garpen · 2 months
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Gotham Twitter AU Birthday Boy
<<Part 28<< Master List >>Part 29>>
Sorry no update today, just a birthday wish for Timmony Gim. Brain is all dried up, so no updates for 3-4 business days.
Tim's officially 21 in my au now 🎂
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mlim8 · 2 months
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07.19.24 - Happy birthday, Timmyyy <3 🦆
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colbycheeseslice · 1 year
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Woah look! It’s the birthday boy!
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the-booty-crusader · 2 months
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I’ve only known he existed for a little over a year but Tim Drake as a character very literally changed my life.
I was in a rather weird place in my life, stuck in a job I felt nothing for and no real interests besides the usual (gaming, anime, you know the drill) and a comic I felt no real joy in making at the time. Then I got into the Danny Phantom fandom. While there I realized A LOT of the fics were Batman crossovers (which, at the time, was my least favorite superhero of all time believe it or not). Reluctantly I decided to read it and had some funny first-time misconceptions (Nightwing? Is that a nickname for Batman? Wait but Nightwing and Batman are talking to each other here, let me google— who is this latex wearing man. Wait the FIRST Robin? THERE WAS MORE THAN ONE?!)
I remember slowly getting more interested in the whole thing and even writing a crossover myself that got wildly popular for absolutely no reason (well it did play into every at-the-time popular cliche lol) and then…. i realized this Red Robin kid fit my usual “favorite character” mold. Spent long amounts of time being incredibly lonely, mentally unstable, covers up likely depression and parent issues (abandonment) with whackiness. So I started reading and reading and reading and (comic nerds will get so mad at me for this) fell platonically in love with (fanon) Tim Drake! I just wanted to dissect his mind, figure out why he was just…. Like THAT.
So reignited my interest in psychology, which, after an injury made my work unfeasible for me to do for a long time, I decided to pursue.
I decided to go for applied psychology too, although it did not exactly pan out… so instead I went for Social Work which I will be starting in September.
Without Tim Drake, I would likely have stuck with my old job even though I was injured, and probably made it worse.
I made friends in this new community I found and have been creating many fun stories!
All in all, thanks Tim Drake for being an unhinged, lonely little shithead, and thank all of you for being a wonderful community!
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mockingjaylad · 2 months
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Happy birthday to the biggest freak ever !!! As a treat he gets to be miserable ^_^
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Real birthday post I love him I swaer i want to squish him
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lactish · 1 year
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jbharts · 2 months
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Happy Tim's Birthday to all who celebrate ✌
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mossysoupfrog · 2 months
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Happy late birthday Tim!!!!
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timblrdrake · 2 months
Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday What a rhapsody of fear Let's strum the harp of pointlessness You survived another year
Each little candle a tiny death knell A snickering footman, a tolling bell; One for deception, and one for a crime And one for a dream extinguished by time.
Our life's are brief shuffle down the gangplank of pain 'till we're just an old sponge cake left out in the rain Stumbling to oblivion from embryo to ghost; So let's charge our dirty glasses and raise a futile toast:
"To you, and your meaningless milestone of decay." Happy Birthday.
dami you’re so emo… but i get what you really mean
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medusagorgongirl1 · 2 months
I made a Tim Drake Playlist in honor of my blorbos birthday
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zaaratfeasal · 2 months
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go gayboy we believe in you
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kore-arts · 2 months
Sorry for Casting so many curses on you lol
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First three are for a Magic user Tim au called Echo.
Next two are a Hades game inspired au. Which has other designs for Gothamites (the new city of Monsters)
Then two of the Dragon boy from home long found, being gifted a Aragon amulet from his ancestor;)
Lbm Meme, Eldritch Mer and Lazarus Drake au
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cbartonscoffee · 2 months
happy birthday tim drake!
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19 Reasons (Tim Drake x Reader)
It’s Tim’s birthday in my timezone, so I’m writing my first ever DC Comic post- yes- fiNALLY-
Summary: You said you wished your turning 19 year old Tim “Happy Womb Escape” by presenting a slideshow titled “19 reasons why I love Tim Drake.”
“Guess what day it is?”
“19 July?” He didn’t even bat an eye, busy typing away on his computer without a care in the world.
“Seriously? Okay stop working,” you closed his laptop and shove it away to a corner, “you literally forget it’s your birthday today?”
He looks at you nonchalantly before crossing his arms with an eyebrow raised. “Well, it’s not that important?”
You gasped in horror, dramatically rolling up to his chest with your hand pressed to your forehead and the other clutching your heart. “ ‘Not important’? My own boyfriend saying his birthday is ‘not important’? Non!”
He rolled his eyes, playfully and lightly shoving you away as he smirked. You grinned.
“I’m going to show you why it’s important with this slideshow!” You placed your own laptop on his lap, the monitor flashing a slideshow titled “19 Reasons Why I Love Tim Drake”.
“Oh god. This is gonna be fun,” he joked.
“Before that, I would just like to say,” you started, clicking to the next slide, “ ‘Happy Womb Escape’ to you, Drake.”
“Wait wha-”
“Now first reason!” You clicked to the next slide, cutting your baffled vigilante as you cleared your throat to perform your lines.
“Number one! He’s Red Robin, Gotham’s best vigilante out there! Ain’t I ever seen another like him!”
“There’s Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, Steph, Lu-”
“STOP- THERE IS NO ONE LIKE YOU!” You groaned in frustration, making Tim chuckle. “Yeah but I’m basically just like them.”
“I ain’t see someone who single-handedly took down the Joker? Obeah Man? Got rid of the booty shorts of Robin? That’s a crime, by the way.” You said it in a “matter-of-fact” way. He snorted.
“Secondly! He’s the most hardworking man I know! But also he needs rest so take notes. Third! He’s the biggest, dorkiest dork on earth who loves machines, science, and he googles the most random things on the internet just to give me a fun fact later on out of the blue!”
“Fourth! His hair is fluffy as hell and it makes him very nice to pat on the head! Fifth! He’s a nerd! And that’s cute! Sixth, Tim is the smartest man I’ve ever met. I bet he could find the last digit of Pi in like 2 seconds in his brain. Seventh!”
Tim smiled warmly, soon becoming smug the more you went on with your points. He looked so proud.
“Seventh, is that he’s a bisexual icon! Enough said. Eighth! He lends me his sweaters and they all smell like him which is the nice part.”
“You stole them, you mean?”
“Shhhh, let the presenter speak. Anyways, ninth! Timmy bringing me to a burger joint on our first date and he didn’t judge me for it. I’ll tell you something I didn’t until now: I was pretty scared you judged me but you didn’t. So thank god.”
“I always judge you, Y/N, it’s alright,” Tim smirked. You looked at him with a frown, not amused. “Yeah, okay never mind, I should take this slide down.”
“Hey!” He said, grinning as wide as you were. “Next! Tenth! He watches over me even when he’s on patrol to make sure I’m safe!”
“You… know? I thought I was pretty well hidden…” he blinked in surprise.
“Tim, you may be a detective and that’s exactly the point. It doesn’t take some of your skills to rub off of me,” again, you said it as a matter-of-fact.
“Eleventh! He’s a skater boy, and he’s my ‘Skater Boi’,” Tim once again snorted, much louder upon understanding that pop culture reference.
“Twelfth, he loves watching old, 80s to 90s cheesy movies and geeks out about them all the time while we’re watching! Don’t ever shut up, by the way. Thirteenth! He always fidgets with his fingers and hands when he’s bored subconsciously! That in itself is adorable.”
“Fourteenth! He’s a terrible cook, but he still tries anyways. It’s also adorable~” He rolled his eyes, folding his arms.
“Wow, I feel so loved.”
“Yesh, and I love you very much as well, Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne,” you teased. He scoffed lightly. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Fifteenth! He is the best cross-dresser. That is all. Sixteenth! HE IS THE WORLD’S GREATEST DETECTIVE! Like he found Waldo every 2 seconds, finished 5 books of him in 1 minute,” you said, doing an amateur explosion side effect by saying “kaploosh” with your hands doing the mind-blown action.
“Again, Bruce and everyone else in my family.”
“Again, there is no one like you, Detective Tim. Seventeenth! Best photographer! Also enough said! Love everything you take, sweetie! Eighteenth! He makes using a metal stick look badass!”
“And lastly! Nineteenth! Drum roll please!” You use your knuckles to lightly drum against the wooden floors. “He’s Tim Drake! What’s not to love?” You smiled. It was so contagious that he found himself smiling as stupid and gleefully as you did.
He had always been insecure of his abilities and himself in general, so he was so flustered and gooey on the inside with how genuine you were with each point. Although, his flustered-ness was showing with pink blooming on his cheeks.
“Okay, guess I understand why my birthday’s important now.”
“Glad you understood my report, Mr Drake!” You smiled at him.
“So now I shall say,” you drum-rolled again, quickly tossing your arms around him and lightly pecked his cheek with a grin.
“I love you, Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne.”
He smiled at you lovingly, cupping your cheek as he gently brushed his thumb against it. “And I love you, too, YF/N L/N. Thanks for your birthday gift.”
You laughed sweetly. “The gift is you, technically~”
Reblogs help! ^^
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spirit-fingers22 · 2 months
Happy Tim Day!
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jaytim-addict · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Tim!!!!!!!!
Whoo my favorite Bat had a birthday and Pinterest has been shoving figure skating outfits down my throat and I was compelled to put the pretty boy in pretty outfits (I have at least 4 more plotted in my drafts but I was busy and am still putting this one out a few hours late)
I was running late with this but still decided to put in way more effort than usual including actually making a background, added details I usually never would have thought of, and using techniques I never had before (legit learned so many features in my art program and I've used it for years)
Tim is worth it
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