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cynicalone94 · 1 day ago
To be entirely clear, I have never met a writer who doesn’t get incredibly happy and excited to receive positive responses to their work. Always, always feel free to leave a small message, even if you have nothing to say but just want to convey that you’re enjoying yourself. No matter how long ago or how recently their writing was shared, no matter how small or inconsequential or god forbid ‘cringe’ it might feel, you are all but guaranteed to make the writer’s day
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cynicalone94 · 3 days ago
Begging you to follow your muse and write an Anthony Bridgerton whump fic (or several) <3 The Anthony whump fics are seriously lacking and I am TIRED OF IT !!!!
AAHH!! I want to so bad!! I'm gonna see what I can do!! I'm going crazy over the lack of new Anthony whump fics and I have so many desires that are not being filled so I think I'm gonna try it myself. Every time I go to write something I lose steam and nothing gets finished so I can't promise I'll post anything any time soon but my god I have IDEAS!! AND THINGS ARE BEING WRITTEN DOWN AND PLANNED OUT!!
At the moment I have 3 fics. And they're pretty exclusively focused on Bridgerton family feels instead of Kanthony (even though I fucking adore Kanthony with my whole heart):
Good ole fashioned sick fic. The kind where Anthony overworks himself and collapsed and gets a high fever and is really sick for a while and his sibling are all like "oh shit Anthony has been not okay for a while." I've given him night terrors, high fever, trouble breathing, weakness, the works. Ben and Colin trying to do the business stuff, Daphne and Eloise and Violet trying to do the household stuff. The younger ones taking care of Anthony. All pre-Kate by the way. Cause I want to focus on family stuff and I think if Kate was in this she'd have stopped him before it got this bad.
Anthony gets injured accidentally in a game of pall mall. Cause why the hell not. I want sibling guilt, I want injuries and pain. I think I'll throw in some Kate taking care of Anthony here too.
A modern au where a fight between him and the siblings gets too heated and things are said and Anthony gets his heart broken by his siblings and he leaves and ends up in a bad car accident.
I have sooooooooooo many other ideas but these are the ones I am going to ATTEMPT to write. NO PROMISES! But we shall see!!!!
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cynicalone94 · 3 days ago
Guess who finally watched FBI international 👀
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Fuck 🥵 I will always love Jay Halstead but HELLO WES!!!!
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cynicalone94 · 3 days ago
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You again?
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cynicalone94 · 3 days ago
a while ago i compiled all stargate novels into one big spreadsheet including publication info and tried to put it into one coherent timeline
also on a completely unrelated note
this is definitely not a google drive folder with all stargate novels as ebooks and pdf
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cynicalone94 · 3 days ago
My writing process? Oh, easy. I watch a video about how helicopters work. Guy mentions the swashplate and its relevance for the controls. Your girl goes: Awesome! That's the part I need to break! 😂
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cynicalone94 · 3 days ago
Every time I watch this scene (which has been, you know, a lot, since Wednesday) I get so overwhelmed by the amount of love Jay has for Hailey.
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He doesn't need to say it because he shows it every day. In quiet glances, soft voices, reassuring touches. But you know, he does anyway.
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Because after all this time, after everything they have gone through, he can finally say that to her and she can hear it. And be assured that he does love her, deeply. That he's not going anywhere, only where she goes.
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cynicalone94 · 3 days ago
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Smiling Jesse, smiling Wes 🥰
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cynicalone94 · 4 days ago
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They look so happy. The domestic cuteness of it all.
📸 spiridakos on instagram
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
when the same person leaves kudos on a few of your fics
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
I love unhinged comments that tell me you loved what I wrote too much to put your feelings into coherent words!
I would give more comments on fics, but my comments always end up as "awooga me likey" and "nose bleed pixiv elephant emote" instead of "I walk this mortal plane of day to day life to be gifted a seed of pure passion that lets me know that it's worth another day to read something like this again" kinda expression to let the author know I thoroughly enjoyed their work.
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
every time you leave a positive comment on a fic you like, an angel gains a pair of wings
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
I need you to understand that when I say "comments are appreciated!" I mean that I will reply to every one of them. I mean that an email with an ao3 notification has a higher priority than a message from my mother. I mean that I will have entire discussions in the comment section if you're up for it. Message me on tumblr and I will have the same discussions on an even more unhinged level. I will dissect entire personalities and ships and fictional political structures and worldbuilding with you. I will become your new best friend. You already ARE my new best friend. At the last battle, I would raise Anduril and say "For my ao3 readers" while a single tears rolls down my cheek, and dive into the fray. I would upload from beyond the grave if someone asked about the next chapter
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
Blog Introduction
Hello! Welcome to the No More Zero Comments Project! This is a blog dedicated to reducing the amount of fics on ao3 that have no comments at all.
The goal is simple: find fics with no comments, read them, and leave a comment for the author. However, I (this blogs creator) am not in every fandom to ever exist on ao3 so this is not a task I can do alone. That's where you come in!
There are two ways you can do this. One is to go out and find fics with zero comments in your fandoms, and leave a comment. The other is to take a look at the spreadsheet i made with a list of fics i found with no comments and see if there's any fandoms you know. If I did my job right, you should be able to filter it? Who knows, I suck at technology. This spreadsheet will be updated regularly by adding new fics (and removing ones that have now received comments) so there will always be new stuff to see!
So far, the spreadsheet contains mostly fics from @febuwhump collections, as their commentfest is where i got this idea. If you want to submit one of your own zero comment fics for the spreadsheet, you can do so here.
If you read a fic from the spreadsheet and leave a comment on it (or have received a comment on your own fic that is on the spreadsheet), you can let me know here so I can remove it from the spreadsheet (you do not have to do this, I will try to check regularly to see if fics have received comments, but doing it this way will be a HUGE help to me)!
Some preemptive answers to potential FAQs under the cut!
Who runs this blog?
That'd be me, Izak, also known as @lightningzombie! Hi!
Wait, I see one of your fics on the spreadsheet!
Look. I'm not doing this for no reason. Around 14% of my own fics have no comments. In the interest of fairness, I'll only be adding one of my own fics to the spreadsheet at a time. This limit only applies to me as the owner of this blog. Everyone else can have as many as they like on there lol
Do I have to read fics from the spreadsheet?
Nope! It's just a handy tool for if you're looking for something to read, and want to help out an author in need of their first comment. You can go find zero comment fics wherever you usually get fics from
Is there some sort of prize/competition?
Nope! This is just an effort to increase fandom engagement since it fell off post-COVID. You don't have to report to me about it, you just gotta do it!
Why did you decide to do this?
Frustration with the lack of comments on my fics and the death of comment culture in general. Bewilderment when I saw a fic that had 1200 kudos and no comments. The joy that leaving 100 comments and receiving 20+ during the Febuwhump commentfest brought me. Boredom. Many reasons!
Will you do events?
Maybe! If there's enough interest we could do events similar to justleaveacommentfest.
Can I submit other peoples fics for the spreadsheet?
I mean, yeah, of course. But like, if you're going to the trouble of submitting someone else's fic, why not just leave a comment on it?
(edit: if you want to add a bunch of stuff from your fandoms that you don't have time to read/have tags you can't read then go for it!)
I don't know how to comment!
Yes, you do. "I like this" is a comment. "How dare you do that to [insert blorbo here]" is a comment. "<3" is a comment. "KAJSDAKSDHJ WHYYYYY????" is a comment. "I am rapidly approaching your location" is a comment. Just be kind!
Will you be doing this for platforms other than ao3?
For now, no. Ao3 is the platform I've used for a decade and the one I understand. However if you comment on fics that aren't on ao3, that's great! The spirit of the project is so give love to authors so do that on whatever platform you see fit
Happy commenting!
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
okay but there is something disquieting about this urge to cast fan writers as altruists. they give us all this for free!! well, no.
they’re sharing
it’s a key difference in perception. fic isn’t given. it’s shared. it’s part of a fandom community— in which readers are also an integral part.
it’s probably inevitable mission creep from the increasingly transactional nature of the internet and fandom-as-consumerism, which was always gonna happen after corps worked out how much bank there is to make from those weirdo fan people
but like. fandom is sharing. i think we’ve lost that somewhere.
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
As a reader, believing/saying that authors should just "write for themselves" without expecting kudos or comments in return will only get you so far, even if there are authors who want to write what you want to read.
Because as a writer I do write for myself- and I stop writing the moment I'm satisfied with or bored of the idea.
But if the story is getting kudos that tells me that someone besides me is interested in where the story is going? That will keep my focus on the story, because even if I'm satisfied, I know my audience is hungry for more.
And if the story is getting comments that TELL me that in words? Buddy you better believe I am 1000 times more interested and invested in telling a story to a vocal audience who wants to know more than to an empty room.
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cynicalone94 · 5 days ago
Your camera roll while dating jay halstead 🫶🏻💗🫶🏻
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Your camera roll while dating Jay Halstead ��️
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