nosleep83 · 1 year
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This one specific Leo angry face is making me CACKLE bro thinks he’s scary 💀💀💀💀💀
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suntails · 2 years
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i wanna draw this nicer eventually but not tonight <3 calm down sebek
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luvsavos · 5 months
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just found out about these guys. what the fuck. look at them
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bietrofastimoff23 · 2 years
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I look at it and think how Luke disappears under mysterious circumstances and after a while comes back with a broken nose every time he gets within a hundred meters of Aemond.
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prommethium · 6 months
Today at five p.m., my dog, Duncan, died.
He was eleven years old and a little menace in life. He liked to pee anywhere when he was angry, take long walks, and bark at dogs bigger than him. Cats were his mortal enemies, particularly the ones who hung around on the roof of my house and especially the ones who meowed or didn't care to look at him.
He was a playful, annoying little thing, always demanding attention and snacks. He liked to jump; doors were no barriers to him, for he was a clever one and opened or climbed them.
He was a faithful companion; when he was in a good mood, he liked to snuggle and lick my face, and when he was angry, he ignored me (that only happened once, after I took him on a long walk to the dog hospital for castration).
On his last days, he was quieter than usual, his clear and clever eyes observing around, like trying to commit to his memory everything. He came to receive pets, and I gave plenty. My hands smelled like hand cream the last time I petted him; he didn't want to lick my hand, but still, I rubbed behind his ears.
I'm going to miss him.
Rest in peace, Duncan.
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aubergineranger · 2 years
finally snaped at my brother for once in my life and now i remembered why i never did in the first place. this fucking goblin just laughed at me and kept smiling and acting like i was such a weirdo and drama queen for getting upset - ive never felt so humiliated in my life lol this man has litteraly minus zero respect for me why do i even try???? He keps infantalising me, never respects my opinions always makes me feel like an idiot i am so sick of it
worse is if i say anything im the annyoing freak who gets upset at nothing!! And i keep 'making a victim of myself' even if i dont say anything im in the wrong because im a wimp who cant express herself clearly and is unable to have an adult conversation. like bitch quit acting like youre more of the adult when im the one who makes you food everyday and wash your dirty underwear!!
but then when i say that then he just says 'oh i never asked for that' like im just being nice and filial! all im asking in return is for a bit of thankfulness and an ounce of respect and consideration but thats too fucking hard for you
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blondwhxrewrites · 3 months
mattheo would WORSHIP his hufflepuff!girlfriend. like literally fall to his knees every time he sees her and kiss the ground that she walks on. not to mention the fact that he would be so overly protective because of how kind and oblivious she is to anyone’s advances. and how he’d be soooo touchy with her while she’s talking to other students just to let people know what’s his. that man would rather die than see people talk to his girl, let alone not know what they’re talking about with her.
that man is so deeply in love with her it even disgusts him how sappy he gets. but at the end of the day he’s really just a clingy guy who needs attention from his girl☹️
Anon u are so correct
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No because Mattheo never thought he would fall for a Hufflepuff n suddenly you appear in his life with all your glitter and rainbows and he just can't get you out of his mind!!!! The moment he gets his greedy claws on you, he isn't ever letting go, and suddenly you have an over-six-foot Slytherin boy following after you like a lost puppy )):
He's so intimating too! Ur friends are so scared of him at first because he's secretly threatened all of them making sure that none of your friends are fake and you're just like "Guys he isn't mean I promise!!" while he glares at them from over your shoulder and when you turn to look at him suddenly he's all smiley and innocent like he wasn't just giving them the death glare a few moments ago 🙄
He doesn't trust any man around you unless it's one of his boys—it could just be an innocent first year asking you for directions and Mattheo would be like an angry chihuahua growling and barking at the poor boy while you have to hold him back and apologize for his poor behavior
Don't even get me started on when you're in private- he's all over you the moment you two are left alone. He's like a vampire because he's latching onto your neck and biting you like he's marking his property (he is)
The Hufflepuffs were already beloved by Slytherins but it gets ten times worse after You and Mattheo get together. Slytherins know what's up frfr
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beenbaanbuun · 7 months
after sex w/ yunho
wrote this while i should’ve been getting ready for work lmaoooo
yunho groaned from where he lay beside you. “up you get, little one,” he said, voice hoarse from where he’d been barking instructions at you for the past hour or so. you pout at him, really not wanting to leave his warm embrace and face the cold word that awaited outside your bed, “don’t give me that look.”
“what look?” you furrow your brows at him.
“that one right there,” he grumbles, “the one where you look like a homocidal chihuahua - all pouty lips and angry eyebrows and not a thought between them.”
he smirks as he you slap his chest. the sound reverberates around the room and it stings a little, but yunho can take a lot more than that. he’s pretty sure his back is bleeding in more than a few places from where you’d been clawing at it. maybe you were more like a chihuahua than he originally thought.
“i think,” you argue, “i think so much!”
he hums.
“you think too much,” his eyes land on your flaming eyes and he struggles to hold back a laugh. even when you’re trying to seem intimidating, he can’t help but find you adorable. you’re like a cute puppy that has a penchant for ankle biting - your expression of frustration only made you that much more sweet, “and nothing you think about is ever relevant. face it, pipsqueak, you’re a chronic overthinker; now get up, will you?”
he has you dead to rights there, shutting you up before you can even slip another word through your lips. instead you scrunch your face up and cross your arms in one last act of defiance. you don’t want to get up, and even though you know he’ll make you, you can at least make it difficult for him.
a small shove against your shoulder is immediately followed by another one, and if yunho’s tactic is annoying you into getting up, you’re afraid he might be successful. the first two pushes are nothing you can’t live with, but then he pushes you a third time, and then a forth, and then you let out an annoyed groan. clearly yunho wasn’t going to stop any time soon.
“why do i have to get up anyway?” you say as you roll a couple of inches away from him. of course, he just follows and continues his prior annoyance on you, “i’m comfy here in your arms, and you promised we could be ‘gross and shower in the morning’.”
“we can be gross and shower tomorrow,” he replies, “but you know well and good that we pee after sex in this household, missy. being gross and sweaty for a night is completely different to getting a UTI, don’t you think?”
you mutter some expletives under your breath, because fuck him for being right. always so smart, and always so smug about it too. you give him a single petty shove back before rolling to the edge of the bed and standing up. your limbs feel heavy, and you almost wish you could rewind a few seconds and beg yunho to carry you instead. he’d probably have done it, too, but it’s too late now. with you already standing next to the bed, achy limbs and all, he’d probably just shoo you away if you asked.
you go to walk away, managing to take a single step before he grabs you by the wrist. you turn to him, noticing the sly smile he wears, and cock a brow.
“what?” you ask.
“you know what.”
“yunho, they’re covering in my cum,” you groan, “that’s so gross.”
he scoffs.
“you’re covered in your cum too, but i don’t think you’re gross.”
again, you groan. you know exactly what he’s asking for, and you know he’s not going to give up until he gets it. with a sigh and a slow, disgruntled hand, you pick your abandoned panties off of the floor and throw them at him. they hit his chest with a slap, and he can’t help but giggle to himself as he lifts them to his face and takes a sniff.
“thanks, hot stuff,” his voice is muffled by the material, “now hurry up and pee so you can come back and cuddle.”
you sigh.
“fine, but you better not have a boner when i get back!”
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night-daily · 2 months
Third time's a charm | Peter Maximoff x fem! reader
summary: Two times where Peter tries to kiss you and one time when it finally happens.
warnings: not proof read, im sorry:(
a/n: i think i need a peter in my life
The first time, you and Peter were in the living room of Xavier's school, watching a movie. It was your regular movie night, you would sit together on the couch and eat popcorn and candy's that Peter stole it grabbed for you, “I…I wasn’t sure if you’d like this, so I just took all the flavours they had there” that was he said to you when it was your first movie night, he was pretty nervous because you asked him, of all the people in the mansion, you wanted to spend your free time with him. So that night he arrived with two bags full of candy's and since then it became a tradition.
The movie was playing on the tv in front of you but your focus wasn't in the movie, was on the guy sitting next to you. It wasn't a secret for anyone in the mansion that you were in love with Peter, except for him, of course. Sometimes it was hard for your friends to watch how hard you tried to flirt with him but he was so oblivious to your moves.
At night the mansion was cooler and you're already regretting you didn't bring your sweater with you cause now you're shaking like a chihuahua and you're pretty sure Peter had noticed.
Suddenly you felt a rush of air around you, did someone leave a window open?
But when you're about to stand up and check the windows, you've a blanket on you and Peter is looking at you with a frown on his face. “Next time tell me when you're cold 'cause I'm not the professor to read your mind” You feel your cheeks hot, embarrassed, “I just don't want you to get sick...” He mumbles, avoiding your eyes and missing the way your heart is beating faster at his words.
And feeling bold, you put your legs on top of his, this was very normal between you so he didn't flinch, but he did it when he felt your head on his shoulder, it felt... intimate. Your hair was brushing his neck and he wanted so bad to run his fingers through it.
But he was a little uncomfortable in this position, his arms were glued to his body, feeling the half of your body on one of his arms, it wasn't heavy but it wasn't comfortable either. So the only solution he came with, was to put his arm around you, resting it on your waist, sending chills on your spine.
Now it was comfortable, it was perfect. The way your bodies fitted so well made him think, why the hell we didn't this before?
“Peter” The way his name comes out of your mouth, it makes him go crazy, it's a feeling he'll never get tired of. Only if you knew you've him wrapped around your finger, you'll be together by now.
“Hmm?” He can't find his voice due your presence. You lifted your head a little to match his eyes. You're very close, so close that if he leans down his head like he's doing right now and if you stretch your neck like your doing now your lips would finally connect, he's getting closer and you can't wait any longer, you can feel it in the air, he want's this too, he wants you and—
“What are we watching?” Scott fucking Summers jumps from behind the couch sitting between you and Peter.
You sighs defeated, this was your karma for laughing at the kid who tripped in the fountain at the mall earlier?
“We're gonna watch the tape of your death” Scott frowned confused, “I've never heard of that movie before” The bowl of popcorn was stole it from your hands and he was ignoring Peter's angry glare.
“You're about to presence it” Scott dropped the bowl and ran off the stairs, running away from Peter who was chasing him without using his powers, the two of them running like childs, so yeah, this was your karma after all.
The second time
You're in Peter's room waiting for him, reading one of the comics he had lent you when you heard the door opens, finally, you thought.
“Hey you waited too much for me?” And there he was, his sweet smile that always seemed reserved just for you. Sweating was covering his face and a few scratches here and there. He was in a short mission and by the look in his face it wasn't that easy but nothing he couldn't handle. Peter had told you before “if i don't get some bruises, i'm a real hero?” of course you prefer it when he didn't hurted himself but you've had already that discussion with him about what makes you a hero and what doesn't but neither of you backed down so it was a tie, for now.
“I would wait for you all my life” It was cheesy but it was also true.
Making him blush wasn't easy but when it happens oh, you enjoyed the view. Before you can make fun of him, he speaks, “I'm gonna take a quick shower and then we can go to play games so get ready 'cause i'm gonna kick your ass” He stepped into the bathroom while you're standing outside so he can hear you.
You chuckled “Just like the last time when we played Ms pac-man and i broke your record? That's how you kick asses? No wonder why you suck at self defense”
“HEY” Even if you didn't seen him you're sure he was smiling just like you.
You waited a few minutes and he's done. He walks out of the bathroom with his new clothes on, the towel around his neck and a very wet hair.
“Why you never dry your hair?” And before he had the chance to respond, you took the towel around his neck, your arms stretching to his hair since he was a few centimeters taller than you.
Your moves were gently, soft and relaxing, no one has take care of him like you do. All of you were close to him, your body, your face, your lips.
“Stop moving Peter” If it wasn't for your warning, he wouldn't notice he has leaned into your arms thanks to the comfort you offer him, that's the effect you have on him and you don't seem to realize it.
He was staring at you, intensely, like memorizing every part of your face and you could feel it, his gaze was like fire and you could feel the burn on your cheeks. “So uhmm... can i wear one of your jackets? I could wear one of mines but yours are cozier” His eyes widened. His thoughts immediately picturing you with his jacket, and his heart jumps excitedly, a shy smile crossing his face.
But imagining you with his clothes, how they would look bigger in you, how his clothes would smell like you and how everybody would know you are his, fuck, fuck, fuck, why his pants suddenly feel tighter?
“Pete? Are you okay?” Your voice brings him back, realizing you're still holding the towel around his head, fuck fuck fuck, you're gonna find out about... his situation.
Thinking fast he took the towel from your hands and throw it at your face, not giving you a chance to ask him what's going on, he ran out of the mansion like his life depends on it.
“Isn't enough that she owns my heart but now she owns my.. head too?”
And when it finally happens
The next day after Peter throw you the towel, which wasn't very nice of him but it wasn't new coming from him, you had the strange feeling he was ignoring you.
Every time you walked at the same room as him, he would say some lame excuse and would be off before you can even blink. Also, he wasn't answering your calls or texts.
So you made your mission to trap Peter and asked him why the hell he was ignoring you.
“Oh no Scott, you ruined Peter's comic” Faking Jean voice wasn't so hard. Peter didn't come to the kitchen as you expected, so you tried one more time, “Oh my god, it was a limited edition—”
“You better run for your—” As soon as you heard his voice, you closed the door, using your body as a wall so he would need to face you to walk off.
Both of you knew he could easily ran and you wouldn't notice, but you got the feeling he wouldn't do it, again.
Peter's face was pale and surprised for falling so easily at your trap.
“Care to explain why you've been ignoring me?” He stayed silent and still, thinking in a way to get out.
“Did i say or did something to bother you?” Peter wasn't listening you, you sighed, “If you don't want me in your life anymore, at least have to guts to say it to my face” Your voice cracked, even when you tried to act though.
At the mention of you not being in his life, he finally looked at you, your fragile figure breaking his heart, he couldn't bare the thought of a life without you, what if you don't feel the same?
but what if she does?
“Goodbye, Peter” His head snapped. It was or never.
“I like you! That's why I've been acting weird, cause i don't wanna lose you” Your eyes widened, what did he say? “I know you might not feel the same but i can't hide it anymore” Shit, did he say he likes you? “B-But I understand if you don't want be friends after this and—”
Now you surprised him with how quickly you were standing in front of him. Grabbing him by his jacket, you pulled him close to you. “I can't believe you don't know i like your stupid, oblivious ass” You tiptoe to finally feel his lips against yours, “Are we about to kiss right now?” You groaned but a smile made his way on your face, “You're not serious” And before he can say something to ruin the moment, you cut him off with a kiss. A kiss full of sincere love, full of hope for a future where you are together and hopefully, he can feel how much you like him.
Unfortunately, none of you have some kind of breath power, so you have to break the kiss.
“So does this mean you feel the same or...?” “Oh my god”
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Beside You...
Pro Hero Bakugo ♡ Pro Hero Reader
Friends to Lovers
Summary: Bakugo always held victory close to his heart, but he held you closer.
From being kids in the playground, to freshly new homeowners talking about marriage, and til you both took your last breaths with a smile... you were the thing he held closest.
(This is Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga's fault for cooking up Die With A Smile. Had me in my feels.🫠)
TW: ANGST !! and some suggestive writing but no smut. Read at own risk.
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Age 6
Bakugo knew from a young age who he's supposed to be. Even as kids change their future occupation to astronauts to doctors, he never had doubt. He was meant to be a hero. He was meant to protect you.
"Hey! Stop pulling my hair it's not funny!"
The young blonde hears your cries from a mile away as two of the older kids from the playground tug your hair and take your toy away.
"Or what? you're just a pathetic weakling who can't even fight back." The two kids laugh as they continue to torment you.
Suddenly, a big explosion was directed at the two bullies sending them flying. Bakugo had never had such perfect precision with his quirk before. It was his first perfect and biggest shots he's had since his quirk manifestation.
"Die you extras! If you even think about bullying her again, I'll blow you to bits!" He barked like a high squeaking chihuahua standing in front of your body that was thrown down from the blast. Safe to say you never saw those bullies again.
"Get up. Your dress is going to get dirty." Bakugo huffs, sounding angry but still holding his hand out with a blush.
Your eyes widen as you take his hand to get up, and you give him a big hug, causing him to be taken aback.
"You're my hero!"
Bakugo never went to the park without you after that. Not if both of your parents wanted to deal with constant crying/yelling from the two of you...
Age 14
After the U.A. exams, you and Bakugo sit in his room as you hold your head in your hands in defeat.
"Stop sulking. You don't even know if you got rejected yet." He says in his usual huff but still holds your hair back.
You mailed your results to his house so you could open it together.
"Easy for you to say. You had the highest points. I swear it took me forever to get one robot when I was too busy saving others from getting mauled by theirs." Y/n sighs as she reflects on the exams.
"I don't know Kats, I think I did better in the Shiketsu exam than I did U.A. I'll probably only be getting the acceptance there." You groan as you wipe some tears from your face.
"Shut up. You don't know shit yet." He said earning a scoff.
"I know I did dog shit at the exam, and that's enough. Sorry to say, but I don't think we'll be in the same class, or even the same school."
"I'll go to Shiketsu then."
You let out an audible laugh before looking at his face, dropping you smile instantly.
"Holy shit. You're serious?" You say before shaking your head. "No, you can't. Your dream is UA. Don't be switching shit up just because of me." You say before turning your body towards him.
"I don't care where I get my license at. I'm still going to be number one. No matter what. Beside can't be training if your ass is getting into trouble the whole other side of town",He said, rolling his eyes as he looked away from your widened gaze.
"Katsuki-," you say before getting cut off.
"Don't make a big deal out of it, princess." He quips, signaling to you that's the end of the discussion. He's going where you go.
Silence falls between the two of you until the sound of a car is heard right after. You both rush to get the letters and begin to open them. Revealing two holograms of All Might congratulating them on their acceptances to Class 1-A.
You grab him and jump up and down from excitement.
"See you idiot. You were overreacting." He says with his usual smirk. You roll your eyes. Maybe you were being a bit dramatic.
"Yeah, but still.." You say before kissing his cheek, causing him to freeze up. You smile at him.
"Thank you for wanting to cheer me up and wanting to stay by me."
His stares at your beautiful smile before looking away.
"Tch. Always, you big baby." He says before pulling you into his arms as you laugh.
Your romantic relationship didn't wait long after that moment.
Age 22
"Last fucking box." Bakugo grunts putting down the box down in the empty living room filled with the rest of the labeled boxes. While your slumped body lays on the couch, you just assembled.
Something about wanting to make the house feel more homey for the time being or procrastination for unpacking Bakugo calls it. Still, he takes the opportunity to lay next to you.
"Why didn't we just keep our apartment." You groan as you look at him. He glares at you.
"You were the one that suggested buying the house in full, princess." He said. They both earned quite a bit the last year and had money to spare.
"Besides, that place was getting too cramped for all our shit. You know this already." He says before grabbing your face as you pout.
"Ugh, but now we have to unpack all of this." You say as he smushes your cheeks. You wrap your arm around him.
You both lean in for a kiss, embracing the comfort of the couch. You both pull away and sit up, looking at all the boxes.
"Cmon, get your ass up and help me unpack." He says, trying to reach for a box before you blurt out.
"Let's get married today."
Just as he thinks you can never surprise him, you say shit like that.
He was planning on marrying you, like hell he would buy a house just for a girlfriend. You were his first and only, no doubt. But he didn't expect how this would play out.
"What?" He says in a shell-shocked tone.
"The court house doesn't close til 9. We still have time to make it over there. So what do you say." Going up to him with a sheepish smile.
"Fuck no." He says to you while you pause, smile dimming while thinking you misinterpreted his goals with you.
"Oh. Okay. Yeah, it was stupid ide - "You say before getting interrupted.
"Fuck that's not what I meant, Babe." He says before grabbing your pulling away figure.
"I wanna marry your ass, but I'm not doing it at a courthouse just because you're trying to avoid moving into our damn house." He says before peppering you with kisses. His grip on you tightening.
"I just needed to make sure that meant moving into a home meant what I thought it meant." You mumble between kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Of course it does, dumbass." He says, deepening the kiss as he walks and pulls you down to the couch. Falling into each other's embrace.
It's definitely a creative way of getting comfortable in the new home.
Age 45
"Fucking shit" Bakugo groans after the building collapsed on the two of you by the villian you both were trying to stop for months now.
"Katsuki." You weakly groan beneath him as the raging headache ensued from the collision of the building.
Bakugo look around them, sighing in relief as he realizes his wife is okay, and so is he. He tries to get but stops when he hears you yelp in pain.
"Stop, don't move, Katsuki!" You breathe tiredly. Only then does Bakugo look down and see the large metal bar piercing the two of you together. It's shocking the two of you are still alive.
Bakugo looks into your eyes as you whimper in pain. His adrenaline is beginning to stop as he winces in pain, too. But he puts on a brave face.
"Shh.. Fuck. It's okay, baby. We're going to get out of here okay, rescue shouldn't take long." He now says breathlessly holding you close.
You smile weakly at him, grabbing caressing his face.
"You're no liar, Katsuki. It's okay." You say while your voice cracks with emotion. He grits his teeth as tears spill out of his eyes.
"I'm sorry... I can't save us this time, baby " He says, choking on tears and blood. Your tears beging to spill, too.
"There was still so much I wanted to do with you." He sobs out as you listen, sobbing too.
"Fuck, we should've stopped ages ago, our stubborn asses. Should've retired early, go on a vacation, fuck maybe even had a child or two." He huffs out in a sad laughter as you both realize just how different your lives could've been if you had stopped being heroes year before.
Maybe your guy's death would have been more peaceful; one with old gray hair and wrinkles.
You give out a weak laugh. Your vision starts to get smaller, so you try to soak up every last detail of your husband's face.
"I don't regret this." You say choking on your blood. He stares lovingly into your eyes. His vision too slowly giving out.
"I loved that I got to spend every moment with you, Kats. I fucking love you're annoying ass so much. I couldn't imagine breathing without you next to me." You say with a weak smile, gasping for air with each pause.
Bakugo weakly smiles back at you as he brushes the debris off your face. Taking your beauty in for the final time.
"Good thing we don't have to" He says his final comeback as he pulls you in and puts his lips on yours.
Taking each other's final breath...
[If] our time on Earth was through, I'd wanna hold you just for a while, and die with a smile.
If the world was ending, I wanna be next to you~♡
Alternative Happy Ending
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Shut up, I'm not crying you are 😭.
It's literally one of the most emotional pieces I've ever written in my life.
Blame Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga. 😭
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klaus-littlestwolf · 3 months
Hello Love, I was wondering if you would write one Dark! Yandere!Mafia! Bucky and Klaus x chubby reader, where they meet her at the park while she was having a stroll and a random group of boys start disturbing her, Klaus gets furious and bucky is already on the move, they save her and from then on they become friends according to the reader's perspective but to them she is already their Princess. They keep an eye on her, put security around her apartment as well as her work space and any man who even dares to look at her gets to face their wrath. One day they decide that they have had enough and kidnap her, obviously she is terrified but seeing them she is heart broken how can they do this to her but they don't think this to be an offense and begin courting her. Eventually she falls for them and you can continue Idk..... They tell her stories about the evil that lurk in the shadows just so they could keep her close making her feel safe in the hands of the Devils . Can you also write about how she is the one who kills Mikael when he attacks Klaus since Bucky was absent and she cannot bear someone hurting her Nikky. When Bucky returns he finds out about the whole event and is so proud of his Doll but it was her first murder and now she is so full of guilt and Klaus is doing a terrible job of comforting her so he takes the matter into his own hands...... Idk can I request a fluffy ending at the last. Sorry the request is too long. It would be great if you could write this one shot....... ( This is my first request)
(P.S. - My hands are shaking writing this up, I am super nervous)
I love you very much and your writings just make my day , if you don't feel comfortable you don't need to write it up.
Bye Love.
A Strange Kind of Love -Yan!Mafia!Bucky B./Klaus M.
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It’s actually a very interesting idea and I like it a lot. I assumed you wanted a human AU. I went against my instinct on this one since you didn’t ask for a Daddy Kink so it does not contain DD/LG content
Also, you never need to be nervous to make a request, I don’t judge anyone for the things they want to read. I’m sure you can tell from the things I write (that range from strange to truly fucked up) that I understand wanting to read specific things or kinks or relationships and honestly (especially after writing this) I want to do more KlausxOCxBucky cause they’re so cute together with their Princess (so if you have more ideas make your requests). Never worry about your requests cause trust me, everyone on this app has thought about (and read) weirder in every way🤣
Thank you for the compliments btw, I’m so glad you love my stories so much. I never in a million years would have thought people would like them so much but it makes me so unbelievably happy🥰
Warning: Smut! Threesome, Breeding Kink, Kidnapping, Mentions of abuse, Mikael being a Dick
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Bucky and Klaus hadn’t meant to be in the park that day at all. They had just gotten done taking care of a group of idiots who thought they could come into the Mikaelson’s city and do whatever they wanted. To their credit, Bucky had given them a warning, they just chose not to listen and Klaus had run out of patience, deciding that setting their house on fire sounded like fun. On the way out the cops were between them and their car so they had their man pull around the park and they would meet them.
On their way through the park to the car, they came across a scene that angered the both of them. A women, holding her bag tightly and trying to move away while 3 men were seemingly playing some kind of game with her as they grabbed at her clothes.
‘Come on babe, we just wanna play with you!’
‘Yeah, don’t run away, you have time for a game!’ One of the men pulled her shirt hard and ripped two of the bottom buttons apart making her scream, kicking him in the knee as hard as she could. The idiot collapsed with a yelp much like that of an angry chihuahua before glaring up at her.
‘Don’t touch me!’
‘Oh, you’re gonna get it for that one girlie!’ The other one grabbed her arm but was cut off, hearing the sound of Bucky clearing his throat.
‘That’s no way to treat a lady.’ Klaus stated, fingers around the handle of the blade he keeps tucked into his pants as the asshole released her and began backing away, clearly recognizing them.
‘My friend is right. Run along now and hope this young lady doesn’t want revenge for this later.’ Bucky spoke, helping her up from where she had fallen before the men ran away. ‘Are you alright?’ She nodded, holding the bottom of her shirt closed as Klaus came back, having run after the idiots a ways to scare them into not coming back, Bucky knew that Klaus loved to tease idiots like that in hopes they would fuck up and he could kill them. ‘I’m James but everyone just calls me Bucky, this here is my brother for all intents and purposes, Klaus. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kitten.’ Both men enjoyed the blush on her cheeks at the nickname, taken aback by how cute this girl was.
‘I’m Y/n, thank you for your help. I’m really grateful…oh fuck! I’m so late for work, I have to go!’ She turned to go when Klaus caught her arm making her flinch.
‘Sorry, no need to be afraid. I had just hoped we could have your number. We’d like to make sure you’re still alright later.’
As Y/n looked up at Bucky and Klaus she couldn’t help but feel safe. She didn’t know why but they were comforting and so she nodded, taking Klaus’ phone and doing just that for him.
Bucky and Klaus, upon getting to their car, began talking about the sweet girl they had met and realized they both felt a pull to her, one that was strong and desperate. It wasn’t often that Bucky and Klaus genuinely liked a women in any way other than wanting her in their bed, let alone the same women but they had shared before and they knew that Y/n was worth it.
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They never thought it would become what it had, them falling in love with the perfect women, but here they are, head over heels a month after meeting and taking her out to dinner for the 4th time that week.
Neither of them could go very long without seeing their girl, both Bucky and Klaus knowing they have obsessive personalities but they also knew they would never hurt Y/n, they were in love with her.
Of course she was naive enough to think they were just her friends, never expecting both of them to want to be with her so it never crossed her mind that these were dates they were going on. The men saw no issue with Y/n in any way, she was their beautiful Babygirl. She was sweet and innocent, the most loving girl they had ever met and far more than they deserve (though they would never admit that they both knew that out loud), they never even considered that she didn’t ‘look the part’ of a women that they would normally date. She was a little on the chubby side but they loved everything about her, Bucky loving to feel her weight on top of him when he lays back on the couch, pulling her with him and refusing to even hear her complaints. Every time he ends up trying to hide his erection as he dreams of wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her still while he ruts his cock up into her tight little pussy until she’s crying in ecstasy. Klaus enjoys resting his head on her thick thighs like the comfiest pillow in the world while she plays with his hair, dreaming about the day that she would allow him to be smothered between them. He would eat her pussy like a man dying of thirst and could only imagine the sounds she would make for him.
They didn’t understand why she thought she wasn’t good enough for them but honestly it gave them time to get everything the way they needed it so they would put up with it, until the house is finished.
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It was the mugging that pushed them over the edge.
She didn’t call them that morning like she always did, not even at least sending a text to say ‘good morning’ as she always had and so Klaus and Bucky found themselves in their Chevrolet Corvette E Ray (which Klaus had just gotten specifically to take Y/n for a scenic drive/picnic and impress her even if money didn’t really do that) to get to her as fast as they could.
They broke about 45 different traffic laws but the cop that noticed them and began driving after them pulled off quickly, probably having run the plates and realized who it was, not wanting all the paperwork or the lawyers involved just for whatever ticket he was going to write. Upon arriving at her apartment they found out that their girl had walked to the corner store that morning and been robbed, her phone being taken so she couldn’t text them. Bucky kissed her head before leaving the room, getting on his phone and having his men work to track hers and find the asshole who did it while Klaus used his phone to order them breakfast to be delivered, snuggling their Babygirl as close as he could and wiping her tears repeatedly before calling her boss to let him know she wouldn’t be in the next week. Thankfully they had met her boss at a work event they insisted on joining her at and the man wanted more than anything to impress them both.
They spent the day cheering their girl up, even getting her back her phone which had sadly been destroyed by the idiot trying to get into it before staying the night with her, snuggled between them in her bed.
‘This is the way it should be. Our Princess cuddled up between us without a care in the world.’ Klaus noted and Bucky agreed.
‘I called today, they’re working shifts round the clock now. The cabin will be finished in 2 days, Steve and Elijah are having everything moved in right now. Just 2 more days and our Kitten will be ours, brother.’ The men couldn’t hide the smiles on their faces, knowing they were going to keep their Babygirl safe where nothing could ever hurt her again.
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Waking up was disorienting, the drugs clearly still being in her blood stream but she pushed through the feeling, sitting up to find herself in a huge bed that was probably the comfiest thing she had ever laid on. As she looked around, her head spinning with dizziness, the bedroom door opened and her head snapped up to see Klaus walk in.
‘Klaus! Thank God! I thought I was alone!’ She moved to the edge of the bed, Klaus catching her before she could collapse. ‘Where’s Bucky? Is he okay?!’
It was obvious that she didn’t immediately think that they had brought her here, she thought they had all been brought here together. ‘He’s downstairs making you some tea.’
‘Making tea? Why would…no…Klaus no…w-why?’ She whimpered, tears rising in her eyes but as Klaus moved to wipe them away she smacked his hand from her face, stumbling back as her legs gave out but not letting him help her.
‘Princess, please? Just let me-‘
‘Don’t Touch Me! Don’t You Ever Touch Me Again!’ She screamed, turning and using the bed to help her stand, turning to the door Klaus had just come through before he cut off her exit. ‘Why are you doing this? I want to go home Klaus, I’m scared and I want to go home.’
Klaus felt his chest tighten, hating to see tears on his Princess’ face. ‘You are home baby, it’s okay. We brought you here to keep you safe. No more mugging, no more shitty bosses or backstabbing friends, just us…you, me and Bucky. Doesn’t that sound nice?’
‘You kidnapped me…and now you want me to tell you that it sounds great here? Fuck you!’ She hissed, sitting back onto the bed before the door opened again and Bucky stepped in with a tray.
‘Good morning-Now I know you’re feeling a tad angry, but we did this to protect you.’
‘You pretentious asshole! You-‘
‘Enough!’ Bucky exclaimed, clearly done with her attitude making her flinch away and Klaus moved to her side, taking her hand in his and pressing it to his lips.
‘We will never harm you Baby, not ever. Please don’t flinch like that? You know we would never let you get hurt.’ Klaus’ eyes were big and needy, hating the idea that the girl he is desperately in love with would be afraid of him.
‘You Kidnapped Me! You were my friends! How could you guys-‘
‘We were never your friends, Doll.’
‘Bucky!’ Klaus snapped but he was ignored, Bucky’s metal fingers trailing down the side of her face.
‘We have been in love with you since the moment we met and there’s no way you don’t know that Kitten.’
‘You’re insane! Men like you don’t go for girls like me, let alone 2 of you! I’m not stupid…at least not completely considering I believed you cared about me to begin with.’
‘Okay, now you’re just being dramatic-‘
‘You’ve kidnapped me-‘
‘We Love You!’ He shouted, becoming overwhelmed with your disregard for their feelings. ‘We’ve loved you for months, Doll…this ain’t some casual fling for us, we’ve shared girls for a night before but never more than that. Never something like you…we love you so much Kitten, more than I thought possible.’ Bucky admitted, Y/n staring in shock, unsure of what to say.
‘As well as more than I thought myself capable.’ Klaus spoke up. ‘You know about my father…my family and I…I never thought I would be able to love someone the way people talk about in those cheesy love stories but you did that for me…you broke down walls I’ve been building since I was a child and I…I need you not to hate us. We had to protect you…Please?’ Klaus pleaded, desperate for her loving gaze to be back on him as it’s been since the day they met.
‘Klaus I-I could never hate you…but I don’t know that I can just get over being kidnapped by the people I trusted most in the entire world. You have to understand that, and so do you. I trusted you, the whole time you could have just told me how you felt but you didn’t, you let me think I was disgusting and fucked up for liking the both of you and now I don’t know that I can forgive you. Especially if this is who Bucky really is-‘ she said, turning to look at him. ‘because I loved the sweet man who snuggled with me whenever I was sad but this angry one who shouts at me for being upset at being Kidnapped? I don’t know who he is and I don’t know that I want to if this is the way you are.’ Bucky had the decency to look saddened by her admission but didn’t let it bother him too much as he handed her the cup of tea.
‘We do understand Princess, and there’s some things we need to tell you. No matter what though, you are safe with us.’ Klaus promised, kissing her hand and sat down beside her on the bed along with Bucky where they spent the next 2 hours explaining who they really were. Their lives, childhoods, and jobs they now had as the heads of 2 separate crime families that only joined together thanks to Klaus and Buckys resilient friendship.
Y/n would have been impressed if she wasn’t so horrified…she’s a bit impressed by them, though she refused to forgive them that quickly. They had a lot of making up to do if they wanted to be friends again…or whatever it is they really wanted to be…?
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It was nearly a full week later that any kind of development happened in the battle Y/n was fighting against them.
The crash was startling and as much as Y/n wanted to pretend that she didn’t care, she didn’t want Klaus to be hurt and she knew Bucky wasn’t here leading to her standing from the bed and creeping down the stairs quietly. She had just planned to peek into the den to make sure he wasn’t dead before going back upstairs but as she looked in she saw Klaus on the floor with blood dripping from his nose and mouth and a man crouched over top of him with a sinister look in his eyes.
Y/n instantly recognized the man from the family pictures that Klaus had shown her. This was Klaus’ step father, the man that had spent Klaus’ entire life beating him senseless and making him believe he was unworthy of any kind of love and affection.
This was Mikael.
Bucky had spoken about murdering the man only 500 times in their relationship and she knew he wanted the man dead almost as much as Klaus did and she expected one day that he would show up.
What she didn’t expect however, was Klaus to lay there completely frozen, petrified.
Y/n, who had been trying so hard to remain angry at Klaus and Bucky in the last week, felt her heart break at the sight of this strong man who she had depended on time and time again, looking so small and scared. She knew she couldn’t just go back upstairs and do nothing, she hated this man. Hated him for everything he had done to Klaus, everything he had made her friend feel. She knew that Bucky would want to kill Mikael, she knew he would be doing it already if he was only here, but he’s not here…she is.
Y/n crept around to the living room and got to the fire place, retrieving the fire poker as quietly as possible, as well as the duct tape from the junk drawer before approaching the den again.
‘You really thought you could hide from me, didn’t you, boy? You’ve been hiding behind that boyfriend of yours since you met, found yourself a tough son of a bitch to protect you like the weakling you are and always have been. But he’s not here now, is he?’ She quietly crept up behind the man, instantly despising him even more than she already did which she would have thought was completely impossible. ‘Theres no one left to hide behind, who is going to protect you now, hmm?’
‘I am.’ Y/n spoke up, clearly startling him as he spun his head around only for her to swing the fire poker and slash it straight across his face. She swung it again into the back of his head before he could move and he collapsed off of Klaus and onto the floor. She hit him once more before grabbing the duct tape, rolling him onto his back and pulling his hands together to wrap the tape around them far too many times before doing the same with his feet before taping them together as if he was hog tied-just with way too much tape. Y/n turned to look at where Klaus had been laying and he had turned to see where his Step Father laid, eyes wide and completely shocked. She dropped the fire poker and moved to kneel beside him, wrapping her arms around his neck and he instantly sat up, pulling her onto his lap with his arms firmly wrapped around her waist. He was sniffling over and over, clearly trying to control himself and his body as it continued to shake thanks to the adrenaline rushing through it. ‘It’s okay. You’re safe now…you’re safe Klaus.’
Klaus reached his hands up, cupping Y/n’s cheeks and pressing his lips to hers desperately. It felt wonderful to be in Klaus’ arms again, she had missed him. ‘You saved me.’ He spoke against her lips, hands squeezing her waist.
‘‘Of course I did…I couldn’t let him hurt you. I love you…’ she admitted, seeing Klaus’ face light up in happiness before he pressed his lips to hers again, groaning as he felt her hand pulling his shirt over his head prompting Klaus to grab hold of her collar and rip her shirt open, buttons flying everywhere while he yanked it off, followed by her lacy black bra.
‘Gods, you are fucking perfection, you know that?’ One thing Y/n loved about Klaus and Bucky? They never failed to make her feel like the prettiest girl in every room. They never even seemed to notice the fact that she was chubbier than all of the women who stared at them unashamedly even when she’s right there as if she’s such little competition they don’t even have to think about it. They never even glance at other women when she’s there and even now, Y/n feels like the sexiest women in the entire world.
‘Your hands feel so good, never stop touching me, please?’
‘Never! Never stopping Princess, I will touch you for the rest of forever until we take to the grave and we are buried together for eternity! No more running, all ours now…’ he swore, lifting her leg over him from where she had sat on his lap so she now straddled his waist. Klaus pulled her pants down before just ripping them off to avoid moving her again. ‘So fucking perfect baby-‘
‘Please?’ She whined, feeling him move her thong to the side and brush his cock against her clit.
‘No need to beg Princess, don’t worry, I’m going to fuck you just how you need. My good girl deserves to be rewarded for protecting me, doesn’t she?’ Y/n nodded her head rapidly, crying out quite loudly when Klaus pushed his cock up and into her sopping wet cunt, stretching her hole deliciously. ‘So perfect baby! Perfect fucking cunt, oh Shit!’ He wrapped one arm tightly around her waist to pin her chest against him while the other arm rested up her back and his hand held her shoulder giving him the leverage to pull her down against him with every thrust of his hips.
‘Ah! Ah! Right there! Please?!’
‘There?’ Klaus wondered, thrusting his hips particularly hard.
‘Fuck Yes!’ Y/n shrieked, nails digging into his back again and most definitely drawing blood.
What neither of them heard in their blissful desperation was the front door opening and Bucky running into the house having gotten an alarm alert on his phone when Mikael came in. Neither Klaus nor Y/n were answering their phones and he was panicking until he heard the noises coming from the den. Peeking his head around the corner he was shocked to find a hog tied man that he recognized from Klaus’ family pictures as well as his brother with their girl on his lap, his cock buried inside of her as deep as possible.
‘Close…so close! Please?!’ She begged and Bucky moved quietly into the room crouching behind them. His hand moved between them finding his Kittens clit to roughly caress, her entire body stiffening a second later before she cried out and Klaus held her down against him as he grunted, cumming deep inside of their girl the way they had always dreamed of.
Once they had relaxed and Y/n had snuggled into Klaus’ neck, Bucky decided to make his presence known. ‘That was beautiful.’ He stated, both of them jumping in fright, Klaus ready to pull her behind him just as he realized that it was just his brother.
‘Fucking Hell Buck! Don’t do that, I’ve had enough scares for one day.’ He spoke and Y/n turned his head, kissing his lips softly.
‘He won’t touch you again Nikky, you’re safe now.’ She promised and he snuggled into her neck, enjoying her comfort.
‘Course you are bro, especially with our little protector here. You did this, didn’t you killer?’ He teased, but held a level of respect in his eyes that made her happy.
‘He was gonna kill him, I didn’t have a choice…I-‘
‘You did so well Kitten, I’m so proud of you!’ Bucky insisted, pulling her face closer to kiss her softly. ‘You know what that means, don’t you?’ She looked at him curiously while Bucky and Klaus looked at each other, knowing exactly what they’ve been waiting for for months on end. They were finally going to have her just the way they wanted. ‘Good little Kittens get rewarded…take her upstairs Nik, I’ll take care of him.’
‘But…I wanna watch.’ Y/n pouted making both men laugh.
‘Buckys gonna lock him in the shed. Don’t worry Love, you can see as much as you want to.’ Klaus hoisted her up into his arms and carried her through the hall and up the stairs to their bedroom, which made up the entire first floor other than a bathroom.
Bucky dragged the man down the hall and through the kitchen out the back door to the shed. They had it built just in case someone should decide to try and hurt their Babygirl here, giving them the perfect place to have some…fun with Mikael. Bucky cut all the tape off before chaining him to the floor in the center of the room, locking the doors behind him and quickly running back to the house where he locked everything else up as they wouldn’t be leaving any time soon.
Y/n was back on Nik’s lap and kissing him contently when Bucky came back in, stripping off his suit in no time, crawling up onto the bed and getting their attention. ‘Wow…’ she mumbled as she looked over his toned body. Bucky knew he was nice to look at, while Klaus had muscle he was leaner where as Bucky held muscle extremely well and while his cock was slightly less thick than his brothers, it was almost a full inch longer. It drew their girls eyes instantly and he couldn’t hide his smirk if he wanted to.
‘Did you enjoy Nikky stretching your pretty little pussy on his cock?’ She nodded her head with a whine, turning to face Bucky who grabbed her thighs and yanked her forward. A squeal left her as she fell back onto the giant bed, him lifting her legs to present her cunt to his eyes. ‘I bet you did, but now it’s my turn and I’m gonna fuck my cock into you so deep you’ll be carrying my babies by morning.’ Her eyes widened dramatically before he leaned down and pressed his mouth against her clit.
‘Oh God!’
‘That’s right Princess, in this room we are your Gods. You worship and we give you everything you could ever want…riches-‘ Klaus leaned down, pressing his lips to hers sweetly. ‘-Pleasure…’ he kissed down her chest to her breasts, nipping her skin teasingly. ‘-Fertility…’ he smirked, wrapping his lips around her nipple and twisting the other just as Bucky shoved his tongue into her hole, his nose brushing her clit hard and sending her over the edge, making her cry out.
‘There you go, good girl!’ Bucky smirked, lifting her legs as he pushed his way between them, his long member brushing against her sensitive clit. ‘We’ve been waiting a long time for this Kitten, and you have too, haven’t you?’ Y/n whimpered as Klaus continued his teasing at her breasts. ‘We’re gonna put a baby in you tonight, one way or another.’ He gestured to Klaus who hopped up, moving to the closet and grabbing a box that he set on the edge of the oversized bed, pulling out a silicone plug with a purple jewel on the end making her tense and Bucky groan. ‘That’s right Kitten, we’re gonna fill you up all night long.’ He promised, taking hold of his cock and pressing it into her slick hole, not stopping until he bottomed out completely. ‘Nothings ever been so deep in this pretty little cunt, has it?’ She whined needily which answered his question just fine before he began thrusting into her.
‘Oh Fuck! Too Much!’
‘Too much? Too Much? Impossible! Our girl can take anything and everything we have to give her, can’t you Kitten? We’re gonna fill you so full you’ll be leaking all over the bed, gonna make us Daddies tonight, aren’t you?’ Tears were falling from her face as she nodded frantically, practically begging him for more. ‘Gonna plug you up so full it won’t be possible that you’re not knocked up!’ Bucky was thrusting up into her so hard she knew she would be sore but she couldn’t find it in herself to care as Klaus turned her head to the side and shoved his cock between her lips.
‘Fuck! Such a hot fucking mouth! Christ! Sucking my cock so good for me Princess!’ She moaned, choking on his cock as he pushed into the back of her throat.
‘Oh shit! Gonna fill you up so good Kitten, you want your pretty little pussy full don’t you? You need it!’ She moaned around Klaus’ dick but Bucky got the message just fine. ‘Yes, gonna give our girl a baby, Fuck!’ Bucky growled as he shoved his cock as deeply into her body as he could, cumming hard and holding her on him to keep himself as deep as he could. ‘My good little Kitten.’ He hummed, pinching her nipple teasingly.
‘Move Buck!’ Klaus insisted, pulling himself out of her mouth which caused her to whine, Bucky pulling out and laying beside her as Klaus stretched her hole around his cock again. ‘Just needed to fill your cunt again. You can drink my cum 10 times a day when this womb is full, but-ah! Until then we’re gonna fill this hole every…single…time! Oh Shit!’ Once again Klaus filled her up and she whined at how full her body felt now. His cock stayed buried into her as his hand put pressure on her lower belly, caressing her as if it would ensure their seed took.
‘Open your mouth.’ Bucky told her and she did, only to have the plug shoved between her lips to wet it before pulling it back out and moving to shove it into her cunt as soon as Klaus pulled back, not allowing a single drop spilled. ‘Good girl. Now, you rest because after you have had some time to relax, we’re gonna do it all over again.’ She whined before Klaus laid at her other side, shushing her.
‘Relax Princess. You’re all ours now, and we’re gonna take such good care of you.’
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A Strange Kind of Love Moodboard
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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beansprean · 2 years
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Izzyhuahua is the most insanely accurate characterization yet. Thank you @batsarebetterthanpeople for your post.
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Ed, in a modern black tee shirt and jeans, walks in a door that dings when he opens it. He has a square shaped cloth shoulder bag strapped over his chest that is decorated with skulls and embroidered with "Izzy" at the top. Popping up from inside is a dark brown long haired Chihuahua with white on his muzzle, spots on his head that look like angry eyebrows, and a spot on his cheek that looks like an x. 1b. Ed from the back as he holds up dog Izzy with both hands, saying, "you're gonna have to sedate him." Lucius, dressed as a vet tech in peach scrubs and a red kerchief, holds out his hands to take him with a smirk, responding dismissively, "Haha, don't worry! Dr. Bonnet can handle this little guy." Izzy growls softly. 1c. 10 minutes later. Lucius reappears, hair missed, clothes torn, and a bloody bandage around his left pointer finger. He holds out a form on a clipboard and says, "Yeah, we're gonna need to sedate him."
2a. Close up on Stede, dressed in teal scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck, on a bubbly yellow background. He looks up, eyes widening and cheeks turning red, mouth soft as he fumbles through an introduction, "Hello, I'm Dr. ...uh.... Stede..." 2b. Reverse close up of Ed in a similar state, staring lovestruck and blushing as he responds dazedly, "...Ed..." 2c. Close up on Izzy as he furiously launches himself upwards, growling and snarling! Offscreen, Ed screams, "Ahh, fuck, Izzy, no!!" and Stede shrieks, "Oh God!!" and calls for Lucius.
3a. Later, Izzy is now out cold on an examination table, snoring and tongue sticking out but somehow still looking angry. Text nearby points to him and says "extra extra drugs". Ed and Stede stand on either side of the table, Ed gently petting Izzy's back with a smile as he explains, "He has a lot of separation anxiety... I'd just like him to stop biting people, haha." Stede, arms crossed, looks down skeptically at the dog and just replies, "Right." He thinks to himself, 'Diagnosis: complete asshole.' 3b. Ed looks down, blushing a bit, and continues, "Makes dating kinda tough, heh." Stede immediately perks up but tries to keep it casual, looking everywhere but Ed and sweating at his temple. "oh?" he ventures carefully. "You're single, then?" Ed sighs, replying, "Yeah. Iz here has run off my last two boyfriends." 3c. Ed looks up at the ceiling, playing ignorance, and taps his chin facetiously, wondering aloud, "But maybe if I found someone good with animals...who understood-" Stede, looking sweaty and panicked, interrupts him at top volume with "Do you want to have dinner with me?!" 3d. Stede drops his tomato red face into his hands, mumbling, "I'm sorry, that was so unprofessional..." Ed just beams at him from the other side of the table, clearly having gotten the invite he was fishing for. On the table, Izzy starts to twitch and wake, one angry eye cracking open.
4a. Stede and Ed on a black leather loveseat in Ed's home, mismatched candles the only source of light on either side of them and music drifting sensuously from a speaker. Both are clearly dressed for a date, Stede in a button up and khakis and Ed in a purple henley and gray trousers. They are leaning close, knees interlaced, Ed's hand on Stede's thigh and the other cupping his cheek, Stede with one hand stretched on the back of the couch and the other expertly cupping a wine glass. Their faces are an inch apart, eyes closed, about to have their first kiss. 4b. There is a happy "yip!" as Izzy suddenly jumps up into Ed's lap and places his little paws on his chest, breaking the moment and causing Ed and Stede to jerk back from each other in surprise. 4c. Ed laughs and wraps his hands around the little dog, hearts floating up as he coos, "Aww, Izzy! Did you need some attention?" Unnoticed by Ed, Izzy turns to look at Stede over his shoulder to aim what can only be called a triumphant smirk at him. Stede jerks in surprise and looks immediately offended and angry. /end ID
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willowser · 11 months
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you had only to look at me—
part two.
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bakugou x f!reader
wc: 3.3k+
tags: nsfw (18+), childhood best friend bakugou, dry humping, implied virgin bakugou, a tad angsty at the end.
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even before i was touched, i belonged to you; you had only to look at me. — the burning heart, louise glück.
this is a repost.
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childhood best friend bakugou is probably a wrestler. a lil' rough-houser.
games of tag end with you tackled to the ground, squashed underneath him until you finally agree that he's the king of the world. whenever your hair is long enough to pull back into a pony-tail or little bun, he's yanking on it to get your attention, harsh, especially if you're ignoring him to talk to anyone else. scraped knees and bruised elbows, coming home missing a single shoe, shirt stretched out and wrinkled at the bottom corner: all katsuki's fault.
it makes you a little volatile, too, in turn.
not so much as him, but you grow up defending yourself; the first black eye he gets is from you (if you don't count the time he hit himself in the face by accident, when you'd started a slap-fight because he was trying to hold you down) and you very quickly learn how "unfair" it (apparently) is to kick him in the groin. your parents spend a lot of time separating you, putting you in opposite corners of the room until one of you stops crying and the other is ready to mumble out an apology. you're not allowed to sit next to each other at holiday events. whatsoever. under any circumstances.
he's your best friend. you wouldn't have it any other way.
in middle school, he's just as insufferable, hardly allows you to talk to any of your girl friends without butting in some how, too loud for anyone's own good. he tries to embarrass you in front of other boys, puts you in a headlock even when he's sweaty — which he is a lot at that point, during puberty — and calls you names that make you want to hide in the bathroom.
("why is he such a jerk?" your friends will ask, trying to fix the mess of your hair during lunch. all your butterfly clips are either missing or broken, crunched under bakugou's scrawny arm. "you should tell on him for being such a bully.")
nobody else treats you the way he does, and you don't treat anyone else that way, either; you never make ugly faces at your girl group, never punch them as hard as you can in the arm, aiming to leave a bruise. with all other classmates, you're — normal, trying to discover what that even means in the grand scope of things, who you want to be as the years pass. you avoid bakugou and his little posse of brats like the plague, because detention is what awaits both of you, should your paths ever cross.
things start to change, seriously, in high-school.
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bakugou goes to u.a and you — don't; instead you continue on to the shizuoka high-school without him, along with your group of girls. his time at home and in the neighborhood lessens, even moreso when he moves into the dorms on campus, and the only time you see him becomes those few and far in-between family visits he has time to make; some holidays, he doesn't come home at all.
at first you think it's a good thing, because you've never gotten to flourish while trapped in his armpit. yanking at his hair until he finally lets go in the middle of the hallway has always garnered you some weird looks, odd stares, and you finally stop being labeled aggressive, too, with him gone. boys can talk to you without being stalked by your angry, wiry, chihuahua of a best friend, and you go on dates, ride in cars, have your first kiss.
you miss him from time to time, though you'll die before admitting it, and the yearning doesn't last long whenever he does come home. even when you're seventeen, eighteen, he still lays on the couch and puts his stinky feet in your lap and in your face, purposely puts things too high up on your shelves, leans against the front door so you can't get out when it's time to leave.
(he becomes an immovable object, much to your annoyance; in the past, you've always stood somewhat of a chance against him, knowing all his weak spots, like the clump of hair at the crown of his skull and how ticklish he is on his thighs, but now, after all the training he's been doing — he's huge, unfortunately.
if he grabs your wrists in one hand — like he's never been able to do — and holds them above your head, you're useless to defend yourself; there is an absolutely zero-percent chance you'll ever manage to overthrow him if he sits on you; tickling him is impossible, because his thighs have gotten so muscular that it's hard to grab him, and even if you do manage it, he can nearly crush your hand if he closes his legs together.
bakugou doesn't even look like your scrawny best friend anymore; he looks like the guy that ate your scrawny best friend.)
you graduate and go to college. bakugou graduates and goes to work for best jeanist, in the heart of tokyo. seeing each other means planning on it, making an effort neither of you have ever had to, and there's a lot of radio silence for months at a time. somehow it always comes full circle, though, and it always ends in violence, because you two don't know any other way to be.
you're twenty the first time his touch becomes tight, bruising, purposeful — for new reasons.
it's one of the few times he's off, and you haven't seen each other since his mom's dinner party four months ago. you only agree to come over because his patrol route had taken him through your campus and you'd spotted him across the street in the early hours of the morning, after you got out of class.
now you're both tired, lazing around despite planning to get lunch once the heat died down. together doing nothing; sometimes it's a little alarming how easily the two of you fall into each other, but you've been doing it for so long that it doesn't take a second thought.
bakugou strolls out of his bathroom with damp hair, in nothing but a loose pair of sweats, and you're laying on his couch half-asleep and he puts his wet towel over your face and you ball it up and throw it at him and then he tries to whip you with it.
"stop," you groan, serious, "you're so annoying." when he only twists it tighter, you stick your arm and leg out, deflecting against the wet smack he tries to leave against your skin.
his sharp teeth flash with his ugly little grin, and you try to grab the towel twice, ending up with an angry, stinging lick up the inside of your arm, before he gets too close and you can finally yank it from his hands. you sit up to get a better angle, but you're not as quick as he is, as adept at being a brat, and when he yanks on the towel, your whole body nearly comes off the couch, arms almost coming out of their sockets.
"bakugou!" you squeal, and he cackles, evil, and grabs your hands when you try to smack him. your massive, stinking, freight train of a best friend deposits his entire body on yours, crushing your lungs with his back as you cough, "get off!"
he doesn't say anything, choosing to pretend he's watching whatever is on tv and that he can't hear you — which you could believe, because bakugou likes trash television more than he lets on — and your hands are trapped at your sides and you can't breathe and so you bite him, right in the neck.
"ow, fuck!"
when he moves, he moves fast, and you're only hope of retaliating before he flips around and grabs your wrists and holds you down is to roll the both of you off the couch. his body thuds, deep and heavy, against the carpet, and you trap his hands beneath your knees as you straddle his hips, adjusting your full weight so you can at least try and keep him down.
beneath you, bakugou sneers. "you've got five seconds t'get off me before—"
"one!" you shout obnoxiously, rolling your eyes just to hear his annoyed snort. "two! three! f—"
his body snaps up into a sitting position, nose bumping yours as he rips his hands from beneath your legs. a scream tears out of your throat as you wiggle, surprised, trying your best to stretch your arms over your head and around your back so he can't grab them; if he does, it's game over for you.
"stop!" you shout, choking out a shock of laughter when he brings his legs up, trapping you in his lap against his chest. a little grunt leaves him as you jostle, but the tension at your back never lets up, not even when his mouth sets in a firm line and a sharp exhale leaves his nose. "let me go," you tell him, squirming again as he reaches for your hands. "i'm not playin' around."
"too bad, y'shitty nerd." he says, gruff, and when you stick your tongue out at him, he buries his face in your neck and bites, too, taking advantage of your shock as his fingers close around your wrists.
"no!" you scream again, trying in earnest just to get away from him completely, but he holds your hands behind your back and keeps you squished so tightly into him that you can only breathe shallowly, and his free hand goes to ball into your shirt at your side and —
— and his face is red, you realize, delayed. you can almost feel the heat from his cheeks with him so close, and you take in the flush of his neck, how it spreads down to his bare chest, crimson and fevered. his tongue darts out to wet his lips, nervous, almost.
"what?" you breathe, quiet, as if speaking too loud will break your playful bubble, and his eyes jump around his living room before landing back on you, narrowed and black.
"what?" he echoes, voice pitched and mocking. "you lose, dumbass." and even though he closes his eyes and grits his teeth, there isn't any hiding from how hard he's breathing. how subtle he's trying to be about spreading his legs.
all at once, everything kind of — falls apart.
bakugou is a man now, much to your horror; it feels like you've closed your eyes and opened them in the lap of someone else wearing your best friend's face. there's serious muscle definition in his shoulders and biceps, and you can feel yourself getting lost in the curves and valleys of him like never before. he's — you're — so close. more than it feels like you've ever been, even though you know that's far from true.
this boy used to pin you down in the yard and threaten to lick your face, the both of you grass-stained and covered in sweat. you've tackled him face first into the ocean on various vacations, running behind him quietly and plunging his scrawny, shirtless body into the waves as they rushed forward, uncaring of what you were wearing or how it twisted when you both came up for air.
saliva is still drying on your neck from where he bit you and, unthinking, your eyes dart down to his lips; plumper than you ever realized and parted, just a bit, enough that you can feel his breath on your cheeks. and you wonder —
bakugou grunts quietly, shuffling himself so that his back is leaned against the couch, and you half-expect him to just let you go because things have — changed. but he doesn't.
instead the new position has his legs a little wider and you've sunk a little further and you're now very aware of exactly what's changed, and how much. you can feel him twitch, just barely, and the hand he has at your side balls tighter into your shirt, jostling you minutely in the process.
and finally he opens his eyes and stares at you — cheeks burning, eyebrows furrowed — and you stare back — heat lighting up your body to an uncomfortable degree as your stomach flips.
you wonder what he would do, if you kissed him. what it would feel like. what he would taste like.
you move your hips with purpose, stuck on the new and foreign change it does to him; bakugou's always been a tough little brat, and you made him cry a handful of times when you were younger, but this weakness is — different. there's so much you know about him and yet even more for you to learn, and you find yourself consumed with the desire to explore this new, enticing territory.
his lashes flutter gently when you grind against him, tentatively, and then his head thumps back against the couch as the muscle in his jaw sets. half-lidded, his red-hot gaze jumps from your face down to where you're seated against him and back, and it's only after you move again that you realize — he's watching you, too. discovering.
the fist he has in your shirt loosens and his fingers burn your bare skin when they slip under the material to grip your hip. at any moment, you're half-expecting him to tell you to cut the shit, to shove you off and ask what the hell is wrong with you. why you're being so weird, doing things friends don't do to each other. but he doesn't.
you're almost certain that if you put your hands on his chest, you would be able to feel the mirrored, nervous pace of his heartbeat; it only takes the faintest tug of your hands for him to let you go, his grip falling to the other side of your hips. you can't tell if he means to hold you in place, or keep you going.
you spread your fingers out and, gently, as if you've never touched him before, run your hands up his chest, watching the bob of his adam's apple when you rest them on the sides of his neck. stabilizing yourself a bit, before testing the waters again.
bakugou's eyes are nearly black and when you don't stop, he looks down to resume watching the movement of your hips, the way his sweatpants bunch up and tug, and you feel a little zing up your spine with his every sharp inhale and sharper exhale. even his jaw falls a little slack and, fuck, you've never seen him like this.
you never thought you'd want to, but now — you don't think you'll ever see him any other way again.
his eyes go a little wide when you lean into him, brushing the tip of your nose against his. neither of you have said anything and maybe you should keep it that way, lest the bubble burst, but you feel like you're going a little insane.
quietly, around your own heavy breath, you ask, "does this — feel good?"
you can feel the temperature of his cheeks spike, but he nods shallowly regardless, and you press your mouth into his throat to bite him again, just lightly. it should be so that he's a little biter; the feel of your teeth makes him jump, has him angling his head so that more of his neck is exposed to you. when you soothe the barely-there indentation with the flat of your tongue, his breath hitches and his shoulders shake on a shudder and he groans, like he's angry.
"hah, fuck."
the friction in his lap isn't doing much for you, realistically, but his reaction is what has you aching, has you drawn tighter than a bow string. you feel yourself growing antsy for something that you won't name, because friends don't do that, though you can't help but to wonder if he's ever done it before.
you've had a few boyfriends. had a few experiences that ended quickly and left you feeling exposed and uncomfortable and a little in pain, and even though your girl friends insist that's normal — it's nothing like this. bakugou might not last much longer, if the grip he has on your hips is any indication, but not a single piece of your clothing has been removed and you're hot and getting sort of desperate and you know your underwear are a little more than damp.
you want to dismantle his long-standing composure. you want to be — maybe — the only one that gets to see him fall apart like this.
he's been your best friend your whole life, afterall; this experience should be yours. he should be.
the thought has you shivering a little bit and bakugou bucks up against you, pulling you down hard in his lap. dragging across the thick and solid length of him becomes even more clear and another, stronger zing has you letting out a breathy little sound into his ear. it makes him groan again, this one almost whiny, but he closes his mouth to muffle it and you don't want him to do that so you tighten your fingers in the hair on the crown of his head and — just to see, in a way you've never done before — you quietly whisper,
and he loses it.
one of his hands slips up your shirt to splay against your back, forcing you closer to him so he can bury his face in your neck, and his hips become insistent, urgent, rutting up against yours eagerly.
"fuck, oh fuck, fuck," he groans into your skin, fingers gripping you so tightly that you think he might actually leave burns behind, and his shoulders tremble before he goes totally still.
for a little while, you both sit there and let your breathing even out as reality sobers you from whatever lust-drunk haze you'd both been in. distantly, you think you wouldn't mind if he pinned you to the ground the way he always does, only this time to peel all your clothes off, right here on his living room floor. but he doesn't.
doesn't say anything, just shudders every now and again, and you think you're starting to feel the wet spot soaking into the front of his sweatpants.
you pull back just a little to look at him and he lets you, face just as red as he stares back at you, like he's the one waiting for you to freak. a little bit of red has returned to his eyes, though they're still swollen and dark with want.
when you lean in again, to bump your nose against his, bakugou snaps back away from you.
"wh-the fuck are y'doin'?" he shifts his eyes to the ground and they go wide. horrified, maybe. all the blood rushes in your ears and you don't know what to say, so he continues. "i-i don't have time t-to sit around all day, so—" bakugou shakes his head and you think he's going to kick you out, and he must know it, from how stiff you go. "so, you better know what the hell you wanna eat."
your bubble has burst; you nod silently and he glances up at you twice before swallowing.
"well, i can't get dressed with you sitting on me, so get off." when you remain quiet, he finally raises his head to look at you head-on, fisting the edge of your shirt again so that you'll look back. "d'you..." bakugou wets his lips before biting them, "need anything?"
"uh," maybe to shove your head down the drain and drown yourself, so that you can get rid of all the not-so-nice feelings that are creeping up beneath your skin. instead of that, you tell him, "just the bathroom, maybe."
"hurry up then," he mutters and even tries to roll his eyes, though it feels anything but casual. "don't...take for-fuckin'-ever."
and then he's up, quick to stand so that his back is to you as he disappears around the corner to his room, leaving you to yourself, trying to smooth out the wrinkle he's left in the corner of your shirt.
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butterfly-writer · 3 months
hey there! i'd like to request a story about a male/gn vigilante reader (teen), and they eventually get caught by the pro heroes. from there, they are basically forced into UA, class 1-A (reader has been a vigilante for a few years back and has quite the skills to become a hero, and reader does relatively well academically). everything from there will be up to you!
this is actually my first time requesting, so im not exactly sure if this will go through, I've read the guide and everything. no pressure, I hope you have a great year, bye!!
Little Rebel
CLASS 1A x Male!Vigilante!Reader Summary: Y/N, also known as his vigilante name, V/N, was sadly caught by Eraserhead. His punishment, due to him still being a minor, was to attend U.A as a student for his rehabilitation, with Eraserhead as his supervisor.
★☽A/N: I see! It’s your first request! Not to worry, your request is perfect and it aligns with my guide! I really appreciate that you read my guide first! I hope this is a nice first time!
Contents: FLUFF
Quirk: Similar to Inumaki from JJK, the user has the ability to make anything happen according to what he says. But unlike Inumaki, the user is able to control when he uses his Quirk.
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── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
“Y/N L/N, is it?” A massive mutant dog read. He looked away from the papers and down at a young boy, frowning as he sat crossed on his chair from across the room. He scoffed and turned his head. “Considering you’re still a minor, your punishment won’t be severe. According to your records, your Quirk is quite controlled and your academics are actually quite impressive for a drop out…” The mutant read off the papers for the boy, who didn’t care at all.
“Very well, I decided your punishment.” Y/N couldn’t help but scoff and smirked. He dealt with worse when he started at the age of 13. What could possibly be so bad about this “punishment” ?
“You will be joining U.A as a full-time student.”
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
From that day forward, he became a student at U.A. He didn’t expect himself to be in the hero course, especially Class 1A. He had only heard rumors about them, about how they were attacked by villains during their trip to the USJ and a few mentions of some 1A students on internships.
To be honest, he was a bit nervous. He dealt with people, but not in a friendly way. He was scared, slightly, at the thought of being in the same class as some hero in training students.
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
During his first meeting, he was still pissed by the punishment, especially the fact that Eraserhead, the one who “captured” him, was his supervisor. He stood outside of the class, his waist tied to a part of Eraser’s scarf to prevent him from running away.
After waiting for a while, he heard his name getting called out, but he didn’t respond. There is no way in hell I’m standing in front of a bunch of hero trainees! He thought to himself.
He didn’t have much of a choice, as he was pulled by the waist by the scarf into the classroom, his whole figure on display to 20 students. They all looked at him with curiosity, except a blonde boy.
“Are you saying a damn weak villain is going to study with us?! Fuck no!”
“That’s enough, Bakugou.” Aizawa groaned. Bakugou was ready to say something, an insult, but was stopped by one word.
“Shut up.”
His mouth suddenly closed up. He clawed at his own mouth, trying to get it open, panicking and angry at the situation. Y/N had to cover up his snicker with a cough. “How pathetic,” he commented with a smirk. Another struggle of words came from the blonde who was ready to throw a bunch of insults but couldn’t due to his forced closed mouth.
Y/N’s snickers couldn’t be stopped. His snickers were clearly heard by the blonde. He suddenly stood up and walked over to the H/C with heavy stomps. Before he could get his hands on him, he was stopped by Aizawa’s scarf.
His growls were like an angry dog, a chihuahua. He eventually got back to his chair and sat with a grumpy look on his face.
“As I was saying, Y/N L/N is going to be your classmate for this remaining semester. Please treat him with respect.”
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
Now, how does this work out for Y/N?
I’m going to be honest, readers, it did not go well in the beginning!
Y/N, during times he wasn’t supervised thoroughly, would tease Bakugou into attacking him. He thought that if a hero trainee would harm him, he could act his way out of his rehab. Unfortunately, it did not work. Aizawa, being the smart hero he is, figured out his little act, and did not let him off the hook. (Lectured him for hours).
With time, he eventually got to know the students well. They were some he greatly disliked, (A certain purple grape boy..), some who he respected, and those he enjoyed spending time with.
It’s mostly believed that he respected Yaomomo, Tenya Iida, and Todoroki for their smart brains and analytical thinking. He mostly spends time with Jirou, Tokoyami, and Ojirou, who seems to be fine with him and didn’t care that he was only in U.A for rehab.
He would listen to music with Jirou, read poems with Tokoyami, and combat training with Ojirou. He truly enjoys his time with those three.
As for his academics and “hero training,” he has been doing well, almost excellently, with his academics, usually marking A’s and B’s and the occasional C’s, but his grades were much better than some students in Class 1A.
In terms of his “hero training,” he already has some experience of his own which helped him greatly when it comes to situations where he had to fight against other students. He was actually much more advanced than his “peers.” He was smarter, faster, and powerful in terms of Quirk use and combat.
Although he hoped for the principal to realize that he doesn’t need this rehabilitation, he knew the stubborn smiling “mouse” wouldn’t agree to his suggestions. Not to mention, he was a bit afraid of the rat… Something in his eyes just— creeps him out.
A lot of the students respect him greatly! Like Tenya Iida, Yaomomo, and Midoriya, who recognize his great skills and quick thinking! Of course, Katsuki Bakugou was the only one who seemed bothered by the vigilante. You could feel the anger radiating off him! Honestly, it’s hilarious to see his grumpy face whenever Y/N walks by him. After the amount of teasing Y/N did, it was without a doubt that Katsuki Bakugou hated him with all his guts! (But secretly respects Y/N, hehe)
Overall, I can say that Y/N L/N is having a nice time at U.A in Class 1A.
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
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if it's no bother I have another request jdjdjdjdj so wade who hasn't liked anyone romantically since Vanessa and now reader occupies all his thoughts but he's trying his hardest to ignore it until he literally cannot and finally blurts it out to reader. 🩷🩷
Back to the Start
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Wade never thought he’d find himself back at Sister Margaret’s after everything that happened. But then again, Wade wasn’t exactly known for making the best decisions, so here he was, nursing a drink that would be too strong for most, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of the mercenary dive bar.
It was a place full of memories, good and bad. Mostly bad, but those were Wade’s favorite kind. And yet, as he stared into his drink, it wasn’t the past he was thinking about. It was you.
The club was the same, but things felt different now. After Vanessa, Wade had sworn off feelings—at least the romantic kind. He’d convinced himself that he wasn’t capable of that sort of thing anymore. It was easier that way, keeping people at arm’s length, pretending like he didn’t need anyone.
But tonight, something was pulling him back, a nagging itch he couldn’t scratch, a feeling he couldn’t quite ignore. It was you—he knew that much. But admitting it to himself? That was a whole other can of worms.
You’d worked at the club the same time Vanessa did, back when Wade was still figuring out what love was supposed to look like. You and Wade had hit it off almost immediately, but he never saw you as anything more than a friend. You were the person he joked around with when he needed a break from the intensity of his relationship with Vanessa. You were fun, light-hearted, a reprieve.
He never thought about you as more than that. Not until now.
It had been a while since he’d last seen you, since he’d last been in the club, but when he walked in tonight and saw you up on stage, something in him clicked. Like a light switch he didn’t even know was there suddenly flicking on.
You were dancing, lost in the music, the way you always did. But this time, Wade couldn’t take his eyes off you. Every move you made was hypnotic, every glance you threw out into the crowd sending a jolt through his chest.
“What the hell, Wilson?” he muttered to himself, taking a long swig of his drink. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to feel this. Not again.
But he did.
As your set ended and you disappeared backstage, Wade felt an unfamiliar pang of disappointment. He wanted to see you again, to talk to you, to joke around like you used to. But most of all, he wanted to figure out why the hell you were occupying every inch of his mind all of a sudden.
“Still love them strippers, huh?” a gravelly voice interrupted his thoughts. Wade didn’t even have to look to know it was Logan. The guy had a habit of showing up at the worst possible moments.
Wade rolled his eyes, not in the mood for Logan’s brand of tough love. “Screw off, Wolverine. It’s not like that.”
Logan grinned, the kind that said he knew better. “Right. That’s why you’ve been staring at her like a lovesick puppy since you walked in.”
Wade bristled, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “I’m not a puppy. More like a wolf. Or a… a really angry chihuahua.”
Logan just chuckled, taking a seat next to him at the bar. “Face it, Wade. You’ve got a type. And apparently, it’s women who can dance circles around you—literally.”
Wade grumbled under his breath, trying to ignore the truth in Logan’s words. But it was hard to deny what was staring him in the face. He’d been trying to suppress these feelings for weeks, ever since that first night back at the club, but it was getting harder. Every time he saw you, it got harder.
He let out a heavy sigh, slumping over the bar. “It’s just… complicated, okay? She’s different.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Different how? She’s still got two legs and a pole, right?”
Wade shot him a glare, but Logan didn’t flinch. “Yeah, but… I don’t know. It’s not just about that. She was there before everything went to hell. She was… she was my friend. And now…” He trailed off, frustrated with himself for even thinking about it.
Logan gave him a look that was somewhere between sympathy and mockery. “And now you’re thinking maybe she could be more than that.”
Wade groaned, burying his face in his hands. “You don’t get it, Logan. It’s not that easy. I’m not that guy anymore. I’m not the guy who gets the girl.”
Logan snorted. “When were you ever that guy?”
Wade peeked out from between his fingers. “Touché.”
Before Logan could make another smartass comment, you appeared from the back, still glowing from your performance, a light sheen of sweat making your skin glisten under the dim bar lights. You spotted Wade and smiled, heading over with a sway in your hips that sent Wade’s heart racing.
“Hey, stranger,” you greeted, sliding onto the barstool next to him. “I haven’t seen you around here in a while. Thought maybe you forgot about us.”
Wade managed a grin, though it was a little strained. “Forget? About my favorite dancing queen? Never.”
You laughed, a sound that was like music to his ears. “Good to know I’m still your favorite.”
Logan rolled his eyes, muttering something about “strippers and mercs” under his breath, but Wade ignored him, focusing entirely on you. He couldn’t help it. You were too damn captivating.
“How’ve you been, Wade?” you asked, your voice softening a little. “Really.”
The sincerity in your tone caught him off guard. Most people didn’t ask him how he was doing—most people didn’t care. But you did. You always had.
“Better now,” Wade admitted before he could stop himself. “Now that I’ve seen you.”
You blinked, clearly not expecting that answer, but a small smile tugged at your lips. “Flirting with me now, huh? I thought we were just friends.”
Wade’s heart skipped a beat. He opened his mouth to come up with some smartass remark, some deflection, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, he just stared at you, the realization that he couldn’t keep pretending this was nothing hitting him like a truck.
“Yeah, well,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Maybe I’m not so good at the whole ‘just friends’ thing.”
Your smile widened, something warm and hopeful in your eyes. “That so?”
“Yeah,” Wade blurted out, his usual confidence crumbling under the weight of his feelings. “And maybe I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Like, a lot a lot. And maybe I’ve been trying to ignore it because I’m a mess and you deserve better, but…”
Logan snorted loudly, cutting him off. “For fuck’s sake, just ask her out already, Wilson.”
Wade shot Logan a glare, but you were laughing, and it was the best sound Wade had heard in months. It was light, free, like you’d been waiting for him to figure this out all along.
“Well?” you said, your eyes twinkling with amusement. “You gonna ask me out, or are you just gonna keep rambling?”
Wade felt like the floor was about to fall out from under him, but he took the leap anyway. “Okay, fine. Let’s go out sometime. Somewhere nice, not just Sister Margaret’s, because I’m classy as fuck when I try.”
You grinned, leaning in to brush a kiss against his cheek. “Deal. But you’d better bring your A-game, Wade.”
The feel of your lips on his skin sent a jolt through him, and before he could say anything else, you slipped off the barstool, giving him a playful wink as you headed toward the exit.
Wade watched you go, his heart pounding in his chest, a stupid grin plastered on his face. It was only when Logan spoke up again that he realized he still had a bright red lipstick mark on his cheek.
“God, you’re hopeless,” Logan said with a smirk, shaking his head. “Always falling for the dancers.”
Wade didn’t even care. He wiped the lipstick off with the back of his hand, still grinning like an idiot. “Yeah, but this time… this time feels different.”
Logan just chuckled, finishing off his drink. “Well, good luck, Wilson. You’re gonna need it.”
But for the first time in a long time, Wade felt like maybe, just maybe, luck was finally on his side.
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a-random-weeb · 10 months
Hello! Can I request yandere chuuya with a fem reader he accidentally broke and now he’s trying so hard to un break her by letting her go outside and go shopping but little does he know she’s Been normal the whole time and it was all just an act so she tries escaping by chuuya catches her?
omg yes I love this idea. Tysm for the oneshot prompt btw!
Ok, this is kind of cringe but I had a lot of fun writing so fuck it
I hope you like it as much as I do
Warnings: Yandere, physical abuse, mentions of isolation, slight nsfw mention. I wanted to make it fluffy at the end, so you can read the end if you want or settle for when he beats you. let me know if I missed anything
Disclaimer: this fic is not romantisising Yandere behavior, it is fanfiction. If any of this is happening in real life, seek help, it's not romantic even if it's great in fanfiction.
He didn't mean for this. He didn't mean for the punishment to go THAT far, and he certainly didn't mean to break you. Yet here you were, after all that screaming and crying you held an emotionless look on you're face, and he hated it.
He drags you outside, normally you're not allowed out of your room unless he's by your side, then you can wander the house, but you haven't been outside the penthouse for the last year! You were excited, but you had to maintain the façode of being broken.
When Chuuya sees that nothing has changed about the look on your face a wave of sadness washes over him. He missed how cheerful you used to be, how you would giggle over every dumb thing he did, how you were always so positive. Sure, sometimes his punishments were a little harsh, but you had a lot of fun together too! He racks his brain for anything he could do to get you back to your old self, then he comes up with what he hopes to be a good idea. He should take you shopping, girls like shopping don't they? Well he'll have to hope.
You both arrive at the mall, a fun place to spend your life savings. Lucky for you, Chuuya was rich, so you could spend as much as you wanted! The relief in Chuuyas eyes at the slight excitement in yours was adorable. Though, that excitement is gone as quick as it came, leaving him disappointed.
You almost slipped up! You were too excited at the thought of running around shopping you almost let your gaurd down! You desperately hope he didn't notice. As much as you would love to spend his money, running around like a little kid, but unfortunately (and fortunately) it was the perfect time to escape. You slip into the crowd while in the food court the second he looks away. Running to the nearest exit, strategically avoiding his gaze.
You guess you didn't do well enough, because when you bolt outside, you feel two strong arms wrap around you from behind. You look up in horror to see an angry chihuahua Chuuya glaring daggers at you, but... There is also a look of hurt in his eyes
"Why the hell did you try to escape huh?! To hurt me by pretending to be broken, only to hurt me more after I allowed you outside!! It'll be a long time before you ever go outside again. We're going home. Now." He tightly grabs your wrist, not caring about the amount of pain he's causing you, or how much you beg for him to forgive you. He throws you in the backseat of his car, slamming the door before driving the two of you home.
The night is certainly a long one, he's very rough despite you crying and begging, throwing you in the floor of the bedroom, fucking you and beating you til you pass out.
The next morning he felt bad about actions that night, and feels you've had enough punishment, so he'll cuddle you and pamper you. You get breakfast in bed and nothing but cuddles, apologies and words of praise, though, he still believes you deserved what came to you last night. He know you probably won't try to escape again after the hell he put you through, and even though he feels bad, he does not regret it...
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