#HE SAW MILES’ MURAL …………………..
eebie · 10 months
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(gabriela carolina)
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allegorymetaphory · 1 year
Miles from 42 doesn't do art anymore. He's got no drawing board like our Miles; 42's room is filled with crates of records--he's into music like Uncle Aaron. He used to be an artist, but that part of him died with his father.
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Hi! I hope you doing well! Could one of Earth 42 Miles Morales x Female Reader where reader in his universe dead and he and her was dating before he become the prowler (I don't know if I write his name right English it's not my first language) and she go to earth 42 whit miles and he sees her again alive, and Miles is also dating Female Reader and is like "what do you mean "she's alive"?"
(Hello! I hope this fits and I hope you enjoy! So sorry if it sucks as this is my first spider-verse thing but I hope you enjoy!)
Second Chance
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You knew the moment you got here that something was wrong.
You were not home.
Home was 1610, not whatever the hell this was. You guys were supposed to be sent home, the DNA detected was supposed to send you home.
But you realized too late the Spider, the one that caused all of this, wasn't from home.
Everything was wrong.
Very wrong.
Especially when Miles' Uncle Aaron came through the door. Really wrong when he leads you up to the roof.
And really, fucking, wrong when you stared at a mural of your face, painted on a brick wall in front of you along with Miles' father.
You were dead here.
Home was where you were alive. This…this was not home.
"...(Name)..." You could hear Miles whisper in your ear, you couldn't answer back.
Too scared to look away from your smiling face painted into the brick.
You could tell Uncle Aaron was standing right beside you and Miles, both staring at the graffiti mural.
Miles looked to you, his hand gripping onto yours to try and bring you back from your own stare at your own mural.
Uncle Aaron flipped on a light, Miles hesitated to look, but when he did he could see his supposed Uncles stare.
You finally tore your eyes from the mural, gripping back onto Miles' hand almost as if it would take you away from this nightmare.
Uncle Aaron merely stared at you two as you both backed up, trying to get away.
But you didn't.
You could feel a stare on the back of your head, too late to turn around, but catching a glimpse along with Miles as someone jumped from a rooftop, knocking Miles senseless and into the ground unconscious.
"Shit- Miles!" You panicked, trying to grab him before he hit the ground but you didn't get the chance.
You noted how the one who punched your boyfriend out stared at you, never looking away as he slowly got closer.
He stepped over Miles' unconscious body, you tried to back away but had nowhere to go as Uncle Aaron wrapped his arm around your neck from behind.
"Hey! No- let me go!" You tried to fight back, clawing at his hand before a sting in your neck caused you to yell in pain.
The one in the purple suit stood closer as your body tried to keep fighting, but soon fell limp, your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
Uncle Aaron let you go, about to let you fall into the ground with your Miles. You were fully content with that.
Until the one in front of you caught you just as you closed your eyes to oblivion.
You still had some senses left until you were left completely out. So you could feel the way the boy caught you, carefully moving you in his arms.
Your eyes flickered open and closed, fighting to stay awake as he stared down at you before your eyelids dropped, and you couldn't help but fall asleep into nothing.
Uncle Aaron saw the way his nephew looked down at you, noting how close he held you and how he stared, his movements slow but gentle.
He could see the way he was careful with you, letting you rest in his arms and never letting you fall to the ground.
Something he had done before.
"Stop staring like they're yours. They're not." Uncle Aaron simply put, walking past his Nephew, Miles Morales, to throw the unconscious one over his shoulder.
"...I know. They're just…alive." Miles muttered, can't help but to stare down at your peaceful face in his arms.
You looked like you always did. Content and happy, peaceful to be in his arms.
Like you did before he lost you.
Seeing you alive and just as beautiful as he sat from afar stunned him for a moment, but relieved him as thoughts popped up in his head.
Maybe he got a second chance.
But as he looked over at your Miles, resentment grew.
How come he got to have everything he lost, when everything could've been avoided for him, and get to keep you?
His grip on you couldn't help but to strengthen, the thought of losing you again didn't sit well with him, especially to that Miles.
Not when he had a second chance.
So as he looked down at your sleeping face, one he used to wake up to and one he used to take pictures of just to tease you in the morning with,
He knew something.
He wasn't losing you again.
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incognito-duo · 7 months
Do you ever think about. About how Jeff looks at Miles and sees Aaron? A creative and mischevious boy in a unkind world? Do you think about how maybe Jeff sees Miles hide his sketchbook and come home with spray paint on his fingers, 30 minutes pass curfew, and he wants to scold him but just can't cus he sees the boy Aaron used to be before they grew distant? You think he saw that shift in Miles after Aaron's death, that heavy look in his son's eyes, the same way his brother had? A bit wary, a bit too anxious - you think he gets scared that Miles' eyes will soon turn cold like Aaron's? You think he saw Miles' eyes in Aaron's when he found him in the dark alleyway, you think when he held his cold body he saw the little boy he grew up with?
You think Aaron in Earth 42 sees Jefferson in Miles G? He sees that overtly serious young man his brother was in the way Miles has his back too straight, his smart mouth and sass resulting in funny comebacks and witty comments just like his brother used to do. You think he sees that same raw urge to help that Jeff had in his nephew's eyes? The sorta urge to help that'll get you killed? You think he sees Jefferson's mural and thinks about how Miles has the same forehead, the same eyes? Do you think he worries about the spark in Miles' eyes blowing out like Jeff's did? You think he sees Jeff as a lil boy again every time Miles comes back from a successful mission as the Prowler - so bright, like he's reaching too close to the sun?
You think Jeff thinks about his son and wants to tell Aaron, "He's so much like you. I don't want that." You think Aaron wants to tell Jeff the same about his nephew? You think deep down they want that more than anything? You think they see the other when they look in the mirror, when they look at Miles? You think they're hoping that Miles could be better than either of them, that he'll be just fine?
I do.
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rahhhbananas · 10 months
- male reader!
- fandom : atsv!
- pair(s) : miles morales x male reader
- warning(s) : not proof-read!
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“How long is this going to takee???”
Pavitr whined, he sat on the fire escape stairs, mindlessly fidgeting a rock. Gwen leaning against the bars smiled, “Come on Pav, it’s Y/n. He takes hours and I mean hourssss— To get ready.” Pav groaned at that statement alone, no longer bothered about how long it would take them, but how long it take to get something to eat.
“You talkin ‘bout Y/n, the hell Miles at? ‘Is got a good sense of fashion, but not good enuff to take this long.” Hobie groaned, his own stomach growling, Gwen snorted, her eyes crinkling from how large her smile was “This is only scraping the surface of those two. Once you’ve know them for a year or two, you start to prepare ahead of time.” Gwen reached into her bag, handing the two a bag of chips. “There, that should hold you guys.”
The two thanked their prepared friend, before their attention was draw to the window that had just opened. Miles walked out, he wore a black baggy jeans, a white shirt, and ontop of it navy blue varsity jacket, with white air forces. He smiled, as if he hasn’t been making the entire friend group starve for the past 20 minutes “Miles, my guy!!!”
“Oi! I trademarked that!”
“I’m surprised you did anything involved being in the same room as a government official.”
“Yeah, ‘ve gotten real desperate after the last situation with Pav.”
“That wasn’t my faulttt!”
“What situation?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
“Okay..ignoring that totally normal..conversation, where’s Y/n? He’s glamorous and all, but taking this long? Is outrageous.” Gwen asked, sneaking a chip from Hobie’s bag.
“I’M HERE!! ★”
The group looked up, seeing Y/n on the set of stairs above them. He wore a cropped pink jacket, baggy jeans, white air forces, and on his back was a hello kitty backpack “So, where we feeling? Chinese, Pizza, BBQ? Oh, or Ice cream!” He rambled, not noticing the few irritated looks he got from his friends. “ANYTHING!” Pav screamed, using his hands to cover his face, “Anything, please.” Miles smiled, leading the group down the street, they chatted still deciding on their snacking spot.
“Oh! That cat café!” Gwen suggested, her eyes lite up at the thought of being surrounded by cute animals while enjoying a meal.
“Nah, ‘m allergic to cats.”
“And you care about your health for once? Shocking.”
“You don’t get it, bruv. My eyes swell so much I start thinking I’m in a kaleidoscope..”
“How does that even work?”
“We traveled through universes to get here, and that’s what you wanna ask?”
“Why don’t you say that louder, Pav? Maybe some crazy scientist will hear and try to kill us.”
“That’s so outta pocket.”
“I have never heard someone say ‘lol’ in real life..that’s so— icky.”
“Pheww, good job, Gwen. Y/n has a new ‘ick’. Bravo.”
The group walked into the restaurant. It seemed to be based off the heros of Brooklyn, “Ugh, why’d we have to come to your restaurant?” Pav groaned. Hobie snorted, picking at the small figures of Spiderman, Miles’ black and red suit somehow blending with the restaurant aesthetic— he even noticed a few figures of the original hero, his merchandise in a corner that formed a sort of mural. The cashier took their orders, before they sat down at a booth near to the window.
“Do they have some of my merchandise!?!” Y/n looked around, his eyes searching the brick walls for some bit of pink. He sighed, giving up, slumping down in his seat, “Hey look, I think I saw some pink over there!” Hobie pointed, Y/n blinded by joy looked at where the teen was pointing to see a piece of chewed up bubble gum stucked to the floor, “…Why do I feel like we have issues, no matter the universe.”
“Hey, the people want what they want. And it’s clearly not you.”
“Wow, no consistency, or manners. Red flag there, Hobie.”
“Yikes.” Pavitr mumbled, sipping from his drink. Hobie however shook it off, relaxing more into his position. Miles took out his phone, snapping a few pics of the group waiting on their food, before the waiter arrived, handing out the dishes efficiently.
“Man, I am stuffed!” Hobie cackled, getting up from his seat. Gwen rolled her eyes, before looking at Y/n, he took his card and receipt back from the waiter. Joining his friends at the exit, the sun was starting to go down. “Damn, sundown already?” Hobie looked at his watch, noticing how late it truly was. Gwen laughed, “We left pretty late, because of two certain people.” Gwen jerked her head towards Y/n and Miles who were mindlessly talking about something while holding hands, the way they childishly would swing them every once and then looked somewhat endearing.
“We should head back to our universes though. Miguel set a curfew for a reason.”
“Or, we could brea-“
“Nope, the guy looked like he wanted to blow a vein last time I saw him. And I’m not looking to get chased on all fours, likes Miles.”
“Oh, come on! He wouldn’t catch us!”
“Hobart, no. We’re leaving.”
“Miguel not catching us? Hobie you are HILARIOUS!”
Gwen grabbed Hobie’s wrist, who although didn’t oppose the gesture physically, he looked to be doing it mentally “You’re lucky ‘m tired, Gwendy.” Gwen rolled her eyes, before throwing the lanky teen into the portal, waving goodbye to the two. Pavitr jumped through as well, shooting finger-guns at Miles before falling into the colorful abyss.
Miles smiled, wrapping his arms around Y/n’s shoulder. Making their route to his apartment. The couple chatted on their way home, talking about nothing important, but what’d they do when they got outta highschool, you know, the norm. Until they arrived at Y/n’s apartments, Miles walked him to the stairs, his eyes focused on Y/n’s each move.
“Thanks for buying our food today, especially with how Hobie and Pavitr ate. I’ll find a way to pay you back…” Miles mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck. Y/n smiled, grabbing Miles’ arm “No. don’t worry about it, you guys are my friends. I’d spend much more money on all of you If I could.” Miles laughed, “Yeah. But I’m starting to think Hobie’s allergic to paying for…well, anything.”
Y/n laughed loudly “And what you said earlier, I don’t have a lot of ‘icks” Miles scoffed, looking at his boyfriend in disbelief at the statement. Y/n groaned “I’m serious! You’ll never have to worry about icks, because you’re perfect.”
“Really? Thanks. 😏”
“You know, except that.”
“A smirk!?!?!”
“Yeah, it makes you look like a Sonic character.”
“But I should go, my dad’s probably already made lunch.” Y/n kissed Miles on the cheek, before walking into the apartment doors.
“Wha? You can’t walks away like that!!”
“Is it a sonic character you hate??”
“What? No, i love Shadow!”
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xxoxobree · 1 year
It’s Grandpa!
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Aged Up! Miles G
Summary: Miles Takes a Special Person To See His Dads Mural.
A/n: This was inspired by a request I got 🫶🏽
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Miles walked out the door of his mother's house. Each step up the stairs towards the roof of the building felt harder than the last, but he knew he had to do it. He had to confront the past, especially for the little boy cradled in his arms, his son Kai Jefferson Morales.
As Miles looked down at his son, he saw a mirror image of himself, a reflection of his own childhood. It brought back memories of his own father, holding him in his arms, walking the same path they were now taking. Kai's eyes twinkled with innocent curiosity as he looked up at his dad and asked, "Are we there yet, dada?"
Miles couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "We are, buddy," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and tenderness. With that, he pulled open the heavy rooftop door, allowing the warm air to caress their faces.
Setting Kai down gently, Miles felt a slight stiffness in his body as he took in a deep breath. No matter how many times he came up to the roof, it was always emotionally challenging. But he had made a promise to himself and his son to his dad.
"Woah, dada, look!" Kai said excitedly, pointing towards the bustling streets of Brooklyn spread out beneath them.
"Don't go too far, son. Be careful," Miles said. He knew that Kai was just thrilled to be in this special place.
Miles turned his body, letting out a exhale as he gazed at his father's mural. The vibrant colors and intricate details seemed to come alive, as if telling a story of their own.
"Hey pops, it's me and Kai. He's getting so big, turned 4 last week. He's got your sass," Miles said with a chuckle. His laughter was tinged with a touch of sadness. "Wish you could've met him," he added, dropping his head and staring at his shoes.
In that moment, Miles felt small arms wrapping around his leg. Looking down, he saw Kai, his eyes wide with wonder.
"It's Grandpa, dada," Kai said, pointing at the mural.
Miles smiled, a mixture of pride and longing in his eyes. "You're right, buddy. That's your Grandpa. He would've loved you," he whispered. He lifted Kai into his arms and asked, "Can you read that for me?"
Kai's face lit up with excitement. "Jefferson Morales. Just like me!" he exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face as he turned to his dad. "Exactly like you, Kai. You're named after Grandpa. Pretty cool, right?" Miles replied, a sense of joy and pride evident in his voice.
"Yeah, dada, cool," Kai echoed, his little voice filled with admiration.
Miles held out his fist, and Kai eagerly bumped it. In that simple gesture, a bond between father and son, past and present, was strengthened.
You, silently watching from afar, couldn't help but smile. Seeing Miles share stories of Jefferson with your son brought warmth to your heart.
"Mommmyyy!" Kai suddenly said, spotting you.
"Hey my baby," you said, a soft smile gracing your lips as you walked towards your family. Your son's eyes sparkled with excitement, pointing eagerly towards the distance.
"Look, mommy, grandpa," he said, his tiny finger directing your gaze towards the mural.
Miles, wrapped his free arm around you.
"He would've loved you too," Miles whispered,before placing a tender kiss on your lips
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im00flynn · 1 year
Hero of the day
Summary: You attempted to stop Miles from causing more anomalies in other dimensions by preventing his Canon event. while you do so, you get sent to another dimension and learn some things you didn't know before.
Warnings: Sort of Yandere, Angst, maybe some fluff. Red text = Earth 42 Miles
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You knew as soon as Miles stepped into the machine to send him home, it was a bad sign.
All the spidermen came after him, preventing him from causing more anomalies.
"Miles Stop!" You yell out to him as you manage to end up inside with him.
before you could say anything else to back him out of his plan, you get sent to another dimension.
you hit the roof of an apartment building alongside Miles. As you get up from your spot, you realize something is wrong.
this place is different from your original dimension.
"[Name], Why did you follow me?" Miles questions you.
"I wanted to stop you from making a mistake you'd regret." You tell him while still wondering whether or not this place is your dimension.
"It's fine, let's just go to my place and protect my dad." He says as he takes your hand and swings away.
After a while, you make it to his apartment. As you make your way into his room, you notice his room looks off.
'something is definitely wrong.' You think to yourself.
as you look around his room, Miles tells you that nobody else is home and that it's alright to look around the rest of the apartment.
Just as you're about to enter the kitchen, the front door opens, and in comes someone who you thought was dead.
Uncle Aaron.
"[Name], long time no see." He says to you while pulling you into a hug.
"Hey, it's um.. good to see you too.." You respond with an awkward smile.
you both separate from the hug, and he asks you, "Where's Miles?"
as soon as he said that Miles came in and freezes right in his tracks.
"Uncle Aaron," he says to himself in disbelief.
"Miles, when did you take out your braids?" he questions while holding out his hand for him to shake.
Miles shakes his hand but then pulls him into a hug.
it was a nice moment to see, but you were still on edge about all of this.
"C'mon, he gotta go. we got business to take care of," Uncle Aaron tells him while walking towards the front door.
"What about -" Miles asks before getting suddenly cut off by his uncle, "her too."
you both follow him to the roof of the apartment complex, while up there, you look around, and something catches your eye.
it's a mural of you. You're dead in this dimension.
"Miles.." You call out while still looking at the mural.
he comes over to you and looks to where you're looking and gasps, "Does this mean we're -" Before he can respond, he glitches.
Uncle Aaron looks over at the two of you, then to the mural with a stone cold, dead expression.
Before you could question anything else you feel a prick in your neck and suddenly you feel weak and tired, before you lose consciousness you see a somewhat familiar mask staring at you while holding your body in a loving matter. then you're unconscious.
You later wake up, and you notice you're no longer on the roof but on a couch in what looks like a living room.
you look around to see Miles tied to a punching bag in the center of the room, with Uncle Aaron working on something in the corner of the room
you try to go over to Miles to untie him, but you don't get that far as you look down to see that you're chained to the couch.
The chain moving must have caught his uncle's attention because, when you look back up, he's staring right at you.
"What the hell is this? why am I chained to the couch?" You question him, but while you do so, you feel eyes staring at you from behind you.
you look behind you, look up the ceiling beams, and see the mask you saw before you lost consciousness.
the figure jumps down and slowly makes its ways to you, your eyes stare in shock, and you start to feel anxious.
The figure stops right in front of you and slowly rests its hand on your cheek.
"You're really here." The masked figure says to you while he begins stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"Who...who are you?" You question while your heart starts to race.
Before he answers, his mask retracts to reveal his face to you, leaving your eyes to go wide and stare at him with disbelief.
"I'm Miles Morales, I'm glad to see you again, amor." He tells you before he goes to plant a kiss on your forehead
"Miles, please just let me go. I don't belong here and I need to go home." You tell him with pleading eyes.
he shakes his head and tisks, "Mami, don't you understand? you're not safe without me being there for you, I already lost my [Name], and I'm not going to lose another." He explains to you.
You look into his eyes with tears threatening to spill out, Miles takes note of this and pulls you into a hug.
"Don't worry princesa, If you stay here I'll protect you from any harm, okay mami?" he tells you.
you don't know what overcomes you, but you nod and accept his offer, and you hug him tighter
he's pleased when you accept his offer, and he places a kiss on the top of your head and then rests his forehead against yours.
"I'll protect you from any harm, mi amor."
A/N: I apologize if this was cringe or poorly written. if you have something you'd like me to write, feel free to request me to write it!
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venuscrashed · 1 year
Both Miles X Male!Spiderman!Reader
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Fem Readers DNI 18 plus DNI
Um…let me know if you want a pt 2. This kinda sucks though so….yeah. It was rushed and I hate writing in my iPad.
PT 2
Miles was trapped in the spider society, all the other Spider-Man’s were arguing with what to do with him. They all knew they couldn’t convince Miguel, him being stuck in his ways, but there way one person that wouldn’t put up with him.
“Let him go.” The whole society stared at you.
“What did you say?” Miguel spat while walking towards you.
“Let him go.” You stared up at him blankly. Despite making a dumb move you were intelligent, and sly. Miguel was staring you down, killing you between blinks, due to his anger he didn’t notice you grabbing a portal. You’re intelligent, we mentioned this, but the type of intelligence where you can travel universes with a click of a button.
“He won’t be let go. He’s staying here and so are you.”
You were laughing at this point, he still hadn’t noticed but some others did. Miles, Hobie, and Peter B knew what was going on. “Really?” You asked. Before Miguel could say anything Miles blasted out of the cage and jumped towards you. The whole room was in panic. “We’re not staying. Have a nice life,” you then opened the portal and jumped in with Miles.
The portal closed before the others could join. In it, a show of colors jumped around you two, hypnotizing you two. You two didn’t even see you were being sent to the wrong universe. The DNA of the person sends you to their universe, Miles is coded for another one. His spiders one.
The portal opened and you two were pushed out onto a building. You landed on your feet while Miles rolled onto the floor. You bursted out laughing. “It’s not funny. I’m not use to it like you are,” he groaned. Despite his attempts you were still laughing, practically rolling on the floor. He sighed and got up, leaving you behind while he went to his apartment.
You didn’t care that he left, by the time you stopped laughing he was out of sight. It’s not like you could go to his house, you’re dead in this universe. You’ll just go visit after in a bit. In the mean while you were fixing your portal, setting it up to go to your universe. You flipped it over and opened the screen. In bright blue the portal told you where you were, Earth 42. “No.” You screamed, “No, no. No. No. No!”
Without hesitation you started to go to Miles apartment. Him being with his family could mess this universe up. If anything happened he could not go back home and ruin his as well. The wind raced past you as you flew through the air. Within minutes you were at his apartment. On top of his building you started to make way towards the door, but bright colors were blinding you in the corner of yours eyes. Turning around you saw a mural of his dad. “This isn’t good.”
Putting the prices together you realized something, Ike’s wouldn’t be near if his dads dead, he was Aaron. “This idiot.” You groaned and swung to his uncles place. Only being there once before you soon found it. It was more or less the same as Miles universe, just darker.
Through the window a faint light was lit. The apartment looked nicer, this Aaron had more taste. Scouting the room, you saw your Miles on the punching bag. Before you got the chance to save him his uncle walked in. This one had a different aura, and if he was anything like the last one he’s the prowler. This Aaron walked around, Miles was trying to talk it out, inaudible words leaving his mouth. You could tell he was nervous, scared even. Aaron stood by a table, Miles still talking. Aaron had the prowler glove on and before acknowledging Mile she punched the punching bag on the side he wasn’t on. It took you so much strength to not jump into the room to save him.
Miles was even more scared now, but he soon became overwhelmed with his spidey senses. He looked to the top of the roof and a purple glow filled the room. Two eyes stared at him, they jumped down and stalked towards Miles. Aaron tossed the glove to him and backed up, the electric mask came off and soon Miles was staring at his own face. More words were said, Miles losing his cool demeanor earlier from the spider society. He had fear in his eyes, it all clicked with what happened in this universe. He tried saying something but his spidey senses went off, it was you.
He now had confidence knowing you were going to save him. You jumped off the roof and go to a high point on the other building. You still saw the silhouettes of the three in the window, their body language loud and clear. Miles was relaxed asking something, the other Miles tensed ready to punch him. “You so own me Miles.” You launched a web, swung, and crashed through then window.
42 Miles jumped back his mask back on. You slowly stood up, the moon light announcing you to the room. You stared him straight in the eyes as he froze. Without looking away you sent Aaron back with your webs before he could say anything. Your Miles had broke out of the chains and walked up to you, looking back at his alternate self.
“Because mine’s still here,” he continued their conversation from earlier. You didn’t have to look but you can tell he had a smug look in his face, this is going to be one long night.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Since you have an au where Optimus used his holoform to become a teacher, I was curious if any of the other bots have messed around with their holoforms?
I am just going to tie this in with Mr. Pax because goodness it fits too well. Enjoy!
Mr. Pax AU here!
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Optimus was by far the only bot in base who used his holoform so frequently. Being a teacher is taxing and he often goes out of his way to spent an almost equal amount of time in holoform as out. But he isn't the only bot who spends time parading as a human off and on.
Ratchet, despite almost never leaving base, has occasionally used his holoform during quiet days to travel to bigger cities in order to sit in on lectures. He fakes whatever he needs to in order to get into lectures on subjects he wants to know more about, usually relating to medicine and all things natural sciences. He has been known to show up for math lectures too. However, he is not exactly the most subtle. Coming in with bright orange and white hair, possessing scars to mimic his facial plating seams, and always dressing the same exact way while never seeming to breathe or blink tends to draw attention.
Much like Optimus, Ratchet has gained a bit of a reputation. His appearances are so random and so varied in location that there has been a forum dedicated to him specifically. He has turned up all over the globe to listen to lectures, and as such, folks have taken pictures and begun trying to connect the dots. Many a poor fool has lamented the absolute impossibility of Ratchet being in Tokyo for a debate over quantum physics only to then be in Istanbul two hours later to observe archeologists argue over Roman relics. Ratchet has no idea that he is regarded as the "Wandering Pharmacist", in large part due to his eternally present lab coat.
Arcee does not tend to use her holoform unless absolutely required. But after heading through a seedier part of one of the larger cities in America, she has taken to heading to the more crime ridden ones on weekends to do some vigilante work. Being a nonexistent person means that she is able to get away with quite a lot. Thus far, Arcee has busted quite a few drug rings, saved dozens of trafficking victims, and dropped anonymous details to the police regarding homicides. Is is a waste of time? She would argue "maybe". Does she go out anyway? Absolutely.
Always having her holoform in black and garbed in a biker helmet ensures Arcee is never caught. But there are rumors now in larger cities of a biker called "Lady Midnight". Arcee's habit of walking scared women home on dark nights has earned her a very favorable reputation, and more than one mural has been made by appreciative artists over the years. She knows she has a reputation, but she never changes her routine. Those who meet her regard her respectfully, even criminals. She too has a forum dedicated to her. No one has been able to successfully figure out who, or rather what she is.
Bumblebee has become a very well known gamer who turns up at the local arcade every now and then. His signature mask, yellow black marked hoodie, and dread locks leave him able to be picked out from a mile away. No one knows his parents or if he even has any. But when Bumblebee comes on into Jasper's arcade, the local children revere him as if he is some sort of god. His ability to beat the games is legendary, and never once does he utter a word. He has a small fanclub who do everything in their power to learn the way of "The Masked Boy"
Thus far, only one kid saw Bumblebee's holoform vanish and be reabsorbed. Not a soul believes the poor sod. If anything, it has only cemented Bumblebee's position as the Lord of video games. Rafael is the only one out of the trio who knows that its Bumblebee who goes the arcade. Jack and Miko assume that its just some rando who drops by every now and then. Oh how wrong they are.
Bulkhead has only uses his holoform for the express purpose of talking with the older folks at the bar. He took a liking to a group of construction workers shortly after arriving to Earth. They taught him a great deal about acting human while thinking he was a foreigner. The elderly crew treated him so kindly that Bulkhead has now made it a habit to go and get drinks with them once a week if he can manage. He loves hearing the stories of these elderly humans, and despite being ages older than them, he has a fantastic time learning under them.
Little does he know that the crew know that he's not human. But there is an old understanding amongst them. If someone it polite and kind, there is no need to pry. And so they don't. They treat Bulkhead as they would any other person and tell stories as if they can't see his holoform flickering off and on. What happens in the bar stays in the bar.
Wheeljack somehow managed to build himself a club by pure accident. He was meandering about and he saw a few kids being pushed around. And so on instinct, he slaps together a holofrom and gets out to beat the afts of those who were messing with the kids. From that point onward, whenever he was on Earth he offered greetings to the local kids, calling them by fun and unique nicknames. He even began instructing a few on how to throw a proper punch, if only for self defense. Is he around often? No. But do the kids respect the hell out of him? Absolutely. By giving them the watered down version of the Wrecker rules, the local children hold nothing but absolute adoration for him.
There is a whole club dedicated to following the rules he taught them. In his absence, the small gang of kids serve as Wheeljack's replacement and help protect the other kids from bullies and other such individuals. They even have gone so far as to get matching clothes and accessories so that when they are "on duty" they can look the part. Wheeljack has never been so proud.
Ultra Magnus has only used his holoform a few times, and all of which were to go meet Optimus at school. He has largely been the one to come bring Optimus things while the Prime is at work, or to otherwise look big and intimidating to cover for Optimus more subtle tactics. The students murmured about him possibility being Optimus's spouse, but those claims were dismissed with Ultra Magnus refusing to call Optimus anything other than "Commander". Now the class firmly believes that he has to be one of Optimus's kids or a fellow fae creature subserviently to Mr. Pax. The rumors are amazing.
Smokescreen can never keep his holoform straight. His is always changing appearances. And so whenever he goes out and promptly does something he really shouldn't be able to, he is often recorded and promptly lost to the ether. He is always the one breaking human biological limits through pushing his holoform more than it really should, often by accident too. All he wants is to go enjoy human culture and he almost always gets recorded doing something just strange enough to count as supernatural, but not odd enough to really warrant any attention.
Like Ratchet, there is a forum for him dubbed "The shapeshifer". He doesn't know about it, but the forum enjoyers are actually quite intelligent and have long connected Smokescreen's various holoforms together.
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dreamkidddream · 1 year
WE BACK‼️ I missed writing for Miles and the new movie has convinced me it’s time to start again 🫶🏾 reader is gender neutral!
“It’s been a while.”
“A while it has been.”
“So you’re not only Spider-Man but Yoda too?” You giggled, a sound that he missed for so long. “Oh please teach me your wise ways Jedi Master.”
“Maybe I will since you still have a lot to learn young Padawan.” Miles chuckled as you scoffed and rolled your eyes, trying to ignore how awkward he’s being. It’s like he’s back in high school, unable to function normal being around you- which as much as he wanted to deny it, it was getting harder to when he could feel those same butterflies in his stomach rising again.
The silence between you was comfortable, gazing at the setting sun and mix of warm colors in the sky, thousands of feet in the air. It wasn’t a sight that was unfamiliar to you and definitely not to him- but for some reason it felt new today, the rays seemingly shining brighter.
Was it because of how breathtaking you looked under the sun rays’ glow?
“I really missed you Miles.”
His breath hitched, chestnut eyes blinking in disbelief at what he was hearing, the words flowing from your lips sounded so tender- you missed him? His heart was already beating outrageously fast, but now he’s convinced that it’s about to beat out of his chest.
Ever since you left, things obviously haven’t been the same. Miles was still the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but he couldn’t help but feel empty glancing up at the night sky without you next to him. Texts and late night (or morning) calls weren’t enough to make that feeling go away- if anything it made it worse. The sense of longing would only grow deeper and deeper each day.
Until he went to his usual spot at the subway and found you gazing up at the mural he created, that same blinding smile making him weak all over again. He didn’t want to let you go that night, hugging you so tight that you had to remind him of his spidey-strength.
You both picked up like nothing ever changed- because it didn’t.
The only thing that could have changed was how deeper he fell in love with you.
“Yeah, I really missed you too.” He never broke his gaze from you, only growing softer as the silence returned. He felt a peace that he hadn’t felt in a while since you left, but the gnawing feeling in the back of his mind didn’t disappear.
Was the feeling mutual?
When Miles said he missed you, he meant it. Like he really, really missed you- but not just as a friend. He wanted to be more- God he wanted to so bad- but he didn’t want to drive you away if it wasn’t the same feeling.
But what if it was?
Just as there was a chance everything to go wrong, it was a chance for everything to go right.
And Miles was willing to take this risk.
He inched his hand close to yours, trying to make it as inconspicuous as possible.
“You know,” you began, glancing back at the sunset. “I’ll never know how it is to be a superhero. Let alone Spider-Man. Having people’s lives weigh on your shoulders like that all the time…all the losses you have to face.”
Like your Uncle Aaron- the silence filled in the words for you. It still hits him hard sometimes knowing he isn’t here.
“It’s a lot to deal with, especially by yourself. Which is why I want to be there for you.” You turned to him, a determined look in your eyes. “Not just as Spider-Man’s impromptu nurse either.”
He moved his fingers again, the tips almost bumping yours.
“I know that it’s hard for people to be close to you, for people to be close to Spider-Man.”
He felt something light land on his own hand, and saw your fingers lace with his. His lips parted a bit in surprise and he glanced up at you stunned.
“But it doesn’t mean that it has to be the same for Miles.”
His eyes flickered from your interlaced hands back to your face, feeling you give him a light squeeze.
Miles felt himself growing warm under his suit- he could hear his heart drumming in his ears, his palms growing sweaty, the tip of his ears burning- everything that he felt when he first got a crush on you returned tenfold.
“If-if that’s okay with you, of course.” You finished lamely, looking away from him. You must be getting flustered too, and you don’t know how much the sight lifted any doubts that he had before.
“YEAH- I mean,” Miles cleared his throat, cursing softly at his voice cracking. “Yeah, I…I would really want that.”
You laughed again and he couldn’t help but join in, taking the moment to lean against him.
There’s a first time for everything, and Miles is willing to take the leap if it means getting closer to you.
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fox-bright · 21 days
23 years ago today, my mother made me homeless.
I was thinking about that, on my evening walk with my husband. The sun was creeping away from us, the sky was high and cloudless, the air was cool but the river was low and so it all smelled a little bit of mussel shells. And I walked hand in hand with him for most of the four miles, past the fellow doing a mural on the underpass, past the ice cream shop that does an excellent key lime pie ice cream, all along the greenway beside the river.
I was thinking it's not--I have never liked the phrase "it's not fair," because I never encountered fair. But it feels like an insult, that there are hurts you can take and never get better from. I sprained my right knee and ankle in opposite directions, slipping on ice nearly twelve years ago; they will never properly heal. And similarly, the wounds from being thrown away after I came out as queer are probably going to ooze a bit forever. It's been more than half my life, I was only nineteen, and still I get sad and angry when I think on it.
My life is full of many things. I do not have to think on it often, if I do not want to. But anniversaries do creep up on one.
So we went for our walk, my husband and I, and I watched the swallows overhead, and looked for more baby snapping turtles like the one we saved from the bicycle path the other afternoon. And the walk was good, and the company was good.
And on the way back, nearly at the end of our way, I looked up the path and saw someone asleep on a bench beside the road.
The hours toward the end of the afternoon, into the early evening, are sometimes the safest time to sleep, when you have to sleep rough in a city. It's not unlikely that after sunset you have to get up and stay up, lest you be fucked with by the cops or rousted out, or suffer violence from the sort of person who likes to go out and cause trouble in the dark. I felt a sick twist of sympathy, seeing the man with his socked feet sticking off the end of the bench. A familiarity.
But then as we got closer to him, I saw his socks were matching, and pretty clean. And his haircut was recent. And he was wearing, I realized belatedly, a set of matching sky-blue scrubs.
The hospital was less than a block up the road. This poor doctor hadn't made it any farther than that before he had to sleep, he had to sleep, and here he was looking like a dead thing. Absolutely unmoving. Face mashed into the slats of a metal bench.
I worry about what's coming. Everyone is already so tired.
Just have to put one foot ahead of the other, and get what rest we can. And where we can, look out for one another.
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vikkirosko · 11 months
Hihihihi :DDD
Can I request Phoenix and Miles adopting a male teen reader with a punk/gothic style? It can be seperate ofc
(because I lack a father figure in life)
Here's the background info about our spunky reader.
The reader is around 13-15 years old in foster care, he is always forced to move in with different foster houses, no matter how much he tries to prove that they can be worth something (oop abandonment issues 😜)
Basically, his parents left him in the dump when he was an infant, leading up to their arrest and losing their parental rights. Nobody in his biological family wanted to take him, thus turning him in for foster care.
The reader is the definition of a typical teen, he dyed his hair, skateboards around the streets, spray painting murals and street art with kids around his age (legally ofc).
The reader's personality really fits the whole 'Don't judge a book by its cover' thing. He's a sweet and laid back kid, often running around the streets and helping the locals with their errands. He can be cunning, compulsive, and sarcastic at times, often having witty banters with the local kids in his age.
The reader is doing his usual errands when he witnesses the murder first hand, thus turning him into a key witness to the case. And now we meet both Nick and Edgey.
They both find it surprising that he's actually very cooperative and polite in contrast to his looks.
While gathering his testimony and his background info, they learn about the reader's past and current situation.
They then started to develop a father and son relationship throughout the trial, answering the reader's questions about their work, the reader rambling on about their current interest, and even helping the reader in his homework.
After the trial concludes and fast forward to a few months later, they have a little surprise for the reader and they pull out the adoption papers.
(Yes you can adopt a child in foster care if the biological parents' rights gets terminated by the court.)
Also sorry if it's too specific Kdhdndhsk-
Platonic headcanons Don't judge a book by its cover
⚖️ Phoenix Wright x teen male!Reader 🚲
You met Phoenix during one of the investigations. You were a teenager who was problematic in the eyes of society. That's what the police thought when you told them you witnessed a murder. They didn't believe you, thinking you were trying to interfere with the investigation, but Phoenix believed you. He knew from his own experience that it was not worth judging people by their appearance, so looking at a teenager with dyed hair, in a black leather jacket and with a skateboard, he was sure that you could really help him get to the truth and protect his client
You were talking in his office and then he found out that your appearance and your character were very different. Behind the gloomy exterior was a nice guy, polite and ready to help with the investigation. You tried to tell as much as possible of what you remembered and agreed to stay in the office until the investigation was completed. Phoenix was afraid that the real killer might try to get rid of you, because you were a key witness. He offered to call your parents, but you said it wasn't necessary. You openly told him that you lived with a foster family and that they didn't care where you were if you didn't cause them problems
Phoenix sincerely sympathized with you and did not understand how it was possible to treat you like this. During the time that he conducted his investigation, you seemed to him a good child. You chatted a lot, he helped you with homework as much as he could, you talked about art, because as it turned out, it was interesting for both of you, and Maya joked that you looked like you were father and son. This confused Phoenix, but the very thought did not repel him
After the completion of the trial, Phoenix continued to communicate with you. You saw each other often and he cared about you much more than your foster parents. A few months later, he called you to his office and said that there was something important that he had to tell you. After that, he took out the adoption documents. All these few months he has been preparing everything so that he can adopt you. When you found out about it, you couldn't hold back the tears. You were happy that a real father would appear in your life who really cares about you and who loves you
⚖️ Miles Edgeworth x teen male!Reader 🚘
Prosecutor Edgeworth has always taken his job seriously. That's why when he found out that there was a witness to the murder who saw everything that happened, he decided to talk to this witness himself. He was surprised when he saw a teenager with dyed hair, a black leather jacket, pierced ears, leather bracelets with spikes on his hands and a skateboard. You were the witness
At first he thought it would be a problem to get information from you, but it turned out not to be so. You didn't hide anything and were ready to help the investigation. Miles also took a responsible approach to finding out more about you, because he could not ignore the fact that you could lie and be associated with the killer. But it wasn't like that. You were an orphan with a difficult past and an equally difficult present. That's why you preferred to be in the police station or the prosecutor's office than in your temporary home
He didn't mind you being in his office. You didn't cause him any problems, you could talk peacefully, you were a smart and polite guy, he even helped you do your homework and explained topics that you didn't understand when he had free time. Several times he took you to a cafe so that you could eat properly. He acted like he was your father. You didn't have a father figure in your life, but Edgeworth handled that role well
After the completion of the trial, the prosecutor continued to spend time with you. The police are already used to seeing you, because you often came to Edgeworth. A few months later, when you came to him, a surprise was waiting for you. Adoption documents. Edgeworth wanted to adopt you, if of course you didn't mind. He wanted to become the same person for you as his father was for him. He wanted to give you a good life and a loving family that you deserved more than anyone else
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
High School AU
(Au: All the Spider gang are in high school except for Miguel, Peter, Jess, Ben, and etc. Miles and Hobie are dating. Gwen is Grunge aesthetic with Hobie's group of friends. Pavtri is dating Gayatri being the typical high school sweethearts.)
In Brooklyn Vision Academy, Miles giggles being pin against the school lockers while his tall skinny punker's hand on his waist muttering very dirty, yet romantic words towards the graffiti artist.
Miles is only seventeen years old having on his white collar uniform with spray paint stains and embroidered sunflowers on it, his blue jacket around his waist. His hairstyles into twist part is dye red.
The Academy may be strict on their educational system, and provide more opportunities, they are quite strict on dress code. Luckily, Miles always stated he's part of the art club and they are working on a massive mural right outside in the courtyard.
However as for Hobie, the punker didn't care how many dentition, warnings and all the other lectures, he does what he wants and wears what he wants. And he never steps out of bound from the dress-code policy, he specified how his ripped pants is suitable for low income students, and brings up classism. Either way, the principal normally left him off the hook not wanting to hear him.
So here's Hobie with his wicks tied into a bright blue loose ponytail, he wore two belts of different colors of yellow and pink, and miss match shoes and socks. His blue pants with patches, ripped white collar shirts and piercings. His lips painted black, wearing eyeliner and a messy smokey black eyeshadow with a bit of dark purple. All breaking dress code in the eyes of older teachers.
The seventeen year old teenager smirks at his boyfriend having to whisper to him again, "Mi, you gonna ditch Spanish or what?" His lips hovering over his Sunflower's lips as they make out.
Miles wraps his arms around his punker's neck, "Bae, you know I can't miss Spanish. My mamí got mad for having a B in class."
"Tsk," His punker sucked in his teeth then whispers again, "Luv, you can skip a couple of classes. Yuh a smart lad." His cockney accent coming out from time to time.
"Mmm," Miles' big doe eyes on his hot boyfriend, still thinking about it. When he thinks to himself, he does this put pout where his lips puckered out.
Hobie's heart flutter by his Sunflower's cuteness. Ugh, he wants to be greedy for today, so he flirted some more. "Come on, Sunflower." He purrs having his voice low, his hands pulling his boyfriend's hips forward feeling his crotch. "Don't do me like this. I want you to go to my pad and maybe we can you know."
"I know what?" His Sunflower asked pretending to not know what his boyfriend means.
"You know," The tall teenager leans over for another kiss, his lips feeling such soft sweet lips. The sounder of their lip locking echoes up in the third floor in building A, a place no one is ever around. "Hmm?"
"Mmm," Miles sighs loving how great of kisser his boyfriend is, "Okay, but if I get in trouble I'm gonna be mad at you."
"Luv, I'll take all the blame as long I'm with you." They made out with tongue this time, Hobie purrs lowly as he pull away, "Your so fine, right now. I gotta have you." His mouth hungry for more as he went in another heated kiss.
"Ohh, mmm." His Sunflower's knees felt weak feeling those soft lips. Pulling away to kiss him, "Bae, you're too much."
"But you love it." This made Miles bashful, he does love it when his boyfriend spoil him. They were about to kiss again, until one of the doors to the second floor opened wide open. The two froze seeing their happy bubbly friend spotting them.
"I knew you two would be up here!" The brown skinned preppy boy happily said, he saw Hobie looking annoyed. "Awe, don't be mad."
"Pav! What are you doing up here?" Miles asked. He tries to avoid his boyfriend's grumpy attitude.
"Gwen kept texting you if your gonna skip your last class, but never responded." Pavtri chuckles, "and I knew it's because ya'll were up here. Were you the ones leaving used condoms on the staircase." Just joking around, he likes seeing Miles' face. So priceless!
"What! No!" The Black Latino looks so horrified like hell he'll get caught in the school. Sure him and his boyfriend done things like touching each other, but never full blown sex in the school staircase. "That's so ballsy! I'm not the type!"
Hobie chuckles, his Sunflower is too cute. His arms wrapping around his hips. "He's only teasing, Sunflower."
"Yeah, like you ever done that." Pavtri cracks up. "Anyway, are we down at your pad, Hobie?"
"Miles said yes, so yeah. We should get going!" The punker chimes.
"Alright, I'll go let the gang know. See ya there." Their friend left them alone, which was a lot better.
The punker was about to go back to kissing his boyfriend, until a hand stops him. "What?"
"If I'm skipping, I need to get my art supplies from my club. I left it in the art class instead of my locker." Miles pointed out. "And my painting is there."
"Okay, we'll go get it, but first..." His mouth went in for another kiss. The two happily share kisses.
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chameleon66 · 8 months
The framed fate of two twins
Sanders sides soulmate au: In this universe on your sixteenth birthday the last photo you and your soulmate were both in will be sent to you framed and when you first touch it will reveal the picture (And that picture can be updated to the most recent picture).
Ships: Prinxiety and Dukeceit (Yeah that poll I did was a joke, I was going to do both along)
Warnings: Remus being himself, soulmate au, mild angst, (Let me know if I need to add anything)
Word count: 3129
Remus and Roman were about as different as twins could get from each other, Roman was in the drama club and well liked by practically everyone as he was charming, witty and not to be shallow but very good looking.
Remus had always been a problematic guy, he liked to fool around and break rules, he wasn’t bad, just chaotic. Plus there were people who admired his bold and outgoing nature.
Despite their differences there was one thing the brothers had in common, they could not wait for their sixteenth birthday to find out who their soulmate was. After hearing their parents' story of meeting each other they both desperately wanted to know who their soulmates were. The idea of having the special someone to share secrets and love with made them both giddy with joy.
Soon enough it was their sixteenth birthday and both of them made plans for the day, Roman invited some of his theater club friends and they all chipped in so they could go to the local community theaterhouse to watch ‘The Neverending Story’. While Remus asked Janus to go to a R rated movie with him then they’d go look at some wall murals downtown.
Remus was on cloud nine knowing he’d get to know who his soulmate was that nightstand couldn’t stop talking about it, not that Janus minded, he always thought Remus was adorable when he was excited. Remus hardly payed attention to the movie and when they stopped to take pictures together in front of the mural, in the back of his mind he thought it wouldn’t be so bad if saw one the photos he took with Jan in the frame, but out of all the people on earth what were the chances it would be him. Remus didn’t know Math isn't his strong suit but he could hope.
Roman meanwhile was to put it lightly, a complete stressed mess. He couldn’t stop thinking that he’d get to see who his soulmate was that night and he was going a mile a minute snapping pictures of everyone in the group and everyone passing by because according to him “What if I walk by them today and don’t realize it Patton!” It took Patton the whole walk to the theater to calm Roman down with his promise that the stars wouldn’t doom Romna to be alone forever and once he met his soulmate they’d be perfect for eachother, Roman could only hope.
Both brothers arrived home just before dinner was to be served and they’re mom couldn’t stop saying how happy she was for them and that they weren’t her little baby boys anymore while their dad patted both of his sons on the back and told him he was happy for them.
After dinner they all shared a chocolate cake that their mom baked herself, then it was time for them to open the packages that came addressed to them that afternoon when the mail man arrived. They all sat down in the living room, both brothers shaking in anticipation as they were handed the wrapped packages. Remus and Roman didn’t hesitate as they both messily tore off the wrapping paper then opened the lid of the boxes to find two identical frames in the box.
Both twin’s hands reached down in the box and grabbed the frames which instantly lit up to reveal the pictures hidden. Remus’s picture was the selfie he and Janus took earlier that day downtown in front of a mural called while Roman’s was the cast and crew photo from the show he had closed at school a few days ago, Beauty and the Beast.
The brothers were stunned quietly as their parents began yelling happily but neither responded to the yelling.
Remus was thrilled, his best friend was his soulmate but did Janus like Remus that way? What if they weren’t meant to be? What if he ended up losing Janus as a soulmate and best friend? What if it was a mistake? Millions of questions flooded Remus’s brain all at once, and Remus had no answers.
Roman was puzzled, His soulmate had to have been in the picture but then which person in the picture was his soulmate? I couldn’t have been Patton or any of his other friends he was with that day since he took many other pictures with them that day. So that narrowed it down to at least a dozen other people in the photo, but then who was it?
— Timeskip, to the next day at school —
That morning both brothers came to school with a purpose, to talk/find their soulmate. Remus texted Janus before class to meet up at their favorite spot behind the bleachers at the football field during lunch. That is when he planned to tell Janus that he was his soulmate, until then all he could do was hope, which felt like all he had been doing lately.
Roman on the other hand was as busy as a bee playing detective trying to find out who his soulmate could be, before school and in between his classes he took selfie after selfie with the cast and crew of the recent school play but the picture in the frame remained the same picture. In fact Roman almost gave up when he was rushing to the cafeteria to meet with Patton for lunch class when suddenly someone crashed into him and knocked his phone out of his hands.
Both Roman and the person he walked into fell to the floor in the hallway with a grunt.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Roman started to gather the belongings scattered across the floor. “I wasn’t looking where-.” Silence woke up mid Roman’s sentence when he looked at the person he crashed into. Then all time seemed to fall still.
The person Roman crashed into was dressed darkly in ripped jeans and a hoodie that looked to be hand sewn, his hair was dyed purple and he had dark circles under his eyes that could have been makeup with how dark they were. The person blushed as he looked up and met Roman’s gaze and quickly scooped up his stuff and speed walked away from Roman, leaving Roman there on the floor unsure of what had just happened.
Once Roman collected him and his belongings he began walking much slower to the cafeteria checking his phone on the way. Once he finished checking his instagram notifications he decided to clear up some memory in his phone by deleting a few of the many pictures he had taken that day, trying to find his soulmate.
When he opened the app he saw a photo of the guy and him he had chase into, he must have accidentally clicked the photo button while he was falling, the angle wasn’t very flattering but he could clearly make out the features of the guy, that’s when something clicked together in Roman’s head, that guy was on costume’s crew for Beauty and the Beast.
His name was Virgil and Roman had talked to him before when they were on a five and he needed his sizes for his Lumiere costume, but could it be?
Before Roman could properly understand what he was doing he reached for the frame stuffed down into his backpack and compared the image in it to the one on his phone, they were an exact match. Which could only mean one thing, Roman had found his soulmate.
— Meanwhile with Remus —
Remus couldn’t focus on what was happening around him, the shadeness from under the bleachers, the taste of hot and spicy chips in his mouth or the sound of Janus ranting about how a kid in his Science class Logan was such a teacher’s pet and always reminded the teacher about their homework.
Normally Remus would laugh and crack a few jokes but now he was just silently pondering to himself, he was sitting right next to his soulmate right now and Janus didn’t realize it. He hated to admit it but he wanted Janus, he wanted to kiss his vitiligo coated face and protect his smile and laugh forever. But then what if Janus ran away and got freaked out, I mean Janus knew he could be a bit much but that never stopped Janus from being his very best friend so why would that stop him from being his soulmate. Things would never be the same if he told Janus.
“Earth to Remus, are you even listening to me?” Janus shouted in his ear bringing Remus out of his head and back into the real world.
“Yeah I’m listening.” Remus flashed his toothy grin but Janus looked unconvinced.
“Yup, something’s wrong.” Janus narrowed his eyes at Remus, as if trying to see through him to figure out what was the matter.
“With you?” Remus tried to redirect the conversation away from himself.
“No, you.” Janus moved closer to Remus and Remus felt like he would have combusted right then and there on the spot.
“You've been really quiet, which is highly unusual for you.” Janus stated in a tone of voice that reminded Remus of a lawyer. “Does this have anything to do with you finding out your soulmate last night?”
Maybe Janus was some undercover law school student because he always seemed to put two and two together and know what was going on. Remus knew he had to do it, he just couldn’t hold it inside anymore plus Janus’s birthday would be in a few months so he’d find out on his own sooner or later so Remus just had to tell him.
“Janus.” Remus started “I need to tell you something important.”
“Did you finally commit a felony and need me to represent you in court?” Janus mockingly asked but Remus didn’t laugh, that is what told Janus that this was serious and he sat still waiting for Remus to continue talking.
“So… I did find out my soulmate and I do think I like them, romantically.” Remus hated the way the sophisticated words sounded coming from him but he didn’t know how else to put it without sounding like a creepy stalker.
“Well then who is it Re?” Janus gently asked but something in his head was telling him he knew who it was but he couldn’t believe that voice, it was best not to get his hopes up too high, that’s what he had been telling himself for weeks before Remus’s birthday.
Remus groaned into his hands “It’s so weird to say.” Remus whined.
“Say it.” Janus urged “I double dog dare you to say it.” Janus smirked knowing Remus never said no to a dare.
“Ok, fine, it’s you ok, I saw the selfie we took yesterday at the mural in the picture frame!” The words came out of Remus’s mouth in a tizzy and Remus couldn’t get anything else out of his mouth so he just sat there looking down at the ground listening to the silence of Janus.
Janus almost felt his eyes bulge out his socket out of every emotion that ran through his head at once, first came shock, then bewilderment, then finally rejoice. He was Remus’s soulmate so that meant Remus was his soulmate.
“I’m sorry.” Janus said in such a melancholy voice that it almost sounded depressed. And Remus almost had to mentally kick himself to get himself to respond.
“What?” Remus looked up to see Janus’s eyes down on the ground now.
“I’m sorry that you got stuck with me as your soulmate.” Janus sunk in his seat as he spoke.
“No, don’t you pretend to not know how incredibly amazing and sexy you are.” Remus’s hand went up to Janus’s chin and pulled his face up to look at his.
“Stop Remus.” Janus giggled and flustered at Remus’s comment; this made Remus feel more confident so he decided it was time to ask him.
“Janus, would you like to be my Boyfriend?”
Janus took a pause, a pause that made Remus grow tense again, what if he said no?
“What’s the dowry?” Janus purred and Remus could help the chuckle he let out.
“Whatever I have in my pockets and…the last photo on my camera reel?”
“I accept.” Janus replied putting both of his hands on Remus’s neck drawing them closer together.
It was meant to be, they were meant to be, they both knew it for sure as their lips met in a passionate first kiss. Remus’s hands cupping Janus’s face and Janus’s hands on Remus’s shoulders.
Well Remus was right, things wouldn’t ever be the same after that.
— And now we’re back with Roman —
It was Roman’s last class of the day, theater. Which should have made Roman happy but he was too busy wallowing in self pity to be happy about his favorite class. He had tried to talk to Virgil twice that day but every time he messed up and ended up running away.
The first time during lunch he almost walked up to Virgil but then the person Virgil had been sitting with spotted him and Roman panicked.
Then the second time after lunch on his way to his fourth period he spotted Virgil in the hall and tried to introduce himself but ended up saying “Hi, I’m Roman numeral.” Where did that even come from?
After that attempt Roman became even more stressed out, fearing he had already made his own soulmate hate him. To make the situation even worse he had his Theater period with Virgil so he was just sitting in his seat in the auditorium trying not to look at Virgil.
Perfect, just perfect.
Since it was the first class after they closed their show the teacher had a small party planned where they pretty much got to eat snacks and talk with each other all period. Roman tried to sit at his own desk and focus on one of his latest passion projects but he just found himself fantasizing about Virgil. How the universe had planned for them to be together but was making it so difficult for Roman to talk to him without sounding like a complete brain dead moron.
Roman was so busy mentally scolding himself that he almost missed the tap on his shoulder. When he looked up from his paper he saw Virgil standing next to him.
“Hey…” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, he took a deep breath then asked Roman “Do you think we can talk for a minute?”
Roman’s mouth felt dry as sand in the desert but when he nodded his head in response he felt like something was gnawing at his stomach.
“Ok.” Virgil began to walk away from the isle where Rpman was sitting then motioned for Roman to follow him. Roman got up not bothering to grab his things and followed Virgil to a secluded part of the Auditorium where no one else was.
Roman already started scripting out an apology in his head, for being annoying or whatever Virgil was going to be mad at him for. Which really was a shame because Roman honestly wished Virgil felt the same and that they would live happily ever after but maybe fate was wrong.
Virgil stood against the wall while Roman stood about two feet in front of him. Roman swallowed trying to regain some of the moisture in his mouth then he tried to speak.
“I-I’m…I’m sorry about-.” Roman tried to gather his thoughts into a sentence but so much wanted to come out all at once and none of it sounded right.
“Listen, Roman…I know I’m your soulmate.” Virgil’s eyes avoided Roman’s and the blush was obvious even behind what looked to be a layer of white foundation.
Roman’s mind went blank for a few milliseconds, trying to remember if he was daydreaming or if this was actually happening and after he concluded this was really happening he realized Virgil knew that they were each other's soulmates.
“My birthday was a few months ago…” Virgil explained. “I’ve honestly kind of always had a crush on you but I’ve always been too nervous to actually talk to you. But during the closing show on Sunday I heard some of the other actor’s talking and one said it was going to be your birthday on wednesday, so I guess I figured you found out, right?”
“Yes! I-I did.” Roman was now practically vibrating with anticipation, he had no clue what Virgil was going to say next, was he going to ask Roman out? Was he hearing all of this right or was he just crazy? No, Roman was definitely hearing things right. But that meant his soulmate was in love with him, so what did that mean for them now?
“So…would you be interested in meeting up with me tomorrow after school, for coffee, as in a date?” Virgil's smile made an appearance on his face and Roman smiled back.
“I’d be delighted too.” Roman beamed at Virgil and Virgil beamed back.
The both just stood there for a moment lost in the moment with each other, looking into the others eyes. Roman was lost in Virgil’s brown eyes, they were an enchanting display of dark brown with flecks of gold shining in them. But then the school bell jolted them out of the moment and they both jumped out of surprise.
“I’ll see you tomorrow after school.” Virgil excused himself walking past Roman but as he walked past Roman felt the press of lips on his cheek for but a second then it disappeared along with Virgil from his line of sight.
Roman touched the place on his cheek where Virgil kissed and felt himself swoon in bliss. He really just got a date with his soulmate and a kiss.
Ok, so maybe today wasn’t so bad.
— After school —
Both brothers arrived home in great moods, for once not arguing on the car ride home and when their mother asked how their day was they both replied in unison “Perfect.”
Author’s note: So this was my first attempt at a soulmate au fanfiction, I think I did pretty well, but please let me know what you think and maybe I’ll do another soulmate Sander sides fanfiction at some point again soon. Thank you for reading.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Objections: A Twist of Fate (1/3)
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Book:                   Crimes of Passion (Book 2)
Pairing:                Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Carolina Rose)
Category: Chapter Rewrite - Ch. 4
Rating:                 Teen
Series summary:   I think one scene could have been expanded on, one should have been added, and one could have been better. So, I took a stab at it (pun intended ).
Part One: The king and queen command Trystan's presence, and he won't go without Carolina at his side. What transpires leaves them both stunned.
Words: 1,475
A/N: This is the first time I've ever written fanfic for a series that isn't completed, so it's a little different experience for me. Who knows what will happen in the future (so some of this could be dispelled in canon), but I think Chapter 4 deserved better, so this is my take. All three parts will be posted before Choices releases Chapter 5 is released next Wednesday.
Series Masterlist | Crimes of Passion Masterlist | Full Masterlist
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Parts in italics are direct from the story.
The silence was practically deafening. If not for the sound of their footsteps echoing through the cavernous marble corridors, it would have been easy to believe that the world had ceased to exist. Although their discomfort was palpable, it had nothing to do with the guard walking behind them, sent to ensure Trystan would make it to the desired destination. The guard was of no concern; they knew they could easily take him if desired, but other things weighed heavily on their minds.
Medieval castles were as familiar to Trystan as the local bagel shop was to Carolina. So he was unaffected by the suits of armor, elaborate murals, and questionably begotten jewels that lined the hallways through which they traveled. Carolina was another story. She wasn’t a woman who was easily intimidated. But Drakovia, and this very existence, left her feeling like a fish out of water. Miles away from normal, she was out of her league, and her grip on Trystan’s hand unconsciously tightened.
From almost the beginning, and without their consent, Trystan and Carolina felt like kismet. Easily in tune, they were somehow able to anticipate the other’s needs before they even occurred. At any other time, Trystan would have noticed that simple motion and been aware of how anxious his partner was, but today, it went unnoticed.
Carolina was longing to get this over with, close this chapter, and return to normalcy in New York. But Trystan was already wondering what the future held. This wasn’t New York; it wasn’t a democracy – especially not for him. His parents summoning him... from the same room? He knew nothing good could arise from this. More trumped-up charges? A public admonishment? An agenda, yet unseen, that he was unwittingly being made a part of? Whatever lurked behind the ornate door being opened before them would not be pleasant, and Trystan would be lying if he said he wasn’t afraid.  
Carolina let out the tiniest sigh of relief when they entered. It wasn’t the palatial space she imagined, but a tastefully decorated room, modest by palace standards, and family members filled every corner. But Trystan took no such relief, and she was about to understand why. A gathering of Thornes wasn’t something that happened by choice, and it was rarely a pleasurable affair.
The queen sat in the center of the room, as austere and formal as ever, and raised her head when they entered. In direct contrast, King Maksim leaned casually on the wall behind her, smiling with ease when his eyes fell on his son.  
“Trystan!” He beamed. “You’re actually on time. I told your mother you could pull it off.”
“Hello, Father,” Trystan grinned, and as the two men embraced, Carolina's heart warmed as she saw a hint of the carefree man she knew return.  
There were too many siblings to count, and they were already grouped by allegiance. Enraged as always, Bas seemed eager to end the charade, while his brother Vasili seemed to welcome the event. Uninterested, Astrid made her position clear: a mimosa and friends thousands of miles away would always be preferred over this nonsense, and Carolina couldn’t say she blamed her.
As usual, Marguerite rose above the fray, settling next to her mother on a long sofa on the edge of the room. When she spotted Carolina, she jumped in for the save, offering her the seat beside her. From there, she watched the drama unfold until another Thorne sibling detected her presence.
“Why is she here?” Trystan’s younger sister, Emika, whined. “This is family business. Trystin’s little wanna-be lawyer shouldn’t be here!”
Carolina was about to retort when Trystan jumped in.  
“Carolina is much closer to family than any of you, Marguerite, notwithstanding. Neither of them has attempted to imprison me.”
“You’d think they’d be happy I proved their brother’s innocence,” Carolina whispered to Marguerite, who contained a laugh.
“Fat chance of that.”
“Are you still hung up about that?” Kasper, yet another brother, groused. “You have to let that sort of thing go, Trystan!”
“It happened yesterday,” Carolina chortled. “Surely a little more time would be required for that.”
Various sibling quarrels filled the corners of the room, and King Maksim in to control things.
“Simmer down, children. The queen and I have one announcement to make. Then you can return to your squabbles.”
“Of course, Father,” Vasili jumped in. “We’re listening.”
“Given the outcome of yesterday’s trial, the queen and I have decided to reinstate Trystan as the heir to the Drakovian throne.”
“What!” Trystan gasped. “You... you can’t be serious!”
Equally as surprised, Carolina shook her head in astonishment. “You expect him to return like nothing has happened?" She blurted before thinking. "After how horribly you’ve treated him?”
The entire clan turned to stare daggers at the unwelcome guest.
“Don’t mistake our tolerance for your presence here as permission to speak, New York,” Lydea threatened.
“I believe I made clear how little your threats meant to me back in New York, Lydea. Trystan is right; I’m more family than the lot of you, and I’ve seen the effect exile had on him. I think you have a lot to atone for before they ask him any favors.”
The buzz in the room grew louder, and many faces turned red. Only Queen Viktoria appeared undisturbed by the reaction. She silently studied Carolina before replying.
“Your concern is noted, detective,” she stated. “But ultimately changes nothing. Trystan has a duty to the crown.”
“A duty!” Bas fumed. “He’ll destroy everything Juliana fought for!”
“Chin up, children,” the king interrupted. “Your parents love you equally, etcetera, but Trystan has been training for this his entire life.”
“My entire life save the past eight years,” Trystan spat.
Quickly losing her tolerance, the queen clapped her hands together. “Enough!” She commanded. “Now that Trystan has been absolved of guilt, he will resume his duties, and he will perform them with the decorum expected of a Drakovian heir. Have I made myself clear!?”
Her words and her tone had everyone scrambling, and Carolina watched in horror as the man she knew appeared to crumble before her eyes.
“... Yes, Mother,” Trystan frowned sheepishly.
“You can’t be serious,” Carolina muttered under her breath.
“Preparation begins now,” Viktoria stated. “The rest of you can take your leave.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Carolina exclaimed as a flustered Marguerite ushered her out of the room.
“Carolina, not now.”
She turned to take a final look at Trystan, standing crestfallen, as she was pulled through the doors.
“I’ll show you to your suite,” Marguerite began as if nothing unusual had happened. “I think you’ll find the guest quarters quite comfortable.”
“Comfort? Comfort isn’t what I’m thinking about right now. I need to help Trystan.”
“I don’t think you understand what just happened. This isn’t something Trystan can just walk away from.”
“Really? I know Trystan likes to trash the American educational system, but I do remember a thing or two, and abdication is a thing. They can’t force him to rule.”
Marguerite sighed wearily. “I understand your concern. I really do, but you’re out of your league right now. Don’t do anything rash. Trystan is going to need you.”
“And it’s always all about what Trystan needs,” Bas seethed from across the room.
Once again, the siblings broke out into debates over succession and which children deserved recognition. But Bas turned all of his ire on Carolina.
“This is all your fault!" He shouted. "You should have stayed in New York.”
Carolina broke into laughter. “What a delightful family! I have never been more grateful to be an only child! You would have been happy to see your brother go to jail for a murder he didn’t commit? For what? So you could move up one step in the pecking order for a job Trystan doesn't even want?”
“Are you sure about that, Carolina?” Vasili questioned ominously. “And more to the point, does what he wants even matter?”
“What Trystan wants matters to me! I can see why my caring for him seems to be a novel concept to the man!" Carolina hollered as Marguerite dragged her away.
While she made sure to put her bravado on full display, Vasili’s words haunted Carolina as she waited for Trystan’s return. Pacing her suite, she fumed over the injustice. They were able to save him... and for what? For him to live a life he didn’t desire? She gulped as dread coursed through her; perhaps a life... that wouldn’t include her?
Carolina's life hadn't been easy. Punctuated by loss and pain, she happily shut out even the idea of love. She was comfortable with the life she led when Trystan Thorne barrelled into it and turned it upside down. Her past self would have mocked her for allowing herself to get into this position. If she followed the rules, she'd be back in NY, her heart protected and safe. But she had no regrets and wasn’t about to back down. She marched over to a mirror and looked at her reflection with determination.
“I didn’t travel halfway around the world to save him just to let his life be taken from him anyway. No,” she resolved. “There is an out, and I will find it. These Thrones will not beat this Rose!”
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@choicesbookclub @choicesficwriterscreations
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imandriebitemepls · 1 year
Miles willing let his sunflowers wilt
Miles falls, disgusted at himself.
Miles looks numbly at his 42 variant, his 42 prowler variant. Someone who deserved the life he mistakenly stole from him. Someone who Miles' most likely would've become, and now he feels as if he also took that from his variants hands as the numbness turns into a tired rage he's had ever since becoming Spider-Man's replacement, all those nights spent hating himself and doubting his existents all together. A existents he traded a life, the same exitance watching his uncle die because he was a mistake. A non-spider man with abilities most spiders didn't have. An anomaly, a monster, a freak of nature and universes across universes. The original anomaly.
Then, suddenly he hears what his variant spits out at him, obviously upset at the creature wearing his face, the same creature Miles' 42 mom saw, the same creature he very much still alive 42 uncle saw, the creature who 42 Miles' dad could've saw if Miles' hadn't been the fuck up he always was.
Tired rage spills back into numbness with even more hopelessness since he saw the other(rightfully) spiders, leave his universe with so much sadness and hurt, even his body hurt more than he thought it could handle without, at the very least, bleeding out.
He couldn't live anymore. Yes, physically he's still here but the Miles' he had been before being bitten had died, and he mourned his innocents death before he put on a carefully made mask around any and everyone who had met Miles' and who would potentially others he might meet as well. That part was the easiest since those people didn't know him before and even easier since he barely met any friends or even acquaints.
He understand why this Miles', deeper but very much still him- (no) he thought- (not him Miles' could never hold a candle to any and every Miles' every universe offers, he's a mistake.)
"Who are you and why do you look like me?" 42 Miles' states more than questions his counterpart.
"It doesn't matter, you won't believe a single word that comes out my mouth" 42 Miles' bristled at the non-answer and Miles' knows he deservers the truth since he looks just like him, only with a few differences, and is probably worried about how they got his identity and if this creature knew more beyond his looks.
Miles' sighs as he mentally prepares himself for the onslaught of questions and hateful gazes
"I am Miles' Morales from a different dimsention, I was bitten by a radioactive spider not from my universe but from this one instead. The night I got my powers I saw my dimsention version of Spider-Man aka Perter Parker. Since my universe already had a spider and its very own Spider-Man, I was deemed an anomaly only a few hours ago while being chased by every Spider-Man on earth 298, your earth being 42 and mine being earth 1610," Miles' pauses for a second to gauge their reactions, and as he expected they looked as if the creature in front of them was crazy mixed with an expression of curiosity of this batshit insane talk was going to lead.
Miles' continues until he get to the part of his uncle variant dying in his arms as all he could do was cry for a few moments until his dad saw him and he had to flee.
Surprised at the whole baffling situation, and Uncle Aaron being dead instead of 42 Miles' father in this universe. Learning how he had painted a mural for his uncle, noting similarities with earth 42's world as well as finding out Miles dad was gonna die- (again) 42 Miles' thought sourly- only to find out why the spider society was chasing him to begin with, noting how monstrous of his own people who know how it feels to deal with loss, and made him share their pain- (pain he'd already seem to have 2x more of before his 'friend' spider leered him to be hunted, again)- Miles' thought as he stared blankly at the section between 42 Miles' and his uncle, his rightfully alive uncle.
Not noticing the tears that spilled from his eyes as he continued his explanation. His voice finally cracking when he all but slurs out, "There's no way to save my dad, my home, my world. Because even if I can go back home there's still a interdimensional villain out to destroy everything I love and most likely my dimension and more." he wails as he feels the painfully familiarity of grief he could've stopped, but it seems all and every universe is trying to kill or hurt him since he unintentionally took lives that weren't meant to be taken from 1610 universes gentle hold, killing coldly them as soon as he was bitten.
"If maybe I died instead of uncle Aaron things would be better, if I had just never been born everyone would be here still. Maybe Miguel was right I'm a mistake, there's no hope no one is on my side, not like I deserves it. the deaths I've caused by just being born is too many with very little lives I've saved at this point. My world is dying and I might as well let my cells be destroyed by this universe for every person that now has to suffer here and getting my universe killed, the least I can do is die a slow and panful death for the actions I can never atone too.."
42 Miles' and Aaron look on at the broken boy with petrified faces eyes widening when they see him distort and slump forwards as he passes out glitching like a glitch in a game.
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