mawcescharacters · 2 years
'ello i am a mess that just wants this fucker to be happy
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look at him no thought behind those eyes
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he's so happy :D
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and traumatized but let's forget what part of the episode this is from - HUNTER IS HAPPY
LOOK AT THAT — and flap jack :D
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
The owl house spoilers: For the future (Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
I'm a lunter shipper so I'm going to look through this episode with lunter goggles on.
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Jealous Hunter is everything.
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They doing this shit on purpose cause they know how strong Lunter is.
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I know he deserves this shit, but I feel pity for him. Plus I want him at full power. He deserves to die at full power.
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All hail Queen Boscha. I feel so stupid but I didn't realize that was kikimora till luz realized it. God I'm such an idiot. I knew they were bad but I couldn't figure out why. I honestly forgot about Kimora and assumed she was dead.
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Grumpy boy! Damn he's hurting soooo bad.
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Lunter crumbs. Luz being the only one who can tell something is wrong. And how she right away is about to literally about to get up to go to him.
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Awwww poor baby. Camila is best mama. The whole wanting to be understood is stupid. But over all I like their talk. Hate luz's palisman. Such a cop out but at least it's not a stupid bat. Also luz looks so pretty!!!!!
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Lunter crumbs! Lunter looking like a battle couple! New pic for my next lunter playlist.
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This pic had me crying no lie. This is the true family. Not the stupid Nocedas siblings bullshit. Just add Camila( maybe vee. She's not my favorite but I'll deal) and it will be complete.
Overall the episode is ok. Animation good. Wish their was less huntlow bullshit, less crap about canon ships. Love luz. Love hunter. Love Boscha. Love Boschamity. Willow's whole thing was stupid. Wish their was fucking backstory for Caleb and Evelyn. LOVE Philip! Love eda king, Lilith and Hooty. Love what the collector did. Beautiful. Wish the isles looked like that actually. Love Matt and Gus. Hate luz's palisman but it's better than a fucking bat. Found it hilarious and feel horrible vindication that Luz, Hunter and almost everyone else looks so much more beautiful and Amity looks more ugly animation wise. Love king and I just want to keep him safe and God damn it let Eda king and luz reunite already! Overall ok episode. Some of it was worth the hype the rest trash and kinda happy that the next episode is going to be a while.
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galwaygremlin · 1 year
that house sure does owl:
S2E1 -Hooty my man WTF -lilith existential crisis time! -is Luz being tricked into doing what Belos wants? -AWW GROSS CUTE
S2E2 -Lilith anxious perfectionism, Eda UNBRIDLED ADHD -"No one's dying." "Not with that attitude!" -Willow gay dads! -She said MY Luz!!!
S2E3 -Hooty that is... so gross -"Special Delivery! PAIN"
S2E4 -EDA NIGHTMARE NO -oh so Lilith FUCKED up -is this guy a quack he sounds like a quack -BUFF GRANDMA (many variations on this note, repeatedly) -FAKE LUZ. I'M SCARED.
S2E5 -Gus knows what's up -I just realized the Boiling Isles are a corpse. DUH -Amity: Luz is cute and nice to me I'm risking EVERYTHING -WEIRD OLD MAN. YAY
S2E6 -cult shit cult shit -Luz you adorable nerd -wait Luz is from CONNECTICUT? god. why. -Hunter: hiiii -he LICKED her HAND. these kids <3 -he's a nerd too <3 -ALL of your ancestors are YOU but DEAD-er -Eda committing crimes for her bby! again! -PLOT TWIST HUNTER GETS A BIRD BUDDY
S2E7 -NOOO SAD EDA. they're still your babies -BLASPHEM-YOU -is that a pokemon -ALL ABOARD THE FEELINGS TRAIN I'M THE CONDUCTOR
S2E8 -why are king's plotlines always Like This. amazing -EDA. FUCK. -yeah sure drown your demons until they snuggle in your lap why not -Luz you did NOT just call Amity a GODDESS I- -LUZ THAT'S SO ROMANTIC I'M GONNA DIE -KING'S DAD?!
S2E9 -that says Grimwalker BAD NEWS BEARS -Belos smarmy voice. EUGH. ripping his face off -Luz is adorable as always. Amity is overthinking as always. *hearteyes* THEM -Hunter with the most hope I've ever heard in his voice: I'll be useful again!! -INSTANT ANIMOSITY. YES -A BAD BUT SAD BOY -hunter don't give her ANOTHER inferiority complex!!! -Owlbert has been through. So much -BIRD BUDDY BONDING TIME FOR BACKSTABBING BASTARDS
S2E10 -WHO STOLE LUZ'S LIFE -Interstellar dimension -okay Vee is cute and sad and I want to hug them -BELOS fucking up EVERYBODY'S life -MAMA NOCEDA WITH THE CHANCLA -*eats deck of cards* -Camila deserves the world
S1E1-10 S1E11-19 S2E11-21 S3
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therivergirl · 2 years
Vandalizing Phillip's statue.
Inspired by @moringmark comic
Camila: *preparing lunch, when her phone rings* Si?
The person on the phone: Hello ma'am, we're calling from the park security. We got a call about your daughter and her friends vandalizing the statue of the Whittebane brothers. Well, they seem to have beef with one of the brothers.
Camila: What?
Luz and Willow: *in the background* He deserved it!
The park security guy: Look, ma'am. We're willing to let them go with a warning but you or one of the other parents has to come to pick them up right away.
Camila: Ay dios mio...yes, I will come right away.
15 minutes later, in the car.
Camila: So...
Gus, Willow and Amity: Sorry Mrs. Noceda.
Luz: Sorry mum.
Gus: Well, it's kind of my fault. We passed by the statue and I could not resist giving it the you stink writing with illusions...
Luz: And the rest of us kind of escalated the situation...
Willow: Poor tomatoes, they did not deserve to be on that man's face...
Hunter: Is it bad that I don't even feel bad...
Luz: I only feel bad for the permanent marker that had to touch the Phillip statue...
Camila: I'm not mad you did it! And no, you should not feel bad about damaging the statue of that, that [string of Spanish curses]
Gus: I have a feeling those are not age-appropriate words..
Luz: *in shock* No, no they are not...
Willow: Wait, you are not mad?
Camila: I'm...look I get why you did it, but be careful. I'm scared, we can pass you all as Luz's friends who are here for the summer. But if the police catch you, we could all be in trouble.
Luz: Aw, too bad, it felt so cathartic....
Camila: Look, I'm not going to tell you that next time you feel the need to do something like this to do it at nigh. Or suggest you wear some kind of face covering. Or that you should ask me to join...
Luz: *in even bigger shock* Mama?
Camila: What? He hurt my baby and her friends, the least I can do is write inappropriate Spanish on his statue!
Gus: I mean, I could make all of us look like some random people who don't even live here
Camila: Tell me more...
Luz: What happened to my mum...
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gyuville · 2 years
my thoughts are turbulent but the main points are:
i love all the characters SO MUCH seriously how the hell did the crew make all these people so lovable (except philip obviously. nasty colonizer ass got what he deserved)
i also love all the friendships in the show theyre all so sweet and amazing
im protecting hunter with my life and also if anything and i mean ANYTHING happened to flapjack im gonna resurrect belos so i can kill him ten times more painfully than the collector did (irl tho ill probably just cry a lot. DONT HURT THE BIRD :<)
gus is going in my pocket. probably with some nice snacks and a blanket
im very excited to see good mom camilla noceda in s3. put your best parenting pants on mama cuz these kids are gonna NEED IT
more specific character thoughts: steve is cool. lilith is a dork and i love her. eda is the coolest mom-parent-mentor-owl lady to ever exist. i love darius too. also raine. terra snapdragon sucks shes a bitch. where are the collector's parents that kid is terrifying (but i also kind of love him a little bit)
i do have a toh tag (its just 'toh') but its so overrun with reblogs that youre probably better off going into my 'magpie thoughts' tag; most of the recent stuff is toh posting anyway
feel free to pry me with any specific questions about toh that you wanna know my feelings about cuz i am very opening to talking about this
i absolutely agree with everything and same i literally cant wait till s3 i wanna see them all have fun in earth together 😭 and im so looking forward to slice of life type of lumity date omg and WHEN ARE THEY GONNA FIGURE OUT MORE ABOUT CALEB WITTEBANE AAAH theres so much 😭 hunter is my fav character rn im absolutely in love
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A Little Bit of Happiness
Based on u-look-beautiful-today’s Soulmate AU. Basically you have a chart on your arm that shows you the happiness of others close to you as well as your own.
We’ve all known pain. Pure agonizing pain and sorrow. That void of nothingness where the darkness feels as thick as black tar and no amount of light can shine through. It is a feeling that even the most optimistic and hopeful of us have succumbed to. Especially those with big hearts. If depression could speak it would tell you that the big ones were the most delicious. And there was no heart bigger, or weirder, than Luz Noceda’s. 
Luz was a thoughtful girl filled with hope, determination, kindness, and a love for the strange things in life that left her quite ostracized for most of hers. 
As a child she didn’t like the typical things kids liked or acted in the typical way kids should act so she was bullied and what other reason do kids need to bully someone. She was different, and different was bad, and bullying her for being different was fun. And if something was fun how could it be wrong? If it was fun what did it matter?
And you know what the best way to bully Luz was? The way that was the most fun. It had to do with her lack of a Soulmark, the mark on your body that showed you the first words your Soulmate would say to you. Luz didn’t have one. Not a single letter or even the most generic of greetings marked her skin. Isn’t that just the funniest thing? 
“Wow, looks like you’ll be alone forever.” 
“No one loves you.” 
“Even your soulmate doesn’t want you.”
Oh how they laughed, and when one laughs everyone laughs. After all you didn’t want to be thought of as the weird one, as a freak like Luz. So why not laugh, it’s all in good fun. And besides even Luz would laugh. 
She’d laugh so hard that tears would spill from her eyes and more deafening then the laughter was the sound of glass being chipped away into pieces. But she was only 12 and this just the way things were when you were 12.
Now I wonder what you would imagine when you hear the term “perfection.” The term itself is rather subjective isn’t it? What one person finds perfect isn’t always what another would agree with and yet it’s often commonly used in the wrong way. 
So I’ll admit to coming off a bit biased when I tell you that Amity Blight was as close to the definition of perfection as one could get. Her skin a flawless porcelain and her eyes a mesmerizing gold. With short aquamarine hair tied up and not a strand out of place. It wasn’t just her appearance too she was incredibly intelligent, driven, and talented. Especially when it came to magic. At school she was the top of her class, incredibly popular, and very loved. 
She was no princess but she lived the life of one for her home was a mansion and while she did live with two very annoying siblings they mostly liked to have harmless fun and never truly made her life a living hell. 
So you can see why I say she was perfect, her life was perfect all the way down to the most minor of details.
Well there was one little thing that wasn’t exactly great but what was one little thing compared to everything else. As long as she did what was asked and kept up her image then she had nothing to worry about. 
Except today was the day she’d turn 13 and when she awoke she found there was something to worry about. Soulmates weren’t a common thing on the Boiling Isles, this place where she’s from. It was very rare to hear of someone having such a mark like those in the human realm but it did happen. And while it does happen she had never expected it to happen to herself but when she woke that day she was greeted to a word being added amongst the names of her chart. 
No no no no, Amity Blight could not have a soulmate. She tried rubbing at it with her other hand hoping with ever growing despair that it was a prank from her siblings but the mark would not come off. If her parents knew she had a soulmate, someone that was not preapproved by them, the amount of disappointment she’d receive. The thought alone was enough to have her shiver though the house was never cold. Never in that way at least. 
Though like I said she was intelligent, this mark wasn’t a prank nor would it go away, understanding at the moment she had no choice but to accept it. She’d figure out what to do when she’s met them but for now. Amity looked again at the word, and this time really looked for she noticed something she hadn’t earlier. Her soulmate’s happiness was only at 9%. Amity herself has never gone below 80% she couldn’t imagine being so low. 
Just seeing the number on her wrist was painful enough to have her 98% be brought down to a 95%. What brings a person down to 9%? What kind of life could her soulmate be leading? The distress from earlier turned into curiosity and she found herself wondering these things and more as she traced a finger over the word Soulmate and the number beside it. What should she do? 
Perhaps her siblings would know considering now was the time they decided to barge through her door yelling “Happy Birthday Mittens!” while using illusion magic to make their words form a banner that suspended in mid air. And no she did not squeal or nearly fall off her bed. 
“Can’t you two ever knock?!” even if she made up her mind to talk to them about it, Edric and Emira may be pranksters but they weren’t tattlers, and while them showing up here made it easier she still couldn’t help yelling at them for their blatant rudeness. 
“Awww, Mittens, where would be the fun in that?” 
“Yeah, especially on your birthday?” 
“Besides, look at this thoughtful display we made for you.” 
“One of these days you’re just gonna have to accept that you love us.” 
They spoke one after the other, beginning with Emira and ending with Edric. Amity sighed as she went quiet for a moment looking back down at her wrist. Still just 9%.
“Is everything okay, Mittens?” Em asked, always being the first of the two to notice when something was amiss.  
Amity bit her bottom lip before responding with partial confidence. “I have to show you guys something that I’m not sure what to make of yet.” The twins nodded urging her to continue, and after a moment she relented and finally showed them her wrist. 
If they were shocked at all they hid it well, their faces blank as they no doubt saw that word and just when Amity was about to worry that she had broke her siblings the two gave a very audibly excited gasp. 
“You dog you!” 
“How long have you had this?” 
“Just since this morning.” Their reaction taking her so much by surprise that she could do nothing but answer their questions. 
“Do you have any idea who it could be?” That was Edric.
“Not really.”
“What about that one guy who always had the biggest crush on-” 
“Emira! Ew, no!” 
“Why ew? He doesn’t seem so bad.” 
“I just don’t feel like it’s him okay. Plus I doubt his life is that bad.” 
“What do you mean?” They asked in unison, and that's when they saw it. The 9%.
“Damn, your soulmate is depressed.” 
“Edric don’t even joke about that!” Amity and Emira warned, despite Ed and Em being twins her and Amity were still sisters. 
“I wasn’t! Like how else do you want me to say it. What if they decide to kill themsel-”
“I’m just saying!” 
He’s right though, Amity knew he was. She may not know who they are but no one deserves whatever it is they were going through. Whatever it is that has them at a measly 9%. So Amity made up her mind to donate half of her happiness. 57% might not be high but it’s at least better than 9%. 
Never having been below 80% she felt the effect immediately. Something formed inside her, something small and hollow that she just could not take her mind off  even though today was her birthday, it was suppose to be a happy day. But it felt so wrong and she was only at 48%.
She hoped she’d never have to know what 9% felt like. 
For some reason, despite the horrible day she had yesterday, Luz woke up feeling better than she had in awhile. Looking over her chart, which only consisted of her and her mom, she saw she her mom was at a good 79%  and she was at a 57% which was not bad. She remembered going to bed with a 9% so perhaps getting a good nights rest coupled with the fact it’s the weekend was enough to improve it significantly. 
That was the only explanation she could come up with anyway. She even managed a small smile when her mother came into the room. “Buenos dias, Mija, are you feeling better?” 
“I’m feeling much better, gracias mama.” 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Camilia asked sitting at the foot of Luz’s bed. 
“Maybe another time, I’m fine right now though te lo prometo.” She managed to make her smile bigger and her mother nodded. Luz had come home in tears yesterday, actually the third time this week, and while Camilia was desperate to know what was hurting her baby so much she knew when to not push. Instead she found other ways to help.
“Then hurry up and get out of bed, yo eso sancocho con arroz blanco para desiuno.” 
Luz smiled with glee as she got up and rushed out the door leaving her mama behind. 
“At least get changed first!” 
“But it’s the weekend!” 
“Mi Luz!” 
“Okay, okay.” 
She didn’t notice but the interaction was enough to bring her up to an even 60%
Since that day it seemed like no matter what happened Luz would bounce back.  It got to the point where she didn’t feel anything else anymore. They could do their worst and she’d smile, laugh, and be her adorable silly self. Not only that but she also grew more bold and unafraid to stand out or fight back. Something had completely changed that day, perhaps it was her outlook on life that changed, or that all of a sudden she found emotional maturity. Either way it was like her happiness never went below 90% and she, literally, could not be happier. Although she could do without having her mother feeling like she needed to send her off to camp just because she liked expressing herself differently. She understood where her mom was coming from but Luz was a big girl, she can decide things for herself can’t she?
Amity, on the other hand, had gone through her own changes. She’s been constantly donating her happiness for over a year now. Many times most of it, sometimes all. That hollow feeling never left, it only got bigger, colder, as if it would swallow her whole any second. And as she grew colder on the inside she also grew colder on the outside, more bitter. Her once close friend, Willow, now hated her. People who once loved her for her big heart now only loved her for her beauty, talent, or because she was popular. She became friends with one of the meaner popular girls, Boscha, and you better give them a wide berth or risk social and emotional damage. 
Even Ed and Em noticed their darling little sister didn’t laugh or smile anymore, no matter what they did. They really did try too, but things that use to get an annoyed yet warm sound out of her now only elicited hisses and growls. It didn’t help that their parents also recognized her change in behavior and became much harder on her albeit in their messed up way where they praised her for her actions. She was a Blight and had a standard she was expected to keep after all. Not keeping it meant she was a disgrace and a failure. Things that Amity never wanted to be so she drowned herself even more in her studies and preparing for the future. Further shutting herself off from the world. 
At first Edric and Emira tried to help, it wasn’t Amity’s fault, there was someone else she was trying really hard to keep happy. She didn’t even know the person yet she was willing to suffer so much for them. That fact alone meant their sweet little baby sister was still in their somewhere didn’t it? They even tried to donate their own happiness to get her back but she refused to take it. Eventually even they gave up. 
First thing she did when she woke up today was give all of her happiness away. It was slowly becoming routine now, to give everything. ‘But why?’ Her thoughts would plead with her. ‘Why for someone you might not even know? You don’t even look to see if they need it anymore, what about our happiness?’ 
What about it?
‘Don’t we deserve it?’
We have everything we could ever want or need and succeeded in becoming a protégé of Lilith, leader of the emperor’s coven and a powerful witch in her own right, just like we wanted.
‘Just like you wanted, or your parents wanted?’ 
She hissed to silence the voices inside, after all what difference did it really make, as she got ready for the day. They were given a project that Amity intended to pass with flying colors. Not that it would be hard, no one else in that class or the whole school had half the skill she did.
Especially not Half-A-Witch who she had the pleasure of bumping into on the way to school. Oh this will be fun, Willow had no talent for magic and her parents always did say that people with no talent were pathetic in their eyes. They were right of course, she did not regret the loss of that friendship at all. 
Speaking of eyes, Amity never did notice the pair of disappointed brown orbs watching them from the bushes. 
“Willow! Wow you’re so unnoticeable I almost rolled into you.” 
“Hi Amity.” 
“Shouldn’t you get to class early to prep your-” Before she could finish Willow’s wheelbarrow shook and her abomination spilled from the pot like sticky purple liquid on the ground. “Oh Willow, you don’t have anything to show do you.” 
It doesn’t feel good to put people down, it doesn’t make her feel superior or strong. It doesn’t do anything for her but her parents would be proud and what’s wrong with that? Isn’t that what every child strives to do?
Willow looks really hurt though. 
“...Except much smaller and meaningless.”
I’m sorry Willow.
“...Even you can get a passing grade some day.”
I’m sorry. 
There go the unwanted thoughts again but those kinds of thoughts were slowly getting easier to ignore. It should have disturbed her how use to the cold she had become.
Okay so I thought this was getting a bit lengthy so I figured I’d do it in parts. Besides I’m really excited by what we’ll learn from the episodes coming out tomorrow and I may change stuff based on what we’re shown of Amity’s history. 
Gosh, I can’t sit still with how much I can’t wait for it. Anyway for those who managed to read through this whole first part thanks for taking the time to read it. See y’all tomorrow ^u^
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The Owl House Blog - The End, and The Beginning
I’ve stayed off Twitter & Tumblr as much as I could today, trying to avoid spoilers
Be prepared for lots of tears. And WTFs.
Ooooh, worldbuilding.
Lots of triangles. Uh oh.
Ugh, I hate Belos.
Did he turn that Wild Witch into a statue?
Aaawwwww, Eda’s note!
Damn, no intro. Shit’s REAL serious!
Ooooh, room of weapons!
No, Luz sweetie. Lilith is more responsible for Eda’s capture than you.
Go, Eda! Trash that castle!
I do not like those eyes.
Oh, crap!
Yay, Eda’s sentient again!
Lilith, you idiot. He was NEVER going to heal her.
NO, NOT OWLBERT! Harm that owl, and I will cut you, bitch!
Is that reporter Gus’s dad?
Given how creepy Belos is, I have to wonder how many of his victims deserved petrification.
Lol, that was too easy.
Did they have that pedestal ready & waiting?
Yay, Warden Wrath!
Go, Luz!
I hope his map drawing skills are good.
Awww, the Friend Squad!
You better switch sides Lilith, or so help me.
Yay, reunion time!
Mama Eda’s so great!
And here come the tears!
AAAAAHHHHH!!! They said it!!
Uh oh. Luz will FUCK YOU UP, BITCH!!!
Yay, portal time!
Aw, man! Luz’s magic doesn’t work in the human realm, but Lilith’s does?
God damnit, Lilith. You should’ve just told her how you felt. And in the end, it was for nothing.
But how did Lilith’s hair turn blue?
Oh, thank God Owlbert’s ok!
Uh oh. Is Luz leaving the Human Realm behind forever?
All of this because Eda loved her sister too much to fight her.
Yeah, that was too easy.
Awwww, King!
Oh, that IS Gus’s dad!
Oh, Bump. I really hope you don’t die.
Oh, crap! How did he do that?
You got this, Luz!
What IS this guy, anyway?
Why does he want the Human Realm?
NO, EDA!!!
Well, at least Belos won’t get it.
Wait, what?
Ooooh, now they both have silver eyes! What does that mean?
Aww, no more magic for the Clawthorne sisters.
Ooooh, a vlog for Mama Noceda.
Uh oh, a spy.
Oh, DAMN! Another basement portal?
Time to start hibernating until Season 2 drops.
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V-DAY Gift for @pikablob (OWL HOUSE)
@pikablob hope everyone likes this!
“Luz Noceda, I am the all knowing pan of nap! To succeed in your quest, you must answer one question: What would Eda prefer… Pancakes, or waffles?! MWAHAHAHA!” 
It was 9 o’clock in the morning at The Owl House, but you wouldn’t know it with how sleepy the whole place was: Hooty had not said a single thing the entire morning (a true rarity), still snoring peacefully, King was still sleeping on Luz’s sleeping bag, tail lightly flowing in the wind. 
And then there was Eda; the strongest witch in the Boiling Iles was not much of a morning person, to say the least, and she was snoring loudly, collapsed over her bed as if she had worked hard all night. Well, she hadn’t, but she was exhausted for a different reason: The curse. 
See, Eda was cursed as a child with the not so fun predicament of turning into an owl monster at night, if she did not take a certain elixir every day. This predicament didn’t always hurt, but boy did it drain her energy. And so, she was spread across the bed, clearly in pain. 
And that was why Luz Noceda, precocious witch apprentice and all around good girl, was planning to surprise her mentor with a breakfast in bed. 
There was just one teeny weeny problem: Luz had never actually made breakfast before for anyone. She HAD cooked sometimes with her mother, but her distracted nature was such that she barely remembered how to make any of the breakfasts she made. 
But was something as small and unimportant as having zero knowledge of said subject going to stop Luz? Hardly! 
Having already covered her entire shirt with avocado stains, Luz looked for the thousandth time to see if her avocado toast was not gone, before resuming her attention on the rest of the menu: Combining her favorite Dominican and American breakfast choices, Luz had decided to make an Avocado toast (the toaster had made her jump so badly she had bruised her hand on the floor, but thankfully it was just a scratch!), fried eggs (how fast do those things fry? Probably not fast she assumed), fried cheese (gotta make it melt, like bloooooood, oooooohhhhhh), sausages (Luz had once learned what was inside those things, but she couldn’t help but love their taste. Besides, Eda liked eating gross things that would kill a normal person) and of course, Pancakes!
Luz had all the ingredients in separate pans, which was making it hard to focus: With one hand, she began to see the pancakes rise, making her hungry, so she took a bite out of a stick that she had randomly jammed in her hair. “Tastes like a pop culture reference.”, she thought, grinning.
With the other hand, she made sure the egg was frying. It kept making this sizzling sound she liked, so she started to dance a little to its beat, before pulling two of the strings she had attached to the other pans to see if they were cooking well: The sausages were still swimming pretty with the mini trunks she had made them, and the fried cheese was melting wonderfully, and Luz put a smiley face sticker on it. 
It was going quite well, Luz thought, as she whiffed in the food and grinned in satisfaction: She was actually getting something right for once, and for Eda no less! 
Luz closed her eyes for a moment and thought about the Owl Lady that had taken her in to give her a reason to be taken in by anyone. Luz had only really been here for about 3 weeks, yet somehow, she felt incredibly close to her teacher. Perhaps it was because Eda was cool and wise, as Luz always wanted to be; perhaps it was Eda’s sass and total self confidence in her identity, something Luz wanted but was always shut down for; and perhaps it was something so much simpler… 
Perhaps Luz just wanted a mother who loved her for her. 
Luz didn’t really want to think about any of that stuff, so she tried to shake those thoughts from her head and instead focus on the food, which was starting to smell funny. 
“Oh no!”, Luz thought, getting worried. “I’m about to send Eda’s breakfast to hell!” Luz didn’t want to send anyone to hell! That was the work of the devil! Well, him and survey takers! 
“No time for games… I have to be 100 percent on the job! Nothing can surprise me!”, Luz declared, only to be surprised by the now awake King looking down at her from the top of her head. 
“What’s cookin’, daddy-o?”, he asked, and Luz shrieked, nearly falling down on the floor. King laughed maniacally at this. “YES! YES! I AM terrifying! Quake! Quake at my power!” He then sniffed Luz all over, tickling her with his nose. “YOU MADE FOOD? PLEASE FEED ME! I’LL BE LESS SCARY, I PROMISE!” 
Luz couldn’t help but laugh as she stood up again and scratched behind the demon’s ears. “You’re a VERY adorable demon king, King, but this isn’t for you.” 
King gasped in betrayal. “TRAITOR! I thought you loved me, but I guess I have no friends!”
 Luz then kissed his forehead and he relented. “Fine, I still love you, GIMMIE FOOD!” 
Luz shook her head and giggled, as she finally resumed her work. “No, King! These are for Eda! I want to make her feel better after the rough night she had!” 
King pouted and crossed his arms. “And what makes you think I didn’t have a bad night?”
 Luz wagged her finger at him. “Let’s see: You snuggled me all night!”
“Quiet, I don’t want to wake Eda up!”, Luz replied, and she feasted her eyes on her work: It seemed so close to being ready! She just had to check if the eggs were fried enough, and those black bits at the end of the egg seemed to tell a good story! 
Slowly and surely, she touched the egg while it still sizzled and… 
“HOOCHIE MAMA I’M ON FIRE!”, Luz cried in pain, as she ran around the room, looking for water for her boo boo on her pinkie! 
King, now very alert, ran to find his band aid kit. “DON’T WORRY, LUZ, I’M COMING!”
Luz was busy running around and around in circles crying in pain as the rest of the food overcooked... And the lightbulb shattered when she accidentally struck it… And Hooty said something VERY RUDE as she bumped into him… And now she was covered with bruises and scratches and a burn... And everything looked bad. 
She almost wanted to sob: Why had she not thought that touching a fried egg on the frying pan as it fried would hurt her? That didn’t make any sense! 
She sighed, looking down with shame: How would this be good enough for Eda? She had totally screwed up. 
King, who had already given her her band aid, sat down next to her and, looking a little sad himself, patted her on the back. “Don’t worry, Luz! I’m sure Eda will like it!” 
“What makes you think that? I ruined everything! She’s probably going to hate it!”, Luz cried, feeling horrible. She didn’t DESERVE Eda, and now she ruined her breakfast! She might as well be kicked out! 
“Now, let’s not overreact! It’s just a slightly burned breakfast!” 
“Your point?”, Luz asked, sniffling.
King wasn’t sure what his point was, he had only wanted to cheer Luz up. Why had he wanted to do that? He was the king of demons! “Well, duh, because I lo…”, he started, and then it hit him. 
Clearing his throat, he looked straight into her eyes. “Luz, why did you want to do this?” 
“To…”, Luz started, not wanting to state her real reason. At least, her MOST real reason. “…To cheer Eda up.” 
“Ok, now tell me: Does Eda care for you?”, King asked, as seriously as possible. 
Luz considered this: did Eda care for her? It didn’t take long to answer. “Yes. Yes she does.” 
King then smiled. “Then she’s going to love this, regardless!” 
Luz stood up slowly, digesting this… And she was soon upstairs with her tray. 
That night had been tough for Eda: She had very nearly transformed again, and after drinking her elixir she had fallen on her back, bruising it greatly. There would be no work today: She could barely get out of bed. Her hands had also been bent in a bad way, so they were sore, and she may have chipped a tooth on the bed post. 
And that was without including the nightmares. 
Of course, Eda being Eda, she wasn’t just going to share that. She had to keep up appearances and be tough as nails! So she tried her best to stand up and not notice the screaming aches in her body. Slowly, slowly, she rose up and twisted her body so it would look sort of normal. She had to look tough, she had to look right, she had to be good enough for… 
“Eda! Good morning!”, Luz greeted enthusiastically, King following close behind. “I gave a pep talk, and I didn’t use the F word once!”, King self congratulated himself. 
Eda smiled weakly and nodded her head, before noticing Luz wrestling with a tray full of plates with food. The smell was a bit odd, almost charred, and the food seemed a bit… 
“Aww, did you burn breakfast for me?”, Eda teased, but with a smile that told Luz it wasn’t malicious. Luz sheepishly smiled, and Eda laughed a little before realizing something:
“Wait… You made this for me?” 
Eda hadn’t been given breakfast since… Since… 
Luz, meanwhile, shuffled at her feet. “Well… I just wanted to treat you. Since you had a bad night and all.” 
Eda hadn’t been given anything like this since she and her sister had… Gone their separate ways. 
Eda was used to caring for herself. It was just how life was. 
…Did Luz care for her? 
Eda was so touched she almost did something drastic, like hug Luz. But instead, she sat back in the bed and said “Well, let’s see if the kid can cook!” Luz put the tray down, and smiled in anticipation as Eda started eating the food. And yes, it was burnt. And yes, Luz had forgotten to put salt. And yes, that was not maple syrup on those pancakes AT ALL. 
But it WAS good enough for Eda. 
“So… Do you love it?”, Luz asked, hopefully, hands clasped together in prayer. 
Eda took a moment to digest the fact that Luz had for some reason gone to all this trouble for her… 
And she smiled. 
“Yes… I love it.”, she said.
 And this time, she let Luz hug her.
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