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small-boy78 · 10 months ago
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Willow fanart
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ace-and-ranty · 2 months ago
Just saw someone say how the Wicked poster clearly references the creation of Adam. And.
You fools. You absolutely uneducated FOOLS.
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blorbocedes · 2 years ago
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i-am-a-fucking-nerd · 1 year ago
Pronouns hestory/himstory/history. For a misogynist that loves the past. Is that anything
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tripecake · 2 months ago
He is the best he on the hestory
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simmingsorah · 3 years ago
Sim Nook Discord
Hi everyone!
@erosims and I would like to announce our new storytelling Discord server!
Sim Nook
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Both of us will be posting our stories there for the foreseeable future. Negativity will be booted but otherwise all are welcome.
What that means for my stories:
Updates will be posted on Discord casually as I finish posts
Once a chapter is finished, it will be posted to Tumblr
Thanks everyone! We hope to see you there!
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feminismisfor · 6 years ago
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La discusión en torno al patriarcado no ha dejado de estar presente en la historiografía y en el feminismo en las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, no existe consenso en el pensamiento feminista a la hora de dotar de centralidad al patriarcado en la estructura y organización social capitalista. ¿Hasta qué punto el patriarcado atraviesa el orden actual? ¿En torno a qué parámetros se produjo esta institucionalización, que comenzó en la familia y se extendió al resto de la sociedad? Gerda Lerner realiza un acercamiento a la Antigua Mesopotamia a través de fuentes primarias. Deja de lado la victimización de las mujeres, así como el mito del matriarcado, para afrontar un análisis que nos lleva a otras preguntas.Consigue, así mismo, dar la centralidad que se suele negar a los discursos históricos a la hora de pensar el momento actual. Por todo esto, La creación del patriarcado es un libro referencial para construir parámetros históricos que nos permitan entender la realidad de manera compleja.
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chefissaalhamarneh · 4 years ago
Join us and enjoy chef Nwaisi talking about When did the kitchen appear.
Sponsored by https://www.facebook.com/amjad.bajaly
Subscribe in our channel to enjoy the coming video's https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmoM5TIFcsfpoy0PJr4yeYg...
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small-boy78 · 10 months ago
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Willow fanart
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fromsiberia · 2 years ago
That’s the place I would move to any given second. It’s great. It’s almost perfect. Has anyone photos of this place under the rain or in any bad weather?
In Hound of the Baskervilles Watson describes Dartmoor as being this messy swooping landscape filled with swampy potholes and giant jagged outcroppings and an entire freaking ruined Bronze Age village just sitting in the middle of everything.
And me being an expert on England, I'm like, okay, Doyle, it's a lumpy moor. We get it. You can settle down making it all unnervingly creepy to enhance the story. To prove myself right I Googled some photos of it.
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What I have learned tonight is
1) I don't have any idea what the hell I'm talking about, and
2) Yeah okay a giant demon dog probably lives out here at night LOCK THE DAMN WINDOWS WATSON
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grabcomputer · 6 years ago
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“वक्त पर अपनी  गलती ना मानना एक और गलती करना है।” #GrabComputer #technology #Education #success #believe #feelings #Hindi #Hestory #love https://www.instagram.com/p/B0sZAGMHRBv/?igshid=5hzjn0o69ac6
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avengerural · 6 years ago
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#takeyourplace #hestory #barbershop #Стрижка #пермь (at Hestory Революции 24) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0FCVmlNtx/?igshid=1mszkjzkjh011
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lauravalencia83 · 6 years ago
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Disfrutando del sábado en la Fiesta de la Igualdad, del Barrio de Patraix :)👫💜 Exposición "Marea de Frases Violetes", de Carmen García (Asoc. Dones en Accio de Xirivella) ¡Maravillosa!💜 . . Enjoying saturday! Women in history exhibition🦸‍♀️ . . . . . #mujeresextraordinarias #mujeres #hestory #women #womeninhistory #womensupportwomen #feminism #feminismo #historia #frase #quote #quotestoliveby #wordsofwisdom #quotes #frases #sabado #saturday #instapic #inspogirl ♀️ (en Asociacion de Vecinos, Cultural y de Consumidores Patraix) https://www.instagram.com/laura_valencia83/p/ByKoDdZCM2l/?igshid=1txo1sx9lberb
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hestorymensgrooming · 5 years ago
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Do you want to smooth and sharp cut? Hestory Men's Grooming, complete from top to toe with all the ingredients to give you an unforgettable experience. We usually offer haircuts (clipper & scissor cut), beard trims, facial treatment, waxing, hot towel shave, hair coloring, and restyling. Book our Mayfair barber
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bisexualhobi · 3 years ago
oh hell yeah snsd paved the way yeah they really did bro they really did. like i know a lot of people came here in 2017 or during quarantine, so let me tell you how things were in 2008. i know that boa and tvxq started it in japan but i lived in the SEA, and it was the mostly the second gens that started it here. back in elementary school where no one actually knows kpop and suddenly, suddenly they all did. initially there was a resistence and dismissive responses, such as why are they wearing such short pants, why are the dances so meaningless (in my culture a dance HAS to have meaning so it took a while until people are accustomed to that), but it was not that long, those 2nd gen sound has such an addictive quality that i think is vital to make people not care about anything else.
it was gee that personally started the hallyu wave in my school. over recess we were begging our teachers to let us play the music in the computer, and after that we just jamming to it and learned the dance in the class. after that there's other snsd tracks like genie and oh! and run devil run, also we started to listen to other groups as well, this "multis aren't true fan" bullshit is nonexistent, almost. there were bigbang and wonder girls and 2ne1 and shinee (+ a lot of people here know shinee and ss501 after boys over flowers, that drama was a major hit, i'm telling you). i remember the boys really loving 2pm's hands up and just jumping and popping on it in the hallway. literally no one knows what are they singing but it slaps, and who cares anyway if we don't understand, we listened to english songs without a clue, too. when a comeback happen one of the friends with internet at home will Inform the class so others could check it out. i read sunday newspapers religiously too so i won't miss a comeback, even if i have to wait for two weeks for a school work that requires visiting internet cafe to finally check the mv. we did so without shame too, i guess not too much stupid things has happened.
around 2012 and 2013 people were a lot more welcoming about kpop groups, and a new wave of groups came up, there were exo and bap and yes, bts. the grip 2nd gen has is really strong, though, around these year snsd also came to my country and outsold some 10000+ ticket for one night. i have a whole meltdown about not getting to see them.
bts went over here as early as mid or late 2013.. i think. i remember someone scribbling "2 kool 4 skool" badge on a school table and asking my friend how the fuck did "bulletproof scoutboys" become "bts" in 7th grade. so like... to the (especilly white) btspoppers, your boys have always been popular, lol. you don't elevate them or shit. they don't need saving. instead they have to dumb themselves down so they could penetrate your thick caucasian skulls. and they don't start shit here. snsd and other 2nd gens did. thing would be a lot more difficult for them without snsd doing the introduction and heavy lifting. but of course, asiawide accolades means nothing, right? of course any asian group needs Enlightened White People approval to truly be seen as popular -_- sorry for the rant i'm really upset with how armys behave towards snsd lately. like know HESTORY, dammit. i have never seen so many people being proud of not knowing a fundamental group? honestly if anyone said "i've never heard about them" about say, snsd and bigbang, that's just makes me not going to take their opinion seriously, lol. ah, here comes the newbie sprouting opinions after knowing one album of one group. better leave them alone.
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me reading this whole message... anon thank you so much I had the loveliest time reading it bc you are SO right. and it's really interesting to read your perspective as an SEA resident of what kpop looked like back then.
"instead they have to dumb themselves down to penetrate your thick caucasian skulls. and they didn't start shit here. snsd and 2nd gens did. things would have been a lot more difficult for them without snsd doing the introduction and heavy lifting. but of course asian accolades mean nothing right?" THAT PART. mic drop
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feminismisfor · 6 years ago
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