#Gregor don and outis are there too I guess
saltedteas · 1 year
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I really love that they've made rodion be into silly color theory mbti. I think some of the sinners would believe what she says about it too
Yi Sang fully trusts her and not because there's any credit to the color theory and mbti but because one time she guessed something completely correct and he was flabbergasted and couldn't recover from it so he became a believer. Don Quixote believes it and uses her knowledge to often spark conversations on what archetype fit the color fixers the best. Rodion does not indulge in those conversations in front of Vergilius. She got glared at once and she ain't doing it again.
Faust doesn't care. Outis thinks it's a bunch of bs. Sinclair knows a little bit of it because it was popular at school. Gregor is too old for it. Ryoshu's completely disinterested, unless the color type is red. Heathcliff got read by Rodion once and he isn't really a believer, but he's also embarrassed about that and doesn't want it to happen again.
Meursault doesn't care. Dante takes notes about it though, because if it worked with Heathcliff, maybe they could use it with the other sinners! Ishmael thinks it's just a waste of time, but she memorized a few bits of Rodion's rants just so she can tease Heathcliff with it. Hong Lu likes when she uses it to start trouble with the other sinners, but if he wants to, he can shoot her down pretty fast.
Rodion dragged Charon into getting tested for her type once and Charon started avoiding her since then. She often hides behind Vergilius when Rodion approaches her with a notebook, a pencil and a friendly smile.
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enkephallic · 8 months
LCB Sinner Analysis: The Original Sins
I think the original LCB sinners' sin affinities for their skills are definitely related to them as people. My current theory is that S1 represents a surface level read of their personality, and their S3 is the true sin embedded deeper into themselves.
Gregor: His S1 is gloom, which is how he initially appears to be. He's carrying a lot and it seeps put. But his S3 is sloth. In Limbus Company, sloth seems to be tied in with giving up on taking action and making things better.
Rodya: S1 gluttony, which makes sense considering her want for money and good food. Her S3 is wrath, which was what drove her to axe the old hag who had been exploiting people.
Sinclair: S1 is pride, I guess this is how he comes off rich and privileged to some others. S3 is jealousy which confuses me a little, but I think it's related to the behaviour he exhibited in class that ultimately led to the tragedy.
Yi Sang: S1 is gloom - he's quiet and reserved, but is hinted not to have been. S3 is sloth, which definitely is the sin that fits him the most pre-limbus. He admits himself he simply observed without taking control.
Ishmael: S1 is wrath. She seems annoyed at perceived stupidity and often shows exasperation. S3 is gloom. She's scared of losing people and is hurting, which makes her extremely unstable and difficult for Dante to work with.
Heathcliff: S1 is jealousy. He's jealous on the surface level and is written to have an inferiority complex on his file, but his S3 is lust. He wants to relentlessly pursue something/transform himself, which will most likely hurt him along the way. also maybe hes horny
Don Quixote: S1 is lust. She has lots of things she wants to become and accomplish. S3 is gluttony, which I'm assuming was her wanting too many things that potentially conflicted (maybe her idea of justice involved two things clashing - eg. is it justice to steal when you're desperate? is it justice to stop the thief?).
Hong Lu: S1 is pride, much like Sinclair. His innocent curiosity comes off as arrogant to others. His S3 is lust - I speculate that he really wanted to become something, or change his own self in some way.
Ryoshu: S1 is gluttony. This does confuse me a little, but I'm guessing it's her obvious desire to create/observe Art and beauty. S3 is pride. She perhaps overestimated herself and fucked over someone she cared for
Meursalt: S1 is sloth. Yeah. Sinclair having a panic attack? Well he wasn't told to report on it so. S3 is ... gloom? Oh he must be carrying a lot. I have not read his novel yet so I won't make rash assumptions, but I guess it's something to do with grief.
Outis: S1 is sloth. I'm guessing this is her paper thin veneer of sucking up to Dante and treating his word as absolute, though it's clear it's not sincere. More suprisingly her S3 is gloom. I think this makes a lot more sense after reading her Schutz ID story - she has someone she loves, even at her absolute lowest.
Faust: S1 is pride. Yea. Yeah. yeah. yea. S3 is also gluttony. It's difficult to know much about her, but I'm guessing she really wanted to accomplish something, which would involve a lot of resources and potentially cause a lot of danger due to it.
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Haha oh boy two Limbus text posts with moderate but not negative reception and I’m already going into controversial territory
My picks for distortion detective ids :) … oh boy I’m gonna be put in the singing machine for there but THEY ALL HAVE REASONINGS YOUR HONOUR
Let’s just start with the easy ones
Ezra and Dias : Ezra don/Dias Faust … do I need to explain these ? Well Ezra is very energetic and a big fan of Workshops just like don but exchange workshops with fixers. And Faust and Dias just click … ya dig ?
The one where there isn’t an obvious choice but which will need an explanation
YuRia I believe should be ryoshu, her „interest“ in psychomends mirrors ryoshus „interest“ in „art“ her personality also fits onto ryoshu more than other options (yi sang because smart and an inventor… and that’s about it Faust is already given to dias)
Oh boy this is gonna have people look at me weird
Vespa crabro: now meursault is the obvious pick and one I’d agree with, one small issue tho… I believe SINCLAIR is a better pick in all honesty. Why ? Let’s start superficial, young and a powerhouse (especially when they experience strong emotions).and for the more story aspects. They were forced out of a rather good position in life without any choice. Vespa losing his job and Sinclair losing his family and they both have a bad history with an evil group (we don’t know if Vespa was traumatized by the thumb like Nagel und Hammer traumatized Sinclair but it’s clear he holds distain for the syndicate)
And now for the grand finale the thing I might get hate for
And no it is NOT outis … stop booing me I’m right „but old woman“ „but smoke war“ well guess what. The person I’m thinking off neutralizes both points and yes ITS GREGOR first the superficial points… Gregor is old too bro is 35 he’s already standing with two feet in his grave and yeah smoke war and stuff… also both Gregor and Moses are missing an arm and they both smoke… now for the story THE BIG THING why I believe Gregor is a better pick. It’s because they resemble each other. Just on different sides of the war. Both were essentially brainwashed by a powerful entity on their side of the war. Hermann the head scientist of g Corp and Dias the cult leader of the Udjat. Both also were the favorite underling of said powerful figure and both Moses and Gregor were put into a leadership position Gregor being the mascot and war hero of g Corp, Moses the captain of the udjat and both now have major ptsd from the war also holding distain for their respective brainwasher. And let’s not forget both have been on record for turning into a creature when in emotional distress
Or in short: Ezra/don Dias/Faust YuRia/ryoshu Vespa/Sinclair Moses/Gregor
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Okay so I looked at passives of Base Sinners trying to understand what their sins mean and suddenly realized that each of them had very specific name. Like their skills mostly just a simple description of attack like "thrust" "chop" or "slash", but their passives have unique names and it kinda looked (to me) as if they are recalling to sinners backstories or cantos like
Gregors' passive is "Forced to Survive" and we know that half of his story based on that desire to stay alive and survival guilt following it.
Rodion has "Split Evil" and it kinda a straightforwardish description of what she thought she was doing when she killed tax-collector.
Sinclair has "Determined" whish this time is less about past and more about his position in III Canto when he wanted to murder Kromer no matter what
Yi San has "Information relay" and this may sound as stretch, but their league propose was about sharing information with each other, and hid main work "Mirror" was made in cooperation. And he was kidnapped to share his knowledge, too
So if I am right, than we can use Sinners personal passive to theorize about their past or thier cantos, which I'm going to try right now
Ishmael has "Last-ditch Struggle" and I think it tells about her Canto where she will do something extremely dangerous to avenge her fallen comrades(trying to kill Moby Dick or Ahab I guess)
Heathcliff has "Ressentiment" whish is definitely tells us about his past, or at least about his emotions about it.
Don Quixote has "Righteous Retribution" and I am not sure what it’s about, but if we consider that theory Sancho!Don is true then maybe her Canto will be about revenge to Doctor Carrasco, who was a person mainly responsible for Don quixote death in book.
Hong Lu has "Entertainment" ...and unfortunately I'm not familiar with Red Chamber to make any theories about him, but I would definitely like to read your ideas
Ryoshu has "Indiscriminate Art" and well...I am pretty sure it's about how she was ready to hurt anyone for her Art. Even her own daughter.
Meursault suddenly also has "Determined" just like Sinclair, which makes me think that in his Canto he will also have to be ready to meet past?
Outis has "Executor" and there is a problem, because there was plenty of times when Odysseus executed someone, but I guess it most likely allusion on handmaidens hanged in the end of Odyssey, because of that official art of her with hanging corpse. Or in her Canto we could find out that her final order is to execute Dante.
Faust has "Analytical Eye" which is kinda too vague for me, and just like in Hong Lu situation I know almost nothing about her book. So if you have ideas, please share.
So yeah, that's my dumb theory. Or a bunch of theories. Hope it was interesting
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0rdis · 1 year
Okay fine. Project Moon Headcanons.
I write porn so that's why the language includes allusions to what parts. I think they have these are literally my toned down fic notes. Still slight nsfw warning for some dick references.
Transfem. She/Her
Pan. Shipped with Binah and my oc
Soft body. No real muscles. Got a bit of a soft tummy after being human for a bit and eating.
Scar on forehead.
Cis...? Genderfluid. Questioning after Ruina Realizations. A bit transfem. He/they.
Bi. Shipped with Chesed, Vergilius, Angelica, Oliver, and my oc. Guy gets around...
Buff. Pecs the size of tits. Tons of scars. Hands are weird texture, used to be very rough but are starting to soften since he started wearing gloves.
Agender. She/her.
Pan. Shipped with Hod, Yesod, and Netzach. (They're all a polycule)
Transman. He/him.
Pan. Upper Layer Polycule.
Tons of scars of course.
Nonbinary. He/they.
Pan. Upper Layer Polycule.
IV scars. The art book lies he's way taller.
Transwoman. She/her.
Pan. Upper Layer Polycule. And Gebura.
Cis-ish. She/her.
Lesbian. Shipped with Carmen and Hod. A weird hatesex thing with Chesed.
Buff. Tons of scars. Especially where Binah cut her limbs off. Naturally high testosterone.
Transman. He/him.
Gay. Shipped with Roland. Casual sex with Gebura.
Nonbinary intersex. They/them.
Pan. Shipped with Angela.
Some athletic muscle. Big scar on chest from death. Almost flat chest and I'm right about this. Nipple piercings, tongue piercing, prince Albert piercing.
Transman. He/him
Gay. Shipped with Ayin.
No surgery. Big saggy breasts, chest hair.
Transwoman. She/her.
Pan. Shipped with Gebura.
Cis. He/him.
Straight, or so he says so. Shipped with Benjamin and Carmen.
Nonbinary amab. He/him.
Bi but aro leaning. Shipped with Roland.
Buff in an athletic way. Very slim waist. Hourglass figure almost.
Yi Sang
Transmasc. He/him.
Aro. I don't know about ships yet. Cute with Faust but not too big on any.
Transfem. She/no pronouns.
Lesbian. Shipped with Ishmael, Don Quixote, Outis, and my oc.
Buff arms for big sword but otherwise slim athletic. A bit fond of the theory she was artificially created in the same facility as Angelica and Argalia.
Don Quixote
Agender afab. She/it.
Lesbian. Shipped with Faust and Ishmael. Her and Meursault is cute too.
Had top surgery. Very athletic build, doesn't look it but is probably the most physically strong of all the sinners.
Nonbinary. She/he.
Don't really ship with anyone yet.
Burn scars on hands.
Agender. He/she
Lesbian. Him and Don are cute. And Gregor.
Hong Lu
Transman. He/him.
Gay. I like almost every ship with him tbh.
His parents paid for his transition. Had bottom surgery (meta not phallo).
Cis..? No one can tell <3 He/him.
Hatesex with Ishmael but also the kind of frenemies who gossip together and also shit talk each other.
Has a dick, may be bottom surgery. Has so many scars you can't tell if any are top surgery ones but it kind of looks like some are. Beefcake.
Nonbinary afab. She/they.
Shipped with Don and Faust. Hatesex with Heathcliff.
Buff. Rope burn scars on palms. May or may not have a tentacle dick and I have A LOT of headcanons behind that specifically.
Transwoman. She/her
Shipped with Gregor. Flirts with everyone and Ishmael and Don get very flustered by it. She would kiss (or fuck) them if they asked.
Curvy but still muscular arms. Softest tummy out of everyone. Her body just stores all the food she eats since she used to not have much.
Transfem (not exactly out yet). She/he. (The original book Sinclair is from, Sinclair is sooo transfem coded.)
Aroace. I guess Demian/Sinclair is cute.
Transfem. She/he
Shipped with Faust.
Buff. Like really buff. Lots of scars.
Transman. He/him
Shipped with Rodion, Hong Lu, Meursault.
Less muscles because he depends on his arm, kind of pudgy and soft. Bear. Genetic modification may have given him a dick. Lactates.
I also ship like every Sinner with Dante. Except Sinclair. I definitely see Sinclair as an adult but I really believe she is aro.
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What Do you think about the sinners thoughts about Don. She feels like this ball of Energy in a sad world.
Okay that's a good one.
I think Faust knows what exactly wrong with Don and how real Don looks like. She's not really interested in interaction with Don, but has no animosity. (They also must have something really common with them sharing their core sin, two EGOs and two IDs). Don definitely a good listener to anything Faust rambling about. She's also one of a few people whose command Don wouldn't even question and that's why they work good at battlefield together. Her favorite Don's ID is W Corp, because she shows her a lot of respect, but in not a weird way Inquisitor Don does. She also find Inquisitor a bit difficult to control
Yi Sang, Sinclair, Gregor and Rodya are falling to her act, but they don't mind Don and even enjoy her company. They work good together, but nothing too amazing. They all dislike Inquisitor, but get along with everyone else.
Ishmael and Meursault don't understand Don at all. She such a weird creature that their rational selves can't even comprehend her, but genuinely they both too fucking exhausted to even try do it. Meursault, maybe, sometimes make attepts to understand. They not really care about her company, but they learnt how to work with her on a field. They again don't really care about her IDs as long as they get a job done.
Ryoshu knows that something fucking wrong with Don and feels that they are way more similar than someone could guess. She tries a lot to provoke Don, wanting to see her violent snap. That's why Don avoids her as much as possible. But they are roommates and know about each other Bad Days a bit too much, to not have some understanding. I think they could spar a lot in their free time out of the bus, and it would be gruesome. They not really interested in teamwork, so on battlefield, they don't look like they fight together. Her favorite is Shi Don, because she's the easiest to provoke. She doesn't like Cinq, because she mess with Ryoshu instead.
(Also it's kinda funny how my main ships with Ryoshu are Outis and Don. She states that she hates liars and I am just surround her with them)
Hong Lu and Don have Understanding. They see each other lies and politely ignore it. They speak with each, but in a way that causes everyone else headache. Delusions squared. It like sharing a stage with another actor. No true words said, but they understand each other. They are fine in working together. He likes her W Corp version.
Heathcliff is weird. He thinks Don is honest and find her a bit annoying, but he is kind of getting attached a bit? He knows that having such moral code in City is stupid, but he can't help but agree with it. In Wuthering Heights he was surrounded by bad or cowardy people and I think meeting someone who aggressively trying to be a good person is a refreshing experience for him. They work good together. He likes Shi Don, because she cares a lot about him, which he appreciates.
Outis so fucking pissed about Don. She knows that she lying and she hates this persona so much, but she can't do anything about it. Which kinda slowly drives her insane. I kinda think that sometimes she walks to any Sinner and tries to start a talk "Don't you think there is something wrong with her?" Most of them don't understand her and Faust and Ryoshu usually just mess with her. To everyone surprise they work ridiculously good together(because I use them in every team) because Don knows better than keep her persona around Outis in dangerous situation, and gives her best. She liked Cinq one, because she's really professional and gets along with 7Outis
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No wait that's so interesting- she still has it on her coat, too! I think something that adds to that is that the impossible dream that Don seems to mention seems to come from Man of La Mancha, where it's Miguel de Cervantes performing Don Quixote
I wonder if our Don is much more based upon the musical than first considered?
Wait I actually saw this theory quite a lot, but I didn't know it was main actor name...
And I guess with "Impossible dream" and narrative and Dante agreeing with Don morals it really can be true
Also if this is the case, Don can be a war veteran just like Outis and Gregor
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