#HOA Cost Management
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luckywerewolfstrawberry · 15 days ago
Falke HOA
1666 Kennedy Causeway Suite 207 North Bay Village
Miami Beach, FL
(305) 900-4615
FALKE is your trusted partner for Owner’s Representation and Project Management in South Florida. With 35+ years of construction expertise, we specialize in helping HOAs navigate complex projects efficiently. Our tailored approach ensures seamless execution, transparent communication, and expert oversight to keep projects on track.
Why Choose FALKE?
✔ Decades of Experience – We bring deep industry knowledge to handle any construction challenge.
✔ Tailored Solutions – Custom project management services designed exclusively for HOAs.
✔ Professional Oversight – We ensure progress tracking, deadline adherence, and quick issue resolution.
✔ Transparent Communication – Keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project.
Partner with FALKE for efficient, professional, and stress-free HOA project management in South Florida.
Monday- Friday, 8 am–6 pm
Saturday & Sunday, Closed
Construction Management, Project Management, Development Management, Renovation, Cost Management, Consultation
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bachassociates1 · 6 months ago
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Choosing the Right Construction Management Service for Your Project in Seattle - David Bach & Associates
When embarking on a construction project in Seattle, one of the crucial decisions you’ll make is selecting the right construction management service. Whether you’re planning a commercial development in Downtown or a residential project in Capitol Hill, the expertise and efficiency of your construction manager can significantly impact your project’s success. https://bachassociates.com/construction-management-service-seattle/
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phaeton-flier · 1 month ago
So there's been some talk about workplace democracy recently and-
well it does sound good, and make sense, to have your company be ultimately run by an elected board. and there are plenty of organizations — including outright armies! — where the managers on the local level are elected by the lowest level. But what happens when these two organizing principles conflict?
Suppose you work a factory, and there are the line workers and the delivery drivers and the guys who load and unload the trucks and some people in sales and someone to manage purchasing inputs and the normal spread of HR and accounting and janitorial and such. What if accounting keeps sending out checks late, and the manager claims he's doing his best, and on the outside it looks like he's just running a shit ship?
If your department elects their manager and the rest of the organization can override that decision, you don't actually get to elect your manager: You just get to recommend one, and you can 100% end up with the same petty dictator. And they have to, because if the company as a whole cannot fire someone there is zero clear recourse if someone starts to just not show up.
And that only gets worse as the company scales: If you tried this on the scale of a US-state-sized enterprise, much less a multinational, you suddenly have to deal with this kind of thing from groups hundreds of miles away! And while you can get a board that is much more worker friendly, much less likely to vote to cut costs at the expense of the worker, you are still going to end up needing to justify your branch to the rest of the cooperative.
So I sorta don't think this is a magic bullet for the problem of "My local boss is a control freak", and in fact depending on how good you are at navigating office politics you can easily end up with the same sort of HOA type on a power trip. I think we just need better worker's rights and unions and good pay/hours. And much of the rest solved, most importantly, by a social safety net and an economy pointed at full employment. Ultimately, a job where you can leave without worrying about making rent in a month is one that minimizes the stress and bullshit you live under.
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anipgarden · 2 years ago
Adding To or Starting a Garden
AKA, the beginning of the Plants-Related section of this series.
This is my third post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
Got an area of lawn you’d like to convert to a wildlife haven? An area you can stick some hanging baskets in? Want to know how your garden of tomatoes and zucchinis is already putting in a lot of work? This is the section for you!
It would be dumb of me to not acknowledge that the act of gardening can come with a lot of costs. Buying seeds, buying plants, buying soil, raised bed materials, mulch, etc. … it can all get a bit daunting, let’s be honest! But there’s quite a few ways to get seeds and plants for free or extremely cheap, which I’ll be addressing in this section! The next section will be all about addressing the other Costs in gardening and how to mitigate or eliminate them entirely.
Also, do keep in mind; there’s no need to try and convert a whole area from lawn to garden or unused to garden at once. In fact, it could actually be extremely beneficial to do it a little at a time--maybe four or five square feet to start out.
Front Lawn (or Managing Principles)
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If you live in a place where you’re required to have a grass turf lawn (HOA’s come to mind…), try replacing it with native grasses instead! You could even possibly use a low-growing ground cover plant like clover to a similar effect! Reseeding/replacing an entire lawn can be a big upfront cost, but even just letting the lawn be a little messy and tall helps. If the lawn gets patchy, leave the bare spots for a little while and something different will likely pop up! Pioneer species will fill the gaps and provide benefits to other plants around them, support animals, and more! If you want to take the guesswork out of it, you could always research what the pioneer species are in your area and plant the ones you like most. 
Obtaining Seeds for Cheap or Free
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The cheapest way to start a garden is by far via seeds. However, seeds can be a bit complicated to grow, and some sources make them… way overpriced. Fortunately there are ways to get seeds for little to no cost! 
Some places sell seeds for as low as a dollar, 50 cents, or 25 cents! The packets may not have a lot of seeds, but it’s definitely a good start for a low budget! I’ve personally bought cheap seed packets at Walmart--the Ferry-Morse and Burpee brands are not what we’re looking for here. Typically the cheaper ones I’ve found are American Seed (which is owned by Green Garden Products, which also owns Ferry-Morse, Livingston Seed, McKenzie Seed, and Seeds of Change. Do with that information what you will), but they’re rarely stocked near the Ferry-Morse ones in the Formal Gardening Section. I’ve most often found them on end caps near the gardening section, so you may have to weave through a few aisles to find them, but once you do there’s an array of flower and vegetable seeds to select from! Alternatively, I’ve found seeds at Dollar Tree sold 2 or 4 for a dollar in Spring as part of their seasonal product; however, when they’re out of stock, they’re typically out of stock for the year. Try to check them out early in the year!
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Otherwise, other seed companies like Urban Farmer or Botanical Interests will often have semi-frequent sales in spring and fall, when people are stocking up on seeds--joining their email lists can help you be the first to know when a good sale is going on!
Some foods from grocery stores will provide seeds that you can use in the garden as well. I’ve had the most luck with store-bought bagged beans, peppers, and tomatoes. Some people have had luck with watermelons, apples, citrus, squash, and more. Do keep in mind that you likely won’t get the same variety of fruit/vegetable as the one you bought--the resulting plant may look different and taste different.
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Give it a shot! Pick some beans you like--if they don't grow well, at least you can eat the rest!
If you live in the US, food-producing live plants, bare roots, and seeds can often be purchased with SNAP benefits. But what does growing fruits, veggies, and herbs have to do with boosting biodiversity? While food crops aren’t typically native, they still provide valuable shelter for native insects. Some plants even have intricate relationships with native fauna--like the squash bee, a solitary bee which exclusively pollinates cucurbits like pumpkins, squash, and zucchini. And we get to benefit more directly as well! If you’re planting a diverse range of foods in your garden (as opposed to the swaths of single-plant farms that typically produce what’s sent to grocery stores), you’re supporting high levels of biodiversity by providing a variety of plants for creatures to live and hunt around.
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Most of the time, when we think of boosting biodiversity with a garden, we think of a colorful flower garden teeming with pollinator species. However, if we’re striving to use native species, it can be a bit difficult to find some species in stores. I can say from experience that trying to find any wildflower seeds other than butterfly weed, purple coneflowers, and black-eyed-susans is… challenging, if you limit yourself to stores like Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowe’s. You might occasionally get lucky with an ACE Hardware or a local nursery, but even then sometimes it can be hard to track down who in your area is selling what--let alone if you live in an area where no one really is selling native plants or their seeds. Not to mention, even once you find a local or online store selling the seeds you want, they can sometimes cost a pretty penny. So what do you do?
If you have the option to, consider gathering native seeds yourself! Get good at identifying the native flora and fauna--or at least, a few target plants and their lookalikes--and get ready to go! Learn where they tend to grow, when they’ll be seeding, etc. Try to identify the plant before it goes to seed (for most plants, it's easiest to identify when flowering), then check back regularly to gather seeds. Typically, if I want to learn how to collect seed from a specific plant, I just search it on Google or YouTube--oftentimes, I'm lead to the GrowItBuildIt Youtube page, so it may be a helpful resource for you as well! Of course, make sure to leave plenty of seed behind so the wild population can repopulate, and seed can feed other creatures in the area. A good rule of thumb is to take no more than 1/3rd of what's available.
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Buying seed in bulk is an option if you can afford the upfront cost. Try teaming up with a few friends to buy some bulk seeds and split them amongst yourselves--you’ll get tons of seed! Prairie Moon is a popular site that'll sell seeds by the pound if you can afford the price--though they're in the US, and I believe they focus on Midwest and East Coast natives.
If you want to cheat the system, don’t buy bulk sunflower seeds--buy bags of sunflower seeds being sold as birdseed. They’re typically all black oil sunflower seeds, but they’ll sprout, and they’re fairly cheap for the amount you get!
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However, beware generic wildflower seed mixes! Many brands like to sell wildflower seed mixes in big box stores like Home Depot, Target, or even Dollar Tree, but they’ll often include flowers that aren’t native or possibly even invasive in your region! Before you make any purchases, double check to make sure the contained seeds won’t do more harm than good! A quality source of native seeds will provide English and Latin names for all seeds included, and will be native to the region or at least non-invasive. 
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See this? I don't trust this.
There’s a good handful of programs online that’ll send you free seeds if you’re planning to start a native habitat project! Poke around online and see what you can find; you might get lucky! The best time to start looking for these is fall and winter, I find--by early spring, many of them are either done or beginning to wind down... though some also start up in spring. Ultimately--just check regularly! You never know what you can find!
Other Ways to Get Plants
Don’t want to start from seed? That’s fair! You can try cuttings! Just be sure not to take too much of the plant while you do so. Make sure you’ve gotten a few leaf nodes on your cutting, and cut any flowers you may have gotten. Make sure to leave some blooms and foliage on the original plant for the creatures in the current habitat--you don’t want to destroy one habitat to make another in your garden. There’s tons of methods of rooting cuttings, many of which have different efficacy rates for different plants, but that’s a topic for another post.
If you find seedlings growing in a place where they won’t be able to sustain themselves long-term, or are in danger of being destroyed, consider relocating them! You may be able to gently dig up and transplant the seedling to your garden. Don’t do this if they’re in a place where they can easily survive--ideally, you’ll be taking plants from sidewalk cracks, heavily maintained public gardens, roadsides, etc. Do be careful while doing this--ensure your safety first!  
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You’re totally allowed to join gardening communities like clubs, facebook groups, and more before you’ve even put a trowel to the dirt. These are great places to learn information and advice! Many gardeners are more than happy to help out a new gardener, and will eagerly provide seeds, cuttings, or even baby plants! Talk to some people about your gardening journey and what you’re hoping to do, and you just might find some kindred spirits--or at least get more people interested in the topic! 
Seed and plant giveaways and trades happen all the time in gardening clubs, as well as online! Just poke around and see what you can find! Some are explicitly trades, meaning you’re expected to send something in return, but once you get your feet on the ground with some plant knowledge you’ll be stellar! You may be able to explain you’re just starting out, and someone may send you seeds without expecting a trade, but I’d suggest trying giveaways first. 
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Poke around online and see if there’s a local chapter of your state’s native plant society. From there, you’ll likely be able to find a calendar of events--many of them will host plant sales in the spring, with a bunch of native plant seedlings ripe for the pickings if you can make it out and have some money to spare! Fair warning, though, you’ll want to get there early if you can. If they say they’re starting at 10, try to get there by 9:45. Year after year, there’s always record turnout, and they sell out of plants faster than ever. Just trust me on this. I’ve been let down; hopefully you won’t have to be.
Some libraries are beginning to host seed libraries! Check around and see if your library has one! Ideally, the system works best if you also have seeds to contribute in return, but if you’re just starting out I’m sure they won’t mind you taking some seeds! Just consider saving some seeds to contribute in the future and pay it forward. If your library doesn’t have a seed library? Consider asking if they’d be willing to start one! Community interest is a great way to get the ball rolling on projects like these, but they’ll only know the community is interested if the community tells them they’re interested!
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Volunteer to Garden for/with Someone Else
Maybe someone in your area wants to garden, but is struggling to find the time/energy. Many elderly people who used to garden simply can’t anymore but still would like a garden. Other people may love to have a helping hand in their garden. You might even find a few people in your area interested in renting and sharing a community garden plot with others, so they don't have to handle it all on their own! They may be interested in increasing biodiversity right now, or may be willing to if it’s brought up to them. You might be just the kind of person someone needs! Since it won't be your garden, you’ll likely need a bit of permission and collaboration to get anything in particular going, but it’s worth a shot and a way to maybe even make friends! 
Again, your mileage may vary with some of these. You may not know where there's a bunch of wildflowers growing in your area, or maybe your local library doesn't have a free seed library. That's okay! Do what you're able to, find what you can find, get what you can get! And there's never any shame with starting small--in fact, starting small can make the project easier to manage and expand when you're able!
That's the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about ways to start growing plants cheaply--low cost seed starting set ups, essentially. There's a lot of good options, many of which I've used myself even! Until then, I hope this advice is helpful! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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posttexasstressdisorder · 7 months ago
The GOP’s 43-year tax-cuts-for-billionaires-while-we-ignore-the-needs-of-the-country grift has an analogy in condos and homes across America that might help voters understand how it works and how they’ve gotten away with it.
Fully 84 percent of all homes and apartments built and sold in 2022 came with a homeowner’s association (HOA), and an estimated 27 percent of all homeowners nationwide currently live in a property controlled by an HOA.
And many are very unhappy about the experience.
According to a survey by Rocket Mortgage, only 47 percent of HOA residents think their HOA has made their community better, only two-thirds (64%) believe their HOA “honestly handles its finances,” and one in ten people nationwide who have an HOA cite the HOA itself as their main reason for moving.
How and why is this?
Louise and I have lived in five communities with HOAs in two different states. Three (including where we now live) were well managed, kept up the community, and set aside money from the dues every month for the inevitable future maintenance. I was on the board of one of them. The other two ran, essentially, a shell game or reverse Ponzi scheme, which led us to eventually quit those communities and move.
READ: Deep-red 'Republican stronghold' thought to be 'easy win for Trump' is now a swing state
I remember attending a board meeting in one of those “shell game” HOA communities we’d lived in. There were multiple common-area maintenance issues needing attention, but a group who called themselves “low-tax conservatives” had run the board for over a twenty years.
There was almost nothing in reserves, so maintenance had been continuously postponed until things hit a crisis level. Then they’d hit us all with a series of “special one-time assessments” ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars to pay for the upkeep. They refused to raise the monthly HOA fee, referring to it as a tax, because, they said, they were “low-tax conservatives”; in fact, they were just cheapskates.
That HOA board had been, in the past and the present, stealing from future homeowners.
They did it so they could enjoy the community during the first 30 or so years — when maintenance costs were minimal — without setting aside money for the future, when things would rot or wear out and need replacement or upgrade.
For the first three decades, they were able to coast with $200/month in dues and no assessments; by the time we arrived when the units were pushing 35 years old, though, the assessments were hitting $3000 to $9000 a year, and, when the buildings’ roofs need repair (soon) it’ll be twice that amount or more.
Fortunately, once we saw the handwriting on that particular wall we were able to sell our condo and move to a well-run community. Americans, though, don’t have that option: Republicans have been running this same shell game or reverse Ponzi scheme against all of us (except the very rich) across the entire country ever since Reagan successfully pitched trickle-down economics to the nation in 1981.
If you’ve ever lived in one of these shell game HOA’s, you now perfectly understand Reaganomics and why it seems that America has deteriorated so badly over the past 40 years.
You could call it the disaster of pothole economics: all across America, roads, bridges, water systems, schools, and other vital public infrastructure have been underfunded and neglected ever since Reagan popularized the idea of “austerity” among Republicans.
In order to pay for the second most massive tax cut for the morbidly rich in history (Reagan cut the top tax bracket from 74% down to 25%), his administration cut spending on education, housing, roads and bridges, and pretty much every other aspect of America’s infrastructure. George W. Bush did the same thing, and Donald Trump tripled down on the scheme.
The result was a $51 trillion transfer of wealth — over a mere forty-three years — from the homes, retirement accounts, and savings of average working families into the money bins of the extremely wealthy. Thirty-four trillion of that transfer show up as our national debt, which was a mere $800 billion ($0.8 trillion) when Reagan first came into office and started this scam.
President Joe Biden and his Vice President, Kamala Harris, ran the first administration of either party to significantly repudiate Reagan’s neoliberalism by injecting trillions into rebuilding our nation (over 35,000 projects) while raising taxes on rich people and corporations to pay for it.
The result was immediately visible, just like in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s: we now have the best economy on planet Earth with unemployment lower than any time since the 1960s (and lower than any time in history for women, Blacks, and Hispanics). Inflation has been at or below 0% for the past two months and is annually running around 3% (Reagan never got inflation below 4.1% in his entire 8 years); all across America we’re putting our rural areas, towns, and cities back together.
For the past forty years, Republicans and their administrations have focused almost entirely on taking cash away from working class people and handing it off to the billionaires who own and finance their party. At the top of the list of ways they did this was a series of five tax cuts for the morbidly rich and big corporations adding up to over $30 trillion since 1981.
But they’ve also been cutting spending to compensate for their tax breaks for the billionaire class: They blocked extending the child tax credit this year, throwing millions of American children back into poverty. They’ve fought lifting the cap on Social Security taxes so people making over $168,600 will begin paying on all of their income (millionaires and billionaires currently pay only a tiny fraction of the percentage to support Social Security that the rest of us do).
Fully 100% of congressional Republicans voted against Biden’s Build Back Better program that’s now putting America back together and his American Rescue Plan that lifted millions out of poverty and put millions more back to work. They successfully blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act that would have penalized employers for wage discrimination based on gender; they’ve refused to expand Medicaid in almost a dozen Red states; they even filibustered an attempt to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10.
For the past forty-plus years, Republicans — just like these dysfunctional HOAs — have been stealing from America’s future; our infrastructure deficit alone is several trillion dollars, meaning Americans will be paying more in taxes to make up for all those decades of neglect.
Democrats want those tax increases to hit people earning over $400,000 a year; Republican tax proposals, on the other hand, mostly focus on increasing income taxes and fees on working class people while continuing or even expanding tax breaks for the very wealthy.
One of the “low tax” HOAs we used to live in, instead of raising their monthly fee or instituting an assessment, recently negotiated a million-dollar-plus 20-year loan with people’s properties as the collateral to fund painting and repairing serious rot on the buildings.
This should have been paid for with an increase in HOA fees twenty years ago, anticipating the future maintenance and upkeep needs.
But instead they kept the fee low, never built up a reserve, and are now borrowing from the bank. In other words, they’re continuing the all-too-common HOA board scam of requiring future generations to pay for current repairs, just like the GOP budget proposals we’ll see when they return from summer vacation in September will require future generations to pay for their past tax cuts.
It’s the equivalent of Reagan, Bush, and Trump jacking up the national debt to keep things glued together, forcing future generations to pay it off when the bill comes due, while their wealthy corporate funders rob us blind.
Homeowners across America are waking up to these toxic HOA boards, as social media sites for HOA members are forming and local homeowner uprisings are happening against boards, either replacing the board members or, in some cases, even suing them. Some states are even starting to require they build up reserves for future maintenance.
Hopefully, Americans will realize how successfully Republicans have inflicted this very same scam on voters and working class people over the past forty-plus years and vote the bums out this fall.
ALSO READ: Mike Johnson's now-deleted Trump social media post sparks controversy
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rosethornewrites · 3 months ago
T & G reading since 11/10
Tumblr has issues with imbedding links, so sometimes the URL is included.
後悔莫及 (Too Late for Regrets), by liverbiver9 (7 chapters)
Jiāng Yànlí dies and wakes up outside Lotus Pier fifteen years before the Massacre at Nightless City. Armed only with Chénqíng and her wits, she attempts to change the events that led to so much death, at the cost of never seeing her family again. She doesn’t expect to find love along the way.
i want the storm inside you awoken now (i want your warm bright eyes), by Ariaste (2nd in a series) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27657362)
Meng Yao is 99.999% certain that absolutely no one from the HOA (and specifically none of the board members) will even be aware of tonight's event, let alone in attendance. Thus, the extremely rare opportunity to enact a particular gremlin move (as Wei Wuxian would call it) that he has been sitting on for some time.
Two gremlins, having muttered conversations in the back seat of the car, five feet apart cause they're totally not friends.
The Little Lost Piece..., by Liebing (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32414491)
As Lan Zhan and A-Yuan drove away, the little boy shook with excitement. He was going to see where his father worked. He was going to get to see his dad’s office and where he ate his lunch and where he kept all his important work things. A-Yuan reminded himself that he had to be good. He remembered that daddy had told him he had a really busy day and he needed A-Yuan to be very, very well behaved. A-Yuan straightened up in his car seat. Today, he vowed he would be on his best behaviour...
Explosion, by angel-loving-star (xASx) (🔒, 2 chapters) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38708748/chapters/96782808)
She had never heard her laugh like this before. Nobody had made her laugh like this before.
The wind picked up and they were close. Giggling pattered off into the calm sounds of Yunmeng’s summer; the lapping of water against wood, the creaking of the bamboo shades hanging from above, the jiggling of Jiang spirit bells in the wind.
Their eyes met just before their lips did and suddenly it was no mere peck anymore. Suddenly the world was full of colours Qin Su had never dared to see before.
King of the Impossible, by sami (3 chapters, part of 2 series) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48345499/chapters/121932874)
I should inform you that I have threatened baby and bunny with my wrath if they talk to you about work in any non-emergency situation for at least three months. You are on holiday until further notice.
awakening that was due to me, by Kieron_ODuibhir (https://archiveofourown.org/works/60217663)
It was a testament to the regularity of the Lan Sect lifestyle that Lan Wangji woke up and began his day without noticing anything out of the ordinary. It was only after he had set his morning tea to steep that he realized there was no evidence of A-Yuan in the house.
A Very Welcome Visitor, by Liebing
Lan Zhan is preparing for Wei Ying’s arrival…and when he doesn’t come, Lan Zhan is crushed. The third time Lan Zhan is disappointed by Wei Ying, Lan Huan decides to take matters into his own hands and sets out to find the black robed scoundrel who keeps breaking his brothers heart.
Dawning, by Onomatopoetikon (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39392772)
Lan Wangji wakes up. Wei Ying is there.
Just a few moments of fluff.
had a marvelous time ruining everything, by livinginaworldofnoise (2 chapters) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/57018637/chapters/145003936)
“Great news, though—well, actually, it may depend how you define ‘great.’” Wei Wuxian folds himself into a cross-legged position and makes a sweeping gesture with one arm toward the closet, from which Lan Wangji can now hear a strange rattling noise. “While you were gone I managed to catch another one!”
“Another . . . cat?” Lan Wangji pulls the closet door open wider and stares at the cage he finds there, inside of which a small black cat is clinging to the ceiling bars with all the desperation of a cornered wild animal.
“That’s Volcano!” Wei Wuxian says by way of explanation. “She’s a little spicy.”
OR: 5 times wangxian's feral kittens get in the way of lan wangji proposing + 1 time they help
the serpent of fate, by littledust
When Zhao Zhuliu is a child, a fortuneteller predicts that his death will take the form of a serpent.
Orchid at the Foot of the Mountain, by stiltonbasket (49th in a series)
“Xiongzhang and Gege and Jueying all know where they come from,” Shuilan said to herself, on a chilly green morning in the spring of her ninth year. “And Qing-jiejie didn’t come to the Cloud Recesses until she was almost grown up, so it’s different for her.”
And then, very quietly, she whispered:
“Everyone’s parents died but mine, and Chun-bao never had any others to start with. I’m the only one of us who was sent away.”
Or: Wei Shuilan contemplates the secrets of her past, and grapples with the prospect of never learning anything more about them.
so i cut the shackles and changed my name, by MichelleFeather (https://archiveofourown.org/works/58005280/chapters/147671179)
“A-Ying, should anything happen, should you be separated from us or find yourself in need of help, find Lan Qiren in Cloud Recesses. No matter what’s happened, he will keep you safe. He has sworn to me his home will always be open to you, no matter what.”
Following the advice of his late mother, Wei Ying runs away from Lotus Pier, knowing that if he were to stay, he would likely die at the hands of Madam Yu.
And, he finds, the Lan Clan is the place where he was always supposed to be.
Something Told Me It Was You, by lordhuachengzhu (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39404898/chapters/98615043)
Wei Ying believed in the myth of past lives. Mostly because he could remember his.
Even when he was young he knew something was off in his heart. There was a piece missing, and he wanted to find it.
He wanted to be complete.
“Wei Ying, it’s going to be alright.” The voice was warm and calming, and Wei Ying felt as if he had waited every life just to hear it.
He opened his eyes and met Lan Wangji’s intense golden ones.
“Lan Zhan, you don’t know what I did.”
Song of Clarity, by vicchan (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29266413/chapters/71868411)
Hanguang Jun, one of the Twin Jades of Gusu, had a pristine reputation for ‘being wherever the chaos is’ and is both revered and respected throughout the cultivation world as the perfect example of what a cultivator should be. What was not so well known, was that Hanguang Jun had made one great mistake in his overwise exemplary life, one that had cost him dearly. Thirteen years later, that very mistake returns to haunt him. This time, however, Lan Wangji will not allow the tragedies of the past to repeat themselves.
A retelling of MDZS from Lan Wangji's perspective.
This is My Best (But It's Still Not Enough), by piecrust (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30209718/chapters/74438730)
The thing is, is that his wife is almost right.
Jiang Fengmian did find and bring Wei Wuxian to Yunmeng because of old love.
But it wasn’t Cangse Sanren. He had been in love long before she came down from the mountains.
A Canon-Divergence where Jiang Fengmian survives but it doesn't fix anything at all.
An Unforseen Shift, by Remma3760 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/59157619/chapters/150841318)
Wei Wuxian found a resentful sword deep in the bowels of a famed beast. He took it. That turned out to be fortunate since, it would seem, the sword had more than one purpose. That sword was the key to their escape from certain death trapped in the cave of the Slaughter Xuanwu.
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breelandwalker · 2 years ago
Our AC still isn't fixed and it's going to be in the 90s for the next week. 😭
There's nothing for it, unfortunately. The service contractor our home warranty company assigned us to was TERRIBLE and I had to chase them down for two full months to get appointments and updates, and six weeks after we finally got a tech out, they STILL hadn't sent the report to the warranty company so they could order parts. No wonder all their Google reviews are 1 star. (Like seriously, what part of "Our HVAC system doesn't work at all and the temperatures upstairs are rising to a dangerous level on hot days" says meh, this can wait? Fuck you, Reliance.)
Thankfully, I was able to get us assigned to a different company and they were at the house the very next day and had the report in and parts ordered by the end of the week. So we're waiting on delivery and a repair date. But because of that two-month delay, we're kind of screwed here. Seriously, we put the request in in MID-APRIL hoping this could be resolved before the summer heat waves hit.
On top of that, our HOA doesn't allow window AC units because Gentrified Aesthetic Bullshit. So I called and explained (read: gave somebody a barely-polite earful) about our situation and our request was still denied, but we have until mid-July to remove the unit we put in our bedroom so that the upstairs doesn't get hot enough to be a health hazard for us and the cats.
(The HOA does allow indoor units with a low-profile window exhaust panel, but they cost twice as much as a window unit and we could only afford the cheaper model at the time that the temps were really starting to rise and we had pest control coming so the cats HAD to be upstairs overnight. I'm holding aside a little money just in case we need to get one.)
We'll manage though. We have proper curtains now and plenty of fans, and if worst comes to worst, I'll just spend the weekend in the bedroom with the cats and the AC. It's currently a toss-up as to whether we'll have thunderstorms or just swampy humidity.
I do not enjoy summer. 😑
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gwydionmisha · 12 days ago
Personal: Clothes Washer Update
The honest contractor turned up! On a Sunday! (It was a time too early for me to be up, but too late to get back to sleep. This is not a complaint, as honestly, getting the aggregate out this time was a herculean task, but this + being ill is not great for my brain. I apologies for any posting errors, etc.).
So the leak is far worse than thought. It is coming from inside the washing machine. He has turned the water off to stop further leaking, which it has been doing slowly even when not in use. He has advised us to get a new washer, as fixing it via a good repairmen is close to the cost of a new clothes washer. Fuck!
On the upside, it's the cold water leaking, so theoretically, I can wash in hot. Cautiously. I wash exclusively in cold normally, both for environmental reasons and because it's better for my clothes (which are all dark colours). I should do it as little as I can get away with. This means amoung other things leaving the soiled pads on the sofa as long as I can manage it, despite the smell. I've been moving them to do things like eat and do lungs, then putting them back. This led to Tavy sneaking in during lunch under a guise of wanting a pet to successfully soil the back side of a pad. And my arm. Ugh. At least he still deposits solids in the boxes.
On the upside, it's 2025 (A sentence I'd never thought I'd be writing). It is five years between applications for the city to fix things around the apartment exactly. A few months earlier and we'd have to replace it ourselves as with the fridge and stove. If it were next year, I couldn't risk and as as HOA requires us to buy a new water heater every 10 years and I need that to come up the same year as a city fix it application can be filed.
Assuming the funding has not been cut, I can theoretically go down to City Hall for an application Tuesday and get started on it. Which puts me into a queue once I turn it in, as this is not an emergency. I have a list of other things needing doing anyway, though they are smaller. The dishwasher breaks every year and is not in great shape, a bunch off smaller things like a replacement silverware drawer, interior door knobs, etc.. (My brain tends to switch dish and clothes washer. I'm really hoping I haven't done this in my post as I did yesterday. My brain is full of goo).
This is a Process, though, and not guaranteed. Stand by for more news, I guess. Let's hope I'm well enough for paperwork this week.
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henrypreppy · 2 years ago
Barrington Estates: Prologue
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Barrington Estates is the gem of the tri-county area for gated living communities. It has everything a member of the upper echelons could want: large, beautiful houses; meticulously manicured landscapes; fantastic schools; and the exclusive Barrington Country Club to rub shoulders with the elite that all but govern the southeast from its private rooms and putting greens. Not many make it here without significant contributions to the HOA. Grant and Jennifer Dean, however, were one of the few exceptions.
The Dean family was one of the founding families of the club and community. They had the house on the hill that was envied by everyone. The late Donald Dean, grandfather of Grant Dean, made sure to keep it immaculate. It was a sort of slap in the face to Truman McMaster, the general manager of Barrington Country Club; the house on the hill—the one all the pictures and magazine spreads loved to showcase—was owned by the board member who opposed McMaster at every turn. Rumors abound regarding their feud. Some speculated it was a result of a business deal gone awry, others posited that they needed some form of drama to keep themselves entertained. Only Donald and Truman knew the truth of the matter, and now one half of that truth was buried with Donald.
Grant was not particularly familiar with Barrington Estates, his father, Don Junior, being the prodigal of the family. Junior let his father’s house at eighteen with a large sum to his name and spoke to his father only two years later when it was nearly gone and Grant was on the way. Junior refused to move back in to the estate, but was funneled money from Donald so that Grant may not have to bear the sins of his father. Junior, ever-bent on regaining what he had, drove his wife Therese away when he began selling drugs.
“I don’t care if Grant is at college!” Therese would scream again and again, “I don’t want to have that dangerous business near me or my son!” After many of such arguments, she filed for divorce and cut Junior off.
A year later, Junior’s hand was cut off for stealing five kilos from the wrong cartel. He didn’t die immediately, though he couldn’t clap as his son walked across the stage to graduate. Only a few short months later, his stump turned septic and the infection withered the rest of him away. Had he less pride, perhaps Junior could have lived. Nevertheless, Grant turned to his grandfather for assistance with the funeral costs—which was all-too-high for the all-too-low head count—and moved in with his grandfather, who died all-too-soon from the grief of having failed to save his only son.
Now, upon returning from their hasty honeymoon and keeping with his grandfather’s request to not cohabitate with his college sweetheart, Grant was helping Jennifer move in with him.
Jennifer was a curvy woman, the areas under which she calculated from the nudes she sent Grant in their senior year. She graduated with a degree in physics and landed a job as a teacher in a high school one district away. She was smart, witty, and had green eyes that seemed dull unless they were in the right light; her hair was a wavy dark brown butterfly cut that flowed just past her shoulder blades.
Grant, by contrast, was plain but not unattractive. He kept his black hair in a shaggy mop and had nice cheekbones covered by a short scraggly beard. His gangly appearance frequently made others think of him as a stoner, which seemed fitting for a political science graduate. Though, a stoner could have never kept up with the stress of his internship as an aide to the governor. So far, that was his only achievement of note, outside of getting to marry the nerdy firecracker, Jennifer.
Jennifer didn’t have much of her own to move in; she was barely out of college. Still, a beat pickup truck packed with boxes is bound to look out of place in Barrington. Jennifer barreled up the large circular driveway to the McMansion, the rusted sides of the old Ford a stark contrast to the immaculate ivory-colored pillars she pulled toward.
Grant had already emerged from the house, having heard the beater booming a mile away. The houses were spaced out well enough, but the sights and sounds certainly brought some attention. He glared at the rustled curtains that indicated they were being watched from neighbors’ windows. As Jennifer approached, he waved and jogged toward the truck to open the door for her.
“M’lady,” he snickered with equal parts irony and sincerity as he opened the driver side door.
“M’sir,” she retorted, rolling her eyes. She stepped out of the truck and slammed the door behind her. Stepping forward, her mild exasperation faded to a wide smile and then to a kiss for Grant.
Grant embraced her, and his hand drifted from her back to her ass as he attempted to go for more than a gentle peck.
Still smiling, she pushed him away playfully. “Babe, didn’t you say your neighbors are super nosy?”
“Yeah, but what are they going to say? We just got married.” Grant planted a kiss on her cheek before breaking the hug.
Jennifer chuckled lightly. “I’d at least like to wait before hearing them ask about kids, though. I can already hear some old heiress down the street: ‘I saw that hussy from the other side o’ town pull up in a rusted out truck and start trying to make love right on the concrete!’” She said mimicking an elderly raspy voice.
“The neighborhood is not like that. They’re older and they’re traditional, but we’re married. So, it’s fine. Either way, you live here now, and they can’t change that.” He pecked her again on the cheek and began leading her inside by the hand, a middle finger raised to the neighbor’s window with the other hand.
Jennifer gave another signature eye roll and followed Grant. “You’re ridiculous,” she chortled crossed the threshold. The large foyer opened before her, decorated with a combination of farmhouse and mid-century modern decor. “This…” she announced, hearing her own echo, “This is also ridiculous.”
“Yeah, my grandfather was a pretty wealthy dude, but not out of touch. He wasn’t stodgy or anything. Still feels weird with him gone,” Grant trailed off and sighed.
“You okay?” Jennifer asked.
“Things have just been moving too fast. Graduation, a funeral, a wedding, another funeral, and a honeymoon all in like four months.”
“It’s okay, baby,” she assured him. “We’ll get settled in and settle down for a moment.”
“I know. I just want to slow down for a bit. You just mentioned it, but can we hold off on baby talk. I know I’ll hear enough of it from the neighbors.” Grant suppressed a grin.
“There’s a smile. I knew you still had some wit in you,” Jennifer prodded. “Now, where’s the bathroom?”
“First hallway on the left, first door on the left. I’ll start unloading your truck in a moment.”
“Thanks,” she cooed before pecking him on the cheek and rushing briskly around the corner. “This place is huge,” she bellowed back.
“Yeah, just like my—“
Ding dong! The doorbell chimed.
“You’re a child.” Grant heard before a door closed.
“Were get already walking up the fucking driveway?” Grant grumbled to himself. He gathered himself before yanking the door ajar. “Hey!” He said, shifting to a bright chatter. “How can I help you?”
Grant was greeted by a man and woman appearing to be in their late thirties or early forties. The man stood tall and was slightly overweight. His chestnut brown hair was in a generic left-parted business cut. A thick chevron mustache rested above his light smile. He wore a white golf shirt with the country club’s logo—a “B” with two smaller “C”s stacked directly to the right—on the chest, and pleated khaki pants that did little to hide the two huge lumps at the top of either leg. The woman had red hair pulled back into a sporty ponytail. Her cheekbones were high on her slender face, and her makeup was subtle outside the fiery red lipstick. She was dressed more casually in a bright athletic top, black leggings, and neon running shoes.
The man spoke in a low tenor: “Hey! Welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Franklin and this is Jess. We live just next door to you.” He gestured to his right, even though the next house was a good hundred yards away. “We’re the Mullinses.” Franklin continued, extending his hand, and growing his light smile to a bleached Hollywood grin.
“Thanks for the introduction,” Grant offered cautiously but genuinely. “I’m Grant. My wife Jennifer has just started to move in. She stepped off to explore.” He turned around and called back into the house, “Honey! Come meet our neighbors, the Mullinses!” Turning back to the new neighbors, he gestured, “Come in! Come in!” The couple crossed the threshold and was guided toward the kitchen.
“Why, thank you!” Jess said brightly with a slight southern twang. The Mullinses took an extensive look around the house as they walked, noting the decor and size of the house. “Y’all have a lovely home,” Jess continued as they began to settle into the kitchen.
The small talk continued in the kitchen over some coffee and tea. A toilet flush and sink running announced Jennifer’s impending arrival. As her footsteps approached, Grant approached the doorway, made a grand gesture and announced his wife’s less-than-grand entrance: “Introducing, the reason for hastily closed curtains and prying eyes, my lovely wife, Jennifer!”
Jennifer silently walked through the display to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. She leaned against the counter, took a small sip, and acknowledged the guests in stark contrast to her husband’s introduction: “Hey. I’m Jennifer.” Her face contorted, suppressing a smile that turned into a chortle.
The stark facade broke after the Mullinses introduced themselves and realized the humorous intention behind her introduction. They actually got along quite well, despite worries of stuffiness from both parties. As it turned out, Franklin was an investor and Jess was close to launching her fashion line of women’s clothing with actual pockets. Grant had to fill in the history of his last four months and his relationship with his late grandfather. Grant himself had only dropped off his things two weeks ago and was still settling in. Jennifer, of course, had just arrived that day; so, her few items from the bachelorette pad were still in the truck.
Mr. and Mrs. Mullins helped them bring in the boxes—only around twelve in total. It was light work, but stomachs grumbled by the end of it. Reading the room, Franklin spoke up, “How would you like to join Jess and I for dinner?”
“Someone finally suggested food!” Jennifer immediately replied. “I’m down. Are you, babe?” She turned to Grant.
“Let’s do it. You a good cook, Jess?” Grant challenged.
“I’m awful, but Franklin is worse,” Jess laughed. “We were going to the club tonight.”
“Ohh! The country club! Excuse me!” Jennifer mocked.
Jess shrugged and smirked. “We make due.”
“My grandfather said just a little about the club before he passed. I’m sure you do,” Grant intuited. “We’ll have to change before we go, though.”
“Of course!” Franklin said. “Jess will have to as well. Just come over to our place in a few and we’ll head down together.”
“Hell yeah! I’m down for some bougie food,” Jennifer announced before hoisting a wardrobe box and hiking upstairs.
Grant walked with the Mullinses to the door. “We’ll be over there in just a few. Next house down the road, right?”
“Yep! 127,” Franklin confirmed. “See you soon!” He called, walking out the door with his wife.
Grant waved after them, watching them walk down the driveway before shutting the door.
Grant changed from his regular streetwear to a pale blue dress shirt and khakis. Jennifer stripped her sweats and was in a day dress within three minutes. It was not long before the Deans were knocking on their neighbors’ door, eager for food. Inside, the sound of hard-soled shoes echoed through the hall like a metronome. The rhythm concluded as the door opened and the tall Mr. Mullins stood before them, having only changed into a pair of black penny loafers.
“Come on in,” he said, ushering the Deans over to a couch. He himself sat in a chair opposite them, legs spread, and abnormally large bulge all the more defined. “Jess should be down in a moment.”
Grant and Jennifer had a hard time not sneaking glances at the pronounced moose knuckle in front of them. Grant blushed as Franklin noticed and locked eye contact with him. Eventually, Grant broke the silence: “So how long have you and Jess lived here?”
“I’ve lived here since I was a kid,” Franklin replied without breaking eye contact.
Heels clacked down the stairs as Grant finally looked away, peaking at the bulge again. His eyes immediately darted back up to see a smile and wink from Franklin.
“Sounds like she’s ready,” Franklin said, rising from his seat. Grant attempted to sneak another glance as the bulge settled into place before rising himself.
Jess reached the bottom of the stairs and announced herself, “Ready to go.” She wore a pale green blouse, black skirt, and black heels. She shook her head, showing off her wavy red hair released from its workout ponytail. She impatiently waved the lot to the door as she proceeded.
Franklin took the opportunity to put his arm around Grant and began walking him out, declaring with a grin: “You’re going to love steakhouse Fridays. They’ve got every cut of meat you could want.”
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oscarjcarlisle · 2 years ago
This is Rose, the other half of my fursona/Oscar’s girlfriend. When I say “other half” I’m not being metaphorical, as in like, his partner, I consider them both equally representative of me, just in different ways, different aspects of me.
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Oscar and Rose live in a near-post-scarcity world, where nearly all manufacturing, logistics, and resource management has been turned over to a benevolent, extremely powerful artificial intelligence and automation. The result is that 80% of the global population is basically… unemployed. Housing, medical care, basic groceries, and other basic goods have all been decomodified, they’re available to everyone on earth, no cost. Goods that are considered a luxury, such as narcotics without a prescription, some hard-to-automate grocery items like meat that isn’t lab grown, or things that still require labor to produce like nicer housing, boats, etc are available for purchase. Money is entirely digital, and everyone gets a basic monthly stipend, which can decrease as a punishment for crimes, or increased as compensation for voluntary labor.
Oscar and Rose are both unemployed, and are pursuing a developing lifestyle called Hobbyism, spending their stipend on materials and equipment for their hobbies which they may or may not find a way to monetize. There are still private marketplaces where creators sell their goods, which is another way of making additional income.
The wealthiest people in the world are now all artists of one kind or another, and athletes, who make most of their money as compensation for pieces of public art or performance such as statues, architecture, playing basketball really well, etc. and the rest from commissions by other private individuals. Capital owners essentially don’t exist, except as far as you might consider an artist’s tools and material capital. All private business ventures are cooperatives, there are a couple “private” housing communities that are basically just an HOA, rent has been abolished, either you own your house, or you live in free housing.
Some areas are heavily overpopulated, due to an increased general global population with a lot of people gathering in nice places to live with temperate weather, and the AI isn’t a god, it can’t manifest resources out of thin air, so it’s been having trouble keeping up with housing in those areas, but rather than homelessness this tends to result in people over sharing their housing, having maybe 10-12 people living in a three bedroom house and the like, not because they can’t afford to move out, but because they don’t really want to move somewhere else. Housing is available for free in less desirable places.
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ovavirtual · 8 days ago
Unlocking the Importance of Reserve Study with Lockatong: Your Trusted Partner for Reserve Study in NJ
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When it comes to managing the finances of a community association, property owners, and HOA boards in New Jersey, planning ahead is key. This is where reserve study comes into play. A New Jersey reserve study is a crucial tool that ensures the long-term financial health of a property, be it a condominium, townhome, or a community association. At Lockatong, we specialize in providing reliable and professional reserve study NJ services to help property managers and associations plan for future capital expenditures.
What is a Reserve Study?
A reserve study is an in-depth assessment of a property’s common areas and assets, evaluating their condition, estimated lifespan, and the funds needed for future repairs and replacements. The goal of a reserve study is to help associations avoid large, unexpected special assessments by ensuring that adequate funds are reserved for major maintenance and repairs.
Why is a Reserve Study Important for New Jersey Communities?
In New Jersey, where weather conditions can cause significant wear and tear on property infrastructure, having a well-planned reserve fund is essential. Whether you are managing a condominium, a homeowners association (HOA), or another community property, a New Jersey reserve study provides a roadmap for maintaining the building and its amenities in top condition.
A reserve study helps property managers avoid scrambling for funds when it’s time for major repairs or replacement of items like roofs, parking lots, elevators, or HVAC systems. By conducting a reserve study NJ, associations can set up a strategy that aligns with their financial capacity and needs, preventing large, unexpected costs from affecting property owners.
Lockatong’s Expertise in Reserve Study NJ
At Lockatong, we understand that every community is unique. That’s why we tailor our reserve study NJ services to meet the specific needs of your property. Our expert team conducts thorough inspections, evaluates all common area components, and provides a detailed analysis that includes:
A clear understanding of the property’s physical condition
An estimate of the remaining lifespan of various assets
A financial projection for necessary repairs or replacements
Recommendations for an appropriate reserve funding strategy
By partnering with Lockatong for your New Jersey reserve study, you can be confident that you are receiving an accurate, thorough, and reliable assessment that helps you maintain the long-term value of your property.
Why Choose Lockatong?
Local Expertise: We specialize in reserve study NJ and understand the unique challenges faced by communities in New Jersey, from harsh winters to fluctuating real estate markets.
Comprehensive Analysis: Our reserve studies are more than just a financial snapshot; they are actionable plans that provide clear strategies for budgeting and managing property maintenance costs.
Accurate Forecasting: At Lockatong, we ensure that your reserve study is up-to-date, with realistic projections for maintenance, repairs, and replacements based on the latest industry standards.
Customized Services: Every community is different, and we take the time to tailor our services to your property’s unique needs, helping you avoid unnecessary expenses and plan for the future.
Get Started with Lockatong for Your Reserve Study NJ
Whether you are looking to conduct a reserve study NJ for the first time or need an updated New Jersey reserve study, Lockatong is here to help. Our team of professionals will work closely with you to create a comprehensive reserve study that meets your needs and protects your property’s long-term financial stability.
Contact us today to learn more about our reserve study NJ services and schedule your consultation with our team of experts!
Lockatong – Your trusted partner for reserve study in New Jersey.
For more info on, visit our site https://www.lockatong.com
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anipgarden · 2 years ago
How to Increase Biodiversity on a Budget - Masterpost
It cannot be stressed enough that supporting native wildlife is important, wherever you are and however you can. But it can feel a bit daunting to think about doing, especially if you’re operating on a smaller budget. It’s not uncommon to hear about someone’s success story and think how much did it cost to do that?
I’m hoping that I can provide a good bunch of ideas on how to help heal the world around you without hurting your wallet. Feel free to use this as a guide, or a bouncing-off point to do actions in your own style!
Before we get Started
I want to make it clear that this is not a checklist of things you are required to do in order to be ‘helping.’ This isn’t an ‘all or nothing’ kind of deal. Every little bit you do helps. Being aware of these options and spreading awareness helps. Doing even just a handful of these options as you’re able to helps.
With that being said, we need to acknowledge that not everything in this list is feasible for everyone. Some people have a fenced yard in the suburbs. Some people have an unfenced yard with judgy neighbors and/or a restrictive HOA policy. Some people can’t directly control their own landscaping, whether that be because of an external lawn maintenance ruling or something like ‘living with your parents.’ Some people have a 4th story apartment with a small balcony. Some people rent and can’t grow directly into the ground. If the best you can do is put up a bird feeder, or grow a few pollinator-friendly plants in pots? I see you. I feel you. I’ve been there. I appreciate what you’re doing, and you know what? So does the wildlife.
Un-actions, or Restriction of Activities
Things to Do that Aren’t Related to Growing Plants
The Plants-Related Section
Adding To, or Starting, A Garden
Cheaply Starting
Supporting Your Plants for Cheap: Composting, Mulching, and Trellises
What Plants to Add
What to Do Once Things Are Planted
The Secret Other Thing - Managing Invasive Plants and Animals
Parting Words and Sources
If you’re interested in joining a group of gardening enthusiasts who are always down to talk about biodiversity, project ideas, and native plants, feel free to hop into my gardening discord! 
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freewaytowing · 8 days ago
How Much Does Private Property Towing Cost in San Diego? A Complete Breakdown
Private property towing is a crucial service that allows property owners to maintain order and ensure that only authorized vehicles are parked on their premises. Whether dealing with abandoned cars, unauthorized parking, or illegally parked vehicles, towing services help keep parking areas clear and functional.
In San Diego, towing regulations are designed to protect both property owners and vehicle owners. Understanding the costs associated with private property towing enables businesses, landlords, and homeowners to make informed decisions when requesting a tow. This guide will outline the costs, key factors influencing pricing, and the legal aspects of private property towing in San Diego.
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Understanding Private Property Towing Costs in San Diego
Factors Influencing Private Property Towing Costs
Several factors determine the cost of private property towing, with prices varying based on vehicle type, towing distance, time of service, and special handling requirements. Below are the key elements that affect towing prices:
Key Factors Affecting Towing Costs:
Type of Vehicle – The size and weight of a vehicle impact the cost. Smaller cars are generally less expensive to tow than larger vehicles like SUVs, trucks, or motorcycles.
Distance Towed – Short-distance tows within city limits are more affordable compared to long-distance towing.
Time of Service – Tows requested at night, on weekends, or during holidays may include additional fees.
Storage Fees – If a vehicle is taken to an impound lot, the owner must pay daily storage fees until retrieval.
Special Circumstances – Extra charges may apply for towing abandoned, damaged, or hazardous vehicles requiring special handling.
Breakdown of Towing Costs in San Diego
Standard Tow Fees
The average cost for towing a vehicle from private property in San Diego typically ranges between $150 and $300, depending on the influencing factors mentioned above.
Storage Fees
After a vehicle is towed, it is usually stored in an impound lot, where daily storage fees apply. These fees can range between $40 and $100 per day, increasing the total cost the longer the vehicle remains in storage.
After-Hours or Emergency Towing Fees
Towing services requested outside regular business hours may incur additional charges. Emergency or late-night towing fees typically add $50 to $150 to the total cost.
Additional Charges for Special Situations
Blocking a Driveway – Some towing companies charge extra fees for removing vehicles obstructing driveways or fire lanes.
Abandoned or Hazardous Vehicles – If a vehicle is abandoned, severely damaged, or poses safety risks, the towing cost may be higher due to special handling requirements.
Who Pays for Private Property Towing?
Property Owners or Managers
If a business, apartment complex, or homeowner’s association (HOA) requests a tow, they might be responsible for the towing fees if the vehicle owner does not reclaim the car. However, this depends on the towing contract between the property owner and the towing company.
Vehicle Owners
Most often, the vehicle owner must pay the towing and storage fees before retrieving their car from the impound lot.
What Happens If a Towed Car Is Abandoned?
If a vehicle remains unclaimed for a certain period, the impound lot may auction it off to recover the costs.
How to Get a Car Towed from Your Property
If you need to remove an unauthorized vehicle from your property, follow these steps: Contact a Licensed Private Property Towing Company — Ensure the company follows San Diego’s towing regulations. Verify Signage Requirements — California law requires properties to have visible towing signs before removing a vehicle. Document the Violation — Take photos of the unauthorized car, including license plates and parking restrictions. Notify the Local Police Department — Some jurisdictions require reporting a tow to the police. Arrange the Tow — Work with a trusted towing company to remove the vehicle.
How to Find Your Towed Car in San Diego
If your car has been towed, follow these steps to locate it: Check with Local Towing Companies and Impound Lots — Many impound lots have online databases where you can search for your vehicle. Contact the San Diego Police Department Towing Division — They can provide information on where your car was taken. Use Online Tools or Hotlines — Some towing companies have tracking services that help locate impounded cars.
San Diego Laws on Private Property Towing
California Towing Regulations
California has strict laws governing private property towing, including: Signage Requirements — Property owners must post clear signs indicating towing policies and contact information for the towing company. Towing Without the Owner’s Consent — If a vehicle is towed without authorization, the property owner and towing company must comply with legal requirements.
Property Owner Responsibilities
Ensure proper signage is posted. Keep towing records and provide information to vehicle owners.
Vehicle Owner Rights
If your vehicle is towed illegally, you may challenge the tow and seek reimbursement. Tow companies must provide an itemized bill upon request.
Why Choose Our Towing Service for Private Property Towing?
At Freeway Towing El Cajon, we provide professional and reliable private property towing services in San Diego. Here’s why you should choose us:
Licensed, Insured, and Experienced Operators – Our tow truck drivers are trained professionals.
Fast Response Times – We serve San Diego, Chula Vista, and surrounding areas.
24/7 Availability – We handle emergency tows at any time of day.
Affordable and Transparent Pricing – No hidden fees.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. How much does private property towing cost in San Diego? The cost varies depending on vehicle type, distance, and additional fees. On average, towing costs range from $150 to $300, with additional storage fees of $40 to $100 per day. 2. Who is responsible for paying towing fees? The vehicle owner usually pays the towing and storage fees before retrieving their car. In some cases, property owners may cover the cost if they have an agreement with the towing company. 3. How can I locate my towed vehicle? You can check with local towing companies, contact the San Diego Police Department Towing Division, or use online impound databases. 4. Can I get my car towed off my property legally? Yes, but you must comply with California’s private property towing laws, including proper signage and documentation before requesting a tow. 5. Do you offer 24/7 towing services? Yes! Freeway Towing El Cajon provides around-the-clock towing services in San Diego, Chula Vista, and nearby areas.
Private property towing in San Diego is necessary for keeping parking areas safe and organized. The cost of towing depends on various factors, including vehicle type, towing distance, and additional fees for special circumstances. Understanding local laws and towing rights can help property owners and vehicle owners avoid disputes. If you need reliable private property towing, contact Freeway Towing El Cajon today. Call us at [(619) 598–1469] or visit [https://freewaytowingelcajon.com/] for more information.
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luxurycondostempe · 22 days ago
The Hidden Costs of Buying a Luxury Condo and How to Plan for Them
Buying a luxurious condo is without doubt one of the finest investments, from elegance to good locations and leading amenities. However, new buyers often fail to look deep into the little-known costs for high-end properties. If those costs aren't planned for well in advance, they can do a number on your budget. In this blog, we’ll explore the hidden costs of buying a luxury condo and provide tips on how to plan for them effectively.
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Common Hidden Costs in Luxury Condo Purchases
When buying luxury condos, several fees are hidden beside the price tag that contribute to unexpected addition.
 Homeowners Association Fees
Maintenance, security, and amenities shared by pools, gyms, and concierge services are all part of these fees.
Some condos may have special assessments for major repairs or renovations.
Property Taxes
Taxes on properties are usually higher due to their locations and highly valued property.
Rates can vary by city and state, so it’s important to research your area’s tax obligations.
Insurance Costs
Standard homeowners' insurance may not cover everything in a luxury condo.
Additional coverage for valuables, floods, or earthquakes might be necessary.
Maintenance and Upkeep
While HOA fees cover communal areas, individual unit repairs are the owner’s responsibility.
High-end materials and finishes can be costly to maintain and replace.
How to Plan for These Hidden Costs
Preparation is key when purchasing a modern condo for sale. Here’s how to manage your budget effectively:
Research HOA Fees in Advance
Request a breakdown of HOA fees and any history of special assessments.
Ensure you clearly understand what is and isn’t included in these fees.
Estimate Property Taxes Accurately
Speak with a real estate professional to get a clear understanding of tax rates.
Consider how potential property value increases may affect future taxes.
Secure Proper Insurance Coverage
Consult with an insurance expert to get comprehensive coverage that meets your needs.
Look for bundled policies to reduce costs.
Create a Maintenance Fund
Set aside a budget for unexpected repairs and ongoing maintenance.
Choose a condo with high-quality construction to minimize future expenses.
Why Choose Bridgeview Condominiums at Tempe Town Lake AZ?
Bridgeview Condominiums at Tempe Town Lake AZ provides transparency and quality, making it a premier choice for luxury condo buyers. Here’s why:
Fair and Transparent HOA Fees:
Clearly outlined HOA costs with no surprise special assessments.
Fees pay for the highest-quality amenities such as fitness centers, lap pools, and many more.
High-Quality Construction and Maintenance
Premium materials that will last longer and therefore not need constant repairs.
Excellent property management means common areas are well-maintained.
Clear and Predictable Closing Costs
Priced transparently with no final surprises.
Always guided by highly experienced realtors in the handling of the purchasing process.
Purchasing luxury condominiums is a pricey investment, where one needs detailed knowledge and information before purchasing one. With Bridgeview Condominiums at Tempe Town Lake AZ, one can enjoy luxury without any stress. With its fair pricing, premium amenities, and transparent costs, Bridgeview Condominiums is the perfect choice for those seeking modern condos that align with both luxury and financial security.
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foshanword · 15 days ago
The Benefits of Hiring an Experienced HOA Lawyer in Arizona
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Homeowners’ associations play a vital role in maintaining community standards, enforcing rules, and protecting property values. However, managing an HOA comes with legal complexities that require professional guidance. Many associations face disputes, financial challenges, and regulatory issues that can be overwhelming without legal support. Hiring an experienced hoa lawyer arizona is essential to ensure that the association operates smoothly while staying compliant with state laws. With the expertise of an hoa attorney arizona, board members can make informed decisions that benefit the entire community.
One of the biggest advantages of working with an hoa attorney phoenix is ensuring that the association’s governing documents are legally sound. Bylaws, CC&Rs, and policies must be drafted and updated regularly to align with Arizona laws. Without legal oversight, outdated or ambiguous regulations can lead to disputes that weaken the authority of the board. An hoa lawyer arizona provides professional guidance in reviewing, amending, and enforcing these documents. When new laws or court rulings impact HOA operations, an hoa attorney arizona ensures that the association remains compliant and avoids legal risks.
Dispute resolution is another critical reason to hire hoa attorneys phoenix az. Conflicts between board members and residents can escalate quickly, leading to lawsuits or strained relationships within the community. An hoa attorney phoenix specializes in resolving these disputes efficiently, whether through mediation, negotiation, or legal action when necessary. By working with an hoa lawyer arizona, associations can handle conflicts in a way that minimizes stress and preserves community harmony. Having an attorney available to provide legal advice ensures that disputes are managed professionally and in accordance with the law.
HOAs often face financial challenges, especially when it comes to collecting overdue assessments. Late payments can significantly impact the association’s ability to cover maintenance costs and essential services. An experienced hoa attorney arizona can assist with implementing strong collection policies that comply with Arizona laws. A skilled hoa attorney phoenix can help HOAs recover delinquent fees through legal channels, such as placing liens or initiating foreclosure proceedings when necessary. By hiring the best hoa attorney phoenix, associations can maintain financial stability while handling collections legally and ethically.
Vendor contracts are another area where an hoa lawyer arizona provides valuable assistance. HOAs frequently enter into agreements with landscapers, security companies, and maintenance providers, but without proper legal review, these contracts can lead to costly disputes. An hoa attorney arizona ensures that vendor agreements are fair, legally binding, and beneficial to the association. Should disputes arise, an hoa attorney phoenix can represent the HOA’s interests and negotiate favorable resolutions. Protecting the community from financial losses due to poorly written contracts is a major benefit of working with hoa attorneys phoenix az.
Legal compliance is a crucial responsibility for HOA board members, but keeping up with changing laws can be challenging. Arizona has specific regulations governing how homeowners’ associations operate, and failure to comply can result in penalties or lawsuits. An experienced hoa lawyer arizona stays up to date on legal changes and ensures that the association follows all applicable rules. From fair housing laws to open meeting requirements, an hoa attorney arizona helps boards understand their obligations and implement best practices. Working with an hoa attorney phoenix ensures that the HOA remains legally compliant while reducing the risk of costly legal disputes.
Board leadership is another area where the expertise of an hoa lawyer arizona is beneficial. Many board members are volunteers with little experience in managing a community. Without professional guidance, leadership decisions may lead to legal conflicts or financial issues. An hoa attorney arizona provides training and legal support to help board members fulfill their responsibilities effectively. An hoa attorney phoenix can offer insights on handling resident concerns, enforcing regulations, and making legally sound decisions. By working with hoa attorneys phoenix az, board members gain the knowledge needed to lead confidently and responsibly.
An HOA may also encounter issues with property use violations, architectural disputes, or rule enforcement challenges. Residents may object to certain restrictions, and disagreements over property modifications can lead to legal conflicts. An hoa lawyer arizona helps associations develop fair and enforceable guidelines that align with community goals and Arizona laws. An hoa attorney arizona can also represent the HOA in legal proceedings if residents challenge enforcement actions. With an hoa attorney phoenix guiding the board, associations can enforce rules effectively while maintaining positive relationships with homeowners.
Choosing the best hoa attorney phoenix ensures that the HOA is well-protected against potential legal threats. From preventing lawsuits to resolving disputes and ensuring compliance, the role of an hoa lawyer arizona is invaluable. Without legal expertise, HOA boards may struggle to navigate complex legal matters, leading to unnecessary risks and financial losses. Hiring an hoa attorney arizona provides peace of mind, knowing that the association has the necessary legal support to function smoothly. Whether it’s reviewing contracts, updating regulations, or handling collections, an hoa attorney phoenix helps HOAs operate efficiently and effectively.
Investing in legal representation from hoa attorneys phoenix az is one of the smartest decisions an HOA board can make. Having a dedicated legal professional ensures that the association is always prepared to handle legal challenges while maintaining a well-governed community. With the guidance of the best hoa attorney phoenix, associations can focus on fostering a positive living environment for all residents.
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solowalkers · 15 days ago
HOA Governance Challenges and How an HOA Attorney in Phoenix Can Assist
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Homeowners' associations are essential for maintaining community standards, enforcing regulations, and ensuring properties retain their value. However, managing an HOA comes with numerous governance challenges that can create disputes, legal issues, and financial burdens. Many HOA boards struggle with enforcing rules fairly, handling resident concerns, and ensuring compliance with Arizona laws. Without the guidance of an experienced hoa lawyer arizona, these challenges can escalate into costly legal battles that put the association at risk. That is why working with an hoa attorney arizona is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and legal compliance within the community.
One of the most significant governance challenges HOAs face is enforcing community rules. Residents may resist regulations or argue that enforcement is inconsistent, leading to disputes that require legal intervention. An experienced hoa attorney phoenix can help ensure that rules are applied fairly and consistently, reducing the risk of claims of selective enforcement. By working with hoa attorneys phoenix az, associations can establish clear policies that align with Arizona law while respecting the rights of homeowners. A well-drafted set of community regulations, supported by legal guidance, minimizes disputes and fosters a cooperative living environment.
Another major challenge for HOAs is managing financial issues, particularly collecting overdue assessments. When homeowners fail to pay their dues, the association may struggle to cover maintenance costs, security expenses, and other essential services. A skilled hoa lawyer arizona can assist with implementing strong collection policies that comply with Arizona laws while protecting the association’s financial health. An hoa attorney arizona can advise on legal collection strategies, including lien placement and foreclosure actions, ensuring that the HOA recovers delinquent fees effectively. With the help of an hoa attorney phoenix, associations can establish fair but firm financial policies that encourage timely payments and prevent long-term financial struggles.
HOA boards also face challenges when dealing with disputes among residents. Whether it’s a disagreement over property use, noise complaints, or architectural modifications, conflicts between neighbors can disrupt community harmony. Having an hoa lawyer arizona available to mediate these disputes ensures that conflicts are handled legally and professionally. An hoa attorney arizona can provide guidance on alternative dispute resolution methods, reducing the need for costly litigation. When mediation is not enough, an hoa attorney phoenix can represent the association in court, ensuring that disputes are resolved in accordance with community guidelines and Arizona law.
Governing documents such as bylaws, CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions), and policies require regular updates to reflect legal changes and community needs. Many HOA boards struggle to keep these documents current, leading to outdated rules that may be unenforceable. An hoa lawyer arizona ensures that governing documents are regularly reviewed and updated to comply with Arizona’s evolving HOA laws. An hoa attorney arizona can draft amendments, clarify ambiguous provisions, and help boards implement changes effectively. With the expertise of an hoa attorney phoenix, associations can avoid legal pitfalls and ensure that all rules remain enforceable.
Conflicts between board members can also pose governance challenges, particularly when leadership disputes arise. When board members disagree on financial decisions, rule enforcement, or administrative policies, governance can become dysfunctional. An experienced hoa lawyer arizona can offer guidance on board responsibilities, decision-making processes, and legal obligations, ensuring that leadership disputes do not disrupt community operations. An hoa attorney arizona can also provide training for board members, helping them understand their roles and responsibilities to promote effective governance. Working with an hoa attorney phoenix ensures that boards operate within legal boundaries while maintaining transparency and fairness.
Another challenge HOAs face is dealing with vendor contracts and service agreements. HOAs rely on various service providers, including landscapers, security companies, and maintenance contractors, to keep the community in good condition. Without proper legal oversight, associations may sign unfavorable contracts that lead to financial losses or subpar service. A knowledgeable hoa lawyer arizona can review vendor contracts, negotiate favorable terms, and ensure that agreements align with the HOA’s best interests. An hoa attorney arizona can also assist in resolving contract disputes, protecting the association from unnecessary liabilities. With an hoa attorney phoenix handling legal contract matters, HOAs can secure reliable service providers without financial risks.
Navigating Arizona’s complex HOA laws is another ongoing challenge for board members. State regulations governing homeowners' associations frequently change, and noncompliance can result in legal penalties or lawsuits. An hoa lawyer arizona stays up to date on these legal developments, ensuring that the association adheres to all state and local laws. An hoa attorney arizona provides expert advice on legal responsibilities, dispute resolution, and best practices for maintaining compliance. By consulting an hoa attorney phoenix, associations can proactively address legal risks before they become serious problems.
Selecting the best hoa attorney phoenix is crucial for ensuring that an HOA operates smoothly and effectively. The right legal professional will offer proactive guidance, assist with rule enforcement, help resolve disputes, and protect the association’s financial interests. By working with hoa attorneys phoenix az, HOAs can create a legally sound governance structure that minimizes conflicts and maximizes community stability. An hoa lawyer arizona provides the expertise necessary to navigate governance challenges while ensuring that the association remains legally compliant.
HOA governance requires careful legal oversight to maintain order, protect community interests, and enforce rules fairly. Without the support of an experienced hoa attorney arizona, board members may struggle to address disputes, update regulations, and manage finances effectively. An hoa attorney phoenix provides invaluable guidance, helping HOAs resolve governance challenges with professionalism and legal precision. By choosing hoa attorneys phoenix az who specialize in community law, associations can operate more efficiently while avoiding costly legal disputes. The best hoa attorney phoenix will always prioritize the association’s success, offering tailored legal solutions that promote stability and compliance.
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