#Guy can't catch a break.
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albino-parakeet · 1 year ago
The idea of "Hikaru" making infrasounds while being all devouring (or hell just existing in the same space) is haunting me, especially after reading the newest chapter.
(Adding a cut even tho its not a very long post just cause)
Its known as like the "fear" or "ghost" frequency and the kind of possible effects Infrasounds can have on people is fitting, so it wouldn't be TOO out of place if that just happens. I mean sound is already kind of a significant part in hgsn's story so why not lol.
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I'm a dino nerd so my go to example for it is this since it's more audible lol. (Headphones recommended)
More rambling in the tags
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stil-lindigo · 2 years ago
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group project🕸️
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zappyzap8 · 30 days ago
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Happy B-day Seb!
Happy b-day to this guy! a "quick" doodle....yay....*sleeps*
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poitionsprince · 6 months ago
*Severus looking for a father figure in Voldemort and Dumbledore just to be taken advantage of* Severus: What if this was my last straw.
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mrkida-art · 1 year ago
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Memories of blood and bone
I wanted to make a more symbolic piece focusing on a young King Thrór. He lived through the war of dwarves and dragons and also likely saw his little brother and father be slain by cold drakes. He became one of the youngest known Kings of the dwarves, and he led his people away from this carnage to resettle elsewhere. His new settlement? Erebor. His story is one of the saddest of all dwarves in the legendarium, because ultimately he would lose everything to dragons once again.
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year ago
How would Bowser react if the reader (y/n) would often cry and get scared because the reader did not want to be kidnapped by anyone at all:p
It isn't right that you're afraid of him. Something very deep and instinctive in the King's biology tells him that your fear of him means he's not doing a very good job of being a partner. Partners aren't meant to be afraid of their partners, and if they are, then it's a clear sign that something is very wrong.
The reason for your terror being that he'd kidnapped you flies completely over the Koopa's head.
He'll try damn-near anything to get you to stop crying at the sight of him.
He gives you your own room, a large and luxurious suite opposite his, with a door that locks from your side. Though in hind-sight, he supposes the lock wouldn't ease your mind any when it's more than clear that he can simply smash through the door without any real effort to get to you.
In another effort to earn your affection, not your abhorrence, Bowser constantly tries to adorn you with an array of shiny, sparkly things that only seem to give you something else to avoid in your room. You avoid the bed he gave you, along with the silken sheets and extravagant canopy. You avoid everything in that bedroom, even the new dresses he had made especially for you. Stars-forbid he ever tries to drape a new necklace around your throat, you'll nearly cut yourself on the stone in your haste to rip it off and toss it across the room, quivering anxiously like a leaf in a hurricane.
He just can't understand. Everything he's doing is supposed to be 'the right thing.'
Gifts. Finery. Space. Copious affirmations of adoration. He writes you songs, extending a clawed hand in your direction to invite you to sit beside him at the piano as he sings, yet you only flinch from him as though you expect his fingers to snap shut around your wrist like a padlock and chain.
Nothing he does works.
The only time you ever looked at him with any semblance of positivity was when he told you he'd be leaving the castle for the day and wouldn't be back until late.
It... hurt, he supposed, to realise his absence made you happier than his presence. He only later learned why you were so excited that he was leaving. You made an escape attempt that very day - attempt being the optimum word - and ended up injuring yourself in the process.
His koopa guards locked you in your room, and when their King returned and was informed of your little escapade, he lost his temper entirely. Not with you, but with those responsible for not keeping a closer eye on you. You hid yourself away in the ensuite bathroom whilst he raged and threw his weight about through the whole castle.
It took Junior nearly three hours to coax you out of your hiding place...
After that, Bowser makes a real, conscious effort to gentle himself around you.
He's big, strong and loud. It's just his nature, he can't help that. But when he enters a room, he no longer throws the doors open to announce his presence if he knows you're in there. He's started knocking. Something utterly incomprehensible to his subjects, who have only known him to go where he pleases without a qualm.
He stops rushing over to try and dry your tears whenever he catches you letting them slip, having at last learned his rapid approach only seems to make you cry harder.
He stops trying to decorate you, realising you're happier in your own clothes and your own, modest jewellery.
He just... wants you to be happy here. This is your home now, you shouldn't be afraid in your own home.
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leletha-jann · 1 month ago
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Welcome back, Moloch von Zinzer!
We have missed you...
...but the universe has better aim (nyuk nyuk nyuk.) >:D
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chaoticandrogynous · 10 days ago
Me reading Rhythm of War
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aetherialpiplup108 · 2 months ago
Finally finished rereading the Succession War and wow, Kurapika is so much sassier that I remember? Like in this arc alone he:
Pretty much auto-rejected poor Leorio’s email request after months of ignoring his texts and finding out he missed Gon’s near-death incident--like you'd think he'd want to stay a little more in touch lol
Straight up insulted the intelligence of 9/12 Zodiacs on his first day for not realizing there was a traitor (“How do you know?” “How do you not?”)
Roasted Bisky for no apparent reason just because she wanted to clarify that she’d get paid which can’t be that odd of a question considering he works in the mafia (”I’d think confirming that would be unnecessary with normal comprehension skills”) but they were definitely going to clash at some point anyway so…
Deliberately selected words and slowed his statements to provoke Danjin so he could threaten to shoot him (the smug ”Did you see what I did there?” lmao) although it was well-deserved.
Not to mention he refused to teach Gon just to proceed by introducing the entire first floor of the Black Whale to nen and personally opening their nodes. Come to think of it, he had some moments in Yorknew too where he came off strong (RIP Leorio being told he hadn’t changed much right after the guy complimented him), so maybe I just have a false perception of politeness from Kurapika by relation due to his proximity to Killua during the Hunter Exam arc.
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shewas-afairy · 2 months ago
Pov the character has so many issues that when you're highlighting the book you have a separate colour just for their trauma
Grayson Davenport Hawthorne I'm looking at you
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twinflamebreeze · 5 months ago
I love watching suits cause no matter what kinda day I'm having, Mike Ross is always having a worse one
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knightwhoisni · 6 months ago
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so, like, this is specifically arthur's kinepage. if it's not just a weird copy via Void Shenanigans, we really just waltzed in and stole this man's pager with help from kalymos.
bro is gonna go nuts looking for that thing only for drifter to turn up and go "yeah hey sorry i kinda borrowed this without permission by projecting myself back in time and following the doctor's giant cat. you can have it back now."
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projecthypocrisy · 7 months ago
Sephiroth: *existing*
Hojo: so...
Sephiroth: *sad existing*
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t4tadrienette · 9 months ago
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Be gentle with him, he's traumatised
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allyriadayne · 3 months ago
jace, JACE, the outward manifestation of the trappings of your station and status are showing in the costume you wore all season, even in this scene in the twins showing your "rebellion" against rhaenyra. it's not rebellion when you are helping anyway!!!. jace, i need you to break free. CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES, JACEEE
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oh no you guys, he changed his clothes but still got a big ass targaryen symbol on his chest!! JACE!!!! does his heart even have a place for something else? going back to support rhaenyra after another "rebellion", just as she is choosing another targaryen dragonriding bastard for an important mission...... jaceeeeee
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sharky857 · 2 months ago
Basically... 👇
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(Also: I swear I didn't realise the music was oddly fitting with that "headbanging" Roomba ghsdjkhfsdjk!)
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