#HOHOHO that’s the gender!!!
r0semultiverse · 1 year
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bogkeep · 3 months
i don't think my voice sounds noticeably deeper to anyone else since i still get misgendered on the phone, but my voice Feels deeper which rules...
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desceros · 8 months
Oh so you are a violist yourself! That's so nice, do you play the violin too like our girl in the fic?
(You said that your genre was what we tought was funniest, and today I think that you are a gigantic hairy man with a long red beard at heart who plays the viola)
i do! like viola-chan says in the fic, most violists learn violin as well, and the cooler violinists learn viola. though it is easier in a lot of ways for violists to learn violin, because the technique for viola is just a lot more. hm. physical, since it's a larger instrument.
i also play the piano, as i said in an ask a while ago. and i started taking bagpipe lessons as a meme in college but actually ended up enjoying it. never quite made it to the bag stage, though. biology labs took up too much time. sad face
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sawg-the-saw-blog · 8 months
Saw The Musical said that Billy's pronouns are he/they and honestly i think that's pretty cool
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ajax-mew · 4 months
when i back in uni
me think
i do uni updates again
#i used to do them#and was basically like day 1 i made friend she uggo and she basically torture her dog#(it was a tiny dog and she would send it to a trainer and not see it for weeks and she also missgender me a LOT)#day 2 everyone was uggo and big meanies and missgender me#day 5 sm gurl call me Konstantina (not my deadname ir clos to it and a girls name)#day 6 that same girl called me amy and a girl name (not close ti Damien and a girls name)#day 6 again i correct that girl and said is Damien and am a boy in front of ppl#day 10 that girl from b4 called me 'that uhh little boy over there ' we were the same age maybe i was a yr older than her#day 15 i wore 2 binders qnd went to the bathroom coz i couldn't breath#day idk anymore sm teacher called me girl thrn apologized and called me a young man (only positive)#day 24 that girl w the dog spoke abt canibalism w me (also pos but i regret it coz normies shouldn't know abt it)#day 56 the girl w the dog said she had a girl in her school w similar vibe as me (i was still a he) she kept missgender me#day 32 sm other girl v cool asked for my pronouns (she probably the only out if them i could have been friends)#day idk i quit uni to sad i go to therapy depressed want kill self (then i started t and changed legally my name etc#also my mom when i 1st go to uni didn't take all gender stuff seriously#like i was w my mom at the secretary and i told the secretary if could write my name Damien and my pronouns next to my name#at the papers the teachers see#and my mom and secretary was laughing and say 'hohoho but u wint be speak to me all the time'#im not ask to speaking to u am ask to write at the teachers paper#so I don't try to kill my self in the unis bathroom#and so i don't have to start every sentence with ' am actually a boy and my name is Damien '#I FKN HATE EVERYONE THERE AND I HOPE TJEY DIE#the main teacher of graphic design change so they maybe better now i hope#the reason i choce tjat uni was coz when i go there#was btwn 2#the other didn't even show me around and thought i would enrol#the one i went i hadn't said anything abt my gender yet#but the teacher was 'misgender me ' he was say he and then correct it and say she#i didn't correct him at the time coz wasn't sure i would go there but v cool#that's allmost a full vent in the tags
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loud-whistling-yes · 2 years
you can be both demigirl and whatever gender you found that fits. we're transmasc and also a trans man and also nonbinary and our gender identity is tied exclusively to our pronouns. Do whatever!
I literally have no idea how to respond to this ask like a normal person but yes,,, thank you,,, this helped a lot
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Nemesis (Vergil x Reader) - Chapter 7
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: The Abyss opening is a rare occurrence. In his youth, Vergil wanted to harness its power, but never thought he would meet his greatest adversary along the way. Years later, the Abyss is once again open and that might call for some rather unlikely alliances.
Chapter 1 (Prologue) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 (you are here!)
Age restriction: 18+ - there’s a lot of blood, violence, cursing and all those things people want to forbid younger audiences of seeing. Also, cosmic horror is a thing here. Procceed with caution
Special Credits: Our dear Ovid is a character created by @furyeclipse and, even when they don’t show up, I’m crediting and thanking forever ^^
You can check out Fury’s writing (which I highly recommend) on this link:  Fury’s Ao3
Author's notes: I TOLD YOU GUYS I HAD A NEW CHAPTER READY *party ensues* hahahaha jokes aside, I hope you like this one. I'm very happy to have Dante on the bandwagon :3
Also, 7 is my lucky number and I'm all happy like "hohoho of course chapter 7 had to be Dante's highlight, 7 is always the best" as if I'm not the one writing this thing. Your pocket writer is a goof.
Thanks a lot for waiting so long and I hope you guys enjoy it!! A lot more to come and I don't regret the feels ;)
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Chapter 7
“Two strawberry sundaes, extra berries.”
The barwoman stared deeply into Dante’s eyes, questioning everything about that man. He didn’t have the scent of a full human, but there was something not so quite demonic about him. Nevertheless, the way he dressed, the way he carried himself and the imminent threat in his eyes was directly opposite to his request.
“Well, sorry, darling. Over here, we have only things for grown-ups.” Her answer, though, was mellow and alluring, the same way her whole posture seemed so inviting and hypnotic as she leaned on the counter. “I do have some berries, but they come with a price.”
“Oh, really? And what would be that price then?” Dante leaned a little on the counter, but his arm never left your shoulders. You were actually starting to question why he seemed so protective over someone he had just met.
“The strongest drink on the house, sided by the rarest and most delicious berries you and your babe will ever see.” She looked at you, winking at both of your interests. “Not from this world, definitely forbidden but… Deeply alluring.”
“The taste of sin, then.” As you spoke, she let out a singsong laugh – beautiful albeit threatening. “I’ll have it.”
“Yeah, I’m in as well. Make it two.”
“You won’t regret it, darlings.” The woman winked once again, leaving to prepare your drinks.
You leaned by Dante’s side, still protected by his arm. You had a perfect view of the entire club: dancers of all genders entertained the guests, the lights bled in all tones of red and pink, sometimes broken by a deep blue or a tinge of purple; satin couches adorned with gold painted wood made everyone comfortable and tables looked like marble. The bar was made of a patchwork of mirrors, reflecting its guests and preparing their sins.
You had to admit, it was quite a nice place. Dante said the Love Planet was the best in town, but if they weren’t smart, they would soon be surpassed by The Devil’s Den.
The only issue was the people who seemed to go there: the scent of demons was quite strong, even to your human nose – for Dante, it was almost as bad as the first layer of Hell. Not all demons looked menacing, but many of them had ill intentions in their eyes. A few humans were clearly unsuspecting guests of demons who lured them in, not knowing where they were getting themselves into or what fate held in their future.
You were certain none of those people would leave that place alive.
“The humans seem to be quite clueless.” You finally said, winning a nod from Dante.
“Yeah, somethin’s going on here…” He muttered back, scanning the club as you did. He counted at least five humans among all those people – not much, but if he was there to save a single life, he wouldn’t hesitate to do so. “The ones with human guests are more powerful than the others.”
“How do you know that?”
“See how they’re behavin’?” Dante leaned into you, pointing at some of the people with guests. The other demons didn’t dare get close or even look at the humans who were there as per invitation – they looked, carrying lust in their eyes, but they wouldn’t act upon their desires. And that was very uncharacteristic of demons. “They do that ‘cause of hierarchy. They won’t dare touch something owned by a powerful demon…”
“Unless they are more powerful than the demon who possesses it.” You nodded slowly as Dante eyed you with interest and a fun sense of pride in his stare. “Codex Daemonica. Everything I know about demons comes from the encyclopedia.”
“Ha! Now that’s new!” He had a sudden fun smile on his lips, as if he had just heard a name no one mentioned in years. “Gotta agree with ya, it’s the best way to learn for the first time.”
“Oh, you know the Codex then?” You giggled, quite interested in that. When you mentioned to Lady, she had never heard of it – and it didn’t seem to be something common among devil hunters.
“Of course. By heart, babe.” Dante let out a small laugh; his eyes going back to scanning the club. “But, it doesn’t beat workin’ on the field. Bein’ book smart can only get you so far when fightin’ demons.”
“I would drink to that if our drinks were already here.” You agreed solemnly, knowing he was right. The Codex gave you a lot of information, but fighting a demon for the first time in real life was always a lot more different. You could know everything about the creatures you were up against: it seemed like your brain blanked out and the only thing left was a raw instinct of survival.
You were brought from your thoughts as a demon leaned on the counter a little close to you and Dante pulled you even closer. You didn’t argue, patiently waiting the demon leave with a couple of drinks and Dante’s arm around your shoulders relax a little.
“Sorry ‘bout that, but I don’t want those things to know you’re a human. It can make our job a lil’ more difficult than it already is.” Dante winked at you, making you furrow your brows.
“Why wouldn’t they…?” But as soon as you were asking, you finally noticed something different in his eyes. It was always there, but you ignored it as he was easy to be around – and he was Lady’s friend. “Are you… A demon too…?”
“Eh, not really…” Dante’s answer was a little dragged, somewhat uncomfortable – for the first time in that evening. You furrowed your brows even further. “Half-half. But it’s enough to mask your scent.”
Half demon – that was interesting. During all your time hunting, you had never heard of a half human half demon being before. Looking into his eyes, though, you could see Dante wasn’t lying: there was something of threatening in there, sure, but there was a humanity you couldn’t always find even in the eyes of humans.
“That is enough for me.” Your answer was quiet but set in stone. Once more, Dante looked at you, remembering of someone his heart would miss every single day. Someone who doomed himself to where their father was born.
“Here you go, darlings.” The barwoman came back before he could say anything, though, slipping your glasses in the counter and making your hands meet the dark magenta drinks adorned with berries of all kinds. “Enjoy.”
You and Dante exchanged a look, as if asking each other if it was safe to drink. You giggled a bit, taking the glass between your fingers – but Dante was faster and took a sip before you could even think about doing so.
“Hmmm, Hell Berries. They’ll give you a rush of heat, but they’re safe.” He nodded as you smiled in return. Who would’ve known? Dante drank it before you did so he could see if it was safe for a human or not. Demons could be kind too.
“Ooof, they’re strong. And quite tart.” You let it down your throat, allowing a tiny laugh right after. “I like it.”
Dante smiled in return, taking another sip. He figured you would. Vergil used to like it when they were kids too.
“Well, well, I think all of us are excited for tonight, right?” Someone stepped on the main stage, with all the lights focusing on them. A devilish smile adorned the red lips, exuberant clothes with the chest almost uncovered, short hair slicked back, drawing attention to the pair of vixen golden eyes. “After all, it is time, my darling friends. Today, oh today, she will rise and take this world alongside us!”
You glanced Dante, seeing as he threw the very same look at you. Both of you had one eyebrow raised, wondering the same thing: who was she?
“But of course, to do so, we will need a few friends from the audience! C’mon, don’t be shy!”
Of course, as you and Dante expected, the dancers started gathering the very few humans present in that hellhole – leading them to the stage. They had only smiles and happiness upon being invited to participate, but as the hunters you were, there was only suspicion in your hearts. Slowly, you both left your place at the bar and made your way to the stage – ready to fight when the situation called for it.
“So many beautiful specimens today, she will be so proud…!” The phrase was crowned with a breathless sigh. “The best of the best, I have to say, we will all be wonderfully rewarded!”
As you walked alongside Dante, no demon dared touch you. You noticed the man in the red coat by your side barely seemed to notice – seemed – but it was very obvious no one wanted to get in your way.
“Who do you think is she…?” You muttered to Dante as soon as you stopped in front of the stage.
“No idea…” He shrugged, as his eyes turned into ice cold skies. They reminded you of something, but you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. “It has to be someone strong… And who likes this.”
The humans on stage were being handcuffed on the stage poles, while the dancers made it all a delightful show – not only for the demons, but the humans as well. All creatures in the club were enjoying themselves, you had no doubt – and maybe, just maybe, the demons wanted to have a night of pleasure instead of murder. You and Dante could be wrong.
After all, you could list a few demons from the Codex who were summoned with orgies, so… You never knew.
“But then why would people disappear…?” The question was more for yourself. Not used to hunting with someone else, you wouldn’t really stop murmuring to yourself.
Dante just glanced back at you. The way you carried yourself, the way your brows furrowed while keeping a serious gaze on stage, stoic and proud… It made his heart ache. You murmured the main questions after having a storm of deep thoughts in your mind, just like his brother used to do.
“Oh! No! Don’t cry! You will love it, I promise!” Both of your thoughts were interrupted by the velvety voice on stage – the demon clearly enjoying themselves while brandishing a glistening dagger, already lightly running it on a victim’s neck: the crimson blood slowly making the demons let their animalistic side out. “You’ll enjoy everything for your blood offering, my darling!”
The loud crack of a shot cut through the laughs and silenced the room – the dagger, flying away from the demon’s hand, who just stared back at you both in utter shock.
“You know, there’s a thing between humans called consent.” Dante’s voice finally raised from the back of his warm gun; his cold blue eyes glancing at you with some amusement. “Isn’t that so, y/n?”
“Consent and boundaries. I think murder is usually out of people’s pleasure lists.” You crossed your arms, raising your head with pride, still staring at the demons on stage. The more Dante looked at you, the more he saw what he had lost. “Usually.”
“Eh. I’m not countin’ the sick ones.” He shook his head, gracing you with a slight smile hidden in the corner of his lips.
“Well, if you both want your fifteen minutes of fame, we can surely have some space for you here.” The stage demon had rage in their reddish eyes, annoyance being a very mild word for their feelings at the moment. “She will not be impeded by human hunters like you.”
And you now had a problem in your hands: all inhuman beating hearts in the club were ready to tear yours and Dante’s apart. You finally had your sword ready and Dante held the hilt of the Rebellion – its skull showing its fangs at the demons, ready to claim their blood.
With that sight, the stage demon narrowed their eyes at Dante, carefully analyzing as you started defending against the demons ready to slash your throats. You, no doubt a human, fought with grace and viciousness, carrying a style that few beings would – even among demons, you were too precise, technical and, at the same time, fluid when killing. Dante, in the other hand, favored heavy attacks, using all the strength he needed to wield a heavy sword like Rebellion… A sword that no human could carry with such ease. Even so, you both seemed to have a coordination as if you had fought side by side multiple times – a connection that made him complement your gaps as you balanced his faults; something so utterly human.
A human heart beating with demon blood. And when a demon managed to scrape Dante’s face – something that only happened when he put himself in the way of a blow that was meant for you, even if it would just hurt and not kill – there were any doubts left.
“The son of Sparda…!” The stage demon gasped, widening their red eyes.
Those whispered words felt like an incantation that made some demons stop and stare in awe, as others ran in despair and the rest seemed to be even more bloodthirsty while laughing in a frenzy.
You furrowed your brows, finishing a demon and spilling its blood on your face, while turning your gaze back to the stage to understand what in the hell that demon was talking about.
And their red eyes were locked on Dante – while the man just beheaded a demon who tried to take your life as you tried to make sense of what was going on. As he swinged his sword to get rid of the excess of blood, you saw Dante’s teeth slightly elongated in fangs, his eyes filled with a spark you had only seen once.
“Took your time.” His comment was in a sneer of pure condescendence, confirming what the demon had just said.
Your head spun while you were plunged back into battle by a creature who jumped right at your neck. So, Sparda was real. It meant the legend of him closing the gates of Hell were also real. You never really doubted his existence, but you doubted the rest of the legend – his adoration for humans, his love for a human woman, something that resulted in children of their own: half human, half demon.
Half-half. Just like Dante.
“Hey, y/n! Can you get those people off the stage?” Dante looked at you from over his shoulder, holding back a demon who had its fangs locked around the blade of the Rebellion.
“Sure! What about you?” Your head was spinning, yes. You had a lot to talk about after that fight – but, right now, you had to finish your job.
“I’ll hold these sorry fucks back!” With that, he pushed the demon back and buried his sword on its throat – the floor and his clothes now stained with dark red blood. “Can you handle it alone?”
“I was about to ask you the same.” Your answer was murmured in a dark tone, while you barely looked back at him. In a matter of fact, your eyes were fixed on the demons between you and the stage.
Dante glanced quickly to respond, but his words found draught. You held your sword with both of your hands, bending your knees while your eyes analyzed your enemies like prey. As quickly as your human pace could, you ran through the demons, slaughtering them without blinking and with no hesitation – quickly reaching the stage and swinging the blood off your sword as you went up the stairs with a calm but harsh pace, head held high as the stage demon stumbled back with your approach.
Dante had only seen one person fighting like that in his whole life – not even Trish had those mannerisms.
“You stay back, filthy human!” Now the stage demon wasn’t so sure if they could survive an encounter with you. Your face was smeared with blood, your eyes as cold as ice. “I will not allow you to destroy everything we’ve worked so hard…!”
“What interests me the most…” Your tone was calm, your eyes permanently trained in the demon’s red stare; head held high with a tint of arrogance while you cleaned your sword from the dark demon blood. “Is that any blood would be enough for this kind of ritual. But you, demons, always have a thirst for human blood, don’t you…?”
Your calmness was petrifying. In all its life, the demon never had to deal with a human like you. They were used to emotion controlled humans – something so characteristic of that species – but there you were, acting like a cold-blooded hunter and killer. It was scary. A lot more than the demon thought it would be.
You took the demon’s shock as an opportunity to set free the humans closest to you. Cutting down the chains of the first two, they cried as they saw themselves saved from the horrible fate they thought would be their doom – if the tears were from terror or joy, you wouldn’t know.
Before you could finish what you were set out to do, though, the stage demon ran towards you with rage in their blood red eyes. Grabbing the closest victim you let go, you placed your sword in their hands.
“Use this to free the others. When you’re done, throw it back to me, got it?”
The human couldn’t even say no. They shook their head frantically, holding the heavy sword with both hands, questioning how you managed to make it seem so effortless. With tears in their eyes, the human ran with their mission to accomplish, while you got ready with your hands close to your face.
Before Dante could do anything else, you sucker-punched the stage demon right in the face, making it stumble back in awe.
“C’mon, babe.” You had a smirk in your lips, while making a few moves of martial arts, taunting the demon who now didn’t know if they ran from you or killed you with their bare teeth.
The fistfight didn’t last long, though. With that diversion, the demon didn’t even care about the human setting the other victims free – making it so easy for them to run away. As they got down the stage, Dante made sure he would be able to protect the humans, holding back the demons who were in a frenzy with the thought of losing their sacrifices.
“Through the back! Go!” Dante screamed over his shoulder, eyes tinged with a slight red glow. The victims didn’t even think twice: running towards the door Dante signaled before, soon they were all free.
Your sword laid on stage close to your feet – but not close enough for you to easily catch it. Seeing this, the stage demon made sure you wouldn’t be able to get it back. As you struggled, Dante was finally done with the demons from the club – the others, having ran away from all that carnage – running towards the stage without thinking twice.
“Hey, y/n! Catch!”
As you heard him scream, you punched the demon once again so you had an opportunity to turn around and catch whatever it was that Dante threw at you – and as you did, you saw the glistening silver of one of his guns flying towards you.
Catching Ivory in the air, you locked and loaded as Dante stopped right by your side – aiming Ebony just as you did with its counterpart.
“Jackpot.” He had a slight smile on his lips, grave voice declaring it was all over. The stage demon found their end as you both shot in unison.
It had been such a long time since Dante did that with someone else by his side.
To be continued...
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amandacanwrite · 24 days
Violet Thread of Fate || Part Twelve : The Weave
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Other Chapters || Join Taglist || Requests Open || Subscribe on AO3
Pairing || Elinna Inklynn (Half-drow tav) and Gale Dekarios. Briar Larklight (Gender Neutral Tav) x Halsin
Length || 4,300-ish Words
Scenario || In an alternative timeline for the events of BG3 Elinna Inklynn, an orphan from the Moonshae Islands seeks out the tutelage of accomplished wizard Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep. She has a knack with the Weave, but no money or connections to actually learn how to harness it. She has heard the wizard is a gentleman and a schollar, and hopes she can appeal to him to take her on as his apprentice in exchange for her help around his tower, with his research, and in running errands in Waterdeep. Unfortunately for her, Gale Dekarios does not take on apprentices.
Warnings || Age gap (Perhaps about 10ish years.) Description of scarring from corporal punishment. Mature themes. Shared memories of neglect and abuse. Descriptions of kissing.
A/N|| Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. If anyone has played BG3 you guys probably know what's about to come from Gale's side of the lanceboard, hohoho.
Comments and screaming reblogs are always appreciated, they let me know people are actually reading and enjoying these silly little stories I'm throwing together. No pressure, of course--Just know when you do I'm kicking my feet and giggling at each and every one! I hope the upcoming labor day (if you're in the US) treats you well.
Hopefully I will have another chapter for you very soon.
Taglist || @softvampirewhump @horizonstride @thoughts-of-bear @mymybirdie @tiedyedghoulette
@drabblesandimagines @madwomansapologist @hijirikaww @tryingtowritestuff24 @laserlope
@auroraesmeraldarose @puckprimrose @dont-try-pesticide @cherifrog @circusofthelastdays
@nourangul @crucibelle @fan-aaa-tic @listen-to-navi@spillthetaesissy
@vermililion @weaponizedvirtue @leucineinthesky
Elinna sniffed, wiping an unwanted tear away from her face. 
She hated that her body responded to anger with tears. It was this very thing that prevented her from ever being taken seriously at The Nest, and now it was preventing her from even having a say with her traveling companions. 
She wished he had more to pack. The truth was, she didn’t want to go to the Underdark alone. She didn’t want to separate from Gale or the others.  
While she felt foolish for so immediately changing tune after promising Gale that she didn’t mind if her locket was ruined; that she wouldn’t mind if she never met her mother. Could she really be blamed for it? 
She picked up her bag and hitched it onto her shoulders, turning to leave the room. 
As she did, the door opened and Gale appeared. 
He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, crossing his arms–blocking her exit. He inclined his head besetting her with a sort of…warning look, one a teacher might give an overstepping student; his lips quirked to the side and his thick brows rose, creasing his brow in such a way that it betrayed his age. 
The reminder of that disparity between them twisted uncomfortably in her gut for some reason she couldn’t name. Or perhaps preferred not to name.
“Don’t try to stop me,” Elinna said, hating how her voice warbled. 
“I’m not here to stop you–” Gale said. “Well, I am; but not from going to the Underdark. I’m trying to stop you from leaving now.”
“I told you, I’m not going to risk waiting longer–”
“You are fantastically stubborn, do you know that?” He said. 
“I don’t–” Elinna started.
“Elinna!” he said with an exasperated sigh. “Would you please listen?”
Elinna bit down on her lower lip, looking properly chastened. Silence fell between them for a few long moments.
Gale sighed and stepped off from where he leaned on the door, closing the small distance between them with two steps. 
Elinna could feel the warmth of his body as he lingered in front of her, his head still dropping and enabling him to keep his gaze on her. She felt warmth creeping up her nape as he looked at her and found herself unable to meet his warm chestnut gaze, feeling like she might drown in it if she risked it. 
“Will you come with me for a walk?” He asked. “I want to talk to you. Preferably away from three traveling companions with abnormally keen hearing.”
She finally took a hesitant look up at him, and found his full lips curved in a patient smile. 
“It has been…let’s see–five days since I’ve had the pleasure of your conversation,” he said. “I’d like to remedy that, if you’d allow it.
“You don’t have to pretend to enjoy my prattling,” Elinna said, dropping her gaze once more. “I know you indulge me at best.”
“Where did this sullenness come from? Not an hour ago you were telling me that I was your present,” he teased. “I thought I was one of the few who cared. Has your opinion of me changed so quickly?”
She felt her face warm more, this time paired with guilt for her sudden turn of attitude. 
Elinna’s eyes burned again and another tear fell onto her face. 
Gale clicked his tongue and lifted his calloused hand, swiping the wetness away with the pad of his thumb. She looked up at him again, green eyes meeting his own and not looking away for once. 
“No more of that, please,” he said, his voice low, his eyes full of…something. “I still owe you a proper apology for the day I was terrible to you. Unfortunately you have been very unconscious. So please. A walk.”
Elinna took a deep breath, thinking it through. She didn’t need to think for very long at all. She slid her pack off of her shoulders and gave it a toss onto her still-unmade bed. She couldn’t tell for sure, but she thought Gale heaved a sigh of relief. 
He offered her his bent arm, just as he had when he’d introduced her to Halsin, Briar and Astarion. Part of her wanted to read into the gesture; she’d seen the well-to-do boys in Moonshae walk like that with the young ladies they courted. She remembered wishing a boy would offer her an arm like that. 
The boys in the tavern only ever offered her a night in their beds; and that was if they were the polite ones. Now a fully grown man stood in front of her, offering her this small intimacy that she had pined for, in secret, for years. 
She wondered if Gale knew what he was doing to her poor heart. Perhaps he just thought that it was obvious that he would never take an interest in her; at least not romantically. Whatever the case, it was the sweetest sort of torture to wonder what thoughts went through his head; if he carried the same sort of interest in her as she did in him.
She slipped her hand onto the crook of his arm and he smiled wider, a flash of perfect teeth showing. “Excellent,” he said. “Now, close your eyes for just a moment.”
“Why?” Elinna asked. 
“Because I said so,” he teased, lifting his free hand and giving her a playful flick on her nose. “Close them.”
Elinna finally snorted a laugh, rubbing the affronted spot. She acquiessed, closing her eyes, though she had a hard time hiding the smile that threatened to make a home on her lips.
“That’s better,” he said warmly.  
Elinna felt a sort of building of energy; a bit of a buzzing crackle in the air that made it taste a little stale; smell like the wind before a crack of lightning struck.
And then the faint brush of a breeze through the loose, curling tendrils of her hair. 
“Open them, if you like,” Gale said. 
Her eyes fluttered open and she found herself standing beside Gale. A silvery pond slept nearby, seemingly fed by a babbling brook that had burst through the ground from a spring somewhere below. They were all shaded by the blue-green branches of willow trees, swaying in the wind as Elinna’s hair had. Lily pads peppered the pond, and once in a while, a fish would break the surface of the water to snatch some unseen insect or speck of algae floating above it.
Beneath their feet, a dirt path that led through the trunks of the willows, inviting them to continue on. She looked up at Gale and he gestured ahead with his free hand. “Shall we?”
Elinna nodded and they began to walk. 
“Your absence gave me much to think about, Elinna,” he said. 
“It must have given you the chance to hear your own thoughts,” she mumbled under her breath. 
“Stop that,” he said, bumping her wish his shoulder. “Self-doubt is almost as unbecoming on you as it is on me.”
Is that what this was? Self doubt?
Now that he’d given the feeling a name, she supposed that was exactly what it was. 
“You don’t think I can hold my own,” Elinna said by way of explaining her moping. “None of you do.”
“Objectively, you can’t–” he started. 
“So then can you blame me?” She interrupted. 
“No–I don’t blame you, and that was the point I was trying to get to, if you’d give me the chance,” he said. “You were right, down at that table–when you said that no one was giving you the help you needed to hold your own. And perhaps most right in that regard when it came to my own contributions.”
“You don’t have an interest in acting as a mentor to me–if anything has become clear to me since we started our…alliance…it’s that,” she said. 
“The reasons for my not taking on apprentices are complex, Elinna,” he said. “But they become even more complex when it comes to your tutelage, specifically.”
“Why?” she asked. 
“Because the dynamic between a master and an apprentice is one with a power imbalance. In particular, it would put me in the position of your superior,” he said. “And I…find myself not wanting to impose such a power imbalance on my relationship with you. I would rather have you as an equal, if I’m honest.”
Elinna’s expression fell, her head glancing askance as she tried not to let Gale see it. Her thoughts started tangling into a mess of disappointment and self-pity. If only he realized that in spite of what he wished when it came to the dynamic between them, he would always be her superior. He would always be unreachable to her, in more ways than one–in more ways than he could ever truly know.
“But,” he continued. “There is nothing to say that I can’t teach an equal magic that they don’t know.”
Elinna’s mind came to a screeching halt as she whipped her head to look up at Gale again. He was already looking sidelong down at her, his eyes narrowed knowingly, his lips tugged up into a bit of a cheeky smirk. 
“Y-you–you–” Elinna stammered. 
“Yes?” Gale said, sounding all too pleased with her speechlessness.
“I–” Elinna started once more, huffing out a breath. “Well–”
“I do so love when I get to render someone speechless, especially one so talkative as you,” Gale said. “Take it slowly, Elinna–”
“You…” Elinna said, her voice becoming heavy, forcing herself to form a sentence. “You are a bastard.”
Gale gaped, expression aghast. “Excuse me?!” he retorted. “I offer to teach you magic and you call me, of all things, a bastard?!”
“You knew exactly what you were doing–”
“I was giving you good news with a bit of dramatic timing,” he said. “ Have you never heard of a surprise?! Elminster’s growling gut–I didn’t even know you were capable of language like that!”
“I spent all of my free time singing for coin in taverns! Of course I’m capable of such language!” Elinna said. “You were playing with my emotions! And that makes you a bastard!”
“Elinna, I am going to teach you magic. Can we stay on topic, please?” Gale said, a curve to his lips despite the sudden onset of an argument. “We can continue the debate on whether or not I am a bastard after your first lesson!”
“I hasten to point out that you were the one who got us so off topic,” Elinna said. 
“Elinna,” he said. “Focus.”
Elinna pressed her lips together, not wanting to reward him with a smile–not when it would make him feel so pleased with himself all over again. All the same, she couldn’t help that her own lips started to curve. 
“Are you going to teach me my first lesson now?” She asked, her voice quiet and even a bit conspiritorial as she lifted her thumb to bite at its nail in nervous excitement. 
“Why else would I have brought you out here if not to guard against the slight possibility that you might set something on fire?” Gale said warmly. “Only if you feel up to it, of course. You just woke up and you haven’t eaten yet.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt more energized for something in my life,” Elinna said. 
“I had an idea that would be the case,” Gale said, smirking again. 
They walked for just a little while longer, the babbling brook acting as a companion as they traveled. The clearing Gale promised came into view, a large circular space with a craggy floor of dense packed clay and slabs of stone. More willows stretched upward toward the sky above them, the long branches seemingly trimmed in preparation for this lesson. 
“We have four of the five elements in this space,” Gale said, “making it a great place for us to conjure the weave.”
“Earth, water, air…” Elinna said. “Where is the fire?”
“The fourth we have is spirit,” Gale corrected. “As for the fire…”
Gale held his free hand up, conjuring a small ball of flame before letting it float to a small pile of willow branches and setting it ablaze. 
“There we are,” he said. “Now, we’re going to start with something basic–something even more basic than the cantrips you know. You’re simply going to learn to conjure the weave and to hold onto it. I will be acting as a conduit, but only enough to make it more tangible for you. What you accomplish here today, it is your magic to be proud of.”
“Alright,” Elinna said with a nod, her chest tight with anticipation. 
“So, what do you know about the weave, Elinna?” Gale asked. “Run me through it.”
“From my reading…” Elinna said. “It’s the essence of Mystra herself, and it runs through everything on our material plane. Through its pathways magic travels to those who would use it.”
“Excellent,” Gale said with a proud smile. “Could not have said it better myself.”
Elinna’s heart fluttered with Gale’s praise. 
“Now–the times I have done this with others; with people who weren’t hoping to master the use of the weave, I’ve made it easy for them. But I’m going to challenge you, Elinna. I’ll challenge you as I was challenged by Elminster as a youth. You may find yourself frustrated, but hold fast. Believe in yourself as I believe in you,” Gale said. 
“Do you?” Elinna asked. “Believe in me?”
Gale’s eyebrows quirked up. “How could you even ask me something like that?”
Elinna exhaled softly. “‘Equals?’” She quoted from their argument before Astarion had taken her as his captive. “‘Of all the delusions…’”
Gale grimaced. 
“Elinna…” he said, stepping forward and lifting one of his hands into hers. “I was so abhorrent to you a few days ago. I haven’t had an opportunity to properly apologize yet. I am sorry for the things that I said. I know I’m not able to take it back, but I hope you trust me enough to believe me when I say I didn’t mean a word of what I said when I was so cruelly disparaging your character.” He sighed. “You have been the most pleasant surprise in my life so far, and I wish I could show you how deeply I regretted what I did–I wish you could have borne witness to my contrition while you recovered.”
The apology was...overwhelming…for Elinna. She merely wanted a confirmation that he truly meant what he’d said when he’d said he believed in her. Instead he’d given her the apology equivalent of a love confession. Or perhaps…that was merely wishful thinking. 
Gale was always so grandiose–seemingly in everything–perhaps she shouldn’t read into the linking of their arms; the brushing away of her tears; the way his hand now cradled her own. 
“I believe in you, Elinna,” he said. “Implicitly, completely. If there is anyone who has a passion for magic that perhaps rivals my own, it’s you.”
Elinna swallowed and forced herself to nod, wondering how her focus would manifest now that she was fighting the urge to swoon with his high opinion of her. 
“Now,” Gale said, releasing her hand and taking a few steps back from her. “The weave is exactly what it sounds like–as you said, its threads run through every facet of our reality. As magic users, we pluck and pull at the threads and, by extension, alter the tapestry of that reality.”
Elinna nodded. 
“We do this through casting gestures.” Gale lifted his hands and moved them just so, causing a brief spark to materialize. “And through invocations–such as your unfortunate use of misty step upon our first meeting.”
“You didn’t use an invocation to teleport us here,” she pointed out. 
“That was going to be my next point, actually,” he said. “Once a wizard or sorceress is learned enough, they can use the weave without any such aids. But for you, as a novice, they will help you remain focused on the spell you’re attempting to cast.”
“For simply touching the weave, you only need one casting gesture,” Gale said as he lifted his hand and placed it over his chest. “Place your hands over your heart.”
Elinna nodded, lifting her gloved fingers to her chest and pressing them to the spot over her heart. 
“Focus on the way your heart feels in your chest, how it feels…how it feels like it contains your own essence in the same way the weave contain’s Mystra’s essence. Feel how it connects you to everything around you; how it connects you to Halsin and Briar. How it connects you to Astarion. How it connects you even to me…”
Elinna closed her eyes, lest his words encourage her to look at him directly and render her distracted. She followed his instructions, thinking about the threads that bound up her own fate with that of her traveling companions. How even the vampire that nearly got her killed was now somehow their ally. 
She thought of the moments she’d shared with Gale in privacy, and how even after only a few short days, she found herself utterly and unerringly loyal to him. 
“Fantastic work,” Gale said, his voice so quiet that she could hear the movement of his tongue in the seat of his mouth. “You’re wrapping the weave around your fingers now, you may not be able to sense it yet, but I can see it.”
“Mm,” Elinna said, wanting to acknowledge his words, but not wanting to lose the focus she’d cultivated. 
“Now, I want you to imagine those threads as lines on a piece of parchment–think of when you first learned to write. I know that memory is one that is likely fraught with pain for you, but focus on what it enabled you to do–what it enabled you to learn on those late nights up in The Nest. With your heart, with your essence, you’re going to write on those lines–only you will write with your voice rather than a pen,” he said. 
“Alright,” she said. 
“Repeat after me: ‘Ah-Thran, Mystra-ryl, Kantrach Ao,” he said. 
In her mind’s eye, she imagined it. The threads of weave stretching out into the stars as three violet, shimmering lines, such as on a child’s notebook. She imagined her voice as the quill which etched out the words in careful script. 
“Ahthran, Mystraryl, Kantrach Ao,” she repeated, the words seeming to resonate and echo in her own ears; seeming to vibrate in her chest. 
The smell of…lilacs and sweet, honeyed wine filled her nostrils. She felt at peace as she stood there with her hands still touching her heart. It was the sensation of being flirted with for the first time by someone who she thought of as beautiful. It was the first time she lay in bed with a book she simply couldn’t put down, finding joy in the story in lieu of getting a restful sleep. It was the way Gale’s thumb felt against the sweep of her cheekbone when he wiped away her errant tear. 
“You’re doing wonderfully,” Gale said, his voice so close and quiet now that she could almost feel his breath against the pointed shell of her ear. Her arms beneath her waistcoat prickled with gooseflesh, she felt almost as if she awaited a kiss.  “There is only one thing remaining. You must picture in your mind the image of perfect harmony, whatever that might be to you.”
Elinna felt as if she had almost entered a trance state. There were no thoughts floating in her mind–only feelings and images and finally, the melody of a song. 
To her knowledge, it was not a song she had heard before, and yet she knew the words as if they had been penned onto her very heart. Her voice sounded before she could stop it, and the song flowed out of her, channeled from her soul as she used it to channel the weave. 
Sleep little one under moon's soft light
Stars will watch you through the night
Though I must part the sky's gentle gleam
Will keep you safe in a tender dream
Under the moon and stars so bright
You’ll feel my love through the lonesome night
Though we're apart, my love will stay
In every star’s light, till the break of day
Close your eyes, let night wind sing
Of the peace the familiar dark can bring
Though I'm away my love is near
In every star you'll find me, dear
Elinna was grateful for her eyes being closed as she finished the sorrowful lullaby that bubbled to her lips in her state. She didn’t know exactly why, but she found herself wanting to cry. She wondered if she’d heard it in a drink-addled state from one of the more sullen bards that frequented the inns she used to go to in hopes of earning a few coins. 
She didn’t have long to think about it before she heard Gale’s soft voice just beside her though. 
“Elinna,” he said, his voice quiet with awe. “You’ve done it.”
Her amber lashes fluttered and she opened her eyes to a breathtaking sight. 
Her hands dropped at her sides as she found herself standing beside Gale in an orb of perfect, starlit darkness.
She looked down at her boots, the clay ground having given way to inky, violet night sky. Silvery stars blinked around her, and as she lifted one of her fingers to touch one of them, it flew across the sky she had conjured, breaking into a breathtaking cascade of smaller stars. 
The stars coalesced to form the shape of a moth, and the creature fluttered to Gale’s awaiting open hand. 
“Incredible,” he said in a whisper. “Elinna, I think you may be an unwitting sorceress.”
“Really?” Elinna asked. “I thought most of this came from you.”
He looked at her, and the way that his eyes sparkled as they crinkled with mirth took her breath away. “No,” he said. “I may have wrangled a thread here or there, but this illusion you’ve conjured…that was all you. You can feel it, can’t you?”
She could, she realized. The harmony she envisioned with the song that materialized from somewhere inside of her had expanded to encompass every part of her. Every cell, every thought. There was a sweet taste on the tip of her tongue; like the subtle, sweet tang of bee pollen. Her heart swelled with affection–several different kinds of affection, in fact. The care you feel for a small animal when it looks at you with wide, marble-like eyes. The intimacy of a close friendship–like the one she had with Gale. 
There was the awe of seeing something entirely new and unexpected. The excitement of a new experience. And underneath all of it was something altogether new for her. 
The pleasant feeling of new love. Or perhaps what she thought new love might feel like. 
At the same time she identified it, she saw Gale’s chest expand with a deep, steadying breath. His eyes searched hers, and for once she didn’t find herself shying away from it. 
No, in fact, she found herself emboldened by the rush of power and pride flooding her veins. She let her eyes fall to his lips and, for once, let herself freely imagine just what she might like to do with them–where she would like to feel them. 
She imagined, if only for a moment, what it might feel like for Gale to brush not only his thumb against the crest of her cheekbone, but what it must feel like to have his calloused hand cup the side of her face. She imagined how clumsy her lips might feel to him, being the practiced older man that he was. How he might show her just how lips were meant to mingle and enmesh when it was done correctly; just as he taught her to pluck the strings of the weave. 
She was lost in the image for a long time, almost feeling the slick sensation of his tongue tracing her lower lip, begging for entry. The taste of his afternoon tea on his tongue. The taste of moonlight on her own throat as he lapped the spot where her neck met her jaw. 
Gale cleared his throat, and her eyes snapped back to his. 
“How do you feel?” he asked her. 
“Incredible,” she breathed, echoing his earlier sentiment, though she didn’t quite notice just how sensual her voice sounded. 
And then, just as quickly as it came, the illusion flickered and vanished. 
Her knees buckled and Gale caught her, arms supporting her weight with ease. 
“Careful, Elinna,” Gale gasped as he adjusted her in his arms, albeit a bit clumsily. “Are you alright?”
Elinna blinked, the warm, comfortable feeling dissipating and leaving her feeling…cold….and lonesome. 
“W-what happened?” she asked. “Where did it go?”
“You released it…” Gale said, examining her face. “And you’re looking a mite pale, as well.”
Her stomach let out an embarrassing sound, like a dog grumbling. 
“Ah,” he said, “Well, that would certainly explain it. Perhaps we shouldn’t have attempted this on an empty stomach after all. Forgive me, as much as I believed in your abilities, I didn’t expect you to conjure something quite so advanced. I’m sure it burned through whatever reserves of energy you had left.”
She gave him a bittersweet smile and nodded. “I told you you shouldn’t underestimate me,” she teased. 
“And when did you say that?” Gale said, his voice warmly amused. 
“Mmn,” she said as she got back onto her feet. “Maybe I didn’t. But consider yourself properly warned now.”
Gale chuckled. “Oh, I very well do,” he said. “Come Elinna, let’s get you back to the inn and fill that belly of yours.”
Elinna gave an airy, almost silly little laugh. “Very well,” she said. 
She couldn’t wait to tell the others the good news. 
She was a sorceress!
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mofffun · 3 months
Cantonese Kingoh aired ep4 yesterday. and I'm. can't say pissed, but that word isn't far from the truth. It's just laughable to me, the whole situation. and I'm probably the most ridiculous of all.
So. Rita has 2 scenes in ep4 and we get two addresses: from Racules, "Saibannchou" (Chief Justice) and from Kaguragi, "Rita koku-ou" (Sovereign Rita)
The Catonese dub kept "Saibannchou" as is and changed "Sovereign Rita" to "Queen Rita".
That had me fuming!!!! ><><><>.<>.<>O< OOOOOOOOOOOO
That was completely unnecessary! and I feel a little "betrayed" for sitting through other less than desirable translation and voice acting (For example Himeno's ojou-sama hohoho laugh became a happy childish hahaha).
Worst is I don't even know WHO to point fingers at even if I'm low enough to lay blame by assumption. Is it the TV station? the outsource dubbing studio? the toy distributor?
The re-naming is a deliberate act and the translation logic doesn't even remain consistent within the same episode, since Saibannchou is kept as is without being re-contextualized in the HK/Cantonese law system to "Chief Justice".
I'm just really disappointed in how uncessary the change is. The TV station is even persumed (big air quote) to be "progressive" by having remade Ossan Love (or something, I haven't watched local TV in 5 years).
I guess I'm just made I've been confronted with the reality that representation/stereotype/awareness locally is just shit and LGBTQ+ issues are just a laughing stock or marketing tactic with the wider public simply refusing to listen or swept it under the "left plastic" rug. (and like, even as a casual viewer I've been watching queer representation in local TV production for as long as I can read…)
I know I'm wind up because I consumed caffiene that noon, but it just left me so sour and bitter? I want nothing more than to support the local broadcast of my favourite Sentai of all time. I have put aside funds for it. Now I just. I'm not even interested in watching my liege's debut episode! The dub was already bad, and this is just ourtright wrong. And it's almost like if I remain caught up, something the original was with me 'til the end, I'm the clown here.
It was like, you always knew the (Cantonese) dub is gonna be bad, you always knew this TV station/local distributor is so-so about the shows, you always knew the whole Cantonese dubbing industry is dwindling, you always knew HK people only likes to watch people pok gai WHY do you bother. I think I want to raise the question on li regardless of the slash if just to raise some awareness. I also try to stop myself from being too combative right from the start. I just be asking why was a change that completely oppose the original text was deemed necessary? Let's hear their consideration if they would even reply to my email. I be gonna looking at CFDA to launch a complaint or something.
The whole thing about Rita being denied a queer identity (from official or fans) that irks me is that the story was never even about their queer identity at all! The story isn't trying to push any agenda to the straights or there would've been an episode from Rita talking about their identity and its significance right???? The story is very much trying to break the binary by demonstrating their gender doesn't matter in regard to their actions and capability as king, by DOING NOTHING. And if higher-ups are gonna to catch whispers and shadows I'm just so, disappointed. The witch-hunting just go to show how fragile such conservative values and those who deem those as "the way it is" are.
p.s. i need to dig up the mainland chinese dub and taiwan dub for comparison, korean dub if i can…
-> chinese dub kept Koku-ou as is and taiwan dub airs this friday
p.p.s./edit: i read a comment that ep1 deleted some violent scenes because the programme is not PG, i.e. the TV station doesn't bother putting a PG warning before the show, going through the communications authroity guidelines (re: not law) for related sections
-> the guidlines only has a section on sex/nudity instead of queer topics. The diction was very vague too on other categories under what requires a parental guidance label. But there has been precedents and other actual laws that i can look up.
I'm just really tired after all these typing and I should really shift my focus on something useful like the tons of VS talks, behind-the-scenes and Yuzuki and Erica's photo book press release.
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hell-drabbles · 7 months
Alright no idea what to talk about but I just wanted to tell this niche little things
In Beel's attack of kings prologue story he talks about a shop that allows people to change genders
And honestly I have never wanted to be somewhere more then that
Anyways I had something to say about embittered companion and angel companion but I'm still thinking it out rn
And also this au idea was for a obey me au
But essentially think of a au where the devils can sacrifice Solomon's descendant to bring back Solomon
I don't know
I feel like the demons would do so without regret if there was a choice to do so
Dante Anon
Huh, that sounds like fun. And take your time with your thinking, I too am taking my time. But that's because I've been groggy.
I probably wouldn't call it changing genders so much as customizing your own body, almost build-a-bear style, just so there's a plethora of options that isn't just limited to what is perceived as female and male by the masses. Don't want to change anything about your dick but want to have the biggest of knockers? Go right ahead. Want a pussy but don't want anything else? Go right on ahead buddy. Want the stuff to be temporary or permanent? You can choose so. Lot of little options, might be overwhelming to a beginner so there might be sampler packages to start them right off.
Also sorry for not being all that active, immune system went a little into overdrive and became convinced I was infected with something and gave me the old fever and chills combo. And then I started showing signs of hives and low blood pressure and almost whited out just trying to look for some medication but I'm doing better now. It's my own fault really, I haven't been eating well at all.
And hohoho, that certainly sounds like an interesting au, though I can only imagine it as a series of one-shots rather than something I can expand. Curse my limited imagination! Solomon's descendant over is pretty much engrossed in this paradise that they're in. They're being fucked however they liked, they're indulging in new and weird kinks just about every day, and the devils give them all the love and affirmation that they could possibly want! Which, eventually, leads to them forgetting that they're devils. They've been projecting their own human elements upon the devils, and often forget just how fickle and childish they can be.
So, when the opportunity comes that Solomon can be brought back with this sacrifice, of course they take it. And that would slap the descendant right in the face, a dose of reality that they have entirely forgotten was possible. Funny too, because I would imagine this all happens right after the descendant has abandoned their home back on Earth.
I just like the thought of the descendant being smacked in the face that these devils have different values and different ways of expressing themselves, that their ability to love and fuck isn't reserved to just the descendant like they want it to be. I just like being cruel to them. Seriously, out of all the self insert protagonists, there's something about them that just...ticks me off. They just remind me of all the male eroge protagonists that I've ever played. They're all horny to atmosphere-deafness, they're all dumb as fuck, and they all make me feel second hand embarrassment just reading about them as they bumble their way into dick or pussy because they showed the barest of kindness. The fact they can be female does not absolve my feelings towards them.
But, instead of getting rid of that personality all together, I want to commit to it and see what kind of person it ends up creating. Just, how big of a mess would this person be with these kinds of traits interacting in Hell, in a place that does not put sex and love in the same category. Any descendant that is easily jealous of other devils fucking one another is not going to survive down here. I know there are devils that want to fuck one person only, but that was so hamfisted in there to placate the audience that I don't consider it canon. Nor do I consider the "some devils can lie" canon. They can be tricky with their words, intentionally misleading, but lying outright they cannot do.
But anyways, this kind of au would force Solomon to also shift his perspective on the devils, since he seems to believe that they're all innocent. He infantilizes them, simply put, and that will also come biting him in the ass because, simply put, they're devils. Indulgent in their sins, no restrictions to be found.
But yeah, that be my thoughts. The angels and devils, as they are now, are just too human for me, you know? But ah, I'm just repeating myself. Sorry about that.
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stari-hun · 20 days
Gender is manga villainess going hohoho~ until I’m in a makeup store then I’m just a lost man
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zhvakinnn · 1 year
Giyu's what?!..
Pairing: giyu x reader (any gender)
Butttt reader is giyuu's sister
Requested by: me, myself and i
One day giyuu's sister/brother/sibling became a hashira
This is a head cannon on what the hashiras reaction
Tumblr media
(sorry if this is bad I've never written this kind of fanfic before,and sorry for my bad English)
•when he heard that someone became a hashira (which is you)
•(i don't know what breathing style you want, so I'm letting you choose)
•and they found out that reader is giyuu's sister/brother/sibling (you've told your name obviously)
•sanemi is the type when you walk in or just spoken a single word will curse the sh!t out of you (this man is mad for no bloody reason)
But if master ubayashiki said to be nice to you he might or not
•obanai is the type to avoid you (cough past trauma cough if you a girl)
But if your a boy he doesn't talk to you much and just ignore since you're giyuu's sibling afterall
(if your not a boy or a girl mostly each of these if you look like a boy then he will do what I wrote and if your a girl looking. Sorry I couldn't think for a specific gender)
• mitsuri is the type to always greet you, random hugs
(if you had long hair she will braid it)
(if you had short hair she will pigtails it)
(if your bald she mostly put head band on it)
But if your a boy hohoho some btch will watch you from afar having an intrusive thoughts about you
(just what I explained earlier I don't know how to make a specific gender)
• shinobu is the type to greet you and tease giyu you most of the time like
"my my I didn't know giyu can have friends"
•uzui is the type to tease you if your a girl like he'd be on he's knees and beg you to be he's 4th wife (oh god)
(if you wear something shiny like necklace earrings etc. He will call you ✨FLASHY✨)
If your a boy maybe or maybe not you may came in counter the HOT FLASH duo you migth be trio ( I don't know how to describe this-)
•himejima is the type to go soft on you whatever your gender is he will sometimes show you he's kitties
(he might be scary at first but you will know he's very soft)
•rengoku is the type to respect you he will instantly know what your pronounce will be and yes he will shout a loud good morning to everyone he knows your boundaries he can random headpat you even if your taller or storter than him
•miuchiro is the type to forgot who you are
(if you act motherly/fatherly/ parently he may not forgot about you )
Giyu doesn't show any emotion towards the others but he can have a soft spot on you
You are both the opposite you are joyful and he's the calm one but you still get along
After your parents and your elder sister death you made a promise to protect each other at all cost (mostly him)
This is my first head cannon that I've made
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zestyderg · 4 months
Woah hohoho Zesty! Regarding Jolene Wildwest there was an AU I made when I was younger where it was also a trans AU where EVERYBODY genders changed alongside a bit of the story. So basically Jolene’s Skullsona “Dolene” was very pretty despite she’s a skull but the moment she gets watered down she’s gets a bit…. Yzma looking. Yeah don’t go near her with water on you. As for Lady ZZ, yes, also a big diva and yes they both hate each other like normal. Unless Good! Lady ZZ exists too! Ok thx lmao!
An AU where everyone is genderswapped but specifically in a trans way? Neat!
Personally would go for Donnah or Donnie Boneyard instead of Dolene, actually. The BB Brigade would of course call her 'The Don', and nothing about her would change, personality wise. Maybe some tweaks to her outfit, but that's a big maybe.
I already think that ZZ would be genderfluid. A fem! ZZ would just be as decrepit and rank as her canon counterpart. Literally nothing would change for ZZ. No name change, or design change. She's still a wretched skull and an even more wretched zombiesaur.
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
Regarding your clown OCs: I have zero background in this, but what can you tell us about Thing, Sebastian, and Starshine?
hohoho OKAY SO >:D
I made an explanation post about the world here in case this is confusing, but basically this is a world where when a human clown dies, their clown persona takes on life as a full new person. Clowns are not human, but they're people; they have no memories when they appear, but they know whatever languages their human parent knew, so they know general definitions of most relevant concepts.
ok ok ok THING TIME >:D Thing is my baby darling precious little creature. I'm not playing favorites but Thing is definitely one of my favorites, you know? It does take some background explanation to understand, though, so buckle up:
There are lots of types of clowns in this world. Circus clowns. Party clowns. Medical clowns. Tramp clowns. Mimes. Harlequins. The list goes on. But there's also a type of clown that's a whole other thing, and that's Scare Clowns. Being a scary clown is like being a werewolf but for clowns; any type of clown can become a scary clown if they're bitten by a scary clown. (Ouch!) I haven't got all the details hammered out yet, but becoming a Scare Clown is traumatic and awful and completely ruins your chances of getting a decent job.
Thus, Thing. Thing is called Thing because it forgot its own name. It's been a scary clown for a long time. Its clothes are ratty, its hair is matted, and it eats raccoons. (and other things, but the raccoons thing becomes an in-joke, I think.) It's homeless, of course. It gets rescued and befriended by Rudy, a lovely optimistic birthday clown, and slowly grows more like a person and less like a feral cat. I love Thing <333
(eventually Rudy figures out Thing's gender, I think, but uh. clowns don't have reproductive systems, and Thing referred to itself as an "it" for a while, so Rudy didn't know. and I haven't decided yet.)
Sebastian and Starshine!!
Sebastian is a Pierrot, one of those black-and-white romantic clowns you see sighing wistfully over things with those big black poofs on their front. Do you know what I'm talking about?? oh well, this is going to be long anyway, I'll just give you a picture:
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Sebastian had an unusual situation when his parent died. His family, the mother and brother of his parent, kept him with them and tried to get him to assume the identity of his human parent (Jean Sebastian). They thought he would eventually develop Jean's memories. They Were Wrong. But they sure caused Sebastian a lot of grief trying to make him be Jean.
Starshine!! Starshine's parent died as a teenager; she was putting the final touches on the persona and makeup, so Starshine is what's known as "half-baked"—a clown who came from some form of incomplete persona. It's annoying to her—there's a star on her cheek sometimes, but not other times, seemingly randomly. Starshine works in a restaurant (she's a chef) and has a super cheap apartment. That's pretty much economically par for the course for a young clown. The family of Starshine's parent helped her out for the first few weeks, but she wanted to make it on her own and their grief was making her life really awkward?? Anyway, she's currently trying to decide if she can afford a hamster <333 I love her so much <333
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lpsluvblr · 5 months
Ok so I want to show some of my LPS LGBT hdcs of the main pets cuz yes-
Zoe: Bi and GreyAce
Pepper: Pan and DemiGirl
Vinnie: Gay and Transmale
Minka: Pan, Asexual and Transfemale
Sunil: Bi and GenderFluid
Russell: Pan, AroAce and DemiBoy
Penny Ling: Bi, Asexual and NonBinary
I wanted to know some of your opinions on them, sorry if this is random😅
Oh My GoD YES!! thank you! I love this so much don’t ever be sorry yes send me things!! I do have to be honest with you though I don’t know all the gender things. I’m still learning about them so bear with me on that thought. 🫶😅
Ok let’s start with Zoe the Queen! - I personally see her as bi myself because in the show, she does have her little crushes, but she’s so flirty with the girls it’s so cute! oh I see ok yeah that makes a lot of sense too anon I like that umbrella term for her that so good honestly YES to this!!
- oh hohoho YES she loves everyone! I personally have had penny Ling in this category because she already has that personality to me but I can’t totally see pepper just being happy and being so chill and open about her dating life like she just vibes with anyone so her dating pool is HUDGE that second one just makes me think of her and Zoe that makes me so happy you don’t even know they spend so much time together anyway she knows her so well but I have also started to see more of her and minka being something more? That for another time though 💕 perfect anon perfect!
- The man of the hour now we all know this man is not straight so that first one just hits just right right on the money!! I’ve been seeing more people, head canon or draw him as trans and I have been on board with it just because it makes so much sense and he would just look so good even as a woman and his friends would be so supportive, and that just makes me so happy to see they’d see it coming from a mile away. The interest in different fashions, the make up, the long hair i’d also like to think that if there was a name change, Vanessa would be it because it’s so close anyway. 😊 or to be punny vinessa hehe.
- again this fits her she just likes anyone but yes minka would rather just like you she doesn’t really need intimacy to express that just having a lot of friends is enough for her happiness! Trans minka! It makes sense just like vinnie’s does! Everyone would support her through everything especially her bestie penny! What you’ve said so far just makes so much sense and now I think I love trans minka and much as vinnie ♥️
- again I personally had canon him as bi or gay so to me this this makes me so happy! I had to look this up to make sure I remembered correctly what it stood for and I have to agree with you again, because in all honesty, Sunil is one of those characters that I could see who would change themselves up, just depending on how they feel and I love that because Sunil can definitely be anything and it makes me so happy. what influenced me the most on this is also seeing him drawn as a her and realizing that they both look spectacular and I can’t help but hope that it keeps happening. I’d also like to hope that it would be an amazing confidence booster!
-for Russell I could see pan he definitely would just be fine with anyone as long as they loved him this second one though! I love this because he’s so caring and loving and motherly in his own way. I’ve always felt he has such strong feelings for the people he cares about, but he doesn’t know how to express them very much. It’s not necessarily a romantic attraction. This canon makes me happy because it fits him so well, especially in the show and just his personality in general like AAAAjgitrkckgkrofjcgkgk (my happiness) once I read it the Demi boy term is also him no one can change my mind now it fits its perfect and makes me happy!!
- and last penny the sweetest thing! bi penny yes of corse she deserves this title honestly because she is so flirty and so sweet I couldn’t see her being able to pick feelings for one or the other anyway so she just has both 😅 YES just like Russell her love is endless and platonic she just LOVES and her friendships mean the world to her!! See this one I haven’t thought about either, but I can see her being that and being kind enough to explain it to complete strangers, who ask I just love this for them so much!!! You don’t even know!!
Thank you so much, and I really love seeing other peoples perspective on these characters in such a little fandom!!! It brings me so much happiness, and I also appreciate the learning opportunity but seeing the genders next to the perspective, characters makes so much sense to me and helps me also put a name to how I feel about them as well which you have helped me do.💕 feel free to send me any more things that you would like or to talk to me anytime I am so willing to talk about all the things related to this fandom!!!
Sidenote, I am sorry if at any point during my responses, I did miss gender or anything like that. I wasn’t sure how to go about it so hopefully my responses are ok for you!! 🙂 I do also apologize if I did get anything wrong when it came to some of the terms, I was looking them up as I went to try to understand better so I could answer them properly for you, but I honestly love everything you sent me and every single one makes complete sense so I agree with you 100% on that!!!
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
ok now that i finished my "absolotly canon because i can now put my love for him into cold canon facts that i observed"
its time for things i know about the Eighth doctor that i know because i headcanon them and so they are real TO ME 😭 (you are more then welcome to adot any of these of course, if anyone will want to)
- an old one that i still think is true: MY GUY IS A MUSICAL NERD, he absolotly listens to some bops as he is flying the tardis around, confusing Charley as he bops to Naughty (because he would LOVE Matilda come on) he defenetly listen to A LOT OF THEM in the beginning of his adventures, Everybody's talking about Jamie, beetlejuice and so on. (and this is also me projecting of course but like, what other doctor but him?? he would have dance paries all the time)
but serosly, the guy littiraly lives Matilda, listens once to Quiet and he is like "i have never heard something more relatable in my life", Charley adores Six and he honestly can't blame her, a fan of Everyone's talking about Jamie and beetlejuice for sure he is as well!
even before Charley gets into it, he will drop quotes and little melodies and Charley would have to be like ??? oh he is at it again (i will expand upon this headcanon because i have a lot to say about it hehe)
- has panic attacks!! i think he has a lot of problems with emotinal regulation post movie, recovering from fucking attempted body snatching, so i think in the first couple of episodes he would have a lot of trouble balancing his overexcitment and his more dark and almost emotinaless anger states so i think it makes sense that he would have a lot of issues with regulating from the fucking traumatic shit he is going through with Charley, i think in the beginning its more prominante and he gets a little better about it, ie btter with handeling them and hiding them, and i also think that Charley also gets hem which is why it makes sense they sort of have to help each other through it his shutdowns (which i also headcanon he has) go through a jouney is also fasinating to me, like, i headcanon him having trouble to being able to contain meltdown because fuck i am distressing everyone else fuck- so through time he ends up having extreme shutdowns instead, the kind that he just instently drops to the floor expressionless and just... stayes there for a while (i might a bunch of drabbles about it too fghfddfg) ALSO SCHERZO IS BASICALLY HIM REALISING A LOT OF HIS PENT UP EMOTIONS AND HE IS TRYING TO REPSESS WHAT HE IS FEELING BUT THEN HE HAS NOCHOISE AND JUST EXPLODES
- the reason he gets amnesiac a lot is because of the events of the movie, basically having the master try and dissconect his mind from his body so close to his regenaration basically makes his brain to be a lot more frail then other doctor's brains and it tends to slip away from him a lot because of this!!
- NON BINERY TO THE MAX, the dude might be genderfluid, i see people headcanoning 8 as genderfluid and i get it, as a genderfluid guy who loves to project on peopel who it loves, would usually make my fave genderfluid but he is also just so!!! genderfuck idk, defenetly expreses his gender in the most fluid way possible tough!! when someone asks him what his pronouns today are he is just like "hmmm i am quite happy today i think :)" and sometimes "i can't think today!!" or "hehehe hohoho i am sad, what is gender", defenetly uses they/them pronouns most of the time!!, he/they sometimes, the experiments go on!! (also i wrote down these headcanons before i saw some qoutes from the EDAs and JESUS OMG YES ITS SO NICE TO KNOW SOME FORM OF CANON RECOGNIZES THE GENDER ENERGY OF THIS VICTORIAN DANDY)
- some sort of physically disabled!! i personally headcanon all of the doctors to be physically disabled of some kind, but espeshelly 8! to have what is arguably concidered the most enthusiastic and energetic Doctor to be the one that needs a mobility aid makes my disabled heart so happy. its too early to tell when he discoves this, but to me he was BORN with aching legs and slight chronic pain, he just didn't notice it because ya know... the littiral medical wire that was stuck inside his chest... and of course other more urgent matter of potincial body stealing, he just thought it was pretty normal!! then through the Charley arc its slwly gets worse, at the end of the day he does concider a crutch or a cane because why not!
ok yes this is a basic list (and i can goall out about most othese ecae i love them so much)
(ALSO i do wanna add stuff from the EDAs is just the dylesixa will be a problem with reading those but im working on it 😤😤)
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