoped you wouldn't be prevented from being with him. The thought of being torn apart from him made your heart ach- you mean, it would be sad. No, you gave your head a small shake. You didn't love him, you convinced yourself.
"If you say so," he sounded a little unsure himself.
"Knockout!" a deep, scary voice burst through the speakers making you jump.
"Yes, Megatron," Knockout tried to mask the fear in his response, not wanting to be caught slacking off with a human.
"Knockout, where are you?" he demanded.
You froze and unintentionally held your breath. You didn't know if the Decepticon leader would hear you if you said anything, but you didn't want to find out.
"I was... just scouting for energon deposits."
"Well you're in luck," Megatron became strangely calm with a bite, like he was attempting to suppress his anger. "Because we have detected an energy signature near your location. Scout out the area and report your findings, IMMEDIATELY!"
"Y-yes, my liege." He turned off the comm. "Sorry, (Y/n), I have to go check it out," he said quietly, as if he was afraid the comm was still on.
You nodded. "It's alright. I understand."
None of you had to mention it to know that you were both terrified that Megatron would find out about your secret, despite only speaking through the comm channel. Your heart was still racing. By the way the engine rattled slightly, while driving off the road to scout the requested site, you could tell he was still shaken up.
Knockout stopped by a rock wall and opened the door for you to get out.
"It would probably be safer if you stayed here and wait for me. No telling if the site is going to be unstable or if Lord Megatron has already sent other Decepticons," he mentioned.
"Right," you hopped out, "I'll wait here." You watched him drive away, turning right and behind the orange-ish brown rock formation you were standing by.
Sighing, you wondered what you should do while waiting. Your feet kicked up some rocks and dirt out of boredom. Your mind wandered and you began to think about Knockout, then Miko's earlier claim. A warm feeling fluttered in your chest. You immediately forced yourself to stop thinking about it to remove the feeling and decided to distract yourself by putting in ear buds and listening to songs on your phone.
Several songs played that you danced or bobbed your head to. Then a song, that sounded strangely similar to your situation, began playing.
Puttin’ my defences up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
Upon hearing that you knew it was "Heart attack" by Demi Levado.
If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack
Never put my love out on the line
You nodded, since you knew that you wanted to never to risk your heart getting broken or putting yourself in a bad situation when it came to love... want being keyword. You can want one thing, but another thing can happen.
Never said yes to the right guy Never had trouble getting what I want But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough
A laugh escaped your mouth, recollecting that you often never felt good enough for Knockout. He was gorgeous, how could you ever compete or be good enough for his standards? This time you forgot to notice you called him gorgeous and argue with yourself that you didn't think that as your thoughts moved on with the song.
When I don’t care, I can play 'em like a Ken doll Won’t wash my hair, then make 'em bounce like a basketball
But you make me wanna act like a girl Paint my nails and wear high heels, yes you Make me so nervous, that I just can’t hold your hand
A hum vibrated in your throat as you began humming the song at the pre chorus. You remembered when you considered painting your nails for Knockout.
You make me glow, But I cover up, won’t let it show, So I’m puttin’ my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack
Your heart seemed to have taken note of what feeling it produced when you usually thought about Knockout and replay it while listening to the song. This time you didn't fight it and let the nice feeling flood through you.
Never break a sweat for the other guys When you come around, I get paralyzed And every time I try to be myself It comes out wrong like a cry for help
You were so into the song and relating to it so much that at the last line that you began singing along while dancing more vigorously, knowing that no one would see.
It’s just not fair Pain’s more trouble than love is worth I gasp for air It feels so good, but you know it hurts
But you make me wanna act like a girl Paint my nails and wear perfume, for you, Make me so nervous, that I just can’t hold your hand
You make me glow, But I cover up, won’t let it show, So I’m puttin’ my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack
You recalled how you'd be so much more happier being with and thinking about Knockout, but you'd never let it show because you didn't want anyone else to figure out. Thinking about it now, you didn't want yourself to figure out. You thought that if you kept denying it, then you wouldn't fall for him.
Dummy, you heard a part of your brain or heart say, how could you not fall for him?
The feelings got lost in my lungs They’re burning, I’d rather be numb
It felt really weird suddenly admitting you liked him, that it had become too powerful to deny, like the song was giving it energy. The emotion overpowered you in a way you almost felt weak, yet it somehow had a pleasant sensation.
And there’s no one else to blame
Sighing, the song reminded you that there was no one else you could blame for making you feel like this except for yourself. You let this happen and decided to meet him all the time.
So scared I take off and I run I’m flying too close to the sun And I burst into flames
You make me glow, But I cover up, won’t let it show, So I’m puttin’ my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack (heart attack) I think I’d have a heart attack
A spin was the next move you decided to perform. While doing so, you spotted an all too familiar red mech leaning against the rock and white face smirking. This startled you so much that you lost balance and fell down on your bottom, facing Knockout.
Oh I think I’d have a heart attack
Your cheeks heated up, feeling embarrassed that he heard you singing and what you were just thinking about. His arms were crossed, causing the sun to reflect off of his doors, and an optic ridge was raised that didn't help your blush.
I think I’d have a heart attack
You stopped the song as it ended and pulled out the ear buds. "I... didn't hear you. How... much did you hear?" you tentatively asked while getting up.
"Oh, just the beginning of, what I assumed is, the second chorus up until now." He stood up straight and walked closer to you.
You stood still and wondered what he was going to do. An awkward smile played on your mouth while you pretended everything was normal. Although you moved your legs closer together and held your arm, giving you the appearance of being someone shy.
"So, do you have a heart attack?" he asked.
Your heart started beating so fast you thought it would burst out of your chest and your brain stopped functioning. "Umm... Uh, ummm."
Your flustered reaction seemed to please him. He tenderly placed a digit over your mouth to stop you from talking. He leaned down so you were eye to optic. A smile graced his faceplate while you stared into his deep optics.
"I have a spark attack too."
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
Con Job
"Alright! Chores are done! Now can we do some dune-bashing?!" Miko pleaded Bulkhead from her position on his shoulder as he walked into the command centre.
"I don't know, Miko. Last time, I spent a week picking sand out of my articulators. But there's a monster-truck rally in town," Bulkhead offered, causing Miko to light up.
"What is it with you and monster-truck rallies?" Paige asked as she leaned into Optimus, resting on his shoulder.
"They're awesome!" Miko answered casually.
"Optimus! I'm receiving a signal from a restricted band! It appears to be coming from a starship within the solar system," Ratchet reported, "It's an Autobot identification beacon!"
"So there are other bots out there?" Jack surmised.
"The masses scattered to the galaxy after Cybertron finally went dark. But 'Cons have been known to fake traps with false beacons," Arcee pointed out. Paige looked down at the mention of Cybertron but she was hiding her sadness at the fact that she was most likely the last Galatrian in the world.
And it hurt. Optimus, almost as if he sensed her sadness, gently brushed the girl's back with his digit before he looked back at the screens.
"Unknown vessel, this is Autobot Outpost Omega One. Identify yourself."
After some static, they got the answer they were looking for. And it made Bulkhead happy.
"I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon combat grenades!"
"Wheeljack?!" Bulkhead exclaimed excitedly as he ran forward, causing Miko to nearly fall off his shoulder, "You old 'Con crusher! What are you doing all the way out here?!"
"Bulkhead? That you? What's with all the security?"
"The rock we're on is crawling with 'Cons. How soon can you get here and even the odds?" Bulkhead asked.
"Sometime tomorrow...if I put metal to the pedal."
"Another bot's coming here! How cool is that?!" Miko gushed excitedly.
"Wheeljack... I know him by reputation only. Can you verify his voiceprint?" Optimus asked.
"He is 1000% the real deal, Optimus," Bulkhead nodded.
"Aw, y'all wouldn't forget about us so easily, would ya?" A mech's voice asked playfully. Arcee widened her optics in surprise, "Jazz?"
"Us?" Jack repeated curiously. "I'm here with Jazz and Wheeljack," Prowl chuckled.
"Don't leave us out, ya old mech," another voice said and Primrose widened her optics with joy and surprise.
"WhiteRain, Nightwalker!" She said excitedly. "Hiya Prim," the other femme said.
"Hey, Rosie," Nightwalker said excitedly.
"New bots! And they sound cool!" Paige said happily. Upon hearing that, Optimus and Ratchet softly glared at the girl.
"You're all cool too," Paige said quickly with a smile and the others chuckled. "Whatever you say, Sweetspark," Ratchet chuckled.
"Who's the little lady?" Jazz asked. "You'll see her soon," Ratchet chuckled.
"We will send landing coordinates, Wheeljack. Safe journey," Optimus bidded.
"See you soon, buddy. I'll make sure you get a proper welcome," Bulkhead promised before the transmission was terminated.
"So...who's the boyfriend?" Arcee asked casually.
"Me and Jacky go way back. We were part of the same warrior unit: The Wreckers. Which means the 'Cons are gonna wish he never found us," Bulkhead proclaimed.
"Oh boy," Primrose grimaced as she facepalmed dramatically, "And I thought we had enough male ego around here!"
"Try living with them for as long as I have," Arcee retorted with a smirk.
"I don't know how you survive," Primrose chuckled.
"Hey!" Bulkhead exclaimed in mock offence.
"Wheeljack? You old 'Con Crusher! What are you doing all the way out here?"
"Bulkhead? That you? What's will all the security?"
"The rock we're on is crawling with 'Cons. How soon can you get here and even the odds?"
"A war hero, hmmm?" Ember pondered aloud.
"We haven't much time. Makeshift!" Starscream called out.
Makeshift approached the three Decepticons. As soon as Makeshift was close enough, Soundwave stuck out his clawed tentacle and stabbed Makeshift. Within moments, Makeshift wasn't himself anymore.
"Let us give the Autobots a proper welcome," Ember said with a soft yet dark chuckle.
"Wheeljack's ship is approaching the landing zone," Arcee reported happily.
"You think he's here to visit?" Raf asked.
"Maybe he'll stay! Hm, has to find his own human, though," Miko mused, "How about Paige?"
"No!" Bulkhead, Primrose and Arcee protested and Bumblebee glanced at Optimus who's shoulders tensed up with protectiveness upon hearing Miko.
"GroundBridge cycling up," Ratchet reported proudly, before sparks flew from the controls, causing him to grumble as he whacked it with his fist, "Blasted Scraplets! The equipment hasn't been the same since the infestation." "What are they like?" Paige asked, looking to Primrose, "the new bots, I mean."
"Jazz and Prowl are complete opposites of each other," Primrose chuckled, "Jazz is a bit of a musical delight while Prowl is a little by-the-book. WhiteRain is sassy and creative although her personality says different and Nightwalker's just a cowboy- rowdy and rambunctious."
"Him, Cliff and I would get into all kinds of mischief," Arcee chuckled. Paige smiled softly and she leaned into Arcee's neck cables.
"So Wheeljack's gonna land halfway around the world?" Jack began, "and then you'll just bridge him and the others here?"
"We can't risk revealing the location of our base. Just in case the Decepticons are tracking Wheeljack's ship," Optimus explained the reasoning behind this action.
"Someone wanna calm Bulkhead's pacing?" Primrose asked as she gestured to the pacing Bulkhead.
"Allow me," Miko smirked before approaching the railing, "Dude! I've never seen you so stoked!"
"You're gonna love Wheeljack! We were like brothers! And tonight, we're gonna party!" Bulkhead proclaimed.
"Sweet!" Miko cheered. The alarms went off.
"Bogies! Closing fast on Wheeljack's position!" Arcee reported.
"'Con scum!" Bulkhead exclaimed in anger.
Wheeljack's ship, the Jackhammer, flew through the air, being tailed by five Decepticons who shot at the Autobot ship.
The Jackhammer dodged every shot except one. A blaster shot hit the engine and the ship made a huge dent in the desert as it crashed and skidded for a few feet.
The Vehicons landed and transformed into their bipedal forms. One of them took a step forward only to be met with a blaster to the chestplates and it fell to the ground.
WhiteRain, Nightwalker, Jazz, Prowl and Wheeljack stepped out of the smoke. Nightwalker's blaster was out and smoking.
"You trying to ruin our day, you're gonna have to try harder than that," Wheeljack said before he activated his battle mask and the five Autobots charged at the Vehicons, drawing their weapons.
Echo watched the scene on the screen, her wings twitching slightly. Ember turned to Soundwave, "swiftly now. Before the other Autobots arrive."
Soundwave only nodded in response.
"Open the bridge, Ratchet! We're missing all the action!" Bulkhead pointed out.
"I'll prepare sick bay," Ratchet decided as he activated the bridge.
"Who for? The 'Cons? This is Wheeljack we're talking about!" Bulkhead scoffed in disbelief before running into the portal with Arcee and Bumblebee following him.
"Why do I get the feeling that something bad is about to happen?" Primrose suddenly asked.
"Prim, you worry way too much," Firestorm teased her affectionately.
"I can't help it, Fire. It runs in the family!" Primrose defended as she jerked her helm in Optimus' direction.
"I heard that," Optimus called out from the other side of the room.
"You were meant to!" Primrose called back. "It's strange that Bulkhead only talks of Wheeljack and not of the other bots," Paige said, tilting her head slightly.
"Well Bulkhead and Wheeljack have known each other since the War began," Ratchet said, "trust me, imagine how their reunion will look."
When Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee arrived at the scene, they were expecting a fight. They were expecting to be attacked by the Decepticons. So they had their blasters ready to go. However, there was no need. Surrounding them were dismantled Decepticon warriors. Bulkhead could only stand and watch in pure amazement as Wheeljack ran his blade through the remaining Decepticon and he fell to the ground.
"I taught him that," Bulkhead chuckled proudly.
"Ever think we might need a hand here?" Nightwalker asked as he sheathed his blades and he and the others approached the three Autobots.
"What? And spoil the show?" Bulkhead scoffed.
"You missed one," Arcee said, placing her servo on her hip. WhiteRain unlocked her blaster and shot the remaining Vehicon right in the faceplates, taking care of it quickly.
"If this is all you got, then this planet is in much bigger trouble than I thought," Wheeljack remarked. Bulkhead widened his optics before he hurried up to the other two Wreckers and picked them up into a hug, laughing with joy.
Nightwalker chuckled as he and Arcee clapped servos together and patted each other's backs.
Jazz smiled as he rubbed Bumblebee's helm and Prowl chuckled. Arcee grinned as she watched the two Wreckers.
"Haha, watch the finish, you old wrecking ball," WhiteRain chuckled.
The ground bridge opened and the Autobots ran into the base. Ratchet jumped slightly when the controls sparked and so did the ground bridge.
"Jacky, Rain, come here. Meet my other best buddy, Miko. She can wreck with the best of us," Bulkhead boasted.
"Hiya," Miko greeted.
"You keeping Bulkhead out of trouble?" WhiteRain asked as she leaned in closer.
"I try. But trouble finds us anyway," Miko answered. "More like you find trouble," Primrose chuckled as she hugged Nightwalker and WhiteRain.
"We're gonna get along just fine," Wheeljack chuckled and he walked up to Optimus, "Optimus Prime. It's a privilege."
"Likewise, soldier," Optimus said, "What have you to report from your long journey?"
"Been bouncing from rock to rock searching for signs of friend or foe. Now I find both," Wheeljack shrugged casually.
"We are few but strong. We have suffered losses. But we have grown. And we would relish welcoming a new member into our fold," Optimus said.
"I would be honored," Wheeljack smiled.
"Then let's get this party started!" Bulkhead cheered as he slapped Wheeljack's back and they bumped chests.
"Oh joy," Ratchet said sarcastically with a frown. Jazz looked around before he saw Paige hiding behind Arcee's pede.
Jazz smiled softly and he bent down on one knee and held his servo out. "C'mon out, Lil Lady. I won't hurt ya."
Paige looked up at Arcee who gave a reassuring nod and the girl walked over to Jazz before she climbed into his servo.
"You're a Galatrian," Prowl said, blinking in surprise, "I've heard of you but I didn't think there'd be one on Earth of all places." "She's so cute and tiny," WhiteRain said with a giggle.
Paige blushed and she waved her fist at the other femme, "I'm not tiny!" "Fiesty little thing," Nightwalker snickered.
"The moment Makeshift passed through their GroundBridge, we lost their signal," Starscream announced, "the Autobot base is no doubt heavilly shielded to prevent us from locating it. No matter. I have complete faith in Makeshift," Starscream reassured himself as he and Soundwave walked into a prison cell with Wheeljack- the real one- hanging from energy-suspended shackles.
"Our inside man is already inside," Starscream said. Wheeljack looked at the two Decepticons with narrowed optics, "tell Megatron he's fragged in the helm if he thinks Bulkhead won't sniff out an imposter."
"Haven't you heard? Someone else leads the Decepticons now," Starscream said, a hint of bitterness in his tone.
"You? Ha!" Wheeljack scoffed with laughter. Starscream growled and raised his claws to strike the Autobot only for Soundwave to grab him by the wrist.
"Yes," Starscream hissed and he yanked his servo away, "yes he may be yet of use," he looked back at Wheeljack, "Makeshift is very good at keeping up appearances. He need only fool your friends long enough to open their ground bridge from within so that I may finally learn the location of the Autobot base and send in my strike team to stain its floor with the spilled energon of Optimus Prime."
Loud electric guitar music filled the atrium as Miko played for the group, dancing a bit as she did. Paige and Raf sat nearby listening.
"Come on, Wheeljack! Show me what you got!" Bulkhead challenged as he caught the metal ball and threw it back, "Nice lob!"
"So...what's that about?" Jack asked.
"It's called lobbing. A favourite pass-time on Cybertron. Especially among the warrior class," Arcee clarified.
"Come on, Raf! Show us some moves!" Miko encouraged as the familiar beats filled the room.
"Oh, alright...," Raf sighed as he stood up...and did the robot.
"Of course. The robot," Jack laughed. Paige laughed as Bumblebee copied Raf.
"Oh the irony," Nightwalker laughed before he decided to join the two.
Paige watched Miko play her guitar and she walked away. "Hey Paige, can you sing something for us?" Miko asked, a smug grin on her face, "I'm sure Wheeljack would love to hear your voice for the first time."
Paige felt her cheeks warm up as everyone looked at her, even Ratchet. "U-um," Paige said and she glared at Miko, "you are so dead."
Miko stuck her tongue out at her. Paige sighed before she placed her phone on the amp and plugged it in.
"Said there's nothing that we can't do when we're dancing," Paige sang, "I can feel the music more when I'm with you. With your hands on me, I feel my heartbeat racing. Now."
"Had to let go of everything that I know," She continued, swinging her hips a little, "before, -ore, -ore. One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently. One, two, three, and dance with me tonight! And maybe all our dreams are coming true. And, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you. One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently! Said one, two, three, and dance with me tonight. And maybe all our dreams are coming true and, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you! Let me move you!"
"Yeah, little faster, little slower, it don't matter. 'Cause I never knew myself this good till now. And I hope you know this change in me forever. Forever," she did a little twirl, "had to let go of everything that I know. Before, -ore, -ore! One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently. One, two, three, and dance with me tonight! And maybe all our dreams are coming true. And, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you. One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently! Said one, two, three, and dance with me tonight. And maybe all our dreams are coming true and, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you! One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently! Said one, two, three, and dance with me tonight. And maybe all our dreams are coming true and, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you! Let me move you!"
She wasn't even aware Ratchet was staring at her with astonishment and the sudden applause startled her. She smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck as her cheeks turned red.
"You weren't kidding. She has an amazing voice," Jazz said, his visor glowing with delight. "I agree," Prowl chuckled.
Paige blushed more and squeaked in surprise when Ratchet scooped her up into his servo. Jack smiled and shook his head with amusement. "Where's Optimus?" He asked Arcee, suddenly noticing the absence of the Prime.
"Went for a drive. Primes don't party," Arcee answered with a smirk. "But I'll be sure to show him this when he gets back," WhiteRain said with a grin.
"Comin' at ya!" Bulkhead warned as he threw the lob ball...that Wheeljack missed and it smashed into the GroundBridge controls.
"You know, I am attempting to perform sensitive calibrations here!" Ratchet snapped, "and you almost hurt Paige!"
"Sorry, Doc. Guess we're a little charged up," Wheeljack apologized as he picked up the ball and he gently patted Paige's head with a digit, "sorry, Kit. You built this bridge from scratch, huh?"
"I did," Ratchet nodded.
"That's quite a feat of engineering," Wheeljack complimented.
"Yes. It is," Ratchet agreed.
"Something wrong with it?" Wheeljack asked casually.
"I didn't care for the way it sounded after that last jump. I put it in shutdown," Ratchet answered.
"What if you need to use it?" Wheeljack wanted to know.
"Oh, I can't disrupt the defrag process without causing irreparable damage," Ratchet shook his head.
"So...how long will the defrag take?" Wheeljack questioned, his expression darkening.
"A few hours...if we're lucky. Maybe longer," Ratchet shrugged. Paige watched Wheeljack, frowning. Something was off about the Wrecker and his aurora only fed her suspicions.
After a while, the party ended and switched to that of Bulkhead and Wheeljack telling everyone, minus Ratchet, their stories of the war.
"So there we were. No communication. Low on Energon. Surrounded by 'Cons. So what does Wheeljack do?" Bulkhead asked teasingly, noticing the excitement on the faces of Jack, Paige, Miko and Raf, "Tell them, Jackie."
"What I do best," Wheeljack said.
"He chucks his only grenade smack in the primary heat exchanger!" Bulkhead revealed.
"Seemed like a good idea at the time!" Wheeljack defended his actions with a good-natured laugh.
"The joint went SUPERNOVA!" Bulkhead recalled, spreading his servos to prove his point.
"Awesome!" Miko gasped excitedly.
"Yeah. I'm still picking shrapnel out of my backside!" Bulkhead said as he rubbed at his backside in demonstration.
"I'm not surprised given the size of your backside," Arcee smirked and Nightwalker and Bumblebee snickered.
"There it is. Jackie's signature. One grenade. One shot," Bulkhead finished the story before noticing the expression on Wheeljack's face, "Hey. You alright?"
"What?" Wheeljack stuttered.
"You don't seem like yourself," Bulkhead observed.
"What do you mean?" Wheeljack demanded.
"I don't know. You seem...quiet," Bulkhead said. "I've been stuck in a can too long. I should go topside before things go stir crazy," Wheeljack shrugged.
"I have patrol in the morning. You can come with," Bulkhead offered.
"Let's go now," Wheeljack suggested as he immediately stood up, causing Paige's suspicions over the guy's strange behavior to rise.
"And break up the party?" Bulkhead protested, "Come on! The gang's loving you! You've gotta tell them about the Battle of Dark Mount Pass!"
"You tell them. You're better at it. How about if Miko here shows me the rest of your base?" Wheeljack offered.
"Yeah. Sure, Jacky. Go ahead," Bulkhead agreed hesitantly.
"Tour starts now," Miko declared as she and Wheeljack disappeared into the hallways, "Do you play any instruments? Can you fly? Have you thrashed more Decepticons than Bulkhead?"
"Typical Miko," Primrose couldn't help but mutter, before noticing Bulkhead's forlorn expression, "Hey. You alright, Bulk?"
"Yeah. Just out of sorts I guess, Prim," Bulkhead muttered. "Don't tell me you're jealous," Arcee teased with a slight smirk amongst the concern in her optics.
"That Miko's making a new friend?! Come on! Something...something's just not right about Wheeljack," Bulkhead said.
"Bulkhead, really?" Arcee sighed, thinking that Bulkhead was just overreacting, "He's travelled for galaxies. You haven't seen him in centuries. He could just be rocket lagged or...well, bots do change, you know?"
"Not Jacky," Bulkhead protested. Firestorm and WhiteRain looked at each other.
Inside his prison, Wheeljack strugged against the confindments. His grunts of determination and occasional frustration were heard by the Decepticon guarding him. It annoyed the Vehicon to wit's end. Eventually, he had enough. He walked up to Wheeljack with his blaster unfolded from his arm and held it to his face.
"You're not going anywhere, Autobot," he proclaimed.
That was when Wheeljack took his only chance. He wrapped his legs around the Decepticon's neck. Immediately, the Decepticon struggled against his tight grip and started shooting laser blasts from his blaster.
"Blah blah blah," Wheeljack grumbled as he guided the Decepticon's target with his legs.
Within moments, Wheeljack managed to make the Decepticon shoot the control panel that kept the restraints that were restricting him active. With the control panel destroyed, Wheeljack was able to free himself. He fell to the ground when the sparks died and the cuffs shattered.
"So, that's pretty much it. Energon stock pile, powerboard generator, armory; everything you need to blow the joint sky high," Miko remarked as she wrapped up her tour with Wheeljack.
"Where's this bunker located exactly?" Wheeljack wanted to know curiously.
"If I told ya, I'd have to rip out your spark chamber," Miko answered dangerously before a happy smile appeared, "Kidding! Just outside Jasper, Nevada! Though I don't expect that to mean too much to ya!"
"Can't say it does," Wheeljack lied, "So, any way out of here besides bridging?"
"Why? You're not planning to leave already, are you?" Miko asked nervously, "Come on. I'll show ya."
"Almost there," Ratchet proclaimed as he continued working the damaged GroundBridge controls.
"Look. I know Wheeljack better than anyone," Bulkhead boasted.
"Hey," Wheeljack said as he walked into the room with Miko, "What are you guys talking about?"
"I was just telling the guys about you and me...at the Battle of Dark Mount Pass," Bulkhead answered casually.
"That's a heck of a story," Wheeljack remarked.
"Yeah. Tell it," Bulkhead requested with narrowed optics.
"Talk, talk, talk. How about after we go off-roading?" Miko suggested.
"Miko, stay out of this," Bulkhead warned. "Bulkhead, easy," WhiteRain soothed.
"I'm not sure I-," Wheeljack began to protest.
"Tell it!" Bulkhead persisted.
"Fine. If you wanna live in the past, Bulkhead," Wheeljack shrugged casually, "The Wreckers were trapped between a Decepticon patrol and a smelting pit. The 'Cons were vicious. Raining down on us with everything they had. Me and Bulkhead engaged the enemy. Left them for scrap. Then I made us a way out using their backsides as stepping stones to cross the molten metal. Isn't that how it happened?"
"Yeah. That's exactly how it happened...except for one little thing. I wasn't there," Bulkhead revealed, causing everyone to stare at the two of them in pure alarm.
"I'd already left the Wreckers to join up with Optimus. But you would know that if all you did was access Wheeljack's public service record," Bulkhead said as he poked Makeshift's chest, challenging the Decepticon.
"Bulkhead, what does that have to do with-WHOA!" Miko screamed as Makeshift picked her up suddenly.
"Miko!" Nightwalker and Bulkhead shouted as Makeshift stood near the ground bridge.
"Stay back. Or I'll squeeze her into pulp," he growled, holding Miko in a firm grip.
"Wheeljack! What are you doing?!" Miko exclaimed. "Decepticon coward," Bulkhead growled, "let the girl go and face me!"
"Don't fret," Makeshift said, "plenty of fighting to come."
"Is there a real Wheeljack!?" Jack demanded. "Oh indeed," Makeshift said with a smirk, "and I'm sure Mistress Ember is making sport of him." Primrose froze and her optics widened.
"You Pit-Spawned fragger!" Nightwalker snarled.
"Are you certain we are at the coordinates we supplied to Makeshift?" Starscream asked Soundwave, which earned him a nod in response.
"Then what is taking him!?" The other Seeker snapped with impatience.
"Maybe they gave your boy such a hero's welcome, he got the warm and fuzzies and decided to switch sides." Starscream whirled around to see Wheeljack walking towards them, his optics blazing with bridled fury and his battle mask on.
"Do you not see you are vastly outnumbered?" Starscream taunted.
"I see fellas who might vastly enjoy me pound some dents into you," Wheeljack growled.
"Destroy him!" Starscream commanded and the Vehicons shot at Wheeljack who took out his katanas and charged at the Vehicons.
"About time," Makeshift huffed as he activated the ground bridge. "You won't get away with this!" Primrose snarled.
"I already have," Makeshift remarked with a smirk.
Wheeljack was having an easy fight with the Vehicons. And he was getting too close to Starscream. Said Seeker fired a missile at Wheeljack. The force of the explosion was enough to knock the Wrecker back but he managed to land on his pedes, slicing and dicing any Vehicon who tried to attack him. That was when Wheeljack jumped onto Starscream, putting the Seeker down for the count.
Wheeljack heard the sound of the ground bridge opening and he turned towards it. "Well, well," he murmured as a plan formed in his mind.
Makeshift stepped back towards the ground bridge with Miko still struggling in his grip. "Let's get this party started," he said with a dangerous grin.
Wheeljack suddenly jumped into the base and kicked Makeshift hard. Miko flew across the air and Bulkhead quickly caught his charge. Makeshift hit the wall and was unconscious for a few moments.
"I'd shut that hole before the stink comes through," Wheeljack remarked. "Couldn't have said it better myself," Nightwalker said.
Starscream coughed as he got up. Energon trailed down his jaw and he looked towards the ground bridge with wide, angry optics. "Enter the ground bridge now!" He shouted.
The Vehicons hurried towards the ground bridge only for it to close. Starscream let out a yell of anger.
Makeshift took out his blades and he and Wheeljack circled each other. Bulkhead stepped forward, but Wheeljack stopped him. "Ugly's mine," he said.
That was when the fight began. The two went at each other. Swords clashed and sparks flew. Everyone watched, ready to intervene if needed.
Paige pulled Raf close to her in a sisterly fashion and Raf clung to her. "Which one's the real Wheeljack?" He asked.
"I lost track!" Miko exclaimed. "The one with the bright grey aurora," Paige said. Jack looked to her in confusion.
Makeshift slashed at one of Wheeljack's swords and charged at him. Wheeljack managed to claim one of the Decepticon's swords, using them both to knock him to the ground. He won.
"That's my Jacky," Bulkhead boasted proudly. Wheeljack deactivated his battle mask and looked to Ratchet, "you, hit the switch."
Ratchet nodded in response and turned to activate the ground bridge. "It's time to take out the trash," Wheeljack said and he smiled at Bulkhead, "all yours, buddy."
The ground bridge appeared before the Decepticons once again. The Vehicons backed away for a moment.
"What are you waiting for?! GO!" Starscream shouted. The first few Vehicons quickly ran into the ground bridge.
Bulkhead held Makeshift's defeated form in his servos before he spun around and threw the Con right into the ground bridge. The first few Decepticons saw Makeshift hurling at them and they quickly turned tail and ran.
Starscream saw them and before he could even reprimand them, Makeshift slammed into him and the two fell to the ground.
Wheeljack smiled at Bulkhead, "nice lob."
At the Decepticon warship, the Autobot ground bridge closed. Starscream got up and glared at Makeshift, "please tell me that you at least learned the location of their base."
"Indeed Commander Starscream. It is in a hidden bunker just outside of-" Makeshift's explanation was cut off by the familiar beeping sound. Starscream glanced at the bomb that was attached to Makeshift's hip.
"Whoa! Back! Back! Back!" He exclaimed as he hurried away. Makeshift stood where he was and he looked down at the bomb on his hip. "Oh no," he murmured before the bomb exploded, eliminating him and any Decepticon who stood too close.
"MAKESHIFT! YOU FOOL!" Starscream shouted in anger as he and Soundwave flew away.
In the control bridge, Ember and Echo stood in the control bridge. Ember frowned as she felt the ship rock from the explosion. "Starscream better not have ruined this ship," she muttered.
In the Autobot base, things had returned to normal. Miko was playing her guitar while Bumblebee, Nightwalker, Jazz Jack and Raf were dancing. Paige hadn't joined them as she was leaning on the railing, watching them with a smile.
Ratchet groaned in annoyance, "it's like a recurring nightmare." WhiteRain and Prowl chuckled softly.
"Now that you're part of Team Prime, we need to pick out a vehicle mode for you," Bulkhead said, gently bumping Wheeljack's arm, "I have some ideas."
"Uh... about that, Bulk," Wheeljack said hesitantly, "now that my ship's repaired, I'm itching to know what else I might find out there."
"Wait! You're leaving? Why!?" Miko pouted. "Well... because some bots never change," Bulkhead said with a soft chuckle. Wheeljack smiled softly.
"Wheeljack, know that you will always have a haven here," Optimus said.
"Jacky never stays but he always comes back," Bulkhead said proudly and he and Wheeljack did a fist bump. "Feels like you just got here, Sparrow," Paige said with a playful smile.
Wheeljack chuckled and gently ruffled her hair, "yeah, well I'll be sure to let you know if I find any more Magic Users out in the galaxy, Kit." Paige smiled softly and she hugged his digit, "thank you, Jackie. That... that means a lot."
"Anytime Paige," Wheeljack said with a soft smile. "We'll see you off," Firestorm said with a soft smile.
In the desert, the ground bridge closed up. Wheeljack turned to Bulkhead, "there's room for two Bulk. Even with a backside like yours. Who knows what we might find out there? Some of the old crew?"
Bulkhead furrowed his optic ridges and he glanced at Miko who looked down sadly. The wrecker looked back at his friend, "sounds like fun, Jacky. But my ties are here now. With them. With her." Upon hearing that, Miko smiled up at her guardian.
Wheeljack gave a respectful nod to his friend and he looked to Miko. "Anything happens to my favorite wrecker, I'm comin' after you," he threatened playfully.
"I'll take good care of him," Miko said reassuringly with a smile and she pulled out her phone, "now say cheese." With that, she took a picture of the two Wreckers.
Bulkhead and Primrose looked to Wheeljack. "WhiteRain," Bulkhead said, a spark of hope igniting in his optics.
"I'm here to stay, sweetspark," WhiteRain said and she kissed Bulkhead on the cheek. "And if I find any wreckers, I'll be the first to let you know," Wheeljack promised. "What's special between you and WhiteRain?" Miko asked curiously.
"She and Bulkhead are boyfriend and girlfriend," Primrose, Firestorm, Nightwalker and Arcee chorused. "Aw," Paige said with a smile as Bulkhead and WhiteRain blushed and Wheeljack chuckled.
The white Wrecker shook his helm with a smile before he saluted everyone and went into the Jackhammer. The door closed and the Jackhammer flew up into the air, disappearing through the clouds.
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thanksjro · 5 years
The Transformers #22- Chaos Theory Part 1: Space Racism, Space Classism, and Space Pseudo-Romantic Tension Between Rivals
Before I jump into this comic, it is positively vital I talk about Drift.
Drift is an IDW original character, born on the page without any previous rendition. He was introduced in All Hail Megatron #5, which was Shane MeCarthy’s fifth solo writing credit for IDW publishing. He waited a whole five comics to introduce an original character, and Drift had reason and purpose to his creation- he was meant to honor Japan as the home of Transformers. He existed to show what a Decepticon defector would be like, and how both factions were losing the plot of the ideals they fought for. Pretty thought out stuff.
Meanwhile, in The Transformers #22, on the FIRST FLIPPING PAGE-
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Okay, to be fair, Rung isn’t super important here. He will be later on, but as it is, he’s just a funny little creamsicle man who’s wandered into the scene. This also isn’t technically his first appearance within the IDW publications; in the Last Stand of the Wreckers, there are several character profiles, penned in-universe by Rung, going over the members of the Wreckers and their various emotional/mental ailments. This is still quite the step up for him, however. To think, he started out as a one-off psych joke in Eugenesis. He’s come such a long way. I’m so proud of him.
Anyway, our story begins in the past, at Maccadam’s New Oil House, where it’s time for Megatron’s character depth injection. He and Impactor are having drinks- Impactor’s had several glasses of what appears to be molten lava, while Megatron’s more of a children’s cough syrup kind of guy- and Megatron’s showing his friend his writing. You see, Megatron’s a bit of a revolutionary, and an intellectual one at that.
Megatron is dissatisfied with the current state of affairs on Cybertron, and as a man of the people- he is but a lowly miner at this point in time- he feels it is the duty of the public to incite change through the power of language and critical thinking. 
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That’s not really Impactor’s style though, as we find out when Rung gets tossed onto their table, and Impactor decides that the best course of action to take is to start punching the guys who’re throwing entire robots around in a bar full of very breakable glasses and drunkards.
In the present day, Megatron’s still hooked up to that full-body harness, and is currently being seen to by Ratchet… and Perceptor. When the hell did Perceptor get here?
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Oh, okay, cool. Thank you, TFWiki.
Ratchet runs a bit different than one would expect him to here, not quite as grumpy as he’ll end up in MTMTE, and a bit superstitious. No, the role of the strictly-fact-based bluntness has been awarded to Perceptor this issue, who quells Ratchet’s concern with Megatron using his labelled black hole/antimatter powers by telling him to stop being stupid.
Meanwhile, in the observation room, Ironhide, Optimus Prime, and Xaaron are watching this scene go down. Xaaron’s here to act as legal council, since Megatron’s surrendered himself to the Autobots and is therefore a prisoner of war. Is this the first time legal precedent has been taken into account by the Cybertronian population in the IDW run? No, but it does seem as if Xaaron’s just about the only form of legal council they have. No wonder the planet’s such a mess.
There’s a reference to the fact that Ironfist is fucking dead, and then Xaaron leaves to talk to Wheeljack.
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Don’t you smile about that, you absolute jag.
Something is bothering Optimus Prime. Megatron seemed off when they last spoke, as if he were putting on a performance. Which he kind of was, considering he invited the entirety of his Decepticon forces to watch him and Optimus beat the shit out of each other. Does Megatron want to- dare we dream it?- end the war? Only one way to find out: Ironhide suggests a heart to heart.
Back in the past, Megatron is being questioned by a cop, in the aftermath of what happened at Maccadam’s.
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Did Megatron get his group’s tagline from some prison graffiti? I suppose inspiration can strike someone anywhere, at any time.
Springarm’s questioning Megatron, or at least he’s attempting to- seems to be having a hell of a time with both reading comprehension and having an outdated form. Cold construction gets its first mention in officially published media- an idea played around with in Eugenesis- and then Whirl shows up to save Springarm from embarrassing himself further. Whirl is a cop here, but don’t worry, he gets better.
Back in the present, Optimus is psyching himself up for his conversation with Megatron.  He enters, has the audio in the observation room cut, and Wheeljack loses a bet.
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Oh hey, Drift, been a minute.
Optimus wants a proper conversation with Megatron, but Megatron points out that it isn’t exactly fair that he’s strapped in place, filled with inhibitor chips, and primed to be electrocuted to death if he so much as sneezes. Optimus agrees with him, and releases Megatron from his bonds, then offers him a chair and a cup of tea.
So, Optimus and Megatron get to talking. Actual talking, not the “taking turns reacting” stuff they usually get up to.
And then Optimus more or less calls Megatron a hateful son of a bitch to his face. Which Megatron seems to take in stride.
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I think Megatron is the only guy in the universe to hate so insanely hard that it turned off his ability to get hot and bothered.
Of course, Megatron doesn’t hate Optimus- oh, he could never. He just hates everything he stands for, and everything he does. Which, uh, doesn’t leave a whole lot left over to not-hate. When asked if he hates Megatron, Optimus isn’t nearly as composed and elegant about his thoughts. It’s like he thinks “hate” is a dirty word. So did I, when I was, like, six.
They’ve been at war for so very long, it’s gotten to the point where the entirety of the galactic council has kicked any Cybertronian representative out, because these guys clearly have some issues that just aren’t getting resolved. Maybe if they had more than a single mental health specialist for the entire population they’d get somewhere.
As it currently stands, Optimus just wants to know what the hell Megatron is even doing all this for. Megatron says it’s for control and dunking on lower lifeforms with space racism. Optimus thinks that’s a load of horseshit, and presses for more details.
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There’s our first mention of the Knights of Cybertron, who become a major plot point in the IDW Phase 2 publications. We’ll hear more about them later on.
It seems as if Optimus and Megatron share the basest of values- both want peace. Optimus just isn’t really digging the whole “subjugate the people for a better tomorrow” shtick Megatron’s touting.
Megatron doesn’t like being compared to Optimus, who’s about as centrist as it gets- Megatron is a radical if there ever was one, and he’s been fighting for his beliefs for the last four millions years, tooth and nail.
Not that these robots have nails.
Back in the old days, the Senate divvied up the populace by alt-mode, and whatever you turned into, that was your job. Personal taste, interest, and  talent weren’t factors. That’s why Megatron worked in the mines- he wasn’t allowed to do anything else. This is Functionism, another plot point that will be factoring into Phase 2 pretty heavily.
Optimus didn’t really oppose Functionism at the time, seeing as he was a rather privileged individual, and also a cop back in the day. Everyone’s a friggin’ cop in this continuity.
But enough about systemic oppression of the masses, it’s time to reminisce on the good old days- also known as every single time Optimus and Megatron have ever tried to kill each other. It’s a lot. Like, a lot. And then they have a good laugh about it.
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This isn’t a healthy response to stress, you two. Someone throw Rung in there and lock the door for a couple weeks.
Optimus says that he wants to end the war. All Megatron has to say is that he wants it too, and it’ll end. Megatron doesn’t say anything to that. Optimus still hasn’t figured out just why Megatron surrendered, but it looks like time’s up, and he strings Megatron back up and exits the room.
Later, Autobot High Command is having a meeting, with Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus and Prowl having telecommed in. It’s an emergency meeting, over the complicated legality of Megatron’s trial. Since the Galactic Council isn’t returning their calls, they don’t have any sort of neutral third party to run this thing, and the Autobots can’t just hand out sentencing themselves, because they have a natural bias. Magnus suggests they give Chief Justice Tyrest a ring, seeing as he’s considered a neutral by the Galactic Council.
There’s another part to this issue though; because of the nature of this case, the prosecution gets to decide Megatron’s punishment, should he be found guilty. They start putting it to a vote, but Optimus says that it’s his decision since Megatron has been his responsibility for the last few million years, completely cutting Bumblebee out.
Y’know, Bumblebee. The current appointed leader of the Autobots.
Why do we even bother having elections, if Optimus is just going to pull this whenever it’s convenient?
Then Rodimus calls Optimus out on being potentially compromised, since he listened in on his little chat with Megatron. Optimus reacts to this about as well as he can.
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That is to say, not at all.
Back in the past, it’s time for some good old-fashioned police brutality.
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How in the hell do you even punch someone when the closest thing you can make to a fist is more akin to a torpedo in shape? I guess only Whirl knows.
Whirl’s decided that he’ll be killing Megatron for his two little buddies, and he almost gets to it before Springarm busts in and stops him. Megatron’s being released, on the captain’s orders, because the captain went through Megatron’s things and read his writing, revealing himself to be a violenceless revolutionary.
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Impactor, what the fuck.
The captain is Orion Pax, by the way.
In the present, Optimus is back in Megatron’s room, because that will certainly help his case of being on the up and up. He wants to know why Megatron surrendered, and he wants to know NOW DAMMIT. Megatron asks him to rephrase the question, then goes full edgelord in an attempt to make Optimus react, because it’s the only way the two of them know how to interact at this point.
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Megatron gets what he asks for, and Optimus realizes that perhaps attempting to murder his greatest rival minutes after having been revealed as a have a soft spot for the guy wasn’t the greatest idea. He leaves the room before things can get more awkward.
He runs into Ironhide in the hallway, who asks how things are. Not great, Ironhide. Not great. Optimus committed an act of violence on a bound man, thus feeding his hatred of authority figures.
In the past, Megatron finally corrects the etymology error everyone’s been making with his name.
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Because that’s not a massive red flag right there.
Megatron’s free to go, and Springarm gives him his little journal back. Too bad Megatron’s been tainted by the ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ and doesn’t nearly believe as much as he once did in the power of the written word. He tosses his writing away, causing his first incident of property damage and foreshadowing his future.
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That’s the end of the comic, but not the end of the issue. In the back of the book is a little blurb welcoming Roberts to the writing chair and calling him out as a bit of a dork, then a sign-off from Andy Schmidt as Senior Editor of IDW, which also calls him out as a bit of a dork.
So that’s the start of the Chaos storyline. Lots of setup here, both for Chaos and things further down the line. This is a sharp left turn from how the prior issues of this series have gone. It’s not just people punching one another in the face. I’m getting a feeling that character motivation is lurking in the wings here.
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lordmegadumb · 5 years
TFP Decepticons as Parents
Well.... I was really dumb and accidentally deleted to request! But hey! I’ll try again (hence the reason it took so long to come out.). Eh... probably won’t be as good as it was the first time but here we go! They didn’t specify what gender they wanted so I’ll try to keep it gender neutral. Hope you enjoy!
A protective Sire. Guards are with you at all times outside of the Nemesis.
Soundwave is sometimes one of those guards.
You will know how to fight. No question about it. You’ll learn from Megatron and Soundwave on how to fight like a gladiator. This skill comes in handy when you come into contact with the Autobots (which is very rare), and you’ll easily overwhelm them. Back up always arrives, so you never truly fight alone.
Someone disrespected you? They will pay! No one disrespects Megatron’s sparkling!
Probably won’t even happen since everyone likes you. (Excluding the SIC.)
All though he loves you dearly, he will be strict with you in front of others.
Alone together, “How was your day, (Y/n)?”
“It was great, Sire! Did you hear?...”
Likes telling you stories about your carrier. They are no secret so he’s willing to share, but you can tell his mood dampens a little when he does. He’ll also tell you how it was before the war.
You only go out on patrols. Missions are too risky for you.
Stay away from the Autobots.
The Autobots avoid you at all cost.
Starscream also avoids you whenever he can. Megatron would have his helm if he every laid a finger on you!
And obviously, you are the heir of the Decepticons.
You two have a close bond, even though it doesn’t seem that way.
He’s such a worry wart sometimes when it comes to your safety.
Makes sure you have good morals, unlike how he does.
You admire his strength and ability to keep pushing forward.
A protective sire like Megatron, but not as much.
You have more free reign, however, Starscream does want to keep tabs on you so you’re not getting into any trouble.
Expect lots of bickering between the two of you.
“That was pretty stupid of you to try attacking Lord Megatron like that.”
“Who are you calling stupid?!”
“You, stupid.”
You actually respect and look up to him for his brilliant mind. You’ve come to learn that while most of his plans fail, they weren’t bad ideas, they just didn’t work.
Long flights together.
Megatron learns you work together better. You will get to join your sire on missions.
Starscream tries to keep you out of danger. The Autobots show up a lot when the Seeker is involved.
Autobots are sketchy of you.
While Starscream lies a lot, he’ll teach you the lying is not the way to get around things. You are his sparkling, and he wants what’s best for you.
He’ll never, and I mean NEVER, bring you into one of his schemes to take down Megatron.
Although Seekers are practically none existent except you two, Starscream will teach you the ways of the Seeker such as, language, fighting style, culture (traditional and modern).
If he sees/hears you using what he has taught you, expect fluttering wings and praises from him.
A silently but deadly sire. Watching from afar, but close by if you need him.
It won’t be surprising if you become a tech expert like he is.
You’ll rarely go on mission, you’re better working beside your sire where you excel greatly.
Fighting is a necessity for you, your sire isn’t always going to be able to protect. Luckily, Lord Megatron is old friends with Soundwave, so he’ll only send you on mission if you are absolutely needed.
Flying together is when you bond together. No talking, just you and him flying together.
“Smiles at Sire”
You don’t talk a lot, like Soundwave. Lord Megatron finds it amusing for some reason.
Laserbeak sometimes hangs around you, not that you mind that much. You know that she’s there to keep a watchful optic on you when Soundwave can’t.
Starscream one time tried convincing you to join one of his endeavors on taking down Megatron; it ended with Soundwave and Megatron kicking his aft.
Autobots avoid you as well.
Soundwave (when he actually talks) would talk about the Golden Age, and how corrupt the system was. How he met Megatron and Orion Pax and your carrier, how the revolt started, to when Cybertron went dead. You always listened intently, intrigued about the world you barely remember.
You have many friends among the Decepticons, such as Dreadwing, Predaking, and ST3V3 (Steve).
You’ll become the strong silent type, just like Soundwave.
You’re much like your sire. Strong and brave!
You are Predaking’s light in the darkness! When his creator, Shockwave, made him, he was alone, but when you came into the picture, he finally doesn’t feel as lonely as he had before.
You give him hope that the Predacons will have a future.
Lord Megatron will send you both out to give his soldiers back up when the Autobots start overwhelming them. The Warlord makes a few exceptions for you due to the fact that you’re a sparkling, unlike Predaking.
The King is very grateful for that! And does well to thank the leader of the Decepticons for excluding you from doing frequent missions.
Because Predaking hasn’t lived long enough to learn proper fighting techniques like Megatron and Soundwave, you simply observe how he handles himself. You eventually learn to fight the way a Predacon does, along with a twist of fighting like Knock Out and Breakdown. You easily overpower the Autobots this way.
Predaking is very proud you can handle yourself.
You are the logic to his brute-ness. After Megatron had betrayed Predaking, and Bumblebee offered an alliance, you had convinced him to join forces with the Autobots.
“The Autobots do not deserve our help! They are no better than the Decepticons!”
“Sire, they are better. They have morals and honor. Please, consider working with them. You’re not becoming an Autobot; you’re simply becoming temporary allies. Besides, we can’t restore the Predacon race by ourselves.”
“Hmm... I will... I will think about my sparkling. Thank you for giving me your thoughts.”
The Autobots eventually start liking you once they learn you’re actually pretty nice!
After meeting Skylynx and Darksteel, you three become the best of friends! Pranking the Autobots will become the norm! (Predaking worries they’ll steal you away though! XD)
Long flights in your beast modes will become a weekly routine for you and your Sire. He calls it your bonding time.
Predaking will tell you everything he’s learn so far from the Decepticons, as well as what knowledge he’s gaining from the Autobots.
You’ll obviously become the next ruler of the Predacons. By the time you succeed the title, the Predacon population would’ve increased tremendously with the help of the Well of Sparks.
Will talk about his departed twin brother and how he’ll get revenge on the Autobots a lot. It can get kinda annoying, but you still love him.
You’ll be his assistant when it comes to making tough decisions. You actually suggested going against Lord Megatron’s order, which ended up saving his life.
“Good morning, little one. Did you rest well?”
“I did, thank you. Do you have to go on patrol today?”
“I will this afternoon, but we will be able to spend time together tonight. How does a story sound?”
Very stubborn about certain things.
After Dreadwing gets murdered by Megatron, the Autobots allow you to join them since Dreadwing had asked them to when giving them the hammer.
Flying together on patrol is a common thing between you two.
Dreadwing would teach you how to fire guns and hand to hand combat. He knows very well that he won’t always be able to protect you from danger.
Will make sure you stay away from Starscream, especially when he learns that he brought his brother’s body from its resting place. You were very angry about that as well.
Skyquake and Dreadwing co-parented whenever your carrier died. They both loved you dearly, and you considered them both as your sires (hence the reason why you got angry with Starscream as well.).
Dreadwing will tell you to never lose yourself in anger for only bad things will happen.
Allowed you a lot of freedom, but always made sure you were safe. You are the only thing he has left and he will not lose you too.
He is very proud is you when he learns you started studying medicine with Knock Out. Later, you’ll become Ratchet’s star pupil.
He will ‘pledge his sword’ to you so you’ll have a bright future.
Like your sire, you’re not one for emotion. You learned this from Shockwave since he’s always used logic for everything. Not that you don’t have any, you’re just more reactant unlike the others.
You are his prodigy! Anything he knows, you’ll most likely know it too.
He has a datapads specifically made for you that has all of the notes and experiments he’s done in the past. Any great scientific discovery made in history will be written down as well.
You have no clue how to fight. You’ve spent pretty much 3/4 of your life inside of a lab. Besides, you can get work done faster if there’s always someone working in the lab while the war goes on.
“Shockwave, shouldn’t you teach your sparkling how to fight?
“No, it’s simply logically for them to stay inside of the lab instead of fighting the Autobots. Their skills will go to waste on the battlefield, Lord Megatron.”
“I see, then, (Y/n) will not be participating in any mission that includes fighting the Autobots.”
Starscream hates you. No question about it. You’ve offered to have him join you many times, but he’s always rejected your offer, adding an insult too.
Knock Out helps though! He finds your wide range of knowledge and experience endearing and impressive.
Shockwave let you help create the Predacons. Yay! Brothers!
The Predacons will be ordered to protect you. They won’t complain because they’ll form a close bond to you.
Like him before the war, you’ll have a fascination for beautiful things. You actually come to find the way the humans dress to be beautiful, in your opinion. The other Decepticons think they’re weird and that you’re weird as well.
After Lord Megatron surrenders, you’ll join the Autobots and help them start rebuilding Cybertron. Shockwave will join as well, seeing it is illogical not to.
Knock Out
You will be squeaky clean! No exceptions!
“Is that a scratch on your window?”
“Oh slag! Is there? Can you fix it, Sire?”
“Yup! Let me grab the buffer first!”
Racing will be a hobby you two do together. Who wins varies.
Breakdown sometimes watches over you when Knock Out is out on patrol.
Knock Out will teach you how to be a medic, with the help of Breakdown of course! You easily catch on and you’re onto helping them repair Decepticons.
You’ll help fix the Vehicons. A lot. At least they like you!
You won’t be that good at fighting since Knock Out isn’t either. You’ll be able to use an electrical no staff like what he uses.
Lots of teasing from Knock Out.
Will make sure you aren’t alone with Autobots. He knows what they can do and doesn’t want anything happen to you.
Missions will be a frequent thing. Lord Megatron had learned that you’re able to keep Knock Out focused. He tends to run off to join human races.
You two are considered the best looking Decepticons.
You both avoid mud like your life depends on it.
Breakdown obviously has a soft spot for you about anything.
You wanna leave the Nemesis? Sure! Just let him know if anything happens. Wanna race Knock Out? Cool! Make sure not to hurt anyone.
You both love to rough house!
Knock Out sometimes has to yell at you two to stop wrestling in the medbay.
You also use a hammer to fight against the Decepticons.
Whenever Airachnid offlines your sire, you are set on revenge! Revenge is also directed towards M.E.C.H.
You join Knock Out on experimenting on Silas.
Breakdown will teach you everything he knows about medicine, and Knock Out will sometimes substitute him when he’s off doing a mission or patrol. When he’s no longer around, Knock out will become your full term mentor until Ratchet takes over.
You both enjoy peaceful drives together. They don’t happen often because of the war but you’ll take any chance you have to do so.
“Hey Sire! Are you busy ‘cause if you aren’t, you wanna go on a drive?”
“A drive does sound nice. Let’s hurry and leave before anyone stops us.”
“Yay! Let’s go!”
Breakdown would always tell you stories about how he fought Bulkhead and his past, involving your carrier. Supposedly, they were related to Knock Out, so he’s your uncle.
You use to have a grudge on Bulkhead since Breakdown had one, but after you join the Autobots, you become great friends!
You become a wrecker with Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and Ultra Magnus! Breakdown would be proud of you being strong like them!
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 1: Monster Weapons Ch 4
Side Xiao Long: Fencer of Gold
Hey guys! Welcome back to my canon divergent RWBY AU, Grimm Guardians. This is Side Side Xiao Long. This chapter is named after “Fencer of Gold” by Jam Project.
I TRIED to find a song that had to do with dragons, but again, I couldn’t find any. So please comment a youtube link if you found one, please. Thank you.
Disclaimer: I don’t own RWBY or it’s characters.
(Prior to leaving for Junior’s Club)
Yang Xiao Long stretched her arms and legs, before grabbing her Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets, Ember Celica. After putting them on, she heard a voice. “So...are we finally going to see some action?” The voice yawned, to which Yang chuckled. “Relax, we’re almost ready. It’s been a while since you talked, Ember.” Yang said.
Ember materialized in front of the teenage girl, sitting and gave a smirk. The Weapon Spirit appeared as a young adult, tanned, a bit voluptuous, and toned as hell, with short blonde hair, scars, red right and lilac left eye. She was wearing a yellow muscle shirt, brown jeans, and MMA gloves, along with an orange scarf and sunglasses. “I was bored as hell. Can you blame me?” She said, standing up and matching Yang’s height.
The teenager snorted, “I guess not. Though I would like to talk about you and Dad and how you know each other.” The Weapon Spirit nodded and put an arm around the other blonde’s shoulder. “So, you know how Taiyang, much like Summer, made a bond with a Demigod Grimm? Well, I was that.” She said. “While I didn’t gain a form until I became your Weapon Spirit, Tai always considered me as his ‘sibling’.”
“So...you’re basically my aunt. Is that what you’re saying?” Yang asked, only to receive a shrug. Ember rubbed her chin, “Well, only if you want me as one. I personally don’t have an issue with titles.” Yang nodded, “I’ll stick with Ember. Did you and Dad ever talk?” “Well, we never talked about personal life, as I believed that it should be kept private.” The Weapon Spirit said.
“However, I would give him some advice whenever he was in combat and teach him new fighting techniques.” Ember said, which Yang nodded to. “Did you know...her?” Yang asked. She didn’t need to specify who she meant by “her”. She was obviously referring to her mother, Raven Branwen. Ember sighed and shook her head, “No. All I need knew, up until now, were Tai, Summer, and the Demonic Grimm that inhabited Summer.”
For about an hour, that’s what Yang and Ember talked about. Ember mostly went through her history with Taiyang and only briefly talked about Summer and the Demonic Grimm that inhabited her. She left out any information about Raven, due to not really knowing her. Yang did ask questions here and there, but she was mostly interested and immersed in Ember’s stories.
“What do you think of Crescent Rose?” Yang asked. Ember tapped her chin in deep thought, “She’s good. Nice. Caring. Though something about her seems...familiar.” After a couple of moments, Yang’s eyes widened. “You don’t think she could be…” She started, only for Ember to shake her head. “I doubt it. She was killed. When a bond dies, we Demigod and Demonic Grimm die with them.” The Weapon Spirit said. “Then again...I don’t know if there’s a way to cheat the system.”
“I wouldn’t get your hopes up too much.” Ember said., knowing Yang was coming to conclusions. “While she may look like Summer, there is currently NO evidence that supports that she IS her. Crescent could be the Demonic Grimm that bonded with her or a new being entirely.” Yang sighed, “ Gāisǐ de. ” Ember rubbed the blonde girl’s back, “Relax, Yángguāng. I just said that there was CURRENTLY no evidence. There may be some, but we haven’t found it yet.”
Yang nodded, feeling slightly better over the situation. She then looked at the clock and said, “We should get going very soon.” The Weapon Spirit nodded and stood up, walking to the door. When she opened it, she was unexpectedly greeted by Taiyang. “Came to wish us good luck, Tai?” She asked. The blonde male nodded, “Yes, also I...need to ask you something.” Ember stood in silence, realizing that Taiyang probably heard some of her conversation with Yang.
Before she could answer, Yang came up and hugged her father. Taiyang chuckled and hugged her back, before the two broke the embrace as Yang went to the door. “You be careful, okay?” Taiyang said, receiving a nod from his eldest daughter. “We will!” She said with a grin. “We’ll let you know when we’re on our way back.” She then went outside to prep her motorcycle, Bumblebee for her trip.
After Yang went outside, Taiyang looked at Ember, who just sighed. “I assume you heard?” She asked. The blonde male nodded, “Is it true?” “Is what true?” The Weapon Spirit asked, albeit a tad sarcastically. Before Taiyang could speak, Ember put a hand over his mouth, “Listen, Tai. I don’t know. As of now, there’s NO evidence that proves that Crescent is Summer, the Demonic Grimm that inhabited her, or a completely new individual.”
There was a brief period of silence, before Taiyang sighed with a sad tone. “I assume you don’t want me to think about it too much?” He asked, receiving a nod from his “sister”. “That would be wise.” She said. “I know you miss Summer and Raven, but staying in the past isn’t going to help you. It’s only going to cause depression.” Taiyang just sighed once more, but reluctantly nodded.
Yang came back inside and shouted, “Ember! The bike’s ready!” “I’ll be out in a bit!” The Weapon Spirit called out and then turned back to the blonde man. “Well, I’m headed out. Please don’t think too much on it.” She said. “It’s not healthy for your mind.” After Taiyang reluctantly nodded, he hugged the Weapon Spirit before letting go and waved goodbye to her and his eldest daughter.
“You two be careful now! Okay?” He called out, receiving a nod from Yang. “We will! Bye!” She said with a smile. Taiyang smiled and waved, “Bye. Good luck!” After Yang nodded in thanks, she closed the door. Taiyang sighed as he heard the motorcycle start up and drive off to the girls’ destination and pulled out his scroll. He dialed a number and put the device up to his ear.
“Qrow?” He said into the mic. “It’s me. I need you to do something for me.” “What is it?” The male Branwen asked. “It’s Yang. She and Ember are heading to Junior’s bar.” The blonde man said, only to hear a chuckle from Qrow. “They’ll be fine, Tai. They aren’t fragile.” The black hair man said. Taiyang’s jaw dropped, “What do you mean they’ll be fine!?”
“Do you have little faith in your daughter and ‘sister’?” Qrow asked. It took a couple seconds for the male Xiao Long to respond, “No.” “Do you trust them that they’ll be safe?” Qrow asked again. Taiyang sighed, “Yes.” “Then don’t worry. They’ll be fine. Yang and Ruby will be fine with their Weapon Spirits.” Qrow confirmed. “Now, I’ll call you back. I have to meet with someone.”
Taiyang raised an eyebrow, “With who?” “She’ll kill me if I told you. Relax, we can trust her.” Qrow answered. While Taiyang had some suspicions on who Qrow’s contact was, he didn’t say anything about, instead saying, “Alright. I’ll leave you to it. By the way, I...want to ask you a personal question.” Qrow suppressed a sigh, “What is it?” Taiyang took a deep breath, before asking, “Do you think Crescent Rose is Summer?” 
Dead silence. There was complete and utter silence from the other end of the line that Taiyang was almost sure that Qrow hung up on him. He snapped back into reality from him feeling guilty when the male Branwen answered, “I don’t know.” “Did Ember speak to you about that?” Qrow asked, earning a sigh from the blonde man. “Yes.” He said. “And?” Qrow asked once more. Taiyang sighed and reluctantly said, “She told me not to worry about it...and that there was no evidence to prove it.”
“Okay then.” Qrow said. “I would suggest that you listen to her.” The blonde man groaned and sighed, “Fine.” “She’s right, you know.” The male Branwen said. “I gotta go now. Bye.” “Bye.” Taiyang then hung up and rubbed his eyes. Was he this tired before? Or was the conversation and his thoughts that made it seem like it? He sighed and laid on the couch. He needed to relax, and if a nap would do that? So be it. He left his scroll on the coffee table, in case anyone needed to call him, and shut his eyes.
Translation from Chinese: Gāisǐ de = Damn it, Yángguāng = Sunshine
And there you have it. Side Xiao Long is FINALLY finished. It took a LOT longer to make this and I’d honestly rather not state why, but it’s done. Side Branwen will be up tomorrow. See you then.
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larosepompon · 5 years
A Lasting Bond - Werewolf! Johnny x reader
You loved visiting your friends or going travelling with them, whenever you could. This summer was no exception – a promised warmth saw you plan a little trip up to Yorkshire, to explore the countryside. Best friend Tiffany sitting beside you in the little rental car, you both coo at the quaint cottages and villages you pass by to your destination. For a young pair, it was an odd choice but living in London,  the bustling city and hodgepodge of traffic and tourists wears everyone down after a while. Pulling up the gravelled driveway, your faces lit up at the small cottage backing onto the woods that was now yours for the next week. Tiffany had suggested coming all the way up to Yorkshire as one of her old school friends, Taeil, had relocated a while back for a job. Said that he felt more at home than ever before. Taeil had arranged for you two to meet some of his friends for a round of drinks down the local pub that evening, to welcome you both and celebrate together.
After settling into the back bedroom, you opened the French doors and gasped at the beautiful view of the garden full of blooming wildflowers, backing onto the woodland. It looked and felt so alive under the afternoon sun, butterflies and bumblebees snacking on nectar, flowers swaying gently in the breeze.
“Wow” you exhale before taking in a big breath of fresh air, stepping out into the sunlight, smelling the flora. “Tiff, come look at the garden!” you holler, peeking around the doorframe in search of your best friend. She was sat in her room, looking puzzled at a pair of ripped-up jeans in her hands. She turned to you as you entered the room.
“I found these in the wardrobe…” her voice wavered. Absently thumbing the tears in the fabric, you picked up the jeans with an equally confused look on your face.
“They literally look like someone has torn out of them…” you pause. “didn’t you say that Taeil hooked us up with this cottage? Maybe he knows who’s they are?”
“Or maybe he’s into some really kinky shit, y/n. Who knows!” she cackled. Shoving the clothing back into the wardrobe, you both waltzed back out to enjoy the warm afternoon before going to meet the group of boys.
It was about 6pm when you parked outside the local, “Ye Olde Starre Inn”- Tiffany seeking out Taeil and the others while you headed to the bar to get drinks. It was a little rowdy as most Fridays were, full of those who had finished their work for the day, when someone brushed shoulders with you by accident.
“Oh, I’m sorry” came a smooth voice, hand resting on the small of your back in a gesture of apology. You glanced over to reply when you were met with a young man who towered over you, soft black hair flopping into his chestnut eyes. Plush lips turned up into a smile. Struck by his handsome features, you floundered for a moment before letting out a breathy it’s ok. Saved by the barmaid, your stupor was broken as you got yourself a glass of wine and a beer for Tiffany.
Walking around the corner to the lively booth, Tiffany and the boys cheered as you approached them with drinks. Tiff made room as you sat next to her and a guy who Taeil introduced as Taeyong, who seemed very wide-eyed and a little shy. An hour or so into the evening (and a second rose later) you kept on sneaking glances at the chic, tall guy from the bar – only to find his eyes locked on yours. You felt the heat of your blush creep up your neck as you smiled shyly his way, before composing yourself and pottering over to sit with him in a burst of confidence. Noticing his eyes following you as you walked over.
“Hi – I thought I’d try to mingle…” you proffered, sitting in the seat opposite him and his friend. “It’s Johnny, right? And you’re… Jaehyun?” giving your trepid guesses as the wine fogged your memory. Jaehyun laughed lightly, dimples settling into his smile.
“Ooo, well remembered!” Johnny added as he chuckled, tipping his glass toward your own. “Do you want a top-up?”
“Oh, yes please! if it’s ok”
“Sure! Jaehyun - it’s your round, man!” Jaehyun gave him a look and got up to run the errand but not before Johnny patted his butt for good measure. His eyes cheekily glistened as you giggled at their exchange.
There was something wild, daring in Johnny’s eyes – the way his gaze bore into you made your heart beat just that bit faster.
“Y/N…Y/N-“you rapidly blinked and shook your head slightly.
“God I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” A wry smile worked its way on to his face.
“I didn’t realise I was that pretty” he chuckled, pretending to preen his hair. “Are you ok though?” For the first time that evening, he touched your hand: the move causing a rush to ripple through you. Johnny’s eyes widened as if he felt it too. Swallowing thickly, Johnny removed his hold reluctantly before swigging down the last of his beer.
“What was that?”  you enquired.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
You scoffed. “Of course you do – you felt it too, right? I’ve never had that feeling from touching somebody before.” You watched as he looked sheepishly away, clearly trying to avoid the subject.
“…it felt like…like I knew you. Like a pang of…o-of need…” your voice betrayed you, coming out quietly. Your lashes fluttered as you cast your eyes to your lap, blush tinging your face and neck. Johnny set his glass down and cleared his throat, gaining your attention.
“I need some fresh-air, do you want to go outside?” He tried nonchalantly, standing from the table while shoving his hand in his pockets. As he made his way to the entrance, several of the guys gave him a quizzical look.
Taeil and Yuta knew something was amiss and nudged Taeyong, who was conversing with Tiffany. As you stepped into the evening air with a pinch of trepidation, Johnny and Taeyong shared a long, stern look before he followed suit.
“y/n, what happened back there - it’s not something that I can explain so easily to you right now. Please just…trust me on this. I’ll come over tomorrow evening and we can talk about it then.” Your brow furrowed as you held his gaze, Johnny’s words coming out too ambiguous for your liking. “Don’t worry, honestly. It’s nothing necessarily bad, just…unusual.” He weakly smiled down at you, running his hands down from your shoulders reassuringly.
Little did you know just how unusual it’d be.
Evening fell the next day and you found yourself alone, bathing in the tub, looking into the wilderness. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a blur of movement through the trees. Stilling, the only sound audible were the taps slowly dripping in the steamy room. Coming into the clearing was a large, odd-looking wolf. Your sharp intake of breath echoed around the bathroom and you sat forward a little more to get a better look. Instead of being scared, you felt intrigued - there weren’t any wolves in England at all to your knowledge, but wow was this one beautiful. Slowly, it sat down and looked on at the cottage, seemingly at your figure through the glass. You rose from the bath and kept your gaze on the animal as you took a fluffy towel and wrapped it around your nude form. Striding back through to the bedroom, you glanced out of the French doors to see if the wolf was still outside. To your surprise, it begun walking up to the house calmly. As it drew closer, it dawned on you what seemed so odd about the animal; it was far too large to be ordinary with eyes that almost seemed…human.
When it neared you, your hand acted on its own accord, pushing down the handle and letting the door swing open. Raptured, your mouth parted silently in shock as the sizeable animal just padded into the room and sat in front of you. You feebly brought your hand up to stroke its head, your heart beating wildly in your chest – and it let you, keening in the back of its throat. A small laugh of disbelief bubbled up inside you as you fell onto your knees, fussing the black fur beneath your fingers. It was all so strangely familiar, something in the far corners of your mind telling you that you knew this wolf like an old friend.
“I’ll have to tell Johnny about you when he comes over…OH GOD! He’ll be over soon!” you realised the time, pushing back onto the bed for leverage to stand. As you turned around, the wolf whined and gently bit the corner of the towel for attention. Unfortunately, that was enough for the cloth to fall away from your frame. Grabbing all too late, you sighed and picked up the towel from the floor before sending an exasperated look to the animal now making small happy circles before darting through the house.
“Hey come back here!” Haphazardly trying to dress yourself for Johnny’s appearance, you didn’t feel like chasing an overgrown wolf around the Cottage naked. You were dreading the inevitable crashes to ring through the accommodation; however, the most alarming noise made your hair stand on end instead. A groan and an almost wet, cracking sound followed by somebody panting in the other room. As much as you hated being that horror movie trope, you found yourself grabbing the nearest heavy object and slowly moving towards the sound.
“Who’s there?! You better not have hurt him!” shaky voice sounding none too confident, another manly groan sounded as you need the kitchen.
“Y/N - it’s me”
“J-johnny?! What happened?” You crossed the threshold, only to see the man crouched on the floor, covering his privates. “Jesus Christ - why are you naked?” With your free hand, you covered your eyes. Heat creeping up your face. “Where’s the wolf gone? I swear he went…
The realisation dawned on you, your hand moving over your mouth and eyes widening. Johnny looked a little sheepish as he got to his feet, clearing his throat as you stared at him.
“I can expla-“
“This doesn’t have anything to do with yesterday, does it?” you snapped at him.
Johnny paused for a moment. “it does.” His height now seeming a little intimidating without your heels on and with his nudity. “I didn’t mean to change here in the kitchen, but we should really talk. I hate to ask but is there a bathrobe or anything that I could wear?” he chewed his bottom lip as he stood there awkwardly, noticing you gawking at him.
“you’re a werewolf…” you stated through your mild shock.
“Oh god - you saw me naked!” everything came back to you, feeling like you could die of embarrassment.
“uh…well, ditto.”
Suddenly, your clothes felt too tight, the room to warm as your head spun. Seeing you stumble and fall backwards Johnny reached out and caught you in his arms before you hurt yourself. There was concern painted over his features, scanning your face. Your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself getting lost in his, Johnny’s arms and hold so warm and comforting. Though you barely knew him, there was that lingering feeling that you felt connected to him in some way.
“Are you alright?” he asked softly, thumbing away a few stray hairs from your face. Sighing, you practically melted into his hand forgetting the situation.
“Johnny…what is this? We don’t even know each other but I feel so strange.” Your voice sounded so far away, dream-like as he stroked your hair.
“Let me put something on and I’ll tell you, ok? It will make the situation a little more comfortable.”
Smiling down at you, you took in more of about his appearance - the plump bow-shape of his lips and kind eyes; sharp, strong jaw and what look like the softest hair imaginable. Acting on impulse, you reached up and threaded your fingers delicately through his hair, watching as Johnny relaxed and leaned towards your palm.
“You’re beautiful.” You whispered. The words fell off your tongue completely sincerely, looking up at him through your lashes.
“That should be my line.” His voice, though quiet, resonated through you. Johnny straightened you both up and followed you to the bathroom to find a robe. Mugs of tea made, you both settled on adjacent sofas before he began.
“So, unfortunately you found out about my urm…unusual ability by accident. But along with being how I am physically, it also comes with other various differences.” He said to take a Pause while you sipped your tea looking on at him.
“I was born like this, but it didn’t really evolve into the transforming stage until a few years ago. Which is when I found Taeil and the other guys and they pretty much became my new family.”
“Wait a second – all of the guys are wolves, too?” you thought about Tiffany, hanging out with Taeil tonight, wondering if she knew anything about his disposition.
“yeah but you have nothing to worry about there.” Johnny waved it off in the most blasé fashion. “The thing is, there are few other traits that make me different from you - besides the whole turning into a wolf thing.”
He sipped his nearly cold tea before continuing. “We’re definitely mentally and physically stronger than regular humans, but that whole ‘silver will destroy us’ myth, is exactly that. The main thing that you need to know though, is that each one of us has someone we form a special connection or bond with. It happens at some stage in your life but you don’t know with who or when. It’s like fate decides the whole thing.”
You find yourself pressing your lips into a thin line, figuring out what he was telling you. “So what you’re saying is…”
“Y/N, the reason why you suddenly felt those things and are still feeling them without explanation is because you’re the person I’m supposed to be bonded to.” Clearly you took the wrong moment to drink tea, the milky beverage choking your windpipe as it went down the wrong way. You splutter out: are you sure?
“Of course I’m sure - we can both feel it right?”
“It’s just so confusing Johnny. I barely know you, we only met yesterday yet my heart and gut are telling me that I’ve known you for so long and that I should love you…” You honestly felt like crying, this whole situation far too much for you. Johnny got up and plonked himself on the sofa cushion next to you, mugs of tea forgotten on the table beside you both. Reaching out to envelop you in his embrace.
“I know it’s strange, but would you accept me? Are you willing to try?” He held you close to him and you relaxed into the soft towelling of his bathrobe. Burying your face into the crook of his neck. Johnny smelled fresh and earthy, with some citrus warmth that seemed distinctly him. Mumbling into his skin, Johnny gave an airy laugh.
“What was that?” He pulled you back slightly.
“I said: Yes. Only because I’m single and curious and God help me – these feelings are driving me insane!” your heart was pounding against your ribcage, the close proximity of the two of you warming the atmosphere and the evening.
“Can we stay like this for a while?”
You indulged Johnny with your company, finding him gently nuzzling your neck and face. You found that having him near, holding you, calmed you down and made you feel safe. A soft growl emitted from his throat and he hugged you tighter. Far from being scared, you found your fingers finding purchase in the back of the robe, clutching the fabric in case he let go.
“…You know I’m only here for a week, right?…” A little huff broke the silence in the room.
“I know.”
“Well” you swallowed “what will we do about…this?” You gestured, Johnny responding by stroking your hair.
“We will work things out. I promise. We’ll both have those strange feelings of longing if we’re apart but trust me on this, I’ll sort something out.”
It was an odd thing, to feel so deeply trusting of a near-stranger yet your instincts ran so deep within. Warm and comfortable, you eventually fell asleep curled up in his arms; the almost-giant putting you to bed before settling atop the covers beside you.
You both awoke to a surprised gasp and a clatter of Tiff’s phone dropping as she didn’t expect to see a man on your bed, let alone one that was scantily clad in just a robe. Johnny practically jumped up, making sure he was decent – meanwhile you blearily opened your eyes, oblivious to what was happening.
“Oh Tiff, you’re back.”
“Well spotted, Captain Obvious – can either of you tell me what John is doing in your bed?” Tiffany crossed her arms and leant against the door frame, her long hair brushing over her shoulder.
“Technically, I was on top of the covers” Johnny interjected, smirking.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re in only a dressing gown though…” You and Johnny shared a look as you awkwardly conjured up a story for his lack of clothes.
That afternoon, after Johnny had been sent home (with the promise to return the robe) Tiffany asked you to join her on a walk out on the dales to take photos. A little breezy, you popped your hair back into a bun and trekked into some woodland.
“I saw this beautiful waterfall online, Ayesgarth I think – I’d love to find it and get some pictures in before it gets dark.” Tiff shouted back to you as she ventured ahead. Summer meant long days but the forest got dense toward the centre, meaning you both had to be quick to get the best lighting. The air smelt so fresh and green – reminding you of last night with Johnny. You relished in the crunching under your walking shoes and listening to birdsong with the distant trickle of water from the stream.
“Hey hun, I didn’t ask you about Taeil – did you notice anything odd about him at all?…” Tiff turned toward you, camera in hand.
“No, he seemed exactly like I remember him. Why? Something wrong?” She gave a puzzled smile as she glanced at you.
“not at all, Johnny just said he’s a ‘goofball’” you air-gestured to her, making your friend burst out laughing.
“oh my god, please don’t ever try to imitate his accent again – that was terrible!” You slapped her arm in jest as she doubled-over, cackling.
“Wow, thanks Tiffany. Please don’t tell John, though…”
You both had fun messing around, taking photos of the waterfall and paddling in the brook when you saw a flock of birds startled out of the trees ahead of you. Your eyes were drawn immediately to the area when Tiffany gasped, hand over her mouth beside you. She shakily pointed to a large, tan dog of some sorts on its hind legs picking up speed before it got on all fours and made its way, leaping over the stream ahead. While your best friend looked quite shaken, you on the other hand stood there in awe, wondering secretly whom it might have been.
“Did you see that?!” Tiffany whispered harshly into the air, her hand going to clutch onto your arm.
“I-I did…” As much as you wanted to divulge your knowledge, you withheld your tongue. The butterflies in your belly swarmed with the kept secret but you knew that Tiffany wouldn’t be able to handle it seriously. “Come on Tiff, let’s get home. I doubt that thing means any harm.” Slowly but surely you both made your way back to the cottage and relaxed with a few glasses of wine. Alcohol starting to taint your mind, the topic of discussion fell back to what you both saw in the woods that afternoon.
“You know… I had a look online and there’s quite a few local stories and conspiracy sites about things in the woods here…like werewolves and stuff.” Tiffany was at the edge of her seat, poised eagerly with her glass of Shiraz. “it’s crazy isn’t it?” You saw the humour glint her eyes, her mind trying to block out what she really saw in the woods. She gave a nervous giggle into her glass as you looked at her, chewing your bottom lip.
“You know, Tiff, I’m sure it was just something we couldn’t see properly. There’s loads that scientists etc haven’t discovered yet – as well as loads of people playing pranks. You never know.” You tried your best to console her with your white lie. Guilt bubbled a little inside you but you knew it was for the best.
Once she had settled down, you both called it a night and retreated to your rooms. You gave a deep sigh as you sat down on your bed, reaching for your phone, forgotten on the bedside table. Five messages – mostly from Johnny and one from an unknown number. You fumbled to unlock your phone, realising the message was from Taeyong.
[Hi Y/N, It’s Taeyong here. Johnny gave me your number. I think it’s important that we have a chat before you leave, come to our house tomorrow afternoon so we can take you through a few things. I’ll send my address below. Have a nice night J - TY]
You called Johnny the following morning munching on your breakfast while Tiffany was out on a morning jog (“to get more of a feel of the countryside” she said). You were a bit apprehensive about meeting everyone now that you knew their secret, not knowing how they’d react at all.
“I just feel like I’d be the odd one out. Is it even normal for a regular human like me to be bonded with you?” your spoon stuck in your mouth, contemplatively. Johnny’s voice came tinny through the line “It happens more frequently than people might think. I mean – how many of us do you think there are compared to you?” a jovial chuckle on the end of the line made you roll your eyes, attention going back to your half-soggy cereal in front of you.
A slight weight in your gut settled uneasily as you pulled up outside the ‘packhouse’. It was a beautiful, large country house with flint walls bordering the garden, Apple and pear trees lining the walkway. The door opened as you approached it, revealing Johnny sporting a soft smile. Seeing him in a loose button-up and hair soft and tousled made your heart leap.
“Hey – thank you for coming over.” He pulled you into his arms, resting his head atop yours. You breathed in his citrus and savoury scent, mentally preparing yourself for the talk with Taeyong. The inside of their home was clean and cosy, surprising you as it was just a bunch of guys living there. He lead you into their kitchen where Taeyong was filling the kettle.
“Tea?” he smiled, handsome and lightly scarred features pronounced by his grin.
“Yes please Taeyong, Thank you for inviting me here.” Johnny pulled out a chair for you and took his own right next to you, opposite the leader. His warm hand was on your knee for comfort as Taeyong settled the steaming mugs on the table.
“Now – as I’m sure you know there’s a few things we ought to discuss. Please don’t feel anxious over it, your scent will make us uneasy, too!” he squawked out. You felt a little more at ease from that, knowing that they weren’t making the mood too serious.
“First of all, I want to congratulate you two! I know it may seem confusing right now but this is such a wonderful thing to happen. It can sometimes take decades to find that someone to be bonded to – others just find they have to settle and never have that magical connection.” Taeyong’s eyes lit up as he spoke. You and Johnny glanced at each other as he continued. “Y/N, we’re happy to accept you into our little family so long as you know that you can’t tell anyone about what we are. There are some crazy people out there who have watched too many movies and to hunt us. Speaking of which – I should probably let you know that what we have is hereditary; you won’t turn into a werewolf when the claiming is complete.” Taeyong wafts his hands casually, as if he said the most obvious, mundane statement.
“Hang on, c-claiming?!” You gawked at them both, red as a tomato.
“Yes, the claiming. All bonded pairs have to.” He sipped his tea, looking at you over the rim of his mug. “We’re only wolves by birth, no matter if one of the pair is human, the recessive gene is rather strong and passes down quite well.” You sat there, looking down into your mug before looking over at a very sheepish Johnny who looked as red as you were. He cleared his throat, voice sounding quite soft. “Don’t worry Y/N, I’ll take care of you… I didn’t want to mention this until you came over here, I’m sorry I kept it from you.” The look in Johnny’s eyes was earnest; a touch afraid of rejection yet he looked so endearing, you couldn’t find it in yourself to be scared off.
“Johnny…” You muttered softly. The pull in your chest was so strong. “What else do I need to know?” He smiled at that, the joy spreading across his face as you settled back in your seat to speak with their leader some more.
Taeyong was smiling softly at the both of you as he gathered his thoughts. “There is one rather big factor of the claiming process; it’s an old tradition that it should be under the moonlight in the woods. We have a secluded clearing we use for this purpose, Yuta and his mate Sicheng were the last couple we inaugurated.” You took his words in slowly, cogs whirring in your brain to process everything. “By we do you mean…”
“The whole pack has to bare witness, yes.” You had no idea how Taeyong was so calm explaining the whole ordeal. Not an ounce of embarrassment on his face. “You have to understand that we do this not only as a tradition but as a celebration. It’s a beautiful thing to be bonded.” Both men took your hands gingerly, Johnny’s thumb smoothing over your knuckles while Taeyong was steadfast with his hold. “It would mean so much to us if you put faith in us – we mean you no harm.”
“When I saw Yuta and Sicheng, sure I was a little embarrassed being younger” Johnny supplied, “but it was wonderful to see them so happy and for the bond to grow. Sicheng is also a werewolf but he’s on business now in China. It must be such a strain on them to be far apart for a month, I’m just glad you don’t live that far away.” Johnny leant forward to lay a kiss to your temple - a small but welcome gesture. You squeezed both their hands reassuringly.
“I admit it’s a lot to take in. You all have been nothing but kind to me so far, so I’m willing to go through with it – even if I’m really embarrassed by it all.” You all laugh as you finish speaking, Johnny’s arm coming around to rest at your back. It was a strange if not surprising turn of events for what was supposed to be a quiet getaway.
You found that Tiffany at the pub with Taeil and Donghyuk, schooling the younger boy on how to make cocktails and lamenting that the pub didn’t offer any. Tiff’s squawks of laughter could be heard as soon as you stepped through the door, making you grin. She was always so loud and animated.
“I can hear you from a mile away!” you laugh as you go to kiss her cheek before greeting Taeil and Donghyuk. “Tiff, are you teaching Hyuk how to be an alcoholic? He’s only 18 – he’s barely gotten used to beer!” Donghyuk scowls playfully at you as you ruffle his hair.
“Hey, I just said I prefer sweeter drinks and these two started giving me recipes like they were bartenders” he sulked, sipping on his strawberry Koppaberg.
“Hyukie is exaggerating, we only taught him what went into some sweeter cocktails when he asked. Oh, since you’re here – he said that he saw you two yesterday when he went mushroom-picking!” Taeil had a surprised look on his face when he saw that Tiff frowned and you were side-eying him worriedly. Tiffany went quiet and stared into her Chablis, pressing her lips together before she spoke. “Really? We didn’t see any…people on our walk yesterday. Did you just see us passing?” She turned to the teen, hand clasped over her crossed knee in suspense.
“y-yeah. I had a bucket with me and was passing by the edge of the woods when I saw you both go in; thought it was best not to disturb you guys.” His hand scratched the back of his neck in nervousness. “Why? What, did you both see something?”
“No! No….nothing. Just some animals, that’s all” Tiff quipped, not missing a beat.
“I’m going to get myself a drink, Hyukie can you come with to help carry the rest?” In order to break the awkward atmosphere, you dragged Donghyuk by his elbow to the bar. Once safely around the corner, the teen groaned in frustration. “Ugh, why did he have to say anything! My god, for the oldest, he sure is stu-”
“Look, he made a mistake. I just hope that she doesn’t doubt your white lie…” Waiting to be served, you cast a sympathetic look at him hunched over the bar with his hands in his hair. “So, you have a red coat, huh? It’s really unusual.” Donghyuk peeks up at you through his hands, smiling.
“You like it? I thought they’d make fun of me at first but all my brothers say it suits me.” A satisfied smile paints your face as the bartender interrupts you. Laughing at one of his jokes, you both return to the table with a drink in each hand for your group. Thankfully, the pair seemed to be immersed in what seemed to be flirting with each other – you just wanted to have a laid-back evening among friends, taking your mind of what was to come.
Saturday finds you in Johnny’s room at the packhouse, admiring his vintage camera collection and a surprising handful of soft toys on a chair in the corner. It made you smile fondly at his creature-comforts. “Who are your friends?” You giggle, picking up a small, smiling whale toy.
“That’s Blue – he’s my best buddy” he squeezed the cheeks of the blue whale “I’ve had him for ages.” You looked up at Johnny, smirking.
“wow John, super creative name” came your tease, Johnny trying to tickle you in retaliation.
“Hey – I was young! Give me some slack.” He laughed, circling his arms around your torso. You looked up into his eyes and found him smiling beautifully down at you. You felt your breath catch in your throat as Johnny’s tall frame leant down to capture your lips with his, ample flesh melding so sweetly against yours. You felt your body sag in response, the pull of your bond making you weak at the knees. Your ears pricked at the sound of Johnny’s soft sigh, his arms running up your back to cup the back of your head. Every press, drag of your lips and the occasional lick had your mind reeling. You hadn’t been kissed like it for years, your fingers clutching his shirt in an automatic response to his ministrations. When he pulled away a soft whine came from you as your eyes peered up at him, a little glazed.
You couldn’t quite believe the feeling of calm that washed over you from the contact. It left you feeling comforted and at home. If that was just from a kiss, you silently wondered what the bond would feel like after you…after tonight. Even though the thought had crossed your mind that in a few hours you’d have to get pretty intimate with the werewolf in front of a bunch of people, your conscious and heart felt tranquil. You began to understand a little what Taeyong and Johnny were telling you, that this ‘bond’ was so special and something to be sought after. Somewhere deep down in your being was a warmth that was only apparent when Johnny was near.
“I have a gift for you” his voice was smooth and quiet, leading you toward the wardrobe resting against the opposite wall. The door protested as he opened it, pulling out a delicate white dress with small cotton lace detailing at the bottom. It was understated and natural, much like the woods were.
“It’s so pretty, thank you so much.” The linen felt soft under your fingertips, bringing the garment up to your frame to guess the fit. “Y/n can you wear this tonight? It’s in the tradition to wear something white when the ceremony starts.” Johnny took the dress to hang it on the door. You but your lip, eyes flitting between the garment and the man. “Would it make things better if I just wore this tonight?” Your cheeks burned at the thought, pelvic muscles contracting on their own accord.
You were led out to the middle of the forest unto a small clearing, where soft moss lay underneath. The pack were all in their wolf forms looking large and majestic, Johnny right by your side as you picked up your soft linen dress, not to trip over it. Sensing your slight nervousness, the large black wolf butted his head into your palm before stepping away to begin his transformation. Up until now, you had only heard him transform - it sounded painful and looked even more so: sinew and bone popping and ripping to reshape and form again. Johnny had mentioned in his room that his body had gotten used to it, that it no longer hurt. Within a few seconds his human form that you had grown fond of was rising from the ground in front of you; pectoral muscles twitching slightly as he took deep breaths to steady himself.
His tall, nude form towered over your frame, his hands coming to cup your face to place a delicate kiss to your lips. Your hands absentmindedly trail over Johnny’s honeyed skin, kissing him once more as he started to undo the buttons of the dress, letting it pool at your feet. Both of your faces were dusted with a pink hue, the thought of having eight of his pack mates surrounding you slightly nerve-wracking. Johnny lay you down gently on the bed of moss and clambered over your form with an almost predatory gaze. He doled out nips and kisses along your flesh, growling softly when he rolled one of your nipples in his hot mouth. Your hand tangled into his soft black hair, back arching when you felt his large palm cup your mound and two of his long fingers slip inside.
“Oh Johnny!” You moaned and felt him smile against your sweet skin.
“You feel so soft, my love” he quietly whispered against you, kissing your neck. They caressed the innermost parts of you, relaxing and stretching moist flesh for what was to come. Your small sighs dissipated into the night air, the others quietly looking on at you. You grabbed a handful of moss behind you feeling it give way as Johnny’s hot tongue connected with your clit, laving at the pink folds and under the hood. Your heard him grunt when you clenched around his fingers – loving every moment of making you fall apart under him. Right before your climax, he removed his digits, manoeuvring you onto your stomach. Sweet kisses were placed along your spine as you felt his weight settle over your form. Instinctively you raised your hind to him, feeling the warmth of his leaking member slip against your wet mound. There was a low, feral growl next to your ear that made you shudder, your very core was throbbing with a primal need for the werewolf to mount you and take you there in front of everyone. To mark you as his and to make sure everyone knew about it. With ruddy cheeks and misty eyes, you looked around at how calm his other packmates were, suddenly producing a guttural moan as in one fell swoop Johnny sheathed his girthy length into your heat. The soft, mossy floor was a welcome cushion for your face and limbs while Johnny kept you close to him, hips slapping against yours with his quick strokes into you. Every thrust hit your cervix with precision, making your tummy bulge at the hilt. Johnny’s chest was rumbling with his groans, skin a little sticky with exertion – his heady citrus scent surrounding you as you fell deeper into a lull of pleasure. Your eyes unconsciously rolled to the back of your head, feeling the pressure build inside of you that’d surely burst. That was when his hips changed their pace; deep and strong he went, fingertips moulding into pinkened skin of your hips to make sure you wouldn’t escape his grasp. “Oh fuck, y/n, my love. You feel incredible! Everything feels insane.” Johnny managed to pant out through his motions. A shaky moan drifted out of you as you gained enough energy to reply:
“so do you, John. Oh my God I’m so close.” Your nipples brushed the cool vegetation under you as you moved, sending small sensations right to where you needed it. Soon your hips gave way under the force of movement, causing a new angle that brought tears to your eyes with how deep he felt. You cried out when Johnny sank back into you, hips flush to your own as he caged you once more with his body. “Y/n, forgive me if this hurts” Johnny groaned as he delivered a particularly hard thrust. Before you had time to question his words, he bit down on your shoulder as he came inside you – right against your cervix. Your shocked cries echoed through the clearing, the werewolves around you sounding a howl into the night sky as the ceremony was finalised.
Safe. Cosy. Home.
A full ache pulsed through your body from your shoulder down to your knees, making you whimper as you woke. You certainly didn’t remember getting to bed let alone passing out. The warmth you felt over your stomach was none other than Johnny’s arm, as he lay snuggled into your side. You raised your arm to touch where the bite had been, finding a big gauze dressing covering the wound. Turning your head to face him your eyes traced the outline of his sleeping form: eyelids twitching gently with long lashes to frame them, the gentle slope of his button nose down to his deep philtrum and buxom, bow-shaped lips. It was then that you felt a swell in your heart, one that had already begun to bud and blossom – a feeling that felt so inexplicable yet natural you could only smile at him and stroke his black hair to stop yourself from thinking too deeply.
“Johnny….John, wake up hun.” He stirred slowly, arm pulling you that little closer as he nosed your shoulder, dropping a kiss there. A very gruff morning greeted you in return before he cleared his throat. “I want to stay in bed all day…” he grumbled, leaning over you to place a soft kiss against your lips. “hmmm. Me too but I am a bit curious how we got back here. Did I pass out? Last night was pretty intense, huh.” Your hand brushed against his cheekbone and he dipped down again to steal another peck or two. “Jaehyun carried you back and Taeyong cleaned us up. I was so tired but I managed to make it back at least before sleeping.” He chuckled.
“Usually I’d feel embarrassed but I’m just thankful they did – I wouldn’t have appreciated being left outdoors all night.” A wide grin settled on his features at your comment.
“Are you sure? You seemed pretty content being outside last night…” if the previous thought didn’t make you blush, this one did. Johnny made you squeal In shocked delight as he rolled the both of you over, under the sheets. Carefully wrapping you in his arms on top of him, you both snuggled into each others neck. You felt Johnny stiffen slightly as he inhaled “…My love. You have worry coming out of all your pores – what did I tell you before, hmm? We can’t stay away from each other too long now anyway because of the bond. Either I’ll move down to the city or we’ll find a way to make this work.” Your body sagged closer to his as he comforted you. In one way you wanted to know what it felt like; being apart from your lover apparently put a strain on your body according to what the others had told you, Yuta looking quite down at times as Sicheng was still away on business.
“It’s quite far, right? I just don’t want either of us to put our careers at risk, John. So much has changed in this short space of time that I can’t help but feel slightly anxious.” Letting out a short sigh you gave his shoulder a kiss. “If I can tell you honestly, my work is freelance – it’d probably benefit me if I moved to a bigger city, especially London. There’s a lot more clients that want photography work there.” He chuckled and gave you a squeeze. “So let me sort out moving down there near you and we can go from there.”
Two weeks later you find yourself running into Johnny’s arms as he spins you around in the middle of Kings Cross station, onlookers giving you various glances as they go about their commute. For two whole weeks, there was constant pain and longing within you – it felt a little similar to your monthly cramps but gradually it got worse with each passing day. Whatever strange work of fate or magic it was that caused it, you were just glad to be in his arms and breathing in that heady citrus scent of his that you’d grown to cherish. It may have been a rushed, if not surprising start; yet in your heart you had a feeling that this bond was to last.
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emeraldwaves · 5 years
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Title: Noblesse Oblige Chapter 2 Written with @supereveylg Pairing:  Kacchako, Kirimina, Dekulissa, Kamijirou, Todomomo Rating: E (this ch has nsfw) Word Count: 7,731 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
For Bakugou Katsuki, being the best knight in Noblesse Oblige was all he ever wanted. An elite group of knights, those in Noblesse Oblige are tasked with keeping the higher tiers of the city safe by exploring and purifying the Dark Woods, a poisonous forest which plagues the underbelly of the city. However, Bakugou isn’t interested in purifying the Dark Woods. Despite everyone telling him he needs a witch partner, he has no need for one, especially when partnering means locking and regulating a witch’s magic. Witches and knights are meant to work together to destroy monsters and purify pools deep in the woods, but Bakugou can defeat monsters just fine on his own.
Uraraka Ochako is a witch who has been hiding among the creatures of the city for years. Enjoying the experience of living outside of the Dark Woods, she’s avoided being caught and having her magic locked. But her life will change completely when she attends the mayor’s grand gala party and she has a fateful encounter with an explosive blond.
Thank you to @supereveylg for this AMAZING art, we’re so excited for this collab! And thank to @amaisenshi for reading this over!
The chatter of the party was far too loud for Bakugou's liking. Even standing off to the side, he was tired of all the idiotic people. He really wished Kirishima had let him have his damn cigarette, because right now he wanted one so bad.
Wrapping his finger around his tie, he pulled it looser. The stupid thing was going to choke him and it only added to his discomfort. He held a drink in his other hand, swirling it around as he stared at the crowd, trying to drown out the massive amount of noise. So far, he had done a good job of avoiding talking to anyone, and he knew his luck was about to run out.
He could've broken the damn glass in his hand when he heard that voice.
"Deku," he growled, not turning to look at the stupid green fairy boy.
"I'm glad to see you're okay. Melissa told me she saw you come in and I was-"
"Why the hell wouldn't I be okay?" he snapped, gripping his drink even tighter.
"Well you turned off the communicator-"
"Cause you were trying to tell me what to do!" Bakugou snapped.
Deku frowned. "That's my job, Kacchan," he said, sighing. "You know what will happen if you stay in the forest too long without a witch-"
"I don't... need a fuckin' witch," he hissed. "When are you dipshits going to get that through your heads?!"
"So Kirishima brought it up with you again too?" Deku asked, a small smile appearing on his face. "I don't know why you're fighting it so much. You'd be so much more productive-"
"Shut it Deku!" he growled, his red eyes glaring at the fairy.
"Okay, okay..." he sighed. "But, why are you standing over here by yourself?" he asked, fluttering his translucent wings back and forth.
So Deku wasn't going to leave him alone... "Why the hell do you think, shitty nerd?" he growled, taking a gulp of his drink. Deku even looked like a nerd, his green suit and bow tie were darker than his hair, but the fact he even tried to match made Bakugou want to cringe.
"Because you're doing that thing where you're antisocial at a big social event," Deku hummed happily.
"Aren't you fuckin' smart?" he said, tilting the glass up to his lips once more.
"You could ask someone to dance?" Deku suggesed, his shitty fuckin' smile on his face.
"Yeah right," Bakugou snorted. If anything, he was going to get more drinks. The black suit felt hot against his skin and he wished he could get the damn thing off. Deku was an idiot, and Bakugou wanted the green-haired nuisance to leave him the fuck alone. "Where's your girlfriend?! Go bug her."
Deku gasped, his freckled cheeks turning a bright shade of red. "G-Girlfriend!?" he gasped. "K-Kacchan! Melissa and I... we're not... I-I mean... we're not... really..."
"Midoriya? Bakugou? Why are you two standing in the corner all alone?"
"A-Ah! M-M-Melissa!" Deku stammered, jumping when the blonde girl walked up. Her royal blue strapless dress was slimming, brushing against the floor. Her silver heels peeked out from underneath the bottom of the dress and it matched the small glittering clutch she held in her hands. Her hair was tied up in a long ponytail and she had small, silver clips sporadically decorating her blonde locks. She wasn't wearing her glasses either, and the dress pushed up her breasts a bit. Honestly, Melissa was attractive; Bakugou could see it, if it wasn't for her shitty personality. Her and Deku could be fuckin' nerds together.
"Evening," she smiled, her wings fluttering as she nodded her head to the two.
"Hi! Wow..." Deku breathed, his cheeks still bright red. "You look... really nice."
She giggled, her voice soft and barely audible above the raucous crowd. "Thank you, you both look nice. I'm surprised Bakugou cleans up so nicely."
"Oi!" he growled. "'Course I do!"
"Yes, of course," she smirked. "Have you seen anyone else?"
"Ah, Todoroki was talking with his father last I saw," Deku muttered, glancing at the crowd. "I dunno if he's still over there. I'm sure it can't be easy for him. His father is the host and he loves showing off that his son is the top Knight in Noblesse Oblige.
"Oi..." Bakugou growled.
"I don't know why you're getting angry." A new voice cut in through the crowd, red heels clacking against the ground. "You're the one who refuses to get a witch. You would maybe be better than Todoroki if you weren't so stubborn, Bakugou." Yaoyorozu stood next to Melissa, flipping her long dark hair over her neck, for once, she wearing her hair down. Her floor-length red dress sparkled against the dim lighting of the ballroom and it hugged her curvy hips. It was a long sleeved dress, covering up her rune-covered black arms. The girl most likely didn't want people staring at her.
"Evening, Yaoyorozu!" Melissa smiled. "I'm surprised you're not with Todoroki."
Immediately, she turned her dark eyes away. "T-Todoroki and I were dancing, but... his father pulled him away. I don't think he was pleased we were dancing together."
"Really?" Deku asked, tilting his head. "You two have always been a close duo though!"
"...He said it didn't look good for us to dance together, since witches and knights aren’t supposed to have... 'relations'," she explained. "And Todoroki replied something vulgar about how dancing wasn't the same as... well... you know," Yaoyorozu said.
"Fucking?" Bakugou added.
"..." Yaoyorozu looked down, her bangs sweeping in front of her face. "S-Something like that..."
Bakugou clicked his tongue. "His father is an idiot."
"Kacchan, that's the mayor!" Deku hissed, waving his hand in front of his face.
"I don't give a fuck."
"He's technically our boss," Yaoyorozu sighed.
"Don't act like you like the guy, Ponytail," Bakugou snorted, pointing his finger at her face.
"Bakugou! P-Please!" she stammered, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I don't have any ill-will towards the mayor and I-"
"I said no!" A new voice joined in, cutting Yaoyorozu off as Jirou Kyouka stepped over to their group. Her short purple dress had a fluffy skirt and unlike Yaoyorozu, it was sleeveless. The purple-haired girl had no qualms about showing off her rune-covered dark arms.
"Jirou! It's just one dance," Kaminari stumbled towards them, his black suit and yellow tie making him look like a foolish bumblebee.
She turned to glare at him. "You're the last person I want to dance with."
Kaminari balked, his body deflating with the sigh he let out of his mouth. "Okay, fair... I just thought... since Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were-"
"I don't care what they do. I don't want anything to do with you," she hissed.
"Okay... also fair..."
Kaminari let out another sigh, his cheeks flushed. He glanced away from them, not wanting them to see.
Unlike Yaoyorozu and many of the other witches who often resigned themselves to helping Noblesse Oblige once they were caught, Jirou Kyouka spent most of her time frustrated and angry at her knight, Kaminari Denki. He wasn't particularly bad to her, in fact he often let her use her magic as she pleased and he kept trying to win her over.
However, he usually did it in an idiotic way, which usually resulted in Jirou growing annoyed and wanting nothing to do with him.
"Kyouka!" Yaoyorozu said softly. "You don't have to be so mean to Kaminari, I really think he just wants to dance, nothing else."
Jirou rolled her eyes. "Momo, just because you and Todoroki are a dream team doesn't mean we all are. Look at Bakugou, he doesn't even have a witch," she said. A smirk pulled across her lips, obviously rather proud of herself for diverting the subject.
"Shut it," Bakugou hissed. "I don't need a goddamn witch. I don't need to be like this idiot," he said, gesturing to Kaminari.
"H-Hey! I'm trying, really I am!" he said, glancing towards Jirou. She turned her eyes away from him, keeping her arms folded across her chest.
Bakugou clicked his tongue. He couldn't deal with these damn extras. "I'm done here," he grumbled, making his way towards the bar which sat at the edge of the room. Behind him, he heard Deku call after him, but he didn't even look back. He could only talk to them for so long.
He leaned against the bar, ordering a new drink; gin and tonic. He wasn't looking to get drunk, but a little buzz to ignore the idiots didn't seem so bad. As much as he didn't want to be here, he could appreciate some free alcohol; better than giving all his money to Kirishima for the evening.
Glancing around the ornate ballroom, he silently observed. As Yaoyorozu had mentioned, shitty Half and Half was over by the stage, talking to his father, the mayor, looking disgruntled. Hah. At least he wasn't the only miserable one here.
There was a long table of food on the other side of the hall and standing by it was a petite girl, her eyes excitedly peering at all there was to offer. She had a long pink dress which hugged her hips and flowed out around her legs. She looked far too happy to be standing in front of a table of food. Bakugou clicked his tongue. She was probably some mid-tier peasant who somehow got into the party. Her face was cheerful looking which gave her away.
Flicking his gaze to the side, he noted Deku had decided to dance with his shitty 'not girlfriend' Melissa, while Yaoyorozu and Jirou stood close to the wall, talking to each other. Kaminari was nowhere to be found which could only mean...
"Yo! I'll have what he's having," Kaminari smirked, leaning over the edge of the bar. He chuckled, grabbing the small glass as he stood far too close for Bakugou's liking.
"You know," Kaminari said, sighing after taking a sip of his drink. "There are a lot of pretty girls here tonight."
"Shut it, Sparky," Bakugou snorted. He didn't give a shit about that, though his eyes fell back to the table. The brown haired girl was still over there. Her hand was plastered against her cheek, her lips pulled into a wide smile. Obviously she had tried something delicious. At least someone had found something redeeming about this party.
"Hm..." Kaminari hummed, leaning over Bakugou's shoulder, following the direction of his gaze. "Cutie by the table. I see, I see. You gonna go for it, man?"
Bakugou pushed at his face. "No."
Blinking, Kaminari took a long swig of his drink and slammed the glass down on the table, letting out a sigh. "I'm going for it."
"What?" Bakugou hissed.
"W-What?! You said no!" Kaminari gasped, waving his hands up and down.
"Whatever," Bakugou snorted. He glanced back towards the table, watching as she picked up some sort of chocolate covered fruit on a stick. He didn't care. He wasn't going to go out of his way to talk to anyone at this damn party.
"Cool, okay," Kaminari grinned, making his way towards the table.
However, as much as Bakugou didn't care, he couldn't help but watch. Kaminari held up a piece of fruit, smiling at her. She laughed and the two of them each ate some it. She wrapped her lips around the piece and pulled it off with a pop, laughing with the blond idiot.
She seemed entertained by the conversation, especially when he noticed her gesture wildly to the various food items littered across the table.
Kaminari moved to stand next to her and slipped his arm around her waist. The brown haired girl opened her eyes wide, looking shocked at the move. She didn't look as happy now, more uncomfortable and nervous.
What she didn't know was she could just punch Kaminari and he would disappear easily. She laughed again and placed her hand on his shoulder.
Admittedly, she was... cute. Different than some of the other girls Bakugou had shared an occasional evening with. He really wasn't looking to find some girl to spend his night with, not when he was so damn tired, but he also didn't want to subject this one to Kaminari all evening.
With a sigh, he slammed his glass down against the bar and made his way over, grabbing Kaminari by the collar of his blazer. With a grunt, Kaminari stumbled backwards, the girl looking at Bakugou in awe.
Her round, brown eyes twinkled under the gentle lighting of the ballroom and the bodice of her dress had a slight shimmer to it. She blinked, clearly surprised by the interruption.
"Oi, Idiot. What the hell do you think you're doing?" Bakugou's grip on Kaminari's jacket was tight.
"B-Bakugou!" The other boy flailed for a moment. "I-I was just chatting with Uraraka-"
"Chatting my ass. Your hands were all over her," he snapped.
"It's fine, I think he was just being friendly-" The girl, Uraraka said.
"Don't defend him," Bakugou growled.
"E-Eh!? Bakugou..." Kaminari whimpered and twisted his lips. "I thought you said-"
"Changed my mind," he muttered. He hadn't; but for some reason he really didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.
"Ugh. Fine," Kaminari sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck. His fingers fanned out across his rune marking. "I should... probably find Jirou anyway."
Bakugou didn't want to tell him that was probably a terrible idea.
"It was nice to meet you, Uraraka," Kaminari said, bowing his head as he stepped away. "Good luck with Bakugou."
"Huh?" Uraraka blinked, her eyes watching as Kaminari trotted away. She turned to face Bakugou, twisting her lips. "You know I didn't exactly need rescuing."
"Tch. Excuse me then, idiot."
Her eyes widened again. "I just meant... I could've handled it. He didn't seem dangerous or anything."
"He's not," Bakugou grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. "You can go back to your food now."
Her lips curled into a pout momentarily, but she reached forward, pulling out a few chocolate covered strawberries, all skewered on a small stick. "Have you tried these yet? I think it's the best chocolate I've ever tasted!"
Bakugou glanced at the dessert she was offering him. He wasn't particularly in the mood to eat anything, and he stared at her as she bounced it up and down once with her hand. "Go on!" she said, "It's my thank you, since you 'rescued' me," she teased.
"You're thanking me with food the party provided?"
Uraraka shoved the food into her mouth, pulling the stick out. "You don't have to be a jerk about it."
"Whatever. I'm getting another drink," he said, making his way back over to the bar.
"H-Hang on!" Uraraka said, calling after him. He was now starting to think it was somewhat of a regret he hadn't just let her suffer with Kaminari.
"What?" he snapped, placing his glass against the bar. "Another," he said, turning to the bartender.
"I'll have one too," Uraraka said, holding her finger up. "Why did you come over to 'save me' if you knew he wasn't dangerous?"
"Because that idiot wouldn't have left you alone," Bakugou shrugged. Really he'd done her a favor, whether she understood or not.
"Well, what if I didn't want him to leave me alone?" she asked softly.
"Then go find him again, see if I care!" Bakugou snapped, feeling oddly angry about it.
"Nah," she shrugged. "It's more fun to talk to you, grumpy pants."
Oh this woman was a devil.
He growled, clenching his hand around his drink.
She sipped casually on her own drink, looking out over the crowd. Who the hell was she? Uraraka wasn't a name he had heard. Obviously she was someone from one of the lower tiers, but how the hell had she gotten into this party?
He didn't care. Not at all.
"So why are you here if you obviously don't want to be?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at him.
"I have to be here," he stated flatly, purposefully choosing not to elaborate.
She stared at him expectantly, as if she was waiting for more. No other information would come however; this stranger didn't need to know any of his business.
Sighing, she placed the empty glass down on the table.
"Are you going to ask me to dance or what?" Her brown eyes were wide, staring at him with an eager gaze. Her cheeks were flushed and Bakugou couldn't decipher if they were normally like that or if the alcohol was going to her head.
"The fuck you talkin' about, Cheeks?" he asked, taking another drink.
"Dance with me," she said, holding her hand out.
"Forget it. I didn't come here to do that shit," he grunted, wrapping his lips around the edge of his cup.
"So what... you 'save' me from some other guy only to stand by the bar and drink for the rest of the night?" she frowned, her brow furrowing.
"Tch," he scoffed. He really wished he had that cigarette now.
"Hmph..." She clicked her tongue, narrowing her eyes at him. "Hm. I get it now." She leaned in towards him, a smirk pulled across her face. "You're scared."
Bakugou's eye twitched. He wasn't fuckin' scared of anything. He glanced her way, his red eyes burning with frustration. She was challenging him; her brown eyes squinting at him playfully.
"Hah!" she said, pointing in his direction. "I figured it out-"
With a roll of his eyes, he reached his hand over, wrapping his fingers around hers. Grabbing her hand, he yanked her forward out onto the dance floor. He placed his hand on the small of her back and he could feel how warm her skin was. Up close, her cheeks were even more red, her eyes staring at him in surprise. "Let me clear some shit up for you, Uraraka," he hissed, leaning towards her ear. "I'm not scared of a damn thing."
"Good," she said, sliding her hand up to his shoulder. "I'm not either, Bakugou." From how lidded her eyes were, Bakugou could tell she was serious.
He clutched her hand, pressing his other on her back to pull her close as he began to lead her. Though dancing hadn't been a skill he cared much for learning, his mother had forced to him as a young boy. He moved them in line with the others, twirling her away from him, only to pull her back a moment later.
Her hips swayed against his, and she closed her eyes, humming softly with the music. She smelled nice, like fresh flowers; a scent Bakugou hadn't come across in awhile. The flowers in the Dark Woods were different; toxic and wilting away. This woman, Uraraka, smelled as if she came from a flower of legend, bright petals catching the rays of the sun with each breath she took.
He had been right to save her from Kaminari. She didn't need to deal with someone like him.
As much as he hadn't come to this party looking to find any sort of company, he found himself impressed. He respected her forwardness and ability to take what she wanted. He often did the same, and soon, he was going to do the same with her.
She moved close to him, her brown eyes opening to meet his red ones. "You're shockingly good at this," she murmured, gently tapping her fingers against his shoulders.
"Hah!?" he yelled, a few of the others looking his way. "What the hell is that supposed to mean, Cheeks?!"
"I don't know," she shrugged, her eyes twinkling playfully. "I never thought someone as brash as you would be such a good dancer."
He growled and squeezed her hand harder, swinging him around her body as he dipped her down. He slid his hand up her back, the ribbons from the back of her dress brushing over his knuckles. "I'm good at everything," he grinned.
"You're especially talented at being humble," she giggled.
"I'm always fuckin' humble," he muttered, pulling her back up.
"I can see that," she said, her heels clacking against the ground as they continued to sway with the music.
He was starting to feel the alcohol buzz through his system, his face heated. This girl... she was cute, and fiery. She intrigued him, the pull of her large brown eyes too much for his slightly intoxicated mind.
"I need some air," he smirked, and pulled her hand towards the balcony.
The party filled most of the ballroom and at the end of one side, there were two doors which opened onto a large balcony. It overlooked the mayor's garden down below. There were stairs which led down to the garden, if patrons cared to take a look, but most of them didn't want to get their shoes dirty, enjoying their alcohol and asinine conversations.
"B-Bakguou?" Uraraka squeaked behind him, following him outside. She stopped behind him, and he felt a tug on his hand as he turned around to look at her. Her neck was craned upwards, looking towards the sky. "You... can actually see the stars out here," she breathed. A small cleansing jellyfish floated by her head, and she watched it, giggling as it did. "There must be a lot of these around here... to see the stars so clearly."
"If you keep saying shit like that, you'll give yourself away," he muttered, leading her over to the rail.
"E-Eh!?" she gasped, her hand pressing to her chest quickly, panic fluttering across her brown eyes. "W-What do you mean!?" Her teeth pressed against her pink lips, and Bakugou decided he was going to kiss this girl tonight.
Maybe do more than that.
"That you don't live on this tier," he snorted, leaning against the railing. He reached for her hand and pulled her close, pressing her flush against his body, his hand wrapped around her waist.
"Oh," she whispered, staring up at him. "Not everyone here lives on this tier."
"No. I don't," he said. "But you don't see me talking about the goddamn jellies."
"They're cute," she pouted, leaning her arm on the railing with a sigh. She peered over the edge, her eyes widening. "The mayor has a garden!? An actual garden!?" she gasped, wrapping her fingers around the edge of the railing. "I can't believe how beautiful it looks," her eyes scanned the flora below, as if she was taking in each and every flower, bush, or hedge she saw. She turned to Bakugou eagerly. "We have to get a closer look!"
Bakugou didn't particularly care about walking through the gardens, but getting further away from people, especially when he was feeling a decent enough buzz, sounded perfect. "Fine. I don't wanna be around these extras anyway."
"Extras?" she giggled. "Wow, you really don't like people very much."
"They all suck," he snarled. "I don't give a shit about any of them."
"Not even your friend who you saved me from?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.
"Especially not him," he growled, wrapping his hand around hers as he tugged her to the staircase at the edge of the balcony.
She laughed, following him down the steps as she walked onto the gravel. "Wow..." she breathed. She shut her eyes, and pulled in a long, deep breath. "The air is so fresh here. So clean..." She pulled away from him, leaning down to look at a few flowers. Her pink skirt gently blew in the wind as she tucked her hair behind her ear, the rose clip in her hair twinkling against the night sky. "This is amazing!" she giggled.
Quite frankly, Bakugou didn't think there was anything great about a few flowers, but he liked being away from all the people.
Uraraka was... strange, but he couldn't pinpoint why.
"Oi, Cheeks," he muttered, tucking his hands into his pockets while he stood next to her. He couldn't take his eyes off her; it was oddly endearing how cute she looked, completely dazzled by the plants. "You really haven't seen shit like this."
She stood up and tucked her hair behind her ear, shaking her head back and forth. "No... that's not it," she explained. "The plant life in the mid tier is very different." She paused, staring at the plants while her skirt flowed around her legs. "It's just been a very long time."
A look of nostalgia crossed her eyes, and he wondered when the last time she'd actually seen something like this was. He glanced at the clip in her hair and nodded his head towards the middle of the garden. "C'mon, this way."
"Hm?" She blinked, rising up as she followed him deeper into the garden. Next to a tall statue of some founder of the tiered city sat a rose bush, covered in red and pink petaled flowers, matching the one in her hair. She gasped. "Roses!" Rushing to the bush, she reached forward and brushed her fingertips against the petals, smiling wide. "They're my favorite! How did know?"
He rolled his eye. "Your clip, idiot."
"O-Oh!" she muttered, covering her mouth. "I-I completely forgot about that..." She began to giggle. "I wish I could take one but... it wouldn't last and... I don't think I would want to watch it die."
She looked sad as she spoke, her voice growling quieter and quieter. That look truly didn't suit her face. With a sigh, he reached forward and touched at the clip in her hair. "Just enjoy them for now then," he snorted. "It's not like you'll forget anytime soon."
Her cheeks flushed and against the lighting of the moon, her face looked even rounder, illuminated in the dark. "I-I guess you're right," she said, her breath catching in her throat.
Fuck. She was so cute; so damn cute. He could no longer tell if it was the alcohol buzzing through his system or if it had just been too long since he'd known the company of a woman, but he wanted her, and he wasn't going to stop himself.
Leaning down, he held his lips inches above hers. "I'm always right."
He pressed their lips together, kissing her hard as he snaked his arm around her waist pulling her close to him. Her lips were warm, and she kissed him back eagerly, her tongue swiping across his lower lip.
Oh, this was going to be very fun.
Swinging her around, he pressed her up against the statue. He gripped her hips with his hands, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. She moaned, adjusting to the new position, her back arching off of the statue.
When he pulled back to breathe, he couldn't help but enjoy the sight in front of him. Her round, rosy cheeks were flushed even more, her chest heaved gently with her deep breaths. The warmness of them tickled his lips and it made his stomach churn. "Wow..." she breathed. Her round, brown eyes met his gaze, but he quickly pulled himself away, not wanting to be drawn in by her gaze.
He dipped his head down to her jaw and peppered kisses over her skin. Kissing down her neck, he paused just above where the edge of her dress sat, he pulled some of her flesh into his mouth, a small red mark appearing on her skin. "Ngh... B-Bakugou..." she moaned, the noise echoing through the small garden area.
"Oi," he growled, running his tongue over the red spot. "Be quiet, Cheeks. The balcony is right there. You wouldn't want to get caught would you?"
She gasped, rolling her head back against the statue, nodding quickly, agreeing with his statement. He smirked, happy she was willing to continue. There was a challenge, in both getting her to make noise and keep her quiet and he wondered how she would fare.
He slid his hand up her back, his fingers dancing around the ribbons which draped down from the back of her neck. He tugged on one, pulling it loose so the neck of the dress dropped. Now he could really leave a nice mark. He kissed down her neck, sucking gently on the skin, scraping his teeth over the wet, sensitive spot. He wished he could've ripped the dress off and wrapped his lips around her nipples and groped at her chest, but the sleeves prevented him from doing so.
Instead, he moved his hand under the skirt of her dress, stroking up her bare thighs. "Spread your legs for me," he demanded, kissing up her jaw. He sucked on her lip, letting it go with a small pop.
Her breath was hot, her cheeks even more flushed and a shiver rolled down her spine, she was moaning softly, gentle squeaks slipping between her lips, especially when his hands stroked over her thick thighs. It was just his luck, he smirked, to find a girl kinky enough to let him do this to her in the public garden.
Kneeling down, he watched her spread her legs and she gripped at the bottom of her dress, bunching it as she pulled the front of it up to her hips. Her panties were a little wet, Bakugou could see a soft stain there, and he smirked harder. "I really got you this excited, Cheeks?"
"S-Shut up!" she blushed, her cheeks puffing out. "Y-You were kissing my neck. It's a sensitive spot."
"Bet this is sensitive too," he chuckled deeply, brushing his thumb over her panties and he watched her knees tremble. Hooking his fingers around the upper curve of her panties, he yanked them down and immediately pressed his nose up against her, wrapping his tongue around her clit.
"Ah!" she gasped, moaning so loud. She quickly clasped her hand over her own mouth, her hips bucking towards him. Fuck, she looked hot, her legs spread, knees trembling. Her folds were so wet and he tilted his head to lick across the spot where she was dripping. She tasted sweet, almost as good as she smelled, and he thrust his tongue into her eagerly.
"Hah!" She sucked in a large breath of air, rolling forward onto her tiptoes as she rode out the pleasure screaming down her spine. He fucked his tongue into her core, pulling it back down to lap at her clit, rapidly stroking over it.
He squeezed her juicy ass, and brought his other hand up, pushing a finger inside. He wished it could've been his damn cock, but he wanted to do that later, in the privacy of his apartment, where he could really ravage her. For now, getting her to cum against his hand would be good enough... more than good enough.
She moaned again when he pushed a second finger inside of her, thrusting up into her. Her head pressed against the statue, her body shaking as she gripped at her dress, her knuckles turning white.
He slurped and sucked, rapidly flicking his tongue against her clit, listening to her moans get louder. That wouldn't do at all. Dammit...
Pulling back, he kept his fingers inside of her, feeling her walls pulsing around his digits. He stood up slowly and pulled her leg up, hooking it around his waist to spread her legs even more.
"A-Ah... B-Bakugou! I-I...."
"I told you to be quiet Cheeks," he said, curling his fingers inside of her.
She gasped, her chest heaving, especially when he lifted his thumb, pressing it against her clit.
"I-I'm trying!" she gasped.
"Not hard enough," he muttered and slammed their lips together while thrusting his fingers into her. He fingered her hard, spreading his digits inside of her, curving and pushing in deep to find the spots that made her tremble. He swallowed all her moans, drinking down every one.
He kept his other hand on her thigh, holding her in place, pressed against the statue. Suddenly, Uraraka tugged away from the kiss, her head tilted back as she clenched around him hard, her walls throbbing as she came. "Ah!" she gasped breathily, her voice echoing into the air. He kissed down her neck, licking at her skin while her orgasm rushed out of her, gushing onto his fingers. They were sopping wet, completely covered in her and Bakugou silently wondered if anyone had heard them. He probably should've been more concerned, but she looked so cute writhing between him and the statue, he didn't really care.
Kissing at the side of her lips, he slowly pulled his fingers out of her. Leaning in towards her ear, his hot breath tickled against her skin.
"Why don't you fix your dress and come home with me, Cheeks?"
Uraraka liked to consider herself a sensible person. She worked hard and saved her money so she was able to pay and actually live in the city, disguised as a regular human. She hadn't done many risky things in her time living in the tiered city.
So when she found herself holding hands with the strange man, Bakugou Katsuki, leaving the party with him, she questioned just how sensible she was.
She supposed she could've blamed it on the alcohol. She'd had quite a few drinks, seeing as they were free and it would've been a waste if she hadn't indulged in at least a few. But really she blamed it on him and the way he'd completely destroyed her in the garden.
Uraraka wasn't very daring when it came to these sort of things, most of the men she'd been with had been very vanilla, so letting Bakugou finger in the public garden wasn't something she normally did but...
Oh. Oh, he was so good. His tongue, his hands...
It was practically unfair.
She didn't know anything about him; his job, why he was at the party, especially when they took the elevator down to the mid-tier of the city.
All she knew was she wanted him to touch every inch of her skin, since he'd practically set her on fire and she didn't know how else to cool down.
He pulled her into his apartment and didn't say a word. He slammed her against the door and kissed her. He slipped his hands up under her thighs and hoisted her up, pinning her against the door. She could feel the bulge in his pants and her hands grabbed at the buttons on his shirt yanking the black button-up open.
He loosened his tie, pulling it over his head as he pressed against her. He nipped at her lips, growling as he gripped at her ass.
"Now you can be as loud as the fuck you want, Cheeks," he mumbled. Pulling her off the wall, he carried her towards the bedroom, dropping her down on his bed.
"Good," she smirked, kissing down his jaw. She didn't want to fuel his ego by telling him she was trying not to scream back in the garden.
He reached behind her untying the ribbon from her dress once again. This time, he tugged it forward, pulling the sleeves off and she helped him. Shimmy it down to her waist, she raised her hips up and tossed it to the ground. She lay before him, brown hair splayed out against his pillow, her pink lace bra covering her breasts and her panties, through slightly crooked, covered most of her lower half.
She rolled her hips up and let out a sigh as he fumbled with his belt, unbuckling it and kicking his black pants to the ground. Uraraka could see the bulge in the front of his boxers, and she licked her lips. Earlier, his fingers felt amazing and she could only imagine how good his cock would feel too. It had been far too long since she'd done something like this. She blushed at how muscular he was, something she hadn't realized upon seeing him at the dance. But with his shirt off, her eyes gazed over every thick muscle that pulsed under his skin.
He leaned over her and kissed her and she pressed her tongue into his mouth. She could taste the alcohol on his lips, and was happy to know he wasn't much better than her when it came to how much he'd drank that evening.
Panting, she felt her insides flip flop, the tension throbbing underneath her panties. She wanted him to touch her again and again, all night.
"Hah... ngh!' she moaned against his lips, feeling the bulge of his cock press against her hips.
He smirked, and let his fingers glide up her skin, slipping under her bra. "Now I can play with these."
"Oh?" she breathed, sitting up enough to unhook the bra and slip it off. Her round breasts bounced against her chest and he let out a breath, dipping his head down to suck on her nipple. "Mmph..." she breathed, a large huff of air slipping from her nose. She moaned, rolling her hips up and hooking a leg around his waist as he swirled his tongue around her hard bud. He flicked it back and forth, the wet muscling tickling at her sensitive skin.
"And here I thought... you were... more of an ass guy," she breathed.
"Mm..." he mumbled, switching to her other nipple, watching her chest heave. "What the fuck gave you that impression?"
"I dunno, you kept groping my butt," she teased, stroking her fingers through his blond locks.
"A guy can be both. You got... the perfect fucking roundness," he said, giving her tits a squeeze.
"Roundness?" she breathed. "What does that mean?"
"It's a good shape," he snorted, kissing down her stomach. He flicked his fingers over her nipples and her body jolted, twitching towards the touch. Of course, he smirked again. "It means you're hot, Cheeks."
She giggled while he pulled back and hooked his fingers around her panties, pulling them down. She shivered when the cool air hit her soaked folds, her body completely ready for another orgasm. "You're not so bad yourself."
Reaching over to his bedside table, he yanked the drawer open and pulled out a condom. He shoved his boxers off and rolled it over his length, giving it a stroke. "Good. Cause we're about to have the best sex you've ever experienced."
"Mmm..." she purred, licking her lips. "How exciting."
She spread her legs, rolling her hips up towards him once again and he scooped under her ass, lining himself up to her entrance. "It fuckin' will be." He pushed his tip to her wet folds and began to push in.
She swallowed, relaxing as he began to fill her. This was perfect; just the amount that had been missing before. She moaned loudly, her voice echoing in his room. "Ngh... Bakugou!" she gasped, panting as she felt him push inside even deeper than before.
"Fuck..." he grunted, pressing his feet against his bed as he leaned down to kiss her again. "That's fuckin' good..." he mumbled, pulling his hips back to snap into her.
"Ahhh..." she moaned and wrapped her fingers around his back gripping hard at his shoulders.
His thrusts were quick to pick up speed, their skin slapping together, echoing in his room. He was grunting and nipping at her neck and licking at her skin. Her tits bounced against his chest, her nipples grazing his muscles and her body clenched around his cock as she angled her hips up to push him in even deeper.
"B-Bakugou," she breathed, moaning heavily, while he gripped her hips to pound into her. "Ngh!! Y-You're... going so deep..." she whimpered.
"F-Fuck... you're fuckin' tight," he grunted, reaching his hand down to rub at her clit, matching the speed of his thrusts.
She gasped, moaning even louder as she curled her toes in the air. Her hips thrust up involuntarily, her body bouncing closer to him, twitching and desperate for her release. "I'm... I'm close, ngh..." she groaned, clinging to him.
"Cum for me, Uraraka," he growled, thrusting slower, angling himself deep inside of her. She moaned, feeling his cock slip slowly inside of her, hitting all the sensitive nerves which lined her wet walls. The head rolled over every ridge and divet, making her body twitch. He picked up the pace slowly, each thrust growing heavier and faster and she moaned the shockwaves of her pleasure shooting up her back.
"B-Bakugou," she gasped, lurching forward as she came around his cock. She clenched hard, her walls throbbing with her release. Her body trembled as sweat rolled down her neck and soaked her back. Her orgasm made her legs shake, her chest heaving as she breathed heavily, moans lacing her breath.
He grunted, his thrusts growing sloppy as he chased his own orgasm, pumping himself into her. "Ngh... Fuck!" he grunted, leaning forward to press his teeth against her shoulder. She hissed out, wrapping her hand around his neck, keeping him pressed close to her as his body twitched, his cock moving inside of her. His breath sputtered, his chest heaving as he poured his finish into the condom.
He lowered himself down onto her, his breath tickling her neck. "Fuck..." he moaned, and the two of them panted heavily, gasping for air and trying to calm down. "That was fucking good."
"Mmm... it was..." she breathed. A soft sigh slipped from her lips when he pulled himself from her, rolling to the side. He yawned and she did the same, her body feeling like a floating jellyfish. Exhaustion was taking over now, being two orgasms and all the alcohol, she was ready for a really long nap. "I'm... gonna sleep here," she mumbled.
"Yeah..." he sighed, reaching over to grab the blanket they had kicked off in the process. However, Uraraka barely noticed him placing it over them as she drifted off.
Touching her bare toe against the pool, the purple, green and orange specks began to float away, the pool turning a vibrant shade of cerulean.
Her brown eyes widened, and she pulled her toe back, her brown locks floating away from her neck.
She let herself float off of the ground, smiling as she brushed the tips of her fingers across the surface of the pool. The trails of blue followed her thin fingertips as she skirted across the pond, her smile pulling over her lips, waves of blue slowly engulfing the contaminated colors.
Gently shaking her hand, she let her body float slowly down into the water. Her brown locks fanned out around her, her arms cutting through the water as she floated on the surface.
The water began to change color completely, the blue overtaking the other colors with ease. Magical energy pulsed in her veins, making her cheeks flush as she let out a soft giggle.
"Ochako," a soft voice came from the side of the pool, and she raised her eyebrows, pushing up to stand in the waist deep pool.
"Uhm... yes?" she asked, clasping her hands behind her back.
"You do know you can purify pools without playing in them, yes?"
She rubbed the back of her neck. "Well... yeah."
The elderly woman began to chuckle. "I suppose if the process is done it doesn't matter how."
She walked forward, the water flowing around her body as she stepped out of the pool. "It can be fun," Uraraka giggled.
"If you say so my dear. The important thing is we keep purifying the pools. The plants take the water from these pools-"
"And eventually, when all the pools are purified the Dark Woods will return to normal and normal life can return. I know," she sighed, running her hand through her hair as she shook the water out from her brown locks.
"We still don't know who keeps tainting them and the Dark Woods are dangerous my dear. Even us witches are no longer safe here. The witch killer is no laughing matter."
"I thought that was just a witch's tale," Uraraka said, curling her lips into a pout.
The woman's face grew dark. "Not anymore. Purifying the pools is our number one task and very important but you need to watch out for the monsters lurking in the Dark Woods."
"I know, I know... I'm always careful," she smiled, her hair bobbing next to her cheeks.
The elderly woman laughed. "I find that difficult to believe."
"No, I am! I promise!" she said, as a loud buzzing noise echoed through the Dark Woods. Uraraka immediately covered her ears, the sound loud and deafening. "Ah!" she screamed. "W-What is that!?"
"Go, Ochako! Go back and warn the others!"
"But I-"
"Don't argue! Go!"
She wanted to run, but her legs wouldn’t move as she waved her arms frantically. She fell backwards into the pool, the water pulling her under as the buzzing noise grew louder and louder, drowning her in the obnoxious sound.
Uraraka groaned when the buzzing from her dream trickled into reality. Her phone? No... it was someone else's...
She jolted up, glancing around the unfamiliar apartment. Her hair flew around in various directions and she pulled the sheet up, covering her very naked breasts. She gasped, taking in heavy breaths.
She remembered now... She had slept over at that man's apartment; Bakugou Katsuki.
It had been so long since she'd dreamed of the Dark Woods, she felt lost and disoriented. It didn't help she was in this unfamiliar apartment.
With a groan, she flopped back down against the bed. The pillow smelled like him, minus the stench of booze which was now long gone. Her head ached a bit, and she rolled over to look at his bedside table, where his phone started buzzing again. Where the hell was he?
She reached forward and grabbed the device, squinting at the bright screen when her heart leaped up into her throat.
The name on the screen was as clear as clear as purified pool water; Noblesse Oblige.
Bakugou Katsuki was part of Noblesse Oblige. The very people she'd been trying to avoid since coming to the city.
Slowly, she placed the phone back down and buried her face against the pillow, trying not to scream.
All she could think was one word over and over...
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
I was watching Phoenix/Night’s chapter 11 review video, he had ideas of what’d happened to Oscar. One of them was that maybe he was able to get away from Neo and try to run away from her but he wasn’t fast enough to get away and somehow got captured by her. I assume that Neo took him to the Vault of the Relic of Creation where I assume the Oscar vs Neo fight is gonna happen. I believe it’s gonna parallel the Raven vs Cinder fight in V5, a fight for the two relics. What do you think about that?
Hey Chels. Hmm…I’m not sure about the vault part, fam.
Even if Neo managed to take Oscarhostage, why would she take him down to the Vault of the Winter Maiden? As faras the audience is aware of, Neo (and by extension Cinder) doesn’t know thewhereabouts of the Vault within Atlas Academy. Nor is she aware that Oscarknows about it either. While I agree with the part about a potential fight downin the Vault, I doubt it’ll be between Oscar and Neo. For me, I’m moreexpecting Oscar and Ironwood to have a confrontation either down in the Vaultor on the way to the Vault. My assumption is that Ironwood went down to theVault and is probably waiting for Winter to join him down there once she’sclaimed Fria’s power. That way Winter would open the Vault for Ironwood so thathe could use the staff’s power to hoist Atlas Kingdom into the orbit; removingthe kingdom and its citizens from Remnant.
However, my presumption on whatmight really end up happening is one of the following few concepts--
Ironwood will be waiting down in theVault for Winter only for Cinder to show up instead to challenge him for theStaff. A fight then breaks out however Ironwood is unfortunately overpowered byCinder who had the strength of two Maidens on her side after successfullyclaiming Fria’s power for herself; confirming much to Ironwood’s despair thatWinter Schnee---his right hand and top operative---had been killed by one ofSalem’s very own. Cinder then goes to kill Ironwood but he’s saved from neardeath by Oscar and Ruby arriving down in the Vault. Oscar then instructs Rubyto take the injured Ironwood to safety while he tries and stop Cinder fromtaking the Staff. A fight then breaks out between Oscar and Cinder, rekindlingthe fateful rematch us Pineheads have been itching for.
The alternative to this is Ironwoodwaiting for Winter down in the Vault but Oscar shows up. Since the othersalerted him of the General’s intentions, Oscar attempts to talk some sense toJames but at this point he’s too far gone. He won’t listen to reason. He eventrains his gun on Oscar. But just as it appears as if the two were going toclash, Cinder arrives down in the Vault to claim the Relic.
As a third alternative, Ironwoodgoes down to the Vault to wait for Winter. But as he enters the vault he isbemused to discover a narcissistic Cinder Fall already waiting there for himwith the corpse of Winter Schnee in one hand and the remains of a dismantledPenny Polendina in another which she wickedly lays at Ironwood’s feet; as if togloat of her accomplishments. A fight ensues between the two. At this time,Ruby and Oscar arrive at the Vault in an attempt to stop Ironwood. But as thetwo Rosebuds arrive down the Vault they are met by Cinder who has alreadysucceeded in gaining the Relic of Creation. With the staff in her hand, thingsget a bit topsy-turvy as Atlas begins to fall out of the sky as a result of thestaff’s removal leading to Oscar and Ruby to fight gravity and a dual-powered MaidenCinder for the Staff as a means of stopping the collapse.
Those are just a few ideas I have. Eitherway, my headcanon remains that Oscar willbe the one to fight Cinder in the end. I have a feeling that V7 endgamecould parallel V3 with Oscar sending his allies away to safety while he staysbehind to prevent Cinder from claiming the Relic of Creation. This way I canimagine Oscar embodying both Ozpin and Pyrhha--ensuring that his friends---thepeople he cared for and whose lives he was more or less entrusted with---madeit out alive before moving forward to do whatever he could to stop Cinder; evenif it meant sacrificing his own life to stop her. The last time, a Wizard ofLight challenged Fall Maiden Cinder, they lost. The last time Oz stood up toCinder, she killed him and that was back when she only had one Maiden power.
Somehow I kinda like the concept of Oscar challenging Cinder and avenging Ozpinby being the one to put a stop to Cinder. I don’t know what the CRWBYWriters’ plans for Cinder are. But in the event that V7 is to be her final curtain call, I feel like it wouldbe fitting if Oscar was the one tofinally do so.
@moondrop04, I know I told you Ididn’t like the idea of Oscar sacrificing himself for his friends. However I’vehad more time to think about it and now I can actually picture it beingsomething Oscar would do as a testament to his bravery. This doesn’t mean thatI think Oscar will die though. Nah. If anything I expect Oscar to fight Cinderand survive. I like the idea of Oscar sacrificing himself to try and stopCinder just like Oz. Who knows? Perhaps,in a similar fashion to V3 with Pyrhha, Rubyends up going down to the Vault just in time to find Cinder about to kill Oscar. At first she suffersdifficulty to summon forth her Silver Eye power as a result of the fear Saleminstilled in her in regards to her mother’s death by her hands. It’s a momentwhere Ruby finds it impossible toclear her mind long enough to think of positive thoughts to protect everyone.So in that moment, Ruby does the just thing. She basically emulates the advicethat Other Dimension Peter Parker gave to Miles Morale about becoming a hero inSpiderman: Into the Spider-verse.
“…Youcan’t always just think about saving everyone. You have to think about saving atleast one person first.” 
Or something alongthose lines since I’m paraphrasing here. Sobasically that’s what Ruby does. She thinksabout Oscar; how much he’s proven to care about her and their team sincethey met and the way he made her feel. Because in that moment, Ruby wasn'ttrying to save everyone. All she wanted to accomplish in that moment was protectingOscar. Because in that moment, saving him was all that mattered and she was notabout to let Cinder Fall kill another friend she loved ever again.
Soin a nutshell, Ruby is able to summon her Silver Eyes at full blast which issuper effective again Cinder who shrinks back from being exposed to the light.As Cinder lunges for Ruby, she is finished by Oscar who lands the final killingblow. Imagine if… crystalized stalactites with the the Vault. Perhaps Oscar could use the magic of the Long Memory to cause oneof the stalactites to fall on top of Cinder, crushing her before she could getto Ruby.
Notsure how to feel about Oscar killing someone, even if it is a villain. I don’twish for a repeat of what transpired with Bumblebee last season with AdamTaurus now with the RosegardeningRosebuds. I’m not even sure if Cinder will actually be killed off. I’mstill waiting to see what the PLOT does with her especially since we’resupposed to learn more about her backstory at some point for this arc trilogy.Regardless, still wanted to toss the idea on the table.
As I said to @daggerpawstudios inanother, I’m starting to like the idea of Oscar trying to get away from Neo. Soin that regard, I agree with Phoenix/Night. However where I deviate is that Ilike the idea of Oscar not being kidnapped at all. My headcanon is that Oscarsuccessfully escaped Neo’s attempt at taking the Relic off of him and iscurrently somewhere else on Atlas premises trying to get as far away from Neoas possibly. However V6 highlighted Neo being able to mask objects with hersemblance (as she did with Mistral airship), my idea is that currently Neo haspoor Oscar trapped in an illusion where he’s been attempting to find an exithowever Neo has disguised all the exits as dead ends, making Oscar think he wastrapped with no way out and with no way of getting in contact with his comradessince Ironwood locked off communication within the hero group.
I like this concept since it’s aninteresting way to show off Neo’s cunningness as a villain while additionallytesting Oscar’s resolve. I dig the idea of Neo messing with Oscar psychologicallythrough her illusions, making him believe he was all alone trapped in a maze ofher creation with no way of finding his friends. 
What’s more terrifying is thatNeo could also disguise herself as any of Oscar’s female allies, inclusive ofRuby. Oscar wouldn’t know where to turn and who to trust since, in Neo’sillusion, he wouldn’t know what’s fake from reality.
It’s cool since it provides an opendoor for Oz to return and guide Oscar in the same manner as he did back inArgus. Not to mention that it also provides an opportunity for Ren to debut hisevolved semblance. 
Imagine if…JNR hasbeen trying to find Oscar too but Neo’s illusion winds up confusing them aswell and keeping them from reaching Oscar until Ren reveals a new ability thathe’d been developing all season where he can possibly locate Oscar’swhereabouts by locking onto his emotions specifically. 
I really do that have afeeling that Ren might play a role in finding Oscar; especially in the eventthat he’s stuck inside an illusion that’s keeping him trapped inside and anyoneelse trying to find him outside. 
I like this concept a lot and I think I’llkeep that as my main hunch for RWBY V7CH12 until the episode debuts.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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writeyouin · 6 years
Maybe like a tfp scenario where optimus and human reader are in a relationship but keep it a secret from everyone until one day miko finds out when she catches the human giving him a cute smooch on his lips and miko takes a picture of that to show everyone else.
TFP Optimus Prime X Reader - Photo Finish
A/N – I have gone so far out of order with my requests that by this point I’m just picking up the ones that inspire me for a while.
Rating – T
Warnings – None.
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Optimus held you lovingly in his servos as you pressed your head against his. It was rare the two of you got to share such a tender moment but hidden from prying eyes in his hab-suite, it was finally safe to do so. When Optimus had first asked you to be his, he warned you that the relationship would have to be kept secret so as to protect you from the dangers being with him could bring; you didn’t mind living in stolen moments for him, after all, Optimus rarely asked anything of you, the least you could do was keep a secret.
“(Y/N)…” Optimus said wistfully.
“I know,” You whispered. “You have to go.”
Optimus sighed heavily, wishing he could give you more, yet resigning himself to the fact he couldn’t.
You pecked his helm. “Stay safe out there.”
Optimus put you down carefully, making no such promise. How could he when each mission could be his last? Instead, he made a small request of you, “Go home, and get some rest. I will inform you of my return.”
“Is that a promise?” You asked with a small smile.
“You have my word,” Optimus said sincerely.
You nodded, satisfied as he escorted you out of the base where the two of you would part ways. There was no time for second glances or sweet words after the two of you left his hab-suite, for when everyone else could see you, any exchange with Optimus became a professional act.
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You tried to walk slowly through the base as you made your way to Optimus’ hab-suite, but it was almost impossible to keep calm after hearing about his extensive injuries from the previous mission. Apparently, he’d barely escaped with his life after going toe-to-toe with Megatron. You supposed you should be happy he’d escaped, but truthfully, you were hurt that Optimus had broke his promise to tell you of his return. Instead, you had to hear about it second-hand from Miko over the phone. You knew you shouldn’t be angry considering the circumstances, but what else was there to feel when you were trying to stave off worry?
“Where do you think you’re going?” Ratchet said sternly from behind you, knowing full well the only room ahead of you was Optimus’.
You forced yourself not to clench up, hating that Optimus was alone and in pain with each wasted second. You didn’t dare to face Ratchet, fearing he would see your feelings written all over your face. Casually, you held a datapad in the air, “Prime asked for this. I thought I’d bring it, so Fowler didn’t come and bug him.”
Ratchet tutted indignantly. “I think not. Nobody is seeing Optimus until he recovers.”
You composed your face into a neutral expression, ready to finally face the grumpy medic. “C’mon Ratchet, what do you think will happen if Prime doesn’t get this? He’ll stop resting and come looking for it.”
Knowing how much of a workaholic Optimus was, Ratchet saw the logic in your argument. “Very well, hand it over and I’ll take it over to him.”
“What if he’s recharging? You are way too big and loud to sneak in there. He’ll never notice if I slip in and drop this off. I’ll be in and out before he notices, promise.”
Ratchet scowled, evidently not trusting you to complete the task without bothering Optimus.
“Ratchet, if you go in there and wake him up, we both know you’ll never get him to rest again.”
Reluctantly, Ratchet withdrew his servo. “Fine, but be quick,” he snapped.
“You got it,” You said, trying to keep up your act as you walked the remaining length of the hallway where Optimus was waiting.
Upon entering Optimus’ hab-suite, you weren’t surprised  to find that Optimus wasn’t resting. Instead he was hunched over his computer console, completing one of the million tasks he had as leader of the Autobots. Normally, you would have made a joke about his working habits or laughingly reprimanded him. However, you didn’t have any humour in you as your eyes traversed his body, noticing every dent, scrape, and odd patches of energon that had dried from crudely welded injuries.
Seeming to sense another presence, Optimus looked over, saying nothing when he saw you.
“Are you okay?” You asked quietly, wishing you had something better to say.
“(Y/N)…” Optimus sighed, hating that you had to see him like this.
Slowly, you padded over to him placing your hand over a recently welded cut on his leg. “Why didn’t you call me? You promised to call me. I would have been here for you.”
“I did not want to concern you.”
You shook your head angrily, “But you did, Optimus! You did! I had to hear this from Miko, and she’s vague at the best of times. Do you get that?! I heard you were injured from a kid! It should have come from you.” You didn’t really know why you were yelling, only that you couldn’t stop, and Optimus wasn’t arguing his own defence. “Look, I know we have to keep our relationship a secret from everyone else, but when did we start keeping stuff from each other? My God, say something!”
Optimus bent down, pressing a servo gently on your back, “I’m sorry.”
You huffed defeatedly, leaning into his touch, “Yeah… Me too. I didn’t mean to get worked up about it, but please, you have to tell me about stuff like this.”
Optimus withdrew his servo, unable to respond to your affections when guilt weighed so heavily upon his processor. You swallowed anxiously, sensing the change in the atmosphere, “Optimus, what’s wrong?”
“(Y/N), I believe that we need to talk.”
You nodded slowly, hoping that meant something different in Cybertronian terms than it did in human terms. “Okay.”
“I am…” Optimus searched for the right word to convey his feelings. “Concerned about your welfare. During my time on your planet, it has to my attention that humans put a great deal of effort into cultivating relationships that will last a lifetime. It would be selfish of me to remain with you when I cannot provide the lifestyle you deserve.”
“Optimus,” You breathed. “Are you breaking up with me?”
“Please, let me finish, you need to hear this. When I asked to be with you, I was being selfish, yet you complied. I then requested you keep the relationship secret and you agreed. I know if I asked anything of you now, you would say yes. When will the point come that I ask too much of you, presuming I haven’t already? You should not have to live a lie on my account.”
You shook your head, smiling adoringly at Optimus, your reaction shocking him completely. “I’d rather have every stolen moment I can get with someone I love than a lifetime with someone faking it.”
Optimus’ spark jolted, sending shivers up his spine at your declaration of love.
You bit your lip, backing away to the door, “I uh… I see I’ve given you a lot to think about, so I’ll leave you to get some rest. Goodbye Optimus.”
Optimus stood frozen in time, completely shut off from the world around him. He tried to put himself in your position but found himself unable to. He could never admit he loved you if you tried to break up with him, mainly because it would have broken him too much to hear. On top of that, he felt the familiar sense of selfishness that he so often got where you were concerned.
He called your name, limping out into the hallway after you. He expected that you might be long gone after such an awkward interaction, but as it turned out, he needed only to take a few steps out, finding you leaning against the wall with your head in your hands. You looked up tiredly, fearing that he’d come to end things once and for all.
His face became an expression of pure seriousness as he said, “I love you too.”
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“Don’t run in the hallways Miko,” Miko said, immaturely imitating Ratchet’s stern voice. “Don’t be reckless Miko. Stop getting in the way Miko. Be quiet M-”
Miko stopped her sarcastic commentary, upon seeing you and Optimus in the hallway ahead of her. Optimus held you on his servo where you stood, kissing him ardently; by the looks of your tousled hair and flushed cheeks, the two of you had been at it for a while.
Miko rushed to grab her phone from her pocket, just in time to snap a picture before you and Optimus pulled apart, whispering in hushed tones. Miko crept away, admiring her picture and thinking about a lot of instances wherein you and Optimus had been together that were only now making sense. She couldn’t wait to tell the others about it and was going to wait for nothing to do so. The second she thought you and Optimus wouldn’t see her, she ran off, calling for the others.
While Miko raved about her photo to a group of startled Autobots and humans alike, Optimus placed you gently on the ground, wincing from his injuries on the way back up.
“I wish I didn’t have to go,” You said sorrowfully.
Optimus nodded solemnly, “Me too. May I escort you back?”
“No. You have to get some rest. Goodbye Optimus. I love you.”
“And I you, with all my spark.”
You gave a small wave, leaving him alone in the hallway as you made your way to the main room of the base where you would call upon a ground-bridge to take you home. You didn’t pay much attention to the conversation everyone was in, but you did notice when a sudden hush came over the room at your entry. All eyes and optics were on you, making you feel you’d done something wrong, though you couldn’t imagine what.
“Hey uh… Is something wrong?” You asked your new-found audience, looking from one face to another. Bulkhead and Jack were shifting uncomfortably, unsure of what to say, Bumblebee was making a series of clicks and whistles that Raf was unwilling to translate, Arcee simply stared at you as if impressed by you, Miko was grinning smugly, and Ratchet was shaking with undeniable fury.
It was Ratchet who broke first. He pointed an accusatory digit at you, growling, “You!”
“Me?” You forced a smile, fearing whatever was to come next in the mystery you had stumbled into.
“Excuse me? I’m sorry, but what are you-”
“Me and-” You paled, looking to the others for help, but nobody said anything, each clearly waiting for some kind of explanation. “OPTIMUS,” You called, hoping he’d hear your distress and come running.
It took a minute but Optimus half-limped-half-ran into the bunker, clearly looking for some kind of attack. He glanced around, confused by the way everyone was looking at him and you.
“(Y/N), has there been some kind of problem?” Optimus asked curiously.
“Oh, I’d say so. They know about us.”
“About us?”
“Yes Optimus, about us.”
Optimus took another look at everyone’s faces, realisation dawning on him. He knew this was going to take some explaining, yet he didn’t know where to start. He glanced down at you, checking if you were okay and silently begging your help.
“Okay,” You sighed. “It’s kind of a long story, but if you let us explain, then you can chime in at the end.”
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After an arduous discussion with multiple questions, an awful telling off from Ratchet, and many inappropriate jokes from Miko who you’d found to be the culprit, you and Optimus were finally free to recover in his hab-suite.
You stared guiltily at him, wondering exactly what this meant for the two of you. It was only a few hours ago that he was ready to break up with you, where did this put your relationship now? You found that you couldn’t sit and wait in the thoughtful silence Optimus had set.
“So… That could have gone better,” You said anxiously.
Optimus hummed stoically.
“I um- I can leave if you want. You clearly need your rest, and I’m just getting in the way of that.”
“This will change things,” Optimus commented pensively.
“Yes. Yes, it will.” You searched Optimus’ optics for answers or a hint of the future, “Optimus, is everything okay between us?”
Optimus looked at you as if he was seeing you for the very first time. The more people that knew about the two of you, the more danger you would be in. He wondered if he could put you in that kind of danger just to be with you, yet as he reached absently for you, he knew the answer.
“(Y/N), would you do me the honour of staying here tonight? I do not want to see you leave just yet.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Before, your secret relationship limited how much you could see Optimus and the opportunity to stay over had never come up. You smiled, fighting away emotional tears, “The honour is all mine.”
“I love you,” He said for the third time that day, growing to love how it sounded.
“Not as much as I love you.”
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writteninsunshine · 4 years
Worker Bee - Andrea Rhodea/Reno - SFW-Ish
Title: Worker Bee Author: Donnie Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Remake Setting: The Honeybee Inn Pairing: Andrea Rhodea/Reno Characters: Andrea Rhodea, Reno, Honeygirl OC: Chastity, Honeygirl OC: Lacey, Honeyboy OC: Darnell, Honeyboy OC: Haddick Genre: Romance/Humor Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1423 Type of Work: One-Shot, Part of the Honey Bucket series Status: Complete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, AU - Canon Divergent, AU - Honeybee!Reno, Burlesque Dancing, Canon Mentions of Noncon, Reno Wears The Honeygirl Outfit Because Andrea’s Cool, Crossdressing, Crossdresser, Some Suggestive Touching Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Summary: All Work Reno and no Fun Reno made Reno less money. AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have Twitter and Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD I can PM it to people who want it on FFN, for everyone else, it’s here: discord.gg/FyaWw25 So, here we are again, with the start of the Honeybee!Reno fics! There will be quite a few of these, and I’m already in love with this AU. Reno works more as a Honeygirl, because he’s allowed to wear the outfit and Andrea is cool with breaking gender roles. Also, who wouldn’t want to put his tits in that outfit? Oof. I can’t help it. Buuut, I hope you guys like this! It’s mildly NSFW but not really more than suggestive.
Final Fantasy VII Fic Masterlist
Worker Bee ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Hands up by his shoulders, fingers curled in, Reno bobbed along with the gaggle of other girls, giggling alongside them to keep up. The quartet buzzed about, getting ready for the show and pausing to give gracious smiles and feather-light touches to return patrons. Reno diverted for just a second to run his surprisingly soft fingers under a man’s chin, drawing his eyes from the floor to see the sparkle in Reno’s own blue eyes.
Rejoining the swarm, he let the bumblebee butt on the back of his outfit bounce, no doubt keeping the man’s attention until he disappeared around a corner. Heading backstage to prepare for the show, a strong hand tugged him to the side and he looked up just in time to catch his boss’ smiling face. It was careful, sweet and gentle, something that fluttered Reno’s heart in his chest. A gentle kiss was pressed to his plump lips and it melted him in his heels, both arms wrapping around Andrea’s neck to keep him from losing his balance. “You’re going to do fantastic tonight, Reno.” Andrea purred into his ear, kissing it softly, “I’m looking forward to the show.” An ear to ear grin blossomed over Reno’s lips and he nodded, leaning in for another kiss to keep himself tided over until he was off work. “You bet your ass the show’s gonna be good,” Reno replied finally, having spent too long pushing back into kisses, lingering and needing more attention, “It always is.” His hungry mouth parted to invite the other’s tongue to explore, and Andrea gave him a fleeting taste of what was to come later. “You make a difference,” Andrea responded softly, breath washing over Reno’s lips as he spoke. He pulled away, finally, gently patting the back of Reno’s thigh, “Off with you, the show is about to begin.” He winked, provocative smile in place as he nodded in the direction that the other needed to go. Reno had to force himself to double-time click-clack backstage, getting into position with the other girls. “Andrea give you a personal pick-me-up, Honey?” Chastity questioned, shaking her head to toss her brunette to blonde ombre hair over her shoulders. Reno took up his spot beside her, copying the motion if only to show off how much longer his hair was than hers. At the very least, she giggled it off, playfully smacking his arm. “Show-off.” “You know he did.” Reno replied with a grin, “And you already know that about me, Honey Pop.” He winked, shifting into position as the lights dimmed on the floor, and the spotlights shone on the curtains. “Good luck!” “You, too, Honey!” Chastity chirped happily, just in time for the music to start. As the show began, Reno executed his moves in time with everyone else, keeping up with a kind of dedicated caution he never showed in his other job. Being a Turk sometimes meant he had to get creative, and he was valuable enough that his occasional upsets didn’t cost him too much. A lecture or two, a few disparaging comments from Rufus, and he was back on his feet with his job still as secure as ever. Here, however, the wild Turk he was in his day job took a backseat to the charm he turned up to eleven every night. The Honeybee Inn wasn’t a place where you wanted to stick out, at least not so much, so violently, and he wanted nothing more than to keep impressing Andrea Rhodea. The better he did at his job, the more the man seemed to grow attached to him. Even off-hours, they spent as much time together as was feasible. It had started as simply offering Reno somewhere to crash one night when he was practically sleeping on his feet, but things could never stay so simple in either of their lives. One night of cuddling in Andrea’s incredibly soft bed had turned Reno onto the finer things in life, and an odd kinship had been born. Around a lot of people, Reno had to tamp down on himself, even if he could get overexcited and his filters eroded under his opinions. Around Andrea, though, he could be himself, he could wear what he wanted to, do what he wanted to. When repairs on his home had become too costly, Reno had even badgered the other man into giving him a night job. As far as he knew, the other Turks didn’t know about his double life, and he wasn’t interested in divulging such things. No, this counted as Fun Reno time, and Work Reno had a restraining order on anything Fun Reno thought was a good idea. Okay, except for the occasional prank to light up the office. But beneath the bright lights, with the music pumping around him and the stage bringing attention to the veritable herd of them, everything fell away. He could cut loose and have the time of his life showing off for total strangers, faces obscured by the fluorescent glare blinding him to the dim room full of half-lidded eyes. Everything felt as comfortable on this stage as it did when he was in bed with the man he would call his sometimes-lover. It was no wonder that Andrea was on his mind more when he was working for ShinRa. Crawling out of his bed and slinking back plateside was the kind of walk of shame he actually didn’t appreciate. Even still, his mind was focused on the end goal, even as the finale of the show began, and he twirled into the arms of his designated partner like he was made for it. Reno was good at physical things, keeping his hands and feet busy kept his mind busier than paperwork every could. With one leg in the air, one arm above his head and his partner dipping him, he finished out the song while panting hard through his nose to avoid looking like he’d expelled too much effort. Following the others off stage, once the curtains cut to a close, Reno grinned at Chastity, who made a beeline for him as they were ushered to the back hallway where the dressing rooms were. Her comically tiny steps only fuelled Reno’s good mood, and she excitedly gestured with her hands as she spoke. “That was so good! I swear, we’re getting better all the time! I sure wish we could do another big show tonight.” “Well, everything else falls into place, don’t it? You get to dance again tonight, don’t you?” Reno drawled, smirking slightly as they rounded the corner towards the private rooms. “Yeah! I’m excited, it’s me, Lacey, Darnell, and Haddick.” She replied, clapping her hands several times in rapid succession as she shimmied along beside him to his usual private room. “You’re on Appointment Duty tonight, right?” “Oh, yeah, and I got some pretty big customers.” Reno almost cackled, shaking his head as he put his hands on his hips, “The kind that might get my shoe shoved up their ass if they try anything funny.” “Isn’t that like, everyone, though, Honey?” Chastity laughed, bending forward a bit to put her hands on her knees as she giggled happily. Parting her lips to speak again, she paused when a hand slid around Reno’s waist and he was tugged back into someone. Looking up, brows drawn in, she grinned the second she noticed it was Andrea. She waved with a little squeak of surprise, before giving a playful wink and turned on her heels to disappear into the crowd. “You did so well.” Andrea purred against Reno’s exposed back, kissing along the freckled skin there as he tugged the smaller in close. With his costume keeping them separated due to the large bubble of fabric and plastic, Reno was half-tempted to turn around, but Andrea managed to slot himself against the Honeyboy’s rump and kissed his ear anyway. “I always love watching you dance. You’re exquisite.” “I always love knowing you’re watching.” Reno nearly purred, finally managing to turn in the other’s arms before squeezing all the air out from between them. Andrea brushed the other’s hair out of his face, leaning in and tilting Reno’s head with two fingers on his chin to swipe his tongue against the redhead’s lips. With a little shudder, Reno melted against him, enjoying the strong hands dropping to his waist as they tugged him in tighter. “You have some work to do still, don’t you?” Andrea whispered against his mouth, and Reno licked at the other’s bottom lip. “I do, but as soon as I’m done, I’m gonna buzz on over to see you.” Reno winked, having to separate from his boss as someone cleared their throat behind him. “See you soon, Boss Man.” The redhead smirked as he gave a mock salute, taking a couple swinging steps backward before turning and fluttering to his first client of the evening. “This way, Honey~ Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: I’ve been really loose with my ships and stuff lately, and honestly, I’m really loving playing with all of these. It’s too much fun, and I hope you guys are enjoying my ADHD brain on shipping the Remake. Reno’s gonna get a lot of attention! There will be at least 16 fics in this series, if every person on the list gets a single fic. We’ll see, though, I’m loving this Honeybeeno AU!
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