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elderscrollsconceptart · 8 months ago
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"Khajiit Stole Nothing"
Art for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Art by Lucas Slominski
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keleravna · 7 months ago
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@tes-summer-fest day 4 thief | enamored
both! i present to you an enamored babyman thief, the happiest boy in abah's landing who is on his way to give his crush a little gift :))
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reyneluvirith · 9 months ago
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Language Families of the Mannish Provinces, 4E197
The language families of the mannish provinces (Cyrodiil, Skyrim, High Rock, and Hammerfell) as described in my language-focused apocrypha, Languages of Tamriel, which fleshes out the linguistic situation of Tamriel in the Fourth Era.
Maps of the individual families:
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LOTS of different maps this time! These are the overarching languages families for the languages depicted on my map of the languages of the mannish provinces. I'm planning on making the full suite of these again once all of the provinces are done, but might make a couple of the language family/branch maps after each province as well. We'll see!!
Direct links to hi-res versions of the full maps:
Top-level families
Second-level families
Third-level families
Fourth-level families
And the language family-specific maps:
Aldmeri languages
Nedic-Atmoran languages
Yokudan languages
Khajiiti languages
Saxhleel languages
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connortheconceded · 11 months ago
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Rihad the gateway to hammerfell
finally posting this piece for my tesdnd campaign
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tastesoftamriel · 11 months ago
Hey! Piggybacking off the previous ask: I would be desperately curious to hear some of your thoughts on Ash’abah cuisine! I also seem to recall you posting once about how the foods of Craglorn and interior Hammerfell might differentiate from foods along the coast, but I can’t seem to find it. Could potentially be related topics? Most bustling cities in Hammerfell seem to be along the coast, and I don’t imagine they’d want Ash’abah pariah tribes just hanging around, so idk. It’s a thought!
You are correct that the nomadic Ash’abah are primarily at home deeper in the northern Hammerfell deserts. This is partially because of the posher coastal folk making their disdain known to the group, and partially because, in the words of a member of an Ash'abah group I stayed with for a few weeks, they are at home in the desert.
In a similar vein to Ashlanders in Morrowind, Ash'abah cuisine is shaped by the hostile environments they inhabit, and are therefore unique from urban Redguard fare. While trade with wandering merchants is certainly arranged in order to obtain essential ingredients like spices, grains, and oils, it isn't relied on as the backbone of Ash'abah food.
The traditional Ash'abah diet is somewhat restricted due to the scarcity of the Alik'r, yet through generations of shared knowledge, they have learned to harvest the bounty of the sands. Dunerippers; lizards; giant scorpions, snakes, and spiders; wild goats and camels; rodents, and birds like fellrunners all have edible components, if you know how to cook them! Aloe and cactus are also popular, refreshing inclusions in food to make up for the lack of vegetation.
At the end of my time with the Ash'abah, we sought and gained shelter at a johad and shared a feast the night before my departure. Every other person in the group contributed a dish, meaning we had quite a spread! Jerboa grilled in giant wasp honey; cous cous salad with cactus chunks; sand-baked duneripper shank; barbecued lizard skewers; giant snake steaks cooked in black garlic and camel fat; whole fellrunner roasted on a spit with chili goat's butter, and a rich and spicy scorpion tail soup with wheat flatbread were the main dishes on offer. To end the meal, we had a chilled aloe pudding, made with goat's cream, cardamom, giant snake egg, and a good heap of sweetened aloe pulp. ~Talviel
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butch-de-101 · 28 days ago
This goes for both playable and unplayable races. Because the list is either too short and also too long so I’m going to squeeze the ones I think are most interesting.
The races I picked (Khajiit and Argonians are playable and well know) are all unplayable, downright hostile and or barely know about. But they are all interactive and can be communicated with either it be pleasant or dangerous. Some are know to be very rare and or extinct by the way. 
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starfreak · 6 months ago
I'm gonna talk Elder Scrolls 6 and fantasy politics here for a second. Maybe a long post, who knows.
I think that the Elder Scrolls 6, which is all but confirmed to be set in Hammerfell, is going to be about politics. Like, full stop, it has to be. The overwhelming presence of the Empire as of TES 5 is undeniable, with the territories of Cyrodiil, High Rock, and half of Skyrim being under Imperial control.
If the civil war in Skyrim canonically goes to the Empire, then their coverage will cover the entirety of 3 provinces out of the 9 on Tamriel. They will control a THIRD of the continent.
But that's not all, because the Empire is backed (some might even say controlled) by the Aldmeri Dominion. The Dominion's geopolitical grasp is comprised of the Summerset Isles, Valenwood, and Elsweyr. That's another third of Tamriel. With the Dominion and the Empire's forces combined, they will be in control of 2/3 of all of Tamriel. Let's see who remains:
Morrowind: After the eruption of Red Mountain in the early 4th Era, this region is almost completely uninhabitable, with even its ashen-skinned residents (the Dunmer) choosing to leave their home in search of refuge in Skyrim, Cyrodiil, and even Black Marsh, two out of the three of which absolutely despise the dark elves. They are a shattered people, and have virtually no presence in the continental war besides what they lend to their respective places of refuge.
Black Marsh: Inhabitable by pretty much only Argonians, who could have even spread their control to Morrowind due to their hardy biology. Though, I wouldn't count on it due to the Hist's control over their every action. I've never heard of a Hist tree growing in ash, so the likelihood of the Argonians taking Morrowind is slim. However, Black Marsh will probably be the last territory that the Dominion/Empire take, due to the inhospitable nature of it. Previous attempts to invade Black Marsh have proved ineffectual, and notably the only battles the Argonians seem to win are those involving the defense of their home. They are not an offensive people. I suspect that the Dominion would sooner burn the marshes to the ground than attempt to colonize them.
And last but not least Hammerfell: Supposedly the setting for TES 6, and surrounded on all sides by Dominion and Empire alike, with the Imperial territories of High Rock, Western Skyrim, AND Cyrodiil surrounding them, and the Aldmeri territories of the Isles and Valenwood to the south. Hammerfell is basically fucked. It's gonna take a whole lot of divine intervention to—...what's that you say? There's an Elder Scrolls protagonist on the way...and Hammerfell's history recounts tales of people who can summon magic swords? Well I think the Dominion may find some resistance in Hammerfell after all.
The Dominion is basically guaranteed a victory over Hammerfell, especially if what the Alik'r from Skyrim's "In My Time of Need" quest are to be believed, and that Saadia's betrayal meant that the Dominion (whom most if not all people in Hammerfell hate) was able to take the city of Taneth in the war. Now if we look at a map like this:
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If the Dominion's forces are coming from the south, it means they have a strong enough navy to oppose Hammerfell's, which is notably a province known for their pirate activity (see the Elder Scrolls: Redguard). And if they took a city as far north as Taneth, not only did they have to probably take Rihad to get there unopposed, but they also had to make it through that bay unscathed, meaning they either have strong enough outposts on that peninsula to oppose forces from Gilane OR they took Gilane too.
And if they took that whole south central and eastern part of the coast, and are coming from the sea, who's to say they haven't taken Stros M'kai and Helgathe as well?
The north stands basically no chance against the Empire, and the south has probably already been taken by the Dominion. All that leaves is...the huge fucking Alik'r Desert in the middle.
The game will probably start in Dragonstar or Elinhir, my bet goes to Elinhir because it's more on the Skyrim side, but Dragonstar is also almost equidistant from Elinhir and Skaven, with a straight shot to the Alik'r Desert. Plus, starting in Dragonstar after playing a game about literal dragons would be a nice little poke. Like, "hey, remember the dragons?" I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few dragons in the mountains that the Dragonborn missed. They could also have them be infinitely respawning, since they don't truly die unless their souls are absorbed by the Dragonborn. So there's your dragon tie-in, Bethesda, you freaks.
The story is likely going to be about the political struggle between the cultural identity of Hammerfell and the forces that seek to swallow it whole and reshape it in their image. There'll be some references to the Swordsingers of Yokudan legend, but whether or not we will be able to actually learn the technique is uncertain. And there will be a HEAVY Dwemer presence. In previous games we were given access to none other than the hammer of Malacath, Volendrung, which was once a Dwemer weapon corrupted into the image of the Orsimer god-daedra Malacath. The hammer, according to legend, was thrown from Morrowind all the way to the desert that we now call Hammerfell (guess why they call it that) and the dwarves made their new home there, founding the city of Volenfell. Not only am I certain that we will see Volendrung in TES 6, but there will likely be heavy Dwemer presence (metaphorically speaking, they are extinct after all) and Orsimer presence. We could potentially even see some dead Dwemer, in the form of ghosts, time travel visions, sentient automatons, or even some sort of lich. If so, we might get to see a struggle between the Dwemer and Orsimer over the control of Volendrung. The dwarves and orcs do seem to have a bit of shared history.
Overall, this game is gonna be huge, and i can't wait to play it when im 80.
Lemme know if I made any mistakes in the replies, and feel free to argue about fictional politics with me in reblogs :> may your road lead you to warm sands.
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allthingstamriel · 1 year ago
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Alik’r Desert
ESO region aesthetic board More >
“A sacred flame rises above the fire, The ghosts of great men and women without names, Cities long dead rise and fall in the flame, The Dioscori Song of Revelation, Bursting walls and deathless rock, Fiery sand that heals and destroys, The desert grips our hearts and souls, Its flame within our eyes and ears, Dust cannot die, and we are dust, Windblown, ephemeral, eternal, all.” – Weltan of Sentinel
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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aldudagga · 10 months ago
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Project Hammerfell concept art for the Abecean Red Armada - a state-sanctioned privateer militia chartered by the Crown to oversee his direct domains of Old Hegathe, Stros M'kai, and Gilane. They were founded during the Simulacrum in response to the decline of the Imperial West Navy and the increasing instability following the War of the Blue Divide. The coronation of Commodore Naffir as Constable of Stros M'kai has invariably given the outfit more power and tighter responsibilities, and the Constable still remains ever vigilant in his war on smuggling.
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dynamite124 · 1 year ago
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I can't take amazing screenshots, but there are a few that I manage to take that I'm proud of.
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quackyleaf · 25 days ago
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marijj, a high-ranking nighttime companion. at the borders between hammerfell and cyrodiil, redguard and imperials alike are a common sight. her parents happened to be both
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elderscrollsconceptart · 11 months ago
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Art for the Elder Scrolls Displate merchandise
*Artist Unknown* If anyone knows the artist, comment below!
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hallowleaves · 9 months ago
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Alik'r Desert (The Elder Scrolls Online)
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reyneluvirith · 10 months ago
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Languages of Hammerfell, 4E197
The languages of Hammerfell as described in my language-focused apocrypha, Languages of Tamriel, which fleshes out the linguistic situation of Tamriel in the Fourth Era.
>> Direct link to the map <<
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thatoneshadyshop · 3 months ago
Have you seen the produce from the farms in Hammerfell?
They have curved gourds! Curved. Gourds!
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kydra-umbra · 2 months ago
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Hammerfell, home of the Redguards
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