zuzzebat12 · 2 months
Lost & Found || Rottmnt G/t AU
(This is a PLATONIC AU and story! Do not ship or make something inappropriate out of this AU or any of my work. Enjoy!)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒Part 2༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Angie woke up, her eyes fluttered open as she let out a small coo. She rubbed her eyes until she saw the same four mutant turtles kneeled down in front of her.
Angie blinked, before jumping in surprise.
"Rise and shine sleepyhead, sorry about the scare!" Leo chuckled, patting her on the head with his finger gently.
Donnie sighed. "Alright, well... uhh.. after I ran some DNA tests.. don't ask me why, but I found out something!"
Angie tilted her head, confused.
Mikey cut in, with a wide smile. "YOU'RE OUR SISTER!" he exclaimed, scooping her up.
Angie squeaked in suprise, and his three brothers gave him a annoyed look.
"Hey! We were going to say it as well!" Leo groaned, Donnie and Raph nodded.
"Oh. Oops.. sorry.. I just got excited!" Mikey chuckled.
Leo sighed, laughing as well, "Alright.. but when there's a suprise, at least give us the chance to say it too?"
Mikey nodded. Angie giggled a bit, making Raph, Leo, and Mikey let out an 'Awwww' while Donnie smiled a little.
"So.. now that we have a little sister.. what do we do?" asked Mikey, looking at his three older brothers. They all started thinking a bit before Donnie had an idea. "We could introduce her to Dad. He'd probably want to meet her."
The others nodded, before getting up with Angie curled up in Mikey's hands.
Splinter was sitting on his couch, before hearing his sons scramble into the room. "Dad! Dad? We have someone to show you!" said Leo.
He sat up, sighing, "How much times do I have to tell you boys to stop interruptions my-"
Then he saw Angie when Mikey held her out to him.
Splinter stared at her, Angie stared back.
"We found her when we went to the Hidden City, and.. somehow.. we found her." Donnie explained.
Splinter picked up Ang gently, and she looked up at him.
Angie waved, smiling while she looked at him. Splinter smiled back. "I thought it was just you four..." he muttered.
Draxum bursted into his throne room, he grumbled, slamming objects into the wall. "THOSE TURTLES! Why can't they just join me?! And now they have the experiment!" he yelled.
"I need to get that pesky thing back!" he exclaimed, going into the meeting room.
He saw multiple foot clan members lined up, he stood in front of them, gaining their attention.
"I have lost my experiment, if you see it with any of the other turtle mutants, bring it back to me. Make sure it's ALIVE." he instructed.
The foot clan nodded, "YES SIR!" they shouted.
Angie yawned, waking up from a nap. After that short little reunion with Splinter, she suddenly was tired.
She stood up from the blankets, waddling and falling flat on her face. She was a tough little musk turtle, lifting her head up, stood up, and continued her way through the lair.
She saw something glowing in one of the rooms, she climbed down the table and stumbled over there, before peering inside.
It was a lab.
But purple.
Angie snuck in, but was instantly seen by Donnie.
"Hello fellow little sister, you have entered my lab. Do not touch anything please." Donnie said, making Angie slightly jump in suprise.
Angie began climbing up on to a counter in his lab, Donnie was too busy to notice, since he was working on his new invention.
"D-Don..Donnie?" Angie asked, Donnie turned around, "Yes?"
She pointed to one of the inventions, tilting her head. Donnie knew exactly what she wanted. she wanted to know about the invention and of course Donnie would tell her. IT WAS EVERYTHING HE DREAMED OF!
That's when it began. Donnie told Angie about inventions he had in simple terms to help it make sense to her.
Donnie got back to working on his invention, before hearing a small cracking noise, he turned around seeing a shelf starting to crack, and guess who was right under it.
Angie looked up, before she froze.
Donnie rushed over instantly, as the shelf's bottom began to cave in, and he grabbed Angie gently just in time before it could squish her.
He was still panicking though, even if she was safe. He looked down, seeing Angie's terrified face.
"Are you okay?" asked Donnie, and Angie started crying. That made Donnie slightly jump, before he panicked more. "Hey.. it's alright! At least you didn't get squished..? Yeah..?" he said, but that made Angie cry even more now.
He speed-walked out the lab, looking for at least his brothers, who could help him calm Angie down.
Mikey was walking close by, and Donnie rushed to him.
"Oh hey Don-AAH! What the- what's wrong..?!" Mikey asked, before looking down at Angie, who was crying.
Donnie carefully put her down in Mikey's hands, and Mikey held her close to him. "What happened?" he asked Donnie.
"Well.. she went into the lab and then she.. uhh.. I showed her some inventions, and there was this shelf that was correctly built or fixed or something and.. the shelf broke and there was stuff on it that could hurt her but I grabbed her.. and she started crying..!" Donnie explained in a fast pace.
Luckily, Mikey understood, looking down at Angie who seemed to be calming down now. He reassuringly smiled, "Hey lil' sis.. it's going to be okay! You're safe."
Angie took a deep breath, she stopped crying. "O... O-Okay.."
She was still shaken up about it, but after Mikey and Donnie's help, she felt safer.
The two brothers told the others about it, and they made sure to keep a closer eye on her for now on.
A couple days later..
Angie was playing around, exploring the lair.
She then heard her name being called by April, who visited earlier. "Hey, Angie? Can you come over here for a sec'?" she asked.
Angie tilted her head before waddling over. "Yes?"
She had began to learn more simple words and speak sentences with good grammar by Donnie.
She didn't have a weapon yet, but trained with Raph.
She spent some time with Leo and Mikey, sometimes drawing, or learning how to skateboard. Also becoming a Jupiter Jim fan after the first few comics.
She even watched Splinter's shows on TV.
She was happy to be with her family, but she was worried about one thing..
She didn't like thinking about that, so she tried not to.. but something was telling her that something bad might happen soon..
She was in Leo's room, and they had something in a small box.
Leo picked her up gently, setting her on the table. "Helloooo my little sister!" he said, patting her slightly on the head, making Angie giggle.
"Hiii!" she waved back, making Mikey and April exchange 'Awwws'.
"You know how we have bandanas right? These on our faces?" asked Leo, pointing to his bandana.
Angie nodded, before Mikey ran to the other side of the table, opening the box, revealing a tiny bandana.
It was cyan, and had the same design as Mikey's and the end looking like Donnie's but bigger.
Angie reached in and grabbed it, she immediately grinned. "Thank you!!" she said, looking up at them.
"You're welcome! It was actually my idea!" Leo chuckled, the other two shot him a glare, he started to laugh nervously, "Okay.. maybe the others.. but that doesn't matter! Let me help you really quick.."
Leo proceeded to help Angie put on her bandana, once he was done, Angie turned around to look at them.
"That looks amazing on you!" April complimented, Angie thanked her as she gained multiple compliments from them.
She was now one of them!
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
"Hey guys! I got a report on Hypno-Potamus.. and worm guy.." Donnie said, looking at it on a tablet.
"Must be stealing again.. when will those guys ever learn?" Raph scoffed, before he saw Leo smirking.
"Leo? Do you have any of your ideas right now?" he asked, knowing this would be one of these crazy ideas that had a 50/50 chance of actually working.
"Don't worry, I just want to bring Ang-" Leo was cut off by all of the brothers yelling "WHAAATTTT?!"
Raph started first, "We can't bring Angie on this mission! She'll be easily hurt, and I only trained her for a couple days!"
Donnie was next, "Nardo, my brother.. HAVE YOU WENT INSANE? We can't just bring our little sister to a possible fight!"
Mikey was last, "I'm up for it, as long as she's safe."
Leo smirk got wider, "See, Mikey gets it! Besides, she'll only be watching us, if we get into a battle then we use our super awesome mystic weapons and strategies to win like we always do!" he said rather nonchalantly.
Raph sighed, "As long as she's safe.."
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Angie was in the turtle tank with the rest of her brothers. "We go to museum?" she asked.
Raph looked back, "Yep!"
Donnie installed a small booster seat for Angie, though it took a bit to find where to put it, he figured it out.
They finally reached the museum. Mikey unbuckled Angie's seatbelt, picking her up out of it and putting her on his shoulder.
They exited the turtle tank, before walking towards the museum.
Then, all of the sudden, Hypno-Potamus bursted out the window with Warren Stone on his shoulder.
"We're getting good at this!" Warren laughed, looking at Hypno-Potamus.
"Oh of course my partner! Those turtles won't know wha- oh great.." Hypno-Potamus groaned, seeing them.
Then he noticed Angie, "Who's the new one? Why are they so small?" he asked, Warren saw the turtle too.
"Yes! Another rival!" he cheered to himself.
Raph got a bit upset, "Hey! You better now be talking about our sister! Mad Dogs, LET'S SHOW EM' WHO'S THE BOSS!"
Mikey put Angie down, patting her on the head before charging into battle with the rest of his brothers.
Angie watched, absorbing all of the details in the fight, before she was grabbed from behind.
She was about to scream before was thumb was put up to her mouth. "Shhhhh.."
A footclan member caught her.
Angie immediately became afraid before she bit the member's thumb, she began scratching them when they let go. "AAA-" the footclan member screamed.
Leo stopped fighting, before seeing their little sister grabbed in the hand of the footclan member.
Before he could react, he saw a portal form behind them. The person who came out made them all start fighting, even the villains.
It was Draxum.
"Nice job, your rank is now rank two.." he said, grabbed Angie into a tight grip.
"Thank you, turtles! You gave me back my experiment." he said, coldly.
Raph took a step forward, looking angry, no.. IN RAGE! "Leave our sister alone!" he yelled.
He was about to use his mystic power, before he stepped back in the portal, it began to close and all the brothers ran forward to at least grab Angie out of his hands. "ANGIE!!" they all yelled.
But.. it was too late.
She was gone. Taken away..
Yeah and also a cliffhanger because.. Uhhh- lol.
Yes. Angie got captured by Draxum now! OHH NOO-
What will happen next?!
Thanks for reading though, if ya did. See ya in part three.
(I understand that this seems rushed, but each part is like a huge chunk, and I have tons of ideas to fit in this.)
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
hey there, cool blog <3 I love reading your takes on things
so I wanted to ask your take on larycent and what you think we’ll see in season 2
(wrote this whole thing out and then my computer died before I could post it. my first attempt at this was much better. this is cruel and unusual punishment, this whole thing is now infused with anger. not towards you, just in general.)
I should first start off by saying, thank you, I'm so happy you like reading my stuff, second off, I'll say I may be one of the worst people to ask, cause Larys is one of those characters I hate so much, plot be damned, he could choke on one of his stupid flowers within the first 5 minutes of season 2 and I couldn't give less of a shit. I'm not typically like that with characters, I tend to try and give a character enough grace to care about their place in plot, but Larys just makes me that angry. despite this, I will try to be appropriately opinionated and give you a proper answer lol.
from a story point of view their dynamic is fascinating. here's this guy with such little standing (compared to her as queen) who wields so much power against her. it starts out when she is young and alone, he spots this weakness and befriends her, giving her information, gives her company she so longs for, slowly spinning this web around her. then as she gets older, he becomes a sort of confidant, biding his time, until he finds the right moment to strike. he bends her words, given in great trust and secrecy, most likely not the first dangerous secret they've shared, and uses it to 'justify' (he didn't need her command to do it, he just waited to do it in a way that he could hold her accountable for it) killing his father and brother. this gives him power, he can use this against her, to keep her close. he's piled up blackmail at this point, he's got her bound in his web of secrets, she can't leave.
she knows he's dangerous now, she has to keep him close, or he could hurt her, her kids, her image, the people around her.
the other thing is, he gets off on it all. he gets off on bringing her to his level, by stripping her of her agency as queen so that way they are equals.
then by some means, he gets her to give herself up in a sexual manner. he had already been doing this, in a way; I vaguely remember some sort of statement or interview from Matthew Needham about how Larys gets off on bringing her down, on filling her with shame and guilt, on making her feel dirty. so getting her to truthfully give herself up to him for whether it be to keep him satisfied (I'll come back to this point in a second) or for information, gives him the ultimate gratification.
he was like a parasite, taking and taking and taking from her until he was satisfied. she couldn't get rid of him, as he posed a threat to her and others, she couldn't ignore him because then he would act out and be a threat. he had to be kept satisfied. she had to give him a purpose, a use, an outlet to feel like he had power. like a dog, if he was left to himself, he would grow bored and unruly, she had to offer herself to keep him entertained.
both Olivia and Matthew played this dynamic out so well. Matthew played Larys so slimey and gross and just irksome, I was uncomfortable whenever he was on screen. Olivia played Alicent's discomfort and forced compliance so well, I just felt insanely bad the whole time.
it really built Larys up as this thinly veiled evil, he could be... well behaved and friendly, he could be useful, he could be an ally of sorts, all for a price, and if that price went unpaid or he felt undervalued, he could quickly become something so downright awful. he could be something downright evil if he wanted to really, that he was willing to bend words and step on toes (ironically) to get what he wanted and show off his power.
it also built up Alicent, adding onto her list of horrors in life, and putting her in this power limbo. she was queen, yet she was felled by this nobleman, brought down to his level if not lower. while some (*ahem* team black stans *cough cough*) saught to demonize her for her suffering, it really led me to sympathize with her more than before. she had suffered this mans sick and twisted game since she was a child, and he shows no signs of stopping. she's always stepping around fear, knowing the monster she let into her chambers, unable to get him out.
so, outside of the fact that I hate to see my girl suffering so horrible, I can't say I love their dynamic, but I don't hate it... its like, so horrible but so interesting, and I hate it not because it's poorly done or unnecessary, it just makes me feel gross and horrible. 10/10 characterization, 10/10 portrayal, 10/10 plot building -100/10 making me feel nice lmao.
onto predictions: I think she's going to attempt to stand up to him and fail. at the end of season 1 we see her lose Viserys (abuser number 1) and stand up to Otto (abuser number 2) finally putting him in his place after years of biting her tongue to him, acting against him (ordering Aegon be brought to her, that the crowning of aegon/treatment of Rhaenyra be under her command, etc,). I think she'll attempt to continue this pattern and stand up to Larys, who has been nothing but an aching wound in her side.
its only then that he will truly show how evil he can be. he will show his anger, his wrath, the power he holds over her head. he has years of blackmail against her, he will make this evident. it wouldn't surprise me if we get a scene paralleling Daemon and Rhaenyra and the choking scene, if even if only slightly. he will do something to make her keep him at her side. I think he will be the first to bring true horror to our girl. we have seen fear, strife, anxiety, worry, and disbelief, but we have not seen horror. truthfully, I think he's the only one I believe capable of doing that to her.
he is happy to remain sat loyally at her feet (again, the irony) so long as she respects him and lets him use her to get off when he pleases, so after his little show of power, when he instills fear into her once more, he will lie back down like a good little parasitic inside man, while she waits in fear, forever caught in his web. it brings this new air of sick and twisted to it all; his true self has been revealed, he can no longer be looked at with any level of incapacity or harmlessness (not that he really could before, but I don't really know how to describe what I'm thinking of in any other way), yet he reverts back to his normal self. he may be more assertive of his power over her, his word may have a sharper edge to them, but he will still play his role as her obedient servant, while she suffers the stresses of it all.
its this forced 'trust' Alicent is forced to reenter that will keep him at her side up until the end of it (I believe they separate when he is to smuggle Maelor out of the city, but I'm not sure if/when Maelor will be brought into the city, so we'll see how that goes) and I think that dynamic will be equally awful as it is interesting to watch play out.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 1 month
"He's probably got a little more than he bargained for."
"I think he's starting to feel the weight of that crown on his head."
"In Episode 7, you had Rhaenyra raise new dragonriders."
"And so that puts into question that belief that Targaryens have always been closer to gods than [to] men."
"That divide between dragonlords and common folk has now been shrunk in Aemond."
"He recognizes that he's outnumbered, dragon-wise — out-dragoned, should I say."
"And so you start to see that in Episode 8, he starts to get a little bit desperate."
"But he's still got a few things up his sleeve."
"And what he does as well, in retaliation — in a fit of rage, he burns the town of Sharp Point, which is the seed of Bar Emmon who sits on Rhaenyra's council, who very much pledged to the Black side of the war."
"And it's interesting because although it was an act of anger, geographically the town of Sharp Point is situated very close to the Gullet."
"And so maybe Aemond is warming up the blockade for things to come in Season 3."
"That's kind of how he kids himself, that's how he justifies his actions."
"Well, is there any council member left? I think he sent them all away."
"[Laughs.] It was really interesting exploring those scenes as well, when Aemond was on one side of the table, and how he was serving the war effort."
"Then when he gets voted as Prince Regent, he sits on the other end of the table, and now he looks at all of these council members through a very different lens."
And it's like, "How can each of you serve me? Who's with me, who's against me?"
"He's very earnest in a way."
"And he ultimately disbands the council table, he's not one who cares that much for tradition."
"In terms of who my favorite is, it would probably be Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel)."
"I think Aemond trusts Cole to do his job."
"And the person that he doesn't trust, it would be Larys (Matthew Needham)."
"I think he can see through him a little bit."
"I don't want to give away too much, but one of the things that I loved in Episode 6 is when Aemond gives Aegon the king's marker back, and he kind of presses it into his wounded stomach."
"Is he doing that to inflict pain on Aegon?"
Or is he doing it as a way to say, "Don't worry, the king's seat will be there for you when you get better?"
"So, Aemond's true allegiance is questionable."
"You don't necessarily know what his ambitions are, but that's what makes him scary."
"Aemond, he raises those questions."
"One of the things that I love about watching film and TV, is the conversation it sparks afterwards."
"I love that almost as much as watching the film, and having that debate with friends — their angles on what characters' hidden motivations might be."
"And I love deciphering it all."
"No, I don't think he's given up."
"I don't think he'll ever give up."
"I think he very much didn't want his mom at work."
"So he was like, mom, you just step outside for a minute."
"I'm going to finish this war, and then when it's done, I'll join you on a Dornish beach."
"We can share a Piña Colada, and I'll be the war hero."
"You can be the mother I always wanted you to be, and it'll all be good in Aemond's eye, and peaceful."
"Whether or not that's what Alicent wants, or whether that's her idea of happiness, is another thing."
"Or maybe you could look at it from the fact that he just doesn't want his mom's voice on the council table."
"And he does have a grudge against her for the way that she raised him."
"I think one that just has love for him."
"That's how we beat Aemond, it's with love."
"We gotta give him a hug."
"I think he definitely believes some part of Helaena's foresight to be true."
He witnesses that when he's named Prince Regent, and Helaena stood behind him, she asks, "Was it all worth it?"
"And witnessing what Helaena says to him at the end of the [season], it challenges his beliefs."
"He always had an idea of how things were going to play out."
"He felt very bulletproof, to an extent."
"And so to hear that belief be put to question by Helaena, it kind of shakes his world."
"And I think Aemond, he's got to sit down and let that information marinate a little bit."
"But as we know, he doesn't sit still for long."
"He's going to be up on his feet and he's going to retaliate ASAP."
"I think it's interesting, because the knowledge that Helaena shares with Aemond, it's information that could make Aemond an enemy of her, or, on the other hand, it could actually make Helaena a very valuable ally for the Green side."
"Because with that perception, if you were able to harness that power and that foresight, I think if we listened to Helaena a lot more we might be in an even better position than we are now."
"And she could tell us about blows before they land, we can be one step ahead of the curve."
"He's definitely got Vhagar on a leash."
"We acted more as a power couple in Season 2."
"Aemond learned from his mistakes in the skies of Storm's End from Season 1."
I think he listened to his grandfather Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) when he said, "You must get a grip on your emotions."
"And so I think he definitely had Vhagar on a tighter rein this season, and was a lot more in control, and that makes him all the more scary."
"Yeah, we're a power couple."
"She's beautiful, right?"
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an-au-blog · 1 year
Coffee shop au where Sanji has a cute aesthetic Cafe for all the pinterest cottage core girlies to enjoy (they all think he's gay and that's why he always giving them compliments, cuz he's so girliepop)
One day Zoro comes into the Cafe, in all his macho glory looking like a Yakuza member. And Sanji thinks 2 things. First: "Oh great, here's another "alpha male", who will order a black coffee and brood in the corner" and second: "He's going yo scare all the cute girls away".
But then he orders a cute sugary drink and it catches Sanji off guard. Then to add to that, it turns out he was waiting for his friends. Usually it's Kuina, Tashigi or Johnny and Yosaku (sometimes even Perona joins). And he looks like a different person: smiling and laughing, he's not scary, he's goofy. He came in almost every day. Turns out the Cafe is close to the dojo Zoro goes to.
What really topped the cake was what happened when he came in almost before closing. It was just Sanji wnd Zoro left. Sanji had to practically kick him out of the shop because he was just sitting there, nursing an almost empty cup.
Eventually Zoro tells him that he would like to talk to him. But Sanji really wanted to go home so he told him after he closes the Cafe they can talk thinking Zoro would flake out. But he didn't. in fact they've been talking for the past half an hour and Sanji didn't notice when he had started laughing at the other's jokes.
Sanji was locking up, Zoro just standing by him waiting, still as agitatingly patient. Then they hear a lary screaming about someone stealing her bag and before Zoro even turned around Sanji was kicking the theif's ass.
He want back to where he dropped his stuff off with Zoro. "Sorry, I can't leave a lady in need. Thanks for not, you know... stealing my stuff and running off or whatever."
Zoro, who developed a crush on the cute barista from the first time he came in, who was convinced and bullied by his friends into asking him out today, who JUST NOW found out he's not only cute and sweet but can also fight???
And in the panic of it all he just blurts out "Oh fuck i think I'm falling even harder"
And before Sanji could finish saying "What" Zoro pulls him into a kiss.
After getting over the enitial shock, Sanji started kissing back.
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
I love Larys this season and his scenes with Aegon that's all. Compelling and Matthew Needham is quite a force. Well and Rhaena hunting down Sheepstealer is good. Nothing else is fun.
i agree about larys with the one caveat i'm going to list below
larys is probably the one green character who makes the most sense, both that his characterisation is consistent AND the way others view him and his reactions to that MAKE SENSE. larys is still larysing but when aemond proves to be a contrarian he switches back to aegon. for once, aemond's shenanigans get proper consequences from his small councilors.
how does alicent not have any leverages against being dismissed when she is the one hightower representative left? sure, aemond sends back for otto, but do you think the story frames that as compensation for dismissing alicent or did the writers feel obligated to bring him back bc he needs to have his death scene? not one braincell was put into this. daemon does shit in the riverlands and the riverlords STAND UP and bully him back. he also has a big scary dragon and they don't give a shit, so it CAN be done, the writers know deep down how to do this, IF THEY CAREF
why is tyland not putting his foot down and demanding something for house lannister? his brother has a bunch of maiden daughters and daeron is unmarried and has a dragon. the frey lord and lady negociated with jace for their support, jeyne arryn is PISSED that she didn't get what she wanted
what the hell is ironrod even doing? he threw in his lot with aemond but aemond doesn't seem to like him or even give a shit about him so why doesn't he have some kind of reaction. i guess the discussion with larys could have been a step in the right direction because you can say he is testing out the waters to see if he can curry favour with aemond by offering up intel OR if he could forge an alliance with larys and go from there
and this is where i have an issue with the writing bc, on the one hand, they are categorically NOT portraying larys as incompetent, but they are also inadvertently making him SO BAD at his job by making these stupid changes from the book. another symptom of wanting to have one's cake and eat it too. the city is in lockdown but rhaenyra can sneak in, no problem, elenda can not only sneak in, she can access an entire network of pro-rhaenyra agents larys somehow knows nothing about, can raise literal riots, can recruit dragonseeds (why do you even need dragonseeds from KL when you're living on dragonstone?!), rhaenyra's food can reach the population somehow even though there are checkpoints at every entry, the dragonseeds can leave by boat and LARYS KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THIS 🧍and no one even thinks to ask him 'hey wtf is going on? you're kinda fired'. but they can't, can they? they can't get rid of larys because he is important to the plot and they need him in the thick of things!
there's a dumbass post circulating now in which someone ✨generously✨ gives people permission to complain about the show but without bringing that "boring book" (FB) into discussion for a comparative analysis. because apparently the book is bad but somehow not bad enough to keep watching tv media derived from it 🤡
the problem with HotD is that it makes FB the pinnacle of logic and storytelling. it doesn't fix any problems, it compounds them. this shit with larys would not fly in the book bc it is dumb as fuck! so you can't help but compare it to the book where these things did not have to be explained away by waving a magic wand or getting a lobotomy
this post is long enough as it is and other people have already explained the problem with the rhaena storyline, so i won't get into it right now, but, in a nutshell: her story can make sense in a void, she get a semblance of an arc: she wanted a dragon and now she will get one and goes on a journey of re-defining her identity, i suppose, after having been dismissed as not sufficiently targaryen as a result of her being dragonless. so, it's the classic problem of making sense in a watsonian way, in the context of the show, but in a doylist way it's Not The Best because they have to delete the only canonically POC low-born character. so we lose that perspective in a show that already prioritizes the highborn
larys has the same problem with him being a sexual deviant directly connected to his disability. as an individual character, it can be explained and justified, but as representation for disabled people (who suffer from a severe lack of representation in media as is), it's Not Great
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littleandless · 2 months
spoilers ahead
Daemon being tormented by visions of his past is so juicy. I hope we see a similar sequence once Aemond takes over Harrenhal.
POOR RHAENYS! She and Corlys seemed very much in love, so the knowledge of an affair that was so lengthy it produced not just one but TWO children has got to hurt like an absolute bitch.
Leaving Jace and Baela to take the heat while both of their parents are off doing gods know what was pure evil omg. At least Grammy Rhaenys always has their back.
And the sass? Lmao everyone is on some different shit this episode. Aemond, Alicent, Baela, Jace, Rhaenyra, etc etc. I LOVE IT.
Do you think Cole is brave and ruthless or just begging for death lowkey? I think these traits go hand in hand at times.
Gwayne is the only one scared enough to admit how crazy all that shit seems.
Watching Aegon realize his own uselessness is sad, I must admit. After everyone impressed upon him the importance of his inheritance and how much has been sacrificed in order to give it to him, I reckon he must have thought that he was important as an individual as well. Why else go to such lengths? It’s just as I imagine Alicent felt when she realized all of her years of suffering were pointless. He doesn’t realize he was basically meant to be a puppet, like his father was before him. Otto and Alicent were the real rulers. But now Otto is gone and no one listens to Alicent, and people have grown tired of pretending that Aegon isn’t mostly irrelevant.
Good for Aemond though. Like yeah you can laugh at me if you want, but everyone that matters knows you’re the biggest joke of all.
Yay abortion ♥️
No but seriously, how do we think Larys will use the moon tea against Alicent? I think he knew the deal before he even showed up at her chambers but he likes to watch people squirm. I’m scared lol.
Also poor Maester Orwyle having to answer such a loaded question. Girl NO ONE is going to make you feel better about this 😭
Alys being a wonderful witchy wench as usual like yeeessss torment that man!
Potions so potent that Daemon had a Joe Biden moment.
I do feel a bit sad when Alicent unleashes her pent-up feelings at Aegon. Their relationship is so fraught it drives me insane.
Is she wrong though? Lol. I just wish she would apply her sass to more than just her eldest son.
Some tension in the relationship between Jace and Rhaenyra. He desperately wants to be of use and Rhaenyra is much more reserved with her heirs these days, understandably so. I’m glad she told him about the song of ice and fire though.
Rhaenys volunteering to go made me sad. I knew it was coming, but still.
The whole dragon sequence was fucking insane. Vhagar blending in with the forest floor was cool as hell. Aegon stumbling into a life-or-death situation when he CLEARLY has no idea what is going on after a fight with his mother is peak teen behavior. Aemond silently cursing his stupidity and then lowkey taking advantage of it. And he could always play it off as a mistake as well, since nobody but the three dragonriders really knows what went down and well…the other two are incapacitated 🤭 PRINCE REGENT ERA LET’S GO
Rhaenys had the opportunity to flee after leaving Aegon badly injured but she went back anyway. Much like Cole, one can question if it’s brave or suicidal or both. Heroes often possess a mix of these.
Also I have no idea what is going on in most battle scenes so I didn’t realize until the end that Cole was being a strategist. Good for him I guess.
That dead guy falling into ash was cool and scary.
Gwayne takes care of business while Cole and Aemond take a peek at Aegon. I know he’s burned pretty badly and doesn’t die, so I’m not too agonized over the (probably very graphic) reveal next episode.
Aemond taking Dark Sister (edit: prophecy dagger thingy) was kind of a bitch move though.
Wait do you think he’ll learn about the song of ice and fire at Harrenhal? Maybe Alys and other magical influences will reveal it to him, or he’ll decide to stick the blade in the fire on a whim idk.
BUT WOW WHAT AN EPISODE! my asshole was clenched like 60% of the time so you know it was good.
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ride-thedragon · 4 months
I'm becoming a Larys enthusiast. I'm so sorry, but he looks so good in such a demented and scary way.
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inthefallofasparrow · 3 months
I think the main problem with House of the Dragon's interpretation of that scene from the end of episode 1, is that the lead up is from Blood and Cheese's point of view, not Helaena's. A good chunk of time is devoted to them. Far too much, in fact. We see them talking to Daemon, we see a montage of them randomly wandering through the castle, we see them arguing with each other, Cheese brings a dog for no other reason than to kick it to make sure the audience knows he's a cowardly bad guy, and because all of that time is spent with them, we know their motivations, limitations and incompetence.
Normally that's a good thing for humanising characters, but it means they are no longer a scary, unknown, unseen threat that suddenly and maliciously attacks without warning; they're just a couple of hapless knuckleheads. And that sucks a lot of the built-up tension out of the impact of the scene. It'd be like watching a horror film entirely from the killer's point of view. It's still gory, but it's not that scary because the suspense comes from the victim's limited viewpoint.
The Red Wedding for instance works so well because we see the buildup entirely from the Starks' point of view. We can sense some danger is brewing, but we don't know what it is. There are a couple of odd moments and interactions, as well as some ominous sound cues to clue us into something not being right, but otherwise we just see the Starks celebrating and talking about the future. The betrayal by Roose Bolton and Walder Frey is understandable in hindsight, but we don't see it until it's happening. We don't know they've been in contact with Tywin, planning a massacre. And the shock drives the impact of the attack, because we find out at the same time the Starks do. Whereas, as soon as Cheese asked Daemon what they should do if they couldn't find Aemond, it was pretty clear they weren't going to. So, we knew something bad was coming well beforehand either way, and then watched them bumble into it.
I think what the show needed to do was this:
After Rhaenyra made her wishes known, show Daemon writing an unexplained letter to Mysaria (who is still in King's Landing).
She receives it, and then meets with and passes it on to the only spy she has left, a goldcloak loyal to Daemon (Blood), after Larys killed all her spies in the Red Keep.
Add more scenes of Helaena interacting with Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, so we get to know them and their relationship better.
After Helaena had mentioned worrying about 'rats' earlier, briefly introduce the ratcatcher (Cheese) summoned to deal with them. He says there's an infestation in the children's room and suggests they temporarily move to Rhaenyra's empty old room.
Show Helaena getting more and more upset and paranoid about a looming threat that she tries to explain to Aemond, but can't.
Then that night, two men in hoods suddenly enter Rhaenyra's old room (through the secret passage we saw Rhaenyra and Daemon use last season) and hold Helaena and the children hostage there. (Though their faces are hidden, we can intuit who they are)
One reads the letter to her which Daemon sent, revealing it offers gold for anyone who can deliver 'the prince's head' to him. They demand to know where Aemond is, but Helaena doesn't know, so they decide to misinterpret the letter, and take Jaehaerys' head instead, and ask which one is him.
The rest can play out the same, I guess.
(Having Alicent in the room at the time too, like in the book, would obviously heighten the tension as well, but that's another thing.)
As a 'home-invasion-with-kids-involved' scene, this could've potentially had real 'Funny Games' (2007) vibes to it. But because we followed the invaders most of the time, not the victims, the set-up read closer to a non-comedic version of 'Home Alone' (1990).
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peachysunrize · 11 days
In my home country we have this thing where characters related to a minority (like people with disabilities, LGBTs, etc.) are always portrayed as suffering, being mistreated, among other things.
So there's one thing we always say, which is "I'm tired of seeing people with disabilities suffering, now I want to see people with disabilities as criminals, doing wheelies on their motorcycles, scamming others and being bitches too!"
And then I was browsing Tumblr and saw this gif(https://www.tumblr.com/fearthhereaper/759490313326936064/hes-such-a-little-shit?source=share) of Aemond just being a son of a bitch with Larys who is also a disabled person and I couldn't help but remember it.
In any case, I've seen some people talking about how HOD tends to villainize people with disabilities a bit for being on the green team, but I think that's kind of cool (?) because I can't stand seeing things focused exclusively on disabilities anymore.
Aemond is one-eyed, but he can still be an incredible swordsman and fuck up half the country's life! Larys has a bad leg, but he's still scary and cunning enough to always have his eye on him. So I'm happy to see characters with disabilities having space to be villains too, and not just exist to suffer and be attacked by other people.
It could be even better if Condal and Hess weren't two weird idiots!
You’re so right for this!!!
They wrote disabilities as such a disgusting thing that if you have them, you’re ultimately the worst person alive and you should be on the wrong side. Jaehaerys had 6 fingers in the book, Aemond one eye, Larys Clubfoot, and now Aegon dickless…
The pattern is disgusting. Also, not to mention how Hess once implied that Rhaenyra gaining weight is propaganda as if being overweight is not something women especially deal with😭🤦🏼‍♀️
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 4 months
Pls Tell Me More about How Politically Scary Ella's Marriage to Robert Tyrell actually is.
Robert being related to everyone started out as a fucking bit, & now Robella is literally one of the most terrifying matches in the fucking fic.
I talked about the premise of the branch of House Tyrell that Robert is from here. The tl;dr is that the Lord Tyrell during the beginning Jaehaerys's reign had a bunch of bastard sons, & I made one be legitimized as a backup heir. That son, Ser Luthor the Knight of Thorns, is the late uncle to the current Lord Tyrell who, at the moment, only has daughters. So, with all that in mind: we are immediately starting with "Ser Garth Tyrell, the current Knight of Thorns & Lord of Thorn Hall, is the direct cousin of Lord Mathos Tyrell & the son of the guy who almost inherited High Garden. He is affable & well liked, & if he was more ambitious he could push to inherit over his cousin's daughters." Lord Mathos is, overall, jazzed that his cousin has net zero ambition & genuinely likes not being in charge of the entirety of The Reach; the threat is still there though. This isn't aided by the fact that Garth's wife, Lady Danielle Reyne, would absolutely love for her husband to push for High Garden. She's kind of ambitious for the sake of ambition, but that's just sort of how House Reyne is in SOTF. (Also, I feel like naming your son "Garth," or really any "g" name in The Reach is the equivalent of a Targaryen naming their son "Aegon." That kid is named the equivalent of "King McHeir" at that point)
Through just the Thorn Hall Tyrells Robert has connections to:
House Oldflowers by way of Ser Luthor's widow/Robert's grandmother, who are the last (& most direct) verifiable descendants of House Gardener/the guys who had High Garden before the Tyrells.
House Oakheart by way of one of Garth's sisters (Cathryne) being Dear Bosom Companions with Lord Oakheart's sister. House Oakheart is one of the oldest & most powerful noble families within The Reach, trace their lineage all the way back to Garth Greenhand old & powerful.
House Hunt by way of one of Garth's brothers (Ser Gregor) being married to one of them. The Hunts are just Tarly bannermen, but that's still something & could potentially bring in the Tarlys themselves if push came to shove (depending on how close Aunt Caryss is to any family members who married into House Tarly)
Oldtown & The Citadel by way of another of Garth's brothers (Garlan) having become a maester
House Strong by way of Garth's other sister having been Lyonel Strong's second wife, & the mother of Larys. RIP Delylah Tyrell, we will never know if having had you in his life would have made Larys normal to be around
House Pommingham by way of Garth's oldest son/Robert's older brother's wife. The Pommingham's are kind of a nothingburger House, but that's still a noble family Robert has ties to.
Then you factor in Robert's mom's side of the family bringing in connections & it gets more ridiculous:
House Reyne, Robert's mother's birth House who is already pretty powerful & influential within The Westerlands
House Stark, by way of Queen Alysanne's friend Alarra. Robert's maternal grandmother was Lord Alaric Stark's daughter/Cregan Stark's Great Aunt
House Serrett by way of Danielle's younger brother (Lord Samson) being married to Lord Serrett's niece. Like the Pommingham's kind of a nothingburger House within canon, but that is, y'know, still a family Robert has some kind of connection to.
House Strong again, because Robert's cousin & the heir to Castamere, is married to Lyonel's oldest kid/Harwin's older sister
Danielle's Aunt Elisha/one of Robert's Great Aunts, is the mother of Lord Humfrey Bracken (the dad of the guy who got murdered in Boremund's living room). Y'know, the Brackens? The guys who keep fighting with the Blackwoods about who's more important?Those guys.
Danielle's Aunt Ceira/Robert's other Great Aunt is the mom of Jason & Tyland Lannister. I don't think I have to explain how being related to the Lord of Casterly Rock is a big deal.
So Robert is related to fucking everyone, including 2 guys on the small council. This shit gets fucking worse when you factor in Ella.
Ella is a Royce. The Royces just are one of the oldest & most influential families in The Vale. They control the vast majority of The Vale's coastline, & her brother is not only married to a Baratheon, but the Baratheons love him.
One of Ella's cousins is Jeyne Arryn, her grandpa was her regent until he got Medieval Prostate Cancer & retired back home. Jeyne loves her Royce family, she's got good memories with them & they've always defended her
Ella's Great Aunt is the Head of House Mormont, which isn't that impressive, but that's still an old family who is regularly fending off the Iron Islanders. This Great Aunt also has a Manderly for a husband--a Manderly who encouraged his nephew (the current Lord of White Harbor) to foster Ella's baby brother.
Regardless of the fallout with Laena, Yorick is still friends with Laenor & Rhea was friends with Rhaenys. That pulls the Velaryons in at least a little bit.
Ella's Aunt Rina is married to the Lord of House Costayne. That's one of the Hightower bannermen, & within the canon of SOTF, Aunt Rina's husband is the cousin of Hobert & Otto Hightower. Like, those guys' mom just is sotf!Owen Costayne's aunt.
Ella has friends strewn across the Free Cities thanks to her hot girl gap year
The Strongs are once again being brought back out because Lyonel & his third wife were friends with Lady Rhea, & their daughter is married to one of Ella's cousins
There is, of course, the elephant in the room of her being related to House Targaryen. Ella's uncle is the king, she is maintaining a friendship with at least one of his kids at all times, & she's friends with his second wife.
Not only does Ella have a sentient WMD she takes on joy rides, so do her 2 brothers. And these are some of the largest & oldest of the dragons that are currently alive.
If Robert Tyrell had loftier ambitions than just being a professional trophy husband, boytoy, malewife he would be the most politically terrifying man in Westeros. He has connections to most of the Great Houses, several of the oldest & most powerful Houses within Westeros, most of the eastern coastline of Westeros & part of the western coastline, Essosi nobles & politicians, the royal family, 3 guys on the small council, & an insane wife who rides Jumbo Peepaw Vermithor
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writingsofwesteros · 29 days
I wrote this not knowing that theres a scene with Aemond twisting his foot while he stared at Larys😭. This man is a menace!!!
He would 100% do this if the Clubfoot was too close to his wife for his liking.
More insult to injury is if he’s hugging or kissing his sweet princess while her back is too Larys as he stares at them from afar.
Ik I had said twin sister but imagine it’s his sweet niece that has always defended him😅
He’d taunt Jace and Luke by saying how proud he is of his newborn silver-head strong baby boys🙊
No because why is he such a menace ! I can't believe he was doing that, he's too much!
It is why Aemond went off on Larys in the small council; he had been getting a little too close to his wife for his liking.
She brings their youngest babe to the last supper; the sweet chubby child sat on her lap whilst Aemond could only watch
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witheredoffherwitch · 11 months
What do you think about Alys’ magic abilities? Since she was follower of Old Gods, do you think she was greenseer or skinchanger?
I do think that Larys is indeed a skinchanger, who enters mind of rats, so he’s able to spy over Red Keep. And in leaked audition tape Alys was joking(or not) she is barn owl who was cursed to live in human body, can it be a hint she’s able to skin change into animals too?
It said that only one in thousand is born a skinchanger and only one skinchanger in a thousand is born a greenseer. And greenseers known for having greensight, so I don’t think Larys is one of them, but Alys is described to have visions in multiple sources, some kind of greensight.
And with Ewan hinting that Aemond will know day he dies, Alys potentially can be the one who predicts it:
"That was one of the first things [showrunners] Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik wanted to think about: the legend of The Cyclops in Greek mythology, and how he ultimately traded one of his eyes to Hades in order to see the day he would die,"
"What does that do to a person, to possess that extreme degree of self-certainty? To know the day you're going to go down, and feel bulletproof to a point. I'm not saying Aemond is a seer, but he's scary perceptive."
And it’s interesting if she’s indeed a greenseer, unlike Bran and Bloodraven, who both were men in power, she was just a serving bastard.
What’s your personal assumption about this?
Hello nonnie, I hope you're doing well.
I sound like a broken record now -- but once again, I apologize for the delayed response. I'm so glad you found the time to ask this question because it prompted me to go back and read all the articles I had previously overlooked.
NOW... Ewan and Ryan both hinting at Aemond being privy to his own impending death is HUGEEE! If Aemond is somehow made aware of it through Alys' visions, then that completely removes the likelihood of her orchestrating his death. If makers don't botch the narrative they've employed for his storyline till now, then Aemond's character is primed to be one of the most tragic characters in HoTD. There is very good possibility that by the end of his journey, he feels like an absolute failure who's doomed his own cause to a potential defeat. In that scenario, when all hope is lost, I can totally see his character gambling everything away for that one final triumph that will not only assure the removal of the biggest possible threat -- but also offer him the retribution for B&C. Incidentally, there is also a high likelihood that we are reading too much into these quotes which were intended as some casual, off-handed remarks on Aemond's character study... I don't know.
Moving right along, me and some of my fellow shippers have been knee-deep in some fascinating headcanons recently. We’ve all largely agreed that both Alys and Larys could be skinchangers. I am not sure if Alys will be explored beyond her role in the Dance, but the theory of her being a 'greenseer' is an interesting one. I have read so many theories on Alys - from those guessing at a connection with Asshai and Quaithe to those believing her magic is derived from necromancy or blood magic. These are all interesting theories for sure, and opens a wonderful opportunity to explore more AUs.
I am excited to see what the makers have in store for us. She's such an interesting character, with both teams vying for her fealty on these online spaces. Our girl's definitely got many intrigued -- and I have even seen some TG fans suggest that the relationship between Aemond and Alys could be strictly platonic in the show. If that is the case, her story will either conclude at the battle above God's Eye or - in rare one-off case - they might even kill her character in the middle of a war. The makers are certainly not hesitant to change character arcs in the show, so nothing's off the table.
Thanks once again for this lovely ask!
Love, Kalki 🤗
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ladzwriting · 2 months
incomplete thoughts on the second 5 episodes of house of the dragon s1
God they are so hot 😭😭😭
Also how the fuck is king mysterious dying disease still alive 😭 (HE TOOK SO FUCKING LONG, like y'all, that is a CORPSE)
yeah these two brunette boys are definitely the white-haired couples' born children absolutely
wish we could've spent more time with laena and vhagar for that to have been more impactful, but no, we had to talk about the triarchy instead (side bar: I STILL CANNOT DEFINE THE TRIARCHY, STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN)
wow look it's possible to do night scenes and still see everything wow
I also want to re-watch episode 7 of House of the Dragon because wow that was actually a coherent piece of writing
daenyra is the most compelling relationship I've seen in media in a fucking WHILE
theories include that there is a high barrier to entry (incest) but also, damn, some things just put a Man and a Woman into a Situation and Expect Romance To Happen
alicent you're in so far over your head
I gasped so loudly, the bf was like O.o (this keeps happening)
noooooo alicent don't be a stupid lore believing cunt 😭😭😭 like that's not at all what he meant!!!!!
SER CRISTON NO. this baby man is going to be such a big fucking problem. there are so many stupid men on this show and somehow Criston Cole is their fucking king
Alicent and Rhaenys should've scissored it out send post
is Mysaria free on Thursday when I'm free on Thursday so we can hang out on Thursday when we are both free
that stairwell tickle fight was so absurd, gd teens
Otto Hightower is like "Alicent, stop being such a useless lesbian"
Wow Larys has a foot fetish, who'd have thought
a coronation? in my dragon house? this is going to go great.
HELL YES EXPLOSION TIME the spectacle is spectacling; I love Rhaenys crime time, it's been like 20 years over due
the fact that Alicent only cares about Helaena is so fucking yeah that girl was born into the wrong family
I'm glad at least one person can rely on their offspring
Jacerys is like damn, my uncle father is scary
Rhaenyra just keeps having the worst week of her life, huh
the power imbalance yuri is SO POWERFUL
omg stop trying to make a song of ice and fire happened, a song of ice and fire BARELY HAPPENED, it's not happening
Lord Corlys and Rhaenys are SO IN LOVE
I think Lucerys is in danger :|
behind every bad dragon (Arrax) is a bigger, badder dragon (Vhagar) this is going to go GREAT
wait, are the lords illiterate that the maesters need to read notes for them?? has that always been a thing??
Aemond is a fucking little shit!!!!!!! love him!!!! give him the iron throne after rhaenyra!!!!!
pedantic question: these are technically wyverns, no? unless the westeros universe has never made the dragon vs wyvern distinction, in which case, absolutely never mind, but god, I'm a fucking nerd more than once
oh the season just ends there kk
off to season 2
(Ladz, are you going to catch up before Sunday?? do not TALK to me [please talk to me])
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Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Reader, Daemon Targaryen x Reader (MODERN)
Description: A new promotion at work prompts you to move into a small modest town with your boyfriend, Aemond Targaryen. There you meet a few friendly faces. It seems like life is going where it's supposed to. That is until you meet your new boss, Daemon Targaryen, who is your boyfriend's estranged uncle.
It doesn't help with the fact that you've been having dreams about him since birth.
masterlist | chapter seventeen
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Aemond circles his uncle like a hunter about to murder his prey. He was glaring at the other man — threatening to strike.
"Didn't I warn you?" he opens his mouth to speak, as they both walked down the stairs. His voice was low, afraid that an outsider could eavesdrop on their conversation. "Who are you to warn me?" the man replies, venom dripping from his tone.
Aemond lets out a sarcastic chuckle. They were equals now — both having the same rights in society. "I'm her fucking boyfriend." he curses, his fingers curl up — palms turning white from his clenched fist. "If you think that there's a god-fucking connection between you, then you're fucking wrong. She's mine, Daemon." he glared preparing to strike the man and throw him down the stairs.
Daemon's posture changes, he suddenly grows a few more inches. He was wearing your unicorn sweater. It should've made him look stupid, but it made him look scary. "She's yours for now. But once she remembers all the bullshit you did — let's just say that your days are numbered." his uncle growled, shifting the tides between them.
They stared at each other — none of them daring to look away. It was a show of dominance. To see who was stronger.
One-thousand one.
One-thousand two.
One thousand three.
Aemond looks away.
"I missed the little boy that you were." Daemon taunted while placing his hands on his pocket — showing his nephew that he was a threat.
"He was weak, uncle."
"He still is, Aemond."
DAEMON 8:29PM If you need somewhere to go to. I'm right here.
(YOUR NAME) 8:30PM Did something happen? I'm sorry about Aemond. 😅
DAEMON 8:30PM It's alright. I'm worried about you.
(YOUR NAME) 8:31PM Worried about me?
DAEMON 8:31PM I got you into a bit of a conundrum with your boyfriend.
(YOUR NAME) 8:32PM It's OK. Did he say something?
DAEMON 8:32PM No...It's fine.
You read out his message. A sigh escaped your lips, and you turned your phone off. Aemond's possessiveness was a problem to everyone around you. It was an obstacle in making friends with the other gender. He was always jealous and angry. It was infuriating.
The door slams behind you. He enters the room with a slight bruise on his lower lip. "What happened?" you were quick to be at his side. Hands reaching to cup his cheeks — he pushes you away.
"I'm disappointed, (Your name)." he whispers while taking his coat off and throwing it on the floor. He walks towards the couch, ignoring your existence. "Why?" your voice cracked, and you sit beside him.
You wanted to be loved by him. You craved his attention. And he was always sure to pull it away when you were both in heaven. "For starters, you invited a man in our house." he scoffs while looking at the other direction. "He's just a friend, Aem." you plead trying to touch him, but he moves his body.
"Why do you have to spend that much time with him?" he accused, and your face turned red with anger. "Can I not spend time with my friends?!" you raised your voice and he pretended to flinch at the sound. "Do not raise your voice at me. I can hear you perfectly fine." he gritted his teeth, eyes glaring daggers into your features.
"I want to spend time with my friends. I'm always swallow in so much work." you complained while getting up to lock yourself inside your room — he pulls your arm, forcing you to sit down on the couch. "Spend time with friends that I like. Larys and Arryk are your friends too." he reasoned staring deep into your eyes.
He wanted you to himself. To isolate you from people that would otherwise call him controlling, manipulative, and narcissistic. That was the reason you moved away from your old town — because your friends kept telling you to run away from him. To break his heart and leave him in the air.
"They are — but am I not allowed to have more friends?" you question bitterly, eyes wet with tears that were threatening to spill. He shakes his head in disbelief. "You are — but do you have to welcome them inside our house? You even let him borrow your sweater." he reasoned, while pulling your body closer to him.
"You know damn well that Daemon wants to fuck you. I see it in his eyes." he cursed, pulling the blame solely on you. He was chauvinist. He believed that something was right because he believed in it.
"Are you calling me a slut?" you ask, voice cracking and coming out as a whisper.
He was silent. Not bothering to comfort you.
You stare away in disbelief. You stomp away to your room, loudly pulling the suitcase out of your closet. Filling it with clothes that you were going to use away from him. You hated Aemond right now. You wanted to get away from him — but the thought of breaking up with him didn't enter your mind. Not until you took out your phone. Fingers lazily grazing the keypad as you couldn't see clearly from the tears that were blurring your vision.
(YOUR NAME) 9:00PM pick me up pls
DAEMON 9:00PM I'm coming.
You read out his message, knees giving up as you fall into the ground. Aemond was a fucking devil — a disease sent from hell to give you a bad time. You could bare his insults. You were thick skinned. He called you dumb, stupid and ugly at times but they weren't enough to drive you away. Not until he implied that you were a whore — a slut who was 'asking for it'.
There was a knock on your bedroom door.
"Babe, come out." Aemond whispers, slowly feeling guilty of the words he said to you. "I'm sorry. I — I didn't meant that." he reasoned, feeling a lump on his throat as he continued to apologize. He didn't want to drive you away — after all, his influence on you would dim. "Please, give me space. I can't look at you right now." you whispered in return. Your phone pinged, and you stared at it. Wiping your tears away.
DAEMON 9:05PM I'm here.
You take your suitcase and a few bags. Aemond was cooped inside the bathroom — crying too. He gave you enough time to make an escape. You opened the door — the wind-chimes created a small melody, alerting your boyfriend of your escape.
The door to the bathroom opens, and you bolt outside of the apartment. You didn't know why you were running away from him. It was muscle-memory. You were running towards the stairs, but the scenery changes and suddenly you were in another place.
You were in Harenhall. Inside a forest — he was chasing you with his wolves. "(Your name)!" Aemond yells out as a pack of hungry wolves ran beside him. You were good with location. You were able to make-out where he was.
A wolf howls in the foreground. You could see his shadow on top of the tree. "(Your name)! You may be an expert hider, but my wolves see everything." he yelled out with a small chuckle. You held your breath, praying to the gods that the mud was enough to cover your scent. They circle the tree a few times — the wolves seemed hesitant to rat you out.
He hits them with a large whip. The cries of wolves masked your cries of pain. There was a large gash on your side — the result of stabbing yourself in an attempt to ease yourself with this hell of a life. Aemond looks up — feeling blood dribble down the bark of the tree.
There was a crooked smile on his face as he sees your (hair color) locks peeking through the leaves. "(Your name)." he says this time, his voice was moderated — concentrated on one place since he knew where you were. The wolves howled again. His hands reached for your body.
Pulling you.
Pulling you.
Pulling you back into reality. Daemon shakes your body, seeing the tears trailing down your face and the luggage that you left on the floor of the parking-lot. Your pupils returned to their original size, and you buried your face inside his chest. "Daemon." you sobbed as he looks behind you to see the shadow of your boyfriend lingering.
He glares at Aemond, picking up the discarded bags on the floor. He opens the door to his car. Placing the bags on the back-seat. He didn't want to be occupied with putting them in the trunk — Aemond could come and get you.
He opens the door to the front-seat. Settling beside you, wiping the tears away from your eyes. "Do we need to go to the hospital? Are you in pain?" he asked with concern and you shake your head. "I remembered something again. I don't know if it's true." you sobbed while shaking your head, in trauma of the memory that came back to you. "H-he was hunting me." you stuttered and his eyes darkened.
"Who?" he inquired, while starting the car.
"Aemond, but that's not the first time I remembered something bad about him." you admitted. "What did he do?" Daemon inquired, feeling his eyes darken with every word that you confess. "He touched, he forced me to do something." you sobbed, burying your face in your hands.
Daemon swore in that parking lot. He was going to kill Aemond — the law be damned, the police be damned. He touched his woman. He hurt his girl — and he was going to pay. "I'm scared of him, Dae. I don't want to go back there." you shudder grabbing into his arm.
He takes a deep breath. "You'll never see him again, I promise." he vows while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
next chapter>>
taglist: @urmomsgirlfriend1 @namelesslosers @immyowndefender @ammo2022 @perihelioneclipse @gracielikegrapes @joliettes @kezibear.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
What is your take on Alicent and Aegon’s relationship?
idk if u r the one who sent me the aligon ask a little while ago, i swear i’m working on it aksjs but in the meantime, i’m not saying it’s GOING to happen but what i think would be hilarious is if aegon realizes how nervous larys makes alicent and turns on him, then otto is mean to alicent one (1) time in front of aegon and he turns on otto too, meanwhile every night alicent is berating aegon for crying in front of the lannisters again and reminding him how much she’s sacrificed to get him on the throne and he’s thinking about what is it exactly she’s sacrificed here & getting upset and he’s king now so he can just follow the urge to get up in her face when she gets too handsy in her anger this time, except he can’t even stay scary for longer than a few seconds before he’s crying again, but he’s still holding her still and not letting her leave, and she’s not fighting him but she’s also very aware of the fact that he will Not let her leave.
anyways, i am fr when i say i want olivia cooke to channel her inner bates motel gal, there’s the season where mother tries to set boundaries with norman, then she gets upset with her bf and goes to norman for comfort & asks him to sleep in her bed with her, and he looks upset bc he thought they weren’t supposed to do that anymore, and she says pls just tonight i’m so sad and you can see on his face that he resents that SHE can break boundaries but HE isn’t allowed, and that’s exactly what i want from alicent & aegon in season 2. i want season 4 of bates motel but with less mom murder & more dragons.
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sentys · 3 months
hotd 2.03 spoilers below the cut:
........................................................................ sigh.
this felt like (bad) filler.
so long bracken twink, i enjoyed the meme.
i was never into the idea of aegon's prophecy. frankly, i hate the idea that some incestuous dragon riding freak had a fever dream about climate change and decided it was a good excuse to colonize several nation states.
and what did it even amount to? did they really believe that a prophecy would prevent or change the trajectory of a TARGARYEN CIVIL WAR???
as much as i yell about the subpar social commentary (or lack thereof) that has hotd in chokehold, making gwayne the racist one instead of literally anyone else on the kingsguard is bullshit.
yes, i realize the ridiculousness of the aforementioned statement, but these aemond + sylvie scenes aren't doing what the writers think they're doing.
listen, if ewan wants to take the 'alfie allen challenge' and hang dick, fine i appreciate it but at least have it be with his semi-canonical love interest.
is2g, they're gonna turn me into an alysmond shipper out of spite, atp.
good to see milly again, i was wondering if her or emily were gonna make a cameo or do a flashback this season, since everyone loved them so much.
love moondancer's little mohawk. she so pretty!!!
no, but that looks like so much fun. somebody make a supercut of all the mechanical dragon bts.
don't ask rhaena to raise your fucking kids when you got nursemaids aplenty. the audacity.
i still cannot believe that this loser gets silverwing. glad she survives and he doesn't.
is that really aegon the conqueror's armor or is aeg2 just posturing? i keep forgetting how old he was when he first started conquering.
spooky scary harrenhal, i'm here for it. gimmie more. says the scaredy cat.
i was actually gonna complain about how in the hell anyone besides alicent knows that larys set the fire that killed his dad and brother, but then i remembered that his assassin's were literally wearing firefly pendants, so ......................... yeah .
shut up and eat your peas, daemon.
did they really just send rhaenyra on a side-mission to intercept alicent at the sept just to resolve a meaningless miscommunication? CONDAL, I AM IN YOUR WALLS!
y'know, for as inconsistent as they're written, i love rhaenys and corlys being cute together.
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