killuaisaprincess · 4 months
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yjhzies · 6 months
What svt would buy for their baby's 1st birthday (OT13) — them as your husband
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Genre: fluff, romantic Warning: none Pairings: seventeen x gn!reader Word count: 0.6k
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Let's be for real, as a rich dad and husband, he would definitely spoil them and buy something expensive. Be it a toy, clothes or even toy cars. whatever it might be, just know it is expensive. At the end of the day, he would be a great father and just because he would spoil them doesn't mean he'll let them be brat(s) and mannerless.
He would be such a cool dad though, probably gifting goofy things. (ex. here & here) A clown costume, a mini toy sword with cool looking sunglasses and as much as he would buy goofy and cute things, he would definitely buy something for the baby that would be memorable.
As the gentleman he is, he would be an amazing dad. Did you look at his eyes when he looked at the child here? his eyes literally glittered. He would most probably buy something that the baby loves or something that would keep the baby happy and at night, he would gift something to you too because you're his most precious one along with the little baby. (a shua in my life when 😿)
This dude would buy the most random things ever definitely something related to a cat though. Cat plushie, cat beanie etc. He would be playing with the baby and chasing them with the cat plushie pretending to be a monster. (so cuteee)
Sigh, we all know what this tiger will buy. A tiger costume, daddy tiger and baby tiger toy, matching tiger shirt (he would force you to match aswell) he would be so so happy to play with the baby, carry them around and would start giggling and kicking his feet when you agree to match with them.
He would definitely buy something you had your eye on for a long time or something you said would look super cute on the baby. He would also click so many pictures of the baby with whatever he buys <3
Oh gosh, do I even start? he would legit write a whole new song for the baby, he would probably buy a cute toy for them and a small locket with the photo of the baby and the photo of something that reminds him of them <3
Oh this sunshine... his presence would be just enough to be a gift for the baby because they would be so overjoyed and laughing just by recieving his attention. But still, he would gift the baby so many cute things. Toys, plushies, clothes, shoes, A to Z. And he would definitely buy something for you aswell because afterall you're his baby too.
Husband and dad material. Periodt. He literally giggles in tiny and gets overjoyed every time the baby holds his finger or sleeps in his embrace. He would definitely buy something cute and adorable just like them or maybe take them to a big playground and play with them 🫶
Similarly to Wonwoo and Joshua, he would definitely buy something you like alot. Then gift you flowers afterwards and get all giggly when you shower him with kisses.
He would definitely gift a fancy brand new cloth set for the baby to wear so that he can click hundreds of photos of them and make a memory collage later on <3
Something simple and casual yet cute. A cute big teddy bear, pretty clothes and lots of random photocards of him 😼 can't stop smiling when the baby gets overjoyed seeing the photocards. He poses like in the photocards for the baby <3
Poor chan, he would be asking you for recommendations and keep thinking about it all night, refusing to sleep. Even if you give him a recommendation, at the end, he would buy matching costumes for him and the baby then ask you which baby of yours do you think is more cuter. Proceeds to sulk when you choose the baby and you have to give him kisses and cuddles in order for him to stop sulking (he was never mad, he just wanted extra affection from you <33)
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bedoballoons · 9 months
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wilcze-kudly · 9 months
I need Baatar Sr to see a newly fatherless Asami post the battle and be like: ' aight imma be your father figure now'. Like Asami having this sweet, supportive father of five and a half fussing over her, making sure she eats and sleeps and takes breaks from work properly. Baatar Sr slowly getting confident working with someone after Baatar Jr's betrayal.
I need Bumi to resonate with Baatar Jr and just occasionally come chill with him. And let Baatar Jr talk and complain and speak his heart out and Bumi would just listen. And ughsvh.
I need Tenzin to see Wing and Wei forcing themselves to uphold their mother and grandmother's legacy and be like 'hey you guys know that you can be yourselves and stuff.'
And Ikki and Huan's friendship is so precious ughhwg. He helps her do art and stuff and they're so cuteee.
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random-vore-blog · 18 days
May I ask for more sanegiyuu vore? It's so cuteee 😭😭
Of course! I am just gonna use an au I have cooked up. Plus, this gives you an idea of what happened to Giyu :3
Harpy's Lake Gem
The moon was up, its rays casting over the forest where mythical creatures resided in, illuminaring the landscape with its its gentle touch. The forest that held mysteries no human could solve, a puzzle too difficult for the human mind to complete. A foreign, but also familiar space for many who travel across the land to find the place.
Those who entered never came back. Many went missing upon entering the forest, many remains left out by the borders- a warning to any who dare to try to enter the forest without permission. Be it an arm or any other limb or a corpse, it didn't matter. It was still a warning.
But deep in the forest, a lake stood proud in the open in the heart of the forest. Its surface shone like gems, the water calm and at peace. The moonlight caressed the precious surface with care and a gentleness no one knew about. But as gorgeous as it looks from above and on land, there was a sinister aura that lurked beneath the surface- hidden from anyone by the facade of the innocent surface of the water.
The most deaths of humans occured here, in the heart of the forest, where no one would ever find the remains- gone and nowhere to be seen or to find their way out of this place. The lake was a trap- a deathtrap that had worked succesfully for the creature that resided in the lake it called home. It lured the next victims by just its voice alone, a song that no one could resist and follow.
A seastack on the far side, close to shore, sat comfortably with the water gently lapping at it. Ontop sat the cause of all the missing people that dared to enter the forest, right into its webbed hands.
A Siren.
Mythical creatures with the lower half of a fish and the upper half of a man, beings sailors told tales of- with a taste and appitite for human flesh, an appitite no human could understand. Its beauty hid away the sinister side deep beneath the surface. The beauty of the creature used to trick mankind, a facade to disguise their true intentions from mankind- violent beasts that drowned man for its own pleasures and needs. Sometimes feasting on the corpses of the victims it drowned.
The siren on the seastack had a beautiful tail as blue as sapphire stones with white diamond-shaped dots on the sides, the fins a transluscent baby blue colour, hair as black as a raven's with hints of almost invisble blue hues under the moon, dark blue eyes that pulled many in their gaze, fins acting like ears the same colour as the tail, the fingers a light blue colour that spread up to the elbow, claws a beautiful dark blue and webbing white, the upper torso covered in robes of red with a checkered pattern consisting of green and yellow.
The scales reflected the moonlight that caressed them, giving off a faint glow from the tail. It made the creature not only look majestic but also gorgeous and etheral, a beauty no one could take their eyes off of. A mask crafted over thousands of years to perfect the beauty.
The gentle sound of a song escaped its throat, sounding masculine in comparison to most feminine songs sung by the normal female sirens. Thus being identified as a male siren, a rare sight to behold as thete are few left in the world.
The fins on his head twitched as he heard something, another creature that he was all too familiar with. Someone the siren knew and had been friends with im the past, despite their historical rivalry, the wars both of these two mythical creatures had for thousands and thousands of years.
The siren turned his head slightly to look behind him, seeing all-too-familiar bird talons clutching onto the hard ricky surface, latched onto the stone to ensure that they don't let the creature slip off. He looked up, seeing a familiar face he had grown used to.
White hair that illuminated silver when light caressed the strands, purple eyes that glared daggers at him, scars on the face and lips formed into a frown. Dark green armour covered the chest, a black shirt underneath, a cloth of sorts hanging from the sides and tied to its waist, dark green pants that stopped right above the knee where the bird feet began to form. Black wings with white feathers at the edges, the tail matching the colour scheme of the wings. Green streaks right by the cheeks, feathers placed on either side where human ears would be acted as the ears.
" Shinazugawa-san."
" Tomioka."
The voice of the creature was a lot deeper and rough, as if it ate sand for breakfast instead of its preferred food. The hint of venom in the tone gave the siren, dubbed as Tomioka, an insight to what the creature wanted.
It wanted him for something, and that something he was unsure of. He couldn't place a clawed finger on what the winged creature wanted. And that creature was an expert at aerial hunting.
A Harpy.
Winged beasts with the lower half of a bird while the upper half was a human, arms replaced by wings larger than a human's body. Maybe larger than two humans stacked on each other. They came in many shapes and sizes, but they took on the species of any predatory bird. Their excellent aerial control in the air was phenomenal and more executed than any bird, surprassing their bird of prey counterparts.
" Is there something you need?"
The siren asked softly, a curious glint evident in the blue orbs that watched the Harpy with caution. He was aware that he was a delicacy for these aerial predators, nothing but a meal to them. He had to tread carefully if he didn't want to become Harpy food. However, he was unsure if the Harpy viewed him as a food source, seeing as he- identified by the masculine voice- never laid a talon on him.
" Does Kagaya-san need us in his presence?"
" No,"
The Harpy lowered his upper torso, bending it to be on eye level with the aquatic being.
" he does not need us in his presence."
Tomioka made a small frown, eyes squinted in confusion at the words that left Shinazugawa's- as Tomioka called him- mouth. The confusion did not leave his features, not until a talon pinned him against the rock, on his back. His back arched from the sudden contact of the cold surface, eyes widened as they stared at the purple ones that glared at him.
" It is you."
" What are-"
" It's your late night swimming that irritates me."
" Shinazu-"
" NO! Every time I patrol, I always see you swimming late at night!"
His jaws clenched in anger, body shaking with rage.
" And tonight is NO different! You think I don't notice the smallest of hints that you have insomnia?! Or the details like the dark circles under your eyes known as eyebags?!"
He growled, snarling at the being under his taloned foot, wings opened slightly to prove his point, to imply what he meant by his words. Tomioka just stared at him in disbelief, as if the Harpy had said that he had commited a crime...
" Don't try to hide it! I can see it from a mile away! Even Iguro can smell it from a mile away!"
" Sh-"
" No-! I am DONE watching you swim late at night when Iguro and I are on patrol!"
The pressure on the Siren's chest increased, before he was lifted up, off of the cold floor as his tail laid limp on the ground beneath. He had never seen the Harpy this irritated before, let alone concerned for his wellbeing. A warmth blossomed in his chest at the thought of someone caring for him.
" And I am going to do something about it."
He said dangerously low, above a whisper and his voice dripped with anger. Not only that, but the talons brought his face closer to Shinaguzawa's.
Before he could say anything, the lips in front of him parted, reavealing a cavern of flesh. Strands of saliva clung on the roof an anywhere it could cling onto, a tongue slipped out to give him a taste. He didn't react to it, however, as his attention was drawn to the pearly white teeth that were sharp and could snap him in half, crush bone. He was in a state of shock, not able to tell his body to move as it failed to co-operate with him.
It closed in front of him, and he stared at Shinazugawa wide-eyed.
" You taste better than I expected."
The Harpy murmured, tilting his head to the side, squinting his eyes in glee, something the Siren never saw.
Before long, the Harpy tilted his head straight and licked his lips. He- he wasn't going to- right? Tomioka felt a wave of panic hit him like a ton of bricks, a slap across the face full force.
The maw opened again and this time, his head was placed inside. He wanted to struggle, to scream and cry out for help, but his body refused, still in shock and trying to process what was going on.
It was warm, very warm. The humid air inside messed with his gills, threatening him to gasp for air a lot nicer than the dry air he was forced to inhale-! But he didn't, he couldn't. His body didn't belong to him as he was swallowed, body sliding down the now tight tube with ease like he was nothing. As if he was a small fish that slid down the throat of a crocodile... His skin got irritated by the dry air, unable to handle the warmth the air inside the Harpy provided. It was unbearable, and quite itchy.
By the time he got his body to struggle, it was too late as his head slipped into a roomier organ, the rest of his body following soon after.
It was hot, humid and with a liquid that filled tbe organ, stopping the itching he felt on his skin and scales. He panicked, body jerking away at the sudden pressure on his back. His eyes wide as realization of where he was dawned on him. He was in Shinaguzawa's stomach, a place he feared the most.
" Shinazugawa-san! Let me out!"
He panicked, body about ready to hyperventilate as the shock wore off, adrenaline the new booster to help his body to hyperventilate. His body shook.
" Let me out! Please! I beg of you!"
He yelled, trembling as his eyes were blurred by the tears that formed, jerking as a sob left his form. He held his head with both webbed hands, covering his finned ears that flattened against his head and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. The waterfall got out of the walls known as tear ducts.
" Please- please Sanemi! Please! Pleasepleasepleaseplease-"
He repeated, unable to do anything but beg Sanemi to let him go, to not let him die in this place other sirens had died.
He stared at his middle in shock, where his hand would've been if he had human arms rested on the slightly bulged area his "meal" was in, begging for his life to be spared, pleading.
Did- did he not realize that he... oh no-! Oh nomonononono! He didn't-
Panic enveloped his body when he was called by his first name. Did his insomnia affect him to the point of not thinking rationally? That him and Tomioka were a thing? This- oh god... The thought of digesting a living creature and his mate alone made him sick.
He rubbed his middle, trying to soothe and calm the the hyperventilating Siren down as best as he could while he hummed.
" Hey- hey-! It's okay! It's okay!"
He wanted to calm down his poor mate, tried to reassure him that he was not in any danger- that they have done this before with comforting words! But they didn't leave his throat after he spoke or tried to speak again. The words evaporated from the tip of his tongue.
All he could do was push thrpugh it all and just head back to his place located on a massive and broad seastack where a cave was.
He opened his wings and crouched down, jumping in the air and took off, heading back to his cave- his home. He couldn't use words to calm Tomioka down... he'll just hope that he realizes that he is safe-
His feathered ears twitched as he heard shaky breathes, the heartrate of the siren inside the organ slow and at a pace he was familiar with- that he grew fond of. He sighed in relief, in time to land gracefully on the edge of the cave.
His talons scraped against the stone beneath them as he entered, checking his surroundings to make sure that nothing was out of the ordinary. Besides Genya sleeping in the mest he built for him.
It was a long night, and restless one. He was tired, wanting to gain energy for what the next day wpuld bring. He stopped in his tracks and laid down like a bird, eyes closing as he focused on the weight in his crop. He'll rest his eyes for a few minutes... It wouldn't kill anyone if he rested a little, right?
And so, he dosed off, joining his brother and Giyu in dreamland where everything that had happened was nothing more than an old and bad memory.
The End
Sorry if this is not what you wanted, but I did enjoy writing it! It was a lot of fun to play with these two boys I ship so much!
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chuluoyi · 1 year
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LOOK at nobara omggg so cuteee my babygirl😭
megumiiii he’s so cool and totally canon that he likes to stuff himself with headphone🥹
yuji ohmy if only u could be that happy forevermore🥺
just gojo and nanami being the questionable and decent guardians respectively 💁🏻‍♀️
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coolsosha · 9 months
I was bored and made gif with Sosha and Asmo. Then i got addicted and have 10 of them now
im scared of how much serotonin i got from this thing.
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-Heyehyehye, Asmuah, wanna have a... uuuh, smol XXS orange orphan?
-...Mandarin? Sorry hun, im busy, you can eat this oneee~
[click for 9 more of those]
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-Oooh, Asmo is in the news again! ..heeey, the thing is about me! but why there is no picture of meeee?! I need to make a interview better than this! Sosha supremacyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
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-Huh, Sosha definitely needs to practice with making post names...
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-Sushi! Close your eyes or you will get shampoo in them!
-Told you~
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-Yes! I knew that Jessica will be with Jeremy! They are such a soulmates, don't you think, Sushi?!...Ah, you fell asleep again, aren't you~
-Aw, so peaceful♡...............................................
..........................Oh wait i still have to do my night skincare routine......fine, you can sleep 10 more minutes and i will get up.
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-Draw me like one of your french girls!
-Bonjour, croissant, Marriette, Eiffel tower, Pasta, Mario, Luigi.. wait no, thats italian. Anyway, LESHPUA LETTE PIAIA MIVIVO ZHETE IMEJO PO LE VO PA IJIJO METE ACOLFLAUYA ZUTA MI ZHIZO LETE(poorly sounding Ratatouille song)
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-Sosha, you can't be in Demon form, Author-Sosha didn't post your backstory yet and you are making a huge spoiler and a plot hole, darling!
-Shut up im a moth(respectfully)
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After Princess Asmo was rescued from evil goblin King Beel by a group of brave heroes, Princess was kidnapped again! By the evil demon named Sosha! He trapped princess in his castle and not letting him go! ...but, seems like Princess doesn't mind?
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-Damn, how did you even tricked me into posing for this. i look like a hoe!.... in a good way
-i mean, you helped me with designing this collection, so it would be infair to not-put you on front page with your precious Asmo-chan!....how can you possibly be a "hoe in a good way" though?
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You will say "Sosha(author), Sosha(oc) is a self insert OC for sure!" NO IT'S NOOOOT, this ass has backstory, and his personality is bigger than mine, so comparing Sosha to me is a pathetic comparison~
Sosha: I will make a comic about Sosha!
Sosha later: I will make a tumblr posts about Sosha!
Sosha now: Probably i will just write his entire lore in one post and will forget about it
Sosha in future: I will just burn him in fire.
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Can u do more with hannix family?
Sooo cuteee!!! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍
Oooooh honey I had a thought I've been thinking about for a while and plus I've been on a terrible Lord of the Rings kick lately so this is just.......uuugh!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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The tiny little cries on the baby monitor suddenly awoke both Jake and Natasha, the darkness still shrouding the earth and all the stars still shining bright in the winter sky. Their precious little boy, John Glen "Jack" Seresin, had been born just three days before and frequently awoke at the witching hours, very brand new to an unfamiliar world and needing alot of attention from his parents.
Jake tried to sit up but Natasha firmly placed her hand on his chest and guided him back down. "Relax Bagman, I've got this," she told him.
"You sure?" he groaned.
"Go back to sleep, he's hungry," Natasha answered.
Jake went right back to sleep as she padded off to the nursery, following Jack's cries and the high pitched whine of Jake's husky. He woke up again when he heard everything in the house go quiet. He couldn't hear the scritch of the dog's nails on the floor nor could he hear Jack on the baby monitor.
Jake got himself up and quietly crept to the nursery, poking his head in the door to find Natasha with the baby, in the rocker. He could hear her voice softly singing, something haunting and familiar to him that brought tears to his eyes when he recognized it.
"May it be an evening star Shines down upon you May it be when darkness falls Your heart will be true You walk a lonely road Oh, how far you are from home
Mornie utulie Believe and you will find your way Mornie alantie A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadow's call will fly away May it be your journey on to light the day When the night is overcome You may rise to find the sun
Mornie utulie Believe and you will find your way Mornie alantie A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now"
Jake crept his way to the rocker, kneeling beside his wife and son, trying to hold back the tears.
"You ok?" she asked.
"No my allergies are acting up again."
"You're crying and you won't admit it," Natasha teased.
"I'm sorry I can't help it," Jake admitted. "My dad took me to see Lord of the Rings when I was a kid and I still cry when I hear that damn song."
Natasha chuckled and kissed Jake. "Go back to bed will you?" she told him. "He'll be up again in two hours and there's no way we're gonna sleep."
Jake kissed her and then Baby Jack. "Love you both."
"Love you too Bagman," she answered.
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andforlovessake · 6 months
✿ My Creepypasta Headcannons List Pt. 1 ✿
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A/N: Mentions of medical conditions, self-harm, manipulation, and drinking.
Original: Jeffrey Woods/Hodek/Mason
My Version: Kai Roman Hodek
Younger brother to Andrew, Jeff calls him Drew for short.
Drives a beat-up truck that his dad gave him when he got his license.
Enjoys collecting knives.
Has very prominent, blue sanpaku eyes.
Around 6'0; about the same height as his brother.
Asocial, leaning more on the quiet side (particularly when he was in high school).
Observant (has a staring problem, lol), but helpful when there are bad people around.
Bit of an asshole.
Doesn't have noticeable facial scars, but has scars on other parts of body.
Super good at swimming and athletic things, but didn't play sports in high school because he thought it was a waste of time.
Not pale because of bleach, just natural skintone.
Anger issues, and is really bad at confessing his feelings.
But speaks him mind in ways that are insensitive to others.
And when he genuinely cares about someone, he would do whatever it takes to protect them.
Has a deep, gravely voice that is a bit husky (kinda like David Near's interpretation or BadHabitASMR on YT).
Has many piercings (industrial on left ear, various rings on helix, septum, gauges eyebrow, and snake bites).
Wears lots of rings and paints his nails black.
Has a tattoo on his upper arm (maybe an intricate skull or patchwork tattoos).
Wears hoodies, pull-overs, overall, sweaters, sweatpants, baggy jeans, and combat boots.
Has a Siberian Husky named Axel <33.
Overt manipulator :(
Original: Eyeless Jack
My Version: Daniel Isaac Washington <3
Is Black and wears locs with hair accessories, twists, and fros.
Intelligent, perceptive (knows Kai likes Whitney), and sweet.
Cambion (half demon, half human).
Has a deeper, sultry voice.
Loves reading in his free time, and his favorite aesthetic is dark academia (thus he dresses this way).
Is cognizant of his demonic side and tries to feed on animals instead of humans, but sometimes it falls through and he feels guilty.
Has gauges.
Is not blind, just has blacked-out eyes.
Sometimes wears glasses.
Def listens to Tool and A Perfect Circle. Will indulge Jeff in his heavier music, but prefers classic and avant-garde and prog rock.
Named local stray cat that he cares for 'Kobe'. He is Black kitty :3.
Friends with Kai.
Can sometimes over-analyze people and make them feel negatively about themselves without meaning to do so. Like, he would overuse logic in situations that also require emotions. He is trying to work on it!!!
Covert manipulator :/
Original Character: Liu Woods/Hodek/Mason
My Version: Andrew (Drew) Finn Hodek
Jeff's older brother.
Has similar features to Jeff but has short, brown hair and prominent green eyes.
Has a white kitty :)
Mellow and chill.
Tends to see the bright side in things, which can get him in trouble at times.
Really likes hiking and anything outdoors.
Has to get his crazy ass brother together sometimes.
Enjoys Indie Rock.
Does not have facial or bodily scars.
Closer to their parents. They were not abusive physically, but were emotionally absent, leading to Kai demonstrating the same behaviors. Drew more often got along with his parents whereas Kai was always pegged as the "bad kid." Therefore, it has caused a bit of a rift between them.
Has a hard time understanding his brother's emotions, but mostly because Kai has a hard time letting him in.
Overall, Kai views Drew as being too passive and Drew views Kai as being too judgmental.
Original Character: Sally Williams
My Version: Sallie Ann Noel
She's so cuteee <333
A little Black girl, 8-10 years old.
Wears her natural hair, such as afro puffs :))))
Isn't a ghost.
Sweet and cute.
Views Whitney as an older sister, calls her Winnie :)
Really likes playing with Axel.
Has lots of plushies, but her favorite is her bunny.
Needs glasses but only wears them sometimes (Whitney has to remind her to wear them).
Is precious and must be protected at all costs.
Enjoys listening to genres of music.
Has a small ginger cat :)
Super accepting of everyone and is non-judgmental.
Is willing to do things for others, but sometimes hurts others in the process such as stealing or destroying things to give to others.
You just gotta sit down with her and tell her that you can't just pull flowers out of the neighbors yard just because she'd think they'd look pretty in your hair :')
Original Character and My Version: Tobias Erin Rodgers
Has Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA). Due to this, he also has dermatillomania/excoriation (skin-picking) which often leads to him bleeding. He does this ALOT when he is immensely stressed out.
Side Note: Because he doesn't feel pain, he has hella piercings, like about the same amount if not more than Kai. Likewise, he would try to freak his friends out by pulling on them, but one time he pulled too hard and his skin came with it. Thankfully, he hasn't done it since.
Normally quiet and inward, though if provoked his anger becomes more outwardly visible. He is better able to keep it under control versus Kai, but will still lash out if messed with.
Moreover, Kai will bother him to get a reaction, leading him to dislike Kai.
Tries to mask his tics, causing them to sound strained in his voice and body. They are more pronounced when he is feeling intense emotions such as anger or anxiety.
His mother is alive but he cannot bring himself to visit her. He still feels somewhat guilty for what he did to his "father".
Hides many of his insecurities by pushing others away.
Used to be sympathetic to others but became jaded overtime. It takes a longer time to form a friendship with him.
But, once he warms up to someone, he will also be super loyal to them. Moreover, physical touch would be his platonic and intimate language!! This mf will SMOTHER YOU.
He just really needs a hug, he's touch-starved :'(
Original Character: Ben Drowned
My Version: Benjamin (Ben) Evan Hope
Loves Smashing Pumpkins and shoegaze in general.
Can be a brat and complains when he doesn't get what he wants.
Enjoys dancing and is really good at it.
Friends with mostly everyone, but is close with very few people that really know him.
Has extreme anxiety but masks it with humor.
Chill and relaxed (but low-key likes to watch drama play out). But, if things get too heated, he'll step in as a voice of reason (usually between Ben and Toby since he is friends with both of them).
Homebody, but will go out to parties occasionally.
And when he does, he is the LIFE of the party, which can turn into him having the worst hangover the next day because he indulged too much :(
Sometimes, he appears to not take things seriously, but in reality he has a hard time facing the stressful thing that is happening.
Original Character and My Version: Clockwork/Natalie (Nat) Rachel Outlette
Is SUPER hard to warm up to at first.
She tends to be like Kai and say things that are on her mind that can be insensitive, but she really doesn't care how others take it.
She jokes in a way that comes off as rude, but once you warm up to her and become friends, she'll literally be like a guard dog.
For example, she is closer to Toby and will fight Kai for bothering him, but Toby usually tries to stop her because. he doesn't want her involved.
She's just super loyal but can also be territorial to new people.
It's something that she knows she does, but she kinda is okay with it since it can drive bad people away (but then it is hard for her to make friends).
Is a natural leader and is really good at organizing things or handling intense conflict (outside of fighting).
Is the first one to calm people down and make them think clearly.
I will make a part 2 eventually and I have faceclaims for mostly all my characters, just still figuring them out :)
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yoonjinsgirl · 1 year
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with chapter - 3 to my series, I'm so sorry for the delay but my eye infection wasn't getting better so i couldn't do anything, i was advised not to use mobile phones or laptop, once again I'm really sorry for delay!🥲💜
checkout series previous chapters: 1💌 & 2💌
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, fluff, suggestive.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4 days.
Warnings: not something that could make sense irl, an au concept, it could be dangerously delulu and fluff ofcourse! Could be a little bit suggestive. please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: this fic also feature hobi and his girl "I'm naming hobi's girl as my hobii biased bestie*. We obviously do have bangtan featuring and also a cameo of jihoon aka woozi 💜
I'm just an amateur, I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Please give your precious feedbacks, It would mean alot to me!!
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated! check my other works until now here❤️‍🩹 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡^·ᴗ·^♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
Before you could move out of yoongi's lap or anything, his phone buzzes and you both are taken out of your little dreaming world, as soon as he answers, he puts it on speaker, and you immediately recognize the owner of the voice, it's hobi, the man whom you've always considered your sunshine and yoongi's actual soulmate tbh, and who wouldn't afterall everybody loves SoPe.
"Oooo hyungg what took you so long to pick up the phone? Where are you rightnow? Why is y/n also not picking her calls?? Hyung? Are you there?" Hobiii showered dozens of questions as soon call was answered. You chuckled a little while yoongi made his usual annoyed but i love you so it's okay face, "yahhhh hobahhh have some patience! If you've reached the venue early i want to tell you honestly it will still take us 30mins to reach! And why were you calling y/n? Her phone is in the car anyways!".
You can hear hobi's typical laugh over phone and your face instantly brightens up hearing him laughing, and forms into a big smile, "mwooyaa" you hear yoongi asking him dramatically to what is it? Why did he laugh so much?
"Jajajaja hyung i can't believe you would get so jealous over such a little thing, but for your mental peace let me tell you that wasn't me calling your her, it was my love! her bestfriend calling her, i hope you aren't jealous of my lovely girlfriend ", he replied a now flustered yoongi, only if hobi could see yoongi's face, he had gone crazy laughing looking at how cuteee he looked right now.
"Aishhh yaaahh you guys are too much! I'm not jealous okay! I just asked!" yoongi replied "Only if you say so hyung!" Hobii said still laughing a little, while you just enjoyed listening to their conversation and hobi continued, "so hyung we were calling you guys to ask if can I bring my girl along with me to lunch.. actually i was quite hesitant as i couldn't confirm with any of you, actually i couldn't ask you guys since it's almost first time I'm officially bringing her along with me to meet everyone. But at the same time it's your 1 year anniversary too, and we all will officially meet y/n properly for the first time, because all this time it has only been on voice calls and video calls or short hi! hello! in person. so, jagi and i both were kind of hesitant, so i.."
"I don't get it hobaah why are we acting as if we aren't friends and family, since what more than 13 years now! Ofcourse you can bring her, you should know you both are friends to us, i didn't expect you going so formal over this, like c'mon so because now we have partners so, are we no more soulmates hobahhh?".
Before anyone could say anything you end up laughing at how yoongi could he dramatic AF! And you say "aishh so dramatic you guys! Cut this out hobii please bring hobisrii with you, I'll be more than happy"
"y/niee thank you so much because i wasn't liking to leave her alone and she would keep budging me to not let me ask any of you, since the day you invited members!"
"hobi my friend is definitely someone who cares about everyone's feeling a little too much over her happiness so don't mind her, she's too sweet! we will get going now or else we will get late for sure, you guys too join us soon" you look at yoongi who is looking at you lovingly and he nods at you agreeing with you and you continue "we will see you guys soon! See you hobii, ask hobisrii to give me a call if she has anything in her mind, I'll keep my phone in my reach"
"thank you y/nssi, you two drive safely, bye hyung bye both of you!".
With this the call ends and you look up to yoongi, you are still in his lap, you suddenly feel embarrassed and try to get up and yoongi immediately tightens his grip around you and you catch his collar to balance yourself, "yoonieee you will get tired and get leg cramp yoon let me get u.." "shushhhhh bby you think too much, your man is strong enough to carry his love forever hmnn, besides i love the idea of being close to you all the time" with that he instantly pulls you into a kiss, soft and slow, showing how much he loves you and how much he longs for you to always be close to him. You are taken back my his sudden action but eventually melt into his touch and slowly respond to his kiss, you could feel him smiling throughout kiss, he slowly pulls out attaching your both heads together "y/niee always know no matter even if i had to stay away from you because of my schedules my heart was truly longing for you!...to have one day with my girl! with my love! with you! So no sooner I'm in any plan to let go any chance of being close with you". All you do is nod a little while looking down shyly hiding you flushed cheeks.
After few mins he finally pulls off, "so y/nieeee i swear we can still go home and cancel this plan you know"
"aishhh yoons noo c'mon get up, we are going now, imagine how much they all will tease you if we will reach late there, or do you actually want them to tease you, maybe you lowkey enjoy tha.." before you could even complete your sentence he gets up holding your hands and before you know you are already getting out of his studio, "only if I had got reminded of how much they would tease me i swear y/n i would have hurried up" he says as you both walk out of hybe's building walking towards the parking, all you do is giggle at yoongi's reaction to the idea of his members teasing him. Not that you don't know that everyone in bangtan is more then family and they love teasing each other at every chance they could grab and that his maknae's are gonna enjoy annoying him by teasing him a little too much.
You both get in his car and he starts driving towards the restaurant you both are supposed to meet the members, although you're slightly terrified and don't know how the members would react to you or how would your bestfriend react to you, but only thing you know right now is that you can't anyone doubt you for your own safety reasons also you definitely don't want to hurt any of them by any means, what if they are not the one's from your world but that's not fair to act biased against them. Also you would never be able to bear watching them getting hurt! You should maybe ask your heart to get it's act together and to not go crazy around yoongi or most importantly hold itself while you meet the bangtan.
Before you know you are already infront a huge glass building. And you immediately recognize it as it looked similar to 'josun palace', to what you thought you had been going to have lunch at a restaurant but boy you were wrong! this is fuking expensive and fancy! you immediately look at yoongi expecting him to say something, but he simply smiles and gets out of car and walks to your side and stretches his hands towards you to come out.
"So bby did you liked the place! I hope it's your style"
"Yoonieee i love it but trust me i don't have a expensive taste nor i love spending too much! I love sweet and cozy restaurants, For me only your love and your feelings matters, but I'm flattered yoongs!"
"I knew you had say so but it's good to sometimes go over the top and pamper ourselves besides.. you, my queen deserve all the royalty!". He says as he laces his hands around your waist and you both walk in, where the hotel staff welcomes you both and guides you towards the booked place in the grand hotel. You smile thinking how this all is too good to be true! How this is all you had imagined all day and everyday to happen, even if its all just for one day! Looks like god is kind of fulfilling your wish, maybe you shouldn't act awkward or overthink because no matter what you can't escape from what you've got yourself into. All you need to do is act what you had always imagined you would do in any of situations you would face and nothing will go wrong! Atleast that is what woozi had told you to do.
A gentle squeeze from yoongi brings you back to reality, "what are you thinking y/nieee, I'm sure boys are gonna love you! You have been in touch with them via video calls and calls so they know you, relax hmn!" You nod to him while giving him a reassuring smile, thinking how lovable yoongi could be. As you enter the booked area you suddenly feel a warm hug and yoongi gently lets you slide, and you hear others screaming "yahhh aishh jjungkookah, you brat! don't scare her away like that!"
"Y/nieeee I was so excited to meet you! Hehe i didn't mean to scare you" that's when he pulls you out from hug and you realize it was jungkook! omggg is this for real you think! You've always took ggukie as your bestfriend and you always got those bestfriend broo vibes from him and how you had always find relatable to you.
"Aniya don't worry ggukie this is how i had thought you had greet me" you said smiling widely hoping he feels the same vibe, "yahhhh jinjja! you both! how could forget to include me in your hug! You both betrayers'' you see taehyung approaching you both with his tata mic face and you chuckle, and then three of you share a short yet a sweet hug! Although you felt it awkward in the beginning but as expected they all are loving angels, who always made you feel loved.. the way you are, small tears slide away your cheeks "y/nieee why are you crying" yoongi and rest of members immediately coming towards you to check on you, "you immediately wipe the tears away and smile towards them, "guys calm down! I'm alright and fine, I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of loved and welcomed I felt!".
"Yahh aishh you two i had told you not to be over dramatic! And look at this hyung the speed he ran towards y/nieeee was faster then his rap!"
"Yahhh jiminaahh I'm offended"
"Look at this unromantic guy, if it was me i had took it as a compliment! Especially if my gf was as pretty as cute and as sensible as y/nieee!" Jimin replied all sassy to yoongi, as he came towards you giving a sweet side hug and tissue to wipe off your tears. "Mimi you love yoongs so much don't you! That's why you always keep bickering with him" you said while controlling you laugh.
"that's my girl" yoongi immediately screamed while mouthing a little 'i love you', but you being you decided to get playful, "thank you yoongs! but i know that just like jiminiee loves you! You too love him back because ain't jimin your favorite bickering partner" you reply him, gaining laugh from Jin who had just entered the place, and he pats your back and his gives you his cutest signature wink at which you totally melt and your heart goes all awww!
"This one here, she truly is my friend!" Jin said while pointing towards you. "You guys just made fool of yourself! Especially you yoongichii" he says while still laughing with you.
You see yoongi freezed in his place and namjoon giving you a what the heck look and you automatically feel guilty and rush towards him "yoongi..i..i.. i.. trust me i didn't mean to hurt you yoon I was just being playfu.." before you complete your sentence joon immediately starts laughing uncontrollably,
"yahhh namjoonahhh i trusted you"
"I'm sorry hyung but look at you making that sulky face, besides poor y/n she totally feel for your act! I tell you y/n never underestimate this hyung! he can be extremly playful and dramatic" he said.
Only then you understood yoongi was just acting, "I'm sorry bby i didn't thought you had get serious, don't worry love, you know i love it so much when you mix in with all of them and be playful all laughing and giggling."
"It's okay yoons not like you did mean to make it all serious, and i love you too! You say.
"Omg did you notice that?"
"obviously i did yoongs lol, even in a room full of people, my eyes are always stuck on you yoongles".
"AWWW look at our sweet sugary lovebirds" all of the members say together.
"Okay! Okay! guys lets get settled first" yoongi says while changing the topic, "wait ! wait !wait ! guys'' joon says as he counts all of them, "where is he? I mean where is he?"
"Namjoonahh still the same question, refresh and rephrase your question and try once again, okayyy so gooo now" jin says laughing, "jinniee" you say as you playful hit him while laughing a little yourself. "Yahh jinn hyung don't spoil my dongsaeng, look at namjooniee hyung he is serious!" Jungkook said.
"Yes and I'm seriously allergic to serious people" and once again you both laugh as members try to suppress their laugh.
"Hyung I mean where is Hobahh? He was supposed to reach earlier than us, atleast that is what he claimed to me yesterday!" Joon said only to be greeted with hobii's laugh, "my brooo I'm sorry for my fault, but we got late!" He said.
"WE? WHO WE?" everyone in the room leaving you and yoongi screamed, as you already knew he was bringing your bestfriend.. his girl along with him.
"Bababababaaaabaa.. Tadaaaaa..." hobiii said and moved away from the spot he was standing. And as soon as he moved everyone including you saw your bestfriend, who looked looked absolutely gorgeous and a little bit shy and awkward meeting everyone on short notice.
Soon you made a move and went forward greeting her.
"OMO OMO OMONAA! OMFL bae you look drop dead gorgeous!" "Omgggg Stoppppp hun! look at you looking all pretty and stunning" she replied smiling and blushing to your compliment. Meanwhile hobi went towards yoongi and gave him quick hug "yooo yoongi hyung! You look so handsome! Happy anniversary my brooo" "thank you hobahh! You look cool too" yoongi said, you were watching them in awe of how even here hobi had a certain effect on yoongi.
"Jweehope don't you think we need some introduction here!" Jin asked hobi to introduce everyone with harshitha.
"Oh ye ye hyung ofcourse" Hobi replied walking towards you both and yoongi pulling you gently towards him, his hand laced on your waist as if you were his handbag and you were supposed to be next to him. You blushed slightly.
"Everyone this is my girl! My love! Harshitha!" And jagi these are my brothers, my family, my friends." Hobi said as he lovingly introduced her while holding her hand and never leaving her not even for a second.
"So you guys have always heard about her from me and sometimes even meet her via video calls, whenever you all came in between of our video calls" hobi said chuckling slightly.
Everyone greeted her & she happily greeted them back. And soon after all of you settled down the table, laughing and smiling and chattering on something or other.
A cake was specially brought in to celebrate the 1 one year of love, and you and yoongi feed cake to eachother, while everyone cheered and congratulated you both and everyone clicked some happy photos.
And in middle of all yoongi took your hand in his palm and looked into your eyes and softly murmured "I love you y/n and i promise to cherish you always"
"I love you too yoongi, i promise to love you no matter what" you said replying him, you could feel your heart beating loud and you were pretty sure that yoongi could hear it. Deep down you were cursing your heart for not listening to your pleadings and going crazy whenever yoongi was near you. It was like you heart won't listen to you anymore.
Soon food arrived and everyone again settled down on their seats as food was getting served, everyone noticed how you were served separately and those dishes looked different, before you yourself could understand any of that, jungkook who was sitting next to you, couldn't control his curiosity and asked, "yahhh y/niee is it really important to diet today as well c'mon" jungkook said while whining cutely, you could exactly see why everyone calls him baby star candy.
"Anieyo jjungkookah she isn't dieting silly, she's is vegetarian! That's why I've ordered dishes separately for her and according to her taste" yoongi corrected the younger one even before you could say anything. You smiled widely at yoongi who was sitting next to you on your right as you absolutely loved how he took care of you even without your knowledge. No matter how hard you tried you kept falling for this man.
"See and you claim her as you dongsaeng but I knew it before had, that's why I should've get to sit with her and not you" taehyung teased jungkook, "then why didn't you answered before hyung huhhh, don't act cool hyung" and they kept bickering while everyone else laughed, watching their maknae still being the same and not changing a bit.
Meanwhile you wonder how this all you could've asked for and right now you are living it all in the moment, everything looks perfect and everything feels right, next thing you know you fear what's going to come next because this is not permanent after all!
To be continued...
I know guys this time it took so long for me to upload the next chapter, and I made you all wait so long but trust me guys, I'm still recovering and I'm really sorry everyone!💝
stay tuned and please look forward to next part, as I'd promise I'll update next chapter within 3/4 days and this time on time guys.💕
also if anyone wants to get tagged, in my taglist for this series along with my other work is open guys, please comment down and I'll make sure to tag you.💜
As I always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.
So if you've requests pls go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one.💜
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killuaisaprincess · 1 month
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One scene that I LOVE and don't have much explanation for is the one where Yamato is sleeping and wakes up to Kakashi's gaze. Kakashi looks at him and settles down to sleep. I love that scene and even though it's not canon it gives me material to continue shipping them
Also look at him he's so cuteee♡♡
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Ohhh that's such a good scene. I love how soft Kakashi is, but also how he turns away once Tenzo looks his way. Can't be caught being EMOTIONAL.
Things are going to get more difficult, it doesn't take a genius to realize that.
War has been declared, the Jinchuriki were being hunted, and everyone was preparing for the absolute worst. For the second time in his life Kakashi was preparing to fight in a war that he wanted nothing to do with and there was only one thing on his mind.
What would happen to his precious people?
The life of a shinobi was demanding and there was always a risk that someone wouldn't make it home, but with was that risk increased ten fold. during the last war he'd been a kid and when he did take missions they were the kind that involved espianage and battles against small groups of people. This time he'd be part of an army.
In fact, he'd be leading the arm.
When it was just him, Obito and Rin he'd barly managed to leave them to victory and Obito had lost his life along the way. He'd only had two lives in his hands back then, and one of them had perished.
that was a fifty percent rate of failure.
Now there were going to be hundreds under his command.
Hundreds of shinobi looking toward him for guidance. Shinobi who were trust him to get them out of this war alive, when he'd failed to save his own teammate.
What if he failed again?
What if this time he lost more than just a teammate.
His eyes drifted to the side, focusing on Tenzo huddled up in his corner of the room with his blanket wrapped tightly around his body and his eyes shut tight willing sleep to overtake him. He wasn't asleep, though. Kakashi could tell that much from the way his shoulders tensed every five seconds, and how his eyes scrunched up with annoyance.
They were going into war, and there was no guarantee they'd all make it out alive.
What if this time it was Tenzo who'd grave he stood in front of when everything was said and done. What if they failed to protect Naruto from the Akatsuki, or Sakura died trying to heal shinobi in the field, or Gai was taken out by an enemy. When he was a kid he'd tried so hard to close his heart and protect himself from any further loses after his father's death. He hadn't succeed very well, but he'd tried.
Now, though, his heart was open. Welcoming to any and all bonds that he could get his greedy, desperate hands on.
He'd made so many friends over the years and their lives were always in danger, but war meant that he could lose them at any moment.
What would he do if the day came when the war ended and he was the only one left standing? Would he survive having to bury Tenzo? Would he be alright saying goodbye to the student's he'd grown to love?
Seeing his friends eyes opening, he continued to stare. It only took a second for Tenzo to glance their way, and as soon as their eyes locked onto each other the answer came to him.
None of them would die.
It didn't matter what he had to do to protect them, he would do it.
This time there would be no funeral. No grave for him to apologize to for his failures.
Even if it cost him his own life, he would protect his precious people.
Grabbing the edge of his blanket he turned away from Tenzo and yanked the blanket over his head, hiding himself away from the rest of the world.
When morning came he'd have to act like a leader again, and he would play that role just as he always had. he'd plan and organize and protect just as he had always tried his best to do.
This time, though, he wouldn't come out a failure. this time, he promised himself, everyone would live.
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itsana004 · 1 year
Astral for the character thingy? :3
First of all, thank you so much for the ask!!! 💖
I realised I don't have much Astral content/discourse on my blog, so here lays my truest thoughts on Astral
•How do I feel about this character
I really love his character! Whenever I rewatch Zexal, he just wakes up and choses violence that day and I love that.
I think I was intrigued by his character because he was introduced as this serious and intelligent looking naked alien, who roasts Yuma like shish kebab on a daily basis, especially when it comes to dueling, and we know that is going to be their dynamic for a while - but he's much more than that.
I think I really started to like Astral on the Esper Robin episode, he's not just Yuma's foreign alien friend/dueling aid who roasts him and that's it, he has his own interests like watching the Sparrow show (and adding humour to the series with his foreignness about earth), flying around and being curious about the human world, being afraid of cats, when he eats for the first time, teaching Hart how to eat with sticks (so cuteee), has his own Observation series, his banter with Yuma - this are just examples on what makes his character so precious to me.
Also another thing I was surprised by is despite being so cool and collected, he feels fear during duels like when he dueles against Kite? And it made me feel anxious for him when I was watching it?? Astral can feel emotions such as fear and I really appreciate this detail because I think the show writers raised the stakes too high that if Yuma loses then he's going to disappear, so they end up winning every single duel with Astral's magic formula, and therefore most of the time he's unbothered and almost invincible - so when he shows emotions outside of his stoic calmness, I love it. I don't know why I just love to see Astral lose his absolute sh8t
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Also Astral's friendship with Yuma's friend group I find it so cute, despite being invisible they still felt his presence because that's how much of an influence Astral had, and when he was gone, they felt it through Yuma's grief (or Kotori told them whatever) and Flip created a crystal/glass gravestone showing how much Astral meant to all of them, the gesture it's just so sweet and emotional. I also loved his friendship with Kite, despite being minimal, he influenced in Kite's decision to not give up on dueling and that friends represent the future which is a lesson he learned from Yuma, which changes his whole trajectory.
Now let's talk about the plot... and boy it's filled with plot holes and... questions.
Astral has a... a very mysterious/confusing background. So he was born as a weapon by Eliphas to protect the Astral world, and one of Astral's character traits is to get split into cards just randomly... Number cards to be exact - whether it's his memories - giving him amnesia, whether it's his powers lost during his battle against Don 1000 - turning into Mythirian cards, parts of him just like to split into cards and I guess I find it funny? Heck he even has an evil twin as a Number card like-
Oh and also fan fact he turns Yuma into Super Saiyan when they jumbled up together.
But 50 of these Number cards possess people an amplify their desires, so Astral was the real villain in this show- no, it was Yuma's dad cause he sent him there by making him have amnesia and leading his son to go through life threatening situations and hell to collect them (I knew it all along)
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Like- I didn't even feel like I was watching Zexal and kind of wish they made these moments of satanic Astral longer. But let's talk about the real satanic Astral, boy I love Dark Mist's and Astral's banter and how Astral just has to fist fight him to not be either absorbed or killed by his evil twin.
I think this is becoming too long now for a read so I am just gonna move on now.
• All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don't particularly ship him with anyone (except Dark Mist maybe) in the show because I'm not simply invested in any of his ships that much? I can see him and Yuma being together, afterall he did say "Aishiteru" (I hope I spelled it correctly) which is the deepest form of "I love you" at the end of the manga, but at the end of the day I'm just "They're cute, next-", and honestly I much prefer Dark Mist x Astral than the latter, it's simply how I feel.
I'd also like to mention a moot has her own ship with Astral and her OC (you know who you are) and I'm definitely more inclined towards that when it comes to shipping Astral with someone because fans are better at writing/drawing romance most of the time, especially because they are not ambiguous or queer baiters.
• My non-romantic OTP for this character
For this section this has to be Yuma and Astral as well. Just as I can see Yuma and Astral being together, I can also see them in platonic light, but there is no mistake that they are soulmates.
I think many years ago I said as to why I felt that way, Yuma and Astral's relationship really reminded me of Nobita and Doraemon and despite both of them going to the ends of the world, time, galaxies to be there for eachother, it wasn't romantic in Nobita and Doraemon's case and they had other romantic partners, because these tropes are so similar, our two zexal characters can also fall into the platonic category. Now if anyone reading this are mad at me for even considering this and seek representation from the zexal series of your fave ship, then good for you, I prefer either way, but I all can say is I really enjoyed Astral's and Yuma's dynamic throughout the show and how their bonds became stronger through dueling, and it's the growth and influence they had in each other that I liked, and I definitely became emotional and pulled my heartstrings whenever they lost themselves and tried to bring eachother back, and the last scene of them parting ways had me weeping.
Ps. Astral's roast to Yuma will be the most memorable.
• My unpopular opinion about this character
Oh boy, I can't really think of any right now? But I think despite being a protagonist I feel like he's overshadowed by other characters, especially Yuma, like we don't really see Astral as invidual character most of the time and it's always him and Yuma, so maybe he deserved some solo attention? (Okay so there is literally a Kotori centric ending song but not for Astral? What-)
Also he deserves clothes-
• One thing I wish would happen/had happened with his character in canon
Zexal III
Zexal III
Also can someone tell me how Yuma's dad met Astral and send him on earth but not himself and his wife-
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
chap 4 - IT’S ONION TIME
When he finds out you don’t have a plug on his side of the bed and he has to charge his phone on your side, he turns it off. Cute - he is SO cute
Both of you thought the sound of your lungs would bother the other, so you opted not to use them at all - they’re so???
Turns out, counterproductive; you notice each other’s absences pretty well. - in more ways than one!!
He's probably dreaming of you exploding right now, he’s so annoyed. - CHIPPY SHUT THE FUCK UP. love yourself!!
He wills his body to not fucking move because if he does it's going to ruin everything. He's going to ruin everything. - both of them angsting next to each other:(((
You’re clutching a bear that’s undeniably on a losing team and you’re at peace with it - EVIL AUTHOR EVIIIIIL
the teenagers in their heads should come out more often methinks
“And I do the Crossword too, bitch, what of it?” “…I like Connections.” - THEYRE SO ADORABLE CMON
Of course, it’d be a spice on the day Mr Food Guy sleeps over. Bullshit. - hehehehe
And he’s prett— - he is prett-
“I like your apartment.” - i like you
the bread i’m so jealous
“Shampoo, conditioner, face wash—They’ve even got labels.” - she’s so sweet!! also bet the labels are cut
“Do you not like Irish Spring?” - the way he cares!! oh!!
“I’m more of an Old Spice fan.” - a syd fan👀
You don’t deserve breakfast—” He pulls your plate, you pull it back. “All I said—” “Thinkin’ I smell like shit—” - THIS!!!! i need this back
“the fruity stuff—“ - she IS the fruity stuff
“I smell good! Deny that I smell good!” “You smell fine.” - all of this is so funny, YOU are so funny!!
“Oh, I—Uh—” You haven’t even tried it yet. You’re telling him he’s good for the sake of the effort he’s given alone. He needs an antacid - i’m gonna full on sob and rock back and forth cause omg???
Thank God you took a bite in time to hide your selfish disappointment. It’s good for him to go home, but then he’s not here. Real Catch-22. - the way they’re so close already ugh i love!!
It’s a delight how immediately panicked he is by this - precious!!
“I’ll get you something too.” - she!!
Kidding. Unless? - AKJEJDJEJEJE
shove it in your pocket— Which is fine and doesn't feel bad at all. - inky :((
also love how you describe what she’s wearing!! world building!!
and fucking Cherry wouldn’t get off fucking bar - CHERRY. it’s all cherry? always has been
Your smile is bright, fake, strained, and beautiful. - always beautiful
you’re one of the few people beneath him that he asks favours from - lowkey love that tho cause it shows how talented she is!!
“Do your Uncle a favour,” - he calls himself her uncle:’)
He won’t know the difference. The Bear would know the difference. Carmen would notice the difference... - she’s so smitten
“You liked Mikey.” - GOD DAMN
and the way she’s bold and italics!! she’s carmy but also herself oh
“I like to think ahead.”“Smart girl.” - she is!! and he respects the hustle, love that
“If Uncle Lee comes up to the bar I’m throwing a fork at him and leaping over the counter.” - OMG ITS ALL !!!
He wants to poke at you, just a little bit more - this family, man they’re certainly something
“No cops!” - though the ambulance is not coos i still agree with the sentiment
“…You a fuckin’ fed, Chip?” - JANSJEJDJ
“Oh good you—Oh my, God?” Syd is no better than a man in this moment, going from grateful for your presence to being one intrusive thought away from whistling. - LMFAOO I FORGET ABOUT THE OUTFIT EVERY TIME. also squid being gay and malfunctioning when she sees inky i love gfs
of course, means they just start smacking each other's hands. - they’re so funny sjjssj
“Can you— can you yell again—?” - AUQHEUEJEJEJR????
“It looks tight.” - he’s so cuteee but also i udnerstand chippy’s want to be seen as an object of desire ughhh
He doesn’t seem to look at you any differently than when you’re wearing a jumpsuit and utility belt, covered in toilet water. This should not be annoying and yet it is. - it is SO cute but also annoying, yes it can be both
“Just you.” - i’m gonna absolutely cry too
“What’s happening, she good?” - he’s so baby coded
“Condescending as fuck?” - tina is THAT GIRL
richie lighting up when she calls him a dad, yeah:’))))
Syd responds hesitantly for the both of them, since Fak is silently enjoying your colonel persona a little too much. “…Yes, C-Captain?” - NOT FAK????
The screaming lead EM in you melts off your shoulders, just for the second. - THEMMMMM
“I need you. T-There.” - AWWWWWW
how does this series not have all the likes and engagement in the world??? it’s the best one out there actually
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He’s so cute. They’re both so cute. They notice their absences! The (not) breathing thing is FULLY a thing I’ve done— I should’ve realized the AuDHD combo so long ago.
BOTH OF THEM THINKING THEY’RE RUINING EVERYTHING,,,, ahhhh this will transfer into everything they do out of bed, I fear. Clutch that metaphorical literal cubs bear, because it only get worse. I gotta go do my connections/Wordle tonight. I’ll gift it to myself after posting the chapter (only 4 more asks!! I think!!) I miss the teenagers in these two heads. I think they were both murdered in Zero Pulse. 
I wish I made bread. I’m trying to get into it when I move. There’s currently no bread time. But I’ll make bread time I will. Chip is part things I do part aspirations honestly. 
THE OLD SPICE!! HE CAres and also Chip loves the smell of her totally just platonic friend…. Interesting. Fruity stuff—
This guy i think so rarely gets an actual compliment on him as himself— Like absolutely no shade to Claire at all— But even she as the peace, I don’t remember her ever saying like you’re good— He get’s told he’s an excellent chef, but like. He’s never just been called good. He’s gonna need 20 antacids. 
LOVE picking out Inky’s outfits. It’s like playing the Sims. Or I could just say dress up like a normal person. Or i could say playing the sims—
Unc/Chip have such a weird wonderful relationship to me. I think in general I’ve always pictured Chip feeling strain because he’s always pulling that ‘i gave you a million billion dollars and i’m friends with your dad DO ME A FAVOUR!!!’ but he’s also fucking Uncle Jimmy. And she loves him for that. 
The circles are circling!! Gun in the first act baby she said she’d leap over the counter— She didn’t, but she had the opportunity!!
A RESOUNDING ACAB!! But we do love Social Service workers and the FD and EMS here Richie do some google searches— But tbf I believe when an ambulance is called police still show— At least that’s been my experience but maybe that’s a Canada thing? America holler back. Speaking of hollering, Syd show some respect to your girlfriend—
Fully they did the inflatable hot dog fight in my head— It happened in the span of 2 seconds but they did that again fully somehow
I can’t comment too much on the object of desire thing other than yes but I have a lot of thoughts on the subject that I will not be sharing with the class unless explicitly requested BUT WE CAN GO WHISPER ABOUT THIS LATER (I REALLY NEED TO RESPOND TO MY DMS MAN CRHSIT SORRY EVERYONE)
Fak is into the yelling canon. Canon canon canon. I mean are we all not seeing the VERY CLEAR RIVALS TO LOVERS COME ONNN
Thank you thank you thank you— I always think my engagement is crazy and then I look at the tags and everyone elses numbers— And don’t get me wrong I don’t mind at all them being lower, tbf we’re a long ass unfinished series, but MAN SOMETIMES IM JELLY
It’s okay though, the people that are here I adore to hear from and that’s enough for me!!
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graveyard-darlingg · 2 months
the setting sun by dazai is about the decline of an aristocratic family post war!! ranpo's book beast in the shadows is a crime fiction.. it kept me on my toes I loveddddd ittt!! and girl in pieces it follows the story of a girl called Charlie and how her life is outside the asylum ( kinda big tw for it though!!!) and my opinion on it is kinda toxic cuz I wanted the girl and boy to be together... ( they were extremely toxic) but osamu and ranpos books were top tier, amazing!!!
I really wish it thunderstormed here more, we legit only get it like a few times in the summer ;(((( and I have a border collie!!! he's my baby. He only occasionally stays at mine and stays at my parents too. But he's always spoilt with me <33333 ( #im the best dog parent)
ooo those books sound really good!! ill purchase them after i read letters to milena !!
ahh,, that’s really sad :(( it storms like everyday where i’m at but the length of it ranges. sometimes it’ll rain for days. ALSO BORDER COLLIES ARE SO CUTEEE. you def sound like the best dog parent ,, your baby is so spoiled and i absolutely love that. he sounds absolutely precious
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irritablepoe · 3 months
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jus woke up and colored the squishy lil guy hehe dw abt answering this ask late (or at all, rlly/gen) just being able to send this small piece of my day to u is enough, it already makes me happy, sincerely !! ur not as worse as ur brain makes u think u are, don't apologize for being human oki oki ily i hope u eat something yummy again if ur brain tries to be mean am always here w another mean brain and we can have a laugh over how ridiculous they can be sometimes <333
AWWWW, he looks so soft and squishyyy :33
you're too kind tobi arghfsdhfjshdkfhks thank you thank you, but ofc i'll share this lil guy bc he's so freaking cuteee
and thank you again for lifting me up, i was on a trip for two days now and it at least was a good distraction, we'll see how it will be tomorrow when it's all back to normal tho lol, but i'll stay hopeful for now <3 i hope you're taking care of yourself as well and don't let your mean brain tell you you're not enough, you're literally so precious, it's such a crime i can't hug the hell out of you (/pos) but i'm sending you 475873957493 virtual hugs instead <333
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