#Guest: Elizabeth Hansen
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widowshill · 26 days ago
Top 3 Vicki's parentage theories! Dealer's choice if this is "top 3 by likelihood and/or thematic resonances" or "top 3 by amusing you the most". Please and thank you!
Sleepover asks.
this is very long so the summary is:
Paul and Betty
Jamison and Betty
Hansen and Betty
the funnie version:
Liz and Burke
Liz and Quentin
Liz and Dick Garner
explanations below!
1. Paul and Betty. as far as I know this is where they were heading in the very beginning, so even though it's sort of the boring, bookish answer, this is the one that, in my opinion, matches up with the lion's share of character motivations and behavior, and the clues that we're given, as well as ... the most interesting from a character arc perspective, for Vicki.
my overall opinion (and I know this is different from vast swaths of the fandom, I'm not saying it's the correct one! just that it's mine) is that Liz's behavior, attitude, general demeanor towards Vicki at the start makes sense as a sin she feels she owes obligation towards, rather than a secret of her own that she's hiding — a mistake of Paul's, or Roger's, or Jamison's (etc.), that needs attending. I'm taking it as pretty much fact that Liz is responsible for the $50 every month sent to the foundling home from Bangor (via Dick Garner's office), based mostly on the phone call she receives from him after Vicki's visit. the fact that the money started coming at the time of Paul's "disappearance" makes sense to me as a kind of settling of accounts, or act of contrition, for killing him — that she can act as benefactor to his child who is herself an innocent, even if Liz might (rightfully) resent her existence: not yet loved enough to say, adopt her, or otherwise get her out of that situation entirely.
she would feel especially responsible because the Hanscombe's were evidently part of the staff at Collinwood, all of whom she dismissed after Paul's death, putting them out of a job and forcing them to relocate. so she has a double-obligation in that sense, originating at the same period and via the same act. providing for their child goes a little way towards easing her conscience, which she only feels a duty towards after Paul's death — she doesn't send money the first two years at the foundling home, which I think she likely would have, had Vicki been her own daughter.
given the way Liz treats Carolyn and David — protecting them at all costs, willing to forgive any mistake or attitude or wrongdoing (even patricide!), loving them tremendously despite the sins of their fathers — I find it hard to reconcile her initial coldness towards Vicki, and her temper and intent to fire her over small missteps — i.e. playing hooky to get breakfast at Roger's invitation — with a belief that she's Liz's daughter. even with the allowance that she's illegitimate, or that Liz regards her as a mistake or personal failing, it doesn't match what I would expect from Liz (particularly given that David is dubiously legitimate, and Carolyn is the result of another mistake — her marriage to Paul). on the other hand, I would expect her to hold Paul's bastard child to a very high standard of industriousness and loyalty (before she starts to love Vicki in her own right); to invite her to the house on the strict, practical basis of employment, not as a guest; to serve as a natural companion for Carolyn as her half-sister; and to want to keep all the family secrets underfoot.
why I believe so strongly in Betty as her mother has to do with two reasons. the first is Watsonian, which is that Elizabeth lies, and instructs Roger very forcibly to lie, about Vicki's resemblance to the portrait, to convince her that there is no link between herself and Betty, which certainly suggests to me that there is a very close link of some kind. the second reason, Doylist, is that portraits play such a pivotal role throughout Dark Shadows as a marker of identity and bloodline. Barnabas' portrait proving his descent from the Collinses to the family, and proving his vampirism to us; Laura's portrait revealing her as monster and her intentions towards David; Angelique's proving her identity in her various modern guises; Quentin's portrait holding the truth of his years and condition; and so on, etc. Burke is able to question Sam and interrogate the truth while Sam paints his portrait; Tate quite literally creates reality from canvas and brush; when Laura wants to stop Sam's (Josette's) interference leading Vicki et al. to the truth, she doesn't need to kill him, she only needs to take away his ability to paint. and the paintings of ancestors adorning the halls provide the Collinses with a sense of history, purpose, duty, and blood. Jeremiah's portrait is guiding for Liz; scrutinizing for Roger; revulsive for Carolyn; and aspirational, even, for Burke. in that thematic backdrop, Vicki finding a portrait of a woman who resembles her exactly, is perhaps the most significant clue Dark Shadows can offer to the heart of who she is. words — stories and official histories — are variable and fault-ridden in Collinsport, but there is truth and preservation in oils.
that's partly why I'm willing to brush off Sam's account that Betty died before Vicki was born. and Sam is not, by any stretch, a faultless narrator: whether he's deliberately lying, or just misremembering, or mixing it up because of the quantity of liquor in the last decade, a few years give or take in Sam's memory is not significant enough for me to discount Betty. I will say, as a caveat, that the link to Betty doesn't necessarily mean she was her mother: I've seen it suggested that Betty could have been her half sister (via Liz and the butler Hanscombe) or that the portrait is of Liz (Betty being a nickname for Elizabeth). And I think both of those are reasonable interpretations! I think having different mothers and having that strong of a resemblance is very unlikely, though; and Sam's description of Betty doesn't necessarily read to me like he's talking about a young Liz Collins, nor do Roger or Carolyn remark on it looking like an old picture of her. if Jason, or Paul, would have come back and referred to her as Betty as an outdated nickname she no longer uses, or Bette, I'd be sold. As it is, I think direct descendant is the strongest read: that Betty's sudden moving away that Sam remembers was a result of the shame of getting pregnant by her employers, and without means to support her daughter (certainly no sympathy from Paul, or from his wife) gave her up. Which would mean that the portrait of Betty is, in a way, Vicki's ancestral portrait — or a mirror to them, anyway.
the reason that I'm partial to Paul as the father — aside from contributing to Liz's sense of obligation and repentance, and accounting for her coolness towards Vicki at the start — is because I think it makes a lot of sense for Vicki, narratively, to be entwined with the Collinses without being blood related (well, except to Carolyn). and by that I mean discovering she's a Collins is what Vicki wants — to neatly have her wishes granted, to give her a name and a place in the family, is not by my reckoning very compelling. frustrating her a little bit by not making her a Collins by blood, and instead having the circumstances of her birth being a little sordid, challenges her ideas that where she comes from biologically correlates directly into who she is and where she belongs — instead, finding family and the love she's seeking without blood ties to them. and I think there are a few moments that support Vicki not having any Collins blood — like not being able to buy the house by the sea, Liz confessing nothing before her attempted suicide, Liz not intervening when Roger is taking her out on dates, Vicki not having anyone she resembles in the past and instead being matched with the governess — but overall, it's the strength of my wanting Vicki's primary journey to be flawed, and to be a road to change, instead of remaining static.
it's no secret to anyone that I would prefer her to be a Collins by marriage and I will, readily, confess that the more I grew attached to Roger/Vicki the less I became interested in Liz as her mother. But that brings me to my next and final point, which is her connection to Josette, who was a Collins via marriage and not by birth. Unlike in the 1991 revival, they aren't twins, or direct reincarnations, even if Vicki sees some similarity in their appearance — she does, though, feel a close emotional and supernatural tie to Josette, and this specifically plays out during the Laura arc. What interests me is that Josette specifically appears to Vicki and David and makes a concerted effort to protect them — that Josette, in the story that is told at the start of the show, is the patron saint of lonely, miserable outsiders. Vicki and David both have some mystery surrounding their bloodline and their status as Collinses — they both feel loneliness achingly, and the people who were supposed to love them, their parents, did not love them like they should have. In many ways, David is as much an orphan as Vicki is, for all that Roger is a present and loving father; David's mother is either absent or fillicidal or dead. I think it's particularly resonant if you take the reading that neither Vicki nor David are Collinses by blood, and that Josette takes a special affinity to them for that reason — that they, like her, are outsiders among the Collins family, with no blood ties, their lives threatened through the family sins.
(worth briefly noting Roger's assurance to Vicki that "[the widows] cry, Miss Winters, but they won't harm you. Not you. You're my son's governess, not a member of the family" and Josette + Bill rallying the widows to protect Vicki and kill Matthew)
it's not definitive: there is that story Liz relays about Josette protecting her great aunt as a child — and I think it's pretty likely that the aunt is Judith, not Jenny or Laura. but I think reading Vicki as outsider, as opposed to a secret Collins princess, adds a little more weight to her, and Josette's, and David's story — moreover that it makes the way the rest of the family come to love her as one of their own a little more significant, as opposed to being Liz's daughter all along and treating her like the help all the while. plus Vicki could legally marry roger <3 yay
2. Jamison and Betty. I'll try not to repeat myself too much as many of the justifications for Paul and Betty are the same here: Vicki being a sin that Liz feels obligation towards, Betty's portrait having meaning within the broader narrative of Dark Shadows paintings, Liz's behavior not quite what I would expect towards her own daughter. Jamison is, I think, the best contender for the parent by which Vicki would have a blood relationship to the Collins family: Roger is technically an option, but no one seems to theorize his involvement with any conviction. With good reason — he'd have been very young, he was away at school for most of that period in time, she looks nothing like Roger, Roger doesn't seem to know who Betty is or even wonder that there was an illegitimate birth that could have produced a mysterious governess. Their father, on the other hand, would have had control over the household and the means to coerce a member of the staff into bed — which I do not say with any particularly negative opinion of Jamison, other than he was a man with wealth and power in America in the 20th century, and probably acted as any other man in his position has done. Collinses in particular, no matter the gender, have a particular affinity for seducing their own employees. Jamison, I think it's fair to say, regarded his uncle Quentin as role model, mentor, and close friend more than his own father, so it's reasonable to suspect that Jamison adopted a few of Quentin's habits into adulthood.
Notably: Jamison died around the same time Vicki was born, in the mid 1940's. For much the same reasons Liz could have felt it necessary to provide for Paul's child, she could have seen to it that her father's was attended to — penance for a family sin; a lone leaf of the Collins family kept out of poverty — with the added sense of duty that this girl is their half sister, though due to age and circumstances she'll never be acknowledged as such. It's possible, too, that Jamison wished for Vicki to be provided for upon his death, and that's why the $50 was sent every month (the math gets a little iffy, there, because Jamison died before 1947, so again we're faced with the problem of why they waited until Vicki was 2 years old to send her money) But! It might have contributed; perhaps Liz didn't know where Vicki had been taken and had to have it investigated, debated on whether or not to acknowledge her, etc. It feels relevant in any case that Vicki's birth, Carolyn's birth, Jamison's death, Liz's marriage to Paul, and Paul's death/disappearance all happen within a few years of each other.
I think part of why I find Jamison more compelling than Liz x whoever, is that it's just slightly to the left of what's expected, for Vicki and for the audience; it grants Vicki part of what she wants, but not in the way she wants, and in so doing feels a little more gothic. By which I mean it's uncomfortable for Vicki to discover the truth, not just for Liz to admit: there is no world in which Vicki feels discomfort or unease accepting Liz as her mother, even if she'd feel some sadness or disappointment that Elizabeth lied and kept the truth from her. Accepting Jamison as her father would be difficult for everyone involved, and it would significantly complicate the relationships in the household via that discovery. Though about the same age as Carolyn, she would be her aunt, not her sister — her half sister would be almost 30 years her senior, her half brother 20 years — and that sort of uneasiness in roles in the family is very in line with the gothic tradition, as is the kind of ... sexual disparity between generations, for Jamison to have had a child with a much younger woman near the end of his life. Putting Vicki on the same level as Carolyn feels neat, natural (even when the parent they share is Paul) — putting her on Liz and Roger's is weirder, unnatural. Gothic!
I do think, though, it fits how the family seems to treat her, even though Liz would be the only one that knows the truth — that everyone seems to regard Vicki as an adult who is much more mature than Carolyn; that Roger, for all he calls Vicki a little girl, seems to consider her an equal — or at least an equal threat — and snaps at her as such; Liz's style of cool, strict, disapproving love towards Vicki is more analogous towards that she shows towards her disappointment of a younger brother than the (in my eyes) much warmer and more forgiving love she shows for Carolyn. I don't think it's necessary to attribute that to some unknown blood relationship, as Vicki is more mature than Carolyn, generally, by fact of her circumstances and her personality, but having some element of cri du sang in which Liz and Roger feel akin to her, and Carolyn feels she can depend on her for comfort and guidance, would not be out of place.
I'm also a little more forgiving on elements of the plot where I feel Liz had an opportunity to reveal the truth and didn't: Liz's attempted suicide, the house by the sea, Vicki's marriage, Vicki's attempted suicide, etc. Liz admits to Vicki her worst secret — killing Paul — and demonstrates considerable trust in doing so, well before she's pressed to admit it to the other characters. If it's her secret, I think she'd have folded to Vicki — or to someone! — long ago, but, if it's Jamison's secret that she's keeping for him? it makes tremendously more sense to me that Liz can't bring herself to tell the truth not only because it isn't her secret to tell, but because it would tarnish the memory of her father. Liz says that she "cried for days" when Jamison passed, which doesn't necessarily mean that she idolized him, or had a purely positive and close relationship with him, but she did feel very deeply. It would be very hard for her in that circumstance to own up to what her father had done, and to what she had done in preserving the secret. Too, that she's foisting that uncomfortable familial dynamic not only on Vicki, but on Roger, Carolyn, David, etc, which she'd be (I believe) very, very reluctant to do.
All this to say, it scratches some kind of narrative itch for them to say yes, she's a Collins, but.
3. Hansen and Betty. Is this at all likely or what the author intended? no, not really. does it really interest me as a possibility? yes. admittedly most of this theory has its basis on the scene in 60, when Vicki is asking Sam questions about the portrait of Betty, and Sam slips, and says Hansen, mistakenly, before correcting himself to Hanscombe. then, when Maggie asks him about it, Sam gets a little ... defensive? as if to suggest there's some connection he's not admitting.
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there's not a whole lot of contributing evidence for this one other than the similarity in their names — I can believe that Sam might have slipped in his memory and confused the two, that it was Betty Hansen, not Hanscombe, or that Hanscombe was her maiden name. The timelines, admittedly, don't add up to much — there's nothing in Vicki's story that matches with 10 years ago, and little in Betty and Hansen's that coincide with 18 years. other than, as already mentioned, the dismissal of everyone at Collinwood — which is the only real remaining link to Liz, and any reason for Vicki to receive money from Bangor. it's not the strongest case for a connection to the Collins family, I'll admit, though maybe Liz had a mind to hire Vicki after what she suspected Roger had done — a girl twice-orphaned at the hands of the Collinses, though not deliberately — or maybe Hansen was sending money every month, a burden that Liz took up upon his death.
what draws me to it is more-so the fact that this theory gives Hansen, the manslaughter victim, a more significant role in the story. his death barely seems to register on anyone's radar beyond being the inciting event that lead to the trial — Roger's lie and Burke's subsequent wrongful imprisonment, not the loss of life, is the original sin. for one thing, we don't know much of anything about him or his connections despite Collinsport being the type of small town where everyone knows everyone — no one seems angry with Burke (or Roger) for taking a life, no one seems to mourn the victim. this would furnish his life with a little more color, and give us a sense of the ripple effects of Roger's carelessness and cruelty — a girl that Hansen loved, perhaps that he had married; a child that he didn't even know he had, or that he did, and had to watch Betty give up, because neither of them had the money to support a child; becoming a widower after the girl's premature death (not uncommon in Collinsport) and seemingly growing distant and unconnected from everyone else in town afterwards. it's not a terribly unique story, but the (generational!) suffering has the Collins stamp — a habit of throwing townspeople in the meat grinder, especially when they're mostly anonymous and not particularly connected to the family, stripping away any history that isn't their own.
for another — this would make everyone's stories a little more connected, with Vicki serving as the keystone. Liz's secret (Paul and Jason, and the dismissal/self-immurement) is almost entirely separate to Roger's secret (Burke, and the trial, and Laura), and a connection between Hansen and Betty would be a kind of crossing of paths, in a way. It would also make Roger partly involved in Vicki's story, even indirectly, even if her parents gave her up long before the accident — Roger would be the reason she couldn't meet anyone left of her family. there's another version, maybe, where Hansen and Betty are involved, or married, but the baby is still Paul's, in which case everything is still more entangled.
in any case, if it were Betty and Hansen, I do think it would make sense that Burke's investigation into Vicki's past didn't yield anything substantial, because he was looking only for connections to the Collins family. a sudden trip from Liz down to New York to have a baby in secret (at a maternity sanitarium or similar) would not have gone unnoticed by any thorough investigator; and I suspect it would have been pretty easy to find gossip about which servants were favored by the lord of the manor, and a girl who very abruptly disappeared afterwards. it's almost ... ironic, that Burke might have overlooked her past because she was another poor kid from Collinsport with no real ties to the family, without any remaining roots.
part 2 .... funnie.
1. Liz and Burke. Well, to start, Liz does say how very handsome Burke is and seems to really like him more than she should and vice versa, that Burke really likes Liz, likes charming her. If it wasn't for the, well, everything, who can say? maybe they were closer and much friendlier ten years ago. Liz does have a proven penchant for strapping young men working in the Collins enterprises and ambitious smooth-talkers. It'd have practically been cradle robbing, but Burke is quite the charmer, and his jaw is so, so square.
Mostly it amuses me because it would piss Roger off significantly if Burke had gotten Liz pregnant, and to add salt in the wound, now he can't even in good conscience flirt with Vicki (at least not more than the level of flirting to which he's accustomed with his other niece). Plus I think it's great if the big soap opera reveal that the man she's been dating that she's actually related to isn't the one we expect. And Burke does look a little bit like her! sort of.
2. Liz and Quentin. Frankly this is ridiculous and I can't believe this is a semi-canon answer to the question but I haven't stopped laughing about it since I found out about it and I kind of like it the best out of all the semi-canon Liz x whoever's. I mean, why should Roger get all the incest? Why shouldn't Liz get to fuck her super hot 6'2 immortal great uncle who's saved from having every sexually transmitted disease on the strength of his Dorian Gray portrait alone? I'd believe that Quentin has a number of illegitimate Collinses out there in the world. he'd charm Liz. sure. what the hell. that's kind of a difficult one to admit to Vicki. yeah you're a product of incest and also your father was born in the 1870's :/ but he is sooooo good looking and good news, you can still meet him!
3. Liz and Dick Garner. the money comes from Bangor ... Dick Garner knows about Vicki and the money ... Liz has been garnering dick in Bangor ... the answer was staring us in the face all along.
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braveclementine · 7 months ago
The Explosion
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
You packed the bags frantically as you chatted on the phone in a group phone call with Nat (Clint right next to her), Steve, and Fury.
"You need to get out of that house now Agent Stark." Fury demanded. "Stop packing bags."
"I have to pack at least one bag for Everleigh." You snapped anxiously. "I know we're in danger, I get it."
"How is Stark so stupid?" Nat sighed in exasperation. "Who gives their home address to a terrorist?"
"Where are you guys headed?" Steve asked. "I've got a small apartment."
"And SHIELD is always open, so long as Stark doesn't give the addresses of that place." Fury growled.
"I don't know yet. I think Jarvis said Tennessee." You zipped up the bag, the phone still on as you carried the bag and dropped it over the banister. "Huh? Someones here?"
"Who?" They all asked. You put the phone in your hand and ran down the stairs.
"Tony?" You shouted. "Is somebody there?"
"Yeah." Tony's voice shouted up. "It's Maya Hansen. Old botanist pal. That I used to know, barely."
"Uh huh. Knew her body." Clint muttered and there was a sound like Nat was hitting him.
"I'm sorry," You said, not in the mood for ex girlfriends to show up on his doorstep now that his address was publicly known. "with Happy in the hospital, I didn't know we were expecting guests-"
"We weren't"
"And old girlfriends-"
"She's not really."
"No, not really. It was just one night."
"Yep." Tony agreed.
You weren't in the mood. "We're going out of town."
"Okay. We've been through this. Nope." Tony said.
"Yep! Fury will kill me if we don't." You argued.
"The man says no."
"Immediately and indefinitely."
"Tell Stark he's an idiot." Fury said in your earpiece.
"Great idea." Maya said. "Let's go."
"I'm sorry, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags."
You shifted Everleigh in your arms. "Tony, we have a daughter okay. We're leaving. This is how normal people behave."
"I can't protect you out there!" Tony protested.
"Is- Is that normal?" Maya asked and you both looked over to see her point at the bunny rabbit.
"Yes, this is normal!" Tony shouted, angry now.
"Very normal." You agreed.
"Stark, get your ass out of there." Fury growled.
"It's a big bunny! Relax about it!" Tony continued to shout.
"Calm down." You growled. "You're going to wake Everleigh. I'm serious Tony. We have got to go. We have places we can go. Steve-"
"Oh? And what did the great Captain America-"
"Stop that Tony. He's our friend-"
"You're to buddy buddy with him."
"That's not fair." you replied hotly. "How many girlfriends do you have? I think it's only fair I have some friends too!"
"Er- sorry." Steve muttered in your ear.
"Guys?" Maya asked.
"What?" Tony asked.
"Do we need to worry about that?"
You looked at the TV to see something racing towards your house. You gripped Everleigh tighter and turned to see the glass explode and you were lifted off your feet.
You flew through the air, yelling out because you didn't want Everleigh to get hurt and you were struggling to keep a hold on her. You were suddenly hit with pieces of the Iron man suit and you were completely protected when you landed harshly.
"STARK!" Fury shouted in your ear while the other three shouted your name.
"I'm okay." You gasped out, getting the face plate down. Everleigh was crying, but she wasn't hurt.
"Tony!" You shouted, watching the ceiling crack above his head. Shoving Everleight under the table, you quickly got over him so that the ceiling broke and crumbled around you.
"I got you." You whispered.
"I got you first." Tony whispered back and then said, "Like I said, we can't stay here."
"You idiot." Fury grumbled on the other side of the line.
More missiles came in through the house, sending Tony flying across the room. You held Everleigh tightly in your arms.
"Move! I'm right behind you!"
Except he wasn't, the floor giving way so that there was a chasm between the two of you.
"Get her." Tony shouted, pointing at the unconscious Maya. "I'm gonna find a way around. Stop stopping. Get her. Get outside." Tony said. "Go!"
You hurried to Maya's side, helping her up with one arm. You knew that if it came between Everleigh and Maya, you'd drop Maya in a heartbeat. But if you could save her too, then that was the best option.
You could not figure out how to use the blasters, figuring it was fine if you didn't use them anyways. You accidentally fired one somehow, blasting the three of you forward.
Maya took the brunt of the impact, then you, with Everleigh landing on top of you. You weren't sure how soft the landing was though, considering you were made of metal.
"Y/N? What's happening?" Nat asked, "We're seeing in on the TV of course but-"
"Tony's still inside." You gasped, getting to your feet, debating between staying out with your daughter, or shoving her into Maya's arms and going back in for him.
Suddenly, you were spun around as the Iron man pieces flew away from your body and towards Tony who was in the house. You fell to your knees and held Everleigh close.
"What's happening?" You asked into the com.
"Tony took one of the helicopters out with a piano." Clint informed you. "There's two left."
"He just took out the second one." Nat informed you, but you could see the spiraling helicopter and gasped when it slammed into the house.
You ran through the ruined house and to the edge of the cliff. "TONY!"
He was gone.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Ugh. Jarvis' voice was so far away. . .
Why wasn't it Y/N that was waking him up.
A beeping noise was ringing in his ears.
"All right, kill the alarm. I got it." He muttered, attempting to open his eyes, while also feeling like he was trapped in a small space.
"That's the emergency alert triggered by the power dropping below 5%." Jarvis warned him as Tony was greeted with data charts and he realized that he was inside of his suit.
"Oh." He gasped, looking past the data to see that he was flying high in the air. He could see a singular car down below with headlights. Snow was falling thick around him.
"Oh!" He groaned. He screamed as he hit the road, narrowly avoiding the car, bouncing off the road, hitting the snow, and then continued to tumble through the forest. Alternating between spinning, and also attempting to use his blasters, he crashed into several trees before he crashed onto his face in the middle of a small clearing.
He rolled over with a heavy thump onto his back, gasping heavily for breath. He tried to remember what the last thing he could remember was. Falling into the water, right? He'd run out of oxygen and he must have passed out. Unless he simply fell asleep from exhaustion and a lack of sleep prior to now.
He lifted his face plate off, feeling the cold air hit his face. His face felt sticky and he could smell blood.
"It's snowing right? Where are we, upstate?"
"We are five miles outside of Rose Hill, Tennessee." Jarvis informed him.
"Why?" He asked angrily. "Jarvis. Not my idea. What are we doing here? This is thousands of miles away! I gotta get Y/N! I gotta get-"
"I prepared a flight plan. This was the location." Jarvis said calmly.
"Who asked you?" Tony grumbled. "Open the suit."
"I- I think I may be malfunctioning, sir."
"Open it J." He demanded.
He sat up once the suit had finished and he gasped at the stunningly harsh cold that hit him. "That's brisk." He blew on his hands which were already starting to become numb.
He did put some ice on his wrist, which was stinging, and then went to lay back down saying, "Maybe I'll just cozy back up for a bit-"
"I actually think I need to sleep now, sir." Jarvis said in a weak voice.
"Jarvis!" Tony shouted, hearing the whirring power down. "Jarvis? Don't leave me, buddy."
There was no answer and Tony knew that the only thing he could do now, was go on. He used rope to hook under the suits arms, dragging it behind him as he walked in the direction he had been heading before he'd fallen so gracefully out of the sky.
His thoughts remained on Y/N and Everleigh. They were safe, weren't they? He would know somehow if they weren't. He knew Y/N had gotten out of the building. Probably Maya too. And he knew that she had to know that he was alive because of their soulmate bond.
He finally made it to a small, desolate gas station called Texaco. There was an ice machine out front, along with a wooden Indian wearing a poncho and holding a hatchet. There was also an old phone booth out in front, and he was glad that he had change on him, though he wasn't sure why he did.
He took the poncho from the Indian first, putting the soft material over his head. It wasn't to much protection from the fierce wind, but at least it was warm.
And then he called Y/N.
"Y/N, it's me. I've got a lot of apologies to make, and not a lot of time. So, first off, I'm so sorry I put you in harms way. And not just you, but Everleigh too. That was selfish and stupid, and it won't happen again. Also, I know you liked the rabbit, but it's Christmas time and it's to big. Done. Sorry. I'll get you something else when I get back. And, I'm sorry in advance because, I can't come home yet. I need to find this guy. You gotta stay safe, keep Everleigh safe too. That's all I know. I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian. I love you."
The next step was breaking into the closest wooden shed that he could find. Looking around, he saw that he had chosen the perfect one, because there was so much useful crap on the tables and walls that he could use to repair the suit.
He heaved the Iron man suit up onto the sofa that was in there, breathing heavily.
"Let's get you comfy." He muttered, sitting down next to the suit. It was scraped up and busted. He was going to have to do a lot with it. "You happy?" He turned the face away from him as he collapsed into the couch.
He didn't stay there for long, eventually moving over to the table to use the pilers and pull shrapnel from his arm.
"Freeze!" A little kids voice shouted and Tony looked up, though he wasn't frightened by any means. He saw that the kid was holding a plastic potato gun from the looks of it. "Don't move."
"You got me." Tony said, spreading his hands. There was silence and he said, "Nice potato gun. Barrel's a little long. Between that and the wide gauge it's gonna diminish your FPS. "
The kid aimed the gun upwards and there was the sound of shattering glass as he broke it without even looking.
Tony put his hands down. "And now you're out of ammo."
"What's that thing on your chest?" The kid asked.
"It's an electromagnet." Tony responded. "You should know. You got a box of them right here." He tapped the box he was talking about.
"What does it power?"
Tony hesitated, before getting up from the table and turning the light towards the Iron man suit he had been hiding behind him.
The kid's face lit up, putting his potato gun aside and cried, "Oh my God! That. . . That's. . . is that Iron man?"
"Technically, I am." Tony responded.
"Technically, you're dead." The kid said, raising a newspaper up to him.
Tony quickly unrolled the newspaper and saw the bold headline: MANDARIN ATTACK: STARK PRESUMED DEAD
Tony knew that Y/N had to know that he was alive though. The bonds didn't lie. She must be covering for him, letting them think he was dead. She would have known that he would go after the Mandarin.
"Valid point." He said.
"What happened to him?" The kid asked behind him.
"Life. I built him. I take care of him." Tony said, scanning the newspaper. It seemed both Y/N and Everleigh were fine. He tossed the newspaper to the side. "I'll fix him."
"Like a mechanic?" The kid asked and Tony saw that the kid had turned it's head so that it was facing him.
"Hmm." the kid said, turning the head again. "If I was building Iron Man and War Machine-"
"It's Iron Patriot now."
"That's way cooler!"
"No, it's not."
"Anyways, I would have added in, um, the retro-"
"Retro-reflective panels?" Tony asked quickly.
"To make him stealth mode."
"You want a stealth mode?"
"Cool, right?"
"That's actually a good idea. Maybe I'll build one."
The kid pulled at the fingers and broke one off.
"Not a good idea!"
"What are you doing? You're gonna break his finger? He's in pain. He's been injured. Leave him alone." Tony sighed.
"Are you?" The kid looked up at him, the small smile falling from his face. "Don't worry about it, I'll fix it. So, uh, who's home?"
"Well, my mom already left for the diner and Dad went to 7- 11 to get scratchers. I guess he won, because that was six years ago."
Tony felt pity for the boy. "Hmm. Which happens. Dads leave. No need to be a pussy about it. Here's what I need. A laptop, a digital watch, a cellphone, the pneumatic actuator from your bazooka over there, a map of town, a big spring, and a tuna fish sandwich."
"What's in it for me?"
"Salvation. What's his name?"
"The kid that bullies you at school. What's his name?"
"How'd you know that?"
"I got just the thing." Tony said, not answering. He went over to the Iron Man suit and pulled out one of the weapons. "This is a pinata for a cricket. I'm kidding. This is a very powerful weapon. Point it away from your face, press the button on top, it discourages bullying. Non-lethal, just to cover one's ass. Deal?" He waved the weapon around as the kid tried to grab it. "Deal? What do you say?"
"What's your name?" Tony asked as the kid took and looked at the weapon.
"Harley. And you're-"
"The mechanic." He looked over at the kid. "Tony." There was another moment of silence. "You know what keeps going through my head? 'Where's my Sandwich'?"
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Why were you at the house tonight?" You asked as you drove down the highway. Everleigh was fast asleep in the back of the car in her car seat. You were driving to Colorado where Nat and Clint were vacationing at the moment. Steve was going to fly out and join you all until Tony got back. Between the three of them, Fury, and yourself, you were the only ones that knew for sure that Tony had survived.
Maya sat in the seat next to you, her face still slightly bloody and bruised from the explosion.
"What was so important that you had to speak to Tony?"
"I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin." Maya said in a rushed voice.
On the steering wheel, you quickly clicked a button that activated your phone. It would send voice recordings to the group chat.
"So, if you still want to talk about it I suggest that we get ourselves someplace safe." Maya said.
You blinked, "Your boss works for the Mandarin, you think? But Tony says you're a botanist. So-"
"That figures. What I actually am is a biological DNA coder running a team of 40 out of a privately funded think tank. But sure, you can call me a botanist."
You wrinkled your nose. "Another DNA coder huh. This boss of yours, does he have a name?"
"Yeah, Aldrich Killian."
You snorted, "I knew I couldn't trust him. I told Fury something was up with him and he didn't believe me."
"Well," Maya said softly. "Now you have your proof. What are we doing now?"
"Colorado." You said. "We can meet some friends of mine there. They'll help us out just as well as Tony could."
"Mm." Maya hummed, and stared out the passenger window. 
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mslafaver · 3 years ago
EXTRA — Sonic-Con 2021, Days Two and Three
EXTRA — Sonic-Con 2021, Days Two and Three
https://archive.org/download/AANsonicconday2and3/SonicConDay2and3.mp3 Featuring (in order of appearance): John Fornof (Adventures in Odyssey, Down Gilead Lane, Jonathan Park)Allie Barrett (The AIOWiki Podcast)John Tuttle III (Adventures in Opinions)Dominic Treis (A Friend from Woodgrove, Saint Benedict Radio Theater)Pat Roy (Jonathan Park)Nato Jacobson (Jonathan Park, The Adventum)Rose Beasley…
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classicalfusiondance · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday and welcome to our dance company Janey Bateman!!!
Janey started dancing at a young age in Northern California at South Bay Dance Center, where she trained in ballet, jazz and hip-hop. Later she went on to dance competitively in various styles of dance with Mission Dance and Performing Arts. While at MDPA, Janey also had opportunities to perform with the Oakland Ballet during their Nutcracker productions. At the age of 14, she moved to Goodyear, Arizona where she studied ballet with Linda Purdy and attended Steppin Out Dance Academy, as well as briefly dancing with her high school. After moving to Chandler, Janey continued to study ballet at the Yen Li Chen Ballet School. At this time, she was able to graduate high school a year early and begin taking dance courses at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. In 2011, Janey began dancing at Glendale Community College where she danced for three semesters on the resident dance company Verve, under director Andrea Hansen. While with Verve, she had the opportunity to perform with Center Dance Ensemble as well as at numerous other events throughout the Phoenix valley. During her time with Verve, Janey was able to learn from a handful of master guest artists including; Summer Lee Rhatigan, Alex Ketley, Emily Schoen, Joshua Blake Carter, Pilobolus, Michael Williams, Elizabeth George, Sheryl Cooper and Kenny Jezek.
Over the past few years, Janey has danced on and off while taking time to start a family. Outside of dance Janey loves spending time with her husband and 2 children.
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hollywoodfamerp · 5 years ago
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Hollywood Fame Goes to Las Vegas!
Located in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip, The Venetian Resort Las Vegas features all-suite accommodations, exquisite restaurants, celebrity chefs, world-class entertainment, nightlife, and shopping.  The Venetian Resort Las Vegas offers 4028 accommodations with minibars and safes. Accommodations offer separate sitting areas. Pillowtop beds feature Egyptian cotton sheets, down comforters, and premium bedding. 46-inch flat-screen televisions come with pay movies. Bathrooms include separate bathtubs and showers with deep soaking bathtubs, bathrobes, designer toiletries, and complimentary toiletries.
4 outdoor swimming pools and 3 spa tubs are on site. Other recreational amenities include a fitness center. Guests can indulge in a pampering treatment at the resort’s full-service spa, Canyon Ranch spa+fitness. Services include deep-tissue massages, hot stone massages, sports massages, and Swedish massages. A variety of treatment therapies are provided, including aromatherapy and reflexology.  Take in the beauty of old-world Italy while you enjoy all the comforts and excitement of modern-day Las Vegas.
The roommates were done by a RANDOM generator. Except for the people who were on the ship list and who messaged us requesting a specific roommate.
If you do not see your characters name on this list, or if you happen to get paired with one of the other characters you play - please message us POLITELY and let us know - the generator was a little weird, but hopefully, everyone is accounted for - if not, we’ll fix it, don’t worry :)
Remember, we are NOT mandating threads to be completed during this trip, however, we do expect everyone to reach out to their roommates, people you don’t normally talk to, etc, and simply branch out. If this goes well, we may  do future trips without a  mandated thread. However, if this doesn’t go well we will go back to mandating threads. We are trusting you all with this. 
Please be mindful that we have an activity check before the trip, so do expect some changes! If your partner goes inactive or  leaves the roleplay during the trip - the list will not be updated. Your FC just will no longer have a roommate for the  duration of the trip to avoid confusion since this is only a weekend trip and not a week. However, if we get new members come in during the trip, they will be added to the roommates list accordingly.
Those on hiatus during the trip and reduced activity were not included in this list - but they must just state that their characters are on the trip. However, if those on reduced activity or on hiatus can get online during the trip to rp - you’re more than welcome to!
So, that being said - please LIKE THIS POST so you can not only keep track of this list but also so we know you read this notice.
Billie Eilish and Justin Bieber
Paul Wesley and Phoebe Tonkin
Margot Robbie and Chris Hemsworth
Shawn Mendes and Mike Faist
Alycia Debnam-Carey and Daniel Sharman
Cara Delevingne and Justin Timberlake
Brendon Urie and Darren Criss
Normani and Oliver Stark
Kehlani and Zendaya
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan
Priyanka Chopra and Aaron Tveit
Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke
Mena Massoud and Selena Gomez
Mike Mizanin and Maryse (Ouellet) Mizanin
Dylan O'Brien and Adelaide Kane
Keith Duffy and Sarah Drew
Kate Middleton and Prince William
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) and Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Kim Jong-in (Kai) and Lee Taemin
Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence
Zoey Deutch and Ben Barnes
Lucy Hale and Sam Claflin
Bruno Mars and Gigi Hadid
Fergal Devitt and Renee Young
Colby Lopez and Becky Lynch
Maisie Williams and Joe Dempsie
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens
Carrie Underwood and Roman Reigns
Camila Mendes and Austin White (Austin Theory)
Anya Taylor-Joy and Grant Gustin
Zoe Kravitz and Bill Skarsgard
Karlie Kloss and Perrie Edwards
Kaia Gerber and Charlie Hunnam
Demi Lovato and Anthony Mackie
Xiao Dejun and Hunter Hayes
Nick Jonas and Charlie Heaton
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) and Florence Pugh
Beth Behrs and Mazz Murray
Jake Gyllenhaal and Dacre Montgomery
Marcus Rashford and Jeon Jungkook
Samara Weaving and Blake Lively
Diana Silvers and Alex Fitzalan
Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner
Ariana Grande and Robert Downey Jr.
Madelaine Petsch and Laura Harrier
Colleen Ballinger and Ashley Benson
Janel Parrish and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Bella Hadid and Melissa Benoist
Stephen Amell and Park Jimin
Harry Styles and Matthew Macfadyen
Dinah Jane Hansen and Marc-André Fluery
Lewis Capaldi and Choi San
Ester Exposito and Sophie Turner
Elizabeth Olsen and Skeet Ulrich
Ryan Gosling and Kim Namjoon
Jackson Wang and Alisha Boe
Shawn Mendes and Joe Keery
Kang Yeosang and Ben Platt
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and Rosalia (Rosalía Vila Tobella)
Ryan Guzman and Jack Met
Jensen Ackles and Nathan Sharp
Kristen Stewart and Jared Padalecki
Shay Mitchell and Emily Blunt
Lee Donghyuck and John Krasinski
Lily Collins and Colton Parayko
James Rodriguez and Nina Dobrev
Kim Jungwoo and Park Chanyeol
Lee Taeyong and Niall Horan
Rami Malek and Tom Holland
Kylie Jenner and Madelyn Cline
Brett Tucker and Kim Namjoon
Sierra Deaton and Robyn Fenty (Rihanna)
Katie Cassidy and Jordan Fisher
Ashley Tisdale and Elle Fanning
Naomi Scott and Kristine Froseth
Lea Michele and Gionna Daddio (Liv Morgan)
Joe Jonas and Kim Hongjoong
Jacob Batalon and Katie Stevens
Lily-Rose Depp and Olivia Taylor Dudley
Janelle Monáe and TBD
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years ago
“I Love Lucy” ~ Season 3
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A handy dandy guide to helping you find your favorite episode blogs here at Papermoon Loves Lucy. Click on the hyperlinks to be taken directly to that episode’s trivia, background, and bloopers!
“Ricky’s Life Story” (S3;E1) ~ October 5, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed May 15, 1953 at General Service Studios. Rating: 62.6/85
“The Girls Go Into Business” (S3;E2) ~ October 12, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed September 11, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 56.2/79
“Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (S3;E3) ~ October 19, 1953
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Directed by William Asher.  Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed September 17, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios.Rating: 57.3/80
“Equal Rights” (S3;E4) ~ October 26, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed September 24, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 60.2/84
“Baby Pictures” (S3;E5) ~ November 2, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed October 1, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios.  Rating: 61.4/82
“Lucy Tells the Truth” (S3;E6) ~ November 9, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed October 8, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 61.4/84
“The French Revue” (S3;E7) ~ November 16, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed October 15, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios.  Rating: 60.0/81
“Redecorating the Mertzes’ Apartment” (S3;E8) ~ November 23, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed October 22, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: N/A
“Too Many Crooks” (S3;E9) ~ November 30, 1953
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Directed by William Asher.  Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed October 29, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 60.1/85
“Changing the Boys’ Wardrobe” (S3;E10) ~ December 7, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed November 5, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 67.2/79
"Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined” (S3;E11) ~ December 14, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed November 12, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 55.2/80
“Ricky’s Old Girlfriend” (S3;E12) ~ December 21, 1953
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed on November 19, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios.Rating: 52.8/76 
“The Million-Dollar Idea” (S3;E13) ~ January 11, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr.  Filmed November 28, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 62.7/83
“Ricky Minds the Baby” (S3;E14) ~ January 18, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed December 3, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 59.4/78
“The Charm School” (S3;E15) ~ January 25, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed December 10, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: N/A
"Sentimental Anniversary” (S3;E16) ~ February 4, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed December 17, 1953 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 61.1/82
“Fan Magazine Interview” (S3;E17) ~ February 8, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed on January 7, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 62.4/83
“Oil Wells” (S3;E18) ~ February 15, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed January 14, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios.Rating: 63.9/85
“Ricky Loses His Temper” (S3;E19) ~ February 22, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed January 21, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 56.8/80
“Home Movies” (S3;E20) ~ March 1, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed on January 28, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 58.5/83
“Bonus Bucks” (S3;E21) ~ March 8, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed on February 4, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 57.8/83
“Ricky’s Hawaiian Vacation” (S3;E22) ~ March 22, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed February 11, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: N/A
“Lucy Is Envious” (S3;E23) ~ March 29, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed February 16, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studio. Rating: 59.5/83
“Lucy Writes a Novel” (S3;E24) ~ April 5, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed March 4, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studio. Rating: 51.5/75
“Lucy’s Club Dance” (S3;E25) ~ April 12, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed March 11, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios.  Rating: 59.1/85
“The Black Wig” (S3;E26) ~ April 19, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed March 25, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studio. Rating: 55.8/77
“The Diner” (S3;E27) ~ April 26, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed March 18, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: 51.1/77
“Tennessee Ernie Visits” (S3;E28) ~ May 3, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed April 1, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studio. Rating: 57.3/80
“Tennessee Ernie Hangs On” (S3;E29) ~ May 10, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr.  Filmed April 8, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios.  Rating: 55.6/80
“The Golf Game” (S3;E30) ~ May 17, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll, Jr.  Filmed April 15, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studio. Rating: 54.2/81
“The Sublease” (S3;E31) ~ May 24, 1954
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Directed by William Asher. Written by Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll, Jr. Filmed April 22, 1954 at Ren-Mar Studios. Rating: N/A
The season ended #1 in the ratings, just as it was at the end of Season 2. The overall rating share, however, dropped from 67.3 to 58.8  
There were 31 new episodes
The highest rated episode was “Changing the Boy’s Wardrobe” (E10) with a 67.2 
The lowest rated episode was “The Diner” (E27) with a 51.1 
Recurring Characters or Actors Introduced: Michael and Joseph Mayer as Little Ricky, Tennessee Ernie Ford as Cousin Ernie, Shirley Mitchell as Marion Strong 
Recurring Characters Returning: Elizabeth Patterson as Mrs. Trumbull,  Doris Singleton as Caroline Appleby, Jerry Hausner as Jerry the Agent, Frank Nelson as Freddy Fillmore
Guest Stars Playing Themselves: Arthur ‘King Cat’ Walsh, Max Terhune, Jimmy Demaret
Guest Actors Playing Characters: Mabel Paige (Mrs. Hansen), Charles Lane (Casting Director), Frank Nelson (Dickie Davis), Natalie Schafer (Phoebe Emerson), Kathryn Card (Minnie Finch), Elvia Allman (Minnie’s Neighbor), Sunny Boyne (Minnie’s Neighbor), Joan Banks (Eleanor Harris), Sandra Gould (Nancy Johnson), Harry Cheshire (Sam Johnson), Madge Blake (Mrs. Mulford), Mary Jane Croft (Cynthia Harcourt), Herb Vigran (Al Sparks), Jay Novello (Mr. Beecher)
An average of 7,500 feet of film was shot per episode, for a total of 232,500 feet of film for season 3
Total Binge Hours for Season 3: 15.5 hours (with commercials); 12.4 hours (without commercials)
Papermoon’s Full Moon Pick: “Lucy is Envious” (E23)
Papermoon’s Half Moon Pick: “Ricky Minds the Baby” (E14)
Colorized episodes: “The Million Dollar Idea” (E13), “Bonus Bucks” (E21)
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bokononbooks-blog · 5 years ago
Science and Nature Suggestions From Bokonon’s Christmas Lists
Today we have recommendations from a guest reviewer: Professor Jennifer L. Campbell from the Department of Biological Sciences at NC State University. Over the years, Jenny has won awards and accolades as a zoologist at a number of institutions, but her main claim to fame here is that she’s the Old Man’s beloved little sister. Enjoy!
Nature with some history and science mixed in - both old school classics and some new takes.  
Nature - a combo of beautiful and uplifting titles mixed with doom and gloom
Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Untamed: The Fight For Cumberland Island by Will Harlan
Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert
Darwin Comes to Town by Menno Schilthuizen
Animals - but with science! Not “fuzzy animals are great” books but books that explain the world from the animals’ perspective  
Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez
Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin
Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat by Hal Herzog
Buzz by Thor Hansen
Life in the Valley of Death by Alan Rabinowitz
Eating food in America: Not what to eat but why we eat what we do…and perhaps some info on why we might want to eat differently
Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Palin
In Meat We Trust by Maureen Ogle
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
Food Politics by Marion Nestle
Edible: An Adventure into the World of Eating Insects by Daniela Martin
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scripta21 · 5 years ago
Version livre de poche, revue Fevers of the Mind, Issues 1 et 2
Version livre de poche de Fevers of the Mind des numéros 1 et 2 sans les photographies, entrevues et biographies.
Contributeurs / Contributors come from Issues 1 & 2 of Fevers of the Mind Poetry Digest.
This is a poetry only version of Fevers of the Mind without photography, interviews, and bios, just with the poetry, prose, short stories
Fevers of the Mind Press Presents: The Poetry Only: June & August 2019 editions of Fevers of the Mind Poetry Digest Paperback – September 2, 2019
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Poets included : Tianna Hansen, Scott Christopher Beebe, Jerry Masterson, Matthew Calmes, Matthew C Smith, Kristin Garth, Elisabeth Horan, Al Matheson, Samuel Guest, Guy Farmer, Juliette Sebock, David G Lee, Linda Crate, Chloe Gorman, Barbara Avon, Jamie Routley, Jennifer Hibbs, John Ogunlade, John Everex, Abuh Monday Eneojo, Anna Nash, Neel Trivedi, Roberto Zariskeeni, Ulane Vuorio, Norb Aikin, Justin Karcher, Mary Jones, ps Pirro, Kushal Poddar, JDG, Megha Sood, Matt Seeley, Paul Robert Mullen, Ceinwen Haydon, David Fladger, Rachael Ikins, Jackie Chou, Amanda Reeves, Anna Rozwadowska, Ana Lorenza-Jimenez, Amanda McLeod, Ellen Kirkman, Ruth Cheruto, Hillary Behsharam, Rickey Rivers Jr, Elizabeth Moura, Christopher Osswald, Christian Gould, Judge Burdon, Helena Fools, Anne Paulet alias Scripta 21, Stephen Watt, George Miller, Jennifer Carr, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Rachel Cunniffe, December Lace, Lynn White, Doug Polk, Demi Whitnell, Paul Brookes, Jesse Falodun, Robin Ray, Samantha Merz, David Milburn, Pasithea Chan, Michelle Nadasi, David L O’Nan, Abigail Swire, Colin James.
Disponible aux formats Kindle/Ebook et papier/ paperback
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fibula-rasa · 7 years ago
Familiar Faces from the 5th Dimension
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Getting a role on The Twilight Zone was a hot ticket, particularly in its first few years. Rod Serling had built up considerable cache with his well-received teleplays for drama anthology shows like Playhouse 90 and The Desilu Playhouse (where The Time Element originally appeared) and the Peabody-winning Requiem for a Heavyweight. Twilight Zone features appearances from lots of big-name actors from film, television, and radio as well as actors that would go on to become household names.
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Often when this sort of topic is covered, the discussion centers on future award-winning film actors like the Roberts Redford and Duvall so I thought I’d take a moment to celebrate the small screen. Below is a sampling of familiar faces between The Twilight Zone and some other hugely popular mid-century television shows: Bewitched, Star Trek, and Batman.
Bewitched (1964-1972)
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In addition to some shared directors, most of the major stars of Bewitched appeared on The Twilight Zone. The Bewitched cast made out very well for themselves in the 5th dimension: their episodes are all good to great!
Dick York (Darrin Stephens)
in A Penny for your Thoughts 2.16 as Hector B. Poole and in The Purple Testament 1.19 as Capt. Phil Riker
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Two very different stories here, both about psychic powers. Penny is a funny, screwball sort of episode about a hapless bank employee unexpectedly gifted with telepathy and Testament follows a soldier who starts getting premonitions of who’ll die next. If you like York’s Derwood mugging, you’ll love Penny.
Agnes Moorehead (Endora)
in The Invaders 2.15 as the Woman
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If you read my Twilight Zone post from yesterday, you know this one is an all-time fave of mine. Moorehead still has loads of witchy energy in this episode, albeit a very different, unglamorous kind of witchy.
Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha Stephens)
in Two 3.01 as the Woman (but y’know a different one from Agnes…)
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Montgomery and Charles Bronson play two lone soldiers on opposite sides of a war that has ended in apocalypse. The story works through what happens to those soldiers when there’s little more to fight over. It’s a very Rod Serling concept though I’m lukewarm on the resolution. Now, Inger Stevens is great in The Lateness of the Hour, but I always wonder about how great Montgomery would have been in the role.
David White (Larry Tate)
in I Sing the Body Electric 3.35 as George Rogers
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I also covered this episode in yesterday’s post. White’s character in I Sing couldn’t be further from the selfish and obtrusive Larry Tate and it’s fun to see him as a sympathetic single dad trying to do what’s best for his kids.
Small Roles: Sandra Gould (Gladys Kravitz #2) in Cavender is Coming 3.36 & What’s in the Box 5.24, Alice Pearce (Gladys Kravitz #1) in Static 2.20.
Honorable Mention goes to Maurice Evans (Maurice) in Planet of the Apes (1968) as Dr. Zaius because Rod Serling wrote the screenplay.
Star Trek (1966-1969)
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Star Trek and The Twilight Zone have a ton of cast in common, especially when you include guest spots. Half of the Enterprise’s bridge crew appeared on The Twilight Zone and even their engineer. Unlike with the Bewitched stars, the Star Trek actors have a spotty record on Twilight Zone. Both of Shatner’s episodes are true classics, but Nimoy and Takei are in some troubling territory.
Twilight Zone writers George Clayton Johnson and Richard Matheson also wrote episodes of Star Trek, respectively The Man Trap and The Enemy Within.
William Shatner (James T. Kirk)
In Nick of Time 2.07 as Don Carter and Nightmare at 20,000 Feet 5.03 as Bob Wilson
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Bit of Trivia: When Richard Matheson wrote Nightmare, knowing Shatner would likely star, he wanted to make Bob Wilson Don Carter following his inevitable nervous breakdown after Nick of Time. When Patty Breslin was unavailable for Nightmare, the plan was scrapped.
Leonard Nimoy (Spock)
in A Quality of Mercy 3.15 as Hansen
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A jingoistic WWII soldier (Dean Stockwell) is all-too eager to kill and it takes a Freaky Friday situation for him to learn a lesson about mercy. Nimoy’s role is a small one here, but maybe that’s a good thing.
James Doohan (Scotty)
in Valley of the Shadow 4.03 as a Father
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A reporter takes a wrong turn roundabout Albuquerque and finds himself in a town with a secret. He makes the mistake of asking questions after Doohan’s daughter disappears his dog and things get messy from there. Valley of the Shadow is one of the best episodes from this season of drawn-out stories and it often feels like a Star Trek plot.
George Takei (Sulu)
in The Encounter 5.31 as Arthur Takamori
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Just don’t.
Small Roles (too many to mention): Susan Oliver (Vina from Star Trek’s pilot) in People Are Alike All Over 1.25, Arlene Martel (T’Pring) in Twenty-Two 2.17 and What You Need 1.12.
Batman (1966-1968)
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We never had the pleasure of the caped crusader himself on The Twilight Zone, but we do have two of his greatest nemeses and his butler.
Burgess Meredith (The Penguin)
in Time Enough at Last 1.08 as Henry Bemis and in Mr. Dingle, the Strong 2.19 as Mr. Dingle and in The Obsolete Man 2.29 as Romney Wordsworth and in Printer’s Devil 4.09 as Mr. Smith
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Burgess Meredith is tied with Jack Klugman for most starring spots on The Twilight Zone; Meredith’s episodes hew more toward the humorous though. Printer’s Devil is probably the least seen of Meredith’s appearances and that’s a shame. He’s got a cigarillo-chomping menace that builds steadily throughout the story.
Julie Newmar (Catwoman)
in Of Late I Think of Cliffordville 4.14 as Miss Devlin
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A bored robber baron cuts a deal with the devil (Newmar) to go back in time to his hometown so he can change a thing or two about his past. Unfortunately for him, even non-traditional Faustian bargains have their pitfalls. Newmar is spectacular as the sly and charming “travel agent.” You can definitely see some roots of what Newmar would later put into her portrayal of Catwoman.
Alan Napier (Alfred)
in Passage on the Lady Anne 4.17 as Capt. Protheroe
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A young couple books passage on the wrong ship according to all the strange elderly people on the ship. Passage is a spooky concept that’s just too drawn out. This would have made a very memorable 30-minute episode though.
Small Roles: Stafford Repp (Chief O’Hara) in Nick of Time 2.07 and in The Grave 3.07 and in Caesar and Me 5.28.
Many many one-time special guest villains also appeared!
These are just a few fun shows that followed The Twilight Zone and have more than a smattering of cast and crew in common. It’s the tip of the iceberg, really. The Beverly Hillbillies also had a ton of crossover performers, but since the Clampetts aren’t psychics or villains, the connections aren’t quite as fun to make!
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I don’t think so anyway...
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envy-kitty · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @prettyfunkyunorganized (who, btw is an amazing writer and you should all go check 'em out.)
Age: 17
Birthplace: Houston
Current time: 9:19pm
Last drink I had: Cold water bottle, parched throat and all that.
Easiest person to talk to: My best frient, @so-rra
Favorite song: That's a hard one, but the one I listened to last was Ode to The Bouncer by The Studio Killers.
Grosses memory: My life isn't exactly an interesting one full of gross stories, but one time a person my mom knew made a shit joke about her food and then for some reason I thought that he meant there was shit in the food so I didn't wanna swallow it and eventually I was just chewing and chewing mush. So my mom was getting angrier and angrier and me and I was in tears and then I threw up and got sent to bed.
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff, took the pottermore test on a whim once and that's what I got.
In love: Sometimes.
Killed someone: I have a bit of a temper, but I cry whenever someone so much as seems like they're upset with me and I think too much about it. So, no.
Jealous of people: Sometimes, sure. But it depends, I don't just get jealous of certain types of people and it really just depends on my day. I try to be happy though.
Love at first sight or should I walk by again: I think it's easy to be attracted to someone at first sight, yes, but love takes time and patience. Love takes care and getting to know one another. But if you believe in love at first sight be my guest.
Middle name: Elizabeth Brooke
Number of siblings: One, my little brother.
One wish: Dude if I could be just a smidge taller that would be amazing.
Person you called last: My uncle, Hamza. He's pretty cool.
Question you're always asked: "You're gay?" "Why don't you pluck your brows?" "Your curls are so pretty, can I straighten your hair?" Ugh....the list goes on.
Reasons to smile: My cats! My dog! Dragon age! (Despite its many flaws....)
Song you last sang: Dear Evan Hansen, cause my brother is writing a comic with a character named Adam Hansen, so...
Time you woke up: 5:00am (I catch a bus to school and I gotta make sure everyone else is awake in the mornings to and make sure everything goes off.)
Vacation destination: I was going to make a joke about going to Thedas but now that I've thought of it and how everything always seems to go wrong there, I'd rather just visit my Dad in Mexico.
Worst habit: I bite my nails, I'm loud, I cry a lot.
X-rays: Have to get some more done in a bit in order to further monitor my scoliosis. (It's very slight, one of my shoulders is the littlest bit higher than the other.)
Favorite food: Tomato soup and grill cheese sandwiches. It's simple and it feels safe.
Zodiac: Born on the cusp of Aries and Taurus. So...Aries??????????
I'm gonna tag a few of my friends because they exist and I love them.
@breakingbrian @orsino @katdensetsu @so-rra @astronautmutual @martiansaremytrigger @sinfulhare
Don't feel pressured to do this! I'm also tagging anyone who feels like doing this! <3
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foryourart · 7 years ago
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Photo courtesy of Noah Stern Weber. Image courtesy of REDCAT.
Thursday, November 9
37th Annual Sale, HENNESSEY + INGALLS BOOKSTORE (Downtown), 10am–8pm. Through November 12.
ArtOASIS Showcase, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (San Diego), 10am–12pm.
Young-Il Ahn and Ann Weber: Moon over San Pedro, Long Beach Museum of Art (Long Beach), 11am–8pm.
Alison Blickle Artist Talk, Five Car Garage (Santa Monica), 12:30–3:30pm.
Talk: Gallery Talk: The Art of Looking—Greek Goddesses: Reconstructed & Deconstructed, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 12:30pm.
Course: One-Day Workshop: Collage in Fine Art, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Garden Talk & Sale - Sex in the Garden, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
LAND Sense of Place First Movement Reception, Santa Monica Pier (Santa Monica), 4–5:30pm. Reception to follow.
Gallery Talk: Erin Aldana, Guest Curator, University of San Diego (San Diego), 5pm.
Artist and scholar walkthroughs: Artemisa Clark, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Gravity's Peacock, MAK Center for Art and Architecture (West Hollywood), 7–9pm.
Danny Lyon: Vintage Works, Fahey/Klein Gallery (Hollywood), 7–9pm.
Conor Ekstrom, Hannah Hoffman Gallery (Hollywood), 7–9pm.
Los Angeles Filmforum at MOCA presents Poets, Artists, and Anarcho-super8istas, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7pm.
Live! at the Museum: The Artisan Guitar Ensemble, Laguna Art Museum (Long Beach), 7pm.
Writing Now Reading Series: Fanny Howe, CalArts (Valencia), 7–10pm.
Paul Brach Lecture Series: Artie Vierkant, CalArts (Valencia), 7pm.
A.E. Stallings, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Film: An Evening With...Darren Aronofsky, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Boosting Your Side Hustle With Gina Delvac, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7:30–9:30pm. $20–25.
Keeril Makan and Jay Scheib: Persona, REDCAT (Downtown), 8pm.
Persona, LA Opera (Downtown), 8pm.
Anne Bray Presents: How Can You Resist?, Echo Park Film Center (Echo Park), 8–10pm.
KCIA Presents: ACID TONGUE, CalArts (Valencia), 10pm.
Friday, November 10
"We Are CalArts" -The Role of the Spiral in Movement & the Body, with Babette Markus, CalArts (Valencia), 1–4pm.
School of Music Visiting Artist Series: Kate McGarry, Keith Ganz, Gary Versace, CalArts (Valencia), 2–4pm.
Documentary Screening: Frederick Hammersley: By Himself, The Huntington (San Marino), 3pm.
Off the Wall, Shoebox Projects (Lincoln Heights), 6–9pm.
Words and Music, LAST Projects (Downtown), 7–11pm.
Screening: Death by Delivery, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Feminist Acting Class, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm. Through November 12. $120–150.
William Kieffer: City of Fish, Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach), 7–11pm.
POP-UP MUSEUM: JOURNEY, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 7–8:30pm.
X-TRA Fall Launch Event: Candice Lin and Miljohn Ruperto in conversation, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 7:30–9:30pm.
James Tenney: Changes: Sixty-Four Studies for Six Harps, The Box (Downtown), 8pm.
The Seagull, CalArts (Valencia), 8pm. Through November 12.
Saturday, November 11
Quiet Mornings: Art x Mindfulness, The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (Downtown), 9:30am.
Dance Resource Center's 3rd annual Day of Dancer Health, Art Share LA (Downtown), 10am–5pm.
Designer Con 2017, Pasadena Convention Center (Pasadena), 10am–7pm. Through November 12.
American Indian Arts Marketplace, The Autry Museum of the American West (Los Feliz), 11am–5pm. Continues November 12.
THE LATINO COMICS EXPO – DAY 1, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 11am–5pm.
Young-Il Ahn: When Sky Meets Water, ParticiPoetry with Karen Holden, and Ann Weber: Moon Over San Pedro, Long Beach Museum of Art (Long Beach), 11am–5pm.
Tony DeLap: A Career Survey, 1963—2017, parrasch heijnen gallery (Downtown), 12–3pm.
Vantage, Finishing Concepts (Monterey Park), 12–5pm.
LIT! A Menorah & Candelabra Clay Workshop with Ben Medansky, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 1–4pm.
Artemisa Clark: La clase de dibujo libre/Free Drawing Class (2000-2004/2017), Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 1:30–4pm.
Build a Revolutionary Bear Workshop, WILLIAM GRANT STILL ARTS CENTER (West Adams), 2–4pm.
Lani Trock: Free Food, Big Pictures Los Angeles (Mid-City), 2–5pm.  
PMCA 1234: Second Saturday Spotlight Talk, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2pm.
In Dialogue: Film in Cuba, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2:30pm.
LARISA LAIVINS: ONE DAY POP-UP SHOP, Arcana Books on the Arts (Culver City), 3–6pm.
Channing Hansen: Fluid Dynamics, Marc Selwyn Fine Art (Beverly Hills), 4–6pm.
Double Issue Book Release Party, Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 4–6pm.
Materials & Applications 14th Anniversary Gala, Navel (Downtown), 5–8pm.
Workshop: Lighting Design for Dance and Performance with Carol McDowell, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 5–9pm. $30–50.
Hot Flat, Angels Gate Cultural Center (San Pedro), 5–9pm.
Yossi Govrin, Stephanie Cate & Deborah Lynn Irmas, barba contemporary art (Palm Springs), 5–9pm.
David Krovblit: Shells and John Nyboer: The Real Future: Dancers at The Lot, Los Angeles, Lois Lambert Gallery (Santa Monica), 6–9pm.
Jimi Gleason: Reflected & Absorbed, William Turner Gallery (Santa Monica), 6–8pm.
Art Circles, Getty Center (Brentwood), 6–8pm.
Emily Counts: The Associations, Garboushian Gallery (Beverly Hills), 6–8pm.
JOSH REAMES: Don't cross streams while trading horses, Luis de Jesus (Culver City), 6–8pm.
MICHELLE GRABNER: PATTERNS IN METAL AND OIL and Michael St. John: Portraits of Democracy, Edward Cella Art & Architecture (Culver City), 6–8pm; talk with Mary Weatherford, 5pm.
Nevine Mahmoud: f o r e p l a y, M+B (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Hecate, Various Small Fires (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Aria McManus: Relieviation Works, AA|LA (West Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Anthony Miserendino: Aromi, Moskowitz Bayse (Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Camilo Restrepo: Mera Calentura and Claire Milbrath: Crome Yellow, Steve Turner (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Andrew Brischler: Lonely Planet, Gavlak (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Strange Attractors: The​ ​Anthology​ ​of​ ​Interplanetary​ ​Folk​ ​Art Vol.​ ​1​ ​Life​ ​on​ ​Earth, Redling Fine Art (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Gary Simmons: Balcony Seating Only and Tomorrow’s Man 4, Regen Projects (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Elizabeth Ferry, Grice Bench (Downtown), 6–9pm.
TELMO MIEL: Bit and Pieces, Odds and Ends, Torrance Art Museum (Torrance), 6–9pm.
TELMO MIEL: Bit and Pieces, Odds and Ends, Fullerton Museum Center (Fullerton), 6–9pm.
THE FUTURE MOVES SLOW, Schoos Night Gallery (West Hollywood), 7–10pm. 
Anja Salonen: new dimensions in recreation, Ana Segovia de Fuentes: Boys and Boots, and Ammon Rost: Paintings, ltd los angeles (Mid-City), 7–9pm.
Eric Leiser: Time Crystals, Museum as Retail Space (MaRS) (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Ghetto Gloss | The Chicana Avant-Garde, 1980-2010, Bermudez Projects (Cypress Park), 7–10pm.
Saturday Nights at the Getty Presents María Volunté: Blue Tango Project, Getty Center (Brentwood), 7:30pm.
Floricanto's Fiesta del Dia de los Muertos, Lee Strasberg Academy (West Hollywood), 8pm.
James Tenney’s Changes: Sixty-Four Studies for Six Harps, The Box (Downtown), 8pm.
Sunday, November 12
Terrain Biennial Los Angeles, Ana Mendieta Performance Day, 3651 Mimosa Drive (Glassell Park), 10am–7pm.
MOCA Day Party, The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (Downtown), 11am–5pm.
CREATE - Opposites Attract / Los opuestos se atraen, ESMoA (El Segundo), 11am–3pm.
Mini Clothes Fun: Doll Clothes Workshop with Ruth Root, 356 Mission (Downtown), 12–6pm.
Talk: Korean Art Lecture Series | Fugitive Contemporaries: Korean Art After 1979, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Open Studios, FlechtroNEONics (Van Nuys), 1–5pm.
God’s Eye Yarn Weaving: A CraftLab Family Workshop, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 1:30–3:30pm.
Studio Sunday on the Front Steps, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 1:30–4:30pm.
Volunteer Appreciation and Recruitment, ONE Archives (Downtown), 2–4pm.
The Landscape Designs of Ralph Cornell, The Huntington (San Marino), 2pm.
How Does Nature Deepen Our Connection to the Sacred?, Getty Center (Brentwood), 3pm.
WORN IN NEW YORK: 68 SARTORIAL MEMOIRS OF THE CITY by EMILY SPIVACK, Arcana Books on the Arts (Culver City), 3pm.
Walkthrough of Axis Mundo with Joey Terrill, MOCA Pacific Design Center (West Hollywood), 3pm.
Hannah Greely and Upstairs: William T. Wiley, Parker Gallery (Los Feliz), 3–5pm.
Alex Israel and Jack Bankowsky, Art Catalogues at LACMA (Miracle Mile), 4pm.
Human Resources Benefit Party and Auction, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 5–8pm.
Performance | River of Everyone River of No One, Main Museum (Downtown), 6:30–8pm.
My Mother the Doctor, Leiminspace (Chinatown), 7–10pm.
Film Screening & Panel Discussion: Fresa y Chocolate/Strawberry and Chocolate, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 7:30pm. 
Tuesday, November 14
Performing the Musical Body: Robyn Nisbet, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 10am–2pm. $45.
Film: The Girl from Mexico, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Talk: Cur-ATE: Chagall and the Arts, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 6pm.
An evening with Analia Saban and Gabriel Kuri, Getty Center (Brentwood), 7–9pm.
Wednesday, November 15
Fall 2017 Visiting Artist Lecturer: Thinh Nguyen, Claremont Graduate University (Claremont), 4:30pm.
Heather Gwen Martin: Currents and Deborah Butterfield: Three Sorrows, L.A. Louver (Venice), 6–8pm.
AMBIGUOUS REALITY, Santa Monica Art Studios (Santa Monica), 6–9pm.
FOWLER OUT LOUD: MINDFUL MUSIC, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 6–7pm.
Wikipedia Fall Fundraiser, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 7-9pm. $250–25,000.
Rethinking: Programming, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–9pm.
Distinguished Fellow Lecture - Did Early-Modern Schoolmasters Foment Sedition?, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
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mslafaver · 3 years ago
EXTRA — Sonic-Con 2021, Day One
EXTRA — Sonic-Con 2021, Day One
https://archive.org/download/AANsonicconday1/SonicConDay1.mp3 Featuring (in order of appearance): Katie Leigh (Connie Kendall)Dominic Treis (A Friend from Woodgrove)John Tuttle III (Adventures in Opinions)JD Sutter (Audio Theatre Central)John Fornof (Adventures in Odyssey, Down Gilead Lane, Jonathan Park)Elizabeth Hansen (Dramafy)Josh Rodriguez (The Audio Drama Alliance)Benjamin Burnett (The…
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tripstations · 6 years ago
Tartan pride celebrated nationwide and in Hawaii, too
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Tartan Day is a North American celebration of Scottish heritage, observed April 6, the date on which the Declaration of Arbroath (Scottish Declaration of Independence) was submitted to Pope John XXII, in 1320. It was written in Latin, and essentially decreed Scots will choose their own king, and furthermore, Scotsmen rejected the propaganda that God desired the English kings to victimize and abuse them. Among the signatories of this papal protest was Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland, the progenitor of my ancestors, the Stewart Kings of Scotland. Throughout the North American Continent, Tartan Day was celebrated this past weekend.
There are well over 4,000 tartan designs that are registered. However, there are only about 500 tartans that have ever been woven. The most exclusive is the Balmoral, worn only by the Royal Family of The United Kingdom. Queen Victoria made wearing tartans popular; bringing back a tradition that was once banned, following the Battle of Culloden in 1746. She dressed all her sons in kilts regularly. Prince Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, was the second son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. On August 2, 1869, this Duke of Edinburgh (called Affie by his parents) arrived in Honolulu. The kilted Duke was feted by King Kamehameha V, the future Queen Liliuokalani, and the Queen Dowager Emma, with whom Prince Affie danced at a magnificent ball held in the original Iolani Palace. The tartan-clad prince was so popular, the city’s leaders named one of Honolulu’s streets for him – Edinburg Street, which was the block of Bishop Street between Queen Street and Ala Moana Boulevard. Of course, Beretania (the Hawaiian word for Britannia) was already taken, for it was the road leading to the British Consul, and the community where Brits lived. The area where the British consulate stood in 1843 is now Washington Place, the historic home of Queen Liliuokalani. Before coming to the throne, Princess Lililuokalani along with Queen Kapiolani, attended Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in London in 1887. The Hawaiian Royal family was one of Queen Victoria’s greatest admirers. Affie started a wave of Brito-mania that endured for decades.
With the rise of kilts, so to speak, Victorian clan chiefs adopted tartans for their respective clans. Later, individuals, organizations, and governments followed suit. There is even an official tartan for the State of Hawaii. British motifs have been popular in Hawaii for over two centuries – recall that the Union Jack of the British Empire is represented on the Hawaiian flag.
Members of The Saint Andrew’s Society of Hawaii, The Caledonian Society of Hawaii, Hawaiian Scottish Association, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, and tartan-proud members of the Celtic community gathered at the Hawaii State Capitol to celebrate Tartan Day on April 6. The capitol is across the street from Washington Place, home to the original British community in Honolulu, and location for the formal dinner given to HM The Queen Elizabeth II on her Hawaiian visit. Although most people associate tartans with Scotland, they are popular in multiple Celtic nations. Dr. Nancy Smiley, MD, brought a variety of Celtic flags to the Capitol, which were gallantly flown, all day long, to celebrate Tartan Day.
Some of the tartan enthusiasts posed in front of the Father Damien statue, honoring the Catholic priest who gave his life helping Hawaiians afflicted by Hansen’s Disease (leprosy). The victims suffered the humiliation and injustice of being banished to Kalaupapa, on the island of Molokai, beginning in 1866. Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson was a friend and guest to King David Kalakaua and Princess Victoria Kaiulani (heiress to the Hawaiian throne). The princess’ father was Archibald Cleghorn, a wealthy Scottish financier who married the king’s sister, Princess Likelike. Robert Louis Stevenson was the Stephen King or J. K. Rowling of his era, and he took a keen interest in Hawaii and her people. He traveled to Molokai for eight days and seven nights in 1889 to research the work of Father Damien, after which he published a scathing 6,000 word polemic attacking the way these patients were discarded like human garbage. Stevenson targeted Rev. Dr. Charles McEwan Hyde, a Congregationalist “Christian” who placed great importance on fashion and how he looked in public, but was rather hateful toward the Catholic Priest Damien, and, by consequence, Damien’s passionate devotion to the leprosy victims. At one point, Stevenson said he wanted to stab the good Reverend Hyde to death. A blood-soaked white shirt wouldn’t look so fabulous on the dapper Reverend Hyde, you know. The Scottish rebuke from Stevenson became the most famous account of Father Damien, featuring the future saint in the role of a European aiding a benighted and maltreated native people.
The famed Father Damien statue was unveiled at the Capitol Rotunda, almost exactly 50 years ago, on April 15, 1969. Damien’s story, as told by Stevenson, is an attestation to fiery Scottish tempers – a people who are resolute in standing against injustice, just like they did at Arbroath in 1320. And the statue is as hard as a hard-headed Scot – constructed from bronze. Bronze is generally harder than wrought iron. Not many craftsmen are able to produce works like this anymore. This piece was cast at a foundry in Viareggio, Italy, an area famous for creating sculptures, dating way back to 1541.
Marco Airaghi, who recently flew to Hawaii from Northern Italy, participated in the Tartan Day gathering. “The general area of Switzerland/Italian Alps/Austria is now accepted by anthropologists as being the aboriginal home of the Celtic peoples,” Airaghi said. “I’m a citizen of Italy, but Celtic passion runs deep in my soul, and these Hawaiian Celts are so much fun! They exhibit a lot of integrity, they work very hard, and they are highly compassionate. I like that.”
Follow the author at facebook.com/ILoveAnton.
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artbyeddystudio · 7 years ago
@rhythm_nation_tapcompany with @instatoolsapp ・・・ When Janet Jackson released this album, she stated, "We are a nation with no geographic boundaries, bound together through our beliefs. We are like-minded individuals, sharing a common vision, pushing toward a world rid of color-lines." Just as @janetjackson wanted to make a difference in the world with her music, we want to make a difference with our tap dancing. Inspired by Janet Jackson and her stand against social injustice, we dance to make a difference in the world. We tap dance to inspire love, acceptance, and peace in the world. Link to our full video on youtube is in our bio. If you enjoy our video, please like and subscribe to our channel. Video directed/produced by: Cherie Julander Choreography by: Wendi Isaacson. Rhythm Nation Tap Company dancers: Gary Brotherson, London Brotherson, Josie Carpenter, Kylee Christensen, Kaeli Dance, Katie Edwards, Caelin Grandpre, Meridien Grandpre, Caitlyn Hansen, Izzy Isaacson, Wendi Isaacson, Will Isaacson, Ady Kandell, Teagan Kay, Elizabeth Leighton, Camille Lewandowski, Julia Ma, Brooklyn Villenueve, Brittany Wanlass, Carly Wanlass, Valarie Wells, Berkley Whitney, Kate Woodward Guest Artist: Victoria Jones (Las Vegas Tap Fest) MUSIC CREDITS: "Rhythm Nation" Artist: Janet Jackson Album: Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814 Released: 1989 by A&M Records. We do not own the rights to music, we are just using it for creative artistic expression. Thank you Janet! We love you! Thank you for supporting tap dance in Utah! @janetjackson @utahtap @rhythm_nation_tapcompany @cljoules @pinkwendi #tapdancer #tap #taptap #dance #dancecompany #follow #like #video #music #art #artist #rhythmnation
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auburnpumpkin · 6 years ago
Oh god okay
A- age: 15 years young
B- birthplace: Boston uwu
C - current time: 11:08
D - drink you last had: root beer
E - easiest person to talk to: my babe kai owo
F - favorite song: New york, new york by Frank Sinatra or love will come and find me again from Bandstand
G - grossest memory: probably splitting my head open on a rock when I was little. I still have the scar
H - horror yes or horror no: I've only ever seen two horror movies so,,, idk
I - in love: no :(
J - jealous of people: yes.
K - there is no k question I'm so confused
L - love at first sight or should I walk by again: love at first sight is a dangerous theory like you don't know the person at all,,
M - middle name: Elizabeth,,
N - there's no n,,, either,,,
O - one wish: to find a girlfriend/partner of some sort
P - person you last called: my grandmother
Q - no q
R - reading right now: dear Evan Hansen and good morning goodnight (lin manuel-miranda!)
S - song you last sang: be our guest (jamming in the car ey)
T - time you wake up: on weekends around 9, school time at 6:30
U -
V - vacation destination: Disney World,, for sure.
W - when was the last time you laughed: when I drove past a mountain while @broadway-ace was telling me not to attack the mountains
X - xrays- I had a bunch when I was little for health reasons and I get them in my mouth a lot I got wack teeth
Y - your favorite food: chicken sandwiches they so good
Z - zodiac sign: Capricorn,, which does not describe me so sad owo
tag game!!!
i havent done one of these in years dang,,,,
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs
tagged by @toger-raylor <3
a- age: babey
b- birthplace: New York (Not NYC)
c- current time: 9:29pm
d- drink you last had: water
e- easiest person to talk to: hes not on tumblr but im sure most of you know who it is
f- favorite song: Breakthru by Queen (obviously)
g- grossest memory: im not sure tbh
h- horror yes or horror no: im neutral shshs
i- in love: hell ya
j- jealous of people: HELL YA
l- love at first sight or should i walk by again- ive had a bunch of “love at first sight” experiences but idk shsh
m- middle name: Ann and i hate it ew
o- one wish: to go to @well-the-kids-do-too‘s house which i might this summer
p- person you last called: my dad to pick my friend and i up from a party
r- reading anything right now- whats up, im lissy, im 1 yr old and i never learned how to read
s- song you last sang: lost without you from the trail to oregon (starkid musical, go watch it)
t- time you woke up: like noon shshshsh
u- underwear color: purple
v- vacation destination: i kinda wanna go back to the bahamas
w- when was the last time you really laughed: at my friends birthday party tonight
x- x-rays: idk if tooth ones count but thats it
y- your favorite food: yogurt babey!
z- zodiac sign: virgo but i was supposed to be a leo (i was born almost 2 weeks late)
@well-the-kids-do-too @smoke-the-woke @pineappapizza @thesadshortone @ruby-thursday @lightheartedlay @i-got-personality @mildlycontroversial @andwhenitdries and i cant think of a 10th person because uhhhhh i drank too much punch and knowing the people at that party it was probably spiked
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jenniferfaye34 · 5 years ago
Guest Post ~ Death by Windmill (A Travel Can Be Murder Mystery) by Jennifer S. Alderson... #books #CozyMystery #Giveaway #readers
Death by Windmill: A Mother’s Day Murder in Amsterdam (Travel Can Be Murder Cozy Mystery Series) by Jennifer S. Alderson
About Death by Windmill
Death by Windmill: A Mother’s Day Murder in Amsterdam (Travel Can Be Murder Cozy Mystery Series) Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Publisher: Independently published (May 16, 2020) Paperback: 218 pages ISBN-13: 979-8646330070 Digital ASIN: B0843K7HNQ
A Mother’s Day trip to the Netherlands turns deadly when a guest plummets from a windmill. Was it an accident or a murder? For Lana Hansen, the answer will mean freedom or imprisonment for someone close to her…
Wanderlust Tours guide Lana Hansen and her mother, Gillian, haven’t seen eye to eye in over a decade, ever since Lana was wrongly fired from her job as an investigative reporter. So when Lana’s boss invites Gillian to join her upcoming Mother’s Day tour to the Netherlands, Lana is less than pleased.
What could be worse than spending ten days with her estranged mother? Lana is about to find out…
The tour begins on a high note when the majority of guests bond during their visit to the Keukenhof flower gardens and a cruise around the picturesque canals of Amsterdam.
Despite her initial reservations, Lana thinks this might be the best group she had ever led. Until she discovers one of her guests—a recent retiree named Priscilla—is the person who destroyed her career in journalism.
All Lana can see is red. But circumstances dictate that she figure out a way to lead the tour, make peace with her mother, and not murder her guest. She doesn’t know whether she can handle the pressure.
Lana needn’t worry. Shortly after their fight, Priscilla falls off the balcony of a historic windmill at Zaanse Schans. Was she pushed or simply careless? The investigating officers suspect murder—and topping their suspect list is Lana’s mom!
Can Lana save Gillian? Or will her mother end up spending the rest of her days in a Dutch prison?
  About Jennifer S. Alderson
Jennifer S. Alderson was born in San Francisco, raised in Seattle, and currently lives in Amsterdam. After traveling extensively around Asia, Oceania, and Central America, she moved to Darwin, Australia, before settling in the Netherlands. Her background in journalism, multimedia development, and art history enriches her novels. When not writing, she can be found in a museum, biking around Amsterdam, or enjoying a coffee along the canal while planning her next research trip. Jennifer’s love of travel, art, and culture inspires her award-winning mystery series—the Zelda Richardson Mysteries and Travel Can Be Murder Cozy Mysteries—and standalone stories. Author Links Website: http://www.jennifersalderson.com Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/JennifeSAlderson Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jenniferSAldersonauthor Twitter: https://twitter.com/JSAauthor LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/JenniferSAlderson BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-s-alderson
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