sunnysideray Ā· 3 months
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Jack with glasses is too cute, my heart is gonna have a meltdown šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
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drenched-in-sunlight Ā· 7 days
I contemplated a lot whether to reblog that post because i think most of it was wrong, but the addition is so great and refute pretty much everything while raising some amazing points so if i could reblog only the addition without the original posts i would.
Itā€™s just funny to me how every time i see ppl ā€œhere are Marikaā€™s crimesā€ they list like 50% is what she actually did, and the other 50% are things that either was during Radagon time (when Marika couldnā€™t even have a proper statue that depict her as being the one in control), done by some other guys, or after she got strung up inside the Erdtree. Yā€™know, literally impaled and knocked out cold ?
The ritual sword and shield talisman (which depict sword and shield of Crucible Knights too btw) pointed at Radagonā€™s face to say by his time, all ritual combats in honour of the Erdtree had died out, but in LoS it was maintained and Messmer even had a talisman of Godfrey in his castle. A talisman depicting Godfrey accepting the duty to be his Motherā€™s Lord. Without wavering.
The ritual combat is just another thing that will remind people of the first Elden Lordā€™s devotion to his Goddess, which would do Radagon no good. so that, along with the Crucible Knights, gotta go.
All this just show how by Radagonā€™s time, the Golden Orderā€™s ideal no longer reflects the Erdtreeā€™s - another testament at how far from each other his and Marikaā€™s will have diverged.
Also, i really like the fact that the Zamor and Ice Dragons allied with Marika to fight the Fire Giants who had chased them from their home, because to me that means at the start of her age, Marika was extending her help to people who needed it (with ulterior motives, yes).
Her age wasnā€™t built in a vacuum. She was a healer Godling with no offensive spells, Messmerā€™s health just got a bit better, Godfrey with all the implications in SoTe, was probably just a simple bear hunter? What on earth those 3 could even do in a land where the Hornsent royalty reigned supreme?
Go somewhere else, recruit as many people and make as many alliances as they could. I have no doubt the world under the Hornsent was a violent one (hell, it still is now, every time i went into a Gaol i want to go back and smack the Hornsent inquisitors a few more times). And for a new God to appear, and instead of stuffing people into jars, delivering Death, entrapping their followers into watching over some flame for eternity, running away and leaving their Lord to get backstabbed by a tyrant, this new Godā€¦ healed people? Big shock!
So of course people would flock to Godfreyā€™s banner, believing in a Goddess that could barely fight, but soothed away all of their pain and sorrow. Sounds fucking familiar isnā€™t it.
Btw, why do people like to invent a bunch of authority and power for Marika then at the same breath will say whatever her kids do is toā€¦ spite her and show kindness to the oppressed?
So she is an all-powerful tyrant that could kill whoever she dislikes, and by some pplā€™s standards she dislikes literally everyone in Lands Between (šŸ’€), but Godwyn could just befriend a dragon and spread a cult about them within the Capital, Messmer could have an albinauric as his Commander (to command an army that she paid wads of cash to and bless them with her hammerā€™s power???), Miquella and Malenia could go their merry way and build a whole ass tree castle (where is the fund. Where is the fund) and she couldnā€™t do anything to stop them? Even though those actions directly affect the strength of her army? What?
I swear i canā€™t even see other peopleā€™s Marika as Marika. Because their Marika sounds dumb as hell and a doormat too. Like what is this???? šŸ’€ do you think i sacrificed my back and wrist to draw Elden Ring characters as beautiful as possible, so they could go be devote to someone like the Marika some of yā€™all envision? The bar was on the floor for you but not for me.
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silkythewriter Ā· 2 years
Omg! Can you do headcanons for the hazbin boys: alastor, angel, and husk, having a major crush on reader, but not wanting to admit it? They're embarassed how bad they got it.
The hazbin boys having a major crush on the reader!
Summary!: hazbin boys: alastor, angel, and husk, having a major crush on reader, but not wanting to admit it (They're embarassed how bad they got it.)
author note: Thank you for the request anon! This is (one) of my favorite fandoms to write for! (ā—ā€™ā—”ā€™ā—)! As usual sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes or if they are OOC!
Daily song suggestion:
Warnings!:None other then flustered demon boys <3
Fandom: šŸ”„Hazbin hotelšŸ”„
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Ohhhhhh shit-
ā€œHow did this even happen?!ā€ Is all heā€™s thinking at this point he feels so embarrassed after realizing whatā€™s happening
But itā€™s not heā€™s fault your smile makes him blush crazy! Itā€™s probably just the cheap booze heā€™s drinking anyway! Right?ā€¦ā€¦
Yea this guy in in denial big time, he just canā€™t rap his head around that just by your smile you already have him wrapped around your finger! This is definitely not the best look for him
He tryā€™s pushing down the swelling feeling in his heart when he looks at you, He can barely talk to you at this point unless heā€™s drunk cause these feelings overwhelm the poor man
Everyone in the crew placing bets if heā€™ll get with you or not: E.x: ā€œI bet 50 dollars he will!ā€ Angel said laughing as he placed down 50 dollars
He avoids you like the plague heā€™s to embarrassed to even be around you, Like letā€™s say your in common area, He wonā€™t step a foot into there until A,you call him out or B,you leave to go somewhere else
Alastor and angel dust tease him about it ALOT heā€™s throwing alcohol bottles at them just to shut them up because they talk extra loud while teasing him especially if your around
ļæ¼Niffty calling him out by accident šŸ’€ Poor girl didnā€™t even mean to it just happened she was curious why is was so red a flustered! Wasnā€™t her fault he was bad at hiding things ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
Overall a flustered mess even worse when drunk itā€™s kinda easy to tell if you pay some attention to him but other then that if you donā€™t really look heā€™s way itā€™s kinda hard to tell
šŸ•·Angel dust šŸ›
*intense flirting increases*
Heā€™s flooding you with complements but then adds ā€œOnly cause weā€™re best friends!ā€ And then laugh it off
Heā€™s to embarrassed to ambit that he fell for you THAT hard itā€™s suppose to be the other way around!
Cherry bomb has to be Heā€™s unwanted wing man donā€™t get him wrong he loves her like a sister! But heā€™s embarrassed of her knowing how hard he fell for you
He tryā€™s giving small hints here and there but never saying out right like for example! Giving you extra attention and complementing you more frequently, or being more clingy
Heā€™ll be less flirty to others ( Only a small bit though) unless heā€™s in work cause thatā€™s just part of the job
Would take you out to hang out with him and cherry bomb! Like to the mall, causing chaos, and other things! Of course if your up to it if not heā€™ll just stay home with you and chill on the couch
Gets really offensive when someone asks if he has a crush on you E.X: ā€œhey do you have a crush on y/-ā€œ ā€œof course not! Why would I we are the best of pals just friends that like to cause chaos nothin more!ā€
I feel like he can hide it a bit better then anyone sense heā€™s naturally flirty to anyone to be honest so many people donā€™t sense anything suspicious if he does start flirting with you
I feel like heā€™ll unconsciously just be mor physically with you like you guys can be chilling together watching Tv and heā€™ll end up cuddling you when heā€™s asleep (probably sleep walking or something of that sorts ) so overall in a bit of denial but still leaves hints for you to pick up on!
šŸ¦ŒAlastor šŸ“»
Surprisingly A bit disturbed to be honest, How in the hell did you manage to do that?
He still acts like his normal self just a bit more off around you.. E.X: you start rambling about an interest you have, Bro will listen like his life depends on it dude even makes sure his breathing isnā€™t loud so it doesnā€™t disturb your talking-
For his normal talkative self itā€™s quite rare to see him this dead silent is scares everyone-
He sticks by your side half of the time accompanying you to every store you go for what he says ā€œ A gentleman normally does this!ā€ Which is a poor excuse
People cant tell at all and even if they do whoā€™s gonna call him out? Cause itā€™s sure as hell isnā€™t gonna be them
He has a more chill out smile when your around unlike the cheek bone hurting one he has on almost all the time
Heā€™s little radio staff acts up when your around, so expect random love songs to play or just out right loud ear breaking static
Even if your a strong man/woman/person Heā€™ll still be a gentleman and help with any bags, or groceries, or anything else!
He does that static thing when people start talking to you in a flirty manner or just a friendly conversation he canā€™t help it, it just happens
Even though his smile is usually calmer around you doesnā€™t mean itā€™s like that all the time especially if you so something cute or just out right smile somehow his smile grows even more- which is scary enough for everyone else in the room-
Overall doesnā€™t show it much but if you play REALLY close attention youā€™ll start catching on
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thank you anon for the cute HC! This was very fun to write! I hope you request again! Sorry if this took long!
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marksbear Ā· 2 years
hello hello!
i'd like to request hughie (if you do write for him) x a male supe reader who has kinda the same vibe as homelander, like a powerful, asshole
(and lowkey homicidal, but lets gloss over that šŸ¤—)
who's more of a villain (basically w/ vought/ an antagonist against the boys and all that)
anyways main idea is that hughie isn't supposed to be fucking the reader 'cause they're not even on the same team šŸ’€ but is anyways cause how could he resist
Finally a request for the boys it's been such a long time since I had one! šŸ˜­ Hey! I hope you are doing good Anon! And I hope you like the fic!
I made sure that the reader can choose his own powers but I added one so the story can be better! And H/n= Hero name!
I hope you don't mind if I do a oneshot if you want a headcanons just send in another request for a headcanons! I don't mind it at all in fact i'll love it. I just have a thing for The Boys - Love, bear.
Hughie Campbell x SUPE MALE READER
Warnings, y/n is homicidal, manipulator Y/n, two faced reader, fluff interactions with Hughie and Y/n, mean reader, Y/n has a secret power
All the boys were in Hughie's house for some odd reason and sitting on the couch all gathered up together watching the news. H/n just broke the world record for saving the most people under five minutes.
It was two hundred and seventy six people he saved in such a short time. Him just saving people made the whole world go crazy. Over two hundred people in just five minutes made the people love him.
Hughie gets up from his spot off the couch and goes outside to call boyfriend.
"AHAH You should have seen me! I killed half the other people I didn't save! I'm telling you I convinced the whole world I saved every single body but in reality I killed about eighty!" Y/n says an underground hero that's just like him.
"You know what kid, you're gonna be just like me...Not as powerful and good looking though." Y/n tells the young supe who worships him like a god. "You think so Mr H/n?!" The young supe asks with such excitement in his voice.
"Kid. I know so. When have I ever been wrong?" Y/n says smugly with an evil smirk on his face. The young look up in awe stuck in a trance until Y/n ringer goes off.
"Well kid I gotta go." Y/n pats the kid on the back leaving with an evil smirk and snaps his fingers getting the young out of his trance.
That's the one Vought didn't know Y/n has. He gets people into a trance like he was the most interesting and best person ever. Manipulating people with his powers was easy just look them in the eye and just snap his fingers boom there under his control like hes a king or a god.
Some of the good perks are that it doesn't matter every bad thing he does He can make anyone see it as a good thing and it saved man-kind. His favorite thing to do is trick someone to do his mission for him or make interviewers leave him alone. And he can add new memories to people and take away old ones.
The down side to his hidden power is the major headaches he has and fainting spells. His fainting spells always seem to happen during missions that's why he tries to save the people fast before he passes out.
(Okay back to one shot because his little power is gonna be important later!)
"Hello?" Y/n says answering his phone not even bothering to see who's calling him. "Hey Y/n! Uhm I saw you on the news!" Hughie says giddy and all smiley once he hears Y/n voice and his smile is bigger when he hears Y/n chuckle.
Female, Frenchie, Mother milk and Billy look outside the window trying to eavesdrop the conversation.
"Oh really? Did I look good for you or what?" Y/n jokes making Hughie laugh. "Of course you did! You always look great." Hughie compliments making Y/n's heart skip a beat.
Y/n knew who Hughie works with. Hell that's how they even met. He was about to kill Hughie once he had to look for him it was either capture or kill him and he chose to kill him. Y/n didn't know why he couldn't bring himself to finish him off. He had Hughie on the ground bleeding to death but once they made eye-contact they locked in.
Y/n met hundreds of handsome men like Hughie but he was different so he decided to spare him but with a cost. With the snap of his fingers he entered memories of Hughie and himself dating for a very long time. He gave Hughie his number and called the ambulance for him and wiped his memory of the fight happening.
"Hughie. You're too kind I swear..." Y/n face becomes hot and leans on the wall. "How about I come to your place later huh? If you're not busy that is." Y/n offers putting his phone closer to his ear.
"Sorry can't kinda busy with work." Hughie lies to his boyfriend. "Oh. Uhm okay." Y/n heart aches a little knowing that his boyfriend is hiding something and lying to him. But he can't judge he lied for this whole relationship to be a thing. "Well gotta go. Y'know supe things." Y/n jokes with a straight face.
"Bye Y/n love you----" Y/n cuts Hughie off by hanging up. Y/n looks at young supe he was just talking to and smirks to himself.
If Hughie was too busy with his boy band for him how about he has something else to keep him company and entertained. As soon as he makes his move Homelander stops him talking about something. Everything he said becomes muffled and his vision blurry makes his head feel dizzy. "John catch meee.." Y/n slurs out passing out on the Number one hero.
Homelander catches him swiftly with a sigh and picks him up taking him to the meeting room. Lots of the other Seven members ask Homelander what happened and is Y/n okay. Homelander places Y/n in his seat and goes to his own starting the meeting.
By the time Y/n wakes up its dark and he's all alone. Y/n looks around with a major migraine feeling like hes gonna die with every single movement. Y/n forces himself to get out of the chair and his leg wobbles out of the room and out of Vought.
Y/n calls a cab and leans on the wall from a random shop. Once the cab arrives Y/n gets in quickly telling the driver to go to Hughie's job. Y/n groans from the music in the car. Once they arrived Y/n snapped his fingers and told the driver to leave so he didn't have to pay. Y/n opens the store door and gets into defense mode once he sees all the Boys members in the store staring back at him.
As everyone gets into their fighting stance Hughie quickly gets in front of Y/n blocking him. Even though Y/n can easily defend himself against the whole group maybe even kill them all he appreciates Hughie's kind gesture. "Oi Hughie the fuck are ya doin?!"
"H/n isn't like the rest of them! Hes different I swear!"Hughie shouts at Butcher. The Boys stare at Hughie like he has three heads. "H/n he actually cares about being a hero! He actually saves people not for the money or fame to actually save them to save them."
Oh boy if only the world knew the real H/n. A real fuckin bastard.
"How the hell do you know? What he saved you a couple times and what now hes your ideal? " Mothers Milk says full of confusion.
"We have been dating for almost eight months now and he already knows that I'm in the Boys. If he was like those fake supe's wouldn't he already turn me in?" When Hughie said that he had proved a valuable point. Making Y/n smirk a little before raising up his hands.
"Yeah. So what hes fucking with the enemy. If I was like my co-workers all of you would have been dead right now. So how about we make a trounce until further notice." Y/n offers giving his hand out to Billy. Billy knew countless innocent lives were taken by those very hands. He knew the truth about him. He can see through Y/n's gentle face and his kind words from the news.
He knew the K/n was a cold blooded killer, one of the reasons why he became a hero was to get an ego boost and powerful. As he looks into H/n eyes taking his hand in a tight grip as they shake on it.
"Don't fuck with me H/n." Billy whispers into his ear.
"Stay out of my way." H/n gives Billy a fake smile.
Editor bear! I'm going to remake this tomorrow! I know I can write better than this šŸ˜­
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mrhowells Ā· 1 year
Smallville 4x03
such an iconic episode, I'm so readyšŸ˜© (edit: ignore any typos you might find, I was going through itšŸ’€)
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Honestly I'm so thankful that not a single one of my schools was like this, it's like everyone just reached an unspoken agreement that bullying was uncool and we'd mind our own business.
"Have I told you how much I'm gonna miss you?"
no you haven't but you definitely should, go onšŸ˜Œ
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*in unison* around where????
"Come on, do you know how many people would kill to relive their senior year of high school?"
No way in hell, and I had a relatively peaceful experiencešŸ’€šŸ˜­
"The last thing I want to be is a reporter."
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She would absolutely be perfect but let's get one thing straight: If there's a person on this show who knows when to mind their own fucking business, it's LOISšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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I mean both Chloe and Lois make valid points, she's 17 and while I totally understand why Abby did it, it really is a bit concerning. Especially considering her mother has been pushing her to do it for the last 3 yearsšŸ˜¬
I got a comment from a helpful user under my post for last episode (tyšŸ„°), apparently Jason is roughly the same age as Lex?? And he started dating Lana when she was 17?? AND HE'S THE FKN ASSISTANT COACH AT SCHOOL?
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Clark wants to try out for the team againšŸ„ŗ
Jonathan let Martha have a job off the farm dude come on, be supportive. YES THANK YOU
omg did he fake his parent's signature on the permission slip???
"...they want people to look at them differently."
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he's making pointsšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
UGH I'm so weak for happy, excited Clark just look at himmmšŸ˜­šŸ„¹
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"Maybe if I'd been more patient I would've seen who you really are." EEEEEEEW throw the whole man awayšŸ¤¢
honestly fuck everyone who destroyed her self-esteem to the point where she's flattered bc a crusty man like that shows interest
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he's not even denying it-
PLSSSS their faces, especially LoisšŸ˜­
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and look at Lois "not interested in journalism" Lane right on the storyšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ
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I'm connecting some dots here and I don't like itttttšŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬
"I still can't believe that you have a job at my school."
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I feel like Lana has had more personality in these last few episodes than she had in the last 3 seasons combined, so that's great to see.
Lex knowssssšŸ‘€
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look at herrrrršŸ˜­ LISTEN IF I HAD CLARK'S POWERS-
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I mean I agree that beauty is on the inside but that's very easy to say when you look like a literal angelšŸ’€ OOp evil surgery lady just said the same thing I did idk how to feel about thatšŸ’€šŸ’€
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I love that they're already establishing little things about her, she's messy, she can't spell etc. (though Chloe sounded a bit passive aggressive in both instances, maybe I'm just reading it wrong thošŸ˜¬)
"It looks like Lois is one step ahead of us." THAT MAKES ME SO PROUDšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
Clark saving Lois and then Lois saving Clark is something so personal to me actually-
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*kicks woman* "Bitch."
her lil smile seeing her article in the torchšŸ˜­
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yesss she has fans as she fucking shouldšŸ˜Œ
(Can I just quickly say that as much as I love Homecoming, they could've had at least ONE person at the reunion remember Lois from high school, watching that shit left permanent scars on my soul, it was so cruelšŸ˜­ Like come on, if reading her article was a "life changing experience" for some students, it would make total sense for SOMEONE to remember her. (yes I'm super salty and what about it))
omg here it comes
"Come on Lois, didn't those guys at the base teach you anything?" "Wouldn't you like to know."
akasjkasdjak YOU KNOW HE WOULD
they wanna bone so bad it makes them look like absolute fucking clowns there I said it
DOESN'TMATTERCAUSEYOU'REGOINGDOWNTHAT'LLBETHEDAYSKADWNKW can you tell I'm losing my last shred of dignity here
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and Tumblr won't even let me upload my 5732893 screenshots where's the justicešŸ˜­
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nrcnewspaperclub Ā· 6 months
Part two of getting banned from every dorm
So idia is. Not as easy to find as most other housewardens. He does not leave his room like, ever.
I managed to catch ortho in the lounge and asked if I could speak to idia, to which ortho said I could just tell him whatever it was I wanted to tell idia. I told him it was somethinf I absolutely had to say to idia himself, to which ortho said heā€™d try his best to get me in contact with him. I then asked what Idiaā€™s favorite anime is, I donā€™t remember how to spell the name it was some weeb shit (and I donā€™t wanna piss off other fans) so Iā€™ll call it Some Anime.
Pls note I have never seen or heard of this anime in any capacity and my best friend is the 2nd biggest weeb in the whole school, second only to idia himself.
Anyway, ortho never got back to me. But I did run into idia on one of the three times he leaves his room in a month, he was in the kitchen pretty late at night getting snacks. I asked him why ortho wasnā€™t getting them for him but appearantly ortho was charging? Idk it was like 12am I was just getting some water cuz I have a normal sleep schedule and donā€™t eat Oreos by the box at 12am like some of us do
Obviously neither of us wanted to make small talk cuz we were both out of it as hell, but I managed to make an off handed, ā€œhey arenā€™t you into Some Anime? I just finished it yesterday.ā€ In reality I had skimmed the list of character names on google and vaguely memorized how many episodes there were and a brief summary, I donā€™t know shit abt the plot or any of the characters past their names.
When I tell you this mother fucker lit up, I almost felt bad for what I was abt to do cuz he looked more joyous than Iā€™d ever seen him. He asked who my favorite character was to which I said the first one I thought of and he seemed generally nuetral on that character, I was hoping to pick someone he despised but oh well. I started simple, a ā€œyeah I enjoyed it at first but the plot kinda got lost around episode 6ā€, to which he drops a ā€œepisode 6? Thatā€™s like the best one in the season.ā€
ā€œI thought it was a bit fast pacedā€¦ didnā€™t quite get the point across very well.ā€
To which we start bickering and he somehow has still not noticed that I have not seen this fucking show in my life, also I was stealing his Oreos here and there
He looked livid by the end, the tips of his hair were turning orange. Then I ā€œaccidentallyā€ knocked his box of Oreos off the counter, spilling and/or breaking what was left. He looked like he was desperately trying to compose his temper and told me to go back to my dorm (literally told me to go to my room šŸ’€) to which I said smth to effect of ā€œyknow, I donā€™t think I wanna live under your roof anymore.ā€
So now, I am typing this from the hall of mirrors, in the middle of the night. Iā€™ll probably head to Scarabia cuz I know a couple ppl there and they seem welcoming enough, but I am, as it stands, homeless, I think. Idk. Ortho will probably let me back in tmrw so idk if this is even a success but yeah
you couldā€™ve spared the Oreos. They did nothing wrong.
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neteyamsw1fe Ā· 2 years
Change is devastating
Neteyam x Fem.Reader
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A/n: Things are going be different like neteyam didnt die from the gun shot he just was very much hurt. And spider that dude left to go back to the dorest.Theres gonna be alot of build up btw.My spelling and punctuation is gonna suck ass btwšŸ’€.. Also theres gonna be this new Na'vi type so just wait and see what happens and if you like this tell me and ill make this like a series or sum.
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"Bro wait up! Im caring the plants while your running!! This is so unfair bro!" yelled Lo'ak. Neteyam was running into their home where their mother was starting on dinner. Today was marking 3 years avatar the sullys left the forest to not put others in danger. Everyone has come to terms this is their new home and they have all grown. Jake was smiling as the children helped Neytiri cook. He was happy everyone was ok these 3 years have been hard on the whole family. But if only they knew something from their past is coming back to them. Not by force but of coincidence..
The sullys went into the water for some hours as they do every sunday if its a pleasant day. When they were coming back from their time out they heard many people talking as they began to resurface. People were crowded around just like they were when the sullys first came here."Dad whats going on?" Tuk asked scared that it was some type of danger. " Dont worry tuk it cant be anything to serious they didnt sound the alarms." Jake told tuk as they started walking towards the crowd. " Wait.. Dad isnt that a Irken?! What the hell is that doing here? Ours are resting how the hell is there another?!" Asked kiri in fear something happen to the forest." I dont know. Might as well hurry up we need to know why and how theres a Irken here." Said jake as they rushed to the crowed.
"So you wish to stay here correct?" Asked Ronal to someone. All the sullys look at the detection of the person who was about to speak. Shocked, scared, and confused. " Yes. Im not running from anything I just need a place to stay. Ill learn your ways and help in any way I can. I was head warrior from where I come. I was the strongest out of anyone. Just please give me somewhere to lay atleast." A voice said calmly that voice belonged to..
"Y/n..?" Asked Lo'ak. He wasnt heard due to everyone else speaking their mind due to this event. Ronal hummed. " You seem formidable and quite talented young lady. I supose you may stay as long as you dont bring danger and if you do to keep it in check alright?" " Yes ma'am you have my word." Said y/n gracefully. Ronal told you the basics her kids would help you to learn but you have to learn fast since their is a festival coming up and they need to get ready themselves. You understood and started to follow her kids to learn everything but as you walked you noticed it was them. The sullys. You knew them ever since you were little your mother was best friends with Neytiri. Your father was supposably dead he died after you were born for some reason. You were a forest navi well thats what everyone knew. The sullys went back to their tent but knew they had to go up and ask you what happen and where did you get such a wired Irken. Yours had scars all over it and was this magestic beige color.
For the last 2 days the sullys havent been able to go up to you due to you being taught everything you needed to know. You caught on quickly. You already mastered everything down in just 2 days so you started to meet people on the third and got to know the past of this land.
You were sitting with Roxto,Tsireya, and Aonung on the shore just staring into the sky as someone walked over to you guys. "Y/n what are you doing here?" Asked Lo'ak. Everyone greeted Lo'ak in confusin on how he knew you since you too never spoke a word before. You stayed there in silence. "Come on answer me why are you here and not in the forest? Did something happen or what?" He asked again "Nothing happen Sully I just left the forest whats so wrong with that I'm old enough to make my own choices yk." You said while turning your head and giving him a cold glare. "What do you mean you just left huh?! What abt auntie Ember?!" Lo'ak kept asking. " For fucks sake Lo'ak get the memo shes dead fuck ass." You yelled while getting up from the sand. What you just said left him stunned. "What happen was it the sk-" " Oh get over yourself! Just shut it Lo'ak I already told you what happen now chill alright!" You yelled even louder then before causing the other sullys and some over people to gather around where you were. As this was going on the 3 siblings sat with confusin. "The hell happen with you y/n? Why are you so fucking harsh huh?! We havent seen one another in 3 years and this is what goes down?!" Yelled back a angry Lo'ak " FOR EWAS SAKE LO'AK. SHE KILLED HERSELF ALRIGHT?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO KNOW?! SHE KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE OF YOUR FAMILY. A MONTH AFTER YOU LEFT I WAS CLEANING WITH THE CHILDREN AS PEOPLE KEPT LOOKING AT ME WITH PLEADING EYES. I WAS SO CONFUSED UNTIL I HEARD IT PEOPLE SAYING MY MOM JUST UP RIGHT KILLED HERSELF. I WENT RUSHING TO MY TENT FINDING HER HANGING DO YOU KNOW HOW PAINFUL IT WAS TO READ HER NOTE?! SHE TOLD ME SHE KILLED HERSELF BC SHE COULDNT DEAL WITH THE PAIN OF HER BESTFRIEND NOT BEING HERE WITH US. ALL BC YOU FUCKING LEFT MY MOM DIED." You screamed while boiling with rage. You started to notice how many people gathered around you. You saw the other sullys crying after hearing everything you just said." So do you get it?! Sad thing is thats not even the reason I left." You said coldly as you started to walk away from the scene that just happen.
Its been a day since the incident. The sullys were having a family meeting to try to comprehend what's going on."Is this really true?Did auntie Ember really kill herself dad?" Asked kiri. "I dont know kiri but by y/n's expression it is more then likely." Jake said to kiri."I cant believe it my bestfriend killed her self bc we weren't there."Neytiri said while crying."You guys do notice she said thats not even the reason why she left right?" Asked Neteyam who has stayed silent the whole time. The all nodded. The all said goodbyes as everyone started to go back to their normal activities. But Neteyam went looking for you. Just to find you siting on a rock with Aonung. Neteyam didn't understand this feeling in his stomach it was going all over the place. He just wanted to rip Aonung apart from you just so he could be with you. When you lived in the forest you and Neteyam were bestfriends you guys would go everywhere with one another. He never felt this way before but youve changed and he has to. He could sense a fire in your burning with pride of the Navi but he knew there was some other type burning within you but he just couldnt tell what. Both of your parents were from the forest right? Neteyam had enough time thinking he went up to you and Aonung."Hey cuz." Said Neteyam. "Oh hey brother whats up?" Aonung said while taking his arm off Y/n. Thats something Neteyam didnt notice before now he started to boil up again."Oh nothing much I'm here to talk to y/n in private please?"stated Neteyam while balling his hands into a fist. Aonung agreed said bye to y/n and started to head over to Roxto.
Neteyam greeted y/n as he started to take a seat. He started to feel something new as he sat down by her something his father told him he may feel. Nervous, love, and flushed. Is what Neteyam was feeling. "What do you need Neteyam I was talking to someone."said y/n "Well I'm here to ask why you left the forest. I was there when you were telling Lo'ak abt your mother and im sorry for your lost." Neteyam stated. "Well I mean I left bc I was being forced to mate someone. I have come of age and basically every other boy navi has sought me out. I was being told i was the prettiest and etc. But I was to busy fighting as head worrier since after Jake left I took over his roll. It was tuff but fun. But the new leader and me became bestfriends since we were going to be working side by side. I guess his mother took it the wrong way. One day she just told me I needed to mate her son. I disagreed and it turned into a whole argument. I told her if she continues with this I would leave. But i guess she thought it was a joke since she continued to bother me about being the mate for her son. I got fed up and got my weapons some food and some other items and got my Irken ready to leave. When she saw me about to leave she started this whole argument again. I just told her that isnt your whole family pure blood of the forest? You dont wanna break that right and she agreed so I told her if I mated your son the child would have Crystal Cove navi inside its blood taking the pure blood of the forest with the cove. She stayed there stunned as I just rode off." Y/n finished off. Neteyam stayed silent someone else was trying to mate you?! That was wrong you were to be his he couldnt keep his feelings in check anymore. You had to be his. But those thoughts finished as he remembered you said you were not just forest but Crystal Cove navi aswell. "Is that why you dress and look somewhat different than the forest people?" Asked Neteyam. You giggled "Yep that's why I have different markings I took after my father he had many of the ones I do aswell." " But how do you know he is dead did your mother tell you that?" "No no if you remember those vacations I would go on with my mother for weeks or even a month or so it was to visit my father in the cove where the other Crystal cove navi live." "Whoa thats hella cool!" After you guys kept talking Neteyam knew it he was in love with you. It started getting late so you both were going to say your goodbyes but before Neteyam could say his you gave him a quick peck on the check. "Oh please Neteyam I was loved by all the men in the forest its easy to tell if they like you if they keep looking at me Neteyam." You said while giggling and walking away. You left Neteyam stunned but he snapped out of it when his siblings started teasing him.
When Neteyam and his siblings got back home Jake and Netiri also started to tease him. The teasing kept going on until the next morning.
"But I don't know anything else she just brought up her being a Crystal cove navi." Neteyam told his family. " Well now we know why she left the forest which hurts to know but now this?" Said jake " My jake we need to relax and find out any other type of information of the crystal cove navi that we can." Neytiri told jake while going to his side."Mom does that mean they lied to us about being apart of the forest?" Asked tuk " Oh tuk its fine even if they did they had to have had a reason to." Neytiri told tuk. "We are going to continue this talk after dinner so everyone go do your activity's then come back for dinner." Jake told everyone while getting up from his spot. Everyone nodded and said see you till dinner. They all went their own ways but Neteyam was looking for you. Just to find you surrounded by every boy your age. He was confused so he went to the crowd and asked what was going on. They told Neteyam that they found out you were single and were looking for a mate or just a very close friend. Neteyam was confused on why you wanted one since you were just forced into one. After the crowed Neteyam saw you swimming in the water so he got in to ask you something.
"Why are you looking for a mate y/n?" He asked you "Well since all crsytal cove navi need to have a mate once their 19 and im 18 and my mate needs to meet my family so I need to rush in this matter." Y/n told Neteyam. He grabbed her hands and told her "Then let me be your mate y/n. Ive liked you since we were little and I jusy notcied and seeing you with other guys makes me jelous so please y/n. I know we havent seen one another since forever but please I need you." She stayed there in silince "Oh my Neteyam yes!" She said in excitement . They kissed a long awaited kiss.
To be continued..
Or not?
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donnimos Ā· 1 year
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Take this character drawing study that I did whilst I take my lil heart out bout him :,D !!!!!SPOILERS, TRED CAREFULLY!!!!!=ĶŸĶŸĶžĶž =ĶŸĶŸĶžĶž ļ¾ ( Ā“ Š” `)ļ¾‰ imma just say, I ain't mad at Azi Shocked, hell yea, but ain't mad. idk how to fully describe it, but I feel that Aziraphale had taken up the offered opportunity in a way to have heaven be less "one sided". Although yea I'm grasping onto the coffee theory like its a drug and hoping that its true, he has shown to frown upon the decisions made from "his side" throughout the show, both in s1 and 2, and by going back to the place that actively hates on him (to his face evenšŸ’€) he sees it as a way to open up more opportunities that were seen as ?blasphemy? and wrong. Now, the thing is, I do feel that Crowley also plays a big part in his decision, junked up or not. he has seen fist hand how happy he was when creating, and he wants to bring him back to that, unfortunately, it doesn't clock in that that's not what Crowley wants at all, he didn't want to go back in a longgg time, he just wanted to be with Aziraphale, bro just want's a peaceful live without heaven or hell breathing down his back, and he wants to spend that live with Aziraphale. I'll probably go into more detail with Crowley and how he has grown as a character in a post dedicated for him, but I digress. Its shown that Aziraphale straight up regrets his decision when going up to heaven, i.e: having his smile not reach his eyes, and after Crowley kisses him, he does linger on that kiss mentally, but he's also just questioning everythinggg. Can he love Crowley openly, is he even allowed to love any being romantically (ā•Æā€¢ļ¹ā€¢ā•°), and its just a shit storm all together. Now, the part that kills me but ultimately, its for the better .Ā°(ą²—Š“ą²—怂)Ā°. Crowley can't be the one to save him. Aziraphale gotta do that all on his ownnn,,,sorta like yea, Crowley can help him a bit, but he has to come to the realization that Heaven will never change, specially for him. They can pretend to listen, but nothing will change, and Aziraphale needs to see that on his own, and make a decision on his own without anyone trying to convince him of what he wants. Ain't saying that that's what Crowley is doing, quite the opposite rlly, just saying that he needs to find out what he wants for once. I do believe that Crowley has helped him grow more as a person, but he needs to make the push himself to fully believe in what he wants and to not feel guilty about it. Yo its like, 1 am rn for me, so please excuse the inaccuracies you may run into with this lil spiel of mine, rather it be spelling mistakes or just getting the canon wrong is some parts Ā“ļ½„į“—ļ½„`
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meadowmines Ā· 8 days
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I banged out an AITA with the Big Bad of Tactics the other day to work out some plot shit and while the OP was fun and enlightening to write, the real gold is in the comments.
That "etc" is doing a lot of work in Uchida's comment, lol.
Who's who (other than OP, I'd like to sit on that one for now :) ) and transcriptions under cut.
Who's Who
ElCobraReal is of course Aoyagi.
HandsomeHitman is Yamaoka.
BlackDeath and Keizapple are obviously Kuroshi and Kei-chan and I am stupid proud of Kei-chan's username.
OGMadDog... do I even need to tell you who this is. Do I need to tell you how often he does this. Do I need to tell you how often he sneaks out of the house and goes to the net cafe and Kuroshi has to go collect him again. The chance that he knows perfectly well he's in the wrong subreddit for bewbs and he's just doing this to fuck with his adopted son and son-in-law is significantly greater than zero and nobody knows this better than said adopted son and son-in-law themselves and there is nothing they can do about it.
SnakeNBake's emoji should tell you all you need to know :)
DrinkHeavensWater is Heaven's Water Rep Yoshino
MightyMorita is... exactly what he says on the tin
Uchida42 is Unlucky Uchida, typing with one finger while basically everything else is in a cast
KawaiiHeadbanger is Minadeath
HostessWithTheMostest is Shiori
CrystalStarSapphire is Akemi
HumanRepairTech is Doc. He's just told Yamaoka to wait in line behind his wife for revenge on OP. Yamaoka did not choose the best response to that.
CountryBoy62 is Chiba. He's a little confused but he's got the spirit. He calls OP by name in his other comment so I'm not gonna share that one for now.
Likewise, I cannot yet share Majima's comment in the thread because it pretty explicitly spells out exactly who OP is and the full extent of Majima's beef with him but it is, as you might expect, a wall of capslock with no punctuation and it's heavily implied that he's typing it while Nishida is literally chasing him around trying to take his laptop away :)
Image 1:
DrinkHeavensWater 12/22/2005 Your boys helped me make quota this month, so thanks! Youā€™re still TA.
MightyMorita 12/22/2005 WTF is wrong with you, dude? YTA.
Uchida42 12/22/2005 yta sry for bad typng fell over th rail @ mil towr broke arm leg some ribs etc
SnakeNBake21 12/22/2005 YTA MAN. YTMFA. šŸ šŸ’€ šŸ”„Ā 
KawaiiHeadbanger 12/22/2005 Hiiiii asshole!!! Come to my next concert so I can drop kick u right in the middle of a Wall of Death šŸ¤˜šŸ„°šŸ¤˜
Image 2:
BlackDeath 12/23/2005 A ā€œbusiness deal.ā€ Please. Youā€™ve not merely buried the lede, youā€™ve sent it straight to the Earthā€™s core.Ā 
Iā€™d planned to refrain from commenting on this sad, pathetic attempt to solicit validation for your poor life choices, but those updates (the last in particular) should be framed and hung in the Louvre. How, pray tell, did that ā€œmurderā€ go for you? How does the fruit of your treachery taste?Ā 
How are you adapting to life at sea, for that matter? Iā€™ll be sure to have someone bring you a laptop with your dinner so you can read all of these lovely comments for yourself. :)
P.S. In case my stance was unclear: YTA.
-Keizapple 12/23/2005 LMAOOOOOO I love you.
--BlackDeath 12/23/2005 I love you too.
-OGMadDog 12/23/2005 Topless sexy girls big boob
--BlackDeath 12/23/2005 FFS
Image 3:
HandsomeHitman 12/20/2005 Iā€™m next in line for your wife. Sheā€™s hot. šŸ™‚
-HostessWithTheMostest 12/20/2005 Ooooh no you didnā€™t.
-CountryBoy62 12/20/2005 Who the fuck are you
-CrystalStarSapphire 12/20/2005 OMG NO. Iā€™ll help his wife whip your ass with the power of love, beauty, justice, and INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERANT.
-ElCobraReal 12/21/2005 Wait, youā€™ve SEEN his wife!? How the hell have YOU seen his wife?Ā 
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aprivateplace7 Ā· 4 months
Genshin 4.7 archon quest-
This guy rly shows up once a yr, is the epitome of "well you never asked", looks pretty & then disappears into the ether :v
Dain sends us away to confront(?) Abyss twin???
U know, i wasn't that excited during the trailer but... i'm realizing this is the 1st time we're actually seeing our twin since b4 Inazuma... its been a long-ass time :v
Tbh the way the game is structured, i totally forget about the Abyss, Khaenri'ah & our twin. I'm just happy to go through Teyvat & deal w/ whatever bs we inevitably get caught in.
Is this a normal... fight? Thing??? Or is our twin distracting Dain?
...wait was that all Dain, or did our twin also wait for us to leave??? They... want us to join their side, but they're also avoiding us?
The architecture looked a lot like Enka... but we're no where near it. I heard it resembles Khaenri'ah? I also noticed that this interlude quest is again in Sumeru, instead of Fontaine...
Just being able to slip into someone else's memories... absolutely deranged. Even moreso than like what happened during the 2nd Raiden quest, like memory ghosts playing out in front of u.
We gaming, its time for mt dew :3 no doritos unfortunately, but i don't like to eat while playing anyway... do ppl rly get their shit dirty like that? Like irl? Anyway...
Ok so, b4 I did see, this guy is Caribert right?
Oh wow! I was gonna joke about my spelling, but I actually spelt his name right! I didn't look it up :3 but, he knows us? Like he's not surprised to see us... i guess our twin was aware of our presence.
Wait a min... how is he human-looking again?!? Hoyo!!!!!
Ok wait... he only exists in ppl's memories. Does he exist? Was that wrong? Is he just messing w/ ppl's memories or is he a strange... being.
I for one am grateful to Paimon. Its hard to keep up w/ whatever this is šŸ’€ (not rly in a bad way, i like going on Genshin's wild ride)
I thought this place looked a lot like the eternal oasis. I guess its not...
There is no point to this. I am just writing my thoughts as I go thru the quest. Since i don't do videos lol.
What the hell did he do tho?
Ok sorry, he just answered me. He doesn't rly exist anymore... but he has powers that lets him interact w/ the real world?
Ok he rly knows us??? I realized that bc of our twin it'd make sense that Caribert would know who we are, but he wants to talk to us?
Ohhh ok. Being a ghost is easier to understand lol. Like i still don't quite get the Rukkadavata/Nahida & Focalors/Furina thing? Unless its a reincarnation thing... or 1 soul being split into 2 ppl.
This game is full of a lot of crazy stuff tho. Like appearently Xiao's true form is a bird (like Cloud Retainer).
Manipulating ley lines as a form of controlling fate... makes sense actually. Well kinda. Like tampering w/ irminsul can "change" the past. I don't see how it can change the future... & we saw w/ Wanderer that it didn't change the overall events. It didn't save the lives of anyone that died, it just changed the circumstances of how. The only thing thag rly changed was Wanderer himself.
"After all, its existence cost me my life" oh :(
I was just wondering how he was involved in... whatever the Abyss Order is doing. But did he just want friends...? Like that's why he messed w/ the villagers...?
This game isn't at the same level as Depression ImpactTM, but...
"As if... I had a chance at life" :((((
Wait i'm confused? I stopped partway thru yesterday, but i thought the "missing" person had blonde hair? I thought it was our twin...
Caribert :((((( ;~;;
Oop. Ate dinner & had to go back in the conversation :v
Ok so, yeah Caribert was still helping the Abyss Order.
We always "save the day", or like it turns out alright (Fontaine), but in the grand scheme... its like we're trying to drain the ocean. We're not doing literally anything, we keep getting one step back. The gnosis, and now the Loom of Fate.
Caribert seems sweet... but idk.
I kinda hate how little we get to learn. & it always brings more questions than answers. Its like Hoyo is teasing us.
Hm, his personal wants were simple but... still he helped this thing to be completed. What is our twin going to do w/ it? Idk, i can't help but be sus of the Abyss Order... they're so mysterious but everything they do feels wrong. Dark. Ominous. Like it doesn't feel like they're gonna do anything good for the world...
Oh ;~;;; when the Traveler couldn't touch their twin... that hurt.
But like ??? He's just here? & now we're gonna talk??? Is the Traveler mad? I'm kinda annoyed how casual he's acting... like the last time didn't happen :/
I mean... i don't like Celestia either but... it feels like a means to an end. Like, they don't care how much suffering they cause as long as it turns out alright in the end. I don't like that :/
YEAH WHY ARE U RUNNING FROM MEEEE? The twin loves the traveler too right? :(
"The sea of flowers at the end"
Its like... he's been in this world for 100s of yrs, since the Cataclysm, w/out us. & now he's too diff... he's not the same person we knew.
All the traveler wants is to be by their twin's side ;^;
He doesn't like what he's doing either :(
He's too... ashamed to face us. But he can't stop?
Back on their bs....
I remember the loom of fate talk?
But not about my twin?
They're doing this on purpose.
I am actually mad. What the hell.
The picture???
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Hi! How are you?
I was thinking about what exactly should I ask you and then it hit me!
The Obey me! Brothers and Side Characters meeting Mc's older sibling (you can keep it gn if you want), Y/N, for the first time.
Just imagine:
Y/N, unlike MC, knew a bit about their supernatural bloodline and tried to learn more about magic and the other realms even managing, during Mc's absence, to work with an angel (maybe Gabriel or even Michael himself) .
One day they ask Gabriel/Michael if he knew where their younger sibling was because it had been more than a year since they last heard from them and when the angel told them, Y/N asked immediately to teach them a spell to reach MC, ya know, to see if everything was okay and if those demons were treating them like they should.
That same day they teleported themselves in the Devildom. Right on the student council's room's table during a meeting with the exchange students and the bros. They looked like they wanted to commit a coup but when they made eye contact with MC, Y/N jumped into their arms, making both of them fall on their asses. MC would have a lot of explanations to give...as well as Y/N
Y/N: "Lmao I asked my good dude Gabe/Mike to give me a way to reach you and ya know archangels do know their shit and-"
Y/N: ". . . yeah? Why are you so surprised? I'd literally drop kick God AND the Demon King's asses to protect you, MC. I mean, I'm your big sibling, that's literally my job since you were born.")
Honestly I think Y/N would probably adopt Luke after two seconds like:
Luke: Hi, I'm Luke I-
Y/N: Oh, Hi! I know who you are! The archangel talked a lot about you!
Luke: R-really?!
Y/N: Yes little one! I heard MC is like your older sibling or something?
Luke, blushing: W-well I really appreciate their company b-but...!
Y/N, patting his shoulder: Well, welcome to the family Luke! Mc's younger brothers are also my younger brothers, so if you need anything don't be afraid to ask me!
Also, I think Y/N would become the love interest of the now dateables (except Luke ofc), the demon bros have MC and Diavolo, Barbie, Solo and Simeon have Y/N.
Furthermore if Y/N finds out about how their little sibling was treated before the pacts and 'lesson 16' . . . well I hope that Beelzebub can hide Belphie faster than he can eat and that Lucifer can apologise harder than he can punish Mammon
And speaking of Mammon! Y/N would probably love him (platonically)
Y/N: You where the first one to approach my sibling in a friendly way? Who was in charge of protecting them and who never left their side? You were their first pact, is that correct?
Mammon, intimidated: y-yes! I'm their first!
His brothers: for the love of Diavolo, stop saying that!
Y/N, not minding them: Good. Thank you, Lord Mammon.
Mammon: W-what? I- I mean of course you would thank the Great MAMMON!!!
Y/N, smiling: yeah, you really are Great. I'm glad you are their first.
Mammon, tearing up: MC, can I adopt your older sibling-
Sorry if I wrote too much! If I did something wrong or if for any reason you don't feel like doing this, feel free to ignore it! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Okay so I did this as more as just as just some random blurbs if thats okay
I feel like at first Barbatos will have beef with Y/N because of the drop kicking comment and sees them as like a threat
But Diavolo becomes INVESTED in Y/N because theyā€™re so bold and works with the archangels
No one has ever dared to say something like that before and yet you did
Heā€™s like, hmmmm. I like them teehee
meanwhile Lucifer is like,Ā ā€œYou have GOT to be kidding me, MC.ā€
Luke absolutely loves Y/N and sees her as a big sister
definitely does sibling shenanigans
Mammon also loves Y/N because she doesnā€™t talk down to him
Y/N and Mammon become big buddies because theyā€™re thankful that theyā€™ve never tried to kill M/C unlike some demons
I feel like Y/N, Beel, and Asmo would also all get along really nicelyĀ 
Y/N for sure gives major attitude to Lucifer. Purposely tries to make his life harder. Lucifer will have to be like,Ā ā€œM/C can you please do something.ā€
Belphie has to actively stay away from Y/N because even if M/C has forgiven him, Y/N has not
I feel like Y/N would prefer for M/C to hang around with the other exchange students but wonā€™t fight them when they choose to stick around the demon bros
Now on to the romance aspect, I feel like Simeon is definitely up there on the charts since Y/N studied under the high ranking angels
Solomon would also be putting on the moves because he likes how chaotic they are. Also to have studied under the archangels would most likely mean that y/n is probably pretty powerful which intrigues him
Diavolo is absolutely fascinated by y/n. Theyā€™re so bold and blunt. He loves it
He wants to know everything about them
Barbs takes some time warming up to them. He doesnā€™t trust them. I mean they did say they would fight god and the demon king soooo
But he eventually warms up after he sees that y/n just wants to protect m/c
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fuck-customers Ā· 2 years
3-27-22 šŸ’€ long long rant. Absolutely enraged
Iā€™ve sent stuff in before, this is the first time Iā€™m specifying where I work (my posts were about how understaffed we are or itā€™s me losing my shit over customers ripping apart every section in the store)
I work at a plus size womens store that rhymes with Horrid. It is anyones guess as to whether it will be overwhelmingly busy or mostly dead. Weā€™re very understaffed. The store is not very big but by god it wonā€™t stop people from filling every area in there.
Yesterday was the Saturday before all the schools let out for spring break. That means every (plus size) woman within a 50 mile radius who needed vacation clothes or swimwear (which we donā€™t have in yet because fuck shipment and also apparently we arenā€™t a priority store šŸ™ƒ) decided to come in all at once. There was fucking THREE of us working from 2-8, which is when we close. We were killing ourselves trying to help every person who walked through that door. If youā€™ve ever wanted what the Horrid customer base is like, wonder no fucking longer. They are entitled, rude, lazy, selfish cunts who need you to do everything for them. Donā€™t get me wrong there are plenty of pleasant and kind customers but by god the most common type are the horrible ones. My coworkers and I could barely get in and out of the back room door without being stopped with a question every single time. Literally as my coworker was going back for her 30 min she was stopped with a question and I was immediately stopped on my way OUT of my 30 min. Everyone suddenly needed a bra fitting, and the people that do will go and sit in the fitting room and expect YOU to go get them the bras they need to try on. Every section in the store was chaos and a mess. There were clothes on the floor that had fallen off the hanger from how many people had rifled through them. Clearance was hell. Our go-back rack (for clothes people decide they donā€™t want from the fitting rooms) was so full we had to move the stack to our counter and then it was full AGAIN. We were constantly asked to pull down mannequins to figure out what size the clothes on it were EVEN THOUGH WE TELL EVERYONE THEY ARE USUALLY A SIZE 00 or 0 (our sizing system is weird ik) and theyā€™d be like ā€œwell can u just check šŸ„ŗā€ NO!!!!! WE PUT THE CLOTHES ON OURSELVES AND THE MANNEQUINS ONLY FIT A CERTAIN SIZE. And of course we had people coming to pick up packages and one of them had a huge attitude with my coworker who was busy with another customer. When she was finally able to help the Package Customer, PC was like ā€œIā€™ve been standing here WAITING to be helpedā€, my coworker apologized and asked her what the last name was for the package and she didnā€™t hear her the first time so she asked PC to spell it and she did, very rudely, and went ā€œitā€™s EASYā€. Fuck off. I donā€™t think we were ever able to leave those damned registers the entire time we were in there. Also for SOME GODFORSAKEN REASON half the people decided today was the day to pay with cash!!!!!!! People were handing me $100s left and right and for what purpose????? We were going back and forth between register drawers to make enough change for a while before we had enough in each drawer to not worry about change. We made over $11,000 for the day and had over $1000 in a deposit. Extremely rare for that to happen. My coworkers and I were on the edge of either screaming or crying the whole time and we agreed we would NOT do this again unless we had more people. For this to run smoothly we usually need at least 5. We ended up leaving most of the go-backs (that we had moved to a rack) for tomorrow (today) because it shouldnā€™t be as busy. The only cleaning we did was take out the main trash bag, sweep the floors and put back clothing we hadnā€™t hung on a rack yet.
Luckily during our last hour and a half though it just slowed to almost a full stop and we had some very nice and funny customers come thru that made it feel like the day wasnā€™t for nothing. Two ladies were in and they were sweet and hysterical and a mother and her two adult kids were in and were also really nice and funny and we were all laughing and having a nice conversation and then our very last customer was this lady with her kid. Iā€™ll admit I judged early cuz she had a Karen cut but she ended up also being super sweet and understanding and her kid was great. He asked if he could help us sweep when he saw me Swiffering the flooršŸ˜­ and he did a pretty good job!! He was like ā€œthereā€™s so much dust!! So much dirt from all the peopleā€ and I was like yeah and we do this every night too! And he was just like ā€œšŸ˜³every night?? Wow thatā€™s a lotā€ Thank fuck for those people. They made the whole day a little more bearable. But god I fucking hate retail.
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idiotic-writer Ā· 3 years
Aether with a very sexual S/o headcanons
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Request : Aether with a very very sexual S/o? Like they'd kiss him heatedly in front of people with no shame, constant gropes Aether and just basically has a very high libido? (Is that how you spell it-)
Yeah I think that's how you spell it I don't even know lol. I've been writing for Genshin a lot now though three headcanons in a row-
Character : Aether
Fandom : Genshin impact
Genre : Headcanon
Edited : āŒ
Fujoshis do not engage
ā€¢ How did you get together????
ā€¢ I sincerely doubt Aether would be able to handle the emberassment that comes with dating you-
ā€¢ But if he does stay with you-
ā€¢ Expect several slaps in the face from the constant groping.
ā€¢ Don't get the wrong idea, he loves you, especially when you can put your sexual needs aside and just comfort him, telling him you'll always be there to help him search for his sister-
ā€¢ But oh my god can you please stop leaving hickeys across his stomach!?
ā€¢ He couldn't talk to anyone out of emberassment because duh he'll never change his clothing type.
ā€¢ He dosen't mind the groping, unless you grope his crotch, why? But the kissing is a bit much. He'd usually just be in a normal conversation and suddenly he's forced into a heated kiss and suddenly he's breathless.
ā€¢ "Can you please stop with the constant kissing and touching?"
ā€¢ Aether with a scolding voice is not my thing and it isn't yours either. He could tell with how you pouted.
ā€¢ You obviously didn't listen so eventually he had to sit you down and ask why? Just why the hell are you always so set on seeming like a horn dog.
ā€¢ Turns out you're just very, very possessive.
ā€¢ "I just don't like seeing you with other people okay? You may not see it but a lot of people probably have feelings for you with how they eye you up and down."
ā€¢ He would sigh and reassure you by holding your hand and kissing your forehead. No need to worry Aether loves you to much :)
ā€¢ The kissing and groping was turned down along with the hickeys (not really you did leave other marks over his body just left where they couldn't be seen) so now you guys are just very very happy and lovey dovey together.
ā€¢ Sex happens every other night really.
ā€¢ You have a house (surprising) and Aether constantly visits nightly (if he can of course).
ā€¢ If he isn't tired (surprisingly he isn't alway that tired-) you usually pleasure him through the night!
ā€¢ You have a lot of stamina and Aether prefers to be on the receiving end so what's wrong with letting him tell you how hard and how soft to thrust into him?
ā€¢ I don't see Aether as a very kinky person (sorry šŸ’€) so it'll most be different positions with him telling you if you can go harder or softer.
ā€¢ If he's to tired, you usually take control and praise him, telling him how strong and amazing he is, going gentle and letting him cum as many times he wants. If he has energy, the roles are reversed, surprisingly he's easily able to make you go into sub space.
ā€¢ But not matter what happens, you always leave countless hickeys on his body.
ā€¢ It can be on his chest (specifically close to his nipples) his waist (while you play with his shaft) or his inner thighs (as you finger him). You always make sure you mark him.
ā€¢ He complains but he generally enjoys it, but please just don't mark his stomach.
ā€¢ He once ignored you for a month when you used makeup to hide marks once and the makeup dried off when he was fighting.
ā€¢ He quite literally ran away from an abyss maje because he didn't want to face anyone. EVEN PIEMON.
ā€¢ Speaking of Piemon, I think she'd already know of your activities with Aether after she accidentally teleported in on you two.
ā€¢ She wanted to tear her eyeballs out and Aether couldn't face her at all lol.
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I'll end it here lol.
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figmentof Ā· 3 years
So the ā€˜eager to pleaseā€™ biscuit spit choice was kind of an interesting one for me. Like obviously Rebecca isnā€™t seeing Ted in that way yet, thatā€™s how slow burn works. But sheā€™s also eating his biscuits, she knows damn well heā€™s eager to please (and how fabulous that is). She just hasnā€™t thought about it in that context and it takes her by surprise. And thereā€™s really no reason for them to go so hard (no pun) on ā€˜ted is good in bedā€™ unless itā€™s going to be relevant!
If weā€™re talking directorial choices, please can someone come up with a platonic explanation for Rebecca fussing with her hair and jacket towards the end of the Xmas episode (literally the ep after the biscuit spit). Oh right there is none, she is flustered as hell and not sure why.
i might as well get "THE SACRED TEXTSPARALLELS" tattooed in block letters across my gotdang forehead but lest we forget that both Ted and Rebecca had sex on the same night (albeit with different people), the same day that was also the wedding anniversary of Rebecca's failed marriage AND the day Ted's divorce was finalized. it was written in the script (by the war criminal that is Jason Sudeikis) that even though Rebecca's was eyeing the attractive waiter, Ted was on her mind the entire time. i ask, once again, why these parallels? why does the show need to let me see the morning after and their various "walks of shame" of these two friends if not to subliminally imply something? no one goes that out of their way to showcase incompatibility between two people; that makes for an awfully dull and redundant story
Rebecca spitting out the biscuits could have so many different interpretations and like, none of them would be wrong? is she disgusted by this trivia about her gaffer/employee? that's possible. did she spit it out by surprise at the "this people pleaser's need to please extends to the bedroom"? yeah. did her mouth suddenly run dry at the fact that "oh wait Ted is indeed a man that has sexual needs!"? perhaps.
if you went to anyone else and told them Ted's really eager to please in bed, 99% of the response would be "oh ew gross why tf did you feel the need to tell me that?!" so in my opinion, it isn't solid enough of evidence to use as an argument against Ted/Rebecca. and just like you said anon, Rebecca doesn't see him that way yet, mostly because.... she's his boss, her revenge plot (albeit already in shambles) is still going, and she was, and still is, the only person who saw him at his most vulnerable having a panic attack. she's not Keeley who gets off on her man crying lmao but even that is played for comedic effect of how Roy's usually so stoic that him being emotional is refreshing
LET US TALK ABOUT THE CHRISTMAS EPISODE. let us talk about how given two extra episodes that a holiday rom com inspired Christmas episode is what Jason and co. decided to give us
let us talk about parallels yet again (triple edition): Leslie and Julie showcasing how their healthy and happy 25+ years of marriage has created such a warm and safe space that the players all want to be there because they make them feel at home (a future all couples should strive to have); Roy and Keeley as an established couple showcasing how good of parents they'd be through Phoebe (next stop: marriage); Ted and Rebecca as two lonely souls during a holiday of love and gathering, coming together to share a tradition that Rebecca used to do with her ex-husband that she knew would make Ted happy because it was an act of actively spreading love, thus showcasing how their core values are the same (next stop: kiss kiss fall in love šŸ˜Œ)
let us talk about how Rebecca throws stones at Ted's window like she's a teen boy in the '90s trying to get his crushes attention, and uses tinsels to spell out "HI TED" in direct response to his "HI BOSS" (everyone in Richmond Greens watching these two idiots chase each other like they're in a rom com šŸ’€). Ted's "oh no should i change?" and Rebecca saying he "looks perfect" taking a page out of those guilty pleasure Hallmark holiday flicks. the end of the evening with them walking with zero (0) personal space between them and Rebecca's fidgeting with her coat lapel that isn't a single thread out of place while Ted has his hands in his pockets because you know these two want to h*ld hands but they can't yet but they wanna and like at some point their hands are gonna touch and we might as well get a 2005 Pride and Prejudice Mr. Darcy hand flex shot from one of them oh god oh fuck i'm fully feral now
but getting flustered after spending an entire day with a very lovely man is totes platonic behavior y'know
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yautja-lover Ā· 2 years
Gą„Ŗd WšŸŒ˜rship in Suits Smutty šŸ’€ One Shot
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Loki! x Khonshu! x Hades! x Witch!Reader
Summary:A young witch,who is trying to learn a new spell but accidentally summons not one..but three ancient deities. Loki,the Norse God of Tricks and Lies... Khonshu,the Egyptian God of the Moon and the Night Sky...Hades,the Greek God of the Dead and Lord of the Underworld.
Sexual Content:Cock-sucking,hand job,blow job,fingering,face-fucking, several sex positions,multiple orgasms, double penetration,hair-pulling, suit kink,praise kink and size kink.
Tagged List:@lemonboy011 @jedinerd27 @maryysheree @groovinomicon @randomfangirl7 @theamericanjewitch @bluefeatheredvelociraptor @katelynwithpaint @night-walker-crescent
You were trying out a new spell..chanting out the words from your spellbook, as a gust of wind enters the room and the moonlight shines through window ceil of your ceiling. Once you've finished chanting the spell and waited for a moment, expecting something to happen.. but nothing "..weird. Maybe I did it wrong.."said to yourself with furrowed brows, shrugging your shoulders before checking the spellbook again to see what you did wrong.
Not at all aware of the presence in the room watching you intensely, as you make an tempt to get the spell right this time. As your chanting the words a green glow covered one of your hands and get interuppted by multiple hissing sounds, looking down to find three snakes in your hand causing you to shriek out in surprise dropping the serpents on the floor. "What the hell?!.. that's not suppose to happen.." whispering in disbelief before looking at the spellbook again a second time, as the three snakes slithered away into a corner of the room to merge together into a larger one.
"What the hell, am I doing wrong here?!" shouting out in frustration while gripping the spellbook tightly causing the knuckles on your hand to turn white, still unaware of the intense and curious set of eyes watching you from the two ancient deities that you've summoned. You figured to try it again and hopefully get the spell right this time, thinking to yourself 'the third times the charm' as they say. Picturing the image of what you want most in your head, as you start chanting the words while the temperature in the room begins to drop and start hear a crackling sound. Then a set of flames appears from the floor in the room and the crackling sounds transfer into rumblings, as the room shook and a large figure wearing a dark blue suit with blue flames for hair rise from the flames "Ooo Oh-ho... YES! I am FINALLY free, baby!" an unfamiliar voice shouted out, causing you to start panicking "shit, shit, shit.. fucking shit." you whispered, thinking that you unleashed some sort of demon from hell "I'm fucked."
"HA!.. take that, Zeusy! I'm finally free, ya hussy.. "the flaming head figure exclaims while your brain tries to process what's happening "..oh, Mr. High and Mighty!" The large snake that's been hiding in the corner of the room, shape-shifts into human form with raven-hair and emerald green eyes wearing a black gucci suit starts to speak "Alright, drop the theatrics already.. and they call me the dramatic one." they said with an eye roll.
By now the flames are gone and the shaking has finally come to a stop "What a surprise, it's the trickster himself. Hey, bud how's it been?" , "Oh, you know the usual. How's life in the Underworld?" , "Well, they're just fine. You know, a little dark, a little gloomy. And, as always.. hey, full of dead people. What are you gonna do?" while the two carry on with their conversation you continue to stare and gawk at the them with your jaw open.
You must've dozed off for a moment cause now there were three of them having a conversation.. well, at least some type of squabble "Oh look it's the pigeon boy." , "Pigeon boy?.." a large mummified man in a white dapper suit with a large bird skull floating above where his neck should be said then, added with a roar "I am not a pigeon! I am a God of Vengeance!"
"I know. I just like to ruffle-up your feathers." the raven-haired teased with a grin causing the large man-bird to caw out, angrily "I don't have any feathers!" that was when you finally spoke up "Bird." you said stating the obvious while pointing at the large bird man.. causing the three to turn their attention towards you "There's a large bird.. uh, man-bird in my house."
The blue fire-haired guy was the first one to introduce himself "Hi. Names Hades, Lord of the Dead. How ya, doin'?" he said while shaking your hand sending a heat of pleasure up your arm.
The raven-haired guy was the sencond "I am Loki of Asgard and might I add that you are the most extravagant creature I have ever seen in all the nine relams."he said while taking your hand and pressed it to his lips causing you to blush.
As for the large man-bird, who continue to peer down at you with those hollow eyes before he spoke last "Khonshu" just the voice alone made your knees feel like jelly.
"Go on, little one.." Khonshu said gesturing you to undo his slacks and take out his cock, as you eagerly do so ".. that's it. There's a good little bug." he added while threading his fingers through your hair as you start sucking on the Moon God's cock.
"Don't forget about us, pet."Ā  Loki spoke up while him and Hades move in closer, you happily began pumping their cocks "Oh yes!" Hades drawed out with a moan.
You kept alternating between the three, worshipping their cocks with your mouth and hands.. causing the ancient gods to moan while bucking their hips, wildly to fuck your mouth and hands as they take turns on fingering your pussy in return.
As things get more heated, Khonshu used his powers to lift you up in the air to put you in the position that he wants to take you in.. Loki uses his magic to chain your limbs while your naked form is bent on all fours in a spread eagle position. "Is this okay, little one?" Khonshu asked laying underneath you while Loki stands behind you and Hades stands in front of you whimpered out a "please" but that wasn't enough "Please what, sugar?" Hades questioned and you could only whine in reponse "Use your words, darling." Loki command while they tease your holes with their cocks.
"Please, fuck me" as soon as those words leave your lips, the gods thrusted their hard lengths foward.. the trickster impaling your ass, the Moon God drilling your pussy while the Lord of the Dead fucks your throat. "Such a good little pet." Loki purred, as he shower your back with kisses and leaving love bites "Your taking our cocks so well, little bug." Khonshu crooned while massaging your breasts and lightly pecks them with the tip of his beak "Are you gonna cum for yours gods, sweetheart?" Hades cooed grabbing you by the hair to remove your mouth from his shaft and kisses feverishly, moaning in his mouth as you come.
The second time around, they took you pressed up against the wall.. taking turns pounding you from behind multiple times with their hand wrapped around your throat, whispering filthy words in your ear.
After round three, you lost count how many times you came.. by the time the night was over and the sun begin to rise, they had you tucked into bed and promise to return very soon.
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lunarifie Ā· 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
The Tournament of Elements episode 5-6
Dont get me wrong i love dareth but why is he the most prominent side side character in the show
Coles whistling sounds so pretty
I love how Cole accepted his faith, giving up, but then he found Zane, gaining a whole new motivation to escape.
Its canon that Dareth nows makeup :)
It was so funny how Nya just kept swatting Jays face until he fucking paid attention and looked šŸ’€
Nya: that means theres a spy!
Literally ten seconds after skyler gives Kai the message she got from cole
Kai: a spyā€¦ its a good thing we have some people we can trust. thanks skyler!
Omfg i cant with him
Cole: Time to break out!
(Starts running on the conveyor belt and eating pasta as a show of rebellion)
It was so unexpected
Cole doesnt have his super strength or his elemental powers and heā€™s still taking on 12 guards at a time and winning
Zane: Cole.. you came back.
Cole: of course i did you shiny new tin can!!! (Hugs him) can you feel the love!
Zane: no.
Cole: ā˜¹ļø
I really thought Nya was gonna just run away but ripping the spell page out of the book is so smart
Zane: the serpents strategy is very clever-
Cole: pixal?!?!? you got a girl stuck in your head?!?!!!
Coles lines are always the best
Chen: youre harshing my viiiibe šŸ™„šŸ’…
Holy shit dareth can actually sing, good for him
A painting falls on Jay and suddenly hes immobile, get yourself together my guy
Kinda crazy how there's spys on both sides here
Oh wait
The title is ā€˜spy for a spyā€™
I'm stupid
The ninja will be like ā€˜a ninja should-ā€™ and ā€˜a ninja shouldntā€™ and then just say basic morals
Nya is such a girlboss in this
See this is what im talking about when I say she knows how to fight
Its so cool that one of the most intense battles we get in a season called ā€˜the tournament of the elementsā€™ is nya against clouse
Ohhhh okay so skylers his daughter
Honestly thought she was his granddaughter with how old he was
Jay: they want us to hunt nya down! She wont stand a chance!
Jesus jay have a little faith in her, now ik what she means when she said you dont take her seriously
Ik Skyler is withering in guilt bc everytime she talks to Kai it's like ā€˜yes, im here for a loved one and im trying my best, oh and that's my sister were all hunting down, another loved one.ā€™
He doesn't catch a break
Why did they ALL let go of their parachutes when the floor gave way.
Lloyd saving his father by giving him the parachute and Garmadom immediately growing worried and angry is just- šŸ‘Œ
Wait Lloyd can make an energy dragon?
Thought that was something he could only do as the golden ninja
Maybe the golden power was like a boost. Helped him work his powers better and now it's more difficult.
Can all the ninja do that? Is that like a thing? Making an energy dragon?
Nya is so smart she's great
Coles covered in powder AGAIN why does he keep doing this
Zane: with all our combined weight, escaping through the system should be fine.
Darreth enters the scene
Cole: time to think up another plan
That was so mean šŸ˜­
Chen was always just like that huh
Garmadon was soā€¦ sincere. So good even when evil was consuming him. He didn't even want to replace Wus love letter with his name
Okay yeah I fucking hate Chen he can rot in hell.
Kai: maybe we should be together- wait no that didnt come out right. I mean its a big island so maybe if we were a couple. Wait no! What i mean is-
Hes so in deep
Hes so ā€˜confidentā€™ and flirtatious like that girl at the gas station but when he actually likes someone hes such a goofball :)
Mr pale: youll never get away with this chen.
Chen: Really? Where have you been! Ive been getting away with this time and time again!
I cant believe they showed that the master of flight was killed and due to that he had no descendent to give his power to
The tea lady!!!!
Kai and Nyas parents :)
Its so nice to see these cameos
Dont the anacondrai generals come back sometime in skybound?
Wait I thought Wu and Misako knew about Garmadons letter and him training under chen
Cole: okay, so maybe rolling ourselves up into giant eggrolls isnt the best plan.
Karlof: we could make a roto jet
Zane: that could actually work!
Cole: weā€™re UNDERGROUND.
Okay but what is actually inherently wrong with clouses use of the dark art.
From what i can tell, its able to use a bit of every element and more but what's wrong with it other than how him using it for malicious intent
Holy shit Jay just fucking exploded
How did she not think that through
You JUST used the ice power of the friend Kais literally searching for
On the other hand she was being really truthful at that moment in wanting to make sure Kais friends were okay and in a moment of desperation, used Zanes power. Which she would not have done if she was thinking carefully about keeping herself hidden as the spy.
The way they animate Skyler makes her so emotionless. Like, give my girl more than one expression.
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