#Gwynriel one shot
dawneternal · 7 months
Just a Favor
✦ A Gwynriel first kiss one-shot (turned into multiple parts after requests for more)
✦ Inspired by a true story 🫣 when I started dating my wife in high school I had never been kissed before and she kept very politely asking if she could kiss me and I kept getting too nervous and saying no. That went on for like two months and then I finally told her to kiss me without asking or I'd keep saying no lol and she did. The end
✦ Word Count: 1.7k
✦ AO3 Link / Masterlist
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"I have a favor to ask you," Gwyn's voice pulled Azriel from his thoughts.
She sat across from him at the kitchen table, half-eaten plates of lunch in front of them. The Valkyries had stayed for lunch after training, Gwyn lingering after Cassian had left to fly Emerie home. Nesta had excused herself to find a book for Gwyn, leaving the pair alone.
Azriel had not thought anything of this sequence of events, but now that he was looking at the Gwyn, head tilted to the side with an inquisitive gleam in her eye, he was finding it all suspicious.
"It's kind of an unconventional thing, so prepare yourself." Gwyn continued. He took note of her fingers fiddling with a buckle on her leathers.
"Okay," Azriel said slowly, resisting the urge to furrow his brows. Or maybe run away.
"Are you prepared?"
"Yes, I won't react."
"I want to be kissed."
True to his word, Azriel's face remained unchanged. Though his stomach had done a flip and his heartbeat thundered.
"Okay, you can react a little," Gwyn cried, indignant and incredulous.
"Are you asking me to kiss you?" Azriel surprised himself with his own calm tone.
"Either that, or help me find someone. Because I trust you to help me find someone who isn't an asshole." She had shrunk into herself a little, like her confidence had waned. Her gaze drifted down to her plate.
"Why me, though?" The corners of his mouth quirked up just a touch.
"Nesta hates everyone, Emerie only knows Illyrians and they hate Valkyries, Cassian is Cassian, and I'm not asking my High Lord or Lady to find someone to kiss me."
They were all fair arguments. He didn't bother asking why she wanted to be kissed so desperately. All of her actions pointed toward wanting to move on. He'd overheard the Valkyries several times encouraging Gwyn toward what they called 'the last step' - moving out of the library.
"I'll do it," Az said, cursing his voice for cracking. How could she unnerve him so?
She was just a woman. Except that a singular word could not fully capture what Gwyn was. Priestess, Valkyrie, Carynthian, she was something incredible. The most brightly colored thing in his life. Copper hair, turquoise eyes, white ribbons, auburn freckles.
Gwyn cheered and gave him a triumphant, toothy grin. He could not help smiling in return.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked, unsure how to proceed.
"I just want you to kiss me like you would anyone you really liked," Gwyn was blushing, now. Eyes a little wild, like she hadn't expected to get this far.
"That doesn't really tell me what you want," Azriel protested.
He picked at a leftover sliver of sandwich to give his hands something to do. His shadows buzzed with energy, darting to far corners of the room and reporting back about the dust that lived there.
"Well...what was your first kiss like?" Gwyn asked. She smiled at one shadow that approached her outstretched hand like a shy kitten.
"Probably not what you'd want," Azriel flashed a sheepish grin, still embarrassed by the centuries-old memory, "It was pretty bad. This will be your first kiss?"
"Yes," Gwyn kept her gaze on the tendril of shadow weaving through her fingers. "I think maybe I don't want you to ask me first,"
"I always ask before I kiss someone, no matter how I feel about them."
"Well, the problem is that if you ask, I might chicken out and say no," She sighed, "So I may need you to just do it."
"Ah," Azriel grinned, "I see. You want me to make it a moment."
Before she could answer, he stood and crossed to her in a few strides, turning her chair to face him and bracing one hand on the back of it. Gwyn looked up at him, eyes wide, lips parted. He leaned in close, nose a few inches from hers. Somehow, her nervousness had cancelled his out and returned his confidence. At the very least, he knew he was capable of making her first kiss better than his had been.
"I have no qualms with a surprise, if that's what you want." He said, deep voice rumbling in his chest.
"Yes," Gwyn whispered, heart hammering in anticipation.
This close, she could count every freckle scattered over his bronze skin. There was a beauty mark she had never seen before right on the edge of his full bottom lip, and glimmers of gold in his amber eyes. She hoped desperately that he could not hear the catch of her breath.
Azriel stayed still for a moment, gaze fixed on hers, letting her wonder if this was the moment. A part of her hoped that it wasn't, just so she could feel this again, have another chance to memorize his features. To breathe his piney scent, feel his shadows caress her skin.
Perhaps she should have just asked him to help her find a stranger.
Azriel straightened, flashed an insufferable smirk, and walked out of the room. Gwyn heard his footsteps echo down the hall, leaving her alone in the silent kitchen. She felt as though a summer storm had just rolled through her world, dark and alluring and thrilling all at once.
Nesta, with her brilliant intuition, returned a moment later, squealing when she took in Gwyn's red cheeks.
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A few nights later, after a family dinner at the River House, a little group set out to the far corner of the estate. There, a little branch of the Sidra curved through the meadow before pouring back into the sea. A small stone bridge crossed over it, leading to an ivy covered gazebo. Azriel, Cassian, Nesta, and Mor all set out to get a moment of fresh air and a glimpse of the moonlight dancing on the water.
Gwyn followed, giggling with the group at Mor's tipsy stumbling and Cassian's booming voice declaring that he could definitely skip a rock father than the rest of them. This, of course, illicited a challenge and they all began a search for perfect rocks. Gwyn was particularly skilled at skipping stones and giddy at the idea of surprising the group with her talent and wiping the smirk from Cassian's face.
But just as she stepped over the little stone bridge, a hand grasped her arm and whirled her around. She found herself in Azriel's arms, among the swaying grass and delicate flowers. They stood halfway down the bank of the stream, Azriel's boots braced against the slope, holding them upright. The mossy stone bridge hid them from sight, only the tops of their heads visible if the rest of the group bothered to look.
It took Gwyn a moment to register what had happened, to calm her heart and adjust to the feeling of the shadowsinger's arms wrapped around her waist. He smiled down at her, moonlight gleaming in his hazel eyes. This was the moment.
Azriel softly placed his hands on her face and pulled her in a little closer. He was silent, giving her long moments to stop him if she wished. But she tucked herself into him, hands resting on his chest, fingertips just brushing the skin above his collar. She blushed deep red, looking up at him through lowered lashes, though the glimmer in her eye was eager.
Azriel could not help but notice how perfectly she fit in his hold, like her face and his hands had once been a single block of marble, the curve between them cut with a single motion. Something about it so familiar, so deeply rooted it felt almost ancient. Sacred.
And Gwyn could not help the feeling that bloomed in her chest when he brought his lips to hers. Soft, sweet, reverant. His touch was warm, every place where they connected sent sparks through her body.
She knew, deep down, was no fleeting feeling. This was the feeling of something beginning. Perhaps this was a spectacularly stupid idea, after all, as she was certain that no other kiss would ever feel this way.
Azriel pulled away, thumb brushing over her cheek. The moment he met her eyes, he felt it. It was nothing like he thought it would be. Neither pain nor pleasure, something so unique there was only one thing that it could be. Gwyn glowed before him, her aura golden. So bright, the star his whole being now orbited.
He knew he looked like a fool. Gasping, chest heaving like her kiss had hurt him. And the concern on her face stung, because it meant she had not felt it, too.
"Azriel?" She whispered, her rose-tinted stupor fading. Azriel let go of her, hands dropping stiffly to his sides. His skin burned, already craving more of her touch.
"How do you feel?" He croaked, though he knew the answer. She did not feel as he did, no matter how much she had liked it.
"Are you okay?" She asked, instead of answering. Her hands still rested against his chest, and now her fingers curled around his shirt collar, holding tight. He looked like he was beginning to panic.
Azriel shook his head, wings spreading out with a snap. It was too much. The sorrow, the longing, the roaring joy. Subtle hints of her own emotions drifting down the newly forged bond.
Mind swirling, he placed a hand on his chest and stepped back. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Just staring at the dazzling girl before him, who had been so shy about being kissed. Surely she would not be happy about such an intense bond, not be ready. And she had asked him for a kiss because she cared so little for him. She had hoped for a kiss that would not matter. No, she would not want this.
He could only think of one word and it was likely the only thing he should not say. Instead of saying anything, he shot upwards into the sky, disappearing as a dark smudge in the night. A single streak of blue in the darkness.
Gwyn was left alone, hands hovering where he had been. Confused, concerned, and entirely unaware of the bond singing in Azriel's chest.
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orphicauroras · 7 months
Water Lillies || Gwyn x Azriel
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Gwynriel one shot for @gwynrielweeksofficial Day 3: Confessions
But before you begin I would like to inform you guys that this is the first time I'm writing in years. And English is not my first language. So pardon my grammar mistakes and cringeness. Also I got this idea when I saw this gif. Idk if someone else have written anything similar.
Gwyn was walking ahead of him, her slender fingers circling his in a loose embrace, using that connection to guide him to a destination unknown to both of them.
Azriel watched as she lightly bounced on her walk causing his lips to tilt up involuntarily. He seems to be doing that more lately.
The cause? A particular Valkyrie who has managed to find her way to his stony heart.
They were in Dawn Court borders. Apparently Rhysand wanted to visit Thesan and had decided that the Valkyries would be a nice additional touch. Azriel had the doubt that he just wanted to flaunt them. Let them see that the Night Court now had a unit of female warriors who was once thought to be destroyed and later reincarnated by a group that was so fierce they could beat any warrior who was bold enough to try. But he had said nothing as Rhysand paraded them around the Dawn Court premises like a proud dad. Cassian and he were quite amused seeing Rhys behave like that. Feyre could only shake her head and laugh lightly.
Azriel had assumed at least one of the women would be against it but surprisingly no one opposed. Hell, Ananke and Lorelei even seemed excited! They had eagerly followed Rhysand and Thesan with a non caring Nesta and an amused Emerie on their toes, the rest following them. After Rhysand had come to the conclusion that everyone in the court now knew of the warrior women, he had obtained permission from Thesan to wander the place as they liked. They could carry one weapon with them as long as they don't try to inflict any damage to anyone.
And as soon as he had announced that news the coppery brown haired Valkyrie had sought him out to take her around the grounds. Azriel had agreed immediately, his shadows humming in agreement.
And why would he not. They have become close friends now and he has started to look forward to meeting her everyday. They would train together, talk together, laugh together. There was something about her that made him want more. She didn't fear him, she didn't cover from him.
She matched whatever he threw at her.
She....matched him.
So here they were walking through the woods with Gwyn on the lead and Azriel following her. She had changed her leathers to a blue gown which brought out her hair. It made her seem like a radiating princess wandering through the forest with her trusted knight at her tail.
Azriel took in her fingers clutching his, mesmerised. It felt good...holding hands.
"We're almost there, Shadowsinger. I know it! " Her voice rang.
"Huh?" Azriel asked, dragging his eyes from her hands to her head. He had forgotten what she said.
"I said, Shadowsinger that we're almost there. Don't you hear the sound?" Gwyn stopped and turned to him.
What sound?
He listened.
Oh that sound.
The quiet melody of water flowing hit his ears. There was a stream nearby.
"Come on" Gwyn tugged at his hand, leading him towards it. He followed obediently.
Moving whatever plants that blocked their path they reached the shores of the stream to get greeted by the water. Small violet coloured lilies decorated the slow stream, the flowers adding beauty to the already enchanting place. Exotic plants unlike anything he has seen grew nearby.
It was a beautiful sight.
Although not as beautiful as the person standing next to him…
He didn't dare say it aloud fearing her response. He didn't think she would be ready to hear those words. Especially from him.
Perhaps when the time is right…
"Look at these Azriel. They're so beautiful!" Gwyn exclaimed. Her fingers fell from his hand and he immediately missed it. He had become acquainted with her warmth. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, her face relaxing. Azriel took the opportunity to openly marvel her.
He was so proud that she took this trip. When Rhysand had put forward the idea he was reluctant at first. Because he thought Gwyn wouldn't like it. He thought she was still haunted by that cursed day. That the nightmares still followed her like it did to him. But Gwyn proved him wrong. Not only was she happy she was excited all week. She practically smothered him with questions about the Dawn Court. How it looked. How it felt. She needed everything.
It would be a lie if he said he didn't enjoy every minute of it.
Gwyn turned, her face pouting. "I want that" She pointed her graceful fingers at the Lilies growing a little far from the edges.
Azriel couldn't help his chuckle. "Why them? There's plenty growing on the edges”
"These are buds, Shadowsinger. They need to bloom. You can't possibly think of plucking them while they're still growing." Gwyn crossed her arms, the muscles she obtained through hard work bulging.
"Technically those ones are also still in the growing phase." Gwyn huffed to that. "Will you get me those flowers, Shadowsinger?" She asked, her expression one of hope.
Azriel looked at his own outfit. He was still in his leathers. Leathers that he didn't want to get wet. Not really something that you would wear if you want to get into the water.
"I don't want to get myself wet. So...later?" He asked knowing full well that she would get them if she wanted now. Gwyn narrowed her eyes.
"Fine! I'll get them myself." She gathered her skirts and lifted them a little higher and started towards the water.
"Wait. What are you doing Gwyn?" Azriel's hands shot out to her but quickly drop a span away from hers. He didn't want to impose. He knew she achieved anything she set her eyes on but didn't really think that she would step into water. Well he did think Gwyn would entertain the idea but not actually follow it.
Gwyn looked at him incredulously. " You need to listen to your surroundings carefully, Shadowsinger. I said I'm going to pluck them”
Azriel licked his lips. "Let me do that.”
Gwyn raised one eyebrow. "You said you didn't want to get wet. What changed your heart?"
He didn't wanted to say that she changed his heart.
So he didn't.
She was still looking at him. Her gaze devouring his. He nearly started fidgeting when she spoke. "I can do that, you know. The stream is shallow enough that I could pluck every flower if I want to.”
Azriel knew that. Just as he knew that no threats lurked in either the stream or the surroundings. His shadows would have warned him if there were any. They were protective of their feisty Valkyrie just like their owner. "I know. Just let me try.”
"What, you don't think I could do that?" Azriel watched as her chin went up on that familiar stubborn tilt that he always found adorable.
But before he could object she was already in water. "Relax Shadowsinger. It's not far. You forget that I'm a nymph.”
"Quarter nymph." Azriel called after her. She gave him a vulgar gesture that had his lips lifting up. Sighing he perched on the small rock nearby and watched Gwyn step into water. She was not going to do anything if she didn't want to anyway.
He watched as she dove forward, water parting for her. The light rays of Dawn Court glided through her loose coppery brown hair, making it shine like a molten metal. She didn't pay any attention to her hair which was now a little soaked nor her clothes. She confidently plucked the flowers and gathered them around her chest. Moving to the next.
These were the moments when he couldn't look away despite how much he wanted to. He could feel himself get lost on her. His eyes were magnets drawing towards her and only her. She had captured him in every way and he was in no hurry to slip.
He was a willing prey…
As if feeling his eyes Gwyn turned to look at him. She beamed and waved the flowers at him causing him to chuckle and then turned again to pluck the remaining blossomed ones.
Suddenly she stopped.
"Azriel... Something keeps brushing against my legs" She called out, caution and a tint of panic entering her melodic voice.
"What? " He was instantly on his feet. "Gwyn, What is it?" Shadows hadn't warned him about anything. So what's this?
Gwyn turned to him. "Maybe it's a fish." She shrugged.
"Maybe not. Come back here Berdara. You have enough flowers in your hand." Azriel put his hands on his hips. He could not take any chances. She already has a bunch in her hands. It's time she came back.
Gwyn stuck her tongue at him and moved towards the largest Lillie which also happened to be farthest. She stepped forward one step and immediately was pulled underwater, her scream cutting off before it could even begin.
"GWYNNN!!!" Azriel cried out. He plunged into the water, his siphons blaring. She would be alright. She has to be alright. If not...He would kill whoever decided to drag her. He would not allow anyone to hurt her on his watch. She was 𝘩𝘪𝘴 friend.
No...She was more than a friend.
He moved to where she was standing and looked around. There was no sign of her other than the ripples.
Where is she? Panic flooded him.
"GWYN....." He turned around and looked everywhere. Pulling the truth teller out he inhaled deep and dived under. He couldn't find her. He came up gasping for air and looked around waiting for any sign. His heart was beating wild. Fear unlike anything he ever experienced washed over him. His shadows hadn't warned him. Why hadn't they warned him?
Suddenly he heard a splash behind and felt pressure of fingers on his shoulders. Before he could do anything he was underwater. He tried to kick whoever was clutching him but the fingers pressed firm. As sudden as it came the pressure vanished the next second. He rose up with a gasp ready to kill anything that hurt her and him only to find Gwyn laughing.
He froze.
She was soaked fully. Her hair and robes clinged to her face, to which she paid no attention. Her head was tilted back, neck baring as she let out the most beautiful voice Azriel has ever heard. He continued looking at her as if hypnotised. The panic of not finding her slowly started to recede. He wanted her to always laugh like this. Something in her laugh filled his heart to the point he feared it would burst. She was still smiling when she looked at him.
"You're so easy to fool" Gwyn bit her lips to contain her laugh. She had fooled him. Azriel threw her a hard look which made her burst out of laughing again. "Look at you all worried for me" Gwyn cooed.
"Very funny Gwyneth. You almost sent me to the Mother" Azriel uttered.
"Aww don't be mad, Shadowsinger. I was just messing with you. I have to say it was cute seeing you jump in to save me like my own personal saviour." Gwyn smiled.
Azriel shook his head.
This woman is going to be the death of him.
"Promise me that you won't do that again Gwyn. I can't handle it. " Azriel blurted out. He hasn't experienced that kind of fear in years. The thought of Gwyn leaving him was enough to bleed his heart that had come to long for her. He couldn't help it . He cupped her face in one hand and gingerly tucked away a strand of her hair.
He heard her breath hitch and her pulse started racing as he brought his head closer to hers and rested his forehead against her.
"I can't lose you. You're too important." He whispered, eyes closed.
He didn't clarify why she was important. Didn't have the courage to do it and face rejection. Never had he dared to think that aloud, much less say it. And here he was saying it.
Cauldron he was saying it!
He expected Gwyn to slap his arms away or back away from him. He expected her to gently reject him. After all that was what he has received so far from others. He didn't have hope.
But to his surprise a warm hand slipped into his. Gwyn exhaled a breath as if she was relieved and leaned against the hand cupping her. It was Azriel's turn to freeze.
"You know I can't promise you that, Azriel." She smiled against his hand.
She looked at him from her lashes and brought her palm to caress his face. His eyes closed involuntarily as her hands graced his cheek. When he opened them Gwyn was smiling. Her lips twisted to show him the beautiful smile he has come to treasure.
"Loosen up Shadowsinger." She murmured, her teal eyes twinkling under the sunlight.
So he did. Standing in the water with one of his hands cupping Gwyn's cheek, her doing the same thing, both soaked and cold, he finally allowed himself to admit the truth he had known for some time and smile.
A smile of pure happiness.
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Sharing Is Caring - Gwynriel One Shot
Thread: What happenes when a bunch of warriors get bored on a mission? With a game of Truth or Dare, both Gwyn and Azriel reveal more than they wanted. But truth is the best base for a strong relationship.
Warnings: cursewords
Word count: 4.7k
 Wet. Cold. Miserable.
Azriel had pondered over the right wording for a while. Two hours, to be exact, while he and his group of spies and warriors fought their way through the colorful wilderness of Autumn court. But when he nearly slipped off a stone for the third time, he finalized the conclusion that would end up written on his report to Rhys. Wet. Cold. Miserable. And no progress to show for.
Three days and two nights they had spent on the border of Autumn and Winter court now and the spirits were getting low, despite the beautiful scenery of the woods.
“Do you think we’ll be able to find a place to stay soon?”, Emeries breathy voice travelled through the otherwise quiet evening. Gwyn, who was flanking her, just turned her pink-cheeked face towards Azriel, the hope for rest visible in her eyes as well. To give them both credit though, they haven’t been complaining much at all, unlike Bron and Orion. Both more seasoned spies trained by Azriel himself have been puffing and moaning constantly, much to his dismay.
A gust of wind saved him from having to give his partners a non-certain answer. Cassian landed through a broad space between the lines of trees, a grin plastered on his face that promised mischief. “Good news and bad new folks, what do you want first.”
Nesta let out a groan. “If you say you have found a clearing, but we need to cross a river and a mountain to get there, then I’d rather try to be a fish for the night.”
“No need for that.”, Cassian spoke with his usual loud and clear voice, but exhaustion was visible in the hollow and darkness around his eyes, “I reckon we only need ten minutes to get to the clearing, give or take. What is less than ideal is the fire we will have to build, because the space is freezing like the worst Illyrian winter.” Cass shot Azriel a look, who just nodded his head in confirmation.
They had avoided the fire for the last two nights, too fearful of being spied by autumn soldiers. With another day between them and the court though, Azriel was confident in their safety.
The promise of rest and heat spurred the group on to new and never known levels of athleticism. In no time they reached the clearing, organized and ate some of their food supplies, and built their tents. As the first flick of a flame came to life in the middle of the circle of tents, the team spirit did as well. At least for some of them.
Bron was opening his flask of whiskey, already sitting comfortably on the ground, when he declared: “I have a brilliant idea.”
Azriel had to stop himself from making a face.
“Let’s all play truth or dare!”
And now he had to stop himself from groaning.
“Brilliant indeed, I like the way you think, goldielocks.” That was Cassian, of course, because who else would support an idea like that except someone who was an actual child at heart.
Nesta and Emerie shared a glance, shrugged, and then too took their seats outside the tents around the fire, apparently ready to play.
Azriel was just about to open his mouth to excuse himself swiftly from the situation, when in his periphery, a flash of red and blue made him think twice. As Gwyn sat down in the entrance of her tent, next to Azriel, he was reminded that anyplace that had Gwyn couldn’t be so bad.
Up until he caught her eyes. And saw the plea in them. And the uncertainty. And then he physically couldn’t leave her anymore. Removing his hand from the ground where he wanted to push himself off, he placed it back on his lap instead. Gwyn flashed him a quick and small smile in return, knowing exactly what he had been about to do. Of course she did. After the year they spent training with each other nearly every night, she probably knew him better than most people in his life.
And he could sense why she was nervous. The two reasons with equally as many braincells shared between them smirked while sharing their flask of whiskey, completely oblivious to the anxious energy radiation off Gwyn in waves. If Azriel were confident in her affection to him, he might have hugged her to his side, or at least shielded her with part of his body. But he wasn’t. And he also wasn’t about to embarrass her in front of two strangers.
“Okay, let’s get this party started.”, if Azriel heard correctly, Bron already slurred his letters a little, “Cassian first: truth or dare, general?”
Cassian let an easy smirk bloom all over his face before he said, “Truth.”
Orion looked like it was the Winter Solstice and his birthday all in one. “When was the first time you crapped your pants in battle?” How he could ask a question like that with a nearly fanatic gleam in his eyes was beyond Azriel. He still glanced at his brother, waiting for his reply.
“What makes you assume I’ve ever crapped my pants? More than once, too?”, Cassian bristled. Nesta’s answering cough sounded suspiciously close to ‘Bryaxis’.
The warriors around the campfire burst out into laughter, drowning out Cassian’s colorful protests.
Even Azriel couldn’t help his smile. He remembered at least three occasions in their younger years when Cassian had swiftly excused himself before a battle, red creeping into his cheeks and a walk that told him everything he needed to know about the matter. But he was no snitch, especially not in front of Cassian’s mate.
While the group was busy joking and drinking, Azriel felt the presence of Gwyn lean into him a little more than normal, her arms pressed into his side. “I bet he’s hiding something, and I bet you know what it is.”, her whispered voice did things to him that he didn’t want to admit either. So he just leaned into her as well, bowing his head slightly to better reach her ear. “I’m known to know a lot of things.”
When he met her eye, she was already glowering at him, eyes turned into slits. “I know you’re known to know things, Mr. Vague. And I want to be let in on said knowledge.”
Azriel didn’t even feel the lazy grin coming over his face. It was a normal occurrence when talking to Gwyn at this point. “Do you think I give away priceless information just like that? Offer something in return, then I might think about it.”
If it was possible, Gwyn’s eyes narrowed even more, before she turned pensive. After a heartbeat or two, she offered: “I had my first kiss when I was 17.”
“I already know that.”, he shot back immediately. The little emotion called jealousy that snuck up on him at the thought of Gwyn kissing someone was nothing new to him either.
“Once, I burned my right bum-cheek trying to extinguish a fire.”, she tried again.
Azriel let out a near-silent laughter, even though his heart squeezed together in sympathy for the burn. “How did that happen?”
Gwyn sat up straight, eyes going back to the flickering fire. “I panicked, didn’t have a blanket or water around. So I just sat on the little flame. It worked, too.”, she finished, shrugging and a little pink-cheeked.
Azriel was at the point of biting his lip to keep himself from laughing out loud and attract everyone’s attention. “That sounds… like an interesting tactic.”
“Mh-hm.”, Gwyn smiled at him, the color of the bonfire lighting up her face beautifully, “so, I traded you a secret. Your turn, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel lifted both his eyebrows. “I said I’d think about giving you my secret once you told me one of yours. And I’m thinking … no.”
Just as Gwyn’s jaw fell open at his audacity, Orion’s annoyance of a voice travelled over to their spot. “What are you two snickering about? Mind sharing with the class?”
He had this expression on his face that promised trouble. And that seemed to wait for a punch.
“Nothing. Get on with your game.”, Azriel shot back immediately, saving Gwyn from having to answer him. He probably put a little too much bite into his voice, because Orion’s face paled just a fraction.
“Gladly”, he recovered quickly, “Shadowsinger: truth or dare?”
“Dare.”, because no way in hell would he share the answer to deep questions with just anyone. He made that mistake once and learned his lesson from it.
Orion took the time to think for a moment. During that time, his eyes flickered quickly to Gwyn - not too long to be noticed by most of the fae surrounding the fire, but long enough for Azriel to feel annoyed. And scared of what will come out of his mouth.
“I dare you to kiss the person you love most in this circle of people.”, Orion proudly announced.
And just like that, Azriel’s heart took a deep plunge in his chest. He knew who the person he loved most was. Without a shadow of a doubt. Her perfect image rarely left his mind. But he also knew that she more than likely would not want him to kiss her just like that. In front of people, nonetheless.
He felt Gwyn’s whole body go ramrod-straight by his side as he took his time in getting off the floor, wiping his trousers clean, and walking over to where Nesta sat. This was the save option.
Nesta’s eyes jumped from Gwyn to him, and then she nodded just slightly to give her okay in this. He knew she’d get it. He also knew she had at least a little understanding of the scope of Azriel’s feelings towards Gwyn, not that she ever spoke to him about it.
So, when Azriel lowered himself on his knee and pressed a tiny, gently kiss to her cheek, she didn’t protest, but smiled a sad smile.
Neither sad nor gentle were any of the emotions Cassian let out the minute Azriel’s lips met his mate.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, AZ?”, he basically shouted at him, arms and wings flared out wide. He genuinely looked angry. Azriel had to admit that the reaction confused him. Nesta and Cassian were long done with their frenzy, and his brother never objected when he kissed Nesta to greet her. “WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK would you pick Nesta over ME?”
And there it was. The group erupted into laughter again while Azriel shook his head in defeat. His brother will be the death of him someday. “So, are you saying I should have kissed you instead?”
Cassian looked at him wildly, his fingers on either hand coming together to form a pinch in front of his body, “EXACTLY!”
“Next time, brother.”, Azriel mumbled before sitting back down next to Gwyn. She did not acknowledge him, didn’t move a muscle as his arm brushed against her when he lowered himself. She was eerily still, and Azriel started to wonder why that might be.
The game continued for a while longer, but Azriel barely listened to what was being said. Hell, he barely noticed anything beside the girl sitting next to him and his racing thoughts. And the only explanations he could come up with for her strange reaction was: a) that she was growing more and more anxious at the turn the game took, or b) that she had expect him to kiss her.
An eruption of butterflies at the mere thought of kissing her distracted Azriel for a moment. It wasn’t as if the idea of doing so was something outlandish. They had… moments during the past year, where he was sure that Gwyn would jump over her shadow and press her lips to his. But it never happened, and Azriel was too frightened to make the first move. Too frightened to pressure her, too frightened of rejection.
The stars were already shining bright on the small group when they started growing more and more reckless and drunk with each passing round of the game. It was Cassian’s turn again when he proudly declared: “Dare!”
And Emerie had the perfect dare ready for the take, “I dare you to catch us a bat!”
The girls around the fire snickered while Cassian fake-glowered at Emerie for a second. “Easy.” Then he got up to make a show of stretching his arms and wings, apparently ready for the challenge.
Azriel would have smiled if Gwyn hadn’t scooched away from him in the past minutes. Now he was sure, more than ever, that her behavior didn’t have anything to do with the game, but everything with him. And he was determined to make it up to her.
While Cassian was busy with his task and the rest of the group shouted ‘helpful’ tips and watched in amusement, Azriel reached out his hand to find Gwyn’s. She had both her hands placed behind her body, supporting her weight as she leaned back to watch the others. The slightest jerk of her shoulders was the only give-away when his scarred skin touched her flawless, albeit cold fingers.
But she didn’t pull away. So Azriel let his fingers trace over hers, just the slightest, feather-light touch. Gwyn turned her head to him, her face carefully blank. He taught her how to perfect that kind of face that didn’t show any emotion. But teaching her meant he also knew her tells. The tenderness in her eyes that she just couldn’t hide yet.
Right when he was about to say something, a shockingly loud clash made them both jump.
Behind Gwyn, on top of her now crumpled tent, laid Cassian. His arm was outstretched in victory, cradling a small, black creature.
“By the mother!”, Azriel groaned out, stepping away from the mess that was Cassian’s limbs, branches of a tree, and Gwyn’s tent.
“I did it, losers!”, Cassian proclaimed loudly, and way too proudly for the situation he was in now.
“Cassian! Why did you have to land on my tent of all places?”, Gwyn asked, both her hands on her head in distress. The sticks holding the fabric up had bent completely out of shape, others were even broken. Azriel’s heart began to race even harder at the thought of Cassian landing on Gwyn.
Only now Cassian seemed to understand what had happened. He hastily got up, untangled himself and then looked sheepishly in Gwyn’s direction. “I’m sorry Gwynie, I didn’t mean to land on the tent. I kind of thought I would get my wings out in time and not…”
“…fall like a rock.”, Azriel commented. Cassian was too drunk to argue with, and judging from the amused slash dazed expression of everyone else, except Emerie, the others wouldn’t be of much help either. “Okay, I guess that concludes the evening. To bed everyone.”
The group of fae grumbled, but complied nonetheless by going into their respective tents. Orion just fell backwards, his legs still sticking out the entrance. Azriel could have sworn he already started snoring while leaning back.
Emerie was the only one, despite a slightly frustrated Gwyn, to notice the problem at hand. “You can squeeze into my tent, Gwyn. It’s hardly warm enough to sleep outside all night, even if the fire keeps burning.”
Gwyn nodded, then glanced to Emeries tiny single tent in resignation. “I hope you don’t mind me sleeping on top of you.”
Emerie snorted, then winked playfully at Gwyn. But she didn’t find it in her to flash her a smile in return. The past days had been hard, both on the mind and on the body. Sleeping in an overcrowded tent was less than ideal, and both Emerie and Gwyn were aware of that.
“Gwyn, if you’d feel comfortable with it, and I definitely would, we can share a tent.”, Azriel finally found the words that were so desperate to come out the second he saw Cassian land and noticed Gwyn’s predicament. With a quiet voice, he added, “My tent is inherently bigger since it has to fit the wings.”
Gwyn looked pensive for a while, just staring at the mess Cassian made, her jaws tightening as she ground them together. After what felt like ten minutes to Azriel, she looked directly at him. “Okay, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel nodded, too stunned and frankly, too out of his depth, to formulate a sentence. Emerie acknowledged Gwyn’s decision too by taking her hand and squeezing lightly. It didn’t go unnoticed by Azriel that it was both a ‘good night’, and also a silent encouragement. Because Gwyn would spend her first night with a male since the night her temple was taken, and part of her soul with it.
So when, only a few minutes and slightly awkward maneuvering later, Gwyn was cocooned safely and warmly by Azriel’s side, he didn’t really know whether to curse or praise the Mother for his luck.
“Are you sure that your wing is okay?”, Gwyn whispered for the fourth time within one minute, her nerves visible through her fidgeting. Azriel didn’t see another option than to just lie down on his side, one wing trapped beneath his and her body. For the moment, it wasn’t too uncomfortable, but he knew it will be almost excruciating in an hour or so.
“Gwyn, calm down. My wing is fine. Or it will be, once you stop moving so much.”, he whispered back, pinning her down with his stare so she would believe him and settle down. The tent was just big enough for Azriel to lie down on his stomach with his wings drawn close to his body. With Gwyn in the mix, both had to lie on their sides, their knees touching.
Was it the most comfortable? No. Would he still prefer this to his bed in the House of Wind? Or anywhere, really? Absolutely.
Gwyn seemed comfortable enough, mentality wise. Her breathing was even, face relaxed from what he could tell in the dark. And that she trusted him like that, preferred his tent over Emerie’s, made his chest swell just a little. And wish for another night on this stupid mission.
“I will kill Cassian come tomorrow. Or I’ll force him to build me a new tent from scratch.”, Gwyn grumbled. She was so close that Azriel could feel her breath caress his skin. He’d give anything for it to be her fingers.
“You know how he gets when he’s drunk.”, Azriel tired to argue for his brother, but even to him his voice sounded off. Cassian was just a reckless, overgrown bat tonight and they both knew it.
Gwyn let out a snort through her nose. “Yes. That’s the next thing I would have a word to him about. Drinking himself stupid while on a mission.” She had a point, even though tomorrow there was just the way home to tick off the list.
“I’ll hold him down, you do the punching, priestess.”, the Shadowsinger suggested, the smile audible in his voice.
“Deal.”, Gwyn let out a sign that was less amused than Azriel would have liked, “And now I have to make you suffer through the night with one wing suffocated by me, and the other cramped to the ceiling.”
She paused, lifting her head slightly from the ground. “Hey, how about you spread the other wing over me. Then at least one will function properly for the flight home tomorrow.”
Azriel barely held back a groan. He didn’t even think about having to actually use his wings to get them back home in the morning. But her suggestion overshadowed every negative thought in just a second. Because she had really just asked him to basically cocoon her in his wings. His Illyrian blood sang beneath his skin, and he grew uncomfortably hot from just thinking about how Gwyn would emerge from the tent the next morning, smelling like him.
Clearing his throat, Azriel mumbled a ‘good idea’ and then spread out his wing over Gwyn’s form. He wasn’t able to extend it completely, but the stretch felt fucking amazing nonetheless.
It must have shown on his face. “Better?”, Gwyn asked with a shy smile. She probably still though her presence in here was an inconvenience. And that needed to change.
So before he could think about what he was doing, Azriel grabbed Gwyn’s hand and interlaced his fingers with hers, resting them right between their chests. She was still too cold for his liking, but a minute or two in his wings would do the trick. “Gwyn, I can promise you that there is no-one I’d rather have in this tent with me than you. That’s the honest truth.”
Gwyn’s eyes flicked from their intertwined hands back to his face, a small smile on her lips. “You have been avoiding the truth all night. Why not now?”
“Just because I don’t share my secrets with my companions doesn’t mean I can’t share them with someone I trust.”, he explained.
Gwyn furrowed her brows just a fraction. “So you trust me, then?”
“I do.”, was the immediate answer she got in return. He had entrusted her with information, his feelings and dreams for the past months now. Well, all his feelings except one.
Gwyn just stared at him for a while, deep in thought, while her thumb drew little circles against Azriel’s hand. From time to time, she sucked in a breath, as if she was about to say something but thought better of it. They lay like that for a while, just the noises of the woods surrounding them, while Gwyn took her time to seemingly muster up courage for something.
Then, she finally spoke. “I believe you owe me another truth, Shadowsinger.”
“Another truth?”, was his incredibly smart reply, voice going a bit raspy.
Gwyn’s features were set and determined as she stared him down, nodding courtly as if bracing herself for a fight. As if he would ever fight with her. “Another truth. You know, for the secret I told you earlier.”
“But me not giving you a secret in return was fair. I never promised you.”, he said softly. He didn’t really know why he protected himself so much still, especially around her. Gwyn did deserve a bit more honesty and forthcomingness from him, he just wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to stop once the secrets spill out of him.
Gwyn’s eyes were cast down now, not wanting to give away any emotion to him. But she couldn’t hide the strain on her voice when she replied, “I guess so. Sorry for not letting it go.”
Then she flashed him a very quick and very fake smile, their hands still interlocked in front of their bodies. “Good night then, Shadowsinger. Thanks again for sharing your tent.”
Sharing his tent was one thing, but sharing his love for her was another. Still, he felt like a complete asshole for disappointing her like that. Holding her hand and having her engulfed in his wings wasn’t enough, even though Azriel had hoped so. True love seemed to take sacrifices, courage and determination. All of which bubbled up in the Shadowsinger now.
“Let’s play another round of truth or dare then. Ask me.”, his voice was barely a whisper as it travelled through the night and to Gwyn’s ear. Her eyes shot open immediately, but her gaze was still weary. It squeezed Azriel’s insides knowing that she was so unsure about him, and that that reaction was entirely his fault.
“Az, truth or dare?”, she whispered back after a while.
A heartbeat passed, then another. Gwyn pressed her eyes close again.
Azriel desperately wanted to help her with this, so he leaned up slightly and then bowed his head down to their hands. He placed a soft kiss on her knuckles, hoping it would give her the courage to speak her mind.
And it seemed to work. “Why did you kiss Nesta for your dare, and not me?” He wasn’t sure if it was truly tears in her eyes he saw, or if the lighting just played tricks on him.
Azriel took a deep breath. “Nesta felt like the safe option. I’ve kissed her a hundred times before, so I knew she wouldn’t object.”
Gwyn nodded her understanding. “Okay.”
She seemed to think that was all the explanation he’d give her.
“I wanted to kiss you, Gwyn, believe me. You were the first and only person that came to my mind when Orion dared me. You are the only person on my mind, period. Not just for a stupid dare.”, his voice got stronger and stronger while sharing this secret, as if his heart was now eager for Gwyn to know the whole story. “I would have loved nothing more than just to turn my head and kiss you. But I wasn’t sure if you wanted it. If you wanted to experience it while being watched by others.”
“You weren’t sure?”, Gwyn interrupted him, her brows furrowed, “You mean the great Shadowsinger, spymaster of the Night court, didn’t get all the hints I’ve given him these past months? You mean to tell me you haven’t noticed the way I look at you, that I just can’t hide my admiration whenever I see you? That I have to drag my eyes off you so I can focus even a little bit on training and learning? I needed a little courage from you, just a little initiative, and I would have been yours in a heartbeat.”
Azriel was too shellshocked to speak, the silence stretching between them like a living being. Having missed all of these previous chances nearly suffocated the Shadowsinger.
“But I understand, it’s okay. You didn’t want to cause a scene.”, she finished, her chest heaving from the heavy confession. “I just wish you’d have chosen me despite the risks, tonight or whenever.”
Speaking of risks…
“I love you.”, Azriel didn’t even feel himself formulating the words, a little surprised when they forced their way out of his mouth, “And I know I have a shit way of showing you. And I know it might be too late now, that you deserved better. But if you allow me, I’d chose you every day from this day forward.”
Gwyn’s lips parted, but no sound came. Then she sucked in a breath, and the biggest smile he’d ever seen on her face lit up the whole tent. He’d give anything to see it again and again for the rest of his life.
Then she nodded, and Azriel’s hand left hers to find purchase behind her neck before he pressed his lips to hers. Her mouth was warm and soft, tentatively moving against him as she snuggled even closer to his side. His wings tightened around her as well, finally allowed the closeness they craved. The kiss turned more and more heated after a while, Gwyn gaining confidence from the way Azriel responded to her moves. After what felt like seconds, but was more like minutes, both had to pause for breath. When they finally parted, still tasting the other on their tongue, Gwyn smiled that sunshine-smile again.
“Well, now I am kind of glad you didn’t kiss me like that in front of the others.”, she giggled while burring her face into the crook of his neck. Azriel did the same but with his nose in her hair.
For a while, they simply stayed like that, in an embrace that spoke of unlimited truth and trust. Azriel was sure Gwyn had fallen asleep from the evenness of her breathing, so he started to run his hand over her back and hair, ecstatic that he could do this mundane thing. With her, it would never be mundane, he thought.
When he was drifting off to sleep himself, he almost didn’t hear her, thinking it was just his imagination playing a trick on him. But come morning Gwyn would tell him it hadn’t been a dream, that she really said it.
“I love you too, Az, with all my heart.”
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Week 2 prompts!
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Day 1: Favourite Headcanons and Theories
Day 2: Tropes
Day 3: Au Day
Day 4: NSFW Day
Day 5: Mates
Day 6: Domestic Life
Day 7: Free Day
If there are any questions feel free to comment them or message any of the account pages!
Art credit: @mistilteinnart
Commissioned by: @yazthebookish
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fieldofdaisiies · 7 months
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You're in the wind, I'm in the water Nobody's son, nobody's daughter ~ Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Lana Del Rey
for @gwynrielweeksofficial, day 6 mates🩵
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lady-embers · 13 days
Gwyn and Azriel are taking a bath together with candles around them. Azriel is sitting behind Gwyn and begins to wash her hair. As he's doing this, Gwyn starts softly humming.
Azriel recognizes the melody and starts humming along with her. They eventually begin to softly sing out loud together as he finishes up washing and rinsing her hair. His shadows that were calm and content to lounge about start dancing around them as they hum and sing together.
Once Azriel is finished with Gwyn's hair, they finish soaking together as peace and the shadows settle around them once again.
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gwynniethenymph · 5 months
I have this headcanon that Gwyn already had her first kiss.
Because let's think about it: She lived in Sangravah, a priestess temple. The priestesses who lived there participated in the Great Rite/Calanmai. So they had babies.
Unless the Great Rite has some weird kind of magic that only allows priestesses to conceive females, some of these babies were male. And I don't think they threw their male babies away a la Hera and Hephaestus, so they grew up in the temple by this logic.
Maybe they simply had to move out when they reached a certain age?
Anyways, for me, she was best friends with this quiet little boy. He liked her and was always giving her flowers. When they were, idk, 14 or 15, he had to leave the temple and gave her a goodbye kiss.
Years later she tells this story when hanging out with Nesta, Cass and Azriel. And a certain batboy gets illogically jealous.
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manonblackbaek · 6 months
Moonlit Promise
Gwynriel — One-Shot
In the moonlight, Gwyn and Azriel confess what is burning within them and a promise is made to soothe their souls.
Word count: 1.431
a/n: keep in mind that this work is deeply inspired by M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘The Village’ (2004), and was made for the Gwynriel Weeks 2024 @gwynrielweeksofficial (doesn’t follow a specific prompt tho)
hope you like it <3
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Gwyn doesn’t hear him arriving. His wings are silent, and his feet are light. But she knows he’s outside her bedroom chamber.
His light shines differently than the moonlight. It’s just as tenuous and pure. But more bluish. Not exactly cobalt like his siphons, but teal—like her eyes. Like Nesta, Azriel has a light that surrounds him that only Gwyn can see. She doesn’t understand that aspect of her powers yet, but that is something friends and her are trying to unveil. Nesta’s light is ruby-fire. Beautiful and fitting for her.
But his light through her stained-glass windows makes wonders to the colored glass. Instantly her room is a rainbow of colors. Instantly, she’s restless. Instantly, she can’t force herself to sleep.
Gwyn walks out, barefoot with only a shawl over her white night dress. She moves toward Azriel who sits on the balcony railing, overseeing Velaris, the City of Starlight. She’s still not used to the view, and is amazed by it every time she comes up the House of Wind. In her heart she hopes to never take that beauty view for granted.
He turns as she sits down next to him, throwing her legs over the railing.
“I heard the Inner Circle is going to have an inquiry tomorrow. Each member of Velaris is to be questioned in the meeting hall,” she says.
“Yes,” Azriel says. “To see how the border was breached.”
His breath turns to smoke as he speaks. There was an attack that afternoon, creatures attacked the city and some suspects that someone inside might have invited them in. That’s why she’s spending the night at Nesta’s house.
Gwyn shivers, but she isn’t scared—not with Az here—and doesn’t feel cold. Something inside her is burning, glowing.
“It is cold outside,” Azriel says. “You ought to go in.”
She pulls her shawl closer. “Why are you on this balcony?”
“It is not safe.”
She smiles. “There are other balconies.”
There is a moment of silence. She notices that he’s tense and disturbed by what happened earlier, so Gwyn searches for something to say, to distract him and help if she can.
“Nesta and Cassian’s mating ceremony was beautiful. I’m glad I went. I’ve always loved music and singing, but I fell in love with dancing that night. Cassian danced with me. He’s a good dancer and taught me some of his techniques.” She laughs quietly, remembering how happy she felt having fun with her friends. “You’re a good dancer too. I saw you dancing with Nesta and the High Lady.”
“Did I?”
“You did. But you didn’t dance with me.”
He doesn’t react. She isn’t surprised.
“I met many people that night. I liked that too. The priestess and the acolytes are good company, but I miss meeting new friends. Nesta’s sister was there, she’s very sweet—and her mate was there as well. They were acting very oddly, but I understand. I’m sure they’ll sort things out in no time.” Gwyn looked at Azriel, and whispered. “Do you know how I know?”
He shook his head lightly, “How?” he asked.
“Sometimes we don’t do things we want to do, so that others won’t know we want to do them.” The wind is the only sound around them as Azriel’s shadows dance around her feet, curling around her ankles and calf. “They never touch,” she says, quietly. “They didn’t even dance that night. And their eyes never met, one would stop looking right before the other turned to look. I guess they’re scared to act on what they feel, scared to reach a point of no return. All mates must feel that way, don’t you think?”
Az considers for a moment and says, “I can see that.”
Azriel must be thinking of Nesta and Cassian and how long it took them to accept the bond between them, as well as with the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court, as she was told. When she looks sideways at him, he’s staring at her, and she feels completely exposed before his eyes. They had never once talked about mates and… about them.
The moment is so intense she can’t breathe properly. So she blurts out, “Do you find me too much of a tomboy?”
Azriel frowns and shakes his head lightly, “No.”
In all fairness, it is a ridiculous question, but hopefully it’ll whisk his attention away from the previous topic. Gwyn has always been prone to be talkative whenever nervous.
Gwyn looks up at the sky. Hearth hammering, cheeks red, and says, “I do long to do boy things,” she confides. In a whisper, she says, “Like that game the Illyrian boys play at the stump at the camp. Cassian told us that they put their backs to the woods, to the creatures that might be there, and see how long they can wait before getting scared.” She leans forward and looks at the immense height beneath them. “It's so exciting.” Gwyn glances sideways towards Azriel, he’s not looking at her anymore, but his wings are higher, ready to fly—ready to catch her if she falls. There’s a little smile on her lips when she continues softly, “I understand you hold the record. It will never be broken, Cassian said.”
Azriel gives a small shrug. “It's just children's games.”
Gwyn rests her face on her shoulder and looks directly at him. “How is it you are so brave when all the rest of us are fearful all the time?”
He meets her eyes, and says, “I do not worry about what will happen. Only what needs to be done.”
She opens her mouth to say more, but he speaks before she can utter another word.
“How did you know I was here?” Azriel asks.
“I saw your light through the window.” He blinks, and she sees the curiosity in his eyes. “No, I won't tell you your color.” Gwyn smiles, “Stop asking.”
The wind blows stronger, and she sees snowflakes move all around them. One of his shadows darts forward fast to touch one, before coming back towards her to play with the end of her braid.
It’s a beautiful sight, she thinks. How his light and his shadows dance around as one. The burning sensation in her chest intensifies at the image before her. The beautiful winged male with shadows and lights dancing around his body, as he bathes in moonlight at her side. She feels more content and brave than ever.
In a moment of recklessness, looking at the shadow playing with her hair, she says, “When we are mated, will you dance with me?”
He chokes and looks at her, eyes wide. He doesn’t say anything.
She doesn’t meet his eyes when she says, “I find dancing very agreeable.”
Gwyn counts her heartbeats as she waits for his answer, for something, whatever it may be.
He doesn’t say anything.
Impatient and shyly, she asks, “Why can’t you say what is in your head?”
“Why can you not stop saying what is in yours?” Azriel says abruptly.
Gwyn is surprised by the strength in Azriel's voice. She looks at him, his face is flushed with color and his eyes burn with something she cannot name.
His shadows pause, listening and waiting.
“Why must you lead, when I want to lead? If I want to dance, I will ask you to dance. If I want to speak, I will open my mouth and speak. Everyone is forever plaguing me to speak further. Why? What good is it to tell you, you are in my every thought from the time I wake? What good can come from my saying I sometimes cannot think clearly or do my work properly? What gain can rise from my telling you the only time I feel fear as others do is when I think of you in harm?”
She can’t breathe. Azriel looks as if he can’t either.
“That is why I am on this balcony, Gwyneth Berdara. I fear for your safety before all others.” His confession makes her insides burn. He looks at her as if something in him is burning too. “And yes,” he says softly. “I will dance with you at our mating ceremony.”
As Gwyn sits in the moonlight, unable to move, to say anything, tears stream down her cheeks. A scarred hand reaches out and wipes a tear. His touch causes more tears to fall.
So Azriel strokes the end of her braid and leans forward and kisses Gwyneth Berdara on her bedroom balcony at the House of Wind.
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thank you for reading <3 you can find me on ao3 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/54568846
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Hello! Humbly requesting a Gwynriel first kiss…of course Gwyn kisses him first, but then he kisses her harder. Have fun!
OMG thank you for the request!!! This is my first time writing Gwynriel so I hope I did it justice. This was v fun to write and made me feel all happy and giddy inside - they are so cute!!
Maybe I'll embellish on this more and post something to aO3 for Gwyn Week this month :). Anyway, hope you enjoy!!
Edit: No warnings, just fluffy stuff and a smooch (light angst if you squint)
Azriel extended a hand to Gwyn, rather sheepishly, as she eyed the side of the training ring cautiously, where the otherwise ward-protected deep drop over the side of the training ring plummeted to the streets of Velaris. Cassian had just flung Nesta into his arms and lept from the side of the ring. Nesta’s shrill “It’s not as bad as you thi-” cut off as the winds in the air of the drop swept her voice out of range. 
Gwyn looked back at Azriel’s outstretched hand, so steady and beckoning. Her gaze trailed up to his face and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her lips from parting in admiration of his warm hazel eyes staring at her attentively, reassuringly. Gwyn knew his reputation, had seen him spar ruthlessly during training, seen the intensity that encompassed his every move, yet he still always appeared as such a gentleman to her. Like a dashing hero from one of the silly romance novels she adored to read into the late night, giggling into her pillow.
“You know, you don’t have to go, if you don’t want to.” His words broke her out of her momentary daze.
A spark crept up Gwyn’s back in challenge of his words. Tearing her eyes from the edge of the training ring, and letting out a dramatic huff, Gwyn forewent Azriel’s hand and simply walked right up to him, lifting her arms to the side. 
Azriel’s lips quirked to the side, one of his eyebrows raising ever so slightly as he examined Gwyn’s form. Ignoring Gwyn’s rigid stance with her arms stretched out as if he were to grab her underneath each armpit, Azriel bent slightly and encircled one arm around her waist. 
Gwyn’s entire body ignited with a flame of uncertainty and excitement. Her arms still awkwardly dangling at her sides, Azriel bent further and scooped the back of her knees so he could cradle her properly in his arms. Gwyn stared at his face as Azriel rose to his feet. He turned to look at her with a warm smile.
“It would be best if you put your arms around my neck.” He stated, smirking at Gwyn who was still slightly rigid in his arms.
“Oh. Right. Yes.” Gwyn felt the redness creep up her neck to her cheeks as she tentatively hooked her dangling arms around Azriel’s neck. She had never been this close to him, or any male for that matter, in so long. Azriel was a good male, a good mentor, a warrior she looked up to. Sure, she had noticed the other priestesses ogling him. Even Nesta and Emerie shamelessly made derogatory comments about Azriel when his back was turned. Gwyn certainly felt no such way toward him, however. No matter what her dreams were. The ones that had her waking up in sweat-drenched sheets.
Before she could allow another swirling thought to enter her mind, Azriel launched into the air. Gwyn squealed. Actually squealed, as she wrapped her arms impossibly tighter around his neck and bunched her knees so they were closer to his chest.
The wind whipped all around her as she squeezed her eyes shut. For a moment, she felt the awful sensation of free falling, barrelling toward oblivion and her heart almost stopped beating in her chest. With an abrupt woosh of air, and the wind around her miraculously bleeding into a gentle breeze, she felt herself suddenly swiftly drifting. No longer falling. She still refused to open her eyes.
She knew, in her right mind, that she was safe. That she was just flying down to Velaris. To see her friends. That this trip would be over soon. Yet, she could not shake the memory of the last time she was cradled by Illyrian wings in the sky. Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest, her nails digging into the skin of the neck she was wrapped around like a vice. She didn’t even realize that she had let out an audible sob until she felt arms tighten around her.
“Gwyn.” Azriel’s voice was right in her ear, the cool gentle breeze still hitting her face as they continued to glide yet she could not open her eyes.
“Down. Please. Down.” Gwyn whispered. Barely able to get the words out, not even sure if he heard them. Yet, immediately she felt a shift in their trajectory. They were plummeting again, the feeling making Gwyn almost sick to her stomach. Turning her face, she buried it in the crook of Azriel’s neck, fighting the current on wind that blasted at her as they fell.
Before she could fully register what was happening, the falling was banished into a sudden float, and she felt the thump of feet hitting solid ground below her. She reluctantly intucked her face from Azirel’s neck, still keeping her eyes closed.
Even in the darkness behind her lids, she could feel his gaze on her. Suddenly feeling like a coward, Gwyn chuckled to herself lightly, “Some Valkyrie I am.” She heard no laugh in response, but a subtle ghosting of a sigh blew over her cheek. She peeled one eye open tentatively, catching the intense gaze of Azriel’s hazel eyes. Opening her other eye, she held his gaze for a few seconds, not quite sure what else to say, as his own eyes seemed to be searching every inch of her own without moving at all.
Slowly, Azriel’s serious expression melted into an easy smile, relaxing Gwyn at last. 
“Even a Valkyrie has their fears.” He spoke softly to her, cocking his head slightly. He gave her another sweet smile before turning his head to look over wherever they had landed - Gwyn could barely bring herself to care as she stared in awe at the dimple on the side of his cheek. She was suddenly very aware of the heat his arms seeped through her body as he continued to clutch her close to himself as he surveyed the horizon. It didn't even matter where they had landed, Gwyn realized, she was safe with him. 
Her heart fluttering in her chest, she fidgeted a bit in his hold as she almost stopped herself from what she decided to do next. Before she could overthink it, Gwyn leaned forward to Azriel’s cheek for a kiss, just as he turned her face back to her.
Gwyn’s lips connected with the corner of his mouth, and she was selfishly unable to retract herself for a much too-long two seconds. She squeaked and pulled back, eyes wide as she stared at him in terror. Why had she done that? His expression was unreadable. He stared at her parted mouth, brows furrowed in utter concentration over something.
“I-I’m sorry-” Before Gwyn could finish Azriel crashed his lip back into hers.
He was gentle, but firm. Cradling the back of her head, he deepened the kiss while slightly turning his head to the side, their noses brushing against each other in a perfect fit. Gwyn’s heart was fluttering like it was about to burst, she felt like she was on fire as her hands around his neck trailed up into the hair at his nape, scratching at the curly strands.
Azriel groaned and Gwyn’s belly flipped, gasping for a moment and before she could recover his tongue swept into her mouth. Gwyn’s lack of experience was overriding her ability to keep up with him, but the moment he drew back, nipping her bottom lip, uttering to her, “You have no idea how long I have dreamt of this.” She fell fully pliant into his arms.
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sadiegirl2021 · 7 months
Silly little one shot for @gwynrielweeksofficial - Day 2: Compatible (loose interpretation)
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Soul Meets Body on Ao3
“I don’t care how good-looking he is, Nesta! I’m not letting you set me up on a blind date.”
“Gwyn! Please!! This guy is your soulmate. He loves all the same books as you, he goes to the gym, he’s got a coffee addiction! You’re basically the girl version of him.”
“So! Blind dates are weird. You know how shy I can get…”
“He’s shy too!”
“Oh, wonderful! Really selling it. So we’ll just sit there, and not talk at all during dinner?”
“Talk about books!”
“Bye, Nesta!”
Gwyn hung up the phone. She was sick of this. Why couldn’t her friends just accept that she didn’t want a boyfriend right now? College was crazy enough without adding love or sex on top. She needed to stay focused and certainly had no room to entertain Nesta’s blind date idea.
“So stupid,” she mumbled to herself, reaching for a bag of apples at the supermarket.
“What did you call me?”
Gwyn looked up and felt her jaw comically fall to the floor as she gazed at the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. Raven-black hair, golden eyes, and tall… so freaking tall!
“Oh… no… I wasn’t–”
He smiled, and her heart skipped a beat. “Relax, I’m just messing with you.”
Gwyn didn’t dare speak again, for fear it would be an incoherent jumble of words. This was what she was talking about with Nesta. Whenever she started talking to a cute guy, she froze like this! Her mind raced with funny and interesting things to say, but her mouth decided to keep shut. She just smiled at him.
“.... those are good apples,” he said, shifting a little awkwardly. Gwyn would have expected someone of his stature to radiate confidence.
“Yeah… they’re my favourite.” Gods, so smart, Gwyn!
“Me too… I like oranges as well.”
Was this possibly the worst conversation she’d ever had?
He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. “Do you come here often?”
Oh my god. Was he… flirting with her?
Gwyn let out a little chuckle, “Oh yeah, the supermarket is where it’s at. Haven’t you heard?” Better!
He laughed, and damn if it wasn’t giving her crazy butterflies.
“I’m Azriel,” he said smoothly, seeming to relax more in her presence.
“Gwyn,” she replied with a slight flush on her cheeks.
“Gwyn,” he whispered like an answer to a question. “I don’t normally do this… I mean I never do this… but do you want to grab dinner tonight?”
“Like a date?”
“Yeah… I mean, cool if not… I just–”
“Yes! I’d love to.”
He seemed to sigh in relief, “That’s great! Amazing… can I grab your number, and I’ll text you the details?”
She nodded, “Of course!” Oh my god, how did she pull this off? He was the hottest guy she’d ever met, and he just asked her out!
They gleefully exchanged numbers, exchanged a few more awkward observations of the fruit around them, and went their separate ways.
Gwyn practically floated home, dying to rummage through her wardrobe for the perfect outfit. Nesta was going to kill her… but blind dates were stupid! At least she knew she was attracted to Azriel.
Gwyn had opted for a short, sapphire-blue, body-con dress with silver strappy heels and no jacket. It was the height of summer… plus she looked way too hot to cover up.
“I can’t believe you’re going out with some rando over the guy I picked for you!” Nesta huffed from the couch.
Gwyn finished putting on her cherry-red lipstick and rolled her eyes at Nesta’s statement.
“Cassian is going to be pissed. You’re turning down his best friend for some stranger.”
“You know, I haven’t even met Cassian yet! So why would I want to date his best friend? Are you even dating Cassian?”
“Don’t judge our… situation! It’s complicated.”
“Because you’re in love with him?”
“He wishes!” Nesta laughed with an air of ‘yes, I love him so much it’s killing me, but I don’t know how to handle emotions.”
*Buzz Buzz*
“That’s him! Can you please get it? I need to grab my bag.”
It was Nesta’s turn to roll her eyes as she threw off her snuggly blanket and made her way to the door. As she opened it, she quipped, “You better not be some serial killer–Oh my god, Azriel!?”
“Nesta… hey! Do–Do you live here?”
She nodded in confirmation. “You’re Gwyn’s date for tonight?”
“Yeah, we met at the supermarket earlier. Hey, Cassian was in a foul mood today. What happened with you two last night?”
Nesta scowled at the mere mention of his name, and Azriel flinched, not expecting an answer.
“Hey, Azriel,” Gwyn chirped as she left her bedroom.
Azriel’s hand flew to his chest, as if someone had shot him with a cupid's arrow. “Wow! Gwyn… you look–”
Gwyn couldn’t even let him finish; she hated compliments, “So do you! Shall we go?” she asked, moving to the door. Nesta had the strangest look on her face, and a sly grin that was a little frightening. Gwyn gave her a ‘what the fuck’ look in exchange.
Azriel seemed to notice their interactions. “I’ll give you a minute.” He backed away into the hall to wait for her.
“What?” Gwyn exclaimed.
“That’s the guy!!”
“What guy?”
“The blind date guy… Cassian’s friend!”
“Are you serious?”
Nesta nodded with a huge grin.
Gwyn could only laugh. “Well… I still think blind dates are stupid!”
Nesta smirked, “So destiny intervened! Have a great night with your soulmate!”
“Shut up!”
Gwyn caught up with Azriel. He looked so sleek in his pressed black trousers and crisp white shirt, with a couple of buttons open to show a thick silver chain. If this was indeed her soulmate, she had some serious praying to the gods to do in thanks.
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
One Happy Family
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Gift fic for @the-lost-changeling
Read on Ao3
Word Count: 858
Summary: Returning home from an emissary mission in Autumn, Gwyn finds her mate rigging their most recent competition, and not in the way she expected.
AN: The Autumn Gwyn theories don't have much substance, but I like them, so we're rolling with it.
"You're jumpy this evening, Gwyneth." Her eyes snapped to the High Lord's. Eris was intimidating at times, if not for his power, then for the fact he was difficult to read, always seeming bored or amused by whoever he faced. "Trouble back home?"
Always ready to pounce on weakness, growing allies or not. More than once she had wished Rhys found another way to secure Beron in the war.
"You were made aware of my reasons for needing a replacement these past months. It's not easy to be separated from your first child," she confessed.
"Yes, my congratulations," he muttered, scrawling his signature before gathering the paperwork in front of him. "Make sure this hits Rhysand's desk tonight." She raised her eyebrow. "Please."
At least he could be that courteous.
“I will. Unfortunately, I’m still unable to winnow, if you don’t mind taking me to the border.”
Azriel would be home with their infant, but Feyre promised either she or Rhys would be waiting at the edge of the territory they had arranged with Eris in the past. “Of course.” A sweep of wind and they were folding through space, renewing the queasiness she could never quite master. “Good evening, Gwyneth. Rhysand.”
He left without another word. “Thanks for coming to get me, Rhys.”
“Of course. I take it that paperwork is for Feyre and me?” She nodded. “Does it say anything I can tolerate reading at this hour?”
She snorted. “For two High Lords trying to find an alliance, neither of you are very tolerant of the other’s requests.”
Rhys grimaced. Eris had come to power three years ago, revealing Gwyn’s watered-down heritage to Autumn nobility mere months later. Though the Autumn Court had some very backward beliefs about their females, the new High Lord knew better than to meddle with Gwyn’s place in things, especially with the bond between her and Azriel so fresh. Rather than release noble ties completely, he proposed she be Night’s emissary to Autumn. 
And thus began an endless back and forth between Eris and the monarchs of Night.
“We’ll get there,” Rhys muttered. “Hold on.” Folding into shadows, he winnowed them straight into the heart of Velaris, where Gwyn and Azriel had found a modest apartment of their own that overlooked the Sidra River. It was a short walk—and shorter flight—to the House of Wind and Riverhouse their family members occupied and hosted from. “Have a good evening, Gwyn.”
She tightened her grip a bit on the papers when he started to take them. “I know there are plenty of moral disagreements between you. Maybe if there were some minor things you could overlook Eris would be more agreeable to your own demands. It takes all three of you to build an alliance. If you and Feyre might consider—”
“I’ll talk to her.” The paperwork vanished, presumably to his office or room for he and Feyre to view soon. “Thank you. I know neither side of this makes your job easy. And I do hate dragging you away from Catrin. Give her love from her uncle, will you?”
She nodded and he winnowed once again, leaving her to step into the warmth of her home. Afraid to wake her daughter at this hour, she crept in on silent feet. Then two words reached her just before she turned into the family room.
“Say Mama?”
Her breath caught. 
She and Az had always had a competitive streak. From their early days training, to the scattered moments between her friendship blooming with Nesta and the beginning of Azriel’s courtship, there had always been something. A skill to master, a goal to meet, a game to win.
The most recent… Who’s name Catrin would say first.
Faerie younglings developed so slowly in comparison to humans that it could be anywhere from weeks to months before their daughter spoke. Plenty of time for them to sway her learning towards one phrase or another. It was also commonly known that children were quicker to take to the D sound than the M. Azriel had every advantage with her work taking her outside of the court again.
She peeked around the doorway, watching the pair. Catrin had her mothers coppery hair and her father’s hazel eyes. She was the most beautiful thing Gwyn had ever seen. And there tucked into the warmth of her father’s chest and wing she was all the more lovely.
She watched as Azriel reached up again to point at the family portrait Feyre had gifted them upon Catrin’s birth. The pose was stunning, depicting Gwyn and Az forehead to forehead, smiling down on a bundle of pink, little fingers already seeming to reach for the shelter of the wings above them.
His finger paused in front of Gwyn’s face. “Mama. Right there.” Catrin cooed softly. “Yes, Your mama is away doing some work for Uncle Rhys and Aunt Feyre, but she’ll be home soon, little one.”
He turned slowly, pausing when he spotted Gwyn with her head just past the threshold. “Well, now we both know who’s going to win this little contest,” he said.
“Do we? Or have you just reversed the game?”
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shadowsxgwynriel · 2 years
Babysitting Part 2 (Short story)
Just another one shot of Azriel watching Nyx, only this time he has some help.
Word Count: 637 (another short one)
Read on AO3
Nyx was crying and Azriel was at a lost. Nothing he did worked to soothe the crying baby, not even when he hummed. Feyre had warned him that Nyx was teething when they dropped him off at the House of Wind, but he hadn’t realized it would be this bad.
His shadows had long since disappeared, deserting him at the first whimper from Nyx. The House, at least, was trying it’s best to help out by conjuring up toys and even a miniature Pegasus, which was currently munching on some fake grass in the corner of the room.
Nyx was rubbing his face against Azriel’s chest, clearly in discomfort due to his aching gums. Azriel picked up a stuffed bat that the House had provided and handed it to Nyx, who immediately started to gnaw on one of the wings.
“Better?” Azriel asked in relief.
Unfortunately, this only distracted him for a few minutes before he threw the bat on the floor. Nyx let out an ear piercing wail, causing Azriel to wince and for The House to start working double time, conjuring up multiple toys until the room was almost full to capacity.
“Is everything okay in here?” Gwyn asked from the doorway. Azriel noted that his shadows were lounging on her shoulders, as if trying to hide.
“Nyx is teething,” Azriel explained. “I can’t seem to calm him.”
“Oh no, you poor darling,” Gwyn cooed.
Azriel blushed. “Thank you, I-“
Gwyn took Nyx from him and started swaying with him. She looked at Azriel with a small, questioning smile. “Hmm? Did you say something?”
“Nope.” He blushed even more. She had been talking to Nyx. Not him.
Nyx pulled on her hair, bringing it to his mouth to try and chew on the coppery-brown strands. She gently removed his tiny hand from her hair, not seeming to mind that it was now damp with baby slobber.
She picked up another stuffed bat and handed it to Nyx. He chewed on the ear this time.
Gwyn started to sing softly. It was a beautiful sound that filled him with an indescribable warmth. His shadows sang in harmony with her, swirling around her in what appeared to be a type of dance. Even the miniature Pegasus and House seemed to be transfixed by her singing.
Nyx gazed up at her with a gummy smile, wings fluttering in delight as he cooed. Azriel couldn’t tell if he was trying to talk or sing as well, but it was really cute.
“You have a beautiful voice,” Azriel told her.
Gwyn smiled at him. “I’m still waiting for the day that I can hear yours, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel grinned. “We’ll see.”
Nyx let out disgruntled sound, obviously not happy that Gwyn had stopped singing.
She chuckled and continued to serenade the spoiled bat baby—Azriel was a bit jealous, though he would never admit it. A few minutes later, Nyx was snoring peacefully, and Gwyn’s singing turned into a gentle hum.
Something clenched in his chest at the sight of Gwyn holding a sleeping baby.
Feyre and Rhys had left a few minutes ago with a wide awake Nyx, much to Rhys’s dismay. Azriel bet his brother had been hoping for a peaceful night with his mate.
“Thanks for your help,” Azriel said to Gwyn.
She gave him a charming smile. “You’re welcome, Shadowsinger. Maybe now we can go over some more dagger lessons?”
Stay, his shadows seemed to urge him. And Azriel did want to stay, but he was also tired. Even though he doubted he would sleep easy tonight, he did feel a lot more relaxed and figured maybe he could get at least a few hours of sleep, but . . .
“How about tomorrow?” he told her. His shadows whispered in approval.
“I’d like that.”
“Me too.” And he would.
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animezinglife · 3 months
The Challenger
A short-and-sweet/silly one shot for @gwynweekofficial (Day 6: Alternate Universe). Gwyn-centric. Girl power. Azriel looks fine.
Genre: Short One Shot/Modern AU/Gym AU. Note: This won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I wanted to have a little fun with it. I do plan to explore more Gwynriel ideas in the future that fall more into the canon compliant realm. Trigger warning: Past SA is not outwardly mentioned, but it is briefly alluded to. Terms used: PR (personal record), Carynthian (used in this AU as a name of an obstacle race/think Spartan races)
Gwyn had grown to love her training routine. It quieted her mind in ways even her work as a librarian could not, and physically, she felt the best she had in a long time. She’d even grown more comfortable in how she moved; how she looked. She was often careful not to think about the way she looked in terms of beauty; more intentional still to not dwell on or give power to any aspects of herself that cast doubt.
But Gwyn had decided strength looked good on her.
She tugged the extra clean, baggy t-shirt she kept in her locker back over her sports bra and grabbed her bag and keys, rounding the corner and pausing to give herself one last look in the mirror. She glistened with sweat. The copper hair she’d swept into a low ponytail before her workout gleamed and stuck to her head beneath her cap. And the pants Nesta had talked her into? 
Well. Those looked better in action than they had in the store. 
Even if he did spend a bit more time than necessary making eyes at Nesta in their group training session, Cassian knew what he was doing when it came to getting them into shape. Their workouts had enhanced her frame with lean muscle, and she felt comfortable--more confident, even--in all they allowed her to do.
Turning as the corners of her lips twitched upwards, her mind wandering as the song switched through her earbuds to an upbeat, girl-powered pop song. She hummed along with it as she exited the locker room, passing the water fountain and making her way onto the floor. Her eyes drifted to the figures in the weight room–almost all of them men, though she’d gradually grown more comfortable frequenting the place even without Cassian’s presence. And while there had been the occasional curious look that drifted her way, no one ever bothered her there. She hoped it would remain that way. 
Though it helped, too, to know someone else was nearby.
Her eyes settled on the form that filled her mind, clad in all black and rubbing his callused hands together. White chalk dusted the jet black of his shirt, and Gwyn followed it to where it landed on his chest, his pecs flexing and eyes focused on the bar in front of him. She slowed her pace, her gaze tracing the lines of his shoulders, back, and narrow waist his t-shirt and joggers did little to conceal. 
She cursed herself internally, wondering if she were being obvious and nonchalantly producing her phone from her bag to scroll through. She turned her music down, her eyes returning to him again as he jumped up to the bar and ascended for one, two, three…
It’d always annoyed Gwyn how much easier pull-ups tended to be for men, but the way Azriel did them–slow on the descent, controlled, and the ease with which he brought his chin over the bar–was mesmerizing. 
Graceful even. Beautiful.
She was no fool. Even when her friends had asked, she hadn’t bothered to lie and admitted she found him attractive. Anyone with eyes could see he was, and trying to dismiss that observation would only spur her friends’ teasing further.
And whether she liked it or not, they were tied together through a memory she preferred not to relive. 
A memory she wished she remembered nothing of at all.
But Azriel had saved her, and as time had passed and she'd worked through her pain, grief, and anger, she'd realized that those gentler gestures he'd managed--beyond beating her assailants beyond recognition--had tethered whatever tiny fragment of hope had remained in her.
That hope had aided her as she'd put in the work to overcome that evil, and had stayed with her when she'd made the decision to not let what had happened define her.
He helped Cassian with their training on occasion and she'd gathered he had experience in doing so–Cassian hadn’t gone into the logistics much beyond them being in the same unit together. She’d never asked Azriel about the specifics of what he still did for a living at his day job, but got the sense that even if she did, he likely wouldn’t say much.
Azriel was by far the quieter of his friends; the more solemn between Cassian and Rhys. 
But she’d seen his smile before–or at least, the small ghost of one and a flicker of something resembling pride in his eyes when she’d set a new PR and both her friends and Cassian had high-fived her and cheered. 
She hadn’t even noticed he’d been watching until then, but the image had lingered long after.
She hoped he wouldn’t mind the way she watched him now: the way his chest moved with the breaths that stayed in perfect sync to his rhythm. The sweat that glistened at the back of his neck, and the ink that disappeared under the sleeves that hugged his arms…
She wondered not for the first time–in the moments she allowed it–how they’d feel around her.
Gwyn jumped at the sound of Mor’s voice as she snapped her attention to her, the latter raising a curious brow. As she did in everything, Mor looked stunning even dressed for a workout, and it was clear that her attire had meant to leave an impression more than it’d been chosen for practicality. The bright red sports bra and matching biker shorts left little to the imagination, and she wore both well and proudly. Her blonde hair was still curled into waves and pulled back into a strategically messy braid.
“Lost in thought?” Mor continued, her eyes following to where Azriel continued his pull-ups. “Or something else,” she teased, and Gwyn felt a blush threaten to creep to her cheeks and quickly pushed it down. She didn’t know all the details–neither Nesta nor Cassian had ever shared as much, but she’d sensed tension between Mor and Azriel from the moment she’d first seen them together and hadn’t been sure what to make of it. Intuition told her there was history there, but some other part of her–some hidden, indescribable part–nagged at her to learn its nature.
She wasn’t sure she wanted to. Not yet.
Nor had she missed the way Mor had stiffened slightly when she’d seen who Gwyn had been watching. Tension–uncertainty, maybe–those had definitely been the proper words for it. At least she didn't get the feeling of animosity.
She tried not to think too much on why that relieved her.
“He and Cassian are competing against each other at Windhaven next month,” Gwyn told her. “I promised Cassian I’d give him some intel. A leg up on the competition.” It was a terrible lie, and she knew it as soon as it left her mouth.
Mor studied her for a moment, and Gwyn thought she saw the corner of her lips twitch slightly into a smirk. “He asked you to give him intel on someone he’s trained with since childhood? That’s unlike him. I wonder if he’d have another reason.” She studied her for a moment as if waiting for a cue that her point had sunken in, then waved her hand as if it didn’t matter either way.
“Well, if he asks again, remind him it won’t matter. Az is as competitive as it gets, and whatever his times or records are here won’t matter once the gun goes off. He and Cassian have been running obstacle races together since the beginning, and the Windhaven race is nothing compared to the Carynthian. But between us…” Mor leaned in, lowering her voice as though even across the room and with headphones on Azriel could still hear them. “Between us, I’d love to see a new challenger humble him a bit.” 
The smile that crossed Gwyn’s face was real at that. She, Nesta, and Emerie had already decided it, and they planned to test their luck in the Carynthian at the end of the year. The Carynthian was the toughest race in the nation, and the very same where Az, Cassian, and Rhys had made names for themselves. It was a test of endurance and resourcefulness through the Illyrian mountains, with only the most elite athletes crossing the finish line at the top of Mt. Ramiel.
Gwyn was going to complete it. Somehow, some way, she would cross that finish line, and she wasn’t going to let anything stop her.
She and her friends were going to do it together.
“I think they could all use it,” she quipped, feeling a spark of energy and excitement at the challenge before her. “It’ll be payback for all those curtsy squats and burpees they made us do.”
Yet as much as that thought amused her, it was another image that flickered into her mind–one of hazel eyes gleaming with challenge and pride, the ghost of a smile turning to a real one.
She didn’t know why she pictured it. She'd finish this race for herself; to prove to herself that she could. But for whatever reason, the image was clear.
“Good,” Mor replied then, interrupting her thoughts and watching her with a look a bit too close to knowing.
Though what exactly it was Mor knew, Gwyn wasn’t sure. 
"Show those competitors what you're made of. And if for some reason you don't make it up Ramiel..." Mor’s eyes twinkled with mischief, “Well. Tell Cassian and Azriel there will be two spots waiting for them in my Pilates class for the remainder of the year. Front and center.”
“When I do make it." Gwyn grinned. "That's even better motivation."
"It's a deal." Mor smirked and they exchanged their goodbyes. Once the blonde had brushed past her, Gwyn made her way back towards the exit, a new fire lit within her.
Not missing the feeling of two amused, hazel eyes following her.
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mystical-blaise · 1 year
Sorry it took so long, but...
Heart of the Matter Elucien Bonus Scene is finally up!
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thevalkyriesshadow · 6 months
Okay who else is watching The Gentlemen on Netflix?
I can't help but imagine Gwyn and Az as Susie and Eddie lol
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I am writing my second fanfic in two days…. Have I finally crossed over into becoming a writer?
Upcoming: Gwynriel one-shot. The idea came to me when thinking about the first time the IC outside Nesta and cassian see Az and gwyn together. This will be tooth rotting fluff, maybe some romance. We will see, considering I’ve barely outlined it yet 😬
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