manonblackbaek · 10 days
Your last chapter was delightful! Thank you so much!
You’ve mentioned All the Young Dudes in one of your posts and it has been a revelation. Do you have all time favorite hp fics and would care to share your recommendations please?
Oh, man, how could I ever choose? Manacled and DMATMOOBIL are obviously all-timers, but they don't need me to recommend them. Wait and Hope, similarly, is in no need of exhortation by me, but I'll do it anyway, I ate that shit up. Anything by @PacificRimbaud. Especially anything with Pansy in it. Especially Les Pèlerins. Anything by provocative_envy. Especially the college/internship AUs. You don't think an American AU for Harry Potter is going to work, until you're reading it, and wow, does it ever. Bending Light by scullymurphy. Talk about fucking atmosphere, my God. (I haven't read Falling Dark yet, I've been meaning to get around to it.) I've also been meaning to read the Gravitation series, I read the first chapter forever ago and it was one helluva opening. See, now I'm just talking about fics I haven't read and want to. Okay.
All the Young Dudes was formative because it was the first time I realized the scope of what fanfiction could do. Until then, I had a very narrow, constrained version of the kinds of stories fanfic was meant to tell (and what fanfic audiences were looking for). ATYD blew the ceiling off that by telling a story that was non-traditional, slow-paced, and completely non-focused on romance for at least half of it, and people adored it anyway. It taught me to be bolder and more creative with my choices. It made me think "well, Gryffindor Draco may not be the most popular trope in the bucket, but maybe some people will like it!" And it turned out some people did!
The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy. This was for a long time my favorite Draco redemption arc, and it remains the first fic I recommend to anyone looking to get into Dramione, because it's the perfect branching-off point for someone who loves the books. Stylistically honest and feels like Book 7, only better. Draco is not let off the hook for fuck, as is right and proper. (I'm a sucker for Book 7 rewrites, for obvious reasons.)
Boy with a Scar. All of it. Made me tear up like four times. This person understands things about Harry Potter that Rowling doesn't and perhaps never could.
Birds of a Feather is a great Tomione Hogwarts fic, and of any fic I've read, it's most interested in the practical day-to-day of life at Hogwarts, which was one of my favorite parts of the books. It's really a book about how someone like Tom, or Hermione for that matter, would experience Hogwarts if there weren't any diabolical plots happening around them: that is, as a very cool, very beautiful, but ultimately sort of mundane boarding school. It makes the place feel lived-in and real in a way that makes it a joy to come back to. And it has the most realistic depiction of child!Tom that I've ever read.
And I'm finding new ones all the time.
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manonblackbaek · 2 months
Emotions in writing
Definition: Affection is a feeling of fondness or love towards someone or something. It typically involves a warm attachment, a caring attitude, and a desire to show kindness and tenderness.
When you want to write the emotion affection, it's important to "show" the emotion your character is experiencing through their physical reactions and dialogue, rather than "tell" it.
Physical signs:
Hugs: Characters wrapping their arms around each other.
Kisses: Gentle or passionate lip contact between characters.
Hand-holding: Characters clasping each other's hands.
Cuddling: Characters snuggling closely together.
Caresses: Gentle touches or strokes on the face, arms, or back.
Smiling: Warm, genuine smiles directed at each other.
Eye contact: Prolonged gazes or meaningful looks.
Leaning in: Characters moving closer to each other.
Playfulness: Light teasing or playful physical interactions.
Body language: Open and relaxed posture, facing each other.
Resting heads: Characters resting their heads on each other's shoulders or laps.
Arm around shoulder: One character placing their arm around the shoulders of another.
Squeezing hands: Characters giving a reassuring squeeze to each other's hands.
Nuzzling: Characters pressing their nose or forehead against each other affectionately.
Sharing personal space: Characters standing or sitting closely together.
Whispering: Characters leaning in to share intimate or secretive words.
Back rubs: Characters giving gentle massages to each other's backs.
Gentle touches: Characters brushing away hair from each other's face.
Playful nudges: Light nudges or bumps with elbows or shoulders.
Shared laughter: Characters laughing together, often with touching or holding each other.
Internal sensations:
A sense of inner warmth or comfort when thinking about or being near the person they care for.
A fluttery feeling in the stomach or chest when they see or think about their loved one.
A general feeling of happiness or contentment when in the presence of their loved one.
A heightened sense of excitement or anticipation before seeing their loved one.
A calm and peaceful feeling when thinking about their relationship or when spending time together.
A subtle ache or longing when apart from their loved one.
A sense of security or safety when they are with their loved one.
A feeling of being valued and appreciated by their loved one.
A deep affection and fondness when remembering shared moments or qualities of their loved one.
A sense of gratitude for having their loved one in their life.
Mental Responses:
Longing for their presence
Comfort in their words
Excitement at hearing from them
Gratitude for their kindness
Eagerness to reciprocate
Nostalgia for past moments together
Anticipation of future connections
Affectionate memories surfacing
Sense of belonging
Telling Affection Examples to Avoid:
Try avoiding things like this:
John felt an overwhelming affection for his wife.
Sarah was filled with affection for her newborn baby.
The old man's eyes were filled with affection as he watched his grandchildren play.
Despite their rocky past, Mary still felt a deep affection for her ex-husband.
The dog's tail wagged with affection as his owner petted him.
Practical Examples of Showing Affection:
Some examples of showing affection in a sentence:
She hugged her friend tightly, feeling her warmth and comfort after a long day.
He smiled at his daughter and tousled her hair, glad to see her growing up so fast.
She rested her head on her partner's shoulder, sighing contentedly and feeling at ease in their embrace.
He placed a gentle kiss on his wife's forehead, silently communicating his love and support for her.
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manonblackbaek · 2 months
other words to describe your characters instead of _____
HIGH bewildered, baffled, perplexed, disoriented, stunned, amazed, astonished, flabbergasted MODERATE doubtful, puzzled, surprised, perplexed, befuddled, distracted, disorganized LOW misled, undecided, uncertain, lost, dazed, unsure, indecisive
HIGH ashamed, exhausted, powerless, anemic, decrepit, frail, useless, depleted MODERATE vulnerable, inept, inadequate, worn out, helpless, spent, run down, sluggish, fragile LOW tired, weary, limp, soft, feeble, ineffective
HIGH powerful, potent, fearless, forceful, mighty, emphatically, active, vigorous, unyielding MODERATE confident, tough, robust, brave, sound, daring, hardy, hefty LOW capable, adequate, firm, assured, steady, stable, solid
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
more words to use instead other words to use instead even more words to use instead
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manonblackbaek · 2 months
Just thinking about how, in the same book, we have Azriel pointing to Cassian's chest, telling him he'd know if something was up with Nesta, his mate...
...and in his bonus chapter, Azriel feels something ✨️spark✨️ in his chest for whatever reason...
My good sir 🤦‍♀️
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manonblackbaek · 2 months
I wanna see what other people prefer since there so many differing opinions on who Azriel is gonna end up with<3
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manonblackbaek · 2 months
@elucienweekofficial Day Four — High Society
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A prince climbing up the balcony for a chance to earn a gentle kiss from his princess.
This is my first ever commission and I cannot thank poppypola_ enough for this stunning work. The vision was the balcony scene near the end of the film ‘Letters to Juliet,’ where Charlie climbed the balcony in an act to reach Sophie after a slight misunderstanding. Elain and Lucien are incredibly regency coded and their romance is no different—fleeting looks, careful touches, and quiet kisses in her garden with roguish humor and playful blushes.
Art credit poppypola_ on Instagram
Commissioned by — Me
Reposts allowed with full credit
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manonblackbaek · 2 months
Start of the bonus chapter:
Azriel couldn't stop it. The envy in his chest. Of Cassian, and Rhys.
End of the bonus chapter:
Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left.
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manonblackbaek · 3 months
NEED HELP WRITING? (a masterlist)
I have likely not added many that I've reblogged to this list. Please feel free to roam my blog and/or ask/message me to add something you'd like to see on this list!
Synonym Lists
Look by @writers-potion
Voices by @saraswritingtipps
Show, Don't Tell by @lyralit
Tips & Tricks
5 Tips for Creating Intimidating Antagonists by @writingwithfolklore
How To (Realistically) Make a Habit of Writing by @byoldervine
Let's Talk About Misdirection by @deception-united
Tips to Improve Character Voice by @tanaor
Stephen King's Top 20 Rules for Writers posted by @toocoolformedschool
Fun Things to Add to a Fight Scene (Hand to Hand Edition) by @illarian-rambling
Questions I Ask My Beta Readers by @burntoutdaydreamer
Skip Google for Research by @s-n-arly
Breaking Writing Rules Right: Don't Write Direct Dialogue by @septemberercfawkes
International Clothing
Too Ashamed of Writing To Write by @writingquestionsanswered
"Said" is Beautiful by @blue-eyed-author
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manonblackbaek · 3 months
Writing Description Notes:
Updated 14th June 2024 More writing tips, review tips & writing description notes
Facial Expressions
Masking Emotions
Eye Contact/Eye Movements
Body Language/Idle Movement
Speechless/Tongue Tied
Mental Pain
Physical Pain
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manonblackbaek · 3 months
Since this still seems to be a debate, allow the canon text to debunk the claim. “Your side is stealing our quote!” The quote in question being, “A thing of secret, lovely beauty.” Canonically, the quote has never been used to describe Elain. The line was used two times in the Azriel bonus chapter from ACOSF, once to describe the necklace he had bought Elain for Solstice, and a second time to describe the thought of Gwyn and her reaction to receiving the gift.
The first usage of the line —
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Now, the second usage of the line —
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The bonus chapter is used as a device to showcase Azriel and his endgame partner. The necklace—tagging along with “the secret, lovely beauty line”—is used as a literary vehicle, carrying Azriel’s affections from one potential love interest to another. The necklace was never meant to be taken as seriously as it has, as it will more than likely not be brought up again. The message of the bonus chapter was to showcase the differences in interactions between Elain and Azriel and Gwyn and Azriel; showcase the differences in interactions of his shadows between Elain and Gwyn; use the necklace as a literary device; and showcase mating language to describe Gwyn towards Azriel.
To continuously draw Elain wearing the necklace in fanart, despite her rejecting the gift and the necklace being regifted to another woman, has always felt desperate. To claim that “the secret, lovely beauty” line has any connection to Elain as a person is just as desperate.
Steph said it best that not everything needs to be taken in a romantic sense—not everything is intended to be interpreted in that way. It is rather obvious in what she was referring to as an overall.
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manonblackbaek · 3 months
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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manonblackbaek · 4 months
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Some soft Gwynriel for you 🥰
I always thought Gwyn would be the first to fall in love before he falls harder. Of course after they already are deep into their friendship.
Also, Azriel has dark circles. Sjm and her „most beautiful“ descriptions cannot convince me otherwise.
I‘m in a good enough mood today to tell you that I‘m redrawing that awful fanart from 2022. Like always- trust the process.
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manonblackbaek · 5 months
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l'd let the world burn. Let the world burn for you❤️‍🩹
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manonblackbaek · 5 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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manonblackbaek · 5 months
Pick what song you like better in each battle to get an accurate list of your favorites songs. Note: hitting ‘no opinion’ or 'I like both’ frequently will negatively affect your results. Note: If you make a mistake DO NOT click backspace unless you find extremely necessary. It will erase all your progress.
Complete TTPD: cresswellslover.tumblr.com/ttpd
Standard tracks only: cresswellslover.tumblr.com/ttpd1
Anthology tracks only: cresswellslover.tumblr.com/ttpd2
like or reblog if you enjoyed the sorter—thanks <3
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manonblackbaek · 6 months
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manonblackbaek · 6 months
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Azriel and Gwyn
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