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librarycard · 2 years ago
crying in my car again
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pboogerswbb · 3 months ago
SO IT GOES - chapter 1
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Paige Bueckers x oc Warnings: language, drinking Wordcount: 5.4K A/C: another pregame treat!! need my girls to deliver tonight!! anyways, here is chapter one, this one is about to start a little slower and i'm sorry about that but i promise it'll pick up and get more interesting, i got big plans for this one y'all!! anyway please leave feedback/thoughts/reviews whatever for me, i love them :)
Before London
The Dallas roads are busy, stretching out for miles out into the horizon as I stare out the window. My lungs craved fresh air, itching to open it. But I knew the air outside would bring no such relief, the humidity of this time of year already bringing me one step closer to packing my bags and making my way back to Connecticut. Everyone told me to turn the AC on, but I was much too stubborn and stuck in my ways. My dad would have come over himself and turn it off if he knew I was considering turning it on in April - much too early for his liking.
I had been here for a week now, seven long days. Each one making me more homesick. I missed my girls. I missed my team. I missed the normal weather and the East Coast. It was so bad I was on the phone with my dad every night, complaining. I knew as much as he loved me, he was getting sick of it.
“Paige, let’s figure this out,” Britt’s voice comes through the speaker phone, five garment bags sent by her laid out on the bed, ready to be opened.
“What do you even wear to this sorta thing?” I ask, speaking into the phone. My hands are opening one bag after another.
“Baby I dunno, you just gotta pick something. What kinda vibe do you wanna give off?” Brittany asks sweetly as I place my phone on the bed in front of me, pulling my shirt off over my head.
“I can’t think, it’s too hot,” I complain, rubbing my face. “I hate it here, wanna come back.”
“Paige, you gotta push through this. Try and look at it differently, at least you like your teammates!” 
I whine and lie down, my back hitting the soft cotton of the sheets. “Do you think they’d let me take my sixth year?”
“Oh my gosh girl you gotta pull yourself together,” Brittany laughs, which in turn makes me laugh too. I knew I was being dramatic, my team was great, the coaching staff seemed amazing. But it was my first time living alone, I didn’t know what to do with myself and all this energy I had. I felt like I was two days away from jumping off the walls.
Lou and Arike had both taken me under their wing, and the few joint practices we’d had with the team the past week seemed promising. Not good, but like there might be potential for something with hard work. I was well taken care of and grateful for it, but the thing is at Uconn I was spoiled. I got to live with my best friends. To spend every moment with them, get on their nerves and not worry because in the end they were my sisters.
“Where are you going?” Britt asks.
“Some sorta steakhouse,” I answer, rubbing my eyes.
“Boujee or like… Texas?”
I snort, grabbing the phone from beside me.
“It’s a nice place I heard. But Rike been here for so long she mighta forgot what nice is,” I joke sitting back up.
“Then go with the blue bag.”
Unzipping it, I find a pair of black shorts, and an oversized dark green crewneck sweatshirt. 
“Ion know about this Britt it’s a lil… boring,” I mumble looking over the outfit. When did I last wear dark green anyway.
“That’s why you dress it up girl! Wear a collared shirt under it, put on some chains, some nice shoes, trust it’ll fit the vibe, you don’t wanna be doing too much. Have I ever let you down?”
I sigh. I could see the vision the moment she started talking. “No you have not,” I reply. “I gotta start getting ready. Thanks again.”
“Anytime Paige,” she answers and we hang up. I know silence can’t echo, but it’s so overwhelming it almost feels like that’s exactly what it’s doing. Storrs was always loud, lively. Now I had it so bad I was even missing KK’s neverending rambling. 
Quickly putting on a playlist to get rid of the aching pressure on my chest, I begin to get ready, rapping along to a Drake song loudly - but who cares I live alone now. I sleek back my hair, pinning it into a bun - the one hairstyle I knew how to do. I put on some diamond studs, and take my time picking accessories, choosing just the right silver rings to match the chain on my neck, a cross hanging from it. Of course, Brittany had been right. The outfit was great, not too much for a nice restaurant but still totally me.
“Shit,” I mumble to myself when I check the time, realising Lou must be waiting on me downstairs. Grabbing a white cross-body bag I run out the door, quickly making my way down where, just like I thought, the brunette was waiting, tapping on the steering wheel impatiently.
“Sorry I’m late,” I yelp climbing into the passenger seat. Since I barely knew Dallas, Lou had decided it was best if she drove both of us.
Shaking her head, the girl driving merges onto the road swiftly. “Not gonna be making a good impression if we bring our rookie to the party late,” Lou complains.
I scoff, leaning back against the seat and tapping on the back of my phone, feeling butterflies grow in my abdomen. I knew I made good first impressions, that people seemed to like me. I wasn’t called the ultimate rizzler for nothing. But it was still daunting, I was about to meet all the people who worked behind the team, behind me just so we could do what we do. 
The past week had been so strange.The change in dynamic was drastic. I had become so used to being the older one, the one to call the shots, to have so much wisdom to give. Almost naively so. All of a sudden I was back to being the baby - the one who didn’t know anything, who had to depend on others. I thought I was prepared. But the transition was hard to navigate. I didn’t quite know how to act, if I was honest.
“Yo chill, I’m not even that late,” I chuckle lightheartedly, looking out the car window, my eyes trying to find something worth changing my mind about Dallas for.
“Ten minutes is too much, we gotta pick up Rike too,” Lou complains, hands on the wheel. It was only April but the humidity made it feel like summer. “Were you late talking to that girl?”
“What girl?” I ask.
“That girl from last night!” Lou laughs, elbowing me.
I shrug, like I had no clue what she was talking about. A complete lie. I hadn’t been thinking straight ever since I saw her.
“Ohh you mean that girl downstairs!” I say sarcastically. The brunette next to me sees right through it though.
“Never heard your voice get so quiet and shaky I swear,” Lou says, a blush setting on the apples of my cheeks thinking back to last evening. “You were fully stuttering.”
“No way bro!” I groan, biting my lower lip so as to not laugh. Though I knew better. I was definitely stuttering.
I hadn’t seen much of the girl, just her face poking through the door into the hallway. But something about her took my breath away, I couldn’t look anywhere else. It was Lou finally elbowing me that made me realise I had been staring at the dark haired girl. She was so beautiful it physically pained me to look away, but with a struggle, I had done so. 
But then she spoke. And if I wasn’t trembling before, the lilt of her voice had me weak in the knees immediately. It was deep, yet simultaneously sweet. Nevermind the accent that hadn’t left my head all night. Lou made fun of me relentlessly all night because apparently, my voice was shaking when I talked to her. I think she was full of shit.
“You were, I don’t blame you,” the brunette murmurs. “She was hot.”
I kiss my teeth, looking out the window. “Don’t matter, she could be Zendaya and I still wouldn’t get into all that.”
Lou looks bewildered, eyes flickering between me and the road.
I grin at her, shaking my head. “Nah I’m staying celibate. Scout’s honor. Got me that Natty last season.”
It was true. For the first time last season I had not been involved with any girl - and it worked out pretty well in the end. It got me the ring. Adapting to a new team, new city, new life was already hard enough without fucking around. Girls had a way of making everything complicated.
“You? Celibate?” Lou asks, her tone skeptical. I suppose she remembers a different Paige from when we were both Huskies. I had changed a lot though, grown up.
“Trust,” I nod as we park in front of a nice apartment building, Arike making her way out and into the car.
“Yo,” she greets us, and I nod into the rearview mirror, meeting her gaze.
“Sup my rookie!” Arike grins and squeezes my shoulder. “You ready for tonight?”
“Aren’t we just gonna eat and go home?” I ask but Lou and Rike are quick to shake their heads.
“Nah these things don’t end till late, we know how to party here you know what I’m sayin?” The girl in the back grins.
“Don’t blame you, nothing else to do here,” I complain half-jokingly. 
“Yooo not too much. You’ll grow to like it,” Arike laughs, grabbing her phone. “Just don’t drink everything people offer you today, got it?”
“Yeah, everyone’s gonna be trying to get you drunk,” Lou chuckles. “My rookie year they had me almost blacked out.”
“Almost? You were blacked out. We had to carry you to bed.”
I laugh and sigh, rubbing my jaw, my nerves stirring within my abdomen. “Great.”
The restaurant is buzzing with people, an entire second floor reserved just for the Dallas Wings employees. Arike, Lou and I show up fashionably late, but to my pleasant surprise everyone’s too busy huddling around the bar, lining up for drinks. I smooth over my green sweatshirt, already feeling the heat get to me. How the hell was I supposed to dress for weather like this? It wasn’t even summer yet.
I walk over to Satou, who’s grinning widely at me.
“Look at you, our baby rookie. Let’s get you a drink!” She smiles convincingly. I glance at Arike and Lou behind me, snickering amongst themselves already. So it begins.
“Feels wrong to drink at a team event like this,” I tell the taller girl, guiding me towards the bar. I was more used to sneaking drinks into hotel rooms, doing our best to hide them from the coaching staff. Guess this is what growing up feels like.
“Nah, don’t worry. Everyone’s chill here,” Satou laughs and orders us two beers before I have the opportunity to interrupt and ask for a Shirley. Reluctantly I grab the beer, cheering with the girl next to me.
“To the saviour of the Wings!!” She jokes and I roll my eyes, shaking my head.
“Sorry, but could you check if they are Manzanilla olives?”
The accent. I immediately turn my back on Satou, my body working before my mind can as my eyes scan the room. And then I see her. The girl from the apartment underneath mine.
She’s standing at the other end of the bar, holding a black clutch in her hand as she talks with the bartender. Her dark hair is down, in perfect waves, not one strand out of order. The dress she’s wearing isn’t red, but more maroon, shade matching the red of her lipstick to the hilt. The one-shoulder dress leaves her left one completely bare, and the golden jewelry sitting against her light brown skin makes her sparkle in the moody lighting. No words would do justice, I know that much. My knees nearly buckle at the sight of her. This strange girl whose name I didn’t even know, yet kept haunting my existence here in Dallas.
“Oh they’re not? Then nevermind the martini, could I just get a glass of Chardonnay please?”
If I had been nervous before, then it was nothing compared to the way my stomach was stirring now. Which is insane considering I didn’t even know this girl’s name. Hell, I better just avoid her tonight. I’m not on my a game. I should just keep my distance.
“Paige! That’s the girl!” Lou is half whispering, half screaming over the crowd, incredibly obviously pointing at the dark haired girl. To my relief she doesn’t notice, too busy swirling the wine in her glass around and sniffing it. 
“Shut up,” I mouth to Lou as she walks up to me, Arike on her tail.
“What girl?” Arike whispers, already eyeing every woman over my shoulder.
I give Lou a look, widening my eyes and telling her to keep her mouth shut. But of course, it fails. I had no power here.
“We ran into this hot girl in Paige’s building yesterday and Paigey here got all shy and nervous.”
Arike bursts out laughing, and I’m pretty sure my face was going completely pink at this point. So I sip half of my beer quickly, letting the girls get over their laughing fit.
“You done?” I ask in annoyed, eyeing the girls.
Gasping for air, Arike nods and grins at me. “Well go get her.”
“She can’t, she’s celibate,” Lou answers. The shorter girl standing next to her scoffs, clearly finding amusement in that.
“Yeah, good luck with that. You’re the new hooper in town, gon’ be drowning in pussy. I was,” she says, sipping her beer. “The rookie year is crazy.”
“Oh trust, she was drowning in it at Uconn too-”
“Okay okay, chill guys,” I interrupt the conversation, Satou standing next to us quietly and chuckling to herself. 
“So which one is it?” Arike asks. Glancing over my shoulder I see the girl from downstairs talking to some guy around the same age as her. Just as I’m about to point her out, Satou and Arike are waving that exact guy over.
“Yo Trey!! My guy!!”
All of a sudden he’s walking over with her. I feel my face going red, my breathing growing ragged, my eyes quickly flicking to the floor. She was like the sun, as much as I wanted to I couldn’t look directly at her - it might blind me.
“What’s up, my favourite girls!” The guy - Trey, apparently - says brightly and dabs all of them up. 
“Ahh and the prodigy!” He grins, turning to me. I lick my lower lip and smile back, offering my hand. “I’m the guy with the camera, you’ll see me around. Trey.”
I dab him up, ignoring the tingling on the left side of my body where the dark haired girl is standing, evidently feeling as awkward as I was. Except she was better at hiding it, looking around the room with an air of confidence.
“Well I’m the one with the basketball, you’ll know where to find me. I’m Paige,” I flash him my most charming smile. Everyone laughs at my joke, except the girl beside me. I quickly decide that perhaps getting drunk wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
“Oh this is Zari, she’s new from England, Linda finally hired someone to work on the social media shit,” Trey explains, pointing to the girl between me and him. I blink stupidly when I look at her. Somehow she was more beautiful up close which made my throat feel tighter. I quickly sip my beer again, looking to the ceiling. Fuck, pull yourself together. I wasn’t this superficial - feeling like this just because someone was hot. Who knows, she might be the worst person you’ve ever met.
“That would be me, hi!” She says when I realise I was barely listening to Trey before, completely not making note of her name. She shakes everyone’s hand, smiling kindly. Fuck, are my hands sweaty? Better wipe them on my shorts first. I gotta make eye contact - I’m sure a couple seconds will be enough. It might be all I can bear.
The girl turns to me, her right hand extended. I glance at it, gripping it gently. Her hand shake is surprisingly firm, but I barely notice, feeling as if my skin is on fire. The moment our eyes meet I look away, knowing that everyone and their mothers could tell I was blushing right now.
“I forgot your name,” is all that comes out of my mouth, so clumsily I wanna hide behind the bar and never come out when I realise how rude it sounded.
To my shock she’s not taken aback at all by my bluntness, instead holding herself with an almost regal air. I wasn’t sure if I was intimated or turned on - either way I was overcome with a desperate need to make her like me. Surely I was off to a horrible start.
Our eyes meet again. Hers are dark green, deep and rich like the pine trees back home. I can feel myself wanting to sink in deeper, to bask in their familiarity. To feel the sting of cold air and smell the snow falling from the sky and to bask in the scent of pine all over me. Before I know it I notice her glossed lips move, but my ears barely pick anything up. An I? And I think there was an A at the end? You gotta be kidding me.
“I- Ivanna?” I stutter. She chuckles softly, as the others around us snicker amongst themselves. Bitches. 
“No, darling, let’s try again,” she smiles, her tone so sweet it’s bordering on condescending. I fucking swoon at it. “Izara.”
I nod, not sure if the heat on my face is from how hot and humid it was inside the restaurant, or from the public humiliation in front of this gorgeous girl. I chuckle mostly to myself, rubbing my jaw and looking around to break eye contact finally. Far too distracting.
“Izara,” I repeat, noticing Satou, Arike, Lou and some of the others laughing at my clumsy behaviour. I was just begging Izara didn’t make note of why I was acting a fool. 
“Zari is better,” the brunette says, a slight teasing tone to her voice. I breathe heavily out my nose, trying to get the blush to settle from my cheeks.
“Zari, got it.”
“Took you long enough,” Arike teases, making everyone laugh, except Zari who just smiles at me.
“Guys, not all of us are used to the Texas heat. It messes with your head,” she says with enough authority in her voice to make everyone around us stop laughing and give me sympathetic looks.
“Uhh yeah, it’s hot,” I answer bluntly, my voice shaking a little as I rub my neck. On top of the mess I was, I could feel myself sweating. I have to get home as fast as possible. Or not home. But back to the apartment I was staying in for now, until the moment I could go back home to the East Coast.
“Shit, I’m Paige by the way,” I say, realising I never introduced myself to Zari. She scoffs, waving me off.
“Paige, it’s my job to know who you are,” she points out. It’s funny, and I want to laugh. But nothing comes out of my mouth, I’m simply unable to, her proximity leaving me completely discombobulated. So I just sip my beer.
Paige Bueckers hates me. The moment she met me I could tell. Maybe she was offended by the fact I didn’t recognise her last night. Figures, a star like her would have a huge ego. Still, I had one job tonight. To make her like me. And I had done the exact opposite. I could tell by the way she avoided my gaze, the way she barely wanted to shake my hand, abruptly pulling it away from my grip. She barely talked to me, wrapped up in a conversation with everyone besides me. I couldn’t afford to disappoint my boss, if I did it would be bye bye Dallas and hello London. 
I’m sitting between Trey and another colleague, Ava, both caught up in a lively conversation as I cut a piece of my steak, wrapping my lips around the fork and chewing on it. Glancing up from my plate, I see Paige throwing her head back as she laughs with her teammates, her entire demeanor so much more lively now that I wasn’t close to her. A slight irritation was growing in me, watching the carefree way she’s joking around with the people around her part of the long table. Who was she to make up her mind on whether she liked me so fast. I was the kind of person you grew to love. I’m sure she would as well.
“Okay everybody!” Curt Miller stands up clinking his glass with the cutlery. Suddenly everyone goes quiet, including the blonde. For a second our eyes meet, sending a strange jolt around my body. Blinking, I shift my gaze to the man, clearly ready to give a speech.
“Alright alright,” he laughs, “I just wanna thank everyone for coming here tonight. I was never good at these so let me keep it short. This is gonna be a big, exciting year and I’m so grateful to the Wings for giving me this opportunity. I know I’m a new face to some of you, but I’m in great company,” he grins and points to Paige. “And Linda here mentioned something about a new media employee too!”
Like on cue Linda stands up a few chairs to the right of me, nodding. “Yes Curt, we’ve got some young blood to help this year all the way from England. Izara here, should help us grow our social media reach.”
I smile, trying to focus on appearing together and poised, some people glancing towards me. 
“Awesome news!” Curt grins as Linda sits back down. “With two young talents I’m sure we’re gonna have a hell of a year,” he says, glancing at both me and Paige. I see Arike rub Paige’s shoulder, clearly excited and happy about how the lottery turned out for the Wings this year.
“Now since I’m boring everyone out of their minds why don’t you two say a few words.”
Pause. I feel a panic rise from somewhere deep in my abdomen. Don’t get me wrong, I had no issue with public speaking, no issue with performing. What I did have an issue with was improvising. I was the girl who planned, who made lists, who used to finish her essays the day before a deadline. With a plan I was golden, but to expect me to say anything, planless, was causing jitters. I was just hoping it didn’t show on my face.
Mine and Paige’s eyes meet, and I immediately know that I wasn’t as composed as I wanted to be. That she knew I was panicking. Bet this is just gonna make her hate me more.
Instead, to my surprise, she clears her throat and begins speaking with an easy confidence.
“Uh well, way to throw us under the bus Curt,” she jokes, immediately making everyone chuckle, including me. “Guess I know what kinda season this is about to be.” Another round of laughs around the table giving her time to scratch the back of her neck as she thinks. With a slight smirk on her face she continues.
“This is a big moment for me. I grew up with the sport, already knew I had a chance to go pro when I was eight. I’ve been waiting for a while to get to the league and to finally be here… It’s surreal. I feel really blessed, really grateful,” she says looking at her plate and then letting out a sly, quiet laugh. “Crazy that I’m drinking with the coaching staff right there, I’m so used to having to hide it.”
I chuckle with the rest of the group. There’s something about her, a smoothness, a charm that makes it impossible not to like her. Even improvising like this she seems completely in control, like she knows she’s got everyone wrapped around her finger. It’s impressive. I can’t look away.
“Geno didn’t let you drink?” Curt asks lightheartedly, making Paige’s blue eyes widen.
“He would’ve put belt to ass, lemme just say that.”
More laughter. Paige looks around meeting my gaze.
“Zari, I know you got that cold right? So maybe I should just speak for you so you have a voice tomorrow?”
Huh? I furrow my brows looking at her confused, but her eyes won’t budge, boring into mine. And then I realise. She’s trying to let me off the hook.
“Yes please,” I smile back, looking down to my lap. Something about the way she did that all for me, picked up on my nerves, found a way to get me out of it, was making my insides flip. You wouldn’t do that for someone you hate I suppose.
“I gotchu,” Paige grins, looking back to everyone around the table. “I think we’re both just really grateful for the opportunity and really excited for the season. Anyway, thanks guys.” 
Everyone claps and I do too, my heart warming at the way Paige Bueckers had just saved me. 
“Wait, you're sick?” Trey whispers. 
“Uh, a little.”
“Hope you feel better Zari!” Ava says as I wave bye, walking towards the exit.
“Thanks guys, I’m sure I will,” I say, knowing I felt just fine. Great even, after a few glasses of wine. As I step out into the evening, I hold my fur coat in my hands, too hot to put it on. To my surprise I see Paige standing right outside the restaurant, scrolling on her phone. Interrupted by the tapping of my heels, she lifts her gaze, the intensity of her blue eyes surprising.
“Hey,” she smiles, avoiding looking at my face again. She was really giving me mixed signals.
“Hi there,” I say, walking closer. “Thanks for rescuing me earlier.”
She looks at the parking lot, a sly smirk spreading across her face.
“Nah, you’re good,” the blonde grins, diamond studs in her ears sparkling. “Not a fan of speeches?”
I shrug, taking that as an invite for conversation. “No I can certainly be… If you give me approximately two weeks to prepare. Minimum.”
Paige chuckles, nodding to herself. “You’re that kinda girl huh?”
“Desperately so.”
She shifts on her feet, looking for something to say.
“That’s a good trait to have, I try to plan too but usually doesn’t last for longer than a week or two,” she explains. I nod knowingly.
“My brother’s a bit like that,” I sigh. I was already missing him.
Paige turns to me, looking for my gaze.
“You got a brother?”
I nod, “Yeah, he’s younger. Your age.”
She’s taken aback. “Hollup how old are you?”
“Turned 25 last month.”
“Damn,” she says before thinking. I scoff, my eyes widening, though finding amusement in her reaction
”Are you calling me old?” I ask with a serious tone, her face immediately going bright red. 
”No, no no, not at all. You look… great.  Amazing, and like. That’s not even old, I'm just trippin’. I just assumed you were my age but like a year is nothin-” she rambles, tripping over her words.
”Paige I’m taking the piss,” I laugh. She stops, looking at me confused.
”You’re what?”
Oh right, Americans. ”I’m joking around.”
She laughs. ”Taking the piss?”
I laugh too, the air immediately easing between us.
”I’mma start using that,” Paige chuckles, glancing at me. 
”You’re welcome,” I grin.
She scoffs. ”I didn’t say thank you.”
”You should,” I demand, more seriously, meeting her blue eyes. She immediately folds, blinking her long lashes.
”Thank you.”
I suddenly feel hot, warmth rising to my cheeks. I quickly look back to the ground, the intensity of her gaze too much right now.
”Hey, uh… I think we live in the same building,” she murmurs, watching the sky. Shit, she had recognised me, of course.
”Yeah… I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you. I really should have,” I quickly explain, feeling a little abashed but trying not to let it show.
”No, I just meant, I ordered an Uber. You need a ride?”
Oh. So she wasn’t mad. She was offering me a ride.
”I’d love one. Are you sure?”
”Totally,” Paige answers, smiling at me softly. She fans her own face, trying to find any relief for the heat. 
”Shit it’s hot,” the blonde groans. ”Do you mind if I take this off? I got a shirt underneath.”
”Oh, no go ahead darling,” I tell her.
With a sigh, Paige’s hands grip the back of her green sweatshirt, pulling it over her head. As she does my eyes can’t help it, flickering over her lower abdomen where both shirts have hiked up, showing a sliver of pale skin and black boxers peeking out of her shorts. Something about it makes my throat go dry. I’m not exactly sure what. The feeling almost unfamiliar to me. 
”That’s so much better,” Paige groans with relief, fixing the white oversized button up, chains resting against her chest. I feel my ears growing hot, quickly averting her gaze.
She’s not horrible, on top of being gorgeous she’s fucking great - funny, sweet, charismatic. Would be so much easier if Zari was an asshole like I had hoped earlier. I could feel butterflies in my stomach every time she looked at me. That familiar warmth that I knew too well.
We walk to the Uber together, and I make sure I open the door for her - I didn’t know her that well, but I could tell she was classy. On a whole different level than me. 
I climb in after her, unbuttoning more of my shirt for some airflow. For a second I think I catch her staring, but I knew it was unlikely. She was definitely giving me straight girl vibes. Of course my stupid ass was ogling after a straight girl - nothing new to me. My eyes immediately land on her thighs, her legs crossed and pressing together as she sits next to me. Okay, get a grip Paige.
”So… How you liking Dallas?” I ask, unable to take the silence in the car. 
”I haven’t seen much of it, just moved the other day,” she answers, her voice low but smooth, I could’ve listened to her talk all night. ”It’s very humid.”
”Damn that jetlag gotta be hitting hard huh?” I ask, looking at her.
”I look tired?” She asks, offended. An immediate panic takes over, my hands gripping the sweater in my hands. Shit.
”No you look fucking great. I would’ve never th-”
”Paige. I’m joking.”
Oh. I let out a sigh of relief, chuckling awkwardly. I look out the window, shaking my head at myself. I really needed to chill.
”Taking the piss?”
She lets out a loud, bright laugh, grabbing my forearm. The gold rings on her digits sparkle as her long, manicured nails dig into the white shirt. Immediate goosebumps rising underneath on my skin tell me I’m completely fucked.
“Exactly!” She gleams, her smile wide. “You did so good.”
That. I need to hear her say that again. I clear my throat to interrupt the bad thoughts, feeling Zari’s hand move off me, skin tingling as the weight of her touch lifts.
We pull up to our apartment building, both of us climbing out.
“I can transfer you some money for the ride,” Zari suggests as I let her into the building, eyes falling on her ass just for a second. Okay, no. Look away.
“No, Ion need you to,” I tell her sternly as we begin to climb up the flights of steps, her heels tapping against the tile of the floor. The sound echoes off the walls until we stop by her front door, silence draping over us, making me painfully aware of the way my heart was pounding in my chest.
“Well,” Zari smiles, turning to me, her green eyes even more prominent with the dark makeup surrounding them. Only then I notice how catlike they are, sharp and alert. Challenging almost.
I wanna say something smart, something witty. Something to make her laugh, or blush. I’m rummaging through my brain for anything coherent at least.
“I’ll see you at work,” she says, opening her door. I was running out of time.
“You’ll know where to find me,” I stupidly let out. Zari turns to look at me one more time and nods.
“Don’t stomp too loud please.”
With that she gets in, leaving me there with nothing to do but blink at the closed door and notice the flutters around my stomach. Rubbing my jaw, I slowly climb up one more flight of stairs, mind spinning around the girl. Completely, utterly out of my league. It only made me want her more.
taglist: @wbbgetsmewetter @thaatdigitaldiary @sierrale8ne @lupinqs @lovegalor333 @d3arapril @avvwritesstufff @rosemariiaa @bueckers22 @taylynbueckers44 @unadulteratedcyclepaper @rizzlerbuckets @bueckersfive @wosolipa @bridgetloveswomen @paiges-1vur @slut4uconnwbb @xxloveralways14 @bueckersbitch
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owliellder · 1 year ago
Two's A Crowd
College Bully! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Description: College is proving to be a lot harder than you imagined. You cannot fail this math class. So when you've tried everything else, a well-known student is recommended to you by your professor for tutoring lessons, not really leaving you with much of a choice but to work with him.
Warnings: Not proofread, No Use of Y/N, Dub-Con, Unprotected Sex, Bullying, Yelling, Cursing
Tags: College AU, Bully! Leon, Shy! Reader, both are in their early 20's, Leon is Rude AF in the beginning, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, Fingering, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Tags to be Added
Author's Note: Yay!! New multi-chapter fic in honor of 800 followers!!
I'm a sucker for tropes and mean Leon is one I can't keep out of my head. If you're not good at math then this is the fic for you! (also don't mind me slipping some Sky lore in here...)
Cross-posted onto AO3
Chapter 1
Growing up, college had always been a big dream of yours, leaving you fantasizing day in and out about all the possibilities that would open up, along with actually getting to live through the renowned “college experience”.
In reality, college was a lot harder than you were expecting. Your parents had told you to jump right into it after high school, fearing taking a gap year would ruin your good streak. The stress was starting to get to you and it was only a semester into your freshman year. All the tests, projects, and general studying really wore down on your mental health, not to mention you were failing the one math class you had.
You couldn’t tell your parents, no, they’d probably have a heart attack, especially since that math class was a prerequisite to another class that you needed to take. They were already worried enough that you hadn’t picked a major yet, so who knows how they’d take the news that you were failing right off the bat.
It was hard enough that you were feeling homesick. This was the first time you’d ever been this far away from home, studying at a university when you would’ve been perfectly content going to a community college closer to home. Your roommate was nice, but the two of you weren’t growing any closer than mere acquaintances, so it always felt awkward to just exist in your own dorm room.
Your eating habits worsened with the lack of any real food within five miles of campus. Sure there were a couple fast food chains on the campus itself, but they closed incredibly early. By the time you finished studying, which was around six in the evening, it had already closed. Not to mention that when they were open, the lines were comically long. University food was out of the question after you got violently ill from their “chicken nuggets”, so you were left with the little money your parents provided once a week to order takeout or make quick trips to the store to buy a frozen meal. Only one, since the mini fridge in your dorm was almost always occupied by your roommates stuff.
Everything was so exhausting and you were way out of your comfort zone having to use the community bathrooms for all your hygienic routines. Walking in always made you feel like you were interrupting a meeting in the president’s oval office with how many nasty looks you were given when all you were trying to do was brush your teeth.
The first thing you saw whenever you opened up Canvas was a massive F staring you down from the little box that comprised the majority of your math assignments and tests, making you feel less than worthless. This one semester alone helped you understand why so many people dropped out, this was hard.
By now you’d already gone to your math professor multiple times asking for redos or extra credit work. He was probably sick of seeing you since you showed up after almost every single assignment’s grades were submitted.
“Heeeyyy, Mr. Lebovic..” You said after knocking your knuckle against his open door to grab his attention. “Listen, about that last quiz, I-”
He cut you off with a wave of his hand before gesturing towards one of the chairs sitting in front of his desk. You hurried to sit down, watching nervously as he slowly pulled his eyes off his computer and onto you. “I get it, you don’t need to explain yourself.” His relaxed tone and faint smile was enough to ease your nerves a bit, letting your shoulders slump with a sigh. “You’ve been trying really hard, I can easily recognize that.”
You nodded eagerly, licking your dry lips as you opened your mouth to speak, only to be cut off again. “I’ve been looking into studying options that might help you. Resources are scarce for this material, but I think I finally have a tutor to help you out.” 
A wave of relief washed over you at the mention of tutor. Maybe you wouldn’t have to face the wrath of your parent’s disappointment after all! “Oh.. o-okay…” you stuttered, eyebrows furrowing as you silently beckoned him to continue.
“I teach another math class, it’s higher level, but I have a student in there that’s just taken up tutoring the material you’re learning.” Your professor seemed just as happy as you were about the opportunity. “His name is Leon Kennedy, he’s got one of the study rooms in the library from three to five in the afternoon on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.”
It took you a second to process everything Mr. Lebovic was telling you before you scrambled to pull out a sticky note and a pen to write all the information down on. You heard the older man chuckle softly, looking over at him when he held out a small piece of paper to you. “I wrote it down already for you, don’t worry.” You wished you could’ve thanked him tenfold, but his office hours were closed for the day now, so you said a quick goodbye and hurried back to your dorm, holding onto the piece of paper like a lifeline.
Contrary to what your math professor thinks, you knew the name “Leon Kennedy”. You had a couple friends that you hung out with occasionally out in the grass in front of the science building and they’d brought him up before. The few vague bits of info that you’d heard weren’t flattering, painting this Leon in quite a bad light; the stereotypical jock in a frat flying by on a full-ride scholarship. However, he was your saving grace now and you needed to develop more of an unbiased opinion of him if he was going to help you raise your grade from an F.
“Yeesh, sorry I’m not better at math or I would’ve helped you.” One of your friends, Sky, spoke up as they read the piece of paper your professor gave you yesterday from over your shoulder. “Even if you were better at math, I still wouldn’t trust you.” Ella, your other friend, laughed out.
“Ha ha, yeah, Sky failed math four times. Big whoop.” Sky waved their hands dramatically before walking over to sit down next to Ella in the dead grass. “Seriously though, you’re better off taking a failing grade and dealing with your parents. Kennedy is the devil incarnate.”
“The devil incarnate sounds easier to put up with than my parents, so I’ll take my chances..” You grumbled, taking a seat on a medium-sized rock close to the pair. “Maybe he’s turning a new leaf? Deciding to tutor?” 
Sky crossed her arms and rolled her eyes which made Ella elbow them in the side before giving you a sympathetic smile. “Maybe so, but please just be careful. I don’t want you having to put up with some jackass that has an ego bigger than Texas.” 
You nodded with a slight frown, moving your foot side to side lazily to push the grass blades around. You didn’t even think to consider the repercussions of studying with some random junior. “I’m sure it’ll be alright. Besides, just tell Sky and I if he’s giving you any trouble. I know damn well no man likes to put up with two women yelling in his face.” Sky nodded and pointed to Ella for added dramatics. “Yeah, and I bite. My top six teeth are porcelain so that shit hurts. Trust me.”
Your friends never failed to make you laugh, a slight resolve in a pool full of worries, you suppose. “Don’t worry, you guys’ll be the first to know if Leon is mean.”
“Good. Now, when’re you gonna go see the guy?” Sky rested their arms on their knees before looking up at you. “Uh.. in a couple hours I guess. I already made the appointment.” Your response seemed to surprise both of your friends, giving them a confused look in response to their shocked ones. “Is that.. Is that not a good time?”
“No no, just.. I thought you would’ve maybe taken a little longer to go and see him.” Ella shrugged, reaching a hand up to scratch behind their neck. “Proud of you, taking the initiative like that.” She then looked at her phone before pulling herself off the ground with a small groan. “I got class in a couple minutes. Good luck with the frat boy.” 
She patted your shoulder as she walked off towards the larger building on campus, leaving you and Sky alone for the rest of the time. Part of you wished both of your friends could walk you to the library when the time came, but having Sky was enough. “So.. Leon’s bad bad?” You needed a bit more clarification on the guy you were going to spend one-on-one time with, something to calm you down after running through countless scenarios in your head.
“He’s not all bad, 'least I don't think. I’ve exchanged a few ‘hello’s’ and ‘excuse me’s’ with him here and there since we apparently frequent the same building.” Sky scooted over to the rock you were sitting on, placing the back of their head on your legs. A couple brown leaves blew over from a nearby tree which they grabbed and crunched with their hand. “I haven’t personally experienced any bad happenings around him, but he is part of a pretty notoriously rowdy frat, so you have to promise me that you’ll only study with him on campus and never go to that frat house or any frat house in general, alright?”
Sky pointed up at you, poking the underside of your chin which made you laugh again and swat their hand away. “As much as I rave about wanting to have the stereotypical college experience, going to a frat house was never part of my daydreaming.”
“Good. Keep it that way.” They switched their fingers to give you a quick thumbs up before letting their arm flop down into their lap, eyes closing with a sigh. “Anyways, besides all that, wanna go get some food? I don’t have another class today and you’ve got about an hour and a half to spare, so actually you have no choice. Get up.”
You stood up with a shake of your head once Sky pushed off of your legs who stood up as well with a small stretch. “Don’t burn me at the stake, but I kinda want grocery store sushi. I’m feeling lucky.”
“Please don’t.” You sighed, pocketing the piece of paper before beginning to follow behind Sky as they started to walk across the grass. 
After the two of you shared a sandwich from some random shop not too far off campus, Sky walked with you up to the library, stopping just before the front desk. They agreed to not wander in with you under the condition that you’ll go to their dorm straight after to discuss details.
To say you were nervous was an understatement. Most of what you heard about this guy meant he was bad news, though you really didn’t have much of a choice when it came to seeing him. Like your math professor said, there weren’t a lot of options when it came to studying the material you were learning. Sure you had the internet and other students in the class, but you preferred the idea of a tutor since you’d already exhausted yourself trying to follow along with various youtube videos. You needed the in-person teaching, it just stuck better in your head that way.
Slowly starting to walk, you made your way over to the study rooms lining the back of the library. The rooms seemed pretty private with the only window being on the door, which had glass nearly top to bottom. Thankfully the rooms were numbered and Leon had texted you which room to go to when you made the appointment with him, you had no idea what he looked like and you didn’t want to look like a creep eyeballing people through the door until you hopefully found the right person.
Standing off to the side, you could see the number you were looking for sitting above the door, taking a brief moment to collect yourself and hype yourself up to talk to someone who didn’t have the greatest reputation. Set aside everything you’ve heard and just hope for the best..
You took in a deep breath as you strode over to the door, glancing inside through the window before knocking to let him know you were there. The table was angled off more to the left so you didn’t immediately see him until he leaned over the table to see who had knocked. Confidence left you as soon as you made eye contact with Leon due to the groan you could hear through the door. It took you a couple seconds, but you eventually managed to get your body to work with you, hand turning the handle to let yourself in.
“-the last thing I need..” You caught the end of his little rant to himself as you opened the door. The saying “fake it ‘till you make it” is harder than it sounds since your entire body decided to betray you, deciding that shrinking in was the best move. Quietly, you shuffled over to sit across from him at the table, placing your backpack in your lap in some weird way to provide comfort in this situation.
“You weren’t supposed to show up.” Leon grumbled, sitting far back in the tilted chair as his feet lifted the front end of the chair slightly. His arms were crossed and he was giving you probably the nastiest look you’ve ever seen, next to your parents, of course. All you did was sit there giving him a blank stare. It was obvious what he’d said, yet the sheer forwardness of that snide comment had you more than confused. “What?-”
“You weren’t supposed to show up.” Apparently he felt the need to repeat himself with some added bite, barely letting you get a word in. “No one ever shows up to these shitty tutor- whatever the fucks.”
Wow. Okay. “Uh..” You didn’t even know what to say to that. It completely caught you off guard. You’d run through countless ways this interaction would go in your head, but this wasn’t one of those ways. The two of you sat in a very tense silence with Leon just glaring at you from across the table, continuing to rock back and forth in the chair.
Without uncrossing his arms, Leon lifted a hand and waved it around slightly while shaking his head. “Are you actually still gonna sit here orrr…?” The sound of his voice finally snapped you out of shock, causing you to shoot your gaze down to your backpack, fumbling with its partially broken zipper. “I-.. Mr. Lebovic recommended you..?”
You pulled out a few of your failed assignments from your bag before setting them down on the table with shaky hands, keeping your eyes glued to the papers to avoid that burning stare the man in front of you has. “I need-.. I need help..?”
“Do you?” Leon let the chair fall forward, his sarcastic tone starting to make your whole body tremble. “You don’t sound like you do.” He snatched one of your assignments from the table and held it up, pursing his lips as he studied the various red marks made on it closely. You chose to not respond to that, letting your hands rest on top of your backpack so you had something to squeeze.
He turned the page around, the sound of the paper wobbling the only thing you could hear right after the sound of the central heat blowing through the vent in the room. Suddenly, Leon started chuckling to himself, shaking his head incredulously as he flipped the paper back and forth a couple times before letting it fall back to the table. “This is terrible!” His laugh grew louder as he tilted his body to the side to pull out his phone, taking a picture of the assignments you’d put on the table. 
How on earth were you supposed to react to that other than just sitting quietly? He was actually making fun of you right to your face. Hell, he might as well point and laugh if he’s going to be this brasen. 
The most you could muster up was a quiet yet high-pitched “... huh?” in response to him. This whole ordeal was spiraling a little too fast for you to keep up with. You were expecting to put up with some grown man with a bratty attitude or even just a very uninterested, not all there jock with how Leon’s been described to you, not blatant bullying.
“Huh?” He mocked, taking one last look at his phone while loudly sucking on his teeth before pocketing it again. “Anyways, this is actually sad. How are you managing to fuck simple math up like this?” He roughly grabbed all the papers on the table and stacked them before partially tossing them back at you, some slipping onto the floor. “You’re too far gone, even I can’t fix that.”
You let out a gasp when the papers were tossed at your face, scrambling to catch some of them. Pushing the chair back, you leaned over to grab the few that fell on the floor, desperately holding back tears. “Please, you don’t understand.” You pleaded, voice cracking as you tried your best not to start crying in front of him. “I-I need to pass this class. I’m passing everything else, I just can’t keep up with this one!” You were speed-talking to try and argue your case, sitting back up with the small pile of papers that you struggled to stack properly.
Leon started rocking back in his chair again, arms back across his chest as he watched you with squinted eyes. The corners of his lips soon turned up into a smirk, taking in your sorry state before rolling his eyes with a dramatic groan. “Alright, alright, stop whining, jesus..” He cleared his throat, letting his head fall over the back of the chair. “I’ll help you only because I feel bad for you.” It’s not like he was going to admit that he was being forced to be a tutor, no one needs leverage over him like that
You couldn’t help but give a small smile despite his implication. It was a start. “And I’m not gonna do it today, either.” Well, the sooner the better, but still, it’s a start.
He then stood up from the chair, fixing his jacket with a sigh. “If you show up even a minute late on Friday, I’m not helping” and before you even had a chance to reply, he walked out of the room, the door shutting with a slam which made you flinch. Luckily, you were a very punctual person when it came to this kind of stuff. This was important, so if you had to show up early, so be it. You hurriedly shoved your assignments back into your backpack, not even fully zipping it up before rushing out of the study room, back through the library, and to the dorms.
“He said that?!” Sky yelled, quickly wiping their hand over their mouth to quiet themself once you shushed them. “I don’t really feel comfortable with you going to another ‘study session’ with that guy if he’s just gonna bully you.”
“I wouldn’t call it bullying-”
“He was bullying you.”
“OKAY! So what if he was?!” You fell back onto Sky’s bed with a sigh, arms splayed out with your legs dangling off the side. “I can handle it. As long as I get my grade up, who cares?”
Sky sat down next to you on their bed, giving you a sad look as you sat yourself up with your elbows. “I care. So does Ella. You shouldn’t put up with that just for a grade. I’m sure if you explain to your professor and-”
“And what? Tell him that I’m a grown woman getting bullied over something I should know by now?” You sat yourself up fully now, leaning forward to place your elbows on your thighs as your head rested in your hands. “It’s only until finals are over and we’re already halfway through October. Maybe I won’t even need that much time, maybe I’m just missing one simple… math move and it’ll get the gears in my brain moving again.”
You tilted your head to the side to look at Sky, head now resting only in your right hand as you took in their annoyed look. “Trust me. I can handle this.”
“If you say so.” They ran their fingers through her hair before looking away from you, directing their attention forward to stare off at nothing. “Just remember that I bite and I’m not afraid to use my fake chompers on that no good-”
“I don’t wanna think about escalations right now, but thank you.” You chuckled, playfully nudging Sky with your free hand before moving it back to hold your head up with the other. Though you were trying to convince Sky on this, you were mostly just trying to convince yourself that you could handle this. Handle Leon and his.. alluring charm..
Only until finals, maybe even sooner.
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jadeshifting · 3 months ago
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the library at Hogwarts isn’t just a room with books—it’s a labyrinth of enchanted shelves, shadowy corners, and straight-up chaos hidden in an elaborate Dewey Decimal disguise. it’s got that faint scent of parchment and polished wood, with a hint of ink that never quite fades
the organization system? a Ravenclaw’s fever dream, where books shelve themselves according to moods or relevance, and the enchantments sometimes switch them around just for kicks. find the Charms section in row five today? tomorrow, it might be two aisles over and under a Protection Charm
the librarian, Madam Pince, is a force of nature—like if a hawk wore bifocals and had a no-nonsense streak a mile wide. cross her, and she’ll hit you with a glare so sharp it feels like a spell (and at least two weeks of detention)
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study groups camp out at the long, candlelit tables, hunched over ancient tomes and half-eaten chocolate frogs. popular picks include “Hogwarts: A History” (to win arguments), “1,001 Potions You’ll Probably Fail to Brew”, and “Unfogging the Future” (mostly to mock Trelawney, though some end up finding it quite riveting). don’t underestimate the less flashy areas—hidden in those dusty archives are one-of-a-kind works, like diaries from the founders and spellbooks that physically hum with power
though, for the more prone to trouble and the less interested in academic integrity, you may find yourself more intrigued by what’s below it all…
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now, the Restricted Section? that’s not a library. that’s a test of nerve, guile, and how much you really want that illegal knowledge. to get in the front door, you either need a signed note (good luck with that) or a serious streak of rebellion. sneaking past Madam Pince? you better bribe Peeves to not rat you out, dodge the patrolling enchanted quills, and avoid the whispering books that tattletale louder than Filch after curfew
★⋆. ࿐࿔ once inside, it’s like stepping into another world. the FIRST LEVEL is dark and moody, with books chained to their shelves—literal restricted access. they’ll hiss at you or snap their covers shut if you’re not worthy—but it doesn’t stop at books. tucked between the stacks, there are pensieve memories, cursed artifacts, and spell components so volatile they’re kept under stasis spells
★⋆. ࿐࿔ moving deeper down, there are staircases (moving, of course) leading to levels few students even know about. the SECOND LEVEL? all about lost history, with maps that redraw themselves, diaries written in blood, and enchanted scrolls that show what could have been if certain spells hadn’t been cast. the THIRD LEVEL? forbidden magics—runes glowing faintly in the dark, ancient wands that whisper when you pass, and spellbooks so intense they emit heat
★⋆. ࿐࿔ the BOTTOM LEVELS? rumor has it they’re practically alive. entire rooms shift and expand like the castle itself, and the air smells of aged magic and danger. there’s talk of unspeakable artifacts: the blueprint of Hogwarts itself, spells to erase memories entirely, and magical experiments left unfinished. if you’re down here, it’s not for homework—it’s because you’re playing with fire, and you know it
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the Hogwarts library is a breeding ground for wild rumors and absolute madcap tales. if you stay in tune with the grapevine, there’s more drama hidden in those stacks than there is in all of the common rooms combined. whispers float about students concocting elaborate heists to breach the Restricted Section, some involving invisibility cloaks, Polyjuice-fueled disguises, or straight-up bribes to Peeves (pro tip: he accepts dungbombs and chaos as payment)
one infamous story is about Barnaby Crasswell, a Hufflepuff of all people, who tried sneaking in by levitating a decoy version of himself in the main library while he slipped into the Restricted Section cloaked under a Disillusionment Charm. he didn’t account for one crucial detail—his floating double started violently spinning like a top and caused such a scene Madam Pince nearly blew a gasket. he landed a week of detention scrubbing potion stains out of cauldrons, and his real punishment? a lifetime ban on borrowing books from Hogwarts
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the rumors about what students go looking for? next level. there’s talk of a fifth-year Ravenclaw attempting to track down spells for time travel, thinking he could use it to ace his OWLs by reliving test days (spoiler: he didn’t, but he did live in detention for a month). then there was that Gryffindor who supposedly went digging for a potion to resurrect dead pets after her pygmy puff tragically bit it during a Transfiguration mishap (RIP Buttons). and we’d better not forget about the Slytherin duo who searched for the literal recipe for eternal youth—
then there’s the lore about what’s actually down there. people swear they’ve seen enchanted blueprints of the castle’s hidden passageways, including a map of a supposed 15th dungeon where secret experiments were conducted. others claim there’s a book full of Unforgivable Curses even darker than the standard three, or a locked journal from Salazar Slytherin himself detailing spells that could rewrite magical lineage, and whispers that there’s a potion hidden down there, created centuries ago, that lets you see the face of your true love—but drinking it comes at a price so wild, no one who’s found it has dared
who knows whether any of it’s true? no one—but now that we’ve gotten past what you could find down there, let’s talk about how you could find it…
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timing is everything, babe. the library’s busiest hours? hard pass. aim for the twilight zone—late evening, when most students are snoozing or panicking about half-done essays. Madam Pince might be stalking the shelves like a hawk, but even she has limits, usually around curfew. keep it sleek and under-the-radar
step one: deploy a Grade-A distraction. have someone (Pansy’s a pro at this) fake a “library emergency”—think exaggerated fainting spells, loud arguments over nonexistent overdue books, or a rogue enchanted quill causing a scene in the Herbology aisle. while the librarian’s losing her marbles over the chaos, you need to be making moves
no one with any success in troublemaking relies on luck alone. you’ll need…
— an invisibility cloak (if someone’s got connections)
— a silencing charm (those creaky floorboards show no mercy)
— Dungbombs or Portable Swamps (for emergency exits)
— a teensy-tiny Lumos charm (nothing screams “i’m up to no good” like tripping over your own robes in the dark)
the Restricted Section is guarded by enchanted chains tighter than a Gringotts vault. you’ve got two main options:
OPTION A … classic Alohomora. works on a good day, but those chains sometimes have extra spells layered in, so be ready to improvise
OPTION B … the Librarian’s Key, if you wanna be really sure. pro tip? Millicent once swiped it by “accidentally” returning a borrowed book laced with a mild Sticking Charm
congratulations on getting this far—now stick close to the shadows; those shelves have been known to move
watch out for enchanted books that scream bloody murder when touched (i swear one almost gave me a heart attack)
know your exit plan before you even grab your prize. fire exits aren’t just for Muggles
don’t be greedy. the golden rule? one book at a time. more than that, and you’ll trip some seriously aggressive enchantments. and for Merlin’s sake, do not open the books in there. half of them are hexed, and you don’t want to spend the next week croaking like a toad AND in detention
once you’ve snagged your prize, act like nothing happened. the Restricted Section is a no-go for most students, but if you’re caught on the way out? a well-placed lie about being on an urgent Potions errand (“Slughorn sent me!”) could be the thing that saves your ass
any evidence that points to your daring escapade? destroy it. burn the notes, wipe the fingerprints, and for the love of Salazar, don’t blab about it to any Gryffindors
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SOME FINAL NOTES . this method isn’t some ridiculous (Gryffindor) stunt—no theatrics, no martyrdom, just slick strategy and sharper instincts. with these tips, you’ll be in and out without a trace, leaving everyone wondering how the hell you pulled it off. just pure excellence, darling
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veephoenix · 8 months ago
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zutto — chapter four | wc: 8.5k | series masterpost | prev. chapter
chapter summary: things get steamy between lia and noah
tags and trigger warnings: mentions of lia's overdose and withdrawal episode, mentions of parents' neglect and childhood trauma, ptsd, slight angst, fluff, sexual content including nipple play, oral sex (fem. receiving), fingering, p in v (protected and emotional lol), mentions of choking (but not happening), noah feeling proud of himself and his fingers 🤭
add. info: i pictured noah with this hoodie and shorts + the chapter in which Lia gets her nipple pierced and teases Noah about it can be read here (ikigai: chapter 12).
general trigger warnings: This work addresses and depicts issues related to addiction, abuse, & violence, contains explicit sexual content, and explores themes of childhood trauma. Reader discretion is advised. +18
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With the water sliding over her body, Lia shrank further into herself, hugging her legs as she remained seated on the shower floor. She let the warm drops of water soothe the uneasiness that still coursed through her, closing her eyes and wondering why she kept letting herself become so insecure and doubting Noah’s feelings for her. 
            Lia understood that what had just happened wasn’t unexpected. In just five days, she had gone from taking five pills a day to one. It was normal for her body to be resentful, to ask for more, and when denied, to turn against her.
            But that had nothing to do with her doubts about how Noah felt about her. Those doubts were born of the trauma she carried since childhood, caused by her mother. Lia didn’t want her mother to have power over her, especially now. She was a grown woman with her own life. It had been almost a decade since she had last seen her.  
            No matter how many times her mother’s words replayed in her head, telling her that once Noah got tired of her, he would leave her for another girl because all men were the same.
            Cristina was wrong. 
            She had always been wrong, but most of all, she had been wrong about Noah. And Lia was determined to break free from the chains her mother had tied around her, which had kept her bound even miles apart.
            A heavy sigh filled the shower space, camouflaged by the sound of water falling on the tiles and the rain still falling outside. 
            Lia opened her eyes. Though what she saw in front of her was the water-wet white of the wall, she allowed herself to imagine how different things would be if she and Noah gave each other a chance, if they put the promise they made as children behind them once and for all, and accepted that their lives had been intertwined since the moment Noah stopped his bike in front of a tiny, tousled-haired Lia. 
            Falling in love with each other had been inevitable. 
            Maybe it hadn’t been love at first sight, for they had been children, but no one could deny there had been something special surrounding them that morning, something that led Noah to stop in front of the girl on the sidewalk, and made Lia trust the almond-eyed boy. 
            With a small, shy smile, even in the solitude of the bathroom, Lia closed her eyes and rested her forehead on her knees. An itch that started at the tips of her toes spread throughout her body. With her head resting on her legs, Lia waited for the bathroom door to open. 
            She waited for Noah to appear, to shed his clothes and join her underwater. She imagined him sitting in front of her, wrapping his arms and legs around her, their bare, wet skin touching. She envisioned him rising to his feet and lifting her, his hands finding her skin, his fingers exerting pressure on her shoulders before moving to her hair to massage her scalp and wash her long brown locks. She imagined him kissing her, long and lingering, then pressing his lips all over her face and shoulders, pressing her body against the cold wall. But she wouldn’t feel the cold because the warmth of Noah’s body would envelop her. 
            But minutes passed, and Noah didn’t appear. 
            With a quiet, resigned sigh, Lia stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She paused in front of the mirror, steam swirling around her. The girl in the reflection was her, and though she had lost weight and bore the signs of the stressful weeks on tour, the lack of sleep, the alcohol abuse and her overdose, she told herself she was getting better. Soon, she would be able to smile when she saw herself in the mirror again. What had happened in the living room half an hour earlier had been a test, and although she had passed it with Noah’s help, she had passed it, nonetheless. The Lia she had spent months not recognizing was being left behind. 
            Ten minutes later, Lia was still in the bathroom. Her thoughts had calmed down a bit, and drying and brushing her hair had distracted her. At least until she realized that, to get to her room and get dressed, she would have to cross the hallway wearing nothing but the white towel she was wrapped in. Funny. All those times living with the boys, they had freely walked around like that without anyone making a fuss or looking indecently at one another. She recalled standing in the living room in a purple towel, her hair wet, as she scolded Jolly, Jesse, Noah, and Mike for using up all the hot water. Jesse was the only one who bothered to acknowledge her irritation, while the others remained engrossed in their video game, uninterested in the barely covered girl in their midst. 
            Now, things felt different. They were different. Despite having already crossed that line of intimacy with Noah, she felt a pang of nervousness and self-consciousness at the thought of him seeing her like this: covered only by a thin towel, her skin glowing from the moisturizer she had applied, her hair still falling damp over her shoulders. The fluttering butterflies in her stomach and the occasional void made her breath quicken. She had to take a moment to calm herself before having another fit, this time over something entirely different. 
            She knew Noah was somewhere nearby, probably sorting out the mess she had made. She couldn’t stay hidden in the bathroom forever.
            She peered out from the door and waited until she heard the clattering of things in the kitchen. She crossed the short distance between the bathroom and her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She switched on the lamp on her side of the bed, not wanting much light in the room. 
            Resting one hand on the mattress, she let herself be enveloped by a wave of exhaustion. It wasn’t unwelcome; it was simply the weight of everything that had happened falling from her shoulders to her feet. Leaning on her bed gave her a tranquility she hadn’t experienced in weeks. The episode in the living room minutes earlier had drained the last bit of energy she had left. But now that calm had settled in the house after the storm (even though the real storm was still raging outside), she felt a strange clarity. The desperation and raw need had dissipated, leaving behind a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a long time. Noah’s presence had been her anchor, and now she felt more centered, more herself. 
            She dropped the towel, glancing hesitantly toward the door as she reached for a white drawer in the corner where she kept her underwear. She picked a simple set: white in color, thin cotton fabric. The softness was a comforting touch against her skin as she pulled on her panties. She slipped her arms through the straps of her bra, noticing Noah’s clothes piled on another piece of furniture: t-shirts, joggers, and underwear. Despite still feeling a light dizziness if she moved too quickly, the sight made her smile because it felt comforting to see his clothes in her room. 
            She was about to clasp her bra behind her back when the bedroom door creaked open. Her hands froze in place, her eyes shooting up to Noah. He took a wide stride into the room, his eyes focused on the t-shirt he held in his free hand before lifting his head and widening his eyes. 
            “Fuck,” he stood there for a moment, hand still on the doorknob despite having taken a wide stride into the room. He blinked, his mouth agape. “I-I’m sorry, I thought you were still in the shower,” he stammered, but his gaze lingered, raking over her petite frame, over the simple yet cute white undergarments, her curves, the swell of her small breasts. 
            He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want her; like that, and naked. He had spent the last thirty minutes debating whether he should check on her, whether he should knock on the bathroom door and ask how she was doing.             
            He had imagined Lia asking him to come in, to get in the shower with her. He had thought about that and how it would feel to have her in his arms again, naked this time. But he had refrained because he didn’t consider it appropriate to be thinking about it in that delicate moment, no matter how much the lustful part of him wanted to have sex with her. 
            While Noah dealt with his own emotions, a mixture of embarrassment and something else Lia couldn’t quite place spread through her. Her hands remained at her back, holding the bra clasp, her body exposed to Noah’s admiring—and hungry—eyes.   
            Noah tried to tear his eyes away, but he was unable to completely break the spell that seemed to hold them both. He was holding his wet t-shirt in his hand, having changed into a hoodie, but the sight of Lia in her state, with the warm, golden glow of the only lamp in the room falling over her, left him mesmerized. Her hair was open but still damp, falling over her back in waves that reminded him of desert dunes. Her big eyes seemed to be alight even in the dim light, her lips pink and moist. He even noticed the little bumps of her nipple piercing pressing through the thin fabric of her bra.
            Lia fumbled with the clasp, finally securing it, but she didn’t reach for any other clothing. For a moment she felt scared, worried that she was about to have another fit from feeling overwhelmed. But she quickly realized it wasn’t the same anxiety and desperation coursing through her veins. This time, it was desire, lust.
            She held her breath for a moment as images flooded her mind. 
            Then she took a tentative step toward Noah. 
            They stared at each other, letting all the feelings they had flood them and the space that separated them. Noah’s grip on his wet t-shirt tightened before he turned to leave, the spell almost breaking.
            He looked so cozy, so soft in his hoodie and shorts; she just wanted to be wrapped in his arms, to fall asleep secured against his chest, with his soothing voice in her ear. 
            Lia called out, her voice a soft plea, “Noah.” 
            He turned back to her, seeing the small, almost invisible step she had taken toward him. Her eyes were wide open, filled with a mix of hope and fear. 
            After a few heartbeats, Noah muttered a curse to himself and dropped the t-shirt. His movements were quick; he walked to her, and even though it only took him three steps to reach her, the moment seemed to stretch and then compress as he finally got to her.
            His hands found her face, and Lia only had a second to catch her breath before he clashed his mouth down on hers.
            The chains Cristina had kept on her daughter broke, and Lia reached for Noah as she should have done long ago: with need, desperation, and yearning. 
            In that instant, the world outside ceased to exist. 
            The kiss was urgent, a clash of need and longing that had been building for far too long. Lia’s hands slid up to his shoulders, clinging to him as if he were her lifeline. Noah’s hands moved from her face to her back, pulling her closer. Lia melted under his touch as her hands tangled in his damp hair as his lips moved hungrily against hers. 
            Noah’s hands roamed her back, desperate to touch every inch of her. She felt soft and delicate under his fingers, cold to the touch but refreshing. His fingers traced the curve of her spine, the gentle dip of her waist, every little spot he had wanted to touch for years. He wanted to memorize every contour, even if he could repeat this moment over and over from today onward. The best part was that Lia’s body was responding eagerly to his touch. She arched into him, seeking more of the warmth and reassurance he offered, her small breasts pressing against his thick hoodie, her fingertips sliding up and down his scalp, her breath being swallowed by him.         
            Increasing the grip around her waist, he slid his free hand down the curve of her ass, tempted to squeeze. Instead, he grabbed hold of the back of her thigh. His damp shorts pressed against Lia’s bare thighs as he lifted her effortlessly. His dick twitched in his underwear at the way her legs instinctively wrapped around his middle. She could feel the coolness of his wet clothes against her heated skin, and the contrast added another layer of ecstasy to the electric tension growing.
            Without a word but with his lips capturing hers over and over, he carried her to a nearby piece of cheap Ikea furniture, placing her gently on top. Lia’s fingers found the hem of his hoodie, pulling him closer as their kisses deepened. She felt gloriously overwhelmed when his large hands found her face, nearly encasing it and providing a warmth that seemed to alleviate all the pain she had felt earlier. 
            With a soft moan, Lia leaned back slightly, breaking the kiss to catch her breath. Noah’s forehead rested against hers, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with longing and unspoken promises. His thumbs gently brushed over her cheeks as if committing every detail of her expression to memory.
            “Lia,” Noah whispered, his voice restrained.
            She loved the way he said her name, as if he didn’t know what to do with her, what to do to her.
            She silenced him with another kiss, a silent affirmation of her own feelings. She tasted the rain on his lips. Her hands moved down from the nape of his neck to his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths beneath her touch. 
            Noah responded with his own hands exploring her skin with reverence and passion because there was no way he could ever deny her anything if he had her like that. He traced the curve of her neck, the slope of her shoulders, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in his wake. Lia’s wasn’t sure if it had anything to do with the symptoms she had experienced not long ago, but her senses were heightened, and every one of Noah’s touches were setting her skin ablaze.  
            “Lia,” he breathed heavily against her, between kisses. She nibbled at his lower lip and she swore she heard him growl. He pressed his forehead to hers, his head shaking a bit as if trying to say no. His eyes remained closed. “We don’t have to,” he said. It took him a few seconds to continue, “I’m in no rush. I can wait.”
            She held his face in her hands, prompting him to open his eyes. They were fogged, as if a layer of conflict and lust were keeping him from seeing the reality unfolding in front of him. “I made us wait long enough,” she told him. “And I want you.”
            Noah closed his eyes again and shook his head to one side again, as if in pain. “As much as I love to hear that, you need to rest. You just had…”
            “I just had a shower,” she cut him off. “I’m…” She wasn’t sure what the right word was. Better? She licked her lips, lowering her voice to a sweet whisper, “Now, I need this. I need you,” she stared into his eyes like a puppy would, then kissed his neck. He tasted like rain. She wanted to lick him all up. She placed a soft kiss on his jawline, “Make everything feel all right, please.”
            He stared into her brown eyes for a second, reading the plea in them and everything else that hid behind them. Without another word, he kissed her again, his hands resuming their journey with purpose, caressing her with a gentleness that belied the intensity of his lust.
            Lia’s fingers fumbled with the hem of his hoodie. He was wearing one of her personal favorites, but she would have time to tell him that later. Now, her frustration was taking most of her attention as she struggled to lift the fabric over his head, mainly because Noah wouldn’t disengage his arms from around her. With a determined tug and a whiny sound against his mouth, he relented, allowing her to pull it up as he lifted his arms to help, his muscles flexing beneath, his tattooed torso revealing to her eyes.  
            Lia’s breath hitched at the sight. The scent of rain lingered, mingling with his Sauvage perfume and his unique, earthy aroma. As her eyes roamed the details of his chest that she had longed to memorize, she felt intoxicated. The man standing before her was hers to touch, adore, breathe in, and love. 
            Noah cast the hoodie aside and let out a breathy chuckle at Lia’s expression. He had never been looked at the way she was looking at him, as if he were a Greek God, something worth quickening her heartbeat. 
            A tiny smile played on her lips, mirroring his expression. The heat between them intensified as their bare skin touched, her nipples hardening through the fabric as they brushed against Noah’s chest. He placed his hand on the small of her back and pulled her closer, his hips colliding with hers. She gasped, but he swallowed the sound with his kiss. 
            Noah’s hands traced the curve of her waist and the softness of her skin. It was a touch he had dreamed of countless times, but now it was real. Lia’s breath hitched against his lips as he moved his large hands under her backside and lifted her. He picked her up, feeling her weight and warmth pressed against him. Lia moaned softly into his mouth, her fingers gripping his shoulders, pulling him closer as he turned them around and moved them toward the bed.
            Noah didn’t break their kiss as he laid her down gently on the mattress—not that Lia would have allowed him to, for she kept a hand at the back of Noah’s head—, pressing his mouth to hers, her legs keeping his growing erection pressed against the spot between her legs.
            Bracing himself with one knee on the edge of the bed and the other foot on the floor, his height allowed him to loom over her. He kissed her jaw and trailed down to her neck, reveling in the delicate sounds of pleasure escaping her lips.
            He wanted to savor every moment, every touch. Lia’s knees tightened around him, urging him closer. His fingers trailed down her stomach, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. She arched towards him, silently urging him lower, but instead, he traced his hand around her, slipping underneath to unclasp her bra.
            Noah’s gaze never left hers as he fumbled with the clasp, his fingers deft yet deliberate. He slid one strap off her shoulder, then the other, until the piece was off. He abandoned it somewhere on the mattress. His focus shifted from Lia’s expressions to her near-nakedness beneath him, his eyes falling to the piercing adorning her nipple; the soft pink of her breast a tantalizing sight.
            As he looked up at her, hypnotized and clouded by a primal hunger, their eyes locked in a moment that took them back in time. Memories flooded back—the day Lia had gotten her nipple pierced. She had teasingly remarked to him that it was a shame he would never get to see it because they were best friends, and best friends never saw each other naked. Now, in the intimate space od Lia’s bedroom, with the rain falling outside and their breathing ragged but synched, he gazed upon the delicate silver jewel adorning her nipple. Noah felt a rush of emotion. It looked beautiful on her. He couldn’t wait to pull at it with his teeth. 
            With her heart pounding in her chest, Lia was torn between self-consciousness and a fierce desire. She wanted to give him everything, to bare herself in every sense of the word. If this was what he wanted, she was ready to give it to him. Because she wanted the same thing. She had wanted it for so long that she had nearly driven herself crazy trying to conceal it with lies.   
            Noah ran a hand down Lia’s side, starting at her neck, moving over the curve of her left breast, and settling on her hip, where he took time to admire the flower-wrapped dragon tattoo. The tattoo was beautiful: a long, Japanese dragon with a fierce face that represented Lia’s determination, courage, and strength. In the center of the tattoo was a big orchid, and around the dragon’s tail, another bunch of flowers that represented her purity and sweetness. She had designed it herself, and it hadn’t been more than three years since she’d added it permanently to her skin. It was the largest tattoo on her body, descending from her waist to her thigh. As tempting as it had been for Noah to admire the tattoo every time Lia walked around the house in just a t-shirt or when they’d been at the beach or at a friend’s pool, he had been good about it and pretended not to make a big deal out of it other than the day Lia showed it to him, when it was still freshly done and the black shimmered and stood out. It was perfect for her. On her. 
            There was no stopping his fingers as they traced the contours of the dragon and the orquid, only interrupted by the seam of Lia’s white panties. Lia’s breath quickened when she thought he would remove them, but first, he moved up again to kiss her, to show her how much he wanted this, her.
            He tried to keep his ministrations gentle, but when his hand fell on Lia’s breast, he couldn’t help himself and squeezed, then played with her nipple between his fingers, prompting her to arch herself towards him, asking for more. She moaned against him. Loudly. When their eyes met and he acknowledged the lust in her eyes, he slid down, kissing her neck before his mouth found her pierced nipple. He licked and toyed it with before nibbling at it, holding Lia with one hand at her back and arching her up to him. With her hand also pressing at the back of his head, there was no escaping. She was soft and sweet, and having her hard nipple in his mouth only made him think of how wet she would already be for him. 
            He nearly lost it at the thought. 
            Impatient, he ignored the storm outside, forgotten also to Lia as she lost herself to Noah’s touch. He made his way down, kissing every inch of skin, her navel, the tiny scar at her waist. There was reverence in his touch. Lia had never felt so good, so loved. 
            He hooked a finger in the hem of her panties. He almost chuckled at how fast Lia lifted her hips, urging him to take them off. He would’ve laughed, yes, but he was too mesmerized by having her totally naked on a bed and under him to act natural. He felt entranced. 
            He slid her panties down her legs with a deliberate slowness that sent another shiver through her. As he held the delicate piece of clothing in his fingers and stood at the end of the bed, looking down at her with something like fire in his eyes, her breath caught at how small her panties looked in his long, slender fingers, and how big the bulge in his shorts had grown. He stood frozen for a while, taking in her body, the fairer skin on her breasts and pussy, the martini shave, how delicate and vulnerable she looked, yet confident and willing to give every part of her to him. 
            The cold air in the room brushed against Lia’s bare core, causing her to instinctively close her legs, a pang of shame washing over her at the same time. That prompted Noah out of his trance. He let her panties fall to the floor at the same time he clicked his tongue softly in disapproval. 
            “Don’t hide from me,” he murmured, his voice gentle yet firm. He placed his hands on her knees and gently pried them open. “Never hide from me,” he repeated, his eyes meeting hers with intensity. The current that spread through her body threatened to make her woozy. “I’ve already seen you, Lia.”
            With his words fading into the air, Lia swallowed, her throat dry with nervous anticipation.   “Not like this,” she whispered.
            Noah’s expression softened as he gazed down at her. His fingers brushing against her knees before he kneeled on the floor, right in front of her. He leaned in to kiss her ankles softly, all the while keeping his eyes on her, almost smiling at Lia’s satisfied expression and at the way her breath caught every time his lips lingered on a certain spot, especially the one he found on her inner thigh that made her tick.
            “I want you like this,” he murmured against her sensitive skin, his hands tracing a path up her calves. 
            I want you to trust me. 
            Lia’s heart raced as she looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his desire, hunger and the tenderness all mixing in his eyes. She felt lucky as ever. A smile bloomed on her face as she slowly relaxed under his touch.
            Knelt on the floor, right in front of her, right between her legs, he leaned in, his brown eyes were mischievous but also full of adoration. He inhaled her scent, his heartbeat speeding up at the realization that he was about to taste her. Finally, after months of dreaming of it, he was going to eat her out; make her his in a way he had only fantasized about.
            When the tip of his tongue touched her skin and traced a slow circle around her clit, gentle and deliberate, Lia gasped, her eyes unable to maintain contact with his. Noah’s eyes stayed on her, watching every reaction as a hawk. He was careful not to rush, wanting to learn her body’s responses. He didn’t yet know the nuances of what she liked—the rhythm, the motion… There was so much to learn, so much that he wanted to teach her and do to her, so much that they would explore and learn together after this evening. 
            He was thrilled to an extent he couldn’t put into words, so instead, he let her know with his tongue. 
            Lia contorted underneath him, her body responding to his touch in beautiful, involuntary movements. As Noah circled one of her thighs and pressed his other hand to her lower stomach, he relished in every taste of her, feeling how she grew wetter, the sensation of her arousal only heightening his own need for her. He waited, observing her reactions, before sliding a finger inside her. The feeling of her warmth around his digit made him ache. The image was so hot that every dampness caused by the rain on his body dissipated; his body growing hot and desperate.
            He pumped his finger in and out slowly, not going all the way in for fear of being too much for her. He gauged her response, before adding a second finger and placing his mouth on her clit again. With a curved L-shape, he began a motion that elicited delicious sounds from Lia. For a moment, he thought he would be unable to control himself and he would come in his pants.
            “Noah,” she breathed out. She was letting herself go, and she looked so fucking beautiful, wild and raw for him. “Don’t stop.”
            “Like this?” he repeated the motion, his voice husky and sending a vibration straight into Lia’s clit as he sought confirmation. 
            “Yes. Yes, like that. Don’t stop,” her breathing grew labored, and he felt fucking proud of himself. 
            Encouraged by her response, Noah continued the motion, his fingers moving in a way that promised to bring her a delicious orgasm. He could feel her body tensing, hear the raggedness of her breath as she approached climax. When he realized she was on the brink, he tightened his lips around her clit, sucking ever so gently, lavishing attention on that spot until, within moments, she came undone with a loud, delicious moan. 
            Forget his music. He wanted to hear that on repeat for the rest of his days. 
            Lia’s legs closed around Noah’s head, trembling as waves of pleasure washed over her. Noah held her legs, kissing her thighs softly as she caught her breath. He smiled against her skin, his heart swelling with love for her.
            If it wasn’t for the pain he felt between his own legs, he would have stayed right there and continued licking her for hours. He would have time for that, he thought, and he would make it happen. But now he needed to be inside of her.  
            After cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand, Noah removed his last piece of clothing, standing naked before Lia for a second before climbing onto the bed. He situated himself between her legs, holding his weight on his knees and hands. His eyes softened as he bent forward to touch her face, checking in with her. “You okay?” 
            Are you joking?, she wanted to ask, but she was too overwhelmed to form any words. Her cheeks were flushed with a mix of satisfaction, and her skin glowed with a layer of sweet sweat. Her eyes locked onto his with a welcomed vulnerability that tugged at Noah’s heart with madness when she smiled.
            In that moment, he wondered if it was possible to fall even more in love with her. With every smile, every flicker of her eyelashes, Noah felt his love for her deepen. It was crazy; how this feeling had weathered storms and hurricanes and yet had finally reached this cathartic moment.  
            “Do we have a condom?” He asked. 
            Lia nodded impatiently, rolling over slightly to reach for one from the small table beside her bed. She rummaged through the drawer, her movements hurried as Noah finished undressing. Finding the packet, the last one, she handed it to Noah, who ripped it open with his teeth, unaware of what that little action did to her. He discarded the foil package on the floor beside the bed. 
            Lia watched him wide-eyed as he slid the condom over his cock. She had accommodated him inside of her before, but she was trembling again, aroused.
            This time, with a clear vision and mind, she observed his length and took in the details; his pubic hair, his size, the pink of the tip, and the slickness that already covered it. He looked delicious and she couldn’t wait to taste him. However, Noah had different plans; he needed to be inside of her, connected to her in the most physically human way possible.  
            He covered her body with her, his October eyes reclaiming hers. 
            “Do you want me, Lia?” His voice was low, passionate.
            She swallowed. She had an answer, always had it. It didn’t make the situation less thrilling. “I’ve wanted you all my life,” Lia replied earnestly, her hand caressing his face, her thumb sliding down his lower lip. “I mean it. I meant it. I’m sorry I was too scared to admit it.”
            Noah exhaled softly, feeling the weight of her words and the depth of their shared history. He settled his mouth over hers in a kiss that was as soft as a rose petal. He restrained himself, sinking into her mouth slowly, mindful not to overwhelm her with the intensity boiling inside of him, in his veins. 
            He would have time to unleash every other part of him in time, explore her body, learn her soft spots, her limits. He would have all the time in the world to learn what things she liked and teach her the things he’d only ever wanted to experience with her. He would make all his wicked and dirty fantasies with her come true, as he would make hers. 
            As he settled between her legs, Lia’s thoughts were slightly clouded by the enticing feeling of Noah’s silver chain touching her clavicle and the idea that letting Noah in was going to sting. He was larger than any of her past experiences, and she didn’t remember if she had felt any pain the previous time they’d had sex. It didn’t matter. She was willing to take anything, for him, for both of them. They were not the same as when they first fell in love—Noah had grown into a man, his body more defined, marked by time and experience. And she was definitely not a girl anymore. She had stopped being one sooner than all her school friends, sooner than a kid should stop being one. 
            To calm herself, Lia placed her hands on his shoulders, exploring his freckles and his tattoos. The dim light in the room created shadows on his skin. It was a canvas she could never tire of admiring.
            He lifted his eyes from below her bodies to look at her, a warning in his eyes. His tip touched her. Lia’s hands had slid to his back but moved quickly to grab his shoulders again. 
            Noah lowered his mouth to her, not to kiss her, but to breathe her in as he pushed inch by inch inside the girl—the woman he loved. 
            He entered her, their mouths still connected in an intimate O shape as they savored the sensation of being joined. Lia arched into him, a soft gasp escaping her lips that made Noah’s pulse race. This is home, he thought, feeling the snugness, the tightness and heat of her around him.
            He wanted to be gentle with her. He knew his Lia was strong, that she could take anything he wanted to give her, but that wasn’t the point. That evening, he wanted to take it slow, make her aware of every second, of every inch of him, of the magic that bloomed every time they were together. 
            He was being a cheesy, sentimental soul, but he wanted it that way and no one was going to stop him. This was his best friend, the love of his life. He would have time to let the rottweiler out—sooner rather than later, he hoped. But that evening, it was all about feeling and connecting; it was about finally settling home. 
            Lia adjusted her legs, allowing him to settle deeper inside her. Her grasp on his shoulder loosened as she looked into his eyes, a mix of love and pining in her gaze.
            “You’re here,” Lia said, her voice filled with wonder and adoration.
            “I’m here,” Noah murmured in reply, his own voice thick with emotion. “With you.”
            She kissed him, her hands roaming over his body, urging him on. Noah responded, starting to move with her, his hands teasing her nipples, eliciting moans from Lia as pleasure coursed through her.
            As his hips thrusted into her, their breaths rose in unison. Noah’s movements, each thrust, was calculated. He watched Lia’s expressions closely, the way her eyes fluttered shut and her lips parted with each surge of pleasure. Her moans were soft, almost musical, and they spurred him on, driving him to bring them both to the heights of ecstasy.
            “Noah,” Lia gasped.
            “Yes, baby.” 
            At the pet name, Lia tightened around him, and he had to stifle a growl, clenching his jaw so tightly that a muscle twitched and a vein pulsed on his forehead. 
            He could feel the tension building within him, a tight coil ready to spring. He was close, and he almost damned himself for having so little self-control. He wanted her to get there first. His fingers worked deftly, finding the perfect rhythm against her sensitive spot. Lia’s back arched, her body responding to his touch with fervor. She was on the brink, and he could see it in her eyes, in the way her breath hitched and her grip on his shoulder tightened.
            But then he pulled back slightly, getting up on his knees for a moment, breathless, scared. He was not a teenager anymore, but Lia was making it very difficult for him to hold himself back.
            He watched the point where their bodies connected, as if he couldn’t believe it was real.
            “What is it?” Lia asked, her chest rising up and down.
            “Fuck. I just—” Noah raked a hand through his hair, struggling to catch his breath. A layer of sweat covered his shoulders and chest. “I need a minute.”
            He looked down at her, his eyes brimming with love. Then he shifted, moving her left leg to the side so he could lay next to her. Attempting to spoon her, he slid an arm underneath her leg to lift it and gain access to her entrance again. Lia wriggled a bit, wanting to see his face. Noah adjusted, allowing her to get comfortable. She lay on her back, and he settled on his side, lifting her leg higher with his arm hooked under her knee. As he entered her again, he watched her eyes widen with each inch of him. 
            One of Lia’s arms was bent next to her head, her hand gripping the covers. When Noah noticed her other hand moving down her stomach, he took over, his fingers finding her clit. He rubbed her gently but insistently, observing her reaction and feeling her body respond to his touch.
            He maintained the motion for a while, both his cock and his fingers working at the same time between her legs, his eyes fixed on her. She was a dream: hair spread on the pillow, eyes closed, lips parted, her body letting him in and out, in and out. He wanted this moment to last, the pleasure. With their faces close, he cradled her cheek. Lia’s big beautiful brown eyes opened and bore into his adoringly, as if for her no man could be more beautiful than him. 
            He’d never felt more connected to her than he did in that moment, their faces tilted on the pillows, soaking in each other’s pleasured faces. His hand slid up from her clit to her neck. He had no intention of choking her—not that night—, so he just rested his hand there, soaking in the image of Lia at his mercy. He felt Lia arching her neck a bit, as if inviting a light pressure that might heighten her pleasure. The day would come —he promised—, but today he refrained, choosing instead to break the few inches between them with a sloppy kiss. Their breaths mingled, and every touch, every movement, brought them closer to the edge. Noah’s cock moved with precision, drawing soft gasps and moans from Lia as she kept moving, seeking friction against his body.
            He was mesmerized by her expressions, the way her eyes fluttered closed, and the way her lips parted with each exhale. The intensity of their connection in that moment was almost overwhelming. Lia’s body trembled beneath him, her pleasure building to a crescendo.
            “I’m—” she breathed out, her words failing. If he looked good on stage, he looked better in bed, pounding into her. She had to close her eyes again. 
            Noah’s voice reached her softly. 
            “I’m here.” 
            “I want— God. Noah, I want you on top,” Lia gasped. She loved this position. It was new to her, and the precision of his cock inside her rubbed at her walls and touched her G-spot in a way that, together with the eye contact, was about to send her spiraling into an explosive orgasm. However, her neck was growing slightly strained, and she wanted to look into his eyes when he came.  
            “I won’t last long,” he warned, a note of concern in his voice.
            “It’s okay,” she reassured him. 
            He nodded. Carefully, he shifted their positions, moving back on top of her. Their bodies fit together perfectly, like they were made for each other. He resumed his rhythm, increasing it if just a bit. The intimacy of their shared breath, their mouths nearly fused together, was another added layer of passion that promised to give him a release like he had never experienced before. 
            Lia’s nails dug into his skin as the pleasure built to a fever pitch. As Lia’s climax approached, Noah could feel it in the way she clenched around him and the sound of her breath hitching. He made his movements more urgent, his thrusts deeper and faster. Their moans mingled, filling the room with those and Lia’s cries. They were both so close, teetering on the edge of release.
            Their mouths opened, moaning into each other as they finally came. Noah groaned with his teeth clenched, a hand on Lia’s hip, pressing her down into the mattress as he emptied himself into the condom, Lia crying out under him, her nails digging into his biceps. 
            The climax was explosive, a powerful release that left them both shaking and gasping for breath. Their bodies quivered together, riding out the intense waves of pleasure as their sweat mixed.
            As they came down from the high, still entangled, Lia felt an overwhelming rush of emotions, and Noah noticed immediately, his expression shifting to one of concern as he asked if she was okay. 
            She didn’t answer, but it was obvious she wasn’t.
            She was trying to hold back tears, a sob, even. Noah’s worried expression turned into one of confusion as he tried to pull away, but Lia’s hands on his back kept him pressed against her. 
            She felt raw. Her second orgasm, shared with him, hadn’t been just a physical release; it felt like a liberation from every secret, every ounce of pain and misery she’d carried, every lie she had told herself, every barrier she had put between her and Noah. She felt split open; exposed; finally free. 
            And it showed in the single tear that slid down the side of her face and that Noah caught with his thumb, his large hand settling on her cheek as he tried to get Lia to say something. 
            “Lia,” he whispered, still brushing at her cheek. 
            Her next words caught him by surprise. “I promise I’ll get better and I’ll take care of you. I won’t ever hurt you again. I swear.”
            She wasn’t hurt. 
            She was okay. 
            His girl was okay. 
            She was just... emotional, her feelings too complex to define in that moment of ecstasy. 
            The joy that spread through him was even greater than the orgasm that had begun at the back of his spine and spread through his body until it released into the condom. 
            “Lia,” he said with a tender smile, as if her words amused him.  “Lia,” he repeated, shaking his head, his loose strands of hair brushing against her forehead and cheeks as he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “You’ve always been taking care of me.” As soon as she started shaking her head, he moved his hand from her hair and placed a finger on her lips. “All that time you were hurting, I was hurting, too. It didn’t matter if you did something to hurt me. It was unintentional, and I couldn’t feel it because I was already feeling your pain. And trust me, there’s nothing worse than that.”
            Lia’s eyes filled with a mix of relief and guilt as she processed his words. She stared at him, her expression a blend of sorrow and admiration. Her lips trembled slightly, and a deep sadness seemed to settle in her gaze, as if she were grappling with the weight of his words. She looked away momentarily, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, the burden of her own actions weighing heavily on her.
            A trace of hesitation creeped into Noah’s eyes. He took a deep breath, his gaze softening but becoming more serious. 
            “Remember the day you came to see me at the hospital? You were... You were hurt,” he winced at the recollection of events, “and yet you came all the way from home to comfort me, to make sure I was okay just because I had some weird-ass flower-coughing fit.”
            The memory was one she tried to avoid, too painful and persistent to erase. The events of that day had been too much, but Noah’s perspective provided her with a new understanding of her actions, different from how she had seen herself at the time. 
            “I want to be good to you,” she said, “make you happy the way you make me.”
            Unable to contain his own emotions, he kissed her again, his smile radiant as he pressed his lips to hers.  
            “That won’t be hard,” he replied, his eyes sparkling, his heartbeat still settling from their shared orgasm, his dick softening inside of her. “You’ve been making me happy since you were six.”
            “I’ve just been a dark cloud for the past few months,” she corrected him, a small frown creasing her brow. “But I won’t be anymore.” 
            She was resolute in her feelings. Noah brushed some stray hairs from her face and softened his stance.  
            “I know,” he reassured her. “You don’t have to promise me anything. In fact, fuck promises,” he bent down to kiss her hard, emphasizing how little he cared about that promise they made as kids, right after their first kiss.  
            Lia wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him until they were both breathless again. After a deep breath, she let her head fall on the pillow, savoring the weight of Noah’s body on top of her, his hands touching her face, his softening cock nestled between her legs, their bodies spent from the emotional and physical exertion. 
            “I’m not heavy, am I?” he asked, suddenly concerned about being on top of her. 
            “No, don’t move,” she replied, her voice tender as she kept a hold on him. 
            Noah kissed her jaw absentmindedly, allowing himself to sink into the pleasure and the comfort of being with her, the thunder rumbling outside, and the lingering scent of sex filling the room.
            “The craving…” Lia began, her mind drifting back to earlier as her fingers played with his hair. “It was really intense. What if next time I’m not able to control it? What if you’re not there when it happens?”
            Noah tightened his hold on her. “I’ll be there,” he assured. “In the case I’m not, you call me,” his gaze was determined, his expression stern. “But you will resist, because every time you do, you’re winning. You might not feel like it, but you’re making progress,” he traced the apple of her cheek with his knuckles. “One step at a time, Lia. We’ll get there.” 
            Even in that intimate moment, fully connected, he could see a flicker of disbelief in her eyes. He cupped her face in his hands, making sure her gaze met his.    
            “Lia, whatever you think about yourself, about what happened, it doesn’t matter. You raised yourself,” he said, his voice carrying a gravity that made her shiver. “There’s nothing braver than that. You had to sit through your childhood, carrying your mother’s traumas and issues. You sat there and you asked for her love and you didn’t get any. And yet, you carried yourself to the light. You did that. You.”
            You carried yourself to the light. Lia repeated his words in her head. Her eyes examined his face, the bright look in his eyes as he uttered those encouraging words to her. She did, indeed, carry herself to the light. She finally did; the moment she called out to him when he was about to leave the room thirty minutes earlier. 
            She was wrapped in her light’s arms now. 
            Noah was her light. 
            “What happened in Chicago was just a moment of weakness,” he continued.
            “But I could’ve—”
            “Shh. We’re here, aren’t we?” 
            “We’re allowed to be weak,” he said. “We just need to… let others know so that we don’t have to face things alone; so that we have someone to offer the support we need. From now on, Lia, you can’t keep anything from me. Whatever you feel, you need to tell me. You have to tell me, okay?”
            She touched a sweaty strand of hair that fell on his face and nodded vigorously. 
            “Don’t let me do bad things,” she pleaded. “I’ll make myself worthy of you. I’ll be good.”
            To lighten the mood, he flashed a wicked grin, clearly planning to tease her.
            “Oh, you will be,” he squeezed her hip playfully. “Otherwise, there are a few things I might have to do to you, and…” he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Well, let’s save that conversation for another time. I don’t want to spoil this moment.”
            She frowned, as if tempted to swat his chest, but a memory suddenly crossed her mind. Lowering her voice, she asked, “What about that thing you mentioned a few months ago about going celibate?” 
            For a moment, Noah looked confused. Then he remembered their trip to Franklin Canyon Reservoir.
            “That was a joke,” he said, his tone light but with a hint of seriousness. “Though, it wasn’t entirely far from the truth.”
            “It was because of me? Be honest,” she pressed.
            He huffed. He let his forehead rest against her shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of her skin and the moisturized she had applied after the shower. 
            “I guess? It just didn’t feel right,” he confessed, referring to every other time he’d sex. “Nothing ever felt right because it wasn’t with you.”
            When he lifted his head, Lia was already gazing at him with a sweetness and delicacy that always disarmed him. 
            “But this,” he continued, emphasizing his point by moving his hips against hers, making her gasp, “this is as right as anything can ever be.”
            She was momentarily lost in his words, struggling to grasp that this boy—this man—was truly hers and had always been. The handsome boy with almond-shaped brown eyes, who had taught her so much and never left her side, no matter what.
            Gently, she traced his face with her fingers, caressing his chin and the corners of his lips.
            “I’m so lucky…”
            Basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking, covered in sweat, his hair messy, exhausted but so happy, Noah looked… ethereal. He was a gift to her. 
            Unable to contain herself, she breathed out, “You’re so gorgeous, Noah.”
            He blushed, a shy chuckle escaping him. To hide his embarrassment, he playfully nibbled at her earlobe, causing her to squirm beneath him.
            “Keep being so sweet, and you might just get me hard again,” he teased in her ear.
            Her only response was a series of giggles, and soon, he joined her, their laughter mingling in the soft light of the room as their limbs intertwined with renewed passion, promising to hold each other close today and tomorrow and every day thereafter. 
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— prev. chapter | chapter five 🌶️
author's note: thank you again to each of you who are reading and following this story. I don't take your comments and interactions lightly. They mean a lot to me and they make me so so happy! Just wanted to say that. I love you 🥰 💕
@sweetwombatpizza | @missduffsblog | @shilohrosechicken
@somebodyels3 | @respectfulrebel | @xcllnt | @bluestdai
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pumpkin-cake · 7 months ago
Hi! After your very cute Five x reader oneshot, would you be interested in a crossover between Saw and TUA?
Like maybe the reader or Five survived a saw trap, so it would be a combination of fluff and angst. Maybe flashback nightmares as well. Whether they both survived one (together or seperate) or just one is up to you. It could also make use of the Five-only-has-one-arm plotline that got abandoned.
Keep up the good work!
so i'm in love with saw, and i'm in love with tua. i'm usually afraid to write crossovers because of how complicated they can get but i'm actually really excited to combine these two. thank you sm for the request! i also came up with my own trap for this :) i hope you like it!
warnings: blood and a bit of gore, maybe some disturbing imagery
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You woke up in a dark room. Your hands were chained to something, you couldn't make out what it was. Your feet were bare, standing upon some sort of rubber material. You stayed calm, The Commission had trained you to always keep calm and stay on guard.
The lights in the room flashed on, violating your retinas. You could see an old CRT TV, and it flickered to life revealing some dirty and raggedy puppet with a white face and blood red spirals on his cheeks.
"Hello (Y/n). I want to play a game." The puppet's mouth opened as it seemed to speak. "You're wondering why you're here, but I believe the answer is quite simple. You are the type of person who doesn't value human life. Killing mercilessly all for the prospect of wealth. You don't bother to question who you kill or even why, unlike your partner, who unfortunately managed to escape my grasp. Your strange ability won't be enough to get you away from me, however. Right now, you are chained to a treadmill that I engineered to only run on the highest setting: twenty miles per hour. Instead of running from your mistakes, you will face them and be taught how valuable life truly is. You will run at this speed for an hour, and if you fail, you will fall into the meat grinder behind you. If you do manage to escape, you will bleed out. Live or die. Make your choice."
Your eyes widened, and the calmness you felt quickly dissipated. You looked behind you and the huge machine began to whirl, blades eagerly awaiting you. Your first thought was to get off. The chains were long enough, so if you did fail you would fall into the machine rather than be stuck on the treadmill. The spikes surrounding the machine were rather discouraging though. You'd only be able to avoid them if you could jump, but the chains were solving that problem.
Before you could think and rationalize further, the treadmill was starting up. You quickly began to run, and was very glad your stamina was better than the average human. As you ran, you tried to think. You tugged at the chains to get a better look. No lock or keyhole. They must be automatic. This guy said he was an engineer; it wouldn't be surprising if he manufactured these cuffs too. They covered your whole hands. There wasn't any way to break your wrists to get out.
You were stuck. There were spikes on the edges of the treadmill too, ensuring you didn't try to wait out the timer. An hour, could you manage that?
You broke a sweat five minutes in. The room was hot, way hotter than average. You grit your teeth. Another factor to the test. All you could do was listen. If you jumped on the edge spikes now, you might bleed out or faint. You had to make it through.
You had been doing good, really good. You looked to the timer. Your clothes were drenched in sweat, your legs ached, you felt dizzy. You could hardly read the timer. You squinted. Ten more minutes. Just ten more. You would be free if this bastard kept his word.
Then, you tripped.
The chains clunked together as you lost your footing, as you fell backwards so fast you couldn't pull your legs up fast enough. The grinder dug and tore into your feet, blood gushing as it threatened to pull you in.
Your scream filled the room, and through sheer determination you grasped the chains and yanked yourself up again. You didn't even look at your feet, searing pain coursing through your body. You couldn't keep running. The puppet's words echoed through your head.
Live or die. Make your choice.
You grasped onto the chains again and with a scream you managed to pull yourself onto the spiked edges. The spikes shot through the mangled messes of your feet, and tears streamed down your face as you shrieked in pure agony. You yanked and pulled at the chains desperately, feeling the spikes violating your insides.
Then, the chains unlocked.
The whirring of the grinder stopped.
The treadmill came to a stop.
You collapsed onto the treadmill. Quickly you pulled your raw hands from the restraints and pulled off your shirt as fast as you could, ripping it half with the bit of strength you had. You wrapped the pieces of fabric around each leg to make tourniquets around them. The TV turned on again, but you couldn't hear it over your own cries and sobs of agony. Your feet were completely mangled, blood coating the whole treadmill. Was that bone in there?
It stopped.
You shot up in bed, a hand on your shoulder. You didn't even realize you were screaming until you choked on one of your own cries. Ignoring the man next to you, you threw the blankets off you and looked at the stubs at the end of your legs. Your cries worsened, remembering that had all been real before.
"Darling, breathe, I need you to breathe." Five said from next to you, also sweaty. He grabbed the blanket and adjusted it around your shoulders and held your face. "You are not back there. You're safe, okay?"
You somehow managed to meet his eyes, even if yours were cloudy with the fat tears streaming down your face. His face was calm, and he stared at you with a firmness. He believed in you.
"You can do this. You're in bed with me. That twisted asshole is not here." He said, and even if he was so angry at the man who made you this way, he stayed calm and collected.
Five remembered when he found you. He had worked tirelessly with the CIA, FBI, and his siblings to find you. He had jumped ahead of the investigation when they had any clue as to your location, ignoring warnings to wait. He had barged in, and when he saw you laying pale on that treadmill with no feet, he swore his heart stopped beating.
He knew your mental state would be delicate, and that was stressful. Five wasn't great with emotions. You'd break down frequently, and he felt helpless. What was he supposed to do? It usually ended with him hugging you close, kissing your wrists where they'd been chained or gently rubbing the stubs at the end of your legs.
Five was the most supportive he could be, helping you around with your new prosthetic feet. Or flat out carrying you if you didn't feel like wearing them as you got used to them. Now you could walk without them even so, but he still liked to carry you up and down the stairs.
You looked into Five's eyes, sweaty and tearful. He kept his hands on the sides of your face, and you shakily reached up to hold his hands.
Five had a quick flashback of when your bloody hands met after you'd regained conscious. He hadn't left your side in the hospital, threatening to murder the hospital staff if they dared to keep you from him. That's how he was scrubbed up and in the operating room, not letting your hand go for even a second.
He sat with you in the bed, whispering sweet nothings while you cried. It pained him so bad to see you in such an awful state, he couldn't hide the expression on his face. That's why he pulled you into his chest so you wouldn't see. His stomach felt like it was shriveling up and dying while you wept profusely into his striped nightshirt.
He wasn't sure how long it was before you stopped crying and pulled away from his chest.
"I'm thirsty." You mumbled hoarsely.
He nodded, pressing a soft kiss to your wet cheek. "Okay." He said simply, pulling the covers off and going to your side of the bed. "C'mon, up." He spoke. You held your arms out and he lifted you from the bed, taking you to the kitchen with the utmost care. He set you on the counter by the fridge, used to this routine. He took your hand and kept it in his while he reached for a cup, even if he had to strain.
While the two of you were still getting used to this set of nightly events, he had let go of your hand and you had immediately began freaking out, begging him to keep touching you. Safe to say he would never let go again, so that's why he gave your shaky hand three squeezes. I love you.
Three squeezes back. I love you.
Five put some ice in the cup and filled it halfway with water. You'd most likely spill it if it were filled up all the way. He helped you drink it, just quietly supporting you.
"Thanks." You whispered, and he smiled.
"You're welcome. Are you ready to go back to bed?"
You hesitated, and he chuckled gently. "Alright, let's read for a bit." He carried you back to the bedroom and clicked on the warm lamp on his table. He grabbed the book sitting there, Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury.
“We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?”
As he read, your eyes slowly began to close. You were asleep in his lap within a matter of minutes. He placed a bookmark between the worn pages and put it back. He clicked the lamp off.
"Just like that...told you that you could do it." He whispered with relief, glad to see your peaceful face again.
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cozage · 1 year ago
The Daughter's Return Part 3
Chapter 18: Ace's Perspective - Prison
Start From Beginning | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 1.6k
“You’ve got a visitor.”
The gruff voice from the Marine stirred Ace back to consciousness, but he didn’t raise his head to see who it was. It wasn’t worth the effort anymore.
 He had given up long ago. He had made peace with dying. His execution was in a few days…or was it hours? Time had a funny way of moving when you couldn’t tell what day it was. 
He had fought early on, when they had first captured him. He yanked at his chains and screamed in frustration, waking the entire floor with his rage. Even weakened by the sea prism, he had put up a good fight. 
But slowly, he grew tired. And in the time he took to recuperate his energy, he thought of you. He thought of the baby. The two things that mattered most in this world. And you were safe. He didn’t know where you were or what you were doing, but Ace knew that you were anywhere but in the hands of the Marines. Impel Down would’ve exploded with guards if you were behind its gates. And there were heightened security measures because of him and Jinbe, but not near as heightened as if you were there. 
Plus, he knew if you had been captured, someone would’ve been down to rub his failure in his face. No news meant good news. And that’s how he knew you were safe. 
He was thankful he had abandoned you, as cruel as that sounded. He had left you in Alabasta because he was confident he could kill Blackbeard on his own. But after seeing the traitor’s power, Ace knew that even with you by his side, you would not have won. And then you would be here with him, trapped in a prison cell. He wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if you were here next to him, awaiting execution. But you were safe and sound somewhere miles away, all because of that choice he had made.  
So nothing else really mattered. Ace had been waiting to die since he was five years old. This felt like a fitting and dramatic end. Public Execution. He should’ve been reflecting on his life, but he only thought about you. 
He spent most of his time imagining what it would’ve been like for the two of you to settle down and raise a child. A small house, nothing fancy. Maybe near the beach, so your child could play in the ocean. A little island where the two of you could actually be normal people with normal lives. You could have a garden, and the two of you would sing and dance in the kitchen as you cooked dinner. Your kid could grow up in a normal house, and have friends that could sleep over on the weekends. 
That’s what he was dreaming about when the voice jarred him from his thoughts, bringing him back to the cold reality of his actual future. There would be no slow dances in the kitchen, no garden to tend to every morning. All that awaited him was-
“Still breathing in there?” 
Garp’s voice almost made Ace look up. But he kept his head lowered. 
“You’ve caused quite a lot of trouble.” Garp sat down right outside of the jail cell. “Navy Headquarters…no, all of the world government is a mess. All of Whitebeard’s commanders are planning to move on Marineford to save you.”
Ace stiffened at that news. To save him? No. So many people would die if that happened. He wasn’t worth those lives. And if you were there…if something happened to you…Ace couldn’t breathe.
“Kill me, then.” He still refused to look up. “Just kill me.”
“Can’t do that either,” Garp sighed, chuckling lightly. “I’m afraid there’s nothing Whitebeard wouldn’t do to get you back, even if you were to die right now. It appears we’ve finally angered the King of the Sea.”
If there was going to be a war, Ace knew you would be there. And he couldn’t allow you to die. You had to survive; nothing else mattered except your life. 
“Look, old man…” Ace whispered, tears streaming down his face. “I need a fav-”
“I wanted you and Luffy to grow up and be good Marines,” Garp said, not hearing Ace’s words. “But hopes be damned, you both turned out to be hoodlums.”
Hoodlums. Pirates. Ace had never lived up to his grandfather’s expectations. Roger had asked Garp to watch over Ace, and look how that had turned out. If Garp knew about the baby, you would never be safe. Garp had always been a Marine first. If Garp knew, then the Navy would know, and you would be the first to die on that battlefield. 
He couldn’t-he wouldn’t-tell Garp about you.
“Notorious, dangerous pirates at that,” Garp continued, staring at Ace intensely. 
Garp went on to talk about Luffy and his accomplishments at Water 7 and Enies Lobby, but he didn’t mention your name at all. Which meant you must’ve left Luffy’s group before they made it to Water 7. 
He couldn’t blame you. If the roles had been reversed, he would’ve left Luffy the moment the snail call ended. 
“I told Luffy about his father,” Garp said.
“To hell with our fathers,” Ace snarled. “To hell with you if you ever thought we could be marines. We have cursed blood running through us. This was the only path for us. But let me make one thing clear…”
Ace finally looked up, locking eyes with his grandfather. “The only man I will ever call my father is Whitebeard. Got it, old man?”
Garp smirked and shook his head. “Whatever you say, boy.” He stood to his feet and began to walk away, but paused. 
“What was that favor you needed?” He asked. 
No, Ace couldn’t tell him now. It would be a death sentence for you. 
“It’s nothing,” Ace said. 
Garp hummed and looked back one last time at Ace, but walked away without another word.
It was just Ace and Jinbe again, silence filling the air between the two men. 
“Jinbe,” Ace started. “I need a favor. My little brother, Luffy…will you look after him?”
Jinbe chuckled deeply. “I doubt that’s what you were going to ask Monkey D. Garp, boy.”
“It wasn’t,” Ace admitted. “But this is still important.”
“Humor me,” Jinbe said. “What were you going to ask him?”
Jinbe was avoiding the question. Ace knew that. He knew how big of a request it was to ask Jinbe to watch over Luffy. It wasn’t a very fair request either. But it was a better question than what he was going to tell Garp. 
Ace knew it was a risk to tell Jinbe about you. It was a big risk to tell anyone about your status, especially in a prison where he was probably being watched. But he didn’t see any snail cameras around, and if he spoke in code, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea for someone else to know. Someone who was outside of the Whitebeard Pirates who could help protect you. 
“It was about Y/N.” He finally looked at Jinbe, trying his best to show there was more to his words. “We were close. I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
“Whitebeard’s daughter?” Jinbe almost looked impressed, and Ace was reminded once again of just how lucky he was to have you. 
“She’s been pretty sick lately. Throwing up and such. Has a terrible stomach bug. Just wanted to make sure she gets looked after until she’s better. But I realized I can’t ask a Marine to help with that, you know?”
Jinbe’s eyes widened, and Ace knew he had understood. He trusted Jinbe with his life, and now he trusted Jinbe with yours too. 
“I see..” Jinbe said cautiously, nodding in agreement. “I hope she feels better.”
Ace could see there were a thousand things running through the fishman’s mind, but it was too dangerous to ask it here. 
All Ace could do was wait and hope. Wait for his end, and hope that his trust in Jinbe would somehow pay off. 
And he would dream too. Of you by his side and a baby in his arms.
Note: Going to be a little break for me to get everything in order for the final few chapters! We'll resume with Marineford on Thursday, November 9th :)
Tag list! @taeyoge @teiza @tojislawyer @trafalgardnami @bloopbopsblog @dancingnewcat @dxestyi @flooofity @nyxthedragon01 @deadsnothere @h-rhodes1598  @morgyyyyyyy @trafalgardvivi  @fiestynatureweeb @frogpogjoghurt @beepboopcowboy @ms-portgas @luvyallbabes @appalost @zuchkaa @saybeyonce @stray-npc @kitsunechan707 @theyluvmesblog @heartysworld @aira-needs-sleep  @mothmomjay @ophelias-flowerss @aqualein @sehyojae @fanficwriter5 @forgotten-blues @amberash05 @firefistnoct @depressed-but-make-it-cute @stuckinthewrongworld@lizpoir
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inkinmyheartandonthepage · 5 months ago
Walking Hand In Hand
Day 27 of Flufftober and the prompt is Afternoon Stroll. I hope you enjoy and you can read it on Ao3.
Eddie Diaz was holding Evan Buckley’s hand.
Their hands fitted together perfectly in a way that Buck had thinking that maybe the universe had designed him and Eddie to be perfect for one another. What was the Greek soul mate theory? That Plato had said that humans once had four arms, four legs and two faces. That Zeus had punished them for their pride and split them in half and doomed us to walk the earth searching for their other half.
Their palms had linked up perfectly together, their finger tangled with one another. Their palms were the perfect temperature as they swung lightly between them as they strolled leisurely along the lake.
Buck had the urge to pinch himself to make sure that he was dreaming. His heart kept skipping in his chest with rush after rush of endorphins released though him every time Eddie’s thumb brushed against the sensitive skin on the back of his hand. He felt giddy, like he was a teenager once again trying to kiss a girl for the first time.
His imagination (and yeah, Buck had daydreamed a lot about holding Eddie’ hand recently) had not done the actual action justice. There was something so intimate that came with holding someone’s hand. A small gesture that was soft and meaningful, a small touch that could hold and a ground a person.
Buck had always loved holding hands. He was a tactile person and so holding his partner’s hand while they walked down the street or while they watched a movie made Buck’s insides sing. But hand holding wasn’t for everyone, and Buck had a few partners who didn’t enjoy the act.
But holding Eddie’s hand…Buck never wanted to let go.
A squeeze had Buck dragging his gaze from their fingers to look up at Eddie. His best friend (partner? Boyfriend? Guy he was going out on a first date with?) was already looking back at him, smile soft if not a little concerned.
“You’re deep in thought,” Eddie said softly.
Buck smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“No need to be,” Eddie said. “What’s got you thinking so hard.”
Buck lifted their joined hand. “This.”
Eddie looked at their tangled fingers before snapping his gaze back to Buck’s. “Good?”
“Good? Ed’s, no, this is beyond good. This is – you and me – this is the best hand holding I’ve ever done!”
Eddie laughed, though not unkindly. His cheeks were flushed pink and there was a pleased smile on his lips. “Yeah?”
Buck scoffed. “If hand holding were an Olympic sport, we’d have gold.”
“Good to know we have something fall back on after once we retire from firefighting,” Eddie teased, lowering their hands so they swung between them again.
“Did you know that in 2004 over five million people held hands to form a human chain. It was 652.4 miles long,” Buck said.
Eddie blinked. “Really?”
Buck nodded. “It spanned from Teknaf to Tentulia, Bangladesh.” An irrational thought popped into Buck’s head. “Not – not that I want to be holding anyone five million people’s hands. I only want to hold yours.”
 Eddie squeezed Buck’s hand, giving him a soft smile. “I know.”
Buck let out a nervous breath. “Your hand fits perfectly.”
“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it,” Eddie said softly.
Buck tripped at the look of adoration that Eddie gave him. Eddie’s hand tightened around Buck’s, steadying him as he got his feet back under him. Buck felt his cheeks flush hot, and he glanced to see if Eddie had noticed. The other man had, of course, but the expression from his face hadn’t changed.
“You okay there?”
Buck groaned softly. “Stopping looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” Eddie asked, head cocking to one side.
Buck swallowed thickly. “Like you love me.”
Eddie hummed under his breath. “Would it be so bad if I did?”
Buck shook his head, making himself dizzy. “God no. Eddie, that would be – that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Eddie stopped them in the middle of the path, tugging Buck so they were facing one another. He took Buck’s other hand in his, holding it tightly as if he was afraid that Buck would run. As if Buck would be running anywhere other than into Eddie’s arms. Didn’t Eddie know that he was a sure thing?
“Evan,” Eddie said, voice low and smooth. “Do you know why I asked you out after our shift?”
Buck gave a half shrug and jokingly said, “You had nothing better to do?”
Eddie’s look was sharp. “No. I asked you out after our shift because I am tired of pretending that I don’t want you to come home with me after every shift. That we are finally in a place where we can be together because we are both emotionally ready.”
Buck swallowed past the thick emotion that had lumped in his throat. Buck had been playing that moment in his mind on repeat ever since the two of them had left the firehouse. Buck had just finished getting dressed when he had turned to see Eddie waiting for him.
“Do you want to get some food with me?” Eddie had asked.
Buck had opened his mouth to suggest their usual post-shift café spot when he had caught the nervous expression on Eddie’s face.
“You know I’m always up for that with you,” Buck had responded truthfully.
Eddie had nodded, his gaze drifting over Buck as if he was seeing him for the first time. “You are, aren’t you.”
Buck hadn’t been quite sure how to respond to that, so he had said nothing. Instead, he had watched Eddie come closer to him, his breath hitching when Eddie stopped right in front of him. Eddie had taken a deep breath, locking eyes with Buck.
“Evan,” Eddie had said softly. “Will you come out with me?”
And Buck had been able to see what Eddie was really asking. Because when had they ever needed words to know what the other was thinking? But this was Eddie and Buck had been hopelessly in love with his best friend for so long he had to be sure.
“On a date?” Buck had asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“On a date,” Eddie had responded firmly. “If you’d like.”
Buck had felt his breath rush out of him. “Yeah, Ed’s. I’d like that.”
Eddie squeezed Buck’s hands, drawing him out of his thoughts and back to the present.
“I asked you,” Eddie continued. “Because I’m done being scared and I’m ready to take our family, the one we have been building for years, to the next level if you are ready.”
“Eddie. I have never been surer of anything in my entire life,” Buck said honestly. “You and Chris are what I have always been looking for and – and we built it together. I’m all in, Eddie. You’re it. My other half.”
Eddie smile was beautiful as he shone the full force of it at Buck.
“Sounds like you love me,” Eddie teased lightly.
“I do,” Buck said, and he didn’t care if it was too soon. He was in love with Eddie Diaz, and nothing had ever felt as good as this did.
“I love you too,” Eddie said, eyes shining. He leaned in, pressing his lips to Buck’s in the softest kiss that had even been placed on Buck’s lips. He pulled back before Buck could really deepen it but he didn’t go far. “We are going to finish our lovely stroll around the lake. Then you’re going to drive us home and we can see where else we fit perfectly together.” He dropped one of Buck’s hands and started tugging him back into a walk.
Buck followed easily, letting Eddie pull him along. “Best first, last date ever.”
Eddie beamed back at Buck and Buck felt like his heart might burst right out his chest. He didn’t take his eyes off Eddie had they continued to walk, not wanting to miss another moment of their forever together. 
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echo-goes-mmm · 9 months ago
Bandit Scum (Oneshot)
My Writing Masterpost
Warnings: mentions of violence, sexual assault, mentions of sexual assault 
The two men browsed the store, seemingly unsatisfied with their already large purchase of supplies.
Boy kept his head down, and hoped they wouldn’t be interested in him. He held still, kneeling and chained to the corner, and maybe that would be enough for them to simply pass by.
Unfortunately, he was not so lucky.
Heavy footsteps sounded towards him, and soon his view of the wooden floor was interrupted with metal-tipped boots.
“Stand up,” the man said, and Boy dutifully unfolded to stand.
The man grabbed his chin, yanking his face up, and Boy averted his eyes in submission.
The stranger turned his face this way and that. He pressed a thumb at Boy’s lips, and Boy opened up before his jaw could be pried open. The man inspected his teeth, his fingers pulling at his lips and pressing down on his tongue, and Boy tried not to cough.
The hand pulled away from his mouth, and slid up the column of his throat, seemingly feeling the sensitive skin.
Boy didn’t like where this was going.
To his dismay, the man kept running his hands over his body. Over his chest, down his ribs. 
Boy screwed his eyes shut as the man tugged down his boxers. He bit back a whimper as the stranger fondled him and squeezed his ass. A finger even added dry pressure to his hole before pulling away, and Boy’s gut twisted.
His hands slid even further down, feeling up his thighs before pulling his boxers back up. 
Boy let out a breath, slowly, and hoped the man was finished. The stranger pulled away, satisfied.
Boy sat back down, shaking. 
The man went back to his companion, and they talked in voices too low for him to hear anything.
“I’ll give you five thousand for the slave in the corner,” said one of them to the storekeeper.
The storekeeper scoffed. “That’s hardly more than what I paid for him.”
“Six, then.”
“Seven and a half.”
“Fine.” Boy wanted to weep. He didn’t like the way his new masters were dressed- leather and fur and armor. He didn’t like how he had been touched, and he definitely didn’t want to be a bedslave.
But the men came for him anyway, tying his wrists with rough rope and unlocking his ankle.
One of them (a blonde) stroked his cheek, and he resisted the urge to pull away.
“Gonna call you Dog,” the blonde master said, tugging him along by the lead, and Dog tearfully followed them both out.
There were two horses and a cart outside, loaded with purchased supplies. The black-haired master tied his lead to the saddle of one of the horses before mounting it, and Dog wished he could just ride in the cart.
The blonde took the reins of the cart, and they were off.
The road was long and rough, and Dog was tired of walking. He had no shoes, and the dirt road of the forest was unforgiving.
To make matters worse, they were turning off the road and straight into the woods.
He didn’t dare voice any complaints. His masters were much bigger men and their strong hands could probably break his bones.
It must have been two miles into the woods before they came upon a camp. A large camp, with half-permanent buildings and tents, and at least a dozen men.
The men cheered as they saw his masters, and they chattered as they unloaded food and rope and lantern oil.
“Hey, what’s this?” one said, gripping his arm. Dog looked up at the man, terrified.
“Call him Dog,” a master called out. “Got him to keep after you slobs.”
The man gripping his arm grinned at him with rotted teeth, and Dog looked away, his heart pounding.
“Dog, huh? I got something for you.”
The man left, and Dog bit his lip. He came back soon, rusty metal in his hand. He snapped it around Dog’s neck, and the heavy iron rubbed uncomfortably on his skin.
“Now you’re a dog,” laughed the man, tugging at the collar.
Dog was soon untied, and led deeper into camp. He scanned the campsite, his eyes landing on swords and chests and a careless pile of valuables strewn on a table.
His new masters were highwaymen.
Dog picked up the rubbish around the camp. Everything hurt; especially his ankles. 
The very first day, the masters had driven an iron pike into the ground, chained his ankles together with a scant few feet of room, and chained him to the pike.
He couldn’t leave the camp, not even with no one watching, and couldn’t even walk very well.
The metal collar had rubbed the skin on his neck raw too, but no one cared enough to switch it out.
It had been months, and Dog was so tired. 
With so many masters around, he was hit at least twice a day, and his ribs ached from the steel toed boots that slammed into his side.
He put the rubbish in the garbage barrel, and went to scrub the pots from that morning. His hands were cracked and dry, and some of his fingers had blisters from cooking on the campfire.
The men had a good day, and some of them were out buying alcohol. He hated it when they did well. They always got drunk and demanded to use his mouth and body. He was going to be so sore tomorrow.
Of course, bored bandits could be just as cruel. The healing wounds on his back were a painful reminder of what would happen if his masters were idle.
Dog sighed, and wished desperately for a different fate.
He startled awake to the sound of shouting and chaos. Dog sat up, confusion and terror mixing in his chest, which quickly turned to horror.
Soldiers swarmed the camp, and the masters were outnumbered. There was shouting and blood, and Dog had no time to hide before he felt the sharp point of a sword at his back.
“Stand up,” commanded the soldier. Dog slowly stood, his blanket falling to his feet. He whimpered, and hoped the soldier wasn’t going to kill him.
“Show me your hands.”
Dog held them up. “Please-” he stammered.
“Shut up, bandit scum. Turn around nicely.”
He turned, and the soldier looked him up and down.
“I’m not-” he tried, but the soldier struck him across the face. He cried out, and the soldier raised his hand to hit him again.
“Enough, private!” barked someone from behind. “He’s unarmed. Add him to the rest.”
“Walk,” ordered the private.
“I can’t,” he whimpered. The chain wouldn’t go any further from the camp.
The soldier rolled his eyes. “You can stand, you can walk.”
Dog kicked his only possession, the blanket, away from his feet. “I really can’t,” he said.
The soldier’s eyes landed on his chains.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Dog shrank into the corner of his cell. He was a bandit and a murderer according to the law, and he was to be tried and surely hung in a scant few hours.
No one had even talked to him.
He sobbed into his hands. 
The damned collar cut into his neck again, and he screamed in frustration.
“Shut the fuck up!” said a guard, slamming the flat of his blade into the steel bars with a clang.
Dog wept, and waited to die.
“Next,” said Lord Galen, bored. None of the highwaymen had a defense, and the hours of listening to them curse and shout at him was tiring.
The sentencing was just as dull. Repeating “I sentence you to death by hanging” all day was tedious.
But it was law that every one of them had a chance to speak for themselves.
“The next prisoner, my lord.”
The guards shoved a young man to his knees on the marble floor, and this one was more terrified than indignant. He was small too, and was probably just the bait for passersbys. A ruse, to get them to stop.
“Name?” he asked. 
“Dog, my lord,” the man said, trembling.
“...Your name is Dog,” he repeated, incredulous. 
The young man nodded timidly. “It’s- It’s what they gave me.”
Must be a bandit name. They all had strange nicknames, like Rat-Eye.
“You’re charged with murder, theft, and grievous harm to another human. What say you?”
Dog half sobbed, and Lord Galen nearly pitied him. 
“I didn’t,” he protested. “I just cooked and cleaned.”
“Aiding and abetting murder, theft, and grievous harm, then. The sentence is the same.”
“Please- Please, my lord. I didn’t have a choice. They-”
“So you confess?”
“I’m just a slave,” wept Dog. “It shouldn’t count! I swear- they bought me- I-”
Lord Galen paused. He hadn’t expected a routine raid to produce an innocent man in the midst of bandits. If he was innocent. But the rusty metal around his neck looked pretty nasty. No one would wear that willingly.
“Do you have proof?”
“P-proof?” Dog looked up, face wet with tears. “I mean- yes! I have proof.”
Lord Galen sat up straight, watching. 
The young man peeled off his ragged shirt.
His skin was a mass of bruises and dried blood, but that meant nothing. Then he turned, and Galen could see the brand on his side, the tell-tale sign of a slave.
“Does- does that help?” Dog said, hopeful.
Lord Galen motioned to a guard. “Good enough.”
“Thank you!” Dog cried as the guard removed his chains, “Thank you-”
“My lord,” interrupted the court scribe. “A slave is not a citizen. What do you intend to do with him?”
Galen sighed, and Dog looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“I’ll decide later. Put him back in a cell.”
“Yes, my lord.”
Dog hung his head as the guard led him back to the dungeon. 
“And get someone to cut that collar off!” Lord Galen called after them.
Dog curled up in the corner of his cell. He desperately wanted rest, but sleep refused to come. 
He rubbed the skin of his neck. It felt strange now that the weight was gone.
He heard footsteps echo down the hall. Probably a guard.
“Dog?” called the lord, standing on the other side of the cell. Dog shuffled over and knelt, bowing his head.
“Yes, my lord?” he choked out.
“I can’t free you,” the lord said. “I apologize.” 
“I- I don’t understand, sir.” He didn’t expect freedom, he just wanted to live.
“Technically, you broke the law. It’s not fair, I know, but there’s nothing I can do.”
“Am- Am I going to die?” he asked.
“Well, no. But I can’t let you go, either.”
“O-oh.” Dog closed his eyes. He was going to be sold again, most likely for cheap. 
“I could use a cupbearer,” the lord went on, and Dog dared to hope. ‘Cupbearer’ was a servant’s position, a good one, and maybe that wouldn’t be so bad, even as a slave.
“I’ll send someone to clean you up shortly.”
Dog let out a breath. “Thank you, Master. Thank you so much.”
Lord Galen walked away, and Dog sagged against the bars in relief.
It was finally over. He’d never have to see a bandit, or their camp, ever again.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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pasdetrois · 1 month ago
Don't sing love songs, you'll wake my mother She's sleeping here right by my side And in her right hand a silver dagger, She says that I can't be your bride. All men are false, says my mother, They'll tell you wicked, loving lies. The very next evening, they'll court another, Leave you alone to pine and sigh. My daddy is a handsome devil He's got a chain five miles long, And on every link a heart does dangle Of another maid he's loved and wronged. Go court another tender maiden, And hope that she will be your wife, For I've been warned, and I've decided To sleep alone all of my life.
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drama--universe · 2 years ago
You're not a monster
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Requested by anonymous: Wen Ning (revived), who finds the reader caught in a net in the forest? Will it turn out that there are certain cultivator hunters who are catching cultivators to get information about Yin Iron? Then they travel together and gradually develop feelings for each other?
Pairing: Wen Ning x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.9k words
A/N I am so sorry that this took so long! I'll be honest, this request was a bit difficult due to the Yin Iron part in your request, since it basically just a censorship in the series and it does not really have decent meaning or reason to be there... That and I also had a writers block :/
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Wen Ning was confused. The forest he resided in ever so often was usually quiet, not even the sounds of birds could be heard. Yet now, everything was a mess. Loud shouts pulled him deeper in the forest, making the despair of the forest more clear as Wen Ning noticed the sword marks in the trees. Then he noticed them, a group of men that surrounded a net that hung high in the air. Wen Ning quietly snuck closer, lucky that he barely made a sound as he got closer and closer to the source of the shouts.
When he got close enough, he noticed that the net did not hold an animal but rather a person. You were unconscious and Wen Ning winced as he took a closer look at your form. Cuts littered your form, some deeper than others, as the blood seeped through your clothes and dripping down to the ground. The group that surrounded the net were arguing loudly, shouting at each other while seemingly ignoring you. Wen Ning could hear their argument clearly, he could've heard them from miles away thanks to their volume, and he backed away when he heard the Yin Iron being mentioned a few times. He didn't want to be involved in this fight in any way, especially as someone who had a relative connection to the Yin Iron. Yet the little voice in his head would yell at him, pushing him to help out.
Without realizing, the chains around his torso started to loosen up and turn red. They inched closer to the group of men before shooting up and wrapping around the neck of the closest man. The chains tightened, just enough to render the man unconscious before moving on to the next victim. All five of the man were soon on the ground, eyes closed as they stayed in their forced slumber. The chains retreated before wrapping back around Wen Ning's torso, the weight finally resting back on his shoulders. His eyes moved to your form again, moving closer as he unwrapped the ropes to lower you. Once you were on the ground, Wen Ning pulled you out of the net before checking your state. You were alive, that was something. He lifted you from the ground, making sure you wouldn't lay in the dirt any longer. He'd have to take care of your wounds first, an infection was the last thing you needed now.
So Wen Ning spend the rest of the day tending to your wounds, wrapping them carefully after applying some medicine. And as the night fell, Wen Ning stayed awake to keep guard.
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"Can you help out for a second!" You called out to Wen Ning, who came to your side the second he heard your shout, and he paused as he saw you. Your robes were down halfway, revealing your shoulders and back to him. The bandage around your shoulder was loose, but you were clearly struggling to replace it. So he kneeled behind you and started to remove the bandage, trying to be careful to not hurt you or to irritate the wound. When it was all off, he took the clean bandage from your hand and reapplying it to your shoulder. It didn't take long for it to be finished, wrapped tightly and covering the wound enough. You pulled your robes back up, tightening them before turning your head to face Wen Ning.
"Thank you." You gave him a short smile and Wen Ning knew that he would've blushed if he was still alive. Luckily, he was not and thus he remained as pale as before while shyly looking away. He returned to his previous task, the fire before him was still unlit and it was necessary with the rapid decrease of temperature. He wasn't used to making fires, he didn't need it thanks to the state of his body and yet you did.
"Do you need help?" You asked as you approached him, leaning over him to watch the wood and he looked straight up at you. You flinched slightly at the sudden eye contact before giggling at how cute he looked, staring up to you with wide eyes. You moved from behind him and crouched, taking the stones from his hands.
"God, you're freezing." You spoke as your hands touched his and he was quick to pull back from you, but you didn't stop as you grabbed his hand. You held it tightly, trying to warm his hand up with your own to no avail. The man just stared at you as you tried to warm him up, feeling shy immediatley when he realized how weird it must look for others. He pulled his hand back after a few seconds, awkwardly moving away from you until he was at arms length. You took ahold of the stones again, lighting the fire withing a few minutes before looking back at Wen Ning.
"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable." You said, but Wen Ning was quick to shake his head at the statement. You just smiled at him before sitting down on your make-shift bed. Wen Ning just watched as you fell asleep, hands moving closer to the fire to feel the warmth that he hadn't felt in so long. It left him with a longing for life, wishing he were not dead.
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Wen Ning wasn't perfect, but surprisingly he was a perfect hugger. You barely remember what happened before you landed in his arms, you just remember a flash in the corner of your eyes before you jumped to Wen Ning. Without hesitation, his arms wrapped around your form to catch you and you almost melted in his hold. Even when he lacked the warmth of a normal human, you felt warmth embrace your body anyway.
"It was just a bird..." Wen Ning speaks and you look up at him, giving him a bright smile before releasing him from your grip. He followed your lead, unwrapping his arms from your form and taking a step back before looking at where the bird had landed. It looked sick, it's feathers pulled out and its skin pale. If anything, it was already dead. He went closer, poking at the bird and you were quick to pull him back.
"He's sick, do you want to get it too?" You hissed and Wen Ning looked up at you before turning back to the bird in question.
"I won't be harmed, I don't get sick." He explained, ignoring your confusion as he inspected the cause of the bird's death. The ominous feeling he got was quite similar to his own vibe, which only made him frown. Neither the Yin Iron or Wuxian were here near, so why would this bird be so corrupted? He abruptly stood up, looking around before marching to where he assumed it came from. You followed him, unaware of how he was finding his way. That was until you reached the destination, the land rotted and broken with a stench of death hanging around.
"Wen Ning?" You stepped closer to the man, grabbing his arm in a way of support as you were being pressed down by the heavy air. Your stomach was doing turns, almost making you hurl out the contents of your stomach. He moved back again, he was not going into the decayed forest with you. Although you were still far enough, you were clearly sick from the atmosphere and Wen Ning was quick to remove you by picking you up and leaving the grounds quickly. Once far enough, he laid you down before asking you if you were okay. You took a few seconds to breath in the fresher air before nodding at him, sitting up and sighing loudly.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Wen Ning asked again and you raised your hands to grab his face before nodding again. Wen Ning just stared, frozen thanks to your actions and unable to process his thoughts. He was pulled out of the thoughts, however, as you moved your hands to his neck before freezing. It was clear why, even his sister had been weirded out by his lack of living. No heartbeat and no body heat, the basic things that defined if someone was alive or not and he lacked. You didn't react much, you just let go and stared back into the forest.
"We should probably get away..." You finally broke the silence, getting up before extending your hand to him with a smile. You didn't speak of it again, but Wen Ning could sense your curiosity. He just wished he could
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Wen Ning should've know that entering the nearby town would be a bad idea. People knew him, they recognized him by the chains that decorated his body and the veins that creeped up his skin. Whispers surrounded you and him, but you didn't seem to listen as you hopped from stall to stall to inspect the food. Yet he couldn't help but worry about your actual reaction, uncertain whether you would remain by his side. Although he wouldn't mind being alone, he had grown attached to your presence. You were a way for him to feel human again, which might be selfish in a way but he did not care.
"Are you bothered by the crowd?" You had returned to his side, grasping his arm softly and pulling him from his thoughts effectively. He looked at you before shrinking slightly as he heard someone loudly throw insults his way.
"Shut it!" You yelled loudly to the group of men by the road, glaring their way before dragging Wen Ning away. Wen Ning wanted to thank you, but chose not to when he noticed your current annoyance. Unfortunately, the whispers didn't stop until you reached the end of the town and by then you were fuming.
"Does it not bother you? The whispers behind your back?" You turned around and looked at Wen Ning, who only shrugged before stating that it was the truth.
"That doesn't mean they can call you a monster!" You were angry, Wen Ning could sense that even when you weren't actually mean to him. You looked angry, but at the same time you looked sad.
"Why does it matter..?" Right then and there, you broke as you watched him. He clearly believed the statements in a way, not wanting to even fight for himself or his dignity. You marched closer to him, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug.
"You are anything but a monster..." You whispered in his ear, making sure to embrace him tightly and just waiting for him to respond in any way. He took a few seconds before he slowly wrapped his own arms around you. The hug was comforting to him, like a warm blanket on a cold night. He melted in your touch, a weight suddenly dropping on your shoulder as he laid down his head.
"You might not love yourself, but I do." The words came out without a second thought, you didn't know why but you didn't care since it seemed to make Wen Ning happier again as his arms tightened around you slightly.
"Thank you..." His voice was soft, barely a whisper as he moved away and you smiled as you moved back slightly to view his face. He was smiling as well, albeit a shyer smile, and you sighed softly. On one hand, you wanted to just kiss him but on the other hand you just wanted to squish his face and tell him how adorable he looked. You decided to do neither of those, instead you opted for taking ahold of his hand with a smile.
"Let's move on then, shall we?"
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obrother1976 · 1 year ago
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wraithsoutlaws · 1 year ago
From the soft otp prompts & for the bbs ☺️ 3 & 4!
3) Write about your ship holding hands in a tense moment / 4) Write about your ship holding hands in a happy moment.
Blood exploded from Dagger’s mouth and he saw stars for the second time as Dum Dum knocked him on his ass. The constellations mocked him in a dim flicker above. For a moment he couldn’t move. That chrome fist shattered a tooth–not for the first time, though depending on the outcome of the night, it could be the last. He didn’t think Dum Dum would kill him. He may have underestimated him until now.
Before his vision had time to clear, he felt himself ripped upward, heaved into another punch that left him coughing, choking on his own blood.
“I trusted you–” Dum Dum spat. His voice sounded like a car crash, and he hit just as hard. Dagger’s skin split open above the eye, and his left optic turned suddenly to static. The seven red lenses staring down at him overtook what was left of his blurry vision. He could barely make them out in detail, just the bleeding glow around him like watching the world through a rain soaked windshield. “You never gave a shit about any of it!”
His tone shifted. There was a human crack in the words that sounded foreign on the otherwise mechanical growl of his voice. Dagger felt it like a knife in his chest, wedging him open. Something else he wasn’t used to.
His lungs heaved with heavy breath. Voice wet and ragged. 
“You ever hear about the scorpion and the frog–”
Blood sparkled on chrome knuckles and Dagger’s hand came up on instinct to stop the incoming blow. The impact radiated down his arm but his fingers tightened and he held true. It might be the last time he’d ever feel that touch. Part of him wanted to remember. A fingertip brushed across the scarred metal of his hand and Dum Dum went still, like for a moment the rage fell way to something softer.
They were never very good at softer.
Dagger’s grip tightened suddenly, savoring the feel of him one more time before he sent his free hand flying into Dum Dum’s face and knocking him sideways.
He forced a smile tight over dripping red teeth. Wild as a dog. 
“Is that the best you got, tin man?”
Dagger scanned over the horizon, flat land dusted with the setting sun. He’d purchased the lot on a deal. Holding a man at knifepoint makes negotiations smoother–something he’d learned long ago. Twenty miles out and you’d hit Vegas, but it was quiet here and empty. Nothing but sun-bleached barren road, forgotten and neglected by anyone who wasn’t Raffen. He had no problem dealing with Raffen. They’d learn soon enough where they sat on the food chain. 
His eyes dimmed automatically against the golden light as he tried to picture the sprawling carnival set so clearly inside his head. It’d take time, years maybe, but it was doable.
He heard the dirt crunch behind him and turned. Even those blaring red eyes paled in comparison to the sun. 
“You ever imagine I’d go legit?” He asked as Dum Dum stood beside him, stretching out the cramps in his legs. The truck sat on a ridge a few feet away, a veil of dust filling scratches in the paint. It was a long drive out, but they were home.
He shook his head, tone flat. “I never imagined you’d live past thirty-five.”
“Well, I am a man of surprises.”
“Hard to figure, though.” Dum Dum took a step forward. “You finally choose to spend a fortune and it’s five miles of fucking sand. ” 
He knew Dum Dum didn’t share the same longing for the wide open. He watched him scratch at the vents of his cyberware, brushing out the dirt trapped inside. 
“You just ain’t picturing it,” Dagger said, determined. He threw an arm over his shoulder and pointed him toward the west. “That right there’s where we’ll have the stage. Good music, not that fucking laser pop electric shit.”
He heard a laugh at his ear, and turned to the right, pointing out an especially flat section of desert. “That’s where the haunted house will go. Behind it will be the coaster. Biggest one on this side of the continent.” He was grinning now. The structures were clear in his vision. It finally felt real.
“You sound like some shitty salesman.” Dum Dum quipped.
“Bite your fuckin’ tongue,” Dagger shot back with a playful grin. He walked a few steps over, leading Dum Dum with him, where he drew a line in the sand with the tip of his boot. 
“And this will be our door.”
“Our door?”
“Our trailer.” There was an innocence in his voice he couldn’t quell. 
Dum Dum looked at him, smile creeping over his lips. 
“I figure you’d prefer solid walls to a tent.” 
He examined it again quietly. The image in Dagger’s mind was so vivid, had been for a long time. Longer than he realized now that he was here, and it wasn’t the stage or the haunted house that made the bats in his gut fly wild. It was him. And it wouldn’t be the same if he was gone. Dum Dum stepped through the imaginary threshold and looked around, gazing at the promise of what might be. 
“Place is a fucking mess,” he joked, as if standing in the middle of a crowded room.
The bats fluttered through him gentle.
“Some things never change.” He joined him inside, surrounded by the shared daydream. His hand inched toward him, glancing off the edge of his fingers before a pinkie linked gently around his own. The rest followed like dominoes. It was the only time Dagger’s chrome hand felt like flesh again. Dum Dum’s grip tightened around it.
Some things never change.
Some things do.
“C’mon,” Dagger said, hardly more than a breath. “I’ll show you where the bed goes.”
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cordeliaflyte · 3 months ago
13, 27, 35, 74 and 99!
and your mom would stick a fork right into daddy's shoulder
and dad would throw the garbage all across the floor
as we would lay and learn what each other's bodies were for
king of carrot flowers, pt. one by neutral milk hotel
my daddy is a handsome devil
he's got a chain five miles long
and on every link a heart does dangle
of another maid he's loved and wronged
silver dagger by joan baez
these are dangerous days
to say what you feel is to dig your own grave
black boys on mopeds by sinéad o'connor
we met when we were almost young
deep in the green lilac park
you held on to me like i was a crucifix
as we went kneeling through the dark
so long, marianne by leonard cohen
i've stopped my dreaming
i won't do too much scheming these days
these days by nico
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dustedmagazine · 10 months ago
Listed: Vague Plot
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Vague Plot is made up of New York City avant-indie regulars, veterans of other bands, who got together to make driving, moving, long-form instrumental music a la Can and Popul Vuh during the pandemic: Zachary Cale, Uriah Theriault, Phil Jacob, Ben and John Studer. Of their debut Crying in 9 from earlier this year, Jennifer Kelly wrote, “Vague Plot’s jams shimmer like highways melting in the heat, running straight on through Kansas or Nebraska until they disappear in the undecipherable distance. Which is to say, they go on for a while, repeating the same short grooves ad infinitum, with modest changes, until the measures blow by like mile markers and the journey transcends itself.” All five members contributed picks to this wide-ranging listed.
Phil Jacob (sax/keys)
King Tubby meets Lee Perry — Megawatt Dub, 1997
In my late teens I started getting into dub, particularly King Tubby and Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry. It’s tough picking one album, but this is the compilation I keep coming back to over the years. My favorite Tubby track, “Termination Dub,” isn’t here, but the giddy feeling I get from “Come By Yah” and “Perfidia” has no equal. And these are some of my favorite Lee Perry selections as well, particularly “Rainy Night” and “Open the Gate”. There’s an attention to melody here that often gets lost on dub remixes, even while these two are digging deep and pulling everything apart. Every delay drop seems to happen exactly when I want it to, leaping out of the speakers. A lot of the genre classics make me feel locked to the couch in a smoky haze, but this collection pulls me into a dance of dub ecstasy.
Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band — Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller), 1978
Possibly the best music education I ever received was playing in a Beefheart tribute band. The emphasis on polyrhythms as arranged by Don Van Vliet and John French on Trout Mask Replica made me feel music in an entirely new way; that it’s best if things don’t always line up at the beginning or end of a bar, a tension I enjoy searching for. TMR does it so often and with such ferocity that it grows exhausting over the length of the 79-minute album. On the other hand, Shiny Beast manages to incorporate some of those ideas into layers and layers of infectious hooks. From the driving bass line of “Floppy Boot Stomp” to the loping funk of “Tropical Hot Dog” to the stately guitar lines of “Owed T’Alex” to the existential spoken-word closer “Apes-Ma”, every track perfectly highlights a different aspect of what makes Beefheart so unique to my ears.
John Studer (drums)
Slint — Untitled EP, 1994
When I first heard the song “Glenn,” it changed the physicality of my body. Britt Walford has an impressive skill to subtly shift around beats so they gently roll and slide over themselves. It’s as if he’s repeating the same line of poetry but with different punctuation to give it fresh meaning each time.
DJ Shadow — Endtroducing, 1996
The surprisingly refreshing choices around arrangements and samples on this album highlight their unexpected connections. Repetitive, hypnotic rhythms combine with soothing layers of instrumentation and allow every special moment to shine appropriately. Endtroducing then delicately transcends these distant connections to create an entirely new space.
Zachary Cale (guitar)
Sonic Youth — SYR 1: Anagrama, 1997
The music on SYR 1 consists of four instrumentals. The first song “Anagrama” has a beautiful winding arc to it. Over the span of nine minutes, you can hear the band searching and expanding. When I first heard it in 1997, it broadened my sense of not only what guitars could do but also the importance of listening when playing within a group. There's structure but it's extremely loose, there's playfulness but not without restraint. That's a big part of what Vague Plot is about. One thing about Sonic Youth I've always appreciated is that even though they “jam,” they never get trapped into a traditional blues or one-chord vamp freak out. It's modal. Sometimes that can lead to dissonance, but that dissonance has always rubbed against something highly melodic.
CAN — Ege Bamyasi, 1972
I once had a summer job painting dorm rooms at the college I went to. One day I found a discarded CD with no jewel case or artwork. It was Ege Bamyasi. I took it home and put it on not knowing anything about the band. I was completely taken off guard upon hearing it. I could not place it into any known quantity. The inscrutable lyrics, the infectious rhythms and the mystery and sonics of it all; it cracked my brain wide open. To me CAN’s mission was always to find the pulse, vibrate with it and then ultimately dance around it. Vague Plot uses some of that same framework in our music. A singular idea to keep extrapolating on. Now that I know more about music history I can hear Fela Kuti, Stockhausen, disparate folk music as well as 1960s psychedelic rock all mixed up in this record. CAN has always seemed genreless to me in their fearless exploration of style. That’s something we as a band all aspire to. All gates open.
Ben “Baby” Copperhead (bass)
The Staple Singers & Curtis Mayfield — Let’s Do It Again, 1975
Let’s Do It Again is a soundtrack album composed by Curtis Mayfield and performed by The Staple Singers. A few years ago, I had the honor of performing a benefit concert for Little Kids Rock. I was playing guitar in the backing band and one of the singers was Hozier who wanted to do the title track “Let’s Do It Again”. Mavis Staples was also on the bill. It was an unforgettable evening. After the concert, I bought this record on vinyl and it’s been on heavy rotation ever since. The string arrangements are absolutely magical. The whole album is a beautifully recorded masterpiece with Curtis Mayfield and his stellar band backing up The Staple Singers. What more can you ask for?
Ornette Coleman — Change of the Century, 1960
Change of the Century was the first Ornette Coleman album I bought when I was in college. I was interested in the world of “free jazz” and Ornette and his band were the pioneers. Surprisingly, all of it is incredibly melodic with bebop-style phrasing, which I wasn’t expecting at the time. All the musicians have incredible ears to be able to pull this off. Ornette Coleman used the harmolodic system which allowed contrapuntal movement during the solos to avoid a key center. Charlie Haden and Billy Higgins were masters at this and could make any soloist sound great by deep listening, feel and support.
Uriah Theriault (guitar)
Dirty Three — Ocean Songs, 1998
My first exposure to Mick Turner came through this album, which introduced me to a broader range of guitar styles than the folk music I had been listening to. Unlike Fahey’s intricate picking patterns, Mick Turner’s guitar work resonated as lyrical phrases more than prose. Often open and spare, other times stormy and erratic, his guitar created atmosphere and conveyed emotion without relying on virtuosic solos. He and drummer Jim White crafted moody mise-en-scenes for Warren Ellis's main character, and l found myself drawn to the visual storytelling more than the narrative itself. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to see Mick perform in various forms, but the tour for this album stands out due to a specific memory. During a live performance of “Authentic Celestial Music,” my then-girlfriend passed out right in front of the stage. A stranger and I caught her and moved her to the side. When she came to, her only remark was, “Great song.”
Popol Vuh — Hosianna Mantra, 1972
I was familiar with Popol Vuh only as Herzog’s house band until I heard this album, and it cut immediately. I listened religiously to this enigmatic album over the span of a few years, whenever I took a shower so that my attention was undivided. Defying easy categorization, the collection spans classical, ambient, and krautrock. The title track was haunting, calling back to the only music I knew growing up, Catholic hymns. The guitars, oboe, and harpsichord weave sinewy webs of harmony — more chamber music than rock bravado, more conversation than monologue. The ecclesiastical tenor of the Hosianna Mantra (Hosianna, or "please save") sits uncomfortably amongst its dancy krautrock contemporaries, but the slow-burn nature of this album is anything but stiff. If deep attention is akin to prayer, as suggested by Simone Weil, then to me, this album is a dozen rosaries — penance not required.
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krawlernyannyan · 1 year ago
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Naturally putting this under a readmore because this update is PACKED, which is only sensible for a story patch also covering the 1st Anniversary. This stream was an hour and forty minutes so uh. Expect this to be two miles long under the cut.
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In the v2.1 story, you'll be experiencing the plot through multiple narratives, and can switch between them at any time through the Fate's Ensemble feature. The Fate's Atlas will allow you to track which missions take place from which character's perspective.
The Trailblaze Mission in v2.1 is called "The Devil in Velvet", though it also had the previous titles of "All the Sad Tales" and "Farewell (spoiler)".
Acheron will continue to have a presence in the story in v2.2 and v2.3. She was talked about with a lot of weight in terms of influence over future stories that get set up on Penacony.
Aventurine will obviously be playing a major role in the v2.1 story, but it's specifically noted that within the plot at present, the Trailblazer hasn't given their answer as to whether to cooperate with him or not. While discussing a pre-beta build of him, they mentioned he would wind up alone on the battlefield and noted "this might just be fate at work" with the direct implication this ties into events with him in this update.
Gallagher will be playing a more important role in v2.1 as a detective-type character working with the Express crew.
The story will primarily take place in the two new maps, Clock Studios and Dewlight Pavilion.
From the dev Q&A:
March 7th will eventually (read: in 2024) be receiving a system like the Trailblazer's various forms, except instead of Paths it's a system unique to her involving "creating memories".
The story of the Xianzhou will "definitely" be continuing in the future, with new developments as early as this year. While not directly stated, it was heavily implied these developments would also answer the question of Tingyun's whereabouts.
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Acheron: Instead of using Energy to charge her Ultimate, she instead gains Charges each time she uses her Skill or when an enemy gets a debuff (including when enemies inflict themselves with debuffs). When she gains 8 Charges, her Ultimate (Slashed Dream Cries in Red) is a four-hit attack where you can manually select the first three hits, then the final hit will attack every target. Acheron's Technique allows her to instantly kill most enemies, and can even be chained into a long combo against lines of enemies (and doesn't use up TP if you fail to hit anything with it, to boot). This Technique's kill still lets you get rewards for killing enemies, including Blessings in the Simulated Universe.
Aventurine: Aventurine's Skill applies a special stackable shield for the whole team, and when allies under the shield's effect are attacked, Aventurine gains charge stacks. Once he has 7 stacks, it triggers a follow-up attack that deals damage to all enemies and also applies more of the stackable shield to the team. You can go over 7 stacks, and you roll over any surplus stacks. His Ultimate gives him a random amount of those stacks while also damaging and debuffing a single enemy. The debuff causes allies' attacks hitting that enemy to deal increased Critical Damage. His Technique has a chance to give the entire team to get Defense boosts, but you've got to play the slots for them.
Gallagher: Usual healer Skill where his Skill restores an ally's HP. His Ultimate deals damage to all enemies at once, then applies a debuff to all of them. When he or his allies attack enemies with this debuff, they restore HP. Using his Technique to attack an enemy will start the battle with them already having this debuff. His Ultimate can also have the benefit of enhancing his next Basic Attack to deal more damage and reduce their Attack and increase the Break Damage they take.
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In the first half of the update, the limited five-star characters will be Acheron and Luocha. Four-stars available on these banners are Gallagher, Pela, and Dan Heng.
The limited five-star Light Cones available in the first half of the update are Acheron's Along the Passing Shore and Luocha's Echoes of the Coffin. Four-stars available on the Light Cone banners are Good Night and Sleep Well, Subscribe for More!, and Post-Op Conversation.
In the second half of the update, the limited five-star characters will be Aventurine and Jingliu. Four-stars available on these banners are Lynx, Luka, and Serval.
The limited five-star Light Cones available in the back half of the update are Aventurine's Inherently Unjust Destiny and Jingliu's I Shall Be My Own Sword. Four-stars available on the Light Cone banners are Make the World Clamor, Shared Feeling, and the brand-new Preservation Light Cone Concert for Two.
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In v2.1, the Trailblazers will fight Aventurine as Ten Stonehearts: Aventurine of Stratagems.
Regular attacks include a poker chip that randomly bounces between allies, and a series of dice that attack all allies. He also has attacks that can Imprison allies.
The special mechanic of Aventurine's fight is a game similar to Blackjack, where a number of dice will be summoned as Aventurine moves to the background. Aventurine will roll a number and the player's goal is to strike as many dice as possible in one attack. If your number is higher than Aventurine's, you win the game and gain some "advantageous effects"; lose the game and you get attacked.
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Clock Studios: A massive theme park in Golden Hour themed around Clockie and his friends. The map is split into three areas: Clockie's Screening Area, Hamster Ball Park, and the Hanu Gang Base. On the surface you'll be able to play producer and engage in the filmmaking process, while the underground consists of a warehouse area full of gardens and other settings. Befitting the varied landscapes, there are multiple kinds of gameplay located here.
Dewlight Pavilion: The headquarters of the Oak Family, located in the Moment of Morning Dew. The area is described like a giant puzzle box. A notable feature highlighted is a scale version of Aideen Park found in a sandbox that shrinks visitors to match its scale.
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A new material for Fire characters, Raging Heart, will be introduced. The Stagnant Shadow for these will be located in the Dewlight Pavilion.
A new material for Preservation characters, Scattered Stardust and its higher-tier derivatives Crystal Meteorites and Divine Amber, will be introduced. The Calyx for these appears to be in Clock Studios.
A new material for Abundance characters, Alien Tree Seed and its higher-tier derivatives Nourishing Honey and Myriad Fruit, will be introduced. The location for these materials' Calyx is unclear but seems to be in Fyxestroll Garden.
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World 9 will become available starting in v2.1.
Sigonia, the Unclaimed Desolation is a DPS-oriented set suitable for longer battles with multiple enemy waves.
Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm provides buffs to its wearer when other characters of the same Path are on the same team.
Players can start World 9 directly at Difficulty IV and get the clear rewards for previous difficulties all at once.
A major update to the Simulated Universe is coming in v2.3, intended to optimize grinding for Planar Ornaments.
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Vignettes in a Cup: With the aid of new character Siobhan, serve drinks to Dreamjolt Troupe and learn how to mix drinks in the process. At the end of the event, you'll get your choice of 1 of 8 four-star characters (between Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi, Hanya, Guinaifen, Luka, Lynx, and Yukong).
Tides of War: Untainted Childhood Memories Passionate-Heart Burning-Soul Ultimate Collection: Yes, that is really the full name. This one is a combat-focused event where you rack up buffs via special conditions.
Realm of the Strange 300%: The typical double-drop event for Relics, only boosted to triple for the anniversary.
Planar Fissure 300%: Same as above for Planar Ornaments.
20 pulls available through the check-in event, plus an additional 1600 Jades gifted on April 26th.
Star Rail's first anniversary celebration begins on April 26th. Accordingly:
The design of the birthday cake players receive will be updated.
The Cosmodyssey: An event where all players on a server collectively participate. Each player receives a game board based on past maps, and a limited number of die rolls per day. Various spaces, mini-games, and events on the board provide funds that can be donated to Pom-Pom, who will send out rewards to all participating players once milestones are reached. Includes a Monopoly-style feature where you can buy real estate and earn income revenue that way. Part of the Cosmodyssey includes a personality test that matches you with historic Nameless and previous Navigators of the Express. They specifically mentioned that getting to the Penacony board had some surprises to look out for.
Assorted online and offline non-game events I won't transcribe here, see official sources for more details.
Acheron will be receiving a Myriad Celestia Trailer, a Character Trailer, and an animated short featuring Black Swan.
Assignments will receive a revamp where you can claim Assignments and redeploy them with a single action.
The maximum number of Relics you can store will be increased to 2000.
Older puzzles like Dream Ticker are receiving new levels, as well as new stickers for the Dream Pass.
While not highlighted, two new enemies were shown in passing: a clockwork soldier enemy (seen a few times in v2.0) and a new T-Rex-style Memory Zone Meme. The T-Rex is the Stagnant Shadow for the aforementioned Fire materials.
Owlbert will be hosting the update streams again starting from the next version. They also mentioned the next version had a "shocking" name.
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