#Gustavo López
denorteanorte · 1 month
El Centro Sampay analiza tarifas de telefonía internet TV y los avances contra la libertad de expresión
El dirigente y especialista, Gustavo López, , disertará invitado por el Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Social y Política Arturo Sampay. López es exvicepresidente del Ente nacional de Comunicaciones Enacom. Será una charla organizada por la entidad; el Ateneo Presidente Raúl Alfonsín; y el partido FORJA de Vicente López. Será el viernes 23 en la Cámara en la Empresaria de Vicente López, av…
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luegootravez · 6 months
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Flor Arriola by © Gus&Lo
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Indefensos ante la mafia macrista
Los macristas Milman y Caputo se revelaron involucrados en el intento de asesinato a Cristina pero el fiscal y la jueza los encubren. Magnetto amenaza funcionarios que lo quieren hacer competir, ¿competir? ¿en qué cabeza cabe? ¡Basta Magnetto! Para Cristina, ni justicia Imagen: El Extremo Sur.
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Medianeras (2011), dir. Gustavo Taretto
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zumrud-watches · 5 months
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Sidewalls (2011)
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aperint · 2 months
Un suceso pocas veces contado
Un suceso pocas veces contado #aperturaintelectual #palabrasbajollave @tmoralesgarcia1 Thelma Morales García
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portalvallenato · 8 days
Ociel Alí López* La oposición en Colombia sufrió otra decepción el viernes, tras conocerse la finalización inesperada de la huelga de camioneros que paralizó el país desde el lunes pasado. La misma supuso una crispación general durante toda la semana, debido a los bloqueos de importantes arterias viales que impedían todo tipo de paso vehicular y que comenzaban a hacer estragos en los sectores de alimentos, sanidad y combustible. Continue reading Petro en un campo minado: del paro de camioneros a la diatriba con el CNE
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deefeeme · 2 months
Acusaciones de violencia laboral en Radio Muni: El Municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy y el SEOM en conflicto
Acusaciones de violencia laboral en Radio Muni: El Municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy y el SEOM en conflicto El #SEOM denuncia #violencialaboral en #RadioMuni; el municipio de #SanSalvadordeJujuy defiende a la directora #ValleFermi y critica al sindicato.
El SEOM denuncia violencia laboral en Radio Muni; el municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy defiende a la directora Valle Fermi y critica al sindicato. En la Municipalidad de San Salvador de Jujuy, un conflicto laboral ha captado la atención de la comunidad. Las acusaciones de violencia laboral en Radio Muni, dirigidas contra la directora Valle Fermi, han generado un enfrentamiento entre el…
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jujuygrafico · 2 months
Acusaciones de violencia laboral en Radio Muni: El Municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy y el SEOM en conflicto
Acusaciones de violencia laboral en Radio Muni: El Municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy y el SEOM en conflicto El #SEOM denuncia #violencialaboral en #RadioMuni; el municipio de #SanSalvadordeJujuy defiende a la directora #ValleFermi y critica al sindicato.
El SEOM denuncia violencia laboral en Radio Muni; el municipio de San Salvador de Jujuy defiende a la directora Valle Fermi y critica al sindicato. En la Municipalidad de San Salvador de Jujuy, un conflicto laboral ha captado la atención de la comunidad. Las acusaciones de violencia laboral en Radio Muni, dirigidas contra la directora Valle Fermi, han generado un enfrentamiento entre el…
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sociedadnoticias · 8 months
Respaldo unánime a favor de Carlos Soto Escobar para llegar al Congreso capitalino
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Diversos grupos políticos y sociales respaldaron a Carlos Soto Escobar para que sea el candidato hacía el Congreso de la Ciudad de México por Morena. Por Paola Ramírez | Reportera                                               En un acto de unidad, habitantes de la alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero, representantes sociales y simpatizantes de diversos grupos políticos y sociales expresaron su respaldo…
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caraveomedia · 11 months
López Obrador confirma que Petro asistirá a la reunión presidencial sobre el tema migratorio
El mandatario mexicano indicó que el encuentro busca reunir a los líderes de los países de América Latina y el Caribe. El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, confirmó este viernes que su homólogo colombiano, Gustavo Petro, asistirá al encuentro: ‘Por una vecindad fraterna y con bienestar’, que organizará su país para buscar soluciones entre los distintos líderes de los países de…
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prensabolivariana · 11 months
López Obrador confirma que Petro asistirá a la reunión presidencial sobre el tema migratorio
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
Castillo agradeció el respaldo de Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia y México
Castillo agradeció el respaldo de Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia y México
Castillo también agradeció a “los miles de hermanos peruanos que se han volcado a las calles y pernoctan allí” / Foto AFP El destituido presidente de Perú, Pedro Castillo, agradeció este miércoles la postura de Argentina, Colombia, México y Bolivia a favor de su retorno al cargo, denunció que se le prohibió la salida del país hacia Bogotá y Ciudad de México y cuestionó las actitudes del “sector…
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¡Basta Magnetto!
Impune, el mayor mafioso de la Argentina, amenaza funcionarios que habilitan la competencia. Telecentro disputará a Clarín y a los criminales de Magnetto no les gustó. Amenazan con sus jueces. Pueden secuestrar o confiscar. El vicepresidente de ENACOM @gustavoflopez denunció que Telecom lo amenazó mediante Carta Documento: "La carta es directamente una amenaza porque la enviaron para que no…
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queenofthedisneyverse · 5 months
La Violencia (Research I did for Encanto fic writers so you don't have to)
TW: Assassination and death
Long but necessary post
@yellowcry @miracles-and-butterflies @evostar (if you already knew about it, that's fine, but reblog so others can too.)
To put it simply;
During this time, an estimated 200,000 people lost their lives, with 112,000 of those deaths occurring between 1948 and 1950. Additionally, two million people were forcibly displaced from their homes, primarily to Venezuela.
The root of this conflict lies in the intense partisan rivalries between Colombia’s two traditional political parties: the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. These tensions created a divide between liberals and conservatives, eventually leading to the partial collapse of the state and existing institutional structures. As violence escalated, economic motivations began to outweigh political ones, and armed bands took advantage of the chaos to commit robberies, assaults, and revenge against their neighbors.
More in depth;
La Violencia was a ten-year civil war in Colombia from 1948 to 1958, between the Colombian Conservative Party and the Colombian Liberal Party, fought mainly in the countryside.
Liberal hegemony continued through the 1930s and the World War II era, and Alfonso López Pumarejo was reelected in 1942; however, wartime conditions were not favourable to social change. In the elections of 1946, two Liberal candidates, Gabriel Turbay and Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, stood for election and thus split the Liberal vote. A Conservative, Mariano Ospina Pérez, took office. 
Conservatives had been embittered by political sidelining and, since 1930, had suffered violent attacks at the hands of Liberal supporters. With the electoral victory of 1946 they instituted a series of crude reprisals against Liberals. It was the initiation of the period that was dubbed La Violencia. On April 9, 1948, Gaitán, leader of the left wing of the Liberal Party, was assassinated in broad daylight in downtown Bogotá. The resulting riot and property damage (estimated at $570 million throughout the country) came to be called the bogotazo.
La Violencia originated in an intense political feud between Liberals and Conservatives and had little to do with class conflict, foreign ideologies, or other matters outside Colombia.  Authoritative sources estimate that more than 200,000 persons lost their lives in the period between 1946 and 1964.
The most spectacular aspect of the violence, however, was the extreme cruelty perpetrated on the victims, which has been a topic of continuing study for Colombians. La Violencia intensified under the regime of Laureano Gómez (1950–53), who attempted to introduce a fascist state. His excesses brought his downfall by military coup—Colombia’s first in the 20th century. Gen. Gustavo Rojas Pinilla assumed the presidency in 1953 and, aided by his daughter, María Eugenia Rojas, began an effort to end La Violencia and to stimulate the economy.
Rojas was a populist leader who supported citizens’ demands for the redress of grievances against the elite. Support for Rojas began to collapse when it appeared that he would not be able to fulfill his promises, when he showed reluctance to give up power, and when the economy faltered as a result of a disastrous fall in coffee prices in 1957. He was driven from office that year by a military junta.
The arrangement for the National Front government—a coalition of Conservatives and Liberals—was made by Alberto Lleras Camargo, representing the Liberals, and Laureano Gómez, leader of the Conservative Party, in the Declaration of Sitges (1957).
The unique agreement provided for alternation of Conservatives and Liberals in the presidency, an equal sharing of ministerial and other government posts, and equal representation on all executive and legislative bodies. The agreement was to remain in force for 16 years—equivalent to four presidential terms, two each for Conservatives and Liberals. The question of what governmental structure would follow the National Front was left unsettled.
It had been contemplated that a Conservative would be the first to occupy the presidency in 1958. When the Conservative Party could not agree on a candidate, however, the National Front selected Lleras, who had previously served in that office for 12 months in 1945–46.
During Lleras’s tenure an agrarian reform law was brought into effect, national economic planning for development began, and Colombia became the showcase of the Alliance for Progress (a U.S. attempt to further economic development in Latin America). But severe economic difficulties caused by low coffee prices, domestic unemployment, and the apparent end of the effectiveness of import substitution were only partially offset by Alliance aid. 
The Alliance increased Colombia’s economic dependence on the United States, which, to some Colombians, had serious disadvantages. By 1962 economic growth had come almost to a standstill.
The precarious state of the economy and the degree of social tension were revealed when only about half of those eligible to vote did so in the 1962 presidential elections, which brought Guillermo León Valencia, a Conservative, to the presidency.
During Valencia’s first year in office internal political pressures led to devaluation of the peso (Colombia’s currency), wage increases among unionized workers of some 40 percent, and the most rampant inflation since 1905. Extreme deflationary policies were applied in the next three years, raising the unemployment rates above 10 percent in the major cities and turning even more Colombians against the National Front. 
Less than 40 percent of the electorate went to the polls in the 1964 congressional elections.
Marxist guerrilla groups began appearing in Colombia during Valencia’s presidency. The first was the National Liberation Army (Ejército de Liberación Nacional; ELN), which was created by a group of Colombian students who had studied in Cuba.
Founded in 1964, the ELN followed strategies espoused by Che Guevara. Another guerrilla group, which followed two years later, was the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia; FARC), which was more connected to Soviet-influenced communist movements. Much of FARC originated in the “resistance committees” that had appeared in Colombia during La Violencia.
Carlos Lleras Restrepo was the third National Front president (1966–70). He returned the economy to a sound footing, improved government planning for economic development, and pushed through political reforms essential to an orderly end to the Front (which seemed increasingly to constitute a monopoly of power by the Conservative-Liberal oligarchy).
Although the constitutional reform of 1968 stipulated that elections would become competitive again after 1974, the president was still required to give “adequate and equitable” representation to the second largest political party in his cabinet and in the filling of other bureaucratic posts.
Read more here (This article is mostly where I got my info from as well as copilot.ai. I know, AI is bad, but please don't judge me. I was not about to do six hours of research when I have a tool that can help me in seconds.)
What does this have to do with the madrigals?
Well, if you're planning on writing any madrigal (or all) outside of Encanto, La violencia is something you need to take into consideration. It's an important part of Colombia's culture and shouldn't be ignored.
(I just learned about it recently and in turn, need to rewrite some stuff. So I can only imagine that half of the Encanto fandom knows nothing about it)
What cities were safe you ask? I don't think there really was any.
Bogotá: As the capital of Colombia, Bogotá witnessed significant unrest during this period. Political factions clashed, leading to violence and instability.
Cali: Cali, located in the southwestern part of the country, also suffered from La Violencia. It was a hotspot for clashes between Liberal and Conservative supporters.
Medellín: Medellín, another major city, faced its share of violence. The conflict often played out in the streets, affecting civilians and communities.
Barranquilla: This coastal city experienced tensions between rival political groups, resulting in bloodshed and loss of life.
Cartagena: Cartagena, known for its historical significance, was not immune to the violence. The struggle between Liberals and Conservatives left scars on its urban landscape.
Cúcuta: Located near the border with Venezuela, Cúcuta also witnessed violence during La Violencia.
Palmira, Santa Marta, Soledad Atlántico, Armenia, Pereira, Neiva, Valledupar, Bucaramanga, Popayán, Villavicencio, and Soacha were other cities affected by the turmoil.
So, in either city, the madrigals would be exposed to this war if they chose to come out. Now, let's say Encanto is in the very center of Colombia (or at lease close to it) -
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(Right where the red dot is)
The closest area is Villavicencio, Puerto Lypez, and Bogota. All three cities that were affected by the war. And I'm not saying Villavicencio is THAT close to Encanto, probably a week trip at best, but still.
Why did I choose the center of Colombia?
Because I don't see it sitting anywhere else. And it's convenient fic wise. But you can do what you want.
Now I'm not saying the Madrigals won't experience fun in the new world. They most certainly will (culture and technology wise), but the war is really unavoidable for them.
That's all for now, but if you have anything to add or for me to correct, reblog or message me.
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zumrud-watches · 5 months
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Sidewalls (2011)
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