iconicanemone · 2 months
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When you make the designs of your DesertDuo Mer!Au and pop them on Artfight before the first chapter is done
Here you go if you wanna check these idiots out <3
And here’s the fic
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shrimpchip123 · 6 months
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doodles of my friends' fic!!! first isn’t canon just pure self indulgence from yours truly LOL
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stiffyck · 1 year
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”Oh no, did I scare you the first time we met?”
“Scare me? Scar, I was terrified.”
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otselotus · 1 year
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the pirate crew i sure hope nothing bad happens to them!!! :))
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the-bluepoet · 3 months
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masterpost // previous / next
a scene from ch 6 of @gladumfdoodles’s merau!
wanna know what’s happening? GO READ IT!!!! ITS SO GOOD IM SO INSANE ABOUT IT
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talkinowlaboutit · 19 days
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I really enjoyed this scene. Enough that I actually did 7 fully colored pages. I rarely color so this was tough for me lol
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angeart · 1 year
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fanartforfanfics · 2 days
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Chasing the Horizon Line by Nine_of_Diamonds, 1watermelontea
An awesome story following Gem a newcomer to a seaside town that’s water hides a lot more than it seems, and Grian a mer who’s living two lives but one is gone. A definite must read!
Continuing my journey of making fanart for friends’ fics the first fic in the Chasing the Horizon Line series has made it’s way here.
I have to say this piece was a challenge getting the colors and shading correct as well as making sure the perspectives were all correct with wanting to showcase both the horizon and surface as well as underwater. But in the end it was great fun. While I’m not proud of everything in this piece, I’m still happy how it turned out!
Also because I know the authors are here on tumblr: @1watermelontea, @nine-of-diamonds, and the newest addition to the absolutely outstanding author team @crabbri
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thedemonastrophel · 7 months
My take on Mer!Grian, which I've finally finished after multiple weeks of procrastination
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Please don't repost this anywhere without extremely obvious credit, and saying that this isn't yours :]]
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frightenedcookie · 3 months
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Hermitcraft Aquarium AU!
Scar doesn’t wear his uniform when doing the aquarium’s water show with Cub because he thinks it’s more authentic? (He’s actually wild born and came to live around humans when he was a teenager and he thinks shirts are restricting). He does wear one when teaching about the exhibits (he feels like he should probably be more “formal” when indoors).
Scar gives talks about the aquarium’s history, the history of marine and wetland conservation, and the history of mer in society.
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raffi-cat · 2 months
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fanart for chapter 3 of @gladumf's mer au
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iconicanemone · 2 months
I Sea Our Souls are Intertwined
Scar wasn’t intending to save a Merperson on the beaches he definitely wasn’t expecting them to be his soulmate!
An Au where Grian is a Mer, Scar is a human, and they’re both soulmates. Of course they are. Did you expect anything different?
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vivianquill · 10 months
Jimmy hoisted himself onto the edge of the pool, keeping half an eye on the fiery mer laying where Jimmy had left him. Martyn was still laying an arms-reach away from the edge of the water, soaking wet and chest heaving.
Jimmy was just thankful that he was still breathing.
With what the other mer had been yelling about, Jimmy was all too aware just how close Martyn had come to being murdered right in front of him.
He felt guilty for not pushing harder to come back out here alone. If the other mer hadn't seen Scott or Martyn until after Jimmy had made friends with him, then this probably wouldn't have happened.
"Martyn. . . ?" Jimmy questioned, reaching out with a dripping hand to nudge his leg, "Are you-- are you gonna be okay?"
It took a moment, but Martyn pushed himself up to a sitting position, letting out another stream of coughs, "Yeah-- yeah. I'll be okay."
Jimmy glanced back down at the red mer at the bottom of the pool. He still hadn't moved, beyond his fins twitching every now and again. Jimmy knew that the sedatives Martyn had used were strong, but--
He just wished that none of this would have happened this way.
"You-- uhm. I don't think that you getting in the water was a very smart idea. . ."
"In hindsight? Yeah." Martyn took a deep breath, suppressing a cough, "That was probably the dumbest thing i could've done."
Scott walked out of the house a moment later with a small stack of towels, and their first aid kit. He set them down on one of the pool chairs nearby the door, before walking over to help Martyn to his feet and over.
Jimmy just watched from the edge of the pool as Scott sat Martyn down, draping a towel around his shoulders.
"Jimmy, did he manage to bite you too?" Scott called, turning to look over at him.
"No." Jimmy shook his head, "He didn't get me. He tried, though."
"Alright. Good." Scott gave a little nod of his head, before turning back to his own bites.
The mer had given Scott quite the thrashing, it looked like. Jimmy had still been able to taste the blood in the water, before he'd come up to check on Martyn.
But they looked like they were fine. And Jimmy didn't like the thought of what might happen if they left their guest alone again.
Jimmy hadn't been able to figure out everything that the mer had been chattering about, but from what he knew about his own kind, and how the mer had reacted to Martyn and Scott, and the bits and pieces Jimmy picked up-- well. Let's just say that it didn't seem pretty. He'd been chirruping a child's call, mostly. One that Jimmy himself had yelled himself hoarse with, when he'd been freshly stolen.
Jimmy might've been taken from his pod young, but it seemed like the opposite had happened to this mer. Maybe. He obviously had a different pod now, because of what he'd said about not telling the humans at the marine rescue about them. And it wasn't uncommon for mer to change pods without anything bad happening.
It didn't feel right to leave him alone.
Not now, not after what had just happened. Not after Jimmy could see just how quickly things had spiraled out of control.
Jimmy could understand. The other mer had not only been hurt in that nasty storm, but he'd also been stolen by humans and from what Martyn said, he'd been stuck in a tiny little shallow pool barely big enough to stretch out in! And then, once he'd gotten attached to those humans, Jimmy's pod had come in and took them and the mer had thought they'd killed someone.
It was an overreaction, what the mer had done, but it was an understandable one. Jimmy would probably have done the same, if their positions were switched.
Jimmy slipped back into the water. Right now the best thing he could do was make sure the mer was okay too, because he didn't have anyone looking out for him and also Jimmy sort of wanted to make sure that the splint hadn't come loose. From what Jimmy had seen, the cuts in the other mer's fins hadn't impacted his ability to swim. at least, not in this size of a pool. Lizzie would be able to tell better, once she got here.
Jimmy spread his sails as he got close, drifting above the mer, "Hey, uhm. . ."
Gosh he didn't want to just manhandle the mer to check on the splint but he didn't know how to ask.
The mer flinched, curling into himself as he glanced up at Jimmy. It was almost fascinating, how quickly his mood could change-- where before he was all puffed up and posturing, now he was doing the exact opposite.
Then again, he was sorta drugged right now.
Jimmy suppressed a shudder of regret, settling himself on the tiles next to the mer, "I just wanted-- can I touch you? I need to check the splint."
To Jimmy's surprise, the mer shifted closer, holding out his injured hand to Jimmy. Which, after a quick check to make sure everything was still in place, Jimmy let go of. But when he went to scoot back, to give the mer a bit of space, it was answered by a soft whine.
It wasn't really words? The closest thing it meant was "don't go." So Jimmy moved back, surprised to have the mer press his tail gently against Jimmy's.
Oh, poor thing. He was probably so touch starved, Jimmy knew firsthand how important physical contact was to mer.
"Oh, c'mere. . ." Jimmy warbled, pulling the mer against him in a hug and draping his tail over the other mer's. It wasn't a surprise to him when the other mer reciprocated, tucking his head against Jimmy's chest and curling his tail around Jimmy's.
Surely this would help calm him down. Whenever Jimmy got too stressed, he always felt better after some cuddles.
It didn't take long for the mer to fall asleep on Jimmy, but that was probably more from the sedatives than Jimmy himself.
It wasn't until Jimmy was running his hand through the sleeping mer's hair that he realized he hadn't told Martyn or Scott that he was gonna spend some time down here with their guest. Oh well. If they really wanted to know, Scott would come down to talk to him.
Looking down at the mer, Jimmy also realized that they still didn't know his name. Maybe he'd be able to get it from the mer when he woke up.
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stiffyck · 1 year
hello i am fuckin obsessed with the desert duo mer art u posted like an hour ago if there's any more lore u want to share I would love to hear it!
Copying a message here:
Mumbo is a prince, Grian is his royal guard. Scar is a lonely deep water fish of some kind living alone in a cave.
(All of them are mermaids)
Grian gets chased and hurt one time by hunters/fishermen and manages to get away only to run into scar, a deep water fish everyone is scared of. People talk and say they’re all hostile savages basically.
So when Grian first meets scar he’s hurt and he’s terrified-
There’s a deep water fish with sharp teeth and claws and he thinks he’s gonna die. But scar is just overly friendly and keeps trying to be a good host- he never gets any visitors!
He doesn’t realise Grian is scared because he’s been alone for so long and he doesn’t read people well.
Grian maybe passes out at some point because blood loss and then wakes up once he's all fixed up while Scar is trying to make him some food.
After some time Grian realises that this guy is just. Living in this poor little cave that he calls home. And it looks sad. All his stuff is old and broken and Grian thinks to the luxury they live in and he starts to think…. Are the rumours true at all? Have they been treating the deep water folk so badly- when they didn’t deserve it?
Anyway Grian sneaks scar into the palace they have and mumbo has been worried sick because his favourite guard was attacked and then went missing-
So when he sees him with scar he panics of course
Another idea was that the bad boys are the royal guards and grian is mumbos personal guard.
Which would give us a great scene where Joel and jimmy find grian and scar and think scar is keeping grian hostage and they pull out their weapons- which is what makes scar very much defensive and something in griands mind clicks
The deepwater folk aren't hostile, they're defensive. Of course they're gonna act hostile when they come at them with their weapons raised.
Edit: forgot to tag the beloved @angeart who worked on this au with me
Also thank you to @wren-kitchens (everyone pls thank him this au wouldn't exist otherwise-) who made me brainrot over mermaids and gave me this idea with their own au
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I'm not normal
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the-bluepoet · 2 months
“Let go of him immediately.” One of the armed humans stated, voice dark and angry.
Scar ignored them, bringing his hand to the back of Grian’s head and lightly applying pressure so that his nose was up against his neck.
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this is from breathing isn’t always easy by both @raffi-cat and @gladumfdoodles !!
if you’re new here you should go check out the merau masterpost, which has all the art I’ve done of the og fic! and now! this au fic!
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