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illdowhatiwantthanks · 7 months ago
Hey could I get an Angsty fic with wife Olivia Benson/Emily Prentiss (which ever you want) where the reader is a detective/profiler and gets hurt badly and Emily/olivia are the ones to find them and they have to keep them awake until the paramedics get there?
You can pick the injury
Hey @yanginginthere! 😊 It's been a minute since I wrote for Olivia, so that's what I did here! Hope you enjoy! –illdowhatiwantthanks
Eyes Open
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Olivia Benson x fem!reader Warnings: MAJOR BIG HUGE WARNINGS for gun violence/school shootings, blood, death, etc., medical emergencies, near-death situation, hospitals, explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 2.0k
Summary: When the rest of the squad is hesitant to enter the scene of a school shooting, you make one of the rashest decisions of your life--one you might not come back from. Your wife, Olivia, races to get to you in time.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, you thought as you watched blood pour from your abdomen. You were on the ground before you knew what was happening, before you could evaluate the situation. You pressed your hands over the gunshot wound, trying not to think about how much blood was seeping between your fingers.
You glanced around the room, panicked, nearly sick to your stomach. The racetrack rug, the little cubbies, the bodies. You wretched and vomited before collapsing onto your back. Your partner, Mendoza, lay on the opposite side of the room, pale, wide-eyed, still. Dead. He was dead. You swallowed back tears. Now was not the time to cry.
The shooter’s blood had sprayed across the bookshelves when you shot him. You couldn’t get close enough to feel for a pulse, but he wasn’t moving. So he was at least incapacitated. What you needed was to call for backup, to get the rest of the cowards from the NYPD–the ones who sat outside to wait for backup while you could hear children screaming–to get their asses in here and help. You and Mendoza had gone in against orders, had ignored a direct command from a superior officer to wait for backup. And, god knows, you’d both paid for it, but if even one child made it out that wouldn’t have otherwise, it would be worth it.
You felt for your radio at your side and groaned when you realized it had been shot by the same bullet that was now lodged inside of you. Your vision was starting to grow fuzzy; it was only a matter of time until you passed out. And who knew how long until backup finally decided to enter the elementary school?
You heard movement and jerked your head to the side to see the very top of a small head poking out from the supply closet.
“Hey!” you shouted, crying out in relief. The child shrank back, and you called, “No, no, no, it’s okay! It’s okay. I know it’s scary. It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m a police officer. I’m here to help you. That man with the gun, he can’t hurt you anymore. But I need your help. Do you think you could come out here and help me?”
The boy poked his head out again, a little bit farther, and you could see that his face was tear-stained, covered in snot. Your heart broke for him. You wanted to cry. You hated to traumatize him further, but you also knew that if you didn’t get backup and EMTs in here as soon as possible, more people were going to lose their lives–including you.
“Hi, honey,” you said as he stared at you, wide-eyed. “My name’s Y/N. What’s yours?”
He sucked in a breath, then shakily replied, “Arturo.”
You nodded. “Arturo. That’s a nice name. You’re being really brave, sweetheart. Is there anyone else in there with you?”
He nodded his head.
“How many people?”
Arturo held up five fingers.
“Five?” you asked, trying to focus your eyes.
He nodded.
“Are there any grown-ups?”
His face screwed up, like he was about to cry, and he shook his head.
“Okay, honey. That’s okay. Listen. Arturo, we need to call for help so the other police officers and the ambulance drivers can get in here and help everybody. Okay?”
He didn’t respond. You pointed to your busted radio. “My walkie talkie broke, but my partner’s should still work. He’s right over there… just–” You shuddered. God, you were having a child grab a device from a dead body. This poor kid. All these poor kids. But you didn’t know what else to do. “Just don’t look at his face or anything,” you told him. “The walkie talkie on his belt, that’s what we need. Can you do that for me, Arturo?”
He shook as he stood, and you could tell he’d wet himself in fear. Tears sprang to your eyes as you watched him wobble toward Mendoza’s body. “You’ve already been so brave, buddy, I just need you to be brave a little bit longer.”
You closed your eyes briefly, trying to fight the dizziness that swam inside your head.
“It’s stuck,” Arturo whimpered, and you snapped your eyes open.
“Okay, buddy,” you said, wracking your brain for a solution. “That’s alright. Umm… there’s a little button on the side, do you see that?”
Arturo nodded, his fingers wet with Mendoza’s blood.
“Alright, just press the button and hold it down, and then repeat what I say. Okay, Arturo?”
“Okay,” he whimpered, holding his little hand against the radio.
You exhaled sharply, as the pain in your abdomen surged. “Say, This is Officer Y/L/N.”
He repeated it, looking at you with wide, scared eyes.
“Badge number 11227.”
You gulped as your vision blurred, trying to be as concise as possible.
“Shooter is down. Officers down. Requesting immediate backup and medical assistance.”
You could feel your body falling out of consciousness, could hear Arturo talking to the other officers through the radio, but it was far away, as if you were in a tunnel.
“Please help,” he cried, fresh tears running down his cheeks. “She’s not talking anymore.”
The last thought you had before blacking out was that your wife would kill you if you died.
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“Clear!” Olivia shouted, moving from classroom to classroom at PS 717, gun at the ready. The rest of the officers stopped as needed to help evacuate children and school staff, to give first aid as needed, but she and Elliot were single-minded. They had one job, and she had insisted it be theirs as the NYPD prepared to enter the scene: find the shooter and confirm that he was down.
The last person they had heard from was you. Well, a little boy who had your name and badge number and said all the right things and, therefore, was presumably with you. She was furious with you, furious that you’d gone in without backup, furious that you were so goddamned good and brave, that you would be willing to sacrifice your life for these kids, even though it was one of the things she loved most about you. And, truthfully, underneath all that fury was just plain fear. Absolute terror. Where were you?! Obviously you were hurt if you couldn’t call in yourself. And, from the sound of it, it had been you who took down the shooter.
“Liv!” Elliot yelled from a classroom down, and she sprinted toward him, her heart in her throat. Elliot was already on the radio: “We need medical here stat! East wing of the school, fourth classroom on the right. We’ve got two officers down, shooter down, multiple civilian casualties.”
Olivia burst into the classroom, her eyes quickly taking in the damage: Mendoza down, shooter down, kids crying in the corner, civilians down, and you. Her heart was in her throat as she holstered her gun and dropped to your side.
“No, no, no, baby,” she cried, cradling your limp head and feeling for a pulse. “Stay with me, sweetheart. You are too damn stubborn to go out like this.” Your pulse was thready and weak, as was your breath. She brushed your hair out of your face, trying hard to keep herself breathing, to not fall apart, not yet. She smacked you lightly on the face until you coughed and blinked your eyes open.
Olivia let out a sob of relief and caressed your face, pressing her free hand on top of yours to stifle your bleeding.
“Liv?” you groaned. Then weakly pointed in the direction of the shooter. “Is he…”
“He’s down, baby, he’s dead. You got him.”
You coughed again and winced, your body shaking with cold or trauma or both. “Arturo?” you asked, glancing around for him.
“The little boy?” she clarified. You nodded. “He’s safe, he’s okay. He’s with Elliot.”
Your body started to shake more violently and it was if, finally, the terror of the day had caught up with you. Tears streamed down your face. Your skin was clammy and your breath came in short huffs. You weren’t stupid. You knew what they meant, all the signs in your body: hypovolemic shock. You’d lost too much blood. You were dying.
You’d like to say that, in what you assumed were your dying moments, your life flashed before your eyes, that you thought of everything you’d experienced and everything you’d not yet been able to. But, honestly, you were just scared. And sad to leave Olivia.
“I love you,” you choked out as your eyelids fluttered between open and shut.
“No, no,” Olivia protested, grasping your face in her hands. “Don’t you fucking say goodbye to me, Y/N. This is not fucking goodbye! You keep your eyes open, Officer. That’s a direct order!”
And you really did try. You really did fight to keep Olivia’s face in front of you, her terrified, tear-stained face. You just couldn’t bear to leave her, not like this.
When you finally lost consciousness, Olivia yelling your name was the last thing you heard.
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You woke up god knows how much later in a hospital bed, with several wires attached to you and an ungodly amount of pain in your abdomen, not to mention a mouth so dry it felt like your tongue had been left to dehydrate.
Before you knew what was happening, Olivia’s lips were on yours, her hands grasping the side of your face so tightly you thought there was a good chance she might never let you go.
“You fucking asshole,” she cried, her tears wet against your skin. “You almost died!”
She kissed you a few more times for good measure, then leaned back to look at you, your own tears streaming now. She sniffled and wiped your eyes, smiling even as she cried. “Why do you have to be so goddamned brave, huh?”
You shrugged, then winced. “No, no, don’t move!” she exclaimed. “Just… let yourself rest, okay?” She shook her head. “You really scared me.”
“I’m sorry, love,” you croaked out. You blinked tears away and looked at the ceiling, trying hard to banish the mental images of Mendoza, of the blood, of the civilians. “I just… I couldn’t…”
“I know,” she said, taking your hand. “I would’ve done the same thing.”
You coughed and frowned at her. “You better fucking not.”
She pointed to the table next to your hospital bed, stacked with cards and flowers. “You’ve got quite a lot of fans now.”
You shook your head. You didn’t deserve fans. If anyone deserved the recognition, it was Mendoza. You tried not to think of him, knew you’d start crying if you did.
“Here,” Olivia said, holding out a folded sheet of paper. “Read this one. It’s good.”
There was a stick-figure drawing of you as a superhero and a messy, misspelled note:
Dear Ofiser Y/L/N, thak you so much for helpig me be brav and for gettig the bad gy. Yor my heero. Arturo Guerrero.
Your eyes were swimming by the time you finished reading it. You should be the one thanking him.
“The NYPD’s giving you a Medal of Honor, too, when you’re well enough. You’re a hero, honey,” Olivia said, tracing your cheekbone with her thumb. “A dumb, brave idiot of a hero. But my hero, all the same.”
You didn’t know how you felt about this hero business, didn’t feel like you deserved it. You’d just done your job. And your job required a bit more of you this time around.
“Liv,” you ventured, uncomfortable.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Please don’t call me that.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “A hero?”
You nodded.
“What should we call you then?”
You smiled wryly. “Just Y/N.”
Olivia leaned forward to brush your hair out of your face, staring lovingly at you. “How about love of my life?”
You smiled and squeezed her hand. “Yeah. That’ll do.”
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olicitymckono · 1 year ago
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AN: Hey guys this is my first reader insert for Eddie Diaz. Please enjoy!
Any mistakes are my own
Italics = texts and flashback
The day Eddie Diaz walked into 118 house Y/N knew there was something about him. Aside from his good looks, he had this presence about him that made her feel like she could immediately trust him. It had taken her a while to fully trust her other team mates but some how with him its different. The two of you had become fast friends and spent a lot of your free time together with Christopher and sometimes Buck.
One day things just suddenly changed. There had been a school shooting and somehow the LAPD had not been aware that there were two offenders. Once Athena and her team had the first offender in custody the 118 had been given the all clear to enter the building and help the victims. Y/N and Hen made their way in first. School shootings had always been hard for Y/N, no one but Bobby knew the reason for it but the team had always noticed. Y/N lead the way towards one of the classrooms where she heard crying. “Fire Department, we’re here to help,” she called out. She saw a young man look out the glass before slowly opening the door. “Are you hurt?”
“No but my friend is,” the young man pointed towards another boy who was surrounded by several other students. Y/N made her way over to him. He had taken a bullet to his stomach and had lost a lot of blood. She noticed that the other kids were scared which wasn’t unusual given the trauma they had just been through but none of them tried to leave.  Y/N looked towards Hen who she saw had also noticed.
“Its okay, we’ve got him. If you’re not hurt you can head outside.”
Several of the kids shook their heads, Y/N knew something was wrong. “Hen, we gonna need a back board. He cant walk out here.” Hen reached for her radio but Y/N stopped her. “Can you get it?” The look Y/N gave her made Hen worry but she got up and nodded. As she headed to the door Y/N said, “Tell Cap, it’s Cressway.” Hen looked at her questioningly but Y/N shook her head, “Go, I really need the back board.”
Once Hen was gone Y/N turned her attention to the boy on the ground. It didn’t look good and she really didn’t think he was going to make it, but she had to try. “Ok I’m gonna need some help.” She turned to a young blond girl. “What’s your name?”
“Hayley,” she replied softly.
“Okay Hayley I need you to keep pressure on...”
Y/N smiled lightly, “Jeremy’s wound. Press down really hard ok. Can you do that?” Hayley nodded. “Good.” Y/n leaned down to take a better look and soften her voice, “Who?”
Hayley looked at her before moving her eyes over to the young man who had opened the door. He was pacing now and seemed very agitated. “Okay, we’re gonna get out of here.”
Something didn’t feel right and Hen rushed to get the back board. She needed to speak to speak to Bobby but something told her not to do it over the air. She spotted Athena and rushed over. “Have you seen Bobby?”
“He went in after you guys, said something about the library. What’s up?”
“Somethings wrong.”
“Wrong how?”
“Hen,” they turned around as her captain and Eddie came out helping a young wounded girl who was bleeding from her leg. She rushed over.
“Cap, somethings wrong.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N said to mention Cressway.”
“Cressway? What does that mean?” Eddie asked.
Hen was about to say something when she noticed the look on her Captains face, “Where is she?” he asked.
“Inside. Cap what is it?”
“There’s a second shooter.”
“Are you sure?” Athena asked her husband.
Athena grabbed her radio and called it in just as a gun shot went off.
Her ears were ringing, the gun had gone off right next to her ear but she had managed to take down the shooter. She looked up at the scared kids in front of her and told them to leave, “Its safe now.”
They didn’t need to be told twice and raced for the door. Y/n sat down and leaned against the wall, “I really hate school shootings.” She reached for her radio, “All clear, suspect is down.”
Two seconds later Eddie was in front of her, running his hands over her body checking for any injuries. “Hey Diaz, if you wanted to cop a feel all you had to do was ask,” she joked.
“Not funny Hartley.” He got up and reached out his hand before pulling her up alongside him.
“Are you mad at me Eddie?” she asked at the tone of his voice.
“What were you thinking? You could have been killed.”
She put her hands on her hips and glared at him, “I was doing my job. PD gave us the clear. Last I checked I’m a firefighter.”
“You are not a cop. You should have like them handle the guy. When you thought something was up you call in.”
She shook her head, “I’m not arguing with you. I did what I had to diffuse the situation and help those kids.”
“That wasn’t your call.”
“Excuse me? I’m head paramedic.”
That’s enough!” Bobby step in. “Y/n I want you to go get checked out. Diaz go help Buck and the others to search.”
“But Cap,” she began.
“Don’t wanna hear it. That’s an order.”
With one final glare at Eddie, she shook her head and went to follow her boss’ instructions.
Pulling back into headquarters Y/n was still fuming at the way her friend and co worker had spoken to her, like she was some sort of child. As soon as the engine came to a stop she hop out and headed straight for the showers. Sitting down on the bench she took a deep breath and allowed herself a chance to process everything.
She looked up, “Hi Cap.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head, “ Not really.”
He nodded in understanding but still made his way over and sat down next to her. “I know that this was hard for you.”
“Its the job. I’ve handled school shootings before.”
“Not like this one, not since Cressway.”
“I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
“I know. But regardless I want you to take the day.”
“Are you benching me?”
“No, I’m telling you to take the day and do something relaxing. Something that will take your mind off what I know your thinking off. Maybe Luke is around.”
She smiled at the thought of her boyfriend. She nodded, maybe Cap was right. It had been a long day. “Ok.”
He got up and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You did good.”
“ Thanks Cap.”
The young man looked up from his plate and gave his boss a questioning look. “Yeah?”
Bobby sat down, “What was that about back at the school?”
Eddie knew what he was talking about. To be honest he didn’t even know what had come over him. When he had heard that gun shot go off, it had scared the hell out of him. He couldn’t lose Y/N. She was his best friend. “I don’t know Bobby. When I heard that gun shot, I panicked. I don’t even want to think about losing her.”
“DO you have feelings for her?”
Eddie shook his head frantically, “No way....I mean yeah she’s my best friend.”
“Bobby nodded, “We all care about her Eddie, but we trust each other here. We just each other to do our jobs and that’s what she did.”
“How did you know Cap? About the second shooter?”
“Not my story to tell.” Bobby got up. “Just trust her.”
“Luke, you home?” Yn called out into his apartment as she walked in.
“Hey babe. You’re home early.” the Australian man who had stolen her heart 5 years ago smiled as he walked into the kitchen. He was a lawyer who worked from home and the two had met at the courthouse one afternoon during a fire.
“Hey,” she sighed as he pulled her into his arms.
“Is everything ok?”
“No,” she mumbles into his shirt.
“What happened?”
“School shooting.”
He pulled her tighter, rubbing her back. “Wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head. “Are you busy or can you distract me?”
“Mmm, that depends on what kind of distraction you want,” he smirked.
“Mind out the gutter. I thought maybe a hike.”
“You know I would do anything for you but I have a zoom meeting in like an HR.”
“Its ok.” She reached up and kissed him. “Thought I’d try my luck.”
“How about dinner? That little French restaurant you love so much.”
“Sounds perfect. I’m gonna go on that hike so long. I’ll see you later.”
“Pick you up at 8. Love you.”
“I love you too.”
That night as he lay in bed Eddie had the worst nightmare and now he just tossed and turned, unable to get the image of Yn out of his head. He knew it had been just a dream and that she was perfectly safe but the thought of her been hurt, haunted him.
“Hey, you awake?” he messaged her.
“Yep. What’s up?”
“Can’t sleep. U?”
“Me neither.”
“You wanna get some coffee? Christopher is at a friends.”
“Sure, or you could come here?”
“I’ll be there now.”
Sitting on her balcony they had foregone the coffee and we’re nursing a few beers. He could tell she wasn’t herself. “What’s wrong?”
“Today was just hard. And you having a go at me didn’t help.”
“I’m sorry. When I heard the gunshot, I got scared.”
“Ok. I guess it hasn’t missed your attention that school shootings are hard for me.”
“I’ve noticed.”
She sighed. “Back in high school it was just a normal day. All of a sudden during lunch Randy Hurst a senior opened fire. A few of us managed to get out of the lunch hall and hid in the library.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I lost my brother that day. Along with 15 others.”
He took her hand in his, “I’m sorry.”
She smiled at him. “The worst part was that there were two shooters. No one knew about the other boy until he pulled out a gun. He was in the library with us. Police responded quickly and some students were able tackle Randy but Aiden was still there. He had been friends with Luke, my brother. He had run with us and just sat there head in his hands. At the time it didn’t seem weird. We were all scared. But when we heard the sirens Aiden started talking to himself, like he was going mad.”
“Maybe he was having second thoughts?” Eddie asked as he brushed his thumb along her hand.
“That’s what he said. He was prepared and ready but something stopped him and when Randy started shooting, Aiden panicked. He ran with us. I still don’t know what happened, why he hesitated then decided
 shoot in the library. I never asked him, I was too scared.”
“How did it end?”
“We could hear officers coming towards us. Shouting to let us know so we wouldn’t be afraid so some of us got up and tried to get to the door. But Aiden pulled a gun and shot Alicia Mount. He rushed the door and made us get back.
“Second shooter! I repeat we have a second shooter!”
We could hear officers shooting right outside the door bit no one came in. Alicia just lay on the floor, blood pooling from her back.
“Aiden, what the hell are you doing?” my brother Luke asked, voice shaking.
I have never seen him scared before except when our grandpa was sick and dying.
“Get back!!!” the shooter screamed waving the gun in front of Luke.
I walk forward slowly and take my brother’s hand. “Luke…”
“Stay back Ynn.” Luke looked at me and I looked back pleading with my eyes for him to not do any thing stupid. He got the message and moved away slowly from Aiden, one hand raised in surrender, the other clutching mine tightly. A mere few minutes later a young boy, most likely a junior tries to sneak out but Aiden spots him and raises his gun. Luke took the opportunity to tackle the boy. A single shot rings out. Luke grimaces and I knew he had been hit but he won’t let go of the boy. “Run!”
Most of the group didn’t need to be told twice but I didn’t want to leave my brother.
“Dammit Yn go!!!!”
Tears in my eyes I run for the door and as I round the corner I run into a police officer. He is asking me something but I can’t hear him. We have to help Luke. “My brother he’s….” another shot and it’s only because the officer had grabbed onto me tight that kept me from racing to him.
Several other officers slowly make their way towards the library. A few minutes later one comes back and asks me to come with him. I hesitate but follow him. Luke and Aiden are both laying on the floor. “Who is it?”
I point at Aiden who I can see is still alive. Luke is still. The police roughly pull Aiden up and hand cuff him, mindful of his bleeding arm. I rush to my brother.
“Luke? Luke?” he doesn’t open his eyes. His stomach is covered in blood. “Wake up!”
I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. It’s a paramedic.
“Please help him!”
He nodded as another man joined him and the police man from earlier pulls me up and leads me outside.
“Luke died on the way to the hospital.”
Eddie pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “He sounds like a hero.”
She sniffled before pulling back. “He was. So many more could have died that day.”
They sat there for a while before he remembered something. “What’s Cressway?”
“His last name. Aiden Cressway.”
“Where is he now?”
“Locked away for the rest of his life. After the trial my parents moved us to LA. My grandparents on my mom’s side lived here and they felt we needed a new start. When I became a paramedic and joined the department I didn’t tell anyone but when I joined the 118 we had to respond to a shooting at an elementary school. It was my first one since that day and Cap called me out. That’s when I told him everything. He promised it would stay between us and I’ve managed to handle it.”
“That’s why he looked at you before we got to the school?”
She nodded. “He tries to take care of me.”
“He cares about you. We all do.”
The way he said that made her feel different and the way he was looking at her caused her to blush. She took a breath. “Today was the first time I’ve experienced a unknown second shooter.”
“You did a good job today. I over heard some of the kids talking afterwards. You saved their lives.”
“I just thought about what Luke had done.”
“Promise me though you won’t do that again?”
She looked up at him in annoyance. “Can we not do this again Eddie? I did my job.”
“I know.” He threaded his fingers with hers. “But I can’t lose you.”
She soften her look and brushed her free hand against his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere Eddie. But I can’t not do my job.”
“I suppose,” he got up and walked inside and she could see there was something else.
“Is there something you’re not saying?” she got up and followed him.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know Eddie, you tell me.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No please, share what’s on your mind!”
“I can’t lose you!” he snapped.
“We established that already!” she fired back taking a step closer. “Its our job. We’ve been doing it for years. Why all of a sudden are you acting like this?”
“I’m gonna go.”
“Edmund Diaz! I promise if you walk out that door……”
“What? Huh?” he closing the gap between them. “What are you gonna do Yn?”
He was so close that she could feel his breath against her skin. His eyes piercing into hers. She took a shaky breath and took a step back. “What did I do?”
“You could have been hurt or worse.”
She shook her head and tried to walk away, annoyed with the conversation now. He grabbed her hand and pulled her flush against him, lips crashing against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Wrapping his hands around her waist he tried to pull her closer, never removing his lips from hers. As his fingers brushed against her exposed skin between her pants and top she gasped. Using it to his advantage he slip his tongue into her mouth. Neither wanted to stop but air was becoming a necessity and when they final broke apart they both had to catch their breath. “I’m in love with you.” He whispered against her lips.
She stepped back, “What?”
He let her step back but refused to let go of her hands. “I’ve been for a while. I only knew for certain when I hard that shot. So many things raced through my mind as I was racing inside. How I might not get to tell you how I feel. How we could be a family, you, me and Christopher. How there is so much I want to do with you and share with you.”
“You make my life so much better since you came into it. I always felt like there was this hole, like something was missing and nothing could fix it. Then I met you and you became my best friend. It felt like I had finally found my missing piece.”
“I care about you too, I’ll be honest and say that I do have feelings for you too but I have a boyfriend.”
He nodded sadly, “I know. I just…..I needed you to know.”
“I’m sorry Eddie.”
Over the next few weeks things between Yn and Eddie felt awkward and the team noticed. Buck and Chin had tried talking to Eddie and Hen had tried with Yn but neither of the two wanted to talk about it. Exactly 2 months after that kiss Christopher walked into the kitchen and confronted his father.
“Why doesn’t Yn come over anymore? Did you have a fight?”
“Its complicated buddy.”
“Well just tell her you love her and fix it.” Eddie was surprised that his son knew about his feelings and it showed. “I see the way you look at her. How happy you are when she’s around.”
Eddie sighed. “She knows but it’s too late. She has a boyfriend.”
“Its only too late if you give up. And it looks like you have.” Christopher walked out the room.
An hour later Eddie went to his son’s room to try and explain but when he open the door Christopher wasn’t there. “Chris?” he went through the entire apartment calling out for his son, his panic starting to increase. He grabbed his phone and called Yn.
“Christopher’s gone.”
She had just sat down, flipping on the TV when her cellphone rang. Eddie.
“Christopher’s gone.”
“Where was the last you saw him?” she asked jumping up and racing for the door. As she opened it she felt her the panic in her chest subside. She sighed in relief. “He’s here.”
“I’m on my way “
She put down the call and pulled the young boy into a tight hug well as tight as he would allow. “You scared us. Your dad is worried.”
“I’m sorry.”
After making sure Christopher was all ok and getting him some juice she sat down next to him on the sofa.
“Why did you run away?”
He looked down at the glass in his hand. “You and Dad are fighting and I don’t like it. You never come by anymore.”
She felt ashamed. In the last two months Eddie had done his best to avoid her and at first she had tried but eventually gave up. She hadn’t thought about the boy sitting here. “Christopher, I’m so sorry. What ever is going on with your dad and we shouldn’t have let it affect you.”
“Do you love my dad?”
She sighed, “Yes but it’s not that easy.” She added seeing the hopeful look on his face.
“How come? Is it because of Luke?”
“Luke was a factor yes.”
“Why can’t it just be simple? You love dad and he loves you.”
Before she could answer there was a knock at the door. “How many speed limits did you break?” she jokingly asked Eddie as he stood there.
“A few.”
“He’s on the sofa. Don’t be too hard on him.”
Eddie smiled softly at her, knowing just how much she cared for his son.
“Hey bud. You scared me.” He said sitting down next to him.
“I’m sorry dad. I just wanted to see Yn.”
“I know and I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I made a mistake and it affected you.”
“Does this mean that you too won’t be fighting anymore?”
“I hope not,” Eddie replied glancing over at his friend. She nodded in agreement but had a funny look on her face.
“Hey bud,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and handed it to his son. “I’m gonna chat to Yn real quick. Why don’t you watch something?”
Eddie smiled before getting up and nudge his head towards the balcony. She silently followed him. After stepping outside he closed the sliding door behind him.
“Did you mean that?” she asked.
“Kissing me was a mistake?”
“I don’t know, maybe?” he honestly replied.
“Because it broke our friendship.”
“No, that was you deciding to be an ass.”
“I’m an idiot.”
“No arguments here.”
“Yn, it’s hard. Watching you be with someone else.”
“Well maybe if you had talked to me you would know that Luke and I broke up.”
“What?” he asked.
She nodded. “A month ago.”
“What happened?”
“His brother got in an accident and he went home to Sydney. It was supposed to be for a two weeks but he realized how much he missed Australia and his family. Lucky for him his firm has an office over there.”
“So he just left you?”
“He asked me to go with. But I don’t want to leave LA, my family, the 118….you.”
“Me?” he asked moving closer to her. He didn’t want to get his hopes up but he also didn’t want to miss an opportunity.
“Yeah. I wanted to tell you but you weren’t talking to me and I haven’t really told anyone. They just think he is helping his family and will be home soon. And you’re  seeing someone.”
“Marisol and I went on two dates and that was it.”
“Christopher and you. I thought maybe he was just being difficult. Didn’t like the idea of someone taking his mom’s place. But turns out it’s because it wasn’t you.”
She turned to look at the boy inside, she loved him and she was in love with his dad. She had missed them terribly even though she saw Eddie everyday at work. “So where does this leave us?”
“I miss you, and if we are just friends then I’ll make it work. I just need you.”
“And what if I don’t want to be just friends?” she asked closing the gap between them.
He wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer, then I would be the happiest guy alive.”
“No more fighting or running.”
“Just you and me.”
“And Christopher.”
He chuckled, “And Christopher.” He kissed her.
“Oh,” she pulled back slightly. “And no getting mad at each other for doing our jobs.”
“As long as you don’t do anything risky.”
She arched a brow, “Me?”
He nodded.
“It was one time. You on the other hand…..”
She never got to finish her sentence as he swiftly kissed her once more.
Back inside Christopher click on the contact and dialed the number. As soon as it was answered he said with a smile. “Hey Buck it worked.”
If either Eddie or Yn found out Buck had been in on the plan…..he was a died man.
An: please let me know if you want more Eddie Diaz and Yn or if you have any requests.
I also write for Formula one and I'm working on a Dean Winchester X reader 😘
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rockermybuddie · 5 months ago
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Rocker x reader
Story 3
Summary: Its been eight months since you slept with Rocker. Its been hard but you both have managed to not let it happen again. Still good friends at work. You manage to get caught in a bank robbery off duty.
You shift your weight from one foot fo another as you wait in line at the bank. Only two people ahead of you.
All of a sudden a group of five people walk in with heavy guns and masks.
“Everyone get down now!” One yells firing his gun in the air.
“This cant be happening.” You say quietly to yourself. Surly one of the bank tellers triggered the silent alarm.
“No body move!” Another commands.
Trying to come up with a plan quick scanning the area. Out numbered and out gunned anything you try to do could get you killed.
Police should be here soon, hopefully.
You see the cops pull up through the window, SWAT right behind them.
Some how you and Rocker immediately made eye contact through the window. His facial expression stern and now his focus is to get the civilians out and you safety.
With your hands you tell him 5 shooters and 14 civilians. So he knows what hes working with. Usually with bank robberies the numbers can be unsure.
You see how Rockers team is going to enter the building. Everything is going to plan intill the person beside you sees your badge flash on your hip.
“You’re a cop?! Do something!” They say. “Shhh! The cops are here. Im out numbered here. Trust me.” You tell them.
“Shut up!” A robber yells in our direction, thankfully he didnt hear the cop part. “Shes a cop, shes going to arrest all of you!” The person yells.
All of a sudden you’re lying on the ground a throbbing pain in your stomach and blood pouring out of you. You become light headed.
“Hey, hey, hey. Keep your eyes open sweetheart.” Rocker says kneeling beside you. He puts pressure on the gunshot wound calling for a medic.
“25- david is down!” He says on the radio. “Open your eyes baby. You’re gonna be okay. Just open your eyes” he begs.
You hear a constant steady beeping noise. You open your eyes and see an unfamiliar ceiling, trying to remember where you were but cant think of anything.
You feel your mouth is open trying to close it your feel something plastic keeping it open. You move your hand to your mouth and feel a tube.
You panic trying to get it out thrashing around on the bed but immediately wince in pain.
“Hey, hey, sweetheart. Its okay. Calm down.” A voice says grabbing your wrists pinning you down.
You eyes dart around trying to focus on something. You see a face with deep brown eyes looking at you.
“I need a doctor!” The face yells towards the door.
All of a sudden there were other faces surrounding you none of them familiar. They removed the tubing in your mouth and replaced it with a tube in your nose that went around your ears.
“How much pain are you in?” One of the faces asks. “A lot?” You answer unsure. She puts a bag of liquid on a metal pole that has a tube going into your arm.
After awhile they all leave and the first face you saw came walking back in the room, but was followed by a new group of faces.
“Hey there. You gave us a scare there.” A tall man with gray hair and a well trimmed gray beard said.
“Who…..who are you?” You ask weakly, your voice a soft loud whisper. The man furrowed his brows as if he was trying to see if you were being serious or not.
“Deacon. Im Deacon.” The man tells you. You shut your eyes trying to think of someone called Deacon. But when you do you see a bank, a gun, then its blank.
“You…..you shot me?” You ask unsure of what is going on. Everyone looks at each other with concern as you try to put pieces together.
“No, you were at the bank during the robbery. You were shot. You don’t remember?” Deacon tells you. “I’m going to go get the doctor.” The girl says stepping out of the room.
“Bank robbery? How…. How did you know that was in my brain?” You asks.
The docotr came in and did a check up on you. He informed the others that your confusion is caused by the loss of blood and being in a coma for three days. He said your memory should slowly come back to you. Just give it time.
“Rocker?” You say trying to get his attention. He immediately got up from the chair he was napping in. “Yes sweetheart? What is it?” He says at your bedside.
“You….you saved me.” You tell him. Your memory came back and you remember seeing Rockers face just before you blacked out.
A smile came across his face as he pushed some loose hair behind your ear. “I’m just glad you’re awake now.” He says.
“Do they know?” You ask him. “Know what?” He asks furrowing his brows, unsure of what you’re asking. “Do they know about us?” You ask more clearly.
“Oh. No. I don’t think so. I just told them i would stay here with you since i’m the last person you saw.” He explains.
“I’m going to sign the paper.” You tell him. You know what the outcome is going to be once word gets out that you are dating the leader of 50 squad but he saved your life and the past eight months have been brutal.
“But your career, are you sure?” Rocker asks trying to keep his excitement down incase you change your mind.
“I can handle gossip if i can handle getting shot.” You smile.
Rockers face lights up as he leans down and plants a deep loving kiss on your lips.
“If anyone gives you any shit let me know and i’ll make sure they get stuck on armor duty intill they retire.” Rocker says. You laugh at that but grabbed your side in pain.
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year ago
Hey could you do fluff fic for David 'Deacon' Kay x wife reader where they spend their day together after hectic week? She's school teacher. Tag me later. Thanks!!
Of course! This was a fun one; thanks for the great request!! Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!🤍 @pear-1206
Hectic Relief
Warnings: reader is an elementary teacher (I didn't specify which grade, just implied younger kids), hectic week, lots of fluffy comfort, kissing.
Word Count: 2.2k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest (it goes with the end [and makes me smile😊])
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“Yes, Drew?” you ask, smiling at the young boy as he lowers his hand.
“When is Sergeant Kay visiting again?” he inquires.
“Hmm… Well, he’s really busy this week, but I’ll ask him to come back soon.”
Drew nods with a bright smile. He loves your husband, Deacon, and asks about him often. Since Deacon came in for career day, Drew and several other students have become big fans of his.
“Can he come Friday?” Drew continues.
“Why Friday?”
“It’s my birthday!”
“Oh, I see. I’ll ask him, but remember what Sergeant Kay said last time? He’s really busy at work, so he may not be able to.”
“Can’t you make him?” someone else asks. “My mom makes my dad do stuff all the time.”
You chuckle at the implication that wives have control over their husbands before gesturing for everyone to pipe down.
“I’ll see what I can do, Drew,” you promise. “But either way, I’ll make sure you have a good birthday at school.”
Drew nods, and you think the day will be easier with the idea of Deacon coming in soon. It only takes an hour for that hope to be crushed, as the week takes a turn for the worse.
Deacon sighs. It’s only Tuesday morning, and his week is already feeling long. He hasn’t seen you since Sunday night. Yesterday, a call ran long, and you were asleep before he came in. You moved closer to him in your sleep, but he had to leave before you woke up.
“Everyone ready for another night of overtime?” Rocker cheers before pretending to cry.
“I vote we just let the criminals take each other out this time,” someone mumbles.
“If my wife wasn’t working in this city, I’d agree,” Deacon says, surprising everyone.
During your free hour, while your class is with another teacher, you drop your head to your desk and take a deep breath. The kids are restless, you’re tired, and each day this week seems longer than the last. You send Deacon a quick text to let him know you’re thinking of him and love him before turning your attention to the stack of papers on your desk.
Across town, Deacon is sitting in Black Betty, wondering when he’ll hear your voice again. It feels like the longest week of his life, and each passing minute makes him miss you more. His phone buzzes, and he smiles for the first time in hours as he reads your short message. Luca slams on the brakes and yells for backup before Deacon can answer, but he knows you understand. Even if it’s unfair to you and hard on him.
By Friday morning, you feel part zombie, part teacher. The small gift you got for Drew and the card you signed from you and Deacon are sitting by your bag. You hope it’s enough to cheer Drew up even without Deacon stopping by to see his favorite of your students.
“Happy birthday, Drew,” you tell him when he enters the classroom. “This is from me and Sergeant Kay. He said to wish you a happy birthday and that he’ll come visit as soon as he can.”
It’s a lie; you haven’t even talked to Deacon in days, but you know he would be here if he could. He loves the kids and would do anything to help you out.
Drew’s smile falls just enough that you notice. He thanks you, anyway, even though he’s clearly disappointed his favorite SWAT sergeant won’t be dropping by today.
“Alright, class. Who’s ready for Fun Friday?” you ask, smiling as you pray for a nice day.
Deacon clenches his jaw as he slams back against a brick wall.
“30-David, shots fired on the 4 side,” he radios.
“Copy. Shooter on the 1 side,” Street replies.
“We’re going to be here for a while, aren’t we?” Deacon asks.
Hondo nods beside him, and Deacon prepares for another day of missing you.
“Drew, buddy, I know it’s your birthday, but we need to finish this lesson before recess. Let’s sit down and focus, then we can play,” you say, struggling to stay calm.
Drew huffs and falls back in his seat. When you see tears gathering in his eyes, you feel like you’re right behind him. It’s only 9 a.m., and it is the perfect, overly hectic, and stressful end to the longest week of your career as a teacher.
“I promise we’ll do something fun this afternoon, but it’s still school.”
Deacon answers the phone, suppressing a stressed yell when Hicks tells 20-David to meet 50-squad on the other side of the county to aid with a hostage situation. He leans his head against Black Betty, wondering if they’d really notice if he took the rest of the day off.
Pulling his phone from his pocket, he sends you a quick text, surprised when you answer almost immediately. He doesn’t know if he’ll be home tonight, and his heart breaks at your disappointed reply, even though you try to cover it as a caring and understanding message.
Deacon knows that being a cop’s wife is just as hard as being a cop, and he wants to find a way to make it easier on you.
“Guys, I need a favor,” he calls as he puts his phone away. “I need to be home for dinner. I haven’t heard my wife’s voice in almost 5 days, and if I don’t hear it today, you’re all going to know about it.”
Luca chuckles as Street’s eyes widen. “Yes, sir,” they all say together.
“She’s braver than any of us,” Hondo muses teasingly.
“Better looking, too,” Deacon replies.
The final bell rings and your shoulders slump as you say goodbye to each passing student.
“Thank you,” Drew says quietly.
“You’re welcome, Drew. I’ll make sure Sergeant Kay visits soon, okay?”
He nods. “I’m sorry for interrupting.”
“It’s okay, Drew, thank you. Have a good rest of your birthday and enjoy your party tomorrow, bud.”
Drew smiles as he nods excitedly before rushing out. The stack of papers on your desk has dwindled slowly, and you carelessly push it into your bag, unwilling to stay in your classroom for a minute longer than you have to.
Sighing in relief as you start your car, you hope to see Deacon tonight, even if only long enough to kiss him and hear him say goodnight.
“Told you we’d do it,” Hondo says, clapping Deacon’s back, “now please go home. Your desperation is wearing off on us.”
Deacon would reply if he had more energy or if Hondo was wrong. He has no shame in admitting that he misses you and needs your comfort after such a hectic week with seemingly pointless chases around Los Angeles County.
He’s back to the station and on his way home to you before Luca notices he left.
When Deacon steps into the house, he immediately feels lighter and happier. You look up from a paper and smile, setting it aside. Beginning to stand, Deacon moves faster than you and practically falls on top of you, pinning you to the couch with a tight hug.
You move one arm across his shoulders as he buries his face between your neck and shoulder. Running your fingers through Deacon’s hair, you relax in his embrace, and the week away seems worth the wait.
“I missed you,” you tell him, scratching his scalp.
“Missed you more,” he mumbles, tightening his grip on you.
“We should order dinner then, right?”
Deacon nods, and you smile as you pull his phone out, typing in your birthday to unlock it. Once the food is ordered, you move your hands to Deacon’s tense back muscles.
“Seems like your week was as long as mine,” you muse, gently kneading a knot in his lat muscle.
He groans before sitting up, pulling himself close to you. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, kissing his cheek quickly before asking, “How are you?”
Deacon catches your chin, pulling you in for a real kiss as he replies, “Better now.”
Once your dinner is delivered, you sit with your thigh pressed against Deacon’s as he tells you about the string of robberies and hostage situations spanning the county this week. He’s more interested in hearing about your week, so he doesn’t go into much detail before asking about you.
“Well, today was Drew’s birthday and he was pretty grumpy,” you tell Deacon, moving your legs across his lap.
“Not Drew, he’s my favorite!” Deacon exclaims.
“I think he was upset that you couldn’t come to class on his big day,” you excuse, running a finger along Deacon’s cheekbone and down his jaw as you add, “and he was tired, like someone else I know.”
Deacon nods, leaning against you.
“We should go to bed,” you whisper.
Deacon shakes his head, making himself comfortable beside you, one arm wrapped firmly around your waist to keep you close.
“If we go get ready and get in the bed, we can cuddle easier,” you bribe.
Deacon’s eyes open as he asks, “Promise?”
Chuckling, you link your pinky with Deacon’s and promise. He holds you to it, pulling you into his arms when you’re changed and ready to relax. He hugs you tightly, refusing to let go even though you don’t try to fight him. 
As you fall asleep in Deacon’s arms, you whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you,” Deacon replies, entering into the best sleep all week.
When you wake up, Deacon has moved you closer to him in your sleep. It’s as if he thought he’d wake up and you’d be gone. Brushing your finger over his facial features, you wish you could admire him all day, but you need to get up and get a glass of water.
As you try to move out of his grip, it tightens. You finally give up and decide to wake him up.
“Deac, baby, I need to get up,” you say gently.
“It’s been a week, you can’t leave,” he mumbles.
“I just need to get some water, handsome.”
Deacon seems to debate his options before unhooking his arms and saying, “Two minutes or I’m coming to find you.”
“I have no doubt.”
You return in less than two minutes, but when you offer to make breakfast and bring it back, Deacon rolls out of bed and sleepily follows you to the kitchen. Standing behind you, he keeps his arms around your waist as he helps you prepare breakfast, trailing kisses up your neck each time you turn your head.
“I’m glad we’re both home now,” you tell him, turning in his arms to kiss him.
“Me too,” he replies, pulling you in for another kiss.
It takes hours, but you finally convince Deacon to talk about himself and his week at work. As you direct him to the patio, you find yourself in his lap, enjoying the sun after a week inside with your rambunctious class.
“You’re too good for me,” Deacon says, interrupting his story.
“You’re too good for me,” you repeat.
Deacon smiles at the challenging look on your face, aware that you will win any argument he tries to make. This conversation is practiced, and he knows how it ends: an agreement that you are soulmates, completing each other and perfect for one another.
“I think we need a vacation,” you tell him.
“Or a second honeymoon,” he suggests, kissing your jaw.
“But you have to come visit my class first or I’ll have a riot on my hands.”
“Technically, you’d have a better chance of getting me there for riot control.”
You laugh, leaning against Deacon’s chest as you kiss the corner of his mouth.
“I’ll see if I can make some time this week. For you and the kids.”
The sun dips below the hills, and you wonder where the day went, though you know time spent with Deacon always goes too fast.
“Same thing tomorrow?” you ask, pulling your legs up as Deacon nudges you to shift.
Lifting one of your legs so you’re sitting in his lap, your face just above his, Deacon smiles and answers, “Anything with you.”
You tilt your chin down, brushing your lips across Deacon’s. He sighs, raising his hands so one is on your waist and the other behind your neck. Settling on his thighs, you lean against Deacon’s chest as you kiss him, letting his love and comfort calm you from the inside out.
“I love you,” you say against his lips.
“Love you more.”
You push your hands against his chest, taking a deep breath before arguing, “Impossible.”
Deacon tilts his head, a bright smile making his eyes look deeper and darker than usual. He’s irresistible, and as you kiss him again, he promises himself not to let work get in the way like that again.
Pulling back, you suggest, “You should bring your whole squad next time, the kids would love it.”
“If we can spare the time.”
“'If'? You can't do it, not even for me?” you ask with a pout. “Your wife?”
Deacon nods, telling you he’ll find a way.
“It’s that easy,” you whisper, kissing his nose.
“Because you cheat,” Deacon accuses.
“Because you love me.”
Deacon can’t argue, so he pulls you down for a slower kiss, happy to spend another slow, lazy night in your arms before doing it all again tomorrow.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year ago
Kevin Atwater- Bombs And Drive By Shooting
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"Ok Jackson ready for work?" I ask my sniffer dog who barks. I get out of the car and walk to the back letting him out
"Officer Halstead thank you for joining us" Hank Voight says to me walking over with my brother Jay
"No problem" Jackson jumps out
"How do you want us to do this?" Kevin, my boyfriend asks walking over to me and Voight
"If you guys could go in first and check the floor. Moving anything that could hurt Jackson, then I'll go in with him and he will sniff out drugs, money and fire arms"
"Sounds good. Atwater you and Burgess are up. Upton I want you to go in with little Halstead. I chuckle at Voights nickname for me to identify which one of us he's talking about.
Kevin and Kim head in first to look around, making sure that the men and woman in the house are secure and that the floor is ok for me to send Jackson in.
When I get the all clear Jackson Hailey and I walk in, Jackson sniffing around. He sits wagging his tail at a few different spots around the house, Kev finds drugs, weapons and cash
"Ok I wanna do one more round with Jackson. Make sure we haven't missed anything since there's been so much in this house" I let Kevin know who radios over to Voight what were going.
Jackson sits facing a wall wagging his tail
"It's just a wall right?" Burgess says looking at me
"Jackson's never wrong" I reply. Hailey goes to tap on the wall to see if it's hollow but I hear ticking
"Wait. You hear that?"
"Is that a bomb?"
"Possibly. Jackson is trained for bombs as well"
"How the hell did it get in there?" Kim asks looking around
"Let's back out slowly. Turn our radios off and get someone to phone bomb squad" Jay says. I walk over to a large painting and take it off the wall noticing a large hole
"This must be how they got it in the wall"
"YN let's go"
"Jay I might be able to see what kind of bomb"
"No. Your leaving now" Jackson and I are dragged outside. I place him back into my car while the building is evacuated. I walk back over to Voight, Jay and Kevin
"Maybe they knew we were coming, so they put a bomb there to blow up all evidence"
"Maybe" Jay replies that's when we all hear gunshots "get down!" Jay yells but it's to late. My leg starts burning and Jackson in my car is barking like mad, probably from the noise
"YN?" Kevin is by my side putting pressure on my leg. Bomb squad arrive and run into the building managing to disarm the bomb pretty easily. Which finally allows us to use our radios once again
"We need multiple ambulances at our location. Drive by shooting multiple victims with GSWs" Jay worriedly says into his radio
"I need someone to take my car. Take Jackson home" I say gritting my teeth together because of the pain
"I'll take him home" Hailey says "you just focus on staying awake"
"YN?" I hear Will shout my name as he runs over to us
"Will I need you to step back" Connor says getting to me first "no family remember. You can take a seat with your brother and Kevin. Brett speak to me"
"GSW to her left thigh. She's alert and awake, ketemine given in the ambulance" Brett tells Dr Rhodes who wheels me away with Maggie and April. Soon enough I'm asleep.
When I wake up Kevin is sat by my bed holding my hand in his
"Hey how you feeling?" he reaches over to grab me a drink and helps me sit up a bit so I can have a bit of water
"Tired. Did we catch the shooter?" I ask earning a chuckle off Kevin as I lay back down
"Yeah we did"
"Where's Jay and Will?"
"Gone to get us all a drink. You've been asleep for 23 hours"
"Good news though, the operation went well and you should be able to go back on duty with Jackson in 5 or 6 months as long as you do your physical therapy"
"Your awake" Jay sighs walking in and handing a drink to Kevin
"You hungry?" Will asks me
"Not really. Feel a little nauseous to be honest"
"That will be the anaesthetic wearing off. I can ask Maggie or April to give you some antisickness meds?"
"Yes please" Will leaves the room "when can I go home?"
"In a couple of days" Jay says. I groan in response "sorry kiddo but you need to heal up a bit"
"I hate hospitals"
"So do I"
"Are you looking after Jackson for me?" I look at Kevin
"Of course, he's missing you though"
"Miss him too"
"Maybe we can pull some strings and get him here"
"I'd love that" I give Jay a smile. Maggie comes in with Will to give me some antisickness medicine and once it eases up I am able to eat something light.
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tinkerbellini21 · 4 days ago
A Stranger's Jacket: Part IV
Evan "Buck" Buckley x plus size! reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: recalling trauma, slight angst, comfort, mentions of blood and shooting, some fluff and teasing, MDNI 18+
Author's notes: This is a little shorter! I would also like to praise myself for keeping tension building for this long because the hopeless romantic in me wants to get right to it!
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Buck had made himself at home in the kitchen, making you stand to the side as he scooped ice cream into the bowls. You told him that he was your guest, but he didn’t have any of it. He was also adamant about not accepting any money for the ice cream. Up to this point, it had been small talk- no pressure, but not silent. You had learned that Buck also shared your interest in baking, both of you finding it a calming, healthy outlet for stress.  
He hands you a bowl whilst you retrieve two spoons from the drawer. You guide him to the couch, settling in. You reach for the remote, turning to him.  
“What do you want to watch? You’re the guest.” 
“Hmm, as your guest, I want you to choose.” 
You navigate to Hulu to put on 10 Things I hate About You. It’s silent, your attention focused on enjoying the cold, sweet treat and the movie.  
The happy intro scene unfolds with four girls in a nicer, blue car on the way to school, seemingly jamming out to the music. They portray the more popular fashion of the late 1990s before panning to Kat, dressed in a darker, laid-back grunge look as she pulls up in her older car, Joan Jett and the Black Hearts “Bad Reputation” blaring through the radio.  
You’re reminded of yourself in high school. You didn’t necessarily have the grunge look until college, but you never felt the urge to dress up like the popular, stereotypical pretty girls. You’re so immersed in the film that you don’t realize Buck is sneaking glances at you.  
About 15 minutes into the movie, after Kat’s dad tells her younger sister Bianca that she can’t go to prom or date until Kat does, you set the empty bowl on your lap and turn to better face the man next to you. 
“You know when I said I’ve been back? It was only this morning. I wanted to go before classes started again on Wednesday,” you take a deep breath, trying to smile but your cheek muscles feel heavy. “Then I went to see you, and I think that’s why I had the nightmare.” 
“Hey, I think that going back was a huge accomplishment. You could have chosen not to go back but you did. And you’re going back to teach. That’s a lot for your brain to process and it’s understandable that you had a nightmare,” he pauses, and once he gauges that you are okay, he continues “I’m sorry that you had to go through it alone. All of it. You’re still going through it alone, not wanting to tell your friends about it. But you don’t have to.” 
It’s at that moment, when he tells you that you don’t have to go through the trauma alone, that the dam breaks. That’s when it all comes out, your feelings and your thoughts.  
“They replaced the carpet in the office with tile, and rearranged the furniture, but I can still see where he was laying, bleeding on my hands. Sometimes when I think about it, it’s like I can feel the blood- sticky, dry- and I scrub my hands.” 
You feel a lump in your throat, looking down to play with your fingernails. There is a piece of loose skin at the cuticle, and you try to pull it off.   
“When I unlocked the door, I had to count to three before leaving. Walking the hallway is terrifying, and I jump so much at the smallest of sounds. I say I’m fine, but I’m so scared, Buck. I keep telling myself that I’m lucky because I didn’t see anyone get shot or even see the shooter, so I don’t deserve to be scared. The therapist says that’s not true, and I shouldn’t think like that, but it’s hard not to feel that way.” 
You surprisingly don’t jump when Buck grabs your hand. He is slow, careful not to startle you. He looks to you for approval, and you wrap your fingers around him, letting him squeeze. His hand is large in comparison to yours and so warm. His palm not too soft but not too rough, either. Your heart flutters, skipping a beat when his thumb drags soothingly across the back of your hand.  
“You deserve to be scared. You deserve to feel sad. You deserve to feel it all. You experienced it all. You may not have been shot or seen the man, but you heard it. You saw the effects of it. You don’t have to earn your feelings for them to be valid. Would you tell your friends they don’t deserve to be scared to go back to class because they weren’t there?” 
“See, you wouldn’t deny them their feelings, so why should you deny your feelings?” 
“I guess.” 
“Hey, look at me.” 
You bring your eyes up to his face. His eyes are soft, gleaming with concern and it makes you tear up again. You’re thankful that you ignored your own insecurities and messaged him for comfort. You didn’t feel pressure to share, and you didn’t feel internal pressure to not share to avoid scaring others. It was nice having someone who you finally could talk to that wasn’t your therapist.  
“What do they say, the irony of fate? How we met wasn’t ideal, but somehow, someone, something decided that we had to cross paths. Maybe I would have met you in a different scenario. In fact, I wish I would have so you didn’t have to go through all this trauma and fear. But despite that, here we are. And I don’t know about you, but I’m glad that I met you. Something about you is just- different. Not in a bad way, of course.”  
This time you smile. That connection, that chemistry, wasn’t forced. You didn’t make it up in your head, because he felt it too. He leans in, bringing his free hand up. You think he’s going to wipe the tears off your face, but he hesitates. You squeeze his hand, reaching up to swipe away the few tears that had spilled over. The only few that Buck wasn’t able to prevent.  
“Me too.” 
Silence falls between you two again, but your gazes don’t leave each other. And by the way that he’s looking at you- it’s the same look he had on his face earlier that morning. He wants to say something but is holding himself back.  
So you decide to test the waters.  
“What are you thinking about?” 
His laugh fills the air, this time with an undertone of nervousness. He looks away for a few long seconds, just long enough to make you anxious. And to make you feel a bit weird watching him. Looking at the way he bites his lip and wears a face of contemplation.  
“A few months ago, I was in a relationship with this woman named Abby. She left for Europe to go find herself after her mom died. She called at first, but then it stopped. I held on for a while, but I finally let go when I realized she was never coming back.  
“Before her, I was impulsive, reckless- I uh, tried to prove myself, you know? To not feel like a disappointment to my parents. To feel like I was enough and what I did mattered. That I mattered. I only focused on what I wanted and not how my decisions could hurt someone else. I was pretty much a man whore. Then I met her, and with some therapy and self-reflection, I’ve turned into what Eddie and the crew like to call Buck 2.0. Mature, more responsible, and just a much better person than I was.” 
You take it all in, listening to him. You note that there seems to be some trauma regarding his parents, possibly even going back to his childhood. It’s not your place to inquire about, but you hold onto it, knowing to treat any conversation in the future about parents carefully. You hear the pain in his voice, the way he doesn’t hold eye contact, and your heart breaks. This warm, sweet, caring person, despite all that he has gone through, still wears his heart on his sleeve.  
"While I think Buck 2.0 is amazing, I think Buck 1.0 was still the same kind-hearted person you are now,” it’s your turn to squeeze his hand. “It’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself, trying to prove your worth and show everyone you’re enough. I get it.” 
He faces you again, this time holding onto every word that you say. He exhales heavily. 
“You know, many people don’t take the time to truly better themselves. But you did. You not only cared about other people, but you took steps to love yourself. You don’t have to prove to anyone who you are or impress them. You’re just you, and if people can’t accept that and love you unconditionally, then they don’t deserve to be a part of your life.” 
You offer a smile but are left slightly confused when he closes his eyes in return. His eyelids flutter shut, eyelashes brushing his upper cheek. His chest moves as he takes a few breaths in. You spot the breathing pattern he’s using, breathe in, hold, breathe out. You catch onto the specific pattern as he repeats it a few more times. He’s doing a triangle, 3-3-3.  
A wave of embarrassment hits you when he opens his eyes. He doesn’t say anything, just gives your hand a squeeze before pulling back. Running his fingers through his hair, he flashes you a grin, but it feels different. A little more forced. Maybe you made him uncomfortable.  
As if he can feel your apprehension, he reaches for the empty bowl in your lap. His fingers linger as they brush yours, all while maintaining eye contact. You swallow harder than you mean to, and you hope he doesn’t hear it, or see it.  
All of the sudden, melted ice cream and caramel sauce is spread on your cheek. You let out a loud gasp, jaw dropped but face full of joy.  
“You did not just do that!” 
“Mhmmm, I think I did. Ice cream fixes everything. See, it made you smile.” He sticks his thumb in his mouth to lick up the ice cream, and you feel like you could pass out right then and there.  
How dare he be a tease, talking you through your feeliings to help you avoid another mental breakdown and even sharing some of his own past, only to end the moment with something so intimate, so suggestive... what you would do to lick the ice cream off of his thumb. 
No, stop.  
“Here, let me take this and you can settle into bed. I’ll take the couch.” 
You stare back at the man as if he has suddenly grown a second head.  
“You’re over 6 foot tall, Buck! I am not going to let you sleep on the couch,” you protest, following him into the kitchen “I can sleep on the couch, and you can take the bed. You came over to comfort me and you probably have work in the morning. I will be fine on the couch.” 
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen either. But I appreciate your concern for my comfort, all 6 foot 2 inches of me.” 
You shake your head, laughing as you nudge his arm. He feigns hurt as you trail him into the kitchen. He puts the bowls in the sink, and you turn on the water, putting a dot of soap in each bowl. You take over, pushing him to the side lightly as you grab the sponge to wash the dishes, including your dinner bowl. You’re glad you cleaned the pots before you sat down to eat. 
It’s silent again. Buck leans back against the counter, just watching you do the mundane chore. An idea pops in your head, and you say it before your brain can stop you. 
“We could share the bed.” 
You want the world to swallow you whole.  
There’s no way you just suggested that to Buck. You barely know him.  
But it feels like you have known him your whole life.  
You stack the bowls in the dish drainer to dry. He looks down, shifting his weight, tapping his foot a bit.  He looks caught off guard and you feel bad for even suggesting it in the first place. You move over to grab a hand towel to dry off your hands.  
You really did it this time. Good job, you’ve ruined it.  
When you turn back to him to break the ice, he lets out a shaky breath.  
“I can live with that.”  
His response is earnest, so soft and quiet that you can barely hear him. He observes your face, reading the apprehension and hesitation that lingers in your body language.  
“If it’s okay with you. Don’t feel like I have to stay, I can leave too. I really don’t mind the couch or going back home. I just don’t want to ever make you uncomfortable or cross any boundaries.” 
Okay, maybe you didn’t mess up as much as your thought you had.  
“I don’t mind. You drove all the way over here, it’s getting late, and we’re both adults. Right?” 
“Right,” he pushes himself off the counter, showing a hint of his confident, cocky side, seemingly recovering “besides, I can rest easy knowing that you’re comfortable and I can keep the bad dreams away.” 
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kk095 · 2 years ago
The Drive By
Adriana Torrez was a 22 year old Latina with a fiery, outgoing personality. She stood at 5’2 with a pleasantly plump build, had dark curly hair, brown eyes, a naturally tan complexion, and colorful tattoo sleeves up and down both arms. Adriana was always a little rebellious and had the tendency to hang out with a rougher crowd.
A few nights ago, Adriana was hanging out at a friend’s apartment with a few people. It was her, her friend Crystal, a guy Diego who was a drug dealer in the neighborhood, and a guy Jay who’s gang affiliated. The group was just hanging out in the living room of the first floor apartment drinking, smoking weed, and listening to music. Out the living room window, a black SUV pulls up, kind of idling in front of the apartment. “who the hell’s that?” crystal asks. Suddenly, the back passenger side window of the SUV lowers, and out is an Uzi sub machine gun. The gunman sprays a few quick bursts into the apartment through the living room window. Diego is struck twice in the head before he even has a chance to react, dropping dead to the floor. Adriana unfortunately gets caught up in the crossfire, being struck twice in the chest, and once in the left shoulder, collapsing to the floor bleeding profusely. Jay pulls his gun from a drawer in the living room table and heads outside attempting to confront the shooter, but the SUV had already sped off into the night. “oh my God, oh my God! Adriana?!” crystal shouted, on the verge of tears. Adriana laid on the floor, gurgling on her own blood while bleeding out. Adriana had a terrified look in her eyes, but couldn’t get the words out of her mouth. “jay! We gotta call 911!” crystal shouted in a panicked tone. “no no no, fuck that. I got weed and guns in here. I don’t want the cops coming!” Jay protested. “her and Diego got fuckin shot! Come on bro!” crystal cried out. “naw, fuck this shit. I’m outta here.” Jay said, grabbing his car keys and heading out the door, heading to God knows where. Crystal decided to call 911 on her cell phone once Jay left.
“911, what is your emergency?” a female dispatcher’s voice asked. “Help! Help! There’s been a shooting at my friend’s apartment! You gotta hurry!!!” crystal shouted into the phone, practically on the verge of tears. “what is the location of your emergency?” the dispatcher asks in response. “I don’t know! It’s the apartment complex off conway boulevard near the liquor store. You gotta hurry! My friend’s dying!” crystal yelled into the phone, sobbing at this point. “alright ma’am, I have police and EMS en route. Please remain on the line for me.” The 911 operator replied.
In a few minutes, officer Natalie was first on scene. She entered the residence with her gun drawn. “hey! Over here! Help!!!” crystal shouted. Natalie put her gun back in her holster and headed over. “I have 2 victims. One deceased male Hispanic, early 20s, one Hispanic female early 20s, multiple gsw’s. Requesting EMS and homicide on scene.” Natalie said into her radio. “10-4. EMS is already en route. We’ll reach out to homicide.” A male voice on the radio replied to officer Natalie. “hi sweetie, I’m officer Natalie. Can you tell me who did this?” Natalie asks Adriana. The terrified girl gurgles on her own blood, spitting some up, with tears rolling down her face. “I… I don’t know. There was a black truck outside…” Adriana replied to officer Natalie. “great job sweetie, that’s really helpful. Do you know whose truck it is? Have you seen it before?” Natalie replied, holding the mortally wounded young lady’s hand. “I don’t know… I’m so scared…” Adriana replied, squeezing the officer’s hand tightly. “it’s ok sweetie, I have help on the way. The ambulance is gonna be here soon.” Officer Natalie says, trying to keep the girl calm. “What’s your name hunny?” Natalie asks the girl, trying to keep her calm. “adriana…” she replies. “I’m Natalie. I wish we met under different circumstances sweetie.” Natalie says back to the young lady, still holding her hand.
Finally, medics Tracy and Stephanie show up. “whoa, what happened here?” Stephanie asks, looking at the hectic scene. “drive by shooting. Guy over there didn’t make it, coroner and homicide are coming. But this is Adriana. She got hit a couple times and needs some attention.” Officer Natalie tells the two medics. “pleaee… don’t go anywhere… I’m scared…” Adriana says to officer Natalie. “it’s gonna be ok, I’m not gonna go anywhere.” The cop tells Adriana. “is she gonna be ok?!” crystal shouts, standing in the background. “she’s in good hands. I’m sure they’ve seen worse before.” Officer Natalie replies.
Tracy and Stephanie snip off Adriana’s top and bra, examining the bullet trajectory. “all 3 rounds have entry and exit wounds. Went clean through her.” Medic Tracy says. “yeah, tons of blood loss. Let’s get an IV set up and get her going on fluids and pain meds.” Medic Stephanie replied. With that said, IVs were set up in both arms, with fluid resuscitation commencing immediately, along with a dose of pain meds. Tracy stuck some EKG electrodes onto Adriana’s bare, blood soaked chest and set up the heart monitor while Stephanie removed Adriana’s pants, socks, and pair of Jordans she was wearing. “vitals unstable. BP 60/palp, heart rate’s 140, O2 saturation 91%. We gotta get her to the ER ASAP.” Tracy said. Tracy and Stephanie got Adriana onto a gurney, and brought her out of the living room, wheeling her into the ambulance nearby. Officer Natalie was allowed to come into the ambulance with Adriana since homicide and the coroner’s office arrived on scene to begin their investigation, talk to crystal, and take Diego’s body.
The heart monitors beeped loud and fast during the ambulance ride, with no sign of improvement in Adriana’s vital signs. “natalie… am I gonna die?...” Adriana asked the cop, tears running down her face. “it’s all gonna be ok, I promise.” Natalie replied calmly, trying to reassure the girl. “it hurts so much…” Adriana replied, spitting up more blood. “I know sweetie. It’s all gonna be ok.” Natalie replies, holding the girls hand, while stroking her hair with the other hand.
Adriana remained conscious the entire way to the hospital, and was wheeled into the trauma bay where Dr Lindsay, Dr Jose, nurse Nancy, and nurse Heather waited. “22 year old female, multiple GSWs to the chest and shoulder. Hypotensive, tachy, started fluids on scene.” Medic Tracy summarized to the trauma team. “ok thank you, let’s transfer her on my count. 1..23!” Dr Lindsay ordered. Adriana was now on the trauma room table underneath the large, bright overhead light. Officer Natalie and the two medics were asked to wait behind the yellow line in the trauma room so the doctors and nurses could have space to work. “natalie?... You there?...” a terrified Adriana asked. “I’m just over here. They want me to wait here while they work, ok?” the cop replies.
“Diminished breath sounds left side.” Dr Jose calls out after listening to Adriana’s heart and lungs with his steth. “alright, she probably needs a chest tube. Let’s get that set up. And let’s get her started on the MTP. 4 units packed RBCs unmatched, 2 of platelets, 2 of plasma.” Dr Lindsay barked out, taking charge of the stressful situation. “doctor… am I gonna die?...” a terrified Adriana asks Dr Lindsay. “you’re in good hands, ok?” Lindsay replied, not exactly reassuring the young lady. Jose begins placing the chest tube on the left side. Adriana yelps at the top of her lungs, several octaves above her normal speaking voice, feeling the scalpel’s every move, and the large plastic tube being jammed into such a small space. Blood shot out of the chest tube and onto Dr Jose’s trauma gown. Her oxygen saturation improved, but her vitals did not. “please… I’m so scared… I don’t wanna die…” Adriana begged the trauma team after the brutal, painful procedure was finished up.
Not too long after the chest tube was placed, Adriana began to deteriorate rapidly. She spit up more blood, and her eyes started to roll back into her head. “adriana? Stay with us hun.” Nurse Nancy said, doing a sternal rub. Adriana groaned, her eyes opening slightly in response as she fought with everything she had left to remain conscious. Adriana’s eyes were open slightly, letting out a calm exhale followed by a bit of blood before fading away. “I lost a pulse.” Nurse Heather called out, her blue eyes trained on the heart monitor to confirm. “starting compressions.” Nurse Nancy stated to the team. The veteran nurse delivered deep, strong, forceful compressions while nurse Heather grabbed an intubation tray. Officer Natalie was still watching behind the yellow line in the trauma room, absolutely sick to her stomach watching the young lady receive cpr. With CPR ongoing, Heather begins sliding the ET tube into Adriana’s airway while her head bobbed and lolled a bit, making it a bit of a moving target. Heather had to really concentrate, which was easier said than done in the chaotic situation of monitors chirping, CPR ongoing, and people shouting. Finally, Heather gets the tube in, and secures it with a blue tube holder. “I’m in!” she says confidently, then starts ambu bagging. PEA was on the monitors, so epi and atropine were injected intravenously in an attempt to obtain a shockable rhythm. Adriana’s eyes remained half open, staring blankly off to the room as her bare, busty chest is rocked with harsh compressions.
Several minutes of unsuccessful resuscitation efforts and another dose of meds are pushed, but PEA persisted. “thoracotomy tray. I’m gonna open her up.” Dr Lindsay called out decisively. Betadine was squirted into Adriana’s bare chest, with an incision being made no more than a second after the brownish-orange liquid hit her skin. Dr Lindsay made a quick, crude incision in the 5th intercostal space starting just shy of the sternum. The cut was extended laterally across her chest, underneath her large, plump breast, and ending just shy of her left armpit. In the coming moments, Dr Lindsay did her thing and cracked Adriana’s chest wide open.
There was a large rush of blood that exited the incision area upon entry to the chest cavity. The area was suctioned out multiple times, and a vascular clamp was placed on the descending aorta near the girl’s diaphragm. Lindsay performed a quick pericardiotomy and relieved a massive cardiac tamponade with clots that were able to be suctioned out. At that point, Adriana’s heart began to fibrillate. The internal paddles were charged to 20, lowered into her chest, and a shock was delivered. A dull, wet thump was heard. From Natalie and the medics’ position, you could see Adriana’s toes curl, showing off the deep, thick, soft wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 7 feet. “Nothing. Charging to 30.” Dr Lindsay called out. The electric whining of the paddles charging could be heard, followed by a wet ka-thunk. “no change, charging again to 30.” Dr Lindsay called out, eyes trained on the heart monitor for a moment. The large, spoon shaped paddles were lowered back into Adriana’s chest around her twitching heart, and a shock was delivered. Her torso jolted a bit and her large, d cup breasts jiggled for a moment. “still nothing. Let’s hit her again at 40.” Dr Lindsay called out, shaking her head. The paddles were lowered back in, and a shock was delivered. Adriana’s torso twitched sharply in response to the dose of electricity, while her eyes remained half open, staring upwards in an expressionless gaze. Dr Lindsay reached her hands back into Adriana’s chest, firmly wrapped her hands around the dying girl’s heart, and began vigorously massaging it. Another dose of meds were injected intravenously, hoping to stimulate cardiac activity.
A few cycles of internal massage and meds failed to restore spontaneous circulation, so the internal paddles were recharged and called for once again. The blood soaked paddles were lowered back in, and another shock was delivered. “no change. Shocking again at 40.” Lindsay called out, lowering the paddles back in as the electric whining sound was heard. The same dull, wet thump was heard, but the high pitched droning of the monitors going flat was heard almost instantaneously after the shock. Lindsay looked down and saw the girls heart sitting completely motionless and still inside her chest. “pupils fixed and dilated.” Dr Jose added, shining a pen light into Adriana’s eyes. Lindsay sighed, “she’s gone. Time of death, 1:36am.”
The ambu bag was detached from the ET tube and the flatlined monitors were shut off. Nurse Nancy gently shut Adriana’s eyes for the final time. “no! She’s young! Come on, shock her again!” officer Natalie shouts at the team, on the verge of tears. “nat…come on…” medic Stephanie says discretely, putting her hand on the cop’s shoulder. “she can’t be gone! She was talking to me on the way over!” Natalie cried out, trying to plead with Lindsay. “I’m sorry Natalie, but she’s gone. We did the best we could, but she lost so much blood in such a short timespan.” Lindsay replied, trying to be sympathetic towards the upset cop. “then give her more blood! Do something!” Natalie yelled, tears rolling down her face. “nat, I’m sorry. We all did our best.” Lindsay replied. Natalie collapses to the ground and cries “no…”
The drive by shooting of Diego Ortega and Adriana Torrez is still under investigation. Detectives still don’t have any leads on the whereabouts of the black SUV, or the location of Jay. If you have any information critical to this case, please reach out to the authorities. We also would like to keep the family and friends of the victims in our thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.
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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 1 year ago
Here it is, the first of my tarlos @flufftober fics! I'm going for the full 31 days (so a fic a day the entire month of October) Let's see how many I'll actually post on time
Also Gabriel is alive because I said so.
Day 1 - "I've got you" (AO3)
“APD officer requiring medical assistance” Those few little words coming over the radio had the ability to turn the blood in TK’s veins into ice. “Ambulance 126 are you free? You’re the closest unit.”
“Medical unit 126 free and responding.” Nancy replied to the operator as the three of them got into the ambulance and buckled up. She started the engine and pulled out of the firehouse just as the officer’s location came through to their computer.
“It doesn’t have to be Carlos.” Tommy said over their headsets, knowing where TK’s mind was at.
“I know. I know.” TK said, briefly checking his phone but seeing no text or any sign of life from his husband.
“And you know what cops are like, they call us out when they stub their toe.” Nancy offered.
“That’s protocol.” TK said absent mindedly. It was almost four months since Gabriel had gotten shot, and even though he was recovering well and back at work on desk duty, Carlos hadn’t given up on trying to find the shooter.
“Dispatch do you have a unit number of the officer needing assistance?” Nancy asked over the radio in an attempt to calm TK’s nerves.
“363H20. There is another officer on scene but the call came from 363H20.”
“That’s Carlos’ badge number.”
“Are you sure?”
“Nance, I could recite that number in my sleep. I’m sure.” TK deadpanned while putting on gloves. “I just hope he hasn’t done anything stupid. He promised me he would lay off his one man investigation into Gabriel’s shooting.”
“How is Gabriel?” Tommy asked, trying to get TK to focus on something other than his injured husband. “I’ve been meaning to check in.”
“You know how he didn’t want to wear the sling the doctors had given him at our wedding? Because he didn’t want a reminder of the shooting in our wedding pictures? And only did it when Andrea made him? Well that’s about as much of his doctor’s advice he’s taken. He’s alright but stubborn as ever.” TK sighed. “Carlos really is his father’s son.”
They pulled up to the location a few minutes later and saw Carlos sitting on the curb next to his cruiser with a tea towel pressed to the side of his head, and Lexi Mitchell standing beside him.
TK jumped out of the ambulance, torn between wanting to strangle his husband for getting himself in trouble again, and wrapping him up in a hug and not letting him out of his sight for the next few months.
He grabbed his gear and walked over to where Carlos was sitting.
Carlos who was staring at his shoes instead of looking up.
“Hey Lexi.” TK greeted her before kneeling down and putting a hand under Carlos’ chin so he’d look him in the eye. “I thought I was the danger magnet in this marriage?”
“Don’t start.” Carlos rolled his eyes and groaned. “Things just got a little out of hand.”
“Yeah I can see that.” TK said and tightened his grip on Carlos’ face when he tried to look away. “What the hell happened, Carlos?”
“No pet names? Ouch. You’re really in the dog house now, dude.” Nancy commented.
TK briefly glared at her before turning his attention back to his husband. He turned his head to the side.
“Move the towel so I can take a look.”
“It’s fine. It’s just a scratch.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. Move the towel.” He ordered, sounding way more angry and annoyed than he actually felt, but he figured maybe making Carlos think he’d really pissed him off would make him stop his investigation and let the team assigned to it do their jobs.
“Your bedside manner needs work, paramedic Strand.”
“It’s Reyes-Strand actually. You see I got married four months ago to this amazing man, he’s my soulmate, he completes me, but he’s being a world class idiot lately.”
“Why don’t we leave you two to it.” Tommy suggested. “Officer, are you hurt?” she asked Lexi.
“No ma’am. But he is.” She pointed her thumb at the backseat of the cruiser. “I put him in there for safekeeping. He got a little too close to the ground. With my help.”
“Is he dangerous?”
“Not anymore. And he’d be really stupid to add assaulting a paramedic to the list of offences we can book him for.”
“Right, well, let’s go take a look. Way over there.” Nancy said and turned to TK. “Try not to kill him. Too many witnesses here.”
“I’ll do my best.” TK replied while cleaning the cuts and scrapes on Carlos’ face. “But I’m not making any promises.” He grabbed an antiseptic wipe from his kit to clean the wound he’d had the towel pressed against. “This is going to sting a little.” He murmured.
Carlos winced when the wipe touched his wound and tried to move his head away as a reflex but TK kept him in place.
“Don’t do that you big baby. I’ve got you. I’ll find something that doesn’t sting so much. And then we’re going to take you to hospital because you need stitches.”
“I don’t need stitches. I’ve got work to do. Can’t you just put a bandage on it?”
“Do you want an infection? Do you want to be bleeding through that bandage all day?”
“No, but…”
“Carlos.” TK said sternly but then softened a little when he saw the concerned look on his husband’s face. “Baby do you trust me?”
“What? Of course I do.”
“Do you trust me to know what I’m talking about? That I know how to do my job?”
“Of course.”
“Then trust me when I say you need stitches. And before you say anything, yes I can do it, but you want a plastic surgeon for this because the wound is on your face. I can patch you up but you’ll end up with a scar.”
Carlos mumbled something that sounded like “I don’t care.” And TK barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at him.
He grabbed some gauze and tape from his kit and covered up the wound on Carlos’ face.
“That should do for now.” He moved to sit next to Carlos and grabbed his hand, entwining their fingers. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
“The guy came out of nowhere.” Carlos started after a minute. “He took a swing at me and I hit the wall and then the ground. I think his ring cut my face.”
“Hmm… it’s not like you to let the bad guys get a jump on you…”
“Yeah. I guess I’m having an off day.”
“Just one day? Baby you’ve been distracted for weeks, you’re running yourself into the ground with your investigation. You’re awake half the night obsessing over it.” TK said and held up a hand when Carlos tried to argue with him. “We share a bed, remember? I know you’re not sleeping. I can feel you tossing and turning.”
Carlos sighed.
“I’m sorry. It’s just… I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere.  I had a solid lead that brought me here.”
“Then why didn’t you tell detective Washington and her team?”
“I did! But they didn’t do anything!” Carlos argued. “I told them they had to move now but they just thanked me for my help and sent me on my way.”
“Probably because they had to check out the info. You taught me that police work involves a lot of checking and double checking and gathering as much information you possibly can before making a move.”
“I know… but I feel like I’m getting close to figuring it out.”
“So you grabbed Lexi and went to investigate on your own?”
“No… she just… kind of insisted to come along and didn’t take no for an answer.”
“Thank god for Lexi Mitchell.” TK muttered.
“I know it was stupid to go alone, ok? I know. But I… I can’t just... drop it. It’s my dad who got shot and nearly died.”
“I know babe, but if you keep going like this, he won’t be the only one coming close to dying.”
“Why? Because you’ll kill me if I don’t drop it?”
“No, you’ll be beating me to it.” TK deadpanned. “I don’t want to become a widower before we even get to our one year wedding anniversary. I love you and I hate seeing you like this. You need to start taking better care of yourself, baby. Promise me you will. ”
“I promise.” Carlos mumbled after a minute. “But I can’t just walk away from it and pretend it never happened.”
“I’m not asking you to. But I need you to sleep for more than 10 minutes a week and not spend every minute of every day obsessing over your dad’s case. You know they’ve got the best people working on it, so you can take a step back. Relax. Do something fun. Forget about it all for a couple of hours. Can you do that for me?”
“I’ll try…” Carlos promised.
“Why don’t we order pizza tonight and watch that show Paul was talking about last week?” TK suggested. “And we can just relax and turn off our phones for a couple of hours… and who knows what else we could do.” He winked, making Carlos laugh.
“I don’t think that’s really considered relaxing, babe.”
“Maybe not, but it’ll be fun.”
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cynicalone94 · 1 year ago
Human Shield
Read on AO3 here.
Every so often, a sting operation requires them to go in without a bullet proof vest.
Usually it’s one of the girls since the clothes they wear in the summer don’t exactly lend themselves to covering up the bulky garment.
Today it’s Kim.
It’s hovering in the back of the team’s minds that they really hope this goes according to plan with no bullets flying.
And at first, it seems to be working out. Kim talks to her contact, confirming weight and price.
But just as Jay unzips the bag to show the money that they’ve brought another man steps out of the car, a rifle in hand that he’s already swinging round to point at Kim.
“Move in. Move in!” Voight shouts over the radio and the team instantly scrambles from their cars.
Jay turns, tackling Kim to the ground and covering her with his own body.
She clings to him as the vacant lot erupts in gunfire and he’s clinging just as tightly.
What is this guy playing at?
Soon, everything goes silent and after waiting a beat to make sure it stays that way, he carefully rolls off of her.
His back hurts and he’s sure he caught at least one round to the vest but at least he’s wearing a vest.
She isn’t.
“You okay?” he asks.
“I… I think so.” she says, sitting up and checking herself for bullets with shaking hands. “Yeah… I… thanks.”
He nods, trying to sit up but his back screams and he drops back to the ground which only hurts more.
“Ah-hh. “ he gasps, eyes screwing closed.
“Jay?” she asks, scrambling up to her knees. “What’s the matter?”
His attempt at answering is cut off as Adam and Hailey come racing up to them.
“Kim? Kim!” Adam is screaming. “Are you okay? Did you get hit?”
“I’m okay.” she’s quick to assure, her attention focused on him. “But Jay… I’m not sure but something’s-”
Hailey cuts her off.
“I need you to roll over.” she tells him. “They would have hit you in the back.”
He lets her help him roll onto his stomach, feeling that sharp, stabbing pain that he associates with broken ribs.
Okay. More than one round to the vest.
“Think… the vest caught everything.” he mumbles. “Ga-ah.”
“Sorry.” Hailey whispers as she pushes up the light jacket that he’s wearing. “I should have – shit.”
“What?” he asks, trying to twist to see what she’s looking at.
“One dropped in below the vest.” she tells him, pressing her hand into his lower back, off to the left.
He groans, squirming under her hands.
“I know, partner.” she says softly. “I’m sorry.”
“Ambo is two minutes out.” Voight announces as he joins them. “He okay?”
“I’m counting at least eight rounds in the vest and one that snuck in below it.” Hailey says, her voice tight.
“What the hell was that?” Adam demands from where he’s knelt next to Kim, triple checking her for bullets.
“The shooter’s headed to the morgue and Dimitri isn’t talking.” Voight says. “But we’ll figure it out.”
“S’Kim okay?” Jay asks.
“I’m good.” Kim promises him. “Adam checked. You saved my ass.”
“Couldn’t let you win our competition.” he says, trying to force a smile. “Never catch up now.”
“Surely the ones in your vest don’t count.” Kim says, her voice tight.
“Extended my lead at least.” Jay says, reaching his hand toward her.
She takes it.
“Had a vest.” he adds, trying to ignore the increasing pain in his chest.
None of them miss the look on his face or the change in his voice.
“Hang in there, Jay.” Adam says. “Paramedics will be here any second now.”
“How’s your breathing?” Hailey asks.
“Hurts.” he admits. “Left side feels… tight.”
“Most of these bullets are on your left side.” she tells him. “So any broken ribs will be too.”
“Think the bullet hit anything?” he asks.
“Maybe your liver.” she says. “But its about the right spot for either that or your spleen and luckily you already broke up with that.”
“Always thinking ahead.” Kim jokes.
“Wish I could have planned ahead on that one before the IED.” he mutters.
The paramedics arrive and Kim and Adam back off to let them in but Hailey stays right where she is.
“Hey Jay.” Sylvie says as she kneels next to him. “How you doing?”
“Feels… like I been shot… in the back.” he manages, alarmed by how much harder it feels to breathe.
“He’s struggling to breathe.” Hailey tells them. “And it’s getting worse.”
“Hail?” he chokes out, hand searching for her.
She takes it.
“Hey, I’m right here.” she promises.
“H’rts.” he whimpers.
A sharp, throbbing pain spreads across his chest, ratcheting up from a seven to an eleven.
He feels like he’s had the breath knocked out of him but it’s probably more like the air let out of him.
His lung has collapsed.
He can’t even make a sound to tell Hailey and Sylvie that something is wrong though he’s pretty sure the increase in choking gasps as his right lung tries to carry the weight on its own and mostly fails are probably doing it for him.
“Jay!” Hailey says, her voice high and a little squeaky as she squeezes his hand.
The only response he can make is to squeeze back, eyes closed tightly again the pain.
Even the terror of not being able to breathe can’t disguise the stinging burn of a needle being inserted in his arm but he doesn’t even care for once.
As long as the IV brings desperately needed pain relief, he won’t complain.
For now.
He’s rolled onto his back and screams as weight is placed on broken ribs and bullet wounds.
A heavy weight settles over him and he wonders why he’s been given a sedative.
He thinks he’s been pretty calm considering the circumstances.
But then someone is tilting his head back and sliding cool metal into his mouth.
Oh God.
Can’t they put him all the way out before intubating him?
But he doesn’t have the chance to ask, even if he could, before rubber is being advanced down his throat.
He chokes and gags on the intrusion.
“Easy Jay.” Sylvie says. “Let the sedative do it’s job. I’m sorry I can’t wait for it.”
He writhes, still choking against her efforts but he can feel hands pressing his wrists to the ground and in spite of his continued panic the sedative is pulling him under.
Finally, he gives up, drifting into the darkness.
Kim watches with her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes as Jay finally goes limp.
It should be her laying there on the ground.
She was the one that asshole was aiming at.
This is too high a price for Jay to pay for protecting her.
Adam lets go of her hand to step forward and help them get Jay up onto the stretcher and she realizes that they’re getting ready to leave.
Part of her wants to ask if she can ride with him but she knows that Hailey won’t want to be parted from her husband.
Sure enough, as the stretcher is lifted up into the ambulance, Hailey is quick to jump up next to it, never letting go of Jay’s hand.
Voight is nearby, snapping off orders as he arranges the officer down detail and Kim wishes his words didn’t sound so familiar.
Why does Jay have to be so self-sacrificing?
She understands his reasons this time. She wasn’t wearing a vest.
But she has to wonder if it would have made a difference for him if she had been.
Could she have found an outfit that wouldn’t have made the drug dealers suspicious that could have hidden her vest? Or should she have seen something during previous conversations that would have tipped her off that things would have gone this way?
Because this shouldn’t have happened.
She shouldn’t have just watched one of her closest friends writhe on the ground while he was intubated while still fully conscious.
“Hey.” Adam says softly, jolting her from her self recrimination. “Let’s get to Med.”
She shakes her head, looking over at Voight.
“Is there anything else you need from us here?” she asks.
“Patrol is taking Dimitri back to the district but I figure he can stew over the fact that he was involved in something that ended up with a cop getting shot for a couple hours. But Adam is going to have to talk to IRT.”
Adam’s jaw tightens but he nods.
“This one should be quick.” Voight says. “He opened fire on two people, it’s pretty open and shut.”
“I can drive Kim.” Kevin offers.
“Make sure Hailey is okay.” Voight orders. “And stop beating yourself up, Burgess. There was no way to know this would go sideways. And Jay did what any member of this team would have done, what you would have done for him.”
She nods.
It sounds so simple when he says it like that but she can’t let go of the guilt so easily.
Kevin leads her back to his car, helping her into the passenger seat before getting behind the wheel.
The drive to Med is silent. There’s nothing he can say that Voight hasn’t already said and she’s lost in her own thoughts.
Hailey is pacing the waiting room, her hands and the front of her shirt still covered in blood, when they get there.
In her hands is Jay’s bullet proof vest, an item that Kim hates almost as much as she loves right now.
“Turns out the vest caught ten bullets.” Hailey says softly as they approach. “There’s just… there’s these two places where two bullets landed almost on top of each other. It’s a miracle the vest held up.”
“Yeah.” Kevin says, letting out a breath. “It did it’s job and did it well.”
“He’s gonna be so pissed he has to get a new one.” Hailey says with a small laugh. “He hates breaking them in.”
“Ugh.” Kevin groans. “That shitty period where it’s all stiff and sticks out at weird angles.”
Kim tries to force a smile but she can tell she didn’t really succeed when Hailey sets aside the vest and steps in to hug her.
“He’s going to be okay.” she tells her. “Re-inflating a lung isn’t that big of a deal.”
“He shouldn’t have had to protect me.” Kim says. “I should have found a way to wear my vest.”
“He would have done it regardless.” Hailey says. “It’s Jay. He can’t help himself. Pretty sure if the roles had been reversed and you were wearing a vest and he wasn’t he still would have jumped in front of you.”
Kim sniffles.
Hailey just hugs her tighter.
Adam shows up forty five minutes later having driven Hailey’s jeep from the scene and she finally slips away for a minute, returning wearing one of Jay’s hoodies with her hands and arms scrubbed clean.
Trudy arrives a little bit after that with coffee for all of them.
Two hours later Will steps through the double doors looking tired.
“He’s out of surgery.” he says, running a hand through his hair. “Again.”
Hailey offer him a weak smile and he nods.
“They put one plate in to support the rib that punctured his lung. The rest of it is either just fractures or non-displaced breaks that they aren’t worried about moving around providing we can keep him from trying bench press anything in the next six weeks.” he tells them.
“And the bullet?” Hailey asks.
“Came in at an upward angle, somehow missed his liver entirely and buried itself in the bottom- most rib on his left side. They had to patch up some intestinal damage but it was pretty minor, all things considered.”
“Kim needs to see him.” Hailey says, pushing her forward.
“What about you?” she asks.
“I want to see him.” Hailey says. “But I can wait. You can’t.”
Will smiles at her.
“I can sneak you into PACU.” he offers. “Might be fun to confuse the nurses. It’s usually Hailey.”
“I can wait.” she says.
“You are still tearing yourself up.” Hailey says. “He protected you. He’d do it again and he probably will. But he’s okay and you should go see that for yourself.”
Kim finally sighs and follows Will through the halls.
“He’s really going to be okay.” he says as they approach the PACU doors. “He’s still on a vent and they want to keep him that way at least twelve hours or so to help his lungs heal but the idiot was awake when I left to update you guys.”
Jay is in fact still awake when they reach his bedside in PACU though he’s clearly fighting an uphill battle to stay that way.
Kim shakes her head, taking his hand.
“Are you forcing yourself to stay awake until you see me?” she asks.
He nods slightly, the faintest ghost of an impish smirk on his face.
“Thanks.” she says quietly. “And thank you for saving me. I’m sorry you got hurt.”
His face softens and she smiles, for real this time.
“I know.” she says. “I won’t argue with your choice. It’s just going to take me a minute to wrap my head around it.”
He offers another tiny nod, squeezing her hand.
“But everyone is going to be okay.” she says. “So I guess its a good day.”
He nods again, eyes drifting closed until he fights them open.
“You’ve reassured me.” she tells him. “Now go to sleep you idiot.”
Another grin around the tube and then he lets his eyes fall closed.
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tittyinfinity · 7 months ago
most hated songs list. in no particular order
22 by Taylor Swift
Shape of You by Ed Sheeran
Hey There Delilah by uhhh not Delilah
Bad Blood by Taylor Swift
Pumped Up Kicks by....school shooters?
tonight by fun.
austin powers theme song
national anthem
explanations (I'm only posting this bc I'm bored):
22 by T Swift
heard at work at least 5x a day on the radio
was nowhere around 22 when the song came out so i did not feel 22 i felt more like 16 because i was more like 16
song sucks in general if you're gonna do that do it for every age
I don't like her music in general
Shape of you by Ed Sheeran
extremely overplayed no matter where you went around that time you literally could not escape the song
the tone of the song doesn't match the vibe of the lyrics anyway
if he said any of those words to me I'd pelt him with rocks
Hey There Delilah by I think Jason Mraz? Literally do not care enough to look it up
not THAT bad but overplayed enough to where I got sick of it
Bad Blood by T Swift
heard it at work even more often than 22
what a horrible way to make a diss track i'm sorry but it's so cheesy
again i don't like her music in general
Pumped Up Kicks
perfect example of how people will be just fine with violence in a song as long as it sounds upbeat and happy
song is usually liked by people who say they don't like rap because of "violence"
overplayed as fuck also
i'm sure the song has some kind of deeper meaning but i was in high school when it came out and all i thought was "this man is describing a school shooter so i do not want to listen to this"
Tonight by Fun.
this song can actually be good when timed correctly but it has to be timed VERY correctly
has to be like some intense nostalgia moment otherwise it's just annoying
even then it's kinda lost that pizazz bc of how much it was overplayed
Austin Powers theme song
my school played this in between classes in the hallways for months as "punishment" for having low attendance
between every class there would be 10 minutes of this song on repeat
they only quit bc we never reached goal and the teachers were going just as mad
really no hate to the song but imagine hearing it on a loop for 4 months and you're 16 years old trying to focus on multiple honors classes
National Anthem
national anthem
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year ago
Marvel Spooktober #2
Title: Marvel Spooktober #2
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Prompt: Wandering
Words: 2,514
Warnings: Mention of death, gunshot wound, ghosts, dying wish
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @prongslov
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The autumn air cut through his suit like an icy spear as he sat atop the Empire State Building, it’s late in the evening and he’s on patrol tonight hoping for an easy night but knowingly aware that it won’t be. Just as he’s about to lean back on his perch the radio scanner begins to key up with activity and he sighs softly knowing he’d have to leave his spot. 
“All units near 5th and 49th there is a disturbance of possible gunshots.” the dispatcher said over the radio and Peter was quickly leaping off the building before swinging himself along the streets towards Rockefeller Center where the two named streets were. He landed on one of the smaller buildings in front of the skating rink in Rockefeller Center and surveyed the area for anything amiss. When he peered around the ledge of the building down to the sidewalk he spotted a man laying there with a darkening pool forming around him. 
Peter quickly jumped down from the building and rushed over to the man, he could see the large dark stain blossoming on his white crisp button up shirt. The man groaned softly and turned his head towards Peter with glassy eyes. He was a medium built guy with trimmed black hair that was swept to the side with gel and dressed in a white button up shirt with blue gray slacks and brown shoes.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m gonna help you.” Peter began to reassure the man as he grabbed the heavy sweater that was splayed out on the sidewalk and pressed it to the man’s chest applying pressure to the wound. The man groaned loudly and Peter hummed at him. “Gotta apply pressure to the wound man. Don’t want you bleeding out okay?” Peter explained as he hovered over the man. “Did you see who did this to you?” Peter asked conversationally, trying to keep the man’s attention on him and not on his pain.
“It was some young kid. He wanted my wallet and I gave it to him but someone yelled further down the block and spooked him. I don’t think he meant to shoot me.” the man gritted out through clenched teeth and Peter nodded his head. Sirens could be heard from down the street and without looking up Peter could tell that they were only a few minutes away. But then suddenly the man coughed and sprayed blood from his mouth onto Peter’s suit.
“No, no, c’mon man. Stay with me. The ambulance is almost here.” Peter tried to reassure the man as he looked over to his left and saw the ambulance turning the corner onto the street.
“Hey.” said the man weakly, causing Peter to turn back to him to see that his face had paled and his heartbeat was now light to his enhanced hearing. “Tell my wife that I’m sorry. Please.” pleaded the man and Peter began to shake his head rapidly.
“Don’t worry you’re going to get to tell her yourself.” Peter tried to convince the man who just looked up at him with glassy dimming eyes.
“Tell her I’m sorry.” the man whispered softly before his eyes stared up into the sky without blinking or seeing any longer. Peter felt a chill consume him that froze his body from the inside out as he watched the life in the man’s eyes drain out.
“No, no. C’mon man!” Peter cried out helplessly as he pressed the sweater further into the man’s chest just as the ambulance arrived. EMTs rushed out of the back of the vehicle and swarmed Peter and the man as they barked out orders.
“Alright Spiderman, we’ll take it from here.” one of them said and they gently eased Peter away from the man as they took control. Peter stood there in a daze as a police cruiser pulled up and the officer hopped out and walked over to Peter.
“Did you see a shooter?” asked the officer and Peter shook his head in response.
“No, the man said that it was a young kid. Didn’t give a description, but said that the kid wanted his wallet and he gave it to me. But someone spooked the kid by yelling down the street and the kid fired the gun. The man didn’t think the kid wanted to shoot him, that it was an accident.” Peter explained and the officer nodded as he wrote down everything that Peter told him.
“Thanks Spiderman, we’ll take care of it.” the officer said.
“The man asked me to tell his wife that he’s sorry.” Peter said softly and the officer looked at him with knowing eyes.
“First time dealing with a death?” the officer asked and Peter shook his head honestly but looked over to the officer with a furrowed brow.
“No, but this one feels different for some reason.” Peter admitted and the officer nodded his head. 
“You did everything that you could for this guy. Try not to feel too bad about it. You were the first responder and by the looks of it you rendered aid like we’re trained too.” the officer tried to reassure and Peter nodded his head slightly as the officer placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll take care of him, don’t worry.”
Peter nodded and then waited with the officer until the EMTs alerted them that they were heading to the nearest hospital and the officer nodded as he began heading to his cruiser to follow the ambulance. Before he climbed into his vehicle he nodded at Peter and then quickly rushed away after the ambulance. Peter was left standing there staring silently down at the dark puddle of blood staining the sidewalk as a reminder of what happened here. Shivering slightly Peter looked and flicked out his wrist to begin swinging home for the night still feeling unease with everything that had happened.
The next day Peter was off early to the university for classes that would keep him busy all day. Peter found himself rushing across campus at mid afternoon when the first sighting happened to him. He had been making his way quickly through the quad, shrugging and rolling his shoulders as he felt a tension in between his shoulders that felt like a large knot under his skin while walking, when he looked up and saw the man from last night standing at the far side of the quad. Faltering in his steps he had nearly collided with you as you walked next to him and you looked over at him with concern on your face. When you saw that he was staring heavily at the far side of the quad you turned and looked but saw nothing there that would normally catch his attention.
“You okay Pete?” you asked worriedly as you stepped closer to him and slipped your arm through his to guide him towards your next class so you wouldn’t be late. Peter shook his head after a moment and nodded before looking down at you.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry. Thought I saw someone I recognized.” he said dismissively before picking up his pace to get the two of you to class sooner. You had let it slide and figured it wasn’t that concerning but made a mental note to keep an eye on him.
The next time there’s a sighting it’s during his patrol a couple of days later, he’s just finished saving an elderly woman from a speeding car chase and has set her down on the sidewalk and he feels that knot forming under skin between his shoulder blades again. When he looks up to see where the speeding car has gone he spots a crowd of people on the opposite side of the street and there in the middle of the crowd is the man. He’s standing there with his face still pale like the last time Peter saw him and his stare is unblinking and dim. The sight of the man throws Peter off from what he was planning to do and the blaring of a car horn pulls him out of his stupor. With a shake of his head and hand raised in the air at the angry driver Peter quickly shoots his webs out and swings off after the speeding vehicle.
As he’s swinging though his mind turns back to the sightings of the man. He knows he should talk to someone about this and wonders if he brings it up to you if you’d think he was crazy. Huffing softly and shaking his head he thinks that if it happens again he’ll bring it up to you.
The third sighting is when he’s getting coffee with you after your last class for the day. You’re both standing in line waiting to get to the register to order. The two of you had an early day for classes today and had plans to outline and study for the rest of the day in preparation for tomorrow’s lessons. Peter’s looking around the small cafe that you had found not far from your apartment while you’re looking up at the menu deciding on what new drink you’d try today. Ever since you had found this cafe with Peter you had been trying each of their drinks to see which ones were your favorites, so far you had tried five of their menu items and only found two that were favorites of yours.
Just as Peter begins to turn back towards you and the counter he feels the knot of tension form between his shoulders that he’s associated with sightings of the man and he begins to look around rapidly before his eyes catch on something unfamiliar outside the cafe. Peter jolts in his spot as he focuses on the image of the man standing right outside the cafe windows. He’s standing there staring at Peter with his bloodied white shirt in clear view and Peter sucks in sharp breath causing you to turn to him worriedly. You stare up at for a moment before darting your eyes to where he’s staring out the cafe windows with wide eyes and stuttering breath.
“Pete?” you ask softly as you slide a gentle hand into his. Your soft question and gesture pull Peter from his frozen state.
“Do you see that man standing right outside the window?” Peter asks you softly without moving his eyes from the man. He doesn’t want to lose sight of the man without your confirmation or denial, worried that he’s seeing things and ultimately knowing that he was seeing things. You turn your head fully and stare out the window and only see the pedestrians walking quickly past the cafe.
“I only see the pedestrians.” you inform him softly and he sighs softly and hangs his head. You tilt yours to the side now becoming worried for your friend.
“Let’s order and get home I need to talk to you about something.” he says softly and you nod your head quickly as you step up to the counter and order for the both of you. You idly wondered what was going with Pete that would cause him to sound so defeated.
When the two of you got into your apartment you set your bags down and then moved to the small circular dining table that Aunt May had gifted you when you moved in together for college. You set the food bags down with the drinks and then turned to Peter with a concerned look on your face. He was standing over by the couch leaning against the back of it staring down at the floor with a furrowed brow.
“Alright tell me what’s going on Pete.” you softly cajole him and he looks over at you with worried eyes.
“You gotta promise not to think I’m crazy.” he blurts out and you furrow your brows at him before shaking your head.
“Pete, I’ve been around for the whole radioactive spider bite. You really think I would think you’re crazy?” you try to explain to him but he shakes his head rapidly as his eyes grow wide and dart from side to side. You know he’s beginning to work himself up now and you try to quickly calm him down. “Hey, relax. I won’t think you’re crazy. I promise.” you tell him solemnly and he begins to rapidly nod his head in response.
“I think I’m seeing the guy I couldn’t save the other night. The gunshot wound guy.” Peter confesses and you stare at him quietly for a moment before nodding your head.
“Wandering ghosts.” you say softly and Peter tilts his head to the side confused.
“What?” he asks and you begin to pace in front of him.
“Wandering ghosts, my grandmother used to tell me and my cousins all these ghost stories when we were younger.” you begin to explain to him. “She would say that sometimes if you witnessed a death that the ghost will turn into a wandering ghost and attach themselves to you. Make themselves known by appearing in front of you or sometimes even haunt your home.”
“That’s alarming.” Peter says softly and you nod your head slightly before darting your eyes around your apartment. “He asked me to tell his wife that he was sorry before he died.” Peter said and you nod your head at his words.
“Unfinished business. If a ghost has unfinished business they’ll linger before going to the afterlife.” you say to him and his eyes widen slightly at your words.
“You mean he could be staying here because I didn’t contact his wife yet?” Peter asked worriedly and you tilt your head from side to side.
“It’s possible Pete, but you couldn’t have known that.” you begin to reassure him as you step closer to him with your hand outstretched. Peter wraps his arms around your body and pulls you close for a comforting hug. You gladly give it to him hoping that he’ll start to feel a little better after talking about it. “If you want we can look up and see if there was an article made or report and see if we can contact the wife.” you suggest and Peter looks down at you with hopeful eyes.
“You’d do that for me?” he asked softly in awe and you scoffed at him.
“Pete, this has been bothering you for a few days hasn’t it. That time in the quad?” you asked and he nodded his head. “Of course I’ll help you. I don’t like seeing you hurt or uncomfortable. We’ll do everything that we can to help this guy’s spirit out.” you reassure him and Peter sighs softly as his body finally begins to ease for the first time in days. And oddly enough Peter begins to feel the constant knot of tension in between his shoulders begin to ease as well as you pull out your laptop and take a seat at the dining table to begin researching. He knows with you helping him that he’ll be able to complete the man’s dying wish.
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codenamehazard · 2 years ago
.:Parkour Playground:.
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Chapter 7: Parkour Playground
Hey guys! This one was another doozy to write, but hooh boy. It was a labor of love and I hope you guys will have a blast reading it as I did thinking of it and writing it!
Big thanks to @rogueshadeaux for helping me out! This one had a few world-building rutts that needed to be straightened out and she helped my out greatly! Check out her stuff! You won't regret it
Not much to say on my end, so let's jump in!
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The feeling of the road rumbling under tires, I’ve forgotten how much I’ve missed that feeling. Memories of road trips and rowdy times flit idly by as my aching feet finally get the rest they desire and I can sit back and relax for a spell. Never in a million years did I think a genius would actually make a car that wouldn’t explode when I sit in it and yet, here I am.
Earlier in the beginning of the trip, I had asked Mako about the guns she and Pangolin were running around with. Now given the nature of their powers, I wasn’t too surprised that they could use a gun at all with little issue, but to see guns that spat out bone and bricks like a six-shooter spits out bullets? Now that has really got my attention.
Mako did her best to explain how the firearms worked. The run-down I got on the guns is basically the thing that’s powering the weapon is a RFE source of some kind, the source absorbs whatever the conduit’s putting out and channels it, putting different spins on it depending on how the gun is set up? It was honestly a lot, even for a leyman explanation. Point is, the gun won’t explode when I hold it.
I was assured that I didn’t need to remember all the details, she wasn’t gonna pop quiz me on it. One thing she made very clear was that while I could hold the weapons, the guns won’t work properly in the hands of another Conduit, they essentially have to be custom-made for the user. The cherry on top? She and Pangolin were willing to show me the forge they had the guns made at and introduce me to the forgemaster who specialized in making these beauties. A wild grin split across my face as I started to think of what I would want this gun to look like and what it would do.
“Looks like I know where my first stop’s gonna be.” I chuckle as I lay back, hands behind my head and feet propped up on the seat. I close my eyes to see if I can catch a couple of winks on the trip.
It isn’t long until I can feel that my body has other ideas.
It starts off as a random pang or twinge in my legs, but the sensations slowly become more frequent. More insistent. My foot starts to shake as I try to alleviate the annoying feelings building in my legs, but it doesn’t stop. Soon the pangs stop and the tingling begins, in my legs and in my arms. It was fucking annoying! It was itchy and aggravating, every muscle fiber of my being was telling me to get up and do something. I vent off some of the energy by sparking up my arms a bit like I usually did, but even with that the nagging sensations persists. A groaning sigh of irritation rumbles from my throat as I lean my head back more and stare at the sky.
“You alright, Cole?” I hear Mako ask. I give her a nod before popping my knuckles to see if that helps any. It was clear she didn’t buy it, but she didn’t question further. Instead… I see her whisper something; what it is, I didn’t know. Whatever it was, it’s got that sharky grin back on her face. What is she up to?
Pangolin brings up the radio comms up to his mouth and says something, but what he’s saying I couldn’t hear jack-shit. With the doors off, the roof down and us off-roading, the noises just drowned out everything. Hell, Mako had to shout to explain the guns to me so I could hear. I lean in to see if I can hear, but nope. Still nothing. I lean back into my seat and shake my foot to try and relieve some of the pent up energy before it pops off.
We ride on and I look over the horizon, seeing as I couldn’t do much at the moment. I spot Conduits running around the lands. Some in vehicles similar to the jeep, but most use their powers as freely as they desire: teleporting, flying, running, hopping, sliding, gliding, it was making my legs buzz in anticipation. Just wanting to be doing something other than sit here.
My lips curl into a wicked smile as my eyes catch sight of what Mako had planned. The very much welcomed sight of outstretched powerlines, a simple radar pulse confirms that these were live and very much full of sweet electricity. Perfect. Mako nods to Pangolin before he drives the jeep close to the power lines, pretty much giving me the green light to show off.
Don’t mind if I do!
I launch a lightning tether and pull myself from the jeep onto the line, with a quick grab, pull and mount, my feet were on the wire and I was off.
The energy in the line pulls me forward as I engage my thrusters, lighting up the area with black and crimson sparks as I charge on. The jeep following me before accelerating forward. Oh they want to race me, hm? The grin on my face grows as I pick up speed. When a line would arch up, I would sometimes launch myself up and glide to a different line. Hell, sometimes I would even challenge myself to land onto the jeep before tethering off onto another line.
I follow the jeep as they seem to be leading me somewhere while still alternating between landing platform, springboard and opponent. I couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow at this. What are they planning here?
The sound of a blaring horn gives me my answer as I glance to the side of my vision. Two new vehicles join the frey in the form. One of them was very much a military looking vehicle, but the thing that stands out is what it was hauling. Trailing behind it are three trailers and another jeep, similar to the one that Mako and Pangolin is driving! The second vehicle zips around and I see that it looked like a motorcycle! I could feel the grin on my face stretch to the point where it hurts.
I see the jeep move into a formation and it clicks what this is. Looks like Mako has made more new friends and from what I see, so far, I liked them. I leap off of the wire and jump onto the back of the jeep. Pangolin lags back some before I hop onto another wire and speed up. When the wire arcs, I launch myself up high before gliding; my eyes locked onto the jeep behind the steel caravan.
Once my feet hit the back, I rush forward. Bounding over the two occupants of the jeep and car boosting up before tethering onto the large convoy vehicle. A strong pull sends me flying towards the steel convoy and onto the jeep it was towing. Standing and keeping my footing, I bound and boost with the Thrusters to get onto the trailing train proper. With my feet hitting the metal, I take off into a sprint. The wind howling in my ears, I keep moving forward.
The smile on my face was growing more and more as Ieap over the gaps between the trailers, flipping and lunging. It feels like I was back in Empire City, running across the train. Fearless and fueled only by adrenaline and electricity. I notice the Jeep riding alongside the convoy, following up to the front. I hear Mako cheer in excitement and Pangolin grin at me with a nod before speeding up. They must have more planned for me, best not keep them waiting.
I get to the front of the train and stand on the roof, spreading my arms out and sparking them out as I let out a cheer of my own. When I look forward I see the jeep take the lead. I watch Mako and Pangolin switching places and what I see next made my eyes widen in pure excitement.
Pangolin hands glowing and platforms of brick forming out of the ground. Platforms and obstacles. If my grin could grow any more, it would.
When I see a platform grow out of the ground, I leap onto it with wild abandon and run as it was forming in front of me and collapsing into dust behind me. I could feel my heart racing in my chest and my spine surging with energy as I lunge over a sudden wall and onto the hood of the Jeep. Another platform on the other side and I leap to it.
Another small straight run lead into a series of walls for leaping and cat-passing. Memories of places I used to practice and climb flood into my mind as muscle-memory takes hold. The ever-changing and seemingly endless nature of this instant obstacle course worked both my body and mind as I had to think quickly and on the fly to adapt to whatever was coming at me next. This was a parkour practitioner’s wet dream.
In my adrenaline haze, I hear revving behind me as I glance in my peripheral the motorcycle I saw earlier. The rider revs at me before taking off down the obstacle course, weaving and practically playing chicken with the walls as they appeared. My grin turns slightly manic as I leap onto a nearby wire to pick up some more speed.
“Well, looks like I got myself a wil’ one.” I say to myself before launching myself off the wire and gliding. I can see the bike weaving and swerving between the walls as I land on one of the longer platforms and run. Flips and leaps, vaults and glides, dashes and wire-riding, I did it all and the bike taunting death almost seems to weave and bob with me. It was almost dance-like and it made the whole thing all the more fun.
I leap onto another wire to grind and give my feet a small break before an idea comes to mind. I can land on a jeep, no problem, but could I stick the landing on a bike? The rider is most likely running with Mako and Pangolin seeing as they’re here, so they’re probably a Conduit, right? The worst things that could happen is either I botch the landing or the rider doesn’t adapt to the sudden weight quick enough, both would lead to a wrecked bike and us wiped out. It would hurt like hell and the bike would be totaled, but hey.  We can handle the hit. Another acceleration with the Static Thrusters, a leap of faith and a glide, dead set on landing on the bike.
I can feel the bike jump and hear a yelp of surprise as my feet hit the back of the seat, but the bike stays upright and going. Color me impressed! I look over to see the rider and introduce myself and what I see is…
I bellowed out as white hot rage flooded my adrenaline high mind. It’s the mask that damn flighty bird thief bitch wore. A snarl tears through my throat as my hands charge up, ready to make her a twitching husk. Ready to drain, I grab onto her face-mask and start pumping volt after volt, her panic and pained sounds were music to my ears, but the revelry was cut short when she violently jerks the handlebars to the right and purposely wipes out to get me off.
With the violent sounds of twisting metal and scraping stone, we both tumbled off. The inertia from the speeds we are going now sends us flying and rolling like tumbleweeds. Muscle memory takes hold again as I roll through the crash. The girl was rolling too, but her impact sounds like metal on stone rather than flesh.
The Jeep pulls up, followed by the convoy as I stop myself from rolling more with a tether to the ground. I’m dazed, but a quick shake of my head and I was back on my feet. I see Mako and Pangolin jumping out of their vehicle, but I didn’t care as I turn my attention back on the bitch. Her mask is broken and smoldering on the ground. I stand up and rush to pin her to the ground and drain her. She’s not getting away this time.
“Intervention!!” I hear Mako and Pangolin shout as two barriers appeared, one around me and the other around the girl. My glowing eyes turn to glare at the two, but the look on both of their faces told me that something had just clicked in their head. Pangolin stands watch as I see Mako go over to the other barrier.
“Someone has some explaining to do.” I hear her growl out in irritation.
The bird isn’t the only one who has to do some explaining…
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themaskreturnst · 1 year ago
I should also mention the aliens who threaten Kevin and his hometown. I never got to their name (it's probably not important tbh) but I just nickname them "Cacoliens" due to their slight resemblance to Cacodemons (I'm sure you can see where I'm going lol). I'm also unsure of their agenda but I like to think they want to drain the Earth's resources and this is step one (a very impetious plan from both me and the aliens' part but hey it's convenient for Kevin XD). Now, let's get to the three main alien types of the clan:
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This guy is your standard alien soldier, he's not very smart/resourceful, and is deemed disposable after several gunshots. He's got a strange blaster that somehow shoots projectiles slower than the speed of sound. He's also unable to speak, literally; his jaw is kinda stuck in that stupid position. However he can communicate with some chip in his head that allows him to "electronically" talk to his comrades. Special devices are needed to radio in these voices.
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This giant beast is the alien commander, but the second-in-command of this invasion. This pretentious bastard originally served as a sergeant and was mutilated in battle. Thankfully for him engineers were able to salvage his body and render him a cyborg, with robotic spider legs, a camera eye, and a voicebox that allows him to finally speak (although it switches from a "natural" voice to a computerized tone. Think of the Master's voice from the first Fallout). This whole setup also serves as a portable command hub, with controls and maps and such, as well as a weapon that fires heat-seeking energy orbs. Although he's more humble than his higher-up, he does view everyone else as an idiot and likes to remind them that he's better than them (it doesn't help that he's pretty much qualified to hold this position jk)
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This kinky asshole over here is the leader himself, the biggest shot of them all. The only appealing thing about him is his latex style and nice figure. He's a spoiled son of a bitch who profits off his father's wealth and power, and exploits the fuck out of this nepotism. He's also pretty weak and only has a pea shooter and maybe another secret to defend himself against real trouble. If he does wants to engage in battle, he has to suit up in some robot armor that fires energy orbs (kinda like the Aliens work loader, but with guns). The only reason the Commander puts up with this shit is because he will get reduced to a slab of fat meat if he tries to overthrow his dumbass leader.
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Here's a height comparison between the three. The Alien Leader is pretty much the Lady Dimitrescu of my OCs lmao
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chorusfm · 1 year ago
Blink-182 – One More Time…
It’s February 2023, 3:08 PM. Phone buzzes. Unknown number. Local area code. ”Tate, this still you?” I’m thinking, “I can ignore this, right?” I almost always ignore these. But there’s something in the familiarity of the phrasing that picks at a scab in my brain. A small circle of people in my life have ever called me Tate. Most of them were from my childhood neighborhood. None of whom I’ve spoken to in over a decade. The silence between us is not due to any real falling out but a byproduct of the stretching of time that turns brothers into strangers. It’s September 1997, 6:45 AM. I’m 14 years old and panicking. I’m about to start my first year of high school, and I am fucking terrified. Middle school was rough. And standing there alone in my parent’s basement has my skin feeling like a hand-me-down Halloween costume. Who am I? Who the ever-living-fuck am I? I walk to the bus stop. It’s raining. I have no music in my ears. Up to this point in my life, music has been something that happened around me. My parents played music in the background, friends showed me some grunge and metal records; I heard pop music on the radio. But I was a passive passenger to the sounds that washed over me. A hook searching for bait in a world rapidly changing before my childhood eyes. Second stop, a few kids I know jump on. ”Hey, Tate, have you met Ryan?” Friendships formed through the collective trauma that is high school tend to have a weightier feel as we get older. Reminiscing on them is like the smell of pencil shavings, graphite and wood clipping the air, pulling us back to a simpler time. A nostalgic breeze where youth was the possibility of forever; that’s why we chase its intoxicating scent. Over the next few months, Ryan and I will bond over girls, late-night phone calls, and navigating this torturous linoleum hell. He has an effortless cool that I admire and a confidence I try to fake. Our personalities play off each other well. We become fast friends while our neighborhood group reconnects. Most days after school, we are in the park trading insults and arguing over pop culture, or downstairs, alternating between shooting pool and fighting over the video game controllers. Our pubescent faces stuffed with everything my teenage metabolism would race to process. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had during those days. (Jesus, does anyone?) One afternoon, Ryan will leave his CD binder at my house. That night, I’ll slide a grey album cosplaying as a six shooter’s cylinder out from a sleeve backed by a bull’s giant testicles and hit play. Never again will I walk to the bus without music. That’s the night I discovered Blink-182. And nothing’s been quite the same ever since. To explain the impact Blink-182 had on a generation, one needs to understand that I didn’t just want to listen to Blink-182. I wanted to be Blink-182. I was a kid in search of an identity, and what I found was as much music as it was a lifestyle. Songs that I could turn to in the throes of teenage heartbreak. T-shirt brands and a style that reflected Southern California vogue. Music to inch ever louder after a fight with my parents. A bratty immature sense of humor to deflect the insecurities bubbling within. Songs that helped me find confidence in an understanding that I wasn’t alone. A punk rock scene that gave me a glimpse of who I was. Or, at least, I now had a vision in my head of who I wanted to be. It wasn’t just music. But, it didn’t hurt that the music bridged this incredible space between punk and pop, energy and emotion, humor and heartbreak. A song for every mood, and god damn did they look like they were having fun playing it. Decoding this fandom is to deconstruct the suburban ennui of the early 2000s. My upbringing was not hard, but the world outside was fucked. Wars. Stained dresses. Hanging chads. Parents fighting. Puberty. Meanwhile, MTV and the radio still shaped and defined much of pop culture. And this bred within me an undercurrent of malaise and… https://chorus.fm/reviews/blink-182-one-more-time/
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aspenmissing · 2 years ago
𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚍 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
Sam is in the bathroom of their motel room. He gasps. He leans over the sink, the water running.
"No..." He runs a hand under the water and washes his face, scrubbing the hand through his hair. As he shuts the water off and looks up into the mirror, the door bursts open to reveal Dean.
"Sam, come on, zip it up. Let's hit the..." Dean pauses, absorbing Sam's condition "...road. What?" Sam is breathing heavily and blinking.
Y/N is driving the Impala, speeding down the road. The youngest Winchester is sat in the passenger side looking troubled with Dean sat in the back, leaning forwards. The radio is the only noise playing in the Impala.
"Rockin' Nebraska. Your source for the classics, all night long"
"I don't know, man, why don't we just chill out, think about this" Sam shuts off the radio.
"What's there to think about?" Sam asks.
"I don't know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea"
"Dean, it's another premonition. I know it. This is gonna happen, and Ash can tell us where"
"Yeah, man, but..."
"Plus, it could have some connection with the demon. My visions always do"
"That's my point. There's gonna be hunters there. I don't know if, if, if going in and announcing that you're some supernatural freak with a, a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?" Y/N hits Dean's arm, a cast is shown.
"You could have phrased it better"
"So, I'm a freak now?" Dean slaps Sam on his shoulder, laughing.
"You've always been a freak" Dean smiles weakly and leans back in his seat. Sam looks to Y/N, who just shakes her head, shrugging and mouthing for him to ignore Dean.
At the roadhouse, Jo is playing a shooter arcade game as an older man watches. She hits every target and he groans.
"Damn, little lady, that was my room money" Jo takes the money he pulls out.
"Well, I guess you're taking a truck nap tonight" As she walks away, pleased with herself, Ellen walks over.
"Ought to check the high scores before you put your money down" She presses a button on the game and a list of high scores- all reading Jo "You went and got yourself hustled, Ed" Dean, Sam, and Y/N enter, passing two men at the table cleaning weapons, they look over and see Y/N and look her up and down, then smile. Dean almost runs into Jo, who stops, smiling.
"Just can't stay away, huh?" She speaks.
"Yeah, looks like. How you doin', Jo?"
"Where's Ash?" Sam asks, hurried.
"In his back room" Sam brushes past her.
"And I'm fine..."
"Sorry, he's, we're...kind of on a bit of a timetable" Y/N says. The three walk to the back room. Sam approaches a rough wooden door with a sigh handing which reads 'Dr Badass Is: In'
"Ash? Hey, Ash?" Sam asks, knocking on the door.
"Hey, Dr. Badass?" Dean says, also knocking on the door. The door is unlatched and opened with a crash to reveal Ash, who is naked. Y/N looks up and Dean averts his eyes.
"Sam? Y/N? Dean? Sam, Dean, and Y/N"
"Hey Ash. Um. We need your help" Sam says.
"Well, hell then. Guess I need my pants"
"I guess you do" Y/N says. He shuts the door and Sam, Dean, and Y/N go back into the main area. Ash is sitting at a table, now fully dressed, with his laptop open, looking at the hand-drawn sketch of the bus logo from Sam's vision. Sam sits across from him; Dean stands behind. Y/N is sitting on the other side of Ash.
"Well, I got a match. It's the logo from the Blue Ridge bus lines in Guthrie, Oklahoma"
"Okay. Do me a favour- check Guthrie for any demonic signs, or omens, or anything like that"
"You think the demon's there?" Ash asks.
"Yeah, maybe"
"Why would you think that?"
"Just check it, all right?"
"Dean. He was just asking" Ash gives him a look; Sam and Dean frown at each other.
"No, sir, nothing. No demon"
"All right, try something else for me. Search Guthrie for a house fire. It would be 1983, fire's origin would be a baby's nursery, night of the kid's six-month birthday" Ash looks at him, startled, and Dean looks around to check for eavesdroppers. Jo, cleaning a table nearby, is watching them
"Okay, now that is just weird, man. Why the hell would I be looking for that" Sam pulls out a beer bottle and sets it next to the laptop.
"'Cause there's a RBR in it for ya"
"Give me fifteen minutes"
"How come when you want me to do something you just give me your puppy dog eyes. Why don't you give me a beer" Y/N says. Later, Jo presses a few buttons on the jukebox and the opening chords to REO Speedwagon "Can't Fight This Feeling" play. Dean, sitting at the bar and holding a beer, looks horrified. Jo carries a tray to the bar and sets it down, catching his eye.
"What?" Jo asks.
"REO Speedwagon?"
"Damn right REO. Kevin Cronin sings it from the heart"
"He sings it from the hair. There's a difference" Jo looks at Ellen, then back to Dean.
"That profile you've got Ash looking for?"
"Your mom died the same way, didn't she? A fire in Sam's nursery?"
"Look, Jo, it's kind of a family thing"
"I could help"
"I'm sure you could. But we've got to handle this one ourselves. Besides, if I ran off with you, I think your mother might kill me" Ellen, cleaning glasses behind the bar, looks at him. He smiles nervously.
"You're afraid of my mother?"
"I think so" Sam hurries up behind Jo.
"We have a match. We've gotta go" Sam says.
"All right, Jo. See you later"
"Y/N come on!" Sam shouts, just before Y/N could take a sip of beer. She groans and gets up.
The strains of 'Can't fight This Feeling' come from Dean's voice, singing a Capella.
"And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight. You're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter night. And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might..." Sam keeps looking at Y/N who is trying not to laugh.
"You're a natural" Y/N says, sarcastically.
"You're kidding, right?" Sam asks.
"I heard the song somewhere, I can't get it out of my head, I don't know, man. Whaddya got?" Sam looks at a stack of papers.
"Andrew Gallagher. Born in eighty-three, like me. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly six months later, also like me"
"You think the demon killed his mom?" Y/N asks.
"Sure, looks like it"
"How did you even know to look for this guy?"
"Every premonition I've had, if they're not about the demon they're about the other kids the demon visited. Like Max Miller, remember him?"
"Yeah, but Max Miller was a pasty little psycho" Dean says.
"The point is he was killing people. And I was having the same type of visions about him. And now it could be happening all over again with this Gallagher guy"
"How do we find him?"
"Don't know. No current address, no current employment. He still owes money on all his bills - phone, credit, utilities..."
"Collection agency flags?" Y/N suggests.
"None in the system"
"They just let him take a walk?" Dean says.
"Seems like it. There's a work address from his last W-2, about a year ago. Let's start there"
A young woman is pouring coffee into a cup. Sam and Dean are in their suits whereas Y/N is wearing her blouse, pants and jacket once again. The three are sat at a table.
"You won't get anything out of Andy, guys. I'm sorry, but they never do"
"They?" Y/N asks.
"You're debt collectors, right? Once in a while they come by. I don't know what Andy says to them, but they never come back"
"Actually, we're lawyers. Representing his Great Aunt Leta. She passed, God rest her soul, and left Andy a sizable estate"
"Yeah. So, are you a friend of his?" Sam asks.
"I used to be, yeah. I don't see much of Andy anymore"
"Andy? Andy kicks ass, man" A man says, coming over to sit at the table.
"Is that right?"
"Yeah. Andy can get you into anything. He even got me backstage at Aerosmith once, it was beautiful, bro"
"How about bussing a table or two, Weber?"
"Yeah. You bet, boss" he says, before leaving the table taking a cup with him
"Look, if you want to find him, try Orchard Street. Just look for a van with a barbarian queen painted on the side"
"Barbarian queen?" Dean asks.
"She's riding a polar bear. It's kind of hard to miss"
Dean, Y/N and Sam stake out Orchard Street, watching the van-with-barbarian-queen.
"I'm sorry, I'm starting to like this dude. That van is sweet" Y/N looks at Sam.
"What's wrong?" She asks"
"Sam, you look like you're sucking a lemon, what's going on?" She speaks.
"This Andrew Gallagher, he's the second guy like this we've found, Guys. Demon came to them when they were kids, now they're killing people"
"We don't know what Andrew Gallagher is, all right? He could be innocent" Dean says.
"My visions haven't been wrong yet"
"What's your point"
"My point is, I'm one of them" Y/N and Dean look at each other than to Sam.
"No, you're not" she says.
"Y/N, the demon said he had plans for me and children like me"
"Yeah, maybe this is his plan, maybe we're all a bunch of psychic freaks, maybe we're all supposed to be-"
"What, killers?"
"So, the demon wants you out there killing with your minds, is that it? Come on, gives me a break. You're not a murderer, Sam! You don't have it in your bones" Y/N says.
"No? Last I checked, I kill all kinds of things"
"Those things were asking for it. There's a difference" Dean says and looks out the window, away from Sam. A man exits a building, wearing a pyjama and a long satin robe embroidered with dragons.
"Got him" A woman in a second-story window waves at the man, who blows her a kiss. The man greets another man on the street, who smiles at him and hands the man in the robe a coffee.
"Man, I wish I can get coffee that easily" Y/N mutters as the three continue to watch him. Further along, the man greets an older man and shakes his hand.
"That's him. That older guy, that's him, that's the shooter"
"All right, you keep on him, we'll stick with Andy. Go" Sam gets out of the car and follows the older man. Y/N jumps into the passenger seat as Andy gets into his van and drives off. Dean and Y/N follow in the Impala. Sam watches as they go. A few minutes later, the man stops and gets out of the van, walking back to Dean and Y/N. Y/N gestures to the handgun and Dean tucks it into his jacket.
"Hey" The man says.
"Hey, hey"
"This is a cheery ride"
"Yeah, thanks"
"Man, the '67? Impala's best year if you ask me. This is a serious classic"
"Yeah. We know, we just rebuilt her, too" Y/N says.
"Yeah, can't let a car like this one go"
"Damn straight. Hey. Can I, have it?" The man asks.
"Sure, man" Dean says and Y/N's eyes widen.
"What!" Dean gets out of the car, smiling, to let the man in the driver's side and he gives Y/N a smile.
"Hop right in there. There ya go"
"Dean, what the hell are you doing"
"Take it easy"
"All right. Oh, and don't worry about her" Andy drives off in the Impala, leaving Dean standing in the street, looking confused.
"What the hell are yo-" Y/N says but it cut off as the man places his hand on the back of her head and smashes her head against the dashboard, effectively knocking her out.
"Sorry" he says and continues to drives.
Sam watches the older man from a short distance; the older man's cell phone rings and he answers it.
"Hello. Yeah" Sam sees the Blue Ridge bus approach, and crosses in front of it towards the sporting goods store. He runs up the steps and inside, looking around. He sees the clerk and bystanders. He turns and pulls the fire alarm. The older man approaches the store, but hearing the alarm go off he stops, confused, then turns and walks away. Sam leaves the store and goes down to the street, where he sees the man drive in the Impala on his phone, with Y/N leaning against the window. He stares in shock. The older man gets another phone call "Hello? Yeah? All right"
"Dean! Andy's got the Impala! And Y/N!" Sam says into the cell phone.
"I know! He just sort of asked for it and I, I let him take it. And he locked Y/N in"
"You what?"
"He full-on Obi-Wanned me. It's mind control, man" Sam watches in horror as the older man walks in front of a bus, which slams into him at full speed.
As paramedics put the older man into a body bag, Sam sits on the curb nearby. Dean crouches behind him, hand on his back.
"I kept him out of the gun store. I thought he was okay. I thought he was past it, at least...I should have stayed with him...And now, we've lost Y/N"
In the diner, Weber is busing dishes as Andy enters, looking upset.
"Andy! Whassup, dog?" He raises a hand to high-five Andy, who ignores him and heads for Tracy.
"Andy! What are you doing here?"
"Doctor Jennings...he's dead"
"Oh no, I'm sorry"
"I don't know, I, I was upset, and I wanted to see you" Tracy puts her hands on his.
"Well, I'm glad you did. I um, I missed you. Oh, you know what? Three people were here this morning looking for you. Two men and a woman.
"What guys?"
Sam and Dean approach the Impala from across the street.
"Thank god! Oh. I'm sorry, baby. I'll never leave you again" Dean looks over baby to see if there is any damage "Well, at least he left the keys in it" Dean looks into the back and sees Y/N, laying down with a blanket over her "...And a sleeping Y/N?
"Yeah. Real Samaritan, this guy" Sam comes around the car and opens the door, shaking Y/N. She groans and turns around, showing her slightly bleeding head. Sam wipes it away with the blanket before pulling it up further. He then closes the door and goes around to Dean.
"Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose, he's gotta use verbal commands"
"The doctor had just gotten off his cell phone when he stepped in front of that bus. Andy must have called him or something"
"I don't know, maybe"
"Beg your pardon?"
"I just don't know if he's out guy, Sam"
"Dean, you had O.J convicted before he got out his white Bronco and you have doubts about this?"
"He just doesn't seem like the stone-cold killer type, that's all. You know. And O.J. was guilty"
"Oh, but he seems like a person to steal your car and hurt Y/N" They pause "Either way, how are we going to track this guy down?" Dean thinks for a moment.
"Not a problem" Dean and Sam approach Andy's blue van from the back.
"Not exactly an inconspicuous ride. Let's have a look" Dean pulls out a small crowbar out of his jacket and pries open the back door. Porn music plays as the interior is revealed; disco ball, fur rugs, a tiger painting on the wall, several thick books, and an enormous bong "Oh. Oh, come on. This is...this is magnificent, that's what this is. Not exactly a serial killer's lair, though. There's no... clown painting on the walls, or a scissor stuck in victim' photos. I like the tiger" Sam looks at the book.
"Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein? That's some pretty heavy reading, Dean"
"Yeah, and uh, and Moby Dick's bong"
"It smells like piss" A voice says. The two spin around to see Y/N with a scrunched face "What?... Oh, uh, surprise" she says, smiling.
"We have got! to get you a bell" Dean says.
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clayandstuff · 4 years ago
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I love Raven Reyes every day and any day and twice on Sunday!
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