#Great job guys (explodes)
punisheye · 1 year
The motorcycle is left behind.
Wolfwood walks the residential streets of Fibonacci like he has many times. They're more than familiar now, and he navigates them easily even in his daze.
There is blood on his clothes, on his face. People give him a wide berth. Holding the heavy Punisher over his shoulder does little to make him forget the weight of Vash's body in his arms. All he wants to do is go home, have a cigarette, wash the blood and dirt away, and then sleep until Vash comes back.
All he does is send Livio a text that says 'it's ok', and he can share that with Meryl, who can share it with the other him.
The door is still caved in when Wolfwood arrives at the house. When he steps inside, he can see a mess left behind by the mob of ghosts. He just walks over it, uncaring, but something feels wrong, out of place, and he doesn't know why until he makes his way up the stairs and reaches the bedroom.
The cold, empty bedroom save for the bed (with plain, basic bedding, the comforter he had woken up under nowhere in sight), the wardrobe, and the nightstand. All of Vash's belongings are gone— his clothes, his little knick-knacks, his plants, disappeared without a trace, taking all the life from the room. A few of Wolfwood's own things are still there: the phone charger in the outlet by the bed, some clothes in the closet, his jacket still tossed on the floor.
Sudden panic lances through him, straight into his heart.
Why is everything gone?
Because it should all still be here, because Vash will be back, and why would it all be gone unless he wasn't coming back?
Is he really dead, for good? Or did the Stars decide to send him back home, away from Wolfwood, from everyone, after they finally carved out a piece in this city for them?
After things were finally okay.
Wolfwood doesn't outwardly react. He walks out of the bedroom to go downstairs and get two large plastic bags from the kitchen. The clothes that didn't disappear with Vash's things are thrown into one, and everything else is tossed into the other. Everything of his from the bathroom, the coffee he bought in the kitchen, all the little things he had gotten to actually feel at home, too.
He doesn't want to stay in this room to wait on the chance Vash does return here. It's too silent. Lifeless. So he walks back to the house he was given, the house he rarely returns to, and he goes to his room there, which also barely has anything that makes it feel like home. Vash's gun is dropped on the bedside table.
Wolfwood showers. Changes clothes. Makes a pot of coffee and then goes out onto the balcony to smoke, but he tries no less than ten times to get the lighter to ignite before he just gives up and lets the unlit cigarette hang from his lips.
Staring across the streets as the morning goes on, the numbness begins to fade, and his senses are returning to him, and the anger and grief are bubbling up in his chest, in his throat, and he can feel tears streaking down his cheeks.
And a howl rips from him, furious and pained, uncaring of who hears.
Until his throat is raw. Until it peters off into a pitiful little whine and he can only turn around, go inside, and sit—alone—with only his thoughts for company.
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dumbseee · 6 months
prom queen.
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when bakugo wants to invite you to prom, but doesn’t know how to do it.
bakugo katsuki x fem!reader.
warning: bad english/grammar :p / excuse any typos!
"just go for it! she won’t say no!" mina encouraged her friend, smiling from ear to ear after kaminari let it slipped that bakugo wanted to invite you to prom. the poor boy did his best to not meet the glaring gaze of his friend. "forget about it! i don’t know why dunce face said that, it’s not true!" he yelled, throwing a pillow at mina. "liar! i knew you liked her! do you think you’re slick with the way you look at her during class or training? you even proclaimed yourself her male partner for training, you don’t even let another boy approach her." she crossed her arms on her chest, looking at her friend with a knowing smile. bakugo was burning up and could feel the palm of his hands starting to sparkle from the sweat. as he was about to explode in the dorm’s living room, another voice calmed him instantly.
"we’re here!" you said, arms full of shopping bags and followed by momo and jirou. mina jumped off the couch and ran to them, while bakugo kept his eye on you the whole time. you looked so beautiful, with your hair styled in a high ponytail you even put some light makeup on and damn you looked so good. "oh my god! you went to buy your dresses for prom?" mina asked and you nodded, you seemed to notice the burning gaze of bakugo on you since you turned to look at the three men sitting on the couch. you lifted your hand to wave at them and only bakugo ignored you, turning his gaze away from you and back on the tv. you frowned and bite your lip, you didn’t know why bakugo was this way with you, you were convinced that he hated you. mina brushed it off and dragged you and your friends to her dorm so you could show her the dresses you brought.
prom was tomorrow and you still haven’t got anyone to go with you. of course, you had a lot of people asking you to go with them, and they were cute guys, but you always said no. why? because you were still waiting for someone to ask you for prom. "hey, y/n! can you help me take these boxes back to the storage room?" iida asked you, snatching you out of your reveries. "oh? yes, of course!" you smiled at him, making the class rep blush slightly, you got up and took the boxes on the ground, you started walking towards the exit, thinking that iida was following you. "i think we did a great job with the decorations, don’t you think iida?" when he didn’t answer, you frowned and turned around to look at him, you almost dropped the boxes on the ground when you saw bakugo, instead of iida, holding the boxes and walking behind you. "bakugo?" you asked, slowing down your pace. the blond swallowed before looking away, a slight pink colour colouring his cheekbones. "four eyes had other things to do." he mumbled and you nodded, you didn’t want to ask more questions and make him angry, he seemed pissed off enough to be around you and having to carry those boxes. "are those heavy?" you were surprised that he spoke up again, you turned to look at him, a questioning look on your face. "i’ll carry them for you." he simply said, carrying his boxes on his right hand to scoop yours with his left. "i-it’s too heavy! let me help!" you tried to snatch back your boxes but he dodged you with ease.
"hey y/n!" a new voice stopped you from voicing your concern again, you turned to face the person calling you and it happened to be awase. you couldn’t see it but bakugo’s grip on the boxes had tightened as he glared at the boy who ran to you, he was blushing and seemed extremely uncomfortable. he tried his best to avoid bakugo’s gaze but it was hard and the blond’s aura was suffocating. "u-um, are you b-busy? i wanted to ask you something." he was fidgeting with his hands while looking away. "for now i’m helping my class decorate the ballroom for prom, and i’m going to the storage room with bakugo, is it important?" bakugo knew where this was going, he wasn’t dense and could read the room. if it was anyone else, he’d have left the scene immediately, but it was you. and ain’t no way is he letting you go to prom with this idiot. "kinda, i was wondering if you had someone to go to prom with?" he rubbing the back of his head and finally made eye contact with you.
you smiled at the boy, your heart tugging a little when you thought about the fact that the boy you wanted to go to prom with was standing behind you, probably cursing you out because you were wasting his time. you signed softly before smiling at awase, about to accept his offer, even though you really didn’t want to. when all of a sudden, you felt a strong arm wrapping around your shoulders. you looked up, and blushed furiously when you saw bakugo, looking straight at awase with that hard expression on his face. "she’s going with me, now scram before i make you fucking explode." he spat, not once looking at you. awase left in a hurry, blurting out apologies. "thanks, but you didn’t have to do that." you said, a sad smile on your lips, now you had to go to prom alone while all your friends would go with their crushes. bakugo looked at you, lifting up one of his brow. "you didn’t have to pretend you were going with me, you know." you looked down and the blond lifted up your face with two of his fingers, making you blush again. his face was now inches from yours and you didn’t know where to look, his lips looked soft but his red irises were so beautiful from up close. "you’re going with me to that stupid prom, pretty girl." he whispered, your eyes widened while he grinned at you, taking a step back and walking towards the storage room.
of course, bakugo made sure to walk in front of you so you wouldn’t be able to see his red cheeks and how he was trying to catch his breath.
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planetaryupscaled · 3 months
Birthday Present
Male OC x Wonyoung
Tags: 11k, creampie, dub con, tw
The story is not ours; we are simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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This wasn’t what Wonyoung had planned — she didn’t expect the ‘casual’ party to blow out of proportion like this!
Loud music was blaring throughout the entire house, and a countless stream of teenagers was littering every inch of the building. She wasn’t even able to return to the living room without having to squeeze through multiple groups, by the stairs and in the hallway. Sure, it was her boyfriend’s home, but she knew that most of the clean-up would become her duty.
“Hey!” Wonyoung attempted to gain some attention of those around her. ‘Guys, could you,’ she continued timidly before even she realized that her words were completely drowned out by the music.
“Could you just… could anyone turn down the music a little? Please…”
It was no use. She was forced to keep on trying to reach the living room and to lower the volume herself.
Truth be told, this was a mess of her own making.
It had been her job to make it a special event. Her boyfriend had asked her to help with the preparations for his little brother’s birthday party. But even he probably didn’t anticipate that Wonyoung would manage to gather a crowd of this size, certainly not on short notice.
Wonyoung loved helping people, always did. She was part of the school committee, she was the representative for her class members, and she was the head cheerleader. It wasn’t that she sought out those positions, they simply ended up in her lap. Helping others brought a smile to her face, and in turn, people happily relied on her. Her generosity was widely known and accepted.
So there was no question about it. When her boyfriend asked her to help out with the preparations, she did.
It took a couple of phone calls, but her friends were happy to party! But then those friends invited more friends, and then the circle just kept on growing. She hadn’t intended for the small birthday celebration to explode into a full-blown party. She didn’t even recognize most of the faces that were present! Hell, plenty of the unfamiliar guys looked old enough to be advanced college students. Which was weird, most of her friends had just finished high school or recently entered college. There was an unexpected wide range of ages present.
“Hyeon!” She finally spotted her boyfriend near the speakers, and gestured for him to turn the music down just a little. It took him a moment to figure out her signals, but then he obliged. It was finally possible to have a normal conversation.
“Thank you so, so much!” It was a blessing to finally be able to hear herself again. She pushed her way past a few more unfamiliar faces and then gave him a hug — mostly to reassure herself. His tall, muscular frame was like a beacon of safety and comfort in this mess.
“What’s up? You doing all right?” Hyeon looked down at her and brushed a few stray strands of her dark hair from her face. They were a cute couple, and an exotic one at that. He was a just your average high school jock with skin as pale as a bottle of milk. While she was not just your typical average high school cheerleader, to the contrary. Wonyoung extremely pretty. Her pale caramel skin, as well as her dark brown eyes, made her quite the treat.
“Yeah, it’s just… how is your brother holding up? I know he’s pretty shy so maybe this isn’t… you know, optimal? I may have overdone it a little with the party? I think.” Wonyoung reflected on her words and felt a pinch of guilt. It was meant to be a perfect event, but instead she perceived it to be chaotic. Her inner perfectionist was ringing the alarm bells.
“This is totally on me…” Wonyoung sulked and briefly lowered her gaze. Hyeon however, gave a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
“You did great, babe. I’m sure he’s having a good… time…?” Hyeon cut off his sentence after he spotted his little brother nearby. He was walking down the stairway with a camcorder in hand, with no sign of shyness.
“Is that Hajoon?” He went for a quick double- take. They both turn to observe his little brother, who was in the process of celebrating his birthday by holding up his old camcorder and recording the multitude of drunken, scantily dressed high school and college girls. It was going to be a memory he wouldn’t erase anytime soon.
“That does remind me,” Hyeon added as he redirected his attention back to Wonyoung. “He’s been struggling to, uh… to get laid… do you think you could hook him up with one of your friends?” He paused as he realized how silly his own words were, but it wouldn’t be the weirdest favor he had asked for.
“It would be one hell of a gift,” he continued. ‘I would owe you big time. He would finally stop mentioning how he wants to have his first time.’ He briefly paused and scratched the back of his head. “You can imagine how awkward it is, when your little brother tells you about wanting to get laid. I’m not even sure if he’s picky anymore, he just wants to hump a girl.”
Wonyoung grimaced slightly — truth be told, she had already tried in the past to get Hajoon into a relationship! Everybody deserves to be happy. So when she learned of Hajoon’s bad history with the ladies, she tried to get him to date one of her friends.
But he was simply too reclusive and way too much into his computer and board games. Unlike his older brother, he also wasn’t in good shape physically. He was quite chubby and made no effort to improve that situation. If only there was some way to help him. She sighed.
“I don’t know. I guess I can give it another try, sure! Let me find some liquid courage first, though.” There was no need to stay sober throughout the party, she figured. People were having a good time, so why shouldn’t she try to do the same? Who knows what the day may have in store for her.
Hajoon however, was pretty much in heaven. It didn’t take much for someone of his age to be entertained. He had never seen this many drunk girls in one place.
“Guys, are you seeing this? Jack. Pot.” He swayed the camcorder around and got a few more good shots of the surrounding girls — fortunately none of them recognized him or knew who the party was for. “Guys!” He briefly turned to ensure his two buddies were still following close behind.
“Come on, let’s keep looking!” Hajoon didn’t have many friends, partly because very few people shared his obsessions for indoor activities. But Jin and Sehun always had his back. Whether it was computer gaming, board games, anything. They kept each other company.
“What’s going on over he—ohh…” Hajoon’s voice trailed off as he pushed past another couple of teens and had a look into the kitchen. Lined up along the entire length of the kitchen counter were bottles of whiskey, vodka and other beverages. Right next to those were like a dozen plastic cups full of freshly mixed drinks, with a few empty cups scattered across the floor.
This really felt like a wild college party.
What really caught the boy’s attention however, was a young couple near the corner of the kitchen. The boy looked old enough to be a college graduate, while the girl looked freshly out of high school. What drew all attention, was where the guy’s hand was planted — deep inside her pants! His digits were moving erratically and he was quite obviously finger-fucking her.
Oddly enough it didn’t coax much of a reaction out of the girl. She had her gaze averted to the ground with a glassy-eyed stare. Were all girls like this? Hajoon murmured.
“He’s totally going at it! I’ve never seen that in real life!” Hajoon feverishly tried to zoom in with his camcorder, but failed to record anything significant before a few more guys approached from behind and firmly pushed him right out of the kitchen. It was written all across his face that he wasn’t old enough to be anywhere near alcohol. Old enough to drive a car or own a gun maybe, but not old enough to drink booze.
In the meantime, Wonyoung had a few of those drinks herself, back in the living room. Aside from an unusually salty taste, they didn’t raise any suspicion. Maybe a bit strong on the alcohol content, but decent.
However, it took her only a few minutes before she began to feel funny. More than just drunk, she felt sluggish but without feeling tired. She also felt weirdly out of breath.
Hyeon noticed rather quickly that she was behaving very unusual. She was a lightweight, but the drinks shouldn’t do more than making her feel tipsy and giddy. They certainly shouldn’t make her so… docile? She looked stoned rather than drunk.
“Wonyoung, are you all right?” He could tell that something wasn’t right.
As soon as he said that, the wheels in his head began to turn and he had another look around. In the midst of all the music and commotion, nobody had even noticed that some girls were passed out on the couch, and a random guy was sleeping on the carpet.
It made him furious to realize that someone pulled an unacceptable prank. Someone had slipped drugs into the drinks. Maybe just sleeping pills, maybe a roofie. It didn’t make a difference.
“Ah, what the hell,” he muttered under his breath before shutting down the speaker system and raising his voice to draw the attention of his guests.
“Party is over! Some asshole spiked the drinks, everyone out!” He then repeated himself once more while untangling a kissing couple that hadn’t paid attention.
The commotion had been enough to draw Hajoon’s attention as well, who quickly approached his older sibling to offer his help.
“Just in time, here.” Hyeon pushed Wonyoung into his brother’s arms while his eyes were already going back to scanning the area. He wasn’t sure how to deal with the girls who had multiple of the altered drinks and were straight up passed out. Thankfully Wonyoung was still able to stand on her own, though she was not quite grasping what was happening.
“Get her upstairs,” Hyeon instructed while giving his brother a reassuring pat on the back. “I’ll take care of the party so just get her upstairs.”
Hajoon hesitated and looked back at him with a surprised expression. Like a deer stuck in headlights. He had no idea that the drinks had been spiked so this was a confusing moment.
“Upstairs, to one of the bedrooms, what are you waiting for? I got my hands full here,” he instructed before he once more surveyed the situation. A couple guys stared at the drugged girls, so he started there and ushered the creeps out of the house. He certainly didn’t want to be the person who allowed girls to be roofied and taken advantage of at his own home.
It had all been so hectic that he didn’t even pay attention to his younger brother anymore.
Wonyoung still felt a little weird, less energetic than before. She kept an arm around Hajoon while he led her upstairs. Her surroundings didn’t even register to her until she heard the door closing behind herself, at which point she turned to see Hajoon staring right back at her.
There had been a colossal misunderstanding. As far as Hajoon knew, his older brother had just set him up with his girlfriend. A favor for sure, but an incredibly weird one. In his eyes, it certainly made sense now why they both acted so fishy. He took another moment to contemplate the situation, and then he set his camcorder aside to approach her.
“So uh,” he began to say. “He really wants me to… with you? Is that like, some kind of birthday gift?” Wonyoung gazed back at him with vacant eyes. It wasn’t that the situation was overwhelming her, she simply couldn’t motivate herself to think about it or the implication of his words.
Her thoughts were more occupied by a warm tingle in her crotch. A very special part of her was itching for attention and the moral implications didn’t cross her thoughts.
“I guess.” The response was half-hearted and she lazily lay down on his bed. It was a small bed, designed for just one person and with messy bed covers. This clearly wasn’t the bedroom of someone who ever had a girlfriend before.
She got comfortable nonetheless and buried her face in the pillow. For a brief moment, things were quiet and peaceful…
It didn’t remain like that for long. A pair of hands reached around to unbutton her jeans, and she instinctively groaned her lazy disapproval.
“What… what are you doing back there?” Wonyoung twisted herself around and onto her back to see those same fingers grasping the waistband of her pants and gradually pulling them down. Before she had a chance to object properly, her jeans were already halfway down to her ankles and revealed what she wore underneath.
Her panties were an innocent pair of pink, frilled cotton undies.
Hajoon scarcely believed his own eyes, up to then he had assumed she was some kind of secret seductress. That she and his brother had some kinky relationship which they had been keeping hidden. That of course, she would be wearing something lewd like a thong. But no, apparently, she was truly conservative and… prudish?
The old, washed-out fabric clung snugly to the shape of her vulva. Despite her unsexy taste in underwear, she obviously possessed a pussy — which was all that currently mattered to Hajoon. But if she felt conscious about her panties…
“I don’t mind, I guess they’re cute,” he mumbled while he gave her pants another tug and pulled them off completely to focus entirely on her underwear. Wonyoung was still barely reacting to his actions. She was quietly observing him. Whatever had been mixed into the drinks was keeping her sedated far beyond her control. It also didn’t help that she was feeling weirdly excited and aroused — another effect of the cocktail.
As far as Hajoon was concerned, she was simply shy about this arrangement. So when he touched her panties, grasped the soft fabric, and began to peel the material off her smooth silky skin, all he could think about was losing his virginity with her help.
It was a gradual process, he didn’t want to rush this considering how relaxed she seemed to be. Maybe she wanted this to be romantic, who knows. After all the struggle, finally, Wonyoung's perfectly smooth-shaven pussy was revealed. This discovery only made her more appealing.
But even under the effect of alcohol and whatever else had been mixed into the drinks, Wonyoung gradually felt her heart beating faster. Adrenaline began to pump through her at an alarming rate. Her mind began to grasp that she was about to have sexual intercourse with someone other than her boyfriend.
“Uhmm.” She paused for a moment. It was so damned difficult to gather her thoughts and think straight. How did she end up in this situation?
Wonyoung eyes wandered up and down the view in front of her. The way Hajoon was removing her underwear. How his gaze kept fixating on her crotch. Something about this was alerting her. But just as her emotions began to take shape in more coherent thoughts, she felt another dulling wave of drowsiness washing over her.
Wonyoung leaned back, and took a deep breath. Her head rested on the cushy pillow. She watched her boyfriend’s brother tossing her underwear away before standing back up to undress. She could vaguely recall the prior chat. About hooking him up with someone. Maybe… she had volunteered? Perhaps she had agreed to help him out in a more direct way.
In her drugged state, it made just enough sense.
Her gaze was glued to him and his actions, she had never been with anyone but her boyfriend so this was new. Hajoon was without a doubt on the chubby side. And as he took off his pants, she also noted that he wasn’t particularly well endowed.
But he definitely was excited and steadily growing. Wonyoung however, was still at the mere beginnings of feeling aroused, she knew that having sex in her current state would be unpleasant. So she reluctantly reached under her shirt, pushed her bra out of the way and began to caress her breasts. Some part of her knew that this would be the only foreplay she would get. As long as she could get herself wet enough to make his entry easy, she knew that her body would take care of the rest.
Simultaneously, Hajoon held his semi-erect appendage in his fist and stroked it to life while watching her. He glanced back and forth between the motion underneath her shirt, and the triangle between her legs. The awkward teenagers continued like that for longer than either of them would care to admit.
Wonyoung eventually reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and away, discarding her last piece of clothing. Her perky breasts were crowned by stiff nipples, hinting at her own growing excitement.
Her moral barrier was all but torn down, she was no longer conscious of the fact that she was about to cheat on her boyfriend. Unlike all the girls downstairs, she didn’t have anyone to keep her safe and to prevent her from committing a mistake.
Hajoon joined her side, and the bed creaked bitterly in response. The rusty bedsprings weren’t made to endure the weight of two people. He climbed on top of Wonyoung while supporting himself on his elbows, and his erection poked her belly button. He wasn’t even close to his target destination.
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It coaxed a timid giggle out of her.
“Wait, I got this,” he uttered nervously. Hajoon then readjusted his angle and reached down to grasp the veiny, firm surface of his dick. It felt harder than ever before, and throbbed in tune to his nervous heartbeat. He knew that he wouldn’t last long once he was inside her, but that didn’t matter.
The bloated crown of his appendage gradually slid down towards her crotch, accompanied by a very fine trail of pre-cum which clung to her pale caramel skin. It didn’t help that he was particularly aware of some fruity adolescent perfume that surrounded her and made her even more intoxicating to be with. Everything about Wonyoung was feminine and attractive. All of this had been developing so fast that he barely had the time to fully process it. But he wasn’t about to pause.
His cock nestled in the midst of her pussy lips and he could feel his tip pressing against her skin. He gave it an inquisitive jerk forward, but merely lured a displeased groan out of her.
Wonyoung felt him awkwardly applying pressure to her clit with that bloated head of his cock. Hajoon was still a couple inches away from his target.
“It’s lower than that…” she mumbled.
Wonyoung waited another moment while he fidgeted with her genitals, before she reached down and wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft. The first thing she noticed was how warm his cock felt! After her initial surprise faded, she guided his purple cockhead down to the slit of her pussy and towards the snug embrace of her labia. She directed his dick up and down until it was decently held in place by her own body, until it was wedged in place just in front of the tiny opening that would lead inside her.
The bed squeaked as Hajoon suddenly lunged forward and buried his length inside Wonyoung pussy with a single push, just like he had seen in porn. His inexperience was painfully obvious and Wonyoung suffered the consequences of being his first.
Wonyoung inhaled sharply and tensed up. Despite being wet enough for his entry, she hadn’t been prepared to take in everything at once! Her boyfriend had never pushed into her like a savage, it had always been a slow and gradual process to open her up.
“This is amazing,” he spoke breathlessly, his voice heavy and sultry. Simultaneously he was still wriggling his hips forward, and fully ignored the way his pubic bone was already grinding against hers.
Wonyoung hadn’t even noticed the way she had instinctively wrapped her legs around him — it felt like someone had shoved a scalding metal rod into her privates and was still trying to push it deeper.
“I think… it’s all inside.” Wonyoung response was a mixture of half-hearted wit and dumbfound frustration. She knew well enough that she would be sore for the following few days after such a callous entry. Her vagina wasn’t built for such rough treatment. The silken walls were involuntarily clenching down on his member but unsuccessful in expelling the invader. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate his manhood, adapting to make room for him, allowing him to become a part of her.
Just like he had seen on the internet, he began his slow withdrawal followed by another push back inside her. He copied the motions to the best of his abilities.
A slippery squelch escaped Wonyoung womanhood, and a faint blush crept across her cheeks. It was either her own arousal, or an ample serving of pre-cum which helped to lubricate her pussy. Either way, it paved the path for him to pick up a clumsy pace of burying his entire length in her, pulling out, and repeating the process.
Throughout it all, Wonyoung remained fully aware of the heat his cock was emitting within her tight sheathe. Each time Hajoon buried his cock inside her, she could feel it like fireworks going off against her delicate flesh. The heat, the texture of his erection, the veiny shape, she felt it all as he repeatedly drove it home.
Every other slap was more deliberate than the last, and soon the sounds of his skin slapping against hers echoed throughout the small room each time his crotch impacted with Wonyoung’s. Her small breasts rocked back and forth in tune to the rhythmical motion of her body, the petite girl was like a doll while under the mercy of his actions. This wasn’t the romantic love-making that she was used to, it was an act with a singular goal in mind.
With little else to do but to bear the sensations, she grasped the bed sheets more tightly and dug her fingers into the fabric.
She also unwrapped her legs from around his back and placed her feet back on the mattress — this was an encounter she did not intend to repeat. She wanted him to do whatever he desired and to get it over with quickly.
And yet despite her mental struggle, Wonyoung found herself feeling playful, almost giddy. A part of her was enjoying the knowledge that her body brought him such joy. She also felt desired and appreciated beyond anything she felt in the past. Perhaps with a bit more foreplay, she thought, this might have felt amazing, even for her.
“Do you… do you like it?” Wonyoung asked, those words bashfully while her innocent eyes gazed back up at him as if seeking his approval. As she lowered her view back down to her crotch, she could see as well as feel the way he kept pulling his hungry cock nearly all the way out of her — leaving her with a sensation of emptiness inside her — and then slamming back into her. Each impact coaxed another stifled sigh out of her, it was all she could do to prevent herself from moaning.
She still believed that her friends were hosting a party downstairs. She didn’t want to create any noise.
“Fuck,” Hajoon cursed, as he felt the tightness of Wonyoung’s cunt squeezing down on his cock. “Yea-yeah,” was all he could muster in response as he kept on focusing entirely on that wet hug of her pussy. Wonyoung kept tensing up, he could tell. Voluntarily or not, it felt incredible to have her flesh so tight around his shaft. Every clench of her flesh just heightened his pleasure, driving him on to make this last for as long as he could.
It was his first time, however.
Wet perspiration was collecting on his back, his muscles were aching and shivering from exhaustion, and all he could think about was that paradise between Wonyoung’s legs. His basic instincts were urging him on to claim her completely in whatever way possible.
And just as that thought crossed his mind, he could feel himself approaching his peak. An explosion of pleasure that concentrated in his loins. He shoved his entire weight against and into her. He deliberately wanted to share this moment with her, all of it, forcing it on her.
So when a familiar tingle was spreading from his crotch all the way to the tip of his erection, he made sure to keep it buried as deep in her little twat as she could take it. Wonyoung’s vulva kissed the base of his cock. She had taken every inch. They were one.
His orgasm began with a single pulse at first.
It was also right then, that Wonyoung fully comprehended what felt so different this time, compared to sex she usually had with her boyfriend. Today she was acutely aware of the shape and heat of her partner’s erection because it was not engulfed by a thick layer of latex, she realized. There was no condom!
For the first time in her life, she was committing to unprotected intercourse. And to make matters worse, it was with someone other than her boyfriend. Those pink walls of her pussy had been in direct contact with a naked, uncovered cock. It was the first time that she had sex completely bareback and as nature intended.
Wonyoung inhaled sharply at that, like something had just touched the very end of her love-tunnel. A sickeningly strong spurt of… wetness. That thought didn’t prepare her for the following squirts, which felt twice as intense — her mind made the connection with a super soaker as it was emptying a blast inside her! It felt strong and masculine as it washed into her.
It was weird, but not nearly as bad as the discomfort it caused. Those pumps delivered the payload of cloudy sperm right up against her cervix, coating the smooth organ with a fine slathering of creamy seed. Wonyoung flinched each time Hajoon injected another serving of baby gravy against that uttermost sensitive part inside her.
His member kept jerking against the vulnerable walls of her cunt. It was a huge load.
“You can’t…” Wonyoung mumbled. “You gotta… you can’t cum inside me.” Her words were incoherent, and it was also too little, too late. His organ already delivered nearly a dozen spurts directly into her. Even Wonyoung understood that much.
Up to now, nobody had been allowed to ejaculate inside her. Not even her own boyfriend had gotten to enjoy that privilege. This had all been intended to be a one-sided deal, that she would help Hajoon to lose his virginity. But instead, it had turned into a mutual exchange, in which she was allowed to claim his virginity, and he would be allowed to claim her bareback virginity. Her excited pussy got its first taste of semen, and would without a doubt, never forget its first unprotected conqueror.
“Ahh… no…” It was part of her mother’s advice, which had been repeatedly drilled into her head as soon as she had her first period. The women in her family were incredibly fertile, and she should not be taking any risks until she was absolutely ready to become a mom.
All of her sisters had at least one pregnancy scare, too. Despite combining multiple birth control methods.
Wonyoung had no doubts about it. That stubborn triangle between her legs would be more than happy to accept any lucky sperm, and to put her right on course for an early motherhood.
But yet here she was with her trembling legs wide open like a wanton slut, and a real penis throbbing to deliver the final watery spurts of sperm into her battered cunt.
It was almost as if he was seriously trying to inseminate her defenseless vagina. To give her a baby bump and to ruin her prospects of remaining a cheerleader. Wonyoung could feel herself clenching down on his erection at the thought of that, and in response, his member flexed aggressively against the walls of her cunt.
Just like a mare, she thought, she had been mounted and potentially impregnated. Like she was nothing more than an animal. Her family would never forgive her if they found out she made such a mistake, nor would her boyfriend…
“What am I supposed to do now…?” Everything inside her felt gross and slippery. Each time he moved even an inch, she could feel his organ moving inside the puddle he dumped inside her. She might never again feel clean. Her pussy had gotten its first creampie, the most intimate event a girl and a boy can share with one another.
Followed by a bitter sigh, Wonyoung plopped back against the pillow with her legs still open and her lover sheathed inside her vagina. More of his weight was resting on her now, after he had deposited his cum in her and had lost his strength.
There was little she could do now that he already came in her, and her mind was weirdly at ease with the thought. Still, she knew of the risk. She also knew she didn’t want to get knocked up at such a tender young age.
All that adrenaline, which coursed through her veins like never before, helped her to temporarily form a more coherent thought.
An obvious idea occurred to her.
A simple solution to this mess, thanks to modern science. Unlike her mother or her grandmother, she wasn’t completely at the mercy of her partner. A single accident wouldn’t permanently doom her, she couldn’t allow that to happen, she wouldn’t.
Wonyoung extended her arm as far as it would go and pulled her discarded clothes close enough to retrieve her phone. Her sluggish mind was whirring and spinning while she stared at the bright digital screen, until she remembered her password. She navigated her way to the calendar and created a simple reminder; Purchase plan B, ASAP.
Even if it took a day, even if it would take two days, she would be fine. It was a relief. She wouldn’t have to endure a baby growing inside her and she sure as hell wouldn’t have to endure weeks of morning sickness just because she once forgot using a condom.
Throughout it all, Hajoon remained on top of her. Her breasts did little to cushion the way he was pinning her in place. He was truly spent now that he had thoroughly enjoyed his birthday present.
Wonyoung placed her phone on the nightstand, uttered a weary sigh and closed her eyes. She could still feel the vastness of cum that was swirling around inside her vagina. It was so warm and sticky, distinctly different from her own wetness. It didn’t feel right. She felt tainted and dirty. There was a very good reason for why she had never permitted her boyfriend to soil her insides like this.
Even the thought was obscene — that she currently carried millions of his little swimmers inside her womb. Wiggly little sperm tadpoles. Each one with the single goal of ruining her teenage years, by forcing her into an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes, being a girl certainly sucks… she thought.
And every now and then Wonyoung could feel her pussy twitching around Hajoon shrinking shaft, as if to make up for the growing emptiness within her. Everything about this felt too intimate. She could scarcely believe it, but it almost felt like her vagina was falling in love with the bareback sensation. She grimaced at the thought, but nonetheless felt a warm pressure in her loins. A deep satisfaction. If he wanted to go for another round, she would probably let him.
The room was quiet… she couldn’t even hear the party downstairs anymore. It was fairly tranquil and serene, she thought. Caught by the sullen silence, the two teenagers were moments from falling asleep, entangled as they were.
Until the door handle twisted, and turned.
The bedroom door opened. Jin and Sehun — those friends of Hajoon — entered the room only to change their expressions from ones of curiosity, into ones of surprise and shock.
“Are we interrupting? We’re interrupting,” Sehun said while already being in the midst of trying to close the door again.
“Wait,” Hajoon answered. He was still surprisingly out of breath. “It’s cool. She offered to help me lose my… uh, my virginity. My brother made it happen, I guess. So it’s all good. She isn’t cheating or anything… what are you doing here anyway? Wait, did he… did he send you?”
The situation was weird without a doubt, and Hajoon had no intention of remaining completely naked in the presence of his buddies. He rolled over to cover himself with the bed covers.
Which left Wonyoung with the feeling of how his softened member slipped out of her, with a slick pop, after which a tendril of warm cum drooled out of her freshly fucked pussy. Everything down there felt swollen, tender and sticky. Since she wasn’t making an effort to move, her senses were acutely aware of how all that cum was gradually escaping her. It began to leak out of her slit more richly, oozing down the cheeks of her bum and pooling underneath her.
“Well… he did send us, yeah. But he said something about checking up on everyone. I don’t think this is what he meant…” Sehun surveyed the situation. “But hey, I’m not gonna pass up on this. If she’s all right with it? And if you don’t mind either?”
“Yeah sure, go for it.” Hajoon had his share of fun. He didn’t mind sharing the experience with his closest friends, as well.
None of the guys asked Wonyoung, who still lay on the bed. Considering how widely known her helpful attitude was, the boys simply assumed this was all part of her charity. That she offered herself to be used for their entertainment however they saw fit.
Who knows, maybe this was even some fetish she had, Hajoon thought to himself. She did seem completely at ease with everything, other than that little accident inside her pussy. But even that unwelcome cream filling didn’t seem to bother her much at all. It gave him a newfound motivation to indulge in what he assumed to be her kink.
“Go ahead,” he suggested as he climbed off the bed while keeping the covers wrapped around his lower half.
Sehun and Jin still stood a good distance away. After a brief moment of contemplation, Sehun shrugged his shoulders and began to strip. He was surprisingly fit, with mildly toned muscles underneath his clothes. He wasn’t short on confidence either, he was the only one in their small circle of friends who had an easy time with the ladies.
And so, while Hajoon and Jin retreated with chairs to a corner of the room, to watch the show, Sehun approached the bedside.
“I always thought you were the prettiest.” His eyes wandered over Wonyoung curves. Her pristine, beautiful skin was free of any marks or imperfections. Sehun reached out to give her left tit an inquisitive squeeze.
“The real deal, sweet. I kinda prefer girls with bigger breasts, but it’s not like you’re offering a boobjob anyway.” His gaze moved up and he briefly looked into Wonyoung’s eyes. He could see a trace of confusion and fright, locked behind the entrancing shade of hazelnut of her iris, as if she was trapped inside her own mind. He recognized the look, it was the same one all the intoxicated girls downstairs had.
Wonyoung was fighting a losing battle, certainly. Each little rush of adrenaline had less of an effect to free her mind, she was rapidly succumbing to the alcohol and whatever else she ingested.
“She had a bit too much to drink, didn’t she?” Sehun contemplated the situation for a moment, but it wasn’t his fault that she got herself into this mess. This would be an easy way of teaching her a lesson, while he and his friends would get to have fun. It was harmless anyway, he figured, it’s not like they were harming her.
Sehun knew nothing of the trouble that was brewing in Wonyoung’s loins, with more cum trickling towards her cervix.
Wonyoung still looked up at him, dazed and intoxicated as she was. Each time she breathed in, she grew more aware of the vile scent of drying sperm and her own vaginal juices that seeped into the air and filled the room with the smell of unprotected sex. All she could hope for was an opportunity to fall asleep and to rest.
She simply wanted this to be over, even her own arousal was giving her little more than embarrassment and shame. She took no joy or pride in the fact that everyone currently in the room knew what her cunt smelled like when she was in the mood for another cock. Her pussy was pleading for another dick to own her. But instead, Sehun moved his hand toward her cheek and beyond, grabbing the pillow her head was resting on. With one swift tug, he pulled it away and she uttered a displeased groan in response as her head plopped onto the firm mattress.
It was the beginning of something new, as Sehun relocated the pillow and pushed it underneath Wonyoung’s shapely buttocks. One strong push and it was in place. It raised her crotch, higher up than the rest of her body and much easier to access.
Sehun climbed on top of her.
“Tell me that I’m your boyfriend,” Sehun instructed as he reached for his erection, and used his grip to rub the blunt tip of his cock against the shrouded little point of pleasure, just atop her slit. Wonyoung’s perfectly shaven pussy had gotten sticky with a mixture of fluids. His cockhead applied a gentle pressure on it, just enough to make her curious.
“Ah… ahnn!” Wonyoung released a tender moan, and her soft voice helped to coax more life into his erection. “My… my boyfriend?” She had never felt anything like this. Sex had always been something she would do just to get it over with. It had never even occurred to her, or her boyfriend, that sex could be pleasurable for both of them.
It was her upbringing which had taught her that everything between her legs was a no-no area. So many sensations were flooding her brain, her body was more than amped up to receive more attention.
“You are… my boyfriend?” She weakly repeated his words, though she didn’t care to understand their meaning. She simply wanted this moment to continue. Free of shame and stress, this was the first time that she discovered a new side of herself. And despite her frail and tired mind, she suddenly felt a new rush of energy to urge her onwards.
“That’s right.” Sehun drew small circles around her opening, a dab of his pre-cum smeared all over Wonyoung’s smooth pussy lips.
When he was finally pleased with her growing need, he pushed his cock down to knock against the entrance to her juicy cunt. The battered lips of her pussy were drenched, it was either a mess of her own creation or leftovers from Hajoon’s deposit inside her cunt. She was about to accept the second unprotected dick of her life into her body.
Much like it happened with the first one, she was vaguely aware of a gentle push, followed by the feeling of being spread open by something. This is it, Wonyoung contemplated, and the tip of his erection entered her. She had taken him inside and she was once again allowing a guy to relish the wet embrace of her cunt.
The anxious fear crossed her mind again, as she remembered that she still wasn’t on any birth control. At this rate, she may end up taking another warm batch of sperm into her most vulnerable core — her blind reliance on taking a morning after pill was nagging her. She knew this was a bad idea, and yet—
“Ahnnn!” Wonyoung uttered another perplexed moan as she felt the manly appendage invading her further, stretching her womanhood far more so than the first cock she took.
It was only when she planted her hands on the mattress to push herself into a more upright position that she could gaze at the obscene sight that was playing out further down. While the shadow cast by Sehun’s body made it harder to observe, Wonyoung was able to see the way his grotesquely thick cock was worming its way into her. He would pull back by an inch, and then feed two inches back into her. His actions also just so happened to push all the remaining cum deeper inside her.
“Nnnh,” Wonyoung sighed bitterly. Sehun monstrous size was pushing against some particularly sensitive parts and she was rapidly approaching her breaking point. There was only so much she could safely accommodate, before she would feel the sheer strain and burden of trying to force something unusually big into her. “It won’t fit, it doesn’t fit,” she mumbled with her broken voice, a plea that was ignored. Her hands clutched the bed’s fabric more tightly.
Sehun kept on applying more pressure with every other thrust, coaxing her insides to accept him. It was fortunate that she was so damn wet, otherwise this would’ve proven uncomfortable for both.
Wonyoung’s fists gradually unclenched as she managed to relax. Her breathing still came deep and ragged, and her mouth felt dry, but she was getting used to it all. Even the sounds no longer caused her as much discomfort — that repetitive slick noise each time his member pushed inwards. The way her battered pussy lips simply opened up and allowed his erection to plunge deeper still.
She refused to say it out loud, but it was beginning to feel weirdly pleasant. It felt just right, the way Sehun managed to stimulate those unknown parts within her. Those tender spots she never knew existed.
“Ah! Ohh…” A particularly sharp moan left her brittle lips as she felt him delving deeper than even Hajoon managed to, yet undiscovered parts were opening up to accommodate her lover. In response, Wonyoung parted her legs further.
One foot slipped just off the edge of the bed and dangled uselessly above the carpet, while her other foot remained atop the mattress. Even so, all it did was creating more space inside her. An act that allowed Sehun to pick up the pace with which he was mating with her.
It shaped up to be a proper fuck, with deep hard strokes.
It was so much more intense than she could’ve ever anticipated, a workout for her untrained pussy. And as those ebbing waves of soreness, excitement and lust kept retreating and returning, she soon found herself reaching another height she had yet to experience.
Her first orgasm.
It began with a sensation similar to having just burned herself, her instincts urged her on to touch herself, to reassure herself that she was okay. It was accompanied by a squeezing that she was aware of each time he thrust into her. The soft, slick walls of her cunt clenched down on his member when he pushed in, and when he withdrew she felt empty and hollow. It was like a weird, twisted dance.
Soon she could feel a heaviness emanating from just below her belly button.
It seemed to be spreading in a butterfly shape, growing outwards. It reached down to her thighs, and all the way up to the tips of her tingly fingers. Its intensity kept climbing until she sighed, and bit her lip hard enough to draw traces of blood.
She suddenly felt lightheaded and breathless. Warm shocks of bliss rolled through her and accompanied the fullness in her pussy. Her eyes were shut tight and all her senses concentrated on those feelings, the confusion and joy of her first climax. It felt so damn good.
Simultaneously, Sehun could feel her vagina rhythmically contracting around his dick, damn well making it impossible to push as deep as he had grown accustomed to. But he didn’t need to.
Just as Wonyoung was in the midst of an orgasm, her lover joined her. He repeated the same motions that had forced her over the edge. He fucked into her as he began to deliver a row of thick, virile spurts of semen into the depths of Wonyoung’s defenseless vagina. His persistent thrusting only helped to push it deeper.
Her cervix repeatedly dipped into the sticky mess, in tune to her barely suppressed moans.
A milky pool of cum all but drowned her vulnerable cervix. The boys were certainly doing their very best to try and seal her fate, knowingly or not, they were breeding her unprotected cunt.
The pillow underneath her peach-shaped buttocks all but ensured the sperm had nowhere to go but where it belonged most. She still shivered and gasped, even when her partner slowed down and paused.
“And that’s… that’s how you get it done…”
Sehun allowed his muscles to relax, now that his job was finished. The exertion of his work came crushing down on him. His full weight was lowered onto Wonyoung while he gasped for fresh oxygen.
The air was heavy with the salty taste of sweat and exhaustion. He leered down at her with a toxic, lecherous stare when she eventually opened her eyes. It had taken her a while to recover. He knew he had succeeded in something that perhaps nobody else had attempted yet — to ride her to the peak of pleasure.
Simultaneously, Wonyoung’s senses returned and she regretfully grew aware of that new, added heat in her loins. That damp warmth from all the recklessly deposited sperm that now resided within her. She had taken it all, like a gift she couldn’t return anymore.
Their crotches were fused together for the time being, and she could feel him softening against the tender sides of her pussy.
Even her vulva, somehow, felt more bruised and battered. There were so many things she was suddenly in the midst of discovering. It’s like her world was finally filled with color again, it was real and vivid. Whatever had been mixed into her drink was slowly leaving her system, but the influence of alcohol still affected her strongly.
“Are you… did you… finish?” Her words came timidly. The weight of the situation was slowly closing in on her and she wasn’t sure how to react.
Her caring nature and positivity, clashed with the overwhelming mess this turned out to be.
“Yeah. It was amazing. You were amazing.” Sehun lowered his gaze down to where their genitals were still hugging one another, and slowly withdrew from her sloppy insides. It coaxed a few gasps and sighs from Wonyoung, but he soon felt himself popping free from her pussy’s tight embrace. The way the pillow kept Wonyoung’s crotch propped up, allowed him a particularly lewd sight.
His limp member dangled above her gaping, abused opening and dripped remnants of their combined juices all over, and into, the overexerted slit of her cunt. The shade of his expelled cum blends perfectly with Wonyoung’s pale skin.
It was a strange sight for Wonyoung who never had sex without a condom, and never saw a guy’s ejaculate outside of a thick latex prison. It confirmed her suspicions, she really didn’t like the feeling nor the sight of spunk. Though she couldn’t deny that she had at least a little bit of fun… no that was an understatement. She had to be honest to herself, it had been her first orgasm.
“So who is next,” Hajoon asked. “Jin, you wanna have a go at her? We wouldn’t judge you or anything if you don’t wanna,” he continued while he observed his friend’s reaction.
Of the three friends, Jin was certainly the least social one. Which didn’t mean that he was bad looking by any means, but he was scrawny and quick to grow nervous. Which was entirely to be expected considering he grew up in a household with half a dozen siblings. As the youngest sibling of the bunch, he had always been teased and made fun of. He never had a chance to build his confidence.
“I don’t know, maybe?” His gaze jumped back and forth between his friends, and the cute girl, Wonyoung. who was waiting on the bed with her legs wide open, ready to be fucked with a sullen expression. She didn’t seem too happy about the situation, but she also didn’t glare or anything. She had accepted her fate.
She did however moan sweetly when a pair of fingers delved into her pussy — and shoved all that previously deposited warm lubrication inwards. An unpleasant but familiar sensation, at this point. Sehun seemed to be taking great delight in groping her in every way he could. His sperm-covered fingers left her pussy and trailed back up to her taut, flat stomach — where he drew a wet circle around her belly button before moving further up to cup her breast. A soft squeeze confirmed that her tits were just as responsive as her cunt.
“Yeah, I kind of wanna try.” Jin watched the show and it was mesmerizing. His brothers often brought drunk girls home, and they often would end up being rather vocal about their nightly entertainment.
Unlike Hajoon, Jin had never complained about wishing to lose his virginity. But much like his friends, he failed to see a reason to pass up on this opportunity.
“Sure, she’s ready to go,” Sehun responded while he climbed off the bed.
Once again nobody bothered to inquire for Wonyoung’s thoughts on the matter. She wasn’t even comfortable with her spot on the bed — the pillow elevated her midsection, sure, but that caused her head to rest on the rigid mattress. And her vagina was sore and achy. She also hated the feeling of sperm wedged into every crevice of her cunt.
Though just as she was about to voice her discomfort, Jin climbed on top of her. There wasn’t much wiggle room — it was still just a tiny bed, designed for just one person — so when he planted his elbows on either side of her, she could only glance left and right in case she still had a chance to slip away. She couldn’t.
“Could you… like… turn around?” Jin gazed down at Wonyoung, and for the first time she actually had the presence of mind to look back up at him.
“Turn around,” she repeated his words, albeit more slowly as if trying to decipher the meaning. “What do you mean?” She turned her head and looked at the wooden headrest of the bed. It took her another moment to comprehend his intentions — to turn her body!
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She’s never had sex in any position but missionary. It hadn’t occurred to her that some people may have a preference. Wonyoung awkwardly twisted and turned her body around and found herself face-to-face with the mattress she had gotten so familiar with. She also felt the pillow now digging into her crotch. The result was the same, her cunt was raised and easy to access.
A strong blush crept across her cheeks, a burning shame. The growing awareness wasn’t entirely a good thing…
Wonyoung could soon feel something poking her labia again. It was a surprise that her crotch hadn’t turned into more of a sloppy mess, but that simply meant most cum was still somewhere inside her.
Which wasn’t reassuring. Wonyoung felt nauseous, thinking she might get knocked up. She briefly wondered just how much cum would fit into her, before even her baby-frenzied vagina would begin to spit it back out. But then she remembered that even if her pussy would be filled to the brim, her elevated crotch was giving all their combined cum a chance to needle through her cervix and to drool right into her womb.
She shivered warmly and sighed, just long enough for her to question if her vivid imagination coaxed another orgasm out of her… The gentle, careful prodding ceased when she felt Jin’s cock head had successfully located her slit. It made her feel so very vulnerable. She was naked and exposed, and so cursed helpless — yet she did not dare make a fuss about it. Just one more time, she thought to herself. They’re almost done, then I can shower and go home.
Jin inched his hips forward, he had observed the prior dance long enough to have a general idea of how it was done. The bulbous cockhead nudged between Wonyoung’s swollen pussy lips, pushed them apart and then entered the welcoming heat of her loins.
He moaned with a mixture of excitement and surprise — it surpassed his expectations! So caught up in the moment, he eagerly intended to claim more of this newfound pleasure and pushed onwards, slowly but deliberately.
It was an effortless process, Wonyoung took him in with ease. At least physically. Her mind was rebelling. She crossed her arms in front of her face and hid herself, an attempt to conceal her expression — torn between shame, confusion and guilty pleasure.
Her new partner wasn’t as large as the previous ones, but everything inside her had become so sensitive that he didn’t need to be well endowed. She could feel every stroke, every throb. She could hear the soft creaking of the bed frame as he added more weight to her, and she could smell the potent scent of frequent intercourse. Her senses were drowning in an ocean of lust and everything tied to it.
Jin was taking his time, or at least tried to. He was inching back and forth, as if he was afraid he may break her if he pushed too deep, or too fast. He also wanted to make it memorable for himself, stretching these moments for as long as he could manage. Even if two other guys had already used her, it still felt like her pussy was tight enough to snap his dick. It was an impossible embrace, mayhap related to her youth, or rigorous exercise as cheerleader. Whatever it was caused by, it was a blessing.
Another subtle moan left him as he tried to thrust forward and was met with more resistance. It had no right to feel this good to have sex with her, and it was taking his breath away. It was the single-most special experience in his entire life.
Wonyoung felt similar. Her entire crotch felt like it was heating up or burning, like all the nerve endings were firing off signals left and right, to signal her what she already knew: Only her cunt mattered.
Every other push drove those thoughts home, and soaked her mind with more desire. A taboo kind of desire that seemed to be fighting with what little was left of her rational mind.
Wonyoung listened to the way each thrust forced a wet squelch out of her beaten cunt and she moaned sultry. Though just as she was getting closer to claiming another orgasm for herself, she heard her lover releasing a more drawn-out moan. His voice was mixed with emotional release and regret, but also genuine joy. Wonyoung pinched her wrist, to distract herself from the sudden sensation of more cum being delivered into her violated cunt. Hot, sticky bursts showered the depths of her cunny with everything he had stored in his weary testicles. Weeks, maybe months’ worth of pent up semen.
“Ahnn!” She moaned by sheer accident, just as she felt a particular forceful burst against the end of her love tunnel. It was humiliating, she didn’t feel like she had any control over the situation. At least it was over. Or so she thought.
“Are you done? I kind of want to go again,” Hajoon asked. Nobody had the heart or motivation to deny him. They switched places and Wonyoung once again found herself getting used for sex.
It wasn’t a gentle fuck by any means, every thrust caused her face to rub across the mattress, but her energy was depleted. Everything began to blur into one big event, seemingly endless. Her thoughts dimmed and calmed down as she accepted that this would go on for much, much longer.
It was in the midst of that encounter that she finally fell victim to her exhaustion.
After all that had happened, she reached her limit and passed out while still being pounded from behind. It wasn’t graceful and it certainly wasn’t ladylike.
His crotch simply continued to repeatedly slap against the perky cheeks of her behind, to sink every inch of his overeager erection back into her sheathe. Subtle ripples waved outwards each time his flesh impacted with her buttocks. Nobody paid attention to the way she barely reacted anymore. If anything, they took it as sign that she finally consented fully. That she was merely ashamed of enjoying herself.
Hajoon didn’t notice, not even when he came inside her for a second time. Nor did his friends notice that she wasn’t awake anymore when they continued taking turns with her. Until the evening truly came to an end, until they were well and truly sated… Wonyoung had a dreamless slumber. Her body had desperately attempted to rid itself of all the toxins but it didn’t have any power left to spare. Her sleep wasn’t a restful one whatsoever.
A splitting headache assaulted her as soon as she opened her eyes again, much later.
“What the hell did I do…?” She mumbled to herself lethargically, while placing both hands on the sides of her head as if she was afraid it may fall off. Her throat felt incredibly dry, like she hadn’t had a sip of water for weeks. She also noticed that her entire body felt sore which usually only happened after overexerting herself at the gym.
Her mind was a foggy mess. She truly couldn’t remember anything other than getting drunk and praying that someone would turn down the music. The last time she had gotten blackout drunk like this was… on her birthday, probably. Where was she anyway?
She took a quick, panicked look around and found herself still at her boyfriend’s home, in one of the guest rooms. All alone. It was reassuring, even if she couldn’t recall how she got there. Someone must have carried her.
Presumably her boyfriend, but he was nowhere to be seen.
The blanket clung to her skin, that’s how sticky and sweaty she was. Even in her moody and drained state, she felt grossed out. If there ever had been a time that she needed a good hot shower, this was it. The poor state she was in became more obvious as she crawled out of bed and felt her legs trembling miserably. She walked like a zombie, stumbling forward and dragging her hands along the walls, as she pushed herself to the bathroom without second guessing just why she was already naked. Her eyes fixated entirely on the path ahead of her.
When she finally reached the bathtub, she sat under the showerhead and allowed the warm water to sprinkle over her naked body, which finally lured a groan out of her. She tugged her knees in and rested for what felt like an eternity, simply relaxing and recovering. Her joints ached and her muscles still felt stiff, so it felt heavenly to have a thousand water drops massaging the entirety of her body for so long.
She eventually pulled herself back up to her feet, finished her shower and dried herself off with a cozy, soft towel. It was a treat to feel the fabric caressing her. She studied herself in front of the bathroom mirror while doing so, and for the first time, noticed that her entire vaginal area was enflamed and red. She leaned forward to take a better look, and parted the swollen lips with her fingertips. Her actions were slow and gentle, as if she was afraid she may break something down there by touching it.
Some kind of cloudy, sticky discharge trickled down her thighs almost immediately, and she uttered a startled gasp. It was a mystery to her why she might be so dripping wet on the inside. Did she have some kind of wet dream before she woke up? She wasn’t sure, but she sure as heck hoped that she hadn’t masturbated in the guest room while she was drunk out of her mind. Oh god, even the thought made her nearly choke in embarrassment. Hopefully nobody had noticed that she apparently touched herself. It was time to clean away any evidence of her intoxicated behavior.
She quickly sat down on the toilet seat and grabbed a small box from the side. The contents were what she expected, the private stash of tampons belonging to her boyfriend’s mother. Applicator included.
“Thank god!” An essential household item if she had ever seen one.
She retrieved one of them, parted her legs, and gingerly inserted it between her swollen pussy lips. Her pussy felt bruised and spongy, but she quickly blamed that as well on any kind of unacceptable dream she must’ve had.
She pushed that bad boy home before pressing down on the plunger and securing the tampon in place, somewhere in the back of her vagina where it would help to prevent any kind of awkward discharge. She could still feel some thick fluids sloshing around somewhere within her, thank god she no longer had to be afraid of it oozing down her legs.
“Nope, nope!” It was all icky and strange down there. The less she had to deal with her private parts, the better. She certainly had other things to worry about, she thought. So after using a ball of tissues to wipe the insides of her thighs clean, she returned to her boyfriend’s bedroom to find him soundly asleep. It gave her a good excuse to borrow some of his clothes — at which point she realized that she couldn’t remember taking off her own clothes upon entering the bathroom. She had no idea where those were.
Did she blank out about that, too?
No matter, she grabbed a fresh pair of boxer shorts from his wardrobe, some sweat pants and an oversized shirt before retreating underneath her boyfriend’s blanket. Perhaps now she might be able to claim the restful slumber she had been missing out on. Her soft, warm hands wrapped around his sleeping form as she cuddled up to him and closed her eyes…
Simultaneously in an adjacent room, a distinct noise appeared. An intrusive digital beep, it startled Hajoon and tore him from his dreams.
He had slept on the carpet, right next to his bed.
After the guys had entirely spent themselves, and probably ejaculated every single drop of semen they had to offer into Wonyoung’s receptive pussy, they carried her to the guest bedroom. Hajoon returned to hopelessly stare at the obscene puddle of cum right where she had spent most of her time. On his bed. Which he had no intention to lie in, not after he saw that disgusting mess.
So after using a whole bunch of towels to try and wipe away most of the excess, he stripped off the bed sheets and tossed them into the washing machine. All that spunk had soaked down to the mattress — he had no choice but to sleep on the carpet.
Needless to say he didn’t appreciate being woken up by some loud beeping device.
It did turn out to be a pleasant surprise, however. It was his camcorder’s signal and indicated the batteries were running low. He approached his camcorder — it was still on his desk, right where he had placed it after initially escorting Wonyoung to his room.
His expectations were even more blown out of proportion when he accessed the memory and watched the video file. It was all right there. The girls he recorded at the beginning of the party, the shaky movement when he went upstairs with Wonyoung, and the hours of sexual exploration they shared together. It was recorded at a perfect angle, showing everything. He fast-forwarded the clip, and then quickly ejected the tape to keep it inside one of the drawers of his nightstand.
That’s when he noticed that Wonyoung had forgotten her phone. Curiosity got the better of him, since it still seemed to be unlocked. He browsed right to the picture gallery where he found another little heap of treasures. A whole bunch of — arguably tasteful — nude pictures that she had sent to his older brother.
Hajoon sent a copy of every single one to himself. His little stash would keep him satisfied for months, possibly years to come. Hajoon couldn’t be happier.
But then Wonyoung phone released an urgent beep.
A little notification popped up. It was gibberish: “Purrchess plantB ASAA.”
He barely suppressed a laugh at the memory just how drunk she seemed to be at first, at least until she seemed to sober up temporarily. She must’ve typed that message by accident, he figured. It was just random letters and didn’t make any sense.
His fingertip danced across the digital screen as he swiped to the side and pushed that flashing button that confirmed his selection. Delete notification. After all, she didn’t need a reminder of how drunk she was.
For the following few weeks, none of them dared bringing up the topic of his birthday. They all assumed that Wonyoung simply didn’t want to talk about what happened, they had no idea that she truly didn’t know or remember. Hajoon was perfectly content with the way he got to lose his virginity, and his friends were more than happy with the outcome after they received a copy of the recording.
There were no consequences. Or so they thought.
It was months later, after another pleasant night in her boyfriend’s bed, when Wonyoung woke up to a sensation not much unlike being punched in the stomach. Her eyes flashed open, her hand shot up to cover her mouth, and she desperately stormed out of the room and to the bathroom. She woke up half the house with her sudden noise, and she barely managed to slam the door shut before dry-heaving and coughing into the toilet. Tears ran down her cheeks, and her long cascading hair hung down the sides of her face.
The muscles in her abdomen just kept tensing, and she couldn’t help but to feel utterly devastated and miserable. What was going on, what was happening to her? She was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t think. More than that, she felt terribly weak and ill.
Halfway through, Hyeon arrived as well and approached her on the cold bathroom tiles. He comforted her, hugged her, and reassured her while she bawled her eyes out. When she finally recovered enough to breathe normally again, his hand slid down to grasp the hem of her shirt. He suspected one possible cause for her sickness.
“Don’t,” she panicked and her hands moved on top of his.
“It’s okay.” Once more her boyfriend reassured her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and his hands began to lift her shirt more insistently. Right there, where she used to have a perfectly taut and flat belly, he caught a glimpse of a visible baby bump. It was the first time that he noticed it.
And he smiled back at her.
“Accidents happen.” He comforted her with a tight embrace while he spoke warmly into her ear. “Maybe one of the condoms broke, who knows. It doesn’t matter.”
“I want to keep it,” he added while his hand brushed over the bulge where she carried a baby. She was about to become a mother.
No — more accurately, she had become a mother as soon as one of those wiggly tadpoles had reached her womb, months’ ago at the party. Her fate had been sealed as soon as she had gotten drunk, naked, and ready to be taken entirely bareback.
It was Wonyoung who had to pay the price. Ever since that day, a new life had been growing inside of her.
She trembled and could barely even breathe, emotions were tearing her left and right and tugging at her heartstrings. It felt like a combination of anxiety and bliss. Naturally she believed that it was her boyfriend’s baby that was growing inside her.
She slowly accepted this turn of events. It was a reason to be happy! She felt that the start of something new was waiting just around the corner.
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goldsbitch · 5 months
Our wedding
Y/N and Lando probably went a little too overboard when planning their wedding. She finally looses it when his friend suggests a product placement bucket hat.
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A dream wedding.
Distant palazzo, with acres of private lands to roam around at night. Lavish dress, designed to fit perfectly and re-done three times. Coordinators, who made sure everyone who needed to be invited actually was. And also took care about almost anything one can imagine.
A perfect wedding, that's what they both wanted. Go big or go home. Combining romance, with generously giving everyone they loved, or deemed important, the time of their life. To say that this event was supposed to be extra would be an understatement.
Lando said yes to all of Y/N's wished regarding flower arrangements, menu items and rooming lists. She said yes to all of this ideas about the music, sound systems set up in each part of the venue (because heaven would turn upside down if there had been one quiet spot with no music, according to Lando) and drinks choices. They could not agree on the photographer - so Lando just booked his, and hers option as well. Saving money was not on the table. He knew that the amount of good PR and brand deals the Quadrant team managed to get together was going to pay out in the long run. Everyone loves a wedding.
That's where the first issues started - the amount of people invited grew into higher hundreds. She voiced her point few times, but Lando quickly shut those off with a promise to book a private charter for all friends and family who were coming from her homeland. She caved in and agreed to just few more CEO's she'd never met, as long as they did not share their table.
It was the final two months before the wedding and things could not be more hectic. They had to plan the wedding around Lando's race schedule, so summer break between races it was. Y/N had to juggle her job with all of this planning, so she attended less races than she usually would. Most of the calls she shared with Lando were wedding related and it seemed like his best friend Max took it upon himself to speak on behalf of Lando - so sometimes it felt like she was marrying Max rather than her fiancé. After a total break down she had few days ago, which resulted in her crying on the phone to Lando at 4 am his local time, they agreed she absolutely had to come over to the next race so that they could find some down time.
Having to endure a tiring overnight flight, she finally stepped into the hotel where Lando was staying at. Exhausted, jet-lagged and generally in a bad mood were the main ingredients in the perfect cocktail of "you should just avoid me" Y/N. She finally opened the door to his room and let out a groan. Traveling to see him used to be her favorite thing. A bombastic cherry on top was that she immediately recognized Max's voice coming from the living room. Was this guy staying in the same room as them now?
"Y/N, is that you?" she heard, desperately hoping he hadn't heard her enter in. She felt like a bitch for wishing that, but he was the last person she wanted to see at that point. Her hopes of jumping in the bed and cuddling Lando the first thing coming here dissolved like cotton candy, leaving tooth aches behind.
"Yes, Max, it's me," she said, not even bothering adjusting her tone to something more socially appropriate.
"Great, just on time. Can you come in here? We have some decisions that are becoming pressing matters," he said dryly and added his own frustrated comment quietly "...since someone does not feel like answering emails." She heard that, bit her lip and swallowed all her comments, otherwise she would explode.
"What's up?" she asked, entering the living space. There were dozens of baseball caps and buckets hats laid down on the coffee table with Max and some random young guy towering over them.
"We need you to pick out one of these which you'll be wearing after the reception. I have a great brand deal on the table which I need to close today. So, go ahead - pick one." She could not believe the words coming out of Max's mouth. Was he for real?
"May I ask when did I agree to wearing a baseball cap with my dress right after my wedding?"
Max glanced at her and then rolled his eyes. "Can you just pick one? Lando is on board with this, he'll be wearing this green one," he pointed to objectively very nice stylish item of clothing - but still, it was a bucket hat. Rage levels shot up in Y/N blood steam.
"Max, I'm suppose to be wearing my wedding dress until the evening, that's also in some deal you guys made," she proclaimed, hoping this would finally make him get some sense. "The dress is very classical, I don't think this would fit the vibe."
"Oh, come, we agreed to sticking to the Quadrant Athletes color palette and all of these check that. We want to break the classical vibe up with this."
"I'm sorry, who exactly is we in this scenario? And who the fuck are you?!" she pointed at the guy standing next to Max.
"I'm...I'm the product placement controller," he said in a shy voice.
Her eyes just went wide at that point.
"Y/N, no need to freak out again, you need to create a viral moment to make the brand grow," Max said, as if he was talking about a new merch launch.
And that was the final straw. "I'm getting sick of you guys making my wedding into a Quadrant PR stunt. You need to realize this is my wedding, not yours! The whole event is already dripping with brand deals and promotions, is there nothing out of line to you? Will my mom also have to wear one of these hats? Will force the officiant to wear sneakers? Where will you stop?"
Max stared at her, his own cup finally also full. But unlike her, he spoke calmly - again, giving strong business vibes. "Oh, I'm sorry - I'm sorry I am pulling heaven and Earth to make sure your wedding does not ruin your future husband! I apologize that I seem to be more stressed about this wedding than you are. Sorry for caring and trying to uphold some standard."
"Max, this is all too much! I feel like I'm suffocating," she tried to reason with him once more.
He just had enough at that point. So many little moments of mutual disagreement finally grew on him.
"Yeah, well maybe you're just not suited for this world."
Before she could even take a breath to respond, a familiar voice cut them both off.
"Guys, that's enough I'd say," Lando said as he slowly stepped out the same corridor Y/N had entered moments ago. Both Max and Y/N turned around, knowing they'd have spoken way differently had they known he was there as well.
Max gulped, knowing he stepped over a line and immediately started to apologize. "Mate, I'm sorry, we just sort of lost it. I'm sorry."
Lando glanced at him, his face suddenly hard to read for both his friend and his fiancée. He quickly flashed Y/N a look, seeing the obvious distress finally on his own, in a way the camera on a phone just does not capture. It pained him to see them two fighting, but it pained him more to see her on the verge of crying.
She couldn't find words to apologize to Max. In fact she could barely even see him, as Lando took all of her attention.
"Can you guys leave us for now? I think we need to talk alone," Lando said in a tone so serious that Max hardly remembered last time he'd heard it.
"Yeah, mate. Of course," he said shyly, gesturing to his companion to quickly exit with him.
Once the door finally clicked, Y/N felt like she could get out of her frozen state.
"My god. Lando, I knew it would be a challenge these few months, but I did not expect to grow so far away from you," she said, as the words flew out of her mouth without her being able to control it.
He was more careful with his words, but brave nevertheless. "It's true. I don't think we've even been so distant."
Him acknowledging it just made it real and hurt more.
"Right. At least we have that in common."
There was an awkward silence, something these two hadn't experienced in months.
"Why is Max involved so much?" she asked, hoping that she would not hear anything that would make her biggest fear come true - Lando's lack of desire to marry her.
He took a moment to get his point in the right order. "He's my best friend. This is our wedding. I can't stop focusing on racing, but I want it to be perfect. I'd say not giving him any credit sometimes."
Of course, he was defending him. She wondered if he defended her in front of Max sometimes.
All card on the table. She gulped before uttering the next sentence. "I'm scared that I don't want to go to my own wedding anymore. I feel like an unwanted guest."
They shared a look full of hidden pain. It was impossible to tell, but Lando was scared as never before. "What are you saying...Do you want to call it of??"
She looked back at him, praying that he would understand. "God no, that's the last thing I want to do," she sighed and put her head in her hands. How did it got to a place where he could even assume that? "Marrying you, the love of my life, is my dream. In fact, I'd just like to jump to the moment where I can finally say yes to you."
The air still felt really heavy. "Then let's do just that."
"What do you mean?"
Lando took few steps closer to her, missing her close proximity for the past few weeks. He desperately needed to fix them. "Let's book a wedding for next week in Monaco, just you me and any other people required by the law."
The idea of that seemed silly at first. But the more she thought about it, the more she craved that idea. "So, you want to call the actual wedding off?"
Lando chuckled at the image of them cancelling that at last minute and all the hustle that would bring. "No, silly, not unless you really want to. But who says we can't have a fake ceremony there, celebrate with everyone, while already being married at that point? We don't need to tell anyone, keep the magic for them. We can have two weddings."
It was her time to laugh now. "So because we find organizing one wedding hard, we're going to be doing two now?"
"We are anything but conventional. And if this is news for you then, well...That would mean I'm marrying the queen of delulu. Twice."
The weight of the past weeks was lifted.
"Does this mean I can say "No." at the big wedding?" she teased him, closing the distance between them and holding his hand.
"Not if I'll say "No." first," he winked and quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm not wearing a bucket hat. Just stating that now."
"Oh come, at least one of our weddings," he said as he ruffled her hair. "Wow, I think you need a post airport shower, my love."
"Do not try and change the topic - no bucket hats!" she mumbles as she tried to fix her hair.
"Fine, I'll just get you drunk. You'll wear a bucket hat at one of our weddings one way or another."
It felt so good to just banter with him, like they always did before they got caught up in all the stress. A shot of guilt went through her system, as she flashed back at the whole process so far.
"I should probably apologize to Max," she uttered, avoiding his eye contact once again.
He finally hugged her. "Yeah probably. But...let him rot in his feelings for a moment. I hate when someone makes you upset. Apart from me, of course."
"What makes me upset right now is the alarming amount clothes you're wearing."
"That's my girl!"
They got legally married the following weekend, Lando bribing anyone he could in order for them to skip few spots that were unavailable. The first wedding was secret and full of inappropriate, but honest kisses. The second one was fake, but they slayed it together, as newly married couple. Without the stress of actually getting married, they really enjoyed their wedding. The little secret stayed with them - and Max of course, because he just had to get involved with everything.
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giddyfatherchris · 3 months
a movie i've seen before
pairing. bang chan x reader
type. angst (-y ish?)
warnings. none
word count. 2.3k
a/n. i have been working on this for quiiiite some time now and i feel so nervous to finally post it!! this will be a series of max 4 parts, i really really hope you guys will like it and if anyone is interested to be in a tag list for this pls just lemme know, hope you’ll enjoy mwah xxx
big fat huge DISCLAIMER: i have nothing against idols dating and i sure hope for them that they do if they want to!!! but for the sake of this story none of the boys have had a huge dating experience. i also do know its probably very unlikely that someone working on the staff could date any of them but like... chill its just fiction :)
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You remember with great detail your first day working at JYP Entertainment and the first time you met him.
It was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining bright in the blue sky. The wind was soft and warm as it whirled around you, carrying a sweet lilac scent. You were nervous but oh so excited. A warm feeling grew in your body as you walked confidently to the big windowed building. It was your first day as a communication and social relations intern at JYP Entertainment, one of the most successful idol companies. You remember walking through the big doors, mesmerized by the environment surrounding you. You walked to the front desk, presented yourself, and politely asked for directions. The receptionist bowed and lifted a finger in the air, signaling she would be free in a short moment. You honestly did not mind waiting. It gave you more time to appreciate the fancy interior of your future place of work. Your idle admiration halted when you noticed him standing next to you.
He wore a black cap, a face mask, and a cross-body bag hung on his shoulder. He was wearing black sweats with a black cardigan.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help but hear you are a new worker for JYP Entertainment. I'm also heading that way. I'll show you," he suggested with a polite smile.
You followed him to the elevator, to the 10th level of the building, and only stopped when you were facing a massive dark wooden door. He wished you good luck before promptly leaving. You watched him as he disappeared around the corner and tried to make sense of the interaction you just had. He was very polite and asked a few questions about your new position. His voice seemed familiar although you couldn't pinpoint its owner. The easy going conversation he provided helped you calm down and think of something else, which was very welcome in your situation. With a deep breath, you focused on the purpose of your visit and knocked.
"Y/n, you should pay for the meal since we've done such a great job at the last event!" screamed an overexcited Han, heavily supported by Changbin.
You were in a small bar with Minho, Hyunjin, Changbin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin. You decided to go for a celebratory night out to highlight a few successes you had collected. It had been a year since that famous day you first stepped into the JYP entertainment building. Long gone was the stress, the discomfort, and the hesitation. Ever since that first day, you became a valued member of the Stray Kids staff. Your ability to speak three languages, various degrees, and experiences in human resources and public relations secured you a place in the team. Your three-month internship quickly evolved to a six-month one until they offered you a contractual job. Today, you finally got a permanent position as the assistant manager of Stray Kids, and you felt like your heart might explode with joy.
"I'm the one who just got the job. Shouldn't you be paying for me? Plus, it will be much less expensive," you argued teasingly. Honestly, you could care less if you had to pay for that crazy bunch or even the whole bar. YOU HAD GOTTEN THE JOB!!!
"I wouldn't say that. You eat as much as all eight of us," countered Changbin with an annoyed pout. Everybody around the small table laughed at his comment, knowing he wasn't lying.
"Hey! We will pay for Y/n. She deserves it. Congratulations on the job! Please eat and drink as much as you want." Finally settled Felix with a smile.
They all cheered for you before putting various plates and drinks in your hands. You laughed until your cheeks cramped, and you felt like you would never catch your breath. The night was merry and joyful. You felt so grateful for these amazing people you now had the chance to call friends. Still, your happiness could not be complete with the missing presence of one of the members. You swallowed back your disappointment and focused on the people surrounding you.
After your meal, you all went to the dorms to continue your celebration in a more private setting. Upon your arrival, you noticed Chan still wasn't home. You couldn't help a sharp pain from piercing through your stomach. But once again, you ignored it, put on some comfortable clothes, and joined the loud boys in the common room.
"Has anyone seen Chan hyung?" asked Jeongin as he settled on the couch between Hyunjin and Han.
"I think he's still in the studio," answered Felix with a side look in your direction. You acted as if you didn't notice, even if you weren't fooling him.
The group decided to play a game of truth or dare. Faithful to Stray Kids' brand, the game was incredibly chaotic. The questions were steamy, and the dares were very challenging. For example, when Changbin was dared to lick Lee Know's foot, to both their utmost horror. The group erupted in screams when Chang Bin dramatically pulled Lee Know's sock before barely darting out his tongue on the dancer's foot. It was your turn once everybody calmed down, and Binnie washed his tongue with soap.
"Truth or dare?" asked Chang Bin.
"Truth," you responded without hesitation. "After what I've just seen, I'm way too scared to do a dare." The boys giggled as your buff friend thought about a question to ask.
"Is it true you once talked back to JYP?" He cautiously asked. You rolled your eyes at the question you should have been expecting.
"I'm not sure if I should tell the truth..." You hesitated.
"Oh! Oh! If you're not sure, it means it's true!" screamed Han with a finger pointed at you. You hid your face with embarrassment before you resigned.
"I will neither deny nor confirm this rumor. But I will say, JYP makes a funny face when he realizes he's wrong," you added mischievously. Your answer was all it took for the group to burst into chaotic excitement once more.
"Now, my turn. Hyunjin, truth or dare?" he answered the first, probably also traumatized from Bin's dare. You fidgeted with your fingers before speaking. "Between the eight of you, who would you say has the most dating experience?"
The group of boys fell silent for a second before exploding with laughter. Out of all their possible reactions you had not been expecting that one.
"What? I didn't know that was such a humorous question," you asked, surprised. Han had fallen from the couch and was silently wheezing on the floor.
"Y/n, you're talking to twenty-something boys who have been trainees and idols for most of their young adult lives. Do you think any of us has experience dating?" he answered after catching his breath. His face was still slightly red, and you weren't convinced he wouldn't start laughing again. "We did have a few experiences here and there, but nothing very serious."
You looked around, surprised. It did make sense, but Stray Kids was such a high-energy group. Without mentionning the fact that they were all so handsome, nice and charming human beings. You sincerely thought some of them had had serious partners.
"Our only partners have been STAYS," added Changbin while lifting his glass for a cheer to their loyal fans. The rest of the group nodded accordingly.
"Really? Even Chan?"
This time, your friends all looked at each other with a chuckle.
Minho glanced at you with a suspicious expression. "Why do you ask that?"
You tried to restrain the heat spreading on your cheeks from alerting them of your true intentions. "Well, he is the oldest, and Chan is so... approachable. I thought if someone might have at least a little more experience it's him," you smoothly argued.
"Well, you are wrong. Even if we barely have any, Chan's the worst of us," added Hyunjin with a look around his brothers.
Suddenly bored with the subject, the group picked up on the game again. You observed them silently, so many questions still dancing around your head. The seat next to you bent as Felix joined you with a knowing look.
"So, Bang Chan," he started with his deep voice.
"I was just asking for the game. I swear." Pink colored your cheeks, and this time, you couldn't hide it.
The member who had become one of your best friends stared at you unimpressed. He sighed, "Chan is the worst of us because he never takes time off. You are right. He's approachable, nice, and everything you want, but it never goes past a certain level." He took a moment to think before he continued, "You know how hard Chan works, right?" you nodded. Everybody knew. "And you know how he has a hard time sleeping, how stressed he is, how much pressure he puts on himself?" You nodded again, this time much more somberly. "Still, he never bothers anyone with his problems? He keeps on showing up. Chan's a very private person. He will be nice to you, but he's very guarded about what he goes through. I'm not sure why. Anyway, that is a big obstacle to surpass if you want to have a special someone in your life. Plus, I don't think he even notices people giving him that kind of attention. He's so shy about it. Sometimes, I think he forgets that there's a whole wide world apart from our idol's existence."
You silently processed all that new information. "Do you think that's also why he forgot about tonight?" you finally asked. The words had been hanging at your lips, but it hurt to admit he forgot about your special night. He had been so supportive ever since you started at the company. His absence had hurt way more than you would care to admit.
Felix let out a defeated sigh before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"You know him. He's been in a creative slump. Inspiration probably struck tonight, and the rest of the world ceased to exist. It's nothing against you," he squeezed your shoulder in an attempt at confort.
"I know, it just means I'm nothing special to him either," you muttered.
Felix was the only one who knew of your year-long crush on Chan. He was observant and quickly noticed how flushed you turned whenever the oldest member was around. But how could you not like him? You had once argued with Felix. He was so thoughtful and caring. His laugh had the power to brighten up your days in a second. He was always the one to try and make you giggle when you were frustrated or sad. For a whole year now, you had been watching over each other as you worked your asses off for the company. You liked and admired Chan for the whole person he was.
"You know it's more than that. Still, I understand your pain. What do you say about a bunch of brownies to fix your aching heart?" he suggested with a sweet smile.
"Did I hear brownies?" suddenly roared Changbin.
Your baking session was incredibly messy, cluttered, and fun. Han, Changbin, and Jeongin were the DJs in a corner while Felix, Seugmin, and you were on baking duty. Minho and Hyunjin were responsible for decorating the baked batch of brownies and even prepared one for you with candles.
"To celebrate your amazing promotion!" they cheered with proud smiles.
The boys gathered around while you blew the candles and once your wish was made they engulfed you in a hug until you couldn't breathe.
It was 1:00 am when Chan finally appeared. The boys were already in bed while you were cleaning up a little, unable to sleep. You lifted your head in surprise when you heard someone enter the room. Your eyes fell on a very tired-looking Bang Chan. His hair was sticking up, probably from running his hand through it too much. He was still wearing his practice sweats, and his bare face was annoyingly good-looking. He looked around the room, confused, until his gaze fell on the pieces of brownies left with a bit of "Congratulations Y/n!" frosting. Suddenly, his eyes went up two sizes.
"Oh no. Did I forget your celebratory night?"
You scrunched your face and stopped what you were doing. "Might have, but don't worry. You didn't miss much. We just went out, played games, and then decided to bake some brownies."
"Y/n, I'm so sorry." His hand went up to squeeze his head. "I got an idea for a new song and lost track of time."
You lifted your shoulders as if it meant nothing to you. Set on not letting him see you disappointed. "It's okay Chan," you whispered while keeping on cleaning.
"No, it's not. Come here." He shuffled to you with his big hands stretched out, a look of guilt on his face. You let him hug you for a second before you tried pulling back. "Let me hug you properly. Don't be stubborn," he whined.
You finally gave up and allowed his arms to properly wrap around you. A few inches taller, his head rested on yours, and you let yourself be engulfed by his warmth and the comfort it brought you until you pulled away again. These things with Chan were dangerous, especially after your conversation with Felix. You realized you couldn't allow your feelings to grow too much. Even if it wasn't directly because of you, Bang Chan did not have the space in his life for love, and you were not the person who would make him change his mind. You had to keep the damages to a minimum. He whined again as you separated from him, not quite understanding. You were usually never one to refuse a hug.
"I'm gonna go to bed." You finally stated without adding another word. Leaving was the best choice as you knew how thin your resolve grew whenever Christopher Bahng Chan was in your orbit.
He watched you leaving, not understanding why he suddenly felt so uneasy. The expression he saw on your face was foreign to him.
"You messed up on this one hyung."
He turned to look at the owner of the deep baritone voice he just heard. Felix was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed on his chest.
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blitzyn · 8 months
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toji fushiguro x m!reader
request: none
a/n -> sighs and explodes i need this man injected in my blood right NOW. nobody will be able to convince me that this man doesn’t have a breeding kink. sometimes i forget im writing for real people on a real platform and it jump scares me when people comment on my work. but in a good way ofc i love seeing people’s thoughts on my stuff. ANYWAYS. REQS.
wc -> 4.7k words of filth LMAO
cw -> anal fingering, anal sex, spit as lube, throat fucking, using “pussy” and “cunt” as a synonym, mild impact play, breeding kink, mirror sex, finger hooking, bondage, begging, brief gun play, when i say “little” i mean that in a condescending sorta way and not bc the reader is described to be petite and tiny, not beta read obv
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"You're a tricky one, I'll give you that," is the first thing the man before you said. It'd been quite a while since the first time the two of you met in a dingy bar hidden in the sketchier parts of town. He hadn't been trying to kill you then - he was but a fellow patron eager to ruin his liver. Originally, he had a strange gut feeling about you. Like a pretty thing like you wasn't all it seemed, but he shrugged it off after a well-placed look from you offering to buy a couple more rounds.
So when he's given another job, the first thing he does is laugh. He didn't really mean it at first, but really, the irony was hilarious. The guy he nearly got to fuck was his current target: [Name] [L.Name], a rising Jujutsu Sorcerer. He obviously wasn't as strong as the esteemed Gojo Satoru or Geto Suguru, but he was advancing a little faster than many would've liked.
"Thanks. I tried," you replied, seeming much too relaxed for a man about to be assassinated. You were currently stuck on the floor with your arms tied behind your back and your legs bound together by plain, old, ordinary rope. You were a little embarrassed, truthfully, to have been caught by such a mundane trap like this.
You struggled against your restraints a bit, sighing in defeat when you only served to remind yourself just how stuck you were. "These are pretty secure," you started, giving the man before you a laidback smirk. "You experienced?"
Toji gave you a quizzical look for a moment before breaking out in an amused grin, resting his handgun against his shoulder. He definitely wasn't expecting his target to start flirting with him instead of pleading for his life like he was used to. But he'll entertain you for a while. "You could say that."
You huffed through your nose, your eyes lazily flitting around the room. You were making your way back inside the abandoned building you chose to hide in when you suddenly found yourself tied up. It took you a moment to realize you couldn't move when he appeared in front of you, but even less to recognize him as the man you almost got to sleep with. "I would've loved to have you tie me up back then, but this wasn't really what I was thinking about."
"Your phone's a real cockblock, huh?" He chuckled lightly, in an almost mocking manner from what you managed to detect in his voice. "Can't even begin to imagine how long you've had to go without gettin' laid."
You rolled your eyes like he wasn't only there to kill you and get his money. "Don't get me started. There's always something new I have to kill every fuckin' second. My boss thinks it's great training to go out whenever I can."
Right. Technically, you weren't a fully-fledged Sorcerer. You had more of a vigilante-esque vibe to you. You hadn't attended either Jujutsu High School in Tokyo or Kyoto as well, only taught by your family and experiences. Not that that really mattered anyway. You fought, you got strong, and now someone put a hit on you.
You sighed, shifting your body to a more comfortable position before tilting your head back against the wall. “This is the part where I beg for my life, right?” You questioned rhetorically, with an almost bored expression on your face before your eyes lit up with an idea. “I’m not too good at that, but I am good at begging for something else.”
Toji raised an eyebrow in intrigue, unable to fight off the grin at the obvious implication. He didn’t stop you from shamelessly checking him out, but he cut your ogle session short regardless.
“Yeah? Care to elaborate?” He made his way closer, crouching in front of you to get a better view of your face. He knew what you were asking for. He just wanted to know if you’d follow through with it.
Maybe it was the adrenaline making you bold, knowing that he could easily kill you with the pull of a trigger—or maybe it was just because he was really fucking hot. With a quick, obvious glance to his crotch (you could see the imprint of his dick through his sweatpants), you spoke clearly. “I want you to fuck me.”
He liked how forward you were, how unafraid you were to say what you wanted. He swiped his tongue over his lips and nearly laughed at how your eyes darted downwards to watch it. “You call that beggin’?” He taunted, raising his arm to press the tip of his gun against your chin to tilt your head up. “Do it right.”
A shudder ran through your body at his demand, leaving a trail of heat that settled right into your groin. You felt hyper aware of everything—of the cool metal on your skin, of the faint gunpowder scent emanating from the barrel, of your heartbeat thrumming so hard you briefly wondered if he could hear it.
“Oh, please, Mr. Fushiguro,” you whined, staring up at him through your lashes pleadingly. You tried to squeeze your thighs together as you squirmed, attempting to provide your hardening dick friction. “Please fuck me. I’ve been thinking about this whole time. I need it so much.”
“Well, aren’t you a confident little thing,” he remarked with a thoughtful hum, carefully inspecting your reactions. “But what makes you think I won’t just kill you and get my money?”
“Because you haven’t yet,” you replied with a smug undertone in your voice, like you figured him all out. Although, when he dragged his gun up towards your lips, a brief wave of fear washed down your body, settling deep in your chest.
“Really? That’s all you’re going off of?” He tilted his head, watching you through the dark curtain of hair that fell over his piercing eyes. “That’s cute.” He held his finger over the trigger, teasingly flexing it before relaxing just as fast. He found it funny how your confident facade slipped away the moment you remembered that you weren’t talking to a casual friend—that the Sorcerer Killer himself was staring you down the barrel of his gun. But, apparently, that’s what got you all hot and bothered.
“I didn’t think you’d be this desperate.” His scarred lips curled upwards in a predatory grin as he nudged the tip of his gun against your mouth, prying it open. You fought the urge to squirm when he pushed it further, jaw straining, but you tried your best to comply. “You seemed all mysterious ‘n’ unassuming back at the bar. What happened to that? Got me feelin’ like I got the wrong person with the way you’re actin’.”
You tried to shake your head while a garbled noise left your throat, but he kept you firmly in place as he pushed it as far as he could go. Even as you squinted, it was hard not to practically eyefuck him where you sat. Your watery irises trailed over the length of his arm, tracing the bulging veins that patterned over his forearm, dipping back underneath his skin before reappearing in his thick bicep. His shirt did little to hide his chest, squeezing in just the right places to render any woman jealous.
You couldn’t stop your gaze from wandering down, down towards his legs, zeroing in on the dick print he so obviously flaunted like a trophy. Your mouth watered, suddenly finding it hard to swallow. You slid your tongue over the rough metal, imagining that it was his cock stretching your eager throat wide open; imagining the salty taste of his precum, of the scent of his musk, of—
“My eyes’re up here, pretty boy,” he interrupted, pressing the gun up against your palate to snap you out of your stupor and avert your gaze. “If you’re gonna deny bein’ a slut, at least act like it.”
He pulled it out of your drooling mouth, wiping the string of saliva off on your cheek before setting it on the floor with a dull thud. Your face was messy, chest heaving up and down as you panted, expectantly waiting for him to continue like a lost puppy.
“You’re so damn easy,” he commented teasingly, reaching down to palm his cock through his pants. It throbbed under his touch, leaking precum and straining against the fabric. “If I’da known all it took for you to get all nice ‘n’ compliant f’me was a dick down your throat, I’d have my money by now.” There was a hint of honesty to his voice that you couldn’t even find in yourself to protest.
“Please…” you breathlessly whined, trying to writhe out of your binds, but it was tied too tightly around your body to free yourself. “I want it. Stop messing with me.”
“I know.” He reached down to shift you onto your knees, steadying you with a firm hand on the back of your neck. You watched him slide his free hand under his pants to pull his thick cock out, eyes fixated on the leaking tip. He wrapped it around the shaft and leisurely jerked himself off, the wet sounds of his precum sliding along the shaft mixing in with your labored breaths and his quiet groans.
Finally, after what felt like decades, he shuffled forward just enough to press himself against your lips, finding little need to nudge his way inside when you so eagerly parted them for him. You let out a pleased noise at the taste of his precum, beginning to squint and fight the urge to gag when he refused to stop until your nose was buried in his pubes. He held you there for a moment, enjoying the sight of your throat bulging to accommodate his cock.
“You’re takin’ me in so easily,” he purred, sighing in satisfaction at the feeling of your tongue tracing over a prominent vein, making him twitch in your mouth. “Is this what you do? Use your body to live a little longer? 'Cause I gotta say, whatever you're doin' is really payin' off."
You visibly preened at his praise, feeling your dick strain against the fabric of your pants. He let you move at your own pace, watching you hollow your cheeks and slide and bob your head up and down. He was thick and long and made your jaw ache in the best way, utterly infatuated with his scent, with his taste, with the way he let you go at your own pace—but you knew better. You knew that he could easily take that control away from you and fuck your face.
You kind of wished he did, honestly.
With a bit of effort, you pulled away from his cock, breathing heavily. Your voice was shaky but it was firm, determined to get what you wanted. “Fuck my throat,” you demanded, staring up at him through your lashes. He gave you an intrigued smile, clearly pleased with your eagerness to be used like a toy.
“You sure? ‘Cause I’m not stoppin’ til I cum,” he warned. He hardly gave you enough time to reply before he held the base of his cock, gently tapping the tip against your slick lips to get you to open up wide again, obviously unconcerned with your response. “But if you really insist, then who am I to say no to a pretty thing like you?”
He adjusted his stance, towering over you with both his hands atop your head. He allowed you to take a deep breath before pulling you to him just as he shoved his cock back down your throat. You were still unused to him, nearly choking at the sudden movement, feeling tears pool along your lashes. You could’ve sworn his musk was an actual aphrodisiac. It was all you could smell, filling up your nostrils to render your mind a pathetically fuzzy mess.
“Thaaaat’s it,” he drawled out, staring you down with enough heat in his eyes to practically glue you to the floor. You weren’t even sure if you’d get up and leave if he gave you the chance to. Probably not, frankly. Not with the way his strong hands so easily kept you in place, nor with how he strained your jaw—infatuated with every inch and vein and his salty precum. “Take it all, baby.”
He chuckled to himself, not bothering to hide the condescension in his voice. “But I didn’t need to tell you that, huh? Is this muscle memory takin’ over?” Despite his words, his brows were furrowed, focused on thrusting his hips, stoking the rising fire in his abdomen. His rhythmic groans were music to your ears, mixing in with your wet gags and the faint sound of his balls slapping your chin.
“Fuck,” he panted, taking one hand off to wipe your hair off of your forehead and get a look at your watery, unfocused eyes. It sent a heat down his spine that made his cock jolt at the sight of your blissed out face. “You’re so damn tight… gonna make me cum.”
“Is that what you want?” He grunted, digging his fingertips into your skin. “Y’think it’s what you deserve?” For a moment, you were worried he was going to stop. But he didn’t really, instead he kept you still, holding you at a distance to make sure you didn’t accidentally pass out. “I wanna hear you beg for it.”
You blinked your tears away and looked up at him, squinting, confused when he hadn’t let you go yet. It took you a second to piece together what he wanted of you, and felt the burn of embarrassment trickle down your spine and settle into your chest when you did. He wanted you to beg with his cock in your mouth. You were quiet, unsure how to respond without choking and coughing into next week.
“C’mon,” he persisted, his scarred lips lifting in a grin. “I know a little slut like you can do it.”
With a deep breath, you attempted to get your words out through muffled sounds that very vaguely sounded like sentences. It was humiliating—letting him use you to entertain himself like this, but it was an exhilarating feeling that made your cock twitch and throb, aching to be touched.
“Sorry, what was that?” He questioned mockingly, expression laced with faux concern. “Do you mind repeating that?”
You paused, staring up at him pleadingly, but when that didn’t seem to work, you tried again. Drool seeped out the corners of your lips, trailing down your chin. It was hard to breathe and form coherent thoughts. Your cock throbbed and ached to be touched, finding your pants to be uncomfortably suffocating.
“Was that so hard?” He questioned rhetorically as he tugged your face close again, savoring the feeling of your throat squeezing around his dick before beginning to fuck it. He groaned when he felt you run your tongue over the veins, the vibrations of your voice sending heat through his body that he eagerly chased.
He swore under his breath, panting, focused on the tightening coil in his abdomen. “Shit—I’m about to—fuck—cum.”
You moaned when you felt him still, pressing your face into his pelvis to make sure every drop of his cum went down your throat. It was difficult to swallow, letting your eyes flutter shut until he was finished. Your vision was a bit blurry when he finally decided to pull away, leaving you gasping and panting.
“I want—I need you to fuck me,” you slurred, desire flashing brightly in your eyes. Your voice was raw and hoarse and raspy, but there was no hiding your desperation. “Please. I need it so bad it fucking hurts. Please, Fushiguro.”
“I just got done cumming down your throat and you’re already askin’ for more?” He chuckled condescendingly, reaching out to swipe the pad of his thumb along your chin to gather the mix of saliva cum. He brought it to your lips, watching you wrap them around his finger and suck the fluids off his skin. “You needy whore. You’re lucky I’m not in any rush right now.”
With a swift hand, he untied the rope holding your legs together to lead you to a different spot, confident that you wouldn’t make a break for it. Not that you could nor wanted to, anyways.
The mirror before you was dusty and cracked, but it still served its purpose well. He kicked your legs apart and brought you back down to your knees, lowering himself behind you with a firm grip on the back of your neck. You nearly came on the spot when he squeezed your aching cock, hips jerking needily, but he let go in the blink of an eye to unzip your pants and bring them down far enough to expose your ass. He brought two fingers to your lips and dipped them inside your mouth with his other hand, coating them with your saliva rather haphazardly.
He swiftly brought them back down, running them over your balls and perineum teasingly, grinning at your sharp intake of breath. He slid the pads of them over your hole, just barely pushing them through to feel the resistance give way before pulling them back out.
“I swear to god, I’ll—“ you tried to threaten, only to be cut off by a whorish moan that Toji managed to tear from your lips when he shoved his fingers inside you. They pressed against your prostate, firm and unrelenting, rubbing it just the slightest bit to keep you reeling. The sudden stretch fucking burned as you clamped down on him like a vice, wincing and groaning.
“You’ll what?” He urged, eyes fixated on your face, watching every single muscle twitch, noticing the way your cock spurt a fresh stream of precum down the throbbing shaft. “C’mon, don’t get all shy on me now. What were you saying?”
He thrust his fingers in and out slowly, emphasizing the wet squelching sounds of your asshole. You could feel his breaths brushing against your heated skin, sending shivers up and down your spine that ended in your fingertips. Your knees ached and your arms were growing numb from being tied back for so long but you figured you could ignore it for a little while longer if it meant you’d get what you wanted. His dick, namely.
“I’ll—agh, fuck—I’ll…” you trailed off, hardly able to form a coherent sentence with the way he massaged your prostate so perfectly. “Just… just shut up,” you muttered finally, breathless and unfocused as you stared at the spot you connected from the reflection in the old mirror. A subtle feeling of embarrassment settled in your heaving chest when you heard the raspy sound of his chuckle.
“Is that it?” He taunted, locking eyes with you. His free hand slid upwards, teasing your nipples through your shirt to watch you squirm. “I thought you’d put up more of a fight. I’m startin’ to question whether or not you’re really some hotshot Sorcerer.”
It was hard to refute him when you looked the way you did—all messy and disheveled and desperate, hard for the man supposed to kill you. You were completely unlike yourself hardly half an hour ago, but you barely gave a shit. How could you when the hottest man you’ve ever seen was behind you, fingerfucking your eager hole? Chances like these don’t come often to you, that’s for sure.
You shivered and moaned, leaning back against his chest. Your hips practically moved on their own accord, thighs flexing to keep yourself upright as you tried to fuck yourself on his thick digits. Toji could see the way your eyes unfocused and glossed over with understimulated tears, frustrated and horribly pent-up.
He gave your prostate a quick jab, firm enough to intensify the heated coil in your belly, but too fast to savor. He wasn’t planning on giving in to you so easily as he avoided your sensitive spot, instead moving his fingers in a scissoring motion to stretch you out.
“God—stop doing that,” you pleaded. You felt like an open book, unable to stop yourself from furrowing your eyebrows in annoyance or conceal the painstakingly obvious glint of hunger in your pupil-blown irises.
“Quit whinin’ and maybe I’ll consider it,” he murmured gruffly, enraptured by the way you writhed and squirmed and looked just downright pathetic. You both knew he wouldn’t, not when all the others he’s fucked couldn’t hold a candle to your pliant little body. You knew why he was there in the first place, but still, you remained there on your knees even when he untied them.
You nearly let out a sob when he curled his fingers again, offering you the barest of touches to your prostate that sent liquid fire coursing through your veins.
“Fuck, please,” you begged, yet again. You didn’t know much of this you could take or how long it’d be until he caved. God, was it so much to ask for a man to fuck you stupid?!
“I want your cock inside me so bad, fucking me fast ‘n’ hard ‘n’ deep,” you slurred, hardly able to maintain even the barest shred of dignity. You looked into his deep, green eyes through the mirror’s reflection, hoping he’d relent.
“Yeah? Y’want me in this slutty pussy?” He purred, sliding his slick fingers out of your twitching hole to give it a sharp slap. You jolted just as a spurt of precum slid down your hard cock, leaking onto your clothed, heaving abdomen. He chuckled breathlessly as he leisurely rubbed your puffy rim with the pad of a finger. “You should’ve just said so.”
He wiped his fingers off on the back of your shirt, offering you an oblivious shrug when you glared at him through the mirror. Your knees ached when he had you lean forward a little, placing your more of your weight on the poor joints as he reached down to quickly jerk himself off before tapping the tip of his dick on your asshole one, two, three quick times.
It felt like he was splitting you apart when he finally decided to push through after spitting on your hole, groaning at the way you squeezed around him tighter than a damn virgin. It hurt like a bitch. Of course it did—you made him rush and he was using less than ideal lube, but, God, you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t feel so fucking good.
You watched him lean back a little and hold you by the ropes binding your arms together, rolling his hips experimentally, only to grind his cockhead into your prostate so deliciously you saw stars. A searing heat enveloped your body, blinding you with white that took you far too long to come down from. Opening your eyes (you didn’t even realize you closed them), you instantly spotted your twitching cock drooling cum onto the floor. Fuck. He didn’t even start and you came.
“That was so damn fast.” He couldn’t be bothered to stop the hint of a laugh from leaving his throat. With his free hand, he reached down and gave your throbbing dick a squeeze, stroking it with a tight grip to milk out the rest of your cum.
You shuddered and trembled, biting your lip to stifle your moans. He let go to stuff two of his slick fingers in your mouth, careless with how deep he forced them in. Not that you really minded as you swirled your tongue around his skin, readily cleaning it off. You locked eyes, keeping your expression firm in a weak attempt to regain even a sliver of composure when he suddenly moved, giving you a quick, harsh thrust that nearly knocked the air out of your lungs.
He shifted his fingers, curling them as they pulled on your cheek, tugging at the flesh until he forces your mouth wide open. You couldn’t stop your tongue from lolling out, jaw slack as you drooled and whined and cried every time he rammed his thick cock into your eager fuckhole. He was relentless—pounding into you fast and hard and deep, just like you begged for so prettily.
“Fuuuck,” he groaned, digging his fingertips into the flesh of your hip hard enough to leave bruises, arms flexing to yank you back as soon as he pulled out. “Your pussy’s so damn tight,” he panted, brows furrowed in focus, relishing in the sound of his hips slapping your ass and your whorish moans. “M’gonna make sure your messy little cunt remembers my cock by the time I’m finished with you.”
“Uh-huh, mhm,” you nodded, hands itching to grab onto his biceps, his back, something to ground yourself while he churned your insides to mush. It was nigh impossible to think or breathe or speak, but it felt so fucking good.
“Awh, look at yourself,” he cooed, his voice slightly jumpy as he let go of your mouth to roughly pat your cheek, forcing you out of your stupor to make you stare at your reflection. “Are you out of it already? Should I stop?” He questioned, his raspy voice laced with faux concern.
“No! N-No,” you stammered, finding it difficult to comprehend what he was saying until moments later, alerted by the word “stop”. “Don’t stop! Ohh, oh god, please don’t stop!”
You’re so, so sensitive and so full, and you can feel him losing his rhythm. His cock is heavy in your stomach and you swear through your addled brain it’s weighing you down as a trail of precum connects your heated bodies together, frothing between your thighs and his balls.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he grunted, gritting his teeth. He could feel the burning coil in his abdomen intensify with each passing second, and suddenly he’s speeding up, pistoning into you with loud and sloppy thrusts. His green eyes are locked on your swollen and puffy hole sucking him in with a vice grip, watching his cock slide in and out, in and out, over and over again until you’re cumming hard, shaking and convulsing.
“That’s it,” he growls, the sound low and deep. It went straight into your stomach, sparks lighting up under your skin as your hips jerk, unsure whether you want to endure the building overstimulation or move away. “M’gonna cum so deep inside your pretty little pussy I’ll knock you up,” he murmured in your ear, dragging a canine down your neck to clamp his teeth down on the flesh. “Y’want that? To be my breeding bitch?”
You sobbed, unable to answer, but he didn’t need one. Not when your body spoke for you.
He fucked the air out of your lungs one, two, three more times, feeling his balls tighten until he finally came, spilling his cum so deep inside you, you were sure it’d stay there for weeks. You moaned, savoring the warmth that spread through your body with each spurt of his cum that coated your velvety insides, trying to catch your breath before you had to move.
Toji sighed in satisfaction, pulling out after a few moments. He watched your fucked-out hole clench around nothing as it leaked with his seed, spreading one of your asscheeks to get a better view before giving it a final pat.
You didn’t realize he cut the ropes holding your arms behind your back until you nearly fell face-first onto the floor, catching yourself with your numb hands.
“Ow… fuck,” you cursed at the sharp stinging sensation that ran up your arms, shaking them uselessly in an attempt to restore the blood flow faster.
“You were better than I thought you’d be,” he hummed, getting up to fix his clothes. He grabbed his handgun from off the ground, holding it against his shoulder as he stared you down. “But you have three days. Make ‘em count.”
You weren’t oblivious to know that he was giving you a three-day recovery period before he began hunting you again. Even then, you couldn’t stop the shiver of excitement from running through your spine at the prospect of seeing him again.
You grinned, breathless and shaky but confident nonetheless. It was unlikely he’d fuck you once he found you, but a man could dream. "I will."
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cross-posted on ao3
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albertasunrise · 4 days
Work Wife - One
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Summary: Working as a Secretary and Miller & Sons c”Construction, you fall hopelessly in love with the eldest son Joel. What you don’t realise is that Joel’s completely in love with you too. What will it take for the two of you to realise whats’s right in front of you?
Pairing: Young Joel Miller x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose not to give any so the plot isn’t spoiled. This fic is 18+ (So here’s the first chapter as promised! I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what y’all think ♥️… I wrote half of this on my iPad so sorry for mistakes 😅)
Series Masterlist
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Working as a secretary at Miller & Son's Construction had its highs and lows. You loved the job. The pay was great, and all the guys treated you impeccably, but there was just one slight problem that, if you were honest with yourself, wasn't really a problem but more of a personal issue. 
You were in love with Joel Miller. 
At 21, Joel was already shaping up to be a fine businessman, taking on a lot of the work from his father so that Cole Miller and his wife Lucia could take more time for themselves. The youngest Miller brother Tommy was shaping up to be a troublemaker. At 17, he was often out drinking with his friends and getting himself arrested and it had fallen to Joel to bail his little brother out every time. 
You were a year younger than Joel but as he always said, years ahead of him on the maturity scale. You had always been an old soul but that hadn't stopped you from developing the biggest schoolgirl crush on Joel the day you had started, two years ago. What had started off as a temporary job before you went off to college became permanent when your mum had gotten sick and your dreams of going to college were dashed. 
Her illness took her a year after she had been diagnosed and with no father to speak of, you were left alone in the house you'd grown up in. Alone, with nothing but the photos on your walls for company. That time had been what had brought you and Joel closer together but had also forged your crush into what it was now. Unrequited love. 
Or so you thought. 
"Sup Pip." Said Joel as he placed a paper coffee cup down beside your keyboard "How's my favourite secretary this mornin'?" 
"I'm you're only Secretary Miller." You chuckled as you picked up your cup to take a sip and hummed at the perfect coffee flavour that exploded across your taste buds "Better now you've brought me coffee." 
"Always happy to assist Pip." He said with a wink and you prayed your flushing cheeks didn't give away how much his wink affected you. 
Pip had been a nickname Joel had affectionately given you around three months after you had started. You had been eating a plum at your desk, not a care in the work and engrossed in the customer email that you were reading that you hadn't noticed that the next bite you had taken had contained the pip. Joel had walked in just in time to witness you choking and, using his first aid training he'd acquired just the week before, had managed to save you from a fruity death. 
From that day he had called you pip. 
Because you'd almost choked on one. 
"Anything I need to know about before I head to the site?" Joel asked, pulling you from the memory of your near-death experience and you shook your head slightly before giving him what you hoped was a bright smile. 
"Yes." You replied as you pulled out the list you had compiled for him "A Mr and Mrs Cork have emailed, wanting a quote for an extension and kitchen refit." You stated as you handed him the email with a post it note with their number on top "You have a call with a new cement supplied at 2 and Gloria Mullins called this morning asking that you call her when you get a chance, apparently her boiler is on the fritz again." 
"I need to tell that woman one of these days that I'm not a plumber." He chuckled to himself as he took the rest of the notes from you. 
"You just need to stop being so nice." You chuckled "You've set their expectations now." 
"I think you're probably right." Joel chuckled as he grabbed his own coffee cup and took a large swig "Anything else?" 
"There's just one more thing." You said shyly as you smiled awkwardly "I need to duck out a little earlier today." 
"Hot date?" Joel asked and you knew he could see you blushing now. 
"Actually yeah." You answered as you looked down at your hands, missing the way Joel's expression dropped "Simon asked me to dinner." 
"Simon Richards?" He asked and you nodded "Oh, wow. I uh... I didn't realise you were into him." Joel shrugged before taking another sip of coffee to try and settle his nerves. 
"Well, he's cute and sweet and it's not like I have guys lining up to ask me out." You replied, your smile almost sad "So I thought I should at least go. See if there's any chemistry there." 
"Sure... Of course." 
Joel knew his response was cold but he couldn't help it. Learning that you were going on a date just made him want to find the nearest pillow and scream. These feelings he had for you drove him crazy and it didn’t help that all his employees knew how he felt about you too. He’d allowed them to plant false hope when they told him that it was obvious you felt the same way. It was becoming painfully clear now that that wasn’t the case. 
He needed to get over you. 
You couldn’t help but notice the slight icy tone that had coated Joel’s response to your request and you couldn’t help be feel a little confused by it. You never asked for things. Often worked late to make sure everyone and everything was up to date. You would argue that you were one of his hardest workers so sue you for wanting to let your hair down a little. 
It’s not like he felt for you the way you did for him. 
“Sure.” He said after a short and awkward pause “Lord knows you deserve an early finish.” He chuffed before gathering his bag, the papers you’d given him and his coffee “And, seeing as I won’t be back today and Friday, I suppose I’ll see you Monday!”
“That you will!” 
“Enjoy your date, Pip.” he finished before giving you a friendly wave and then leaving. 
“I’ll try to.” you said sadly as you watched him walk away. 
"You are my hero!" Hailed Gloria as she clapped in delight at Joel's handy work. 
"Was an easy fix." Joel shrugged as he waved the older woman off. 
"You always talk yourself down." She chuckled, her Jamaican accent coming out thicker with her statement. 
"I'm just speaking the truth ma'am." 
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Gloria?" The older woman chuckled and Joel winked as he replied. 
"At least once more."
"Auntie G... you home?" Came a voice that Joel didn't recognise and he looked up just as the owner walked into the room he had occupied with Gloria.  
"Ah, darlin' this is that fine man Joel I was tellin' you about." Said Gloria as she smiled at her niece. 
Joel was instantly aware of the fact he was wearing paint-stained jeans and a t-shirt so worn that he was sure this mysterious girl could see his nipples through it. 
"Joel, darlin' this is my niece, Eliza." Gloria stated and Joel quickly rubbed his hands down the front of his jeans before taking the hand that was being held out to him.
"Nice to meet ya' darlin'." He said sweetly as he gave her a shy smile "Was just helpin' Gloria here with her boiler. Darn thing needs replacin' really but-"
"I won't replace something just because it's a little saucy with me sometimes.' 
"You won't replace it because poor Joel here keeps fixing it for free." Eliza teased and Joel scratched the back of his neck nervously as he replied. 
"Well not completely free." He chuckled "She sends me away with weeks worth of food." 
"You're too skinny." Gloria chuffed "No girls gonna want to marry a man with no meat on his bones." 
Joel chuckled at the older woman's statement before looking back at Eliza who was grinning at him as she practically fluttered her thick black lashes at him.  
"Well, I need to get to that meeting I was talking about." Stated Joel as he coughed nervously. 
"Don't forget to pop by later for your food!" Gloria ordered as she watched him collect his tools "I made you my famous jerk chicken with rice... peas on the side." She finished with a wink.
"Why on the side?" Eliza asked and Gloria simply rolled her eyes as she said.
"Boy don't like them mixed in." 
Eliza mouthed an 'ooooooh' before watching as Joel started to leave. 
"I'll see you later to grab that food." 
"Or I could bring it by?" Eliz suggested, "You give me your address and I can swing by and drop it off when you're home."
"Oh that's-"
"Ah, splendid idea." Gloria interrupted, leaving Joel looking like a fish out of water "Don't worry dear, I'll give her your address. Get her to drop it by around 9. You're normally home then, right?"
"Right but-"
"9 it is now you best get going or y'all be late." Said Gloria as she practically herded Joel out the door. Leaving him speechless when he made it back to his truck. 
What an earth just happened?
The restaurant that Simon had brought you to was nice. Not too fancy but not exactly a dive either. Conversations had been a little awkward at first. You'd not really been on many dates but after being honest with Simon about your lack of dating experiences, he put you at ease and now after one glass of wine and a very large meal, the two of you were chuckling away as subjects came easier to you both.  
"So how long have you worked for Mr Miller?" You asked as you sipped at your second glass of wine. Simon had already been at the company when you had started and was a few years older than you and Joel. 
"More or less straight outa of high school." He replied as he took a swig of his soft drink "Have always been good with my hands so when Cole put up an advert for an apprentice I marched myself over to his office and waited till he got back to speak to him..." 
"Wow." You chuckled around the rim of your glass. 
"Guy liked my tenacity. Offered me the job on the spot." 
"Well, you know my story so..." You trailed off, smiling sweetly at him as he grinned at you.
"So glad you agreed to come out with me." Simon confessed, his cheeks tinging pink "Been wantin' to ask you out a while but didn't outa respect for Joel, but can only wait so lo-"
"What do you mean, out of respect for Joel?" You asked and Simon's expression took on one of a deer caught in headlights.
"Well... with him being into you and all." Simon clarified and your brows drew together as you shook your head.
"Joel isn't into me." You pushed and Simon grew more uncomfortable with each passing moment. 
"He's been crushin' on you more or less from day dot." Your date continued when he saw you needed further clarity "We've always teased him for it but he never made a move so I thought, you know, with him not trying to date you it'd be okay for me to." 
You weren't sure what to do with the information you'd just received. For years now you had pushed your feelings down for Joel because you believed he didn't return them. So to learn that he might really put a spammer in the works for you. 
The subject moved on after that but the atmosphere wasn't as relaxed. After Simon dropped you home, you allowed what he'd told you to run on repeat in your brain. Keeping you from getting to sleep until late that night. Yet, you came to a decision before you finally drifted off. You were going to go to Joel's in the morning and ask him.  
You had to be sure.  
Joel wasn't surprised when there was a knock at his door at 9 pm sharp. He opened the door to see a beaming Eliza on the other side, her arms full of food containers. 
"Shit, come in." Joel said before grabbing a few containers to ease the load. "Let me take some of those." 
"Auntie G likes to feed you huh?" She chuckled as she followed Joel into his kitchen. 
"I had to buy a second freezer." Joel stated and Eliza barked out a laugh, taking Joel by surprise. 
"She's always been a feeder." She chuckled before placing the food down beside where Joel had put the other containers "Think it's a Caribbean thing."
Joel chuckled before turning to face his guest. 
"Thank you for dropping this by. You really didn't have to go through all the trouble."
"It's not trouble is I offer." Eliz chuckled and Joel chuckled at her reply. 
"Either way... that you for bringing the insane amount of food your aunt,
made me over."
"You are quite welcome." Eliza replied as she placed herself within kissing distance of him "I wanted to see you again anyway." 
Joel blushed at her statement. Taken aback by how forward she was then, in what felt like the blink of an eye, she was kissing him. Starting softly and gradually growing hotter as tongues tangled. 
"I uh... I feel like I should tell you that I'm kinda getting over someone so I'm not looking for anything serious right now," Joel stated and Eliza chuckled. 
"Who said I wanted anything serious either?" She whispered against his lips "I think I can be of great help... assisting you in getting over whoever this person is." 
Joel looked into Eliza's eyes a moment, trying to discern her endgame. Then, when he was sure that she was being honest with him he kissed her again. The food is forgotten as clothes are discarded in a breadcrumb trail to his bedroom. 
You let out a steadying breath before knocking on Joel's door. Your slightly shaky left hand clutching the to-go coffee tray that contained your and Joel's favourite coffees. You chuckled when you heard Joel inside, calling out to wait a moment before suddenly opening the door, looking rather flustered. 
"Pip." He said as his expression turned from surprised to confused "What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you about something." You replied with a smile "I brought you a coffee. Mind if I come in?"
"Now's not a great time... what was it you wanted to talk about?" He replied nervously, smiling awkwardly as you handed him the coffee. 
"It's just about something Simon told me on our date last night." You chuckled "You see he said that you have-"
"Who's this?" Asked a woman that you didn't recognise, dressed in a shirt you assumed was Joel's and nothing else. Her brown skin glowing in the early morning light. 
"Oh, I didn't realise you had company." You said awkwardly as you started to take a few steps backwards "I'll um... I'll see you Monday." You choked as you fought to keep your tears at bay, but in doing so you missed the step down and went tumbling onto your backside. Your coffee going all over your arm. 
"Shit... Pip, are you okay?" Joel shrieked as he leapt towards you, stopping dead when you held your hand up to stop him... 
"Fine... I'm fine."
"That coffee'll be skalding." He said as he took another ginger step towards you "We need to get your arm under some cold water or else it'll blister." 
"Please just let me go." You choked, your resolve crumbling under the weight of your sadness and embarrassment "I... I just need to go." You affirmed and Joel nodded, giving you a small smile before stepping back into the threshold of his home "Bye Joel."
The older Miller brother watched with concern etched into his features as you left. Glancing at Eliza who was watching you and looking equally worried. 
"You think she's okay?" She asked and all Joel could do was shake his head as he replied. 
"I don't know."
You spent the rest of the weekend dreading Monday morning. You felt like such a fool going over to Joels to, you had hoped, profess your love but instead, you had fallen ass over tit in front of him and his date and burned yourself in the process. Said injury was now wrapped in gauze and throbbing with each knock and graze of your arm on your desk. You had spent the morning wishing you lived somewhere colder so you could hide your accident. 
But alas, it's 100 degrees outside and you were forced to wear a short-sleeved blouse. The air-con once again broke at the most inconvenient moment.
"Morning Pip." Said Joel as he stepped into view, placing your coffee down as he did every morning. 
"Morning." You replied, not takimg your eyes off your computer screen. 
"How's the arm?" He asked upon seeing the brilliant white bandage wrapped around it. 
"Killing me." You answered shortly, still not looking at the man who was desperately trying to pry any form of conversation out of you. 
After a long, heavy pause, Joel spoke again. His question finally tearing your eyes away from your monitor. 
"Did I do or say something to upset you?" He asked, his signature kicked puppy look making your stomach twist.
"No." You answered simply and he nodded. 
"What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked and your brows drew together "On Saturday... you said you needed to talk to me." He clarified "Said Simon had told you something on your date."
"Doesn't matter now." You bluntly replied before returning to the email you'd been writing before. 
"Seemed important then." 
"Well, it isn't now." You growled, your tone stopping the conversation dead.
"Okay." He couldn't hide how your aggressive tone wounded him. He didn't understand why you were suddenly so cold towards him. What could he have possibly done? 
He opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by Simon as he blasted into the office. 
"Morning Boss!" He said chirpily before turning his attention to you "Morning beautiful."
"Morning" you replied with a smile that he returned tenfold. 
"Fancy going out with me again on Friday?" He asked and you nodded without hesitation "Great!... see you later beautiful."
You grinned at Simon as he left. Not seeing Joel's crestfallen expression.
Perhaps he did need Eliza. 
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For updates follow @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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ham1lton · 2 months
pairings: oscar piastri x reader.
summary: ❝ oscar likes his job. it might just be making sandwiches with the world's worst playlist as a backing track, but it relaxes him. that is, until his boss makes him take the newbie under his wing, and you're the worst worker he has ever seen in the history of the store. how can you fuck up a sandwich? ❞
— part of the raceway retail series! check it out <3
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“she’s fucking awful.” oscar moans as he assembles lando’s sandwich. lando usually gets lunch for free at his restaurant, spice ‘n sizzle, but he insisted he had to try something new today. so here he was, exploiting oscar’s worker discount.
“how can she that bad at making sandwiches.” lando rolls his eyes as he taps on his iphone. “mate c’mon, it’s not exactly rocket science now is it?”
“these ovens have pre-timers on them,” oscar explains as he puts lando’s sandwich inside one of them. “it’s all pre-set. all you need to do is press the button for the sandwich you’re attempting to make. she burns the sandwich every time.”
“maybe the ovens are broken?”
“oh yeah?” oscar pulls out lando’s sandwich which is a perfect crispy golden brown. lando shrugs.
“you mean touché?”
“yeah, same thing.”
oscar just rolls his eyes. he wraps the sandwich tightly and puts it through the till. lando presses his phone against the card machine until it makes a ping noise. after a few minutes, oscar has taken his break while lando eats. mostly to complain.
“y’know we live together,” lando licks some sauce from his thumb. “you can complain to me whenever. you didn’t have to take a break to do this.”
“i need to finish complaining or it’ll bottle up and i’ll get even more annoyed. then i’ll explode and die.” oscar deadpans. “do you really want a dead flatmate in this economy lando?”
“probably not.”
“thought so.”
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“so! how is work?” your friend says as she sits next to you on the couch. you smile.
“it’s good. great even. there is this guy, oscar, and he’s so nice. practically does my job for me!” you scroll through youtube on your television. she hums.
“see? you got all worked up for nothing.” she smiles as she squeezes your arm affectionately. “everything seems to be working out great! wanna get takeout?”
“get it from spice ‘n sizzle please! i’m craving it today for some reason.”
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author’s note: this is the snippet for my oscar story. the full fic will be out soon! <3
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montimer · 2 months
Please please if you could..can you make
self aware!Deadpool x gn!reader that got suddenly transferred to the marvel universe?
Like the reader is trying to survive while Deadpool just knows this specific person has a crush on him or.. something else? Your choice!
>insert this anime girl gif as a signature
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Mhm sure sounds good! Hope i did good
Self aware!Deadpool x reader who got transferred to marvel universe
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You've been a big fan of him since a long time. You could say you even had a lil crush on him. Smiling so widely whenever hes on screen. Excitedly reading his comic books and buying other merch. Drawing him, perhaps even writing fanfiction.
One day your phone started glowing and you panicked that this old piece of crap is gonna explode or something. Turns out it did not blow up instead when the bright light that made you almost blind stopped, you were in a complete different place. It looked like you were in a middle of a street.
Never been here before, what just happened? And what is that noise? Sounds like someones getting hit, no-shot?
You shaked ur phone trying to do the same affect but stopped as you heard someone coming closer.
"Hmm, whats this? My chimichanga senses are tingling" you turned around upon hearing the familiar voice. There not too far standed deadpool himself. You would be happy if you weren't to notice the dead body as you looked down to his legs.
"Oh uh, don't worry about that. He was a bad guy anyways ya know? Plus as long as you aren't one of those guys, which you don't seem to look like then you'll be fine!" He tried reassuring you. You just stared at him. He squished his eyes into a smile, you seem so adorable when you are surprised.
"Anyways mission completed! And i need my money to take this hot stuff one a hot date!" You still quietly standed there, confused. Is he still talking to you or to himself?
He came up close and you tried your best not to sound too nervous.
"W-wait, before you go can you tell me where am i and how do i get home? I mean my phone flashed and now im here i-" he put a finger to your mouth "shhh, calm down sweets, talk slow" you shut down from this, it made your face feel a bit warm
"I know you aren't from around here. You are a lovely fan of mine!" his eyes turned into hearts and he put his hands together with one of his legs up in the air.
Oh right, he is very much aware. That is rather embarrassing..but wait
"How do you know that?"
"Oh you know when you look at me on tv i kind of look back. And if you want more juicy details then you better accept my invite to this great restaurant that i found!"
He sounds like as if he knew you were gonna transport here..oh well its better to stay with him then all alone for now. Maybe he can help? You don't mind that much anyway
"Fine fine, i'll go if you promise to help okay?" He nodded happily, took your hand and dragged you with him.
Then he quickly grabbed the dead body by the arm and started dragging that too.
"Wha-" "I gotta show evidence that i did the job. I have to get paid first to actually take you out. We'll be quick"
Now holding hands with him you just walked where he did hoping this to be over soon. He did not shut up on his way and he definitely won't keep quiet any time soon either. Stuck with him you accept your fate (secretly you very much enjoy this)
Should i make part too cuz this got a lil too long? Or just a shorter ver explaining more
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navia3000 · 4 months
a l l m y g h o s t s
Includes : Aaron Hotchner
Genre : Angst
Warnings : Crying, sadness, mentions of bombs and terrorists, typical Criminal Minds topics, Morgan’s kind of a dick, curse words
Based on : All My Ghosts by Lizzy McAlpine
Part one Part three
A/N : This is a part two to So Long, London. I’m trying something different with my writing style, and I don’t really know how I feel about this fic overall, so, let me know your thoughts. And, yes, there will be a part three.
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The headquarters of the International Operation Division of the FBI was alive with the chatter of agents and the ringing of phones. The IOD had been investigating a major threat against the United States from a major terrorist group in Iraq. There had been two bombings connected to this group, and there were more to be expected. The case is so dire, the IOD decided to call in the Behavioral Analysis Unit to aid in catching the attackers, a fact Y/N wasn’t thrilled about.
It had been two years since Y/N had left the BAU. She hadn’t told anyone of her transfer, leaving without saying a word to the team. She had gone as far as ignoring their calls and texts, and, as time passed, she eventually stopped receiving them. It had pained her to leave her friends, no, her family in that way, but she couldn’t stand having to pretend everything was fine when it wasn’t. She couldn’t be around the source of her heartbreak any longer, or she would explode. So, she took matters into her own hands.
Y/N knew her and the BAU’s paths would eventually cross again, she just hoped it wouldn’t have been so soon.
As she walked through the bullpen, she felt her heart racing. She wasn’t nervous about seeing Hotch, well, she was, but, she was more nervous about seeing her old friends. She knew they would be angry at her for the way she up and left. She would’ve been too if it was someone else on the team who did what she had.
She finally reached the doors that would lead her to the moment she most dreaded; the Behavior Analysis team would be sitting there, going over details of their profile. And, since she used to be a part of said team, her boss thought it best for her to be the one assisting them.
As she walked through the doors into the room the team had set up, she heard them grow quiet. They stared at her in disbelief, each one of them, and she couldn’t help but take each one in. Morgan looked stronger than when she had last seen him, Emily looked even more beautiful, JJ had grown her hair out, Penelope had dyed her hair cherry red, Rossi had more gray hairs than before, Spencer got rid of his glasses, and Hotch, well, Hotch looked exactly as she remembered him. Tall, handsome, and utterly exhausted. She didn’t fail to notice the missing ring on his left hand.
“Hi,” she spoke after minutes of silence. When she received no answer, she continued, “I was sent by my boss to assist you with building the profile on these terrorists.” She could feel her heart racing as the minutes wore on, and the disbelief in their eyes turned into confusion and anger. “I know we haven’t spoke in a while, but-”
Morgan was quick with his anger in cutting her off, “and who’s fault is that?”
Taking a deep breath, she continued, “Please, Morgan. I hate how I left things with you guys, but, right now, my priority is this case. So, if you could all put your feelings about me aside for the sake of our jobs, that would be great.” Morgan let out a scoff at her words, rolling his eyes and turning back to the whiteboard at the end of the room.
She made eye contact with Hotch, her eyes becoming watery at Morgan’s reaction to her presence. He didn’t seem all too different in his sentiment towards her, making her feel even worse.
“Alright, here’s what we have so far,” Hotch said. It was going to be a long night.
As the days wore on, the tension between her and the rest of the team grew. They kept things professional, and Penelope and Emily were nicer than the rest in accepting her back, but it was still a challenge. She understood why they felt how they felt, but, still, it broke her heart. Even worse, she tried being friendly with Hotch but he wouldn’t even acknowledge her outside of discussing the profile.
It was late at night, most of the team had gone back to their hotels, leaving Hotch and Y/N working by themselves. Her eyes kept wandering to him, her thoughts consumed by having him so close to her again. Yet, he continued to ignore her.
“How’s Jack?” She asked, attempting to make conversation whilst they went over old case files.
“He’s fine.”
“How’s the rest of the team? I’ve missed them a lot. And you, of course. But-”
“They’re doing alright.” The finality in his tone was making her hopes fall like the petals of a rose fall over time.
“That’s good. What about Haley? How’s she doing?”
“Haley’s dead. She was killed by an unsub.” At that, her head snapped up.
“Oh my God, Hotch, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
He still didn’t look up at her from the papers scattered on the table. “How could you have? You left.”
His words cut deep. Her eyes grew teary for what felt like the fifth time that day. “Hotch, I had to.”
At that, he finally looked up at her. His eyes were hard as stone as he said, “no, you didn’t. And even if you felt that way, you could have told us. I had to explain to everyone else that you left and weren’t coming back, Y/N. You were a part of this family and wouldn’t even answer our texts and calls.” No, his words didn’t just cut deep, they burned. Upon seeing her tears fall, he seemingly decided that was a conversation not worth having. “Let’s just focus on the case.” But, like that night in the restaurant, she stood up and left him at the table.
The next day was no different. Spencer and Morgan refused to talk to her, Hotch was cold as ice when addressing her, JJ was hesitant anytime she had to speak with her, and Emily and Penelope were trying their best to dissipate some of the tension in the room.
It all seemed to boil over when she suggested that her and Morgan go over to the last bombing site and see what they could find.
“No,” he said.
The room was so quiet, you could hear a hairpin drop. “What?” she asked, mostly because she couldn’t believe that he shut her down like that.
“No,” he repeated. At that point, she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Alright, Morgan, I get you’re upset with me. But we’re here to do our jobs. And, you have zero right to treat me like I don’t matter just because you’re upset.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Y/N. You left us! You were a crucial part of this team and you left us. Without even an explanation. Nothing! So, don’t come in here expecting everything to be the same as it was because it’s not.”
“I had to leave!” She exclaimed. “I couldn’t take being around you guys after everything that happened!” Tears were streaming down her face. Her throat burned from the lump in it. Her heart sank with the weight of Morgan’s hatred for her.
“Nothing happened, Y/N!” He yelled as he stepped closer to her. “You just up and left!”
“Damn it, Morgan, I was in love! What was I supposed to do?” That grabbed the attention of the others. “You might not have known it, but… but, me and Hotch had just broken up, and I couldn’t be around him anymore. I just couldn’t.” Her sobs racked her body as she finally admitted what she couldn’t those two years ago. Morgan seemed to finally understand. And Hotch? Hotch just stood there, staring at her with the usual expression which occupies his face.
She hated it. She hated the pitiful stares from the team. She hated the way she cracked under the pressure. She hated the way she cried in front of them. But, most of all, she hated how all those feelings she had buried deep down in a dungeon of sadness had broken out and swam up to the surface.
After everything blew over, Y/N decided enough is enough. She was done trying to work with the BAU, so, she went to investigate some tips on her own.
Her interest was piqued at an anonymous tip that claimed that the terrorist group’s leader was living in a house a few blocks over. She knew she shouldn’t go over there alone, but she it wasn’t like she could ask the team to go with her, they practically hated her for everything that went down.
The house was dark when she arrived. She knocked on the front door multiple times, and, after no answer, she found it to be unlocked. Drawing her gun, she went in. It was clear. As she suspected, it was a dummy tip. She let out a frustrated sigh as she stepped out of the house. They were no closer to catching the bombers than they were when they started. Walking down the front porch steps, she heard a loud boom, and everything went black.
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dinodaweeb · 3 months
Saving You Again | one-shot
Miguel O’Hara X M!Reader
Summary: You’re a scientist who’s always in the wrong situation at the wrong time. Lucky your neighborhood (grumpy) spider-man is here to save the day.
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Nueva York, 2099.
The towering skyscrapers and neon lights painted a vibrant picture of the future, but inside the sleek halls of Alchemax, things were as chaotic as ever.
“Not again,” Miguel muttered to himself as alarms blared through the building. He raced down the corridors, already knowing who was responsible.
As he reached the lab, he found you surrounded by an enormous pile of ash and smoke, frantically trying to shut down an overloading machine.
“Move!” Miguel barked, shoving you aside with surprising gentleness before his hands flew over the controls, quickly stabilizing the system.
You looked up at him with a sheepish grin. “Thanks, Spider-man! Luckily you are bigger nerd than me.”
Miguel sighed, giving you a glare. “That’s not what matters.”
Despite his stern words, there was a softness in his eyes. This wasn’t the first time he’d had to save you from one of your own experiments. In fact, it had become a regular occurrence.
A bit too regular.
“Seriously, [Name],” Miguel continued, his tone exasperated yet affectionate. You got in trouble enough times Spider-man knew your name! (Or maybe it was on your name tag.)
“One of these days, you’re going to blow up the entire lab.”
You laughed, scratching the back of your head. “But then you wouldn’t have anything to do.”
Miguel rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Let’s just move you to a safer position.”
As he escorted you out of the lab, you slapped his shoulder with enthusiasm. Despite his gruff exterior, Spider-man always seemed to be there for you, protecting you from your own recklessness.
“Yo, Spidey! Next time we meet if you save me again we should go out to eat.”
The masked man stared at you, shook his head, and pinched the bridge of his nose. You thought that meant no but his reply was a tiny whisper.
The second time it happened, you were in the middle of recalibrating a plasma conduit. One wrong move sent the entire system into overdrive, and the containment field started to fail.
“Ahh! Fucking run guys!” you screamed, dodging a burst of energy.
The other scientists on your lab team dashed out of the room, exiting the building. You turned to leave but then spotted your manga comic you had been reading and didn’t finish.
You’re not wasting a good ten bucks of illustration and hot men!
A blast of power was hit in your direction but something grabbed your waist pulling backwards. You watched your manga obliterate right in front of your eyes.
Spider-man appeared almost instantly, his enhanced reflexes allowing him to shut down the conduit before it could explode. He turned to you, a mix of frustration and relief in his eyes.
At least, you thought so. He kinda had a masked on.
“Seriously?” he huffed, his tone tired, like he just wanted to flop down on the couch on Young Sheldon or something. “How do you keep getting into these situations?”
You cracked a nervous smile. “Luck? I mean I’m a scientist, c’mon!”
He sighed, shaking his head. “You need to be more careful.”
This dude seemed to sigh a lot around you.
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his. “Wanna grab an early dinner now?”
Miguel hesitated, his mask concealing his expression but not the uncertainty in his body language. After a brief pause, he nodded. “Alright, fine..but understand that you don’t need to repay me. This is my job.”
Your eyes lit up, and you couldn’t help but grin. “I know a great place that sells empanadas just a few blocks from here. And hey, can’t I just take you somewhere and call it a date?”
Spider-man chuckled softly, the sound muffled by his mask. (But you sure it was a laugh.) “Yes, I suppose? Let’s get the carne ones though.”
The fact that you were walking next to a superhero, it felt like a fever dream. You chatted about trivial things, from your favorite manga series to the latest advancements in tech.
(Not sure, if it’s allowed to be leaked but since it’s Spider-Man it’s okay.)
When you finally reached the restaurant. Spider-Man removed his mask just enough to eat, revealing a sharp jawline and striking features. It was a rare sight, one that made you appreciate the man behind the Spider-man persona even more.
Woah. Was that fangs? ᡣ𐭩
“Wow, you look…ho— cool!” you spoke, giving him a feral grin.
He rolled his eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile. “Yeah, well, don’t get used to it.”
As you both dug into your food, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Despite his gruff exterior, Miguel had a dry sense of humor that you found endearing. He told you stories of his past escapades, and you shared some of your own, albeit less heroic, adventures.
Like the time you ate cookies that had marijuana by accident and thought you were going to die.
After finishing your meal, the two of you walked back towards Alchemax, the city lights reflecting off the sleek surfaces of the buildings. There was a comfortable silence between you, a mutual understanding that didn’t require words.
“Thanks for dinner,” Miguel said, his tone softer than usual. “And seriously, try to stay out of trouble.”
You nodded, giving him a playful salute. “Yes, sir. No more exploding labs.” A small grin forming on your lips. “No promises though.”
He gave you a lingering look, as if trying to gauge your sincerity, before finally nodding.
“Take care.”
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moonydustx · 4 months
Law buying an Bepo bear to his shy girlfriend!
I loved the idea! I made a small adjustment on the "buy" issue, I hope you don't hate me for it. And of course, I hope you like it.
The Bear and The Target
Lawx F!Reader
warnings: fluff, F!Reader is a little more shy/reserved in this one, Law is a great boyfriend (as always)
a/n: I really loved this idea, Law doing cute things for his s/o is my weakness.
requests here | rules and guides | masterlist
Comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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The Park's lights almost blinded you, as well as people pushing against each other, competing to get to the most sought-after attractions first. Despite having your arm side by side with your boyfriend and watching him dodge the countless proposals of "try this game and win thousands of berris" "bet and compete for the top prize", you were still dazzled by how magical the place seemed. .
"Are the two annoying people going to be a couple for the whole park?" Penguin appeared at your side, taking your arm and watching Law sulk. "Captain, don't be annoying."
"Unfortunately, I'm here for work" he pointed out, turning his gaze towards you. "But you do not."
"And I can't go to work with you?" you asked
"It's not really a job, I just need to figure something out." he tried to dodge the question, not wanting to give too many details. "In the meantime, why don't you enjoy a little night with them?"
"We can go on the roller coaster and then go to the monster house."
"No monster house." you and Bepo responded in unison, both of you clearly unhappy with the proposal. "Can we go in the bumper cars?" Bepo proposed and saw you nod.
"See you later then?" you turned to your boyfriend, who just nodded and watched as you and the group of friends left.
As much as Law was against lying in any situation in a relationship, he had just lied to you and it wasn't one of the things he was most proud of, but he had a good reason.
A few months ago, on another island, he had seen you looking at a huge teddy bear and not buying it. It took a few days for the subject to come up and he asked you why you didn't ask and again, shyness was an excuse.
Law was a reserved person, by pure choice - and almost as a personal whim. However, you were indeed shy. The only people who could break your shell a little were your crewmates and even Law had had trouble starting to flirt with you, not being able to know if he was understanding the few signals you gave in the wrong way.
For that reason - and because his eyes almost exploded when he saw you do or have something cute - he knew that that park was the best place to find what he was looking for so much, that cute and huge bear.
He just didn't expect to find exorbitant prices or bears uglier than any patch he had ever heard of, it was impossible to find something perfect.
In the distance, he could see you and the other crew members gathering around a little tent, as he got closer he saw it was one of those old throwing games, where there was definitely some trickery hidden. Seeing you further away from the others, he arrived quietly, stopping right behind you.
"What are we doing?" When he saw you turn around, scared, his hands soon found your shoulders, reassuring you. "It's just me."
"It makes me calmer, but not less scared." you laughed, your hands itching to clasp against Law, but it wasn't something the two of you usually did in public. "Well, we're trying to win something."
"And you, why are you staying away?"
"This guy at this stand is one of those funny charlatan types who love to meddle." You held back a laugh, seeing his expression darken.
Before you could continue complaining about the man, Law's mind immediately wandered to what was in the background: an immense, white, perfectly stitched polar bear that was just an orange uniform away from transforming into Bepo.
"I am going to try." Law's speech surprised you, making you follow him to the edge of the bench.
"The pretty lady decided to try?" the man said in the most charlatan way possible, but Law responded immediately.
"No, in this case, her boyfriend." He took out some coins and placed them in front of the man. "Which one do I have to hit to win one of the prizes in that row?"
"That one." he pointed to the smallest of them all, further back. "But I warn you that it may take some time."
"Captain, everyone tried and no one succeeded." Bepo commented, clearly more concerned than he should be with the simple game. Meanwhile, you remained closer to him, silently watching the bet unfold.
"There, five rings, five chances." the man passed the pieces to Law.
He tried a few times in a row and failed each time. Both Law and his friends were already sighing frustrated with the fact that almost twenty-five rings thrown in a row had escaped the hole.
"There has to be some trickery in this." Law snapped, frustrated with not getting the bear he knew you wanted. "You're fooling us all!"
"Me cheating?" the man said cynically as he accepted more coins and gave Law more chances. "You offend me like this."
"Well, captain…" Shachi approached his side and picked up one of the rings, slamming it against the counter in front of the two. Soon after, he threw a small piece of paper towards the bow and hit it. "See, you're the bad one, captain."
Law quickly connected the dots. The rings were made of some metal material - which could interfere with the weight or even have a magnet pulling it - and the paper ball was not. One look was enough for Shachi and Penguin to understand that they had to act.
"I'll try again." Law muttered, more as a point of warning to his colleagues than anything else.
"Come on man, confess, there's a scam here." Penguin pulled the guy's arm in a falsely gentle way, stealing your attention along with it. "There's no point in deceiving us."
"I got it!" Law's surprised voice drew the two of you back to the captain's attempts, who was now smiling broadly in the man's direction. "So, my prize…"
"How did you get?" the man shouted indignantly, going to check if he had actually succeeded. "I mean, okay, you can choose your prize."
"Come on, you choose." Law turned to you, seeing your eyes light up at the proposal. "Although I already suspect what your decision is."
"The cute Bepo over there?" Your voice was excited, but in a way that only he heard.
Immediately, Law pointed to the huge white stuffed polar bear, which the man reluctantly removed from the wall. Law's laughter remained contained as he watched you almost itch to reach the bear that the man handed you.
"It's so cute!" You squeezed him, burying your face against his soft fur. "It's so good, it's the best gift I've ever gotten."
"This version of Bepo at least lets us squeeze him." Ikkaku joined you, squeezing the teddy bear as well and listening to the real version of Bepo's mumbles.
"You guys squeeze me too much sometimes, I need to breathe."
"We have the need to squeeze cute little things!" you pressed the plush against your arms.
There was a little relay of who would squeeze your bear - which yes, you nicknamed B2 or as Bepo, the second of his name - until they were back at Polar Tang.
"So, did you like the gift?" Law's voice entering the room was enough to cheer you up. "Does that mean he's already stolen my side of the bed?"
"Just until you come here."
"As if I wasn't already offended since you have to squeeze cute things." he grumbled and it only took seconds for you to throw yourself into his arms, covering any trace of skin and face you could find with smacking kisses.
"You.are.the.best.boyfriend.in.the.world." with each pause, it was a new time that your lips met Law's, this time causing a louder laugh to echo from him. "I loved the gift."
"And I'm glad you liked it." He quickly kissed your lips. "I'm going to take a shower, then can we spend some time together?"
"Me, you and B2?"
"Okay, just tonight. I'm surrounded by bears that give me a hard time." he pretended to be offended, knowing that your reaction would be another kiss on him.
Despite the grumblings - and the exorbitant amount of money spent on the attempts - the vision Law found was worth it. You lay on his bed, one of his t-shirts on your body and attached to your arms, the huge white bear. You matched cute things and for him, that would be worth any game - even if a certain devil fruit power had helped him this time.
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secondbeatsongs · 4 months
Hello, you said in some tags in a poll that Speed Racer (2008) is your favorite film. If you’re okay with it, I’d really like to hear more about why you love it. I love the Wachowskis’ work (they’re among my favorite directors), but I kinda ended up bouncing off Speed Racer (2008). So, hearing that it had a real impact on someone makes me very curious why. I’m not interested in criticizing your opinion or arguing with you, I’d just really like to know why you love it in the hopes I might be able to enjoy that movie more in the future.
oh god this is from seven months ago, I'm so sorry - but I do love almost everything about Speed Racer (2008) and I still think about it nearly every day.
I love that it's so bright and colorful and absurd. I love that it's an anime in live action form. and I love that at its heart, it is a story about love.
it's about the mistakes people make out of love, and the consequences of that. it's about the way children grow to understand why the adults around them make the choices they do, and maybe choose to do the same things. it's about taking risks for the people you love, and the pain of failing to change the world, because everything is capitalism and everything hurts.
(and it's also about being transgender btw. like, that's one of the main things about it - it is very much a movie about being transgender)
what if your father's choices hurt your older brother, and your older brother's choices hurt you, and now it's you and your younger brother staring down a future where you're going to end up hurting him by making the same choice?
and then...what if you can escape that? what if the broken parts put themselves back together, and the hope doesn't run out, and you're not alone with the things that haunt you? what then?
and now you're at the end and mistakes were still made, people were still hurt, but everyone's grown and changed and they're different now. and they've figured out that maybe, just maybe, you can change the world by doing something you love, by creating art and beauty and making people feel things.
maybe you really can defeat capitalism by driving a car really fast. and even if everyone thinks you can't...don't you have to try anyway? shouldn't you fight with the skills you have, the only way you know how?
what if it works?
and I'm not even gonna get into most of the Racer X stuff (because I want people to go watch this movie, and most folks probably won't be spoiled for it), but his whole deal is just...everything. I love him.
(if there's a guy from Speed Racer that I want to put in a jar and shake every so often, or maybe wrap in a blanket so he can have a nice nap, it's Racer X. he's a great character. prime blorbo material)
anyway I've been rotating this movie in my head ever since I saw it for the first time, and I think I've seen it...seven? times now? and I still cry at the final race, and I still get blown away by the intro sequence.
(the beginning of the movie is genuinely one of the best things I've ever seen - it does an amazing job of introducing you to the world and the story of the characters, and gets you emotionally invested in it right from the start. it's fantastic filmmaking)
also like. story stuff aside, from a technical standpoint, the movie is a masterpiece. it's the type of thing that people hated when it first came out, but when you look at it now and see how it was made, how it intentionally looks bizarre and cartoonish, plastic and surreal, you can see the exact vision the Wachowskis were going for, and it's brilliant.
the way they did the visual effects, the way they made the outdoor scenes feel so detailed, the way the driving and the tracks work - they put so much thought into that, and the behind-the-scenes vids show how cool their process was.
also uhhh cars go vroom, crash into each other, flip upside down, explode, maybe have bees and hammers in them sometimes?
(the above is me complimenting the unhinged vibe of the races themselves, which I love very much)
anyway I could make other full posts about the script of the film and how much I love it, or the cool side characters, or the fanfic potential of the amazing world of the film, or how I can prove that it's set in 1991...but I guess if anyone wants those rants, they'll just have to watch the film and then come talk to me. :)
(please. please come talk to me about Speed Racer.)
so, yeah! I kinda lost my mind there and made this post way longer than I intended, but I do feel strongly affected by this movie, and I hope this has helped explain why.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 2 years
hello love! can i make a request for gaz x f!reader she a civilian and a florist and he keeps visiting her and they slowly fall for each other and he calls her his sunflower or something cute like that? you can make up the rest, sorry if it’s not super detailed!
Gossamer Silk Smiles
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Pairing: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F!Florist!Reader
Synopsis: You loved your job more than anything, and at the end of the day, even with pricked fingers and cramped muscles, you went to bed happy. It had all been going well, insanely well. You were focused; self-assured... Until he showed up. 
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: Insane amount of fluff, this is the definition of a soft fic, beginning of a relationship
A/N: I know this man would treat me right. Also changed the nickname around a bit, but sunflowers are still prominent. Enjoy, Anon!
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
When you opened your flower shop, you told yourself there was no going back – no distractions or second options. This was what you loved more than anything and at the end of the day, even with pricked fingers and cramped muscles, you went to bed happy. It had all been going well, insanely well. 
Until he showed up. 
It had been a shitty day, one for the record books, in your opinion. Shipments for Larkspur, Zinnias, and Sunflowers had come to the shop damaged. The boxes had been so beaten up you half-believed the mail carrier had gotten into a personal disagreement with them. All initial humor aside, you were now out of this week's product as well as a good chunk of money – the flowers couldn’t even be considered that anymore, seeing as they were really just broken stems and stray crumpled pedals. Then came the unusual amount of rude customers and the building of minor inconveniences. 
But to your credit, you didn’t let it get to you. 
Well…externally, at least. 
“Have a great rest of your day,” you force out with a strained smile to an older woman who only huffs. She stalks out of the shop with a vase full of Daylilies, Purple Cornflowers, Yarrow, and Taro leaves. “I hope your brother gets well soon–” The glass door shuts with a clatter of the small silver bell attached to the frame. 
Leaning back on your heels, your eyes close; taking down a deep breath, you hope your lungs won't explode in your chest as you hold it there. 
“Fucking hell.” The air flies from you in a weak groan. 
Your fingers tap against the countertop, and a small, humorless, chuckle later you’re walking out to change the window sign to closed instead of open. It was well past your usual shift anyways, but the previous customer had been relentless about the ‘perfect bouquet.’
“Like there’s even such a thing,” your lips twist into an annoyed frown as you speak to yourself in a grumble. “...Should have just denied her service… Didn’t even leave a tip.” 
You really wouldn’t have minded helping her that much if she had just been kinder towards you.
Grabbing the small paper sign held up by a suction-cup hook, you flip it around with little thought, already trying to plan out a way to make up for the weeks worth of ruined product. You don’t even notice the man speeding down the sidewalk until his desperate face is staring right into yours – only separated by a thin piece of glass. 
Yelping, your shoulders tense at the sudden visage. 
The man was around your age, tall, and had a handsome face inlaid with eyes reminiscent of deep amber. Light reflected off the iris in ways you can only describe as the glinting sun does off waves of water; gentle. Nearly soft, really. He was wearing a ball cap with an embroidered British flag on the front and had a panicked look set on his lips. 
Close to the door handle, his long fingers freeze mid-air and you find the prominent muscular build and set of his shoulders staining the back of your eyelids like a movie screen. Whoever this guy was, it didn’t stray from the fact that he was attractive.
You’re not happy about it, but your mind blanks as you stare with wide eyes; heart steady in your breast. 
He blinks at you, square jaw loose, also double-taking from beyond the see-through barrier. His flickering eyes flew quickly over your form just as you had ogled him moments prior. 
Silly, perhaps, and childish at best, but you felt your throat tighten with stilled breath. There was a small chunk of time that you both just gawked at each other – as if Cupid had suddenly stabbed you both with one of his blots; gazes inexplicably locked as blood dripped to the floor from copper arrowheads.
If you were more gullible, you would have called it love at first sight. But you were anything but that. 
Sighing, you rip your eyes away and take a breath. Opening the door with more questions than answers, you were praying that it didn’t get dark before you could help this man with whatever it is that he needed. 
I can see the fucking veins on his forearms. You think as the chilled air hits your face,  recalling the peek you sent to the rolled-up sleeves of this stranger’s blue button-down. 
The bell above you dings as you set the door in the crook of your shoulder, leaning out halfway. Clearing your throat, you ask steadily, “Can I help you, Sir…?” 
He sets his stubbled jaw, vision snapping to the side for a split second that was so fast you almost missed it. 
“Erm…my apologies, Ma’am, for rushing up like that.” He lets off a chuckle, and the flag on his hat is quickly explained away by the prominent accent. “Hope I didn’t worry you.” 
Fighting the uptick of your lips you feel your chest let go of a sliver of tension. He was smiling slightly at you, the khaki pants he wears creasing as his feet set themselves; his brown eyes never leave your face. 
Respectful, you think.
“Not every day you have people trying to barge into a flower shop. Trust me, Sir, I sleep well knowing no one wants to rob me.” Attempting a light joke, the stranger's chest jerks in a silky laugh. The tips of your ears heat, the blood under your skin rushing. 
His laugh was like a blanket during a storm; a cup of hot chocolate during a blizzard. Could you be attracted to a laugh? You seemed to ask yourself. Already your mind was coming up blank at this, all of a sudden, welcome intrusion. 
“Well, I’d imagine that’s a good thing, then?” He teases showing off pearly white teeth.
“Incredibly.” Opening the door wider, you beam. “You’re lucky I was still here. I’d normally be all locked up by now.”
You should be closing – telling this stranger to leave and come back tomorrow – but something inside of you told you to just open the door. It was illogical, unprofessional, and downright strenuous on your already foul mood…but this individual had such an air to him that you wondered who exactly he was. He made your skin pule with goosebumps.
“Thanks,” the man utters as he slips inside, nodding his head to you and fixing the position of his hat with one hand. “Yeah…I’m incredibly sorry about this but I’m runnin’ on a bit of a time crunch, to be honest with you. I’ve been checking every shop in town – you’re the only one with the lights still on…” He looks to you, “I really hope I’m not causing any trouble for you, Ma’am.”
Slipping your fingers into your work apron’s pockets, you let the door shut and tilt your head to the side, gaze softening at the pure candor of his words. 
“Emergency flower orders are always my favorites to work on. It’s no problem, really.” You say your name as an introduction and ask what he would like to purchase as he scratches at the back of his neck with a boyish twist to his lips. 
“Kyle Garrick.” He sticks out his hand and you shake it instantly. Kyle’s hands are warm despite the cold weather outside, and you have to stop yourself from melting into him as you pull back. But already your skin tingles. “Actually, I was wondering if you might be able to help me on that front. What flowers would be the best for an apology?…just not something too flashy, if that’s possible.” 
He trails with an awkward chuff, obviously not used to being in a flower shop before. You wondered if he even had a favorite flower. You hoped he did.
You could really tell a lot about someone based on the types of flora they surrounded themselves with.
“Apology?” You wonder, tilting your head. Quickly falling into work mode, you continue, “I can work with that. Do you have any preferences? Colors?”
“Well, she likes orange, yeah?” He speaks and your heart sputters for a moment. Smile freezing. “I don’t suppose that’ll help very much, but it’s really all I have to go off of. I’m a bit of a hopeless bastard when it comes to flowers.” Kyle lets off a huff of laughter.
She. Of course, he’s already in a relationship. 
Nodding, you swiftly walk past the man, catching the scent of fresh-tilled earth and rainy grass as your shoulders nearly brush. You can’t help but feel a little disappointed. It wasn’t every day you found yourself attracted to someone. But, oh well, life continues on.
“Well,” heading towards the wall baskets, your body feels heavy, but you quickly force it to the side. You really shouldn’t be surprised. “You said orange? I have about seven you can pick from.”
“Affirmiti–erm, yes, Ma’am.”  
“Hm.” You hear him come up behind you, following at a respectful distance. Throwing a glance over your shoulder, you watch as his eyes slide over the various types of flowers, all separated by color, with deep thought. 
A slight furrow was in his dark brow. His dedication was adorable. 
“What’s this one called?” Kyle asks, moving around you to a bushel of orange poppies and accidentally bumping into your side. 
Grunting, you lightly jerk forward until a hand swiftly grabs your shoulder. Eyelashes fluttering, you look up with shock at the embarrassed face slightly leaning over you. 
“Shit, I’m sorry. That’s my bad.” 
“N-no, you’re fine.” God, this was so awkward. Smiling shakily, you feel the press of his hand over your skin, separated only by the thin barrier of your shirt. Kyle squeezes your flesh before letting go. 
He was staring at you, though. Brown eyes set into dark skin with a soft expression like Pygmalion staring at his marble-wrought Galatea. But as quickly as it was there, the look was gone and the man was clearing his throat, snapping his neck back to the basket and shifting his feet.
Even if you couldn’t explicitly see it, you knew he was blushing – just the same as the heat in your capillaries mirrored. Swallowing to get rid of the dryness of your throat, you realize you’ve been gawking before sliding your hands into your pockets and quickly looking away. 
Why won’t my heart stop beating so fast?
“Those are Orange Poppies. Papaver orientale.” Speaking, you reach forward and grab the stem of a single bloom holding it to him as he gazes down at you from your side. “Common in ‘get well soon’ bouquets, if you were curious.” 
Holding it up to him, you watch his fingers delicately pluck it from you like the flower was made of glass. It nearly made you laugh, but you settled on a small smile instead. 
“It’s pretty…” Kyle pauses, and you read it well enough.
“...But not what you were looking for.” Settling on the answer, you giggle when he passes off a sheepish smile and a nod. “I kind of guessed. Here – how about this.” 
He ends up buying a handful of orange Tulips, Myrtle leaf for greenery, and a small gathering of Baby’s-Breath. Behind the counter, you try to stay focused on setting the flora perfectly in the clear vase as your clippers lay beside it. Frowning, you take the long stem of a Tulip and snip the end at an angle, placing it to the far left of the rest with a concentrated set of your eyebrows. 
“So,” Kyle says, breaking the silence, and your fingers twitch as your spell is shattered. Soul stilling, you look up at him as he waits on the other side of the counter with his arms comfortably crossed. He leans back on his heels, feet shoulder-length apart. “Busy day today, then? Other places around here are mostly dark by five.”
Standing straighter, you politely smile before going back to the arrangement, hand reaching for the small white tufts of Baby’s-Breath.
“Mostly, yeah.” You cock your head to the side, “I was supposed to be home two hours ago, but one lady was very adamant about getting the most ‘perfect’ flowers, as she told it.” 
Chuckling humorlessly, you step back and stare at the vase, not aware of the eyes stuck on the tired slump of your shoulders or the slight frown staining the man’s lips. 
“Two hours? Well, that’s a bit excessive.” Kyle remarks, eyelids creasing, “I’d hope she at least left a tip for you?” 
That gets a laugh out of you, lungs jerking for a moment; focus once more brought back to the present at the preposterous words that just left your customer’s mouth. Those brown eyes suck you back in to a point where you wonder if you’d ever be able to look away.
“Now that’s funny, Mr. Garrick.”
He lets the subject drop, but you notice a slight crease in-between in brows – a narrowness to his eyes that wasn't there before. You try not to think too much into it, but Kyle certainly did seem like the man to get upset when people aren’t treated respectfully. The thought warms your heart. 
Or maybe I’m just reading too much into this. 
“Is there anything you’d like me to rearrange, Sir…? Do you want a note to go with it?” Seemingly lost in thought, Kyle comes back to you with a diligent shake of his head.
“It looks perfect, Love. And, please, just Kyle’s alright. You’re makin’ me sound like an old man when you talk like that.” He chuckles, and it’s a rich, velvety sort of thing – twisted with blue satin and wrapped in a gentle breeze. Your stomach twists. 
“Then I suppose that’s it, then. I’ll get you the bill and you can be on your way.” Turning around to calculate the total price, you make a quick comment in passing, not really thinking about it as you tap on your calculator. “I hope your girlfriend and you make up.” 
A stunned silence falls, but you only focus on the numbers, jotting down the total on a sticky note and turning around after re-running the costs a last time. When your eyes lock with him, your feet stall at the dumbfounded look on Kyle’s face and the confusion ingrained in his body language. His head had pulled back slightly, hat tilted.
“What’s that?” He asks. 
“Your…girlfriend?” You say slowly, walking closer and passing him the sticky note, “you said you were getting her apology flowers?” 
The handsome man blinks at you before realization lights in his eyes like fire. Kyle laughs deeply, putting a hand on top of his head and pressing down on his cap.
“Oh, Bloody hell, no.” He takes a deep breath and you feel your lips pressed together in confusion, innocent intrigue taking place in your skull. “I’m sorry, Sweetheart, I should have told you right off. This is for my mum.” 
Blinking in surprise you pause, looking up with wide eyes. 
Sweetheart?...Mum?! Your face heats to an intense level. Oh. 
“O-oh I didn’t…” He’s reaching for his wallet with a large lop-sided smile on his face and understanding eyes, watching you as he flips it open. You settle with a single laugh and say, “sorry, I guess I just assumed.”
But you can’t help the sudden relief that sprouted out of nowhere that leaves your lips pulling back in a mirrored grin. You’d been doing that a lot, as of the last fifteen minutes. 
“It’s no problem,” Kyle admits, “Thing is, I’ve been off on deployment for a while, and I missed my return date party, unfortunately. Just got back about noon today and I decided I was going to surprise her tonight.” The man pulls out a large stack of bills, “Thought she’d like that, yeah? Can’t go wrong with flowers, can you?” 
“You’re in the military?” You ask smoothly but internally swoon at the thought of a son giving his mother flowers out of the kindness of his heart. Whoever she was, you know the woman who raised this man would be overjoyed with the prospect of simply having him home safe and sound before anything else. 
Did not Penelope, wife of Odysseus, care for her son Telemachus more than anything? Above danger and possible death? They protected each other. You supposed it was the same in this situation. 
Being able to be a part of it made your legs weak.
“Something like that, Ma’am.” Kyle’s lips flick into a smirk as he hands you the bills. “Feels like I’m surrounded by children most days, but there’s no place I’d rather be…When I’m not nearly getting my head bloody blown off, that is.”
You huff in amusement, and slight concern, taking the payment and settling it on the counter without checking the numbers; never doubting whether he gave you the right amount or not.  
“Well, it seems like you’ve got it all figured out.” Garrick looks to his feet for a moment, pocketing his wallet, and clears his throat near mutely. He tilts his head back up to you.
“Nearly,” he whispers under his breath, a delicate wrinkle on his forehead as his lips pull in a minute, closed, grin. Sheepishly, you look away from his intense brown gaze before you can make a fool of yourself as giddiness sparks in your racing heart. What was happening to you? You have to ask yourself. Where was all of this blatant scatterbrained activity stemming from? No one had ever made you act like this before. 
As you look away, your eyes unintentionally land on the wall clock across the room, and your thoughts still like water in a puddle. Eyes widening comedically, you feel your lips part. 
“I really need to be closing up.” You say apologetically, looking back to the man who touches one of the Myrtle leaves carefully, running it between his thumb and forefinger. Under you, your feet shift over the floor. “Is this all you’ll be needing?” 
“Pretty sure.” Garrick answers easily, “I won't keep you any longer, eh? I’d hate it if I made you go home by yourself after dark.” 
“That’s very thoughtful, Kyle, thank you.” Pushing the vase over the counter, he takes it up and pauses as if he wants to say something. His mouth opens before closing – looking at his feet for a moment and itching at his neck with his free hand. 
“I…don’t want to make you uncomfortable, Ma’am,” your breath hollows, watching carefully as you listen. “But, uh, I,” Kyle shifts his eyes to your face, standing a bit straighter as the corner of his lip flicks up, “You’re just about the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met – if that’s not overstepping, of course.” 
He laughs stiffly to dispel tension, and the air suddenly gets ten times hotter at the brutally honest, if not mildly stuttered, confession. You can nearly hear the blood rushing to your head like a flood of ocean water – more violent and immediate than a tsunami. In your ribcage, your bones ache at the beating organ and the swell of your lungs. Having to take a deep breath to not forget yourself entirely, your mind rages.
Did he really just say that? He…he called me beautiful. 
When was the last time you had been called that? By such a lovely and kind man nonetheless. Kyle seemed like a confident person, his profession telling you that already, but the way he was acting now he seemed hesitant; like he was appalled by the fact you would take what he was saying the wrong way and come off creepy. 
But that was so blatantly opposite of how you were reacting. 
“I-” You stutter, eyes snapping away and hands coming to hold themselves in front of your abdomen, “well, I think you’re very handsome, yourself, Kyle.” A meek expression spreads your visage as you see the breath in his chest hitch, “and I wouldn’t call that overstepping at all. Not by a long shot.” 
His eyes widen, and a second of intense eye contact later, he smiles and glances away. Garrick sneaks looks as you bite your lip, and finally, he nods firmly before his phone starts to ring in his pocket. 
As if a switch had turned, his hand snaps down and grasps the device, peeling it out of his khakis and checking the contact. Immediately he utters.
“Oh, Shit, this is her. I’ve got to run.” He walks backward a few steps before turning and lightly jogging to the front door. Following with your eyes, you’re somewhat entranced by the man. 
Before he can walk through the door, he stops in his tracks.
“Sorry, again,” Kyle turns back around, and his dark eyebrows crease, “but, uh, what days are you open?” 
The giddy smile that forms on your cheeks leaves your skin hurting.
“All of ‘em except the weekends,” you say, confidence suddenly sprouting in your veins, “but I’m sure if you told me ahead of time that you were stopping by, I’d make an exception.”
“I’d imagine for emergency flowers only?” Kyle teases, a smirk on his face. His eyes promise you, though, that this will not be the last time you see him. 
“Of course.” You reply, raising a brow. “I’m a florist, after all, Garrick. Emergency flowers are my specialty. If you’re ever in need of more, I’ll be here, waiting.”
He laughs, stares for a few seconds longer with a distant sheen, and disappears through the door. You don’t follow when his form fades from the windows entirely. You don’t ask for his number, even if you knew you should have. You don’t look at the amount he gave you as you put it in the register, knowing, even by your intuition, that it is double the amount he was due. 
You’d just tell him all about it when you saw him again.
Until Kyle Garrick showed up you had been focused; as immovable as a mountain, but then as the days drew on, you faltered. Your eyes would linger on the glass as people pass by, heart in your throat and feet tapping as you bound stems. Flowers had taken up so much of your life, but now another was trying to push its way in – slowly infecting you like a parasite in your mind as the days went on. 
And as he kept showing up, month after month, he had taken to calling you Persephone. A goddess of spring and nature; beautiful flowers of all colors and shapes growing on hills and in vibrant meadows. It was perhaps the greatest compliment someone like you could have been given. At first, it had been a nickname until it had become as common as your actual title, and Kyle used it so much even regular customers teased you with it with smirks and side-eyes. You only rolled your optics with a burning under your skin and a small smile.
“Well, look, it’s Persephone…”
“That boy of yours here, Persephone? Hiding in the back room perhaps?”
“Persephone – you have any Peonies this week?”
You didn’t mind it…really, you didn’t. If anything, you thought it was precious. A man comparing you to a goddess that danced in green fields as flowers sprouted at her feet? Yes, that was quite alright.
Quite alright, indeed.
The office room was cold, he thought. Nearly a meat locker. 
How in the hell can he stand to work in here, Kyle asked himself. Bloody place is like a damn winter storm just minus the snow. 
He was seated in one of the two chairs in front of the mahogany desk, hands on the armrests and feet tapping the floor. When the Sergeant had gotten the order on his radio to come to Captain Price’s office ASAP, he had expected the man to already be here, but five minutes later he was still sitting in silence. 
That wasn’t to say he was bored, though. He was thinking of you. He could never be bored when he did that. 
It brings a small smile to Garrick’s face as he relives your last interaction, lips unconsciously twitching as his eyes grow distant. 
You’d made him a flower crown, mostly as a joke, but had been left in raging fits of laughter when you’d placed it on his head. 
“Hold still,” you grunt, sitting on the front counter and keeping the weaved headpiece in your grip as it hovers above the man’s scalp, “I want to get it centered on the first go.”
“Y’know,” Kyle chuffs, “I could always do it myself – I do have working hands, Love.” 
“Shush!” Exclaiming, your breath fans his face, leaving him more still than a statue, if only to smell your scent and be content with your body so close to his. Kyle was still working out the best way to ask you out officially, but that didn’t seem to extend to his instinctual actions when it came to you. It was increasingly hard to stop his head from leaning just that tiniest bit forward and connecting his lips to yours. 
The pressure on his head brings him back, and his eyes blink as if they could force all the rogue thoughts from his mind. Kyle clears his throat when you lean back, acutely aware of the longing set of his dark brows as he had stared off at you. 
“Well, then,” The Sergeant clears his throat and smiles at your concentrated face, though he notices the hitch in your chest with a strange sense of pride. “How’s it lookin'? Is just as you imagined, eh?”
Your face scrunches, head tilting. Kyle couldn’t remember a time he’d let someone put a wreath of flowers on his head, woven with Forget-Me-Nots, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, and Tiger Lillies. The others would make fun of him for this. 
But he found he cared little. If you kept smiling at him like that, he’d let you do anything to him in a heartbeat. 
“Perfect.” You chuckle. “You should have let me do this earlier.”
The shop was closed – it was a weekend, after all, and that was the time for restocking and number crunching. Not really the time for making crowns for a man who was totally smitten with you.  
“You sure that you don’t need these?” Kyle asks, a hand reaching up to his head to touch the flora. “I’d hate to not pay you for them, Love. Can only imagine how expensive they are to order.” 
“Eh,” rolling your eyes, your legs brush the Sergeant’s hips from where they sit around them, and the man has to remember how to breathe properly, “they’re the old product, anyway. I’d have to get rid of them by Monday. Better for such a handsome individual to have a crown of his own, with all the gallantry he practices in his job. It’s the least I could do, hm?”
You’re teasing him, a smirk taking up the frame of Kyle’s vision. He returns the action, hands coming to rest on either side of your hips; leaning forward until his nose with mere inches away. He hears your chest rattle with a slow breath.
“Are you teasin’ me, Persephone?” He asks sneakily, as you begin to giggle. “Insinuating I need a flower crown to be recognized at work? It’ll certainly get me attention, that’s for sure, yeah? Just not the kind I want. Soap’ll have a field day.” 
“He’d just make a few comments, I’m sure.” 
“You’ve never met him. The bloke would never let it go until the day I kicked the bucket.” You’re laughing, one hand coming up to cover your mouth. 
Kyle hates himself at that moment because you’ve never looked so beautiful, and he can’t quite pick up the courage to just lean in. So he watches with a matching look of happiness and an embarrassing, yet adored, flower crown on top of his close-shaven head. He watches with an ache in his chest and a violent beat to his heart as your body heat melts into him; urging him, prompting him. 
But he just smiles and watches a moment longer before taking a step back. 
“Sir,” Garrick asks, settling back down and watching the older man slink behind his desk, “What’s all this about?” 
The door opens with a firm hand. Kyle startles to his feet, tuning and about to go into an instinctual formal greeting before the Captain speaks, beating him to it.
“At ease, Sergeant. Take a seat.”  
Price sighs as he takes a seat, slapping a large file that was previously in his hand to the wood before opening his drawer with a grunt. Gaz watches with narrowed eyes as his superior ignores his question, pulling out a large cigar from a lockbox and slotting it between his lips. A lighter follows soon after, and soon the smell of burning tobacco enters the air. 
“...Captain?” Kyle was starting to get nervous now. Why was he looking at him like that? Blue eyes seem to dig deep into Gaz’s soul, trying to find something that was hidden behind layers and layers of flesh and bone. 
John pulls the stick from his lips and holds it between his fingers, smoke now entering the air and rising to perforate like mist. Feet shifting over the floor, Kyle’s heart skips a beat. 
What in the hell is going on? 
That’s when the bearded man speaks. 
“Well, who are they, then?” Price asks, tilting his head forward as his bucket hat sits where it usually does atop his brown hair. The Captain’s eyes are squinted; curious but still laced with that authority that never seemed to leave no matter how many years the two had known each other. 
“Pardon, Sir?” Gaz has to ask, confusion prominent in his expression. “They?”
John raises a thick brow as if the answer was obvious.
“You’re distracted. Been checking your phone like it’s going to explode the last few days. So,” the Captain stares at him heavily, taking another drag before placing the cigar in his ashtray and breathing out a cloud of smoke. He leans forward and places his hands on the table, as Kyle watches, perplexed, “who is it, Sergeant? No use hiding it.”
“I…” Gaz trails before blinking dumbly, lips parting, “oh, hell, was it that obvious?”
“Painfully.” The answer makes the younger man cringe and his skin pulls tight. A pause leaves the room silent, the Sergeant avoiding his Captain’s gaze as he tilts his head away for a moment. He clears his throat. 
“She’s just…” Kyle clears his throat, “someone I met in the city. A florist. Down on Main Ave.”
“A florist, eh?” Grunting, John nods his head to himself. “Asked the bird out, then?” 
“What?” Snapping his head up, Gaz says loudly with stuttering lips, “N-no, Sir. Not yet.” 
The man ahead of him hums, leaning back and flipping his file open, taking a moment to pick up the first page and skim the contents with small eyes. He looks over the top with a blank expression. 
“I’d get on that, Son.” 
Today was different, you knew. Something was going to happen. An unexplainable feeling was in the back of your mind, making you somewhat anxious even if you didn’t know exactly why. It was like a sheet had been thrown over your head and someone had just told you to run in circles without hitting a wall; feet tied with a rope. 
The morning had started off normal, as had everything else that followed, but there was an air of expectation wafting in front of you. 
What’s going on? You ask as you wipe down the counter with a wet rag, swiping stray leaves and petals into the garbage bin at your feet. Why am I feeling like I’m expecting something to happen? 
It was Tuesday – nothing astounding ever happens on Tuesdays. 
The front door opens with the ringing of a silver bell, and you say absentmindedly, still caught in your thoughts, “be with you in a moment!” 
A cough startles you, your hand squeezing the rag a bit tighter as your neck twists upwards. 
“Hope I’m not interrupting.” 
“Kyle,” you laugh and take a breath, “I didn’t expect you today…” 
Freezing, your lips part in a silent gasp when you see it. The man you had come to have quite the crush on was standing a few paces from the door, dressed in a nice shirt and dress pants, jacket in the crook of his arm. He holds a single Sunflower in his grasp. 
It wasn’t anything overly impressive, a bit small and dead at the tips, but nonetheless, your heart stuttered at the gift. Staring at it silently, you turn your gaze to Kyle as his feet shift over the floor nervously. A strange look had overtaken his face, but he had a confident air to him that you’d been seeing more and more of the last few visits. 
“What’s this?” You ask carefully, body going hot all over and lungs swelling. 
You’d loved flowers for most of your life; worshiped them like the people of Delphi worshiped their god-chosen Oracle. But never could you recall a moment when you had been given any out of free will. Everyone always assumed you disliked getting them because of your job, but, oh, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Flowers were like declarations of emotions – they could mean so many things to so many different people. They were the truth laid bare in nature as plainly as it could be, wrought with promises.
Your breath stills, eyelids pulling back delicately; lips parting. 
Kyle speaks softly, raising the flower in his grip.
“I remembered you saying you liked these more than roses – you called them ‘tacky’ if I’m…remembering correctly. The roses, that is.”
He was remembering correctly. But that had been just a passing comment to another customer you had been helping before him. Unimportant. A quick piece of yourself that hadn’t mattered while you were cutting stems and looping twine. 
But he remembered it. 
A giggle falls from you until your hand snaps up, trapping it behind parted fingers and an awe-filled face. 
“I wanted to give it to you,” he continued, walking forward with measured steps, “and ask you a question, if you’d let me.”
“Of course, I would.” It’s breathless, the way you say it, and suddenly you know exactly why you've been so on edge today. 
You’d been waiting for him.
And when he smiles at you, your mind runs to gossamer silk. Such a delicate thing; that smile, comparable to the millions of strands a spider spins in a lifetime. Gorgeous and so very easily missed if you weren’t looking at just the right moment. Gossamer Silk. 
Since when has his grin become so important to you? To where you craved it just as violently as water or food? That look in his amber gaze – the one that left you breathless even when you simply thought about it, that was what you wanted to witness when you woke up in the mornings. You wanted his arms around you. You wanted his lips pressed to yours. You wanted him to be in your kitchen making you dinner as the rain fell outside and the flowers in your back garden grew strong and beautiful. 
You wanted him to be yours.
Kyle stops behind the counter and hands you the flower. You reach for it without complaint instantaneously, wondering momentarily if he had just happened upon one and taken it in a moment of passion. Both of your fingers brush, and the imaginary sparks that fly make you turn slightly shy, head tilting to the side for a moment. 
But a finger hooks under your chin, moving it back as delicately as bird wings, gentle feathers tickling your flesh and nerves. 
A hum resonates in your chest, eyes crinkling as you stare into amber brown with flecks of gold. You could get lost in them if you looked too much. 
But you didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
“Persephone, would you do me the great honor,” the two of you laugh at the wispy and teasing tone, and suddenly you wish the counter between you would disappear into thin air, “of going on a date with me tonight?” 
Tuesdays, perhaps, might have just become the best day of the week, and a small Sunflower with dead tips and fading yellow, your new favorite flower. 
Ironic, how that works. He ended up distracting you more than you could ever imagine.
“Don’t you have to be back on base soon, Garrick?” You mutter into a warm chest, street lights shining into the windows of the apartment. 
“Bloody hell, yes…But I’d crawl back to you, if you asked it of me.”
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@blueoorchid , @jxvipike, @revrse, @shuttlelauncher81, @bruhhvv, @kittiowolf210 , @antigonusyuki , @aerangi , @spikespiegell , @lora21 , @330bpm-whiplash , @michirulol, @john-pricee , @cl0wncxre , @jade-jax , @anna-banana27 , @lothiriel9 , @halfmoth-halfman , @ghost-with-a-teacup , @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore, @bespectacledhuman, @uberraschungg , @neelehksttr, @wolfyland07 , @shoe1412 , @levietc , @shmaptin, @dilfsaremyfavourite , @astronaut2029, @kk19pls , @omeganixtra , @semieitabby , @thriving-n-jiving , @voidinfernal , @sukunas-left-nut-sack , @cringe-kats , @serpahic , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @n1choles , @gaychaosgremlin , @icepancakes , @batmanunicorns523 , @gills-lounge, @nanialis, @pukbadger , @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet
(sorry that some of these don't work! I have no idea why!)
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weepingtalecowboy · 1 month
Fanfic prompt : Wind has the most ridiculous most overpowered skill set ever created
Like he can hold an entire pig over his head and throw it (with no trouble he probably got banned from handling animals at Lon Lon ranch very quickly)
He can hold a rito and throw her as well (and a korok too I suppose but Makar probably weighs like less then four apples)
And he can carry a hammer heavy enough to kill a monster on impact (and for that you need a force of at the very least a car crash at 180 miles per hour and the skull hammer has a very small impact Area so it probably needs even more force to kill at impact) and swing that thing with no trouble and even jump with it (Warriors probably exploded when he tried to carry it for wind and face planted)
He can walk in boots heavy enough to weigh down a child effortlessly (that kid never skipped leg day to do that a kick of his probably can kill a man with minimal effort)
And with the power bracelets he can pick up entire boulders the size of buildings and throw them very far and most importantly he can throw them hard enough that they shatter into dust
He can get flung across the entire great sea with no problem and hit a wall at full speed and not die (when the first attack on ganondorf failed and when the weird pearl carrying things exploded one after another)
Like that is some great ability to tank damage
Nobody in the chain could win in an arm wrestling against him and the kid isn’t even an adult yet (even twilight who can carry goats is still not capable of yeeting them would have a lot of trouble and twilight is an fully grown and trained adult not a 13 year old )
And that is just the physical part the magical part is even more horrifying
He can use fire , ice and light all with his own magic (even Hyrule is incapable off using light and legend still needs a fire rod for fire)
He just collects arrows and and then uses magic on them (he can probably use it without arrows because the arrows have little to do with innate magic)
He probably can heal someone with the light magic too (and ice a bruise at once)
And start a fire
The chain is probably going to taverns and then starting shit by betting on Wind while he murders the competition (and then collecting an easy profit from it)
And we are not even talking about the Wind waker because that stick absolutely annihilates the power scaling of the chain
He can Mind control with the command melody (a safe way to let time use the fierce deity mask because he can canonically control goddess statuettes a mask is much easier)
The blood moon is rising
No it’s not now it’s day again (song of passing and then constantly changing the night to daytime)
Hurricanes to fast travel well obviously why the fuck not (if he can take an entire boat with him 8 extra people are an easy job)
Change the wind back and forth just because it is convenient
In phantom hourglass :
Seeing ghosts
Stopping time
Walking through walls
And he had used the life force of a literal god to have enough life force to make it through temples (like that definitely has consequences)
And incapable of getting nightmares (because Cielia promised to forever protect his dreams)
Like I’m sure the chain thought that wind is an actual god or divine mercy for their adventure
If Wind thinks he is the weakest and that his ability is pretty normal and not trying to hide anything it gets so much more ridiculous
Like little guy is a god and didn’t notice
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ihaznoclue · 1 month
Pairing -> Von Lycaon x Reader
Warning -> swearing (like only one word Lmao) | Stealing | Abandonment Issues | Death mentioned | Spoilers of chapter 3 (even though I'm not up to that part) | Slightly OOC
Note -> I thought of this idea myself and wanted to write it, also this is like a crossover with ZZZ and Arcane
Summary -> You were close friends with Lyacon when you were younger, but after he vanished without saying anything, you believed he had passed away. Nevertheless, you two eventually crossed paths again
Genre -> Angst (who doesn’t love angst I do! 🙋 even though I'm writing an angst fic Hehehe >:) )
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I'm just going to call the vampire dude - Vlad 'Great ruler'
The 'thief in the moonlight' was a title you went by, and you took pride in it to convince your friends that you deserved that title.
You guys were inseparable. Lycaon and Vlad gave you the vibe of siblings rivalry, always fighting.'
Vlad always made Lycaon say his lines as you didn't do anything but do your own thing, by stealing at night so no-one could see your face. You were quite happy to do this job.
Nevertheless, things get worse. Since Lycaon hasn't returned from his mission, it's possible that something bad happened to him. You were growing concerned, Lycaon was nowhere to be found or heard in hours into the night.
"Vlad, it has been hours since Lycaon left. What if something were to happen to him?" Vlad appeared to be somewhat at ease and not bothered at all , but you were worried.
You heard Vlad sigh, "Maybe something did happen to him, but we can't let that set us back on our jobs. Can we now?" Vlad spoke. You were set aside from his words but you couldn't argue as you sighed "Yes Sir" You bowed your head in apology.
That was the day that you thought that Lycaon has died..
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Its been years now, you've grown and changed, you've grown out your hair quite a lot to the point you had to braid it. You also got some tattoos for yourself because why not.
You been with Vlad for years now, never leaving his side, it was like he adopted you. But Vlad would be irritated by your actions sometimes but he can't do anything about it can he?
You been seeming to wonder off on your own since well you can and there is no-one to tell you off, since your parents died from ethereals when they went into the hollow when you were 6 years old.
Now you've become stronger, more mindful of your own freedom.
Rumors were spreading fast about the 'thief in the moonlight', You were quite happy about the rumors that have been spreading throughout New Eridu about you, you have always desired fame. A well-known figure who the public knows from your 'amazing' deeds.
It was quite interesting of how 'famous' you've become in a new place called New Eridu.
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But everything goes to shit in one day.. You were minding your own business in Vlad's hideout, but you had a hideout of your own.
Markings everywhere, swinging lights hanging from above, below with a deep hole with you loved to throw your created explosives down there and watch the fire roar up to the surface.
Your own little experiment table as you love to experiment new things that you stole, seeing if it was worthy of showing Vlad or not or just simply turn it into something more valuable. You wanted to impress him as much as possible.
You were now hiding on top of the roof in Vlad's office, you loved to stay up there without anyone knowing except for Vlad. He was sitting on his chair near his desk as he minded his own business.
You were swinging your legs back and forth as you became bored. Bored out of your mind, you did many experiments already and you had nothing else to do
"Vlad" You spoke, Vlad looked up at you with his fiery red eyes. "Yes dear?" He asked
"Can I do something? Rather than staying here doing nothing" You stated, Vlad smiled with his fangs. "Of course dear, Just don't cause any more trouble" He noted, the last time you messed up his plans was last week when you 'accidently' exploded a part of the New Eridu city, you didn't mean to, you just left your shark looked dynamite there that's all.
"Yeah, Yeah I won't" You bragged, you got off on the roof, landing in front of his desk. "I won't cause any messes" You smiled innocently
Vlad nodded you off, you knew he needed his space to do his work so you left without any seconds. You went back to your hideout as you grabbed a few things and a few of your explosives just for emergencies as well as your experiments and a bag to collect things.
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It was almost night, you decided to go to the ballet twins building since there was so many goods in there as well as a hollow, you wanted to have some fun.
You chose a perfect time to go in, 9:30pm. Another 30 minutes as you'll sneak right in, you tried to hide from people. You didn't want to get caught now did you?
You waited and waited until it was time to shine and show your skills. You climbed up where you have found a window to break through, this was going to be perfect.
The problem was, you didn't know what lurks in that building this evening. You jumped through the window and landed on the surface below you.
While you were sneaking inside you could hear some voice, so you followed to see that their were guards, holding a girl captive. She had pink hair as her mouth was covered making her voice muffled up.
It wasn't your problem but you wanted to have a little bit of fun with these people.
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Meanwhile... with the cunning hares
"We're here"
"The ballet twins.."
"Ooo~ Impressive"
The figures continued to walk around, Billy and Nekomata seeming to be cold form the fog
"Urgh, this place is cold, huh?"
"Yeah... It may look all glitzy, but something doesn't feel right.." Nekomata tried to grab Billy's jacket but then went to Anby instead
"Hm, be careful everyone. There's thick fog in here - it may hold danger"
There was a noise, it was the bangboo sculpture that fell down making everyone go into fight or flight mode
Billy nervously chuckled
"Phew, that almost made me jump, ha.. haha"
The talking scarf bangboo sighed
"I don't think we should stick around here, let's hurry up and find her"
They all went to find the girl
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Nekomata stretched
"Phew, we did it"
"Anby, what you felt, that was the ethereals right!?"
"Hmm.. Not sure. Was it?"
"So Manager, where should we go from here?"
"Hang on, Let me check.." The bangboo spoke
Nekomata stretched again as she started to clean herself
behind her was red bling as it went straight towards her, but Anby with quick reflexes managed to grab her in time to pull her back
Nekomata stumbled as she landed, sitting as she rubbed her nose
"Y-Yowsers, I thought that was gonna take my nose off!"
"Are those... scissors?" The bangboo asked
Then there was footsteps in the distance
"Who's there?" Anby was ready to fight
She walked backwards to her group, pulling out her sword half way out
The footsteps sounded closer as it stopped
"You are all very skilled. It's no wonder you are able to walk around the building unhindered - but please stop there"
The stranger adjusted his clothing
"A wolf thiren?"
"The Ballet Twins are private property and are currently closed to visitors"
He pulled out a watch form his breast pocket as he opened it
"I will allow you thirty seconds to explain your presence, Before I decided whether or not..."
A part of a round chainsaw, moving across from the ground as it landed right in front of Anby and the other who were behind her
The wolf thiren coughed
"In short, this place is not currently open to the public, and I..."
He's ear twitched as noises were heard
"I'm sure I have stressed - both the floors and one's weapon should be kept in pristine condition, have I not?"
A little girl with long green pigtails ran up
"Sorry, Mr. Lycaon, I'm really sorry.."
She grabbed her weapon that was about to fall and then bowed in apology
"Ugh.. So tired"
"Ellen, stay on task... Professionalism!"
"Tch... Coming"
Nekomata noticed something about the girl with the pigtails
"Hm? Corin? Is that you?"
"Huh? Oh, Miss Nekomata! And the investigator!"
"Corin, do you know them?"
"Yes, Mr. Lycaon! They're the nice people who helped me out of the hollow that time!"
"I see... Rina, for now, you may stand down"
"As you wish~"
Anby moved as he got her sword out
"When did you.."
"Hehe, you're quite a perceptive young lady. You almost saw me" The lady hovered away
"She means you were way off!"
"Way off! Way off!" Her bangboo ghosts teased
"If you aren't mere trespasser, that makes things easier"
"Allow me to introduce ourselves - we are Victoria Housekeeping"
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Now back to you..
You were keeping an eye out if there is any more of those guards near by, you then heard explosives somewhere in the building, huh strange that wasn't you though
Meh, whatever
You walked around as you placed your shark bombs around the area where the guards are. This was going to be fun
You walked around a corner, everything was set now time to blow this joint but first you need their attention.
"H-Hello?" A little girl's voice were heard, you did this trick a couple of times and it always works, you put a voice recording in their to seem that there was a little girl somewhere.
That definitely got their attention as they dropped the pink haired girl on the floor. "Who's there?" One of the guards was looking around as he mentioned some to look around
As soon as they get close enough..
The explosives exploded, smoke was scattered everywhere. Perfect. This was going perfectly just as you imagined
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A explosive was heard from near by
"W-What was that?" Corin worriedly asked, looking at the others
"I don't know but we must find out" Lycaon said, everyone started to run to the nosie
Feeling heat as they saw smoke and a little bit of fire
"What happened here?" Rina asked as she now was on her feet
"Someone must of used some kind of bomb-" The talking scarf bangboo was shocked, all of them could now hear singing
(Enjoy the music)
"That.. song.." Lycaon's eyes widen, no it couldn't be.
The smoke was now clearing out, a figure was near an edge that had a deep drop, they were holding someone by the collar, hovering them over the edge, there was also unconscious bodies on the ground
"Who's she?" Rina asked, tilting her head. Ellen spoke "That's Name, she goes by the 'thief of the moonlight' She practically steals for someone as a Job" Ellen explained
"Lycaon.." Corin worriedly ask, "Is something the matter? It seems you know this person"
"Ahem.. Nevermind that we need to do something, you girls get rain, I'll handle her."
The girls nodded as they went separate ways
Lycaon was focused on you, you haven't noticed him yet.
"Geez you're boring huh?" You spoke, hovering the guy over the edge
"No please! I'll do anything, just please don't drop me!" He begged, you smirked
"I'll ask you again, do you know anymore people in this building?" You asked, it seemed that earlier you heard something when you arrived
"No, I swear!" The guy screamed
"Tch, Liar.." You sneered, you then pushed him as he fell, "Too bad.."
You then turned around and froze, someone.. was behind you, you pulled out your gun that you had that was hanging from your leg belt then pointed it at the wolf thiren
'He looks familiar..' You thought, he looked like someone you knew
"Lycaon! We got the girl!" Some shark girl yelled, you knew that name..
Your eyes widen, shakily breathing in. Lycaon had his hands up showing that he's not armed
"L-Lycaon.." You nervously spoke, Lycaon's ears flattened as he started to slowly walk towards you, reaching his hand to lower your gun
"I- I thought" You stuttered, Lycaon smiled a little "That I was dead.. Name I'm very sorry that I left, But we are together again" Lycaon spoke softly trying to comfort you
You dropped your gun, you charged at him as you both collapsed on the ground, You were squeezing Lycaon as if he was actually dead
You started to get overwhelmed as your tears spilled out of your eyes, "I can't believe that you're here, you're actually here.." Your words were muffled by his chest
But the moment was ruined, you looked up from over his shoulder as you saw someone, black and red hair. She had a weapon, your eyes glared at her as you broke the hug
You pointed your gun at her, "Who's she?" You asked but never broke eye contact with her
"Lycaon..?" Ellen eyes widen, Lycaon was now nervous
"It's okay name, she's a work friend" Lycaon tried to calm you down, "Vlad wasn't lying.. you're with other people" You asked
"You're friend is Name?" Ellen asked, her red eyes glared as you, her weapon in hand ready to attack
"Ellen, Calm down. We can work this out" Lycaon spoke
"You're playing me aren't you?!" You were now confused and upset, you need to think
"Is this why you came? To talk this out!?" You yelled, you were now angry, you didn't know what was happening but everything was happening all at the same time
"Name, please calm down"
"Is this why you left?! To be with some other people?! And you never told me, you left without saying a word!" You cried out
You had your gun at him, Ellen didn't seem to like that as she started to charge at you, you grumbled as you took out a smoke flare
Smoke was now everywhere, Ellen was left alone without any Lycaon and you weren't seen as well
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"Name.. I don't want to fight you" Lycaon was in a fighting stance, "Well It seems like you want to fight, traitor.." You glanced away
You then smirked, you pulled out a bomb as you threw it as him, but it missed as he charged at you with full force, pinning you down o the ground
"Damn it!" You were crying as you felt ashamed
"Come with me, stay with me and the others." Lycaon assumed, You looked like you were thinking about it
"I'm sorry" You muttered as you pulled out a dynamite, pulling the pin, Lycaon noticed as moved out of the way
Pink smoke was everywhere, Lycaon was coughing as he was trying to find you in this smoke, he then spotted you
He sighed as you kneeled down, you were hurt and covered in smoke, you were unconscious
"Let's get you home" Lycaon spoke gently as he picked you up, his arm under your knees as the other arm was under your back
"I'm sorry I left you, but it was for a good reason.."
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Finally done! You could tell I lost motivation at the last part but meh whatever
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