#I asked if I could buy a puppy; the woman said I could have any for free
prommethium · 6 months
Today at five p.m., my dog, Duncan, died.
He was eleven years old and a little menace in life. He liked to pee anywhere when he was angry, take long walks, and bark at dogs bigger than him. Cats were his mortal enemies, particularly the ones who hung around on the roof of my house and especially the ones who meowed or didn't care to look at him.
He was a playful, annoying little thing, always demanding attention and snacks. He liked to jump; doors were no barriers to him, for he was a clever one and opened or climbed them.
He was a faithful companion; when he was in a good mood, he liked to snuggle and lick my face, and when he was angry, he ignored me (that only happened once, after I took him on a long walk to the dog hospital for castration).
On his last days, he was quieter than usual, his clear and clever eyes observing around, like trying to commit to his memory everything. He came to receive pets, and I gave plenty. My hands smelled like hand cream the last time I petted him; he didn't want to lick my hand, but still, I rubbed behind his ears.
I'm going to miss him.
Rest in peace, Duncan.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 8 months
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James has been persuing you for years and you've never said yes, until now?
Genre: Fluff 😇🎉 (bc i love happiness, ur welcome)
Warnings: misunderstandings, lovesick!James <3
It's not James's fault he's been head over heels in love with you for longer than he can remember. And it's really not his fault either that he's spent years acting like a complete and utter fool just to have a sliver of your attention. 
Talking the loudest in any room you're in? Easy.
"Accidentally" flying too close to where you're sitting in the Quidditch stands while he's supposed to be playing just so he can flip around obnoxiously? He's done that over three times now. 
So, when he hears you'll be at the Three Broomsticks this evening, it isn't surprising to anyone that he convinces Sirius and Remus to accompany him.
The moment they walk in, their loud demeanor makes everyone turn their heads. It's no secret James, Sirius, and Remus are the handsomest guys in your year — so no one could blame you when you look up too. 
Your friend digs her elbow into your side when James sees you looking and struts to your table. You sit up, taking a long sip of your pumpkin juice as James leans in and crosses his arms.
Sirius and Remus stand behind him, amused. "Ladies," James winks, his eyes focused only on you. "What brings you here on this lovely Friday evening?"
You turn your head, avoiding his gaze with a small smile that makes James lose his mind, "Nothing that concerns you, Potter,"
"Can I buy you a drink?" he asks, unfazed by your bluntness as he motions to your empty glass. 
When you stand, James smoothly moves out of the way and you send him a look behind your shoulder. "Mm, no thanks. But if you want you can walk with me to order my own drink," you joke, not thinking he'll actually want to.
But, if James was a puppy, he'd be your puppy. You have him wrapped around your little pinky and the only person who doesn't see it is you. 
"Gladly," The boy smirks and his arm brushes yours as he walks next to you. You frown a little but don't say anything. You've never minded James's attention, and you know he's been after you for years now, but still you can't wrap your mind around him being serious about it.
In your mind, the attention was always bound to fade with time, and you wouldn't be caught as the fool who'd fallen for it.
However, as you lean against the bar to order another pumpkin juice and you feel James's eyes glued on you, you start to wonder. 
"So, when's the expiration date for this little game?" you ask, looking at him seriously. 
James leans against the bar too and completely turns his body to you. "Hmm? What?" he asks with a smile. He tucks the loose strand of hair from in front of your eyes behind you ear, seemingly proud of himself when he can see you clearly again. 
"This," you point at him, and then throw your arms up dramatically, "Whatever it is that you're doing."
James just smiles. He's not really catching on as his hand slides closer to yours on the bar counter. "What am I doing?" he whispers, leaning in. He has that look in his eyes, the one that makes your stomach flutter. 
You move your hand away from his. You sound exhausted, "All this flirting! Aren't you done yet?" you say it a little loudly and the woman who hands you your drink sends you a glare. Your cheeks heat up and you mumble a small sorry as you slide her your money. 
James catches your other arm before you can turn around and walk away from him. "Hey wait, what do you mean am I done? Do'you want me to be done?" he sound unsure and you can see his confusion on his face. 
Now you're confused. "Are you not planning on being done?" you whisper.
James can't hear you over the loud music and chatter inside so he moves you outside gently and you don't have to time to wonder why you let him.
It's slightly dark but the air is warm and James can hear you now when you ask the question again. He looks you over, still extremely puzzled by the entire situation.
"Wait, done with what?" he asks.
You blink at him. "What?" you feel like you're losing your mind. 
"Am I done with what?" he asks camly and you roll your eyes. 
"Done with flirting with me!" you exclaim, running a hand in your hair, "I- I don't understand, James. Why haven't you moved on? Sure, it was funny for a while but it's been years, even you must find the joke stale by now?"
James mouth opens and closes like some kind of fish and then he stares at you like you have lost your mind. "Joke? What joke?" he says and walks a little closer to you. He sounds even more confused. "Y/n, do you want me to stop flirting with you?"
You bite your lip, "I mean, yes? Because, it's not really funny anymore. I didn't mind it, Potter, but —" you pause and then hold the drink in your hand tighter. "Okay, here. What if I say I like you too? Can we just have a good laugh about it and then it all be over?"
James's frown deepens and he waves his arms in the air. "Wait, you think I'm joking?"
You blink at him again. "You're not?"
James runs a hand through his hair, chuckling in disbelief, "Of course I'm not joking," he walks even closer and you feel his presence as your skin tingles. You look up as he brushes his thumb on your chin and then smiles warmly, "I'd never pursue anyone as a joke. If you said you like me, then I would say thank Merlin and then I would kiss you until you couldn't feel those gorgeous lips of yours," he says it so calmly but you almost drop your drink. 
"Wait, so you actually, no-jokes, like me?" 
"Oh yeah. Why would you think I was making that up?" James moves his thumb to brush over your lips now, a look of adoration in his eyes, "I'm not that committed to my jokes," he teases. 
He pauses to think, "you think a twelve-year-old boy would write you cheesy love notes every class and actually send them if it was a joke? Or likewise, a sixteen-year-old would spend all of 6th year reading every single book you borrowed from the library just in case he had the chance to impress you? Or lose sleep over the way you wear your hair, or know that you change your nail-polish every week but you rotate the same colors since 4th year," James blushes a little at the admission and pauses, "and now I just sound like a creep, don't I?"
You laugh and the sound makes James grin. You hesitate but touch his cheek, tilting your head, "So, you meant every over-the-top gesture and every hilariously stupid pick-up-line?" you ask, "ever since 2nd year?" 
James nods, leaning into your touch. "Mmm yeah, but we can pretend that I was joking about the pick-up-lines that way it's less embarrassing for me," he says sheepishly.
"But I liked your pick up lines," you pout with a smile, your shoulders relaxing. 
James's eyes sparkle, "Yeah? You did?"
You smile at him. "No, but now it's funnier that you were serious about them."
James looks at you and he laughs. He throws his head back with a grin and your chest tightens even more. Has he always been this handsome or have you just never let yourself fully admire him? James looks at you again and his next words almost cause a heart attack. "Merlin, I've never wanted to kiss you as much as I do now," 
Your eyes flicker to his lips unconsciously and you realiz ehow close he is. You're nervous now and James can tell. Gently, he takes the drink in your hand and sets it on the small ledge of the building. It might fall but that's the least of your worries. For now, you need to focus on remembering how to breathe. 
Something must be different in the way you're looking at him because James asks you if he can kiss you. Years and years of flirting and he's never asked you that. 
You don't answer him and just when the silence starts to become awkward you take his cheeks in your hands and pull him towards you. Your lips hit his clumsily and you gasp into his mouth when his arm swoops behind you and he pulls you closer. James kisses you hungrily and you start to wonder why you hadn't done this years earlier.
When James disconnects his lips from yours and looks at you sweetly. "I didn't think you'd say yes," he whispers, "even less that you'd say it like that," his cheeks are tainted pink and your lip-gloss stains his lips. 
"Neither did I," you admit and look away a moment. Goosebumps run across your arms and, because you don't know where to put your hands anymore, you put them in your jacket pockets. You frown and pull out the galleons you'd used to pay for your drink with your left hand. You look back at James and he looks guilty. "What's this?" you ask. 
"I paid for your drink when you weren't looking. I knew you'd most likely say no again but I couldn't resist. I'm sorry," he holds his nape and sways on his feet.
You stare at him, slightly annoyed but also impressed that he'd put the money in your pocket without you noticing. You outsrech your open palm for him to take the money. "You'know, you make it very hard for me not to fall head over heels in love with you, James Potter."
James grins and closes your hand around his. "That the point, love," he says. 
You roll your eyes, realizing if he'd gone behind your back to pay for you he'll never accept your money now. "So, are you gonna ask me out properly or what?"
James smirks, "Are you going to say yes this time?"
You grin, "You'll just have to find out now, won't you? Tenth times the charm?"
"I don't think that's the expression—"
"Just ask me already, you idiot," you giggle.
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barcaatthemoon · 7 months
jenni's girl || alexia putellas x reader ||
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alexia gets jealous watching you hang around your ex.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead, bottom reader, top alexia
alexia was seething as she watched jenni flirt with you and buy you drinks. she knew that you knew what was going on, and yet, you still let it happen. alexia had pretty royally screwed up earlier in the day by completely dismissing you, but she still hadn't expected you to go running into jenni's arms the moment that you got into the club. especially not with the history surrounding the two of you.
that was why alexia was so scared. both of you had dated jenni, but alexia could see the lasting mark that had on you. sometimes she felt like all you wanted was to go crawling back to the older woman. she did her best not to think about the fact that she had been your rebound for jenni, but when she saw the way you hung off of the other woman's arm, it was impossible.
"has anyone ever told you that you need to relax?" mapi asked as she draped an arm around alexia's shoulder. alexia was quick to shrug it off as she continued to glare at you and jenni. "she wouldn't do that to you. maybe you're getting so upset because you're pro-,"
"i would never!" alexia shouted as she shoved mapi back. mapi's brows furrowed in anger before she stormed off. they were all supposed to be happy and celebrating, but alexia was having a bad enough time to ruin anybody else's night. you glanced away from jenni for the first time in probably 10 minutes to see alexia sitting by herself, obviously upset.
"go to her, but be careful. i wouldn't want to see you get hurt," jenni said. she pressed a kiss to your cheek, which alexia definitely did not miss. she got up from her seat and began to walk towards the exit, completely ignoring you as you followed her. the two of you managed to get outside and to the parking lot before alexia finally turned around to face you.
"i'm surprised you're not back in there with jenni," alexia scoffed. you frowned at her, deeply upset by the accusatory tone that she was using. "come on, i know that you miss her. i know that deep down, you'll always be hers because she had you first."
"it's not a competition like that, alexia. i'm with you because i love you. yes, i love jenni, but as nothing more than a friend now. you two are friends, and i don't act like you are whenever she asks you to hang out, do i?" you crossed your arms over your chest. if alexia wanted a fight, you were more than happy to give it to her. she was acting ridiculous, and there was no way that all of her anger had come from a single interaction between you and a mutual friend.
"prove it. prove to me that you're not jenni's girl anymore," alexia challenged.
"are you serious?" you asked her. alexia's facial expression didn't soften or move at all, giving you your answer. you rolled your eyes as you moved past her to get in the car. alexia was pissy with you on the drive home, ignoring you until the two of you got back home.
you learned just how serious alexia had been in the parking lot whenever the two of you got home. she had a tendency to shut you out a bit whenever she got jealous, but the tension between the two of you had been extremely horny. alexia found a good balance of that in pinning you against the wall and sliding her thigh in between yours while also denying you any sort of softer affection.
she seemed to relish in the desperate little whine you let out after being denied for several kisses. alexia was staring at you with watchful eyes, darkened by the thoughts of all the ways she'd turn you out to prove that you'd do anything for her. she couldn't wait to bend you over every surface in the house to fuck you senseless.
"ale," you pleaded with her after being denied another kiss. you looked up at her with your best puppy dog eyes and pout, which usually would have worked at any other time. you realized that you must have really messed up back at the club if she wouldn't even give you a second look now. "i'm sorry ale. please, just give me a kiss."
"jenni used to kiss you when she fucked you." alexia wasn't asking because she knew how jenni fucked. you let out a whimper as you crumpled against the wall a little. her face softened for a moment as she sighed and pulled you back up to stand straight. "cari?"
you were at a loss for what to do. you had apologized to alexia and tried to explain yourself, but she wasn't listening to you. in that moment, alexia could see the turmoil that she had been causing you. once she had softened, she looked more like your alexia. you had been fine playing things up whenever you knew that she wasn't genuinely pissed at you.
"i'm sorry," alexia apologized as she pressed a kiss to your forehead. you stepped forward into her arms, pushing both of you away from the door. "you have every right to be mad at me for acting like an ass."
"fuck me hard enough to make me forget about you being a dick. better yet, fuck me hard enough to make me forget how jenni used to." alexia looked surprised by the glint in your eyes, but she went along with it anyway. and if she needed a little more motivation, you had it ready on the tip of your tongue. "god, i don't think anybody has ever made me feel that satisfied. she used to fill me up so fucking good ale, i don't think you under-,"
alexia didn't even make it to the bedroom with you. she spun you around and pushed on your shoulders to bend you over the back of the couch. barely half a second passed before you felt alexia's body weight press against yours as she leaned forward to whisper into your ear, "stay right here, just like this. if you move an inch, i'll let you go see if jenni will take your bratty ass back."
you swallowed thickly as alexia backed away from you. she disappeared down the hallway before coming back just a couple of moments later. you wanted to turn your head to look at her, but you didn't doubt that she'd kick you out for the night. there was an edge to her voice, one that came along with a look of anger that you had seen earlier in the night. you knew that you'd be lucky if alexia let you finish by the end of the night.
"color?" alexia asked as she placed her hands on your skirt. you had worn a very short, leather miniskirt out. alexia had been appreciative of it on the car ride there, but not so much once everybody had filled into the club. many of the girls on the team thought that you were attractive and had attempted to get with you in between your relationships with jenni and alexia.
"green," you answered. alexia, thankfully, didn't rip your skirt as she removed it from your body. it was definitely something that she wanted to see you wear again, even if the moment someone else looked at you, she'd get all jealous and grumpy. alexia carefully set the skirt on the couch next to you, just barely in your eyeline.
"i'd mark your ass up, but i think you'd enjoy that a little too much," alexia told you. you knew that was far from the truth. all it had taken for you to decide that you weren't a fan of being spanked was one particularly wild night whenever you had first gotten together with alexia, one that you were surprised she remembered.
"fuck, ale," you moaned as you felt her fingers run over your center. your underwear were still on, but the press of alexia's fingers was anything but gentle. she wanted to make sure that you could feel everything.
"don't worry, i will," alexia promised. she pressed a line of kisses along your back as she slotted herself right up against you. you let out a gasp as you felt the strap-on that she had chosen for the night press against your cunt. alexia smirked with her lips pressed into the crook of your neck. "i just don't think you can handle it just yet. even with all that big talk, i'm not quite sure you could take my new toy."
"new?" you tried to turn your head back to look, but alexia held your neck firmly in place. you let out a whine as you were denied what you wanted, pulling a chuckle from alexia's lips.
"careful, if you keep this attitude up, i'll bring someone around and make you watch," alexia threatened. it was something the two of you had spoken about quite a bit, and despite how into it you were, alexia knew it would drive you wild. "imagine someone who would be good for me like ona getting all of your orgasms and kisses while you have to sit there all by yourself."
your cheeks were flushed and burning as your head was forced down. alexia's free hand came around to tear your underwear open. you were glad that alexia didn't get in moods like this often or else you'd be going broke trying to replace your clothes. she slipped two fingers inside of you slowly, scissoring them to stretch you open before she added a third.
"breathe," alexia instructed. she kept her hands still as she monitored your breathing. you took deep breaths, ones that alexia matched with gentle thrusts of her fingers. "when i take my fingers out, i'm putting the dildo in. it's the last time i'll be gentle for a while, are you ready?"
"wait!" you shouted out before alexia could move her fingers. "can i have a kiss first, please? alexia, it's all that i want."
"after, i promise," alexia said. you let out a little whine, but nodded for her to take her fingers out of you. she stayed true to her word, replacing her fingers with a harsh thrust of what was definitely a new toy inside of you. you hadn't gotten to see it, but it was thicker and longer than what you were used to.
alexia didn't break out the strap with you very often, generally only if you asked for it or she was really tired. this felt like she had custom ordered it or bought it from a high-end place. there were ribs and ridges that you could feel every bit of as she pounded into you harshly. the icing on the cake, however, was the slight curve that made sure she was fucking into all the right places with every thrust.
"fuck, ale. i'm cumming!" you were lucid enough to know that it was too quickly, but alexia didn't stop. she only grabbed you by the hair and fucked you even harder through your orgasm. she was being rougher than you had ever thought to ask her to be, knowing that she usually hated it a little.
the grip on her hair didn't let up as she continued to fuck you harshly. she managed to get you into your second orgasm quickly, which was when your legs really started to feel like jelly. alexia was supporting you fully now, your body not even touching the couch anymore. alexia briefly pulled out of you just to flip you over and place your body against the couch once more, only this time facing her.
"give me your legs," alexia commanded. you lifted them as much as you could, which wasn't very much at all. alexia scoffed as she just grabbed your thighs and manhandled you into the position that she wanted you. "color?"
"green," you answered weakly. alexia seemed to check on you before she took you at your word. the toy felt completely different from the new angle, and you were screaming out at the first few thrusts.
"shh, just take it," alexia told you. this stretch was completely different than the one before. "breathe, i won't have you passing out on me."
you tried to find a good breathing pattern while she was fucking you, but there really wasn't one. still, you took deep breaths when you could to keep your vision from going fuzzy around the sides. alexia leaned her forehead against yours, but she kept her hand on your jaw to keep you from leaning in any closer. she seemed to remember what she told you, which you had hoped that she wouldn't.
"one more, i know you have it in you. cum for me one more time and i'll give you all the kisses you can handle," alexia promised. you closed your eyes and pushed her head down towards your chest. alexia let you move her a little, knowing that you were getting so close.
"ale, fuck. i don't know if i can." your eyes were squeezed shut as you tried to focus on her fucking you. it was hard, but you knew that you had to try. you felt almost like you were going to cry as your body teetered on the edge of another orgasm. you were so sensitive that your body wasn't sure whether or not it liked the pleasure anymore.
"come on, please. i just want to watch you cum for me, please baby. show me that you're mine," alexia begged you. it was not what you had expected to hear, and the little whine in her voice sparked something in you.
"i'm yours, ale, yours," you repeated over and over until the words jumbled together. this time, you weren't screaming and moaning like the others, your mouth fell open silently as your head dropped back. alexia felt a gush of liquid coat her thighs and drip down onto the floor between your bodies.
"good girl," alexia mumbled as she leaned forward to kiss you. you were too out of it to properly kiss her back, whining once again. "are you okay?"
"i'm fine, ale," you promised her. she nuzzled her head against your neck to pepper a couple of kisses there. "how are you?"
"a little soaked, but i expected as much." you hadn't expected alexia to tell a joke. she carried you into the bathroom and laid you in the corner of the shower as she turned on the water. it wasn't until alexia was standing in there with you, cleaning you off, that you realized what she had said.
"you talked to jenni about fucking me, didn't you?" a part of you was angry, but it also intriguied you quite a bit. "that's how you knew what would happen if you switched with the third. you never take me from behind like that."
"i like to look at your pretty face," alexia said. she grabbed your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your lips. "next time, i'll ask first, i promise."
"next time?" you asked, incredulously. alexia nodded as she turned the water off and stepped out first. she wrapped herself up in a towel before grabbing the fluffy robe for you. "fine, but we need to talk about what you're going to do for me."
"excuse me?" alexia was taken aback by your tone more than anything else.
"i came for you like you asked, even though you were playing games with me and didn't tell me. you said i can have whatever i want, remember?"
"(y/n)," alexia sighed.
"no, alexia, you promised." you crossed your arms over your chest.
"okay then, what do you want?" alexia asked you.
"i want jenni to join us for a night next time she flies in to visit," you said. alexia's jaw dropped, but she couldn't argue with you. besides, she had ideas of her own along that vein that this would be a good trial for. "you promised, ale."
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wonijinjin · 8 months
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author’s note: this is quite short, but was very fun to write.
synopsis: jealousy is a serious disease and your friends definitely have it; good thing that mingyu doesn’t care.
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff, hurt/comfort and angsty a bit | pairing: mingyu x f! reader | warnings: curse words, betrayal kind of
you went into the changing room of one of the stores in the mall, excited to try on a new top which was quite your, and mingyu’s taste aswell. you could already see his face lighting up and drool dripping from his mouth when he saw you in it; he always thought you were the most beautiful woman on the planet but you always knew how to push his buttons even further to make him a stuttering mess.
“are you here?” one of your friends asked while wandering in the hallway so she could find your booth. you shouted from within and showed all of them your outfit. “so do you like it? i think mingyu will love it!” you squealed excitedly, twirling once then twice to give the full effect of the top. “yeah it is pretty!” your friend said while you went back to change into your original clothes, knowing that you will buy the piece for sure. you couldn’t fully close the door but you didn’t mind since you knew noone would walk in on you changing, so you went ahead anyway.
“i don’t know why she wants his approval all the time! he is so demanding and always takes up her time.” you heard a voice say. “yeah, right? he is so clingy all the time, she cannot catch a break. i would go crazy if my man was like that.” your eyes widened and you slapped a hand in front of your mouth to avoid making any noise. your friends were talking about mingyu, you knew this; he was all the things they had mentioned, but they were wrong; it never annoyed you, you loved mingyu so much you would give the whole world to him, and he would do the same for you. “but i mean, who am i to judge?“ they laughed, the fact that you heard them being unrevealed, obviously. you couldn’t take if someone talked lowly about your precious boyfriend, the most adorable person ever. you pushed the door harshly, stepping outside yet again, only this time to the horror of your friends. “enough. you always talk shit about everyone, that thing isn’t new, but i won’t tolerate you bad mouthing mingyu! i heard you two just moments ago, and you are right. who are you to judge? it is my life and i am very happy with how clingy my big puppy is! at least he shows how much he cares about me. so you can stop with this behaviour because this is not what friends do!” you explained calmly then stormed off, quickly paying at the cashier’s desk.
when you got home mingyu greeted you with a big hug and many kisses all over your cheeks. “what’s up cutie? you look kind of angry.” he pouted, continuously trying to smooth the creases on your forehead. “my friends are so annoying! they talked so badly about you because you are touchy and affectionate, like what is their problem? i love you more than anyone and i wouldn’t ever trade your personality for anything! i barely trust them anymore, never thought they would pull something like this.” you huffed while hugging him, burrying your head in his shoulder. he burst out in giggles. “awww, you are adorable my sweet baby.” he tickled you, which pulled a laugh from within your chest, exactly what he wanted to achieve. “don’t listen to them. they are just jealous because they got dumped a few weeks ago by their shitty boyfriends and because we are happier than ever. give them time to calm down.” you smiled softly, holding his hand in yours. “you are so perfect, so precious, puppy.”
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koiiiji · 6 months
Hello! This is my first time asking a question and I don't know if that's how it's done, but if it's okay, could I do some HC's about Vinny as the older brother of a female reader who feels a certain attraction wooin? I'm sorry if you don't understand! English is not my first language TT
author note : firstly thank you for your request!! it is exactly how you doing it, just explaining your ideas and oh gosh saying hi/hello! also don’t worry, i understood everything, eng isn’t my first language either😭
secondly, wooin is literally drug dealer who approximately 23+(?) and if vinny (19) would have younger sister she probably same age or younger.. so i don’t want to be annoying person and reject your request so let’s just imagine that reader would be older sister or like twin and few minutes older🥹
pairing : wooin x vinny’s sis! reader
tws: sfw, friend’s sister, angst, wooin being cocky unserious
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✧ and first things said first vinny isn’t happy.
✧ he aware of what wooin doing and generally doesn’t count sabbath as his friends, he simply wants to win championships and prove to himself and to everyone that he is worth something.
✧ vinny feels high responsibility for you and your mom as he is a only man in family who should protect his girls. so he doesn’t count you as older one, even if you always joke about it. he also not really happy about your presence in any of his teams.. like woman, what are you even doing here, go to school and mind your own business (he is grumpy but in loving way, don’t get him wrong)
✧ so your attendance in sabbath crew isn’t welcome, at least by vinny. with everyone else it’s questionable - hyeok honestly doesn’t care, as long as you don’t cause any additional headache and loud, and he can have banana milk he is okay with you. hajun also usually doesn’t care about your presence, he find you nice girl, and may share small talk with you when you pet his puppy, but nothing serious, he is happy that he have boys as younger siblings, because he couldn’t stand company like sabbath for his sister.
✧ and here we go with wooin. boy has no boundaries in communication, he knows that you are old enough to make your own decisions, so dissatisfied looks from your brother won’t stop him.
✧ believe me - he knows about your attraction towards him, he isn’t stupid and he have eyes, he see with what kind of look you gave him each time.
✧ but does he share same emotions towards you? low possibility. same as joker he understands vinny’s feelings at some point, he wouldn’t be happy if his sister would hang out or even date someone like him, but he still is very cocky type of guy, and he doesn’t mind your company at all as long as you don’t bring up any serious topics.
✧ he likes attention, and especially he likes attention from pretty girls like you, so he would definitely joke around with you, flirt, having your contact under cute name, but it never something too serious, same with physical contact - as he gives vibe of really touch starved guy - yes, he may hug you, hold you under elbow, pat your head and touch your shoulders, he may buy you drinks or snacks time to time, but nothing more, like he wouldn’t let you go into his private life, he have his limits.
✧ for him it would be some kind of game, and he genuinely thought that you have same feelings like him - nothing serious, just sharing some flirting jokes, some unspoken tension, but he would never talk about it. he wouldn’t be happy if you bring up topic about feelings either. he expect you to just move on from it when you get bored by simple jokes, light hugs and no first steps from him.
✧ wooin doesn’t believe in friendship between girl and boy, if it only friendship with benefits, then it could work for him. but he would rather again start working with that white haired bitch sangho then have friendship with benefits with you, because wooin just knows that your brother will not just kill him, but make him suffer from what he did to you.
✧ so all in all if you okay to just some flirting time to time, every night thoughts “does he really likes me?or he just act that way”, instability in communication and generally some trauma from emotional swings you are in right place!!
✧ but don’t worry, you always have juwon who shows suspiciously more annoying attention☠️
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
author note : goshhhh sorry!! i didn’t expect to write this as angst, but it was very first thing that came up when i saw your request!! B-B-BUT, i still genuinely believe that as long as wooin would find someone who he really attracted to he would act differently!!
⊹ xo - xo ⊹
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katareyoudrilling · 8 months
Seen (Javier Peña One-shot)
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Summary: You’re the last person Javi wants to ask for a favor, but not for the reason you think.
Word count: ~2.2k
Rating: Mature (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: Alternating POV, reader is a few years older than Javi (Javi could be a variety of ages) and has hair that could be worn up or down, wrinkles and laugh lines, a touch of angst, non-graphic sex
A/N: This isn’t quite what I expected it to be when I started working on it many many months ago.  The idea was inspired by @famouslyanonymous musing that there didn’t seem to be any fics featuring a Pedro boy with a slightly older reader.  I wanted to say a lot of things with this fic and I’m not sure I said any of them, but I hope you enjoy!
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
Taglist link in bio (or ask me to add you!)
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Javi slams down the phone and pinches the bridge of nose.
He needs a favor.  Why does it have to be from you?
He can flirt his way through the department secretaries easily, but you, with your intelligent, assessing gaze… he swears you can see right through him.
The two of you have been crossing into each other’s orbits for a long time now.  He can tell that you know…  You know he’s not some DEA hero.  You can see right through to the failure of a man he actually is.
He takes a long drag on his cigarette before stubbing it out and pushing away from his desk.  “Fuck it.”
He pulls at the back of his neck as he makes his way to your department.  He can already feel the tension headache beginning.  If you won’t do this for him… he’d rather not think about it.
He approaches your desk nervously. “I need a favor.”
“Is that right?” you reply, continuing your work.
“I would really appreciate it.” If he can’t flirt, he can at least try to be polite.
“You aren’t going to compliment my nail polish or tell me how pretty my dress is?”
“Uh… I… what?” Javi stammers.
“I see what you do around here.  Flirting with all the pretty young things to get your way.  Not me though, probably because I’ve got 20 years on most of them and a few on you.”
“What? No! Fuck, you’re the most beautiful woman here.”
“Right,” you scoff.  “It’s too late for the charm, Javier.”
He leans over your desk, gripping the edge.  Moving himself into the halo of your perfume.  “I’m telling you the truth,” he growls.
You lift your eyes to his and his knees go a little weak.
Who is he kidding?  A class-act like you is never going to bend the rules for a man like him.
“Never mind,” he pushes off your desk and walks away.
When he returns to his desk later that afternoon, he’s surprised to find the file he needs sitting on his chair.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You lean back against the elevator wall and sigh.  It has been a long day and all that has kept you going is the thought of getting out of your heels and pantyhose and onto your couch.
The elevator pings as the doors open on the garage level.  You step out into the cool, echoey space.  That’s when you see him.
He’s standing by your car, exhaling a plume of smoke, somehow not looking green and sickly under the florescent lights.  He must hear the click of your heels on the concrete because he turns and puts out his cigarette as you approach.
“What are you doing here, Peña?  Need another favor?”
“Thank you for the file.  You didn’t have to do that.”  He shifts his weight and looks down at his feet.
“Yeah, well, lord knows you get enough roadblocks thrown in your way.  I don’t need to be one of them.”
Javier chuckles ruefully, “You have no idea.”
“If that’s all, I need to get going.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” Javier looks up at you, “To say thanks?”
Your feet and back are screaming at you not to get taken in by those puppy dog eyes, but there’s something simmering beneath the surface of his gaze.  Something that makes you curious.  His outburst earlier hasn’t left your mind.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little interested in where an evening with Javier Peña might take you.
“Counteroffer.  How about you come over to my place in an hour.  Bring the booze with you.”
Javier’s eyes light up in surprise.
“Don’t get any ideas, Peña.  It’s been a long day and I don’t feel like going to a bar.”
“I didn’t have any ideas.”
You scoff and make your way to the driver’s side door, “See you later?”
He nods.
Javier stands aside as you pull out of your parking space and out of the garage.  You can see him in your rearview mirror smoothing down his mustache, hand on one cocked hip.  It should be an interesting evening.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You open the door to your apartment and Javi is momentarily stunned speechless.  You’re wearing flowy, satin pants and a cardigan belted around your waist.  You’ve removed your make-up and your jewelry.  You’ve let down your hair.
You’ve never looked more beautiful.
You’re always stunning at work.  Elegant, put-together, gorgeous.  But here, now, you look so soft and relaxed.  It’s as though you’ve taken off the armor you wear to the office.
Like he’s getting a glimpse of the real you.
He always tries to hide the real him.  That façade might not work tonight… a frightening thought.
You step aside and motion him into the apartment.  Javi swallows deeply and forces his feet to step inside.
“I brought whiskey, hope that’s ok.”  He holds out the bottle to you.
“Definitely ok, I had a feeling.” You lead him to your couch.  Two tumblers already sit on the coffee table.  You uncork the bottle and pour two fingers in each glass.
You hand him his glass before swirling the amber liquid in your own.
He watches, mesmerized, as you breathe in the heady aroma and your eyes drift closed.  You take a sip and sigh.  His cock twitches.
“That’s good whiskey, Javier.”
“Call me Javi.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You didn’t expect it to be so easy to talk to him.
Somehow you’ve gravitated towards each other.  Your knee now rests against his thigh.  His arm stretches behind you on the couch.  Whiskey glasses sit forgotten on the table.  You only needed a few sips to relax before the conversation and laughter flowed.
Swapping stories of co-workers and old mutual friends.  You realize you’ve never seen him smile before tonight.
It’s a shame.
His smile lights up the room.
Javi arches back against the couch and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s getting late.”
You make a non-committal noise in reply because your gaze has been captured by the expanse of his chest you can see through his gaping shirt.
Has his shirt been unbuttoned this much the whole time?  Four buttons undone?  Really?  Why bother buttoning it at all?
Not that you’re complaining as you take in the view of his smooth, golden skin.  You watch, hypnotized, as his chest rises and falls with each breath.
Your gaze travels upward, catching on the divot of his clavicle.  The perfect place to breathe his scent.
His Adam’s apple snags your gaze next as it bobs in his throat.  You have to swallow yourself, saliva pooling in your mouth at the thought of licking your way up his gorgeous neck.
His jawline comes into view.  Strong and angular.  Beautiful.  Especially in contrast to his soft, plush lips.
They part slightly, revealing the most perfect crease in his lower lip.
Then there’s his nose.  Noses shouldn’t be so arousing.  It’s absurd.  But there it is in all it’s aquiline glory.  Like a goddamn sculpture.
You continue your journey up to his eyes and find that he’s staring at you, pupils blown.
Your mouth is suddenly dry as Javi slowly closes the distance between you, never breaking eye contact, giving you time to protest, until his lips meet yours.
A fire ignites in your body with the first touch of his lips.  It burns from your head to your toes waking you up from your slow syrupy thoughts.
You climb onto his lap, knees on either side of his slim hips.  His hands grip your waist.  His heat bleeding through the thin fabric covering your center.
You break away from the kiss, breathless. Javi continues kissing down your throat, tugging at your cardigan.  You sit back and reach between you, untying the belt and letting it fall off your shoulders.
Javi groans as he takes in the thin camisole you are wearing underneath.  Your bra had come off along with the pantyhouse and heels.  Your hard nipples poke against the silky fabric.  They squeeze even tighter as Javi licks his lips.
“Fuck, bonita, you’re gorgeous,” he rasps.  The sound goes straight to your core.
- - - - - - - - -
He didn’t come here for this.
Maybe he hoped initially.  But it didn’t seem to be what you had in mind.
He wasn’t lying when he said you were the most beautiful woman at work.  His eyes rove over your body of their own volition every time your paths cross.  His ears tune into the sound of your laughter and even more to your witty and sarcastic remarks.
But he didn’t expect this… this connection.
You’ve set him at ease.  Pulling stories from his memory that he thought were long forgotten.  The urge to pour out his heart to you nearly chokes him.
You’re too good for him.  Too smart, too strong, too confident.  And oh, are you beautiful.  
And now you’re above him, rocking into his cock, making the most heavenly sounds as you lick into his mouth.  He can do sex and do it well.  He can make up for everything he lacks with a good fucking.
Maybe fucking is all he’s good for.
“Take me to bed, Javi.”
He pauses.  He expected your words, but somehow, they have caught him off guard. It wouldn’t be just a fuck with you.  You’ve gotten under his skin.  You’ve glimpsed his soul.
The words bubble up before he can’t stop them.
“I’m scared.”
- - - - - - - - - - - 
His admission catches you off guard and you sit back.  “Scared? Of what? I know I’m older than you, but it’s not like I’m some dried-out husk and bats are going to fly out of my vagina.”  You push against his chest to get off his lap, annoyed and frustrated.
Javi growls and grabs your ass, pulling you back to him, holding you still while he finds his words.  “Fuck, that’s not what I meant.”  He huffs as he continues, “I’m scared because you… see me.”
The anger burns away as quickly as it came.
“I’m not the man most people think I am.” His big brown eyes that only moments ago held laughter and lust, fill with pain and doubt.
“Who are you, then?”
“Just a man.  Trying.  Failing.”
“I know.”
“You don’t want me.”
“What if I do?”
You’re surprised by your own admission. It’s the truth.  You do want him.  And not because he’s a ‘hero’ but in spite of it.  You want the man you met tonight.
You watch his feelings war across his face.  His body wants you, that is abundantly clear.  You’re pretty sure his mind and heart do too, if he could only trust them.
“Have you been real with me tonight, Javi?” you ask, brushing the pads of your thumbs over his gorgeous cheekbones.
“I won’t beg.” You’ve lived enough life to know a man that doesn’t want you isn’t worth your time. “But know that I do see you and I want you.  The real you.”
His fingers dig into your hips and he swallows hard. “I’ve never done this.”
“I find that hard to believe.”  That earns you a smirk, some sparkle returning to his eyes.
“You know what I mean.  Real… I’ve never done real.  At least not for a long fucking time.”
“I’m as real as they come, Javi.  Wrinkles and all. Can you handle it?”
He brushes his fingers over the creases at the corners of your eyes and you melt.  “You’re beautiful.”
You bring your lips back to his, gently testing.  He wraps his arms around you, surging up into the kiss.  Heat quickly builds between your bodies as your hands roam freely across his broad shoulders and up into his hair.
He groans against your mouth.
“Take me to bed, querida.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your body is perfect.
Not in the way of youth – firm, angular, unblemished – but well-loved.  Each part of you telling the story of a life well-lived.
He worships each curve of you.  Reveling in what pleasure feels like with someone when he opens himself up.  He kisses your softness, traces each wrinkle with his calloused fingers, delights in the sounds you make as he explores your body.
When you welcome him into your wet heat with a contented sigh, it nearly breaks him in two.  You feel so right around him, moving with him, coming with him.
Sated and drowsy, he lays with you on your bed.  You brush his hair off his forehead and trace your fingers over his laugh lines and the crease between his eyebrows.  He’s lived some life too.
“Still scared?” you ask, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah,” he rasps quietly, looking up at your soft smile, “but I think it might be worth it.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
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pixiesfz · 8 months
okay i have a kcc request but it’s a little more hurt/comfort vibes
reader is usually upbeat, matching kyra’s energy. r starts to feel a little down and burnt out and kyra’s the only one that notices. kyra organizes a cute little day for them to just chill and talk and cuddle
yes absolutely I love KCC!
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on sale k.c.c
plot: you’ve been told by your agent that you’ve been bought by Chelsea, but you don’t know how to tell your girlfriend and friends
warning: angst?, I’m not sure how buying a player works but we will deal with it
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“And Arsenal has taken the deal” Your agent told you as you sat in front of him.
You took a deep breath in and looked away “So I’ll be going to Chelsea in January?” You clarified and he nodded. You scoffed “I’ve been here loyally for years”.
“They are offering you a spot in the starting eleven and if Sam Kerr isn’t playing they will put you in striker position” he explained but your head was spinning.
You were moving to a different club, a rival club.
“Y/n I know this is hard but Arsenal wouldn’t of taken the deal if they didn’t know that it would be better for you and your career” he explained and you nodded your head.
It was November which meant you had one more month with the girls before the break and then you would have to go back with Chelsea.
You were leaving your friends.
You were leaving Kyra.
You were the main reason she took Arsenals deal, she wanted to play with you even if it wasn’t on international break.
“Can I go now?” You asked your agent who sadly smiled “yes you can go”.
You got up quickly, tears in your eyes as you got into your car where you cursed loudly out of frustration. You didn’t drive home to you and Kyras shared apartment, you drove to Beth and Vivs house.
They had taken a motherly status over you as you played for the Netherlands with Viv and Beth had taken you under her wing when you rocked up to your first training in an oversized training top as the smallest size was still to big as you were still a teenager.
You knocked on their door frantically as Beth opened the door with a smile “Not a robbed just y/n!” She called back to her girlfriend before looking at you again, her eyes immediately drawn to your red eyes and uneven breaths.
“Y/n/n are you okay?” She asked softly and you brought the older girl into a bone crushing hug in her doorway “y/n?” She asked and you crossed your head “not yet” you cried and the woman nodded as she squeezed you tighter, Viv walking around the corner in confusion as usually when you came over you and Beth were loudly mucking around.
She didn’t question anything but just watched from the corner of the hallway “lieverd” she muttered out as you made eye contact with your international team mate.
Viv could get any truth out of you with one look so you walked out of your embrace with Beth “they sold me” you said and Viv and Beth shared a look “Arsenal sold you?” Viv asked, stepping forward to you and you nodded “to Chelsea I’ll be moving in January” you explained as Beth wiped away your tears.
Viv looked away, not wanting you to see her emotion of sadness as Beth brought you into a hug “when did you find out?” Viv asked “Just then, I came here first” you explained and they nodded “I can’t go home, not yet” you told them and they nodded.
“You can’t go home cause Kyra will be there?” Viv asked and another tear ran down your face “I don’t know how to tell her, I can’t go home like this”.
The two shared a look and nodded and you looked around “can I go pet Myles now” you sniffed and Viv chuckled at your need for the puppy.
You stayed at the Meadema home for about three hours before you deemed yourself fit enough to go home to your girlfriend.
When you arrived Kyra was sleeping on the couch as the screen asked her if she was still watching, obviously she wasn’t.
Usually you would jump on the girl and wake her up but you instead walked past her and got changed into your pajamas for the night.
When Kyra woke up and saw you in the kitchen she furrowed her brows as you didn’t annoyingly wake her up from her nap.
“Hey how was lunch with Vic?” She asked as she walked into the kitchen
You didn’t tell her about your appointment with your agent, if you did then you would have to tell her the truth which you couldn’t right now.
“It was good” you said as Kyra nodded “did you finally try the dumplings?” She asked as she hugged into you, noticing your stiffness as she did so.
“No” was all you said before opening up a bag of chips, Kyra letting go of your body.
“Well did you not eat enough cause you look still hungry if your eating those” she pointed out and you shrugged “I guess”.
“Want to ring the bell on Caitlin’s apartment and run away like it was a Knick knocker?” Kyra suggested and you crossed your head “not today babe” you said and kissed her cheek.
Kyra watched suspiciously as you walked by her and into the living room.
You were never one to deny a small prank.
When training came the next day you were quiet and stuck by Viv and Beth “you haven’t told her yet?” Beth asked as she noticed Kyras still bubbly behaviour in the corner “I can’t” you said and Viv looked at you “You’re going to have to tell the team soon” she said and you nodded.
During drills you went to kick a shot at goal but Kyra kicked it before you could reach it, earning laughs from Katie, Caitlin and Less who were behind you, normally you would run after the girl in revenge but you found yourself just grabbing the ball and having another shot once again confusing your girlfriend.
Kyra ran over to Beth who was at the end of the line “Hey chicken” Beth smiled and Kyra looked in your direction “do you know what’s wrong with y/n, she’s not as…” Kyra couldn’t find the word “Devilish” Beth answered and Kyra nodded “I guess”
Beth looked at Kyra in sorrow, if Viv hid a secret like the secret you were keeping she would be devastated and sad when she found out “maybe just talk to her after training, she could just be having a bad day” Beth shrugged before going back to her group of forwards where you watched their interaction.
You saw Kyras face fall as she saw you watching and your heart broke, you didn’t want to leave her.
Kyra watched you for the whole of training, complaining of a fake ankle injury just so she could keep a better watch, you smiled once and it was only because of a nutmeg goal you had scored against Manu.
When it was time to shower and go home, you were quick, too quick for Kyras liking, usually you would stay around and joke around with her or hide peoples boots when they weren’t looking but you were in and out of the shower before quickly grabbing your bag and waiting out front.
When you got home you tried to walk straight to your room but Kyras hand grabbed your wrist “y/n wait” she said as you turned around to her “have I done something wrong?” She asked and your eyes widened “No! no god no, why would you think that?” You panicked and Kyra let go of your hand “because you’ve been distant and your answers have been short as if you don’t want to talk to me” she explained and you squeezed your eyes as you realised that your actions have made an impact on your girlfriend “and I also know you didn’t go out for lunch with Vic” Kyra said and you stepped back “Kyra-“
“Did you see someone?” She asked and you panicked once again “No! I would never do that to you!” You said and pulled her in a hug “where did you go then?” She asked and you squeezed her tighter as you snuggled into her neck “y/n?” She asked again and you sniffed, the feeling that you felt as you hugged Beth coming back to you.
“Don’t be mad” you muttered as your eyes watered, Kyra lifted her head as she lifted your head softly with her fingers “I won’t get mad I promise” she told you and you looked away.
“Arsenal uhm-“ you started and Kyra nodded, showing you she was listening “they got an offer from Chelsea for me”
Kyras heart dropped at the next words that came out of your mouth “did they accept it?” She asked, her voice cracking and you nodded “I transfer in January” you told her, a single tear rolling down your face as her eyes watered.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked and you looked to the floor “I didn’t know how too”.
The both of you stayed in your position in front of your door way as Kyra listed ways that you could still see each other “On our off days we can spend time with each other and also after games we can relax together, it will be easier than we think y/n” she told you and you nodded before bringing the girl into a kiss.
“I’m gonna miss my partner in crime” she smiled as you leaned in again.
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veala2 · 1 year
“ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴏʀᴇ.”
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SYNOPSIS - It was just a simple day at the market, and yet something about him seemed off than what you usually know. Not a bad off, just an off… and then you realized something more.
CW - fluff to the max, fem!reader (no mention of certain physical attributes), just a sweet read before you go to sleep. (´∀`)♡
A/N - life is getting tough once again, so this was a good pick me up to write. hope you all enjoy it as I did making it!
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Sometimes it’s often forgotten how bustling an island market can be while on a ship. The many vendors exhaustingly attempting to sell their goods, customers haggling and bargaining while they can, the loud noises and over all craziness that can ensue in just one day. It was easy not to miss.
So, when your dear cook asked if you’d like to come along with him to get groceries, you agreed in the hopes of a quiet day. But that was far from the case, at the moment.
“Damn, I forgot how crazy this place can be.” You said, astounded and a little nervous. Sanji simply laughed and motioned his hand towards you.
“If you feel overwhelmed, just grab my hand. I promise I won’t let go, Y/N- swan~”
You giggled at his sweet advances and intertwined your fingers with his. Making his eyes go wide and blood start spilling down from his face. You laughed once again at his silliness, and the two of you made your way through the bustling markets. Hand in loving hand.
The day seemed to go by like a breeze. It was funny how a simple day of buying groceries was as adventurous as discovering a new island. Sanji taught you which fruits and vegetables were ripe and firm, using charm to get the best deal on food, and enjoying the many food stalls scattered throughout the marketplace. With the sun shining brightly up in the sky, and not a single cloud in sight, today was starting to look like one of the best days you’ve ever had since joining the Strawhats.
Though, something peculiar was noticed by you as the day went on. Something that was unusual for anybody who knew Sanji.
During the duration on your trip, not once did the- usually love- sick- cook fawn or glance up at another woman. Which was strange, because even you could notice there wasn’t a lack of them. Women who, once Sanji noticed on his mental radar, would be engrossed by his antics until the moment he sailed off the island.
The chef simply kept his hand in yours. Doing his business and having a good time with you. It was sweet, but suspicious.
You thought maybe there was something more, but never thought deeply about it.
Curiously, you made your way up towards a stall selling different pieces of jewellery. Eyeing them all, almost mesmerised. The love cook noticed how your eyes glistened with the bright and colourful gems and stones.
“Fancy anything you see, dearie?” The elderly vendor asked, a gentle smile on his face. You smiled back and nodded, examining a particular pair of jewels that caught your eye. It wasn’t too heavy, and looked amazing against the colour of your skin. That smile of yours slowly dropped knowing you had just spent all your money on all the other vendors you passed.
Sanji noticed the expression on your face, thinking both to how cute you looked with that puppy-like pout and how many berries he managed to save in his pockets. He fiddled around before scourging up just enough money to pay the man.
“We’ll take it, sir.” He said. You were shocked and confused, grabbing Sanji by the shoulder.
“Sanji! It’s fine, I don’t need it.” You whispered. The old man had already packaged it and handed it to you. Sanji gave you a toothy smile, pulling you closer towards him by putting his arm around your shoulder. You made contact with the side of his body, taking note of his scent. Fresh, warm and spicy cologne. A cool aftershave. And the lingering of his signature cigarettes that somehow added to his incredible smell.
“It’s my treat, don’t worry about it. Any man would buy jewelry for such a beautiful woman as yourself.” He insisted, already thanking the man and walking away with you by his side.
A warm and fuzzy feeling grew from inside the pit of your stomach. You peeked inside the bag, a smile forming on your face. Cheeks round and glowing. That adorable smile that made the love cook fawn over you. Causing yet another round of nose bleeding. It was a safe bet to say there was nothing wrong with Sanji today, but the fact that he wasn’t swooning over the latest women he found in the market had you suspicious. But, you decided to put this off until later. Maybe then you’d figure out why he was being so… himself, but not himself.
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As the night started to fall, the crew had rallied up and taken their positions at the dining table for their 5- star meal tonight. As per usual, since their chef wouldn’t make anything but. You peeked around the corner of the kitchen, noticing Sanji adding the finishing touches to the food. The delicious aroma wafting through the air and into your nostrils. If you hadn’t come to the kitchen specifically for Sanji, then you most certainly would have just a taste of his latest dish.
“Sanji!” you called, jumping up from around the corner. The man spun around, his eyes turning to hearts at the sight of you in front of him.
“Mon cheri! I’m so happy you’ve come to see me!” he announced, a stupidly cute grin plastered on his face. He noticed something shine from near you, stopping and gawking at what it was. The piece of jewellery looked even better on you than he ever could have thought or even dreamed. His face said everything it ever could have, and you couldn’t help smiling like an idiot, too.
“I take it, you fancy it?” You asked, in the same manner the vendor. He shook his head up and down fast. Going down to grasp one of your free hands and planting a soft kiss on it. You felt the heat rise up inside of you.
“You look like a true goddess, an enchantress of another world! My dear, you truly don’t know what kind of hold you have on me.”
God, could he be more idiotically charming?
“Do you mean that? Cause I saw how you weren’t really… yourself in the market today. You didn’t fawn or swoon over all the girls there like you usually would.” You expressed, awkwardly shuffling your feet and gazing at the ground. He gave you a look of confusion, tilting his face to the side, puppy- like.
“Why would I when I already have a beautiful lady here, right by my side?”
It felt like your heart was about to explode. Explode into small bits as cupid’s arrows have struck you right in the centre. You lunged at him, engulfing him in a bear hug. Hiding your face in his shoulder and taking in that scent that you loved so dearly. Sanji soothingly patted the back of your head and caressed your back with loving circles.
“Your stupid, you know that…” was all you could mutter, still hiding in his shoulder. He simply laughed and held you tighter.
“Sweetheart, the food is starting to get cold. So let’s go enjoy it before that happens.” He advised, having you quickly agree and already start to drool at the thought of eating. Sanji couldn’t help but laugh some more at your antics.
The entirety of the night, you couldn’t help but glance at Sanji at the dinner table. Him doing the exact same. Besides Luffy’s grabby hands at the others' foods, and Brook causing Nami to yet another angry punch, and everybody else’s antics, you felt as if it was just the two of you at the dinner table. Neither of you knew, but you were both thinking about how lucky you were to have each other in this lifetime.
Turns out there was something more. And you loved it.
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igotanidea · 10 months
Nutcracker: Dick Grayson x reader
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christmas bingo day 5: nutcracker
“You know when you said nutcracker this is definitely not what I was expecting….” Y/N muttered looking at Dick, who, grinning like a madman was standing in the middle of the Wayne manor kitchen, dressed in an apron and holding – well, the literal nutcracker.  As in – a kitchen tool.
“Should have known better.” He smiled even wider, causing Y/N to start worrying about his mental health.
“Yeah, I guess I should have known better.” She muttered rubbing her forehead.
“Cas is the fan of ballet, me – not so much” Dick shrugged “besides, if I wanted to spend a few hours with you in a dark room then-“
“Shut up!” she rushed towards him putting a hand on his mouth to stop his babbling “there are kids in this house!”
“Tim is hardly a kid, and Damian-“
“Damian catches up way too fast for a boy his age. And I’m pretty sure you want to avoid the awkward older brother talk with him?”
“Oh sunshine, believe me I’m more than ready for an awkward older brother conversation.” He grabbed her waist and pecked her cheek and before she realised what was happening, she had another white apron tied around her waist.
“Dare I ask-?” she sighed, bracing herself for any crazy idea that might be forming in her boyfriend’s mind
“walnuts. gingerbread.”
“gingerbread?” she repeated, frowning in confusion before it finally hit her “oh no! no! damn it! No way in hell!” instinctively she moved towards the kitchen door, before Dick grabbed her from behind and prevented from escaping his arms.
“It’s a couple bonding exercise!”
“It’s a couple killing practise! Remember what happened last year?! “
“It’s not like I burnt those cookies on purpose! You were extremely distracting with that pout on your face.”
“Can’t remember signing up for a cooking experience with Dick Grayson!!”
“You know that’s actually a nice idea. Maybe I should start my own TV show…”
““you wouldn’t even be able to run a youtube channel-“
“maybe I could juggle oranges while doing a somersault?”
“Oh my god…”
“come on, I am an acrobat, after all.”
“Not the word I would use in this context-“ she rolled her eyes “I’m not baking with you! When Alfred finds out I let you in the kitchen despite my better judgement I’ll -“
“I’ll protect you from Alfred’s wrath” Dick laughed not letting her go. “you’re safe with me baby.”
“He will ban us from the kitchen forever! It’s the only person left in this household that believes I’m sane despite going out with you!”
“Which you are obviously not.” Dick laughed spinning her in his arms and looking at her with the puppy eyes. The expression he worked to perfection during the years. “come on, please… pleeeeaaaassssseeeeeee…….”
“Stop it Grayson! I’m serious… stop it” please stop it, before I give in to your five-year-old antics.     
“Pretty please. Come on, Y/N…. Just say yes.. .It’s gonna be fun I promise…”
 “It’s really not too late to buy the ballet tickets Dick…” she muttered, feeling her resistance breaking despite knowing well enough how the baking experience with Dick Grayson will end.
“That’s for another occasion.”
Two hours later, as predicted, kitchen looked like batterfield. Nut shells splattered everywhere, including Y/N’s hair, flour on her clothes that happened to not be covered by the apron and a sticky smudge of spice on her forehead made her similar to a gingerbread man (woman). While she was huffing and puffing making the dough, shaping cookies and decorating them, Dick just sit on the counter watching her with a loving eyes, making a mess and not helping at all. He didn’t even bother to open the over for her, at least not until she almost burned herself trying to balance the quite heavy baking tray in one hand. It was a miracle she survived this.
“couple bonding exercise, my ass.” She hissed, brushing her hair away with a wrist, fairly annoyed that she had to do  all the work.
“I definitely feel bound to you.” He smiled at her, jumping off the counter.
“you didn’t even move a finger-“ before she could finish he cut off her off with the kiss.
“can’t you be original, once?” she scoffed pulling back “cutting off with a kiss is just so predictable, man-like gesture.”
“Can’t blame me. You taste the sweetest.” Dick only laughed in response, wiping off the streak of honey which she was stained with in the corner of her mouth. “Better than the cookies.”
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Another possible part “Security Guard Himbo”
Let’s say M/n’s flower shop gets broken into and wrecked. Levi of course figured out what happened and helps the reader out. Possible angst and fluff ✨
(Also love your fics! Hope your having a good day/night depending on when you read this <3)
Fuck yes
God I loved this mini series
(Name) let Levi buy him a flower, the model wanting his boyfriend to have the absolute best he can provide and seeing (name) in his true element... Was hot to Levi.
(Name) was completely different than when he did security, smiling and helpful to customers and helping elderly people get their flowers to their cars and small children pick out a good plant to start with.
Then there were the people Levi wanted to strangle, the Model having come in with lunch and his new security guard when he saw his puppy boyfriend oblivious to the young woman flirting with him as he dutifully put an arrangement together for her "and your total is 62.95" (name) said politely, actively looking away when the girl bent over a bit to show off her chest and perked up when he saw Levi "baby!" (Name) chirped out and went from behind the counter to greet him with a gentle kiss.
The girl looked floored at the interaction, Levi glancing to give her a warning glare as (name) chatted about the shop "so many people came today! I think my sign really worked!" (Name) said but Levi knew it was because it was run by a buff hottie that was his boyfriend.
"It is a good sign" Levi commented passively and watched as (name) completed the transaction and the girl scurried off "let me make you some tea, would you like some?" (Name) asked the new security guard who looked startled at the florist, slightly entranced by the buff man but looked away when he felt Levi's stare on him.
"A-ah no thank you" he said shyly and (name) nodded before going to the back to get his boyfriend some tea "so what's your name?" (Name) asked the new security curiously "Marco, sir" the brunet was kind of in awe at the man before him, the person who had his position.
The lunch was spent relatively relaxed though Marco could tell (name) was hesitant about him and he couldn't blame him as Levi was not only one of the top models globally but the florists boyfriend.
"I have a shoot to go to but I'll see you after, yeah?" Levi said to his boyfriend who nodded obediently before kissing him gently.
"I'll miss you" (name) said softly as they parted,(name) nodding to Marco to silently tell him to keep his boyfriend safe.
(Name) was at ease as he closed down shop, Levi sent him pictures of the shoot and (name) was swooning at how cool he looked.
Though he did avoid any news articles because Levi didn't want (name) to have to think about that.
(Name) snuggled Levi, the black haired man resting against his chest without a care, the room dark from the night sky when his phone blasted.
"Shit--" (name) quickly checked his phone to see it's an alert for the shop, a break in.
(Name) and Levi rushed to the shop, the police already there as they took in the damage, completely vandalized and torn apart as glass and dirt was thrown everywhere.
Levi hated how heartbroken (name) looked, talking to the police and getting a statement and the likes before checking the footage and his heart sank at the carnage the perpetrators raised.
The shop was closed off as it was now a crime scene and (name) was silent as they drove home "I'm sorry baby" Levi was soft with his boyfriend, unused to seeing him so distressed as night streets had minimal traffic "I just... Why?"
"People are pieces of shit... I'm sorry" Levi said taking his boyfriends hand and kissing it "I'll call a guy I know to fix the damages and we will get the best security we can get" Levi said earnestly to (name) as they parked in the garage, the buff man melting a bit under the others soft touch "let's go to bed yeah?" Levi led the other to their room and snuggled him on the bed, letting the buff man be little spoon as his face was hidden in Levi's chest.
When the police did their investigation, Levi already had people on to fix the shop and everything as he forced his boyfriend to look pretty for him and accompany him to a shoot, letting him hang out in the dressing room and work on a few promotions.
(Name) was still on edge but Levi made sure to kiss those fears away and when the people who vandalized the shop were found, Levi wasn't surprised that they were... Fans of his.
Less than 24 hours later Levi's official twitter issued a statement about how appalled he was at this and how real fans should be happy for him and not attack his partner or his business.
Six months later the shop was thriving better than ever, the buff man always bringing home beautiful bouquets for Levi who usually didn't care for flowers but... They were from his boyfriend so he was swooning a bit.
But (name) didn't need to know that.
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storiesbyjes2g · 3 months
3.130 Whoop that trick
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At dawn, Sophia got up to pee, so I pulled myself out of bed to make breakfast because I knew she'd be hungry and head for the kitchen next. I felt like trying my French toast recipe again, as I hadn't perfected it yet. Cooking for Sophia had proven to be even more frustrating than cooking for Dad, because nearly everything contained dairy in some form. Scouring the internet every day for something new to try had gotten really old, so I started buying plant-based milk for my sanity. I think she appreciated it too because sometimes the temptation to eat dairy was so strong she gave in, damning the discomfort of bubble guts. How anyone could live life without cheese, I didn't know.
"Mmmmm, that smells so good," Sophia cooed.
"Thanks. I think I got it right this time."
The plant-based milk worked well for most things, but I needed to make adjustments to my custard. In my initial trials, either the bread came out too soggy, or it developed an eggy crust while it cooked. Everything looked perfect this time, so I hoped to remember what I did for next time.
"Okay, so hear me out," she started.
I had no idea what she was about to suggest, but I knew it would involve her not resting at home.
"It's Night Out on the Town tonight! We should go."
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"Is that a good idea? You're due literally at any moment now."
"Okay, yeah, but this might be our last night as a child-free couple! We should spend some time together before we have to start scheduling it."
I wanted to come up with an irrefutable rebuttal, but I had none. Her logic was sound, as always. She'd been cooped up inside a lot lately, anyway. It wouldn't hurt to leave the house for a little while. It's not like we were going jogging around the lake or anything.
"Okay. But we're going to stay in town. There's a nice restaurant in Anchorpoint Wharf I've been wanting to take you to."
She clapped and did a little happy jig in her chair. I loved that woman.
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Kooper and Rosie were getting old. Their coats turned gray, they slept a lot, and they walked a little slower. None of that seemed to stop them from running around the house like a pair of puppies, though. Rosie still demanded that Kooper play with her and dashed around the house and yard like she was training for a marathon. I loved that their age didn't stop them from having a good time. I was playing with Kooper when I realized something that stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Oh my Watcher," I shouted.
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Sophia was behind me, asking what was the matter. I didn't mean to startle her, but it just occurred to me that Alessia might have her babies today!
"We need to get to Mama's house!"
She started to ask why, but I had already dialed Dad's number to see if he would come. Once she overheard my end of the conversation, she went upstairs immediately and got dressed. Dad said he was already on his way and would meet us there.
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When we arrived, Mama wasted no time checking up on Sophia and loving on her youngest grandchild. She hammered her with a bunch of questions, like if she was getting enough rest and if she had experienced early contractions. All moms were lay doctors, I guess. Just as I had begun to think it was nice to have the whole family together again, loud forbidden words and angry screams rang out from upstairs, followed by rapid stomps heading in our direction.
"I'M GOING TO MURDER HIM," Alessia yelled.
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"Whoa, Less," I said. "What in the world happened?"
Her face was as red as a strawberry, and her eyebrows scowled, just like an angry cartoon character. The lasers shooting from her eyes made me want to stay out of her way, but I needed to know what and who upset her so.
"JACE happened!! He's a PUNK!! Ol' llama-faced liar!!! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!"
"What did he do, Less?"
"He went back to his ex! IN MT. KOMOREBI!! And he married her!! He f#@$ing MARRIED her!!! HE SAID HE LOVED ME!! Ever since we found out it was triplets he's been weird!! HE IS DEAD TO ME!!!"
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Mama had previously gone to the kitchen, no doubt to be near Dad when she noticed him taking out the trash, leaving only me to diffuse the situation. Alessia's anger was palpable, like an electric current coursing through the room. I had never seen her like that before, and it both scared and fueled me. I tried balling my fists and breathing extra slow and deep to keep myself from going off, but thoughts of confronting that piece of shit and laying hands on him stirred a fire inside me. There was no kind, gentle way to deal with this, and if I ever saw that cowplant turd in the street, it would be on sight! Nobody betrayed my sister and got away with it. I should have known something was up when he bailed at the baby shower. I saw him when we arrived, but after that, he was nowhere to be found. How could he weasel his way into my sister's fortified heart, knock her up, and leave her with THREE babies??? Did he really think running away to the mountain would absolve him of fatherhood? Like, did he not know child support was a thing? And he had THREE to support?? What an idiot! COWARD!! I hoped his wife had a real job because I knew Alessia would try to milk him dry. He'll be sorry he even met her! The sheer audacity of it all made my blood boil.
I was concerned about my niece and nephews and finally got Less to sit down. She didn't exactly calm down, because how could she? But she and I had a great time plotting and scheming against ol' Jace, planning what we'd do to him the next time we saw him. True, that wasn't healthy either, but it sure was fun. Revenge wasn't really Sophia's style, and she remained quiet. She also didn't have a sibling she would take up for at any moment, so she didn't understand why I acted like that and occasionally tried to talk sense into us.
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But just like when she was a kid, Less found it hard to sit still and be calm, so she jumped up and paced the room, fuming like a teakettle. Even though he would eventually find out, I hoped Dad was still outside during Alessia's initial rant. Her situation was way too close to home, and I feared it might trigger him, especially being in Mama's house with all of us. But like I said, he would eventually find out. He and Mama came out from wherever they were, asking what all the yelling was about. I guess Mama had enough of Less' pregnant mood swings to come find out immediately. Less filled them in, and I saw a quiet rage growing within my dad. He looked just like how I felt. Maybe we could take another family trip to Mt. Komorebi and murder him together, heh.
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I saw Mama eyeing me, as if to silently ask what we should do as the expert on all things mind, body, and soul. But I had no answers for her. My mind was set on destroying Jace, and my body was ready for it. I felt that in my soul, ha!
"I think we all need a dip in the pool," she said. "That should relax these tense mommies, right buddy?"
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I sensed both sincerity and sarcasm in her tone, as she seemed disappointed that I provoked instead of diffusing the situation. Either way, she was right. Less definitely needed to calm down, but the rest of us did too, so we got changed and hopped into the pool.
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artstelle · 1 year
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Not Mine To Keep
The first time Arthur came to Merlin's shop, he looked so out of place, unsure of what to do. Merlin guessed he was either too "manly" to be seen buying flowers, or a rich prat who never had to buy his gifts himself. Neither were exactly wrong guesses. He felt bad for the woman the man was buying the flowers for.
They had a rather unpleasant encounter that day and Merlin was sure the man would never, ever come anywhere near the shop again, and would probably tell everyone he knew not to buy from there either. So it was a surprise when he saw the other man again. He said that while the employees were rude, the place unfortunately had the best flowers around. Of course, that would be a better excuse if the man actually bought any flowers that time.
After that, it became a regular thing, Arthur visiting once a week. At first, he asked questions about flowers, then it turned into them chatting, insulting each other sometimes and joking, laughing.
Merlin knew he shouldn't, but he was sad and depressed when the man – Arthur, he learnt – stopped coming. He was worried when Arthur didn't show up for two weeks in a row, but weeks turned into months and he accepted that the other man had probably just grown bored of their little conversations.
And then, he just showed up. Merlin welcomed him as he would any other customer, tried not to stare or ask demand an explanation as to why he just vanished. But he knew he had no right to, they were two strangers having casual conversation, that was all. If Merlin had feelings for that gorgeus blond man who turned out to be actually funny and charming, then it was his problem alone.
Arthur stayed silent for some time, and he seemed nervous, god knows why. He looked at his hands, the flowers, the walls and anywhere other than at Merlin. Just as the silence started to be too much and Merlin thought maybe he should say something, Arthur opened his mouth.
"I had things to deal with. Things to arrange. Both personal and business issues." Merlin wanted to say there was no need for explanation, but was too shocked by Arthur's next words to say anything. "I am sorry."
Arthur Pendragon did not apologize. He would show that he was sorry, but never put it into words.
But Merlin had to talk, because the man was looking at him, obviously waiting for an answer. "Oh, um... O-ok." What he wanted to say was: why do you look like a kicked puppy? "It's fine, life gets busy sometimes." That seemed to ease Arthur's mind, if the smile that formed on his lips was any proof. His beautiful lips, how nice it would be to kiss them. Oh for god's sake! Merlin had to get rid of those thoughts.
"Well, is there anything you want? If you aren't going to buy anything, I can get you a chair, but you're blocking the way. Though I don't think I can talk much, there's a big order I need to prepare." He didn't mean to sound harsh, didn't want Arthur to leave, but it was hard to go back to how they used to be. Maybe in a week, he would stop wondering what the personal matters he had to arrange were.
"Actually... I want to. I'm here for a bouquet."
Oh... Ok then. That was unexpected. Merlin remined himself that there was nothing for him to be sad about.
"Ok, which one?" He showed the bouquets that were prepared for customers to choose from. It helped them to see how the thing would look before purchasing, it and was faster to have some made up already when it was busy. And if they didn't sell, Merlin took them to the local hospital to give someone a little smile. "Or do you want a custom made one?"
"A custom one. But I was hoping you could help me choose the flowers." Arthur twisted the end of the ribbon on the counter around his finger.
"Sure, it is my job." Stop being so nervous, Merlin told himself firmly. "What kind of bouquet do you want?" He didn't want to know but he had to ask.
"To show... Something that says 'You are important to me' and 'I think of you all the time.'"
Merlin's heart hurt so much he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hide it. It was no surprise the bouquet was for Arthur's lover, but he would never have expected Arthur could say such things. He must really love her. "And 'I wish to spend more time with you.'" Arthur looked at Merlin for the first time since he had entered the shop that day. Merlin wished he wouldn't. "And..." Please, enough, go tell those things to her yourself. I don't want to hear them! "'I love you.'"
Merlin turned his back, knowing he should be happy that Arthur had found someone he loved. Arthur often talked about the girls his father threw his way and how he never had any feelings at all, at least most of the time. Whenever that happened, Merlin thought about Arthur's first visit to his shop, the bouquet he'd bought, but he couldn't bring himself to ask who it had been for.
"I'll make something." He bit his lip while choosing the flowers. Merlin stared at the bright lamp to prevent the tears from falling down his cheeks. He didn't want to make a fast and simple bouquet just to get away from the situation. It was important to Arthur, and if Merlin couldn't be happy for him, at least he could do his job right.
After who knew how long, he had the flowers ready. "Here, I hope she likes them."
But Arthur did not reach out to take them.
"I hope he does," he said instead. "Keep them, please. They're for you."
Look… I drew that in November. Then when I was posting, I realized I forget to add the bouquet and since then it is waiting to be posted in my wip folder. Not even wip! I put that in completed folder cause like, it was mostly done. I wanted to pick flowers with correct meanings. I gave up and just drew a pretty bouqute cause it is better than never finishing it. Please pretend they have suitable meanings to what Arthur wanted to say.
I wasn't planning to write something that long! Wow.
Edit: I posted it to ao3 too. Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48305071
Flowershop AU for @merlinbingo
art by @artstelle
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unicornjoking1111 · 1 year
Success stories in Neville goddard's book (the power of awareness)
*this is not my work as it is a copy paste of neville goddard's book*
This is the story of a very unexpected result of an interview with a lady who came to consult me.
One afternoon a young grandmother, a business woman in New York, came to see me. She brought along her nine-year-old grandson, who was visiting her from his home in Pennsylvania. In response to her questions, I explained the law of assumption, describing in detail the procedure to be followed in attaining an objective. The boy sat quietly, apparently absorbed in a small toy truck while I explained to the grandmother the method of assuming the state of consciousness that would be hers were her desire already fulfilled. I told her the story of the soldier in camp who each night fell asleep, imagining himself to be in his own bed in his own home. When the boy and his grandmother were leaving, he looked up at me with great excitement and said, "I know what I want and now, I know how to get it." Surprised, I asked him what it was he wanted; he told me he had his heart set on a puppy. To this the grandmother vigorously protested, telling the boy that it had been made clear repeatedly that he could not have a dog under any circumstances . . . that his father and mother would not allow it, that the boy was too young to care for it properly, and furthermore the father had a deep dislike for dogs — he actually hated to have one around. All these were arguments the boy, passionately desirous of having a dog, refused to understand. "Now I know what to do," he said. "Every night just as I am going off to sleep, I am going to pretend that I have a dog and we are going for a walk." "No," said the grandmother, "that is not what Mr. Neville means. This was not meant for you. You cannot have a dog." Approximately six weeks later, the grandmother told me what was to her an astonishing story. The boy's desire to own a dog was so intense that he had absorbed all that I had told his grandmother of how to attain one's desire — and he believed implicitly that at last he knew how to get a dog. Putting this belief into practice, for many nights the boy imagined a dog was lying in his bed beside him. In imagination he petted the dog actually feeling its fur. Things like playing with the dog and taking it for a walk filled his mind. Within a few weeks it happened. A newspaper in the city in which the boy lived organized a special program in connection with Kindness to Animals Week. All schoolchildren were requested to write an essay on "Why I Would Like to Own a Dog." After entries from all the schools were submitted and judged, the winner of the contest was announced. The very same boy who weeks before in my apartment in New York had told me "Now I know how to get a dog" was the winner. In an elaborate ceremony, which was publicized with stories and pictures in the newspaper, the boy was awarded a beautiful collie puppy. In relating this story, the grandmother told me that if the boy had been given the money with which to buy a dog, the parents would have refused to do so and would have used it to buy a bond for the boy or put it in the savings bank for him. Furthermore, if someone had made the boy a gift of a dog, they would have refused it or given it away. But the dramatic manner in which they boy got the dog, the way he won the city-wide contest, the stories and pictures in the newspaper, the pride of achievement and joy of the boy himself all combined to bring about a change of heart in the parents, and they found themselves doing that which they never conceived possible — they allowed him to keep the dog. All this the grandmother explained to me, and she concluded by saying that there was one particular kind of dog on which the boy had set his heart. It was a collie.
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pinkcannibal · 1 year
so i’m thinking that marilyn must be like… super rich, right? i mean from the looks of the Gates Mansion in the show, and the formal clothes the family were wearing in old family portrait, it’s safe to assume that the Gates were pretty loaded people. And the normal conclusion is that all of their money got inherited by Marilyn after they died. i guess im asking if you could share any personal headcanons/thoughts you have on rich!Mari? Like I just imagine her taking Reader out to this super fancy restaurant for their one year anniversary and Reader nearly passes out when she sees the prices. But Marilyn picks up the tab like "oh no don’t worry honey it’s no big deal" 😭 Idk Idk I just think it’s a fun lil headcanon to ponder about
oh im literallyyyy going to touch on this in my fic! she 100% inherited the gates fortune and mansion, they were canonically loaded and its real to me marilyn grew up as a rich girl <3 kdkkdfk like marilyn buying/paying for everything when it comes to reader in the fic is definitely coming up.
like marilyn to me has so much money to spare, and now that she finally has someone in her life she adores that she can spend it on??? yeah shes a menace
marilyn will buy reader high quality lingerie just to rip it off. will not care if she tears the lace bra in her need to bite and nip to her girls tits. and reader, her whole life used to not having pretty expensive things, will always blush and whine bc she feels soooo bad when they do get ruined. marilyn does not care, she buys her more the next day <33
if reader starts to get shy/protest on how much marilyn spends on her, this woman will distract her by going down on her and eating her out until she knows her sugar mommy tendencies are incurable <33
plus, shes giving reader everything she missed out on as a child. an adult in her life that will get them things without question and not ever call her selfish for it, and it heals both of them! marilyn gets to provide. reader gets to want things and not feel guilty
if reader is staring at something on her phone intensely while scrolling? yeah marilyns peaking over her shoulder and already putting an order in for it. not without teasing tho. "wow, sweet girl. thats so pretty. want mommy to buy it for you?" she doesnt have to ask, she definitely is, but its so worth it to see reader squirm in her hold and blush and force reader to ask for it.
like you said, treats her to theeee most nicest restaurants. lets reader get whatever she wants. it takes a few tries and dates together for reader to feel comfy ordering expensive things. she gets sooo dumbed down and needy tho when marilyn feeds her bites and runs her hand up her girls thigh <33
reader is well aware of how this looks. if you told her a year ago she'd have a sugar mommy milf hot teacher gf she'd think ur insane. so when marilyn starts to gift things if reader gets a good grade/achieves an accolade or something similar? it makes her soo submissive. just: "good job honey, you did so well on this exam. which do you want, those earrings or the ring you were eyeing yesterday?" and reader just stares w puppy eyes, blushing, like. "oh. um. both? <33" (she obvs gets both)
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clickerflight · 6 months
Fallen: Part 9 - How Much is that Doggie in the Window
I was supposed to write this ages ago, but misread fallen as fleeting on my to do list so :p Also, I do adore the hallucinations in the way of 'they're hurting my guy :)' They're fun. I have plans for them.
Part 8
Content: Villain whumpee, hallucinations, miserable times, wet cat vibes, nonsexual nudity, discussion of past injuries, mentions of drugs and needle marks
It was raining now. Kolt was completely drenched, his thin shirt and sweatpants doing nothing to protect him from the elements. The nice woman who had been helping him had needed to go to work and gave him a little bit of money, which helped him get pretty close to where he needed to go, but not far enough, 
He shuffled through the rain, the lights shimmering before his blurry eyes as he went, arms wrapped around himself as he sniffled and allowed himself to look less and less like the man he had been before. 
Ah, look at him. Like a soaked puppy dog, Gambler said with relish in his voice. 
“Shut up,” Kolt said softly, pushing past the dark hallucination. He swore he could feel the rain slicked poncho the man was wearing under his scarred palm. 
Ooh, we’re brave today, aren’t we, Watcher said, which sent chills down Kolt’s spine, unrelated to the weather. Watcher didn’t speak often, but when he did, it was usually a portent of something terrible coming his way. He hoped this time wasn’t one of those occasions. 
We should do something about that, Beater said, stepping out of an alley. In the past, Kolt would have just ignored them. Rationalized that they were just hallucinations. But they weren’t just hallucinations any more. They could affect him now. Force him to do things he didn’t want to do. They could hurt him or stop his progress, so he treated them like cautious enemies. 
He moved carefully, not allowing them to corner him or surround him. 
So fast when you’re let out of your cage, hmm? Beater said, jogging to catch up, trying to get ahead of Kolt, but Kolt turned down another street. 
Never let them know your next move, Watcher whispered in that two toned voice. It made Kolt want to throw up. 
Where are you going, puppy? Shouldn’t you be in a window? How is anyone supposed to want to buy you if you getting all muddy and bruised in the streets? Gambler asked, and before Kolt could get out of the way he felt something trip him, sending him sprawling. 
They had to be real. There was no way a hallucination would be so real, right?
Kolt shook his head, pushing himself out of the mud. He couldn’t think about it right now. It would only slow him down. 
Persistent, Beater commented, impressed. Looks like they didn’t take all of the fight out of you. But we knew that. You are so so good at hiding what is actually going on in that big brain of yours. 
You were such a good dog for Dr. LeAnne for so long. It is amazing you’re able to remember anything after that, Gambler added and all three of the hallucinations laughed. 
Kolt tried to drown them out, his heart beating faster when he saw the familiar door ahead. 
“Please,” he couldn’t help but whisper to himself. “Please still be here.”
The hallucinations, still laughing, hung back as he approached the door. He knocked, the sound weak under the sound of the rain. He waited, arms wrapped around himself again, water dripping out of his long hair and into his face as he waited. 
Someone moved inside and the door opened. Dr. Dalley Hitchcock still looked the same, round of face and chest, friendly looking besides a dark look behind his eyes, and sturdy. 
“Dalley,” Kolt breathed, emotions swelling up in his chest. Shame from being seen like this, gratitude and relief and hope, fear that he would be turned away because Dalley’s alliances had changed; everything. Kolt opened his mouth to explain, to be rational and ask for help politely, to apologize for the intrusion, but his eyes blurred further, obscuring Dalley’s features and a sob ripped out of his throat in such a manner that Kolt covered his mouth like he could take that and the rushing tears back. 
“Kolt? Is that you? We thought you were dead,” Dalley said, reaching out and taking Kolt by the elbows to guide him inside, closing the door and blocking out those three clear shapes Kolt could always see even as he cried. 
Kolt was sat in a chair, elbows propped on his knees as he tried to regain his composure. 
“Where have you been?” Dalley asked, rummaging around and grabbing things. “Not even the Dragon Gang could figure out where you’d gone.”
Kolt shook his head in his hands. No one could find him except Gale. And Gale was who knows where. 
Kolt wiped his face hard, sniffling and lifted his head. “I was in a lab somewhere,” he said with a grimace. “Look, I don’t really feel good, Dalley. Can this wait until-”
“No, of course. I apologize. That was insensitive of me. You wait there for a moment while I get some things ready in the bathroom and we’ll get you taken care of,” Dalley said, shuffling off. 
Kolt was left among the piles of supplies and books, all at once chaotic and organized. Just like the last time he’d been here. He was grateful that Dalley was a creature of habit. Kolt would have been left wandering the streets looking for an ally for quite a while if Dalley had moved. 
Dalley came back quickly and leaned down, taking Kolt by the elbows again to help him up. Kolt usually would have protested, but he did not think there was much left of his ego to rescue at the moment, muddy and bruised and scarred as he was. 
Soon, he was sat in a chair in the bathtub, Dalley with rolled up sleeves and pant legs standing in the tub with him. 
“Alright. Are you attached to these clothes? I’m thinking it would be easiest to just cut them off if you don’t mind.”
Kolt shook his head and Dalley got to work. 
Kolt was naked in the chair as Dalley turned on the faucet, moving the shower head to where Kolt could touch it. 
“That temperature alright for you?”
Kolt reached out and nodded. A warm shower. When was the last time he had one?
Dalley cleaned Kolt off quickly and efficiently, enough so that it was clear this was how he regularly treated the clients that came through his door. 
As soon as Kolt was clean, Dally had him dry off and then stand up for a proper assessment. 
Kolt wanted quietly as Dally tallied up his scars and old wounds, taking in the way he stood and the bruises around his elbows. 
“Do you know what meds they had you on?” Dalley asked, prodding gently at the needle marks.
Kolt shook his head as Dalley moved his fingers and wrists, assessing any damage or loss of movement. “Something that made me weak and sick…. And it made my eyesight worse.”
Dalley clicked his tongue, looking up at Kolt’s face. “Here, sit down. I’ll check that for you.”
Kolt did, turning his head and letting Dalley push and pull at his face as he examined him. 
“Do you still have your powers?”
“Yes,” Kolt said, flexing the hand he’d used to kill Kate. 
“Alright, tell me when my finger becomes clear.”
Kolt did so and Dalley hummed, taking out a pen light to peer into Kolt’s eye. 
“Did they want you for your power?”
Kolt had to fight very hard to keep from closing his eyes at the reminder. “Yes. They wanted to turn me into a weapon. They didn’t succeed.”
Dalley laughed. “I should hope not. Alright. Looks like you’ll need some physical therapy for a couple of your joints, your muscles are atrophied, your spine looks a little bit messed up but that shouldn’t be a problem. The new healer Phoenix has working for him is incredible. Some of these scars might need a bit of surgery to loosen up and give you more movement back, you’re definitely going to need some surgery for this one-” Dalley tapped Kolt’s lip where the scar pulled everything so tight he knew teeth were always showing on that corner of his mouth- “Or else your teeth might dry up and fall out eventually. We’ll need full dental work up of course. Your eyes are a bit of a concern and I think we should consult someone about your powers just in case anything is wrong. Have you been experiencing any psychological effects from everything that happened?”
Should he lie? You should always tell your doctor the truth, but this…. This was different. Kolt wanted to wait it out and see if a few good nights of sleep and safety would help sort him out. 
“A little dizziness and some strange ocular illusions, but I do not know if that is because of my brain or my eyes,” Kolt said. There, good enough for now. He’d explain more if it became necessary. 
“Okay. We’ll just keep monitoring you. Now I-”
“When was the last time you saw Gale?”
“Gale. When did you see him last?”
Dalley leaned back, thinking for a moment. “A few months ago, I think. He said he was going undercover. Looking for you, actually. We thought it a bit of a waste of time, but things were quiet back then, so we weren’t going to keep him from doing so. Did he help you out?”
“I think so. I vaguely remember him, and I have suspicions that the scientists who had me have him.”
Dalley narrowed his eyes at Kolt. “I will tell the Phoenix and we can see what we can do, but-”
“No. I’m going to-”
“Absolutely not! You have a long recovery ahead of you,” Dalley said sharply in a tone that reminded Kolt exactly why he respected the doctor. 
Dallley blew out a breath and said, “You are going to dry up and get dressed, eat something and go to bed. Understand me?”
“Yes, sir,” Kolt said. There wasn’t much he could do now, after all. He was just too tired. A bed sounded heavenly right about now. 
Dalley nodded, putting a hand on Kolt’s shoulder and leaning in a little so Kolt could see his expression clearly. “I am glad to see you alive. We searched for you for as long as we could. Gale never gave up, and he won’t give up under whatever treatment those lunatics put him through.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Kolt sighed, shaking his head. “I’m just so glad you’re still here.”
Dalley laughed. “Well, you know me. I am loathe to leave my little crevices.”
Kolt hummed, amused as he slowly got up, ignoring the way his hip and spine clicked as he did so. 
So, Kolt followed Dalley’s advice, giving Dalley a pee sample before going to bed so he could send it off alongside some of Kolt’s hair to be tested for what he’d been drugged with. 
Kolt, now clothed in warm pajamas and properly clean after one more shower, climbed into bed, curling up under the blankets. 
His mind felt heavy, and despite his desire to think and to try and make plans, he couldn’t keep his eyes from drifting closed, sleep overcoming his muddled, exhausted brain. 
Part 10
Fallen taglist: @looptheloup @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @snakebites-and-ink @starsick1979
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1solone · 16 days
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The problem is;
We look for someone to grow old together,
While the secret is to find someone to stay a child with!
What does Love mean to 4-8 year old kids?
Slow down for a few minutes to read this...💕
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined!
'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore...
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too.
That's love.' Rebecca - age 8
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.' Karl - age 5
'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.' Chrissy - age 6
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.' Terri - age 4
'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him,
to make sure the taste is OK.' Danny - age 8
'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.' Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt,
then he wears it every day.' Noelle - age 7
'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.' Tommy - age 6
'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that.
I wasn't scared anymore.' Cindy - age 8
'My mommy loves me more than anybody.
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.' Clare - age 6
'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.' Elaine - age 5
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.' Chris - age 7
'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.' Mary Ann - age 4
'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.' Lauren - age 4
'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.'
(what an image!) Karen - age 7
'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross...' Mark - age 6
'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.
People forget.' Jessica - age 8
And the final one: The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'
(this made me cry!)
Now, take a few seconds and post this for others to inspire and spread Love like butter!
And then go be a child again today!… ‿ℒℴνℯ⁀❤️ always with ℒℴѵℯ ❤️🕊
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